Englisch - Lateinische Wortliste - T
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    3335 Ergebnisse
  1. that may be opened
    adapertilis, adapertile
  2. the inhabitants of Delphi
    Delphi, Delphorum m (2)
  3. the second in rank
    secundanus, secundana, secundanum
  4. title of a poem by Hesiod
    theogonia, theogoniae f
  5. that which borders upon
    confine, confinis n
  6. the aircraft is swept into the air by the storm
    aeroplanum procella in aera corripitur
  7. the Atride had fallen in love with the girl
    arsit Atrides virgine
  8. the goose announces that the Gauls are here
    anser Gallos adesse canit
  9. the north wind stirs up the waves
    aquilo undas asperat
  10. the right of the agnati to enter upon an inheritance
    ius agnaticium
  11. tranquillity
    silentium, silentii n
  12. the ospray
    avis sanqualis
  13. the female pudenda
    conca, concae f
  14. the female pudenda
    concha, conchae f
  15. the aspirate :: the letter H itself
    aspiratio, aspirationis f
  16. the conspirators
    conspiratio, conspirationis f
  17. the conspirators
    conspiratus, conspiratus m
  18. that which is decreed :: that which is decided
    definitio, definitionis f
  19. that which is decreed :: that which is decided
    diffinitio, diffinitionis f
  20. that which is heaped up
    congestio, congestionis f
  21. teaching
    collatus, collatus m
  22. the chief of ten parts of a zodiacal sign
    decanus, decanusi m
  23. tumor
    collectio, collectionis f
  24. torture
    confessio, confessionis f
  25. the Lesser Dog-star
    antecanis, antecanis m
  26. tillage
    cultura, culturae f
  27. tarrying
    contatio, contationis f
  28. tarrying
    cunctatio, cunctationis f
  29. treatise
    conscriptio, conscriptionis f
  30. temperature :: temper
    temperies, temperiei f
  31. temperature :: temper :: temperateness :: temperance
    attemperies, attemperiei f
  32. tarrying
    commoratio, commorationis f
  33. throwing down
    casus, casus m
  34. tithe-gatherer
    decimanus, decimani m (decumanus, decumani m)
  35. tithe-gatherer
    decumanus, decumani m
  36. title of a drama of Nævius
    corollaria, corollariae f
  37. the western breeze
    sephyrus, sephyri m
  38. the (very poisonous) Spanish fly
    cantharida, cantharidae f
  39. the (very poisonous) Spanish fly
    cantharis, cantharidis f
  40. transition of words :: transferring of words
    decessio, decessionis f
  41. that which goes before :: the antecedent cause
    antecessio, antecessionis f
  42. thoroughfare
    commeatus, commeatus m
  43. that which is heaped up
    aggeratio, aggerationis f
  44. temperance
    continentia, continentiae f
  45. throwing :: the draft of a law-case
    coniectio, coniectionis f
  46. tucks
    contabulatio, contabulationis f
  47. tug
    chamulcus, chamulci m
  48. training
    cultus, cultus m
  49. tankard
    cantharum, canthari n
  50. tankard
    cantarus, cantari m
  51. tankard
    cantharus, canthari m
  52. the scrotum
    culeum, culei n
  53. the scrotum
    culeus, culei m
  54. tallow-candle :: taper
    candela, candelae f
  55. title of a comedy not now extant
    condalium, condalii n
  56. the sound of wrangling :: the cry of altercation or contention :: the object of reproach
    convicium, convicii n
  57. the sound of wrangling :: the cry of altercation or contention :: the object of reproach
    convitium, convitii n
  58. tanner
    confector, confectoris m
  59. that which is prepared :: that which is made
    confectio, confectionis f
  60. tunnel builder
    cunicularius, cunicularii m
  61. tunnel builder
    cunīculator, cunīculatoris m
  62. turning round :: turn :: turnaround
    circumactus, circumactus m
  63. tramps
    convenae, convenarum m
  64. the artificial inner harbor of Carthage :: the name of several islands
    cothon, cothonis m
  65. the betony
    betonica, betonicae f
  66. the betony
    vettonica, vettonicae f
  67. the orach
    alimon, alimi n
  68. the tall rest-harrow
    anonis, anonidis f
  69. the smaragdoprasus
    chloritis, chloritidis f
  70. tortoise-stone
    chelonia, cheloniae f
  71. thickening
    conspissatio, conspissationis f
  72. thicket
    confraga, confragorum n
  73. travelling over
    concursatio, concursationis f
  74. the time of the annual circuit of the sun
    curriculum, curriculi n
  75. the consequence
    conclusio, conclusionis f
  76. ten Greek drachmae
    cyathus, cyathi m
  77. thin rind :: thin bark
    corticulus, corticuli m
  78. the tint or hue given to marble by rubbing it with a mixture of oil and wax
    circumlitio, circumlitionis f
  79. the humpbacked ox
    bison, bisontis m
  80. tapestry :: tapestry
    aulaea, aulaeae f
  81. tapestry :: tapestry
    aulaeum, aulaei n
  82. the spur on the leg of the cock
    calcar, calcaris n
  83. the state
    circumstantia, circumstantiae f
  84. the places of assembly of high councils out of Rome
    curia, curiae f
  85. talisman
    amuletum, amuleti n
  86. trusteeship
    curatio, curationis f
  87. the golden fleece of Spanish sheep :: thin layers of wood
    bractea, bracteae f
  88. the golden fleece of Spanish sheep :: thin layers of wood
    brattea, bratteae f (bractea)
  89. the similarly formed shield, cramp, or stay in which the axis of the crane or windlass moved
    chelonium, chelonii n
  90. touch
    contagio, contagionis f
  91. touch
    contagium, contagii n
  92. touch
    contamen, contaminis n
  93. touch :: theft
    contrectatio, contrectationis f
  94. touch :: touching of something unclean
    contactus, contactus m
  95. the resinous gum of that tree
    storax, storacis m
  96. the comb of a cock
    crista, cristae f
  97. turning of the water against it
    controversia, controversiae f
  98. turning :: turnaround
    circumactio, circumactionis f
  99. tiring out
    defatigatio, defatigationis f (defetigatio, defetigationis f)
  100. tiring out
    defetigatio, defetigationis f
  101. the yellow thrush :: the oriole
    chlorion, chlorionis m
  102. terminate
    deleo 2
  103. thereupon
  104. temperate
    abstemius, abstemia, abstemium
  105. temperate
    abstinens, abstinentis
  106. the lower world :: the infernal regions
    barathrum, barathri n
  107. tolerate no reduction in reputation
    dignitatem meam imminui non patior
  108. take :: take possession of :: take a thing upon one’s self
    accipio 5
  109. that follows logically
    consequens, consequentis
  110. truthfully
    ex vero
  111. truly
  112. take to task
    compello 1
  113. to cohabit with
    consuesco 3
  114. the Phœnician and Cilician date :: the tree itself
    balanis, balanidis f
  115. the Phœnician and Cilician date :: the tree itself
    balanus, balani f
  116. through :: through and through
    trans + Akk.
  117. to play the virgin
    virginor 1
  118. the right to give or convey away property
    datio, dationis f
  119. transact :: think upon
    ago 3
  120. truly
  121. truly
  122. truly
  123. transitory
    transitorius, transitoria, transitorium
  124. trench up
    accumulo 1
  125. take at the same time
    concapio 5
  126. the proof itself
    argumentatio, argumentationis f
  127. the Blues
    venetiani, venetianorum m
  128. the neighborhood
    continentia, continentium n
  129. to be favorable
    secundo 1
  130. tribune
    corniclarius, corniclarii m
  131. tribune
    cornicularius, cornicularii m
  132. tribune
    cornuclarius, cornuclarii m
  133. that has assumed the nature of something foreign
    adulterinus, adulterina, adulterinum
  134. to the advantage
    cum quaestu
  135. the wood nearest the pith
    aegida, aegidae f
  136. the wood nearest the pith
    aegis, aegidis f
  137. two years later
    biennio post
  138. the time between the age of the puer and juvenis :: the time from the 15th to the 30th year :: time of youth
    adolescentia, adolescentiae f
  139. the time between the age of the puer and juvenis :: the time from the 15th to the 30th year :: time of youth
    adulescentia, adulescentiae f
  140. torment of conscience :: tormenting remorse
    curae ultrices
  141. to the advantage of
    secundum + Akk.
  142. to one’s satisfaction
  143. that I agree to :: that is granted
    audio (formelhaft)
  144. terms :: the relation of lover or mistress
    condicio, condicionis f
  145. terms :: the relation of lover or mistress
    conditio, conditionis f (3)
  146. taking aim
    contemplabilis, contemplabile
  147. that has life
    vivus, viva, vivum
  148. the whole
    cunctus, cuncta, cunctum
  149. total
    conctus, concta, conctum
  150. the all in all
  151. the whole
    cuncti, cunctae, cuncta
  152. to a man
    ad unum
  153. the whole :: total
    totus, tota, totum
  154. the whole
    totum, toti n
  155. tin
    stagnum, stagni n (2)
  156. tin
    stannum, stanni n
  157. totally given up
    desperatus comploratusque
  158. traffic
    commuto 1
  159. though
    cum + Konj.
  160. the oldest time each time
    antiquissimum quodque tempus

  161. ambrosia, ambrosiae f
  162. the poetical foot –⏑– (also called Creticus)
    amphimacrus, amphimacri m
  163. those who have banded together
    consensio, consensionis f
  164. the dog-headed Anubis
    cynocephalos, cynocephali m
  165. the dog-headed Anubis
    cynocephalus, cynocephali m
  166. the costly gum exuding from the vine-palm
    bdellium, bdellii n
  167. the costly gum exuding from the vine-palm
    bedella, bedellae f
  168. trouble :: the loved object :: the mistress
    cura, curae f
  169. testimony
    contestatio, contestationis f
  170. the whole heavens
    axis, axis m
  171. tension
    contentio, contentionis f
  172. tiller of land :: tutor :: teacher
    cultor, cultoris m
  173. the imprisoned criminals
    carcer, carceris m
  174. the produce of the field
    campus, campi m
  175. the mark or sign burned or imprinted
    character, characteris m
  176. the mark or sign burned or imprinted
    characterium, characterii n
  177. tiara
    cidar n (indecl.)
  178. tiara
    cidara, cidarae f
  179. tiara
    cidaris, cidaris f
  180. the debt
    debitio, debitionis f
  181. treatise on analysis
    analytica, analyticorum n
  182. traditional
    traditionalis, traditionale
  183. the changes of the seasons of the year
    vicissitudines anniversariae
  184. take it from one :: take away
    abrogo 1
  185. the other :: the opposite
    alter, alterius m
  186. the posteriors
    anus, ani m
  187. temporary anguish :: trouble
    anxietas, anxietatis f
  188. tightness
    depressus, depressus m
  189. trouble
    anxietudo, anxietudnis f
  190. trouble
    anxitudo, anxitudinis f
  191. torrent :: torrent rushing down from a mountain
    amnis, amnis m
  192. the Whale
    cetus, ceti m (pl. cete n)
  193. the flesh of animal bodies :: the wood under the bark of a tree :: trunk :: the individual :: the testicles
    corpus, corporis n
  194. trifle
    bulla, bullae f
  195. tavern
    taberna, tabernae f
  196. treasure
    thesaurus, thesauri m
  197. that charms :: that allures
    delenimen, deleniminis n
  198. that charms :: that allures
    delenimentum, delenimenti n
  199. trust
    depositum, depositi n
  200. take root
    comprehendo 3
  201. take root
    comprendo 3
  202. the right distribution of water
    administratio aquae
  203. that excites mistrust
    suspicax, suspicacis
  204. tightly connected
    complexi inter se
  205. tightly connected
    complexi unus alterum
  206. the whole arm (from the shoulder to the fingers) :: the limbs of animals (analogous to the arms of men) :: the claws of crawfish and other sea-fish
    bracchium, bracchii n
  207. the whole arm (from the shoulder to the fingers) :: the limbs of animals (analogous to the arms of men) :: the claws of crawfish and other sea-fish :: the ridges of a mountain
    brachium, brachii n
  208. that attends markets :: that is carried about
    circumforaneus, circumforanea, circumforaneum (circumforanus)
  209. that attends markets :: that is carried about
    circumforanus, circumforana, circumforanum
  210. to - around
    circum + Akk.
  211. thorough hag :: thorough witch :: thorough sorceress
    trivenefica, triveneficae f
  212. the engraved figures themselves
    caelatura, caelaturae f
  213. tactics
    disciplina bellica
  214. tactics
    disciplina militaris

  215. dicta a maioribus repetunt minores
  216. transfer the fame to themselves
    gloriam in me transmoveo
  217. tree similar to the cypress tree
    bratus, brati f
  218. take in the place of a child
    arrogo 1
  219. the posteriors
    culus, culi m
  220. tempter
    tentator, tentatoris m
  221. tempter :: tempter
    temptator, temptatoris m
  222. the comitia
    comitia, comitiorum n
  223. the newly elected
    allectus, allecti m
  224. tax collection
    delegatio, delegationis f
  225. think tank
    Societas externae politiae amplectendae Germanica (DGAP)
  226. tightening
    stalticus, staltica, stalticum
  227. the late :: the former :: the deceased
  228. the late :: the former :: the deceased
  229. then
  230. together
  231. together
  232. together
  233. to someone's detriment
    cum damno alicuius
  234. to the last degree
    ad extremum
  235. to the last degree
    ad postremum
  236. to the last degree
    ad ultimum
  237. timely
  238. timely
  239. timely
  240. timely
  241. together
  242. trial
    temptatio, temptationis f
  243. trial
    tentatio, tentationis f
  244. try to straighten crooked
    curva corrigo
  245. thronging in attendance
    stipatrix, stipatricis f
  246. thin
    deductus, deducta, deductum
  247. testimony
    adtestatio, adtestationis f
  248. testimony
    attestatio, attestationis f (adttestatio)
  249. to be conspicuous :: to be noticed :: to be observed :: to be distinguished :: to be admired
    conspicior 5
  250. tyrant
    autocrator, autocratoris m
  251. take vengeance on :: take revenge for
    ulciscor aliquem
  252. turning away
    aversio, aversionis f
  253. thing made of hide or leather
    tergum, tergi n
  254. thrown backwards :: thoughtless
    supinus, supina, supinum
  255. tongue on the scale
    trutina, trutinae f
  256. terrace
    tabulinum, tabulini n (tablinum, tablini n)
  257. tent or roll of lint for wounds
    torunda, torundae f
  258. tent or roll of lint for wounds
    turunda, turundae f
  259. tape-worm
    taenea, taeneae f
  260. tape-worm
    taenia, taeniae f
  261. thong
    stroppus, stroppi m
  262. thong
    struppus, struppi m
  263. tie
    alligamen, alligaminis n
  264. tie
    alligamentum, alligamenti n
  265. tie
    alligatura, alligaturae f
  266. tie
    comptus, comptus m
  267. trader
    chrematista, chrematistae m
  268. trunk-maker
    vietor, vietoris m
  269. trunk-maker
    vitor, vitoris m
  270. to border upon
    contermino 1
  271. testify :: think
    arbitror 1
  272. testify
    testor 1
  273. tend to be afraid
    afformido 1
  274. take lessons with someone
    disciplina alicuius utor
  275. to personate another in asking
    suppeto 3
  276. take precautions
    cavefacio 5
  277. tremble like an old woman
    aneo 2
  278. take pains about
    studeo 2
  279. take rest
    consisto 3
  280. take pride in a thing
    superbio 4
  281. toss
    aestuo 1
  282. tremble
    vibro 1 (intr.)
  283. thrive
    vigeo 2
  284. take charge of
    administro 1
  285. to keep silent respecting a thing
    sileo 2
  286. think
    credo 3
  287. to blaze
    ardeo 2
  288. take care :: take heed :: take care for
    caveo 2
  289. to long much for
    concupio 5
  290. tremble all over the body
    toto corpore perhorresco
  291. totter
    talipedo 1
  292. take rest :: take rest :: take repose :: take a nap
    conquiesco 3
  293. take place
  294. tongue of a plough
    temo, temonis m
  295. timber
    trabes, trabis f
  296. timber
    trabis, trabis f
  297. timber :: tree :: table :: torch
    trabs, tabis f
  298. transfer to
  299. transport :: transfer :: transplant :: transfer by grafting :: transfer by writing :: translate :: transform
  300. transfer
  301. take away :: take off :: transport
    asporto 1
  302. throw in great numbers
    congero 3
  303. testify
    testificor 1
  304. take off :: take away :: transport
    absporto 1
  305. tolerate
    tolero 1
  306. thorny evergreen tree of Egypt
    acantha, acanthae f
  307. thorny evergreen tree of Egypt
    acanthus, acanthi m
  308. tolerably
  309. testifying for someone
    testimonium alicui perhibeo
  310. testifying for someone
    testimonium dico pro aliquo
  311. testifying
    testatio, testationis f
  312. testifying :: testification
    testificatio, testificationis f
  313. transportation
    vectura, vecturae f
  314. toleration
    sufferentia, sufferentiae f
  315. tolerating :: tolerant
    tolerans, tolerantis
  316. taunt
    sugillo 1
  317. trod close around
    circumpavio 4
  318. thrust severely
    debatuo 3
  319. thump
    tundo 3
  320. trodden close around
    circumpavitus, circumpavita, circumpavitum
  321. trampled down
    depavitus, depavita, depavitum
  322. thrive
    corpus facio
  323. turn to horn
    cornesco 3
  324. thrive
    vigesco 3
  325. tipple
    uvesco 3
  326. turn sour
    acesco 3
  327. to be hushed
    consilesco 3
  328. thicken
    addensor 1
  329. thicken
    spissesco 3
  330. train
    suesco 3
  331. trial,recognition
    cognitio, cognitionis f
  332. thrive
    adaugesco 3
  333. tremble for fear :: tremble at
    tremesco 3
  334. tremble for fear :: tremble at
    tremisco 3
  335. timid
    timens, timentis
  336. that falls to a person :: that falls to each one
    virilis, virile
  337. that has the paps on
    suminatus, suminata, suminatum
  338. triangular
    triangularis, triangulare
  339. tribunitial
    tribunicius, tribunicia, tribunicium
  340. triumphal
    triumphalis, triumphale
  341. tropical :: tropical
    tropicus, tropica, tropicum
  342. terminal
    terminalis, terminale
  343. tectonic
    tectonicus, tectonica, tectonicum
  344. that is built or constructed :: that is designed or used for building
    structilis, structile
  345. that is done in a hurry :: that is done hurried :: that happens hasty :: that is done sudden :: that happens confused :: that is done irregular
    tumultuarius, tumultuaria, tumultuarium
  346. that belongs to or serves for covering or overlaying walls, ceilings, floors
    tectorius, tectoria, tectorium
  347. testimonial
    testimonialis, testimoniale
  348. tutelar :: tutelary
    tutelaris, tutelare
  349. tutelar :: tutelary
    tutelarius, tutelaria, tutelarium
  350. tributary :: that brings in revenue :: that brings in income
    vectigalis, vectigale
  351. triumphing :: triumphant
    triumphatorius, triumphatoria, triumphatorium
  352. that occur at seed time
    sementinus, sementina, sementinum
  353. that occur at seed time
    sementivus, sementiva, sementivum
  354. to be sold
    venalis, venale
  355. tonsorial
    tonsorius, tonsoria, tonsorium
  356. territorial
    territorialis, territoriale
  357. that is thrown by the catapult
    catapultarius, catapultaria, catapultarium
  358. terrestrial
    telluster, tellustris, tellustre
  359. that is at the head
    capitalis, capitale
  360. timely :: timely
    tempestivus, tempestiva, tempestivum
  361. timely :: timely
    tempestus, tempesta, tempestum
  362. tibial
    tibialis, tibiale
  363. theatrical
    scaenarius, scaenaria, scaenarium
  364. theatrical
    scaenicus, scaenica, scaenicum
  365. theatrical
    scenicus, scenica, scenicum
  366. theatrical
    scenalis, scenale
  367. theatrical
    scenarius, scenaria, scenarium
  368. towards the sun
    solaris, solare
  369. theatric
    theatralis, theatrale
  370. theatrical
    theatralis, theatrale
  371. tertian
    tertianus, tertiana, tertianum
  372. triumviral
    triumviralis, triumvirale
  373. tunny-
    thunarius, thunaria, thunarium
  374. tunny-
    thunnarius, thunnaria, thunnarium
  375. tunny-
    thynnarius, thynnaria, thynnarium
  376. that is attached to the yoke
    subiugius, subiugia, subiugium
  377. theological
    theologicus, theologica, theologicum
  378. tricennial
    tricennalis, tricennale
  379. temporary
    temporarius, temporaria, temporarium
  380. temporary :: temporal
    temporalis, temporale
  381. topaz-
    topaziacus, topaziaca, topaziacum
  382. tragic :: tragic :: terrible
    tragicus, tragica, tragicum
  383. that is to be transferred :: translative
    translativus, translativa, translativum
  384. tributary
    stipendiarius, stipendiaria, stipendiarium
  385. tributary
    tributarius, tributaria, tributarium
  386. textorial
    textorius, textoria, textorium
  387. the crust of a cake :: the bark of the willow :: the vacant space between the seats in the amphitheatre
    balteum, baltei n
  388. throne
    sedes, sedis f
  389. turn about
    circumflecto 3
  390. throw on the back :: turned over
    supino 1
  391. turn aside :: turn in another direction :: turn off
    deflecto 3
  392. turn aside :: turn away
    declino 1
  393. twist together
    vieo 2
  394. turn
    vergo 3
  395. turn
    vergor 3
  396. turn
    vergo 3 (tr.)
  397. turning in :: turned backwards
  398. turning in :: turned backwards
  399. turning
    campter, campteris m
  400. turning
    camter, camteris m
  401. turning
    sinuatio, sinuationis f
  402. the interior part :: the inmost part of a thing
    sinus, sinus m
  403. torpid
    torpidus, torpida, torpidum
  404. thoughtful
    curiosus, curiosa, curiosum
  405. turn one’s self anywhere
    me confero
  406. traitor :: teacher
    traditor, traditoris m
  407. transmarine
    transmarinus, transmarina, transmarinum
  408. take the last adieu
    affor mortuum
  409. two-year-old wine
    bimum merum
  410. two-sided
    bilateralis, bilaterale
  411. tie around
    circumstringo 3
  412. tie below
    subligo 1
  413. tie up
    substringo 3
  414. tie up
    sustollo 3
  415. tie up
    devincio 4
  416. take legal action
    vador 1
  417. throttle :: torment :: torture :: trouble
    ango 3
  418. tie together
    deligo 1
  419. tie together :: tie up
    coligo 1
  420. tie together :: tie up
    colligo 1
  421. tie together :: tie up
    conligo 1
  422. tie under
    subnecto 3
  423. tie
    vincio 4
  424. tying below
    subligatio, subligationis f
  425. tying below
    subligatura, subligaturae f
  426. tying to
    alligatio, alligationis f
  427. trouble
    amaricatio, amaricationis f
  428. trouble
    amaritudo, amaritudinis f
  429. taunter
    blasphemator, blasphematoris m
  430. taunter
    carinator, carinatoris m
  431. tone
    accentus, accentus m
  432. talk foolishly
    balo 1
  433. talk foolishly
    belo 1
  434. the interior nature :: the innate quality :: the innermost feelings
    vena, venae f
  435. trickling with blood
    crudus, cruda, crudum
  436. to blow up
    sufflo 1
  437. the boat of Charon
    cumba, cumbae f
  438. the boat of Charon
    cymba, cymbae f (cumba, cumbae f )
  439. the boat of Charon
    cymba, cymbae f (cumba, cumbae f )
  440. troop
    vexillatio, vexillationis f
  441. tolerate :: think upon
    concoquo 3
  442. trouble of mind
    aestuatio, aestuationis f
  443. temerity
    audacia, audaciae f
  444. that may be touched
    contiguus, contigua, contiguum
  445. take action against someone
    comminus ad aliquem accedo
  446. terminate :: terminate
    definio 4
  447. terminate
    diffinio 4
  448. term
    terminus, termini m
  449. term
    termo, termonis m
  450. triumphal arch
    arcus, arcus m (arquus, arquus m)
  451. triumphal arch
    arquus, arquus m
  452. the pith in the upper part
    cerebrum, cerebri n
  453. tergiversate
    alienor 1
  454. tear
    abrumpo 3
  455. turning
    anfractus, anfractus m (amfractus)
  456. turning
    amfractus, amfractus m
  457. thorax
    thorax, thoracis m
  458. the rational soul in man
    animus, animi m
  459. thrill
    spiramen, spiraminis n
  460. the newlywed
    bruta, brutae f
  461. the newlywed
    brutes, brutis f
  462. touch
    contamino 1
  463. to form :: treat of
    condo 3
  464. turn up from beneath :: tame
    subigo 3
  465. take
  466. transportation
    advectio, advectionis f
  467. turbulent
    strenuus, strenua, strenuum
  468. trifles :: trumpery
    vitrea fracta
  469. thick
    congestus, congesta, congestum
  470. teeth brushing
    collutio dentium
  471. the shell
    calyx, calycis m
  472. to underbuild
    substruo 3
  473. that is fond of building
    aedificator, aedificatoris m
  474. tetrastyle
    tetrastylon, tetrastyli n
  475. trunk of a tree
    tignum, tigni n
  476. tauricornous
    tauricornis, tauricorne
  477. tomb :: tomb
    sepulcrum, sepulcri n
  478. to be consumed by fire
    deflagro 1
  479. to be consumed by fire
    defragro 1
  480. thicket
    virgultum, virgulti n
  481. thoughtlessly
  482. thoughtlessly
  483. the place where new wine was boiled down in the cortina
    cortinale, cortinalis n
  484. telephone
    telephono 1
  485. turn
    avoco 1
  486. the whole body of assistants, counsel :: the time allowed for procuring legal assistance
    advocatio, advocationis f
  487. taking home to God
    arcessitio, arcessitionis f
  488. tranquil state of the elements :: tranquillity
    clementia, clementiae f
  489. tranquilly
  490. tranquilly
  491. tin
    pyxis laminea
  492. trierarch
    trierarcha, trierarchae m
  493. trierarch
    trierarchus, trierarch m
  494. take care of something
    curae aliquid habeo
  495. take care of his health
    valetudini consulo
  496. take care of his health
    valetudini do operam
  497. take care of :: trouble one’s self about
    coiro 1
  498. take care of :: trouble one’s self about :: take the charge of
    curo 1
  499. take care of :: to be solicitous for :: trouble one’s self about
    coro 1
  500. take or have care of :: trouble one’s self about
    coero 1
  501. thought
    cura, curae f
  502. thoughtless words
    verba non circumspecta
  503. tapestry
    tapes, tapetis m
  504. tapestry
    tapete, tapetis n
  505. tapestry
    tapetum, tapeti n
  506. tapestry
    tappete, tappetis n
  507. transport
    transveho 3
  508. transport
    traveho 3
  509. take away
    deveho 3
  510. transport
    deporto 1
  511. to steal away any thing
    subterduco 3
  512. take possession of
    corripio 5
  513. transport
    transporto 1
  514. to put under :: take upon one’s self
  515. take away :: take away with one
    tollo 3
  516. transportation :: transportation
    deportatio, deportationis f
  517. transporting :: transferring :: transplanting :: translation into another language :: trope :: transposition
    tralatio, tralationis f
  518. transporting :: transferring :: transplanting :: translation into another language :: trope :: transposition
    translatio, translationis f
  519. transportation
    vehatio, vehationis f
  520. transporting
    subvectio, subvectionis f
  521. to complete
    consummo 1
  522. throw around
    circumicio 5
  523. throw away :: throw down :: throw away :: throw off
    abicio 5
  524. throw down :: tear down
    demolio 4
  525. throw down :: tear down
    demolior 4
  526. throwing one’s at
    affundor 3
  527. throw over :: throw upon
    superiacio 5
  528. throwing down
    deiectus, deiectus m
  529. touch someone's heel with one's heel already
    calcem tero iam calce
  530. teach the opposite of
    dedoceo 2
  531. thicken
    congelo 1
  532. transfer :: transmit :: traverse
    transmitto 3
  533. tumefy
    tumefacio 5
  534. troublesome
    vexabilis, vexabile
  535. troublesome
    vexativus, vexativa, vexativum
  536. terrifying
    anxifer, anxifera, anxiferum
  537. the title of a metrical writing of Servius
    centimetrum, centimetri n
  538. teacher’s chair
    cathedra, cathedrae f
  539. thoughtlessness :: temerity
    temeritas, temeritatis f
  540. transform
    transformo 1
  541. transform :: transfigure :: transform
    transfiguro 1
  542. transformation
    transformatio, transformationis f
  543. transformation :: transfiguration
    transfiguratio, transfigurationis f
  544. throw one's principles overboard
    animi iudicium muto
  545. transform
    converto 3
  546. transformed
    transformis, transforme
  547. transmuter
    demutator, demutatoris m
  548. transposition of letters
    transmutatio, transmutationis f
  549. the making prominent of the characteristic marks
    characterismos, characterismi m
  550. the making prominent of the characteristic marks
    characterismus, characterismi m
  551. triumphal car
    currus, currus m
  552. therefore babble :: talk
    aggarrio 4
  553. take care of your king!
    cave regi
  554. title of a comedy of Turpilius
    damiurgus, damiurgi m
  555. title of a comedy of Turpilius
    demiurgus, demiurgi m
  556. tribune
    tribunus, tribuni m
  557. troop deployment
    allectio, allectionis f
  558. take your choice
  559. tetrachord
    tetrachordon, tetrachordi n
  560. tree-cricket
    cicada, cicadae f
  561. twig of cinnamon
    cinnamomum, cinnamomi n
  562. twig of cinnamon
    cinnamon, cinnami n
  563. twig of cinnamon
    cinnamum, cinnami n
  564. twig of cinnamon
    cinnamus, cinnami m
  565. the produce of the year :: the age to which one must attain in order to be appointed to an office
    annus, anni m
  566. towns situated near a river
    amnenses, amnensium f
  567. towns situated near a river
    amneses, amnesium f
  568. to dinner
    vocatio, vocationis f
  569. townsman
    urbanus, urbani m
  570. town hall :: town house
    aedificium urbanum
  571. taker of cities
    urbicapus, urbicapi m
  572. to set at variance
    collido 3
  573. to set at variance
    conlido 3
  574. the claw-shaped part of the ballista :: trigger
    chelae, chelarum f
  575. the claw-shaped part of the ballista :: trigger
    chele, cheles f
  576. trim
    surculo 1
  577. translucid
    tralucidus, tralucida, tralucidum
  578. translucid
    translucidus, translucida, translucidum
  579. tranquil
    serenus, serena, serenum
  580. trail after :: to be the last
    adhaereo 2
  581. three-cleft :: threeforked
    trifidus, trifida, trifidum
  582. three-cleft :: threeforked
    trifissilis, trifissile
  583. transcend :: transgress
    transcendo 3
  584. transcend :: transgress
    transscendo 3
  585. transition
    transcensus, transcensus m
  586. transition
    transscensus, transscensus m
  587. toilet cleaner
    cloacarius, cloacarii m
  588. turn a blind eye to the flatterers
    aures assentatoribus claudo
  589. tightly :: tenaciously
  590. tightl
  591. tightl
  592. this side
    citerior, citerius
  593. take care of the hair growth
    comor 1
  594. throwing around
    circumiectio, circumiectionis f
  595. tapestry
    vestimentum, vestimenti n
  596. tow
    stupa, stupae f
  597. tow
    stuppa, stuppae f
  598. think upon
    colligo 3
  599. taking :: the fœtus :: thought
    conceptus, conceptus m
  600. tie
    concilium, concilii n
  601. title of the collected works of Jul
    collectanea, collectaneorum n
  602. tax collector
    vectigaliarius, vectigaliarii m
  603. tithing collector
    decimator, decimatoris m
  604. the decemviri :: the decemvirs :: the composers of the Twelve Tables
    decemviri, decemvirorum m
  605. tint
    color, coloris m
  606. tint
    colos, coloris m
  607. teacher of the elements of arithmetic
    arenarius, arenarii m
  608. thwart
    antevenio 4
  609. thrive
    cresco 3
  610. travel about
    concurso 1
  611. that which recommends :: the excellence of a thing
    commendatio, commendationis f
  612. trade :: traffic
    commercium, commercii n
  613. trade commissioner
    commissarius a commercio
  614. trade commissioner
    commissarius commercio consulens
  615. throw away one's life
    animam proicio
  616. taste :: tact
    sensus, sensus m
  617. tittletattle
    sermunculus, sermunculi m
  618. truism
    nodus scirpiculus
  619. thick-set :: thick
    compactus, compacta, compactum
  620. tutor :: teacher
    comes, comitis c
  621. troop of cavalry :: the train or retinue of the praetor in a province :: throng
    chors, chortis f
  622. throng
    cohors, cohortis f
  623. trial of skill
    comparatio, comparationis f
  624. thoroughly devastate
    vastito 1
  625. totally die out
    cum stirpe exstinguor
  626. totally
  627. totally
  628. transaction
    transactio, transactionis f
  629. the rhythmical movement of a verse
    decursus, decursus m
  630. tranquil
    sedatus, sedata, sedatum
  631. treat
    compono 3
  632. touch
    stringo 3
  633. torment :: trouble
    angor, angoris m
  634. teacher of arithmetic
    calculator, calculatoris m
  635. thicken
    densor 1
  636. the good old times :: the honesty of the good old times
    antiquitas, antiquitatis f
  637. that has acknowledged
    confessus, confessa, confessum
  638. trusting to something
    confidens, confidentis
  639. tackling debts
    aeri alieno subvenio
  640. troubled time
    turbidum, turbidi n
  641. troublemaker
    confusor, confusoris m
  642. tumult
    consternatio, consternationis f
  643. tie
    consero 3
  644. the necessary, inherent qualities of bodies
    coniunctum, coniuncti n
  645. the gaining over of hearers :: the winning of hearers :: the gaining over of a judge
    conciliatio, conciliationis f
  646. the moral sense
    conscientia, conscientiae f
  647. trust someone with any shameful deed
    aliquem ad quodlibet facinus audacem habeo
  648. think over
    commentor 1
  649. take counsel
    consulo 3
  650. tile-
    testacius, testacia, testacium
  651. tile- :: testaceous
    testaceus, testacea, testaceum
  652. terrestrial :: terrene
    terrenus, terrena, terrenum
  653. thready
    stamineus, staminea, stamineum
  654. trochaic
    trochaicus, trochaica, trochaicum
  655. the highest magistrate in other states
    consul, consulis m
  656. to ask his opinion or advice :: take counsel with the competent authorities :: take counsel upon something
    consulo 3
  657. touch
    contages, contagis f
  658. true to the life
    vividus, vivida, vividum
  659. ternary
    ternarius, ternaria, ternarium
  660. thirty years old :: thirty quarterdigits in diameter
    tricenarius, tricenaria, tricenarium
  661. trimeter
    trimetros, trimetra, trimetrum
  662. trimeter
    trimetrus, trimetra, trimetrum
  663. theoretical
    contemplativus, contemplativa, contemplativum
  664. twist
    subtorqueo 2
  665. torment
    strictura, stricturae f
  666. tapering of the columns
    contractura, contracturae m
  667. that which is lent
    commodum, commodi n
  668. talk
    consermonor 1
  669. think :: torment
    coquo 3
  670. the tenth part of an obolus
    calcus, calci m
  671. transcribe
    describo 3
  672. thread
    thomix, thomicis f
  673. thread
    tomex, tomicis f
  674. thread
    tomix, tomicis f
  675. thick bark
    suber, suberis n
  676. thick bark
    suberies, suberiei f
  677. trimming :: tempering
    castigatio, castigationis f
  678. title of a kind of land-bailiff
    corrector, correctoris m
  679. table-couch
    trichilinium, trichilinii n
  680. table-couch
    tricilinium, tricilinii n
  681. table-couch
    triclinium, triclinii n
  682. tillage
    rusticitas, rusticitatis f
  683. tie together
    copulo 1
  684. the halo around the sun or moon
    area, areae f
  685. the halo around the sun or moon
    aria, ariae f
  686. too great liberality
    comitas, comitatis f
  687. top
    coperculum, coperculī n
  688. taken from a tree with a portion of the bark
    corticatus, corticata, corticatum
  689. tapestry
    vestis, vestis f
  690. toga
    toga virilis
  691. thatch
    tegulum, teguli n
  692. trickery
    stellionatus, stellionatus m
  693. tear
    amyche, amychae f
  694. the earliest abode
    cunabula, cunabulorum n
  695. the nest of young birds
    cuna, cunae f
  696. the nest of young birds
    cunae, cunarum f
  697. trick
    vaframentum, vaframenti n
  698. thing created :: the creation
    creatura, creaturae f
  699. tufted lark
    cassita, cassitae f
  700. turnaround time
    tempus climactericum
  701. turned inwards
    camur, camura, camurum
  702. turned inwards
    camurus, camura, camurum
  703. tortuously
  704. transcend the Alps
    Alpes supero
  705. transom :: thwart
    transtrum, transtri n
  706. transposition of words :: throwing upon another
    traiectio, traiectionis f
  707. transversely
  708. transversely
  709. transversely
  710. transversely
  711. to lie in wait
    subsido 3
  712. train :: throng
    stipatio, stipationis f
  713. that picked up words (said of parasites)
    analecta, analectae m
  714. till :: tend :: take care of a field
    colo 3
  715. tilled
    cultus, culta, cultum
  716. trick
    callidum inventum
  717. too artificial or elaborate oratorical ornament
    cincinnus, cincinni m
  718. tremulous
    crispus, crispa, crispum
  719. trembling
    crispans, crispantis
  720. the person cursed :: the person excommunicated
    anathema, anathematis n
  721. the plough-tail
    urbum, urbi n
  722. the plough-tail
    urvum, urvi n
  723. traditional rituals
    caerimoniae translaticiae
  724. trim
    circumcido 3
  725. trim
    supputo 1
  726. troubled
    accisus, accisa, accisum
  727. take off the beard
    barbam reseco
  728. terminate
    decido 3 [2]
  729. take something very carefully
    aliquid ad vivum reseco
  730. trimm the nails
    ungues pono
  731. that may be cut
    sectilis, sectile
  732. tear
    seco 1
  733. tome of a larger work
    tomus, tomi m
  734. tear
    scindo 3
  735. that which is cut off
    caesura, caesurae f
  736. tidbits
    cupedia, cupediorum n
  737. tidbits
    cuppadia, cupadiorum n
  738. tidbits
    cuppedia, cuppediorum n
  739. tidbits
    cuppediae, cuppediarum f (cupediae, cupediarum f)
  740. the harmonious motions of the heavenly bodies :: troop or band of dancers and singers :: the heavenly bodies moving in harmony :: troop
    chorus, chori m
  741. the circular motions of the stars
    chorea, choreae f

  742. Dardanĭus, Dardanĭa, Dardanĭum

  743. Dardanus, Dardana, Dardanum
  744. tares
    zizania, zizaniae f
  745. tares
    zizania, zizaniorum n
  746. the East :: the Orient
    aurora, aurorae f
  747. twilight
    confinium lucis
  748. term
    dies, diei m
  749. too loose
    cariosus, cariosa, cariosum
  750. trick someone
    aliquem imprudentem obrepo
  751. throw dust in someone's eyes
    verba alicui do
  752. take a decision
    consilium capio
  753. tergiversation
    tergiversatio, tergiversationis f
  754. temple
    sopor, soporis m
  755. title of a work by Apuleius of Madaura
    apologia, apologiae f
  756. taint
    coinquino 1
  757. taint
    conquino 1
  758. tardy :: tenacious :: tough
    cunctans, cunctantis
  759. thought out
    cogitatus, cogitata, cogitatum
  760. tardily
  761. tasty meal
    cena bona
  762. tenesmus
    delectatio, delectationis f
  763. touching
    affectivus, affectiva, affectivum
  764. truly
  765. take off from the airport
    aeroplanum ab aeriportu avolat
  766. take-off
    avolatio, avolationis f
  767. trustee
    sequestra, sequestrae f
  768. tarnish
    decoloro 1
  769. take away
    deconcilio 1
  770. the height of heaven :: the heavens :: the high sea :: the deep
    altum, alti n
  771. topography
    topographia, topographiae f
  772. try to keep silence
    taciturio 4
  773. the object of desire
    cupiditas, cupiditatis f
  774. tear in pieces
    scindo 3
  775. tearing down
    demolitio, demolitionis f
  776. take a resolution
    constituo 3
  777. to be depended upon :: true
    certus, certa, certum
  778. teaching methods
    didascalice, didascalices f

  779. bugonia, bugoniae f
  780. taken away
    ademptus, adempta, ademptum
  781. trouble
    difficultas, difficultatis f
  782. to pierce :: transfix
    confodio 5
  783. trench itself made by digging
    ablaqueatio, ablaqueationis f
  784. treatise
    commentatio, commentationis f
  785. thrifty
    diligens, diligentis
  786. thin
    dilutus, diluta, dilutum
  787. two connected verse feet
    dipodia, dipodiae f
  788. take a right aim
    collineo 1
  789. take heed
    animadverto 3
  790. take heed
    animadvorto 3
  791. turning towards
    afflexus, afflexus m
  792. take away someone's error
    alicui errorem extorqueo
  793. take away by sentence
    abdico 3
  794. take something by the sense of sight :: take in :: think
    concipio 5
  795. turn away
    aspernor 1
  796. tare among barley
    aegilops, aegilopis m
  797. turpitude
    dedecus, dedecoris n
  798. troubled by the horror of war
    tumultu permotus
  799. turn into money
    alienigero 1
  800. toss :: trouble :: torment
    afflicto (adflicto) 1
  801. toss :: trouble :: torment
    afflictus, afflicta, afflictum (adflictus)
  802. thread spun :: thread
    colus, coli f
  803. thread spun :: thread
    colus, colus f
  804. trouble :: tribulation
    tribulatio, tribulationis f
  805. troubled :: that troubles :: that awakens solicitude :: that troublesome
    anxius, anxia, anxium
  806. territorial entity
    chora, chorae f
  807. throw into disorder :: throw into confusion :: trouble
    turbo 1
  808. throw in great numbers
    confundo 3
  809. tempt
    sollicito 1
  810. to disquiet in mind
    conturbo 1
  811. trench
    scrobis, scrobis c
  812. temper
    tempero 1
  813. to use
    consumo 3
  814. threefold :: tripartite
    tripartitus, tripartita, tripartitum
  815. threefold :: tripartite
    tripertitus, tripertita, tripertitum
  816. two-cleft
    bisulcis, bisulce
  817. two-cleft
    bisulcus, bisulca, bisulcum
  818. tribe
    tribus, tribus f
  819. to visit with
    afficio 5
  820. the worst throw with dice
    canis, canis c
  821. two-formed :: two-shaped
    biformis, biforme
  822. twice married
    bimaritus, bimarita, bimaritum
  823. two-ribbed
    bicostis, bicoste
  824. twice :: the ratio 1 to 2
    diplasion, diplasii n
  825. twice :: the ratio 1 to 2
    diplasium, diplasiī n
  826. two-shaped
    biformatus, biformata, biformatum
  827. tug :: touch :: take in hand :: transact :: treat
    tracto 1
  828. trailing along
    syrmaticus, syrmatica, syrmaticum
  829. tragi-comedy
    tragicocomoedia, tragicocomoediae f
  830. tragi-comedy
    tragicomoedia, tragicomoediae f
  831. take away
    subtraho 3
  832. tie together :: tighten
    adstringo 3
  833. tie together :: tighten
    astringo 3 (adstringo 3)
  834. take away :: take in
    subduco 3
  835. take off :: take down :: take away
    detraho 3
  836. take someone into one's confidence
    aliquem in societatem consilii assumo
  837. tie tight :: touch :: touch upon :: touch lightly :: touch slightly :: touch upon :: treat briefly
    stringo 3
  838. tie up
    constringo 3
  839. to associate with :: to narrow
    contraho 3
  840. take on lease :: to farm
    conduco 3
  841. tear up :: tear loose :: tear away :: tear to pieces
    convello 3
  842. take in :: take on :: to carry off
    traho 3
  843. taking away
    detractio, detractionis f
  844. trailing :: tract of a thing :: territory :: tract of land
    tractus, tractus m
  845. three-horse-
    triiugis, triiuge
  846. tight
    strictus, stricta, strictum
  847. tight
    substrictus, substricta, substrictum
  848. tight
    adstrictus, adstricta, adstrictum
  849. tight
    astrictus, astricta, astrictum (adstrictus)
  850. think idly :: think vainly :: talk foolishly
    somnio 1
  851. tramp
    crassator, crassatoris m
  852. tipple
    subbibo 3
  853. take in
    bibo 3
  854. toper
    bibitor, bibitoris m
  855. things, that absorbs moisture :: taking color
    bibulus, bibula, bibulum
  856. tavern
    bibaria, bibariae f
  857. trickle down
    destillo 1 (distillo 1)
  858. trickle down
    distillo 1
  859. turn over :: treat of
    agito 1
  860. take away
    absterreo 2
  861. thrust down :: throw down
    deturbo 1
  862. thrust down :: thrust out :: turn away
    depello 3
  863. thrust through :: transfix :: transpierce :: transact any business
    transigo 3
  864. take to a place :: thrust
    adigo 3
  865. thicken
    cogo 3
  866. trickle upon
    superdestillo 1
  867. trickle
    stillo 1
  868. timbrel :: tambour :: tambourine :: triangular area of a pediment
    tympanum, tympani n
  869. taborer
    tympanista, tympanistae m
  870. thirsty
    arens, arentis
  871. torrid
    torridus, torrida, torridum
  872. the dry wood :: the dead wood
    ariditas, ariditatis f
  873. temper :: temperament :: temperature
    temperatura, temperaturae f
  874. temperate
    temperatus, temperata, temperatum
  875. twilight
    confinium noctis
  876. terrestrial
    terricola, terricolae m
  877. temple
    aedes, aedis f
  878. temple
    sedes, sedis f
  879. the hearing :: the ear of a plough
    auris, auris f
  880. taken care of
    curatus, curata, curatum
  881. territory
    Tellus, Telluris f
  882. take food
    cibum sumo
  883. teach someone morality
    aliquem ad humanitatem informo
  884. teach someone morality
    aliquem ad humanitatem instituo
  885. the proper following of one thing after another
    consecutio, consecutionis f
  886. tendency
    conatus, conatus m
  887. the white
    albamentum ovi
  888. the one or both
    alter ambove
  889. throne
    thronus, throni m
  890. theatre
    thymela, thymelae f
  891. theatre
    thymele, thymeles f
  892. to another place :: to another person
  893. thinning
    tenuatio, tenuationis f
  894. take into possession
    complector 3
  895. telephone emergency call
    auxilium telephonice petitum
  896. trifling talk
    afannae, afannarum f
  897. trifling talk
    affaniae, affaniarum f
  898. the void :: the nothingness
    cassum, cassi n
  899. thoughtless verbosity
    inanis sententiis verborum volubilitas
  900. the limitation of a question by the removal of a circumstance in dispute
    circumscriptio, circumscriptionis f
  901. trim :: tame
    coerceo 2
  902. trim :: tame
    coherceo 2
  903. trumpet
    cornu, cornus n
  904. to be seized by lust
    voluptate capior
  905. taking over the inheritance
    aditio hereditatis
  906. the thrush
    aphthae, aphtharum f
  907. train :: troop
    comitatus, comitatus m
  908. taxing
    censio, censionis f
  909. turning to the side
    apoclisis, apoclisis f
  910. the west
    vesper, vesperi m
  911. the west
    vesper, vesperis m
  912. the West
    vespera, vesperae f
  913. the subject-matter of a writing :: truth
    argumentum, argumenti n
  914. testimony
    testamen, testaminis n
  915. task
    zetema, zetematis n
  916. theatre
    cavea, caveae f
  917. tumult of the mind :: tumult of the feelings
    tumultus, tumultus m
  918. torture :: trouble
    crux, crucis f
  919. tormenter
    carnifex, carnificis m
  920. tormenter
    carnufex, carnuficis m
  921. tormentor :: torturer
    tortor, tortoris m
  922. theme
    declamatio, declamationis f
  923. to seek to arrive at
    contendo 3
  924. take a stand
    dico, quae mihi videantur
  925. take a stand
    dico, quod sentio
  926. top
    apex, apicis m
  927. top
    cacumen, cacuminis n
  928. to the last degree :: to the extreme
  929. threshold
    supercilium, supercilii n
  930. transgress
    delinquo 3
  931. tumble down
    dilabor 3
  932. throw oneself at someone's feet
    volutor ad alicuius pedes
  933. turn up
    cado 3
  934. tumble down
  935. turn a somersault
    cernuor 1
  936. tumble down
    corruo 3
  937. tumble to the ground
    concido 3 (2)
  938. transitory
    caducus, caduca, caducum
  939. tumbling down
    casura, casurae f
  940. topiary-work
    topiarium, topiarii n
  941. turn intently
    defigo 3
  942. tread
    compesco 3
  943. tread
    compisco 3
  944. transfix
    configo 3
  945. tie to
    apio 5
  946. tie to
    apo 3
  947. to dread
    timeo 2
  948. terrible
    dirus, dira, dirum
  949. terrible :: tremendous
    tremendus, tremenda, tremendum
  950. terribly
  951. timidly
  952. timidity
    timiditas, timiditatis f
  953. the orgies of Bacchus
    Bacchanalia, Bacchanalium n
  954. to ache
    condolesco 3
  955. take the pulse
    venas tempto
  956. take part in :: to fit
    consentio 4
  957. tutrix
    tutrix, tutricis f
  958. the wife of an overseer
    villica, villicae f
  959. tavern
    caupona, cauponae f (copona)
  960. tavern
    copona, coponae f
  961. teacher in the handling of weapons
    armidoctor, armidoctoris m
  962. triennial festival
    triennia, triennium n
  963. tricennial festival
    tricennalia, tricennalium n
  964. throw stones at someone
    velitor lapidibus in aliquem
  965. trope
    tropos, tropi m
  966. trope
    tropus, tropi m
  967. tropical :: tropological
    tropologicus, tropologica, tropologicum
  968. typical
    typicus, typica, typicum
  969. to take food
    vescor 3
  970. to man
    compleo 2
  971. transform a lifeless object to a living being
    animo 1
  972. the hold :: the lowest of the people :: the dregs
    sentina, sentinae f
  973. that which has been strained
    colatura, colaturae f
  974. thin
    soubtilis, soubtile
  975. thin
    subtilis, subtile
  976. thin :: trifling
    tenuis, tenue
  977. thinness
    subtilitas, subtilitatis f
  978. toe-nail :: talon
    unguis, unguis m
  979. the date
    dactilus, dactili m
  980. the date
    dactylus, dactyli m
  981. toe :: twig
    digitus, digiti m
  982. tide
    aestus, aestus m
  983. the root stiffened by frost
    concretum, concreti n
  984. top quality cucumbers
    cucumeres primi
  985. travel medication
    medicāmenta viatoria
  986. title of a book of Matius
    cetarius, cetarii m
  987. tractability
    tractabilitas, tractabilitatis f
  988. the object of ardent affection
    ardor, ardoris m
  989. title of comedies of Menander, Naevius, and Plautus
    Colax, Colacis m
  990. take refuge in or with :: take refuge in
    confugio 5
  991. toss up
    succutio 5
  992. toss up
    superiacto 1
  993. tibia
    aula, aulae f [3]
  994. take the plane
    aeroplano vehor
  995. transitory :: turning from one to another
    volaticus, volatica, volaticum
  996. transitory
    volatilis, volatile
  997. transient :: transitory
    volucer, volucris, volucre
  998. thwart someone's murder
    alicuius ferrum retundo
  999. twigs :: tamarisk
    berbena, berbenae f
  1000. twigs :: tamarisk
    verbenae, verbenarum f
  1001. to be the consequence
    consequor 3
  1002. thicken
    denseor 2
  1003. track :: trace out :: trace out
    vestigo 1
  1004. take up someone's advice
    alicuius consiliis utor
  1005. tracing
    curru sequor
  1006. tractable
    sequax, sequacis
  1007. tasteless
    fatuus, fatua, fatuum
  1008. track :: trace :: token
    vestigium, vestigii n
  1009. to a certain degree :: to a certain extent
  1010. temporarily
  1011. temporarily
  1012. the next year
    in annum
  1013. the last time
    ultima vice
  1014. thirdly :: three times
  1015. to the detriment
    in deterius
  1016. three or four days
    triduum quadriduumve
  1017. to what purpose
  1018. take away someone's office prematurely
    aliquem ante tempus honore privo
  1019. the house itself
    atrium, atrii n
  1020. talk foolish stuff
    vaticinor 1
  1021. teacher
    vates, vatis m (f)
  1022. to pardon something through someone's intercession
    condono alicui aliquid
  1023. tubular :: tubulated
    tubulatus, tubulata, tubulatum
  1024. two drachms
    sicilicus, sicilici m
  1025. two drachms
    siciliquus, siciliqui m
  1026. the framework of ships
    corpus, corporis n
  1027. take root
    defigor 3
  1028. the beginning is half the battle
    dimidium facti est coepisse
  1029. terrify
    terreo 2
  1030. terrifying terror
    terrificatio, terrificationis f
  1031. terrifying
    territio, territionis f
  1032. terrible
    terribilis, terribile
  1033. through the streets :: through the villages
  1034. truly
    ex animo
  1035. through and through
    ex unguiculis
  1036. then
  1037. the wild strawberry
    arbitum, arbiti n
  1038. the wild strawberry
    arbutum, arbuti n
  1039. thwart a plan
    consilium convello
  1040. thwart a plan :: thwart an intention
    consilium dirimo
  1041. tinder
    alimenta ignis
  1042. treasure up :: to set :: to inter
    condo 3
  1043. thorny
    senticosus, senticosa, senticosum
  1044. turbulent :: tumultuous
    tumultuosus, tumultuosa, tumultuosum
  1045. turbulent :: troubled
    seditiosus, seditiosa, seditiosum
  1046. troubled :: thick :: turbid :: turbulent
    turbidus, turbida, turbidum
  1047. tortuous :: torturing
    tortuosus, tortuosa, tortuosum
  1048. that has eaten enough
    satur, satura, saturum
  1049. that causes injury :: that suffers injury :: that injures himself
    damnosus, damnosa, damnosum
  1050. tallowy
    sebosus, sebosa, sebosum
  1051. thorny
    spinosus, spinosa, spinosum
  1052. thorny
    tribulosus, tribulosa, tribulosum
  1053. thorny
    sentosus, sentosa, sentosum
  1054. thorny
    sentuosus, sentuosa, sentuosum
  1055. thymy
    thymosus, thymosa, thymosum
  1056. thymy
    timosus, timosa, timosum
  1057. tempestuous :: turbid :: troublesome :: turbulent
    turbulentus, turbulenta, turbulentum
  1058. thoughtfulness
    copia sententiarum
  1059. to crown, wreathe
    corono 1
  1060. to register
    consigno 1
  1061. thorny
    aculeatus, aculeata, aculeatum
  1062. track :: trail of a meteor
    sulcus, sulci m
  1063. traverse
    sulco 1
  1064. thievish
  1065. take courage
    cornua sumo
  1066. thunder back
    citato equo revehor
  1067. trash bag
    cucullus purgamentarius
  1068. the besiegers round a hostile place
    corona, coronae f
  1069. the besiegers round a hostile place
    chorona, choronae f
  1070. title of a poem made up of various verses of another poem
    cento, centonis m
  1071. tie for the neck
    amictorium pectorale
  1072. to gather up
    sublego 3
  1073. thicken
    colligo 3
  1074. treasure up
    thesaurizo 1
  1075. toothed wheel
    rota dentata
  1076. trellis
    canterius, canterii m
  1077. trellis
    cantherius, cantherii m
  1078. tepidity :: tepor
    tepor, teporis m
  1079. tranquilly
    clemens, clementis
  1080. tenderly
  1081. take a damage
    debilitor 1
  1082. take wine from the barrel
    vinum de dolio haurio
  1083. teething
    dentio 4
  1084. tuck up
    succingo 3
  1085. the bride’s girdle
    cingula, cingulae f
  1086. the bride’s girdle
    cingulum, cinguli n
  1087. the bride’s girdle
    cingulus, cinguli m
  1088. the crust of a cake :: the bark of the willow
    balteus, baltei m (balteum, baltei n)
  1089. tie
    cestos, cesti m
  1090. tie
    cestus, cesti m
  1091. tie
    caestus, caesti m
  1092. tinge
    coloro 1
  1093. to no longer control oneself
    animo indulgeo
  1094. tell someone good rules
    bene praecipio alicui
  1095. to present
    condono 1
  1096. transmit :: transmit :: teach
    trado 3
  1097. transmit :: transmit :: teach
    transdo 3
  1098. trust
    committo 3
  1099. the slave who hands the ball to the player
    dator, datoris m
  1100. transferring :: transmission
    transmissus, transmissus m
  1101. teaching :: tradition
    traditio, traditionis f
  1102. trickle under
    submano 1
  1103. trickle under
    summano 1
  1104. ter
    corrodo 3
  1105. to approve of
    accedo 3
  1106. traverse
    circo 1
  1107. take a walk :: travel
    ambulo 1
  1108. travel across :: travel over
    transvehor 3
  1109. travel somewhere repeatedly :: travel somewhere frequently
    commeo 1
  1110. travel around
  1111. travel around
  1112. travel about
    circumgredior 5
  1113. turn out
    decedo 3
  1114. take the lead
    antecedo 3
  1115. take the lead
  1116. take the lead
  1117. take the lead
  1118. take the place of
    succedo 3
  1119. transfix
  1120. to fowling
    aucupo 1
  1121. to fowling
    aucupor 1
  1122. turn aside :: turn out :: terminate
  1123. turn one's back on one's homeland
    solum verto
  1124. transformed into a thing
  1125. turn out :: turn out well or ill
    cedo 3
  1126. travel
    viam facio
  1127. torment
    stimulus, stimuli m
  1128. target
    scopus, scopi m
  1129. tragacanth-bush
    tragacantha, tragacanthae f
  1130. transition
    transitio, transitionis f
  1131. transposition :: transition (in speaking) :: transgression (of the law)
    transgressio, transgressionis f
  1132. the name of a ceremonial at the festival of the Magna Mater
    catabasis, catabasis f
  1133. trotting
    tolutaris, tolutare
  1134. trotting
    tolutarius, tolutaria, tolutarium
  1135. trotting
    tolutilis, tolutile
  1136. twining round :: that asks for a thing fawningly :: that solicits the favor :: that solicits the good-will
    ambitiosus, ambitiosa, ambitiosum
  1137. the rounds
    circumitio, circumitionis f
  1138. trimmed with gold
    auroclavatus, auroclavata, auroclavatum
  1139. things made of gold
    aurum, auri n
  1140. tenderness
    bonitas, bonitatis f
  1141. toparch
    toparcha, toparchae m
  1142. toparch
    toparches, toparchae m
  1143. time of grape-gathering
    vindemia, vindemiae f
  1144. tomb
    accubitorium, accubitorii n
  1145. tomb
    accumbitorium, accumbitorii n
  1146. terror :: terror
    terror, terroris m
  1147. throng
    vulgus, vulgi n
  1148. throng
    volgus, volgi n
  1149. throng
    vulgus, vulgi n
  1150. the similarly formed upper part of a mast :: the upright beam of a crane
    carchesium, carchesii n
  1151. tread under foot by comparison
    contero 3
  1152. thicken
    crassesco 3
  1153. take root
    coalesco 3
  1154. take root
    colesco 3
  1155. take root
    coolēsco 3
  1156. take form
    concresco 3
  1157. thick :: tearless
    concretus, concreta, concretum
  1158. take it upon oneself to make something happen
    aliquid fore recipio
  1159. taking care of one’s self
    cavitio, cavitionis f
  1160. taste
    stomachus, stomachi m
  1161. tail of a comet
    crinis, crinis m
  1162. the twenty fourth part of any whole :: twentyfourth of a pound
    semiuncia, semiunciae f
  1163. tie with a halter
    capistro 1
  1164. trolley
    vehiculum manuale
  1165. transmitted :: tropical
    translaticius, translaticia, translaticium
  1166. transmitted
    tralaticius, tralaticia, tralaticium
  1167. transmitted
    translaticius, translaticia, translaticium
  1168. touch :: try the strength of :: try :: tempt :: tamper with
    tempto 1
  1169. touch :: try the strength of :: try :: tempt :: tamper with
    tento 1
  1170. treatment :: treatment of a person
    tractatio, tractationis f
  1171. touching
    adtrectatus, adtrectatus m
  1172. touching
    attrectatus, attrectatus m (adtrectatus)
  1173. trim
    scitulus, scitula, scitulum
  1174. timely
    temporaneus, temporanea, temporaneum
  1175. tumor
    scirros, scirri m
  1176. troublesome
    difficilis, difficile
  1177. tough :: toilsome :: troublesome
    durus, dura, durum
  1178. tackle in elsewhere
    transiungo 3
  1179. tough climate
    asperitas loci
  1180. troublesome
    acerbus, acerba, acerbum
  1181. tempestuous :: thorny :: troublesome
    asper, aspera, asperum
  1182. tart :: troublesome
    austerus, austera, austerum
  1183. tumult
    concitatio, concitationis f
  1184. tumult
    concitatus, concitatus m
  1185. tumult
    concitus, concitüs m
  1186. that moves easily :: that moves quickly
    agilis, agile
  1187. trust someone with a lot
    multum alicui tribuo
  1188. that cannot be seen :: thick
    caecus, caeca, caecum
  1189. that has been married only once
    uniiugus, uniiuga, uniiugum
  1190. ten-time
    decasemus, decasema, decasemum
  1191. three-bodied :: tricorporal
    tricorpor, tricorporis
  1192. three-breasted :: triplebreasted
    tripectorus, tripectora, tripectorum
  1193. threecornered :: triangular
    triangulus, triangula, triangulum
  1194. three-cornered :: triangular
    triquetrus, triquetra, triquetrum
  1195. three-footed
    tripes, tripedis
  1196. threeforked :: three-pronged
    trifurcus, trifurca, trifurcum
  1197. threefold :: triple :: triform
    triformis, triforme
  1198. triple-headed :: threefold
    triceps, tricipitis
  1199. three-horned
    tricornis, tricorne
  1200. three-knotted :: trisyllabic
    trinodis, trinode
  1201. triple-named
    trinominis, trinomine
  1202. triple-named
    trinomius, trinomia, trinomium
  1203. triple-named
    trionymus, trionyma, trionymum
  1204. three-pointed :: tricuspid
    tricuspis, tricuspidis
  1205. triple-membered
    trimembris, trimembre
  1206. triple-striped
    triloris, trilore
  1207. three-tined :: threepronged :: tridented :: trident
    tridens, tridentis
  1208. triple-throated
    trifaux, trifaucis
  1209. two-edged
    bipennis, bipenne
  1210. twoheaded
    biceps, bicipitis
  1211. twoheaded
    bicipes, bicipitis
  1212. two-horned :: two-pronged
    bicornis, bicorne
  1213. two-pronged :: two-forked
    bifurcus, bifurca, bifurcum
  1214. two-pronged :: two-forked
    bifurtius, bifurtia, bifurtium
  1215. two-winged
    bipennis, bipenne
  1216. two-winged
    bipinnis, bipinne
  1217. teacher
    auctor, auctoris c
  1218. teacher
    author, authoris c
  1219. teachers or professors of law
    antecessor, antecessoris m
  1220. teachers or professors of law
    anticessor, anticessoris m
  1221. the Wagoner (a constellation)
    auriga, aurigae m
  1222. trustee
    curator, curatoris m
  1223. the choragus
    choragiarius, choragiarii m
  1224. the choragus
    choragus, choragi m
  1225. table companion
    convictor, convictoris m
  1226. turban :: tiara
    tiara, tiarae f
  1227. turban :: tiara
    tiaras, tiarae m
  1228. top :: top of trees
    caput, capitis n
  1229. to inter
    contumulo 1
  1230. trial day
    dies cognitionis f
  1231. the assembled hearers themselves
    auditorium, auditorii n
  1232. the ears
    audientia, audientiae f
  1233. tracking according to the order
    consectatio in numerum
  1234. torpor
    caros, cari m
  1235. thoughtless
    brutus, bruta, brutum
  1236. token of a peaceable embassy :: the staff (of Mercury)
    caduceum, caducei n
  1237. token of a peaceable embassy :: the staff (of Mercury)
    caduceus, caducei m
  1238. to be at a loss
    decontor 1
  1239. to be at a loss
    decunctor 1
  1240. throb
    singultio 4
  1241. tragedy
    cothurnus, cothurni m
  1242. tragedy
    coturnus, coturni m
  1243. treble whistle
    tibiae duae dextrae
  1244. that is difficult to reach :: troublesome
    arduus, ardua, arduum
  1245. top
    summitas, summitatis f
  1246. topmost
    superrimus, superrima, superrimum
  1247. topmost
    superrumus, superruma, superrumum
  1248. topmost
    supremus, suprema, supremum
  1249. the right way :: the true method
    via, viae f
  1250. taxi
    autocinetum conducticium
  1251. this way and that :: to and fro
    ultro ac citro
  1252. this way and that :: to and fro
    ultro citro
  1253. this way and that :: to and fro
    ultro citroque
  1254. this way and that :: to and fro
    ultro et citro
  1255. tell :: tell
  1256. trispast
    trispastos, trispasti f
  1257. treasure someone above all
    alicui omnia tribuo
  1258. tame
    cohibeo 2
  1259. tame
    coibeo 2
  1260. tame
    contineo 2
  1261. turn to :: treat
    adhibeo 2
  1262. tenacious
    tenax, tenacis
  1263. tenacity
    tenacitas, tenacitatis f
  1264. tenor
    tenor, tenoris m
  1265. trough :: tray
    alveus, alvei m
  1266. trough-shaped deepened
    alveatus, alveata, alveatum
  1267. tubulation
    tubulatio, tubulationis f
  1268. talon
    ungula, ungulae f
  1269. talons of a hawk :: thorns
    amus, ami m
  1270. talons of a hawk :: thorns
    hamus, hami m
  1271. trust
    spero 1
  1272. tusk of an elephant :: tongue of land
    cornu, cornus n
  1273. tusk of an elephant :: tongue of land
    cornum, corni n (cornus, cornus m)
  1274. tusk of an elephant :: tongue of land
    cornus, cornus m
  1275. two-horse race
    cursus bigarum
  1276. torture :: torment
    supplicium, supplicii n
  1277. toil
    cassis, cassis m
  1278. that which is been hunted :: that which has been hunted
    venatio, venationis f
  1279. throbbing
    trepido 1
  1280. tiller of the soil
    colonus, coloni m
  1281. to be admired
    admiratione afficior
  1282. they say of me that I ---
    dicor + Inf.
  1283. the glittering precious stone of a ring
    crystallum, crystalli n (crystallus, crystalli f)
  1284. troubled
    aeger, aegra, aegrum
  1285. titular
    adsimulaticius, adsimulaticia, adsimulaticium
  1286. titular
    assimulaticius, assimulaticia, assimulaticium
  1287. thereupon
  1288. turn one's attention to something
    animus se inicit in aliquid
  1289. terrify :: terrify in order to extort money :: trouble
    concutio 5
  1290. troops :: tools :: tackle of a ship (mast, sails, rudder, etc
    arma, armorum n
  1291. tackle of a ship
    armamenta, armamentorum n
  1292. thoughtful
  1293. thoughtful
  1294. tragically
  1295. tumultuously
  1296. tumultuously
  1297. turning
    arrotans, arrotantis
  1298. tenderly
  1299. tubular
  1300. temperately
  1301. together
  1302. truly :: to be sure
  1303. temperately
  1304. tremulous :: trembling
    coruscus, corusca, coruscum
  1305. things closely connected with :: things belonging to :: things suitable to
    adiuncta, adiunctorum n
  1306. turning aside
    clinamen, clinaminis n
  1307. to call in question
    addubito 1
  1308. to be cruel to someone
    crudelitatem adhibeo in aliquem
  1309. to be cruel to someone
    crudelitatem exerceo in aliquo
  1310. tale-bearer :: trickster
    sycophanta, sycophantae m
  1311. transgressor of the law
    transgressor, transgressoris m
  1312. the people of Damascus
    Damasceni, Damascenorum m
  1313. the inwards :: testicles
    viscera, viscerum n
  1314. tomb
    adytum, adyti n
  1315. tomb
    adytus, adytus m
  1316. that refuses to appear in a court of justice in obedience to a lawful summons
    contumax, contumacis
  1317. tempt someone to do something
    aliquem in aliquid instigo
  1318. tuition :: teaching
    discipleina, discipleinae f
  1319. tuition :: teaching :: training
    disciplina, disciplinae f
  1320. tuition :: teaching :: training
    discipulina, discipulinae f
  1321. trephine
    terebra, terebrae f
  1322. trephine
    terebrum, terebri n
  1323. the mark burned :: the sign imprinted
    caracter, caracteris m
  1324. time measured by the clepsydra
    clepsydra, clepsydrae f
  1325. this or that
    alternatio, alternationis f
  1326. take tough action
    fortiter et strenue ago
  1327. turning-point
    discrimen, discriminis n
  1328. terrified
    metu oppressus
  1329. terrified
    pertimefactus, pertimefacta, pertimefactum
  1330. terrified
    timefactus, timefacta, timefactum
  1331. to one place :: together
    in unum
  1332. together in one
  1333. tendency to drink wine
    vinolenties, vinolentiei f
  1334. tendency to drink wine
    vinulentia, vinulentiae f
  1335. tendency to drink wine
    vinulenties, vinulentiei f
  1336. tendency to drink wine
    vinolentia, vinolentiae f
  1337. trust to :: trust :: trust in
    credo 3
  1338. test
    scopo 3
  1339. trundling-hoop for children
    trochus, trochi m
  1340. tire
    canthus, canthi m
  1341. the theatre curtain lowers
    aulaeum tollitur
  1342. twilight is coming on
  1343. there is no question that not
    deliberari non potest, num ...
  1344. there is no point
    nimis violentum est
  1345. there is lightning
  1346. the day is coming
  1347. there is unanimity in respect to something :: the matter is decided
  1348. treasure
    cimelium, cimelii n
  1349. treasure
    cimico 1
  1350. tinkling
    tintinnum, tintinni n
  1351. take part in a campaign
    bello intersum
  1352. to do in common :: to share a thing with another
    socio 1
  1353. things that are joined together
    compactio, compactionis f
  1354. the fellowslaves
    conservitium, conservitii n
  1355. together
    subcommunis, subcommune
  1356. taste of any thing
    succus, succi m
  1357. taste of any thing
    sucus, suci m
  1358. take care of a temple
    aeditimor 1
  1359. take care of a temple
    aeditumor 1
  1360. to associate with someone
    consuetudine coniunctus sum cum aliquo
  1361. tyrannicide
    tyrannicida, tyrannicidae c
  1362. tyrannicide
    tyrannicidium, tyrannicidii n
  1363. tetter
    vitiligo, vitiliginis f
  1364. tympanites
    tympanites, tympanitae m

  1365. cerrus, cerri f
  1366. tweezers
    volsella, volsellae f
  1367. tweezers
    volsilla, volsillae f
  1368. tweezers
    vulsella, vulsellae f
  1369. turquoise
    aerizusa, aerizusae f
  1370. type of bulrush
    combretum, combreti n
  1371. thresher-shark
    alopex, alopecis f
  1372. the black martin
    apus, apodis m
  1373. ties of kinship
    vincula affinia
  1374. to beseech
    supplico 1
  1375. title of an unfinished poem by Manilius :: title of a treatise by Hyginus
    astronomica, astronomicon n
  1376. toil at a thing
    allaboro 1 (adlaboro 1)
  1377. to debilitate
    debilito 1
  1378. terrestrial animal
    bestia terrestris
  1379. territory
    territorium, territorii n
  1380. tithe-land
    decumates, decumatium m
  1381. territory
    terra, terrae f
  1382. tinder fungus
    agaricon, agarici n
  1383. tinder fungus
    agaricum, agarici n
  1384. tankard
    anancaeum, anancaei n
  1385. the missile itself
    catapulta, catapultae f
  1386. the weapon thrown
    balista, balistae f
  1387. the weapon thrown
    ballista, ballistae f (balista)
  1388. tibia
    tibia, tibiae f
  1389. torment
    verbero 1
  1390. two-day
    biduanus, biduana, biduanum
  1391. too late
  1392. too late
    serus, sera, serum
  1393. trellis-like
  1394. take vengeance
    vendico 1
  1395. take vengeance
    vindico 1
  1396. take hold of
    comprehendo 3
  1397. take away
    deprehendo 3
  1398. take away
    deprendo 3
  1399. take hold of :: take possession
    adprehendo 3
  1400. take hold of :: take possession
    apprehendo 3 (adprehendo 3), [apprendo 3, adprendo 3]
  1401. throw out from below
    subiecto 1
  1402. taking into protection
    vindicatio, vindicationis f
  1403. tearing down :: testimony
    depositio, depositionis f
  1404. the preparation of a room for a feast
    stratio, strationis f
  1405. to lead over :: transport over :: transfer
    traduco 3
  1406. to lead over :: transport over :: transfer
    transduco 3
  1407. turn off
    derivo 1
  1408. take with one :: take away :: take aside :: take and drive away
    abduco 3
  1409. take home the bride
    deduco 3
  1410. throw out
    ago 3
  1411. transferring :: transferring
    traductio, traductionis f
  1412. turning off :: turning away
    derivatio, derivationis f
  1413. that which is written upon paper :: thin leaf :: tablet
    carta, cartae f
  1414. that which is written upon paper :: thin leaf :: tablet
    charta, chartae f
  1415. that which is written upon paper :: thin leaf :: tablet
    chartina, chartinae f
  1416. the papyrus plant itself :: that which is written upon paper :: thin leaf :: tablet
    charta, chartae f
  1417. the papyrus plant itself :: that which is written upon paper :: thin leaf :: tablet
    chartus, charti m
  1418. thin :: tasteless
    strigosus, strigosa, strigosum
  1419. thin :: tasteless
    stricosus, stricosa, stricosum
  1420. take income in lease
    vectigalia conduco
  1421. the left
    sinistra, sinistrae f
  1422. that is on the left :: towards the left side
    scaevus, scaeva, scaevum
  1423. the lower part of the plant stem
    crus, cruris n
  1424. to the end :: to
  1425. take away from
    deminuo 3
  1426. torture someone
    tormenta alicui admoveo
  1427. take someone into one's confidence
    aliquem consilii socium facio
  1428. take something as a lesson
    aliquid pro disciplina et praeceptis habeo
  1429. tolerate something
    aliquid fieri patior
  1430. throw to the ground
    assolo 1 (adsolo 1)
  1431. touch
    allambo 3
  1432. take up
    capto 1
  1433. think up
    admentior 4
  1434. take away all around
  1435. throw up
    suscito 1
  1436. take up :: take away
    sustollo 3
  1437. take up :: take up :: take on board
    tollo 3
  1438. taking away
    sublatio, sublationis f
  1439. travel over :: travel through
    circumlustro 1
  1440. the thorn does not produce grapes :: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
    colubra restem non parit
  1441. tufaceous
    toficius, toficia, toficium
  1442. the same
    siremps (sirempse) (indecl.)
  1443. type
    simulacrum, simulacri n
  1444. treatise
    scriptum, scripti n
  1445. topsail
    supparum, suppari n
  1446. topsail
    siparium, siparii n
  1447. tying together
    connodo 1
  1448. trifling plea for pardon
    deprecatiuncula, deprecatiunculae f
  1449. toe
    digitulus, digituli m
  1450. tube
    calamiscus, calamisci m
  1451. turret
    turricula, turriculae f
  1452. title of a work by Varro
    virgula, virgulae f
  1453. tendril
    vitecula, viteculae f
  1454. tendril
    viticula, viticulae f
  1455. trifling
    vesculus, vescula, vesculum
  1456. transport
    alacritas, alacritatis f
  1457. trickery
    urbanitas, urbanitatis f
  1458. tuft of hair :: tuft of feathers or crest of birds
    cirra, cirrae f
  1459. tuft of hair :: tuft of feathers or crest of birds
    cirrus, cirri m
  1460. train driver
    currus tractorii gubernātor
  1461. train driver
    currus vectorii ductor
  1462. tragically
  1463. trunk of a tree :: tree
    stipes, stipitis m
  1464. trunk of a tree :: tree
    stips, stipis m (2)
  1465. tarry
    demoror 1
  1466. the ass
    auritulus, aurituli m
  1467. the day on which the sun enters Cancer
    dies solstitialis
  1468. take heed
    circumspicio 5
  1469. take care
    considero 1
  1470. take into view :: take care of
    contueor 2
  1471. take into view :: take care of
    contuor 3
  1472. take into consideration
    adspicio 5
  1473. take into consideration
    aspicio 5 (adspicio) 5
  1474. totteringly
  1475. the beloved object itself :: the god of love
    amor, amoris m
  1476. trifling value of a thing
    vilitas, vilitatis f
  1477. transverse
    transversarius, transversaria, transversarium
  1478. title of a book by Democritus
    chirocmeta, chirocmetorum n
  1479. tin
    stagneus, stagnea, stagneum
  1480. tin
    stanneus, stannea, stanneum
  1481. talk at random
    tumultuor 1
  1482. to share
    communicor 1
  1483. traverse
    conficio 5
  1484. turn small things into tragedy
    tragoedias ago in nugis
  1485. triumph :: triumph :: triumph over
    triumpho 1
  1486. terrify
    terrifico 1
  1487. tinge with red
    cruento 1
  1488. trifle
    tricor 1
  1489. to parch :: torrefy
    torrefacio 5
  1490. taint
    vitio 1
  1491. turn into ridicule :: thwart
    ludificor 1
  1492. to level land by the coulter
    cultello 1
  1493. tepefy
    tepefacio 5
  1494. take care of one's skin :: to take care of oneself
    cutem curo
  1495. throw into commotion
    aspero 1
  1496. talk something noisily :: to boast of
    crepo 1
  1497. tame
    adsuefacio 5
  1498. tame
    mansuefacio 5
  1499. thicken
    crasso 1
  1500. thicken
    crassifico 1
  1501. thin
    adtenuo 1
  1502. thin
    attenuo 1 (adtenuo 1)
  1503. thin
    attenuo 1 (adtenuo 1)
  1504. trouble
    calefacio 5
  1505. trouble
    calfacio 5
  1506. trouble
    calficio 5
  1507. tailoring
    vestificina, vestificinae f
  1508. tailoring
    vestificium, vestificii n
  1509. thickness
    crassificatio, crassificationis f
  1510. thieving joy
    voluptas ex malis alienis capta
  1511. to each one separately
  1512. trusteeship
    cura, curae f
  1513. transactor
    transactor, transactoris m
  1514. trace out
    designo 1
  1515. take note of
    denoto 1
  1516. take note of
    dinoto 1
  1517. token
    signum, signi n
  1518. town-like community
    comopolis, comopolis f
  1519. transcript
    descriptio, descriptionis f
  1520. the dwelling of different persons :: the dwelling of a couple who are slaves
    contubernium, contubernii n
  1521. tenet
    scitum, sciti n
  1522. that which binds together :: tie
    coagulum, coaguli n
  1523. to proportion
    commetior 4

  1524. synedrium, synedrii n
  1525. tribune
    contio, contionis f
  1526. tribune
    concio, concionis f
  1527. title of works of miscellaneous contents
    coniectanea, coniectaneorum n
  1528. troops
    copiae, copiarum f
  1529. thoughtless
    socors, socordis
  1530. the idea of God is grasped mentally, not sensually
    cogitatione non sensu species dei percipitur
  1531. trochee
    trochaeus, trochaei m
  1532. tranquil :: tame
    clemens, clementis
  1533. troops belonging to a vexillum :: troop
    vexillum, vexilli n
  1534. tension
    animus suspensus
  1535. tamper with anything
    manus alicui rei adhibeo
  1536. trickster
    trico, triconis m
  1537. transgression :: trespass
    admissum, admissi n
  1538. turn aside :: torture :: turn :: torment
    torqueo 2
  1539. that excites suspicion
    suspectus, suspecta, suspectum
  1540. that excites mistrust :: that excites suspicion
    suspiciosus, suspiciosa, suspiciosum
  1541. thin
    aquatus, aquata, aquatum
  1542. temperament :: temperature
    temperamentum, temperamenti n
  1543. taunting :: teasing
    delusio, delusionis f
  1544. temper by mixing
    contempero 1
  1545. tepid
    tepidus, tepida, tepidum
  1546. temperately
  1547. temperateness :: temperance
    temperantia, temperantiae f
  1548. to wet
    cohumido 1
  1549. tearful
    umecto 1
  1550. time period
    atomum, atomi n
  1551. tyrant
    tyrannus, tyranni m
  1552. to put it more correctly
    ut verius dicam
  1553. two to three times
    bisque terque
  1554. tasty
    catillanus, catillana, catillanum
  1555. turn away :: thrust aside
    demoveo 2
  1556. tremble
    corusco 1
  1557. tremble
    scorisco 1
  1558. tremble
    scorusco 1
  1559. toss back and forth :: trouble :: torment
    vexo 1
  1560. type of :: trustee
    auctor, auctoris c
  1561. type of :: trustee
    autor, autoris c
  1562. turbulent sea
    tumidum mare
  1563. touching :: touching
    commovens, commoventis
  1564. take out
    demeto 3
  1565. the sound made by a sheep
  1566. ten times over
    decemplicatus, decemplicata, decemplicatum
  1567. treble :: triple
    terplico 1
  1568. treble :: triple
    triplico 1
  1569. treble :: triple
    triplo 1
  1570. tussle one's hair
    comas scindo
  1571. turn over
    conversatio, conversationis f (2)
  1572. trimmed :: truncated
    decurtatus, decurtata, decurtatum
  1573. tale-bearer
    susurrator, susurratoris m
  1574. tale-bearer
    susurro, susurronis m
  1575. the heart throbs in my body
    cor mihi salit
  1576. tiller :: tunic, either wide or narrow striped
    clavus, clavi m
  1577. thrush
    acredula, acredulae f
  1578. timidity
    verecundia, verecundiae f
  1579. tenaciousness of life
    vivacitas, vivacitatis f
  1580. tie
    focale, focalis n
  1581. trouble :: toil :: tribulation
    aerumna, aerumnae f
  1582. tongue of a buckle
    acus, acus f
  1583. tributaries
    accolae fluvii
  1584. thunder
    sonitus, sonitus m
  1585. tone
    sonus, soni m
  1586. trap
    transenna, transennae f
  1587. trap
    trasenna, trasennae f
  1588. the north
    aquilo, aquilonis m
  1589. the north
    boreas, boreae m
  1590. the north
    borras, borrae m
  1591. temperate
    sobrius, sobria, sobrium
  1592. throw someone's plan to the wind
    alicuius consilium neglego
  1593. that does not befit a human being
    inhumanus, inhumana, inhumanum
  1594. taciturn
    taciturnus, taciturna, taciturnum
  1595. take something in a good sense
    aliquid in bonam partem accipio
  1596. though
  1597. though
  1598. train up at :: train near to
    annutrio 4
  1599. today
    aevo nostro
  1600. tetrad
    tetras, tetradis f
  1601. three :: trey
    trinio, trinionis m
  1602. triad
    trinitas, trinitatis f
  1603. torpor
    torpor, torporis m
  1604. tragacanth-bush
    tragantum, traganti n
  1605. that gives freely :: that imparts freely
    benignus, benigna, benignum
  1606. transverse
    vascus, vasca, vascum
  1607. token
    augurium, augurii n
  1608. temperate
    temperans, temperantis
  1609. the right of observing the auspices
    spectio, spectionis f
  1610. thwart one's execution by suicide
    supplicium voluntaria morte anteverto
  1611. take possession of beforehand
    antecapio 5
  1612. trade :: theory
    artificium, artificii n
  1613. taurine
    taureus, taurea, taureum
  1614. threefold
    tergenus (indecl.)
  1615. transparent
    vitreus, vitrea, vitreum
  1616. transparent
    vitrius, vitria, vitrium
  1617. tesselated
    tessellatus, tessellata, tessellatum
  1618. this year’s
    sitanius, sitania, sitanium
  1619. three-foot-
    tripedaneus, tripedanea, tripedaneum
  1620. trinoctial
    trinoctialis, trinoctiale
  1621. three-pound-
    trilibris, trilibre
  1622. threefold :: triple
    trifarius, trifaria, trifarium
  1623. trisyllabic
    trisyllabus, trisyllaba, trisyllabum
  1624. three years old
    trimulus, trimula, trimulum
  1625. three years old
    trimus, trima, trimum
  1626. tomorrow’s
    crastinus, crastina, crastinum
  1627. tufaceous
    tofaceus, tofacea, tofaceum
  1628. tufaceous
    tofacius, tofacia, tofacium
  1629. twocolored
    bicolor, bicoloris
  1630. twocolored
    bicolorus, bicolora, bicolorum
  1631. two months old
    bimenstris, bimenstre
  1632. two months old
    bimestris, bimestre (bimenstris)
  1633. try to sell
    vendito 1
  1634. tribuneship
    tribunatus, tribunatus m
  1635. the work of dictating to pupils
    dictatura, dictaturae f
  1636. triumvirate
    triumviratus, triumviratus m
  1637. torture :: torment
    carnificina, carnificinae f
  1638. torture :: torment
    carnuficina, carnuficinae f
  1639. trite
    tritus, trita, tritum
  1640. tumor
    ceroma, ceromatis n
  1641. the remote future
    vetustas, vetustatis f
  1642. twofold :: twice
  1643. the first time
  1644. this one here, that one there
    alius alio
  1645. they are handed down :: they say
  1646. they are enemies of each other
    alter alteri inimicus est
  1647. they need mutual help
    alter alterius auxilio eget
  1648. the Academics
    academica, academicorum n
  1649. the one or the other
    alteruter, alterutra, alterutrum
  1650. the one :: the other
  1651. traveller
    vector, vectoris m
  1652. testator
    testator, testatoris m
  1653. tiller of land :: tutor :: teacher
    colitor, colitoris m
  1654. trumpeter
    bucinator, bucinatoris m
  1655. trumpeter
    aeneator, aeneatoris m
  1656. transporter
    deportator, deportatoris m
  1657. translator
    translator, translatoris m
  1658. the deity who presided over the gathering in of grain
    convector, convectoris m
  1659. tormentor
    afflictator, afflictatoris m
  1660. the Wagoner (a constellation)
    aurigator, aurigatoris m
  1661. turner
    diatretarius, diatretarii m
  1662. tearer
    sulcator, sulcatoris m
  1663. tolerator
    tolerator, toleratoris m
  1664. tenant
    conductor, conductoris m

  1665. stigmatias, stigmatiae m
  1666. the female
    coniuga, coniugae f
  1667. the female
    coniunx, coniugis c (coniux)
  1668. the female
    coniūx, coniugis c
  1669. tooth-gatherer
    dentilegus, dentilegi m
  1670. trustee
    depositarius, depositariii m
  1671. trickster
    tenebrio, tenebrionis m
  1672. table neighbor
    consessor, consessorris m
  1673. that remains alive after another’s death
    superstes, superstitis
  1674. theurgist
    theurgus, theurgi m
  1675. treader of grapes
    calcator, calcatoris m
  1676. theologian
    theologus, theologi m
  1677. triumpher
    triumphator, triumphatoris m
  1678. the one, the other
    alius ... alius ...
  1679. that which is written with one’s own hand
    chirografum, chirografi n
  1680. that which is written with one’s own hand
    chirographon, chirographi n
  1681. that which is written with one’s own hand
    chirographum, chirographi n
  1682. that which is written with one’s own hand
    chirographus, chirographi m
  1683. throw open
    adaperio 4
  1684. temple
    templum, templi n
  1685. toward a thing
  1686. toward a thing
  1687. traditional
    traditus, tradita, traditum
  1688. triglyph
    triglyphus, triglyphi m
  1689. trimming
    ornatura, ornaturae f
  1690. trimming
    urnatura, urnaturae f
  1691. topiary art
    topiaria, topiariae f
  1692. trimmed
    segmentatus, segmentata, segmentatum
  1693. topple someone from the throne
    aliquem regno expello
  1694. topple someone from the throne
    aliquem regno spolio
  1695. tranquillize
    compono 3
  1696. treatment of childhood diseases
    paediatria, paediatriae f
  1697. torment
    afflictio, afflictionis f (adflictio)
  1698. torture :: torment of body
    afflictatio, afflictationis f
  1699. turn pale
    colorem perdo
  1700. to vanish
    discedo 3
  1701. the augur’s wand :: the augur’s staff
    augurale, auguralis n
  1702. take part in something
    in partem alcis rei venio
  1703. the Aristocrats
    boni cives
  1704. the Aristocrats
    boni, bonorum m
  1705. transfix :: transpierce :: transgress
    traicio 5
  1706. thrust through :: transfer by grafting
    transero 3
  1707. thrust through :: transfer by grafting
    transsero 3
  1708. thrust in deep :: to plunge
    condo 3
  1709. transporting past
    travectio, travectionis f
  1710. transporting past
    transvectio, transvectionis f
  1711. trouble
    aestus, aestus m
  1712. tolerantly :: tolerably
  1713. touch Jupiter's throne
    solium Iovis attingo
  1714. take notice of someone
    aliquem respicio
  1715. take proper care of something
    diligenter attendo aliquid
  1716. toe
    acropodium, acropodii n
  1717. the primitive word :: track of a cattle
    basis, baseos f
  1718. the primitive word :: track of a cattle
    basis, basis f
  1719. take off the skin
    deglubo 3

  1720. Troglodytae, Troglodytarum m
  1721. take auguries
    auguro 1
  1722. take auguries
    auguror 1
  1723. time of life :: time
    aetas, aetatis f
  1724. two days
    biduum, bidui n
  1725. two nights
    binoctium, binoctii n
  1726. two years
    biennium, biennii n
  1727. trial
    actio, actionis f
  1728. that on which something turns :: that on which something depends
    cardinalis, cardinale
  1729. that causes abortion
    abortivus, abortiva, abortivum
  1730. tree-like
    arboreus, arborea, arboreum
  1731. that may be consoled :: that brings consolation
    consolabilis, consolabile
  1732. transitory
    aerius, aeria, aerium
  1733. tragic
    cothurnatus, cothurnata, cothurnatum
  1734. tragic
    coturnatus, coturnata, coturnatum
  1735. that fought at a funeral pile in honor of the dead
    bustuarius, bustuaria, bustuarium
  1736. the employment of woodsplitting
    caudicalis, caudicale
  1737. tree-
    arborarius, arboraria, arborarium
  1738. trivial flattery
    adsentatiuncula, adsentatiunculae f
  1739. trivial flattery
    assentatiuncula, assentatiunculae f (adsentatiuncula)
  1740. theory
    theoria, theoriae f
  1741. telephone
    telephonium, telephonii n
  1742. take something as nourishment :: tear off :: tear away
    carpo 3
  1743. tile
    testa, testae f
  1744. trick
    strategematis, strategematis n
  1745. transfix
  1746. tribute for the pillars of a house
    columnarium, columnarii n
  1747. trench in mines
    canale, canalis n
  1748. trench in mines
    canalis, canalis c
  1749. tube :: trumpet used at sacrifices
    tubus, tubi m
  1750. turning point :: the earth as the centre of the universe
    cardo, cardinis m
  1751. temple dedicated to Apollo
    Apollinar, Apollinaris n
  1752. temple dedicated to Apollo
    Apollinare, Apollinaris n
  1753. troop of cavalry :: the train or retinue of the praetor in a province :: throng
    cohors, cohortis f
  1754. the multitude enclosed in :: the multitude fenced in :: troop of cavalry
    cohors, cohortis f
  1755. tennis-court
    sphaeristerium, sphaeristerii n
  1756. the comitia themselves
    campus Martius
  1757. the earth, as a dwelling-place of man :: the place where the emperor’s council met
    consistorium, consistorii n
  1758. the very den of something :: the very lair of something
    cubile, cubilis n
  1759. take one’s stand around a person or thing
    circumsisto 3
  1760. transfer :: transplant
    transpono 3
  1761. turf
    viretum, vireti n
  1762. tomb
    conditorium, conditōrii n
  1763. treasury
    cimeliarchium, cimeliarchii n
  1764. the public street
    trivium, trivii n
  1765. tap-house :: tavern
    thermipolium, thermipolii n
  1766. tap-house :: tavern
    thermopolium, thermopolii n
  1767. twofold means :: twofold method
    bivium, bivii n
  1768. two and two next to each other
    bini iuxta compositi
  1769. tranquil
    aecus, aeca, aecum
  1770. tranquil
    aequus, aequa, aequum
  1771. the monk’s-hood
    calyx, calycis f
  1772. turnsole
    verrucaria, verrucariae f
  1773. the carline thistle
    chamaeleon, chamaeleontis m
  1774. trained upon a tree
    arbustus, arbusta, arbustum
  1775. tureen
    trublium, trublii n
  1776. tureen
    tryblium, tryblii n
  1777. trick
    sycophantor 1
  1778. theatrical audience :: theatre
    theatrum, theatri n
  1779. till
    aro 1
  1780. tear off
    devello 3
  1781. tear in pieces
    discerpo 3
  1782. take courage
    animum sumo
  1783. tear in pieces
    concerpo 3
  1784. tear away :: tear up :: twitch :: tear :: torment
    vello 3
  1785. twitch :: twitch in speaking :: twit :: taunt
    vellico 1
  1786. tearing off of the branches of a tree
    avulsio, avulsionis f
  1787. twitching :: twitting :: taunting
    vellicatio, vellicationis f
  1788. tribrach
    tribrachus, tribrachi m
  1789. tribrach
    tribrachys, tribrachyos m
  1790. top :: tuft
    speca, specae f
  1791. top :: tuft
    spica, spicae f
  1792. top :: tuft
    spicum, spici n
  1793. the pointed end of any thing :: the trident of Neptune
    cuspis, cuspidis f
  1794. toothed like a threshing-sledg
    tribulatus, tribulata, tribulatum
  1795. token
    significatio, significationis f
  1796. trumpet
    tubicino 1
  1797. trumpet
    tubo 1
  1798. throwing spit :: throwing spear
    contus, conti m
  1799. the poorer people
    tunicatus populus
  1800. time :: the right season
    tempus, temporis n
  1801. time :: tempest :: throng
    tempestas, tempestatis f
  1802. take in
    capio 5
  1803. the persons sent for the establishment of such a town
    colonia, coloniae f
  1804. tweet
    tinnitum compono
  1805. transfuse
    transfundo 3
  1806. transfusion :: transmigration :: transformation
    transfusio, transfusionis f
  1807. talk violently
    declamito 1
  1808. talk to the wind
    cano surdis
  1809. talk to the wind
    canto surdo
  1810. talk to the wind
    narro asello fabellam surdo
  1811. talk to the wind
    surdis auribus cano
  1812. talk to the wind
    surdo narro fabulam
  1813. turquoise
    augites, augitae m
  1814. too studied
    adparatus, adparata, adparatum
  1815. too studied
    apparatus, apparata, apparatum
  1816. that which is prepared
    apparamentum, apparamenti n
  1817. title of the fourteenth book of the epigrams of Martial
    apoforeta, apoforetorum n
  1818. title of the fourteenth book of the epigrams of Martial
    apophoreta, apophoretorum n
  1819. thresh
    attribulo 1
  1820. thicken
    conspisso 1
  1821. thicken
    cospisso 1
  1822. take pains about something
    adnitor 3
  1823. take pains about something
    annitor 3 (adnitor 3)
  1824. thick-set
    compactilis, compactile
  1825. thick
    confertus, conferta, confertum
  1826. torment :: trouble
    stimulo 1
  1827. the law :: the body of Roman law relating to private rights
    ius civile
  1828. trial
    causationes, causationum f
  1829. testicles
    vires, virium f
  1830. top
    columna, columnae f
  1831. the highest ornament :: the highest honor :: the crown of a thing :: the long mark over a vowel
    apex, apicis m
  1832. theorem
    theorema, theorematis n
  1833. thesis
    thesis, thesis f
  1834. that renders proud
    superbificus, superbifica, superbificum
  1835. tried
    contestatus, contestata, contestatum
  1836. tavern :: tavern furniture
    cauponium, cauponii n
  1837. treasury
    aerarium, aerarii n
  1838. testament
    testamentum, testamenti n
  1839. throw up
    vomo 3
  1840. trouble
    devexo 1
  1841. trouble
    divexo 1
  1842. tear down
    destruo 3
  1843. take revenge on someone
    ultionem exigo ab aliquo
  1844. take revenge on someone
    ultionem peto ab aliquo
  1845. think
    cogito 1
  1846. thrust away
    abstrudo 3
  1847. thrust often
    trusito 1
  1848. throw out
    apello 3
  1849. thrust strongly
    truso 1
  1850. throw a spanner in the works
    alicui conturbo omnes rationes
  1851. throw a spanner in the works
    alicui spem praecido
  1852. toss about :: trouble
    agito 1
  1853. to season :: to soften :: temper
    condio 4
  1854. terrify
    territo 1
  1855. tinge with :: taint
    inficio 5
  1856. throw on a robe
    amictor 1
  1857. tie someone up
    compedes alicui impingo
  1858. trick someone
    manum alicui adeo
  1859. take the boy from the back
    puerum depono
  1860. take the boy on his back
    puerum subeo
  1861. tinge
    sufficio 5
  1862. tremble at a thing
    tremo 3 (tr.)
  1863. tartness :: trouble
    asperitas, asperitatis f
  1864. tranquil state of mind
    aequitas, aequitatis f
  1865. three months
    trimenium, trimenii n
  1866. tranquil life
    vita tranquilla
  1867. tranquil
    tranquillus, tranquilla, tranquillum
  1868. tranquillity :: tranquillity
    tranquillitas, tranquillitatis f
  1869. train traffic
    commeātiō ferriviaria
  1870. traffic
    commeatio, commeationis f
  1871. throw up a rampart
    vallum exstruo
  1872. throw up a rampart
    vallum facio
  1873. throw up a rampart
    vallum iacio
  1874. take rise
    consurgo 3
  1875. tumulus
    tumulum, tumuli n
  1876. tumulus
    tumulus, tumuli m
  1877. tribune for a speaker
    suggestum, suggesti n
  1878. tribune for a speaker
    suggestus, suggestus m
  1879. touching lightly
    suspensus, suspensa, suspensum
  1880. temerity
    temeritudo, temeritudinis f
  1881. thinnish
    subtenuis, subtenue
  1882. tinkle
    crepo 1
  1883. the constellation Corvus
    corvus, corvi m
  1884. take
    apiscor 3
  1885. tottering
    casabundus, casabunda, casabundum
  1886. tottering
    cassabundus, cassabunda, cassabundum
  1887. take to one’s self
    ascisco 3 (adscisco 3)
  1888. take a thing with approbation
    adscisco 3
  1889. take it differently
    aliorsum aliquid accipio
  1890. thrive
    convalesco 3
  1891. triennial
    trietericus, trieterica, trietericum
  1892. transverse bar for vines
    arundo, arundinis f
  1893. transfer to a fixed point of time
  1894. take care
    video 2
  1895. take counsel :: take care of one :: take a resolution
    consulto 1
  1896. thought
    cogitatum, cogitati n
  1897. thoughts
    cogitata, cogitorum n
  1898. the censor’s lists :: the registered property of Roman citizens
    census, census m
  1899. turn away a marriage
    uxorem propulso
  1900. take delight
    benignor 1
  1901. the loved object
    affectio, affectionis f
  1902. take apart
    solvo 3
  1903. transferring
    transpositivus, transpositiva, transpositivum
  1904. trusting in courage
    virtute fretus
  1905. trusting in
    confisus, confisa, confisum
  1906. tarry
    sedeo 2
  1907. transmigrate
    transmigro 1
  1908. transmigrate
    tramigro 1
  1909. transfer
    transmoveo 2
  1910. take away :: take with itself
    amoveo 2
  1911. tear the suspicion from his heart
    suspicionem ex animo deleo
  1912. tear the suspicion from his heart
    suspicionem ex animo evello
  1913. transmigration
    transmigratio, transmigrationis f
  1914. transmigration
    transportatio, transportationis f
  1915. tear off around
    circumscindo 3
  1916. take away
    derogo 1
  1917. tautology
    tautologia, tautologiae f
  1918. that may be entreated
    deprecabilis, deprecabile
  1919. transformation
    transfictio, transfictionis f
  1920. torch
    taeda, taedae f
  1921. tumult
    turbor, turboris m
  1922. taming
    cohibitio, cohibitionis f
  1923. terminate
    aboleo 2
  1924. the rear guard
    consequiae, consequiarum f
  1925. the life of an eremite
    anachoresis, anachoreseos f
  1926. turn
    converto 3 (intr.)
  1927. to worship
    veneror 1
  1928. taunt
    convicior 1
  1929. taunt
    convītior 1
  1930. taunter
    taxator, taxatoris m
  1931. timeliness
    tempestivitas, tempestivitatis f
  1932. tinkle around
    circumtinnio 4
  1933. tingle
    tinnio 4
  1934. tingle
    tintinnio 4
  1935. tingle
    tintinno 1
  1936. tingle
    tintino 1
  1937. tingling
    tinnitus, tinnitus m
  1938. throw up waves
    undo 1
  1939. tower up
    adsurgo 3
  1940. tower up
    assurgo 3 (adsurgo 3)
  1941. take one's death into account
    de vita dimico
  1942. the Elbe
    Albis, Albis m
  1943. traffic accident
    calamitas vehicularia
  1944. traffic accident
    calamitas viaria
  1945. traffic accident
    casus viarius
  1946. tragedy
    syrma, syrmatis n
  1947. throw the dice
    talos iacio
  1948. throw the dice
    talos mitto
  1949. turn about :: turn round :: tumble :: turn along :: turn over in the mind
    volvo 3
  1950. turn :: time
    spatium, spatii n
  1951. the small roots of the asparagus
    spongeola, spongeolae f
  1952. the small roots of the asparagus
    spongiola, spongiolae f
  1953. that may be turned
    versilis, versile
  1954. the tripod of Apollo :: the cault of heaven
    cortina, cortinae f
  1955. tightly twisted
    teres, teretis
  1956. thresh out
    detero 3
  1957. triturate
    subtero 3
  1958. terse
    tergeo 2
  1959. terse
    tergo 3
  1960. triturate
    tero 3
  1961. the name of a statue by Lysippus
    apoxyomenos, apoxyomeni m
  1962. threshing of grain
    tritura, triturae f
  1963. thwart someone's plans all together
    alicui conturbo omnes rationes
  1964. the president of a demos
    demarchus, demarchi m
  1965. tetrarch
    tetrarcha, tetrarchae m
  1966. tetrarch
    tetrarches, tetrarchae m
  1967. the highest magistrate at Athens after the abrogation of royal authority
    archon, archontis m
  1968. therapeutics
    therapeutica, therapeuticorum n
  1969. traverse
    discurro 3
  1970. traverse
    decurro 3
  1971. traverse
    curso 1
  1972. traverse :: treat cursorily :: touch briefly upon
    transcurro 3
  1973. to be useful for :: to be good against
    succurro 3
  1974. take refuge
    concurro 3
  1975. traverse
    curro 3
  1976. tumult
    concursus, concursus m
  1977. take on a burden
    aliquid in cervicem accipio
  1978. toughly
  1979. total sale
    venditio totalis
  1980. the like appellation of several objects
    communicatio nominum
  1981. the combatants in the arena
    arena, arenae f (harena, harenae f)
  1982. the combatants in the arena
    asena, asenae f (hasena, hasenae f)
  1983. the combatants in the arena
    harena, harenae f
  1984. truculence
    truculentia, truculentiae f
  1985. to husband well
    comparco 3
  1986. to husband well
    comperco 3
  1987. think
    autumo 1
  1988. talk rashly
    de summo pectore dico
  1989. tell
    dico 3
  1990. the seam of a patched shoe
    cicatrix, cicatricis f
  1991. terminate
    tempus praestituo
  1992. treaty of Schengen
    contractus Schengenianus
  1993. the name of a plant
    scorpioctonon, scorpioctoni n
  1994. to heap up
    adruo 3
  1995. to heap up
    arruo 3
  1996. take away
    verro 3
  1997. take away
    vorro 3
  1998. take away
    abrado 3
  1999. television screen
    album televisificum
  2000. turquoise
    callais, callais f
  2001. throne
    soleum, solei n
  2002. throne :: tub for bathing
    solium, solii n
  2003. thing of little worth
    alga, algae f
  2004. top secret plan
    consilium occultum penitusque abditum
  2005. think upon
    video 2
  2006. the sowed
    consita, consitorum n
  2007. take possession of the camp
    castris potiri
  2008. touch with pollution :: turn out
    contingo 3
  2009. take to one’s self :: take possession of
    arripio 5
  2010. take to one’s self :: take possession of
    adripio 5
  2011. take eagerly :: take hold of any thing with zeal :: take upon one’s self
    capesso 3
  2012. take eagerly :: take hold of any thing with zeal :: take upon one’s self
    capisso 3
  2013. take
    concipilo 1
  2014. trumpet
    vendo 3
  2015. transmit from one place or person to another
    transmitto 3
  2016. transmit :: transfer :: transmit
    tramitto 3
  2017. transfer
    delego 1
  2018. the chief physician, who was at the same time physician in ordinary to the emperor
    archiater, archiatri m
  2019. the chief physician, who was at the same time physician in ordinary to the emperor
    archiatros, archiatri m
  2020. the chief physician, who was at the same time physician in ordinary to the emperor
    archiatrus, archiatri m
  2021. to blame
    condemno 1
  2022. tmesis
    tmesis, tmesis f
  2023. tomb
    tumba, tumbae f
  2024. tense face
    vultus adductus
  2025. the constellation Serpentarius or Ophiuchus
    anguifer, anguiferi m
  2026. the constellation Serpentarius or Ophiuchus
    anguiger, anguigeri m
  2027. terminate
    termino 1
  2028. throw with a vibratory motion :: threaten
    vibro 1
  2029. take a path
    viam ineo
  2030. typesetter
    typotheta, typothetae m
  2031. take something on
    ascisco mihi aliquid
  2032. tack together
    suo 3
  2033. trick
    sutela, sutelae f
  2034. that which gives a shadow :: trace
    umbra, umbrae f
  2035. trunk
    scapus, scapi m
  2036. tuft of hair
    vellus, velli m
  2037. throw aside
    decutio 5
  2038. tremble at a thing
    contremisco aliquid
  2039. trill
    vibrisso 1
  2040. thoroughly shake
    transpello 3
  2041. tremble
    tremo 3 (intr.)
  2042. trembling :: tremor :: terror
    tremor, tremoris m
  2043. trembling :: tremulous
    tremulus, tremula, tremulum
  2044. the depths
    vadum, vadi n
  2045. the depths
    vadus, vadi m
  2046. tell someone about my plans
    consilia cum aliquo communico
  2047. torture
    convello 3
  2048. that which aids
    auxiliatrīx, auxiliatricis f
  2049. testatrix
    testatrix, testatricis f
  2050. tailoress
    vestifica, vestificae f
  2051. to clip
    detondeo 2
  2052. trim
    tondeo 2
  2053. trimming
    tonsura, tonsurae f
  2054. trireme
    trieris, trieris f
  2055. tendril
    turgio, turgionis f
  2056. tendril
    turio, turionis m
  2057. tavern boy
    puer cauponius
  2058. trifling speech
    conciuncula, conciunculae f
  2059. trifling speech
    contiuncula, contiunculae f
  2060. there is shouting
    clamor exoritur
  2061. there is shouting
    clamor fit
  2062. there is shouting
    clamor oritur
  2063. test of strength
    contentio vehementissima
  2064. the seats of the spectators :: theatre
    spectaculum, spectaculi n
  2065. tastefully
  2066. trophy :: token
    tropaeum, tropaei n
  2067. trophy :: token
    trophaeum, trophaei n
  2068. trophy :: token
    tropheum, trophei n
  2069. token
    symbolum, symboli n
  2070. token
    significatus, significatus m
  2071. that which is made of silk
    bombyx, bombycis c
  2072. trifles
    ineptiae, ineptiarum f
  2073. tree of the silver-fir
    abies, abietis f
  2074. things made of silver
    argentum, argenti n
  2075. that sees things in a foolish light
    stultividus, stultivida, stultividum
  2076. trembling
    succiduus, succidua, succiduum
  2077. take care of
    adsideo 2
  2078. take care of
    assideo 2 (adsideo 2)
  2079. to remain sitting
    subsido 3
  2080. take ones place
    adsido 3
  2081. take ones place
    assido 3 (adsido 3)
  2082. take a seat :: take one’s place :: take a seat :: take post somewhere :: take up one’s abode
    consido 3

  2083. transdanubianus, transdanubiana, transdanubianum

  2084. transdanuvianus, transdanuviana, transdanuvianum
  2085. the sixth part of a twelve part whole
    sextans, sextantis m
  2086. trade
    ars, artis f
  2087. trained
    artifex, artificis
  2088. the external appearance
    cutis, cutis f
  2089. the upper surface
    corium, corii n
  2090. the upper surface
    corius, corii m
  2091. the external appearance
    cotis, cotis f (2)
  2092. the heavens :: the vault of heaven :: temperature
    caelum, caeli n (coelum, coeli n)
  2093. tower block
    tectum caelo aequatum
  2094. treater of any thing
    tractator, tractatoris m
  2095. twig
    virga, virgae f
  2096. twig
    talea, taleae f
  2097. taunt
    conviciolum, convicioli n
  2098. taunt
    convitiolum, convitioli n
  2099. trifling
    tenuiculus, tenuicula, tenuiculum
  2100. trifling :: trivial
    sublestus, sublesta, sublestum
  2101. take on someone's role
    alicuius personam assumo
  2102. tardy-paced
    tardigradus, tardigrada, tardigradum
  2103. tardy
    tardus, tarda, tardum
  2104. tardy
  2105. tardy
    segnis, segne
  2106. tardy
    segniter (segne)
  2107. tardy-footed
    tardipes, tardipedis
  2108. tardiness
    tardities, tarditiei f
  2109. tardiness
    tarditudo, tarditudinis f
  2110. tardiness
    tardor, tardoris m
  2111. tardiness
    segnitas, segnitatis f
  2112. tardiness
    segnitia, segnitiae f
  2113. tardiness
    segnities, segnitiei f
  2114. tardiness
    tarditas, tarditatis f
  2115. turf laid altar-like round an elm-tree
    arula, arulae f
  2116. titmouse
    vitiparra, vitiparrae f
  2117. titmouse
    aegithus, aegithi m
  2118. tablet for voting
    tabella, tabellae f
  2119. the upper millstone
    catillus, catilli m
  2120. the recess in which the urn was placed
    aedicula, aediculae f
  2121. taboret :: tambourine
    tympaniolum, tympanioli n
  2122. tench
    tinca, tincae f
  2123. turning point
    cardinulus, cardinuli m
  2124. tray :: trough
    alveolus, alveoli m
  2125. tack
    clavulus, clavuli m
  2126. the shield that was said to have fallen from heaven in the reign of Numa
    ancile, ancilis n
  2127. tip
    trunculus, trunculi m
  2128. that which is like a berry in shape
    bacca, baccae f
  2129. the staff of the lictor
    bacillum, bacilli n
  2130. tubercle
    tuberculum, tuberculi n
  2131. test
    coticula, coticulae f
  2132. troche :: trochisk
    trochiscus, trochisci m
  2133. troche :: trochisk
    trociscus, trocisci m
  2134. thin
    vescus, vesca, vescum
  2135. trap
    decipula, decipulae f
  2136. trap
    decipulum, decipuli n
  2137. take away secretly
    subripio 5
  2138. take away secretly
    surripio 5
  2139. take away secretly
    surrupio 5
  2140. take away secretly
    subripo 3
  2141. the deuce!
  2142. thus
  2143. thus
  2144. thus
  2145. thus :: to this extent :: to this degree :: to such a degree
  2146. tender
    tener, tenera, tenerum
  2147. tender
    apalus, apala, apalum
  2148. tenderness
    teneritas, teneritatis f
  2149. tenderness
    teneritudo, teneritudinis f
  2150. thing solemnly promised :: that which is vowed :: that which is devoted
    votum, voti n
  2151. thick
    crassus, crassa, crassum
  2152. thickness :: the whole :: the entirety
    soliditas, soliditatis f
  2153. things are good with someone
    bene est alicui
  2154. there is a fraud behind it
    aliquid doli subest
  2155. to a considerable distance
    aliquam multum
  2156. tawny
    subaquilus, subaquila, subaquilum
  2157. testy :: touchy
    acriculus, acricula, acriculum
  2158. tolerably keen
    subargutulus, subargutula, subargutulum
  2159. thickish
    subcrassulus, subcrassula, subcrassulum
  2160. to some extent
  2161. trio
    tricinium, tricinii n
  2162. trite prattle
    cantilena, cantilenae f
  2163. trite prattle
    cantilena, cantilenae f
  2164. trouble
    aegrimonia, aegrimoniae f
  2165. touring carriage
    carruca, carrucae f
  2166. touring carriage
    carrucha, carruchae f
  2167. touring carriage
    caruca, carucae f
  2168. touring carriage
    carucha, caruchae f
  2169. tinkle
    subtinnio 4
  2170. to murmur loudly
    confremo 3
  2171. turn sour
    aceto 1
  2172. tart
    acidus, acida, acidum
  2173. the south
    auster, austri m
  2174. the seed sown
    sementātio, sementātionis f
  2175. three days
    triduum, tridui n
  2176. three hours
    trihōrium, trihōrii n
  2177. three nights
    trinoctium, trinoctii n
  2178. three years :: triennial festival
    trieteris, trieteridis f
  2179. touch with velvet gloves
    deperco 3
  2180. talk openly
    aperte dico
  2181. tell someone what they want to hear
    auribus alicuius servio
  2182. treat a matter with one
    adoro 1
  2183. talk
    deloquor 3
  2184. true
    verax, veracis
  2185. truth-telling
    veriloquus, veriloqua, veriloquum
  2186. talking with any one :: talk
    sermo, sermonis m
  2187. that sets boundaries
    arbiter, arbitri m
  2188. theory
    scopa, scopae f (2)
  2189. title of a work by Aristotle
    theologumena, theologumenon n
  2190. that which is vomited
    vomitio, vomitionis f
  2191. that which is vomited
    vomitium, vomitii n
  2192. threads similar to spiders’ webs
    aranea, araneae f
  2193. theurgic
    theurgicus, theurgica, theurgicum
  2194. tear
    cissura, cissurae f
  2195. throw down :: throw to the ground
    sterno 3
  2196. that which is sprinkled :: that which drops
    adspargo, adsparginis f
  2197. that which is sprinkled :: that which drops
    adspergo, adsperginis f
  2198. that which is sprinkled :: that which drops
    aspargo, asparginis f
  2199. that which is sprinkled :: that which drops
    aspergo, asperginis f
  2200. twig
    suboles, subolis f
  2201. tally :: token :: ticket
    tessera, tesserae f
  2202. tavern-keeper
    stabularius, stabularii m
  2203. totter a little
    subtitubo 1
  2204. totter
    titubo 1
  2205. tendrils :: tube by which eggs of insects are deposited
    caulis, caulis m
  2206. tendrils :: tube by which eggs of insects are deposited
    coles, colis m
  2207. thorn :: thyrsus
    thyrsus, thyrsi m
  2208. thorn :: thyrsus
    tirsus, tirsi m
  2209. tread under foot
    supplodo 3
  2210. take possession of
    circumsto 1
  2211. to abide
    consto 1
  2212. tarry
    sto 1
  2213. tavern
    stabulum, stabuli n
  2214. the beloved objects :: the dear or loved ones
    affectus, affectus m
  2215. trepidation
    trepidatio, trepidationis f
  2216. tribute
    tributum, tributi n
  2217. tribute
    tributus, tributus m
  2218. theft
    subreptio, subreptionis f (2)
  2219. things made of steel
    chalybs, chalybis m
  2220. trunk of a tree :: trunk
    truncus, trunci m
  2221. take someone's side
    cum aliquo sto
  2222. tacky wax
    cerae tenaces
  2223. tetanus
    tetanus, tetani m
  2224. torpidity
    torpedo, torpedinis f
  2225. take security :: take care of
    caveo 2
  2226. tarry
    commoror 1
  2227. treasure-chamber :: treasure-vault :: treasury :: treasure-chest
    thesaurus, thesauri m
  2228. turbidity
    turbido, turbidinis f
  2229. tempestuous :: turbulent
  2230. tempestuous :: turbulent
    tempestuosus, tempestuosa, tempestuosum
  2231. tenesmus
    tenesmos, tenesmi m
  2232. tension
    tasis, tasis f
  2233. throttle
    adstrangulo 1
  2234. throttle
    astrangulo 1
  2235. tie up the neck
    collum laqueo premo
  2236. thong
    agmentum, agmenti n
  2237. thong
    amentum, amenti n
  2238. thong
    ammentum, ammenti n
  2239. tramway
    currus publicus electricus
  2240. tramway
    currus publicus oppidanus
  2241. tramway
    currus publicus urbanus
  2242. tramway
    currus transviarius
  2243. turn toward
    attendo 3 (adtendo 3)
  2244. to overcome :: to perplex :: terrify
    consterno 1
  2245. travel :: tend :: try
    tendo 3
  2246. tense
    tensus, tensa, tensum
  2247. tense
    tentus, tenta, tentum
  2248. tone :: thunder
    tonus, toni m
  2249. tension
    tensura, tensurae f
  2250. to thatch :: to throw down
    consterno 3
  2251. throw here and there :: throw about
    spargo 3
  2252. throw down :: throw against
    affligo 3 (adfligo 3)
  2253. thrust through :: transfix
    transverbero 1
  2254. to fight with :: to ruin
    conflicto 1
  2255. thresh
    batto 3
  2256. thresh
    batuo 3
  2257. thresh
    cudo 3
  2258. touch gently
    destringo 3
  2259. try
    adtento 1
  2260. try
    attempto 1
  2261. try
    attemto 1
  2262. try
    attento 1 (adtento 1, attempto 1, adtempto 1, attemto 1)
  2263. try to get
    adpeto 3
  2264. try to get
    appeto 3
  2265. try to obtain
    capto 1
  2266. tyranny :: top
    arx, arcis f
  2267. trick
    stropha, strophae f
  2268. trick
    strophe, strophes f
  2269. the learned
    studiosus, studiosi m
  2270. totter
    arieto 1
  2271. trick demonstrator
    arte quādam ostentator
  2272. take a beating
    calamitatem accipio
  2273. to satiety
  2274. to satiety
  2275. the universe
    summa summarum
  2276. two feet
    dipondium, dipondii n
  2277. two feet
    dipondius, dipondii m
  2278. two feet
    dipundius, dipundii m
  2279. two feet
    dupondium, dupondii n
  2280. two feet
    dupondius, dupondii m (dupundius, dipundius)
  2281. top
    colophon, colophonis m
  2282. theurgy
    theurgia, theurgiae f
  2283. tanned by the sun
    sole torridus
  2284. terrace
    solarium, solarii n
  2285. ticket, bill :: title of honor :: token :: title of a book
    titulus, tituli m
  2286. too scrupulously :: too nicely :: too exactly
  2287. trocar
    centimalis fistula
  2288. tweezers
    anabolium, anabolii n
  2289. title of a book
    chirurgumena, chirurgumenorum n
  2290. the reach
    complexus, complexus m
  2291. the neighborhood
    circumiecta, circumiectorum n
  2292. take damage
    damnum facio
  2293. totter
    bacillo 1
  2294. totter
    vaccillo 1
  2295. totter
    vacillo 1
  2296. to be wet with :: toil
    sudo 1
  2297. thicken
    tuberasco 3
  2298. thicken
    tubero 1
  2299. thickness of trees
    torus, tori m
  2300. tumor filled with matter
    atheroma, atheromatis n
  2301. tumor
    tumiditas, tumiditatis f
  2302. turgidity
    turgor, turgoris m
  2303. turgid :: turgid
    turgidus, turgida, turgidum
  2304. tumid :: turgid
    tumidus, tumida, tumidum
  2305. tumid
    tumidulus, tumidula, tumidulum
  2306. table companion :: tablemate
    concena, concenae m
  2307. taborer :: timbrel-player
    tympanotriba, tympanotribae m
  2308. tackle the war :: take part in the war
    bellum capesso
  2309. take a path :: take a route
    viam ingredior
  2310. take a position :: take a stand
    locum capio
  2311. take a stand :: take a position :: tarry
    subsisto 3
  2312. take action :: take action
    manum immitto
  2313. take away by violence :: tear off :: tear away
    abripio 5
  2314. take away secretly :: take away by stealth
    subduco 3
  2315. take away :: take anything from
    adimo 3
  2316. take back an action :: take back a move
    calculum reduco
  2317. take before one :: take before the time
    anticipo 1
  2318. take by the tenth part :: tithe
    addecimo 1
  2319. take care of :: treat one carefully
    adcuro 1
  2320. take care of :: to do a thing with care :: treat one carefully
    accuro 1 (adcuro)
  2321. take counsel :: to counsel
    consilior 1
  2322. take courage :: take heart
    animum colligo
  2323. take for one’s self from a multitude :: take upon one’s self
    desumo 3
  2324. take heart :: take courage
    animum offirmo
  2325. take in hand :: take hold of :: take :: take into possession :: take captive
    capio 5
  2326. take much of :: take in strong doses
    sumptito 1
  2327. take off a twig :: take off a shoot
    deplanto 1
  2328. take off the rind :: take off the bark
    delibro 1
  2329. take off :: take away :: take by force :: take away violently
  2330. take off :: take away a little from anything :: take :: take away
    delibo 1
  2331. take off :: take away
    demo 3
  2332. take someone's help :: take someone's assistance :: take someone's support
    alicuius opera utor
  2333. take someone's side :: take sides with someone
    causam alicuius suscipio
  2334. take something into account :: take something into consideration
    contemplationem alicuius rei habeo
  2335. take something literally :: take something verbatim
    aliquid totidem verbis transfero
  2336. take the path through the air :: travel by air
    aerias vias carpo
  2337. take the shield after wounding :: take care when it is too late
    clipeum post vulnera sumo
  2338. take time to eat :: take one's time at dinner
    tempus cibi sumo
  2339. take to one’s self by wish :: take to one’s self by choice
    adopto 1
  2340. take to one’s self :: take with one’s self :: take up :: take :: take as friend :: take up :: take in addition to
    adsumo 3
  2341. take to one’s self :: take with one’s self :: take up :: take :: take as friend :: take up :: take in addition to
    assumo 3 (adsumo 3)
  2342. take tough action :: take stronger measures
    fortioribus remediis utor
  2343. take tough action :: take stronger measures
    remediis gravioribus utor
  2344. take up :: take upon
    suscipio 5
  2345. take upon the neck :: take upon the shoulder
    succollo 1
  2346. take wholly :: take completely :: take up
    consumo 3
  2347. take :: take to one’s self :: take in :: take
    concipio 5
  2348. take :: take up :: take for certain :: take for granted :: take a beginning
    sumo 3
  2349. taken prisoner :: that pertains or belongs to captives :: taken :: taken as booty :: taken by force
    captivus, captiva, captivum
  2350. taking of one thing for another :: transumption
    transsumptio, transsumptionis f
  2351. taking of one thing for another :: transumption
    transumptio, transumptionis f
  2352. taking :: that which is taken
    captura, capturae f
  2353. taking :: that which is taken up :: that which is lifted up
    assumptio, assumptionis f (adsumptio)
  2354. taking :: that which is taken :: that which is grasped
    captus, captus m
  2355. taking :: the right of property acquired by prescription
    capio, capionis f
  2356. talk absurdly :: trifle
    ineptio 4
  2357. talk idly :: talk foolishly
    blatero 1 (blattero 1)
  2358. talk idly :: talk foolishly
    blattero 1
  2359. talking competition :: talking contest
    contentio dicendi
  2360. talking emplily :: talking idly
    vaniloquus, vaniloqua, vaniloquum
  2361. tamarisk :: tamariskshrub
    tamarice, tamarices f
  2362. tamarisk :: tamariskshrub
    tamaricium, tamaricii n
  2363. tamarisk :: tamariskshrub
    tamaricum, tamarici n
  2364. tamarisk :: tamariskshrub
    tamariscus, tamarisci f
  2365. taste :: try :: touch slightly upon :: treat briefly of
    degusto 1
  2366. tasty food :: tasty meal
    unctior cena
  2367. tax collector :: treasurer
    apodecta, apodectae m
  2368. tax relief :: tax reduction
    deminutio vectigalium
  2369. tax relief :: tax reduction :: tax rebate :: tax allowance
    tributi levamentum
  2370. tax :: tell one’s opinion in the Senate :: think
    censeo 2
  2371. tax :: tribute
    stipendium, stipendii n
  2372. taxing :: tax :: tribute
    censitio, censitionis f
  2373. teach an art :: teach a skill
    artem doceo
  2374. teach something in addition to :: teach
    addoceo 2
  2375. teacher of art :: technologist
    technicus, technici m
  2376. team of three horses :: triad :: three
    triga, trigae f
  2377. tear apart :: tear open (one’s dress)
    dilorico 1
  2378. tear asunder :: tear
    discindo 3
  2379. tear asunder :: tear in pieces :: tear away
    diripio 5
  2380. tear down the wall :: tear down the rampart :: tear out the palisades
    vallum vello
  2381. tear off :: tear away :: take away by force
    avello 3
  2382. tear off :: tear away :: tear asunder
    abscindo 3
  2383. tear off :: tear away
    deripio 5
  2384. tear off :: tear away
    derupio 5
  2385. tear to pieces :: tear apart
    dilancino 1
  2386. tear to pieces :: tear apart
    dilacero 1
  2387. tearing apart :: tearing to pieces
    dilaceratio, dilacerationis f
  2388. tearing asunder :: tearing to pieces
    diruptio, diruptionis f
  2389. tears for the wife :: tears about the death of the wife
    imber uxorius
  2390. teasing :: taunting expression :: taunt
    scomma, scommatis n
  2391. teeth breaking out :: teeth knocking out
    dentifrangibulus, dentifrangibula, dentifrangibulum
  2392. teeth chattering :: teeth gnashing
    concasus dentium
  2393. telephone emergency :: telphonic emergency call
    tēlephonema auxiliarium
  2394. telephone emergency :: telphonic emergency call
    tēlephonema auxilium petens
  2395. telephone set :: telephone
    apparatus telephonicus
  2396. television broadcasting :: television broadcast
    transmissio televisifica
  2397. tell about :: talk about
    transloquor 3
  2398. tell the absolute truth :: tell the plain truth
    verissime loquor
  2399. temperance in drinking :: temperance
    sobrietas, sobrietatis f
  2400. templewards :: through the temples
  2401. temporariness :: temporality
    temporalitas, temporalitatis f
  2402. ten each :: ten at a time
    deceni, decenae, decena
  2403. ten each :: ten at a time
    deni, denae, dena
  2404. tend to surrender :: tend to hand over
    deditioni immineo
  2405. tennis match :: tennis tournament
    certamen teniludiārium
  2406. tensible :: tensile :: tensionable
    tensibilis, tensibile
  2407. tension the strings :: tune the strings
    chordas intendo
  2408. tension :: tenseness :: tense
    adtentus, adtentus m
  2409. tension :: tenseness :: tense
    attentus, attentus m
  2410. tent accommodation :: tent camp
    hospitium tumultuarium
  2411. tent-companion :: tent-comrade
    contubernalis, contubernalis m
  2412. tent-companionship :: the intercourse of a young man and the general accompanied by him in war :: the accompanying
    contubernium, contubernii n
  2413. tent :: the Jewish tabernacle
    tabernaculum, tabernaculi n
  2414. tepid bathing-room :: tepid bath
    tepidarium, tepidarii n
  2415. terebinth :: turpentine-tree
    terebinthus, terebinthi f
  2416. terrible concern :: terrible worry
    atra cura
  2417. territory :: the whole of the soil belonging to a community :: the fields :: the open country
    ager, agri m
  2418. territory :: toparchy
    toparchia, toparchiae f
  2419. testing :: test
    testatio, testationis f
  2420. texture :: tissue
    textus, textus m
  2421. that announces :: that makes known
    annuntius, annuntia, annuntium
  2422. that belongs to another person :: that belongs to another place
    alienus, aliena, alienum
  2423. that by which any thing takes place or is done :: that through which any thing takes place or is done
    causa, causae f
  2424. that by which something is taken hold of :: tiller
    ansa, ansae f
  2425. that can be ascended :: that can be climbed
    ascensibilis, ascensibile
  2426. that can be choked :: that can be strangled
    strangulabilis, strangulabile
  2427. that can be consumed :: that can be destroyed :: transient
    consumptibilis, consumptibile
  2428. that can be heard :: that's good to hear
    audio (formelhaft)
  2429. that can be kept :: that can be preserved :: that can be saved :: that can be saved rescued
    servabilis, servabile
  2430. that can be seized :: that can be laid hold of
    comprehensibilis, comprehensibile
  2431. that can be tripled :: that can be threefold :: that can be triple
    triplicabilis, triplicabile
  2432. that can be warmed :: that can be made hot
    calefactabilis, calefactabile
  2433. that can be warmed :: that can be made hot
    calefactibilis, calefactibile
  2434. that causes pleasure :: that causes
    voluptabilis, voluptabile
  2435. that causes terror :: terrific
    terrificus, terrifica, terrificum
  2436. that changes its shape or form :: that alters its appearance :: that transforms himself or itself
    versipellis, versipelle
  2437. that changes its shape or form :: that alters its appearance :: that transforms himself or itself
    vorsipellis, vorsipelle
  2438. that clean boy :: that clean lad
    bellissimus ille pusio
  2439. that contains of two :: that consists of two
    binarius, binaria, binarium
  2440. that contributes nothing to an entertainment :: that scot-free
    asumbolus, asumbola, asumbolum
  2441. that contributes nothing to an entertainment :: that scot-free
    asymbolus, asymbola, asymbolum
  2442. that cultivates the truth :: that regards the truth
    vericola, vericolae c
  2443. that directs in any direction :: that sends in any direction
    directorius, directoria, directorium
  2444. that dwells upon a river :: that grows by a river
    amnicola, amnicolae c
  2445. that easily believes a thing :: trusting
    credulus, credula, credulum
  2446. that exists or takes place in a continuous multitude :: thick
    creber, crebra, crebrum
  2447. that follows after others :: that runs after others
    secutuleius, secutuleia, secutuleium
  2448. that follows after :: that succeeds to something :: that supplies the place of something
    succedaneus, succedanea, succedaneum
  2449. that follows after :: that succeeds to something :: that supplies the place of something
    succidaneus, succidanea, succidaneum
  2450. that gives pleasure :: tender
    delicatus, delicata, delicatum
  2451. that happens by chance :: thoughtless
    temerarius, temeraria, temerarium
  2452. that has a tuft or crest :: tufted
    cristatus, cristata, cristatum
  2453. that has come on suddenly :: that has come on unexpectedly
    subitus, subita, subitum
  2454. that has three stakes :: that is propped up by three pales
    tripalis, tripale
  2455. that has two heads :: twoheaded :: two-peaked :: that extends on two opposite sides :: twofold
    anceps, ancipitis
  2456. that have the care of household stuff :: that have the care of furniture
    supellecticarius, supellecticarii m
  2457. that holds fast :: that clings firmly
    pertinax, pertinacis
  2458. that is before in rank :: that is before in importance
    antiquior, antiquius
  2459. that is beyond the mountains :: tramontane
    transmontanus, transmontana, transmontanum
  2460. that is beyond the Po
    transpadaneus, transpadanea, transpadaneum
  2461. that is beyond the Po
    transpadanus, transpadana, transpadanum
  2462. that is beyond the Rhine
    transrhenanus, transrhenana, transrhenanum
  2463. that is beyond the sea :: transmarine
    transfretanus, transfretana, transfretanum
  2464. that is beyond the world :: transcend the world
    ultramundanus, ultramundana, ultramundanum
  2465. that is beyond :: that is on the other side
    ulter, tra, trum [ulterior, ultimus]
  2466. that is carried over sea :: that is transported over sea
    traiecticius, traiecticia, traiecticium
  2467. that is casily passed through :: that easily passes through
    commeabilis, commeabile
  2468. that is conceived :: that is ordered :: that is directed
    conceptivus, conceptiva, conceptivum
  2469. that is decisive for the victory :: the victory is based on that
    in eo victoria vertitur
  2470. that is easily cooked :: that ripens early
    coctivus, coctiva, coctivum
  2471. that is easily loosed :: that is easily taken apart
    solutilis, solutile
  2472. that is in view :: that comes in view :: that attracts the attention to itself
    conspicuus, conspicua, conspicuum
  2473. that is neighboring to one :: taking part in
    affinis, affine
  2474. that is nourished :: that brought up
    alumnus, alumni m
  2475. that is or lies beyond the Alps :: transalpine
    transalpicus, transalpica, transalpicum
  2476. that is or lies beyond the Alps :: transalpine
    transalpinus, transalpina, transalpinum
  2477. that is passed over in silence :: that is done without words :: tacit :: that exists in silence
    tacitus, tacita, tacitum
  2478. that is present by coming :: that happens out of course :: that is acquired without one’s own effort :: that pertains to arrival
    adventicius, adventicia, adventicium
  2479. that is pushed :: that may be pushed
    trusatilis, trusatile
  2480. that is stripped :: that is plucked off
    strictivus, strictiva, strictivum
  2481. that is to be apprehended :: that is to be feared
    curabilis, curabile
  2482. that is to be feared :: that is to be reverenced :: terrible
    verendus, verenda, verendum
  2483. that is truly said :: true
    veridicus, veridica, veridicum
  2484. that is turned round :: that turns itself round :: turning
    volubilis, volubile
  2485. that is under the standard :: that serves under the standard
    subsignanus, subsignana, subsignanum
  2486. that is under water :: that belongs under water
    subaquaneus, subaquanea, subaquaneum
  2487. that is used :: that made use of
    usuarius, usuaria, usuarium
  2488. that lasts a year :: that continues through a year :: that returns every year :: that recurs every year :: that happens every year
    annuus, annua, annuum
  2489. that lasts two lustra :: that lasts ten years
    bilustris, bilustre
  2490. that leaps across :: that goes across
    transilis, transile
  2491. that makes lonely :: that makes desolate
    desolatorius, desolatoria, desolatorium
  2492. that may be blotted out :: that may be destroyed
    delebilis, delebile
  2493. that may be borne :: tolerable
    tolerabilis, tolerabile
  2494. that may be breathed :: that serves to sustain life :: that can breathe
    spirabilis, spirabile
  2495. that may be buried :: that may be hidden :: that may be concealed
    sepelibilis, sepelibile
  2496. that may be contradicted :: that may be spoken against
    contradicibilis, contradicibile
  2497. that may be felt :: that may be handled
    contrectabilis, contrectabile
  2498. that may be found everywhere :: trivial
    trivialis, triviale
  2499. that may be found everywhere :: trivial
    trivenefica, triveneficae f
  2500. that may be got over :: that may be surmounted :: that may be overcome :: that may be subdued
    superabilis, superabile
  2501. that may be injured :: that may be injured
    violabilis, violabile
  2502. that may be loosed :: that may be taken apart
    solubilis, solubile
  2503. that may be misled :: that may be seduced
    seductibilis, seductibile
  2504. that may be misled :: that may be seduced
    seductilis, seductile
  2505. that may be scattered :: that may be dispersed
    sparsilis, sparsile
  2506. that may be seen :: that is worth seeing
    spectabilis, spectabile
  2507. that may be shorn :: that may be cut :: that may be clipped
    tonsilis, tonsile
  2508. that may be sucked :: that may be supped up
    sorbilis, sorbile
  2509. that may be touched :: tangible
    tactilis, tactile
  2510. that may be touched :: tangible
    tangibilis, tangibile
  2511. that may be touched :: that may be handled :: that may be taken hold of :: that may be wrought :: tractable
    tractabilis, tractabile
  2512. that of which a thing consists :: the being
    substantia, substantiae f
  2513. that on which something rests or depends :: the chief point
    continens, continentis n
  2514. that passes over into another class :: transgressive
    transgressivus, transgressiva, transgressivum
  2515. that pertains to copper :: that is made of copper :: that is made of bronze
    aerarius, aeraria, aerarium
  2516. that pertains to an arrival :: that pertains to a guest
    adventorius, adventoria, adventorium
  2517. that returns every year :: that happens every year :: that is used every year
    anniversalis, anniversale
  2518. that returns every year :: that happens every year :: that is used every year
    anniversarius, anniversaria, anniversarium
  2519. that serves for use :: that is fit for use :: that pays interest
    ussurarius, ussuraria, ussurarium
  2520. that serves for use :: that is fit for use :: that pays interest
    usurarius, usuraria, usurarium
  2521. that serves for use :: that is fit for use :: that pays interest
    usurarius, usuraria, usurarium
  2522. that serves to divide :: that serves to part
    discriminalis, discriminale
  2523. that speaks the truth :: truth-telling
    veredicus, veredica, veredicum
  2524. that speaks the truth :: truth-telling
    veridicus, veridica, veridicum
  2525. that supports itself on sea-weed :: that lives upon sea-weed
    algensis, algense
  2526. that testifies :: that proves
  2527. that throws to the ground :: that throws his rider :: that fall prostrate
    sternax, sternacis
  2528. that turns round :: that moves round
    versatilis, versatile
  2529. that which binds or obliges to the performance of certain services :: that for which one binds himself to some service or duty
    auctoramentum, auctoramenti n
  2530. that which binds together :: that which binds fast :: thong :: tie
    copla, coplae f
  2531. that which binds together :: that which binds fast :: thong :: tie
    copula, copulae f
  2532. that which binds together :: that which binds fast :: thong :: tie
    copulum, copuli n
  2533. that which concitiates :: that which unites
    conciliatricula, conciliatriculae f
  2534. that which disfigures :: that which dishonors
    dehonestamentum, dehonestamenti n
  2535. that which fills up :: that which completes :: that gives the full weight
    complementum, complementi n
  2536. that which hangs to any thing :: thorny shrub
    appendix, appendicis f
  2537. that which is clear to the senses :: the chattering notes of the nightingale
    argutia, argutiae f
  2538. that which is clear to the senses :: the chattering notes of the nightingale
    argutiae, argutiarum f
  2539. that which is crooked :: that which is wrong
    curvum, curvi n
  2540. that which is enigmatical or dark in a figurative representation :: that which is dark :: that which is obscure :: that which is inexplicable
    aenigma, aenigmatis n
  2541. that which is open :: that which is free
    apertum, aperti n
  2542. that which is seemly :: that which is suitable
    decorum, decori n
  2543. that which is single :: that which is simple
    simplum, simpli n
  2544. that which is superfluous :: that which is useless
    vacantia, vacantium n
  2545. that which is woven :: that which is plaited together :: that which is braided together :: that which is fitted together :: texture
    textum, texti n
  2546. that which is wrought in :: that which is woven in :: thread :: threads of the Fates
    subtegmen, subtegminis n
  2547. that which is wrought in :: that which is woven in :: thread :: threads of the Fates
    subtemen, subteminis n
  2548. that which joins together :: that which unites together
    coniunctrix, coniunctricis f
  2549. that which makes firm :: that which makes solid
    solidamen, solidaminis n
  2550. that which makes firm :: that which makes solid
    solidamentum, solidamenti n
  2551. that which occasions :: that which produces :: that which procures
    conciliatrix, conciliatriis f
  2552. that which serves for spreading :: that which serves for littering
    stramentum, stramenti n
  2553. that which spins or twirls round :: tornado :: twirl :: twist
    turben, turbinis n
  2554. that which spins round :: that which twirls round :: tornado :: twirl, twist
    turbo, turbinis m
  2555. that which spins round :: that which twirls round :: tornado :: twirl, twist
    turbus, turbi m
  2556. that wipes out :: that blots out
    deletilis, deletile
  2557. that with which any thing is bound :: tie
    vinclum, vincli n
  2558. that with which any thing is bound :: tie
    vinculum, vinculi n
  2559. that's where it's a problem :: that's where the oxen are on the hill! :: that's where the water doesn't want to run
    aqua haeret
  2560. the abuse does not abolish the use :: the exception proves the rule
    abusus non tollit usum
  2561. the accusation is obscure :: the accusation is not provable
    crimen caecum est
  2562. the actual flow :: the actual current
    amnis iustus
  2563. the army platoons collide :: the army platoons meet each other
    agmina coeunt
  2564. the assembly of the Senate :: the Senate
    curia, curiae f
  2565. the averaged :: the halved :: the half
    dichotomena, dichotomenatis n
  2566. title of one of Plato’s dialogues
    symposion, symposii n
  2567. title of one of Plato’s dialogues
    symposium, symposii n
  2568. the barking around :: the roaring around
    circumlatratus, circumlatratus m
  2569. the battle-signal sounds :: the trumpet gives the signal to fight
    classicum canit
  2570. the bereaved :: the mourners :: the grieving :: the suffering
    lugentes, lugentium m
  2571. the best opportunity for you :: the for you most favorable opportunity
    tua occasio
  2572. the birds do not approve something :: the birds advise against something
    aves abdicunt aliquid
  2573. the boundless, empty space :: the lower world :: the confused, formless, primitive mass out of which the universe was made
    chaos n
  2574. the Calends :: the first day of the month
    Calendae, Calendarum f (Kalendae, Kalendarum f)
  2575. the Calends :: the first day of the month
    Kalendae, Kalendarum f
  2576. the cat doesn't stop mousing :: the cat doesn't stop catching mice
    catuli murilegio gaudent
  2577. the chief elders :: the senior elders
    archigerontes, archigerontum m
  2578. the city has fallen :: the city has been conquered
    urbs cecidit
  2579. the city has fallen :: the city has been conquered
    urbs expugnata est
  2580. the city is destroyed to the ground :: the city is razed to the ground
    urbs solo tenus deiecta est
  2581. the city is destroyed to the ground :: the city is razed to the ground
    urbs usque ad solum diruta est
  2582. the clerical order :: the clergy
    clerus, cleri m
  2583. the colony laid out under a lucky star :: the colony established under a good star
    colonia auspicato deducta
  2584. the coming time :: the offspring
    veniens aetas
  2585. the coming to shore of a fleet or ship :: the ship or fleet that comes to land
    cataplus, catapli m
  2586. the coming :: the future :: the coming time :: the coming days
    ventura, venturorum n
  2587. the condition of a captivus :: taking
    captivitas, captivitatis f
  2588. the conspiracy begins :: the conspiracy takes its beginning
    coniuratio coeptat
  2589. the consuls compared on the division of the provinces :: the consuls agreed on the division of the provinces
    consules inter se provincias comparaverunt
  2590. the corporeal nature :: the corporeal structure
    corporatura, corporaturae f
  2591. the correct use of language :: the use of language without errors
    consuetudo pura et incorrupta sermonis
  2592. the Curia Hostilia built by Tullus Hostilius :: the Curia
    curia Hostilia
  2593. the Cynthian goddess, Diana :: the moon, as a goddess
    Cynthia, Cynthiae f
  2594. the day is already approaching its end :: the day is already coming to an end
    dies iam vergit
  2595. the decisive hour :: the decisive time
    ultimi discriminis tempus
  2596. the deities :: the gods
    caelestes, caelestium (coelestes, coelestium m)
  2597. the deliberations are finished :: the deliberations are at an end
    consulta sunt consilia
  2598. the desire to travel is rekindled :: the desire to travel flares up anew
    animus proficiscendi reaccenditur
  2599. the detainees :: the incarcerated :: the prison inmates :: the arrestees
    custodiae, custodiarum f
  2600. the devoted :: the faithful
    devoti, devotorum m
  2601. the die is cast! :: the game is ventured!
    alea iacta est
  2602. the difficulties increase :: the difficulties worsen
    difficultates maiorantur
  2603. the disrespectfulness ingrained by freedom :: the disrespectfulness reinforced by freedom
    coalita libertate irreverentia
  2604. the election was relatively quiet :: the election proceeded relatively calmly
    cursus electionis relative tranquillus fuit
  2605. the elevated seat of the emperor in the theatre :: the bed of a stone
    cubiculum, cubiculi n
  2606. the end of life is approaching :: the end of life is imminent
    vitae finis adest
  2607. the everyday :: the usual
    usitata, usitatorum n
  2608. the extreme :: the worst :: the last :: the end
    ultimum, ultimi n
  2609. the face wrinkles :: the face pulls in wrinkles
    vultus colligit rugas
  2610. the farthest :: the uttermost :: the farthest :: the most distant part of any thing
    ultimus, ultima, ultimum
  2611. the female sex :: the female gender
    altera sors
  2612. the field wants to bear fruit :: the field is greening
    ager parturit
  2613. the final moments :: the dying moments
    suprema, supremorum n
  2614. the first years :: the early years
    anni primitivi
  2615. the fleet consists of a hundred ships :: the fleet includes one hundred ships
    classis centum navium est
  2616. the following day :: the next day
    altero die
  2617. the following :: the next to the first :: the second
    secundus, secunda, secundum
  2618. the forces are weakening :: the forces decrease
    vires pauperescunt
  2619. the forces are weakening :: the forces decrease
    vires torpent
  2620. the frail and weak body :: the decrepit and weak body
    corpus caducum et infirmum
  2621. the gilding :: the putting around of gold
    circumdatio auri
  2622. the goddess of Love :: the planet Venus
    venus, veneris f
  2623. the good :: talent
    bonum, boni n
  2624. the goods are ownerless :: the goods are abandoned
    bona vacant
  2625. the ground was warm with blood :: the ground steamed with murder
    caede tepebat humus
  2626. the guard cohort :: the watchkeeping cohort
    cohors, quae in statione est
  2627. the hair of the head :: the hair
    capillum, capilli n
  2628. the hair of the head :: the hair :: the hair of men :: the hair of animals :: the threads or fibres of plants
    capillus, capilli m
  2629. the happy persons :: the fortunate persons :: the well-off people
    beati, beatorum m
  2630. the highest :: the very highest
    summus, summi m
  2631. the hinder part :: the back part :: the back
    aversum, aversi n
  2632. the hoofbeat roars :: the hoofbeat thunders
    ungula sonat
  2633. the house is spinning before my eyes :: the house turns before my eyes
    vertigine tectum ambulat
  2634. the independent doer :: the independent practitioner
    autopractor, autopractoris m
  2635. the inhabitants of heaven :: the gods
    caelites, caelitum m
  2636. the knob of a joint :: the knuckle of a joint
    condulus, conduli m
  2637. the knob of a joint :: the knuckle of a joint
    condylus, condyli m
  2638. the last of life, death :: the highest honor
    supremitas, supremitatis f
  2639. the liberal arts :: the fine arts
    artes ingenuae
  2640. the literal expression :: the actual expression
    vocabulum poprium
  2641. the litigation is initiated :: the lawsuit is filed
    lis contestatur
  2642. the loss of people was the same on both sides :: the number of killed was the same on both sides
    caedes utrimque par fuit
  2643. the luxuriant Corinth :: the lush Corinth :: the lascivious Corinth
    uncta Corinthus
  2644. the man superior to all in cunning :: the very cleverest
    vir omnium callidissimus
  2645. the matter concerns me :: the matter depends on me :: the matter falls within my sphere of responsibility
    res vertitur in meo foro
  2646. the matter requires caution :: the matter admits of caution
    res cautionem habet
  2647. the means by which an assertion or assumption may be made clear, proved :: the sign by which any thing is known
    argumentum, argumenti n
  2648. the morning reddens :: the dawn appears
    aurora rubescit
  2649. the mutilated :: the maimed
    colobicus, colobici m
  2650. the near and distant future :: the nearer and later time
    consequens ac posterum tempus
  2651. the need is present :: the need exists
    usus adest
  2652. the need requires it :: the need occurs
    usus venit
  2653. the nonprofit :: the charitable
    conducibile, conducibilis n
  2654. the number four :: tetrad
    tetradeum, tetradei n
  2655. the number four :: tetrad
    tetradium, tetradii n
  2656. the number ten :: ten asses
    decus, deci m
  2657. the number ten :: ten asses
    decusis, decusis m
  2658. the number ten :: ten asses
    decussis, decussis m
  2659. the number three :: triad
    trias, triados f
  2660. town and harbor in Latium
    Caieta, Caietae f
  2661. the office of a Spectabilis :: the dignity of a Spectabilis
    spectabilitas, spectabilitatis f
  2662. the old woman :: the old lady :: the ancient one
    casca, cascae f
  2663. the old :: the former
    vetera, veterum n
  2664. the old :: the prehistoric
    antiqua, antiquorum n
  2665. the oldest class of veterans :: the last summoned veterans
    vexillarii, vexillariorum m
  2666. the open jaws of war :: the open maw of war
    belli os et fauces
  2667. the opinion about it is unanimous :: there is a unanimous voice
    una et consentiens vox est
  2668. the other of two :: the other :: the second :: the next :: the one of two
    alter, altera, alterum
  2669. the other :: the other part
    ceterus, cetera, ceterum
  2670. the pale, evergreen box-tree :: things made of boxwood
    buxus, buxi f
  2671. the passions are gone :: the passions are extinguished
    cupiditates deferbuerunt
  2672. the peculiar characteristic of a thing :: the unmistakable emblem of a thing
    alicuius rei insigne proprium et peculiare
  2673. the perfidy of fate :: the perfidy of destiny
    violentia fortunae
  2674. the place where the bodies of the dead were burned and buried :: tomb :: the site :: the burned body itself :: the ashes
    bustum, busti n
  2675. the place where the chorus was trained and practised :: the preparing and bringing out of a chorus
    choragium, choragii n
  2676. the place where two rivers unite :: the confluence
    confluens confluentis m
  2677. the plant batrachion or herba scelerata :: the plant bryonia
    apiastellum, apiastelli n
  2678. the plant chamelaea :: the dwarf olive
    citocacium, citocacii n
  2679. the population of the city is growing :: the city is growing in population
    urbs frequentia crescit
  2680. the pot is overflowing :: the pot becomes overfull
    aula bacchatur
  2681. the privileges of a Roman citizen :: the citizens united in a community
    civitas, civitatis f
  2682. the projecting or extreme part of a thing :: the projecting part of a pediment
    acroterium, acroterii n
  2683. the proper symmetry of the limbs :: the proper balance of the limbs
    commoditas et aequitas membrorum
  2684. the property of a stranger :: the affairs of strangers :: the interests of strangers :: things strange :: things foreign :: things not belonging to the matter in hand
    alienum, alieni n
  2685. the pros and cons :: the for and against
    contrariae rationes
  2686. the public stage :: the public
    scaena, scaenae f (scena, scenae f)
  2687. the pulse of any age :: the peculiarities of any age
    venae cuiusque aetatis
  2688. the quality of atrox :: tumult
    atrocitas, atrocitatis f
  2689. the quality of being antiquus :: the ancients
    antiquitas, antiquitatis f
  2690. the quickening :: the animating
    animatio, animationis f
  2691. the rage subsides :: the rage fades away
    ira vanescit
  2692. the reason is easy to find :: the reason is obvious
    causa facile inveniri potest
  2693. the rest of Greece :: the remaining part of Greece
    cetera Graecia
  2694. the rest :: the others
    ceteri, ceterae, cetera
  2695. the ridges of a mountain :: the sail-yards :: the arm of a catapult
    bracchium, bracchii n
  2696. the riots that had begun in the suburbs spread :: the riots that had started in the suburbs spread
    tumultus in suburbio orti extendebantur
  2697. the rumor had caught the people :: the rumour had taken hold of the people
    auditus animos occupaverat
  2698. the sacred :: that which has reference to the Deity
    ceremonia, ceremoniae f
  2699. the sacred :: that which has reference to the Deity
    cerimonia, cerimoniae f
  2700. the sacred :: the divine :: that which has reference to the Deity
    caeremonia, caeremoniae f
  2701. the sacred :: the divine :: that which has reference to the Deity
    caerimonia, caerimoniae f (caeremonia, ceremonia)
  2702. the sacred :: the divine :: that which has reference to the Deity
    caerimōnium, caerimōnii n
  2703. the sails go down :: the sails are retracted
    vela cadunt
  2704. the sails go down :: the sails are retracted
    vela deduco
  2705. the scab :: the itch
    scabres, scabris f
  2706. the scab :: the itch
    scabritia, scabritiae f
  2707. the Sceptics :: the disciples of Pyrrho
    sceptici, scepticorum m
  2708. the sea began to rise :: the sea began to surge :: the sea began to swell
    aequor perhorruit
  2709. the secret principles of governance :: the secret principles of rule
    arcana dominationis
  2710. the secret principles of governance :: the secret principles of rule
    arcana imperii
  2711. the sense of words :: the meaning of words
    sensibilitas, sensibilitatis f
  2712. the seven stars near the north pole :: the Great Bear :: the Little Bear
    septentrio, septentrionis m
  2713. the shot backfire :: the spit turns around :: the sheet turns
    currente retro funis it rota
  2714. the sick :: the patients
    aegrotantes, aegrotantium m
  2715. the sloughing of the skin of snakes :: the shedding of the skin of snakes :: the slough cast off by a snake
    vernatio, vernationis f
  2716. the snake tapers off :: the snake rejuvenates
    vernat anguis
  2717. the spears threatening death :: the bullets threatening death
    tela mortem vibrantia
  2718. the spin :: the skid
    amentatio, amentationis f
  2719. the spoil of an animal :: the skin of an animal stripped off
    spolium, spolii n
  2720. the summer has passed :: the summer is gone
    aestas se circumegit
  2721. the superfluous :: the redundant
    superfluum, superflui n
  2722. the tables will be turned :: the tide will turn
    circumagetur hic orbis
  2723. the tenth part :: tith
    decuma, decumae f
  2724. the terrible :: the horrible :: the awful
    timenda, timendorum n
  2725. the theatre curtain is dropped (at the beginning) :: the theatre curtain rises
    aulaeum mittitur
  2726. the theatre curtain is dropped (at the beginning) :: the theatre curtain rises
    aulaeum premitur
  2727. the thick sediment of a liquid :: the dregs
    crassamen, crassaminis n
  2728. the thick sediment of a liquid :: the dregs :: the thickness of an object :: the thick sediment of a liquid :: the dregs
    crassamentum, crassamenti n
  2729. the thing is put through its paces :: the thing is tested in every possible way
    armis et castris temptata res est
  2730. the tide sets in :: the tide begins to rise
    aestus ex alto se incitat
  2731. the time through which a person lives :: the time through which a thing lasts :: time of existence :: time unending
    aevitas, aevitatis f
  2732. the time when the sun seems to stand still :: the heat of summer
    solstitium, solstitii n
  2733. the tithe :: the tenth
    decima, decimae f (decuma, decumae f)
  2734. the top, summit (of a building) :: the dome of heaven :: top of the prow of a ship
    culmen, culminis n
  2735. the transfer from one species of composition to another :: the rounding of a period
    conversio, conversionis f
  2736. the tree wobbles :: the tree wavers
    vacillat arbor
  2737. the trees green up :: the trees turn green
    arbores frondescunt
  2738. the triple :: three times as much
    triplum, tripli n
  2739. the upper air :: the upper world :: the earth :: the brightness surrounding a deity
    aethera, aetherae f
  2740. the upper air :: the upper world :: the earth :: the brightness surrounding a deity
    aether, aetheris m
  2741. the upper air :: the bright sky
    aethra, aethrae f
  2742. the upper side of a thing :: top
    superficies, superficiei f
  2743. the vines are haunted :: the vines are hailed
    vites grandine contunduntur
  2744. the vines are haunted :: the vines are hailed
    vites grandine excutiuntur
  2745. the vines are haunted :: the vines are hailed
    vites grandine percutiuntur
  2746. the war has cost many lives :: the war has taken many lives
    bellum multos homines absumpsit
  2747. the watch fires are lit :: the watch fires shine
    collucent ignes
  2748. the water falls :: the water drops
    aqua recedit
  2749. the water falls :: the water level sinks
    undae recedunt
  2750. the whole camp is chaotic :: the whole camp is in confusion
    totis castris trepidatur
  2751. the whole system is thrown over :: the whole system is upset
    tota ratio iacet
  2752. the whole world :: the universe
    universum, universi n
  2753. the whole :: the whole number of things :: the whole world :: the universe
    universitas, universitatis f
  2754. the wind dies down :: the wind decreases
    ventus remittit
  2755. the wind dies down :: the wind is dying down
    ventus cadit
  2756. the wind dies down :: the wind is dying down
    ventus cessat
  2757. the wind has died down :: the wind has calmed down :: the wind has settled
    ventus cecidit
  2758. the wind has stopped :: the wind has suspended
    ventus cessavit
  2759. the wind increases :: the wind picks up
    ventus increbrescit (increbescit)
  2760. the witnesses' statements are contradictory :: the witnesses contradict each other :: the witnesses disagree
    testis testi diversa dicit
  2761. the wood of the boxtree :: things made of boxwood :: top :: the boxtree
    buxum, buxi n
  2762. the words are lost :: the words go into the void
    verba profectu carent
  2763. the words correspond :: the words match
    verba verbis respondent
  2764. the words go unheard :: the words are in vain
    verba fiunt mortuo
  2765. the worms (a disease of animals) :: the bots
    verminatio, verminationis f
  2766. the worst fighting turmoil :: the fiercest battle turmoil
    tumultuosissimum pugnae
  2767. the year before :: the previous year
    anno ante
  2768. the year before :: the previous year
    anno proximo
  2769. the year has passed :: the year has gone by
    annus circumactus est
  2770. the years go by :: the years pass
    anni eunt
  2771. then at length :: then indeed
    tum demum
  2772. theorists :: theoreticians
    canonici, canonicorum m
  2773. there is a standstill in trade :: trade has come to a standstill :: trade is at rest
    mercatura iacet
  2774. there is disagreement,there is a contradiction :: there is a discrepancy
  2775. there is no fault :: there is no guilt
    culpa nulla subest
  2776. there is no occasion for singing :: there is no occasion for imagination, fiction
    non est cantandum
  2777. there is time for :: there is room for :: there is leisure for
  2778. there’s a viper in the bush :: there’s a hidden danger
    vipera est in veprecula
  2779. thereafter :: thereupon :: then
  2780. thereafter :: thereupon :: then
  2781. these are mere words :: these are just words :: these are empty phrases
    verba istaec sunt
  2782. they confer with someone :: they are talking to someone
    colloquuntur cum aliquo
  2783. they conspire :: they plot
    coniurant (inter se)
  2784. they conspire :: they plot
    coniurationem faciunt
  2785. they discuss among themselves :: they put their heads together
    colloquuntur inter se
  2786. they talk on horseback :: they converse on horseback
    colloquuntur ex equis
  2787. they talk through someone :: they are talking through an intermediary
    colloquuntur per aliquem
  2788. thick juice obtained from animal or vegetable substances :: thick broth
    cremor, cremoris m
  2789. thick juice obtained from animal or vegetable substances :: thick broth
    cremum, cremi n
  2790. thick :: tardy
    spissus, spissa, spissum
  2791. thick :: thickly set with :: thickly covered with
    densus, densa, densum
  2792. thicket of briers :: thorn brake
    senticetum, senticeti n
  2793. thicket of rods :: thicket of osiers
    virgetum, virgeti n
  2794. thickness :: thick matter
    crassitudo, crassitudinis f
  2795. thin branches :: twigs
    scopae, scoparum f
  2796. thing that excites terror :: thing that frights
    terricula, terriculae f
  2797. things someone pleasing :: things someone acceptable
    volentia alicui
  2798. thinking :: thought
    cogitatio, cogitationis f
  2799. thinking :: thought
    cogitamen, cogitaminis n
  2800. thinking :: thought
    cogitatus, cogitatus m
  2801. thinking :: thoughtful
    cogitabundus, cogitabunda, cogitabundum
  2802. thinness :: tenuity
    tenuitas, tenuitatis f
  2803. third part :: third part of an as :: third part of an aureus :: third of a juger :: third of a foot
    triens, trientis m
  2804. third stories :: third floors
    tristega, tristegorum n
  2805. thirst :: thirst for
    sitio 4
  2806. thirst :: thirst
    sitis, sitis f
  2807. thirsting :: thirsty :: thirsting for
    sitiens, sitientis
  2808. thirty at a time :: thirty each :: thirty
    triceni, tricenae, tricena
  2809. thirty at a time :: thirty each :: thirty
    trigeni, trigenae, trigena
  2810. this alone :: this only :: this one alone
    hic unus
  2811. this appertains to me :: this pertains to me
    (id) me attinet
  2812. this belongs to me :: this concerns me
    (id) me attinet
  2813. this is how I advise in this matter :: this is my recommendation about it :: this is my advice about it
    de ea re ita censeo
  2814. this is of moment for me :: this is of importance for me
    (id) me attinet
  2815. this is what I think about it :: this is my opinion about it :: this is how I judge it
    de ea re ita censeo
  2816. this relates to me :: this refers to me
    (id) me attinet
  2817. this still needs to be discussed :: there is still a need for negotiation :: this has not yet been fully discussed
    de hac re etiam agendum est
  2818. thorn-bearing :: thorny
    spinifer, spinifera, spiniferum
  2819. thorn-bearing :: thorny
    spiniger, spinigera, spinigerum
  2820. thorn :: toothpick
    spina, spinae f
  2821. thorn :: thornbush
    sentis, sentis m
  2822. thoroughly moved :: troubled
    sollicitus, sollicita, sollicitum
  2823. those who make out the censor’s lists :: the censor’s lists
    censuales, censualium m
  2824. threat :: threatening
    comminatio, comminationis f
  2825. threaten one with something :: threaten with an attack
    comminor 1
  2826. threaten someone with a lawsuit :: threaten someone with legal action
    crimen alicui intento
  2827. threaten someone's civil and economic existence :: threaten someone's livelihood
    alicuius caput ac fortunas oppugno
  2828. three born at a birth :: three twin-brothers :: threefold :: triple :: triform
    trigeminus canis
  2829. three born at a birth :: three twin-brothers :: threefold :: triple :: triform
    trigeminus, trigemina, trigeminum
  2830. three bottles :: three pints
    trisextium, trisextii n
  2831. three each :: three :: threefold :: triple
    trini, trinae, trina
  2832. three hundred each :: three hundred distributively
    treceni, trecenae, trecena
  2833. three men holding an office together :: three men associated in public business :: three joint commissioners
    triumviri, triumvirorum m
  2834. three men holding an office together :: three men associated in public business :: three joint commissioners
    tresviri, tresvirorum
  2835. three months old :: that ripens in three months :: that remain with us but three months
    trimestris, trimestre
  2836. three times as much :: threefold portion :: triple
    triplex, triplicis n
  2837. three times bigger :: three times larger
    triplo maior
  2838. three times :: thrice
  2839. three twelfths of an as :: trifle
    teruncius, teruncii m
  2840. three years before :: three years ago
    tribus annis ante
  2841. three years before :: three years ago
    tribus ante annis
  2842. three-cleft :: three-forked :: threepointed :: threefold :: triple :: threeforked
    trisulcus, trisulca, trisulcum
  2843. three-cornered :: triangular :: trigonal
    trigonus, trigona, trigonum
  2844. three-footed seat :: tripod
    tripus, tripodis m
  2845. three-legged chair :: tripod chair
    tripeccia, tripecciae f
  2846. three-legged chair :: tripod chair
    tripetia, tripetiae f
  2847. three-legged figure :: triangle
    triscelum, trisceli n
  2848. three-month ceasefire :: three-month armistice
    trimestres indutiae
  2849. three-sided :: trilateral
    trilaterus, trilatera, trilaterum
  2850. three :: triple :: three each
    trinus, trina, trinum
  2851. threefold marriage :: third marriage :: trigamy
    trigamia, trigamiae f
  2852. threefold :: triple
    triiugus, triiuga, triiugum
  2853. threefold :: triple
    triplaris, triplare
  2854. threefold :: triple
    triplasius, triplasia, triplasium
  2855. threeleaved grass :: trefoil
    trifolium, trifolii n
  2856. thrice bound together :: threefold
    teriugus, teriuga, teriugum
  2857. thrice poisoner :: triple-dyed scoundrel :: thorough knave
    terveneficus, tervenefici m
  2858. thricebearing :: that bears fruit three times a year
    trifer, trifera, triferum
  2859. throttle :: torment :: torture
    strangulo 1
  2860. through each tribe :: tribe by tribe
  2861. throw a skewer against someone :: throw a spear at someone
    tragulam inicio in aliquem
  2862. throw a thing to :: throw
    adicio 5
  2863. throw across :: throw :: transfer :: transport
    traicio 5
  2864. throw down :: turn out of possession
    deicio 5
  2865. throw down :: take away
    deruo 3 (tr.)
  2866. throw into disorder :: throw into confusion
    conturbo 1
  2867. throw lime on :: to lime
    caleco 1
  2868. throw lime on :: to lime
    calico 1
  2869. throw off by sweating :: to sweat out
    sudo 1
  2870. throw on the earth :: throw
    decubo 1
  2871. throw on :: throw above
    superinicio 5
  2872. throw or fall head foremost :: turn a somersault
    cernuo 1
  2873. throw over :: throw upon
    supermitto 3
  2874. throw together :: throw :: turn :: treat
    coicio 5
  2875. throw together :: throw :: turn :: treat
    conicio 5
  2876. throw together :: throw together in speaking
    conicio 5
  2877. throw together :: to conjecture
    coniecto 1
  2878. throw up by vomiting :: throw or pour out in abundance
    vomo 3
  2879. throw :: throw about
    sipo 1
  2880. throw :: throw about
    supo 1
  2881. throw :: throw over
    amphibalum, amphibali n
  2882. throwing down :: throwing out :: turning out of possession
    deiectio, deiectionis f
  2883. throwing down :: throwing to the ground
    strages, stragis f
  2884. throwing over :: throwing on
    superiectio, superiectionis f
  2885. throwing together :: throwing, throwing down :: turning
    coniectus, coniectus m
  2886. throwing up, vomiting :: that which is thrown up by vomiting
    vomitus, vomitus m
  2887. thrust away :: thrust down
    detrudo 3
  2888. thrust through :: transpierce :: transfix
    transfigo 3
  2889. thrust through :: transfix :: transpierce
    transfodio 5
  2890. thrust together :: thrust :: to crowd in
    contrudo 3
  2891. thrust with the horns :: tremble
    conisco 1
  2892. thunder down :: thunder :: thunder forth
    detono 1
  2893. thunder :: thunder forth
    tono 1
  2894. thy :: thine
    tuus, tua, tuum
  2895. tickle of the lust :: titillation of the lust
    titillatio voluptatum
  2896. tickle :: titillate
    titillo 1
  2897. tickling :: titillation
    titillatio, titillationis f
  2898. tie on top :: tie at the top
    superalligo 1
  2899. tie the hair in a knot :: tie up one's hair in a knot
    crinem nodo substringo
  2900. tiger :: tigress :: tiger-skin
    tigris, tigridis c
  2901. tiger :: tigress :: tiger-skin
    tigris, tigris c
  2902. tiles :: tiled roof
    tegula, tegulae f
  2903. timber business :: timber trade
    negotium abietarium
  2904. time goes by :: time passes
    tempus transit
  2905. time is playing for me :: time is playing into my hands
    tempus me iuvat
  2906. time is playing for me :: time is playing into my hands
    tempus mihi prodest
  2907. time slot :: time frame
    tempus ac spatium
  2908. to a hair :: to a nicety
    ad unguem
  2909. to a hair :: to a nicety
    in unguem
  2910. to arrange with someone :: to agree with someone
    consilia communico cum aliquo
  2911. to avoid parables :: to leave parables aside
    ut omittam similitudines
  2912. to be at enmity :: to hate each other irreconcilably
    implacabiliter odi
  2913. to be blasted by a constellation :: to be palsied by a constellation :: to be planet :: to be struck :: to be sunstruck
    sideror 1
  2914. to be brief :: to abbreviate me :: to be short
    ut ad pauca redeam
  2915. to be brief :: to abbreviate me :: to be short
    ut brevi complectar
  2916. to be brief :: to abbreviate me :: to be short
    ut brevi praecidam
  2917. to be brief :: to abbreviate me :: to be short
    ut breviter complectar
  2918. to be brief :: to abbreviate me :: to be short
    ut breviter dicam
  2919. to be brief :: to keep it short
    ut paucis complectar
  2920. to be brief :: to keep it short :: to make a long story short
    ut ut brevi comprehendam
  2921. to be dependent on someone :: to be fed by someone
    de alicuius vesperi ceno
  2922. to be full of :: to be filled with :: to be abound in a thing
    scaturio 4 (scaturrio 4)
  2923. to be full of :: to be filled with :: to be abound in a thing
    scaturrio 4
  2924. to be in money embarrassment :: to be in money trouble
    de pecunia laboro
  2925. to be much accustomed :: to be much wont
    solito 1
  2926. to be old :: to be weak :: to be feeble
    seneo 2
  2927. to be on the watch :: to be on the lookout
    in speculis sum
  2928. to be party-colored :: to be variegated
    variego 1
  2929. to be plentiful :: to swarm :: to gush forth with :: to be full of
    scateo 2
  2930. to be plentiful :: to swarm :: to gush forth with :: to be full of
    scato 3
  2931. to be scurfy :: to be scabby
    scabreō 2
  2932. to bear seed :: to run to seed
    semento 1
  2933. to both places :: to both parts :: to both sides
  2934. to chop :: to chaff :: to shred
    concido 3
  2935. to climb :: to ascend
    scando 3
  2936. to swarm :: to abound
    scaturio 4 (scaturrio 4)
  2937. to concern oneself only fleetingly with something :: to deal with something only superficially
    extremis digitis aliquid attingo
  2938. to cut with the sickle :: to mow with the sickle
    sicilio 4
  2939. to dig into :: tear up
    saucio 1
  2940. to do something frequently :: to do something in multitudes
    celebro 1
  2941. to either one of two sides :: to either side
  2942. to exercise :: train
    condoceo 2
  2943. to feast with others :: to banquet with others
    convivo 1
  2944. to feast with others :: to banquet with others
    convivor 1
  2945. to give the example :: to cite the example
    ut hoc afferam
  2946. to mount :: to embark :: take ship
    conscendo 3
  2947. to my great joy :: to my great satisfaction
    cum magna mea voluptate
  2948. to my great pain :: to my great sorrow
    cum magno meo dolore
  2949. to notify someone :: to make sure someone :: to inform someone
    certum aliquem facio
  2950. to place one’s self anywhere :: take one’s place :: take position
    consisto 3
  2951. to pollute :: to defile :: to contaminate :: to desecrate
    scelero 1
  2952. to put it briefly :: to make a long story short
    ut paucis (rem) absolvam
  2953. to put to death on the cross :: torture :: torment
    crucio 1
  2954. to remain in the same parable :: to stay in the same parable
    ut in eodem simili verser
  2955. to satisfy :: to satiate
    satullo 1
  2956. to say it once and for all :: to put it once and for all
    ut semel dicam
  2957. to scratch :: to scrape
    scabo 3
  2958. to seek a knot in a bulrush :: to find a difficulty where there is none
    quaero in scirpo nodum
  2959. to someone's detriment :: to the injury of somone
  2960. to someone's disadvantage :: to someone's expense
    alicuius impendio
  2961. to speak with greater force :: to emphasise it more
    ut emphaticoteron dicam
  2962. to stream :: to flow
    scaturio 4 (scaturrio 4)
  2963. to strike one thing against another :: to strike :: to contend
    confligo 3
  2964. to sum up my words :: to summarize my words
    ut eorum, quae dixi, summam faciam
  2965. to talk with Cicero :: to speak with Cicero
    ut Ciceronis verbis utar
  2966. to the measure :: to the limit :: to a great measure :: to a full measure
  2967. to this place :: thus far :: to such a degree
  2968. to this :: thus far :: to such a degree - as
    adeo (2)
  2969. to train :: teach
    condocefacio 5
  2970. to trust someone to predict the future :: to trust someone to be able to predict the future
    te futura prospicere credo
  2971. to which of two places :: to which side, to which part
  2972. to-morrow :: the future
  2973. to :: toward
    ad + Akk.
  2974. token :: the matter which lies at the basis of any written or artistic representation :: theme
    argumentum, argumenti n
  2975. toll :: tax
    vectigal, vectigalis n
  2976. tomorrow :: the morrow
    crastinum, crastini n
  2977. tone leading :: tone sequence
    agoge, agoges f
  2978. tongue of a dovetail :: tenon of a dovetail
    suscus, suscudis f
  2979. tool :: tools
    arma, armorum n
  2980. tooth :: tine :: tooth of envy
    dens, dentis m
  2981. torment, rack :: torture severely
    concrucio 1
  2982. torment :: torture
    cruciabilitas, cruciabilitatis f
  2983. torment :: torture
    tortio, tortionis f
  2984. tormenter :: torturer
    cruciator, cruciatoris m
  2985. tormenting :: torturing
    cruciabilis, cruciabile
  2986. tortoise :: the constellation Lyra
    chelys, chelyos f
  2987. tortoise :: tortoise-shell
    testudo, testudinis f
  2988. torture someone :: torment someone
    cruciatu aliquem afficio
  2989. torture violently :: torment
    discrucio 1
  2990. torture :: torment
    torto 1
  2991. torture :: torment
    cruciatus, cruciatus m
  2992. torture :: torment
    carnificium, carnificii n
  2993. torture :: torment
    cruciamen, cruciaminis n
  2994. torture :: torment
    cruciamentum, cruciamenti n
  2995. torture :: torment
    tortiono 1
  2996. torturer :: tormentor
    conflictor, conflictoris m
  2997. torturing :: tormenting
    cruciabundus, cruciabunda, cruciabundum
  2998. toss :: toss to and fro :: toss grain into the air
    ventilo 1
  2999. totally devoted :: totally consecrated
    dedicatissimus, dedicatissima, dedicatissimum
  3000. touch a sore spot :: touch on a delicate subject
    ulcus tango (attingo)
  3001. touch on all sides :: touch :: take hold of :: taste :: touch impurely
    contingo 3
  3002. touch one gently :: touch one softly
    molli articulo tracto aliquem
  3003. touch one lightly :: touch one gently
    digito aliquem attingo
  3004. touch sharply :: twit
    taxo 1
  3005. touch someone :: touch a hair on someone's head
    digito aliquem attingo
  3006. touch :: taste :: to approach :: touch upon in speaking
    attingo 3
  3007. touch :: taste :: to approach :: touch upon in speaking
    adtingo 3
  3008. touch :: touch in examining :: touch carnally :: take by stealth
    contracto 1
  3009. touch :: touch in examining :: touch carnally :: take by stealth
    contrecto 1
  3010. touch :: take :: take away
    tango 3
  3011. touching :: term applied to words which denote a taking of many things together
    adtrectatio, adtrectationis f
  3012. touching :: term applied to words which denote a taking of many things together
    attrectatio, attrectationis f
  3013. touching :: treatment :: treatise :: tractate
    tractatus, tractatus m
  3014. touching :: touch
    adtactus, adtactus m
  3015. touching :: touch
    attactus, attactus m
  3016. touching :: touch
    tactus, tactus m
  3017. touching :: touch
    tactio, tactionis f
  3018. touching :: touch :: twinge
    stringor, stringoris m
  3019. touchstone :: test-stone
    basanites, basanitae m
  3020. touring theatre :: touring stage
    theatrum ambulatorium
  3021. towards day :: towards morning
    sublucanus, sublucana, sublucanum
  3022. towards the left side :: to the left
  3023. towards the left side :: to the left
  3024. towards the left side :: to the left
  3025. towards the left side :: to the left
  3026. towards the right side :: to the right
    dextrorsum (dextrorsus, dextroversum)
  3027. towards the right side :: to the right
  3028. towards the right side :: to the right
    dextrorsus vergens
  3029. towards the right side :: to the right
  3030. towering rocks :: towering cliffs
    cautes celsae
  3031. towering rocks :: towering cliffs
    cautis, cautis f
  3032. track armour :: tracked armour
    lorica serta
  3033. tracker :: tracer
    vestigator, vestigatoris m
  3034. tracker :: tracer
    vestigiator, vestigiatoris m
  3035. trade of procurer :: trade of pimping :: trade of pandering
    conciliatura, conciliaturae f
  3036. trade together :: traffic together
    commercor 1
  3037. trade union member :: trade unionist
    collegii opificum particeps
  3038. trade union movement :: trade unionism
    collegiorum opificum motus
  3039. trade union work :: trade union activity
    collegii opificum navitas
  3040. traffic in any thing :: trade in any thing
    cauponor 1
  3041. tragedy poet :: tragedian
    vates cothurnatus
  3042. train :: troop
    agmen, agminis n
  3043. transcendent :: transcend the world
    transmundanus, transmundana, transmundanum
  3044. transferring of the possession to another :: transferring of one’s self
    alienatio, alienationis f
  3045. transformable :: transfigurable
    transfigurabilis, transfigurabile
  3046. transformer :: transfigurer
    transfigurator, transfiguratoris m
  3047. transgression of law :: transgression
    delictum, delicti n
  3048. translate something from Greek into Latin :: transfer something from Greek into Latin
    aliquid e Graeco in Latinum (sermonem) converto (verto)
  3049. transportation :: traffic
    res vectoria
  3050. transverse furrow :: transversal furrow
    sulcus transversus
  3051. travel by ship :: travel by sea
    classe proficiscor
  3052. travelling circus :: troop of barnstormers
    circus ambulatorius
  3053. travelling circus :: troop of barnstormers
    circus circumforaneus
  3054. tread all around :: trample upon all around
    circumcalco 1
  3055. tread all around :: trample upon all around
    circumculco 1
  3056. tread down :: trample upon
    deculco 1
  3057. tread something :: tread upon something :: tread under foot :: tread down :: trample upon
    calco 1
  3058. tread under foot :: tread down :: trample upon in a hostile manner :: treat with contempt
    conculco 1
  3059. treasure-keeper :: treasurer
    thesaurensis, thesaurensis m
  3060. treat dishonorably :: treat disgracefully, :: treat insultingly
    contumelia insequor
  3061. treated subject :: treated topic :: theme
    thema, thematis n
  3062. tree crown :: treetop
    cacumen arboris
  3063. tree :: things made of wood
    arbor, arboris f
  3064. trembling :: timorous
    trepidulus, trepidula, trepidulum
  3065. trembling :: trembling with fear
    tremebundus, tremebunda, tremebundum
  3066. trembling :: trembling with fear
    tremibundus, tremibunda, tremibundum
  3067. trembling :: trembling with fear
    tremidus, tremida, tremidum
  3068. tremblingly :: timorously
  3069. triangle :: trigon
    trigonum, trigoni n
  3070. triangular :: three-cornered :: trigonal
    trigonicus, trigonica, trigonicum
  3071. tribal hero :: tribal father
    auctor gentis
  3072. tricolour :: three-coloured
    tricolor, tricoloris
  3073. tried :: tested
    spectatus, spectata, spectatum
  3074. trifles :: toys :: trumpery :: tricks
    tricae, tricarum f
  3075. trilling singing :: trilling
    cantilo 1
  3076. trim :: thin out
    subluco 1
  3077. trimming someone's feathers :: trimming someone's wings
    alicui pennas incido
  3078. trip up one’s heels :: throw down,throw to the ground :: trips up
    supplanto 1
  3079. triple domination :: threefold rule
    triplex regnum
  3080. triple open standing :: triple open
    tripatens, tripatentis
  3081. triple :: treble
    trigemino 1
  3082. triplicity of shape :: triformity
    triformitas, triformitatis f
  3083. triplicity of shape :: triformity
  3084. tripling :: trebling :: triplication
    triplicatio, triplicationis f
  3085. tripod :: tripod boiler
    tripes, tripedis m
  3086. triumphal procession :: triumph
    triumphus, triumphi m
  3087. troop :: throng
    turma, turmae f
  3088. troops standing on the other side of the Po :: troops standing beyond the Po
    copiae trans Padum agentes
  3089. trouble :: turbulence
    turbulentia, turbulentiae f
  3090. true nature :: truth of nature
    veritas, veritatis f
  3091. true :: true
    verus, vera, verum
  3092. trusting :: trustful
    animo fiednti
  3093. try to influence someone :: try to win someone :: try to capture someone
    alicuius animum verso
  3094. try to thwart the plan :: try to frustrate the plan :: try to foil the plan
    consilium impedire conor
  3095. trying to fight back :: trying to defend yourself
    vim paro
  3096. tub :: tun
    cupa, cupae f
  3097. tufa :: tuff
    tofus, tofi m
  3098. tufa :: tuff
    tophus, tophi m
  3099. tuft :: tuft of thatch :: tuft of reeds used for thatching
    panicula, paniculae f
  3100. tunny :: tunny-fish
    thunnus, thunni m
  3101. tunny :: tunny-fish
    tunnus, tunni m
  3102. turmoil :: tumult :: throng :: train :: troop
    turba, turbae f
  3103. turn a thing to :: turn a thing toward a place
    adverto 3
  3104. turn a thing to :: turn a thing toward a place
    advorto 3
  3105. turn a thing to :: turn a thing toward a place
    arverto 3
  3106. turn around in a circle :: to make a circuit :: turn around
    circumagor 3
  3107. turn aside :: turn off :: turn away
    detorqueo 2
  3108. turn aside :: turn towards :: turn in
    deverto 3 (intr.)
  3109. turn away :: turn aside
    deverto 3 (tr.)
  3110. turn away :: turn aside
    devorto 3 (tr.)
  3111. turn in a lathe :: turn
    torno 1
  3112. turn off :: turn :: turn off with a lathe
    detorno 1
  3113. turn often :: twist often :: turn up :: treat :: turn upside down :: think over :: transact
    verso 1
  3114. turn often :: twist often :: turn up :: treat :: turn upside down :: think over :: transact
    vorso 1
  3115. turn one's back on someone :: turn away from someone
    alicui tergum obverto
  3116. turn one’s back :: tergiversate
    tergiversor 1
  3117. turn one’s self aside :: turn one’s self to any place :: turn in
    devertor 3
  3118. turn one’s self aside :: turn one’s self to any place :: turn in
    devortor 3 (intr.)
  3119. turn one’s self from :: turn away :: turn away a person or thing from one’s self
    aversor 1 (avorsor 1)
  3120. turn one’s self from :: turn away :: turn away a person or thing from one’s self
    avorsor 1
  3121. turn out of the track :: turn aside
    deorbito 1
  3122. turn out of the track :: turn aside
    exorbito 1
  3123. turn out that :: turn out to be that
    contingit (ut ...)
  3124. turn out well :: turn out for the better
    bene verrunco
  3125. turn round :: turn back :: turn somewhere :: turn to :: translate
    converto 3
  3126. turn something away from a place :: turn off :: take away
    averto 3 (avorto 3)
  3127. turn the sail :: tack
    versoriam capio
  3128. turn this way and that in the fight :: turn soon here, soon there in battle
    arma circumfero
  3129. turn to new things :: tackle new things
    nova aggredior
  3130. turn to :: turn toward
    afflecto 3
  3131. turn :: turn about
    verrunco 1
  3132. turn :: turn around :: turn toward
    convertor 3
  3133. turn :: turn round, turn about :: transform :: turn one’s self
    verto 3 (vorto 3)
  3134. turn :: turn round, turn about :: transform :: turn one’s self
    vorto 3
  3135. turn :: twist :: twirl :: throw out violently :: throw out forcibly
    contorqueo 2
  3136. turned across :: transverse :: traverse
    transversus, transversa, transversum
  3137. turned across :: transverse :: traverse
    transvorsus, transvorsa, transvorsum
  3138. turned against :: that is the subject of dispute
    controversus, controversa, controversum
  3139. turned off :: turned away
    aversus, aversa, aversum (avorsus)
  3140. turned off :: turned away
    avorsus, avorsa, avorsum
  3141. turned to a thing :: turned toward a thing
    adversus, adversa, adversum
  3142. turned to a thing :: turned toward a thing
    advorsus, advorsa, advorsum
  3143. turned to :: turned toward
    adversus, adversa, adversum
  3144. turning point :: turn of the times
    conversio temporum
  3145. turning round :: the periodical return of the seasons caused by the revolution of the heavenly bodies
    conversio, conversionis f
  3146. turning round :: turn :: twirl
    vertigo, vertiginis f
  3147. turning :: turnery
    tornatura, tornaturae f

  3148. Turnus attollit animos
  3149. turret-bearing :: turreted :: turret-crowned :: turreled
    turrifer, turrifera, turriferum
  3150. turret-bearing :: turreted :: turret-crowned :: turreled
    turriger, turrigera, turrigerum
  3151. twenty-nine each :: twentynine
    undetriceni, undetricenae, undetricena
  3152. twice a day :: twice daily
    bis cotidie
  3153. twice a day :: twice daily
    bis die
  3154. twice a year :: twice yearly
    bis anno
  3155. twice as big :: twice as large
    alterum tantum
  3156. twice as big :: twice as much
    bis tanto
  3157. twice as big :: twice as much
    bis tantum
  3158. twice six :: twelvefold
    bis senus
  3159. twice within a year :: twice a year
    bis in anno
  3160. twice :: twofold
  3161. twilight :: the dusk of the evening
    crepusculum, crepusculi n
  3162. twin brother :: twin
    connatus, connati m
  3163. twist and turn :: try by hook or by crook
    agino 1
  3164. twist around :: turn around
    circumtorqueo 2
  3165. twist :: twist awry :: twist awry
    torqueo 2
  3166. twisting :: torment :: torture
    tortura, torturae f
  3167. two by two :: two to each :: two each :: two at a time :: two
    bini, binae, bina
  3168. two day trips :: two day marches
    via bidui
  3169. two days after these events :: two days after this had happened
    biduo, quo haec gesta sunt
  3170. two days after :: two days later
    biduo post
  3171. two feet long :: two feet broad
    bipedus, bipeda, bipedum
  3172. two feet long :: two feet broad :: two feet thick
    bipedalis, bipedale
  3173. two feet long :: two feet broad :: two feet thick
    bipedaneus, bipedanea, bipedaneum
  3174. two or three times :: two or three times
    bis terve
  3175. two pairs each :: two couples each
    bina coniugia
  3176. two spans long :: two spans broad
    bipalmis, bipalme
  3177. two spans long :: two spans broad
    bipalmus, bipalma, bipalmum
  3178. two whole days :: two full days
    totum biduum
  3179. two years ago :: two years before
    biennio ante
  3180. two-footed :: two legged
    bipes, bipedis
  3181. twopenny sweetheart :: twopenny whore
    diobolaria, diobolariae f
  3182. twopenny sweethearts :: twopenny whores
    diobolae meretrices
  3183. twotongued :: treacherous
    bilinguis, bilingue
  3184. twotongued :: treacherous
    bilinguus, bilingua, bilinguum
  3185. tyrannous :: tyrannical
    tyrannicus, tyrannica, tyrannicum
  3186. tyrant :: tyranny
    tyrannis, tyrannidis f
  3187. take off
    discooperio 4
  3188. take off
    detego 3
  3189. tunic :: tegument
    tunica, tunicae f
  3190. tunic with long sleeves
    tunica manicata
  3191. the persons who deliberate
    consilium, consilii n
  3192. try
    conor 1
  3193. take in hand
    attingo 3
  3194. transgression :: that which is intrusted :: trust
    commissum, commissi n
  3195. treble and bass whistle
    tibiae impares
  3196. time
    aevum, aevi n
  3197. trade union chairperson
    collegii opificum praeses
  3198. to become one
    unesco 3
  3199. to become one
    unisco 3
  3200. together
  3201. thousand-virtues
    chiliodynama, chiliodynamae f
  3202. thousand-virtues
    chiliodynamia, chiliodynamiae f
  3203. thousand-leaves
    chiliophyllon, chiliophylli n
  3204. too young girl
    uva immitis
  3205. tranquil
    securus, secura, securum
  3206. topmost :: the top of
    summus, summa, summum
  3207. tumult :: tempest :: tumult
    tumultus, tumultus m
  3208. treat, adduce
    conicio 5
  3209. torture
    tormenta adhibeo
  3210. take advantage of
    utor 3
  3211. that is willingly solicited :: that is willingly entreated
    ambitiosus, ambitiosa, ambitiosum
  3212. true accusation
    crimen verum

  3213. vallis lacrimarum
  3214. the hollows
    convexa, convexorum n
  3215. the nearest
    citumus, cituma, citumum
  3216. thick :: thickly covered
    condensus, condensa, condensum
  3217. that costs much, dear
    sumptuosus, sumptuosa, sumptuosum
  3218. the Sibylline books, written upon linen
    carbasa, carbasorum n
  3219. the Sibylline books, written upon linen
    carbasum, carbasi n
  3220. the Sibylline books, written upon linen
    carbasus, carbasi f
  3221. trochil
    trochilus, trochili m
  3222. the Bowl
    creterrae, creterrarum f
  3223. the Bowl
    crater, crateris m (cratera, craterae f)
  3224. the Bowl
    cratera, craterae f
  3225. three-peck measure
    trimodia, trimodiae f
  3226. three-peck measure
    trimodium, trimodii n
  3227. trireme
    trireme, triremis n
  3228. trireme
    triremis, triremis f
  3229. torment
    discruciatus, discruciatus m
  3230. typhoon
    typhon, typhonis m
  3231. tone :: tone
    vox, vocis f
  3232. take a vow together
    convoveo 2
  3233. take a rest day to strengthen the animals
    diem unum opperitur ad reficienda iumenta
  3234. time of keeping watch by night
    vigilia, vigiliae f
  3235. time of keeping watch by night
    vigilium, vigilii n
  3236. take a walk
    deambulo 1
  3237. the citizens
    urbs, urbis f
  3238. talk idly
    allucinor 1
  3239. talk idly
    alucinor 1 (halucinor 1)
  3240. talk idly
    hallucinor 1
  3241. that is wanting to the measure
    diametrum, diametri n
  3242. theatre of war
    bellicum, bellici n
  3243. theatre of war
    belli sedes
  3244. travelling chariot
    covinnus, covinni m
  3245. travelling chariot
    covinus, covini m
  3246. the trumpeting of the elephants
    barritus, barritus m
  3247. the fire of love
    calor, caloris m
  3248. thread
    stamen, staminis n
  3249. temper
    diluo 3
  3250. take heed
    custodio 4
  3251. tutor of minors :: tutor of women
    tutor, tutoris m
  3252. tutelage of minors
    tutela, tutelae f
  3253. the celebrated fall of the Nile
    cataracta, cataractae f
  3254. the celebrated fall of the Nile
    cataractes, cataractae m
  3255. the celebrated fall of the Nile
    catarracta, catarractae f
  3256. the celebrated fall of the Nile
    catarractes, catarractae m
  3257. that breaks the waves
    fluctifragus, fluctifraga, fluctifragum
  3258. that breaks the waves
    undifragus, undifraga, undifragum
  3259. talon :: tide
    unda, undae f
  3260. traveller
    viator, viatoris m
  3261. the body more to serve
    animi imperio, corporis servitio magis utimur
  3262. trivialize something through one's words
    dicendo extenuo aliquid
  3263. tread upon :: take one’s way
    carpo 3
  3264. touched
    affectus, affecta, affectum
  3265. toil away
    conteror 3
  3266. tediousness
    taedium, taedii n
  3267. turbaned
    tiaratus, tiarata, tiaratum
  3268. transalpin
    bracatus, bracata, bracatum (braccatus)
  3269. transalpin
    braccatus, braccata, braccatum
  3270. tedious
    taediosus, taediosa, taediosum
  3271. tire a person
    defatigo 1 (defetigo 1)
  3272. tire a person
    defetigo 1
  3273. tire a person
    diffatigo 1
  3274. tire out
    delasso 1
  3275. texture
    textura, texturae f
  3276. threads that run lengthwise in the loom
    tela, telae f
  3277. take counsel
    delibero 1
  3278. tearful
    udus, uda, udum
  3279. tinge
    tingo 3
  3280. tinge
    tinguo 3
  3281. the sound of blows
  3282. the sound of blows
    tax pax
  3283. the sound of blows
  3284. top :: the height :: top of a gable-end
    columen, columinis n
  3285. title of Jupiter
    Urios, Urii m
  3286. top of the head :: top :: the highest :: the uttermost :: the greatest
    vertex, verticis m
  3287. top of the head :: top :: the highest :: the uttermost :: the greatest
    vortex, vorticis m
  3288. the white of an egg
    albor, alboris m
  3289. title of a mime of Laberius
    cacomnemon, cacomnemonis m
  3290. the sufferer
    cui res praestanda est
  3291. totally
    ex toto
  3292. totally
    in totum
  3293. thread-basket
    calathus, calathi m
  3294. the interlocked shields
    crates, cratis f (cratis, cratis f)
  3295. the interlocked shields
    cratis, cratis f
  3296. toupee
    alieni crines
  3297. the bryony
    bryonia, bryoniae f
  3298. the bryony
    bryonias, bryoniadis f
  3299. trick
    techina, techinae f
  3300. trick
    techna, ae f
  3301. testament
    voluntas, voluntatis f
  3302. to prove oneself victorious
    victor evado
  3303. twine around
    circumplico 1
  3304. twine round something :: treat
    amplector 3
  3305. trachea
    trachia, trachiae f
  3306. trachea
    transitus spiritus
  3307. types of wine
    vina, vinorum n
  3308. take away
    detergeo 2
  3309. two-threaded
    bilix, bilicis
  3310. thick-skinned :: thick
    callosus, callosa, callosum
  3311. tumultuously
  3312. that turns a somersault :: tumbler :: turning a wheel
    cernuus, cernua, cernuum
  3313. two-crested
    dilophos, dilophon
  3314. together :: together with
    cum + Abl.
  3315. thin-buttocked
    depugis, depuge
  3316. thin-buttocked
    depygis, depyge (depugis, depuge)
  3317. tractably
  3318. trouble-free
  3319. testimony :: that which serves as proof
    testimonium, testimonii n
  3320. table made of citruswood
    citrum, citri n
  3321. title of a lost comedy attributed to Plautus
    astraba, astrabae f
  3322. timber road
    trames lignarius
  3323. trite
    contritus, contrita, contritum
  3324. trite
    detritus, detrita, detritum
  3325. that produces wonder
    admirabilis, admirabile
  3326. triple-twilled
    trilix, trilicis
  3327. textile
    textilis, textile
  3328. the seed-covering
    volva, volvae f (vulva, vulvae f)
  3329. the seed-covering
    vulva, vulvae f
  3330. transfer in writing :: transcribe :: transfer
    transscribo 3
  3331. transfer
    transcribo 3
  3332. tablet written upon
    tabula, tabulae f
  3333. turn out
    cado 3
  3334. the citizenship love for you
    amor in te civitatis
  3335. tender age
    aetatula, aetatulae f
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