Englisch - Lateinische Wortliste - Y
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    140 Ergebnisse
  1. yearly
  2. yoke
    adiungo 3
  3. youthful shyness
    aetas et pudor
  4. youth comrade
    aequaevus, aequaevi m
  5. youth
    adolescentia, adolescentiae f
  6. youth
    adulescentia, adulescentiae f
  7. yielding
    concessio, concessionis f
  8. yearly festival
    annua spectaculorum editio
  9. yearly salary
    annua stipendia
  10. yielding a little
    subadsentiens, subadsentientis
  11. yielding a little
    subassentiens, subassentientis
  12. yoke together
    coniungo 3
  13. yet young :: yet fresh
    crudus, cruda, crudum
  14. young boar
    aprunculus, aprunculi m
  15. yield
  16. yet
  17. yet
  18. yet
  19. yearbooks of the Pontifices Maximi
    annales maximi
  20. yield
    subsido 3
  21. yield
    descendo 3
  22. yearn for other loves
    alios amores suspiro
  23. yield
    parturio 4
  24. year after year
  25. you will be warmly welcomed by all
    carus omnibus exspectatusque venies
  26. yes-woman at the court
    assentatrix aulica
  27. yielding
    sequax, sequacis
  28. yield
    dedo 3
  29. yield a thing to one
    addico 3
  30. yield
    concedo 3
  31. yield to another
    decedo 3
  32. yield to :: yield to power
    concedo 3
  33. yield
    tribuo 3
  34. young :: youthful
    biridis, biride
  35. young :: youthful
    viridis, viride
  36. young
    adulescens, adulescentis
  37. yell
    ululo 1
  38. yelling
    ululabilis, ululabile
  39. your arrival scares me
    adventum tuum extimesco
  40. yet
    alioqui (alioquin)
  41. yield to
    utor 3
  42. yield
    adsentio 4
  43. yield
    adsentior 4
  44. yield
    assentio 4 (adsentio 4)
  45. yield
    succumbo 3
  46. young harlot
    scortillum, scortilli n
  47. young female slave
    ancillula, ancillulae f
  48. your Highness (as a title)
    celsitudo, celsitudinis f
  49. yearning
    desiderio ardens
  50. yearning
    desiderio flagrans
  51. yearning
    desiderio incensus
  52. young woman
    virgo, virginis f
  53. yet
  54. yet
  55. yummy
    catillanus, catillana, catillanum
  56. you my delight! :: you my bliss!
    mea voluptas
  57. yuck
    fastidibilis, fastidibile
  58. yuck
    foedus, foedua, foeduum
  59. yuck
    malevolus, malevola, malevolum (malivolus)
  60. yuck
    malitiosus, malitiosa, malitiosum
  61. young soldier
    tyro, tyrōnis m
  62. yet
  63. yet
  64. yielding liberally
    benignus, benigna, benignum
  65. your compatriot :: your countryman
    vestratis, vestrate
  66. yet
  67. you have to avoid that
    vitandum est, ne (+ Konj.)
  68. you must be renounced
    tui carendum est
  69. youth :: young man :: young woman
    adolescens, adolescentis c
  70. youth :: young man :: young woman
    adulescens, adulescentis c
  71. youth :: young man :: young woman
    adulescens, adulescentis m
  72. year after year
    alternis annis
  73. yawn
    bataclo 1
  74. yawn
    dehisco 3
  75. yellow
    croceus, crocea, croceum
  76. yard
    cohors, cohortis f
  77. yard
    cohors, cohortis f
  78. yield
    despondeo 2
  79. yeast added
    confaecatus, confaecata, confaecatum
  80. yield
    subdo 3
  81. yacht
    celes, celetis m
  82. yield to
    cedo 3
  83. young female servant
    servola, servolae f
  84. young female servant
    servula, servulae f
  85. young branch
    turgio, turgionis f
  86. young branch
    turio, turionis m
  87. year
    bruma, brumae f
  88. young slaves
    venalicium, venalicii n
  89. yellow wagtail
    anthus, anthi m
  90. yellowish
    subluteus, sublutea, subluteum
  91. youth time :: youth
    ver aetatis
  92. youth
    ver, veris n
  93. yacht
    celox, celocis c
  94. yearly
    annuus, annua, annuum
  95. yielding
    tractabilis, tractabile
  96. yearly
    anniversalis, anniversale
  97. yearly
    anniversarius, anniversaria, anniversarium
  98. yar
    subtegmen, subtegminis n
  99. yar
    subtemen, subteminis n
  100. yet
  101. young dog
    catula, catulae f
  102. young dog
    catulus, catuli m
  103. yarn
    filum lineum
  104. your :: yours
    tuus, tua, tuum
  105. yes
  106. yet
  107. yes
  108. yery sensitive to frost
    alciosus, alciosa, alciosum
  109. young soldier
    adulescentulus, adulescentuli m
  110. yellow like wax
    cerineus, cerinea, cerineum
  111. yellow like wax
    cerinus, cerina, cerinum
  112. yarn-beam
    tela, telae f
  113. yielding willing service
    benevolus, benevola, benevolum
  114. yes
  115. yet surely :: yet indeed
  116. young man :: youth
    acersecomes, acersecomae m
  117. young
    uter, uteri m
  118. young
    uterus, uteri m
  119. yield
    transscribo 3
  120. yield
    transcribo 3
  121. yarn winch :: yarn reel :: yarn spindle
    alabrum, alabri n
  122. yarn winch :: yarn reel :: yarn spindle
    alibrum, alibri n
  123. year by year :: yearly
    per annos
  124. yew :: yew-tree
    taxeus, taxei f
  125. yew :: yew-tree
    taxus, taxi f
  126. you can hardly oppose that :: you can hardly go against that
    vix resisti potest, quin ... + Konj.
  127. you can't just jump right in with something :: you shouldn't fall into the house with the door straight away when you do something
    non est assiliendum statim ad aliquid
  128. you have gone to my hand :: you went by my hand
    tu mihi praesto fuisti
  129. you see your mistakes half-blind :: you can see your mistakes half-blindly
    tua mala pervides lippus
  130. you sing ever the old song :: you reel off the same old story
    cantilenam eandem canis
  131. you think wrongly and deviously :: you astray
    avius a vera longe ratione vagaris
  132. you :: yours :: you :: you
    tu, tui, tibi, a te, tecum
  133. young twig :: young branch
    surcellus, surcelli m
  134. young twig :: young branch
    surcillus, surcilli m
  135. young twig :: young branch
    surclus, surcli m
  136. young twig :: young branch
    surculum, surculi n
  137. young twig :: young branch
    surculus, surculi m
  138. young wife :: young spouse
    virginia, virginiae
  139. your benevolence towards me :: your kindness towards me :: your goodwill towards me
    tua erga me benevolentia
  140. your girlfriend has been made into money :: your girlfriend has been sold
    amica tua facta est argentea
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