Englisch - Lateinische Wortliste
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3335 Ergebnisse
- that may be openedadapertilis, adapertile
- the inhabitants of DelphiDelphi, Delphorum m (2)
- the second in ranksecundanus, secundana, secundanum
- title of a poem by Hesiodtheogonia, theogoniae f
- that which borders uponconfine, confinis n
- the aircraft is swept into the air by the stormaeroplanum procella in aera corripitur
- the Atride had fallen in love with the girlarsit Atrides virgine
- the goose announces that the Gauls are hereanser Gallos adesse canit
- the north wind stirs up the wavesaquilo undas asperat
- the right of the agnati to enter upon an inheritanceius agnaticium
- tranquillitysilentium, silentii n
- the osprayavis sanqualis
- the female pudendaconca, concae f
- the female pudendaconcha, conchae f
- the aspirate :: the letter H itselfaspiratio, aspirationis f
- the conspiratorsconspiratio, conspirationis f
- the conspiratorsconspiratus, conspiratus m
- that which is decreed :: that which is decideddefinitio, definitionis f
- that which is decreed :: that which is decideddiffinitio, diffinitionis f
- that which is heaped upcongestio, congestionis f
- teachingcollatus, collatus m
- the chief of ten parts of a zodiacal signdecanus, decanusi m
- tumorcollectio, collectionis f
- tortureconfessio, confessionis f
- the Lesser Dog-starantecanis, antecanis m
- tillagecultura, culturae f
- tarryingcontatio, contationis f
- tarryingcunctatio, cunctationis f
- treatiseconscriptio, conscriptionis f
- temperature :: tempertemperies, temperiei f
- temperature :: temper :: temperateness :: temperanceattemperies, attemperiei f
- tarryingcommoratio, commorationis f
- throwing downcasus, casus m
- tithe-gathererdecimanus, decimani m (decumanus, decumani m)
- tithe-gathererdecumanus, decumani m
- title of a drama of Næviuscorollaria, corollariae f
- the western breezesephyrus, sephyri m
- the (very poisonous) Spanish flycantharida, cantharidae f
- the (very poisonous) Spanish flycantharis, cantharidis f
- transition of words :: transferring of wordsdecessio, decessionis f
- that which goes before :: the antecedent causeantecessio, antecessionis f
- thoroughfarecommeatus, commeatus m
- that which is heaped upaggeratio, aggerationis f
- temperancecontinentia, continentiae f
- throwing :: the draft of a law-caseconiectio, coniectionis f
- tuckscontabulatio, contabulationis f
- tugchamulcus, chamulci m
- trainingcultus, cultus m
- tankardcantharum, canthari n
- tankardcantarus, cantari m
- tankardcantharus, canthari m
- the scrotumculeum, culei n
- the scrotumculeus, culei m
- tallow-candle :: tapercandela, candelae f
- title of a comedy not now extantcondalium, condalii n
- the sound of wrangling :: the cry of altercation or contention :: the object of reproachconvicium, convicii n
- the sound of wrangling :: the cry of altercation or contention :: the object of reproachconvitium, convitii n
- tannerconfector, confectoris m
- that which is prepared :: that which is madeconfectio, confectionis f
- tunnel buildercunicularius, cunicularii m
- tunnel buildercunīculator, cunīculatoris m
- turning round :: turn :: turnaroundcircumactus, circumactus m
- trampsconvenae, convenarum m
- the artificial inner harbor of Carthage :: the name of several islandscothon, cothonis m
- the betonybetonica, betonicae f
- the betonyvettonica, vettonicae f
- the orachalimon, alimi n
- the tall rest-harrowanonis, anonidis f
- the smaragdoprasuschloritis, chloritidis f
- tortoise-stonechelonia, cheloniae f
- thickeningconspissatio, conspissationis f
- thicketconfraga, confragorum n
- travelling overconcursatio, concursationis f
- the time of the annual circuit of the suncurriculum, curriculi n
- the consequenceconclusio, conclusionis f
- ten Greek drachmaecyathus, cyathi m
- thin rind :: thin barkcorticulus, corticuli m
- the tint or hue given to marble by rubbing it with a mixture of oil and waxcircumlitio, circumlitionis f
- the humpbacked oxbison, bisontis m
- tapestry :: tapestryaulaea, aulaeae f
- tapestry :: tapestryaulaeum, aulaei n
- the spur on the leg of the cockcalcar, calcaris n
- the statecircumstantia, circumstantiae f
- the places of assembly of high councils out of Romecuria, curiae f
- talismanamuletum, amuleti n
- trusteeshipcuratio, curationis f
- the golden fleece of Spanish sheep :: thin layers of woodbractea, bracteae f
- the golden fleece of Spanish sheep :: thin layers of woodbrattea, bratteae f (bractea)
- the similarly formed shield, cramp, or stay in which the axis of the crane or windlass movedchelonium, chelonii n
- touchcontagio, contagionis f
- touchcontagium, contagii n
- touchcontamen, contaminis n
- touch :: theft contrectatio, contrectationis f
- touch :: touching of something uncleancontactus, contactus m
- the resinous gum of that treestorax, storacis m
- the comb of a cockcrista, cristae f
- turning of the water against itcontroversia, controversiae f
- turning :: turnaroundcircumactio, circumactionis f
- tiring outdefatigatio, defatigationis f (defetigatio, defetigationis f)
- tiring outdefetigatio, defetigationis f
- the yellow thrush :: the oriolechlorion, chlorionis m
- terminatedeleo 2
- thereuponsuper
- temperateabstemius, abstemia, abstemium
- temperateabstinens, abstinentis
- the lower world :: the infernal regionsbarathrum, barathri n
- tolerate no reduction in reputationdignitatem meam imminui non patior
- take :: take possession of :: take a thing upon one’s selfaccipio 5
- that follows logicallyconsequens, consequentis
- truthfullyex vero
- trulyvere
- take to taskcompello 1
- to cohabit withconsuesco 3
- the Phœnician and Cilician date :: the tree itselfbalanis, balanidis f
- the Phœnician and Cilician date :: the tree itselfbalanus, balani f
- through :: through and throughtrans + Akk.
- to play the virginvirginor 1
- the right to give or convey away propertydatio, dationis f
- transact :: think uponago 3
- trulycorgo
- trulygorgo
- trulyprofecto
- transitorytransitorius, transitoria, transitorium
- trench upaccumulo 1
- take at the same timeconcapio 5
- the proof itselfargumentatio, argumentationis f
- the Bluesvenetiani, venetianorum m
- the neighborhoodcontinentia, continentium n
- to be favorablesecundo 1
- tribunecorniclarius, corniclarii m
- tribunecornicularius, cornicularii m
- tribunecornuclarius, cornuclarii m
- that has assumed the nature of something foreignadulterinus, adulterina, adulterinum
- to the advantagecum quaestu
- the wood nearest the pithaegida, aegidae f
- the wood nearest the pithaegis, aegidis f
- two years laterbiennio post
- the time between the age of the puer and juvenis :: the time from the 15th to the 30th year :: time of youthadolescentia, adolescentiae f
- the time between the age of the puer and juvenis :: the time from the 15th to the 30th year :: time of youthadulescentia, adulescentiae f
- torment of conscience :: tormenting remorsecurae ultrices
- to the advantage ofsecundum + Akk.
- to one’s satisfactionvolup
- that I agree to :: that is grantedaudio (formelhaft)
- terms :: the relation of lover or mistresscondicio, condicionis f
- terms :: the relation of lover or mistressconditio, conditionis f (3)
- taking aimcontemplabilis, contemplabile
- that has lifevivus, viva, vivum
- the wholecunctus, cuncta, cunctum
- totalconctus, concta, conctum
- the all in alltapanta
- the wholecuncti, cunctae, cuncta
- to a manad unum
- the whole :: totaltotus, tota, totum
- the wholetotum, toti n
- tinstagnum, stagni n (2)
- tinstannum, stanni n
- totally given updesperatus comploratusque
- trafficcommuto 1
- thoughcum + Konj.
- the oldest time each timeantiquissimum quodque tempus
- ambrosia, ambrosiae f
- the poetical foot –⏑– (also called Creticus)amphimacrus, amphimacri m
- those who have banded togetherconsensio, consensionis f
- the dog-headed Anubiscynocephalos, cynocephali m
- the dog-headed Anubiscynocephalus, cynocephali m
- the costly gum exuding from the vine-palmbdellium, bdellii n
- the costly gum exuding from the vine-palmbedella, bedellae f
- trouble :: the loved object :: the mistresscura, curae f
- testimonycontestatio, contestationis f
- the whole heavensaxis, axis m
- tensioncontentio, contentionis f
- tiller of land :: tutor :: teachercultor, cultoris m
- the imprisoned criminalscarcer, carceris m
- the produce of the fieldcampus, campi m
- the mark or sign burned or imprintedcharacter, characteris m
- the mark or sign burned or imprintedcharacterium, characterii n
- tiaracidar n (indecl.)
- tiaracidara, cidarae f
- tiaracidaris, cidaris f
- the debtdebitio, debitionis f
- treatise on analysisanalytica, analyticorum n
- traditionaltraditionalis, traditionale
- the changes of the seasons of the yearvicissitudines anniversariae
- take it from one :: take awayabrogo 1
- the other :: the oppositealter, alterius m
- the posteriorsanus, ani m
- temporary anguish :: troubleanxietas, anxietatis f
- tightnessdepressus, depressus m
- troubleanxietudo, anxietudnis f
- troubleanxitudo, anxitudinis f
- torrent :: torrent rushing down from a mountainamnis, amnis m
- the Whalecetus, ceti m (pl. cete n)
- the flesh of animal bodies :: the wood under the bark of a tree :: trunk :: the individual :: the testiclescorpus, corporis n
- triflebulla, bullae f
- taverntaberna, tabernae f
- treasurethesaurus, thesauri m
- that charms :: that alluresdelenimen, deleniminis n
- that charms :: that alluresdelenimentum, delenimenti n
- trustdepositum, depositi n
- take rootcomprehendo 3
- take rootcomprendo 3
- the right distribution of wateradministratio aquae
- that excites mistrustsuspicax, suspicacis
- tightly connectedcomplexi inter se
- tightly connectedcomplexi unus alterum
- the whole arm (from the shoulder to the fingers) :: the limbs of animals (analogous to the arms of men) :: the claws of crawfish and other sea-fishbracchium, bracchii n
- the whole arm (from the shoulder to the fingers) :: the limbs of animals (analogous to the arms of men) :: the claws of crawfish and other sea-fish :: the ridges of a mountainbrachium, brachii n
- that attends markets :: that is carried aboutcircumforaneus, circumforanea, circumforaneum (circumforanus)
- that attends markets :: that is carried aboutcircumforanus, circumforana, circumforanum
- to - aroundcircum + Akk.
- thorough hag :: thorough witch :: thorough sorceresstrivenefica, triveneficae f
- the engraved figures themselvescaelatura, caelaturae f
- tacticsdisciplina bellica
- tacticsdisciplina militaris
- dicta a maioribus repetunt minores
- transfer the fame to themselvesgloriam in me transmoveo
- tree similar to the cypress treebratus, brati f
- take in the place of a childarrogo 1
- the posteriorsculus, culi m
- temptertentator, tentatoris m
- tempter :: temptertemptator, temptatoris m
- the comitiacomitia, comitiorum n
- the newly electedallectus, allecti m
- tax collectiondelegatio, delegationis f
- think tankSocietas externae politiae amplectendae Germanica (DGAP)
- tighteningstalticus, staltica, stalticum
- the late :: the former :: the deceasedcondam
- the late :: the former :: the deceasedquondam
- thentandem
- togethersimitu
- togethersimitur
- togetherunose
- to someone's detrimentcum damno alicuius
- to the last degreead extremum
- to the last degreead postremum
- to the last degreead ultimum
- timelytempore
- timelytempori
- timelytempere
- timelytemperi
- togethersimul
- trialtemptatio, temptationis f
- trialtentatio, tentationis f
- try to straighten crookedcurva corrigo
- thronging in attendancestipatrix, stipatricis f
- thindeductus, deducta, deductum
- testimonyadtestatio, adtestationis f
- testimonyattestatio, attestationis f (adttestatio)
- to be conspicuous :: to be noticed :: to be observed :: to be distinguished :: to be admiredconspicior 5
- tyrantautocrator, autocratoris m
- take vengeance on :: take revenge forulciscor aliquem
- turning awayaversio, aversionis f
- thing made of hide or leathertergum, tergi n
- thrown backwards :: thoughtlesssupinus, supina, supinum
- tongue on the scaletrutina, trutinae f
- terracetabulinum, tabulini n (tablinum, tablini n)
- tent or roll of lint for woundstorunda, torundae f
- tent or roll of lint for woundsturunda, turundae f
- tape-wormtaenea, taeneae f
- tape-wormtaenia, taeniae f
- thongstroppus, stroppi m
- thongstruppus, struppi m
- tiealligamen, alligaminis n
- tiealligamentum, alligamenti n
- tiealligatura, alligaturae f
- tiecomptus, comptus m
- traderchrematista, chrematistae m
- trunk-makervietor, vietoris m
- trunk-makervitor, vitoris m
- to border uponcontermino 1
- testify :: thinkarbitror 1
- testifytestor 1
- tend to be afraidafformido 1
- take lessons with someonedisciplina alicuius utor
- to personate another in askingsuppeto 3
- take precautionscavefacio 5
- tremble like an old womananeo 2
- take pains aboutstudeo 2
- take restconsisto 3
- take pride in a thingsuperbio 4
- tossaestuo 1
- tremblevibro 1 (intr.)
- thrivevigeo 2
- take charge ofadministro 1
- to keep silent respecting a thingsileo 2
- thinkcredo 3
- to blazeardeo 2
- take care :: take heed :: take care forcaveo 2
- to long much forconcupio 5
- tremble all over the bodytoto corpore perhorresco
- tottertalipedo 1
- take rest :: take rest :: take repose :: take a napconquiesco 3
- take placesum
- tongue of a ploughtemo, temonis m
- timbertrabes, trabis f
- timbertrabis, trabis f
- timber :: tree :: table :: torchtrabs, tabis f
- transfer toconfero
- transport :: transfer :: transplant :: transfer by grafting :: transfer by writing :: translate :: transformtransfero
- transferdefero
- take away :: take off :: transportasporto 1
- throw in great numberscongero 3
- testifytestificor 1
- take off :: take away :: transportabsporto 1
- toleratetolero 1
- thorny evergreen tree of Egyptacantha, acanthae f
- thorny evergreen tree of Egyptacanthus, acanthi m
- tolerablytolerabiliter
- testifying for someonetestimonium alicui perhibeo
- testifying for someonetestimonium dico pro aliquo
- testifyingtestatio, testationis f
- testifying :: testificationtestificatio, testificationis f
- transportationvectura, vecturae f
- tolerationsufferentia, sufferentiae f
- tolerating :: toleranttolerans, tolerantis
- tauntsugillo 1
- trod close aroundcircumpavio 4
- thrust severelydebatuo 3
- thumptundo 3
- trodden close aroundcircumpavitus, circumpavita, circumpavitum
- trampled downdepavitus, depavita, depavitum
- thrivecorpus facio
- turn to horncornesco 3
- thrivevigesco 3
- tippleuvesco 3
- turn souracesco 3
- to be hushedconsilesco 3
- thickenaddensor 1
- thickenspissesco 3
- trainsuesco 3
- trial,recognitioncognitio, cognitionis f
- thriveadaugesco 3
- tremble for fear :: tremble attremesco 3
- tremble for fear :: tremble attremisco 3
- timidtimens, timentis
- that falls to a person :: that falls to each onevirilis, virile
- that has the paps onsuminatus, suminata, suminatum
- triangulartriangularis, triangulare
- tribunitialtribunicius, tribunicia, tribunicium
- triumphaltriumphalis, triumphale
- tropical :: tropicaltropicus, tropica, tropicum
- terminalterminalis, terminale
- tectonictectonicus, tectonica, tectonicum
- that is built or constructed :: that is designed or used for buildingstructilis, structile
- that is done in a hurry :: that is done hurried :: that happens hasty :: that is done sudden :: that happens confused :: that is done irregulartumultuarius, tumultuaria, tumultuarium
- that belongs to or serves for covering or overlaying walls, ceilings, floorstectorius, tectoria, tectorium
- testimonialtestimonialis, testimoniale
- tutelar :: tutelarytutelaris, tutelare
- tutelar :: tutelarytutelarius, tutelaria, tutelarium
- tributary :: that brings in revenue :: that brings in incomevectigalis, vectigale
- triumphing :: triumphanttriumphatorius, triumphatoria, triumphatorium
- that occur at seed timesementinus, sementina, sementinum
- that occur at seed timesementivus, sementiva, sementivum
- to be soldvenalis, venale
- tonsorialtonsorius, tonsoria, tonsorium
- territorialterritorialis, territoriale
- that is thrown by the catapultcatapultarius, catapultaria, catapultarium
- terrestrialtelluster, tellustris, tellustre
- that is at the headcapitalis, capitale
- timely :: timelytempestivus, tempestiva, tempestivum
- timely :: timelytempestus, tempesta, tempestum
- tibialtibialis, tibiale
- theatricalscaenarius, scaenaria, scaenarium
- theatricalscaenicus, scaenica, scaenicum
- theatricalscenicus, scenica, scenicum
- theatricalscenalis, scenale
- theatricalscenarius, scenaria, scenarium
- towards the sunsolaris, solare
- theatrictheatralis, theatrale
- theatricaltheatralis, theatrale
- tertiantertianus, tertiana, tertianum
- triumviraltriumviralis, triumvirale
- tunny-thunarius, thunaria, thunarium
- tunny-thunnarius, thunnaria, thunnarium
- tunny-thynnarius, thynnaria, thynnarium
- that is attached to the yokesubiugius, subiugia, subiugium
- theologicaltheologicus, theologica, theologicum
- tricennialtricennalis, tricennale
- temporarytemporarius, temporaria, temporarium
- temporary :: temporaltemporalis, temporale
- topaz-topaziacus, topaziaca, topaziacum
- tragic :: tragic :: terribletragicus, tragica, tragicum
- that is to be transferred :: translativetranslativus, translativa, translativum
- tributarystipendiarius, stipendiaria, stipendiarium
- tributarytributarius, tributaria, tributarium
- textorialtextorius, textoria, textorium
- the crust of a cake :: the bark of the willow :: the vacant space between the seats in the amphitheatrebalteum, baltei n
- thronesedes, sedis f
- turn aboutcircumflecto 3
- throw on the back :: turned oversupino 1
- turn aside :: turn in another direction :: turn offdeflecto 3
- turn aside :: turn awaydeclino 1
- twist togethervieo 2
- turnvergo 3
- turnvergor 3
- turnvergo 3 (tr.)
- turning in :: turned backwardscessim
- turning in :: turned backwardscossim
- turningcampter, campteris m
- turningcamter, camteris m
- turningsinuatio, sinuationis f
- the interior part :: the inmost part of a thingsinus, sinus m
- torpidtorpidus, torpida, torpidum
- thoughtfulcuriosus, curiosa, curiosum
- turn one’s self anywhereme confero
- traitor :: teachertraditor, traditoris m
- transmarinetransmarinus, transmarina, transmarinum
- take the last adieuaffor mortuum
- two-year-old winebimum merum
- two-sidedbilateralis, bilaterale
- tie aroundcircumstringo 3
- tie belowsubligo 1
- tie upsubstringo 3
- tie upsustollo 3
- tie updevincio 4
- take legal actionvador 1
- throttle :: torment :: torture :: troubleango 3
- tie togetherdeligo 1
- tie together :: tie upcoligo 1
- tie together :: tie upcolligo 1
- tie together :: tie upconligo 1
- tie undersubnecto 3
- tievincio 4
- tying belowsubligatio, subligationis f
- tying belowsubligatura, subligaturae f
- tying toalligatio, alligationis f
- troubleamaricatio, amaricationis f
- troubleamaritudo, amaritudinis f
- taunterblasphemator, blasphematoris m
- tauntercarinator, carinatoris m
- toneaccentus, accentus m
- talk foolishlybalo 1
- talk foolishlybelo 1
- the interior nature :: the innate quality :: the innermost feelingsvena, venae f
- trickling with bloodcrudus, cruda, crudum
- to blow upsufflo 1
- the boat of Charoncumba, cumbae f
- the boat of Charoncymba, cymbae f (cumba, cumbae f )
- the boat of Charoncymba, cymbae f (cumba, cumbae f )
- troopvexillatio, vexillationis f
- tolerate :: think uponconcoquo 3
- trouble of mindaestuatio, aestuationis f
- temerityaudacia, audaciae f
- that may be touchedcontiguus, contigua, contiguum
- take action against someonecomminus ad aliquem accedo
- terminate :: terminatedefinio 4
- terminatediffinio 4
- termterminus, termini m
- termtermo, termonis m
- triumphal archarcus, arcus m (arquus, arquus m)
- triumphal archarquus, arquus m
- the pith in the upper partcerebrum, cerebri n
- tergiversatealienor 1
- tearabrumpo 3
- turninganfractus, anfractus m (amfractus)
- turningamfractus, amfractus m
- thoraxthorax, thoracis m
- the rational soul in mananimus, animi m
- thrillspiramen, spiraminis n
- the newlywedbruta, brutae f
- the newlywedbrutes, brutis f
- touchcontamino 1
- to form :: treat ofcondo 3
- turn up from beneath :: tamesubigo 3
- takeaffero
- transportationadvectio, advectionis f
- turbulentstrenuus, strenua, strenuum
- trifles :: trumperyvitrea fracta
- thickcongestus, congesta, congestum
- teeth brushingcollutio dentium
- the shellcalyx, calycis m
- to underbuildsubstruo 3
- that is fond of buildingaedificator, aedificatoris m
- tetrastyletetrastylon, tetrastyli n
- trunk of a treetignum, tigni n
- tauricornoustauricornis, tauricorne
- tomb :: tombsepulcrum, sepulcri n
- to be consumed by firedeflagro 1
- to be consumed by firedefragro 1
- thicketvirgultum, virgulti n
- thoughtlesslytemere
- thoughtlesslytemeriter
- the place where new wine was boiled down in the cortinacortinale, cortinalis n
- telephonetelephono 1
- turnavoco 1
- the whole body of assistants, counsel :: the time allowed for procuring legal assistanceadvocatio, advocationis f
- taking home to Godarcessitio, arcessitionis f
- tranquil state of the elements :: tranquillityclementia, clementiae f
- tranquillytranquille
- tranquillysedate
- tinpyxis laminea
- trierarchtrierarcha, trierarchae m
- trierarchtrierarchus, trierarch m
- take care of somethingcurae aliquid habeo
- take care of his healthvaletudini consulo
- take care of his healthvaletudini do operam
- take care of :: trouble one’s self aboutcoiro 1
- take care of :: trouble one’s self about :: take the charge ofcuro 1
- take care of :: to be solicitous for :: trouble one’s self aboutcoro 1
- take or have care of :: trouble one’s self aboutcoero 1
- thoughtcura, curae f
- thoughtless wordsverba non circumspecta
- tapestrytapes, tapetis m
- tapestrytapete, tapetis n
- tapestrytapetum, tapeti n
- tapestrytappete, tappetis n
- transporttransveho 3
- transporttraveho 3
- take awaydeveho 3
- transportdeporto 1
- to steal away any thingsubterduco 3
- take possession ofcorripio 5
- transporttransporto 1
- to put under :: take upon one’s selfsuffero
- take away :: take away with onetollo 3
- transportation :: transportationdeportatio, deportationis f
- transporting :: transferring :: transplanting :: translation into another language :: trope :: transpositiontralatio, tralationis f
- transporting :: transferring :: transplanting :: translation into another language :: trope :: transpositiontranslatio, translationis f
- transportationvehatio, vehationis f
- transportingsubvectio, subvectionis f
- to completeconsummo 1
- throw aroundcircumicio 5
- throw away :: throw down :: throw away :: throw offabicio 5
- throw down :: tear downdemolio 4
- throw down :: tear downdemolior 4
- throwing one’s ataffundor 3
- throw over :: throw uponsuperiacio 5
- throwing downdeiectus, deiectus m
- touch someone's heel with one's heel alreadycalcem tero iam calce
- teach the opposite ofdedoceo 2
- thickencongelo 1
- transfer :: transmit :: traversetransmitto 3
- tumefytumefacio 5
- troublesomevexabilis, vexabile
- troublesomevexativus, vexativa, vexativum
- terrifyinganxifer, anxifera, anxiferum
- the title of a metrical writing of Serviuscentimetrum, centimetri n
- teacher’s chaircathedra, cathedrae f
- thoughtlessness :: temeritytemeritas, temeritatis f
- transformtransformo 1
- transform :: transfigure :: transformtransfiguro 1
- transformationtransformatio, transformationis f
- transformation :: transfigurationtransfiguratio, transfigurationis f
- throw one's principles overboardanimi iudicium muto
- transformconverto 3
- transformedtransformis, transforme
- transmuterdemutator, demutatoris m
- transposition of letterstransmutatio, transmutationis f
- the making prominent of the characteristic markscharacterismos, characterismi m
- the making prominent of the characteristic markscharacterismus, characterismi m
- triumphal carcurrus, currus m
- therefore babble :: talkaggarrio 4
- take care of your king!cave regi
- title of a comedy of Turpiliusdamiurgus, damiurgi m
- title of a comedy of Turpiliusdemiurgus, demiurgi m
- tribunetribunus, tribuni m
- troop deploymentallectio, allectionis f
- take your choicevel
- tetrachordtetrachordon, tetrachordi n
- tree-cricketcicada, cicadae f
- twig of cinnamoncinnamomum, cinnamomi n
- twig of cinnamoncinnamon, cinnami n
- twig of cinnamoncinnamum, cinnami n
- twig of cinnamoncinnamus, cinnami m
- the produce of the year :: the age to which one must attain in order to be appointed to an officeannus, anni m
- towns situated near a riveramnenses, amnensium f
- towns situated near a riveramneses, amnesium f
- to dinnervocatio, vocationis f
- townsmanurbanus, urbani m
- town hall :: town houseaedificium urbanum
- taker of citiesurbicapus, urbicapi m
- to set at variancecollido 3
- to set at varianceconlido 3
- the claw-shaped part of the ballista :: triggerchelae, chelarum f
- the claw-shaped part of the ballista :: triggerchele, cheles f
- trimsurculo 1
- translucidtralucidus, tralucida, tralucidum
- translucidtranslucidus, translucida, translucidum
- tranquilserenus, serena, serenum
- trail after :: to be the lastadhaereo 2
- three-cleft :: threeforkedtrifidus, trifida, trifidum
- three-cleft :: threeforkedtrifissilis, trifissile
- transcend :: transgresstranscendo 3
- transcend :: transgresstransscendo 3
- transitiontranscensus, transcensus m
- transitiontransscensus, transscensus m
- toilet cleanercloacarius, cloacarii m
- turn a blind eye to the flatterersaures assentatoribus claudo
- tightly :: tenaciouslytenaciter
- tightlstricte
- tightlstrictim
- this sideciterior, citerius
- take care of the hair growthcomor 1
- throwing aroundcircumiectio, circumiectionis f
- tapestryvestimentum, vestimenti n
- towstupa, stupae f
- towstuppa, stuppae f
- think uponcolligo 3
- taking :: the fœtus :: thoughtconceptus, conceptus m
- tieconcilium, concilii n
- title of the collected works of Julcollectanea, collectaneorum n
- tax collectorvectigaliarius, vectigaliarii m
- tithing collectordecimator, decimatoris m
- the decemviri :: the decemvirs :: the composers of the Twelve Tablesdecemviri, decemvirorum m
- tintcolor, coloris m
- tintcolos, coloris m
- teacher of the elements of arithmeticarenarius, arenarii m
- thwartantevenio 4
- thrivecresco 3
- travel aboutconcurso 1
- that which recommends :: the excellence of a thingcommendatio, commendationis f
- trade :: trafficcommercium, commercii n
- trade commissionercommissarius a commercio
- trade commissionercommissarius commercio consulens
- throw away one's lifeanimam proicio
- taste :: tactsensus, sensus m
- tittletattlesermunculus, sermunculi m
- truismnodus scirpiculus
- thick-set :: thickcompactus, compacta, compactum
- tutor :: teachercomes, comitis c
- troop of cavalry :: the train or retinue of the praetor in a province :: throngchors, chortis f
- throngcohors, cohortis f
- trial of skillcomparatio, comparationis f
- thoroughly devastatevastito 1
- totally die outcum stirpe exstinguor
- totallytotaliter
- totallytote
- transactiontransactio, transactionis f
- the rhythmical movement of a versedecursus, decursus m
- tranquilsedatus, sedata, sedatum
- treatcompono 3
- touchstringo 3
- torment :: troubleangor, angoris m
- teacher of arithmeticcalculator, calculatoris m
- thickendensor 1
- the good old times :: the honesty of the good old timesantiquitas, antiquitatis f
- that has acknowledgedconfessus, confessa, confessum
- trusting to somethingconfidens, confidentis
- tackling debtsaeri alieno subvenio
- troubled timeturbidum, turbidi n
- troublemakerconfusor, confusoris m
- tumultconsternatio, consternationis f
- tieconsero 3
- the necessary, inherent qualities of bodiesconiunctum, coniuncti n
- the gaining over of hearers :: the winning of hearers :: the gaining over of a judgeconciliatio, conciliationis f
- the moral senseconscientia, conscientiae f
- trust someone with any shameful deedaliquem ad quodlibet facinus audacem habeo
- think overcommentor 1
- take counselconsulo 3
- tile-testacius, testacia, testacium
- tile- :: testaceoustestaceus, testacea, testaceum
- terrestrial :: terreneterrenus, terrena, terrenum
- threadystamineus, staminea, stamineum
- trochaictrochaicus, trochaica, trochaicum
- the highest magistrate in other statesconsul, consulis m
- to ask his opinion or advice :: take counsel with the competent authorities :: take counsel upon somethingconsulo 3
- touchcontages, contagis f
- true to the lifevividus, vivida, vividum
- ternaryternarius, ternaria, ternarium
- thirty years old :: thirty quarterdigits in diametertricenarius, tricenaria, tricenarium
- trimetertrimetros, trimetra, trimetrum
- trimetertrimetrus, trimetra, trimetrum
- theoreticalcontemplativus, contemplativa, contemplativum
- twistsubtorqueo 2
- tormentstrictura, stricturae f
- tapering of the columnscontractura, contracturae m
- that which is lentcommodum, commodi n
- talkconsermonor 1
- think :: tormentcoquo 3
- the tenth part of an oboluscalcus, calci m
- transcribedescribo 3
- threadthomix, thomicis f
- threadtomex, tomicis f
- threadtomix, tomicis f
- thick barksuber, suberis n
- thick barksuberies, suberiei f
- trimming :: temperingcastigatio, castigationis f
- title of a kind of land-bailiffcorrector, correctoris m
- table-couchtrichilinium, trichilinii n
- table-couchtricilinium, tricilinii n
- table-couchtriclinium, triclinii n
- tillagerusticitas, rusticitatis f
- tie togethercopulo 1
- the halo around the sun or moonarea, areae f
- the halo around the sun or moonaria, ariae f
- too great liberalitycomitas, comitatis f
- topcoperculum, coperculī n
- taken from a tree with a portion of the barkcorticatus, corticata, corticatum
- tapestryvestis, vestis f
- togatoga virilis
- thatchtegulum, teguli n
- trickerystellionatus, stellionatus m
- tearamyche, amychae f
- the earliest abodecunabula, cunabulorum n
- the nest of young birdscuna, cunae f
- the nest of young birdscunae, cunarum f
- trickvaframentum, vaframenti n
- thing created :: the creationcreatura, creaturae f
- tufted larkcassita, cassitae f
- turnaround timetempus climactericum
- turned inwardscamur, camura, camurum
- turned inwardscamurus, camura, camurum
- tortuouslytortuose
- transcend the AlpsAlpes supero
- transom :: thwarttranstrum, transtri n
- transposition of words :: throwing upon anothertraiectio, traiectionis f
- transverselytransverse
- transverselytransversim
- transverselytransversum
- transverselytransvorsum
- to lie in waitsubsido 3
- train :: throngstipatio, stipationis f
- that picked up words (said of parasites)analecta, analectae m
- till :: tend :: take care of a fieldcolo 3
- tilledcultus, culta, cultum
- trickcallidum inventum
- too artificial or elaborate oratorical ornamentcincinnus, cincinni m
- tremulouscrispus, crispa, crispum
- tremblingcrispans, crispantis
- the person cursed :: the person excommunicatedanathema, anathematis n
- the plough-tailurbum, urbi n
- the plough-tailurvum, urvi n
- traditional ritualscaerimoniae translaticiae
- trimcircumcido 3
- trimsupputo 1
- troubledaccisus, accisa, accisum
- take off the beardbarbam reseco
- terminatedecido 3 [2]
- take something very carefullyaliquid ad vivum reseco
- trimm the nailsungues pono
- that may be cutsectilis, sectile
- tearseco 1
- tome of a larger worktomus, tomi m
- tearscindo 3
- that which is cut offcaesura, caesurae f
- tidbitscupedia, cupediorum n
- tidbitscuppadia, cupadiorum n
- tidbitscuppedia, cuppediorum n
- tidbitscuppediae, cuppediarum f (cupediae, cupediarum f)
- the harmonious motions of the heavenly bodies :: troop or band of dancers and singers :: the heavenly bodies moving in harmony :: troopchorus, chori m
- the circular motions of the starschorea, choreae f
- Dardanĭus, Dardanĭa, Dardanĭum
- Dardanus, Dardana, Dardanum
- tareszizania, zizaniae f
- tareszizania, zizaniorum n
- the East :: the Orientaurora, aurorae f
- twilightconfinium lucis
- termdies, diei m
- too loosecariosus, cariosa, cariosum
- trick someonealiquem imprudentem obrepo
- throw dust in someone's eyesverba alicui do
- take a decisionconsilium capio
- tergiversationtergiversatio, tergiversationis f
- templesopor, soporis m
- title of a work by Apuleius of Madauraapologia, apologiae f
- taintcoinquino 1
- taintconquino 1
- tardy :: tenacious :: toughcunctans, cunctantis
- thought outcogitatus, cogitata, cogitatum
- tardilydelicate
- tasty mealcena bona
- tenesmusdelectatio, delectationis f
- touchingaffectivus, affectiva, affectivum
- trulysolide
- take off from the airportaeroplanum ab aeriportu avolat
- take-offavolatio, avolationis f
- trusteesequestra, sequestrae f
- tarnishdecoloro 1
- take awaydeconcilio 1
- the height of heaven :: the heavens :: the high sea :: the deepaltum, alti n
- topographytopographia, topographiae f
- try to keep silencetaciturio 4
- the object of desirecupiditas, cupiditatis f
- tear in piecesscindo 3
- tearing downdemolitio, demolitionis f
- take a resolutionconstituo 3
- to be depended upon :: truecertus, certa, certum
- teaching methodsdidascalice, didascalices f
- bugonia, bugoniae f
- taken awayademptus, adempta, ademptum
- troubledifficultas, difficultatis f
- to pierce :: transfixconfodio 5
- trench itself made by diggingablaqueatio, ablaqueationis f
- treatisecommentatio, commentationis f
- thriftydiligens, diligentis
- thindilutus, diluta, dilutum
- two connected verse feetdipodia, dipodiae f
- take a right aimcollineo 1
- take heedanimadverto 3
- take heedanimadvorto 3
- turning towardsafflexus, afflexus m
- take away someone's erroralicui errorem extorqueo
- take away by sentenceabdico 3
- take something by the sense of sight :: take in :: thinkconcipio 5
- turn awayaspernor 1
- tare among barleyaegilops, aegilopis m
- turpitudededecus, dedecoris n
- troubled by the horror of wartumultu permotus
- turn into moneyalienigero 1
- toss :: trouble :: tormentafflicto (adflicto) 1
- toss :: trouble :: tormentafflictus, afflicta, afflictum (adflictus)
- thread spun :: threadcolus, coli f
- thread spun :: threadcolus, colus f
- trouble :: tribulationtribulatio, tribulationis f
- troubled :: that troubles :: that awakens solicitude :: that troublesomeanxius, anxia, anxium
- territorial entitychora, chorae f
- throw into disorder :: throw into confusion :: troubleturbo 1
- throw in great numbersconfundo 3
- temptsollicito 1
- to disquiet in mindconturbo 1
- trenchscrobis, scrobis c
- tempertempero 1
- to useconsumo 3
- threefold :: tripartitetripartitus, tripartita, tripartitum
- threefold :: tripartitetripertitus, tripertita, tripertitum
- two-cleftbisulcis, bisulce
- two-cleftbisulcus, bisulca, bisulcum
- tribetribus, tribus f
- to visit withafficio 5
- the worst throw with dicecanis, canis c
- two-formed :: two-shapedbiformis, biforme
- twice marriedbimaritus, bimarita, bimaritum
- two-ribbedbicostis, bicoste
- twice :: the ratio 1 to 2diplasion, diplasii n
- twice :: the ratio 1 to 2diplasium, diplasiī n
- two-shapedbiformatus, biformata, biformatum
- tug :: touch :: take in hand :: transact :: treattracto 1
- trailing alongsyrmaticus, syrmatica, syrmaticum
- tragi-comedytragicocomoedia, tragicocomoediae f
- tragi-comedytragicomoedia, tragicomoediae f
- take awaysubtraho 3
- tie together :: tightenadstringo 3
- tie together :: tightenastringo 3 (adstringo 3)
- take away :: take insubduco 3
- take off :: take down :: take awaydetraho 3
- take someone into one's confidencealiquem in societatem consilii assumo
- tie tight :: touch :: touch upon :: touch lightly :: touch slightly :: touch upon :: treat brieflystringo 3
- tie upconstringo 3
- to associate with :: to narrowcontraho 3
- take on lease :: to farmconduco 3
- tear up :: tear loose :: tear away :: tear to piecesconvello 3
- take in :: take on :: to carry offtraho 3
- taking awaydetractio, detractionis f
- trailing :: tract of a thing :: territory :: tract of landtractus, tractus m
- three-horse-triiugis, triiuge
- tightstrictus, stricta, strictum
- tightsubstrictus, substricta, substrictum
- tightadstrictus, adstricta, adstrictum
- tightastrictus, astricta, astrictum (adstrictus)
- think idly :: think vainly :: talk foolishlysomnio 1
- trampcrassator, crassatoris m
- tipplesubbibo 3
- take inbibo 3
- toperbibitor, bibitoris m
- things, that absorbs moisture :: taking colorbibulus, bibula, bibulum
- tavernbibaria, bibariae f
- trickle downdestillo 1 (distillo 1)
- trickle downdistillo 1
- turn over :: treat ofagito 1
- take awayabsterreo 2
- thrust down :: throw downdeturbo 1
- thrust down :: thrust out :: turn awaydepello 3
- thrust through :: transfix :: transpierce :: transact any businesstransigo 3
- take to a place :: thrustadigo 3
- thickencogo 3
- trickle uponsuperdestillo 1
- tricklestillo 1
- timbrel :: tambour :: tambourine :: triangular area of a pedimenttympanum, tympani n
- taborertympanista, tympanistae m
- thirstyarens, arentis
- torridtorridus, torrida, torridum
- the dry wood :: the dead woodariditas, ariditatis f
- temper :: temperament :: temperaturetemperatura, temperaturae f
- temperatetemperatus, temperata, temperatum
- twilightconfinium noctis
- terrestrialterricola, terricolae m
- templeaedes, aedis f
- templesedes, sedis f
- the hearing :: the ear of a ploughauris, auris f
- taken care ofcuratus, curata, curatum
- territoryTellus, Telluris f
- take foodcibum sumo
- teach someone moralityaliquem ad humanitatem informo
- teach someone moralityaliquem ad humanitatem instituo
- the proper following of one thing after anotherconsecutio, consecutionis f
- tendencyconatus, conatus m
- the whitealbamentum ovi
- the one or bothalter ambove
- thronethronus, throni m
- theatrethymela, thymelae f
- theatrethymele, thymeles f
- to another place :: to another personalio
- thinningtenuatio, tenuationis f
- take into possessioncomplector 3
- telephone emergency callauxilium telephonice petitum
- trifling talkafannae, afannarum f
- trifling talkaffaniae, affaniarum f
- the void :: the nothingnesscassum, cassi n
- thoughtless verbosityinanis sententiis verborum volubilitas
- the limitation of a question by the removal of a circumstance in disputecircumscriptio, circumscriptionis f
- trim :: tamecoerceo 2
- trim :: tamecoherceo 2
- trumpetcornu, cornus n
- to be seized by lustvoluptate capior
- taking over the inheritanceaditio hereditatis
- the thrushaphthae, aphtharum f
- train :: troopcomitatus, comitatus m
- taxingcensio, censionis f
- turning to the sideapoclisis, apoclisis f
- the westvesper, vesperi m
- the westvesper, vesperis m
- the West vespera, vesperae f
- the subject-matter of a writing :: truthargumentum, argumenti n
- testimonytestamen, testaminis n
- taskzetema, zetematis n
- theatrecavea, caveae f
- tumult of the mind :: tumult of the feelingstumultus, tumultus m
- torture :: troublecrux, crucis f
- tormentercarnifex, carnificis m
- tormentercarnufex, carnuficis m
- tormentor :: torturertortor, tortoris m
- themedeclamatio, declamationis f
- to seek to arrive atcontendo 3
- take a standdico, quae mihi videantur
- take a standdico, quod sentio
- topapex, apicis m
- topcacumen, cacuminis n
- to the last degree :: to the extremeultime
- thresholdsupercilium, supercilii n
- transgressdelinquo 3
- tumble downdilabor 3
- throw oneself at someone's feetvolutor ad alicuius pedes
- turn upcado 3
- tumble downdeferor
- turn a somersaultcernuor 1
- tumble downcorruo 3
- tumble to the groundconcido 3 (2)
- transitorycaducus, caduca, caducum
- tumbling downcasura, casurae f
- topiary-worktopiarium, topiarii n
- turn intentlydefigo 3
- treadcompesco 3
- treadcompisco 3
- transfixconfigo 3
- tie toapio 5
- tie toapo 3
- to dreadtimeo 2
- terribledirus, dira, dirum
- terrible :: tremendoustremendus, tremenda, tremendum
- terriblyterribiliter
- timidlytimide
- timiditytimiditas, timiditatis f
- the orgies of BacchusBacchanalia, Bacchanalium n
- to achecondolesco 3
- take the pulsevenas tempto
- take part in :: to fitconsentio 4
- tutrixtutrix, tutricis f
- the wife of an overseervillica, villicae f
- taverncaupona, cauponae f (copona)
- taverncopona, coponae f
- teacher in the handling of weaponsarmidoctor, armidoctoris m
- triennial festivaltriennia, triennium n
- tricennial festivaltricennalia, tricennalium n
- throw stones at someonevelitor lapidibus in aliquem
- tropetropos, tropi m
- tropetropus, tropi m
- tropical :: tropologicaltropologicus, tropologica, tropologicum
- typicaltypicus, typica, typicum
- to take foodvescor 3
- to mancompleo 2
- transform a lifeless object to a living beinganimo 1
- the hold :: the lowest of the people :: the dregssentina, sentinae f
- that which has been strainedcolatura, colaturae f
- thinsoubtilis, soubtile
- thinsubtilis, subtile
- thin :: triflingtenuis, tenue
- thinnesssubtilitas, subtilitatis f
- toe-nail :: talonunguis, unguis m
- the datedactilus, dactili m
- the datedactylus, dactyli m
- toe :: twigdigitus, digiti m
- tideaestus, aestus m
- the root stiffened by frostconcretum, concreti n
- top quality cucumberscucumeres primi
- travel medicationmedicāmenta viatoria
- title of a book of Matiuscetarius, cetarii m
- tractabilitytractabilitas, tractabilitatis f
- the object of ardent affectionardor, ardoris m
- title of comedies of Menander, Naevius, and PlautusColax, Colacis m
- take refuge in or with :: take refuge inconfugio 5
- toss upsuccutio 5
- toss upsuperiacto 1
- tibiaaula, aulae f [3]
- take the planeaeroplano vehor
- transitory :: turning from one to anothervolaticus, volatica, volaticum
- transitoryvolatilis, volatile
- transient :: transitoryvolucer, volucris, volucre
- thwart someone's murderalicuius ferrum retundo
- twigs :: tamariskberbena, berbenae f
- twigs :: tamariskverbenae, verbenarum f
- to be the consequenceconsequor 3
- thickendenseor 2
- track :: trace out :: trace outvestigo 1
- take up someone's advicealicuius consiliis utor
- tracingcurru sequor
- tractablesequax, sequacis
- tastelessfatuus, fatua, fatuum
- track :: trace :: tokenvestigium, vestigii n
- to a certain degree :: to a certain extentaliquatenus
- temporarilytemporaliter
- temporarilytemporarie
- the next yearin annum
- the last timeultima vice
- thirdly :: three timestertio
- to the detrimentin deterius
- three or four daystriduum quadriduumve
- to what purposecur
- take away someone's office prematurelyaliquem ante tempus honore privo
- the house itselfatrium, atrii n
- talk foolish stuffvaticinor 1
- teachervates, vatis m (f)
- to pardon something through someone's intercessioncondono alicui aliquid
- tubular :: tubulatedtubulatus, tubulata, tubulatum
- two drachmssicilicus, sicilici m
- two drachmssiciliquus, siciliqui m
- the framework of shipscorpus, corporis n
- take rootdefigor 3
- the beginning is half the battledimidium facti est coepisse
- terrifyterreo 2
- terrifying terrorterrificatio, terrificationis f
- terrifyingterritio, territionis f
- terribleterribilis, terribile
- through the streets :: through the villagesvicatim
- trulyex animo
- through and throughex unguiculis
- thendehinc
- the wild strawberryarbitum, arbiti n
- the wild strawberryarbutum, arbuti n
- thwart a planconsilium convello
- thwart a plan :: thwart an intentionconsilium dirimo
- tinderalimenta ignis
- treasure up :: to set :: to intercondo 3
- thornysenticosus, senticosa, senticosum
- turbulent :: tumultuoustumultuosus, tumultuosa, tumultuosum
- turbulent :: troubledseditiosus, seditiosa, seditiosum
- troubled :: thick :: turbid :: turbulentturbidus, turbida, turbidum
- tortuous :: torturingtortuosus, tortuosa, tortuosum
- that has eaten enoughsatur, satura, saturum
- that causes injury :: that suffers injury :: that injures himselfdamnosus, damnosa, damnosum
- tallowysebosus, sebosa, sebosum
- thornyspinosus, spinosa, spinosum
- thornytribulosus, tribulosa, tribulosum
- thornysentosus, sentosa, sentosum
- thornysentuosus, sentuosa, sentuosum
- thymythymosus, thymosa, thymosum
- thymytimosus, timosa, timosum
- tempestuous :: turbid :: troublesome :: turbulentturbulentus, turbulenta, turbulentum
- thoughtfulnesscopia sententiarum
- to crown, wreathecorono 1
- to registerconsigno 1
- thornyaculeatus, aculeata, aculeatum
- track :: trail of a meteorsulcus, sulci m
- traversesulco 1
- thievishcleptim
- take couragecornua sumo
- thunder backcitato equo revehor
- trash bagcucullus purgamentarius
- the besiegers round a hostile placecorona, coronae f
- the besiegers round a hostile placechorona, choronae f
- title of a poem made up of various verses of another poemcento, centonis m
- tie for the neckamictorium pectorale
- to gather upsublego 3
- thickencolligo 3
- treasure upthesaurizo 1
- toothed wheelrota dentata
- trelliscanterius, canterii m
- trelliscantherius, cantherii m
- tepidity :: teportepor, teporis m
- tranquillyclemens, clementis
- tenderlydeliciose
- take a damagedebilitor 1
- take wine from the barrelvinum de dolio haurio
- teethingdentio 4
- tuck upsuccingo 3
- the bride’s girdlecingula, cingulae f
- the bride’s girdlecingulum, cinguli n
- the bride’s girdlecingulus, cinguli m
- the crust of a cake :: the bark of the willowbalteus, baltei m (balteum, baltei n)
- tiecestos, cesti m
- tiecestus, cesti m
- tiecaestus, caesti m
- tingecoloro 1
- to no longer control oneselfanimo indulgeo
- tell someone good rulesbene praecipio alicui
- to presentcondono 1
- transmit :: transmit :: teachtrado 3
- transmit :: transmit :: teachtransdo 3
- trustcommitto 3
- the slave who hands the ball to the playerdator, datoris m
- transferring :: transmissiontransmissus, transmissus m
- teaching :: traditiontraditio, traditionis f
- trickle undersubmano 1
- trickle undersummano 1
- tercorrodo 3
- to approve ofaccedo 3
- traversecirco 1
- take a walk :: travelambulo 1
- travel across :: travel overtransvehor 3
- travel somewhere repeatedly :: travel somewhere frequentlycommeo 1
- travel aroundcircueo
- travel aroundcircumeo
- travel aboutcircumgredior 5
- turn outdecedo 3
- take the leadantecedo 3
- take the leadanteeo
- take the leadanteo
- take the leadantideo
- take the place ofsuccedo 3
- transfixtransabeo
- to fowlingaucupo 1
- to fowlingaucupor 1
- turn aside :: turn out :: terminateabeo
- turn one's back on one's homelandsolum verto
- transformed into a thingtranseo
- turn out :: turn out well or illcedo 3
- travelviam facio
- tormentstimulus, stimuli m
- targetscopus, scopi m
- tragacanth-bushtragacantha, tragacanthae f
- transitiontransitio, transitionis f
- transposition :: transition (in speaking) :: transgression (of the law)transgressio, transgressionis f
- the name of a ceremonial at the festival of the Magna Matercatabasis, catabasis f
- trottingtolutaris, tolutare
- trottingtolutarius, tolutaria, tolutarium
- trottingtolutilis, tolutile
- twining round :: that asks for a thing fawningly :: that solicits the favor :: that solicits the good-willambitiosus, ambitiosa, ambitiosum
- the roundscircumitio, circumitionis f
- trimmed with goldauroclavatus, auroclavata, auroclavatum
- things made of goldaurum, auri n
- tendernessbonitas, bonitatis f
- toparchtoparcha, toparchae m
- toparchtoparches, toparchae m
- time of grape-gatheringvindemia, vindemiae f
- tombaccubitorium, accubitorii n
- tombaccumbitorium, accumbitorii n
- terror :: terrorterror, terroris m
- throngvulgus, vulgi n
- throngvolgus, volgi n
- throngvulgus, vulgi n
- the similarly formed upper part of a mast :: the upright beam of a cranecarchesium, carchesii n
- tread under foot by comparisoncontero 3
- thickencrassesco 3
- take rootcoalesco 3
- take rootcolesco 3
- take rootcoolēsco 3
- take formconcresco 3
- thick :: tearlessconcretus, concreta, concretum
- take it upon oneself to make something happenaliquid fore recipio
- taking care of one’s selfcavitio, cavitionis f
- tastestomachus, stomachi m
- tail of a cometcrinis, crinis m
- the twenty fourth part of any whole :: twentyfourth of a poundsemiuncia, semiunciae f
- tie with a haltercapistro 1
- trolleyvehiculum manuale
- transmitted :: tropicaltranslaticius, translaticia, translaticium
- transmittedtralaticius, tralaticia, tralaticium
- transmittedtranslaticius, translaticia, translaticium
- touch :: try the strength of :: try :: tempt :: tamper withtempto 1
- touch :: try the strength of :: try :: tempt :: tamper withtento 1
- treatment :: treatment of a persontractatio, tractationis f
- touchingadtrectatus, adtrectatus m
- touchingattrectatus, attrectatus m (adtrectatus)
- trimscitulus, scitula, scitulum
- timelytemporaneus, temporanea, temporaneum
- tumorscirros, scirri m
- troublesomedifficilis, difficile
- tough :: toilsome :: troublesomedurus, dura, durum
- tackle in elsewheretransiungo 3
- tough climateasperitas loci
- troublesomeacerbus, acerba, acerbum
- tempestuous :: thorny :: troublesomeasper, aspera, asperum
- tart :: troublesomeausterus, austera, austerum
- tumultconcitatio, concitationis f
- tumultconcitatus, concitatus m
- tumultconcitus, concitüs m
- that moves easily :: that moves quicklyagilis, agile
- trust someone with a lotmultum alicui tribuo
- that cannot be seen :: thickcaecus, caeca, caecum
- that has been married only onceuniiugus, uniiuga, uniiugum
- ten-timedecasemus, decasema, decasemum
- three-bodied :: tricorporaltricorpor, tricorporis
- three-breasted :: triplebreastedtripectorus, tripectora, tripectorum
- threecornered :: triangulartriangulus, triangula, triangulum
- three-cornered :: triangulartriquetrus, triquetra, triquetrum
- three-footedtripes, tripedis
- threeforked :: three-prongedtrifurcus, trifurca, trifurcum
- threefold :: triple :: triformtriformis, triforme
- triple-headed :: threefoldtriceps, tricipitis
- three-hornedtricornis, tricorne
- three-knotted :: trisyllabictrinodis, trinode
- triple-namedtrinominis, trinomine
- triple-namedtrinomius, trinomia, trinomium
- triple-namedtrionymus, trionyma, trionymum
- three-pointed :: tricuspidtricuspis, tricuspidis
- triple-memberedtrimembris, trimembre
- triple-stripedtriloris, trilore
- three-tined :: threepronged :: tridented :: tridenttridens, tridentis
- triple-throatedtrifaux, trifaucis
- two-edgedbipennis, bipenne
- twoheadedbiceps, bicipitis
- twoheadedbicipes, bicipitis
- two-horned :: two-prongedbicornis, bicorne
- two-pronged :: two-forkedbifurcus, bifurca, bifurcum
- two-pronged :: two-forkedbifurtius, bifurtia, bifurtium
- two-wingedbipennis, bipenne
- two-wingedbipinnis, bipinne
- teacherauctor, auctoris c
- teacherauthor, authoris c
- teachers or professors of lawantecessor, antecessoris m
- teachers or professors of lawanticessor, anticessoris m
- the Wagoner (a constellation)auriga, aurigae m
- trusteecurator, curatoris m
- the choraguschoragiarius, choragiarii m
- the choraguschoragus, choragi m
- table companionconvictor, convictoris m
- turban :: tiaratiara, tiarae f
- turban :: tiaratiaras, tiarae m
- top :: top of treescaput, capitis n
- to intercontumulo 1
- trial daydies cognitionis f
- the assembled hearers themselvesauditorium, auditorii n
- the earsaudientia, audientiae f
- tracking according to the orderconsectatio in numerum
- torporcaros, cari m
- thoughtlessbrutus, bruta, brutum
- token of a peaceable embassy :: the staff (of Mercury)caduceum, caducei n
- token of a peaceable embassy :: the staff (of Mercury)caduceus, caducei m
- to be at a lossdecontor 1
- to be at a lossdecunctor 1
- throbsingultio 4
- tragedycothurnus, cothurni m
- tragedycoturnus, coturni m
- treble whistletibiae duae dextrae
- that is difficult to reach :: troublesomearduus, ardua, arduum
- topsummitas, summitatis f
- topmostsuperrimus, superrima, superrimum
- topmostsuperrumus, superruma, superrumum
- topmostsupremus, suprema, supremum
- the right way :: the true methodvia, viae f
- taxiautocinetum conducticium
- this way and that :: to and froultro ac citro
- this way and that :: to and froultro citro
- this way and that :: to and froultro citroque
- this way and that :: to and froultro et citro
- tell :: tellcedo
- trispasttrispastos, trispasti f
- treasure someone above allalicui omnia tribuo
- tamecohibeo 2
- tamecoibeo 2
- tamecontineo 2
- turn to :: treatadhibeo 2
- tenacioustenax, tenacis
- tenacitytenacitas, tenacitatis f
- tenortenor, tenoris m
- trough :: trayalveus, alvei m
- trough-shaped deepenedalveatus, alveata, alveatum
- tubulationtubulatio, tubulationis f
- talonungula, ungulae f
- talons of a hawk :: thornsamus, ami m
- talons of a hawk :: thornshamus, hami m
- trustspero 1
- tusk of an elephant :: tongue of landcornu, cornus n
- tusk of an elephant :: tongue of landcornum, corni n (cornus, cornus m)
- tusk of an elephant :: tongue of landcornus, cornus m
- two-horse racecursus bigarum
- torture :: tormentsupplicium, supplicii n
- toilcassis, cassis m
- that which is been hunted :: that which has been huntedvenatio, venationis f
- throbbingtrepido 1
- tiller of the soilcolonus, coloni m
- to be admiredadmiratione afficior
- they say of me that I ---dicor + Inf.
- the glittering precious stone of a ringcrystallum, crystalli n (crystallus, crystalli f)
- troubledaeger, aegra, aegrum
- titularadsimulaticius, adsimulaticia, adsimulaticium
- titularassimulaticius, assimulaticia, assimulaticium
- thereuponsubinde
- turn one's attention to somethinganimus se inicit in aliquid
- terrify :: terrify in order to extort money :: troubleconcutio 5
- troops :: tools :: tackle of a ship (mast, sails, rudder, etcarma, armorum n
- tackle of a shiparmamenta, armamentorum n
- thoughtfulconsideranter
- thoughtfulconsiderate
- tragicallytragice
- tumultuouslyturbulente
- tumultuouslyturbulenter
- turningarrotans, arrotantis
- tenderlyamatorie
- tubularcuniculatim
- temperatelytemperate
- togetheruna
- truly :: to be surevero
- temperatelycontinenter
- tremulous :: tremblingcoruscus, corusca, coruscum
- things closely connected with :: things belonging to :: things suitable toadiuncta, adiunctorum n
- turning asideclinamen, clinaminis n
- to call in questionaddubito 1
- to be cruel to someonecrudelitatem adhibeo in aliquem
- to be cruel to someonecrudelitatem exerceo in aliquo
- tale-bearer :: trickstersycophanta, sycophantae m
- transgressor of the lawtransgressor, transgressoris m
- the people of DamascusDamasceni, Damascenorum m
- the inwards :: testiclesviscera, viscerum n
- tombadytum, adyti n
- tombadytus, adytus m
- that refuses to appear in a court of justice in obedience to a lawful summonscontumax, contumacis
- tempt someone to do somethingaliquem in aliquid instigo
- tuition :: teachingdiscipleina, discipleinae f
- tuition :: teaching :: trainingdisciplina, disciplinae f
- tuition :: teaching :: trainingdiscipulina, discipulinae f
- trephineterebra, terebrae f
- trephineterebrum, terebri n
- the mark burned :: the sign imprintedcaracter, caracteris m
- time measured by the clepsydraclepsydra, clepsydrae f
- this or thatalternatio, alternationis f
- take tough actionfortiter et strenue ago
- turning-pointdiscrimen, discriminis n
- terrifiedmetu oppressus
- terrifiedpertimefactus, pertimefacta, pertimefactum
- terrifiedtimefactus, timefacta, timefactum
- to one place :: togetherin unum
- together in oneuniter
- tendency to drink winevinolenties, vinolentiei f
- tendency to drink winevinulentia, vinulentiae f
- tendency to drink winevinulenties, vinulentiei f
- tendency to drink winevinolentia, vinolentiae f
- trust to :: trust :: trust incredo 3
- testscopo 3
- trundling-hoop for childrentrochus, trochi m
- tirecanthus, canthi m
- the theatre curtain lowersaulaeum tollitur
- twilight is coming onadvesperascit
- there is no question that notdeliberari non potest, num ...
- there is no pointnimis violentum est
- there is lightningcoruscat
- the day is comingdiluculat
- there is unanimity in respect to something :: the matter is decidedconvenit
- treasurecimelium, cimelii n
- treasurecimico 1
- tinklingtintinnum, tintinni n
- take part in a campaignbello intersum
- to do in common :: to share a thing with anothersocio 1
- things that are joined togethercompactio, compactionis f
- the fellowslavesconservitium, conservitii n
- togethersubcommunis, subcommune
- taste of any thingsuccus, succi m
- taste of any thingsucus, suci m
- take care of a templeaeditimor 1
- take care of a templeaeditumor 1
- to associate with someoneconsuetudine coniunctus sum cum aliquo
- tyrannicidetyrannicida, tyrannicidae c
- tyrannicidetyrannicidium, tyrannicidii n
- tettervitiligo, vitiliginis f
- tympanitestympanites, tympanitae m
- cerrus, cerri f
- tweezersvolsella, volsellae f
- tweezersvolsilla, volsillae f
- tweezersvulsella, vulsellae f
- turquoiseaerizusa, aerizusae f
- type of bulrushcombretum, combreti n
- thresher-sharkalopex, alopecis f
- the black martinapus, apodis m
- ties of kinshipvincula affinia
- to beseechsupplico 1
- title of an unfinished poem by Manilius :: title of a treatise by Hyginusastronomica, astronomicon n
- toil at a thingallaboro 1 (adlaboro 1)
- to debilitatedebilito 1
- terrestrial animalbestia terrestris
- territoryterritorium, territorii n
- tithe-landdecumates, decumatium m
- territoryterra, terrae f
- tinder fungusagaricon, agarici n
- tinder fungusagaricum, agarici n
- tankardanancaeum, anancaei n
- the missile itselfcatapulta, catapultae f
- the weapon thrownbalista, balistae f
- the weapon thrownballista, ballistae f (balista)
- tibiatibia, tibiae f
- tormentverbero 1
- two-daybiduanus, biduana, biduanum
- too latesero
- too lateserus, sera, serum
- trellis-likecancellatim
- take vengeancevendico 1
- take vengeancevindico 1
- take hold ofcomprehendo 3
- take awaydeprehendo 3
- take awaydeprendo 3
- take hold of :: take possessionadprehendo 3
- take hold of :: take possessionapprehendo 3 (adprehendo 3), [apprendo 3, adprendo 3]
- throw out from belowsubiecto 1
- taking into protectionvindicatio, vindicationis f
- tearing down :: testimonydepositio, depositionis f
- the preparation of a room for a feaststratio, strationis f
- to lead over :: transport over :: transfertraduco 3
- to lead over :: transport over :: transfertransduco 3
- turn offderivo 1
- take with one :: take away :: take aside :: take and drive awayabduco 3
- take home the bridededuco 3
- throw outago 3
- transferring :: transferringtraductio, traductionis f
- turning off :: turning awayderivatio, derivationis f
- that which is written upon paper :: thin leaf :: tabletcarta, cartae f
- that which is written upon paper :: thin leaf :: tabletcharta, chartae f
- that which is written upon paper :: thin leaf :: tabletchartina, chartinae f
- the papyrus plant itself :: that which is written upon paper :: thin leaf :: tabletcharta, chartae f
- the papyrus plant itself :: that which is written upon paper :: thin leaf :: tabletchartus, charti m
- thin :: tastelessstrigosus, strigosa, strigosum
- thin :: tastelessstricosus, stricosa, stricosum
- take income in leasevectigalia conduco
- the leftsinistra, sinistrae f
- that is on the left :: towards the left sidescaevus, scaeva, scaevum
- the lower part of the plant stemcrus, cruris n
- to the end :: totenus
- take away fromdeminuo 3
- torture someonetormenta alicui admoveo
- take someone into one's confidencealiquem consilii socium facio
- take something as a lessonaliquid pro disciplina et praeceptis habeo
- tolerate somethingaliquid fieri patior
- throw to the groundassolo 1 (adsolo 1)
- touchallambo 3
- take upcapto 1
- think upadmentior 4
- take away all aroundcircumaufero
- throw upsuscito 1
- take up :: take awaysustollo 3
- take up :: take up :: take on boardtollo 3
- taking awaysublatio, sublationis f
- travel over :: travel throughcircumlustro 1
- the thorn does not produce grapes :: the apple doesn't fall far from the treecolubra restem non parit
- tufaceoustoficius, toficia, toficium
- the samesiremps (sirempse) (indecl.)
- typesimulacrum, simulacri n
- treatisescriptum, scripti n
- topsailsupparum, suppari n
- topsailsiparium, siparii n
- tying togetherconnodo 1
- trifling plea for pardondeprecatiuncula, deprecatiunculae f
- toedigitulus, digituli m
- tubecalamiscus, calamisci m
- turretturricula, turriculae f
- title of a work by Varrovirgula, virgulae f
- tendrilvitecula, viteculae f
- tendrilviticula, viticulae f
- triflingvesculus, vescula, vesculum
- transportalacritas, alacritatis f
- trickeryurbanitas, urbanitatis f
- tuft of hair :: tuft of feathers or crest of birdscirra, cirrae f
- tuft of hair :: tuft of feathers or crest of birdscirrus, cirri m
- train drivercurrus tractorii gubernātor
- train drivercurrus vectorii ductor
- tragicallycothurnate
- trunk of a tree :: treestipes, stipitis m
- trunk of a tree :: treestips, stipis m (2)
- tarrydemoror 1
- the assauritulus, aurituli m
- the day on which the sun enters Cancerdies solstitialis
- take heedcircumspicio 5
- take careconsidero 1
- take into view :: take care ofcontueor 2
- take into view :: take care ofcontuor 3
- take into considerationadspicio 5
- take into considerationaspicio 5 (adspicio) 5
- totteringlytitubanter
- the beloved object itself :: the god of loveamor, amoris m
- trifling value of a thingvilitas, vilitatis f
- transversetransversarius, transversaria, transversarium
- title of a book by Democrituschirocmeta, chirocmetorum n
- tinstagneus, stagnea, stagneum
- tinstanneus, stannea, stanneum
- talk at randomtumultuor 1
- to sharecommunicor 1
- traverseconficio 5
- turn small things into tragedytragoedias ago in nugis
- triumph :: triumph :: triumph overtriumpho 1
- terrifyterrifico 1
- tinge with redcruento 1
- trifletricor 1
- to parch :: torrefytorrefacio 5
- taintvitio 1
- turn into ridicule :: thwartludificor 1
- to level land by the coultercultello 1
- tepefytepefacio 5
- take care of one's skin :: to take care of oneselfcutem curo
- throw into commotionaspero 1
- talk something noisily :: to boast ofcrepo 1
- tameadsuefacio 5
- tamemansuefacio 5
- thickencrasso 1
- thickencrassifico 1
- thinadtenuo 1
- thinattenuo 1 (adtenuo 1)
- thinattenuo 1 (adtenuo 1)
- troublecalefacio 5
- troublecalfacio 5
- troublecalficio 5
- tailoringvestificina, vestificinae f
- tailoringvestificium, vestificii n
- thicknesscrassificatio, crassificationis f
- thieving joyvoluptas ex malis alienis capta
- to each one separatelyviritim
- trusteeshipcura, curae f
- transactortransactor, transactoris m
- trace outdesigno 1
- take note ofdenoto 1
- take note ofdinoto 1
- tokensignum, signi n
- town-like communitycomopolis, comopolis f
- transcriptdescriptio, descriptionis f
- the dwelling of different persons :: the dwelling of a couple who are slavescontubernium, contubernii n
- tenetscitum, sciti n
- that which binds together :: tiecoagulum, coaguli n
- to proportioncommetior 4
- synedrium, synedrii n
- tribunecontio, contionis f
- tribuneconcio, concionis f
- title of works of miscellaneous contentsconiectanea, coniectaneorum n
- troopscopiae, copiarum f
- thoughtlesssocors, socordis
- the idea of God is grasped mentally, not sensuallycogitatione non sensu species dei percipitur
- trocheetrochaeus, trochaei m
- tranquil :: tameclemens, clementis
- troops belonging to a vexillum :: troopvexillum, vexilli n
- tensionanimus suspensus
- tamper with anythingmanus alicui rei adhibeo
- trickstertrico, triconis m
- transgression :: trespassadmissum, admissi n
- turn aside :: torture :: turn :: tormenttorqueo 2
- that excites suspicionsuspectus, suspecta, suspectum
- that excites mistrust :: that excites suspicionsuspiciosus, suspiciosa, suspiciosum
- thinaquatus, aquata, aquatum
- temperament :: temperaturetemperamentum, temperamenti n
- taunting :: teasingdelusio, delusionis f
- temper by mixingcontempero 1
- tepidtepidus, tepida, tepidum
- temperatelysobrie
- temperateness :: temperancetemperantia, temperantiae f
- to wetcohumido 1
- tearfulumecto 1
- time periodatomum, atomi n
- tyranttyrannus, tyranni m
- to put it more correctlyut verius dicam
- two to three timesbisque terque
- tastycatillanus, catillana, catillanum
- turn away :: thrust asidedemoveo 2
- tremblecorusco 1
- tremblescorisco 1
- tremblescorusco 1
- toss back and forth :: trouble :: tormentvexo 1
- type of :: trusteeauctor, auctoris c
- type of :: trusteeautor, autoris c
- turbulent seatumidum mare
- touching :: touchingcommovens, commoventis
- take outdemeto 3
- the sound made by a sheepbee
- ten times overdecemplicatus, decemplicata, decemplicatum
- treble :: tripleterplico 1
- treble :: tripletriplico 1
- treble :: tripletriplo 1
- tussle one's haircomas scindo
- turn overconversatio, conversationis f (2)
- trimmed :: truncateddecurtatus, decurtata, decurtatum
- tale-bearersusurrator, susurratoris m
- tale-bearersusurro, susurronis m
- the heart throbs in my bodycor mihi salit
- tiller :: tunic, either wide or narrow stripedclavus, clavi m
- thrushacredula, acredulae f
- timidityverecundia, verecundiae f
- tenaciousness of lifevivacitas, vivacitatis f
- tiefocale, focalis n
- trouble :: toil :: tribulationaerumna, aerumnae f
- tongue of a buckleacus, acus f
- tributariesaccolae fluvii
- thundersonitus, sonitus m
- tonesonus, soni m
- traptransenna, transennae f
- traptrasenna, trasennae f
- the northaquilo, aquilonis m
- the northboreas, boreae m
- the northborras, borrae m
- temperatesobrius, sobria, sobrium
- throw someone's plan to the windalicuius consilium neglego
- that does not befit a human beinginhumanus, inhumana, inhumanum
- taciturntaciturnus, taciturna, taciturnum
- take something in a good sensealiquid in bonam partem accipio
- thoughtamenetsi
- thoughtametsi
- train up at :: train near toannutrio 4
- todayaevo nostro
- tetradtetras, tetradis f
- three :: treytrinio, trinionis m
- triadtrinitas, trinitatis f
- torportorpor, torporis m
- tragacanth-bushtragantum, traganti n
- that gives freely :: that imparts freelybenignus, benigna, benignum
- transversevascus, vasca, vascum
- tokenaugurium, augurii n
- temperatetemperans, temperantis
- the right of observing the auspicesspectio, spectionis f
- thwart one's execution by suicidesupplicium voluntaria morte anteverto
- take possession of beforehandantecapio 5
- trade :: theoryartificium, artificii n
- taurinetaureus, taurea, taureum
- threefoldtergenus (indecl.)
- transparentvitreus, vitrea, vitreum
- transparentvitrius, vitria, vitrium
- tesselatedtessellatus, tessellata, tessellatum
- this year’ssitanius, sitania, sitanium
- three-foot-tripedaneus, tripedanea, tripedaneum
- trinoctialtrinoctialis, trinoctiale
- three-pound-trilibris, trilibre
- threefold :: tripletrifarius, trifaria, trifarium
- trisyllabictrisyllabus, trisyllaba, trisyllabum
- three years oldtrimulus, trimula, trimulum
- three years oldtrimus, trima, trimum
- tomorrow’scrastinus, crastina, crastinum
- tufaceoustofaceus, tofacea, tofaceum
- tufaceoustofacius, tofacia, tofacium
- twocoloredbicolor, bicoloris
- twocoloredbicolorus, bicolora, bicolorum
- two months oldbimenstris, bimenstre
- two months oldbimestris, bimestre (bimenstris)
- try to sellvendito 1
- tribuneshiptribunatus, tribunatus m
- the work of dictating to pupilsdictatura, dictaturae f
- triumviratetriumviratus, triumviratus m
- torture :: tormentcarnificina, carnificinae f
- torture :: tormentcarnuficina, carnuficinae f
- tritetritus, trita, tritum
- tumorceroma, ceromatis n
- the remote futurevetustas, vetustatis f
- twofold :: twicebifariam
- the first timesemel
- this one here, that one therealius alio
- they are handed down :: they saytradunt
- they are enemies of each otheralter alteri inimicus est
- they need mutual helpalter alterius auxilio eget
- the Academicsacademica, academicorum n
- the one or the otheralteruter, alterutra, alterutrum
- the one :: the otheraltertra
- travellervector, vectoris m
- testatortestator, testatoris m
- tiller of land :: tutor :: teachercolitor, colitoris m
- trumpeterbucinator, bucinatoris m
- trumpeteraeneator, aeneatoris m
- transporterdeportator, deportatoris m
- translatortranslator, translatoris m
- the deity who presided over the gathering in of grainconvector, convectoris m
- tormentorafflictator, afflictatoris m
- the Wagoner (a constellation)aurigator, aurigatoris m
- turnerdiatretarius, diatretarii m
- tearersulcator, sulcatoris m
- toleratortolerator, toleratoris m
- tenantconductor, conductoris m
- stigmatias, stigmatiae m
- the femaleconiuga, coniugae f
- the femaleconiunx, coniugis c (coniux)
- the femaleconiūx, coniugis c
- tooth-gathererdentilegus, dentilegi m
- trusteedepositarius, depositariii m
- trickstertenebrio, tenebrionis m
- table neighborconsessor, consessorris m
- that remains alive after another’s deathsuperstes, superstitis
- theurgisttheurgus, theurgi m
- treader of grapescalcator, calcatoris m
- theologiantheologus, theologi m
- triumphertriumphator, triumphatoris m
- the one, the otheralius ... alius ...
- that which is written with one’s own handchirografum, chirografi n
- that which is written with one’s own handchirographon, chirographi n
- that which is written with one’s own handchirographum, chirographi n
- that which is written with one’s own handchirographus, chirographi m
- throw openadaperio 4
- templetemplum, templi n
- toward a thingadversum
- toward a thingarvorsum
- traditionaltraditus, tradita, traditum
- triglyphtriglyphus, triglyphi m
- trimmingornatura, ornaturae f
- trimmingurnatura, urnaturae f
- topiary arttopiaria, topiariae f
- trimmedsegmentatus, segmentata, segmentatum
- topple someone from the thronealiquem regno expello
- topple someone from the thronealiquem regno spolio
- tranquillizecompono 3
- treatment of childhood diseasespaediatria, paediatriae f
- tormentafflictio, afflictionis f (adflictio)
- torture :: torment of bodyafflictatio, afflictationis f
- turn palecolorem perdo
- to vanishdiscedo 3
- the augur’s wand :: the augur’s staffaugurale, auguralis n
- take part in somethingin partem alcis rei venio
- the Aristocratsboni cives
- the Aristocratsboni, bonorum m
- transfix :: transpierce :: transgresstraicio 5
- thrust through :: transfer by graftingtransero 3
- thrust through :: transfer by graftingtranssero 3
- thrust in deep :: to plungecondo 3
- transporting pasttravectio, travectionis f
- transporting pasttransvectio, transvectionis f
- troubleaestus, aestus m
- tolerantly :: tolerablytoleranter
- touch Jupiter's thronesolium Iovis attingo
- take notice of someonealiquem respicio
- take proper care of somethingdiligenter attendo aliquid
- toeacropodium, acropodii n
- the primitive word :: track of a cattlebasis, baseos f
- the primitive word :: track of a cattlebasis, basis f
- take off the skindeglubo 3
- Troglodytae, Troglodytarum m
- take auguriesauguro 1
- take auguriesauguror 1
- time of life :: timeaetas, aetatis f
- two daysbiduum, bidui n
- two nightsbinoctium, binoctii n
- two yearsbiennium, biennii n
- trialactio, actionis f
- that on which something turns :: that on which something dependscardinalis, cardinale
- that causes abortionabortivus, abortiva, abortivum
- tree-likearboreus, arborea, arboreum
- that may be consoled :: that brings consolationconsolabilis, consolabile
- transitoryaerius, aeria, aerium
- tragiccothurnatus, cothurnata, cothurnatum
- tragiccoturnatus, coturnata, coturnatum
- that fought at a funeral pile in honor of the deadbustuarius, bustuaria, bustuarium
- the employment of woodsplittingcaudicalis, caudicale
- tree-arborarius, arboraria, arborarium
- trivial flatteryadsentatiuncula, adsentatiunculae f
- trivial flatteryassentatiuncula, assentatiunculae f (adsentatiuncula)
- theorytheoria, theoriae f
- telephonetelephonium, telephonii n
- take something as nourishment :: tear off :: tear awaycarpo 3
- tiletesta, testae f
- trickstrategematis, strategematis n
- transfixtranseo
- tribute for the pillars of a housecolumnarium, columnarii n
- trench in minescanale, canalis n
- trench in minescanalis, canalis c
- tube :: trumpet used at sacrificestubus, tubi m
- turning point :: the earth as the centre of the universecardo, cardinis m
- temple dedicated to ApolloApollinar, Apollinaris n
- temple dedicated to ApolloApollinare, Apollinaris n
- troop of cavalry :: the train or retinue of the praetor in a province :: throngcohors, cohortis f
- the multitude enclosed in :: the multitude fenced in :: troop of cavalrycohors, cohortis f
- tennis-courtsphaeristerium, sphaeristerii n
- the comitia themselvescampus Martius
- the earth, as a dwelling-place of man :: the place where the emperor’s council metconsistorium, consistorii n
- the very den of something :: the very lair of somethingcubile, cubilis n
- take one’s stand around a person or thingcircumsisto 3
- transfer :: transplanttranspono 3
- turfviretum, vireti n
- tombconditorium, conditōrii n
- treasurycimeliarchium, cimeliarchii n
- the public streettrivium, trivii n
- tap-house :: tavernthermipolium, thermipolii n
- tap-house :: tavernthermopolium, thermopolii n
- twofold means :: twofold methodbivium, bivii n
- two and two next to each otherbini iuxta compositi
- tranquilaecus, aeca, aecum
- tranquilaequus, aequa, aequum
- the monk’s-hoodcalyx, calycis f
- turnsoleverrucaria, verrucariae f
- the carline thistlechamaeleon, chamaeleontis m
- trained upon a treearbustus, arbusta, arbustum
- tureentrublium, trublii n
- tureentryblium, tryblii n
- tricksycophantor 1
- theatrical audience :: theatretheatrum, theatri n
- tillaro 1
- tear offdevello 3
- tear in piecesdiscerpo 3
- take courageanimum sumo
- tear in piecesconcerpo 3
- tear away :: tear up :: twitch :: tear :: tormentvello 3
- twitch :: twitch in speaking :: twit :: tauntvellico 1
- tearing off of the branches of a treeavulsio, avulsionis f
- twitching :: twitting :: tauntingvellicatio, vellicationis f
- tribrachtribrachus, tribrachi m
- tribrachtribrachys, tribrachyos m
- top :: tuftspeca, specae f
- top :: tuftspica, spicae f
- top :: tuftspicum, spici n
- the pointed end of any thing :: the trident of Neptunecuspis, cuspidis f
- toothed like a threshing-sledgtribulatus, tribulata, tribulatum
- tokensignificatio, significationis f
- trumpettubicino 1
- trumpettubo 1
- throwing spit :: throwing spearcontus, conti m
- the poorer peopletunicatus populus
- time :: the right seasontempus, temporis n
- time :: tempest :: throngtempestas, tempestatis f
- take incapio 5
- the persons sent for the establishment of such a towncolonia, coloniae f
- tweettinnitum compono
- transfusetransfundo 3
- transfusion :: transmigration :: transformationtransfusio, transfusionis f
- talk violentlydeclamito 1
- talk to the windcano surdis
- talk to the windcanto surdo
- talk to the windnarro asello fabellam surdo
- talk to the windsurdis auribus cano
- talk to the windsurdo narro fabulam
- turquoiseaugites, augitae m
- too studiedadparatus, adparata, adparatum
- too studiedapparatus, apparata, apparatum
- that which is preparedapparamentum, apparamenti n
- title of the fourteenth book of the epigrams of Martialapoforeta, apoforetorum n
- title of the fourteenth book of the epigrams of Martialapophoreta, apophoretorum n
- threshattribulo 1
- thickenconspisso 1
- thickencospisso 1
- take pains about somethingadnitor 3
- take pains about somethingannitor 3 (adnitor 3)
- thick-setcompactilis, compactile
- thickconfertus, conferta, confertum
- torment :: troublestimulo 1
- the law :: the body of Roman law relating to private rightsius civile
- trialcausationes, causationum f
- testiclesvires, virium f
- topcolumna, columnae f
- the highest ornament :: the highest honor :: the crown of a thing :: the long mark over a vowelapex, apicis m
- theoremtheorema, theorematis n
- thesisthesis, thesis f
- that renders proudsuperbificus, superbifica, superbificum
- triedcontestatus, contestata, contestatum
- tavern :: tavern furniturecauponium, cauponii n
- treasuryaerarium, aerarii n
- testamenttestamentum, testamenti n
- throw upvomo 3
- troubledevexo 1
- troubledivexo 1
- tear downdestruo 3
- take revenge on someoneultionem exigo ab aliquo
- take revenge on someoneultionem peto ab aliquo
- thinkcogito 1
- thrust awayabstrudo 3
- thrust oftentrusito 1
- throw outapello 3
- thrust stronglytruso 1
- throw a spanner in the worksalicui conturbo omnes rationes
- throw a spanner in the worksalicui spem praecido
- toss about :: troubleagito 1
- to season :: to soften :: tempercondio 4
- terrifyterrito 1
- tinge with :: taintinficio 5
- throw on a robeamictor 1
- tie someone upcompedes alicui impingo
- trick someonemanum alicui adeo
- take the boy from the backpuerum depono
- take the boy on his backpuerum subeo
- tingesufficio 5
- tremble at a thingtremo 3 (tr.)
- tartness :: troubleasperitas, asperitatis f
- tranquil state of mindaequitas, aequitatis f
- three monthstrimenium, trimenii n
- tranquil lifevita tranquilla
- tranquiltranquillus, tranquilla, tranquillum
- tranquillity :: tranquillitytranquillitas, tranquillitatis f
- train trafficcommeātiō ferriviaria
- trafficcommeatio, commeationis f
- throw up a rampartvallum exstruo
- throw up a rampartvallum facio
- throw up a rampartvallum iacio
- take riseconsurgo 3
- tumulustumulum, tumuli n
- tumulustumulus, tumuli m
- tribune for a speakersuggestum, suggesti n
- tribune for a speakersuggestus, suggestus m
- touching lightlysuspensus, suspensa, suspensum
- temeritytemeritudo, temeritudinis f
- thinnishsubtenuis, subtenue
- tinklecrepo 1
- the constellation Corvuscorvus, corvi m
- takeapiscor 3
- totteringcasabundus, casabunda, casabundum
- totteringcassabundus, cassabunda, cassabundum
- take to one’s selfascisco 3 (adscisco 3)
- take a thing with approbationadscisco 3
- take it differentlyaliorsum aliquid accipio
- thriveconvalesco 3
- triennialtrietericus, trieterica, trietericum
- transverse bar for vinesarundo, arundinis f
- transfer to a fixed point of timeconfero
- take carevideo 2
- take counsel :: take care of one :: take a resolutionconsulto 1
- thoughtcogitatum, cogitati n
- thoughtscogitata, cogitorum n
- the censor’s lists :: the registered property of Roman citizenscensus, census m
- turn away a marriageuxorem propulso
- take delightbenignor 1
- the loved objectaffectio, affectionis f
- take apartsolvo 3
- transferringtranspositivus, transpositiva, transpositivum
- trusting in couragevirtute fretus
- trusting inconfisus, confisa, confisum
- tarrysedeo 2
- transmigratetransmigro 1
- transmigratetramigro 1
- transfertransmoveo 2
- take away :: take with itselfamoveo 2
- tear the suspicion from his heartsuspicionem ex animo deleo
- tear the suspicion from his heartsuspicionem ex animo evello
- transmigrationtransmigratio, transmigrationis f
- transmigrationtransportatio, transportationis f
- tear off aroundcircumscindo 3
- take awayderogo 1
- tautologytautologia, tautologiae f
- that may be entreateddeprecabilis, deprecabile
- transformationtransfictio, transfictionis f
- torchtaeda, taedae f
- tumultturbor, turboris m
- tamingcohibitio, cohibitionis f
- terminateaboleo 2
- the rear guardconsequiae, consequiarum f
- the life of an eremiteanachoresis, anachoreseos f
- turnconverto 3 (intr.)
- to worshipveneror 1
- tauntconvicior 1
- tauntconvītior 1
- tauntertaxator, taxatoris m
- timelinesstempestivitas, tempestivitatis f
- tinkle aroundcircumtinnio 4
- tingletinnio 4
- tingletintinnio 4
- tingletintinno 1
- tingletintino 1
- tinglingtinnitus, tinnitus m
- throw up wavesundo 1
- tower upadsurgo 3
- tower upassurgo 3 (adsurgo 3)
- take one's death into accountde vita dimico
- the ElbeAlbis, Albis m
- traffic accidentcalamitas vehicularia
- traffic accidentcalamitas viaria
- traffic accidentcasus viarius
- tragedysyrma, syrmatis n
- throw the dicetalos iacio
- throw the dicetalos mitto
- turn about :: turn round :: tumble :: turn along :: turn over in the mindvolvo 3
- turn :: timespatium, spatii n
- the small roots of the asparagusspongeola, spongeolae f
- the small roots of the asparagusspongiola, spongiolae f
- that may be turnedversilis, versile
- the tripod of Apollo :: the cault of heavencortina, cortinae f
- tightly twistedteres, teretis
- thresh outdetero 3
- trituratesubtero 3
- tersetergeo 2
- tersetergo 3
- trituratetero 3
- the name of a statue by Lysippusapoxyomenos, apoxyomeni m
- threshing of graintritura, triturae f
- thwart someone's plans all togetheralicui conturbo omnes rationes
- the president of a demosdemarchus, demarchi m
- tetrarchtetrarcha, tetrarchae m
- tetrarchtetrarches, tetrarchae m
- the highest magistrate at Athens after the abrogation of royal authorityarchon, archontis m
- therapeuticstherapeutica, therapeuticorum n
- traversediscurro 3
- traversedecurro 3
- traversecurso 1
- traverse :: treat cursorily :: touch briefly upontranscurro 3
- to be useful for :: to be good againstsuccurro 3
- take refugeconcurro 3
- traversecurro 3
- tumultconcursus, concursus m
- take on a burdenaliquid in cervicem accipio
- toughlytriste
- total salevenditio totalis
- the like appellation of several objectscommunicatio nominum
- the combatants in the arenaarena, arenae f (harena, harenae f)
- the combatants in the arenaasena, asenae f (hasena, hasenae f)
- the combatants in the arenaharena, harenae f
- truculencetruculentia, truculentiae f
- to husband wellcomparco 3
- to husband wellcomperco 3
- thinkautumo 1
- talk rashlyde summo pectore dico
- telldico 3
- the seam of a patched shoecicatrix, cicatricis f
- terminatetempus praestituo
- treaty of Schengencontractus Schengenianus
- the name of a plantscorpioctonon, scorpioctoni n
- to heap upadruo 3
- to heap uparruo 3
- take awayverro 3
- take awayvorro 3
- take awayabrado 3
- television screenalbum televisificum
- turquoisecallais, callais f
- thronesoleum, solei n
- throne :: tub for bathingsolium, solii n
- thing of little worthalga, algae f
- top secret planconsilium occultum penitusque abditum
- think uponvideo 2
- the sowedconsita, consitorum n
- take possession of the campcastris potiri
- touch with pollution :: turn outcontingo 3
- take to one’s self :: take possession ofarripio 5
- take to one’s self :: take possession ofadripio 5
- take eagerly :: take hold of any thing with zeal :: take upon one’s selfcapesso 3
- take eagerly :: take hold of any thing with zeal :: take upon one’s selfcapisso 3
- takeconcipilo 1
- trumpetvendo 3
- transmit from one place or person to anothertransmitto 3
- transmit :: transfer :: transmittramitto 3
- transferdelego 1
- the chief physician, who was at the same time physician in ordinary to the emperorarchiater, archiatri m
- the chief physician, who was at the same time physician in ordinary to the emperorarchiatros, archiatri m
- the chief physician, who was at the same time physician in ordinary to the emperorarchiatrus, archiatri m
- to blamecondemno 1
- tmesistmesis, tmesis f
- tombtumba, tumbae f
- tense facevultus adductus
- the constellation Serpentarius or Ophiuchusanguifer, anguiferi m
- the constellation Serpentarius or Ophiuchusanguiger, anguigeri m
- terminatetermino 1
- throw with a vibratory motion :: threatenvibro 1
- take a pathviam ineo
- typesettertypotheta, typothetae m
- take something onascisco mihi aliquid
- tack togethersuo 3
- tricksutela, sutelae f
- that which gives a shadow :: traceumbra, umbrae f
- trunkscapus, scapi m
- tuft of hairvellus, velli m
- throw asidedecutio 5
- tremble at a thingcontremisco aliquid
- trillvibrisso 1
- thoroughly shaketranspello 3
- trembletremo 3 (intr.)
- trembling :: tremor :: terrortremor, tremoris m
- trembling :: tremuloustremulus, tremula, tremulum
- the depthsvadum, vadi n
- the depthsvadus, vadi m
- tell someone about my plansconsilia cum aliquo communico
- tortureconvello 3
- that which aidsauxiliatrīx, auxiliatricis f
- testatrixtestatrix, testatricis f
- tailoressvestifica, vestificae f
- to clipdetondeo 2
- trimtondeo 2
- trimmingtonsura, tonsurae f
- triremetrieris, trieris f
- tendrilturgio, turgionis f
- tendrilturio, turionis m
- tavern boypuer cauponius
- trifling speechconciuncula, conciunculae f
- trifling speechcontiuncula, contiunculae f
- there is shoutingclamor exoritur
- there is shoutingclamor fit
- there is shoutingclamor oritur
- test of strengthcontentio vehementissima
- the seats of the spectators :: theatrespectaculum, spectaculi n
- tastefullyscite
- trophy :: tokentropaeum, tropaei n
- trophy :: tokentrophaeum, trophaei n
- trophy :: tokentropheum, trophei n
- tokensymbolum, symboli n
- tokensignificatus, significatus m
- that which is made of silkbombyx, bombycis c
- triflesineptiae, ineptiarum f
- tree of the silver-firabies, abietis f
- things made of silverargentum, argenti n
- that sees things in a foolish lightstultividus, stultivida, stultividum
- tremblingsucciduus, succidua, succiduum
- take care ofadsideo 2
- take care ofassideo 2 (adsideo 2)
- to remain sittingsubsido 3
- take ones placeadsido 3
- take ones placeassido 3 (adsido 3)
- take a seat :: take one’s place :: take a seat :: take post somewhere :: take up one’s abodeconsido 3
- transdanubianus, transdanubiana, transdanubianum
- transdanuvianus, transdanuviana, transdanuvianum
- the sixth part of a twelve part wholesextans, sextantis m
- tradears, artis f
- trainedartifex, artificis
- the external appearancecutis, cutis f
- the upper surfacecorium, corii n
- the upper surfacecorius, corii m
- the external appearancecotis, cotis f (2)
- the heavens :: the vault of heaven :: temperaturecaelum, caeli n (coelum, coeli n)
- tower blocktectum caelo aequatum
- treater of any thingtractator, tractatoris m
- twigvirga, virgae f
- twigtalea, taleae f
- tauntconviciolum, convicioli n
- tauntconvitiolum, convitioli n
- triflingtenuiculus, tenuicula, tenuiculum
- trifling :: trivialsublestus, sublesta, sublestum
- take on someone's rolealicuius personam assumo
- tardy-pacedtardigradus, tardigrada, tardigradum
- tardytardus, tarda, tardum
- tardysegne
- tardysegnis, segne
- tardysegniter (segne)
- tardy-footedtardipes, tardipedis
- tardinesstardities, tarditiei f
- tardinesstarditudo, tarditudinis f
- tardinesstardor, tardoris m
- tardinesssegnitas, segnitatis f
- tardinesssegnitia, segnitiae f
- tardinesssegnities, segnitiei f
- tardinesstarditas, tarditatis f
- turf laid altar-like round an elm-treearula, arulae f
- titmousevitiparra, vitiparrae f
- titmouseaegithus, aegithi m
- tablet for votingtabella, tabellae f
- the upper millstonecatillus, catilli m
- the recess in which the urn was placedaedicula, aediculae f
- taboret :: tambourinetympaniolum, tympanioli n
- tenchtinca, tincae f
- turning pointcardinulus, cardinuli m
- tray :: troughalveolus, alveoli m
- tackclavulus, clavuli m
- the shield that was said to have fallen from heaven in the reign of Numaancile, ancilis n
- tiptrunculus, trunculi m
- that which is like a berry in shapebacca, baccae f
- the staff of the lictorbacillum, bacilli n
- tubercletuberculum, tuberculi n
- testcoticula, coticulae f
- troche :: trochisktrochiscus, trochisci m
- troche :: trochisktrociscus, trocisci m
- thinvescus, vesca, vescum
- trapdecipula, decipulae f
- trapdecipulum, decipuli n
- take away secretlysubripio 5
- take away secretlysurripio 5
- take away secretlysurrupio 5
- take away secretlysubripo 3
- the deuce!tatae
- thussiccine?
- thussicin?
- thussicine?
- thus :: to this extent :: to this degree :: to such a degreesic
- tendertener, tenera, tenerum
- tenderapalus, apala, apalum
- tendernessteneritas, teneritatis f
- tendernessteneritudo, teneritudinis f
- thing solemnly promised :: that which is vowed :: that which is devotedvotum, voti n
- thickcrassus, crassa, crassum
- thickness :: the whole :: the entiretysoliditas, soliditatis f
- things are good with someonebene est alicui
- there is a fraud behind italiquid doli subest
- to a considerable distancealiquam multum
- tawnysubaquilus, subaquila, subaquilum
- testy :: touchyacriculus, acricula, acriculum
- tolerably keensubargutulus, subargutula, subargutulum
- thickishsubcrassulus, subcrassula, subcrassulum
- to some extentaliquid
- triotricinium, tricinii n
- trite prattlecantilena, cantilenae f
- trite prattlecantilena, cantilenae f
- troubleaegrimonia, aegrimoniae f
- touring carriagecarruca, carrucae f
- touring carriagecarrucha, carruchae f
- touring carriagecaruca, carucae f
- touring carriagecarucha, caruchae f
- tinklesubtinnio 4
- to murmur loudlyconfremo 3
- turn souraceto 1
- tartacidus, acida, acidum
- the southauster, austri m
- the seed sownsementātio, sementātionis f
- three daystriduum, tridui n
- three hourstrihōrium, trihōrii n
- three nightstrinoctium, trinoctii n
- three years :: triennial festivaltrieteris, trieteridis f
- touch with velvet glovesdeperco 3
- talk openlyaperte dico
- tell someone what they want to hearauribus alicuius servio
- treat a matter with oneadoro 1
- talkdeloquor 3
- trueverax, veracis
- truth-tellingveriloquus, veriloqua, veriloquum
- talking with any one :: talksermo, sermonis m
- that sets boundariesarbiter, arbitri m
- theoryscopa, scopae f (2)
- title of a work by Aristotletheologumena, theologumenon n
- that which is vomitedvomitio, vomitionis f
- that which is vomitedvomitium, vomitii n
- threads similar to spiders’ websaranea, araneae f
- theurgictheurgicus, theurgica, theurgicum
- tearcissura, cissurae f
- throw down :: throw to the groundsterno 3
- that which is sprinkled :: that which dropsadspargo, adsparginis f
- that which is sprinkled :: that which dropsadspergo, adsperginis f
- that which is sprinkled :: that which dropsaspargo, asparginis f
- that which is sprinkled :: that which dropsaspergo, asperginis f
- twigsuboles, subolis f
- tally :: token :: tickettessera, tesserae f
- tavern-keeperstabularius, stabularii m
- totter a littlesubtitubo 1
- tottertitubo 1
- tendrils :: tube by which eggs of insects are depositedcaulis, caulis m
- tendrils :: tube by which eggs of insects are depositedcoles, colis m
- thorn :: thyrsusthyrsus, thyrsi m
- thorn :: thyrsustirsus, tirsi m
- tread under footsupplodo 3
- take possession ofcircumsto 1
- to abideconsto 1
- tarrysto 1
- tavernstabulum, stabuli n
- the beloved objects :: the dear or loved onesaffectus, affectus m
- trepidationtrepidatio, trepidationis f
- tributetributum, tributi n
- tributetributus, tributus m
- theftsubreptio, subreptionis f (2)
- things made of steelchalybs, chalybis m
- trunk of a tree :: trunktruncus, trunci m
- take someone's sidecum aliquo sto
- tacky waxcerae tenaces
- tetanustetanus, tetani m
- torpiditytorpedo, torpedinis f
- take security :: take care ofcaveo 2
- tarrycommoror 1
- treasure-chamber :: treasure-vault :: treasury :: treasure-chestthesaurus, thesauri m
- turbidityturbido, turbidinis f
- tempestuous :: turbulentturbanter
- tempestuous :: turbulenttempestuosus, tempestuosa, tempestuosum
- tenesmustenesmos, tenesmi m
- tensiontasis, tasis f
- throttleadstrangulo 1
- throttleastrangulo 1
- tie up the neckcollum laqueo premo
- thongagmentum, agmenti n
- thongamentum, amenti n
- thongammentum, ammenti n
- tramwaycurrus publicus electricus
- tramwaycurrus publicus oppidanus
- tramwaycurrus publicus urbanus
- tramwaycurrus transviarius
- turn towardattendo 3 (adtendo 3)
- to overcome :: to perplex :: terrifyconsterno 1
- travel :: tend :: trytendo 3
- tensetensus, tensa, tensum
- tensetentus, tenta, tentum
- tone :: thundertonus, toni m
- tensiontensura, tensurae f
- to thatch :: to throw downconsterno 3
- throw here and there :: throw aboutspargo 3
- throw down :: throw againstaffligo 3 (adfligo 3)
- thrust through :: transfixtransverbero 1
- to fight with :: to ruinconflicto 1
- threshbatto 3
- threshbatuo 3
- threshcudo 3
- touch gentlydestringo 3
- tryadtento 1
- tryattempto 1
- tryattemto 1
- tryattento 1 (adtento 1, attempto 1, adtempto 1, attemto 1)
- try to getadpeto 3
- try to getappeto 3
- try to obtaincapto 1
- tyranny :: toparx, arcis f
- trickstropha, strophae f
- trickstrophe, strophes f
- the learnedstudiosus, studiosi m
- totterarieto 1
- trick demonstratorarte quādam ostentator
- take a beatingcalamitatem accipio
- to satietysaturanter
- to satietysaturatim
- the universesumma summarum
- two feetdipondium, dipondii n
- two feetdipondius, dipondii m
- two feetdipundius, dipundii m
- two feetdupondium, dupondii n
- two feetdupondius, dupondii m (dupundius, dipundius)
- topcolophon, colophonis m
- theurgytheurgia, theurgiae f
- tanned by the sunsole torridus
- terracesolarium, solarii n
- ticket, bill :: title of honor :: token :: title of a booktitulus, tituli m
- too scrupulously :: too nicely :: too exactlysuperstitiose
- trocarcentimalis fistula
- tweezersanabolium, anabolii n
- title of a bookchirurgumena, chirurgumenorum n
- the reachcomplexus, complexus m
- the neighborhoodcircumiecta, circumiectorum n
- take damagedamnum facio
- totterbacillo 1
- tottervaccillo 1
- tottervacillo 1
- to be wet with :: toilsudo 1
- thickentuberasco 3
- thickentubero 1
- thickness of treestorus, tori m
- tumor filled with matteratheroma, atheromatis n
- tumortumiditas, tumiditatis f
- turgidityturgor, turgoris m
- turgid :: turgidturgidus, turgida, turgidum
- tumid :: turgidtumidus, tumida, tumidum
- tumidtumidulus, tumidula, tumidulum
- table companion :: tablemateconcena, concenae m
- taborer :: timbrel-playertympanotriba, tympanotribae m
- tackle the war :: take part in the warbellum capesso
- take a path :: take a routeviam ingredior
- take a position :: take a standlocum capio
- take a stand :: take a position :: tarrysubsisto 3
- take action :: take actionmanum immitto
- take away by violence :: tear off :: tear awayabripio 5
- take away secretly :: take away by stealthsubduco 3
- take away :: take anything fromadimo 3
- take back an action :: take back a movecalculum reduco
- take before one :: take before the timeanticipo 1
- take by the tenth part :: titheaddecimo 1
- take care of :: treat one carefullyadcuro 1
- take care of :: to do a thing with care :: treat one carefullyaccuro 1 (adcuro)
- take counsel :: to counselconsilior 1
- take courage :: take heartanimum colligo
- take for one’s self from a multitude :: take upon one’s selfdesumo 3
- take heart :: take courageanimum offirmo
- take in hand :: take hold of :: take :: take into possession :: take captivecapio 5
- take much of :: take in strong dosessumptito 1
- take off a twig :: take off a shootdeplanto 1
- take off the rind :: take off the barkdelibro 1
- take off :: take away :: take by force :: take away violentlyaufero
- take off :: take away a little from anything :: take :: take awaydelibo 1
- take off :: take awaydemo 3
- take someone's help :: take someone's assistance :: take someone's supportalicuius opera utor
- take someone's side :: take sides with someonecausam alicuius suscipio
- take something into account :: take something into considerationcontemplationem alicuius rei habeo
- take something literally :: take something verbatimaliquid totidem verbis transfero
- take the path through the air :: travel by airaerias vias carpo
- take the shield after wounding :: take care when it is too lateclipeum post vulnera sumo
- take time to eat :: take one's time at dinnertempus cibi sumo
- take to one’s self by wish :: take to one’s self by choiceadopto 1
- take to one’s self :: take with one’s self :: take up :: take :: take as friend :: take up :: take in addition toadsumo 3
- take to one’s self :: take with one’s self :: take up :: take :: take as friend :: take up :: take in addition toassumo 3 (adsumo 3)
- take tough action :: take stronger measuresfortioribus remediis utor
- take tough action :: take stronger measuresremediis gravioribus utor
- take up :: take uponsuscipio 5
- take upon the neck :: take upon the shouldersuccollo 1
- take wholly :: take completely :: take upconsumo 3
- take :: take to one’s self :: take in :: takeconcipio 5
- take :: take up :: take for certain :: take for granted :: take a beginningsumo 3
- taken prisoner :: that pertains or belongs to captives :: taken :: taken as booty :: taken by forcecaptivus, captiva, captivum
- taking of one thing for another :: transumptiontranssumptio, transsumptionis f
- taking of one thing for another :: transumptiontransumptio, transumptionis f
- taking :: that which is takencaptura, capturae f
- taking :: that which is taken up :: that which is lifted upassumptio, assumptionis f (adsumptio)
- taking :: that which is taken :: that which is graspedcaptus, captus m
- taking :: the right of property acquired by prescriptioncapio, capionis f
- talk absurdly :: trifleineptio 4
- talk idly :: talk foolishlyblatero 1 (blattero 1)
- talk idly :: talk foolishlyblattero 1
- talking competition :: talking contestcontentio dicendi
- talking emplily :: talking idlyvaniloquus, vaniloqua, vaniloquum
- tamarisk :: tamariskshrubtamarice, tamarices f
- tamarisk :: tamariskshrubtamaricium, tamaricii n
- tamarisk :: tamariskshrubtamaricum, tamarici n
- tamarisk :: tamariskshrubtamariscus, tamarisci f
- taste :: try :: touch slightly upon :: treat briefly ofdegusto 1
- tasty food :: tasty mealunctior cena
- tax collector :: treasurerapodecta, apodectae m
- tax relief :: tax reductiondeminutio vectigalium
- tax relief :: tax reduction :: tax rebate :: tax allowancetributi levamentum
- tax :: tell one’s opinion in the Senate :: thinkcenseo 2
- tax :: tributestipendium, stipendii n
- taxing :: tax :: tributecensitio, censitionis f
- teach an art :: teach a skillartem doceo
- teach something in addition to :: teachaddoceo 2
- teacher of art :: technologisttechnicus, technici m
- team of three horses :: triad :: threetriga, trigae f
- tear apart :: tear open (one’s dress)dilorico 1
- tear asunder :: teardiscindo 3
- tear asunder :: tear in pieces :: tear awaydiripio 5
- tear down the wall :: tear down the rampart :: tear out the palisadesvallum vello
- tear off :: tear away :: take away by forceavello 3
- tear off :: tear away :: tear asunderabscindo 3
- tear off :: tear awayderipio 5
- tear off :: tear awayderupio 5
- tear to pieces :: tear apartdilancino 1
- tear to pieces :: tear apartdilacero 1
- tearing apart :: tearing to piecesdilaceratio, dilacerationis f
- tearing asunder :: tearing to piecesdiruptio, diruptionis f
- tears for the wife :: tears about the death of the wifeimber uxorius
- teasing :: taunting expression :: tauntscomma, scommatis n
- teeth breaking out :: teeth knocking outdentifrangibulus, dentifrangibula, dentifrangibulum
- teeth chattering :: teeth gnashingconcasus dentium
- telephone emergency :: telphonic emergency calltēlephonema auxiliarium
- telephone emergency :: telphonic emergency calltēlephonema auxilium petens
- telephone set :: telephoneapparatus telephonicus
- television broadcasting :: television broadcasttransmissio televisifica
- tell about :: talk abouttransloquor 3
- tell the absolute truth :: tell the plain truthverissime loquor
- temperance in drinking :: temperancesobrietas, sobrietatis f
- templewards :: through the templestemplatim
- temporariness :: temporalitytemporalitas, temporalitatis f
- ten each :: ten at a timedeceni, decenae, decena
- ten each :: ten at a timedeni, denae, dena
- tend to surrender :: tend to hand overdeditioni immineo
- tennis match :: tennis tournamentcertamen teniludiārium
- tensible :: tensile :: tensionabletensibilis, tensibile
- tension the strings :: tune the stringschordas intendo
- tension :: tenseness :: tenseadtentus, adtentus m
- tension :: tenseness :: tenseattentus, attentus m
- tent accommodation :: tent camphospitium tumultuarium
- tent-companion :: tent-comradecontubernalis, contubernalis m
- tent-companionship :: the intercourse of a young man and the general accompanied by him in war :: the accompanyingcontubernium, contubernii n
- tent :: the Jewish tabernacletabernaculum, tabernaculi n
- tepid bathing-room :: tepid bathtepidarium, tepidarii n
- terebinth :: turpentine-treeterebinthus, terebinthi f
- terrible concern :: terrible worryatra cura
- territory :: the whole of the soil belonging to a community :: the fields :: the open countryager, agri m
- territory :: toparchytoparchia, toparchiae f
- testing :: testtestatio, testationis f
- texture :: tissuetextus, textus m
- that announces :: that makes knownannuntius, annuntia, annuntium
- that belongs to another person :: that belongs to another placealienus, aliena, alienum
- that by which any thing takes place or is done :: that through which any thing takes place or is donecausa, causae f
- that by which something is taken hold of :: tilleransa, ansae f
- that can be ascended :: that can be climbedascensibilis, ascensibile
- that can be choked :: that can be strangledstrangulabilis, strangulabile
- that can be consumed :: that can be destroyed :: transientconsumptibilis, consumptibile
- that can be heard :: that's good to hearaudio (formelhaft)
- that can be kept :: that can be preserved :: that can be saved :: that can be saved rescuedservabilis, servabile
- that can be seized :: that can be laid hold ofcomprehensibilis, comprehensibile
- that can be tripled :: that can be threefold :: that can be tripletriplicabilis, triplicabile
- that can be warmed :: that can be made hotcalefactabilis, calefactabile
- that can be warmed :: that can be made hotcalefactibilis, calefactibile
- that causes pleasure :: that causesvoluptabilis, voluptabile
- that causes terror :: terrificterrificus, terrifica, terrificum
- that changes its shape or form :: that alters its appearance :: that transforms himself or itselfversipellis, versipelle
- that changes its shape or form :: that alters its appearance :: that transforms himself or itselfvorsipellis, vorsipelle
- that clean boy :: that clean ladbellissimus ille pusio
- that contains of two :: that consists of twobinarius, binaria, binarium
- that contributes nothing to an entertainment :: that scot-freeasumbolus, asumbola, asumbolum
- that contributes nothing to an entertainment :: that scot-freeasymbolus, asymbola, asymbolum
- that cultivates the truth :: that regards the truthvericola, vericolae c
- that directs in any direction :: that sends in any directiondirectorius, directoria, directorium
- that dwells upon a river :: that grows by a riveramnicola, amnicolae c
- that easily believes a thing :: trustingcredulus, credula, credulum
- that exists or takes place in a continuous multitude :: thickcreber, crebra, crebrum
- that follows after others :: that runs after otherssecutuleius, secutuleia, secutuleium
- that follows after :: that succeeds to something :: that supplies the place of somethingsuccedaneus, succedanea, succedaneum
- that follows after :: that succeeds to something :: that supplies the place of somethingsuccidaneus, succidanea, succidaneum
- that gives pleasure :: tenderdelicatus, delicata, delicatum
- that happens by chance :: thoughtlesstemerarius, temeraria, temerarium
- that has a tuft or crest :: tuftedcristatus, cristata, cristatum
- that has come on suddenly :: that has come on unexpectedlysubitus, subita, subitum
- that has three stakes :: that is propped up by three palestripalis, tripale
- that has two heads :: twoheaded :: two-peaked :: that extends on two opposite sides :: twofoldanceps, ancipitis
- that have the care of household stuff :: that have the care of furnituresupellecticarius, supellecticarii m
- that holds fast :: that clings firmlypertinax, pertinacis
- that is before in rank :: that is before in importanceantiquior, antiquius
- that is beyond the mountains :: tramontanetransmontanus, transmontana, transmontanum
- that is beyond the Potranspadaneus, transpadanea, transpadaneum
- that is beyond the Potranspadanus, transpadana, transpadanum
- that is beyond the Rhinetransrhenanus, transrhenana, transrhenanum
- that is beyond the sea :: transmarinetransfretanus, transfretana, transfretanum
- that is beyond the world :: transcend the worldultramundanus, ultramundana, ultramundanum
- that is beyond :: that is on the other sideulter, tra, trum [ulterior, ultimus]
- that is carried over sea :: that is transported over seatraiecticius, traiecticia, traiecticium
- that is casily passed through :: that easily passes throughcommeabilis, commeabile
- that is conceived :: that is ordered :: that is directedconceptivus, conceptiva, conceptivum
- that is decisive for the victory :: the victory is based on thatin eo victoria vertitur
- that is easily cooked :: that ripens earlycoctivus, coctiva, coctivum
- that is easily loosed :: that is easily taken apartsolutilis, solutile
- that is in view :: that comes in view :: that attracts the attention to itselfconspicuus, conspicua, conspicuum
- that is neighboring to one :: taking part inaffinis, affine
- that is nourished :: that brought upalumnus, alumni m
- that is or lies beyond the Alps :: transalpinetransalpicus, transalpica, transalpicum
- that is or lies beyond the Alps :: transalpinetransalpinus, transalpina, transalpinum
- that is passed over in silence :: that is done without words :: tacit :: that exists in silencetacitus, tacita, tacitum
- that is present by coming :: that happens out of course :: that is acquired without one’s own effort :: that pertains to arrivaladventicius, adventicia, adventicium
- that is pushed :: that may be pushedtrusatilis, trusatile
- that is stripped :: that is plucked offstrictivus, strictiva, strictivum
- that is to be apprehended :: that is to be fearedcurabilis, curabile
- that is to be feared :: that is to be reverenced :: terribleverendus, verenda, verendum
- that is truly said :: trueveridicus, veridica, veridicum
- that is turned round :: that turns itself round :: turningvolubilis, volubile
- that is under the standard :: that serves under the standardsubsignanus, subsignana, subsignanum
- that is under water :: that belongs under watersubaquaneus, subaquanea, subaquaneum
- that is used :: that made use ofusuarius, usuaria, usuarium
- that lasts a year :: that continues through a year :: that returns every year :: that recurs every year :: that happens every yearannuus, annua, annuum
- that lasts two lustra :: that lasts ten yearsbilustris, bilustre
- that leaps across :: that goes acrosstransilis, transile
- that makes lonely :: that makes desolatedesolatorius, desolatoria, desolatorium
- that may be blotted out :: that may be destroyeddelebilis, delebile
- that may be borne :: tolerabletolerabilis, tolerabile
- that may be breathed :: that serves to sustain life :: that can breathespirabilis, spirabile
- that may be buried :: that may be hidden :: that may be concealedsepelibilis, sepelibile
- that may be contradicted :: that may be spoken againstcontradicibilis, contradicibile
- that may be felt :: that may be handledcontrectabilis, contrectabile
- that may be found everywhere :: trivialtrivialis, triviale
- that may be found everywhere :: trivialtrivenefica, triveneficae f
- that may be got over :: that may be surmounted :: that may be overcome :: that may be subduedsuperabilis, superabile
- that may be injured :: that may be injuredviolabilis, violabile
- that may be loosed :: that may be taken apartsolubilis, solubile
- that may be misled :: that may be seducedseductibilis, seductibile
- that may be misled :: that may be seducedseductilis, seductile
- that may be scattered :: that may be dispersedsparsilis, sparsile
- that may be seen :: that is worth seeingspectabilis, spectabile
- that may be shorn :: that may be cut :: that may be clippedtonsilis, tonsile
- that may be sucked :: that may be supped upsorbilis, sorbile
- that may be touched :: tangibletactilis, tactile
- that may be touched :: tangibletangibilis, tangibile
- that may be touched :: that may be handled :: that may be taken hold of :: that may be wrought :: tractabletractabilis, tractabile
- that of which a thing consists :: the beingsubstantia, substantiae f
- that on which something rests or depends :: the chief pointcontinens, continentis n
- that passes over into another class :: transgressivetransgressivus, transgressiva, transgressivum
- that pertains to copper :: that is made of copper :: that is made of bronzeaerarius, aeraria, aerarium
- that pertains to an arrival :: that pertains to a guestadventorius, adventoria, adventorium
- that returns every year :: that happens every year :: that is used every yearanniversalis, anniversale
- that returns every year :: that happens every year :: that is used every yearanniversarius, anniversaria, anniversarium
- that serves for use :: that is fit for use :: that pays interestussurarius, ussuraria, ussurarium
- that serves for use :: that is fit for use :: that pays interestusurarius, usuraria, usurarium
- that serves for use :: that is fit for use :: that pays interestusurarius, usuraria, usurarium
- that serves to divide :: that serves to partdiscriminalis, discriminale
- that speaks the truth :: truth-tellingveredicus, veredica, veredicum
- that speaks the truth :: truth-tellingveridicus, veridica, veridicum
- that supports itself on sea-weed :: that lives upon sea-weedalgensis, algense
- that testifies :: that provesdeclarat
- that throws to the ground :: that throws his rider :: that fall prostratesternax, sternacis
- that turns round :: that moves roundversatilis, versatile
- that which binds or obliges to the performance of certain services :: that for which one binds himself to some service or dutyauctoramentum, auctoramenti n
- that which binds together :: that which binds fast :: thong :: tiecopla, coplae f
- that which binds together :: that which binds fast :: thong :: tiecopula, copulae f
- that which binds together :: that which binds fast :: thong :: tiecopulum, copuli n
- that which concitiates :: that which unitesconciliatricula, conciliatriculae f
- that which disfigures :: that which dishonorsdehonestamentum, dehonestamenti n
- that which fills up :: that which completes :: that gives the full weightcomplementum, complementi n
- that which hangs to any thing :: thorny shrubappendix, appendicis f
- that which is clear to the senses :: the chattering notes of the nightingaleargutia, argutiae f
- that which is clear to the senses :: the chattering notes of the nightingaleargutiae, argutiarum f
- that which is crooked :: that which is wrongcurvum, curvi n
- that which is enigmatical or dark in a figurative representation :: that which is dark :: that which is obscure :: that which is inexplicableaenigma, aenigmatis n
- that which is open :: that which is freeapertum, aperti n
- that which is seemly :: that which is suitabledecorum, decori n
- that which is single :: that which is simplesimplum, simpli n
- that which is superfluous :: that which is uselessvacantia, vacantium n
- that which is woven :: that which is plaited together :: that which is braided together :: that which is fitted together :: texturetextum, texti n
- that which is wrought in :: that which is woven in :: thread :: threads of the Fatessubtegmen, subtegminis n
- that which is wrought in :: that which is woven in :: thread :: threads of the Fatessubtemen, subteminis n
- that which joins together :: that which unites togetherconiunctrix, coniunctricis f
- that which makes firm :: that which makes solidsolidamen, solidaminis n
- that which makes firm :: that which makes solidsolidamentum, solidamenti n
- that which occasions :: that which produces :: that which procuresconciliatrix, conciliatriis f
- that which serves for spreading :: that which serves for litteringstramentum, stramenti n
- that which spins or twirls round :: tornado :: twirl :: twistturben, turbinis n
- that which spins round :: that which twirls round :: tornado :: twirl, twistturbo, turbinis m
- that which spins round :: that which twirls round :: tornado :: twirl, twistturbus, turbi m
- that wipes out :: that blots outdeletilis, deletile
- that with which any thing is bound :: tievinclum, vincli n
- that with which any thing is bound :: tievinculum, vinculi n
- that's where it's a problem :: that's where the oxen are on the hill! :: that's where the water doesn't want to runaqua haeret
- the abuse does not abolish the use :: the exception proves the ruleabusus non tollit usum
- the accusation is obscure :: the accusation is not provablecrimen caecum est
- the actual flow :: the actual currentamnis iustus
- the army platoons collide :: the army platoons meet each otheragmina coeunt
- the assembly of the Senate :: the Senatecuria, curiae f
- the averaged :: the halved :: the halfdichotomena, dichotomenatis n
- title of one of Plato’s dialoguessymposion, symposii n
- title of one of Plato’s dialoguessymposium, symposii n
- the barking around :: the roaring aroundcircumlatratus, circumlatratus m
- the battle-signal sounds :: the trumpet gives the signal to fightclassicum canit
- the bereaved :: the mourners :: the grieving :: the sufferinglugentes, lugentium m
- the best opportunity for you :: the for you most favorable opportunitytua occasio
- the birds do not approve something :: the birds advise against somethingaves abdicunt aliquid
- the boundless, empty space :: the lower world :: the confused, formless, primitive mass out of which the universe was madechaos n
- the Calends :: the first day of the monthCalendae, Calendarum f (Kalendae, Kalendarum f)
- the Calends :: the first day of the monthKalendae, Kalendarum f
- the cat doesn't stop mousing :: the cat doesn't stop catching micecatuli murilegio gaudent
- the chief elders :: the senior eldersarchigerontes, archigerontum m
- the city has fallen :: the city has been conqueredurbs cecidit
- the city has fallen :: the city has been conqueredurbs expugnata est
- the city is destroyed to the ground :: the city is razed to the groundurbs solo tenus deiecta est
- the city is destroyed to the ground :: the city is razed to the groundurbs usque ad solum diruta est
- the clerical order :: the clergyclerus, cleri m
- the colony laid out under a lucky star :: the colony established under a good starcolonia auspicato deducta
- the coming time :: the offspringveniens aetas
- the coming to shore of a fleet or ship :: the ship or fleet that comes to landcataplus, catapli m
- the coming :: the future :: the coming time :: the coming daysventura, venturorum n
- the condition of a captivus :: takingcaptivitas, captivitatis f
- the conspiracy begins :: the conspiracy takes its beginningconiuratio coeptat
- the consuls compared on the division of the provinces :: the consuls agreed on the division of the provincesconsules inter se provincias comparaverunt
- the corporeal nature :: the corporeal structurecorporatura, corporaturae f
- the correct use of language :: the use of language without errorsconsuetudo pura et incorrupta sermonis
- the Curia Hostilia built by Tullus Hostilius :: the Curiacuria Hostilia
- the Cynthian goddess, Diana :: the moon, as a goddessCynthia, Cynthiae f
- the day is already approaching its end :: the day is already coming to an enddies iam vergit
- the decisive hour :: the decisive timeultimi discriminis tempus
- the deities :: the godscaelestes, caelestium (coelestes, coelestium m)
- the deliberations are finished :: the deliberations are at an endconsulta sunt consilia
- the desire to travel is rekindled :: the desire to travel flares up anewanimus proficiscendi reaccenditur
- the detainees :: the incarcerated :: the prison inmates :: the arresteescustodiae, custodiarum f
- the devoted :: the faithfuldevoti, devotorum m
- the die is cast! :: the game is ventured!alea iacta est
- the difficulties increase :: the difficulties worsendifficultates maiorantur
- the disrespectfulness ingrained by freedom :: the disrespectfulness reinforced by freedomcoalita libertate irreverentia
- the election was relatively quiet :: the election proceeded relatively calmlycursus electionis relative tranquillus fuit
- the elevated seat of the emperor in the theatre :: the bed of a stonecubiculum, cubiculi n
- the end of life is approaching :: the end of life is imminentvitae finis adest
- the everyday :: the usualusitata, usitatorum n
- the extreme :: the worst :: the last :: the endultimum, ultimi n
- the face wrinkles :: the face pulls in wrinklesvultus colligit rugas
- the farthest :: the uttermost :: the farthest :: the most distant part of any thingultimus, ultima, ultimum
- the female sex :: the female genderaltera sors
- the field wants to bear fruit :: the field is greeningager parturit
- the final moments :: the dying momentssuprema, supremorum n
- the first years :: the early yearsanni primitivi
- the fleet consists of a hundred ships :: the fleet includes one hundred shipsclassis centum navium est
- the following day :: the next dayaltero die
- the following :: the next to the first :: the secondsecundus, secunda, secundum
- the forces are weakening :: the forces decreasevires pauperescunt
- the forces are weakening :: the forces decreasevires torpent
- the frail and weak body :: the decrepit and weak bodycorpus caducum et infirmum
- the gilding :: the putting around of goldcircumdatio auri
- the goddess of Love :: the planet Venusvenus, veneris f
- the good :: talentbonum, boni n
- the goods are ownerless :: the goods are abandonedbona vacant
- the ground was warm with blood :: the ground steamed with murdercaede tepebat humus
- the guard cohort :: the watchkeeping cohortcohors, quae in statione est
- the hair of the head :: the haircapillum, capilli n
- the hair of the head :: the hair :: the hair of men :: the hair of animals :: the threads or fibres of plantscapillus, capilli m
- the happy persons :: the fortunate persons :: the well-off peoplebeati, beatorum m
- the highest :: the very highestsummus, summi m
- the hinder part :: the back part :: the backaversum, aversi n
- the hoofbeat roars :: the hoofbeat thundersungula sonat
- the house is spinning before my eyes :: the house turns before my eyesvertigine tectum ambulat
- the independent doer :: the independent practitionerautopractor, autopractoris m
- the inhabitants of heaven :: the godscaelites, caelitum m
- the knob of a joint :: the knuckle of a jointcondulus, conduli m
- the knob of a joint :: the knuckle of a jointcondylus, condyli m
- the last of life, death :: the highest honorsupremitas, supremitatis f
- the liberal arts :: the fine artsartes ingenuae
- the literal expression :: the actual expressionvocabulum poprium
- the litigation is initiated :: the lawsuit is filedlis contestatur
- the loss of people was the same on both sides :: the number of killed was the same on both sidescaedes utrimque par fuit
- the luxuriant Corinth :: the lush Corinth :: the lascivious Corinthuncta Corinthus
- the man superior to all in cunning :: the very cleverestvir omnium callidissimus
- the matter concerns me :: the matter depends on me :: the matter falls within my sphere of responsibilityres vertitur in meo foro
- the matter requires caution :: the matter admits of cautionres cautionem habet
- the means by which an assertion or assumption may be made clear, proved :: the sign by which any thing is knownargumentum, argumenti n
- the morning reddens :: the dawn appearsaurora rubescit
- the mutilated :: the maimedcolobicus, colobici m
- the near and distant future :: the nearer and later timeconsequens ac posterum tempus
- the need is present :: the need existsusus adest
- the need requires it :: the need occursusus venit
- the nonprofit :: the charitableconducibile, conducibilis n
- the number four :: tetradtetradeum, tetradei n
- the number four :: tetradtetradium, tetradii n
- the number ten :: ten assesdecus, deci m
- the number ten :: ten assesdecusis, decusis m
- the number ten :: ten assesdecussis, decussis m
- the number three :: triadtrias, triados f
- town and harbor in LatiumCaieta, Caietae f
- the office of a Spectabilis :: the dignity of a Spectabilisspectabilitas, spectabilitatis f
- the old woman :: the old lady :: the ancient onecasca, cascae f
- the old :: the formervetera, veterum n
- the old :: the prehistoricantiqua, antiquorum n
- the oldest class of veterans :: the last summoned veteransvexillarii, vexillariorum m
- the open jaws of war :: the open maw of warbelli os et fauces
- the opinion about it is unanimous :: there is a unanimous voiceuna et consentiens vox est
- the other of two :: the other :: the second :: the next :: the one of twoalter, altera, alterum
- the other :: the other partceterus, cetera, ceterum
- the pale, evergreen box-tree :: things made of boxwoodbuxus, buxi f
- the passions are gone :: the passions are extinguishedcupiditates deferbuerunt
- the peculiar characteristic of a thing :: the unmistakable emblem of a thingalicuius rei insigne proprium et peculiare
- the perfidy of fate :: the perfidy of destinyviolentia fortunae
- the place where the bodies of the dead were burned and buried :: tomb :: the site :: the burned body itself :: the ashesbustum, busti n
- the place where the chorus was trained and practised :: the preparing and bringing out of a choruschoragium, choragii n
- the place where two rivers unite :: the confluenceconfluens confluentis m
- the plant batrachion or herba scelerata :: the plant bryoniaapiastellum, apiastelli n
- the plant chamelaea :: the dwarf olivecitocacium, citocacii n
- the population of the city is growing :: the city is growing in populationurbs frequentia crescit
- the pot is overflowing :: the pot becomes overfullaula bacchatur
- the privileges of a Roman citizen :: the citizens united in a communitycivitas, civitatis f
- the projecting or extreme part of a thing :: the projecting part of a pedimentacroterium, acroterii n
- the proper symmetry of the limbs :: the proper balance of the limbscommoditas et aequitas membrorum
- the property of a stranger :: the affairs of strangers :: the interests of strangers :: things strange :: things foreign :: things not belonging to the matter in handalienum, alieni n
- the pros and cons :: the for and againstcontrariae rationes
- the public stage :: the publicscaena, scaenae f (scena, scenae f)
- the pulse of any age :: the peculiarities of any agevenae cuiusque aetatis
- the quality of atrox :: tumultatrocitas, atrocitatis f
- the quality of being antiquus :: the ancientsantiquitas, antiquitatis f
- the quickening :: the animatinganimatio, animationis f
- the rage subsides :: the rage fades awayira vanescit
- the reason is easy to find :: the reason is obviouscausa facile inveniri potest
- the rest of Greece :: the remaining part of Greececetera Graecia
- the rest :: the othersceteri, ceterae, cetera
- the ridges of a mountain :: the sail-yards :: the arm of a catapultbracchium, bracchii n
- the riots that had begun in the suburbs spread :: the riots that had started in the suburbs spreadtumultus in suburbio orti extendebantur
- the rumor had caught the people :: the rumour had taken hold of the peopleauditus animos occupaverat
- the sacred :: that which has reference to the Deityceremonia, ceremoniae f
- the sacred :: that which has reference to the Deitycerimonia, cerimoniae f
- the sacred :: the divine :: that which has reference to the Deitycaeremonia, caeremoniae f
- the sacred :: the divine :: that which has reference to the Deitycaerimonia, caerimoniae f (caeremonia, ceremonia)
- the sacred :: the divine :: that which has reference to the Deitycaerimōnium, caerimōnii n
- the sails go down :: the sails are retractedvela cadunt
- the sails go down :: the sails are retractedvela deduco
- the scab :: the itchscabres, scabris f
- the scab :: the itchscabritia, scabritiae f
- the Sceptics :: the disciples of Pyrrhosceptici, scepticorum m
- the sea began to rise :: the sea began to surge :: the sea began to swellaequor perhorruit
- the secret principles of governance :: the secret principles of rulearcana dominationis
- the secret principles of governance :: the secret principles of rulearcana imperii
- the sense of words :: the meaning of wordssensibilitas, sensibilitatis f
- the seven stars near the north pole :: the Great Bear :: the Little Bearseptentrio, septentrionis m
- the shot backfire :: the spit turns around :: the sheet turnscurrente retro funis it rota
- the sick :: the patientsaegrotantes, aegrotantium m
- the sloughing of the skin of snakes :: the shedding of the skin of snakes :: the slough cast off by a snakevernatio, vernationis f
- the snake tapers off :: the snake rejuvenatesvernat anguis
- the spears threatening death :: the bullets threatening deathtela mortem vibrantia
- the spin :: the skidamentatio, amentationis f
- the spoil of an animal :: the skin of an animal stripped offspolium, spolii n
- the summer has passed :: the summer is goneaestas se circumegit
- the superfluous :: the redundantsuperfluum, superflui n
- the tables will be turned :: the tide will turncircumagetur hic orbis
- the tenth part :: tithdecuma, decumae f
- the terrible :: the horrible :: the awfultimenda, timendorum n
- the theatre curtain is dropped (at the beginning) :: the theatre curtain risesaulaeum mittitur
- the theatre curtain is dropped (at the beginning) :: the theatre curtain risesaulaeum premitur
- the thick sediment of a liquid :: the dregscrassamen, crassaminis n
- the thick sediment of a liquid :: the dregs :: the thickness of an object :: the thick sediment of a liquid :: the dregscrassamentum, crassamenti n
- the thing is put through its paces :: the thing is tested in every possible wayarmis et castris temptata res est
- the tide sets in :: the tide begins to riseaestus ex alto se incitat
- the time through which a person lives :: the time through which a thing lasts :: time of existence :: time unendingaevitas, aevitatis f
- the time when the sun seems to stand still :: the heat of summersolstitium, solstitii n
- the tithe :: the tenthdecima, decimae f (decuma, decumae f)
- the top, summit (of a building) :: the dome of heaven :: top of the prow of a shipculmen, culminis n
- the transfer from one species of composition to another :: the rounding of a periodconversio, conversionis f
- the tree wobbles :: the tree waversvacillat arbor
- the trees green up :: the trees turn greenarbores frondescunt
- the triple :: three times as muchtriplum, tripli n
- the upper air :: the upper world :: the earth :: the brightness surrounding a deityaethera, aetherae f
- the upper air :: the upper world :: the earth :: the brightness surrounding a deityaether, aetheris m
- the upper air :: the bright skyaethra, aethrae f
- the upper side of a thing :: topsuperficies, superficiei f
- the vines are haunted :: the vines are hailedvites grandine contunduntur
- the vines are haunted :: the vines are hailedvites grandine excutiuntur
- the vines are haunted :: the vines are hailedvites grandine percutiuntur
- the war has cost many lives :: the war has taken many livesbellum multos homines absumpsit
- the watch fires are lit :: the watch fires shinecollucent ignes
- the water falls :: the water dropsaqua recedit
- the water falls :: the water level sinksundae recedunt
- the whole camp is chaotic :: the whole camp is in confusiontotis castris trepidatur
- the whole system is thrown over :: the whole system is upsettota ratio iacet
- the whole world :: the universeuniversum, universi n
- the whole :: the whole number of things :: the whole world :: the universeuniversitas, universitatis f
- the wind dies down :: the wind decreasesventus remittit
- the wind dies down :: the wind is dying downventus cadit
- the wind dies down :: the wind is dying downventus cessat
- the wind has died down :: the wind has calmed down :: the wind has settledventus cecidit
- the wind has stopped :: the wind has suspendedventus cessavit
- the wind increases :: the wind picks upventus increbrescit (increbescit)
- the witnesses' statements are contradictory :: the witnesses contradict each other :: the witnesses disagreetestis testi diversa dicit
- the wood of the boxtree :: things made of boxwood :: top :: the boxtreebuxum, buxi n
- the words are lost :: the words go into the voidverba profectu carent
- the words correspond :: the words matchverba verbis respondent
- the words go unheard :: the words are in vainverba fiunt mortuo
- the worms (a disease of animals) :: the botsverminatio, verminationis f
- the worst fighting turmoil :: the fiercest battle turmoiltumultuosissimum pugnae
- the year before :: the previous yearanno ante
- the year before :: the previous yearanno proximo
- the year has passed :: the year has gone byannus circumactus est
- the years go by :: the years passanni eunt
- then at length :: then indeedtum demum
- theorists :: theoreticianscanonici, canonicorum m
- there is a standstill in trade :: trade has come to a standstill :: trade is at restmercatura iacet
- there is disagreement,there is a contradiction :: there is a discrepancydiscrepat
- there is no fault :: there is no guiltculpa nulla subest
- there is no occasion for singing :: there is no occasion for imagination, fictionnon est cantandum
- there is time for :: there is room for :: there is leisure forvacat
- there’s a viper in the bush :: there’s a hidden dangervipera est in veprecula
- thereafter :: thereupon :: thendein
- thereafter :: thereupon :: thendeinde
- these are mere words :: these are just words :: these are empty phrasesverba istaec sunt
- they confer with someone :: they are talking to someonecolloquuntur cum aliquo
- they conspire :: they plotconiurant (inter se)
- they conspire :: they plotconiurationem faciunt
- they discuss among themselves :: they put their heads togethercolloquuntur inter se
- they talk on horseback :: they converse on horsebackcolloquuntur ex equis
- they talk through someone :: they are talking through an intermediarycolloquuntur per aliquem
- thick juice obtained from animal or vegetable substances :: thick brothcremor, cremoris m
- thick juice obtained from animal or vegetable substances :: thick brothcremum, cremi n
- thick :: tardyspissus, spissa, spissum
- thick :: thickly set with :: thickly covered withdensus, densa, densum
- thicket of briers :: thorn brakesenticetum, senticeti n
- thicket of rods :: thicket of osiersvirgetum, virgeti n
- thickness :: thick mattercrassitudo, crassitudinis f
- thin branches :: twigsscopae, scoparum f
- thing that excites terror :: thing that frightsterricula, terriculae f
- things someone pleasing :: things someone acceptablevolentia alicui
- thinking :: thoughtcogitatio, cogitationis f
- thinking :: thoughtcogitamen, cogitaminis n
- thinking :: thoughtcogitatus, cogitatus m
- thinking :: thoughtfulcogitabundus, cogitabunda, cogitabundum
- thinness :: tenuitytenuitas, tenuitatis f
- third part :: third part of an as :: third part of an aureus :: third of a juger :: third of a foottriens, trientis m
- third stories :: third floorstristega, tristegorum n
- thirst :: thirst forsitio 4
- thirst :: thirstsitis, sitis f
- thirsting :: thirsty :: thirsting forsitiens, sitientis
- thirty at a time :: thirty each :: thirtytriceni, tricenae, tricena
- thirty at a time :: thirty each :: thirtytrigeni, trigenae, trigena
- this alone :: this only :: this one alonehic unus
- this appertains to me :: this pertains to me(id) me attinet
- this belongs to me :: this concerns me(id) me attinet
- this is how I advise in this matter :: this is my recommendation about it :: this is my advice about itde ea re ita censeo
- this is of moment for me :: this is of importance for me(id) me attinet
- this is what I think about it :: this is my opinion about it :: this is how I judge itde ea re ita censeo
- this relates to me :: this refers to me(id) me attinet
- this still needs to be discussed :: there is still a need for negotiation :: this has not yet been fully discussedde hac re etiam agendum est
- thorn-bearing :: thornyspinifer, spinifera, spiniferum
- thorn-bearing :: thornyspiniger, spinigera, spinigerum
- thorn :: toothpickspina, spinae f
- thorn :: thornbushsentis, sentis m
- thoroughly moved :: troubledsollicitus, sollicita, sollicitum
- those who make out the censor’s lists :: the censor’s listscensuales, censualium m
- threat :: threateningcomminatio, comminationis f
- threaten one with something :: threaten with an attackcomminor 1
- threaten someone with a lawsuit :: threaten someone with legal actioncrimen alicui intento
- threaten someone's civil and economic existence :: threaten someone's livelihoodalicuius caput ac fortunas oppugno
- three born at a birth :: three twin-brothers :: threefold :: triple :: triformtrigeminus canis
- three born at a birth :: three twin-brothers :: threefold :: triple :: triformtrigeminus, trigemina, trigeminum
- three bottles :: three pintstrisextium, trisextii n
- three each :: three :: threefold :: tripletrini, trinae, trina
- three hundred each :: three hundred distributivelytreceni, trecenae, trecena
- three men holding an office together :: three men associated in public business :: three joint commissionerstriumviri, triumvirorum m
- three men holding an office together :: three men associated in public business :: three joint commissionerstresviri, tresvirorum
- three months old :: that ripens in three months :: that remain with us but three monthstrimestris, trimestre
- three times as much :: threefold portion :: tripletriplex, triplicis n
- three times bigger :: three times largertriplo maior
- three times :: thriceter
- three twelfths of an as :: trifleteruncius, teruncii m
- three years before :: three years agotribus annis ante
- three years before :: three years agotribus ante annis
- three-cleft :: three-forked :: threepointed :: threefold :: triple :: threeforkedtrisulcus, trisulca, trisulcum
- three-cornered :: triangular :: trigonaltrigonus, trigona, trigonum
- three-footed seat :: tripodtripus, tripodis m
- three-legged chair :: tripod chairtripeccia, tripecciae f
- three-legged chair :: tripod chairtripetia, tripetiae f
- three-legged figure :: triangletriscelum, trisceli n
- three-month ceasefire :: three-month armisticetrimestres indutiae
- three-sided :: trilateraltrilaterus, trilatera, trilaterum
- three :: triple :: three eachtrinus, trina, trinum
- threefold marriage :: third marriage :: trigamytrigamia, trigamiae f
- threefold :: tripletriiugus, triiuga, triiugum
- threefold :: tripletriplaris, triplare
- threefold :: tripletriplasius, triplasia, triplasium
- threeleaved grass :: trefoiltrifolium, trifolii n
- thrice bound together :: threefoldteriugus, teriuga, teriugum
- thrice poisoner :: triple-dyed scoundrel :: thorough knaveterveneficus, tervenefici m
- thricebearing :: that bears fruit three times a yeartrifer, trifera, triferum
- throttle :: torment :: torturestrangulo 1
- through each tribe :: tribe by tribetributim
- throw a skewer against someone :: throw a spear at someonetragulam inicio in aliquem
- throw a thing to :: throwadicio 5
- throw across :: throw :: transfer :: transporttraicio 5
- throw down :: turn out of possessiondeicio 5
- throw down :: take awayderuo 3 (tr.)
- throw into disorder :: throw into confusionconturbo 1
- throw lime on :: to limecaleco 1
- throw lime on :: to limecalico 1
- throw off by sweating :: to sweat outsudo 1
- throw on the earth :: throwdecubo 1
- throw on :: throw abovesuperinicio 5
- throw or fall head foremost :: turn a somersaultcernuo 1
- throw over :: throw uponsupermitto 3
- throw together :: throw :: turn :: treatcoicio 5
- throw together :: throw :: turn :: treatconicio 5
- throw together :: throw together in speakingconicio 5
- throw together :: to conjectureconiecto 1
- throw up by vomiting :: throw or pour out in abundancevomo 3
- throw :: throw aboutsipo 1
- throw :: throw aboutsupo 1
- throw :: throw overamphibalum, amphibali n
- throwing down :: throwing out :: turning out of possessiondeiectio, deiectionis f
- throwing down :: throwing to the groundstrages, stragis f
- throwing over :: throwing onsuperiectio, superiectionis f
- throwing together :: throwing, throwing down :: turningconiectus, coniectus m
- throwing up, vomiting :: that which is thrown up by vomitingvomitus, vomitus m
- thrust away :: thrust downdetrudo 3
- thrust through :: transpierce :: transfixtransfigo 3
- thrust through :: transfix :: transpiercetransfodio 5
- thrust together :: thrust :: to crowd incontrudo 3
- thrust with the horns :: trembleconisco 1
- thunder down :: thunder :: thunder forthdetono 1
- thunder :: thunder forthtono 1
- thy :: thinetuus, tua, tuum
- tickle of the lust :: titillation of the lusttitillatio voluptatum
- tickle :: titillatetitillo 1
- tickling :: titillationtitillatio, titillationis f
- tie on top :: tie at the topsuperalligo 1
- tie the hair in a knot :: tie up one's hair in a knotcrinem nodo substringo
- tiger :: tigress :: tiger-skintigris, tigridis c
- tiger :: tigress :: tiger-skintigris, tigris c
- tiles :: tiled rooftegula, tegulae f
- timber business :: timber tradenegotium abietarium
- time goes by :: time passestempus transit
- time is playing for me :: time is playing into my handstempus me iuvat
- time is playing for me :: time is playing into my handstempus mihi prodest
- time slot :: time frametempus ac spatium
- to a hair :: to a nicetyad unguem
- to a hair :: to a nicetyin unguem
- to arrange with someone :: to agree with someoneconsilia communico cum aliquo
- to avoid parables :: to leave parables asideut omittam similitudines
- to be at enmity :: to hate each other irreconcilablyimplacabiliter odi
- to be blasted by a constellation :: to be palsied by a constellation :: to be planet :: to be struck :: to be sunstrucksideror 1
- to be brief :: to abbreviate me :: to be shortut ad pauca redeam
- to be brief :: to abbreviate me :: to be shortut brevi complectar
- to be brief :: to abbreviate me :: to be shortut brevi praecidam
- to be brief :: to abbreviate me :: to be shortut breviter complectar
- to be brief :: to abbreviate me :: to be shortut breviter dicam
- to be brief :: to keep it shortut paucis complectar
- to be brief :: to keep it short :: to make a long story shortut ut brevi comprehendam
- to be dependent on someone :: to be fed by someonede alicuius vesperi ceno
- to be full of :: to be filled with :: to be abound in a thingscaturio 4 (scaturrio 4)
- to be full of :: to be filled with :: to be abound in a thingscaturrio 4
- to be in money embarrassment :: to be in money troublede pecunia laboro
- to be much accustomed :: to be much wontsolito 1
- to be old :: to be weak :: to be feebleseneo 2
- to be on the watch :: to be on the lookoutin speculis sum
- to be party-colored :: to be variegatedvariego 1
- to be plentiful :: to swarm :: to gush forth with :: to be full ofscateo 2
- to be plentiful :: to swarm :: to gush forth with :: to be full ofscato 3
- to be scurfy :: to be scabbyscabreō 2
- to bear seed :: to run to seedsemento 1
- to both places :: to both parts :: to both sidesutroque
- to chop :: to chaff :: to shredconcido 3
- to climb :: to ascendscando 3
- to swarm :: to aboundscaturio 4 (scaturrio 4)
- to concern oneself only fleetingly with something :: to deal with something only superficiallyextremis digitis aliquid attingo
- to cut with the sickle :: to mow with the sicklesicilio 4
- to dig into :: tear upsaucio 1
- to do something frequently :: to do something in multitudescelebro 1
- to either one of two sides :: to either sideutrolibet
- to exercise :: traincondoceo 2
- to feast with others :: to banquet with othersconvivo 1
- to feast with others :: to banquet with othersconvivor 1
- to give the example :: to cite the exampleut hoc afferam
- to mount :: to embark :: take shipconscendo 3
- to my great joy :: to my great satisfactioncum magna mea voluptate
- to my great pain :: to my great sorrowcum magno meo dolore
- to notify someone :: to make sure someone :: to inform someonecertum aliquem facio
- to place one’s self anywhere :: take one’s place :: take positionconsisto 3
- to pollute :: to defile :: to contaminate :: to desecratescelero 1
- to put it briefly :: to make a long story shortut paucis (rem) absolvam
- to put to death on the cross :: torture :: tormentcrucio 1
- to remain in the same parable :: to stay in the same parableut in eodem simili verser
- to satisfy :: to satiatesatullo 1
- to say it once and for all :: to put it once and for allut semel dicam
- to scratch :: to scrapescabo 3
- to seek a knot in a bulrush :: to find a difficulty where there is nonequaero in scirpo nodum
- to someone's detriment :: to the injury of somonedamnose
- to someone's disadvantage :: to someone's expensealicuius impendio
- to speak with greater force :: to emphasise it moreut emphaticoteron dicam
- to stream :: to flowscaturio 4 (scaturrio 4)
- to strike one thing against another :: to strike :: to contendconfligo 3
- to sum up my words :: to summarize my wordsut eorum, quae dixi, summam faciam
- to talk with Cicero :: to speak with Cicerout Ciceronis verbis utar
- to the measure :: to the limit :: to a great measure :: to a full measureadmodum
- to this place :: thus far :: to such a degreeadhuc
- to this :: thus far :: to such a degree - asadeo (2)
- to train :: teachcondocefacio 5
- to trust someone to predict the future :: to trust someone to be able to predict the futurete futura prospicere credo
- to which of two places :: to which side, to which partutro
- to-morrow :: the futurecras
- to :: towardad + Akk.
- token :: the matter which lies at the basis of any written or artistic representation :: themeargumentum, argumenti n
- toll :: taxvectigal, vectigalis n
- tomorrow :: the morrowcrastinum, crastini n
- tone leading :: tone sequenceagoge, agoges f
- tongue of a dovetail :: tenon of a dovetailsuscus, suscudis f
- tool :: toolsarma, armorum n
- tooth :: tine :: tooth of envydens, dentis m
- torment, rack :: torture severelyconcrucio 1
- torment :: torturecruciabilitas, cruciabilitatis f
- torment :: torturetortio, tortionis f
- tormenter :: torturercruciator, cruciatoris m
- tormenting :: torturingcruciabilis, cruciabile
- tortoise :: the constellation Lyrachelys, chelyos f
- tortoise :: tortoise-shelltestudo, testudinis f
- torture someone :: torment someonecruciatu aliquem afficio
- torture violently :: tormentdiscrucio 1
- torture :: tormenttorto 1
- torture :: tormentcruciatus, cruciatus m
- torture :: tormentcarnificium, carnificii n
- torture :: tormentcruciamen, cruciaminis n
- torture :: tormentcruciamentum, cruciamenti n
- torture :: tormenttortiono 1
- torturer :: tormentorconflictor, conflictoris m
- torturing :: tormentingcruciabundus, cruciabunda, cruciabundum
- toss :: toss to and fro :: toss grain into the airventilo 1
- totally devoted :: totally consecrateddedicatissimus, dedicatissima, dedicatissimum
- touch a sore spot :: touch on a delicate subjectulcus tango (attingo)
- touch on all sides :: touch :: take hold of :: taste :: touch impurelycontingo 3
- touch one gently :: touch one softlymolli articulo tracto aliquem
- touch one lightly :: touch one gentlydigito aliquem attingo
- touch sharply :: twittaxo 1
- touch someone :: touch a hair on someone's headdigito aliquem attingo
- touch :: taste :: to approach :: touch upon in speakingattingo 3
- touch :: taste :: to approach :: touch upon in speakingadtingo 3
- touch :: touch in examining :: touch carnally :: take by stealthcontracto 1
- touch :: touch in examining :: touch carnally :: take by stealthcontrecto 1
- touch :: take :: take awaytango 3
- touching :: term applied to words which denote a taking of many things togetheradtrectatio, adtrectationis f
- touching :: term applied to words which denote a taking of many things togetherattrectatio, attrectationis f
- touching :: treatment :: treatise :: tractatetractatus, tractatus m
- touching :: touchadtactus, adtactus m
- touching :: touchattactus, attactus m
- touching :: touchtactus, tactus m
- touching :: touchtactio, tactionis f
- touching :: touch :: twingestringor, stringoris m
- touchstone :: test-stonebasanites, basanitae m
- touring theatre :: touring stagetheatrum ambulatorium
- towards day :: towards morningsublucanus, sublucana, sublucanum
- towards the left side :: to the leftsinistrorsum
- towards the left side :: to the leftsinistrorsus
- towards the left side :: to the leftsinistroversum
- towards the left side :: to the leftsinistroversus
- towards the right side :: to the rightdextrorsum (dextrorsus, dextroversum)
- towards the right side :: to the rightdextrorsus
- towards the right side :: to the rightdextrorsus vergens
- towards the right side :: to the rightdextroversum
- towering rocks :: towering cliffscautes celsae
- towering rocks :: towering cliffscautis, cautis f
- track armour :: tracked armourlorica serta
- tracker :: tracervestigator, vestigatoris m
- tracker :: tracervestigiator, vestigiatoris m
- trade of procurer :: trade of pimping :: trade of panderingconciliatura, conciliaturae f
- trade together :: traffic togethercommercor 1
- trade union member :: trade unionistcollegii opificum particeps
- trade union movement :: trade unionismcollegiorum opificum motus
- trade union work :: trade union activitycollegii opificum navitas
- traffic in any thing :: trade in any thingcauponor 1
- tragedy poet :: tragedianvates cothurnatus
- train :: troopagmen, agminis n
- transcendent :: transcend the worldtransmundanus, transmundana, transmundanum
- transferring of the possession to another :: transferring of one’s selfalienatio, alienationis f
- transformable :: transfigurabletransfigurabilis, transfigurabile
- transformer :: transfigurertransfigurator, transfiguratoris m
- transgression of law :: transgressiondelictum, delicti n
- translate something from Greek into Latin :: transfer something from Greek into Latinaliquid e Graeco in Latinum (sermonem) converto (verto)
- transportation :: trafficres vectoria
- transverse furrow :: transversal furrowsulcus transversus
- travel by ship :: travel by seaclasse proficiscor
- travelling circus :: troop of barnstormerscircus ambulatorius
- travelling circus :: troop of barnstormerscircus circumforaneus
- tread all around :: trample upon all aroundcircumcalco 1
- tread all around :: trample upon all aroundcircumculco 1
- tread down :: trample upondeculco 1
- tread something :: tread upon something :: tread under foot :: tread down :: trample uponcalco 1
- tread under foot :: tread down :: trample upon in a hostile manner :: treat with contemptconculco 1
- treasure-keeper :: treasurerthesaurensis, thesaurensis m
- treat dishonorably :: treat disgracefully, :: treat insultinglycontumelia insequor
- treated subject :: treated topic :: themethema, thematis n
- tree crown :: treetopcacumen arboris
- tree :: things made of woodarbor, arboris f
- trembling :: timoroustrepidulus, trepidula, trepidulum
- trembling :: trembling with feartremebundus, tremebunda, tremebundum
- trembling :: trembling with feartremibundus, tremibunda, tremibundum
- trembling :: trembling with feartremidus, tremida, tremidum
- tremblingly :: timorouslytrepidanter
- triangle :: trigontrigonum, trigoni n
- triangular :: three-cornered :: trigonaltrigonicus, trigonica, trigonicum
- tribal hero :: tribal fatherauctor gentis
- tricolour :: three-colouredtricolor, tricoloris
- tried :: testedspectatus, spectata, spectatum
- trifles :: toys :: trumpery :: trickstricae, tricarum f
- trilling singing :: trillingcantilo 1
- trim :: thin outsubluco 1
- trimming someone's feathers :: trimming someone's wingsalicui pennas incido
- trip up one’s heels :: throw down,throw to the ground :: trips upsupplanto 1
- triple domination :: threefold ruletriplex regnum
- triple open standing :: triple opentripatens, tripatentis
- triple :: trebletrigemino 1
- triplicity of shape :: triformitytriformitas, triformitatis f
- triplicity of shape :: triformitytriformiter
- tripling :: trebling :: triplicationtriplicatio, triplicationis f
- tripod :: tripod boilertripes, tripedis m
- triumphal procession :: triumphtriumphus, triumphi m
- troop :: throngturma, turmae f
- troops standing on the other side of the Po :: troops standing beyond the Pocopiae trans Padum agentes
- trouble :: turbulenceturbulentia, turbulentiae f
- true nature :: truth of natureveritas, veritatis f
- true :: trueverus, vera, verum
- trusting :: trustfulanimo fiednti
- try to influence someone :: try to win someone :: try to capture someonealicuius animum verso
- try to thwart the plan :: try to frustrate the plan :: try to foil the planconsilium impedire conor
- trying to fight back :: trying to defend yourselfvim paro
- tub :: tuncupa, cupae f
- tufa :: tufftofus, tofi m
- tufa :: tufftophus, tophi m
- tuft :: tuft of thatch :: tuft of reeds used for thatchingpanicula, paniculae f
- tunny :: tunny-fishthunnus, thunni m
- tunny :: tunny-fishtunnus, tunni m
- turmoil :: tumult :: throng :: train :: troopturba, turbae f
- turn a thing to :: turn a thing toward a placeadverto 3
- turn a thing to :: turn a thing toward a placeadvorto 3
- turn a thing to :: turn a thing toward a placearverto 3
- turn around in a circle :: to make a circuit :: turn aroundcircumagor 3
- turn aside :: turn off :: turn awaydetorqueo 2
- turn aside :: turn towards :: turn indeverto 3 (intr.)
- turn away :: turn asidedeverto 3 (tr.)
- turn away :: turn asidedevorto 3 (tr.)
- turn in a lathe :: turntorno 1
- turn off :: turn :: turn off with a lathedetorno 1
- turn often :: twist often :: turn up :: treat :: turn upside down :: think over :: transactverso 1
- turn often :: twist often :: turn up :: treat :: turn upside down :: think over :: transactvorso 1
- turn one's back on someone :: turn away from someonealicui tergum obverto
- turn one’s back :: tergiversatetergiversor 1
- turn one’s self aside :: turn one’s self to any place :: turn indevertor 3
- turn one’s self aside :: turn one’s self to any place :: turn indevortor 3 (intr.)
- turn one’s self from :: turn away :: turn away a person or thing from one’s selfaversor 1 (avorsor 1)
- turn one’s self from :: turn away :: turn away a person or thing from one’s selfavorsor 1
- turn out of the track :: turn asidedeorbito 1
- turn out of the track :: turn asideexorbito 1
- turn out that :: turn out to be thatcontingit (ut ...)
- turn out well :: turn out for the betterbene verrunco
- turn round :: turn back :: turn somewhere :: turn to :: translateconverto 3
- turn something away from a place :: turn off :: take awayaverto 3 (avorto 3)
- turn the sail :: tackversoriam capio
- turn this way and that in the fight :: turn soon here, soon there in battlearma circumfero
- turn to new things :: tackle new thingsnova aggredior
- turn to :: turn towardafflecto 3
- turn :: turn aboutverrunco 1
- turn :: turn around :: turn towardconvertor 3
- turn :: turn round, turn about :: transform :: turn one’s selfverto 3 (vorto 3)
- turn :: turn round, turn about :: transform :: turn one’s selfvorto 3
- turn :: twist :: twirl :: throw out violently :: throw out forciblycontorqueo 2
- turned across :: transverse :: traversetransversus, transversa, transversum
- turned across :: transverse :: traversetransvorsus, transvorsa, transvorsum
- turned against :: that is the subject of disputecontroversus, controversa, controversum
- turned off :: turned awayaversus, aversa, aversum (avorsus)
- turned off :: turned awayavorsus, avorsa, avorsum
- turned to a thing :: turned toward a thingadversus, adversa, adversum
- turned to a thing :: turned toward a thingadvorsus, advorsa, advorsum
- turned to :: turned towardadversus, adversa, adversum
- turning point :: turn of the timesconversio temporum
- turning round :: the periodical return of the seasons caused by the revolution of the heavenly bodiesconversio, conversionis f
- turning round :: turn :: twirlvertigo, vertiginis f
- turning :: turnerytornatura, tornaturae f
- Turnus attollit animos
- turret-bearing :: turreted :: turret-crowned :: turreledturrifer, turrifera, turriferum
- turret-bearing :: turreted :: turret-crowned :: turreledturriger, turrigera, turrigerum
- twenty-nine each :: twentynine undetriceni, undetricenae, undetricena
- twice a day :: twice dailybis cotidie
- twice a day :: twice dailybis die
- twice a year :: twice yearlybis anno
- twice as big :: twice as largealterum tantum
- twice as big :: twice as muchbis tanto
- twice as big :: twice as muchbis tantum
- twice six :: twelvefoldbis senus
- twice within a year :: twice a yearbis in anno
- twice :: twofoldbis
- twilight :: the dusk of the eveningcrepusculum, crepusculi n
- twin brother :: twinconnatus, connati m
- twist and turn :: try by hook or by crookagino 1
- twist around :: turn aroundcircumtorqueo 2
- twist :: twist awry :: twist awrytorqueo 2
- twisting :: torment :: torturetortura, torturae f
- two by two :: two to each :: two each :: two at a time :: twobini, binae, bina
- two day trips :: two day marchesvia bidui
- two days after these events :: two days after this had happenedbiduo, quo haec gesta sunt
- two days after :: two days laterbiduo post
- two feet long :: two feet broadbipedus, bipeda, bipedum
- two feet long :: two feet broad :: two feet thickbipedalis, bipedale
- two feet long :: two feet broad :: two feet thickbipedaneus, bipedanea, bipedaneum
- two or three times :: two or three timesbis terve
- two pairs each :: two couples eachbina coniugia
- two spans long :: two spans broadbipalmis, bipalme
- two spans long :: two spans broadbipalmus, bipalma, bipalmum
- two whole days :: two full daystotum biduum
- two years ago :: two years beforebiennio ante
- two-footed :: two leggedbipes, bipedis
- twopenny sweetheart :: twopenny whorediobolaria, diobolariae f
- twopenny sweethearts :: twopenny whoresdiobolae meretrices
- twotongued :: treacherousbilinguis, bilingue
- twotongued :: treacherousbilinguus, bilingua, bilinguum
- tyrannous :: tyrannicaltyrannicus, tyrannica, tyrannicum
- tyrant :: tyrannytyrannis, tyrannidis f
- take offdiscooperio 4
- take offdetego 3
- tunic :: tegumenttunica, tunicae f
- tunic with long sleevestunica manicata
- the persons who deliberateconsilium, consilii n
- tryconor 1
- take in handattingo 3
- transgression :: that which is intrusted :: trustcommissum, commissi n
- treble and bass whistletibiae impares
- timeaevum, aevi n
- trade union chairpersoncollegii opificum praeses
- to become oneunesco 3
- to become oneunisco 3
- togetherconiunctim
- thousand-virtueschiliodynama, chiliodynamae f
- thousand-virtueschiliodynamia, chiliodynamiae f
- thousand-leaveschiliophyllon, chiliophylli n
- too young girluva immitis
- tranquilsecurus, secura, securum
- topmost :: the top ofsummus, summa, summum
- tumult :: tempest :: tumulttumultus, tumultus m
- treat, adduceconicio 5
- torturetormenta adhibeo
- take advantage ofutor 3
- that is willingly solicited :: that is willingly entreatedambitiosus, ambitiosa, ambitiosum
- true accusationcrimen verum
- vallis lacrimarum
- the hollowsconvexa, convexorum n
- the nearestcitumus, cituma, citumum
- thick :: thickly coveredcondensus, condensa, condensum
- that costs much, dearsumptuosus, sumptuosa, sumptuosum
- the Sibylline books, written upon linencarbasa, carbasorum n
- the Sibylline books, written upon linencarbasum, carbasi n
- the Sibylline books, written upon linencarbasus, carbasi f
- trochiltrochilus, trochili m
- the Bowlcreterrae, creterrarum f
- the Bowlcrater, crateris m (cratera, craterae f)
- the Bowlcratera, craterae f
- three-peck measuretrimodia, trimodiae f
- three-peck measuretrimodium, trimodii n
- triremetrireme, triremis n
- triremetriremis, triremis f
- tormentdiscruciatus, discruciatus m
- typhoontyphon, typhonis m
- tone :: tonevox, vocis f
- take a vow togetherconvoveo 2
- take a rest day to strengthen the animalsdiem unum opperitur ad reficienda iumenta
- time of keeping watch by nightvigilia, vigiliae f
- time of keeping watch by nightvigilium, vigilii n
- take a walkdeambulo 1
- the citizensurbs, urbis f
- talk idlyallucinor 1
- talk idlyalucinor 1 (halucinor 1)
- talk idlyhallucinor 1
- that is wanting to the measurediametrum, diametri n
- theatre of warbellicum, bellici n
- theatre of warbelli sedes
- travelling chariotcovinnus, covinni m
- travelling chariotcovinus, covini m
- the trumpeting of the elephantsbarritus, barritus m
- the fire of lovecalor, caloris m
- threadstamen, staminis n
- temperdiluo 3
- take heedcustodio 4
- tutor of minors :: tutor of womentutor, tutoris m
- tutelage of minorstutela, tutelae f
- the celebrated fall of the Nilecataracta, cataractae f
- the celebrated fall of the Nilecataractes, cataractae m
- the celebrated fall of the Nilecatarracta, catarractae f
- the celebrated fall of the Nilecatarractes, catarractae m
- that breaks the wavesfluctifragus, fluctifraga, fluctifragum
- that breaks the wavesundifragus, undifraga, undifragum
- talon :: tideunda, undae f
- travellerviator, viatoris m
- the body more to serveanimi imperio, corporis servitio magis utimur
- trivialize something through one's wordsdicendo extenuo aliquid
- tread upon :: take one’s waycarpo 3
- touchedaffectus, affecta, affectum
- toil awayconteror 3
- tediousnesstaedium, taedii n
- turbanedtiaratus, tiarata, tiaratum
- transalpinbracatus, bracata, bracatum (braccatus)
- transalpinbraccatus, braccata, braccatum
- tedioustaediosus, taediosa, taediosum
- tire a persondefatigo 1 (defetigo 1)
- tire a persondefetigo 1
- tire a persondiffatigo 1
- tire outdelasso 1
- texturetextura, texturae f
- threads that run lengthwise in the loomtela, telae f
- take counseldelibero 1
- tearfuludus, uda, udum
- tingetingo 3
- tingetinguo 3
- the sound of blowstax
- the sound of blowstax pax
- the sound of blowstuxtax
- top :: the height :: top of a gable-endcolumen, columinis n
- title of JupiterUrios, Urii m
- top of the head :: top :: the highest :: the uttermost :: the greatestvertex, verticis m
- top of the head :: top :: the highest :: the uttermost :: the greatestvortex, vorticis m
- the white of an eggalbor, alboris m
- title of a mime of Laberiuscacomnemon, cacomnemonis m
- the sufferercui res praestanda est
- totallyex toto
- totallyin totum
- thread-basketcalathus, calathi m
- the interlocked shieldscrates, cratis f (cratis, cratis f)
- the interlocked shieldscratis, cratis f
- toupeealieni crines
- the bryonybryonia, bryoniae f
- the bryonybryonias, bryoniadis f
- tricktechina, techinae f
- tricktechna, ae f
- testamentvoluntas, voluntatis f
- to prove oneself victoriousvictor evado
- twine aroundcircumplico 1
- twine round something :: treatamplector 3
- tracheatrachia, trachiae f
- tracheatransitus spiritus
- types of winevina, vinorum n
- take awaydetergeo 2
- two-threadedbilix, bilicis
- thick-skinned :: thickcallosus, callosa, callosum
- tumultuouslytumultuose
- that turns a somersault :: tumbler :: turning a wheelcernuus, cernua, cernuum
- two-cresteddilophos, dilophon
- together :: together withcum + Abl.
- thin-buttockeddepugis, depuge
- thin-buttockeddepygis, depyge (depugis, depuge)
- tractablytractabiliter
- trouble-freesolute
- testimony :: that which serves as prooftestimonium, testimonii n
- table made of citruswoodcitrum, citri n
- title of a lost comedy attributed to Plautusastraba, astrabae f
- timber roadtrames lignarius
- tritecontritus, contrita, contritum
- tritedetritus, detrita, detritum
- that produces wonderadmirabilis, admirabile
- triple-twilledtrilix, trilicis
- textiletextilis, textile
- the seed-coveringvolva, volvae f (vulva, vulvae f)
- the seed-coveringvulva, vulvae f
- transfer in writing :: transcribe :: transfertransscribo 3
- transfertranscribo 3
- tablet written upontabula, tabulae f
- turn outcado 3
- the citizenship love for youamor in te civitatis
- tender ageaetatula, aetatulae f
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