Englisch - Lateinische Wortliste - K
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    435 Ergebnisse
  1. keep around
    circumteneo 2
  2. key-keeper
    clavicularius, clavicularii m
  3. kind of African serpent
    chamaedracōn, chamaedracontos m
  4. kind of serpent whose bite causes violent thirst
    dipsas, dipsadis f
  5. knead together
    condepso 3
  6. keep the appointment
    vadimonium obeo
  7. kinswoman
    cognata, cognatae f
  8. kinsman
    cognatus, cognati m
  9. kindling
    conflatio, conflationis f
  10. knot
    commissura, commissurae f
  11. kiss
    savium, savii n
  12. knowledge
    scientia, scientiae f
  13. kind of sea-fish
    cantarus, cantari m
  14. kind of sea-fish
    cantharus, canthari m
  15. kind of roof for the protection of besiegers
    causea, causeae f
  16. kind of roof for the protection of besiegers
    causia, causiae f
  17. kind of mint
    calaminthe, calaminthes f
  18. kind of ox-tongue
    arcebion, arcebii n
  19. knife
    scalprum, scalpri m (scalper, scalpri m)
  20. kicking
    calcitratus, calcitratus m
  21. keep company with
    conversor 1
  22. kind of large chestnut
    balanis, balanidis f
  23. kind of large chestnut
    balanus, balani f
  24. kindnes
    affabilitas sermonis
  25. kind of musical instrument
    symphonia, symphoniae f
  26. keep back
    delecto 1
  27. kind of sacrificial cake
    augumentum, augumenti n
  28. knuckle-bone
    talus, tali m
  29. knob :: kind of (golden) amulet worn upon the neck
    bulla, bullae f
  30. kind of drinking-vessel in an alehouse
    ancon, anconis m
  31. kind of exercise in arms
    armatura, armaturae f
  32. kind of lily-shaped plant with many tubercles at the root
    asphodelus, asphodeli m
  33. kind of lily-shaped plant with many tubercles at the root
    asphodilus, asphodili m
  34. knee hollow
    anquila, anquilae f
  35. kind of sacrificial cake
    torunda, torundae f
  36. kind of sacrificial cake
    turunda, turundae f
  37. knock on the door
    digito ianuam pulso
  38. keep oxen
    bubulcito 1
  39. keep oxen
    bubulcitor 1
  40. know by experience or practice :: know
    calleo 2
  41. know well
    conscio 4
  42. keeps free from
    vaco 1
  43. keep silence
    sileo 2
  44. keep away from
    discaveo 2
  45. keep on at
    tundo 3
  46. keep silence
    conticesco 3 (conticisco 3)
  47. keep silence
    conticisco 3
  48. keep silent
    consilesco 3
  49. knowing
    cognitus, cognitus m
  50. knowing
    cognitio, cognitionis f
  51. kneading-trough
    alvarium, alvarii n
  52. kneading-trough
    alveare, alvearis n
  53. kneading-trough
    alvearium, alvearii n
  54. kind of herpes
    sona, sonae f
  55. kind of herpes or erysipelas
    zona, zonae f
  56. knee
    ancala, ancalae f
  57. knee
    ancale, ancales f
  58. kindness
    beneficium, beneficii n
  59. kindness
    benificium, benificii n
  60. kind behavior
    almitas, almitatis f
  61. kind behavior
    almities,almitiei f
  62. kiss like doves
    columbor 1
  63. kind of mineral pitch
    bitumen, bituminis n
  64. kind of Roman gladiator, whose helmet was without openings for the eyes, and who therefore fought blindfolded for the amusement of spectators
    andabata, andabatae m
  65. kindred :: kindred
    cognatio, cognationis f
  66. kindle
    conflo 1
  67. kneel before
    aggeniculor 1
  68. keep hidden
    contutor 1
  69. knead
    subigo 3
  70. kind of beetle
    taurus, tauri m
  71. knock
    adtundo 3
  72. knock
    attundo 3
  73. kindness
    studium, studii n

  74. califa, califae m (califas, califae m)
  75. kindness
    clementia, clementiae f
  76. kill
    tollo 3
  77. keep in suspense
    suspendo 3
  78. keep holiday
    vitulor 1
  79. kind of drink
    apluda, apludae f
  80. kind of drink
    appluda, appludaae f
  81. kindly
    civiliter [cīvīlius, cīvīlissime]
  82. kind of muleteers
    catabolenses, catabolensium m
  83. kind of muleteers
    catabulenses, catabulensium m
  84. keep close to
    adhaereo 2
  85. keep coming
    ventito 1
  86. kind of garlic
    alum, ali n
  87. kind of garlic
    alus, ali f
  88. killing oneself
    de me statuo
  89. kindness
    venia, veniae f
  90. keep secret
    conticeo 2
  91. kind of sundial
    conus, coni m
  92. kindred
    coniunctus, coniuncta, coniunctum
  93. knowledge
    conscientia, conscientiae f
  94. kept in the amphora
    amphorarius, amphoraria, amphorarium
  95. kettle
    cuccuma, cuccumae f
  96. kettle
    cucuma, cucumae f
  97. kind
    comis, come
  98. kindly
  99. kindly
  100. kindness
    comitas, comitatis f
  101. keep secret
    tego 3
  102. knavishly
  103. knavish person
    stēllo, stēllonis m
  104. kind of circular, winding shell on which Triton blew
    bucina, bucinae f
  105. kind of sapphire
    astrion, astrii n
  106. kind of sapphire
    astrios, astrii f
  107. kill cruelly
    trucido 1
  108. knock at :: kill
    caedo 3
  109. knifemaker :: knivesmith
    cultellarius, cultellarii m
  110. killing
    caesio, caesionis f
  111. know
    agnosco 3
  112. knock someone off his pedestal
    de fastigio aliquem deicio
  113. keeping the hearer in doubt
    sustentatio, sustentationis f
  114. killer of a god
    deicida, deicidae m
  115. kill
    conficio 5
  116. know
    animadverto 3
  117. know
    animadvorto 3
  118. kind of oak with edible acorns :: kind of bulbous plant
    aegilops, aegilopis m
  119. knock off
    alienigero 1
  120. kindness
    animus, animi m
  121. knit
    adtractus, adtracta, adtractum
  122. knit
    attractus, attracta, attractum
  123. kindly
  124. kill
    de medio tollo
  125. keep fast
    amplexor 1
  126. keep within limits
    coerceo 2
  127. keep within limits
    coherceo 2
  128. keeping off
    detestatio, detestationis f
  129. killing
    carnufex, carnuficis m
  130. keep to
    urgeo 2
  131. kneel
    me approno
  132. kindle
    conflabello 1
  133. keep off
    defendo 3
  134. kindle
    animo 1
  135. keen :: keen
    subtilis, subtile
  136. keen edge :: keenness
    subtilitas, subtilitatis f
  137. kind of shell-fish
    unguis, unguis m
  138. kind of hart with pointed horns
    subulo, subulonis m
  139. kind
    amans, amantis
  140. kitchen appliance
    machina coquinatoria
  141. kind of plant
    alopecuros, alopecuri f
  142. known
    celebratus, celebrata, celebratum
  143. kind to someone
    blandus adversus aliquem
  144. kind :: kindly
    amicus, amica, amicum
  145. kindly
  146. kindly
  147. keep off
    deterreo 2
  148. keen
    argutus, arguta, argutum
  149. kind
    affectuosus, affectuosa, affectuosum
  150. knobby
    ulcerosus, ulcerosa, ulcerosum
  151. kind of sausage
    silicernium, silicernii n
  152. kind of petticoat
    castula, castulae f
  153. kidnap
    sublego 3
  154. kind of frame for suspending sick horses
    canterius, canterii m
  155. kind of frame for suspending sick horses
    cantherius, cantherii m
  156. kill oneself with poison
    veneno mihi mortem conscisco
  157. kind of herpes :: kind of sca shrub
    zoster, zosteris m
  158. kiss
    adosculor 1
  159. knock down
    addico 3
  160. know beforehand
  161. know beforehand
  162. know beforehand
  163. keep a festival
    celebro 1
  164. kind of fish
    tragus, tragi m
  165. kindness
    bonitas, bonitatis f
  166. kindness :: kind conduct
    benevolentia, benevolentiae f
  167. kindness :: kind conduct
    benivolentia, benivolentiae f
  168. kind
    bonus, bona, bonum [melior, optimus]
  169. kintopp
    scurrilitas, scurrilitatis f
  170. kintopp
    scurrulitas, scurrulitatis f
  171. kind of cyclaminus
    chamaecissos, chamaecissi f
  172. keeper
    custos, custodis c
  173. key theme
    thema fundamentale
  174. keen
    acerbus, acerba, acerbum
  175. keep (money) from someone
    dehibeo 2
  176. keep (money) from someone
    debeo 2
  177. kennel
    stabulo 1
  178. kennel
    stabulor 1
  179. keeper
    curator, curatoris m
  180. keeper
    coerator, coeratoris m
  181. keep secret
    celo 1
  182. keep back
    detento 1
  183. keep back :: know
    detineo 2
  184. keep hold of :: keep :: keep
    adtineo 2
  185. keep hold of :: keep :: keep
    attineo 2 (adtineo 2)
  186. keep together (with someone)
    consociatus sum
  187. keep :: keep back :: keep something from something
    cohibeo 2
  188. keep :: keep back :: keep something from something
    coibeo 2
  189. keep together :: keep :: keep still
    contineo 2
  190. keep up :: keep back
    sustineo 2
  191. keep up :: keep in check
    sustento 1
  192. keep :: know
    teneo 2
  193. kind of pastry
    amus, ami m
  194. kind of pastry
    hamus, hami m
  195. kind of mattock
    upupa, upupa f
  196. kind of horned worm injurious to trees
    cerastes, cerastae m
  197. knock someone to the ground
    aliquem in terram praecipito
  198. kindly
  199. kindly
  200. knowledge
    discipleina, discipleinae f
  201. knowledge
    disciplina, disciplinae f
  202. knowledge
    discipulina, discipulinae f
  203. keen intuition :: keen observation nose
    acutae nares
  204. keep at bay :: keep away
    abhibeo 2
  205. keep off :: keep away
    procul adhibeo
  206. keep off :: keep away
    abstineo 2
  207. keep secrets that have been confided :: keep confidences to oneself
    commissa taceo
  208. keep something closed :: keep something under lock and key
    aliquid clausum teneo
  209. keep to due limits :: keep within due limits
    admoderor 1
  210. keep under wraps :: keep under lock and key
    clausum relinquo
  211. keep under wraps :: keep under lock and key
    clausum sino
  212. keep under wraps :: keep under lock and key
    clausum teneo
  213. keep your mouth shut :: keep quiet
    vocem includo
  214. keeping :: keeping up
    servans, servantis
  215. kept in a cave :: kept in a cellar
    cavealis, caveale

  216. Cerberus leniter caudam atterit

  217. Carchvia, Carchviae f

  218. Carcivia, Carciviae f

  219. Charcivia, Charciviae f

  220. Zacharpolis, Zacharpolis f

  221. Chiovia, Chioviae f

  222. Ciovia, Cioviae f

  223. Kijovia, Kijoviae f
  224. kill the day :: kill one's time
    diem comburo
  225. kill two birds with one stone :: kill two flies with one stone
    uno in saltu duos apros capio
  226. kind of bran :: kind of banner or standard under the emperors
    cantabrum, cantabri n
  227. kind of grain :: kind of rosemary
    zea, zeae f
  228. kind of hawk :: kestrel
    tinnunculus, tinnunculi m
  229. kind of javelin :: kind of dart :: kind of dragnet
    tragula, tragulae f
  230. kind of lizard :: kind of lettuce
    caecilia, caeciliae f
  231. kind of multipede :: kind of sea fish
    scolopendra, scolopendrae f
  232. kind of pap :: kind of porridge
    tragos, tragi m
  233. kind of pap :: kind of porridge
    tragum, tragi n
  234. kind of sausage :: kind of haggis
    tuccetum,  tucceti n
  235. kind of seat :: kind of stool
    seliquastrum, seliquastri n
  236. kind of ship :: kind of piratical vessel
    stlata, stlatae f
  237. kind of thorn or thistle :: kind of water-plant bearing a prickly nut of a triangular form
    tribulus, tribuli m
  238. kind of thorny plant :: kind of sponge
    tragos, tragi m
  239. kind of venomous ant :: kind of venomous spider
    salpuga, salpugae f
  240. kind of venomous ant :: kind of venomous spider
    solifuga, solifugae f
  241. kind of venomous ant :: kind of venomous spider
    solipuga, solipugae f
  242. kind of venomous ant :: kind of venomous spider
    solipugna, solipugnae f
  243. kind of venomous ant :: kind of venomous spider
    solpuga, solpugae f
  244. kind of wagon :: kind of cart
    serracum, serraci n
  245. kind of whip :: kind of scourge
    sudiculum, sudiculi n
  246. kind of whip :: kind of scourge
    suduculum, suduculi n
  247. kind of wine :: kind of jasper :: kind of chrysolite
    capnias, capniae m
  248. kindle any thing above :: kindle
    accendo 3
  249. kiss much :: kiss affectionately
    consavio 1
  250. kiss much :: kiss affectionately
    consavior 1
  251. kiss much :: kiss affectionately
    consuavio 1 (consavio 1)
  252. kiss much :: kiss affectionately
    consuavior 1 (consavior 1)
  253. kiss warmly :: kiss affectionately
    deosculor 1
  254. kiss :: kissing of the hand
    basium, basii n
  255. knee bend in front of :: kneeling in front of
    aggeniculatio, aggeniculationis f
  256. knee splints :: knee bandages for straightening the crooked legs of children
    serperastra, serperastrorum n
  257. kneeling :: kneeling down
  258. knock on the door :: knock
    digito ianuam impello
  259. knotty branch :: knotty stick
    clava, clavae f
  260. know from experience :: know by experience
    usu cognitum habemus
  261. know from experience :: know by experience
    usu receptus
  262. knuckle of beef :: knuckle of pork
    colaepium, colaepii n
  263. knuckle of beef :: knuckle of pork
    colefium, colefii n
  264. knuckle of beef :: knuckle of pork
    colepium, colepii n
  265. knock
    verbero 1
  266. kill yourself
    vim mihi affero
  267. know
    scisco 3
  268. keep closed
    clausum sino
  269. keep closed
    clausum teneo
  270. keep the room open
    conclave apertum relinquo
  271. kiss
    ausculum, ausculi n
  272. kiss
    osculum, osculi n
  273. kind of dice-box, shaped like a tower
    turricula, turriculae f
  274. kept behind bars
    cancellarius, cancellaria, cancellarium
  275. knavery
    urbanitas, urbanitatis f
  276. killer
    Sauroctonos, Sauroctoni m
  277. key
    claustra, claustrorum n
  278. key
    claustrum, claustri n
  279. key
    clostrum, clostri n
  280. key
    clustrum, clustri n
  281. king of the underworld
    umbrarum dominus
  282. kill
    corporo 1
  283. kindle
    acuo 3
  284. kind of sausage
    castellamenta, castellamentorum n
  285. kernel
    centrum, centri n
  286. kind
    clemens, clementis
  287. kind of battlearray
    turris, turris f
  288. kind of loose and easy garment
    synthesis, synthesis f
  289. king
    tyrannus, tyranni m
  290. killing
    carnifex, carnificis m
  291. kind of collar for the neck
    camus, cami m
  292. kind of abortion of bees
    clavus, clavi m
  293. kind of onion :: kind of bulb
    setania, setaniae f
  294. knavish person
    stellio, stellionis m
  295. kneading
    turundo 1
  296. keep one's direction
    cursum teneo
  297. kind
    almus, alma, almum
  298. kind of single onion
    unio, unionis f
  299. know
    consequor 3
  300. knowledge
    artificium, artificii n
  301. kind
    benignus, benigna, benignum
  302. kid-
    aedinus, aedina, aedinum
  303. known to the people
    demolaletus, demolaleta, demolaletum
  304. keeper
    tutelarius, tutelarii m
  305. keeper of a temple
    aeditimus, aeditimi m
  306. keeper of a temple
    aeditumus, aeditumi m
  307. keeper of a temple
    aedituus, aeditui m
  308. kicker
    calcitro, calcitronis m
  309. keeper of a prison
    commentariensis, commentariensis m
  310. knocker
    detrusor, detrusoris m
  311. kind of meteor
    chasma, chasmatis n
  312. knout
    corii bubuli
  313. kind of magpie
    varia, variae f
  314. kind of anapœstic verse
    choricus, chorica, choricum
  315. kitchen-
    culīnārius, culīnāria, culīnārium
  316. kind of pillar
    tibicen, tibicinis m
  317. kind of pillar
    tibico, tibiconis m
  318. kennel
    cubile, cubilis n
  319. kind
    aecus, aeca, aecum
  320. kind
    aequus, aequa, aequum
  321. kind of centaury
    triorchis, triorchis f
  322. kind of penthouse
    vinea, vineae f
  323. keep up false appearances with one to the injury of a third person
    colludo 3
  324. knife
    culter, cultri m
  325. keenness
    acumen, acuminis n
  326. kind of onyx
    aegyptilla, aegyptillae f
  327. kind of basilisk
    asterites, asteritae m
  328. kind of basilisk
    astrites, astritae m
  329. kind of onyx
    ceraunium, ceraunii n
  330. kind of onyx
    ceraunus, cerauni m
  331. keep back :: keep from publicity :: keep to one’s self :: keep back
    supprimo 3
  332. keep in :: keep to one’s self :: keep back
    comprimo 3
  333. keep to
    urgueo 2
  334. keeping back
    suppressio, suppressionis f
  335. keeper
    tuitor, tuitoris m
  336. known
    conclamatus, conclamata, conclamatum
  337. keep secret
    abdo 3
  338. keep someone waiting
    alicui in mora sum
  339. knotted
    sertus, serta, sertum
  340. knot
    torus, tori m
  341. know you as my enemy
    cognosco te inimicum
  342. knowing :: knowledge
    agnitio, agnitionis f
  343. keep the field
    sedeo 2
  344. keep quiet :: keep calm
    quiesco 3
  345. keep something in existence :: keep
    conservo 1
  346. kettle
    cortina, cortinae f
  347. keep unharmed
    servo 1
  348. keep safe
    sospito 1
  349. kind of sawfish
    serra, serrae f
  350. kind of heliotrop
    scorpiuros, scorpiuri m
  351. kind of heliotrop
    scorpiurum, scorpiuri n
  352. kind of heliotrop
    scorpiurus, scorpiuri m
  353. keep up
    tueor 2
  354. know
    video 2
  355. kill themselves
    ultro morti me offero
  356. keep away
    submoveo 2
  357. keep away
    summoveo 2
  358. keep at a distance
    ablego 1
  359. kindle
    aduro 3
  360. kindled
    adolefactus, adolefacta, adolefactum
  361. kindling
    succensio, succensionis f
  362. kindling
    suscensio, suscensionis f (2)
  363. kindred
    socius, socia, socium
  364. keenness of look :: keenness of glance
    acies, aciei f
  365. keenly
  366. keenly
  367. kill him
    compendio 1
  368. keep separate :: keep apart :: keep asunder :: keep at the proper distance apart
    discludo 3
  369. keep in order :: keep off :: keep at a distance, hinder :: keep off something from
    arceo 2
  370. kind of fireengine
    sipho, siphonis m (siphon, siphonis m)
  371. kind of fireengine
    sipo, siponis m
  372. knowledge
    ars, artis f
  373. kind of sandstone :: kind of tumor
    carbunculus, carbunculi m
  374. kind of sea-dog
    canicula, caniculae f
  375. knot :: knuckle
    articulus, articuli m
  376. knotweed
    centunculus, centunculi m
  377. kind of crayon
    cerula, cerulae f
  378. knob filled with fluid
    vomica, vomicae f
  379. keen
    acidus, acida, acidum
  380. kindred
    cognatus, cognata, cognatum
  381. kind of pike
    sudis, sudis f
  382. kraft flour
    amulum, amuli n
  383. kraft flour
    amylum, amyli n
  384. keen
    torvus, torva, torvum
  385. kind of platter
    statera, staterae f
  386. kind of discourse in a court of justice
    altercatio, altercationis f
  387. kick
    calcitro 1
  388. knock
    cudo 3
  389. kindle
    ardesco 3
  390. kill
  391. kill
    consumo 3
  392. keeping
    tuitio, tuitionis f
  393. kind
    affabilis, affabile
  394. knowable
    scibilis, scibile
  395. kept secret
    tacitus, tacita, tacitum
  396. kind bearing to others :: kindness
    benignitas, benignitatis f
  397. kind of fetter
    catula, catulae f
  398. kind of fetter
    catulus, catuli m
  399. kill
    deicio 5
  400. kind of fish
    turda, turdae f
  401. kind of fish
    turdus, turdi m
  402. keeping out of office
    detrudo 3
  403. keep
    contego 3
  404. keep
    agito 1
  405. keep track of someone
    alicuius vestigium persequor
  406. keep track of someone
    alicuius vestigium sequor
  407. keeper of treasure
    cimeliarcha, cimeliarchae m
  408. knot :: knob
    caespes, caespitis m
  409. know neither in nor out
    huc atque illuc me verso
  410. kind of sea-snail
    umbilicus, umbilici m
  411. knockdown :: knock-out
    cataplectatio, cataplectationis f
  412. kind of comet
    typhon, typhonis m
  413. keeping awake for security
    vigilia, vigiliae f
  414. keeping awake for security
    vigilium, vigilii n
  415. kind of stockings :: kind of leggings
    tibiale, tibialis n
  416. keep guard over
    advigilo 1
  417. keep
    asservo 1 (adservo 1)
  418. keep
    adservo 1
  419. keep
    asservo 1 (adservo 1)
  420. keep awake at night :: keep watch
    vigilo 1
  421. keep awake at night :: keep watch
    vigulo 1
  422. keep
    tutor 1
  423. keep
    custodio 4
  424. keeping :: keeper
    tutela, tutelae f
  425. kept asunder as by a wedge
    discuneatus, discuneata, discuneatum
  426. knowing
    consultus, consulta, consultum
  427. kind
    benevolus, benevola, benevolum
  428. knavish
    scelestus, scelesta, scelestum
  429. kind of chickling vetch
    arachidne, arachidnes f
  430. kind of chickling vetch
    arachne, arachnes f
  431. kind
    benevolens, benevolentis
  432. kind
    benivolens, benivolentis
  433. knock-kneed
    compernis, comperne
  434. kneading
    subactus, subactus m
  435. kid
    aedus, aedi m
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