Englisch - Lateinische Wortliste - A
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    3885 Ergebnisse
  1. arrival
    superventus, superventus m
  2. aphorism :: apophthegm :: axiom
    sententia, sententiae f
  3. any place of assembly
    comitium, comitii n
  4. an ounce
    uncia, unciae f
  5. a drawing :: a dragging down
    deductus, deductus m
  6. a kind of monkey
    cephus, cephi m
  7. a magical herb said to make water freeze
    coracesia, coracesiae f
  8. a man both ruptured and bankrupt
    homo diruptus dirutusque
  9. a misfortune, :: a calamity
    scelus, sceleris n
  10. a plant, otherwise called lithospermon
    Dĭospyros, Dĭospyri m
  11. a superintendent of vaults
    cryptarius, cryptarii m
  12. an aperient oil expressed from the fruit of the cici
    oleum cicinum
  13. an assembly of the people in the comitia
    comitiatus, comitiatus m

  14. Apollo augurium citharamque dat
  15. arched
    absidatus, absidata, absidatum
  16. arm
    accingo 3
  17. adulterated
    dichoneutus, dichoneuta, dichoneutum
  18. a (male or female) participant in a thing :: an accessory :: accomplice
    conscius, conscii m
  19. a balance is achieved :: a balance is reached
  20. a bath :: a Hebrew measure for liquids, containing about nine gallons
    batus, bati m
  21. a being channelled :: a being fluted
    striatura, striaturae f
  22. a being still :: a being silent
    silentium, silentii n
  23. a bending from a thing :: a bending aside :: an oblique inclination :: an oblique direction
    declinatio, declinationis f
  24. a binding together :: an organic union :: a logical sequence
    conexio, conexionis f
  25. a blow and a half :: a stroke and a half
    sesquiplaga, sesquiplagae f
  26. a blowing to :: a breathing upon :: aspiration
    aspiratio, aspirationis f
  27. a blowing on :: a breeze :: afflation of the divine spirit
    afflatus, afflatus m (adflatus)
  28. a blowing together :: an agreement in feeling :: agreement in opinion
    conspiratio, conspirationis f
  29. a blowing together :: an agreement in feeling :: agreement in opinion
    conspiratus, conspiratus m
  30. a bounding, boundary :: a limiting
    definitio, definitionis f
  31. a bounding :: a limiting
    diffinitio, diffinitionis f
  32. a bringing together :: a heaping up :: accumulation
    congestio, congestionis f
  33. a bringing together :: attack
    collatus, collatus m
  34. a broad, woollen upper garment worn in Greece :: a Grecian military cloak :: a state mantle
    clamis, clamidis f
  35. a broad, woollen upper garment worn in Greece :: a Grecian military cloak :: a state mantle
    clamys, clamydis f
  36. a bubbling spring :: a gushing spring
    scaturex, scaturigis f
  37. a bubbling spring :: a gushing spring
    scaturigo, scaturiginis f
  38. a bubbling up :: a gushing up
    scatebra, scatebrae f
  39. a bulwark of all crimes :: a refuge of all crimes
    castellum omnium scelerum
  40. a calling off from a thing :: a diverting of the attention
    avocatio, avocationis f
  41. a carrying together :: a bringing together
    convectio, convectionis f
  42. a casting up :: a reckoning together :: a summing up :: accumulation :: a comprehending :: a connecting together :: a finishing :: a completing :: a accomplishing
    consummatio, consummationis f
  43. a certain high officer at court :: a privy councillor
    silentiarius, silentiarii m
  44. a change occurs :: a change takes place
    commutatio fit
  45. a character, Ↄ, which the emperor Claudius wished to introduce into Latin for ps = the Greek ψ :: a critical mark, Ↄ, placed before a verse which is to be transposed
    antisigma, antisigmatis n
  46. a chief of ten :: a kind of officer at the imperial court
    decanus, decanusi m
  47. a child’s rattle :: amulet
    crepundia, crepundiorum n
  48. a chimaera is a living being composed of human genetic material and animal oocytes :: a fabulous monster in Lycia, which vomited fire; in front a lion, in the hinder part a dragon, and in the middle a goat; slain by Bellerophon
    chimaera est animal, quod constat e materia genetica humana et ex cellulis ovariis animalium
  49. a chip of wood :: a splinter of wood
    schidia, schidiae f
  50. a Christian :: a Christian clergyman
    Christianus, Christiani m
  51. a collecting together :: acquiring :: argumentation :: abscess
    collectio, collectionis f
  52. a college :: a corporation
    schola, scholae f
  53. a coming together :: assembling :: assemblage
    coitus, coitus m
  54. a community that loves to note everything accurately :: a writerly community
    civitas conficientissima litterarum
  55. a concrete legal case :: a specific legal case
    certa definitaque causa
  56. a confession :: acknowledgment :: a creed :: avowal of belief :: acknowledgment of Christ :: acknowledgment of Christ under torture
    confessio, confessionis f
  57. a consoling :: a consolatory discourse :: a consolatory treatise :: an encouraging :: an encouragement :: an alleviating
    consolatio, consolationis f
  58. a constant blowing wind :: a steady blowing wind
    ventus perspirans
  59. a convoking :: assembling together
    convocatio, convocationis f
  60. a creating :: an electing to an office
    creatio, creationis f
  61. a crowding together :: an assembly
    conglomeratio, conglomerationis f
  62. a cultivating :: agriculture :: a honoring :: a courting
    cultura, culturae f
  63. a cutting to pieces :: a cleaving to pieces
    consectio, consectionis f
  64. a Cynic philosopher :: a Cynic
    Cynicus, Cynici m
  65. a dark-yellow precious stone :: amber-colored hyacinth
    chryselectros, chryselectri f
  66. a defending :: a written defence
    defensio, defensionis f
  67. a den of robbers :: a den of murderers
    spoliarium, spoliariī n
  68. a divining :: art of divining
    auguratio, augurationis f
  69. a division consisting of ten :: association
    decuria, decuriae f
  70. a doubling :: an embracing
    congeminatio, congeminationis f
  71. a drawing together :: an entering upon an affair,a transacting of an affair :: agreement
    contractus, contractus m
  72. a drawing up in writing :: a composing :: a representation :: a levying of troops
    conscriptio, conscriptionis f
  73. a due mingling :: a due mixture :: a due tempering
    temperies, temperiei f
  74. a due mingling :: a due mixture :: a due tempering
    attemperies, attemperiei f
  75. a due proportion :: a due measure
    commensus, commensus m
  76. a dwelling :: abiding :: abiding place
    commoratio, commorationis f
  77. a falling :: accident :: adverse event
    casus, casus m
  78. a fallow deer :: antelope
    dama, damae f
  79. a fallow deer :: antelope
    damma, dammae f (dama, damae f)
  80. a fast acting poison :: a quick acting poison
    venenum praesens
  81. a female castanet dancer :: a (rattling) stork
    crotalistria, crotalistriae f
  82. a festive entertainment given on a person’s recovery from illness or escape from danger; presents given on such an occasion :: a congratulatory poem on such an occasion
    soteria, soteriorum n
  83. a figure of speech :: a rhetorical figure
    schema, schematis n
  84. a firm standing :: agreement
    constantia, constantiae f
  85. a flight of steps :: a flight of stairs :: a staircase :: a ladder :: a ladder
    scalae, scalarum f
  86. a flowing to :: affluence
    afluentia, afluentiae f
  87. a flowing to :: affluence :: abundance
    affluentia, affluentiae f (adfluentia)
  88. a following of one thing after another :: a period
    continuatio, continuationis f
  89. a foot and a half in length :: a foot and a half in breadth :: a foot and a half in height
    sesquipes, sesquipedis m
  90. a full year :: a complete year :: a whole year
    annus integer
  91. a full year :: a whole year
    annus solidus
  92. a gentle breeze :: a puff of :: a whiff of
    aurula, aurulae f
  93. a giving up :: a surrender
    deditio, deditionis f
  94. a glittering :: a flash
    coruscamen, coruscaminis n
  95. a glittering :: a flash
    coruscatio, coruscationis f
  96. a gluing together :: a joining together
    conglutinatio, conglutinationis f
  97. a going away :: abatement
    decessio, decessionis f
  98. a going before :: a preceding
    antecessio, antecessionis f
  99. a going round :: ambiguity
    ambages, ambagis f
  100. a going round :: ambiguity
    ambago, ambaginis f
  101. a gourd :: a cup :: a blockhead
    cucurbita, cucurbitae f
  102. a graved figure :: a sculpture
    scalptura, scalpturae f
  103. a greek outer garment :: a greek cloak
    chlaena, chlaenae f
  104. a gust :: a squall :: a storm
    sceptos, scepti m
  105. a heaping up :: a mole :: a dike
    aggeratio, aggerationis f
  106. a highly dissolute life :: a most profligate life :: a most vicious life
    vita omnibus flagitiis dedita
  107. a highly dissolute life :: a most profligate life :: a most vicious life
    vita omnibus flagitiis inquinata
  108. a highly polished man :: a perfectly accomplished man
    ad unguem factus homo
  109. a holding back :: abstemiousness
    continentia, continentiae f
  110. a hundred :: an indefinite, large number
  111. a hurling :: a controverted question
    coniectio, coniectionis f
  112. a joining of boards together :: a flooring :: a covering of boards
    contabulatio, contabulationis f
  113. a joining together :: a embrace
    compages, compagis f
  114. a joining together :: a embrace
    compago, compaginis f
  115. a joining :: a preparing
    contextio, contextionis f
  116. a kind of mushroom or truffle :: a mineral :: a vitriolic ore
    misy, misyos n
  117. a kind of pastry :: a kind of biscuit
    africia, africiae f
  118. a kiss :: a love
    savium, savii n
  119. a knowing of a thing together with another person :: a joint knowledge of something :: a being privy to :: a knowing along with others
    conscientia, conscientiae f
  120. a laboring at :: an honoring :: adoration
    cultus, cultus m
  121. a large Italian serpent :: a water-serpent, so called because it milked cows or because it could swallow an ox
    bova, bovae f
  122. a laying hold of :: a shortening
    correptio, correptionis f
  123. a leading aside :: a drawing aside
    seductio, seductionis f
  124. a leading away :: a leading on :: a leading forth :: a transplanting of colonies :: a colonizing :: a leading away of the bride :: an escorting :: a conducting safely :: a putting out of possession :: a deduction
    deductio, deductionis f
  125. a leaf of paper :: a strip of papyrus bark
    schida, schidae f
  126. a leaping to :: an attack :: assault
    assaltus, assaltus m4
  127. a leather bag, a sack for holding liquids :: a large measure for liquids, holding 20 amphorae
    culeum, culei n
  128. a leather bag, a sack for holding liquids :: a large measure for liquids, holding 20 amphorae
    culeus, culei m
  129. a lecturer in the schools :: a rhetorician
    scholasticus, scholastici m
  130. a life full of pleasures :: a life full of delights
    vita conferta voluptatibus
  131. a light boat :: a skiff
    scapha, scaphae f
  132. a light made of wax or tallow :: a cord covered with wax
    candela, candelae f
  133. a little bench :: a little stool
    scamellum, scamelli n
  134. a little bench :: a little stool
    scamillarii, scamillariorum m
  135. a little bench :: a little stool
    scamillum, scamilli n
  136. a little bench :: a little stool
    scamillus, scamilli m
  137. a little cunning :: a little sly
    callidulus, callidula, callidulum
  138. a little horn :: a small funnel of horn
    corniculum, corniculi n
  139. a little knowledge :: a smattering
    scientiola, scientiolae f
  140. a little noisy :: a little talkative :: a little loquacious
    argutulus, argutula, argutulum
  141. a little slow-witted :: a little lazy :: a little drowsy :: a little sleepy
    tardiusculus, tardiuscula, tardiusculum
  142. a little smart :: a little cunning :: a little refined
    vafellus, vafella, vafellum
  143. a little sour :: acidulous
    acidulus, acidula, acidulum
  144. a living together :: a banquet
    convictus, convictus m
  145. a loud noise :: a cry :: an urgent, clamorous importunity :: abuse
    convicium, convicii n
  146. a loud noise :: a cry :: an urgent, clamorous importunity :: abuse
    convitium, convitii n
  147. a making clear :: a making evident :: a disclosure
    declaratio, declarationis f
  148. a making :: a thing made :: a work
    conditio, conditionis f (2)
  149. a making :: arranging :: an exaction :: a diminishing :: a chewing :: a weakening
    confectio, confectionis f
  150. a man of learning :: a scholar
    scholasticus, scholastici m
  151. a man of very great seriousness :: a very serious man
    vir gravis et severus
  152. a mark burned in :: a brand impressed, a mark of disgrace
    stigma, stigmatis n
  153. a meeting together :: agreement :: accord
    convenientia, convenientiae f
  154. a meeting :: assembly :: agreement
    conventus, conventus m
  155. a million :: a million each
    decies centena milia
  156. a mingling :: a mixing :: a reddening
    confusio, confusionis f
  157. a monkey with a tail :: a proper name
    cercopithecos, cercopitheci m
  158. a monkey with a tail :: a proper name
    cercopithecus, cercopitheci m
  159. a monkey with a tail :: a proper name
    cercupithecos, cercupitheci m
  160. a multitude collected together :: assembled strangers
    convenae, convenarum m
  161. a name given to any artificial harbor :: a similar harbor at Adrumetum
    cothon, cothonis m
  162. a narrow way :: a path
    semita, semitae f
  163. a neat, elegant, or skilful joining of several things :: artful connection
    concinnitas, concinnitatis f
  164. a neat, elegant, or skilful joining of several things :: artful connection
    concinnitudo, concinnitudinis f
  165. a peg to which an oar was strapped :: a thole :: a tholepin
    scalmus, scalmi m
  166. a place for learned conversation :: a place for learned instruction :: a place of learning :: a school
    schola, scholae f
  167. a place where animals fight :: an amphitheatre
    scholae bestiarum
  168. a place where birds are kept :: aviary :: abode of wild birds in the forest
    aviarium, aviarii n
  169. a plant used for coloring the hair, also called trichomanes :: a kind of ape or monkey in Ethiopia
    callitrix, callitricis f
  170. a plant, called also silphium and laser :: asafœtida
    sirpe, sirpis n
  171. a plant :: a kind of horehound resembling marjoram
    chondris, chondris f
  172. a plant :: a species of origanum
    cunebula, cunebulae f
  173. a plant :: a species of origanum
    cunela, cunelae f
  174. a plant :: a species of origanum
    cunila, cunilae f
  175. a player :: actor
    scēnicus, scēnici m
  176. a prawn :: a shrimp
    scilla, scillae f
  177. a precious stone of a sea-green color, coming from India :: a ring with a beryl
    beryllus, berylli m
  178. a precious stone :: a species of lapis lazuli
    cyanos, cyani m
  179. a precious stone :: a species of lapis lazuli
    cyanus, cyani m
  180. a preparing :: apparatus
    adparatus, adparatus m
  181. a preparing :: apparatus
    apparatus, apparatus m
  182. a preserving of fruits :: a spicing
    conditio, conditionis f
  183. a preserving of fruits :: a condiment
    conditura, conditurae f
  184. a pressing together :: an accumulation
    conspissatio, conspissationis f
  185. a prickly plant with edible stalks :: artichoke :: any thing thorny, unpleasant
    cactos, cacti m
  186. a prickly plant with edible stalks :: artichoke :: any thing thorny, unpleasant
    cactus, cacti m
  187. a proper mixture :: a suitable mixture
    contemperatio, contemperationis f
  188. a putting together :: arrangement
    collocatio, collocationis f
  189. a putting together :: an erecting
    constructio, constructionis f
  190. a raft :: a float constructed in hast
    schedia, schediae f
  191. a regular war :: a formal war
    bellum iustum
  192. a regular war :: a formal war
    bellum pium
  193. a rending asunder :: a rent
    discissura, discissurae f
  194. a rough place :: a rough region
    confragosum, confragosi n
  195. a rough rock :: a pointed rock
    cautes, cautis f (cotes, cotis f)
  196. a rough rock :: a pointed rock
    cotes, cotis f
  197. a rough stone :: a detached fragment of rock :: a rock :: a stone
    saxum, saxi n
  198. a royal staff :: a sceptre
    sceptrum, sceptri n
  199. a running down :: a flowing down :: a descent :: a walking in complete armor :: a running in complete armor
    decursio, decursionis f
  200. a running down :: a descending aqueduct :: a running in armor
    decursus, decursus m
  201. a running together :: anxious, troubled restlessness :: anxiety
    concursatio, concursationis f
  202. a running :: a running on a wager :: a year :: a race-chariot
    curriculum, curriculi n
  203. a scratching open :: a scarifying
    scarifatio, scarifationis f
  204. a scratching open :: a scarifying
    scarificatio, scarificationis f
  205. a scratching open :: a scarifying
    scariphatio, scariphationis f
  206. a second self :: a second me
    alter idem
  207. a securing :: an adducing of proofs
    confirmatio, confirmationis f
  208. a seeing :: appearance
    conspectus, conspectus m
  209. a seeking :: a bringing together :: a levying
    conquisitio, conquisitionis f
  210. a seizing or laying hold of with the hands :: arresting :: apprehending :: a mental comprehending
    comprehensio, comprehensionis f
  211. a seizing or laying hold of with the hands :: arresting :: apprehending :: a mental comprehending
    comprensio, comprensionis f
  212. a seizing upon :: apprehension
    apprehensio, apprehensionis f
  213. a setting around :: a placing around
    circumpositio, circumpositionis f
  214. a shape :: a figure :: a form :: a fashion :: a manner :: a posture :: a attitude
    schema, schematis n
  215. a sharp cutting instrument :: a chisel
    scalprum, scalpri m (scalper, scalpri m)
  216. a short way :: a short method
    compendiaria, compendiariae f
  217. a short way :: a short method
    compendiarium, compendiarii n
  218. a shutting up :: a hostile shutting in
    conclusio, conclusionis f
  219. a sick person :: a patient
    aegrotus, aegroti m
  220. a sign in the sky :: an omen
    scaeva, scaevae f
  221. a sitting together :: assembly
    consessus, consessus m
  222. a small bed :: a couch
    scimpodion, scimpodii n
  223. a small fish :: anchovy
    apua, apuae f
  224. a small ladle for transferring the wine from the mixing-bowl (crater) to the drinking-cup :: a measure, both dry and liquid, the twelfth part of a sextarius
    cyathus, cyathi m
  225. a small piece of earth :: a small spot
    brevis lacinia
  226. a small surgical knife :: a scalpel :: a lancet
    scalpellum, scalpelli n
  227. a small surgical knife :: a scalpel :: a lancet
    scalper, scalpri m
  228. a small weight :: a small measure
    siliqua, siliquae f
  229. a small, delicate arm :: arm of a chair
    bracchiolum, bracchioli n
  230. a small, delicate arm :: arm of a chair
    brachiolum, brachioli n
  231. a smearing over :: anointing
    circumlitio, circumlitionis f
  232. a soldier armed with a pike :: a soldier armed with a pole
    contatus, contati m
  233. a sophism called crocodile :: a crocodile-conclusion
    crocodilina, crocodilinae f
  234. a sought-after joke :: a far-fetched joke
    arcessitum dictum
  235. a spirited horse :: a mettlesome horse
    equus bellator
  236. a splendidly wrought or embroidered stuff :: arras
    aulaea, aulaeae f
  237. a splendidly wrought or embroidered stuff :: arras
    aulaeum, aulaei n
  238. a standing round :: a surrounding :: attribute
    circumstantia, circumstantiae f
  239. a stony, narrow footway :: alp
    callis, callis m/f
  240. a storm is brewing :: a storm is rising
    tempestas cooritur
  241. a striking on :: a striking against
    afflictus, afflictus m
  242. a striking together :: a punishing
    conflictatio, conflictationis f
  243. a striking together :: a fight
    conflictus, conflictus m
  244. a strip of papyrus bark :: a leaf of paper :: a sheet of paper
    scida, scidae f
  245. a swearing together :: alliance
    coniuratio, coniurationis f
  246. a sympathetic preservative against sickness, etc :: amulet
    amuletum, amuleti n
  247. a synonym :: a corresponding word :: an appropriate word
    verbum quod idem declarat
  248. a synonym :: a corresponding word :: an appropriate word
    verbum quod idem significat
  249. a taking care of something :: administration :: administration
    curatio, curationis f
  250. a ten-oared ship :: a ship having ten banks of oars
    deceris, deceris f
  251. a tortoise-shell :: a plant, also called cyclaminos
    chelonium, chelonii n
  252. a touching :: an illegal appropriation
    contrectatio, contrectationis f
  253. a touching :: a contagion
    contactus, contactus m
  254. a treading under foot :: abuse
    conculcatio, conculcationis f
  255. a tree with an aromatic bark, similar to cinnamon :: a fragrant, shrub-like plant, mexereon, also called thymelaea
    casia, casiae f
  256. a tree with an aromatic bark, similar to cinnamon :: a fragrant, shrub-like plant, mexereon, also called thymelaea
    cassia, cassiae f
  257. a trying :: attempting
    attemptatio, attemptationis f
  258. a trying :: attempting
    attentatio, attentationis f
  259. a tube of twenty :: a twenty inch tube
    fistula vicenaria
  260. a tuft on the head of animals :: a tuft of leaves on plants
    crista, cristae f
  261. a turning away from any thing :: an avoiding :: avoidance :: a short digression
    declinatio, declinationis f
  262. a turning of one’s self away :: aversion
    aversatio, aversationis f
  263. a turning round :: a twisting round
    conversus, conversus m
  264. a very energetic man :: a very active man :: a very effective man
    vir ad efficiendum acerrimus
  265. a very little indeed :: a little bit
    aliquantillum, aliquantilli n
  266. a walking abroad :: a going out
    deambulatio, deambulationis f
  267. a warmed over story :: an old story
    crambe repetita
  268. a watching :: a place where guard is kept :: a guarding
    custodia, custodiae f
  269. a weighing :: a balancing of accounts :: a rendering of an equivalent :: an equalizing
    compensatio, compensationis f
  270. a whole consisting of several parts :: a complex whole
    systema, systematis n
  271. a wicked or vicious person :: a wretch
    scelerosus, scelerosi m
  272. a wise life plan :: a wisely established life plan
    vitae ratio bene ac sapienter instituta
  273. a word and a blow :: as quickly as possible
    dictum factum
  274. a wrestling :: a contest
    scamma, scammatis n
  275. a writer of satires :: a satirist
    satirographus, satirographi m
  276. a writer of satires :: a satirist
    satyrographus, satyrographi m
  277. a year ago :: a full year :: a whole year
  278. a year old :: a yearling
    anniculus, annicula, anniculum
  279. a year old :: a yearling
    annuclus, annucla, annuclum
  280. a year old :: a yearling
    annuculus, annucula, annuculum
  281. abbreviator :: author of a breviarium
    breviator, breviatoris m
  282. abdominal grief :: abdominal pain
    ventriculatio, ventriculationis f
  283. abjurer :: abjurator
    abiurator, abiuratoris m
  284. abolish, destroy :: annihilate
    deleo 2
  285. abominating :: abomination
    abominatio, abominationis f
  286. aborigine :: aboriginal :: autochthon
    autochthon, autochthonis m
  287. abounding in beasts :: abounding in monsters
    beluosus, beluosa, beluosum
  288. abounding in beasts :: abounding in monsters
    biluosus, biluosa, biluosum
  289. abounding in chalk :: abounding in clay
    cretosus, cretosa, cretosum
  290. abounding in turf :: abounding in grass
    caesposus, caesposa, caesposum
  291. above :: above
    supera + Akk.
  292. above :: above
    supra + Akk.
  293. abrogating :: annulling :: abolishing :: abolition :: amnesty
    abolitio, abolitionis f
  294. abrogating :: annulling :: abolishing :: abolition :: amnesty
    abolitus, abolitus m
  295. abrogating :: annulling
    antiquatio, antiquationis f
  296. absolve :: acquit
    dedamno 1
  297. absolving :: acquittal
    absolutio, absolutionis f
  298. abstaining from intoxicating drinks :: abstinent
    abstemius, abstemia, abstemium
  299. abstaining from :: abstinent
    abstinens, abstinentis
  300. abstaining :: abstention
    temperatus, temperatus m
  301. abstinence :: abstinence from food
    abstinentia, abstinentiae f
  302. abundance of cereals :: abundance of grain
    copia rei frumentariae
  303. abundant power :: abundance :: access to a person
    copia, copiae f
  304. abundantly flowing :: abundantly streaming :: abundantly inflowing
    affluus, afflua, affluum
  305. abundantly supplied with something :: abounding in
    copis, copis
  306. abundantly supplied with something :: abounding in
    cops, copis
  307. abuse :: affront :: assault :: annoyance
    contumelia, contumeliae f
  308. abuse :: affront :: assault :: annoyance
    contumia, contumiae f
  309. abyss :: a deep pit
    barathrum, barathri n
  310. accept a condition :: accept a proposal :: accept a marriage proposal
    condicionem accipio
  311. accept a good instruction :: accept a good teaching
    bene monenti oboedio
  312. accept a instruction :: accept a teaching
    bene monentem sequor
  313. accept :: approve :: assent to something
    scisco 3
  314. accept :: approve
    accipio 5
  315. accepting an invitation to dine somewhere away from home :: arranging to dine somewhere away from home
    condico aliquo ad cenam foras
  316. accessible :: affable
    commune, communis n
  317. accompanied :: attended
    comitatus, comitata, comitatum
  318. accompany :: attend
    comito 1
  319. accompany :: attend
    comitor 1
  320. accompanying :: accompaniment
    succentus, succentus m
  321. accomplished in art :: artistic :: artificial :: according to the rules of art :: artificial
    artificiosus, artificiosa, artificiosum
  322. according to a rule or level :: accurately
    ad amussim
  323. according to a rule or level :: accurately
  324. according to a rule or level :: accurately
  325. according to a rule :: according to a level :: accurately
  326. according to agreement :: according to concert,
    compacto (compecto)
  327. according to his method :: according to his way
    suatim (1)
  328. according to one's convenience :: at one’s leisure
    ex commodo
  329. according to one's convenience :: at one’s leisure
    per commodum
  330. according to our concept :: according to our understanding
    ut captus noster est
  331. according to rule :: according to measure :: according to the theory of harmony
    canonicus, canonica, canonicum
  332. according to the current mood :: as the current mood dictates
    utcumque praesens affectio movet
  333. according to the financial situation :: according to the financial possibilities
    pro facultatibus
  334. according to the likeness of :: after the fashion of
    ad instar n (+ Gen.)
  335. according to the likeness of :: after the fashion of
    adīnstar + Gen.
  336. according to the word only :: according to appearance :: apparently
    verbo tenus
  337. according to truth :: aright
  338. according to your style :: after your kind
  339. accordingly :: as a counterpart
  340. accost one :: address :: address one reproachfully :: address one abusively :: abuse :: arraign one before a tribunal :: accuse of crime
    compello 1
  341. accosting :: address
    adfamen, adfaminis n
  342. accosting :: address
    affamen, affaminis n
  343. accountant :: arithmetic master
    calculatrix, calculatricis f
  344. accumulation of land by alluvion around a piece of land :: alluvial land
    circumluvio, circumluvionis f
  345. accumulation of land by alluvion around a piece of land :: alluvial land
    circumluvium, circumluvii n
  346. accumulation of the crimes :: aggregation of crimes
    tumultus criminum
  347. accuse one of crime :: accuse
    criminor 1
  348. accuse someone of bribery :: accuse someone of electoral fraud
    ambitus aliquem accuso
  349. accuse someone of bribery :: accuse someone of electoral fraud
    ambitus crimine aliquem arcesso
  350. accustom :: accustom one’s self
    consuesco 3

  351. corpus Achaeorum
  352. acidic :: acidic like vinegar
    aceticus, acetica, aceticum
  353. acidic :: acidic like vinegar
    acetosus, acetosa, acetosum
  354. acknowledge :: avow :: acknowledge
    confiteor 2
  355. acorn :: any fruit of similar form :: any object in the form of an acorn
    balanis, balanidis f
  356. acorn :: any fruit of similar form :: any object in the form of an acorn
    balanus, balani f
  357. acquire ownership of a thing by long use :: acquire by prescription or usucaption
    usu capio
  358. acquire ownership of a thing by long use :: acquire by prescription or usucaption
    usucapio 5
  359. acquire ownership of a thing by long use :: acquire by prescription or usucaption
    usufacio 5
  360. acquisition :: accession
    acquisitio, acquisitionis f
  361. act as bailiff :: act as overseer
    villico 1
  362. act as bailiff :: act as overseer
    vilico 1
  363. act as bailiff :: act as overseer
    vilicor 1
  364. act incorrectly :: act wrongly
    vitiose facio
  365. act of giving :: allotting
    datio, dationis f
  366. act of seeing :: a thing seen :: an appearance :: apparition :: an idea
    visio, visionis f
  367. act prudently :: act thoughtfully
    considerate ago
  368. act reasonably :: act with prudence
    consilio ago
  369. act wild :: act fiercely
    violenter me gero
  370. act :: aim at :: administer
    ago 3
  371. action for compensation :: action for compensation
    actio tributoria
  372. action for compensation :: action for compensation
    tributoria, tributoriae f
  373. active meaning :: activity
    activitas, activitatis f
  374. actually :: assuredly
  375. actually :: assuredly
  376. actually :: assuredly
  377. adamant :: any thing inflexible :: anything firm :: anything lasting :: a hard heart :: a unyielding heart :: a inexorable heart
    adamans, adamantis m
  378. adamant :: any thing inflexible :: anything firm :: anything lasting :: a hard heart :: a unyielding heart :: a inexorable heart
    adamas, adamantis m
  379. adapt one’s self to another’s opinion :: adapt one’s self to another’s wishes :: apply one’s self to
    me accommodo
  380. adaptation :: adjustment
    aptatio, aptationis f
  381. add to a heap :: accumulate :: augment by heaping up
    accumulo 1
  382. add to by mingling :: admix
    admisceo 2
  383. add to the weight of :: aggravate :: annoy
    aggravo 1 (adgravo 1)
  384. add to :: acquire :: acquire :: amass riches :: amass money
    acquiro 3
  385. add to :: annex to :: apply to :: annex :: add it to the preceding
    adiungo 3
  386. add to :: add to by way of increase :: annex to :: augment :: add to one’s bidding
    addo 3
  387. add with :: add also
    coaddo 3
  388. added to :: annexed
    afficticius, afficticia, afficticium
  389. added :: annexed
    additivus, additiva,additivum
  390. added :: annexed :: additional
    additicius, additicia, additicium
  391. adding to :: addition
    additio, additionis f
  392. adding to :: addition :: annexation :: addition to a bid
    adiectio, adiectionis f
  393. adding to :: addition
    suggestio, suggestionis f
  394. adding to :: applying to
    adiectus, adiectus m
  395. addition :: augmentation
    auctarium, auctarii n
  396. adduce proof of a thing :: adduce something as proof
    argumentor 1
  397. adducing of proof :: argumentation
    argumentatio, argumentationis f
  398. adhering :: adhesion
    adhaesio, adhaesionis f
  399. adhering :: adhesion
    adhaesus, adhaesus m
  400. adjust according to a measure :: adapt :: accommodate :: allow
    commodo 1
  401. adjust :: adapt :: accommodate
    secundo 1
  402. adjutant of a centurion :: assistant :: aid
    corniclarius, corniclarii m
  403. adjutant of a centurion :: assistant :: aid
    cornicularius, cornicularii m
  404. adjutant of a centurion :: assistant :: aid
    cornuclarius, cornuclarii m
  405. admiring :: admiration :: astonishment
    admiratio, admirationis f
  406. admission :: application
    adhibitio, adhibitionis f
  407. admit :: acknowledge
    confessionem facio
  408. admitting of the male to the female :: admission to a prince :: audience
    admissio, admissionis f
  409. adorable :: amiable
    amandus, amanda, amandum
  410. adorned with a neck-chain :: adorned with a collar
    torquatus, torquata, torquatum
  411. adultery :: adulteration
    adulterium, adulterii n
  412. advance :: approach
    successus, successus m
  413. advantageous :: abridged
    compendiosus, compendiosa, compendiosum
  414. adversary :: antagonist
    antagonista, antagonistae m
  415. advice :: advising
    suasus, suasus m
  416. advise the return of the prisoners :: advocate for the return of prisoners
    captivorum redendorum auctor sum
  417. advise :: advocate
    suadeo 2
  418. aedility :: aedileship
    aedilitas, aedilitatis f
  419. aeroplane :: aircraft
    aeroplanum, aeroplani n
  420. affected :: aroused
    commotus vultu
  421. affective :: aroused
    agitatus, agitata, agitatum
  422. affiliated :: associated
    adsocius, adsocia, adsocium
  423. affiliated :: associated
    associus, associa, associum
  424. affirm :: authenticate
    authentico 1
  425. affirmation :: averment of a fact :: assertion
    affirmatio, affirmationis f
  426. affirmative :: affirming :: agreeing
    annutativus, annutativa, annutativum
  427. affirmative :: affirming :: agreeing
    annutivus, annutiva, annutivum
  428. affirmative :: affirming :: approving :: agreeing
    consentivus, consentiva, consentivum
  429. affirming :: affirmative
    affirmativus, affirmativa, affirmativum
  430. affirming :: affirmative
    aiens, aientis
  431. afflicted with alopecia :: afflicted with foxtail mange
    alopeciosus, alopeciosa, alopeciosum
  432. afflicted with shortness of breath :: afflicted with coughing
    asthmaticus, asthmatica, asthmaticum
  433. after a period of three years :: after three years
    triennio circumacto
  434. after a short interruption :: after a short interim period
    brevi tempore interiecto
  435. after abandoning the plan :: after giving up the plan
    consilio commutato
  436. after counting the votes :: after the vote count
    votis numeratis
  437. after daybreak :: after daylight
    coepta luce
  438. after dissolution of the bank :: after liquidation of the bank
    argentaria dissoluta
  439. after having learned :: after having experienced
  440. after one year :: after the course of a year
    anno exacto
  441. after one year :: after the course of a year
    anno interiecto
  442. after one year :: after the course of a year
    anno intermisso
  443. after one year :: after the course of a year
    anno peracto
  444. after one year :: after the course of a year
    anno transacto
  445. after reaching the age of majority :: after reaching the age of maturity
    post tutelam receptam
  446. after the bath :: after bathing
    a balineis
  447. after the bath :: after bathing
    a balineo
  448. after the corpse is brought in :: after the corpse is cremated
    corpore concremato
  449. after the end of life :: after death
    vita perfuncta
  450. after the end of the war :: after the war was over
    bello perpetrato
  451. after the fall of the city :: after the capture of the city :: after the conquest of the city
    urbe capta
  452. after the fall of the city :: after the capture of the city :: after the conquest of the city
    urbe expugnata
  453. after the luck had turned :: after the tide had turned
    commutata fortuna
  454. after the meeting has passed :: after dismissal of the assembly
    concilio dimisso
  455. after the ordinarymanner :: after the common manner
  456. after three days :: after a period of three days :: after a break of three days
    triduo intermisso
  457. after :: afterwards
  458. again and again other :: always different
    alii et rursus alii
  459. against someone's ban :: against someone's prohibition
    aliquo vetante
  460. age categories :: age groups
    aetates, aetatum f
  461. age fit for war :: age fit to bear arms
    aetas cassidis patiens
  462. agents for skinning :: agents for peeling the skin
    discoriatorium medicamentum
  463. agglomerated :: accumulated
    conglobatus, conglobata, conglobatum
  464. agree with something :: answer to it
    competo 3
  465. agreeably to :: according to
    secundum + Akk.
  466. agreeing with something :: according with something
    consentaneus, consentanea, consentaneum
  467. agreeing :: accordant
    consentiens, consentientis
  468. agreeing :: accordant :: appropriate to
    conveniens, convenientis
  469. agreeing :: appropriate :: accordant
    congruens, congruentis
  470. agreement :: arrangement
    compactum, compacti n (compectum, compecti n)
  471. agreement :: accordance
    consensus, consensus m
  472. agreement :: arrangement
    compectum, compecti n
  473. agreement :: assent :: approval :: approbation :: assent to the reality of sensible appearances
    adsensus, adsensus m
  474. agreement :: assent :: approval :: approbation :: assent to the reality of sensible appearances
    assensus, assensus m
  475. agreement :: accord
    conventum, conventi n
  476. agreement :: amour
    condicio, condicionis f
  477. agreement :: amour
    conditio, conditionis f (3)
  478. ah! :: alas!
  479. ah! :: alas!
  480. ah! :: alas! :: ah me!
    a (ah, aha)
  481. aid by giving :: afford
    subministro 1
  482. aid by giving :: afford
    sumministro 1
  483. aim at someone :: allude to someone
    alludo aliquem
  484. air conditioning :: air conditioner
    temperaculum, temperaculi n
  485. air defence :: airspace defence :: anti-air defense
    defensio antiaeria

  486. centrum volatus gubernandi
  487. air-shy :: aerophobic
    āerophobus, āerophoba, āerophobum
  488. air :: air inhaled and exhaled
    anima, animae f
  489. aircraft pilot :: aircraft driver :: aircraft pilot
    aeroplanīga, aeroplanīgae m
  490. aircraft :: airplane
    aerovehiculum, aerovehiculi n
  491. airfield :: airport
    aeronavium portus
  492. airfield :: airport
    campus aeroportuensis
  493. airport :: airdrome :: aerodrome
    aeroportus, aeroportus m
  494. airport :: airdrome :: aerodrome
    aerostatio, aerostationis f
  495. airport :: airdrome :: aerodrome
    statio aeronautica
  496. airport :: airfield :: aerodrome
    aeriportus, aeriportus m
  497. airspace control :: airspace observation :: air surveillance
    inspectio aeria
  498. airspace control :: airspace observation :: air surveillance
    observatio aerispatii
  499. airspace surveillance :: airspace monitoring
    custodia aerispatii
  500. alder :: all made of alder wood
    alnus, alni f
  501. alive :: animate :: animated
    animans, animantis
  502. all in a body :: all together :: all
    cunctus, cuncta, cunctum
  503. all the years :: always
    omnibus annis
  504. all things which pertain to the support of life :: aliment
    alimenta, alimentorum n
  505. all to one :: all together :: all without exception
    ad unum omnes
  506. all together :: all taken collectively
    universi, universae, universa
  507. all together :: all taken collectively
    universus, universa, universum
  508. all together :: all taken collectively
    univorsus, univorsa, univorsum
  509. all together :: as a whole
  510. all together :: all :: all unanimous :: all in all :: all in total :: all :: all for one
    cuncti, cunctae, cuncta
  511. all :: all the
    totus, tota, totum
  512. allaying :: allayment
    sedamen, sedaminis n
  513. allaying :: assuaging
    sedatio, sedationis f
  514. allegedly :: as one believes
    ut creditur
  515. allegedly :: as one believes
    ut credunt
  516. allegorical narrative :: apologue
    apologus, apologi m
  517. allies :: alliance partners
    confoedusti, confoedustorum m
  518. allow someone to be a referee :: approve someone to be a referee :: allow someone to be an arbitrator
    arbitrum aliquem addico
  519. allure from the right path :: amuse
    delecto 1
  520. almighty :: all-powerful
    cunctipotens, cunctipotentis
  521. almond :: almond-tree
    amygdala, amygdalae f
  522. almond :: almondkernel :: almond-tree
    amygdalum, amygdali n

  523. Alpis, Alpis f
  524. alternating time circumstances :: alternating time conditions
    varietas temporum
  525. alternating :: alternate
    alternativus, alternativa, alternativum
  526. alternating :: alternately
    vicibus factis
  527. alternation in talking :: alternation conversation
    vicissitudo in sermone
  528. alternation :: accumulation of synonymous expressions
    alternitas, alternitatis f
  529. alum worker :: alum dealer
    aluminarius, aluminarii m
  530. always live happily :: always live pleasurably
    vivo in aeterna rosa
  531. always stand ready armed, as it were :: always be at the ready, as it were, at arms length
    armatus semper ac velut in procinctu sto
  532. always :: all the time
  533. amber-coloured :: amber
    succinacius, succinacia, succinacium
  534. amber-coloured :: amber
    sucinacius, sucinacia, sucinacium
  535. ambush :: ambuscade
    subsessa, subsessae f
  536. amethyst coloured dresses :: amethyst jewellery
    amethystina, amethystinorum n
  537. amethyst :: a precious stone of violet-blue color
    amethystus, amethysti f
  538. amianth :: asbestos
    amiantus, amianti m
  539. ammi :: an umbelliferous plant
    āmi n (indecl.)
  540. ammi :: an umbelliferous plant
    amium, amii n
  541. ammi :: an umbelliferous plant
    ammium, ammii n
  542. ammo depot :: ammunition depot
    depositorium pyrobolorum
  543. an abiding :: abode
    constitio, constitionis f
  544. an accusation made against me (you, him) :: a charge brought against me (you, him)
    crimen meum (tuum, suum)
  545. an accusation made by me (you, him) :: an accusation raised by me (you, him)
    crimen meum (tuum, suum)
  546. an added drop :: a trifling addition
    stillarium, stillarii n
  547. an adult :: a Roman of the olden timephilosopher
    barbatus, barbati m
  548. an afflicting :: affliction
    contristatio, contristationis f
  549. an age :: a long time :: a long while
  550. an aged person :: an old man
    senex, senis m
  551. an agreeing together :: agreement
    consensio, consensionis f
  552. an agreeing together :: an intimate friend
    concordia, concordiae f
  553. an agreeing together :: an intimate friend
    concorditas, concorditatis f
  554. an apartment for reclining :: an apartment for sleeping
    cubiclum, cubicli n
  555. an apartment for reclining :: an apartment for sleeping
    cubiculum, cubiculi n
  556. an apartment for reclining :: an apartment for sleeping
    cubuculum, cubuculi n
  557. an ape with a dog’s head :: a kind of wild man
    cynocephalos, cynocephali m
  558. an ape with a dog’s head :: a kind of wild man
    cynocephalus, cynocephali m
  559. an architectural fitting together :: arrangement
    structura, structurae f
  560. an aromatic plant :: a kind of mint
    zmintha, zminthae f
  561. an as piece :: as coin
    assarium, assarii n
  562. an as piece :: as coin
    assarius, assarii m
  563. an ascending :: ascent :: approach
    ascensus, ascensus m
  564. an ascending :: ascent
    ascensio, ascensionis f
  565. an assembling together :: association
    congregatio, congregationis f
  566. an assembly :: association
    conventiculum, conventiculi n
  567. an attendant :: anxiety :: anxiety of love
    cura, curae f
  568. an attentive considering :: a viewing :: an aiming with a weapon :: a taking aim
    contemplatio, contemplationis f
  569. an attesting :: attestation :: an earnest entreaty
    contestatio, contestationis f
  570. an axletree, about which a round body turns (e :: axle of a water-clock :: axis of the earth :: a clime (the north, the west)
    assis, assis m
  571. an axletree, about which a round body turns :: axle of a water-clock :: axis of the earth
    axis, axis m
  572. an eager pursuit of a thing :: a striving after
    consectatio, consectationis f
  573. an eager stretching :: a straining :: a vigorous struggling or striving for something :: a struggle after
    contentio, contentionis f
  574. an eagerly looking around :: a cautiously looking around :: a spying :: a view around
    circumspectus, circumspectus m
  575. an even, flat place :: any level surface
    campus, campi m
  576. an evil deed :: a wicked action :: a heinous action :: an impious action :: a crime :: a sin
    scelus, sceleris n
  577. an evil doer :: a wretch
    scelerator, sceleratoris m
  578. an increase :: augmentation
    augumentum, augumenti n
  579. an inducement to sin :: a temptation
    scandalum, scandali n
  580. an innate notion :: an inherent concept
    antecepta animo rei quaedam informatio
  581. an instrument for branding or marking :: a characteristic
    character, characteris m
  582. an instrument for branding or marking :: a characteristic
    characterium, characterii n
  583. an obscure saying :: a dark saying :: ambiguity
    ambiguum, ambigui n
  584. an obstinate, malignant disease :: an incurable passion
    cacoethes, cacoethis n
  585. an office limited to one year :: a one-year term of office
    annuus magistratus
  586. an old proverb forbids us :: an old saying forbids us
    vetamur vetere proverbio
  587. an opening :: aperture
    apertura, aperturae f
  588. an ornament for the head of Persian kings :: a head-dress of the high-priest of the Jews
    cidar n (indecl.)
  589. an ornament for the head of Persian kings :: a head-dress of the high-priest of the Jews
    cidara, cidarae f
  590. an ornament for the head of Persian kings :: a head-dress of the high-priest of the Jews
    cidaris, cidaris f
  591. an undoubted thing :: a certain matter :: an acknowledged thing :: an acknowledged matter
    confessum, confessi n
  592. an undulating motion :: a boiling motion :: a waving motion :: a tossing motion :: a waving motion :: an heaving motion :: a billowy motion
    aestus, aestus m
  593. an unprovable accusation :: an unprovable charge
    crimen caecum
  594. an unstable character :: an erratic character
    ingenio varius
  595. an urging :: a dunning
    compulsio, compulsionis f
  596. anachoretical :: anachoretic
    anachoreticus, anachoretica, anachoreticum
  597. anaemic complexion :: anaemic complexion
    color exsanguis
  598. analytical :: analytic
    analyticus, analytica, analyticum
  599. anapaestic verse :: anapaestic song :: anapaestic poem
    anapaestum, anapaesti n
  600. anchor :: an iron in the form of an anchor
    ancora, ancorae f
  601. ancient :: ancestral
    traditionalis, traditionale
  602. ancient :: archaic
    archaeus, archaea, archaeum
  603. and also :: and besides :: and even :: and
  604. and also :: and besides :: and even :: and
  605. and rather :: and more right :: and better
    atque adeo
  606. and the like :: and similar things
    et consimilia
  607. and then :: also
  608. and thereupon :: and then :: at last :: at length
  609. andidates :: applicant
    candidatus, candidati m
  610. anew :: afresh
    ab integro
  611. anew :: afresh
    de integro
  612. anew :: afresh
    ex integro
  613. anew :: afresh :: again :: afresh :: a second time
    denuo (de novo)
  614. anger glows :: anger swells up :: anger rises high
    animus tumet
  615. angle measure :: angular measure
    angularia, angularium n
  616. animal for sacrifice (swine, sheep, ox) :: animal for sacrifice whose two rows of teeth are complete
    bidens, bidentis f
  617. animate :: admonish
    cohortor 1
  618. animated :: alive
    animatus, animata, animatum
  619. anitersor :: aniscalptor
    anitersor, anitersoris m
  620. ankle :: ankle-bone
    talus, tali m
  621. annalist :: author of yearbooks
    annalium scriptor
  622. annex by writing :: add to a writing :: ascribe :: attribute to :: appoint, :: apply :: add to
    adscribo 3
  623. annex by writing :: add to a writing :: ascribe :: attribute to :: appoint, :: apply :: add to
    alicui societati adscriptus
  624. annex by writing :: add to a writing :: ascribe :: attribute to :: appoint, :: apply :: add to
    ascribo 3 (adscribo 3)
  625. annihilate :: annul
    adnullo 1
  626. annihilate :: annul
    annullo 1 (adnullo 1)
  627. annihilation :: annihilating, destroying
    deletio, deletionis f
  628. anniversary :: annual anniversary
    dies anniversarius
  629. anniversary :: annual anniversary
    dies natalis
  630. anniversary :: annual celebration
    anniversaria, anniversariorum n
  631. announcing :: announcement :: annunciation
    annuntiatio, annuntiationis f
  632. annual annuity :: annual stipend :: annual pension
    annua, annuorum n
  633. annual annuity :: annual stipend :: annual pension
    annuum, annui n
  634. annual application for office :: annual candidature
    annua ambitio
  635. annual pension :: annual annuity
    annua alimenta
  636. annual salary :: annual allowance
    annua, annuorum n
  637. annul in all its parts a law :: abrogate wholly
    abrogo 1
  638. another place :: another time :: another place
    alio loco
  639. antagonist :: adversary
    adversarius, adversarii m

  640. anthropiani, anthropianorum m

  641. anthropomorphitae, anthropomorphitarum m
  642. antidote against the bite of serpents :: antidote against poison
    theriaca, theriacae f
  643. antidote against the bite of serpents :: antidote against poison
    theriace, theriaces f
  644. antidote to the bite of poisonous animals :: antidote to the snake bite
    theriaca, theriacon n
  645. antimony :: a sulphuret of antimony
    stibi, stibis n
  646. antimony :: a sulphuret of antimony
    stibium, stibii n
  647. antimony :: a sulphuret of antimony
    stimmi, stimmis n
  648. antispast :: a foot in verse
    antispastus, antispasti m
  649. antonomasia :: antonomasy
    antonomasia, antonomasiae f
  650. anxiety :: anxious care
    anxietas, anxietatis f
  651. anxiety :: anguish
    anxietudo, anxietudnis f
  652. anxiety :: anguish
    anxitudo, anxitudinis f
  653. anxious mind :: anxious
    anxianimus, anxianima, anxianimum
  654. any broad and deep-flowing :: any thing flowing :: any thing liquid
    amnis, amnis m
  655. any crude metal dug out of the earth :: alloy (for the most part of copper and tin) :: armor
    aes, aeris n
  656. any harsh sound :: any shrill sound :: any hissing sound :: any grating sound :: any creaking sound
    stridor, stridoris m
  657. any large sea-animal :: a species of whale
    cetos, cetis n (pl. cete n)
  658. any large sea-animal :: a species of whale :: a constellation
    cetus, ceti m (pl. cete n)
  659. any object composed of materials perceptible by the senses :: a lifeless body
    corpus, corporis n
  660. any object swelling up and thus becoming round :: any thing rounded by art :: a stud in a girdle
    bulla, bullae f
  661. any simple house :: any poorly-built house
    casa, casae f
  662. any thing hired :: a hired house :: a hired dwelling
    conductum, conducti n
  663. any thing laid up :: any thing stored up :: a loved one :: a valued or dear object
    thesaurus, thesauri m
  664. any thing that soothes, that charms, that allures :: allurement
    delinimen, deliniminis n
  665. any thing that soothes, that charms, that allures :: allurement
    delinimentum, delinimenti n
  666. any thing that soothes, that charms, that allures :: allurement
    dilenimentum, dilenimenti n
  667. any thing that soothes :: allurement
    delenimen, deleniminis n
  668. any thing that soothes :: allurement
    delenimentum, delenimenti n
  669. any :: any one :: any one :: anybody
    ullus, ulla, ullum

  670. aorta, aortae f
  671. apostasy from the faith :: apostasy
    apostatatio, apostatationis f
  672. apostasy from the faith :: apostasy
    apostatatus, apostatatus m
  673. apostate :: a bad, wicked man
    apostata, apostatae m
  674. appear for the collection of the tribute :: appear to collect the tribute
    tributo adsum
  675. appear in someone's persona :: act the part of someone else
    aliquem agō
  676. appear in someone's persona :: act the part of someone else
    alicuius partes agō
  677. appendage :: appendix
    ampendix, ampendicis f
  678. appendages belonging to a possession :: appurtenances belonging to a possession
    affixa, affixorum n
  679. applied to :: attached to
    applicitus, applicita, applicitum
  680. applying :: application
    appositus, appositus m
  681. appoint in addition :: add something to
    superordino 1
  682. appointed :: average
    status, stata, statum
  683. approbation :: approval
    comprobatio, comprobationis f
  684. approbationable :: approvalable
    comprobabilis, comprobabile
  685. appropriate something to one’s self :: affirm :: assert
    assero 3 (adsero 3)
  686. appropriate :: accommodated :: adapted
  687. appropriate :: adequate
  688. appropriating something not one’s own :: assuming :: arrogant
    adrogans, adrogantis
  689. appropriating something not one’s own :: assuming :: arrogant
    arrogans, arrogantis
  690. approve of :: adjudge :: appropriate to one’s self
    conscisco 3
  691. approve wholly of something :: assent to :: acknowledge :: attest
    comprobo 1
  692. approving birds :: agreeing birds
    aves admissivae
  693. approving :: allowing :: assenting to :: approbation :: acquiescence
    approbatio, approbationis f
  694. arable farming :: agriculture
    agricultio, agricultionis f
  695. arable farming :: agriculture
    agri cultio
  696. arable land :: area
    campus, campi m
  697. arch rogue :: arrant knave
    trifurcifer, trifurciferi m
  698. arch :: arched vault
    arcuatio, arcuationis f
  699. arch :: arched vault
    arcuatura, arcuaturae f
  700. arching :: arched work :: arch
    suspensura, suspensurae f
  701. arching :: arched work
    suspensio, suspensionis f
  702. arguments of the antagonist :: assertions of the antagonist
    adversaria, adversariorum n
  703. arm of a workman’s square :: arm of a chair
    ancon, anconis m
  704. armed with a dart :: armed with a javelin
    verutus, veruta, verutum
  705. armor :: armament :: armed soldiers
    armatus, armatus m
  706. armor :: armed soldiers :: armed force
    armatura, armaturae f
  707. armourer :: armourer's smith
    armifactor, armifactoris m
  708. around noon :: around midday
    circiter meridiem
  709. around the forum :: around the market-place :: ambulatory
    circumforaneus, circumforanea, circumforaneum (circumforanus)
  710. around the forum :: around the market-place :: ambulatory
    circumforanus, circumforana, circumforanum
  711. around :: abow :: about :: among - around
    circum + Akk.
  712. around :: all around
  713. around :: all around
  714. arouse :: animate
    vegeto 1
  715. aroused :: awakened
    vigidus, vigida, vigidum
  716. arrange a riot :: arrange an insurrection :: arrange a rebellion
    compono seditionem
  717. arrive at :: attain to by effort :: acquire
    adipiscor 3
  718. arsenal :: armory
    armamentarium, armamentarii n
  719. art of building :: architecture
    architectonica, architectonicae f
  720. art of building :: architecture
    architectonice, architectonices f
  721. art of building :: architecture
    architectura, architecturae f
  722. art of creating a birth chart :: art of nativity position
    apotelesmatice, apotelesmatices f
  723. art studio :: artist's studio :: artist's workshop
    artificina, artificinae f
  724. article of table furniture :: a delicately woven mat
    bascauda, bascaudae f
  725. artificial word :: artword
    terminus technicus
  726. artillery master :: artilleryman
    ballistarius, ballistarii m
  727. artillery :: ammunition
    tormenta bellica
  728. as agreed upon :: as it was agreed
    velut ex composito
  729. as everyone knows :: as is well known
    ut omnes sciunt
  730. as everyone knows :: as is well known
    ut omnibus notum est
  731. as follows :: as I do it :: as you see :: accordingly
  732. as for the rest :: as to the rest
    de reliquo
  733. as I believe :: as I think
    ut reor
  734. as if bound together :: as if fastened together
  735. as if bound together :: as if fastened together
  736. as if in deep peace :: as it were in deep peace
    velut multa pace
  737. as if victory was a foregone conclusion :: as if the victory was certain
    ut explorata victoria
  738. as intimate as possible :: as uniform as possible
    unissime quantum potest
  739. as is natural :: as namely :: as being :: as
  740. as is well known :: as everyone knows
    ut inter omnes constat
  741. as is wont to happen :: as is customary :: as usual
    ut assolet
  742. as much as :: as if :: as it were
  743. as on appointment :: as by appointment
    velut ex praedicto
  744. as requested :: as desired :: according to wish
    ex voluntate
  745. as said above :: as said before
    ut supra dictum est
  746. as said above :: as said before
    ut supra diximus
  747. as soon as a suitable opportunity arises to do so :: at a suitable opportunity
    cum inciderit, ut id apte fieri possit
  748. as soon as it had become day :: as soon as it was daylight
    ubi diluxit
  749. as soon as it had become day :: as soon as it was daylight
    ubi illuxit
  750. as soon as it had become day :: as soon as it was daylight
    ubi luxit
  751. as soon as the day broke :: as soon as the day dawned
    ubi dies coepit
  752. as stated below :: as stated later :: as said below
    ut infra dictum est
  753. as the saying goes :: as the proverb says
    ut est in proverbio
  754. as we have explained further ahead :: as we have explained above
    uti supra ostendimus
  755. as we have said below :: as we have said later
    ut infra diximus
  756. as you hear it called :: as you hear it said
    ut audimus
  757. as you know :: as you well know
    ut scis
  758. as :: as if :: as it were
  759. ascending direction :: acclivity :: ascent
    acclivitas, acclivitatis f
  760. ashes :: ashes of a corpse that is burned
    ciner, cineris m
  761. ashes :: ashes of a corpse that is burned
    cinis, cineris m

  762. Asianus, Asiana, Asianum
  763. ask for forgiveness :: ask for pardon
    veniam ignoscendi peto
  764. ask for forgiveness :: ask for pardon
    veniam peto
  765. ask for mercy :: ask for leniency :: ask for a favor
    veniam oro
  766. ask of one :: add one officer to another :: associate with :: adopt :: appropriate :: arrogate to one’s self :: assume :: adjudge something to another as his own
    arrogo 1
  767. ask the question of no confidence :: ask the question of mistrust
    confidentiam quaero
  768. ask to spare his life :: ask for his life
    vitam mihi deprecor
  769. ask :: ask out
    depeto 3
  770. aspirable :: aspirative
    aspirativus, aspirativa, aspirativum
  771. assail on every side :: attack on every side
    circumvado 3
  772. assailant :: attempter
    tentator, tentatoris m
  773. assailant :: attempter
    temptator, temptatoris m
  774. assault :: assail
    adorio 4
  775. assemblage or a division consisting of a hundred things of a kind :: any division
    centuria, centuriae f
  776. assent to as good :: approve :: allow a thing to take place
    approbo 1 (adprobo 1)
  777. assent to :: agreement with :: assenting to :: affirming the same facts
    astipulatio, astipulationis f
  778. assent to :: agreement with :: assenting to :: affirming the same facts
    astipulatus, astipulatus m
  779. assent :: agreement :: approval :: applause :: assent to the reality of sensible appearances
    adsensio, adsensionis f
  780. assent :: agreement :: approval :: approbation :: applause :: assent to the reality of sensible appearances (συγκατάθεσις)
    assensio, assensionis f
  781. assert :: affirm
    confirmo 1
  782. assessor :: aid in council
    consistorianus, consistoriani m
  783. assessor :: assistant
    allectus, allecti m
  784. asset situation :: asset circumstances
    facultates, facultatum f
  785. asset situation :: asset circumstances
    fortunae, fortunarum f
  786. asset situation :: asset circumstances
    res familiaris, rei familiaris f
  787. assiduity :: application
    sedulitas, sedulitatis f
  788. assign a seat :: allocate a place to sit
    locum sessui impertio
  789. assign :: allot
    tribuo 3
  790. assigner :: appointer
    assignator, assignatoris f (adsignator)
  791. assignment of a money-debt :: attribute
    adtributio, adtributionis f
  792. assignment of a money-debt :: attribute
    attributio, attributionis f (adtributio)
  793. assistance :: aid
    auxiliatus, auxiliatus m
  794. assistance :: aiding
    auxiliatio, auxiliationis, f
  795. associate judge at court :: assessor at court
    consiliaris, consiliaris m
  796. associate :: add to :: annex :: assign :: add :: attribute to one :: ascribe to
    adtribuo 3
  797. associate :: add to :: annex :: assign :: add :: attribute to one :: ascribe to
    attribuo 3 (adtribuo 3)
  798. associated with printing :: associated with the print shop
    typographicus, typographica, typographicum
  799. association :: advocacy group
    Societas externae politiae amplectendae Germanica (DGAP)
  800. assuming :: arrogance
    arrogantia, arrogantiae f
  801. asthma :: anxiety
    asthma, asthmatis n
  802. astringent :: attracting
    stalticus, staltica, stalticum
  803. astrological :: astronomical
    astrologicus, astrologica, astrologicum
  804. astrological :: astronomical
    astrologus, astrologa, astrologum
  805. astrology :: astronomy
    astrologica, astrologicae f
  806. astronomer :: astrologer
    astrologus, astrologi m
  807. asunder :: apart
  808. asunder :: apart
  809. asylum seekers' home :: asylum seekers' accommodation
    asylanticomium, asylanticomii n
  810. at a certain time :: at one time :: at certain times :: at times
  811. at a certain time :: at one time :: at certain times :: at times
  812. at a fit time :: at the very nick :: at the very moment
  813. at a time other than the present :: at other times
  814. at an accelerated pace :: at a quick pace
    admisso passu
  815. at an angle :: angularly
  816. at another time :: at other times :: always at other times :: always in other cases :: at another place
  817. at any place :: anywhere
  818. at any place :: at any location :: all around
  819. at dawn :: at daybreak
    circa lucem
  820. at dawn :: at daybreak :: at first light
    cum primo luci
  821. at dawn :: at daybreak :: at first light
    cum primo lucu
  822. at daybreak :: at cock-crowing
    sub galli cantum
  823. at daybreak :: at dawn
    cum luci simul
  824. at daybreak :: at sunrise :: at dawn
  825. at daybreak :: at the dawn
    caelo albente
  826. at every corner and end :: at all places and ends
    ubique locorum
  827. at length :: at last
  828. at length :: at last
  829. at low tide again :: at the resumption of low tide
    aestu rursus minuente
  830. at most :: at the most
  831. at once :: at the same time
  832. at once :: at the same time
  833. at once :: at the same time
  834. at one glance :: at one look
    uno in conspectu
  835. at one's own expense :: at one's own charge :: at one's own expenses :: at one's own cost
    suis opibus
  836. at that time :: at that point in time
    tunc temporis
  837. at the end, finally :: at last :: at the extremity :: at the extreme point :: at the top
    ad extremum
  838. at the end, finally :: at last :: at the extremity :: at the extreme point :: at the top
    ad postremum
  839. at the end, finally :: at last :: at the extremity :: at the extreme point :: at the top
    ad ultimum
  840. at the fit moment :: at the nick of time
    in ipso articulo
  841. at the onset of spring :: at the arrival of spring
    initio veris
  842. at the onset of spring :: at the arrival of spring
    principio veris
  843. at the right time :: at the fitting time :: at the appointed time
  844. at the right time :: at the fitting time :: at the appointed time
  845. at the right time :: appropriately
  846. at the right :: at the fitting time :: at the appointed time
  847. at the right :: at the fitting time :: at the appointed time
  848. at the same time :: at once :: as soon as :: also
  849. at the table :: at the meal
    apud mensam
  850. at the unfortunate hour :: at the inauspicious hour
    avibus sinistris
  851. at the very wrong time in the very wrong place :: at the most inconvenient time in the most inconvenient place
    alienissimo loco et tempore
  852. at the wrong time :: at an inopportune time
    alieno tempore
  853. at times :: according to time
  854. at times :: at any time :: always
    in aetate (hominum)
  855. at will :: as you like it
    ut libet (ut lubet)
  856. at your judgment :: at your freewill :: at your inclination :: at your pleasure :: at your wish :: at your choice :: at your decision :: at your direction :: at your guidance
    arbitratu tuo
  857. athletic art :: athletics
    athletica, athleticae f
  858. atone with his life :: atone with his head
    capite luo
  859. attach one’s self to :: adhere to
    aggregor 1
  860. attack the camp again :: attack the camp once more
    castra repeto
  861. attack :: assault
    aggressura, aggressurae f
  862. attack :: assault
    aggressus, aggressus m
  863. attack :: assault
    bellum infero
  864. attack :: assault
    adventus repentinus
  865. attempted coup :: attempted overthrow
    conamen eversionis
  866. attend one with zeal :: attend one with eagerness :: accompany
    adsector 1
  867. attend one with zeal :: attend one with eagerness :: accompany
    assector 1 (adsector 1)
  868. attend to :: adorn
    colo 3
  869. attend :: accompany
    concomitor 1
  870. attendant of a nobleman :: attendant
    stipator, stipatoris m
  871. attending :: accompanying
    comitabilis, comitabile
  872. attention :: an attentive mind
    animus attentus
  873. attention :: an attentive mind
    animus intentus
  874. attentiveness :: attention :: application
    attentio, attentionis f
  875. attesting :: attestation
    adtestatio, adtestationis f
  876. attesting :: attestation
    attestatio, attestationis f (adttestatio)

  877. atticismos, atticismi m
  878. attractive :: alluring
    allectorius, allectoria, allectorium
  879. attractive :: attracting
    trahitorius, trahitoria, trahitorium
  880. attribution :: awarding :: appropriation :: awarding :: adjudging
    addictio, addictionis f
  881. auction venue :: auction protocol
    astarium, astarii n
  882. auction :: auction off
    auctionem facio et vendo
  883. aural :: auricular
    auricularis, auriculare
  884. authenticator :: attestor
    adtestator, adtestatoris m
  885. authenticator :: attestor
    attestator, attestatoris m (adtestator)
  886. author of a grammatical textbook :: author of a rhet
    artigraphus, artigraphi m
  887. author of a grammatical textbook :: author of a rhetorical textbook
    artigrafus, artigrafi m
  888. automatic air-conditioning system :: automatic air conditioner
    temperaculum automaticum
  889. autumn approaches :: autumn is coming on
  890. auxiliaries :: auxiliary troops :: auxiliary forces
    auxiliarii milites
  891. auxiliary corridor :: aid corridor
    via auxiliaria
  892. auxiliary troops :: auxiliaries :: auxiliary forces
    auxiliares, auxiliarium m
  893. auxiliary troops :: auxiliaries
    auxilia, auxiliorum n
  894. avenge one’s self on :: avenge
    ulciscor aliquem
  895. average :: accident at sea
    calamitas maritima
  896. aviation accident :: air disaster
    calamitas aeria
  897. avoid guilt :: avert blame from oneself
    culpam a me amoveo
  898. avoid the melee :: avoid the scuffle
    complexum armorum vito
  899. awake :: alert
    vigil, vigilis
  900. awake :: alert
    vigul, vigulis
  901. awaken desire :: arouse desire
    voluptatem prolicio
  902. away with thee! :: away! :: avaunt! :: away with it! :: away!
  903. away with this person! :: away with this guy! :: away with this!
    ultro istum a me
  904. awhile :: at length
  905. awl :: a very small weapon
    subula, subulae f
  906. axe bearing :: armed with a battle axe
    securifer, securifera, securiferum
  907. axe bearing :: armed with a battle axe
    securiger, securigera, securigerum
  908. axis :: a line upon the sundial
    axon, axonis m
  909. avain man
    uter, utris m
  910. avain man
    utris, utris m
  911. a bread-pan
    artopta, artoptae m
  912. accounting
    calculorum subductio
  913. archives
    tabulinum, tabulini n (tablinum, tablini n)
  914. assembling
    comptus, comptus m
  915. agree upon
    depaciscor 3
  916. agree upon
    depeciscor 3 (depaciscor 3)
  917. assail with harsh words
    allatro 1 (adlatro 1)
  918. annulled
    cancellatus, cancellata, cancellatum
  919. arter trade
    compensatio mercium
  920. adjudge
    arbitror 1
  921. assist
    servio 4
  922. attest
    testor 1
  923. agree with :: ask in place of another
    suppeto 3
  924. arise together with
    connascor 3
  925. accrue by adoption
    agnascor 3
  926. accrue by adoption
    annascor 3
  927. accrue by adoption
    adnascor 3
  928. address
    contionor 1
  929. address
    concionor 1
  930. abstain from
    careo 2
  931. alter
    vario 1
  932. apply one’s self to
    studeo 2
  933. accomplish a direct result
    conficio 5
  934. attain honor
    cresco 3
  935. agree with the project
    annuo coeptis
  936. attend upon :: assist :: administer :: accomplish
    administro 1
  937. approach
    approximo 1
  938. avoid
    caveo 2
  939. abound :: assist
  940. appear
    compareo 2
  941. apprentice with someone
    alicuius discipulus sum
  942. approach
  943. act foolishly
    desipio 5
  944. a precious stone
    cyamias, cyamiae m
  945. apply something to a certain purpose
  946. apply
  947. allot
  948. anticipate
  949. accumulate
    congero 3
  950. attest
    adtestor 1
  951. attest
    attestor 1 (adtestor 1)
  952. attest
    testificor 1
  953. arrived at puberty
    vesticeps, vesticipis
  954. accumulation
    aggestus, aggestus m (adgestus, aggestus m)
  955. armed
    armifer, armifera, armiferum
  956. armed
    armiger, armigera, armigerum
  957. attesting
    testatio, testationis f
  958. attestation
    testificatio, testificationis f
  959. animal
    belba, belbae f
  960. animal
    bellua, belluae f
  961. animal
    belua, beluae f
  962. animal
    belva, belvae f
  963. acquiesce in
    acquiesco 3
  964. abate
    segnesco 3
  965. abate
    conticesco 3 (conticisco 3)
  966. abate
    conticisco 3
  967. acknowledge :: act the part of a scout
    cognosco 3
  968. accustom
    suesco 3
  969. acquiring knowledge :: acquaintance
    cognitio, cognitionis f
  970. appearing :: appearance
    adparentia, adparentiae f
  971. appearing :: appearance
    apparentia, apparentiae f
  972. adorned :: adorned with
    decorus, decora, decorum
  973. apiary
    alvarium, alvarii n
  974. apiary
    alveare, alvearis n
  975. apiary
    alvearium, alvearii n
  976. apiarist
    apicularius, apicularii m
  977. above all
    ante omnia
  978. all over
  979. all over
  980. ahead
  981. are fermenting :: are threatening to break out
    tumesco 3
  982. attempt
    coepto 1
  983. act defiantly
    contumacius me gero
  984. afraid
    timens, timentis
  985. a quarter of the world :: absence of use
    situs, situs m
  986. authority
    dignitas, dignitatis f
  987. abdomen
    utriculus, utriculi m (2)
  988. appetite for ordinary food
    venter, ventris m
  989. appertain to
    appertineo 2
  990. ancestral
    avitus, avita, avitum
  991. arrived at the years of manhood
    virilis, virile
  992. a third of one per cent (monthly)
    trientarius, trientaria, trientarium
  993. angelic
    angelicus, angelica, angelicum
  994. artificial :: according to the rules of art
    artificialis, artificiale
  995. augurial
    auguralis, augurale
  996. augurial
    augurialis, auguriale
  997. augurial
    augurionalis, augurionale
  998. architectural
    structorius, structoria, structorium
  999. architectural
    tectonicus, tectonica, tectonicum
  1000. appointed
    dativus, dativa, dativum
  1001. aged
    senilis, senile
  1002. agreeable
    voluptarius, voluptaria, voluptarium
  1003. agreeable
    voluptuarius, voluptuaria, voluptuarium
  1004. advised in the comitia centuriata
    centuriatus, centuriata, centuriatum
  1005. appropriate
    tempestivus, tempestiva, tempestivum
  1006. appropriate
    tempestus, tempesta, tempestum
  1007. according to the time
    temporarius, temporaria, temporarium
  1008. avoid
    declino 1
  1009. angle
    campter, campteris m
  1010. angle
    camter, camteris m
  1011. as well
    tum etiam
  1012. anoint beneath
    sublino 3
  1013. anoint often
    unctito 1
  1014. anoint
    delibuo 3
  1015. attach to
    allinio 4
  1016. attach to
    allino 3 (adlino 3)
  1017. anointed
    unctulus, unctula, unctulum
  1018. anointing
    unctio, unctionis f
  1019. applying one’s self assiduously
    curiosus, curiosa, curiosum
  1020. affiance
    sponso 1
  1021. abnormally much
    ultra solitum
  1022. anger
    bilis, bilis f
  1023. attach
    adalligo 1
  1024. add
    subnecto 3
  1025. attach :: arrange rhythmically
    vincio 4
  1026. astringent
    adstrictōrius, adstrictōria, adstrictōrium
  1027. astringent
    astrictōrius, astrictōria, astrictōrium
  1028. astringent
    densabilis, densabile
  1029. astringent
    densativus, densativa, densativum
  1030. augur :: author
    auspex, auspicis m
  1031. acrimonious
    amarus, amara, amarum
  1032. angry
    amaricatus, amaricata, amaricatum
  1033. acrimoniousness
    amaricatio, amaricationis f
  1034. acrimoniousness
    amaritudo, amaritudinis f
  1035. a livid spot :: affronting
    sugillatio, sugillationis f
  1036. asperse
    denigro 1
  1037. any thing made of bladder
    vensica, vensicae f
  1038. any thing made of bladder
    vesica, vesicae f
  1039. any thing made of bladder
    vessica, vessicae f
  1040. accuse each other
    crimen invicem intentant
  1041. attribute guilt to someone
    culpam alicui assigno
  1042. attribute guilt to someone
    culpam alicui attribuo
  1043. accuse somewhat
    subaccuso 1
  1044. accentuation of a word :: accent
    accentus, accentus m
  1045. allied by descent :: association :: agreement :: affinity
    cognatio, cognationis f
  1046. affinity
    consanguinitas, consanguinitatis f
  1047. artery :: a person’s natural bent
    vena, venae f
  1048. absorbent paper
    charta bibula
  1049. accomplish
    conflo 1
  1050. agree :: accord :: agree together in thought or feeling :: accord
    conspiro 1
  1051. a box on the ear
    colaphus, colaphi m
  1052. abate
    effervesco 3
  1053. agitation of mind :: apprehension
    aestuatio, aestuationis f
  1054. audacious
    audax, audacis
  1055. audaciously
  1056. audaciously
    audacter (audaciter)
  1057. audaciously
  1058. ardor
    animositas, animositatis f
  1059. audacity
    audacia, audaciae f
  1060. adjoining
    confinis, confine
  1061. adjoining
    confinius, confinia, confinium
  1062. an abyss
    abyssus, abyssi f
  1063. archer
    arcifer, arciferi m
  1064. arch in building :: arch :: any thing arched or curved like a bow
    arcus, arcus m (arquus, arquus m)
  1065. arch in building :: arch :: any thing arched or curved like a bow
    arquus, arquus m
  1066. arbor
    trichila, trichilae f
  1067. arbor
    tricla, triclae f
  1068. arbor
    triclea, tricleae f
  1069. arbor
    triclia, tricliae f
  1070. ark
    campsa, campsae f
  1071. assembled
    textus, texta, textum
  1072. anger
    cerebrum, cerebri n
  1073. adulterate
    conrumpo 3
  1074. a tortuous
    anfractus, anfractus m (amfractus)
  1075. armor
    thorax, thoracis m
  1076. a run causing to pant
    anhelus cursus
  1077. assist :: aspire to :: approach :: arrive at :: attain to :: aspirate
    aspiro 1
  1078. assist :: aspire to :: approach :: arrive at :: attain to :: aspirate
    adspiro 1
  1079. asthmatic
    suspiriosus, suspiriosa, suspiriosum
  1080. airhole
    spiramentum, spiramenti n
  1081. air-hole
    spiramen, spiraminis n
  1082. air :: aspiration :: arrogance
    spiritus, spiritus m
  1083. air-hole
    spiraculum, spiraculi n
  1084. aloud
  1085. announce :: accuse :: ascribe
  1086. accuse :: attack with ridicule :: attack with reproach
    arripio 5
  1087. agitate :: attack :: assail
    ago 3
  1088. allege in defence
    defendo 3
  1089. afflict
    coangusto 1
  1090. attack someone's reputation
    alicuius nomen ventilo
  1091. apply something
    aliquid in usum induco
  1092. annul
    casso 1
  1093. annihilate
    annihilo 1
  1094. accuse
    corripio 5
  1095. arrange a battle or contest
    committo 3
  1096. arrange :: adorn
    como 3
  1097. advise :: admonish
    admoneo 2
  1098. advise :: admonish
    ammoneo 2
  1099. announce :: allege :: assert :: adduce
  1100. aiding :: auxiliary
    auxiliarius, auxiliaria, auxiliarium
  1101. aiding :: assisting :: auxiliary
    auxiliaris, auxiliare
  1102. attacking with words :: assailing with words
    invectio, invectionis f
  1103. analogy
    collatio, collationis f
  1104. active
    strenuus, strenua, strenuum
  1105. actively
  1106. abrupt
    abruptus, abrupta, abruptum
  1107. animal
    belbus, belba, belbum
  1108. animal
    beluinus, beluina, beluinum
  1109. animal
    beluus, belua, beluum
  1110. add to
    adstruo 3
  1111. add to
    astruo 3 (adstruo 3)
  1112. arrange over one another
    superinstruo 3
  1113. architect
    aedifex, aedificis m
  1114. architect
    aedificator, aedificatoris m
  1115. architect
    architector, architectoris m
  1116. abate
    deflagro 1
  1117. abate
    defragro 1
  1118. annoy :: annoy
    uro 3
  1119. autobus
    autocinetum laophorum
  1120. assiduously
  1121. assiduous
    sedulus, sedula, sedulum
  1122. application to a thing :: assiduity :: affection :: attachment
    studium, studii n
  1123. and yet
  1124. and yet
  1125. accidentally
    ex accidenti
  1126. accidentally
    per accidens
  1127. assembly-wise
  1128. at random
  1129. at random
  1130. accidentally
  1131. at length
  1132. at different places :: at different points :: at different times :: at one time and another :: at intervals
  1133. according to rank
    dignitatis ordine
  1134. amidst thunder
  1135. alternately
  1136. alternately
  1137. a coverlet of Cadurcian linen
    cadurcum, cadurci n
  1138. amuse, entertain one’s self
    avoco 1
  1139. accuse :: arraign
    accuso 1
  1140. assemble
    convoco 1
  1141. announce :: arouse
    voco 1
  1142. acclamation
    succlamatio, succlamationis f
  1143. any kind of delay :: any kind of adjournment
    advocatio, advocationis f
  1144. able to achieve something
    aptus ad aliquid faciendum (efficiendum, consequendum)
  1145. able to achieve something
    aptus ad aliquid praestandum
  1146. any heathen temple
    Capitolium, Capitolii n
  1147. automobile
    autocinetum, autocineti n
  1148. automobile
    currus automatarius
  1149. arrangements for living
    cultus, cultus m
  1150. attend to
    concuro 1
  1151. attend to
    coiro 1
  1152. attend to :: administer
    curo 1
  1153. attend to
    coro 1
  1154. attend to
    coero 1
  1155. attention :: administration :: administration
    cura, curae f
  1156. accurate
    diligens, diligentis
  1157. attentively
  1158. anxiously
  1159. attentiveness
    diligentia, diligentiae f
  1160. allurement
    blanditia, blanditiae f
  1161. allurement
    blandities, blanditiei f
  1162. amuse with promises
  1163. acquire
    deporto 1
  1164. across
    transporto 1
  1165. assume :: abolish :: annul :: abrogate
    tollo 3
  1166. afford :: advise :: assign :: add
    suggero 3
  1167. amount to :: accomplish :: attain to the highest grade
    consummo 1
  1168. assign by lot :: appoint by lot :: allot
    sortior 4
  1169. apprehension
    captio, captionis f
  1170. arraign one :: accuse
    accerso 3
  1171. arraign one :: accuse
    arcesso 3
  1172. arraign one :: accuse
    arcesso 3
  1173. allay :: assuage :: appease
    sedo 1
  1174. arrest
    sisto 3 (tr.)
  1175. avail for
    sufficio 5
  1176. any cavity
    antrum, antri n
  1177. assuaged
    defervesco 3
  1178. abate
    despumo 1
  1179. abate
    defremo 3
  1180. a large kind of cedar
    cedrelate, cedrelates f
  1181. armchair
    cathedra, cathedrae f
  1182. accident
    temeritas, temeritatis f
  1183. alter
    demuto 1 (intr.)
  1184. alter
    converto 3
  1185. alter
    commutor 1
  1186. alter :: alter for the worse
    demuto 1
  1187. alternation
    vicissitas, vicissitatis f
  1188. alternation :: alternate succession
    vicis f
  1189. alternation
    vicissitudo, vicissitudinis f
  1190. alterations
    tropica, tropicorum n
  1191. alteration
    commutatio, commutationis f
  1192. accuse someone of blackmail
    de repetundis aliquem postulo
  1193. a team :: a pair of small wheels by which the beam of a plough was supported and guided
    currus, currus m

  1194. biduvium, biduvii n

  1195. vitex, viticis f
  1196. answer conclusively
    confuto 1
  1197. a mouthful
    buca, bucae f
  1198. a mouthful
    bucca, buccae f
  1199. abbot
    archimandrita, archimandritae m
  1200. abbot
    archimandrites, archimandritae m
  1201. abbess
    archimandritissa, archimandritissae f
  1202. arch-priest
    archipresbyter, archipresbyteri m
  1203. a relation :: a cousin (in any degree)
    consobrina, consobrinae f
  1204. a relation :: a cousin (in any degree)
    consobrinus, consobrini m
  1205. a relation :: a cousin (in any degree)
    consubrinus, consubrini m
  1206. a relation :: a cousin (in any degree)
    cosobrinus, cosobrini m
  1207. admit into some body by election
    coapto 1
  1208. admit or receive into some body by election
    coopto 1 (copto 1)
  1209. admit or receive into some body by election
    copto 1
  1210. assuredly
  1211. annals :: archives
    annales, annalium m
  1212. annals :: archives
    annales maximi
  1213. annalist
    chronographus, chronographi m
  1214. a symbol of summer
    cicada, cicadae f
  1215. a season of the year
    annus, anni m
  1216. annular knife
    anuloculter, anulocultri m
  1217. armlet
    armilla, armillae f
  1218. as becomes a citizen
    civiliter [cīvīlius, cīvīlissime]
  1219. assert :: allege
    contendo + aci
  1220. army
    classis, classis f
  1221. argillaceous
    argillaceus, argillacea, argillaceum
  1222. abstersive
    smecticus, smectica, smecticum
  1223. abstersive
    zmecticus, zmectica, zmecticum
  1224. adhere to
    adhaereo 2
  1225. adhere :: accord with
    adhaeresco 3
  1226. alliance
    clientela, clientelae f
  1227. ascend to an honorary position
    dignitatis gradum ascendo
  1228. attract
    blandior 4
  1229. adhere :: agree together
    cohaereo 2
  1230. affectionate
    adhaesibilis, adhaesibile
  1231. any clause of a law :: any section of a law
    clausula, clausulae f
  1232. accurately
  1233. accurately
  1234. awning
    velum, veli n
  1235. articles of clothing
    vestiarium, vestiarii n
  1236. apparel :: attire
    vestitus, vestitus m
  1237. a cluster of flowers of different plants
    corymbus, corymbi m
  1238. associate bishop
    coepiscopus, coepiscopi m
  1239. arctic circle
    zona frigida
  1240. arctic circle
    zona frigida
  1241. accompanying damage
    damnum collaterale
  1242. assemble :: assemble a multitude together :: associate :: accumulate
    congrego 1
  1243. acquire :: amount to
    colligo 3
  1244. association :: assembly :: assembly for consultation :: a close conjunction
    concilium, concilii n
  1245. a constellation
    constellatio, constellationis f
  1246. academic student
    discipulus academiae
  1247. appearance
    color, coloris m
  1248. appearance
    colos, coloris m
  1249. association
    complexio, complexionis f
  1250. afflict
    circumvenio 4
  1251. anticipate
    antevenio 4
  1252. approach :: arrive at
    advento 1
  1253. alight
    descendo 3
  1254. arise :: appear
    cresco 3
  1255. arise :: appear
    coorior 4
  1256. arrive at
    devenio 4
  1257. appear :: appear :: appear as servant or aid :: attend
    adpareo 2
  1258. appear :: appear :: appear as servant or aid :: attend
    appareo 2
  1259. approach
    adbito 3
  1260. approach
    appropinquo 1
  1261. arrive
    supervenio 4
  1262. arrive at :: accrue
    advenio 4
  1263. arrive at :: accrue
    arvenio 4
  1264. agree with the defendant
    cum reo transigo
  1265. assist
    suppetior 1
  1266. accrue
    alicui cedo
  1267. accrue
    cedo in aliquem
  1268. assemble :: agree with in wishes :: agree with in decisions :: accord
    convenio 4
  1269. assemble :: agree with in wishes :: agree with in decisions :: accord
    covenio 4
  1270. approach :: advance to a place
  1271. advance to one’s assistance :: aid :: assist
    subvenio 4
  1272. appeare
    venio 4
  1273. assuage
    solor 1
  1274. a being present :: authority
    arbitrium, arbitrii n
  1275. attack
    congressio, congressionis f
  1276. assembling :: assemblage
    coetus, coetus m
  1277. approach :: arrival
    adventus, adventus m
  1278. approvable
    approbabilis, approbabile
  1279. agreeable :: approved
    commendatus, commendata, commendatum
  1280. article of traffic
    commercium, commercii n
  1281. adulterate
    adultero 1
  1282. adulterate
    adulteror 1

  1283. comitia curiata
  1284. any stem of grass :: any stalk of grain :: a straw
    avena, avenae f
  1285. associate episcopate
    coepiscopatus, coepiscopatus m
  1286. affability
    communitas, communitatis f
  1287. associate
    comes, comitis c
  1288. allied
    socialis, sociale
  1289. army :: attendants
    chors, chortis f
  1290. attendants
    cohors, cohortis f
  1291. agreement
    comparatio, comparationis f
  1292. accusation :: action
    accusatio, accusationis f
  1293. a fully developed body
    corpus iam corroboratum
  1294. agreement
    transactio, transactionis f
  1295. a course
    decursus, decursus m
  1296. aromatic
    aromaticus, aromatica, aromaticum
  1297. author
    conscriptor, conscriptoris m
  1298. a becoming pregnant
    conceptio, conceptionis f
  1299. abridge :: affect :: affect painfully
    stringo 3
  1300. abridged
    constrictus, constricta, constrictum
  1301. anguish
    angor, angoris m
  1302. add up
    calculum subduco
  1303. accountant
    calculator, calculatoris m
  1304. allies
    concorporales, concorporalium m
  1305. affective
    affectionalis, affectionale
  1306. apex of a helmet
    conus, coni m
  1307. assurance
    confisio, confisionis f
  1308. audacious
    confidens, confidentis
  1309. antagonistic :: antithetical
  1310. amaze :: astonish
    stupido 1
  1311. alarm
    consternatio, consternationis f
  1312. assume
    coniecturam adhibeo
  1313. assume
    coniecturam capio
  1314. assume
    coniecturam facio
  1315. allied
    coniunctus, coniuncta, coniunctum
  1316. affinity
    coniunctio, coniunctionis f
  1317. association
    collegium, collegii n
  1318. a joint-sentence
    coniunctum, coniuncti n
  1319. an uniting in feeling :: a conciliating :: a gaining over :: an acquiring
    conciliatio, conciliationis f
  1320. aware of his guilt
    culpae conscius
  1321. a conscientious fear
    conscientia, conscientiae f
  1322. attempt to speak :: adopt the language of another
    commentor 1
  1323. assessment
    appensio, appensionis f
  1324. assessment
    appensus, appensus m
  1325. aërial :: animate
    animalis, animale
  1326. animate :: alleviate
    consolor 1
  1327. agreeably
  1328. attending to
    adsiduus, adsidua, adsiduum
  1329. attending to
    assiduus, assidua, assiduum
  1330. arrangement
    constitutio, constitutionis f
  1331. ask counsel of
    consultor 1
  1332. ask counsel of :: ask advice of a lawyer
    consulo 3
  1333. a consuming :: a wasting :: an employing :: application
    consumptio, consumptionis f
  1334. animated
    vividus, vivida, vividum
  1335. annual
    annalis, annale
  1336. agreement :: arrangement
    depactio, depactionis f
  1337. agreement :: arrangement
    depectio, depectionis f
  1338. astringency
    stypsis, stypsis f
  1339. against expectation
    contra exspectationem
  1340. a regaining of health
    convalescentia, convalescentiae f
  1341. advantage :: a good :: a loan
    commodum, commodi n
  1342. aqueduct
    aquagium, aquagii n
  1343. aqueduct
    aquae ductus, aquae ductus m
  1344. aqueduct
    aquaeductus, aquaeductus m
  1345. a temperature of the air adapted to the ripening (of fruit) :: a boiling liquid
    coctura, cocturae f
  1346. a small private bath
    cuccuma, cuccumae f
  1347. a small private bath
    cucuma, cucumae f
  1348. addiction to pleasure
    delectationis aucupium
  1349. abandoned
    deperditus, deperdita, deperditum
  1350. astronaut
    cosmonauta, cosmonautae m
  1351. advisory building
    senaculum, senaculi n
  1352. advice :: advocacy of a proposed law
    suasio, suasionis f
  1353. adviser
    consiliarius, consiliarii m
  1354. add to :: attribute to
    annumero 1 (adnumero 1)
  1355. a grammarian who takes the opposite side of a question
    antisophista, antisophistae m
  1356. a grammarian who takes the opposite side of a question
    antisophistes, antisophistae m
  1357. antidote
    antidotos, antidoti f
  1358. antidote
    antidotum, antidoti n
  1359. antidote
    antidotus, antidoti f
  1360. associate with
    copulo 1

  1361. curia rationum
  1362. affable
    comis, come
  1363. affably
  1364. affability
    comitas, comitatis f
  1365. agreement
    confoederatio, confoederationis f
  1366. agreement
    sponsum, sponsi n
  1367. array :: attire :: adorn
    vestio 4
  1368. attend :: accompany
    tego 3
  1369. a walk planted with trees
    xystum, xysti n
  1370. a walk planted with trees
    xystus, xysti m
  1371. assembled with wax
    ceratus, cerata, ceratum
  1372. attire
    vestis, vestis f
  1373. awning stretched above the theatre
    velabrum, velabri n
  1374. awning
    velarium, velarii n
  1375. avariciously
  1376. avariciously
  1377. artifice
    vaframentum, vaframenti n
  1378. aker of a law
    constitutor legis
  1379. author
    creator, creatoris m
  1380. ashing
    cinefacio, cinefacionis f
  1381. any thing mischievous or injurious
    colpa, colpae f
  1382. any thing mischievous or injurious
    culpa, culpae f
  1383. a climacteric
    climacter, climacteris m
  1384. abate
    subsido 3
  1385. a suite
    stipatio, stipationis f
  1386. attend :: accompany
    stipo 1
  1387. afflict much
    contribulo 1
  1388. attenuation
    comminutio, comminutionis f
  1389. adularia
    astrion, astrii n
  1390. adularia
    astrios, astrii f
  1391. a sea-plant, similar to the cucumber
    cucumis, cucumeris m
  1392. abide
    colo 3
  1393. agriculturist
    agricultor, agricultoris m
  1394. agriculturist
    agricola, agricolae m
  1395. agriculturist
    agricula, agriculae m
  1396. an estate of Cicero near Cumae
    Cumanum, Cumani n
  1397. accumulator
    cumulator, cumulatoris m
  1398. amours
    amores, amorum m
  1399. artistic
    crispus, crispa, crispum
  1400. artificial
    crispulus, crispula, crispulum
  1401. anathema
    anathema, anathematis n
  1402. abominate :: abhor :: avert from one’s self by entreaty
    detestor 1
  1403. anathema
    devotamentum, devotamenti n
  1404. aduncity
    aduncitas, aduncitatis f
  1405. arch
    curvedo, curvedinis f
  1406. abridge
    circumcido 3
  1407. abridged
    circumcisus, circumcisa, circumcisum
  1408. alone
    absectus, absecta, absectum
  1409. alone
    abssectus, abssecta, abssectum
  1410. annul
    concido 3
  1411. amputate
    seco 1
  1412. abbreviator
    amputator, amputatoris m
  1413. a cylindrical stone for levelling the ground :: a roller
    cylindrus, cylindri m
  1414. after the manner of the Cynics
  1415. an evergreen tree sacred to Pluto and used at funerals
    cupressus, cupressi f (cupressus, cupressus m, cyparissus, cyparissi f)
  1416. an evergreen tree sacred to Pluto and used at funerals
    cupressus, cupressus m
  1417. accumulate the water
    aggerem aquae obicio
  1418. azure
    caeruleus, caerulea, caeruleum
  1419. azure
    caerulus, caerula, caerulum
  1420. azure
    coeruleus, coerulea, coeruleum
  1421. azure
    coerulus, coerula, coerulum
  1422. atrocious
    atrox, atrocis
  1423. adored
    dilecta, dilectae f
  1424. agitating
    discussus, discussus m
  1425. a set day :: appointed time :: air
    dies, diei m
  1426. at a high price
  1427. at a high price
  1428. affection
    charitas, charitatis f
  1429. account-book
    calendarium (kalendarium), ii n
  1430. agreement
    decisio, decisionis f
  1431. announce a thing to be one’s own :: allow a thing to be one’s own :: admit a thing to be one’s own :: acknowledge :: apprehend
    agnosco 3
  1432. affirm :: assert
    assero 3 (adsero 3)
  1433. appropriate something to one’s self
    assero 3 (adsero 3)
  1434. adorn oneself with borrowed plumes
    alienis coloribus me adorno
  1435. adorn
    coorno 1
  1436. appropriate a thing to any one
    dico 1
  1437. air-vessel in a hydraulic instrument :: a (natural) hollow in a rock
    catinum, catini n
  1438. air-vessel in a hydraulic instrument :: a (natural) hollow in a rock
    catinus, catini m
  1439. achieve a victory over the enemy
    victoriam ab hoste reporto
  1440. an ellipsis
    defectio, defectionis f
  1441. a failing :: a eclipsing
    defectus, defectus m
  1442. apology
    apologia, apologiae f
  1443. accurate discrimination
    subdistinctio, subdistinctionis f
  1444. an uncouth style
    deformitas, deformitatis f
  1445. agreeable
    delectabilis, delectabile
  1446. a considering together :: a warlike measure
    consilium, consilii n
  1447. at one’s ease
  1448. amusement
    delectamentum, delectamenti n
  1449. allurement
    delicia, deliciae f
  1450. allurement
    deliciae, deliciarum f
  1451. allurement
    delicies, deliciei f
  1452. allurement
    delicium, delicii n
  1453. allurement
    delicius, delicii m
  1454. amusement
    delectatio, delectationis f
  1455. abjure
    abiuro 1
  1456. apostasy
    apostasia, apostasiae f
  1457. a verb that lays aside its proper passive signification
    deponens, deponentis n
  1458. abjudicate
    abiudico 1
  1459. assumed
    ascitus, ascita, ascitum
  1460. agree to any act :: acquiesce
    descendo 3
  1461. articulate :: appoint
    dico 3
  1462. abandoned
    abrelictus, abrelicta, abrelictum
  1463. abominable
    abominābilis, abominābile
  1464. avarice :: ambition :: an undue partiality
    cupiditas, cupiditatis f
  1465. abject
    contemptus, contempta, contemptum
  1466. abomination
    aspernamentum, aspernamenti n
  1467. agitate
    scindo 3
  1468. annihilation
    devastatio, devastationis f
  1469. appraise
    aestimo 1
  1470. appraise
    aestumo 1
  1471. abominated
    detestatus, detestata, detestatum
  1472. abnormal
    abnormis, abnorme
  1473. anomalous
    anomalos, anomalon
  1474. anomalous
    anomalus, anomala, anomalum
  1475. attack one with artifice
    calvio 4
  1476. attack one with artifice
    calvo 3
  1477. attack one with artifice
    calvor 3 (calvo 3) (calvio 4)
  1478. apply one's time to
    tempus consumo
  1479. attached :: abandoned to
    devotus, devota, devotum
  1480. allegiance :: any form of prayer
    devotio, devotionis f
  1481. attachment
    agglutinatio, agglutinationis f
  1482. adroitness
    astutia, astutiae f
  1483. aptness
    dexteritas, dexteritatis f
  1484. art of debating
    dialectica, dialecticae f
  1485. art of debating
    dialectice, dialectices f
  1486. art of debating
    dialectica, dialecticorum n
  1487. a cubic number
    cubus, cubi m
  1488. asthma
    anhelatio, anhelationis f
  1489. asthma
    anhelatus, anhelatus m
  1490. asthma
    anhelitus, anhelitus m
  1491. a learned work
    commentatio, commentationis f
  1492. assiduous :: attentive :: accurate :: attentively investigating
    diligens, diligentis
  1493. assiduously
    de industria
  1494. assiduously
    ex industria
  1495. anise
    anethum, anethi n
  1496. abatement
    deminutio, deminutionis f
  1497. abatement
    diminutio, diminutionis f
  1498. art of diplomacy
    ars politica
  1499. ablution
    baptisma, baptismatis n
  1500. ablution
    baptismum, baptismi n
  1501. ablution
    baptismus, baptismi m
  1502. aim
    collineo 1
  1503. attend to :: apprehend
    animadverto 3
  1504. attend to :: apprehend
    animadvorto 3
  1505. attentive
    adtentus, adtenta, adtentum
  1506. attentive
    attentus, attenta, attentum (adtentus)
  1507. abject
    sordidus, sordida, sordidum
  1508. ascertain
    comperio 4

  1509. apocalypsis, apocalypsis f
  1510. at variance
    discors, discordis
  1511. absurdly
  1512. advise against war
    bellum dissuadeo
  1513. adopt
    concipio 5
  1514. avert
    aspernor 1
  1515. a vicious action
    dedecus, dedecoris n
  1516. apostate
    transfuga, transfugae c
  1517. avert an indictment
    crimen propulso
  1518. alienate
    transvendo 3
  1519. arrange :: arrange in agreement with others :: agree upon
    compono 3
  1520. affection
    animus, animi m
  1521. agitate
    afflicto (adflicto) 1
  1522. agitate :: abandoned
    afflictus, afflicta, afflictum (adflictus)
  1523. absurdity
    absurditas, absurditatis f
  1524. articulately
  1525. anxious
    anxius, anxia, anxium
  1526. apportion :: assign
    discribo 3
  1527. administrative area :: administrative district :: administrative unit
    chora, chorae f
  1528. agitate
    turbo 1
  1529. agitate :: attract :: arouse
    sollicito 1
  1530. alter
    vario 1
  1531. allay suspicion of oneself
    suspicione me exsolvo
  1532. arrange
    tempero 1
  1533. arrange in centuries :: assign to companies
    centurio 1
  1534. articulate
    articulo 1
  1535. apportion
    discrimino 1
  1536. augury from birds :: auspices
    auspicium, auspicii n
  1537. aëromancy
    aeromantia, aeromantiae f
  1538. assert strongly :: assert firmly
    adsevero 1
  1539. assert strongly :: assert firmly
    assevero 1 (adsevero 1)
  1540. alternate
    alterno 1
  1541. affect a person or thing with something
    afficio 5
  1542. act
    aceto 1 [2]
  1543. a shameless, vile person :: a fierce or enraged person :: a constellation: the dog :: a Cynic philosopher :: a kind of fetter :: a small river tributary to the Po
    canis, canis c
  1544. acting :: action :: act
    actio, actionis f
  1545. a water-organ shaped like a dolphin
    delphinulus, delphinuli m
  1546. a water-organ shaped like a dolphin
    delphinus, delphini m (delphin, delphinis m)
  1547. a water-organ shaped like a dolphin
    delphis, delphinis m
  1548. authority
    dicio, dicionis f
  1549. an argument in which an adversary is pinned between two difficulties
    dilemma, dilemmatis n
  1550. ambiguously
  1551. ambiguously
  1552. abject
    abiectus, abiecta, abiectum
  1553. adjust
    diduco 3
  1554. alienate from
    abstraho 3
  1555. abridge
    adstringo 3
  1556. abridge
    astringo 3 (adstringo 3)
  1557. add
    superinduco 3
  1558. attract
    allicio 5 (adlicio 5)
  1559. attract :: attract
    adtraho 3
  1560. attract :: attract
    attraho 3 (adtraho 3)
  1561. assemble :: accomplish
    contraho 3
  1562. assemble
    conduco 3
  1563. assume :: acquire
    traho 3
  1564. attraction
    adtractus, adtractus m
  1565. attraction
    attractus, attractus m
  1566. abridging :: abridgment
    contractio, contractionis f
  1567. abridged
    contractus, contracta, contractum
  1568. attracted
    adtractus, adtracta, adtractum
  1569. attracted
    attractus, attracta, attractum
  1570. added with garlic
    aliatus, aliata, aliatum
  1571. absorb :: arrive at the region of the river
    bibo 3
  1572. absorbing color
    bibulus, bibula, bibulum
  1573. accomplish
    transigo 3
  1574. assemble
    compello 3
  1575. assemble
    cogo 3
  1576. arrive at
    appello 3 (adpello 3)
  1577. approaching :: approach
    appulsus, appulsus m
  1578. a very little
    stilla, stillae f
  1579. ashes of vegetable
    spodium, spodii n
  1580. arid country
    arida, aridae f
  1581. arid
    arens, arentis
  1582. arid :: avaricious
    ardus, arda, ardum
  1583. arid :: avaricious
    aridus, arida, aridum
  1584. aridity
    aritudo, aritudinis f
  1585. any thing dry :: a being withered
    ariditas, ariditatis f
  1586. a fit occasion :: advantage
    commoditas, commoditatis f
  1587. aptly :: appropriately
  1588. at night
    de nocte
  1589. abide
    versor 1
  1590. apartment :: auricle
    aedes, aedium f
  1591. apartment
    aedis, aedis f
  1592. a deity :: a god
    caelicola, caelicolae m
  1593. abode
    sedes, sedis f
  1594. among each other
    alius ... alium ...
  1595. assiduous :: anxious after any thing :: attached
    studiosus, studiosa, studiosum
  1596. avaricious
    avarus, avara, avarum
  1597. ardently
  1598. anxiously
  1599. ardently
  1600. avidity :: avarice :: appetite
    aviditas, aviditatis f
  1601. a constellation
    aquila, aquilae f
  1602. auditor
    auris, auris f
  1603. affirmation :: asseveration
    adseveratio, adseverationis f
  1604. affirmation :: asseveration
    asseveratio, asseverationis f (adseveratio)
  1605. admonition
    commonitio, commonitionis f
  1606. anxious :: attended to
    curatus, curata, curatum
  1607. abyss
    voratrina, voratrinae f
  1608. an acquiring :: attainment
    consecutio, consecutionis f
  1609. accomplish
    designo 1
  1610. attempt
    conatus, conatus m
  1611. arm
    ulna, ulnae f
  1612. at another place
  1613. an epithet of Venus emerging from the sea
    anadyomene, anadyomenes f
  1614. arousal of the mind
    concitatio mentis (animi)
  1615. accent :: accentuation
    accentio, accentionis f
  1616. assistant
    synergus, synergi m
  1617. absence
    vacuitas, vacuitatis f
  1618. at leisure
    vacans, vacantis
  1619. arranged like the cavea in a theatre
    caveatus, caveata, caveatum
  1620. asserted :: affirmed
    confirmatus, confirmata, confirmatum
  1621. at the end of the month of June
    ultimo mense Iunio
  1622. artful
    artitus, artita, artitum
  1623. abundant
    auctus, aucta, auctum
  1624. animate
    convegeto 1
  1625. animate
    convigeto 1
  1626. animated :: active
    vegetus, vegeta, vegetum
  1627. accept as a guest
    adhospito 1
  1628. all together
  1629. avarice
    aerugo, aeruginis f
  1630. adjective
    appositum, appositi n
  1631. at equal distance
    aequo discrimine
  1632. ambiguity
    ambiguitas, ambiguitatis f
  1633. abscond
    fuga subtrahor
  1634. avoid
    subterfugio 5
  1635. attending multitude
    comitatus, comitatus m
  1636. at least :: assuredly
    tum certe
  1637. above all
    tum praecipue
  1638. abate
    consido 3
  1639. appraise
    adaero 1
  1640. aerial
    Dialis, Diale
  1641. as far as from
    abusque + Abl.
  1642. also now hardly
    vixdum etiam
  1643. around and around
    circa omnia
  1644. all over
    totis locis
  1645. aggravate the charges
    crimina aspero
  1646. aggravation of the disease
    suprapositio, suprapositionis f
  1647. appreciation
    condignatio, condignationis f
  1648. auditor
    discussor, discussoris m
  1649. a resin producing intoxication, which was sometimes mingled with wine
    crapula, crapulae f
  1650. agio
    collubus, collubi m
  1651. agio
    collybus, collybi m
  1652. arouse a war
    bellum moveo
  1653. anxiety :: agitation
    tumultus, tumultus m
  1654. abominable
    detestabilis, detestabile
  1655. averting
    detestatio, detestationis f
  1656. apply one’s self with zeal to
    contendo 3
  1657. abide
    consto 1
  1658. await your arrival
    tuum adventum praestolor

  1659. specialista, specialistae m
  1660. argumentative
    argumentativus, argumentativa, argumentativum
  1661. applause
    significatio, significationis f
  1662. appearance
    vultus, vultus m
  1663. air :: aspect :: appearance
    voltus, voltus m
  1664. amplification
    amplificatio, amplificationis f
  1665. a city deserted by citizens
    urbs vasta a civibus
  1666. any hat :: any helmet
    apex, apicis m
  1667. arrogance
    supercilium, supercilii n
  1668. absence
    delinquio, delinquionis f
  1669. absence
    deliquio, deliquionis f (delinquio, delinquionis f)
  1670. absence
    deliquium, deliquii n
  1671. adieu
  1672. a good journey to you
    bene ambula!
  1673. a good journey to you
    bene ambulato!
  1674. adieu
  1675. adieu
  1676. artificial
    affectatus, affectata, affectatum
  1677. a rustic’s hut
    colonica, colonicae f
  1678. agriculture
    cultus agricolarum (agricolae)
  1679. agriculture
    cultus agrorum (agri)
  1680. arable land
    aratoria, aratoriorum n
  1681. acceleration
    addensatio, addensationis f
  1682. affix
    suffigo 3
  1683. astound :: astonish
    defigo 3
  1684. attach
    apio 5
  1685. attach
    apo 3
  1686. abdomen
    abdomen, abdominis n
  1687. abdomen
    abdumen, abduminis n
  1688. ancestor
    atavus, atavi m
  1689. abundant
    altilis, altile
  1690. alloy
    vitium, vitii n
  1691. anxiety
    anxia, anxiae f
  1692. apprehension :: alarm :: anxiety :: awe
    timor, timoris m
  1693. apprehension :: alarm :: anxiety :: awe
    timos, timoris m
  1694. awful :: abominable
    dirus, dira, dirum
  1695. awestruck with fear
    timore perculsus
  1696. await with fear
    vereor 2
  1697. agree :: accord :: assert unitedly :: agree to any wrong
    consentio 4
  1698. apparently
  1699. agreement
    compassio, compassionis f
  1700. agreement
    compatientia, compatientiae f
  1701. associate
    socius, socii m
  1702. association
    societas, societatis f
  1703. association
    consortio, consortionis f
  1704. association
    sodalicium, sodalicii n
  1705. association
    sodalitium, sodalitii n
  1706. advocate
    assertrix, assertricis f
  1707. art of making unguents :: art of making perfumes
    unguentaria, unguentariae f
  1708. assistant
    administra, administrae f
  1709. avert
    defendo 3
  1710. assumed position of a place
    topothesia, topothesiae f
  1711. at a speed of fifty kilometres per hour
    celeritate quinquaginta chiliometrorum horalium
  1712. attack :: assault
    appugno 1
  1713. am a hero with a pen and ink
    calamo et atramento milito
  1714. arouse in someone's desire
    desiderio aliquem afficio
  1715. animate
    animo 1
  1716. a disease in the feet of sheep
    subluvies, subluviei f
  1717. accommodation
    commodatio, commodationis f
  1718. a small gridiron
    craticula, craticulae f
  1719. a small gridiron
    craticulum, craticuli n
  1720. anyway
    per me licet [+ Konj.]
  1721. acute :: accurate
    subtilis, subtile
  1722. acutely :: accurately
  1723. acuteness :: absence of ornament
    subtilitas, subtilitatis f
  1724. a sort of muscle :: a kind of grape :: a sort of grass :: a precious stone :: a dactyl, –⏑⏑
    dactilus, dactili m
  1725. a sort of muscle :: a kind of grape :: a sort of grass :: a precious stone :: a dactyl, –⏑⏑
    dactylus, dactyli m
  1726. audacity
  1727. at once
  1728. angelfish
    amio, amionis m
  1729. angling
    uncino 1
  1730. adapt one thing to another :: adjust to :: adapt to :: accommodate to :: apply
    accommodo 1
  1731. adorn
    suborno 1
  1732. adapt :: accommodate :: apply :: adjust
    apto 1
  1733. adjust
    supparo 1
  1734. adjust :: accommodate
    adtempero 1
  1735. adjust :: accommodate
    attempero 1
  1736. adjust together with something
    coapto 1
  1737. appropriate for :: agreeable
    concinnus, concinna, concinnum
  1738. agreeably
  1739. agreeably
  1740. added to by art
    adfabricatus, adfabricata, adfabricatu
  1741. added to by art
    affabricatus, affabricata, affabricatu
  1742. apposite :: appropriate :: adapted :: apt for
    aptus, apta, aptum
  1743. adapted to :: appropriate to
    accommodatus, accommodata, accommodatum
  1744. armed with a shield
    scutatus, scutata, scutatum
  1745. adjusting of one thing to another :: adapting of one’s will to another’s
    accommodatio, accommodationis f
  1746. arch
    absida, absidae f
  1747. arch
    absis, absidis f
  1748. affix :: annex :: attach to
    affigo 3
  1749. arrange :: appoint something (for or to something) :: agree upon :: accord :: agree with one in a thing :: appoint :: agree upon :: assent to
    constituo 3
  1750. ardor :: ardent desire
    ardor, ardoris m
  1751. allurements
    blanditiae, blanditiarum f
  1752. adulation :: approbation :: assent
    adsentatio, adsentationis f
  1753. adulation :: approbation :: assent
    assentatio, assentationis f
  1754. alluring strain
    cantiuncula, cantiunculae f
  1755. any thing that pleases the senses :: an object that charms :: allurement
    blandimentum, blandimenti n
  1756. adulatory
    adulans, adulantis
  1757. adulatory
    adulatorius, adulatoria, adulatorium
  1758. avoid
    suffugio 5
  1759. avoid
    aufugio 5
  1760. a piece of meat
    carnicula, carniculae f
  1761. a piece of meat
    carnilla, carnillae f
  1762. aircraft crew
    aeronautici, aeronauticorum m
  1763. abandoned to
    diffluo 3
  1764. abound in
    abundo 1
  1765. abound
    circumfluo 3
  1766. abound in
    affluo 3 (adfluo 3)
  1767. abounding in :: abundant
    affluens, affluentis (adfluens, adfluentis)
  1768. aircraft
    apparatus volatilis
  1769. air travel
    volatio, volationis f
  1770. arise from :: attain to :: arrive at
    consequor 3
  1771. attend :: accompany
    sector 1
  1772. adopt someone's advice
    alicuius consiliis utor
  1773. attend :: accompany :: adopt
    consequor 3
  1774. attain to
    assequor 3 (adsequor 3)
  1775. attend eagerly :: attend continually
    consector 1
  1776. attendant :: adherent
    sectator, sectatoris m
  1777. attendant
    adsecla, adsecula m
  1778. attendant
    assecla, asseclae m (assecula, asseculae m) (adsecla, adsecula)
  1779. attendant
    assecula, asseculae m
  1780. a school :: a sect
    schola, scholae f
  1781. and so forth :: and so on
  1782. affectionate
    amans, amantis

  1783. fatuus, fatua, fatuum
  1784. absurdly
  1785. a year hence
    ad annum
  1786. arrange
    digero 3
  1787. abundance
    vis, vim, vi, vires, virium f
  1788. auction-hall :: auction-room
    atrium, atrii n
  1789. averse
    alienus, aliena, alienum
  1790. alien
    alienigena, alienigenae
  1791. alien
    alienigenus, alienigena, alienigenum
  1792. any member of a hostile people
    barbarus, barbari m
  1793. advanced guard
    antecursores, antecursorum m
  1794. authority
    vates, vatis m (f)
  1795. a chevaux-defrise
    cervus, cervi m
  1796. amass :: accumulate
    acervo 1
  1797. alter
    diffingo 3
  1798. accumulate :: augment by heaping up :: amass
    cumulo 1
  1799. assertion
    adsertio, adsertionis f
  1800. assertion
    assertio, assertionis f
  1801. apostatize
    apostato 1
  1802. abandon
    derelinquo 3
  1803. abandoning
    destitutio, destitutionis f
  1804. auspicious
    auspex, auspicis
  1805. a quarter of an inch
    sicilicus, sicilici m
  1806. a quarter of an inch
    siciliquus, siciliqui m
  1807. augury
    ales, alitis c
  1808. aromatic
    suaveolens, suaveolentis
  1809. a political body
    corpus, corporis n
  1810. at large
    solutus, soluta, solutum
  1811. always freeze
    alsito 1
  1812. ally
    amecus, ameci m
  1813. ally
    ameicus, ameici m
  1814. ally
    amicus, amici m
  1815. amicable
    amicabilis, amicabile
  1816. amicable
    amicus, amica, amicum
  1817. alliance between nations
    amicitia, amicitiae f
  1818. alliance between nations
    amicities, amicitiei f
  1819. avert
    deterreo 2
  1820. affright :: alarm
    terreo 2
  1821. alarming
    territio, territionis f
  1822. above
  1823. around on all sides
  1824. adorned with silver
    argenteus, argentea, argenteum
  1825. adorned with silver
    argentius, argentia, argentium
  1826. afterwards
  1827. away from
    de + Abl.
  1828. away from :: after :: at :: after
    a + Abl.
  1829. away from :: after :: at :: after
    ab + Abl.
  1830. away from :: after :: at :: after
    abs + Abl.
  1831. away from :: after :: at :: after
    aps + Abl.
  1832. an army drawn up in order of battle
    acies, aciei f
  1833. accomplish
    condo 3
  1834. accede to someone's pleas
    alicui petenti satisfacio
  1835. adoption of a homo sui iuris in the place of a child
    arrogatio, arrogationis f
  1836. ample :: abundant
    amplus, ampla, amplum
  1837. abusive
    contumeliosus, contumeliosa, contumeliosum
  1838. acute :: artful
    argutus, arguta, argutum
  1839. announcing disturbances
    tumultuosus, tumultuosa, tumultuosum
  1840. accompanied with noise or clamor
    clamosus, clamosa, clamosum
  1841. abounding in clay
    argillosus, argillosa, argillosum
  1842. agreeable
    voluptuosus, voluptuosa, voluptuosum
  1843. affectionate
    affectuosus, affectuosa, affectuosum
  1844. accusalory
    criminosus, criminosa, criminosum
  1845. amended or polished here and there
    cicatricosus, cicatricosa, cicatricosum
  1846. arduous
    scruposus, scruposa, scruposum
  1847. afficted with calculus or stone
    calculosus, calculosa, calculosum
  1848. abounding in springs
    scaturiginosus, scaturiginosa, scaturiginosum
  1849. agitated :: aroused
    turbulentus, turbulenta, turbulentum
  1850. abominable :: accursed
    scelerosus, scelerosa, scelerosum
  1851. abundance
    suppeditatio, suppeditationis f
  1852. abundance
    affluitas, affluitatis f
  1853. absolutely
  1854. affix :: attest
    consigno 1
  1855. arm
    armo 1
  1856. abounding
    copiosus, copiosa, copiosum
  1857. attentive
    auritus, aurita, auritum
  1858. adorned with little figures
    sigillatus, sigillata, sigillatum
  1859. adorned with mirrors
    speculatus, speculata, speculatum
  1860. archives
    vasarium, vasarii n
  1861. additionally ornamented
    superadornatus, superadornata, superadornatum
  1862. acquire
    appario 5
  1863. acquire merit :: act meritoriously
    bene mereor
  1864. anything uncertain :: anything contingent :: an accident
    alea, aleae f
  1865. anything uncertain :: anything contingent :: an accident
    alia, aliae f
  1866. assembly
    corona, coronae f
  1867. assembly
    chorona, choronae f
  1868. accumulate
    conglobo 1
  1869. assemble
    colligo 3
  1870. assemble
    congregor 1
  1871. ass :: a man impotent through age
    canterius, canterii m
  1872. ass :: a man impotent through age
    cantherius, cantherii m
  1873. according to custom
  1874. ascent :: ascending road :: any thing sloping
    cliva, clivorum n
  1875. ascent :: ascending road :: any thing sloping
    clivus, clivi m
  1876. arm themselves
    telis cingor
  1877. attack from the right side
    dextram partem operis administro
  1878. a watering-place
    aquatio, aquationis f
  1879. accustoming to something
    assuetudo alicuius rei
  1880. alms
    stips, stipis f
  1881. arm
    adcingo 3
  1882. arm yourself
    accinctio, accinctionis f
  1883. arm yourself
    accinctus, accinctus m
  1884. answer cogently
    aliquid certi respondeo
  1885. arrange in distinct lines :: arrange :: arrange
    derigo 3
  1886. arrange in distinct lines :: arrange :: arrange
    dirigo 3
  1887. assist :: animate :: avail
    adiuvo 1
  1888. announce
    denuntio 1
  1889. attend to :: assist :: aid :: appear :: attend
    adsum (assum)
  1890. administer
    dato 1
  1891. aid :: assist
    auxilior 1
  1892. aid :: assist
    auxilio 1
  1893. adore
    adveneror 1
  1894. award any thing to one :: adjudge any thing to one :: adjudge to the highest bidder
    addico 3
  1895. affirm :: announce
    dedico 1
  1896. assent to :: assent to :: allow
    concedo 3
  1897. award someone with the victory wreath
    coronam honoris alicui do
  1898. acquit from
    condono 1
  1899. abet a cause
    alicui rei materiam do
  1900. abandon fear
    timorem omitto
  1901. addicted to drunkenness
    bibax, bibacis
  1902. addicted :: assiduous
    deditus, dedita, deditum
  1903. a silent approach :: a stealthy approach
    allapsus, allapsus m (adlapsus)
  1904. approach :: attack :: accede to :: assent to :: agree with
    accedo 3
  1905. argue
    ambigo 3
  1906. admonishing
  1907. admonishing
  1908. abscond
    clam me subduco
  1909. abscond
    clam me submoveo
  1910. abate :: avoid
    decedo 3
  1911. anticipate
  1912. anticipate
  1913. anticipate
  1914. ascend :: advance :: approach
    succedo 3
  1915. alight
    degredior 5
  1916. approach often
    adito 1
  1917. achieve by fighting
    decerto 1
  1918. achieve by fighting
    decertor 1
  1919. accost :: address :: approach with a request :: apply to :: accuse
    appello 1 (adpello 1)
  1920. approach
    admeo 1
  1921. approach
    aggredio 5
  1922. approach :: address :: apply to :: assail :: attack
  1923. approach :: apply to :: address :: attempt to bribe :: attempt to tamper with :: attack :: assault
    aggredior 5
  1924. assemble :: assimilate :: agree :: ally one’s self
  1925. approach :: attack
    suggredior 5
  1926. accost :: address
    congredior 5
  1927. adapt one’s self to
    concedo 3
  1928. approach
    accessio, accessionis f
  1929. ambitious
    ambitiosus, ambitiosa, ambitiosum
  1930. address :: accosting
    appellatio, appellationis f
  1931. approach
    aditio, aditionis f
  1932. approach :: access :: access :: avenue
    aditus, aditus m
  1933. approaching :: approach :: access :: admittance :: accession
    accessus, accessus m
  1934. attack :: assault
    aggressio, aggressionis f
  1935. according to the decrees of the synod
    synodicus, synodica, synodicum
  1936. a precious stone
    chryselectrum, chryselectri n
  1937. an ornament of gold :: a golden vessel :: a golden utensil, chain
    aurum, auri n
  1938. affability
    bonitas, bonitatis f
  1939. arthritic
    arthriticus, arthritica, arthriticum
  1940. ancestor :: an old man
    avus, avi m
  1941. a inherited prejudice
    avia, aviae f
  1942. award a thing to one as judge :: adjudge
    adiudico 1
  1943. agree or consent to :: assent :: acquiesce in
    concedo 3
  1944. accede to someone's pleas
    alicuius precibus respondeo
  1945. accede to someone's pleas
    alicuius precibus satisfacio
  1946. allow :: ascribe :: assign :: attribute
    tribuo 3
  1947. a plant, also called artemisia
    botrys, botryos f
  1948. accompanying
    assecutio, assecutionis f
  1949. austerely
  1950. austerely
  1951. austerity
    severitudo, severitudinis f
  1952. accuracy
    accuratio, accurationis f
  1953. affright :: alarm
    terror, terroris m
  1954. ancestor
    abavus, abavi m
  1955. august
    dapaticus, dapatica, dapaticum
  1956. avarice, covetousness
    avaritas, avaritatis f
  1957. avarice, covetousness
    avaritia, avaritiae f
  1958. avarice,
    avarities, avaritiei f
  1959. absinthium
    barypicron, barypicri n
  1960. afflict one’s self
    afflictor 1
  1961. acquire strength
    valesco 3
  1962. agree together
    coalesco 3
  1963. agree together
    colesco 3
  1964. agree together
    coolēsco 3
  1965. augment
    adolesco 3
  1966. added to by way of increase :: added to by way of augmentation
    adcresco 3
  1967. august
    altus, alta, altum
  1968. adventitious
    supercreatus, supercreata, supercreatum
  1969. adult :: advanced
    adultus, adulta, adultum
  1970. attendant
    custos, custodis c
  1971. a keeping
    custoditio, custoditionis f
  1972. an evil doer
    sons, sontis m
  1973. alimentary canal
    stomachus, stomachi m
  1974. agent
    arilator, arilatoris m
  1975. agent
    arillator, arillatoris m
  1976. agent
    cocio, cocionis m
  1977. agent
    coctio, coctionis m
  1978. agent
    cotio, cotionis m
  1979. a semi as
    semis (indecl.)
  1980. a semi as
    semis, semissis m
  1981. almost defenceless
    seminudus, seminuda, seminudum
  1982. a crooked handle
    cupa, cupae f (2)
  1983. attack :: assail :: affect :: attempt :: agitate
    tempto 1
  1984. attack :: assail :: affect :: attempt :: agitate
    tento 1
  1985. abundant
    beatus, beata, beatum
  1986. adverse
    durus, dura, durum
  1987. amicably
  1988. accord
    convocium, convocii n
  1989. afflicting
    acerbus, acerba, acerbum
  1990. abuse
    abusio, abusionis f
  1991. agitated by a storm :: acrid :: austere :: adverse
    asper, aspera, asperum
  1992. austere
    austerus, austera, austerum
  1993. austerity
    austeritas, austeritatis f
  1994. accelerate greatly
    depropero 1 (tr.)
  1995. accelerate
    accelero 1 (tr.)
  1996. accelerate
    appropero 1 (adpropero 1)
  1997. accelerate
    adcelero 1 (tr.)
  1998. an exciting up :: affection
    concitatio, concitationis f
  1999. an exciting up :: affection
    concitatus, concitatus m
  2000. an exciting up :: affection
    concitus, concitüs m
  2001. acceleration
    acceleratio, accelerationis f
  2002. agile :: active
    agilis, agile
  2003. arrogant :: arrogant
    superbus, superba, superbum
  2004. acquit one’s self of
    defungor 3
  2005. attend to :: apply one’s self to
    cesso 1
  2006. ache
    vermino 1
  2007. angular
    angularis, angulare
  2008. adorned with a bush of hair
    comans, comantis
  2009. attempt
    ausus, ausus m
  2010. arguer
    argumentator, argumentatoris m
  2011. author
    auctor, auctoris c
  2012. author
    author, authoris c
  2013. articulator
    articulator, articulatoris m
  2014. atheist
    atheos, athei m
  2015. atheist
    atheus, athei m (atheos, athei m)
  2016. a charioteer in the games of the circus
    auriga, aurigae m
  2017. attendant
    adsectator, adsectatoris m
  2018. attendant
    assectator, assectatoris m (adsectator)
  2019. admonisher
    admonitor, admonitoris m
  2020. aid :: assistant of a judge
    assessor, assessoris m (adsessor)
  2021. assessor :: aid :: assistant of a judge
    assedo, assedonis m
  2022. assessor :: aid :: assistant of a judge
    assessor, assessoris m (adsessor)
  2023. armourer
    armator, armatoris m
  2024. a manager
    curator, curatoris m
  2025. a surety
    confirmator, confirmatoris m
  2026. an epithet of the artist Callimachus
    cacizotechnos, cacizotechni m
  2027. an epithet of the artist Callimachus
    catatexitechnos, catatexitechni m
  2028. amplifier
    amplificator, amplificatoris m
  2029. a champion
    decertator, decertatoris m
  2030. attendant
    continuus, continui m
  2031. attendant :: assistant
    administer, administri m
  2032. an adorner
    cosmeta, cosmetae m
  2033. an adorner
    cosmetes, cosmetae m
  2034. author
    conciliator, conciliatoris m
  2035. a contemner
    contemptor, contemptoris m
  2036. adviser
    consuasor, consuasoris m
  2037. abbot
    abbas, abbatis m
  2038. a decurion :: a member of the senate of the municipia and the colonies
    decurio, decurionis m
  2039. a decurion :: a member of the senate of the municipia and the colonies
    decurionus, decurioni m
  2040. animal
    caput, capitis n
  2041. a mass piled up :: a heap added to an accumulated mass or to a full measure
    cumulus, cumuli m
  2042. accumulated
    concumulatus, concumulata, concumulatum
  2043. a rhetorical figure
    coacervatio, coacervationis f
  2044. accumulation
    acervatio, acervationis f
  2045. attend at the door
    ausculto 1
  2046. attend :: assent to :: agree with :: approve, allow
    audio 4
  2047. auditor
    auditor, auditoris m
  2048. audience :: auditory
    auditorium, auditorii n
  2049. audience :: attention
    audientia, audientiae f
  2050. altitude
    altitudo, altitudinis f
  2051. assist someone
    auxilio alicui sum
  2052. aid
    adiutus, adiutus m
  2053. aid :: assistance
    adiutorium, adiutorii n
  2054. aid :: assistance
    auxilium, auxilii n
  2055. assistance
    adiuvamen, adiuvaminis n
  2056. assistance
    adiuvamentum, adiuvamenti n
  2057. assistance
    adiuvatio, adiuvationis f
  2058. assistance
    suppetium, suppetii n
  2059. assist
    adiuto 1
  2060. assist
    adiutor 1
  2061. assistant
    auxiliator, auxiliatoris m
  2062. assistant :: administrator
    administrator, administratoris m
  2063. aid package
    collectanea auxiliaria
  2064. apostates
    archontici, archonticorum m
  2065. anchorite
    anachoreta, anachoretae m
  2066. active
    alticinctus, alticincta, alticinctum
  2067. arduous :: adverse
    arduus, ardua, arduum
  2068. active
    alte cinctus
  2069. active
    altecinctus, altecincta, altecinctum
  2070. add to
    adhibeo 2
  2071. adjacent
    continens, continentis
  2072. arched
    concavus, concava, concavum
  2073. altars and fires
    arae et foci
  2074. altars and fires
    arae focique
  2075. anchor
    uncus, unci m
  2076. angle
    amus, ami m
  2077. angle
    hamus, hami m
  2078. arm of the shore forming a harbor
    cornu, cornus n
  2079. arm of the shore forming a harbor
    cornum, corni n (cornus, cornus m)
  2080. arm of the shore forming a harbor
    cornus, cornus m
  2081. animosity
    simultas, simultatis f
  2082. an other plant producing small burs
    cynoglossus, cynoglossī f
  2083. apparatus
    supelex, supelectilis f
  2084. apparatus
    supellectilis, supellectilis f
  2085. apparatus
    supellex, supellectilis f
  2086. also called aïzoon maius
    amerimnon, amerimni n
  2087. art lover and science buff
    artium liberalium cultor
  2088. act of worship
    supplicium, supplicii n
  2089. admire your courage
    tuam audaciam miror / de tua audacia miror
  2090. anxious
    aeger, aegra, aegrum
  2091. analphabetic
    agrammatos, agrammaton
  2092. affect
    affecto 1
  2093. after :: along
    secundum + Akk.
  2094. ambrosial
    ambroseus, ambrosea, ambroseum
  2095. ambrosial :: anointed with ambrosia
    ambrosius, ambrosia, ambrosium
  2096. agitate violently :: alarm
    concutio 5
  2097. arms
    arma, armorum n
  2098. amended
    correctus, correcta, correctum
  2099. accurately
  2100. awkwardly
  2101. abnormally
  2102. artistically
  2103. artistically
  2104. abundantly
  2105. abundantly
  2106. at full speed
  2107. according to custom
  2108. according to custom
  2109. after a short time
    brevi tempore
  2110. as in summer
  2111. add in one's mind
    adaudio 4
  2112. abbreviated
  2113. admonishingly
  2114. amorously
  2115. at any rate :: assuredly :: at least
  2116. abruptly
  2117. at hand
  2118. at hand
    comminus (cominus)
  2119. at the same time
  2120. at the right time :: appropriately
    tempestivo tempore
  2121. anciently
  2122. anciently
  2123. abundantly :: at length
  2124. abundantly
  2125. according to truth
  2126. abundantly
  2127. as well as :: as much as :: alike
  2128. as well as :: as much as :: alike
  2129. according to my opinion
    ut mea est opinio
  2130. according to my opinion
    ut mea fert opinio
  2131. according to my opinion
    ut opinor
  2132. at the same time
  2133. all at once
    uno tractu
  2134. at the time of Pericles
    temporibus Periclis
  2135. again
  2136. abundantly
  2137. abundantly
  2138. as time goes by
    temporis processu
  2139. adverbially
  2140. according to friends
    de amicorum sententia
  2141. about :: around :: about
    circa + Akk.
  2142. according to custom
  2143. all over the world
    toto orbe
  2144. assuredly
  2145. at whatever time
  2146. additional circumstances :: adjuncts
    adiuncta, adiunctorum n
  2147. aiding
    auxiliabundus, auxiliabunda, auxiliabundum
  2148. abstract
    a corporibus seductus
  2149. augment much
    auctito 1
  2150. augmentation
    crēscentia, crēscentiae f
  2151. augment :: advance something
    augeo 2
  2152. augmentation
    augmen, augminis n
  2153. augmentation
    augmentatio, augmentationis f
  2154. addition :: accession
    auxesis, auxesis f
  2155. amplify
    augmento 1
  2156. augmenting :: abundance
    auctus, auctus m
  2157. auction
    auctio, auctionis f
  2158. announce :: abdicate
    abdico 1
  2159. announcement
    denuntiatio, denuntiationis f
  2160. apathy
    animus dissolutus
  2161. atom
    atomus, atomi f
  2162. associate with
    utor 3
  2163. adventurer in love
    amatoriis levitatibus deditus
  2164. a sore-throat
    synanche, synanches f
  2165. ask
    sciscitor 1
  2166. apprise
    certioro 1

  2167. Delphicola, Delphicolae m
  2168. an earlier name of the Pontus Euxinus
    axenus, axena, axenum
  2169. apartment
    thalamus, thalami m
  2170. abundance
    ingens numerus
  2171. abundance
    innumerabilis multitudo
  2172. abundance
    innumerabilis vis
  2173. abundance
    multitudo infinita
  2174. abettor
    subornator, subornatoris m
  2175. agreement :: appointment :: accommodation :: a compact
    constitutum, constituti n
  2176. a scoop
    sentinaculum, sentinaculi n
  2177. auger
    terebra, terebrae f
  2178. auger
    terebrum, terebri n
  2179. abuse
    contumelia afficio
  2180. abusive remarks
    voces contumeliosae
  2181. avarice
    immodestia, immodestiae f
  2182. aim at
    animum induco
  2183. aim
    animum intendo
  2184. alternation :: alternative
    alternatio, alternationis f
  2185. agent
    sculna, sculnae m
  2186. accentuation of words :: accent
    voculatio, voculationis f
  2187. add to inflation
    annonam incendo
  2188. author
    commentator, commentatoris m
  2189. accompany
    cingo 3
  2190. a precious stone
    sideritis, sideritidis f
  2191. anomaly
    anomalia, anomaliae f
  2192. apparently it is necessary that not
    deliberari non potest, num ...
  2193. all is lost
    conclamatum est
  2194. apparently there will be rain soon
    caelum admodum pluvium videtur esse
  2195. asphalt
    asphaltus, asphalti f
  2196. arrange appropriately :: adjust
    concinno 1
  2197. agree with one
    adstipulor 1
  2198. agree with one
    astipulo 1
  2199. agree with one
    astipulor 1 (adstipulor 1)
  2200. always to assent :: agree with one in every thing
  2201. always to assent :: agree with one in every thing
    assentor 1 (adsentor 1)
  2202. agree with :: assent to :: approve :: assent to as perceived by sense
    adsentio 4
  2203. agree with :: assent to :: approve :: assent to as perceived by sense
    adsentior 4
  2204. agree with :: assent to :: approve :: assent to as perceived by sense
    assentio 4 (adsentio 4)
  2205. accede to someone's opinion
    discedo in alicuius sententiam
  2206. add to :: annex :: affix
    subiungo 3
  2207. attach to :: affix :: add to :: add near to :: add to a thing
    applico 1 (adplico 1)
  2208. associate
    socio 1
  2209. added to
    adiunctus, adiuncta, adiunctum
  2210. attaching one’s self to
    applicatio, applicationis f
  2211. addition
    adiunctio, adiunctionis f
  2212. addition :: a zealous, ardent attachment to a thing
    affixio, affixionis f
  2213. articulated
    vertebratus,vertebrata, vertebratum
  2214. account
    diiudico 1
  2215. adjudication
    adiudicatio, adiudicationis f
  2216. accusation :: a criminal
    crimen, criminis n
  2217. attack :: assault
    adsulto 1
  2218. attack :: assault
    assulto 1
  2219. as if :: as though
    velut si
  2220. a moment since
  2221. avoid
    alienor 1
  2222. abstain from
    me abiungo
  2223. ass-driver
    asinarius, asinarii m
  2224. access to the sea
    claustra maris
  2225. apt to kick
    calcitrosus, calcitrosa, calcitrosum
  2226. abduction
    abreptus, abreptus m
  2227. attack
    tragula, tragulae f
  2228. a sea-fish
    cercurus, cercuri m
  2229. a sea-fish
    cercyrus, cercyri m
  2230. armlets
    viriae, viriarum f
  2231. a mackerel
    scomber, scombri m
  2232. arouse desire in someone
    cupiditate aliquem inflammo
  2233. an honorable and kind treatment of others
    beneficentia, beneficentiae f
  2234. an honorable and kind treatment of others
    benificentia, benificentiae f
  2235. ancestors (parents, grandparents
    ascendentes, ascendentium m
  2236. authority
    sceptrum, sceptri n
  2237. aromatic herbs
    condimentaria, condimentariorum n
  2238. art of cooking
    cocina, cocinae f
  2239. art of cooking
    coquina, coquinae f
  2240. art of cooking
    cucina, cucinae f
  2241. a portable kitchen
    culina, culinae f
  2242. anapaestic
    anapaestus, anapaesta, anapaestum
  2243. acute :: adroit
    scitus, scita, scitum
  2244. acquainted with
    scio 4
  2245. astronomy
    astronomia, astronomiae f
  2246. astronomy :: astrology
    astrologia, astrologiae f
  2247. astronomy
    astronomica, astronomicon n
  2248. acknowledgment :: admission
    adagnitio, adagnitionis f
  2249. acknowledged :: approved
    cognitus, cognita, cognitum
  2250. add to with labor or pains
    allaboro 1 (adlaboro 1)
  2251. a contrasting of one thought with another :: antithesis
    contentio, contentionis f
  2252. abundantly
  2253. at a late hour
  2254. are making game of someone
    derideo 2
  2255. action
    dica, dicae f
  2256. arrogate :: assume :: appropriate :: avenge
    vendico 1
  2257. arrogate :: assume :: appropriate :: avenge
    vindico 1
  2258. apprehend :: attack :: arrest
    comprehendo 3
  2259. apprehend,detect
    deprehendo 3
  2260. apprehend,detect
    deprendo 3
  2261. allege :: apprehend
    adprehendo 3
  2262. allege :: apprehend
    apprehendo 3 (adprehendo 3), [apprendo 3, adprendo 3]
  2263. avenging
    vindicatio, vindicationis f
  2264. annexing :: answer subjoined :: added explanation
    subiectio, subiectionis f
  2265. avoid :: annul :: abrogate
    circumduco 3
  2266. accompany a person out of the house
    deduco 3
  2267. add
    superduco 3
  2268. act in the interests of the people
    causam populi ago
  2269. advance
    ago 3
  2270. allied
    socius, socia, socium
  2271. alight upon
    supersilio 4
  2272. attack :: assault
    adsultus, adsultus m
  2273. attack :: assault
    assultus, assultus m
  2274. apprentice
    discipulus, discipuli m
  2275. abandon
    desolo 1
  2276. abandon someone to die
    aliquem morti addico
  2277. awkward :: adverse
    sinister, sinistra, sinistrum
  2278. a learned conversation :: a debate :: a disputation
    schola, scholae f
  2279. assist with something
    brachia mea alicui rei praebeo
  2280. as far as
  2281. abate
    deminuo 3
  2282. abject
    submissus, submissa, submissum
  2283. abject
    summissus, summissa, summissum
  2284. allow
    admitto 3
  2285. a beating he shall receive!
    vapulare eum iubeo
  2286. allow someone to pass
    transitum alicui facio
  2287. allow
    sino 3
  2288. astate letter of recommendation
    diploma, diplomatis n
  2289. astate letter of recommendation
    diplomarium, diplomarii n
  2290. abatement, mitigation
    demissio, demissionis f
  2291. admission
    admissus, admissus m
  2292. assist :: alleviate :: assuage
    sublevo 1
  2293. alleviate
    allevo 1 (adlevo 1)
  2294. aggrandize
    adtollo 3
  2295. aggrandize
    attollo 3 (adtollo 3)
  2296. arise :: ascend :: attempt :: assume :: attack
    surgo 3
  2297. arouse :: awaken :: awaken
    suscito 1
  2298. accept :: acknowledge
    tollo 3
  2299. amplification of the voice
    contentio vocis
  2300. abrogation :: annulling
    sublatio, sublationis f
  2301. alleviation
    sublevatio, sublevationis f
  2302. appearance
    simulacrum, simulacri n
  2303. analogy :: application to similar cases
    similitudo, similitudinis f
  2304. an unguent
    crinon, crini n
  2305. an unguent
    crinum, crini n
  2306. abiding
    demoratio, demorationis f
  2307. a dripping moisture
    stilicidium, stilicidii n
  2308. a dripping moisture
    stillicidium, stillicidii n
  2309. attending to
    auscultatio, auscultationis f
  2310. ass’s colt
    asellus, aselli m
  2311. atom
    corpusculum, corpusculi n
  2312. a small bristle
    setula, setulae f
  2313. a small sickle
    sicilicula, siciliculae f
  2314. astragal
    astragalus, astragali m
  2315. arrow
    spiculum, spiculi n
  2316. asterisk
    stellula, stellulae f
  2317. agricultural implement with teeth
    denticulus, denticulī m
  2318. an effeminate person
    turturilla, turturillae f
  2319. accentual mark
    virgula, virgulae f
  2320. an existence :: a being
    veita, veitae f
  2321. an existence :: a being
    vita, vitae f
  2322. activity
    vigor, vigoris m
  2323. ardor :: alacrity
    alacritas, alacritatis f
  2324. active
    alacer, alacris, alacre (alacris, alacre)
  2325. active
    alacris, alacre
  2326. animal
    animal, animalis n
  2327. animal
    animalis, animalis f
  2328. animate being :: animal
    animans, animantis c
  2329. affability
    urbanitas, urbanitatis f
  2330. aquatic
    aquatilis, aquatile
  2331. arms of polypi :: a fringe upon a tunic
    cirra, cirrae f
  2332. arms of polypi :: a fringe upon a tunic
    cirrus, cirri m
  2333. arrogance
    superbia, superbiae f
  2334. apron
    subligar, subligaris n
  2335. appetite
    appetentia, appetentiae f
  2336. avaricious
    avidus, avida, avidum
  2337. avaricious
    cupidus, cupida, cupidum
  2338. ardent desire :: ardent wish
    desiderium, desiderii n
  2339. apprehend
    suspecto 1
  2340. admire
    suspicio 5
  2341. appearance :: aspect
    spectus, spectus m
  2342. air
    vulticulus, vulticuli m
  2343. absolve from a charge :: acquit
    absolvo 3
  2344. abandon
    deficio 5
  2345. adversity
    calamitas, calamitatis f
  2346. acclamation :: applause
    clamor, clamoris m
  2347. acclamation :: applause
    clamos, clamoris m
  2348. acclamation :: applause
    clamositas, clamositatis f
  2349. a laugh in derision
    cachinnus, cachinni m
  2350. a laugh in derision
    cacinus, cacini m
  2351. amiableness
    amabilitas, amabilitatis f
  2352. agreeable
    venustus, venusta, venustum
  2353. amateur
    voluptarius consectator
  2354. amateur
    voluptarius cultor
  2355. amorous
    amorabundus, amorabunda, amorabundum
  2356. amorous :: amatory
    amatorius, amatoria, amatorium
  2357. affectionately
  2358. amiably
  2359. abjectly
  2360. airy summit
    aer, aeris m
  2361. abdomen
    subventrile, subventrilis n
  2362. anoint profusely
    deungo 3
  2363. alluring
    allectatio, allectationis f
  2364. adjacent
    subiectus, subiecta, subiectum
  2365. alarmed
    timefactus, timefacta, timefactum
  2366. angular
    angulatus, angulata, angulatum
  2367. an Indian semi-precious stone
    amphidanes, amphidanae m
  2368. august
    augustus, augusta, augustum
  2369. alter something
    commutationem alicuius rei facio
  2370. applaud
    astrepo 3 (adstrepo 3)
  2371. accomplish
    conficio 5
  2372. alarm
    terrifico 1
  2373. alienate :: abstract
    abalieno 1
  2374. accuse someone of something :: accuse someone of something
    aliquid alicui crimini verto
  2375. announce
    declaro 1
  2376. assert :: attempt to show :: accuse
    arguo 3
  2377. associate
    consocio 1
  2378. abolish
    vacuefacio 5
  2379. appoint :: aim at
    destino 1
  2380. animate
    confirmo 1
  2381. augment
    adaugeo 2
  2382. augment any thing disagreeable :: aggravate any thing disagreeable
    acerbo 1
  2383. accelerate
    affestino 1
  2384. attain to
    aequo 1
  2385. appropriate
    approprio 1 (adproprio 1)
  2386. allow someone a way
    viam alicui do
  2387. aggravate
    aspero 1
  2388. afflict
    contristo 1
  2389. arouse
    acuo 3
  2390. annoy someone
    tristitiam alicui affero
  2391. act
    canto 1
  2392. agree with
    conquadro 1
  2393. amend
    corrigo 3
  2394. attenuate
    adtenuo 1
  2395. attenuate
    attenuo 1 (adtenuo 1)
  2396. attenuate :: abase
    attenuo 1 (adtenuo 1)
  2397. attenuate
    tenuo 1
  2398. adorn
    collocupleto 1
  2399. amplify :: adjourn
    amplio 1
  2400. author
    conditor, conditoris m
  2401. author :: a rural deity who presided over the laying up of fruits
    conditor, conditoris m
  2402. alignment
    adaequatio, adaequationis f
  2403. appropriation
    appropriatio, appropriationis f
  2404. aiming
    directio, directionis f
  2405. attenuating
    tenuabilis, tenuabile
  2406. a sign of the zodiac
    aries, arietis m
  2407. an inaccessible person :: a little open-minded person
    homo rari aditus
  2408. a written work
    cura, curae f
  2409. attendance
    curatura, curaturae f
  2410. age of manhood
    virilitas, virilitatis f
  2411. aptness
    virtus, virtutis f
  2412. any clothing
    amicimen, amiciminis n
  2413. advance
    castra promoveo
  2414. apostrophe
    apostrophos, apostrophi m
  2415. apostrophe
    apostrophus, apostrophi m
  2416. arrange :: appoint
    designo 1
  2417. aim
    scopos, scopi m
  2418. aim
    destinatum, destinati n
  2419. a constellation
    signum, signi n
  2420. annual tribute
    canon, canonis m
  2421. assignment :: allotment
    adsignatio, adsignationis f
  2422. assignment :: allotment
    assignatio, assignationis f (adsignatio)
  2423. assignment :: allotment
    deputatio, deputationis f
  2424. a dwelling together :: a common war-tent :: a slave dwelling
    contubernium, contubernii n
  2425. an ingrafting
    connubium, connubii n
  2426. an ingrafting
    conubium, conubii n (connubium)
  2427. architect :: author
    architecton, architectonis m
  2428. architect :: author
    architectus, architecti m
  2429. architect :: author
    arcitectus, arcitecti m
  2430. accomplice in unlawful secret associations
    sodalis, sodalis m
  2431. a compacting
    concretio, concretionis f
  2432. aid :: assistance
    adiumentum, adiumenti n
  2433. alleviation
    allevamentum, allevamenti n (adlevamentum)
  2434. alleviation, diversion
    avocamentum, avocamenti n
  2435. a cathartic agent
    catharticum, cathartici n
  2436. agricultural implement for cutting down grain
    vehiculum, vehiculi n
  2437. apportion
    admetior 4
  2438. axis of the earth
    dimensio, dimensionis f
  2439. agreement :: aspect
    competentia, competentiae f
  2440. assemblage
    collecta, collectae f
  2441. assembly that is called together by a magistrate or priest
    concio, concionis f
  2442. affiliate
    commembrum, commembri n
  2443. army
    copiae, copiarum f
  2444. angel
    angelus, angeli m
  2445. accessible
    clemens, clementis
  2446. a bird supposed to suck the udders of goats
    caprimulgus, caprimulgi m
  2447. admixture
    admistus, admistus m
  2448. admixture
    admixtio, admixtionis f
  2449. admixture
    admixtus, admixtus m
  2450. aid :: assistance :: administration
    administratio, administrationis f
  2451. accurately
  2452. abuse
    usus perversus
  2453. appearance
    suspicio, suspicionis f
  2454. apprehend
    suspicor 1
  2455. accumulation
    concrementum, concrementi n
  2456. activity :: agility
    agilitas, agilitatis f
  2457. attitude :: apparel :: argument
    status, status m
  2458. attribute
    adtributum, adtributi n
  2459. attribute
    attributum, attributi n
  2460. appraisement, valuation
    aestimatio, aestimationis f
  2461. appraisement, valuation
    aestimium, aestimii n
  2462. above what
    supra quam
  2463. allmother
    cunctiparens, cunctiparentis f
  2464. animate
    calcaria adhibeo
  2465. animate
    calcaria admoveo
  2466. animate
    calcaribus utor
  2467. a precious stone, called also amphitane
    chrysocolla, chrysocollae f
  2468. approach
    ammoveo 2
  2469. approach :: advance
    admoveo 2
  2470. agitate
    commoto 1
  2471. agitate :: annoy :: abuse
    vexo 1
  2472. arouse
    vegeo 2
  2473. aroused
    commotus, commota, commotum
  2474. agent
    auctor, auctoris c
  2475. agent
    autor, autoris c
  2476. agitating
    exercitatio, exercitationis f
  2477. agitation
    commotus, commotus m
  2478. affecting
    commovens, commoventis
  2479. agitation
    commotio, commotionis f
  2480. amplifier
    augmentator, augmentatoris m
  2481. a syllable too short
    colurus, colura, colurum
  2482. amily name
    cognomen, cognominis n
  2483. appointed by the emperor’s handwriting
    codicillaris, codicillare
  2484. appointed by the emperor’s handwriting
    codicillarius, codicillaria, codicillarium
  2485. art of storytelling
    angeltice, angeltices f
  2486. antipathy
    antipathia, antipathiae f
  2487. allied by marriage
    arfinis, arfine
  2488. almost :: as I may say
  2489. adjoining country
    adiacentes populi
  2490. affinity
    vicinitas, vicinitatis f
  2491. affinity
    vicinia, viciniae f
  2492. a young soldier
    tiro, tironis m
  2493. activity
    strenuitas, strenuitatis f
  2494. ask by a wink :: ask by a nod :: approve :: allow
    adnuo 3
  2495. ask by a wink :: ask by a nod
    annuo 3 (adnuo 3)
  2496. absurdity
    deleramentum, deleramenti n
  2497. absurdity
    deliramentum, deliramenti n
  2498. arctic
    arcticus, arctica, arcticum
  2499. a natural translation
    translatio verecunda
  2500. as … so especially
    cum ... tum ...
  2501. advise against
    veto 1
  2502. advise against
    vetuo 1
  2503. although
  2504. although
  2505. affording
    almus, alma, almum
  2506. aliment
    almen, alminis n
  2507. at last
    nunc demum
  2508. atomic disaster
    calamitas nuclearis
  2509. a decade
    decas, decadis f
  2510. astonishment :: amazement
    stupor, stuporis m
  2511. abounding in
    celeber, celebris, celebre
  2512. abounding in
    celebris, celebre
  2513. award for saving a fellow citizen in battle
    corona quercea
  2514. abundant
    benignus, benigna, benignum
  2515. abstrusely
  2516. augury :: any kind of divination :: art of the augur
    augurium, augurii n
  2517. airport tower
    turris speculatoria
  2518. abstain :: abstain from
    tempero 1
  2519. anticipate
    antecapio 5
  2520. acquire :: attain :: attain :: attain to something intellectually or by speech
    consequor 3
  2521. attainment
    adeptio, adeptionis f
  2522. art
    artificium, artificii n
  2523. agreeable :: alluring
    blandus, blanda, blandum
  2524. amounting to a twelfth part
    uncialis, unciale
  2525. about such
    taliscumque, talecumque
  2526. arbitrated
    arbitralis, arbitrale
  2527. affected
    vultuosus, vultuosa, vultuosum
  2528. antiquing :: antiquating :: antiquising
    antiqui operis (antiquo opere)
  2529. arbitrating :: arbitrary
    arbitrarius, arbitraria, arbitrarium
  2530. at Daphne
    Daphnaeus, Daphnaea, Daphnaeum
  2531. ancient
    veternus, veterna, veternum
  2532. ambiguous
    aequivocus, aequivoca, aequivocum
  2533. aged
    annosus, annosa, annosum
  2534. all of one :: all of the same color
    unicolor, unicoloris
  2535. all of one :: all of the same color
    unicolorus, unicolora, unicolorum
  2536. accordant
    unanimis, unanime
  2537. a spy
    curagulus, curaguli m
  2538. another name of the tribrachys, ⏑⏑⏑
    brachysyllabus, brachysyllaba, brachysyllabum
  2539. abundant
    vilis, vile
  2540. adorned with amethyst
    amethystinus, amethystina, amethystinum
  2541. abominable
    taeter, taetra, taetrum
  2542. abominable
    teter, tetra, tetrum
  2543. advocate's office
    causidicina, causidicinae f
  2544. apostleship
    apostolatus, apostolatus m
  2545. assessorship
    assessura, assessurae f
  2546. augury
    auguratus, auguratus m
  2547. ah! :: alas!
  2548. ah! :: alas!
    attat (attatae, attattatae)
  2549. anoint
    chrismo 1
  2550. anility
    anilitas, anilitatis f
  2551. age
    vetustas, vetustatis f
  2552. age
    veternus, veterni m
  2553. ancient history
    veterum annales
  2554. aged :: advanced in years
    senex, senis [senior, senius]
  2555. aged :: ancient
    vetus, veteris
  2556. ancient
    cascus, casca, cascum
  2557. ancient
    anticus, antica, anticum
  2558. ancient
    antiquus, antiqua, antiquum
  2559. all round
  2560. ardent
    ardens, ardentis
  2561. according to safe experience
  2562. at someone's suggestion :: at someone's coaxing :: according to someone's decree
    aliquo auctore
  2563. at someone's suggestion :: at someone's coaxing :: according to someone's decree
    aliquo suadente
  2564. at someone's suggestion :: at someone's coaxing :: according to someone's decree
    aliquo suasore
  2565. again
  2566. aside from :: apart from
    citra + Akk.
  2567. ambiguously
  2568. a single time
  2569. alternate
    alternus, alterna, alternum
  2570. a twelfth and a half
    sesconcia, sesconciae f
  2571. a twelfth and a half
    sescuncia, sescunciae f
  2572. alone of its kind
    unicus, unica, unicum
  2573. alone :: alone of its kind
    singularis, singulare
  2574. apart
  2575. apart
  2576. apart
  2577. a common or poor person
    tribulis, tribulis m
  2578. adopter
    adoptator, adoptatoris m
  2579. appellant
    appellator, appellatoris m
  2580. assailant :: aggressor
    aggressor, aggressoris m
  2581. a deputy under the emperors, who collected the taxes in the provinces
    allector, allectoris m (2)
  2582. appraiser
    aestimator, aestimatoris m
  2583. attendant
    secutor, secutoris m
  2584. a kind of fish with a large head
    capito, capitonis m
  2585. an ex-tribune
    tribunicius, tribunicii m
  2586. antiquarian :: antiquary
    antiquarius, antiquarii m
  2587. artist :: artificer :: author
    artifex, artificis c
  2588. a constellation
    arator, aratoris m
  2589. avenue :: access
    acceptator, acceptatoris m
  2590. a delayer :: a considerate person :: a cautious person
    cunctator, cunctatoris m
  2591. abettor
    subministrator, subministratoris m
  2592. assembler
    congregator, congregatoris m
  2593. an attendant
    deductor, deductoris m
  2594. accuser
    accusator, accusatoris m
  2595. allayer
    sepultor, sepultoris m
  2596. alien :: a stranger to a thing
    arvena, arvenae m
  2597. alien :: alien :: a stranger to a thing
    advena, advenae c
  2598. a sceptic
    considerator, consideratoris m
  2599. a cutter
    sector, sectoris m
  2600. an announcer
    declarator, declaratoris m
  2601. author
    dedicator, dedicatoris m
  2602. advocate :: agent :: attorney :: administrator :: actor
    actor, actoris m
  2603. a mover
    concitatrix, concitatricis f
  2604. adviser
    suasor, suasoris m
  2605. a table companion :: as a guest I hold back in eating
    conviva, convivae m
  2606. advocate
    assertor, assertoris m (adsertor)
  2607. a condemner :: an accuser
    condemnator, condemnaoris m
  2608. a passer by
    transitor, transitoris m
  2609. asthmatic
    anhelator, anhelatoris m
  2610. an ex-consul
    consularis, consularis m
  2611. a dreamer
    somniator, somniatoris m
  2612. an old slave
    veterator, veteratoris m
  2613. advocate :: attorney
    cognitor, cognitoris m
  2614. a ruined spendthrift :: a bankrupt
    decoctor, decoctoris m
  2615. a captive
    dediticius, dediticii m
  2616. a usufructuary
    usufructuarius, usufructuarii m
  2617. adherent
    cliens, clientis m (cluens)
  2618. adherent
    cluens, cluentis m
  2619. assistant :: aider :: aid :: adjutant
    adiutor, adiutoris m
  2620. a lessee :: a contractor
    conductor, conductoris m
  2621. a dropsical person
    tympanites, tympanitae m
  2622. a dropsical person
    tympaniticus, tympanitici m
  2623. advocate :: attorney :: assistant
    advocatus, advocati m
  2624. associate
    collega, collegae m
  2625. a gallows-bird
    cruciarius, cruciarii m
  2626. attendant
    coniuga, coniugae f
  2627. attendant
    coniunx, coniugis c (coniux)
  2628. attendant
    coniūx, coniugis c
  2629. assistant in a trial
    astipulator, astipulatoris m (astipulator)
  2630. a claimant :: avenger
    vindex, vindicis c
  2631. a lounger
    subbasilicanus, subbasilicani m
  2632. a belly-god
    ventricola, ventricolae m
  2633. a belly-god
    ventricultor, ventricultois m
  2634. assignor
    delegator, delegatoris m
  2635. adviser
    consultor, consultoris m
  2636. adversary
    contradictor, contradictoris m
  2637. a rhetorician
    declamator, declamatoris m
  2638. author
    contextor, contextoris m
  2639. a revolter
    defector, defectoris m
  2640. a groom, equerry :: a thrower down
    strator, stratoris m
  2641. assessor
    consessor, consessorris m
  2642. a spitter
    sputator, sputatoris m
  2643. a bystander
    superstes, superstitis
  2644. a boisterous fellow
    calcitro, calcitronis m
  2645. assistant
    adminiculator, adminiculatoris m
  2646. a single :: alone
    unus, una, unum
  2647. alone
  2648. attack :: assault :: appetites
    adpetitus, adpetitus m
  2649. attack :: assault :: appetites
    appetitus, appetitus m
  2650. asylum
    templum, templi n
  2651. abyss
    chasma, chasmatis n
  2652. aperient
    aperibilis, aperibile
  2653. aperient
    apertibilis, apertibile
  2654. a divining :: an element of rhetorical representation founded on conjecture
    coniectura, coniecturae f
  2655. antagonist
    contrarius, contrarii m
  2656. against, to
  2657. against, to
  2658. against
  2659. antithetic
    antitheticus, antithetica, antitheticum
  2660. against
  2661. antithesis
    antitheton, antitheti n
  2662. antipathy
    adversitas, adversitatis f
  2663. a kitchen vegetable
    atriplex, atriplicis n
  2664. a kitchen vegetable
    atriplexum, atriplexi n
  2665. arrange a contest
    certamen instituo
  2666. arrange a contest
    certamen pono
  2667. arrange one's affairs
    curas compono
  2668. arranger
    constitutor, constitutoris m
  2669. arranger
    compositor, compositoris m
  2670. arrangement
    digeries, digeriei f
  2671. author
    seminator, seminatoris m
  2672. a deed of honor
    decus, decoris n
  2673. adorned
    decor, decoris
  2674. adorned
    decoris, decore
  2675. attended with short breath
    anhelus, anhela, anhelum
  2676. absurd
    absurdus, absurda, absurdum
  2677. above :: at
    super + Akk.
  2678. appear above
    superemineo 2
  2679. a kind of rosemary
    taurophthalmon, taurophthalmi n
  2680. an herb
    buglossa, buglossae f
  2681. an herb
    buglossos, buglossi f
  2682. allay :: appease :: arrange :: adjust
    compono 3
  2683. add by writing
    adpingo 3
  2684. add by writing
    appingo 3 (adpingo 3)
  2685. a two-horsed car :: a two-horsed chariot
    biga, bigae f
  2686. a two-horsed car :: a two-horsed chariot
    bigae, bigarum f
  2687. as if rooted to the spot :: as if spellbound
    defixus, defixa, defixum
  2688. amnesty
    veniam impertio
  2689. allfather
    cunctiparens, cunctiparentis m
  2690. air-hole :: air-shaft
    aestuarium, aestuarii n
  2691. aid
    consocius, consocii m
  2692. anxiely :: atomic efflux
    aestus, aestus m
  2693. any thing baked
    crustum, crusi n
  2694. abandon
    dependo 3
  2695. accommodation of a difference :: agreement
    compositio, compositionis f
  2696. age mates
    aequalitas, aequalitatis f
  2697. anger
    acedia, acediae f
  2698. anger
    acidia, acidiae f
  2699. attention
    animadversio, animadversionis f
  2700. accomplish a miracle
    virtutem edo
  2701. augur
    auguro 1
  2702. augur
    auguror 1
  2703. act
    actus, actus m
  2704. age
    aetas, aetatis f
  2705. arrogance
    contumacia, contumaciae f
  2706. artless
    candidus, candida, candidum
  2707. acquired by adoption :: adoptive
    adoptivus, adoptiva, adoptivum
  2708. accusatory
    accusatorius, accusatoria, accusatorium
  2709. adverbial
    adverbialis, adverbiale
  2710. auction-
    auctionarius, auctionaria, auctionarium
  2711. automatic
    automatarius, automataria, automatarium
  2712. anile
    anilis, anile
  2713. arithmetical
    arithmeticus, arithmetica, arithmeticum

  2714. Atheniensis, Atheniense

  2715. Actaeus, Actaea, Actaeum
  2716. affable
    civilis, civile
  2717. adapted to comedy
    comoedus, comoeda, comoedum
  2718. auspicial
    auspicalis, auspicale
  2719. accompanying the provisions
    commeatalis, commeatale
  2720. aërial :: airy
    aerius, aeria, aerium

  2721. Alpinus, Alpina, Alpinum
  2722. amphitheatrical
    amphitheatralis, amphitheatrale
  2723. amphitheatrical
    amphitheatricus, amphitheatrica, amphitheatricum
  2724. athletic
    athleticus, athletica, athleticum
  2725. augural
    augurius, auguria, augurium
  2726. autumnal
    auctumnalis, auctumnale
  2727. autumnal
    auctumninus, auctumnina, auctumninum
  2728. autumnal
    autumnalis, autumnale
  2729. autumnal
    autumninus, autumnina, autumninum

  2730. Athenaeus, Athenaea, Athenaeum
  2731. aquiline
    aquilinus, aquilina, aquilinum
  2732. a cubit long
    cubitalis, cubitale
  2733. antepenultimate
    antepenultimus, antepenultima, antepenultimum
  2734. athletic training
    corporis exercitatio
  2735. any stratagem :: artifice
    strategematis, strategematis n
  2736. apply to :: add :: appoint or designate one to any service or duty
    appono 3 (adpono 3)
  2737. arrange
    struo 3
  2738. army :: attendants
    cohors, cohortis f
  2739. auxiliary troops :: allies :: army
    cohors, cohortis f
  2740. a room where servants wait
    consistorium, consistorii n
  2741. asylum
    asylum, asyli n
  2742. anticipate
    anteverto 3 (antevorto 3)
  2743. anticipate
    antevertor 3
  2744. anticipate
    antevorto 3
  2745. arrange :: advance
    colloco 1
  2746. aggregate :: arrange :: adjust
    compono 3
  2747. altar raised at cross-roads
    competum, competi n
  2748. altar raised at cross-roads
    compitum, compiti n
  2749. altar raised at cross-roads
    compitus, compiti m
  2750. a fork in the roads, cross-road
    tervium, tervii n
  2751. attached to :: adapted to
    applicatus, applicata, applicatum
  2752. advantageous
    aecus, aeca, aecum
  2753. advantageous
    aequus, aequa, aequum
  2754. airplane :: aircraft :: airship
    aeronavis, aeronavis f
  2755. a sensitive plant
    aeschynomene, aeschynomenes f
  2756. act collusively
    colludo 3
  2757. any open space for exhibiting martial games
    theatrum, theatri n
  2758. advocate
    causidicus, causidici m
  2759. agreeable
    blanditus, blandita, blanditum
  2760. ask someone for dinner
    aliquem ad cenam invito
  2761. ask someone for dinner
    aliquem ad cenam rogo
  2762. ask someone for dinner
    aliquem ad cenam voco
  2763. abundantly
  2764. acquire by tillage
    aro 1
  2765. agriculture
    aratio, arationis f
  2766. abuse
    concerpo 3
  2767. arouse by twitching
    vellico 1
  2768. antibacchus
    antibacchius, antibacchia, antibacchium
  2769. acumen
    acumen, acuminis n
  2770. a scorpion’s sting :: a pointed tube
    cuspis, cuspidis f
  2771. aconite
    aconiton, aconiti n
  2772. art of politics
    ars politica
  2773. a time :: appointed time
    tempus, temporis n
  2774. abode :: a colony
    colonia, coloniae f
  2775. adjourn the judicial decision
    amplius pronuntio
  2776. adjournment
    crastinatio, crastinationis f
  2777. add to
    affundo 3
  2778. astringency :: act of sharpening
    adstrictio, adstrictionis f
  2779. astringency :: act of sharpening
    astrictio, astrictionis f
  2780. affection
    animus, animi m
  2781. active
    activus, activa, activum
  2782. adore
    apprecor 1 (adprecor 1)
  2783. a kind of turquoise
    bucardia, bucardiae f
  2784. ancient topaz
    topazion, topazii n
  2785. ancient topaz
    topazius, topazii f
  2786. ancient topaz
    topazon, topazontis m
  2787. ancient topaz
    topazos, topazi f
  2788. ancient topaz
    topazus, topazi f
  2789. anticipation = occupatio = πρόληψις
    anticipatio, anticipationis f
  2790. assumption
    sumptum, sumpti n
  2791. armoury
    adparatorium, adparatorii n
  2792. armoury
    apparatorium, apparatorii n
  2793. armoury
    apparitorium, apparitorii n
  2794. arm for war
    bellum comparo
  2795. adorn
    adorno 1
  2796. acquiring
    comparatio, comparationis f (2)
  2797. assert :: aver :: asseverate :: affirm
    affirmo 1
  2798. abridge
    coarto 1
  2799. abridge
    coarcto 1
  2800. abridge
    coarto 1
  2801. afflict
    tribulo 1
  2802. according to arbitrary assumption
  2803. apology :: a disease
    causatio, causationis f
  2804. agreeable
    bellus, bella, bellum
  2805. ambitious goals
    animi, animorum m
  2806. axiom
    axioma, axiomatis n
  2807. acquire
    concilio 1
  2808. acquirer :: appropriator
    acquisitor, acquisitoris m
  2809. awakening love
    amorifer, amorifera, amoriferum
  2810. awakening love
    amorificus, amorifica, amorificum
  2811. advice :: ability :: authority
    auctoritas, auctoritatis f
  2812. advice :: ability :: authority
    authoritas, authoritatis f
  2813. ancestor :: author of literary productions :: adviser
    auctor, auctoris c
  2814. attempt and completion
    conatus et effectus
  2815. any writing
    apex, apicis m
  2816. agreement
    stipulatio, stipulationis f
  2817. appointment
    vadimonium, vadimonii n
  2818. auspicious
    bonae spei
  2819. advertise for tobacco
    tabacum commendo
  2820. affluence
    copiae rei familiaris
  2821. adage
    adagio, adagionis f
  2822. adage
    adagium, adagii n
  2823. amputation
    amputatio, amputationis f
  2824. act cruelly against someone
    crudeliter consulo in aliquem
  2825. avenger
    ultor, ultoris m
  2826. a commissary
    sitona, sitonae m
  2827. abstinence
    castimonia, castimoniae f
  2828. abstinence
    castimonium, castimonii n
  2829. abscess
    suppuratio, suppurationis f
  2830. assign one a duty for which he is not qualified
    clitellas bovi impono
  2831. agitate
    agito 1
  2832. attain to
    aequiparo 1
  2833. attain to
    aequipero 1
  2834. allay
    soporo 1
  2835. adjust
    compono 3
  2836. affright :: alarm
    territo 1
  2837. astonishment
    cataplexis, cataplexis f
  2838. add besides
    superadicĭo 5
  2839. announce
    cito 1
  2840. apply
    superpono 3
  2841. apply something
    aliquid ad usum transfero
  2842. argue about something
    aliquid in disceptationem voco
  2843. arrange the army in battle order
    copias in acie constituo
  2844. add to
    appono 3 (adpono 3)
  2845. applied to :: appropriate :: apposite
    appositus, apposita, appositum
  2846. afford
    subdo 3
  2847. add :: annex
    suppono 3
  2848. affard
    sufficio 5
  2849. appointment of a secondheir :: appointment of a alternate heir
    substitutio, substitutionis f
  2850. adjournment of a legal hearing :: adjournment of a judgment
    dilatio, dilationis f
  2851. arranging :: adjustment :: arrangement
    compositio, compositionis f
  2852. applying
    admotio, admotionis f
  2853. acidity :: asperity :: adversity
    asperitas, asperitatis f
  2854. admirableness
    admirabilitas, admirabilitatis f
  2855. accelerate
    celero 1 (tr.)
  2856. above average
    solito citius
  2857. ardently
  2858. ardently
  2859. a little old
    veterulus, veterula, veterulum
  2860. all the way to :: as far as
    adusque (= usque ad)
  2861. approve with loud cries :: applaud
    acclamo 1
  2862. arise
    consurgo 3
  2863. awaken hope in someone
    aliquem tollo ad spem
  2864. arouse suspicion in someone
    suspicionem do alicui
  2865. arouse suspicion
    suspicionem commoveo
  2866. arouse suspicion
    suspicionem excito
  2867. anxious
    suspensus, suspensa, suspensum
  2868. alleviating :: assuaging
    allevatio, allevationis f (adlevatio)
  2869. advisor
    advisor, advisoris m
  2870. a little too high
    altiusculus, altiuscula, altiusculum
  2871. a little more detailed
  2872. appraisal
    taxatio, taxationis f
  2873. a military implement :: a battering-ram :: a sea-fish :: a sucker
    corvus, corvi m
  2874. attain to :: acquire
    apiscor 3
  2875. anthology
    anthologumena, anthologumenon n
  2876. approve :: admit one in some capacity (as citizen, ally, son) :: appropriate to one’s self :: adopt :: assume something to one’s self
    ascisco 3 (adscisco 3)
  2877. approve :: admit one (as citizen, ally, son, etc :: adopt :: assume to one’s self :: arrogate to one’s self :: approve also
    adscisco 3
  2878. appear to be :: appear to do
    videor 2
  2879. admit
    adscio 4
  2880. admit
    ascio 4 (adscio 4)
  2881. a short time ago
    brevi abhinc tempore
  2882. a short time ago
    brevi tempore ante
  2883. a short time ago
  2884. ashtray
    cinerarium, cinerarii n
  2885. add to
    adcensere, adcenseo, adcensum
  2886. add to
    accenseo 2
  2887. approved :: accepted :: authorised
    approbatus, approbata, approbatum
  2888. acknowledgment :: admission :: acceptance :: apprehending
    agnitio, agnitionis f
  2889. acknowledge
    adagnosco 3
  2890. acknowledged
    agnotinus, agnotina, agnotinum
  2891. arrow
    arundo, arundinis f
  2892. any thing made of reed
    canna, cannae f
  2893. arrow :: angling-rod :: any straw of grain
    calamus, calami m
  2894. ascribe something to :: attribute :: assign :: ascribe to one :: assign :: appoint
  2895. arbitrator
    coaglator, coaglatoris m
  2896. arbitrator
    coagulator, coagulatoris m
  2897. attain
    video 2
  2898. ask counsel of
    consulto 1
  2899. apostolic
    apostolicus, apostolica, apostolicum
  2900. apostatizing
    apostaticus, apostatica, apostaticum
  2901. afflicted with a disease of the bowels
    ciliacus, ciliaca, ciliacum
  2902. afflicted with a disease of the bowels
    coeliacus, coeliaca, coeliacum

  2903. academicus, academica, academicum
  2904. affection :: ability of willing
    affectio, affectionis f
  2905. alliance by marriage :: affinity
    affinitas, affinitatis f
  2906. assuage someone's grief
    aliquem aegritudine levo
  2907. abide
    sedeo 2
  2908. annotation
    annotamentum, annotamenti n
  2909. admonish
    commonefacio 5
  2910. admonition
    admonitum, admoniti n
  2911. abating
    aneticus, anetica, aneticum
  2912. apart
    seductus, seducta, seductum
  2913. avert
    amolior 4
  2914. abandon
    cedo 3
  2915. assistance
    subventio, subventionis f
  2916. abdication
    abdicatio, abdicationis f
  2917. abjuration
    abrenuntiatio, abrenuntiationis f
  2918. answer
    contradictio, contradictionis f
  2919. accuse you of vanity
    arrogantiam tibi opprobriō dō
  2920. apply for leave
    commeatum peto
  2921. ask for three days vacation
    tridui commeatum peto
  2922. advise :: arrange for
    auctor sum
  2923. analogy of language :: analogy
    analogia, analogiae f
  2924. ability to last :: ability to bounce back
    resilientia, resilientiae f
  2925. advice resistant
    consilio resistens
  2926. animate
    concelebro 1
  2927. abstain from action :: allow quietly
    quiesco 3
  2928. agitated :: anxious :: alarmed
    trepidus, trepida, trepidum
  2929. abolish
    aboleo 2
  2930. a special kind of conclusion
    antistrephon, antistrephontos m
  2931. account book
    codex excepti (accepti) et expensi
  2932. adore :: ask reverently for any thing
    veneror 1
  2933. avert by prayers
    deveneror 1
  2934. abuser
    taxator, taxatoris m
  2935. abounding in friends
    amicosus, amicosa, amicosum
  2936. abundant
    uber, uberis
  2937. abundance
    ubertas, ubertatis f
  2938. approach the camp
    castris adequito
  2939. abound in any thin, wave
    undo 1
  2940. arise
    subrectito 1
  2941. arise
    surrectito 1
  2942. arise
    scando 3
  2943. automaton-work
    automatarium, automatarii n
  2944. alteration
    volumen, voluminis n
  2945. ascend
    advolvo 3
  2946. an apothecary’s weight, = drachma
    denarius, denarii m
  2947. a sitting room
    sellaria, sellariorum n
  2948. action of walking
    spatium, spatii n
  2949. ample
    spatiosus, spatiosa, spatiosum
  2950. an uneven, rough place
    asperum, asperi n
  2951. about
  2952. a round meteor
    clipeum, clipei n
  2953. a round meteor
    clipeus, clipei m
  2954. a round meteor
    clupeum, clupei n
  2955. a round meteor
    clupeus, clupei m
  2956. a round meteor
    clypeus, clypei m
  2957. any thing caldron-shaped :: arch
    cortina, cortinae f
  2958. anus worm
    ascarida, ascaridae f
  2959. a country-seat
    veicus, veici m
  2960. a country-seat
    vicus, vici m
  2961. amend
    tergeo 2
  2962. amend
    tergo 3
  2963. anoint
    unguento 1
  2964. annihilate
    tero 3
  2965. a demarch, answering to the Roman tribune of the people
    demarchus, demarchi m
  2966. archon
    archon, archontis m
  2967. avoid
    defugio 5
  2968. accomplish the course
    decurro 3
  2969. aid :: assist
    succurro 3
  2970. agree with :: accord :: agree with (in substance) :: agree
    congruo 3
  2971. assemble together in multitudes :: accompany
    concurro 3
  2972. a concourse :: assembly :: a pressing :: an encountering :: attack :: assault :: an equal claim
    concursus, concursus m
  2973. a resting-place
    culcita, culcitae f (culcitra, culcitrae f)
  2974. a resting-place
    culcitra, culcitrae f
  2975. abusive poems
    carmina obscena
  2976. abstain
    comparco 3
  2977. abstain
    comperco 3
  2978. a sawing up
    serratura, serraturae f
  2979. affirm :: assert :: aver
    autumo 1
  2980. announce nothing new
    vetera vaticinor
  2981. assert repeatedly
    dicto 1
  2982. assert repeatedly
    dictito 1
  2983. aptly say something
    aliquid luculente dicere
  2984. affirm :: assert
  2985. assert
    dico + aci
  2986. affirm :: assert
    dico 3
  2987. art of speaking
    dictio, dictionis f
  2988. a fish
    squama, squamae f
  2989. a species of wrasse
    scarus, scari m
  2990. add to :: asperse
    adspargo 3
  2991. add to :: asperse
    adspergo 3
  2992. add to :: asperse
    aspargo 3
  2993. add to :: asperse
    aspergo 3
  2994. arts
    bonae artes (disciplinae)
  2995. a constellation
    Venenifer, Veneniferi m
  2996. a witness to a marriage :: a coiner
    signator, signatoris m
  2997. autumn
    auctumnum, auctumni n
  2998. autumn
    auctumnus, auctumni m
  2999. autumn
    autumnum, autumni n
  3000. autumn
    autumnus, autumni m
  3001. autumn
    auctumnitas, auctumnitatis f
  3002. autumn
    autumnitas, autumnitatis f
  3003. alight
    sido 3
  3004. a magistrate’s seat
    sella, sellae f
  3005. after-math
    faenum chordum
  3006. anonymous
    clancularius, clancularia, clancularium
  3007. afford a view
    video 2
  3008. appearance :: aspect
    adspectus, adspectus m
  3009. appearance :: aspect
    aspectus, aspectus m
  3010. act of seeing :: a thing seen :: appearance :: apparition
    visus, visus m
  3011. appearance :: appearance :: appearance in sleep :: apparition
    species, speciei f
  3012. ask for advice from someone
    consilium peto ab aliquo
  3013. apply for asylum
    asylum peto
  3014. accuse one
    anquiro 3
  3015. affect
    contingo 3
  3016. appropriate
    arripio 5
  3017. appropriate
    adripio 5
  3018. admit by election
    allego 3
  3019. automaton
    automatum, automati n
  3020. automaton
    automaton, automati n
  3021. a narrow girdle :: apron
    semicinctium, semicinctii n
  3022. articulated truck
    autocarrum articulatum
  3023. a member of the Senate
    senator, senatoris m
  3024. abandon :: abandon
    dimitto 3
  3025. applies
    dimitto 3
  3026. assign :: appropriate
    sepono 3
  3027. adduce
    allego 1 (adlego 1)
  3028. admit :: allow one admittance :: allow one access :: admit one to counsel :: admit one to consultation
    admitto 3
  3029. assign :: assign :: attribute :: ascribe to
    delego 1
  3030. alleging by way of proof :: adducing by way of proof
    allegatio, allegationis f
  3031. archdeacon
    archidiacon, archidiaconis m
  3032. archdeacon
    archidiaconus, archidiaconi m
  3033. astounding
    animos obstupefaciens
  3034. aberration of mind
    alienatio mentis
  3035. accuse of
    condemno 1
  3036. affection
    sensus, sensus m
  3037. alienate from fidelity
    abduco 3
  3038. acquire
  3039. apart
  3040. an opposition of two propositions disjunctively connected
    diiunctio, diiunctionis f
  3041. an opposition of two propositions disjunctively connected
    disiunctio, disiunctionis f (diiunctio, diiunctionis f)
  3042. austere
    severus, severa, severum
  3043. any low servant
    calo, calonis m
  3044. any servant :: attendant
    calator, calatoris m
  3045. attend upon
    ancillor 1
  3046. aid :: assist
    adservio 4
  3047. aid :: assist
    asservio 4 (adservio 4)
  3048. agreeable :: affable
    commodus, commoda, commodum
  3049. autokinetic
    autocineticus, autocinetica, autocineticum
  3050. attendance
    apparitio, apparitionis f
  3051. affix a seal to a thing :: adorn
    signo 1
  3052. abandon
    destituo 3
  3053. arrange
    adordino 1
  3054. agitate
    vibro 1
  3055. appoint :: appoint
    constituo 3
  3056. animate
    adrigo 3
  3057. animate
    arrigo 3
  3058. adorned with pearls
    bacatus, bacata, bacatum
  3059. adorned with pearls
    baccatus, baccata, baccatum
  3060. application of
    appositio, appositionis f
  3061. armed
    septifluus, septiflua, septifluum
  3062. at different times
    aliquoties (aliquotiens)
  3063. attach in writing
    subsuo 3
  3064. artificial sewer in Rome
    cluaca, cluacae f
  3065. artificial sewer in Rome
    cloaca, cloacae f
  3066. artifice
    sutela, sutelae f
  3067. attendant
    umbra, umbrae f
  3068. arbor
    umbraculum, umbraculi n
  3069. a tuft of hair
    villus, villi m
  3070. agitate, disturb
    commoveo 2
  3071. associated :: allied
    socius, socia, socium
  3072. aim
    acies, aciei f
  3073. artful
    catus, cata, catum
  3074. acute :: active :: ardent :: angry
    acer, acris, acre
  3075. acute :: astute
    acutus, acuta, acutum
  3076. acutely
  3077. acutely
  3078. acrimony :: austerity of character
    acrimonia, acrimoniae f
  3079. anger :: anguish :: affliction
    acerbitas, acerbitatis f
  3080. anger :: anguish :: affliction
    acerbitudo, acerbitudinis f
  3081. afflict
    convello 3
  3082. avenger
    ultrix, ultricis f
  3083. assistant
    adiutrix, adiutricis f
  3084. an author
    auctrix, auctricis f
  3085. a female inhabitant :: a female worshipper
    cultrix, cultricis f
  3086. an adherent
    consectatrix, consectatricis f
  3087. a female fellow-citizen :: a female fellow-inhabitant
    concolona, concolonae f
  3088. a spy
    circumspectatrix, circumspectatricis f
  3089. an adorner
    cosmetes, cosmetae f
  3090. a despiser
    contemptrix, contemptricis f
  3091. acuteness of the mind
    acies, aciei f
  3092. a testaceous animal
    conchylium, conchylii n
  3093. a testaceous animal
    conquilium, conquilii n
  3094. armor bearer
    scutigerulus, scutigeruli m
  3095. armed with the shield :: a kind of bodygard
    scutarius, scutarii m
  3096. appear
    affulgeo 2 (adfulgeo 2)
  3097. award for a naval victory
    corona navalis
  3098. artificial
    circumtonsus, circumtonsa, circumtonsum
  3099. aphorism
    sententiola, sententiolae f
  3100. abbreviate :: abridge
    brevio 1
  3101. abridge
    abbrevio 1
  3102. abridge
    compendio 1
  3103. at the first time of night :: at the time of the first (deep) sleep
    concubia nocte
  3104. adroit :: artful
    callidus, callida, callidum
  3105. artful
    astutus, astuta, astutum
  3106. adroitly
  3107. artfulness
    vafritia, vafritiae f
  3108. aptness :: artfulness
    calliditas, calliditatis f
  3109. abhor
    abhorreo 2
  3110. avoid
    vito 1
  3111. avoiding :: avoidance
    vitatio, vitationis f
  3112. avoiding
    vitabundus, vitabunda, vitabundum
  3113. argue
    concludo 3
  3114. ailing body
    causarium corpus
  3115. agitate
    subcerno 3
  3116. agitate
    succerno 3
  3117. appearance
    visitatio, visitationis f
  3118. attractions
    visenda, visendorum n
  3119. adorned with images
    signifer, signifera, signiferum
  3120. appellation
    significatus, significatus m
  3121. approver
    subscriptor, subscriptoris m
  3122. authoritative example
    auctoritas et exemplum
  3123. abbreviations
    sigla, siglorum n
  3124. auspicies of victory
    auspicia victoriae

  3125. argyrodamas, argyrodamantis m
  3126. any fine fibre
    bombyx, bombycis c
  3127. absurdities
    ineptiae, ineptiarum f
  3128. an apothecaries’ weight
    victoriatus, victoriati m
  3129. ash-colored
    cinereus, cinerea, cinereum
  3130. ashy :: ash-colored
    cineraceus, cineracea, cineraceum
  3131. analogy
    coenoteta, coenotetae f
  3132. artless
    simplex, simplicis
  3133. artlessness
    simplicitas, simplicitatis f
  3134. artlessly
  3135. artlessly
  3136. at the same time
    uno tempore
  3137. accompany :: accord :: agree
    succano 3
  3138. accompany :: accord :: agree
    succino 3
  3139. accompany :: agree together :: accord
    concino 3
  3140. actor
    cantor, cantoris m
  3141. alone of its kind
    singularius, singularia, singularium
  3142. aunt :: auntie :: aunty
    amita, amitae f
  3143. aid :: assist one in the office of judge :: attend upon
    adsideo 2
  3144. aid :: assist one in the office of judge :: attend upon
    assideo 2 (adsideo 2)
  3145. abide
    subsido 3
  3146. assembly
    sessimonium, sessimonii n
  3147. an immense number :: an innumerable quantity :: any amount
    sescenti, sescentae, sescenta
  3148. as it were covered with shadows
  3149. art :: artifice
    ars, artis f
  3150. adroitness
    sollertia, sollertiae f
  3151. artistic :: artificial
    artifex, artificis
  3152. adroit
    sollers, sollertis
  3153. a soft coating
    cutis, cutis f
  3154. a layer
    corium, corii n
  3155. a layer
    corius, corii m
  3156. airy
    aerinus, aerina, aerinum (2)
  3157. air :: atmosphere :: abode of the happy dead
    caelum, caeli n (coelum, coeli n)
  3158. appear in someone's role
    alicuius personam capio
  3159. appear in someone's role
    alicuius personam fero
  3160. appear in someone's role
    alicuius personam gero
  3161. appear in someone's role
    alicuius personam sumo
  3162. artful
    vafer, vafra, vafrum
  3163. artfully
  3164. a quarrelsome woman
    canicula, caniculae f
  3165. a small candlestick
    cantharulus, cantharuli m
  3166. anchovy
    aphye, aphyes f
  3167. antechamber
    atriolum, atrioli n
  3168. a huntingspear
    sparum, spari n
  3169. a huntingspear
    sparus, spari m
  3170. appendix to a will
    codiculus, codiculi m
  3171. any fruit of a tree
    bacca, baccae f
  3172. a stalk or stem as an ornament on the capitals of columns
    cauliculus, cauliculi m
  3173. an asterisk, as a typographical mark placed before imperfect, deficient passages of authors
    asteriscus, asterisci m
  3174. anoint
    circumlino 3 (circumlinio 4)
  3175. anoint over
    superunguo 3
  3176. anoint with a thing
    superillino 3
  3177. anoint with any thing
    superinungo 3
  3178. anoint
    unguo 3
  3179. anointing over
    superunctio, superunctionis f
  3180. a water-snail
    cochlea, cochleae f (coclea, cocleae f)
  3181. a water-snail
    coclea, cocleae f
  3182. a water-snail
    cuchlia, cuchliae f
  3183. as :: as for instance
  3184. as often :: as many times
  3185. as often :: as many times
  3186. as it were
    ut ita dicam
  3187. alburnum
    alburnum, alburni n
  3188. auxiliaries :: allies
    alarii, alariorum m (alares, alarium m)
  3189. any
    aliqui, aliqua, aliquod
  3190. any
    unculus, uncula, unculum
  3191. a few
  3192. a witty saying :: assurance
    dictum, dicti n
  3193. appearance
    visum, visi n
  3194. at one time … at another
    tum ... tum ...
  3195. a little inquisitive
    curiosulus, curiosula, curiosulum
  3196. acute
    acutulus, acutula, acutulum
  3197. a little peasant
  3198. a little on the sly
  3199. a little
    aliquantum (aliquanto)
  3200. a little :: a little bit
  3201. a little
    aliquantum, aliquanti n
  3202. a little
    aliquantus, aliquanta, aliquantum
  3203. anywhere :: at any place
    alicubi consido
  3204. anywhere :: at any place
  3205. assuaging :: a comfort
    solacium, solacii n
  3206. assuaging :: a comfort
    solatium, solatii n
  3207. abscess :: annoyance
    vomica, vomicae f
  3208. anxiety
    aegrimonia, aegrimoniae f
  3209. agree :: accord
    consono 1
  3210. accompanying
    succentivus, succentiva, succentivum
  3211. accordant
    consonus, consona, consonum
  3212. agreement
    concentus, concentus m
  3213. acid odor
    acor, acoris m
  3214. acid
    acidus, acida, acidum
  3215. acidity
    aciditas, aciditatis f
  3216. antarctic
    antarcticus, antarctica, antarcticum
  3217. aerospace
    astronavigatio, astronavigationis f
  3218. a broad two-edged sword without a point :: a spathe of a palmtree :: a kind of tree, called also elate
    spatha, spathae f
  3219. accost one :: address one
    arfor 1
  3220. accost one :: address one
    affor 1 (adfor 1)
  3221. accost one :: address :: accuse :: ask one :: adore :: admire
    adoro 1
  3222. address :: admonishing
    alloquor 3
  3223. adore
    benedico 3
  3224. accosting :: address
    allocutio, allocutionis f
  3225. addressing :: address
    affatus, affatus m
  3226. addressing :: address
    alloquium, alloquii n
  3227. angel-fish
    squatina, squatinae f
  3228. angel-fish
    squatus, squati m
  3229. arbiter :: a judge
    arbiter, arbitri m
  3230. area of influence :: area of action :: area of action
    spatium agendi
  3231. attenuate
    deduco 3
  3232. abhor
    despuo 3
  3233. a spoonful
    cochlear, cochlearis n
  3234. a spoonful
    cochleare, cochlearis n
  3235. a spoonful
    cochlearium, cochlearii n
  3236. amplify
    dilato 1
  3237. arise
    suborior 4
  3238. asparagus
    asparagus, asperagi m
  3239. actors
    artifices scaenae
  3240. ambush each other
    uterque utrique insidiatur
  3241. applaud
    supplodo 3
  3242. await :: assist
    adsto 1
  3243. await :: assist
    asto 1 (adsto 1)
  3244. abide
    sto 1
  3245. agree with
    consto 1
  3246. appear in court :: appear
    sisto 3 (intr.)
  3247. agreeing with itself :: accordant with itself
    constans, constantis
  3248. abode
    stabulum, stabuli n
  3249. anchorage :: assembly
    statio, stationis f
  3250. astroscopy
    astroscopia, astroscopiae f
  3251. a group of stars :: a constellation :: a very great height
    sidus, sideris n
  3252. agreement
    unitas, unitatis f
  3253. affection :: ability of willing
    affectus, affectus m
  3254. agitation
    trepidatio, trepidationis f
  3255. agitation :: activity
    agitatus, agitatus m
  3256. a camp where an army halts for a long while
    stativa castra
  3257. ardor of love
    vapor, vaporis m
  3258. ardor of love
    vapos, vaporis m
  3259. abrupt
    abscisus, abscisa, abscisum
  3260. adhere to a thing
    subhaereo 2
  3261. augural staff
    baculum, baculi n
  3262. augural staff
    baculus, baculi m
  3263. adhesive plaster
    anacollema, anacollematis n
  3264. adhesive plaster
    anacollima, anacollimatis n
  3265. allay
    consedo 1
  3266. arched
    curvatus, curvata, curvatum
  3267. abide
    commoror 1
  3268. apartment in a bathing-house
    cella, cellae f
  3269. an implement in the form of a T, used by rustics to measure the depth of furrows :: a transverse pole, moving upon a perpendicular post, for drawing water
    ciconia, ciconiae f
  3270. an implement in the form of a T, used by rustics to measure the depth of furrows :: a transverse pole, moving upon a perpendicular post, for drawing water
    conea, coneae f
  3271. alien
    alienigena, alienigenae m
  3272. alien
    allophylus, allophyli m
  3273. appoint
    statuo 3
  3274. appertain to
    adtineo 2 (intr.)
  3275. appertain to
    attineo 2 (adtineo 2) (intr.)
  3276. apply the mind to something :: attend to
    attendo 3 (adtendo 3)
  3277. alarm :: affright
    consterno 1
  3278. aim
    tendo 3
  3279. accent
    tonus, toni m
  3280. altercation
    altercatio, altercationis f
  3281. abandon
    affligo 3 (adfligo 3)
  3282. applaud
    adplaudo 3 (adplodo 3)
  3283. applaud
    applaudo 3 (applodo 3)
  3284. applaud
    applodo 3
  3285. agitate
    concutio 5
  3286. always do the same thing
    tundo eandem incudem
  3287. add to a sum of money
    accudo 3
  3288. add to a sum of money
    adcudo 3
  3289. aim to do :: aspire to :: aim at :: aim at :: aspire to
    affecto 1
  3290. aim to do :: aspire to :: aim at :: aim at :: aspire to
    affector 1
  3291. agree, meet
    competo 3
  3292. attempt :: assail :: attack
    adtento 1
  3293. attempt :: assail :: attack :: attempt to move :: attempt to shake
    attempto 1
  3294. attempt :: assail :: attack :: attempt to move :: attempt to shake
    attemto 1
  3295. attempt :: assail :: attack :: attempt to move :: attempt to shake
    attento 1 (adtento 1, attempto 1, adtempto 1, attemto 1)
  3296. approach :: arrive at :: attack :: assault :: assail :: approach
    adpeto 3
  3297. approach :: arrive at :: attack :: assault :: assail :: approach
    appeto 3
  3298. aspire to sole rule
    tyrannidem concupisco
  3299. aspire to virtue
    virtutis studiosus sum
  3300. ask :: assert :: affirm earnestly
    contendo 3
  3301. aspiring to something :: affectation
    affectatio, affectationis f
  3302. avaricious
    appetens, appetentis
  3303. allure
    demulceo 2
  3304. able :: active
    validus, valida, validum
  3305. active
    valens, valentis
  3306. artific
    stropha, strophae f
  3307. artific
    strophe, strophes f
  3308. amazed
    stupidus, stupida, stupidum
  3309. a reservoir
    castellum, castelli n
  3310. adorn
    suffarcino 1
  3311. astonished
    stupens, stupentis
  3312. apparel :: attire
    cultus, cultus m
  3313. add
    subindo 3
  3314. add
  3315. assurance
    subsignatio, subsignationis f
  3316. acolyte
    acoluthus, acoluthi m
  3317. acolyte
    acolythus, acolythi m
  3318. aptotes
    aptota, aptotorum n
  3319. a locum tenens :: adjutant
    vicarius, vicarii m
  3320. acutely
  3321. avoid the danger happily
    uncum bene decutio
  3322. agonizing
    crucians, cruciantis
  3323. adequate
    sufficiens, sufficientis
  3324. astonishing
    admirativus, admirativa, admirativum
  3325. adulatory
    adulabilis, adulabile
  3326. abridgment :: abstract
    breviarium, breviarii n
  3327. abstract
    summarium, summarii n
  3328. abundant
    dapsilis, dapsile
  3329. apart
    seorsum ab + Abl.
  3330. apart
  3331. apart
    seorsus ab + Abl.
  3332. apart
    seorsus, seorsa, seorsum
  3333. a flat house-top
    solarium, solarii n
  3334. absorb
    sorbeo 2
  3335. absorb
    sorbillo 1
  3336. absorb
    sorbilo 1
  3337. absorb
    sorbo 3
  3338. assistande
    adminiculatio, adminiculationis f
  3339. a violent remedy
    chirurgia, chirurgiae f
  3340. apply one’s self
    dedor 3
  3341. apply one’s self
    me dedo
  3342. accompany :: attend
    circumstipo 1
  3343. affectionate relation
    complexus, complexus m
  3344. asphyxia
    amputatio pulsus
  3345. absorb
    absorbeo 2
  3346. abolish
    deglutio 4
  3347. absorb :: accept eagerly
    devoro 1
  3348. a poet
    cycnus, cycni m
  3349. adjure
    adiuro 1
  3350. assent to by an oath
    coniero 1
  3351. assent to by an oath
    coniuro 1
  3352. adjuration
    adiuratio, adiurationis f
  3353. agreeable
    suavidus, suavida, suavidum
  3354. agreeable
    suavis, suave
  3355. agreeably
  3356. agreeably
  3357. agreeableness
    suavitas, suavitatis f
  3358. agreeableness
    suavitudo, suavitudinis f
  3359. are in a ferment :: are unsettled :: approaching a crisis
    tumeo 2
  3360. approach
    adno 1
  3361. approach
    anno 1 (adno 1)

  3362. caseus Alpinus
  3363. arrogant
    tumidus, tumida, tumidum
  3364. appear as accuser before a court of justice
    consisto 3
  3365. abide
    subsisto 3
  3366. accept a benefit
    beneficio utor
  3367. adjust
    dirimo 3
  3368. annihilate
    absumo 3
  3369. anticipate something :: anticipate
    anticipo 1
  3370. attend to
    anteambulo 1
  3371. advise
    consilior 1
  3372. adopt :: assume
    transsumo 3
  3373. adopt :: assume
    transumo 3
  3374. allure
    capio 5
  3375. attain to
    capesso 3
  3376. apply :: acquire :: assume unlawfully :: appropriate unlawfully
    usurpo 1
  3377. act on someone's advice
    consilium alicuius sequor
  3378. accept as an augury
    auspico 1
  3379. apply it as an example to oneself
    hoc mihi exemplum ascribo
  3380. adopt :: accept :: assume :: arrogate :: add to
    adsumo 3
  3381. adopt :: accept :: assume :: arrogate :: add to
    assumo 3 (adsumo 3)
  3382. accumulate :: ascribe to, impute :: attribute
    congero 3
  3383. assume :: accept :: acknowledge :: answer
    suscipio 5
  3384. annihilate
    consumo 3
  3385. accept
    acceptito 1
  3386. accept
    accepto 1
  3387. assume :: arrogate :: appropriate to one’s self :: acquire :: apply :: assume :: affirm
    sumo 3
  3388. assumptive
    adsumptivus, adsumptiva, adsumptivum
  3389. assumptive
    assumptivus, assumptiva, assumptivum (adsumptivus)
  3390. acceptance
    susceptio, susceptionis f
  3391. adopting :: adoption
    adoptio, adoptionis f
  3392. assuming of one thing for another
    transsumptio, transsumptionis f
  3393. assuming of one thing for another
    transumptio, transumptionis f
  3394. avenging
    ultio, ultionis f
  3395. accepting :: acceptance
    acceptio, acceptionis f
  3396. assumption
    sumptio, sumptionis f
  3397. assumption :: an eager reception :: adoption :: an addition
    assumptio, assumptionis f (adsumptio)
  3398. agree upon :: assent unanimously :: agree unanimously
    condico 3
  3399. act absurdly
    ineptio 4
  3400. allegorical representation
    alieniloquium, alieniloquii n
  3401. acute
    dicax, dicacis
  3402. armor
    currus cataphractus
  3403. armor
    currus lōrīcātus
  3404. armored car
    essedum loricatum
  3405. assess :: appreciate :: advise
    censeo 2
  3406. a year’s service
    stipendium, stipendii n
  3407. act as an assistant-teacher
    subdoceo 2
  3408. abolish
    diruo 3
  3409. abuse
    conscindo 3
  3410. an indefinite large number or sum
    deciens (decies)
  3411. an indefinite large number or sum
    decies (deciens)
  3412. ancient
    vivax, vivacis
  3413. a young man who, in order to become familiar with military service, attended a general in war :: attendant
    contubernalis, contubernalis m
  3414. a dwelling together in a tent :: a body of soldiers occupying a tent together :: a mess :: attendance
    contubernium, contubernii n
  3415. abominable
    aversabilis, aversabile
  3416. alien from
    alienus, aliena, alienum
  3417. apology
    causa, causae f
  3418. affable
    affabilis, affabile
  3419. arable
    arabilis, arabile
  3420. able :: apt
    capax, capacis
  3421. able :: apt
    capabilis, capabile
  3422. agreeable
    voluptabilis, voluptabile
  3423. additional
    subsecundarius, subsecundaria, subsecundarium
  3424. authentic
    auctoraticius, auctoraticia, auctoraticium
  3425. authentic
    authenticus, authentica, authenticum
  3426. amiable
    amabilis, amabile
  3427. abominable
    sputatilicus, sputatilica, sputatilicum
  3428. abundant :: abounding in
    creber, crebra, crebrum
  3429. a briber by passion
    animōsus corruptor
  3430. alluring :: addicted to pleasure
    delicatus, delicata, delicatum
  3431. accidental :: audacious
    temerarius, temeraria, temerarium
  3432. appropriate
    commodus, commoda, commodum
  3433. arable
    arvus, arva, arvum
  3434. aged :: ancient
    vetustus, vetusta, vetustum
  3435. awarded
    adorĭosus, adorĭosa, adorĭosum
  3436. amphibious
    anceps, ancipitis
  3437. ambiguous
    ambifarius, ambifaria, ambifarium
  3438. anterior
    anterior, anterioris
  3439. aboveworldly
    ultramundanus, ultramundana, ultramundanum
  3440. accessible :: affable
    communis, commune
  3441. allied or related to by marriage :: associated with
    affinis, affine
  3442. assumed as a matter of course
    tacitus, tacita, tacitum
  3443. awful
    verendus, verenda, verendum
  3444. annual
    annuus, annua, annuum
  3445. acceptable :: agreeable
    vendibilis, vendibile
  3446. assistance :: aid :: assistant
    adminiculum, adminiculi n
  3447. annual
    anniversalis, anniversale
  3448. annual
    anniversarius, anniversaria, anniversarium
  3449. a stumblingblock
    scandalum, scandali n
  3450. aid :: assistance
    suppetiae, suppetiarum f
  3451. a corrupting
    corrumptela, corrumptelae f
  3452. a corrupting
    corruptela, corruptelae f
  3453. a complement
    complementum, complementi n
  3454. a heavenly body
    luminar, luminaris n
  3455. a heavenly body
    luminare, luminaris n
  3456. appendage :: addition :: accession
    appendix, appendicis f
  3457. animation :: acuteness
    argutia, argutiae f
  3458. animation :: acuteness
    argutiae, argutiarum f
  3459. agile
    actuarius, actuaria, actuarium
  3460. allegory
    aenigma, aenigmatis n
  3461. a loan
    commodatum, commodati n
  3462. a scraping
    strigmentum, strigmenti n
  3463. a pill
    catapotium, catapotii n
  3464. a saving or gain :: a shortening :: abbreviating
    compendium, compendii n
  3465. any thing spun
    subtegmen, subtegminis n
  3466. any thing spun
    subtemen, subteminis n
  3467. airy treetop
    summus aer arboris
  3468. arms
    spolia, spoliorum n
  3469. affability
    civilitas, civilitatis f
  3470. a disease of the urinary organs
    capillatio, capillationis f
  3471. a precious stone :: a species of lapis lazuli
    cyanos, cyani m
  3472. a work on the causes of things
    causalia, causalium n
  3473. a blessed condition
    beatitas, beatitatis f
  3474. a blessed condition
    beatitudo, beatitudinis f
  3475. apophyge
    apophygis, apophygis f
  3476. apophyge
    apophysis, apophysis f
  3477. apophyge
    apothesis, apothesis f
  3478. a decisive conflict or contest
    decertatio, decertationis f
  3479. already sweating at the bottom of the hill :: are just at the beginning
    clivo sudamus in imo
  3480. a dog will not be deterred by a greased leather strap
    canis a corio non absterrebitur uncto
  3481. a people of Ethiopia
    cephenes, cephenum m
  3482. a shrub
    chamelaea, chamelaeae f
  3483. arable farmers
    agrares, agrarium m
  3484. an unchaste female
    cunnus, cunni m
  3485. an inheritance
    cretio, cretionis f
  3486. attractiveness
    venus, veneris f
  3487. advantage
    bonum, boni n
  3488. a semicircular couch :: a bathing tub
    sigma, sigmatis n
  3489. a pipe or flute made from the stalks of the hemlock
    cicuta, cicutae f
  3490. a kind of sorrel
    bulapathum, bulapathi n
  3491. argument
    argumentum, argumenti n
  3492. a measured allowance
    demensum, demensi n
  3493. a chiliad
    chilias, chiliadis f
  3494. a sice upon dice
    senio, senionis m
  3495. a ten-as piece
    decus, deci m
  3496. a ten-as piece
    decusis, decusis m
  3497. a ten-as piece
    decussis, decussis m
  3498. antithesis
    contrarium, contrarii n
  3499. a destroyed city
    bustum, busti n
  3500. any other splendid preparation or equipment :: a spring
    choragium, choragii n
  3501. agitation :: atrocity
    atrocitas, atrocitatis f
  3502. age :: antiquity :: ancient time
    antiquitas, antiquitatis f
  3503. an affable bearing to others
    benignitas, benignitatis f
  3504. animating force
    animatio, animationis f
  3505. awe
    ceremonia, ceremoniae f
  3506. awe
    cerimonia, cerimoniae f
  3507. awe
    caeremonia, caeremoniae f
  3508. awe
    caerimonia, caerimoniae f (caeremonia, ceremonia)
  3509. awe
    caerimōnium, caerimōnii n
  3510. arts of design
    artes mutae
  3511. agitation :: activity
    agitatio, agitationis f
  3512. a region of the earth or sky :: a climate
    declinatio, declinationis f
  3513. a tithing :: a selecting by lot of every tenth man for punishment :: a tenth
    decimatio, decimationis f
  3514. acme
    culmen, culminis n
  3515. a class of Roman soldiers who formed the third rank from the front
    triarii, triariorum m
  3516. an inch
    uncia, unciae f
  3517. air
    aethra, aethrae f
  3518. a channel :: a waved moulding :: an ogee
    cumatium, cumatii n
  3519. a channel :: a waved moulding :: an ogee
    cymation, cumatii n
  3520. a channel :: a waved moulding :: an ogee
    cymatium, cumatii n
  3521. a hot drink
    caldum, caldi n
  3522. a hot drink
    calidum (caldum), calidi n
  3523. all men together
    universi, universorum m
  3524. after the manner of players
  3525. after the manner of players
  3526. at that time :: at such a time :: at such a season :: and then
  3527. at that time :: at such a time of the year :: at such a time of the day :: at such a season
  3528. afterwards :: at length
  3529. afterwards :: at length
  3530. affliction
    caligo, caliginis f
  3531. affliction
    calligo, calliginis f
  3532. accede to someone's pleas
    alicuī plūrimum tribuo
  3533. advisor
    cogitator, cogitatoris m
  3534. ability of thinking
    cogitatio, cogitationis f
  3535. acutely
  3536. acuteness
    tenuitas, tenuitatis f
  3537. a third of any thing
    triens, trientis m
  3538. a third
    tertiarium, tertiarii n
  3539. aridity :: ardent desire
    sitis, sitis f
  3540. athirst :: arid
    sitiens, sitientis
  3541. artichoke
    carduus, cardui m
  3542. agitated :: agitated :: alarmed :: anxious
    sollicitus, sollicita, sollicitum
  3543. a board of three
    triumviri, triumvirorum m
  3544. apply to a thing by way of increase :: add to what has already been said :: add to a bid
    adicio 5
  3545. affect :: adduce novelties
    commoveo 2
  3546. add
    supermitto 3
  3547. add :: annex :: admit :: arrange
    contribuo 3
  3548. augur
    coniecto 1
  3549. a vomit :: a disgusting fellow :: a puke
    vomitus, vomitus m
  3550. auspicious for you
    tuus, tua, tuum
  3551. annex :: apply
    adnecto 3
  3552. annex :: apply
    annecto 3
  3553. annex a logical conclusion
    conecto 3
  3554. annex a logical conclusion
    connecto 3
  3555. a rope
    schoenobates, schoenobatae m
  3556. admirable
    admirandus, admiranda, admirandum
  3557. abound
    scateo 2
  3558. abound
    scato 3
  3559. apart from other :: among others
    ut alia omittam
  3560. aspire to
    concupisco 3
  3561. ascend
    conscendo 3
  3562. according to my feeling
    de meo sensu
  3563. adorn
    convenusto 1
  3564. adorn excessively or carefully
    condecoro 1
  3565. assume a place :: assume a attitude for an action
    consisto 3
  3566. abundantly
  3567. afar :: away
  3568. absolutely :: about :: at all
  3569. as yet
  3570. as far
    adeo (2)
  3571. at :: almost :: about :: according to :: at a definite :: at a fixed time :: at a appropriate time :: according to circumstances
    ad + Akk.
  3572. argument
    argumentum, argumenti n
  3573. assail with reproach :: assail with derision :: abide
    agito 1
  3574. arch in buildings
    testudo, testudinis f
  3575. a torturing
    cruciatus, cruciatus m
  3576. agony
    carnificium, carnificii n
  3577. agonizing
    crucius, crucia, crucium
  3578. agitate :: agitate
    ventilo 1
  3579. attain to :: arrive at
    contingo 3
  3580. appraise
    taxo 1
  3581. attack
    adtamino 1
  3582. attack
    attamino 1 (adtamino 1)
  3583. attack :: assault :: arrive at :: affect
    attingo 3
  3584. attack :: assault :: arrive at :: affect :: apply one’s self to
    adtingo 3
  3585. appropriate :: apply one’s self to
    contracto 1
  3586. appropriate :: apply one’s self to
    contrecto 1
  3587. appropriate to one’s self
    adtracto 1
  3588. appropriate to one’s self
    adtrecto 1
  3589. appropriate to one’s self
    attracto 1
  3590. appropriate to one’s self
    attrecto 1 (adtrecto 1)
  3591. arrive at :: affect :: anoint
    tango 3
  3592. a very hard stone
    basanites, basanitae m
  3593. against
    adversum + Akk.
  3594. attachment bag
    suffiscus, suffisci m
  3595. ascertainable
    vestigabilis, vestigabile
  3596. art of tragedy
    tragoedia, tragoediae f
  3597. army on the march :: army
    agmen, agminis n
  3598. aboveworldly
    transmundanus, transmundana, transmundanum
  3599. aversion :: alienation
    alienatio, alienationis f
  3600. abuse
    calco 1
  3601. abuse
    conculco 1
  3602. arboreal fruits
    arborei fetus
  3603. anxious
    trepidulus, trepidula, trepidulum
  3604. anxiously
  3605. attemp
    temptamen, temptaminis n
  3606. attemp
    tentamen, tentaminis n
  3607. attempt
    temptamentum, temptamenti n
  3608. attempt
    tenptamentum, tenptamenti n
  3609. attempt
    tentamentum, tentamenti n
  3610. assembly by district
    comitia tributa
  3611. atom
    uncia, unciae f
  3612. arrant thief
    trifur, trifuris m
  3613. a man leaning on a staff
    tripes, tripedis m
  3614. adherents of tritheism
    tritheitae, tritheitarum m
  3615. auxiliary corps :: auxiliary forces :: aid :: assistance, support
    subsidium, subsidii n
  3616. adorned with trophies
    tropaeatus, tropaeata, tropaeatum
  3617. attention
    coera, coerae f
  3618. agitated
    turbatus, turbata, turbatum
  3619. abuser
    vexator, vexatoris m
  3620. actual
    verus, vera, verum
  3621. author
    tuba, tubae f
  3622. accountbook
    caudex, caudicis m
  3623. accountbook
    codex, codicis m (caudex)
  3624. admit as true
    credo 3
  3625. a female vintner
    cupa, cupae f
  3626. alburnum of a tree
    torulus, toruli m
  3627. a sea-fish
    amia, amiae f
  3628. a sea-fish
    amias, amiae m
  3629. altar :: a green field
    caespes, caespitis m
  3630. advert to :: attend to :: admonish of
    adverto 3
  3631. advert to :: attend to :: admonish of
    advorto 3
  3632. advert to :: attend to :: admonish of
    arverto 3
  3633. agitate
    verso 1
  3634. agitate
    vorso 1
  3635. avoid
    aversor 1 (avorsor 1)
  3636. avoid
    avorsor 1
  3637. avert :: appropriate to one’s self :: alienate
    averto 3 (avorto 3)
  3638. apply to
    me confero
  3639. alter
    verto 3 (vorto 3)
  3640. alter
    vorto 3
  3641. athwart
    transversus, transversa, transversum
  3642. athwart
    transvorsus, transvorsa, transvorsum
  3643. adverse
    adversus, adversa, adversum
  3644. adverse
    advorsus, advorsa, advorsum
  3645. apostrophe
    apostropha, apostrophae f
  3646. apostrophe
    apostrophe, apostrophes f
  3647. an abscess :: alteration
    conversio, conversionis f
  3648. alteration
    vertigo, vertiginis f
  3649. at a game played by throwing dice
  3650. a twelfth
    uncia, unciae f
  3651. a twelfth
    untia, untiae f
  3652. at two times
  3653. a pair
    bini, binae, bina
  3654. allegorical
    bilinguis, bilingue
  3655. allegorical
    bilinguus, bilingua, bilinguum
  3656. arbitrary rule
    tyrannis, tyrannidis f
  3657. arbitrator
    disceptator, disceptatoris m
  3658. according to the general wish
  3659. all together
    uno ore
  3660. ambiguous words
    verba oblivia
  3661. auspiciously :: at a fortunate moment
  3662. at once
    uno nomine
  3663. assistant-overseer
    subcustos, subcustodis m
  3664. assistant-overseer
    succustos, succustodis m
  3665. attempt
    conor 1
  3666. apply one’s self to :: arrive somewhere :: appertain to
    attingo 3
  3667. attempt
    conata, conatorum n
  3668. attempt
    conatum, conati n
  3669. attempt
    conatio, conationis f
  3670. assistant-instructor
    subdoctor, subdoctoris m
  3671. anxiety
    sollicitudo, sollicitudinis f
  3672. adversities
    aspera, asperorum n
  3673. age
    aevum, aevi n
  3674. association
    congregatus, congregatus m
  3675. association
    consociatio, consociationis f
  3676. add together
    coaduno 1
  3677. agreeing
    consociatus, consociata, consociatum
  3678. accordant with :: agreeing with :: accordant
    coniunctus, coniuncta, coniunctum
  3679. acre :: as (Roman coinage unit)
    as, assis m
  3680. as (Roman coinage unit)
    assis, assis m
  3681. anonymous
    anonymos, anonymon
  3682. anonymous
    anonymus, anonymum
  3683. art without bread
    artificium ingratum
  3684. abstemiously
  3685. ascending
    acclivis, acclive
  3686. ascending
    acclivus, accliva, acclivum
  3687. attic
    coenaculum, coenaculi n
  3688. assemble together (by exciting or rousing)
    concieo 2
  3689. assemble together (by exciting or rousing)
    concio 4 (concieo 2)
  3690. association :: advantage
    usus, usus m
  3691. accustom one to something
    assuesco 3 (adsuesco 3) (tr.)
  3692. apply torture
    tormenta adhibeo
  3693. abuse
    abutor 3
  3694. abuse
    deutor 3 (+ Abl.)
  3695. application
    chresis, chresis f
  3696. accept :: adopt :: adopt
    utor 3
  3697. advantage
    utilitas, utilitatis f
  3698. accustomed
    consuetus, consueta, consuetum
  3699. acquiring :: appropriating
    acquisitivus, acquisitiva, acquisitivum
  3700. advantageous :: adapted
    utilis, utile
  3701. advantageously
  3702. accustomed
    usitatus, usitata, usitatum
  3703. a liar
    vanidicus, vanidica, vanidicum
  3704. admired
    ambitiosus, ambitiosa, ambitiosum
  3705. appraisements
    aestimiae, aestimiarum f
  3706. appraise
    appretio 1
  3707. affect
    diligo 3
  3708. appraising
    adaeratio, adaerationis f
  3709. arch over
    camaro 1
  3710. arch over
    camero 1
  3711. arch over
    concamero 1
  3712. arch
    cameratio, camerationis f
  3713. arch
    convexum, convexi n
  3714. arch
    convexa, convexorum n
  3715. arched roof :: arch
    camara, camarae f
  3716. arched roof :: arch
    camera, camerae f (camara)
  3717. affront
    verborum contumelia
  3718. absinthe
    absentatum, absentati n
  3719. absinthe
    absentium, absentii n
  3720. absinthe
    absinthiatum, absinthiati n
  3721. absinthe
    absinthites, absinthitae m
  3722. absinthe
    absinthium, absinthii n
  3723. absinthe
    absinthius, absinthii m
  3724. absinthe
    apsinthium, apsinthii n
  3725. a tetrameter
    tetrameter, tetrametri m
  3726. afflicted with vertigo
    apiosus, apiosa, apiosum
  3727. arid
    siticulosus, siticulosa, siticulosum
  3728. ardent :: active
    vehemens, vehementis
  3729. anxious
    scrupulosus, scrupulosa, scrupulosum
  3730. aperture of a volcanic mountain
    creterrae, creterrarum f
  3731. aperture of a volcanic mountain :: a constellation
    crater, crateris m (cratera, craterae f)
  3732. aperture of a volcanic mountain :: a constellation
    cratera, craterae f
  3733. agricultural implements
    vas, vasis n
  3734. agricultural implements
    vasa, vasorum n
  3735. anxiety
    sollicitatio, sollicitationis f
  3736. agony
    agonia, agoniorum n
  3737. act of violence against someone :: act of murder against someone
    vis alicui allata
  3738. ardent
    concitatus, concitata, concitatum
  3739. accent
    vox, vocis f
  3740. amount of words
    ambitus verborum
  3741. assent :: approbation :: applause
    suffragium, suffragii n
  3742. assent :: approbation :: applause
    sufragium, sufragii n
  3743. attach :: appoint
    devoveo 2
  3744. avaricious person
    volturius, volturii m
  3745. avaricious person
    vultur, vulturis m
  3746. avaricious person
    vulturius, vulturii m
  3747. attack
    bellifico 1
  3748. axle maker
    axearius, axearii m
  3749. await the end
    ultima exspecto (expecto)
  3750. attendant
    toraria, torarii m
  3751. amble
    ambulatura, ambulaturae f
  3752. alone
    solivagus, solivaga, solivagum
  3753. a class of heretics
    circumcellio, circumcellionis m
  3754. a kind of tilbury
    covinnus, covinni m
  3755. a kind of tilbury
    covinus, covini m
  3756. a Tuscan-Latin incantation against fire
    arse verse
  3757. a Tuscan-Latin incantation against fire
    arses vurses
  3758. averting by prayer
    deprecatio, deprecationis f
  3759. ardor :: ardent love
    calor, caloris m
  3760. atone for
    diluo 3
  3761. an inundation
    diluvies, diluviei f
  3762. an inundation
    diluvio, diluvionis f
  3763. an inundation
    diluvium, diluvii n
  3764. ablution
    delavatio, delavationis f
  3765. accession of land gradually washed to the shore by the flowing of water :: alluvial land
    alluvio, alluvionis f (adluvio)
  3766. accession of land gradually washed to the shore by the flowing of water :: alluvial land
    alluvium, alluvii n
  3767. atrophy
    atrophia, atrophiae f
  3768. avert
    tutor 1
  3769. anxious
    vigilans, vigilantis
  3770. any wavelike thing
    unda, undae f
  3771. ancestral wax image
    cerea effigies
  3772. ancestral wax image
    cerea imago
  3773. ancestral wax images
    cerae, cerarum f
  3774. a precious stone
    ceritis, ceritidis f
  3775. an attendant at Christian ceremonial worship
    ceroferarius, ceroferarii m
  3776. apparitor
    viator, viatoris m
  3777. artifices
    artes, artium f
  3778. affected
    affectus, affecta, affectum
  3779. alienated
    desuetus, desueta, desuetum
  3780. axe
    telum, teli n
  3781. armoury
    armifactorium, armifactorii n
  3782. add
    adtexo 3
  3783. add
    attexo 3 (adtexo 3)
  3784. affix :: add :: annex :: append
    subtexo 3
  3785. advise upon
    delibero 1
  3786. agreeable :: acceptable
    acceptus, accepta, acceptum
  3787. apt :: adapted
    compositus, composita, compositum
  3788. anointed
    delibutus, delibuta, delibutum
  3789. a forbidden thing :: a prohibited thing
    vetitum, vetiti n
  3790. aftermat
    sicilimentum, sicilimenti n
  3791. a debt
    debitum, debiti n
  3792. as soon as ever
    ut primum
  3793. as soon as :: as
    ubi (+ Ind.)
  3794. anywhere
  3795. anywhere
  3796. anywhere
  3797. anywhere
  3798. argil
    argila, argilae f
  3799. argil
    argilla, argillae f
  3800. albumen
    albumen, albuminis n
  3801. albugo
    albugo, albuginis f
  3802. aged
    canus, cana, canum
  3803. abolisher
    abrogator, abrogatoris m
  3804. approver
    comprobator, comprobatoris m
  3805. ambidextrous
    aequimanus, aequimana, aequimanum
  3806. altogether
    ex toto
  3807. altogether
    in totum
  3808. abominable
    scelerus, scelera, scelerum
  3809. accursed :: abominable
    scelestus, scelesta, scelestum
  3810. amplitude
    amplitudo, amplitudinis f
  3811. at a later time
  3812. a standard of the Roman legions :: an unknown kind of fish
    aper, apri m
  3813. arbute
    arbutus, arbuti f
  3814. artifice
    techina, techinae f
  3815. artifice
    techna, ae f
  3816. affection
    voluntas, voluntatis f
  3817. a kind of larva under the bark of trees
    cossis, cossis m
  3818. a kind of larva under the bark of trees
    cossus, cossi m
  3819. add to :: annex
    agglomero 1 (adglomero)
  3820. addle-eggs
    ova zephyria
  3821. a spoiled fellow :: a worthless fellow :: a good-fornothing
    vappa, vappae f
  3822. armpit
    ala, alae f
  3823. armpit
    ascella, ascellae f
  3824. armpit
    ascilla, ascillae f
  3825. armpit
    axilla, axillae f
  3826. assuredly
  3827. arrogantly
  3828. assuredly :: at least
  3829. areostyle
    araeostylos, araeostylon
  3830. amply
  3831. according to the constitution
  3832. attentive
    arrectis auribus
  3833. at sunrise :: at daybreak
    cum diluculo
  3834. at
    apur + Akk.
  3835. at
    aput + Akk.
  3836. at :: among :: at the house of
    apud + Akk.
  3837. along with
    cum + Abl.
  3838. abandon the lawsuit
    causa desisto
  3839. anxious
    diffidens, diffidentis
  3840. attestation
    testimonium, testimonii n
  3841. admire
    admiror 1
  3842. admire
    ammiror 1
  3843. astonishing :: amazing
    stupendus, stupenda, stupendum
  3844. astonishingly
  3845. accustomed
    solitus, solita, solitum
  3846. appendix to a will
    codicilli, codicillorum m
  3847. a growth of other plants :: a crowded mass :: abundance
    silva, silvae f
  3848. artful :: artistic
    daedalus, daedala, daedalum
  3849. all
    mundus omnis
  3850. all
    mundus universus
  3851. absinthe
    absynthium, absynthii n
  3852. absinthe
    absinthatum, absinthati n
  3853. adore along with
    coadoro 1
  3854. adoration
    adolatio, adolationis f
  3855. adoration
    adoratio, adorationis f
  3856. adoration
    adoratus, adoratus m
  3857. admirable :: astonishing
    admirabilis, admirabile
  3858. adorable
    adolabilis, adolabile
  3859. adorable
    adorabilis, adorabile
  3860. after the manner of an old woman
    anicularis, aniculare
  3861. any clothing
    amictus, amictus m
  3862. a sow’s matrix
    volva, volvae f (vulva, vulvae f)
  3863. a sow’s matrix
    vulva, vulvae f
  3864. a sow’s matrix
    bulba, bulbae f
  3865. angry
    stomachosus, stomachosa, stomachosum
  3866. antagonist :: adversary
    colluctator, colluctatoris m
  3867. announce in writing
    scribo 3
  3868. alter :: assign
    transscribo 3
  3869. assent to :: agree to :: approve of any thing :: allow :: accord
    subscribo 3
  3870. author
    scriptor, scriptoris m
  3871. a means of reminding
    commonitorium, commonitoriī n
  3872. autograph
    autographus, autographa, autographum
  3873. an evil doer
    facinus, facinoris n
  3874. an evil doer
    homo maleficus
  3875. an evil doer
    malefactor, malefactoris m
  3876. an evil doer
    scelerator, sceleratoris m
  3877. an evil doer
    maleficus, malefici m
  3878. annual income of natural products
    annona, annonae f
  3879. annual :: appointed
    sollemnis, sollemne
  3880. arms of brass
    aurichalcum, aurichalci n
  3881. abate
    cado 3
  3882. am constrained :: am compelled
    vincor 3
  3883. add to
    adiugo 1
  3884. am under great obligation
    benigne (2)
  3885. a steer
    buculus, buculi m
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