1536 Ergebnisse
- gird to :: gird on :: gird round :: gird aboutaccingo 3
- glittering with goldaurigans, aurigantis
- ground-serpentchamaedracōn, chamaedracontos m
- globularsphaeroides, sphaeroides
- glow of lightafflatus, afflatus m (adflatus)
- going togethercongressus, congressus m
- guessingconiectatio, coniectationis f
- gurgler :: gurgling personcurculio, curculionis m
- graverscalptor, scalptoris m
- graylingsciaena, sciaenae f
- gilt-breamaurata, auratae f
- gibbetarbor infelix
- giftdatus, datus m
- going at willcommeatus, commeatus m
- griefcontritio, contritionis f
- guestsconvivium, convivii n
- graylingsciadeus, sciadei m
- geniusvir ingeniosus
- geniusvir magno ingenio
- geniusvir magno ingenio praeditus
- ground-pineaiuga, aiugae f
- goat’s-thorncarphos, carphis n
- goat’s-thorncarphus, carphi m
- goat’s-beardtragopogon, tragopogonis m
- goat’s-thymetragoriganum, tragorigani n
- goat’s-thymetragoriganus, tragorigani m
- groundselavia, aviae f [2]
- golden micaammochrysos, ammochrysi m
- golden micaammochrysus, ammochrysi m
- getting readyadparatus, adparatus m
- getting readyapparatus, apparatus m
- giving in marriagecollocatio, collocationis f
- grammatical connectionconstructio, constructionis f
- going to and froconcursatio, concursationis f
- glanceconspectus, conspectus m
- goalcalcis, calcis f
- goalcalx, calcis f
- guardianshipcuratio, curationis f
- gold-leaf :: glitterbractea, bracteae f
- gold-leaf :: glitterbrattea, bratteae f (bractea)
- guardcustodela, custodelae f
- guard :: guard-housecustodia, custodiae f
- go back on one's planconsilium meum minuo
- give up the planconsilio desisto
- getaccipio 5
- government accountingcura tabularum publicarum
- gain a victoryvictoriam adipiscor
- giving up :: giftdatio, dationis f
- getacquiro 3
- give moreaddo 3
- give something to one for his convenience or use :: give :: grantcommodo 1
- govern the statecivitatem administro
- go along with someone's planalicuius consilio obsequor
- go through :: go at an enddecurro 3
- good resultsuccessus, successus m
- griefangoria, angoriae f
- grow oldassenesco 3
- geriatricannis plenus
- go betweensequester, sequestris m
- givesubministro 1
- givesumministro 1
- gleam :: glitteringaura, aurae f
- generaluniversi, universae, universa
- generaluniversus, universa, universum
- generalunivorsus, univorsa, univorsum
- give someone free entryalicui ius admissionis liberae do
- great duck-weedstratiotes, stratiotae m
- goatbarbatus, barbati m
- griefcontristatio, contristationis f
- grantingconcessio, concessionis f
- guardian :: griefcura, curae f
- gassis, assis m
- gatheringconglobatio, conglobationis f
- growthaugumentum, augumenti n
- ground-levelchorobates, chorobatae m
- great-parentsatavi, atavorum m
- gulfangulus, anguli m
- give an ambiguous answerambigue respondeo
- grindstonecos, cotis f
- grindstonecotis, cotis f
- great quantitythesaurus, thesauri m
- greenflyaphis, aphidis f
- gnomeaphorismus, aphorismi m
- graspcomprehendo 3
- graspcomprendo 3
- go to school with someonealicuius alumnus sum
- glebearvum, arvi n
- get along well with each otherbene convenit inter aliquos
- get :: get possession ofadipiscor 3
- go up :: grow up :: go aboard ship :: go out to seaascendo 3
- give someone influenceauctoritatem alicui perhibeo
- givetribuo 3
- giveadtribuo 3
- giveattribuo 3 (adtribuo 3)
- graduallytempore
- graduallytempori
- give someone guardsalicui custodes indo
- guarantorconsignator, consignatoris m
- guarantyauctoritas, auctoritatis f
- guarantyautoritas, autoritatis f
- go out of the way ofdevito 1
- get this man away from me!ultro istum a me
- greaseaxungia, axungiae f
- going backsupinus, supina, supinum
- guilty conscienceanimus male sibi conscius
- globespaera, spaerae f
- globesphaera, sphaerae f
- globesphera, spherae f
- gala dinnerconvivatio, convivationis f
- give judgment :: give sentence :: give evidencearbitror 1
- give evidence :: give to understandtestor 1
- go berserkstupefio
- go to school with someonedisciplina alicuius utor
- grow to something :: grow at something :: grow upon something :: grow afterwards (of teeth)agnascor 3
- grow to something :: grow at something :: grow upon something :: grow afterwards (of teeth)annascor 3
- grow to :: grow at :: grow upon :: grow afterwardsadnascor 3
- glitter :: glisten :: glowing with passioncandeo 2
- govehor 3
- get driedarefio
- get into troubleangustior 1
- getting readycingor 3
- give updespero 1
- glowaestuo 1
- glimmer :: glitter :: gleamvibro 1 (intr.)
- glow with lovetepeo 2
- guide :: govern :: guideadministro 1
- glow :: glisten :: glitter :: glowardeo 2
- guard againstcaveo 2
- get ready for both casesalterutri me fortunae paro
- gnawed by the ravages of slander :: gnawed by the ravages of envydente Theonino circumrodor
- get ruffled by the windsverberor ventis
- glow :: glow in mindcaleo 2
- give :: grantconfero
- give to one :: grantdefero
- give the preference toantefero
- give evidencetestificor 1
- giving testimonytestatio, testationis f
- giving testimony :: giving evidencetestificatio, testificationis f
- grindcontundo 3
- grow to be a treearboresco 3
- get life :: grow lively :: grow strong :: grow vigorousvivesco 3
- get life :: grow lively :: grow strong :: grow vigorousvivisco 3
- grow up thin :: grow up far apartcalvesco 3
- grow bright :: grow clearclaresco 3
- grow filthysordesco 3
- get drysicco 1
- grow towards eveningvesperascit
- get stout :: gain weightcorpus facio
- grow togethersolidesco 3
- gather strengthconcrebresco 3
- grow strongcrebesco 3
- grow strongcrebresco 3 (crebesco 3)
- grow worseaggravesco 3
- grow sickaegresco 3
- get embroiled in a warbello implicor
- grow hornycornesco 3
- grow moist :: grow wet :: grow damp :: grow dank :: grow humiduvesco 3
- grow red hotcandesco 3
- give assent toacquiesco 3
- get skinnycorpus amitto
- grievecontristor 1
- give a pledge as bondsmanauctoro 1
- grow dumbconsilesco 3
- gain strengthvigoro 1
- grow thoroughly warm :: glow :: glow with loveconcalesco 3
- grow weary :: grow faintdefatiscor 3
- grow weary :: grow faintdefetiscor 3 (defatiscor 3)
- grow very darkcontenebrasco 3
- grow very darkcontenebresco 3
- grow clearalbicasco 3
- generally :: generallyvolgo
- generally :: generallyvulgo
- gnawadedo
- growaugesco 3
- growadaugesco 3
- go to sleepaddormio 4
- grow fat :: grow stoutturgesco 3
- greatness :: grandeurdignitas, dignitatis f
- glutton :: gormandizerventer, ventris m
- gripesstrophoma, strophomatis n
- gripesstrophus, strophi m
- globularsphaeralis, sphaerale
- good for a coughtussicularis, tussiculare
- given in consequence of a vowvotivus, votiva, votivum
- growing wildsilvester, silvestris, silvestre
- growing wildsilvestris, silvestre
- givendativus, dativa, dativum
- glitteringsidereus, siderea, sidereum
- generalvulgaris, vulgare
- generalvulgarius, vulgaria, vulgarium
- good against the colictorminalis, torminale
- grandtragicus, tragica, tragicum
- girdlesona, sonae f
- girdlezona, zonae f
- gulfsinus, sinus m
- grown inwards :: grown awryvarus, vara, varum
- grapeacina, acinae f
- grapeacinum, acini n
- grapeacinus, acini m
- glitteringstellans, stellantis
- go anywhereme confero
- gall juicesumores fellinei
- guardvincio 4
- grappler :: grabberaucupator, aucupatoris m
- grappler :: grabberaucupex, aucupicis m
- gooseauca, aucae f
- gnawadmordeo 2
- gnawingadmorsus, admorsus m
- gloomyater, atra, atrum
- glowing heattorres, torris f
- grumblebalatus, balatus m
- give someone the wrong impressionalicuius aciem mentis praestringo
- geniusvena, venae f
- gorycruore oblitus
- got enragedsufflo 1
- give a signal with the trumpetbucino 1
- get into the vehiclevehiculum escendo
- grapestabulatum, tabulati n
- gondolacumba, cumbae f
- gondolacymba, cymbae f (cumba, cumbae f )
- grow violenteffervesco 3
- godfather :: godmothersponsor, sponsoris m
- get on someone's bodycomminus ad aliquem accedo
- greet someone with a bowcorpore inclinato aliquem saluto
- give a slapcolaphizo 1
- give a slapcolapho aliquem ferio
- go against the rulecontra regulam committo
- gasp away with short sobssingulto 1
- give the h soundaspiro 1
- give the h soundadspiro 1
- gentle blowing of airspiritus, spiritus m
- glitteringsplendidus, splendida, splendidum
- glorifyingclarificus, clarifica, clarificum
- give an account ofdefero
- guide :: governago 3
- gathercompono 3
- give the conversation a different directionsermonem alio transfero
- gossipaliis narro
- gainconcilio 1
- get under :: get upsubigo 3
- give to drinkadaquo 1
- get wateraquor 1
- giveaffero
- go into oneselfanimum ad se ipsum advoco
- gratuity collected together for the emperorcollatio, collationis f
- Brito, Britonis m (Britto, Brittonis m )
- gushing up of waterbullitio, bullitionis f
- gushing up of waterbullitus, bullitūs m
- gunshot woundsvulnera missilium
- grave :: gravesepulcrum, sepulcri n
- galluro 3
- glowuror 3
- good-willstudium, studii n
- gravelcalculatio, calculationis f [2]
- get a respiteadvoco 1
- giraffecamelopardalis, camelopardalis f
- giraffecamelopardalus, camelopardali m
- giraffecamelopardus, camelopardi m
- garagecisiarium, cisiarii n
- governcuro 1
- glib wordsverba non circumspecta
- go throughcircumvecto 1
- get rid ofdiffero
- getdeporto 1
- gather :: get inconveho 3
- gristlecartilago, cartilaginis f
- gristlycartilagineus, cartilaginea, cartilagineum
- gambling housealatorium, aleatorii n
- give upabicio 5
- get rid of one's shacklesvincula mihi exuo
- give cause for something to happenalicuius rei materiam do
- go throughtransmitto 3
- grotspecus, specus m
- grottoantrum, antri n
- give destiny a new directionfatalia deverto
- gracefullyvenuste
- graftingaffiliatio, affiliationis f
- goateementum, menti n
- gravercaelum, caeli n
- gravercelum, celi n
- gravercoelum, coeli n
- gravercilio, cilionis m
- gatherdeligo 3
- girdlecinctura, cincturae f
- global citizencivis universi
- magistratus, magistratus m
- grasping any thingdeplexus, deplexa, deplexum
- genuinesincerus, sincera, sincerum
- good conscienceconscientia virtutis
- give waytergum do
- glancingargutus, arguta, argutum
- gloriousclarus, clara, clarum
- gladserenus, serena, serenum
- graphicallysignificanter
- garmentvestimentum, vestimenti n
- georgianColchus, Colcha, Colchum
- Colchis, Colchidis f
- gather provisionsannonor 1
- get :: gain :: gather up in memorycolligo 3
- gathered together :: gathered hastily without selectioncollecticius, collecticia, collecticium
- gathered together :: gathered hastily without selectioncollectitius, collectitia, collectitium
- gathered togethercollectivus, collectiva, collectivum
- gatheringconceptus, conceptus m
- gatheringconcilium, concilii n
- giganticcolossus, colossa, colossum
- giganticcolosseus, colossea, colosseum (colossaeus, colossiaeus)
- giganticcolossiaeus, colossiaea, colossiaeum
- giganticcolossicos, colossicon
- giganticcolossicus, colossica, colossicum
- give someone a beatingdepecto 3
- gladiator :: groundsman of the arenaarenarius, arenarii m
- graspcircumvenio 4
- get the start ofantevenio 4
- go down :: go :: go intodescendo 3
- grow :: grow :: grow upcresco 3
- go to :: go to a placedevenio 4
- go beyondsupervenio 4
- go under any thing :: go on :: go downsubeo
- go to and froconcurso 1
- good!age
- good!agedum (agitedum)!
- good issuesuccessio, successionis f
- give a foreign nature to a thingadultero 1
- give a foreign nature to a thingadulteror 1
- gracecommendo 1
- generally one saysvulgo dicitur
- gracevenia, veniae f
- grasp somecogitatione aliquid comprehendo
- grasp something mentallycogitatione aliquid complector
- grasp something mentallycogitatione aliquid comprehendo
- grottocripta, criptae f
- grottocrupta, cruptae f
- grottocrypta, cryptae f
- guesscoiector 1
- give full assurance ofconfirmo 1
- guildcollegium, collegii n
- guiltyculpae conscius
- guilty feaconscientia, conscientiae f
- gathered togetherconsponsus, consponsa, consponsum
- governorconsul, consulis m
- go to for counselconsultor 1
- grow colddefrigesco 3
- gintenus, tenoris n
- growing corn :: groundseges, segetis f
- grave robberbisbellio, bisbellionis m
- grave robberbisbillus, bisbilli m
- grave robberbispellio, bispellionis m
- grave robberbispello, bispellonis m
- grave robbervespillo, vespillonis m
- grave robbervispellio, vispellionis m
- grave robbervispillo, vispillonis m
- grossness of bodycorpulentia, corpulentiae f
- grosscorporosus, corporosa, corporosum
- governorcorrector, correctoris m
- give the number of somethingannumero 1 (adnumero 1)
- gentlenesscomitas, comitatis f
- gaming-boardabacus, abaci m
- garmentvelamen, velaminis n
- gilt :: glistening like gold :: golden :: gildedbracteatus, bracteata, bracteatum
- gilt :: glistening like gold :: golden :: gildedbratteatus, bratteata, bratteatum (bracteatus)
- garment :: gowntoga virilis
- greedilyavare
- greedilyavariter
- creator, creatoris m
- gobletcalix, calicis m
- gobletscyphus, scyphi m
- give a curling motion to :: give a undulatory motion toconcrispo 1
- gorecaedes, caedis f
- gravingscalptura, scalpturae f
- gloomy :: green :: greenishcaeruleus, caerulea, caeruleum
- gloomy :: green :: greenishcaerulus, caerula, caerulum
- gloomy :: green :: greenishcoeruleus, coerulea, coeruleum
- gloomy :: green :: greenishcoerulus, coerula, coerulum
- gloomycaligineus, caliginea, caligineum
- gloomytenebrosus, tenebrosa, tenebrosum
- gloomytenebricus, tenebrica, tenebricum
- gloomyatrox, atrocis
- gloomtenebrae, tenebrarum f
- gloomtenebrositas, tenebrositatis f
- granddaughter of a great-grandchildadneptis, adneptis f
- granddaughter of a great-grandchildatneptis, atneptis f
- goddess of the morningaurora, aurorae f
- glareabbacino 1
- glittercandor, candoris m
- group of ten monksdecania, decaniae f
- give updico 1
- given up toaddictus, addicta, addictum
- greater reason :: greater intellectaltior intellectus
- grant in inheritance mattersdevolutio, devolutionis f
- go awayancoram (navem) solvo
- go awayancoras tollo
- geldcastro 1
- go back to the origin :: go back to the source :: go back to the beginningā fonte repeto
- geographychorographia, chorographiae f
- generateparturio 4
- greedcupido, cupidinis f
- greediness of gain in tradecupiditas, cupiditatis f
- give up hope of rescuede salute despero
- give one’s self up tome devoveo
- given todevotus, devota, devotum
- greatly attached todevinctus, devincta, devinctum
- give one's lifeanimam do
- grindconficio 5
- guestcenator, cenatoris m
- give heed to :: give attentionanimadverto 3
- give heed to :: give attentionanimadvorto 3
- get on my waycastra commoveo
- get on my waycastra moveo
- governtempero 1
- god's blessingdei benignitas
- grace withafficio 5
- gain or mortise in which rafters or joists liecolumbarium, columbarii n
- grazestringo 3
- getcontraho 3
- gettraho 3
- get dressedvestem induo
- give to drinkpoto 1
- growing in moist placesbibulus, bibula, bibulum
- gobletculilla, culillae f
- gobletcululla, culullae f
- gobletculullus, cululli m (culillus, culilli m )
- get rid of a nuisanceabigo 3
- go there in the carcurru advehor
- gather togethercogo 3
- groomagaso, agasonis m
- gentlycommode
- godcoelicola, coelicolae m
- greedyavarus, avara, avarum
- greedilyavide
- greedilyaviditer
- groundTellus, Telluris f
- gnaw aroundambadedo
- gobble uptuburcinor 1
- gnawedadesus, adesa, adesum
- gourmandcomesor, comesoris m
- good appetiteamor edendi
- gulfvoratrina, voratrinae f
- gum of the Egyptian pod-thornacacia, acaciae f
- gracefullyscitule
- get out of the wayde medio tollo
- glowvaporo 1
- grope aboutcaligino 1
- grope aboutcaligo 1
- grope aboutcalligo 1
- gabblevaniloquium, vaniloquii n
- gathering of the field signscollatio signorum
- greatauctus, aucta, auctum
- give someone informationcertiorem facio
- go intoadingredior 5
- graspcomplector 3
- give wayconsido 3
- gallows birdcrux, crucis f
- go to :: go hastily tocontendo 3
- give up the ghostanimam ago
- get to know something directly from practical experiencealiquid ipso cognosco in actu
- glassesvitra ocularia
- go outdeficior 5
- go wrongmale evenio
- going outdelinquio, delinquionis f
- going outdeliquio, deliquionis f (delinquio, delinquionis f)
- going outdeliquium, deliquii n
- go to pieces :: go to decay :: go to ruin :: glide awaydilabor 3
- go downcado 3
- get where :: get carried awaydeferor
- glide downdelabor 3
- get dupeddolo capior
- glide :: glide awaysublabor 3
- greetings!ave!
- gluttonyabdomen, abdominis n
- gluttonyabdumen, abduminis n
- good-willaequanimitas, aequanimitatis f
- grovellingadulatio, adulationis f
- gorge oneself on winevino me beo
- gorge oneself on winecorpus vino curo
- conventus foederalis
- giddy fellowhomo tenebrarius
- guarddefendo 3
- get wateraquatum eo
- gladiatorassidarius, assidarii m
- gladiatoressedarius, essedarii m
- greasy :: grossadipatus, adipata, adipatum
- give in to one's urge :: give free rein to one's urgeanimum facio alicui
- gourmet restaurantcoquina conditaria
- grain of sandarenula, arenulae f
- glowaestus, aestus m
- guidecaput, capitis n
- gudgeoncobio, cobionis m
- gudgeoncobius, cobiii m
- gudgeongobio, gobionis m
- gudgeongobius, gobii m (cobius)
- graylingumbra, umbrae f
- get readyapto 1
- glowardor, ardoris m
- glitter :: gleamcorusco 1
- glitter :: gleamscorisco 1
- go over to the enemy, deserttransfugio 5
- get offsubterfugio 5
- glide down :: get lostdefluo 3
- garlandcoronamentum, coronamenti n
- grippalad influenzam pertinens
- grippalgrippalis, grippale
- grippalnfluenzalis, nfluenzale
- go away quicklyavolo 1
- go quickly over :: go quickly acrosstransvolo 1
- go quickly over :: go quickly acrosstravolo 1
- go along with someone's plansalicuius consiliis assentior (adsentior)
- go afterconsequor 3
- gainassequor 3 (adsequor 3)
- go afterconsector 1
- gloomytetricus, tetrica, tetricum
- gather in a company or circle for conversationcirculor 1
- go over to any onedescisco 3
- grow hardcongelo 1
- grow hardcongelor 1
- grapeuba, ubae f
- great :: gloriousamplus, ampla, amplum
- great ly agitatedaestuosus, aestuosa, aestuosum
- gloomytenebricosus, tenebricosa, tenebricosum
- gloomycaliginosus, caliginosa, caliginosum
- gloomycaligosus, caligosa, caligosum
- gloriousactinosus, actinosa, actinosum
- gravellycalculosus, calculosa, calculosum
- grievouscurius, curia, curium
- greasysebosus, sebosa, sebosum
- gallingspinosus, spinosa, spinosum
- groovestrio 1
- gilded :: gilt :: golden :: gold-coloredauratus, aurata, auratum
- gain respect :: gain prestige :: gain a reputationdignitatem mihi concilio (paro)
- game with dice :: game of hazard :: game of chancealea, aleae f
- game with dice :: game of hazard :: game of chancealia, aliae f
- game :: game meatvenatio, venationis f
- garland :: genealogical table :: genealogical treestemma, stemmatis n
- garment of skins :: garment of leatherscortea, scorteae f
- gas bubble :: gas blister :: gas bladdercaverna gasosa
- gather from below :: gather for underneathsublego 3
- gather grapes :: gather the vintagevindemio 1
- gene analysis :: genetic analysisanalysis genetica
- general assembly :: general meetingcoetus generalis
- general :: generallyvolgatus, volgata, volgatum
- general :: generallyvulgatus, vulgata, vulgatum
- genetic engineering :: gene technologyars genetica
- genome :: genetic materialgenoma, genomatis n
- gently :: graduallytaxim
- gently :: gradually :: gentlyclemens, clementis
- concilium foederatarum Germaniae civitatum
- get a graze :: get a scrachtelo stringor
- get a shot :: get hit by a shottelo ferior
- get an epithet :: get a nicknamecognomen mihi induo
- get cocky :: get presumptuousarrogantiam mihi sumo
- get going :: getting startedcelebror 1
- get goose bumps :: get goose pimplescohorrescit corpus meum
- get goose bumps :: get goose pimpleshorror me perfundit
- get into trouble :: get into a difficult position :: get into a difficult situationdifficultate afficior
- get knowledge of something :: get notified about somethingcertior fio de aliqua re
- get moving :: get goingagitor 1
- get one away from the fact that he :: get one off that he aliquem deterreo, ne ...
- get one away from the fact that he :: get one off that he aliquem deterreo, quominus ...
- get sick :: get gripped by illnessadversa valetudine corripior
- get suitable weather :: get appropriate weathertempestatem idoneam nanciscor
- get talked about :: get into the talkin sermōnem venio
- get the lazy man on his feet :: get the sluggard on his feetcommoveo languentem
- getting trapped :: getting into dangercircumvenior 4
- getting up from bed :: getting out of beda lecto surgo
- giant force :: giant forcesvires vastae
- gift made to a guest :: giftxenium, xenii n
- gild :: gild overdeauro 1
- gird below :: gird from below :: gird :: gird about :: girdlesuccingo 3
- gird to :: gird on, gird round :: gird aboutadcingo 3
- gird yourself up :: get readyaccinctio, accinctionis f
- gird yourself up :: get readyaccinctus, accinctus m
- girded :: girtsuccinctulus, succinctula, succinctulum
- girding :: girdlecinctum, cincti n
- girding :: girdlecinctus, cinctus m
- girdle encircling the hips :: girdle of the earthcingula, cingulae f
- girdle encircling the hips :: girdle of the earthcingulum, cinguli n
- girdle encircling the hips :: girdle of the earthcingulus, cinguli m
- girdle :: girthcestos, cesti m
- girdle :: girthcestus, cesti m
- girdle :: girth :: girdle of Venuscaestus, caesti m
- give a banquet :: give a feastconvivium orno
- give a color to :: gloss overcoloro 1
- give a farewell feast :: give a farewell partycenam viaticam do
- give a particular direction to :: guidederigo 3
- give a particular direction to :: guidedirigo 3
- give a public lecture :: give a public speechverbum in publico facio
- give a push :: give a pointappungo 3
- give a splendid banquet :: give a splendid feastconvivium splendide orno
- give an echo :: give a resonancevocem remitto
- give an official intimation :: give noticedenuntio 1
- give attention to one's speech :: give attention to one's lecturemeae orationi audientiam facio
- give attention to something :: give heedadsum (assum)
- give away :: give up from one’s self :: give up any thing to one :: give updedo 3
- give free rein to one's desires :: give full vent to one's desirescupiditatibus frena permitto
- give help :: give aidauxilior 1
- give help :: give haidauxilio 1
- give notice of a suit :: give notice of a processdenuntio 1
- give occasion that :: give cause that, act so as that, bring punishment upon one’s self by an error or faultcommitto 3
- give out a smell :: give out a odoradoleo 2 (intr.)
- give out tidings :: give out a noticededico 1
- give over grieving :: grieve no morededoleo 2
- give place to (in excellence, dignity, rank) :: give precedence :: grantconcedo 3
- give someone a big fright :: give someone a cold shiver :: give someone a chillcor alicui perfrigefacio
- give someone a hand :: give someone helpauxilium fero alicui
- give something a happy turn :: give something a turn for the betterbene verto aliquid
- give something to one :: give up :: give a debt to onecondono 1
- give the signal for breaking up camp :: give the signal for an attack :: give the signal for commencing hostilitiesbellicum cano
- give the signal to leave :: give the signal, before breaking up, for packing :: give the order for decampingvasa conclamo
- give the state a solid, stable, resilient, robust constitution :: give the state a solid order :: give the state a stable organizationdisciplinam legibus astringo
- give up the ghost :: go belly upanimam ebullio
- give :: give up tocommitto 3
- giving health :: giving safetysospitalis, sospitale
- giving some light :: glimmeringsublustris, sublustre
- glass-worker :: glassblowervitrarius, vitrarii m
- glass-worker :: glassblowervitrearius, vitrearii m
- glass-worker :: glassblowervitriarius, vitriarii m
- glide to something :: glide toward something :: glide to somethingallabor 3 (adlabor 3)
- gloating :: gleefulmalevolus, malevola, malevolum (malivolus)
- gloating :: gleefulqui gaudet alienis (alterius) malis
- gloating :: gleefulde damno aliorum (alterius) laetus
- glow slightly :: glimmer forthsubrutilo 1
- glow :: gleamclarico 1
- glutton :: gormandizercataphagas, cataphagae m
- glutton :: gormandizercomedo, comedonis m
- glutton :: gormandizercomedus, comedi m
- gnaw at :: gnawadrodo 3
- gnaw at :: gnawarrodo 3 (adrodo 3)
- gnaw :: gnaw to piecescorrodo 3
- go to :: give assent toaccedo 3
- go about :: go aroundambigo 3
- go about :: goambulo 1
- go across :: go overtransvehor 3
- go and come :: gocommeo 1
- go apart :: go aside :: go awaysecedo 3
- go apart :: go asunder :: go awaydigredior 5
- go around :: go from one to anothercircueo
- go around :: go from one to anothercircumeo
- go astray :: get lostde via decedo
- go away secretly :: go into hidingclam me subduco
- go away secretly :: go into hidingclam me submoveo
- go away :: go off :: give waydecedo 3
- go away :: go downdevehor 3
- go before :: get the startantecedo 3
- go below :: go under :: go from under :: go upsuccedo 3
- go beyond :: go throughtransabeo
- go bird-catching :: give chase toaucupo 1
- go bird-catching :: give chase toaucupor 1
- go easy! :: go slow! :: go mercifully!bona verba!
- go far :: go far backalte repeto
- go from a place :: go awaydeeo
- go from bad to worse :: get out of the frying pan and into the firede calcaria in carbonariam pervenio
- go into detail :: go into the detailsde singulis ago
- go off :: go awayabscedo 3
- go out successfully :: go out favourably :: go out happily :: go out well :: go out successfully :: go out favourably :: go out happily :: go out wellaliquid prospere cadit
- go over :: glide oversupermeo 1
- go over :: go across :: go over to a party :: go over to a side :: go over into any thingtranseo
- go over :: go across :: go throughtrameo 1
- go over :: go across :: go throughtransmeo 1
- go over :: go pastsupervehor 3
- go round a thing :: go about a thing :: go round afterambio 4
- go round in a circle :: gird :: gird on (the sword) :: girdcingo 3
- go somewhere in great numbers :: go in great numbers to a celebrationcelebro 1
- go to sleep :: go to bedconcedo cubitum
- go to sleep :: go to bedcubitum eo
- go to the gallows :: go hangabi in malum cruciatum
- go to the toilet :: go to relieve yourselfalvum exoneratum eo
- go to :: go against one in a hostile manneraggredior 5
- go :: go alongcedo 3
- go :: go away :: go out of the way for one :: give way toconcedo 3
- go :: go hastily :: go rapidlyvado 3
- goat hair robe :: goat hair garmentvestis saetigera
- goatee beard :: goatbeardaruncus, arunci m
- goatee beard :: goateebarba in acutum desinens
- deus nullius exempli capit ´nem
- utinam ita velint superi!
- god of the changing year :: god of the seasons and their productionsVertumnus, Vertumni m
- godbearing :: god-bearertheotocos, theotoci f
- goddess of agriculture :: grainCeres, Cereris f
- gods that possess no definite place in heaven :: gods revered everywhereazoni di
- going to :: going nearaccessio, accessionis f
- going about :: going hither and thitherambiguus, ambigua, ambiguum
- going across :: going over :: going overtransitio, transitionis f
- going across :: going overtransgressio, transgressionis f
- going asunder :: going awaydiscessus, discessus m
- going before :: going aheadantecessus, antecessus m
- going before :: going aheadanticessus, anticessus m
- going round :: going about of candidates for office in Romeambitio, ambitionis f
- going to :: going nearaccessus, accessus m
- going to :: going towardaggressio, aggressionis f
- gold bearing :: gold producing :: gold containing :: goldbearingaurifer, aurifera, auriferum
- gold digger :: gold seekeraurifossor, aurifossoris m
- gold mine :: gold pitauri fodina
- gold vein :: gold mineauri vena
- gold-mine :: golddealerauraria, aurariae f
- gold-picker :: gold-collectoraurilegulus, aurileguli m
- gold-picker :: gold-collectoraurilegus, aurilegi m
- gold-sand :: gold-dustballuca, ballucae f
- gold-sand :: gold-dustbaluca, balucae f
- gold-sand :: gold-dustbalux, balucis f
- gold-weaver :: gilderbarbaricarius, barbaricarii m
- gold :: gleam of goldaurum, auri n
- golden middle way :: golden middle roadaurea mediocritas
- golden :: gold-coloredchryseus, chrysea, chryseum
- golden :: gold-coloredchrysius, chrysia, chrysium
- good against the poison of animals :: good against the bite of serpentstheriacus, theriaca, theriacum
- good for sharpening :: good for sharpening weaponsacuminarius, acuminaria, acuminarium
- good quality of a thing :: goodness :: good conductbonitas, bonitatis f
- good reputation :: good name :: good reputebona fama
- goose farmer :: goose fatteneranserarius, anserarii m
- goose pimples :: goose fleshcutis anserina
- goose pimples :: goose fleshcutis anseris
- gouge out the eyes :: glareabacino 1
- gout sufferers :: gouty patientsarthritici, arthriticorum m
- gout :: gout painarticulorum dolores
- government participation :: government involvementsocietas regendi
- governor of a territory :: governor of a districttoparcha, toparchae m
- governor of a territory :: governor of a districttoparches, toparchae m
- grain feeds :: grain suppliesvecturae frumenti
- grammatical theorist :: grammarianartis lator
- grandfather :: grandsireavus, avi m
- grant forgiveness :: grant pardonveniam impertio
- grant grace :: grant mercyveniam impertio
- grant or yield something to one as a favor or from regard :: give up :: go or pass over to any thingconcedo 3
- grant the debtor a deferment of payment :: give the debtor a deadline for paymentdebitori intervallum do
- grant :: give :: give uptribuo 3
- grape-gathering :: grapesvindemia, vindemiae f
- grape-stone :: grape-skinvinaceus, vinacei m
- grape-stone :: grape-skinvinaceum, vinacei n
- grasp with both hands :: grip with both handscupide arripio
- grasp :: graspingassecutio, assecutionis f
- grasping :: grabbingarreptus, arreptus m
- grave expression :: gravitytaetricitas, taetricitatis f
- grave expression :: gravitytetricitas, tetricitatis f
- graver :: graving toolcestros, cestri m
- graver :: graving toolcestrus, cestri m
- gray hair :: greying hairalbitudo capitis
- gray or grayish-white color :: gray haircanitia, canitiae f
- gray or grayish-white color :: gray haircanities, canitiei f
- gray :: grayishcanens, canentis
- grazers :: grass-eating animalsanimalia herbatica
- grease :: greasinessarvina, arvinae f
- grease :: greasinessarvinula, arvinulae f
- greasy wool coat :: greasy cloakcerea abolla
- great :: great in souldapaticus, dapatica, dapaticum
- greedily eating :: greedily devouring :: gobblingtuburchinabundus, tuburchinabunda, tuburchinabundum
- greedily eating :: greedily devouring :: gobblingtuburcinabundus, tuburcinabunda, tuburcinabundum
- greedy desire for possessions :: greediness :: gluttonyavaritas, avaritatis f
- greedy desire for possessions :: greediness :: gluttonyavaritia, avaritiae f
- greedy desire for possessions :: greedinessavarities, avaritiei f
- Danaus, Danaa, Danaum
- green color :: greennessviror, viroris m
- green color :: greenness :: green thingviride, viridis n
- green color :: greennessviriditas, viriditatis f
- green plants :: green herbs :: green treesviridia, viridium n
- greet :: greet asconsaluto 1
- grinding mill :: grindstonemola acuminaria
- grinding room :: grinding chambercella molaris
- griping of the bowels :: gripestormina, torminum n
- groaning under the pressure of something :: groaning under the weight of somethingaliqua re oppressus sum
- groaning under the pressure of something :: groaning under the weight of somethingaliqua re oppressus teneor
- gross gluttony :: gormandizingcollucernatio, collucernationis f
- gross gluttony :: gormandizingcollurchinatio, collurchinationis f
- gross gluttony :: gormandizingcollurcinatio, collurcinationis f
- grouchy :: grumpyatribux, atribucis
- grouchy :: grumpyattribux, attribucis
- groundskeeper :: groundsmancurator campi
- group of persons embracing :: group of persons wrestlingsymplegma, symplegmatis n
- grow broad :: grow outdiscresco 3
- grow foamy :: grow frothyspumesco 3
- grow green :: greenviridico 1
- grow green :: greenvirido 1
- grow green :: greenviridor 1
- grow harsh :: grow violent :: grow worsecrudesco 3
- grow less :: grow shorterdecresco 3
- grow moist :: grow wetumesco 3
- grow old together :: grow old :: grow old or gray in an occupationconsenesco 3
- grow over :: grow uponsuperincresco 3
- grow soft :: grow tenderteneresco 3
- grow stiff :: grow numb :: grow dimtorpesco 3
- grow thick :: grow dense :: grow hard :: grow large :: grow fatcrassesco 3
- grow together with one :: grow up withcongermanesco 3
- grow together with something :: grow firmly :: grow firmcoalesco 3
- grow together with something :: grow firmly :: grow firmcolesco 3
- grow together with something :: grow firmly :: grow firmcoolēsco 3
- grow together :: grow :: grow strongconcresco 3
- grow under :: grow from under :: grow upsubcresco 3
- grow under :: grow from under :: grow upsuccresco 3
- grow unfruitful :: grow barren :: grow sterilesterilesco 3
- grow up under :: grow out of :: grow aftersubnascor 3
- grow up :: grow over :: grow uponsupercresco 3
- grow up :: growadolesco 3
- grow warm :: grow hot :: glowcalesco 3
- grow white :: grow old :: get feeblecanesco 3
- grow white :: grow old :: get feeblecanisco 3
- grow :: growviresco 3
- growing over :: growing abovesupernascor 3
- grown great :: great :: greataltus, alta, altum
- grown up :: grownadultus, adulta, adultum
- guardianship over a prodigal :: guardianship over a profligatecura prodigi
- guardianship over an infirm person :: guardianship over a frailcura debilis
- guide :: governagguberno 1
- guiding principle :: guiding themethema fundamentale
- guild of tradesmen :: guild of merchantscollegium mercatorum
- guitar player :: guitaristcitharicen, citharicinis m
- citharista, citharistae m
- guitar player :: guitaristcitharistria, citharistriae f
- guitar player :: guitaristcitharoedus, citharoedi m
- guitar :: guitar playingcithara, citharae f
- civitates sinui Persico circumdatae
- gummy substance :: groundwork in honey-makingcommosis, commosis f
- gymnastics hall :: gymnasiumbasilica exercitatoria
- good state :: good condition :: good healthvaletudo, valetudinis f
- grizzledsemicanus, semicana, semicanum
- grizzledcanaster, canastra, canastrum
- gripampla, amplae f
- grievousacerbus, acerba, acerbum
- gratingasper, aspera, asperum
- grave :: gloomyausterus, austera, austerum
- go at a fast paceceleri ingressu utor
- give birthe partu laboro
- gloomycaecus, caeca, caecum
- guilty ofcompos, compotis
- groomauriga, aurigae m
- guardiancurator, curatoris m
- gather togetherconstruo 3
- give ear to :: give credit toausculto 1
- give ear to :: grantaudio 4
- give someone help :: give someone assistanceauxilio aliquem levo
- grain-richannonae fecundus
- greater reasonaltior prudentia
- greatersuperior, superius
- give! :: give here :: grant thatcedo
- guardadtineo 2
- guardattineo 2 (adtineo 2)
- give out :: give waystrigo 1
- graspteneo 2
- gripingtenax, tenacis
- grottocaverna, cavernae f
- grottocavernum, caverni n
- good qualitiesbonae artes
- gracecohonesto 1
- grudgesimultas, simultatis f
- glowing ashestermospodion, termospodii n
- glowing ashesthermospodion, thermospodii n
- goodssupelex, supelectilis f
- goodssupellectilis, supellectilis f
- goodssupellex, supellectilis f
- give someone a hugcomplexus alicui do
- gamevenatus, venatus m
- gamevenatio, venationis f
- glitchdamnum, damni n
- grievousaeger, aegra, aegrum
- griefaegritudo, aegritudinis f
- generouslybenigniter
- generouslybenigne
- groovedcuniculatim
- generallyuniverse
- gestiefeltcaligatus, caligata, caligatum
- gleaming :: glitteringcoruscus, corusca, coruscum
- growcrementor 1
- give toaugeo 2
- growthaugmen, augminis n
- growthaugmentatio, augmentationis f
- growthauxesis, auxesis f
- growthaccretio, accretionis f
- growthauctus, auctus m
- growthadauctus, adauctus m
- growthadaugmen, adaugminis n
- goods to be sold by auctionauctio, auctionis f
- gasped outanhelatus, anhelata, anhelatum
- godscoelites, coelitum m
- graveadytum, adyti n
- graveadytus, adytus m
- give someone courageanimos alicui adicio
- give someone courageanimum addo alicui
- gimletterebra, terebrae f
- gimletterebrum, terebri n
- goal of lifedestinata, destinatorum n
- gluttonyvinolenties, vinolentiei f
- gluttonyvinulentia, vinulentiae f
- gluttonyvinulenties, vinulentiei f
- gluttonyvinolentia, vinolentiae f
- go against someonetragulam inicio in aliquem
- give assent :: give approvaladsentio 4
- give assent :: give approvaladsentior 4
- give assent :: give approvalassentio 4 (adsentio 4)
- glue togethercoagmento 1
- gladnessalacrimonia, alacrimoniae f
- guidancearbitratus, arbitratus m
- green dragonaris, aridis f
- game of balltrigon, trigonis m
- garfish :: garpikeacus, aci m
- groundworkcarpisculum, carpisculi n
- groundworkcarpisculus, carpisculi m
- groundworkcarpusculum, carpusculi n
- groundworkcarpusculus, carpusculi m
- gallingadustio, adustionis f
- give a kissbasio 1
- graftclava, clavae f
- Colchus, Colchi m
- get insufficientdefio
- goutarthrisis, arthrisidis f
- goutarthritis, arthritidis f
- groundterrenum, terreni n
- groundterra, terrae f
- great tansyvernilago, vernilaginis f
- grating :: gratecancelli, cancellorum m
- grateclathri, clathrorum m
- grateclatra, clatrorum n
- grateclatri, clatrorum m
- graspcomprehendo 3
- grasp with the mindadprehendo 3
- grasp with the mindapprehendo 3 (adprehendo 3), [apprendo 3, adprendo 3]
- getting rid ofdepositio, depositionis f
- go quickly over totransilio 4
- go quickly over totrānssilio 4
- give over singingdecanto 1
- give overdesino 3
- give overdesivo 1
- give up actingde scaena decedo
- go awayabito 1
- go awayabito 3
- give someone one's earaurem alicui do
- give someone one's earaurem alicui praebeo
- gentle :: grovellingsubmissus, submissa, submissum
- gentle :: grovellingsummissus, summissa, summissum
- give loose reins to :: give access :: grant admittance :: give admittanceadmitto 3
- give life to the gladiatorvitam gladiatori concedo
- get depilatedvellor 3
- give leave :: give upsino 3
- grow up somewherealiquo tollor
- get up :: grow upsurgo 3
- give vent to one's heart :: give air to one's heartanimum levo
- ghastlycadaverosus, cadaverosa, cadaverosum
- giftsportula, sportulae f
- goslinganserculus, anserculi m
- gentle kissbasiolum, basioli n
- glenvallecula, valleculae f
- glenvallicula, valliculae f
- grubvermiculus, vermiculi m
- gladnessalacritas, alacritatis f
- gladalacer, alacris, alacre (alacris, alacre)
- gladalacris, alacre
- growing in wateraquatilis, aquatile
- gateclaustra, claustrorum n
- gateclaustrum, claustri n
- gateclostrum, clostri n
- gateclustrum, clustri n
- guest housedeversorium, deversorii n
- guest housedevorsorium, devorsorii n
- greatly wish fordesidero 1
- great-coat, with a hoodcaracalla, caracallae f
- great-coat, with a hoodcaracallis, caracallis f
- greedy :: greedy of money :: greedy :: gluttonousavidus, avida, avidum
- griefdesiderium, desiderii n
- greedycupidus, cupida, cupidum
- glare round uponcircumviso 3
- get sight of :: gaze uponconspicio 5
- go in order to look at :: go in order to see to :: go in order to look after :: go to see :: go to visitviso 3
- go in order to look at :: go in order to see to :: go in order to look after :: go to see :: go to visitvisso 3
- gaze atspecto 1
- gaze upon :: get sight ofcontueor 2
- gaze upon :: get sight ofcontuor 3
- gaze :: glimpseadspectio, adspectionis f
- gaze :: glimpseaspectio, aspectionis f
- go to ruin :: go downconcido 3 (2)
- go blindaspectum omnino amitto
- gracefulvenustus, venusta, venustum
- gallantamator, amatoris m
- ground :: groundsolum, soli n
- generosityanimus magnus
- generosityanimus magnus et excelsus
- girlvirgo, virginis f
- great statecivitas praepotens
- get up by someone's fallcresco ex aliquo
- give utterancesono 1
- go on patrolviam custodiariam eo
- go overconficio 5
- get as bootytriumpho 1
- gladdenbeo 1
- give someone a hard timevitam alicui molestam reddo
- go on stage for the first timetirocinio in scaenam producor
- gain attentionaudientiam mihi facio
- give someone spaceviam alicui do
- give support :: give assistancevelificor 1
- get yourself up to singanimum induco cantare
- guardianshipcura, curae f
- garment that is thrown about or onamicimen, amiciminis n
- go backcastra removeo
- goal of lifedestinatum, destinati n
- gallantsodalis, sodalis m
- gist of the actioncausativa, causativorum n
- gatheringcogressio, cogressionis f
- growing up with onecongermanitas, congermanitatis f
- gentleclemens, clementis
- generalstrategus, strategi m
- goat-suckercaprimulgus, caprimulgi m
- get something wrongaliquid aliud esse puto
- gift :: gratuitycorollarium, corollarii n
- go baddepravor 1
- guiltlesscastus, casta, castum
- grape-formed blossom of the silver poplarbryon, bryi n
- gaspanhelo 1
- glitter :: gleamscorusco 1
- guaranty :: guardianauctor, auctoris c
- guaranty :: guardianautor, autoris c
- gatherdemeto 3
- gullibilitycredulitas, credulitatis f
- give assent by nodding :: give approval by nodding :: grant :: grant something to oneadnuo 3
- give assentannuo 3 (adnuo 3)
- gypsy lifenomadica vita
- gypsy lifenomadicam vitam ago
- gypsy lifenomadum vita
- giving free rein to one's desirescupiditates coercere non possum
- godlikeinhumanus, inhumana, inhumanum
- give messageadviso 1
- genialalmus, alma, almum
- getconsequor 3
- gosh! :: gollypapae
- goodbenignus, benigna, benignum
- growing wildsilvaticus, silvatica, silvaticum
- grimacingvultuosus, vultuosa, vultuosum
- greasy of fat :: greasy with fat :: greasyadipalis, adipale
- glass- :: glassyvitreus, vitrea, vitreum
- glass- :: glassyvitrius, vitria, vitrium
- golden :: gilded :: gold-coloredaureolus, aureola, aureolum
- golden :: gilded :: glittering like goldaureus, aurea, aureum
- giganticstaturosus, staturosa, staturosum
- goldenbractealis, bracteale
- goldenbrattealis, bratteale
- gladlyvoluntate
- give someone the right handdextram alicui offero
- giftanathema, anathematis n (2)
- great agevetustas, vetustatis f
- gray hairssenectus, senectutis f
- girdedcinctutus, cinctuta, cinctutum
- gone by :: goodanticus, antica, anticum
- gone by :: goodantiquus, antiqua, antiquum
- glowingardens, ardentis
- generallyad summam
- guestadventor, adventoris m
- guide, teacherdeductor, deductoris m
- geographerchorographus, chorographi m
- guestconviva, convivae m
- guarantorcautor, cautoris m
- guarantor of securityappromissor, appromissoris m
- guestdeversor, deversoris m
- gluttonventricola, ventricolae m
- gluttonventricultor, ventricultois m
- gravertoreutes, toreutae m
- goldsmithvascularius, vascularii m
- guestdeversitor, deversitoris m
- goods hunteragripeta, agripetae m
- gaming-house keeper :: guardiansusceptor, susceptoris m
- gapebataclo 1
- grace :: glorydecus, decoris n
- giving a disagreeable soundabsurdus, absurda, absurdum
- give too much weight toaequo pluris aestimo
- go palecolorem perdo
- gasp beneathsubteranhelo 1
- grant a pardonveniam impertio
- go away from :: go away to :: get away :: give up :: go over todiscedo 3
- go apart :: gapedehisco 3
- going away :: going asidedigressio, digressionis f
- going awaydigressus, digressus m
- get faintanimo linquor
- give someone attentionverecundiam alicui attribuo
- give updependo 3
- grumpinessacedia, acediae f
- grumpinessacidia, acidiae f
- generationaetas, aetatis f
- gestational periodtempora materna
- guilelesscandidus, candida, candidum
- given by measurecongiarius, congiaria, congiarium
- growing on a hillcollinus, collina, collinum
- given to actingcomoedus, comoeda, comoedum
- golden :: gold-aurarius, auraria, aurarium
- god-likecaelestis, caeleste
- god-likecoelestis, coeleste
- goldencroceus, crocea, croceum
- gasolinebenzinium, benzinii n
- gasolinebenzinum, benzini n
- grave-diggerclinicus, clinici m
- gallop alongdatis habenis proferor
- gathercarpeo 2
- gathercarpio 5
- gather :: graze oncarpo 3
- ground for a housearea, areae f
- go quickly through a subject :: go briefly through a subjecttranseo
- gudgeoncnodax, cnodacis m
- gutter fabricatorcanaliclarius, canaliclariī m
- groove :: groove upon Ionic capitalscanale, canalis n
- groove :: groove upon Ionic capitalscanalis, canalis c
- grain silosirus, siri m
- general engagementdimicatio universae rei
- game at ballsphaeristerium, sphaeristerii n
- go aroundcircumsisto 3
- go beforeanteverto 3 (antevorto 3)
- go beforeantevertor 3
- go beforeantevorto 3
- green place :: greensward :: greennessviretum, vireti n
- give someone house arrestaliquem domo custodio
- give someone house arrestaliquem domo egredi veto
- give in marriage :: givecolloco 1
- ground-pineabiga, abigae f
- glutton :: gourmandcatillo, catillonis m
- gamesteraleator, aleatoris m
- give as a reason for somethingcauso 1
- give as a reason for somethingcausor 1
- give as a reason for somethingcaussor 1
- graceful areasamoena, amoenorum n
- gain by agriculturearo 1
- guide by pointing out the waydemonstro 1
- garlic eateralliatus, alliati m
- give everyone their glass fulldato singulis plena potoria!
- generalshipars imperatoria
- green jaspertopazion, topazii n
- green jaspertopazius, topazii f
- green jaspertopazon, topazontis m
- green jaspertopazos, topazi f
- green jaspertopazus, topazi f
- get :: gained one over to one's sidecomparo 1 (2)
- get readyadorno 1
- gainingcomparatio, comparationis f (2)
- give someone a book as a giftaliquem libro donare
- gallant :: goodbellus, bella, bellum
- goad on :: goadstimulo 1
- gaineracquisitor, acquisitoris m
- gold-begottenaurigena, aurigenae m
- give assurancespondeo 2
- give updespondeo 2
- gard a littlesubdefendo 3
- guardianastator, astatoris m
- give helpauxilium praesto
- government domainsarationes, arationum f
- give someone a punchcolapho aliquem icio
- girlcora, corae f
- goring with the hornscornipeta, cornipetae m
- goring with the hornscornupeta, cornupetae m
- give in charge to :: give up :: get rid ofdepono 3
- get podssiliquor 1
- get someone in positionaliquem perhibeo
- get the project on trackcommissum corrigo
- get the troops across the rivercopias flumen traduco
- get the troops across the rivercopias flumen traicio
- givesufficio 5
- grumblingignavia animi
- grow a beardbarbio 4
- greatcelsus, celsa, celsum
- grateconcrepo 1
- grapnelcorvus, corvi m
- get, gainapiscor 3
- get a cow as a rewardvaccam praemium capio
- get a medalturmalis classis insigni decoror
- get a triumphal processiontriumphum impetro
- getting triple portiontriplarius, triplarii m
- getting triple portiontriplicarius, triplicarii m
- grow strong :: gain strength :: grow :: grow betterconvalesco 3
- gondolacanna, cannae f
- graftcalamus, calami m
- go to seevideo 2
- go to for counselconsulto 1
- giftscensus, census m
- good-willaffectio, affectionis f
- growing on a thing :: growing to a thingagnatio, agnationis f
- growing on a thing :: growing to a thingannatio, annationis f
- go to stooldesideo 2
- give one a remembrancecommonefacio 5
- give a hintsubmoneo 2
- go awayauferor
- go away from :: give place tocedo 3
- glorifyaugusto 1
- glibnessceleritas respondendi
- give advice :: guaranteeauctor sum
- give up one's officede potestate decedo
- galbanumchalbane, chalbanes f
- governingcohibitio, cohibitionis f
- groceraginator, aginatoris m
- gloryadorea, adoreae f (adoria, adoriae f)
- gloryadoria, adoriae f
- gallop up toadequito 1
- growl ataffremo 3
- gazellecapreola, capreolae f
- gold coin of the value of 25 silver denariidenarius, denarii m
- greatspatiosus, spatiosa, spatiosum
- good beatinginfortunium crassum
- grind to piecessubtero 3
- grindtero 3
- grindertritor, tritoris m
- gumcumma n (indecl.)
- gumcummi n (indecl.)
- gumcummis, cummis f (commis, commis f)
- gum :: gummicommi n (indecl.)
- go through military exercises :: go through manœuvresdecurro 3
- go to expensesumptum impendo
- grow faintdeficio 5
- go by :: go pasttranscurro 3
- gaitdiscursus, discursus m
- glum :: gloomytristis, triste
- grieftristities, tristitiei f
- grief :: gloominess :: gloominesstristitia, tristitiae f
- grieftristitudo, tristitudinis f
- get throughsupernavigo 1
- gay marriageunius sexus coniugium
- grimtruculentus, truculenta, truculentum
- give heed to :: guardservo 1
- giver of health :: giver of safetysoter, eris m
- gamutdiagramma, diagrammatis n
- graftclavola, clavolae f
- graftclavula, clavulae f
- give someone a seataliquem sessum duco
- go to seevisito 1
- gaze upon :: gaze at :: guardtueor 2
- go in quest ofconquaero 3
- go in quest ofconquiro 3
- graft :: groundsemen, seminis n
- glanceadspectus, adspectus m
- glanceaspectus, aspectus m
- glancevisus, visus m
- go to death of their own free willultro morti me offero
- grow togetherconferveo 2
- go tocapesso 3
- go tocapisso 3
- give up for moneyvendo 3
- go throughtramitto 3
- give updimitto 3
- grant an audienceadmitto 3
- gently :: graduallysensim
- getaufero
- going away :: going over todiscessio, discessionis f
- graveseverus, severa, severum
- gravityseveritas, severitatis f
- gentlecommodus, commoda, commodum
- give the preference toantepono 3
- give someone one's handalicui dextram offero
- give someone one's handalicui manum offero
- gnawingacer, acris, acre
- griefacerbitas, acerbitatis f
- griefacerbitudo, acerbitudinis f
- gnaw atadtondeo 2
- gnaw atattondeo 2 (adtondeo 2)
- givercondonatrix, condonatricis f
- graze :: gathertondeo 2
- glimmer of hopespeicula, speiculae f
- gleam faintly :: glimmersubluceo 2
- glitter :: glistenconfulgeo 2
- gleam :: glitter :: glistensplendeo 2
- glittersplendico 1
- glittering aroundcircumlucens, circumlucentis
- gleaming like starsastrilucus, astriluca, astrilucum
- glowingcandens, candentis
- galley of three ranges of oar-bankstrieris, trieris f
- gibbering aroundcircumstridens, circumstridentis
- guardedsignatus, signata, signatum
- groan deeply :: groan loudlycongemo 3
- groangemo 3
- greatdignitate praeditus
- guilelesssimplex, simplicis
- genuine sensualityverus adfectus
- great grandfather sisterabamita, abamitae f
- give a slapalapo 1
- give a slapalapor 1
- graftvirga, virgae f
- gracefulcracens, cracentis
- get sluggishtardesco 3
- groove of a catapultcanaliculus, canaliculi m
- galley with two banks of oarsbiremis, biremis f
- gindecipula, decipulae f
- gindecipulum, decipuli n
- grab for applauseclamores capto
- give by sneezingsternuo 3
- gurglingsingultus, singultus m
- grease of animalsadeps, adipis c
- grease of animalsadips, adipis c
- gentlysubmissim
- gentlysummissim
- gentlysubmisse
- gentlysummisse
- guaranteesponsio, sponsionis f
- gross :: greatlycrassus, crassa, crassum
- greenishsubviridis, subviride
- grandson of a great-grandson :: grandson of a greatgranddaughteradnepos, adnepotis m
- grandson of a great-grandson :: grandson of a greatgranddaughteratnepos, atnepotis m
- gossipcantilena, cantilenae f
- gossipcantilena, cantilenae f
- gentlyblande
- gentlyblanditer
- gentlyblandum
- griefvomica, vomicae f
- griefcordolium, cordolii n
- curio, curionis m (2)
- grievingcordolens, cordolentis
- get a vinegar tasteaceto 1
- glimmerscintilla, scintillae f
- glitter :: glow :: gleamscintillo 1
- give one's opinionaperio, quid sentiam
- anthedon, anthedonis f
- grain speculator :: grain usurerdardanarius, dardanarii m
- give more than one receivescaldum meio et frigidum poto
- ghost-banishingtheurgicus, theurgica, theurgicum
- gymnasiumaula athletica
- gymnastics teachercorporis exercitator
- gymnasticsars athletica
- gymnasticsars gymnica
- gush forth (of blood)acontizo 1
- good-for-nothingvapio, vapionis m
- give overcesso 1
- give overdesisto 3
- guardstatio, stationis f
- glowwormstella, stellae f
- grim :: gloomytorvus, torva, torvum
- glorysidus, sideris n
- go to war with someonebellum cum aliquo ineo
- give firetormentis ictus edo
- cognitor, cognitoris m
- good-willaffectus, affectus m
- visitatio statalis
- gifttributum, tributi n
- gifttributus, tributus m
- gloomyvaporatus, vaporata, vaporatum
- great dangerpraeceps, praecipitis n
- go over :: go over to another party :: go beyondtransgredior 5
- go oversupergradior 5
- give security :: guaranteecaveo 2
- guttertrua, truae f
- gold dealerauri negotiator
- gastric weaknessdefectus stomachi
- granarycella, cellae f
- gauntletcaestus, caestus m (cestus, cestus m)
- growaugeor 2
- give heed toattendo 3 (adtendo 3)
- gotendo 3
- give upsubsterno 3
- give upaffligo 3 (adfligo 3)
- grazedestringo 3
- grasp after :: go somewhereadpeto 3
- grasp after :: go somewhereappeto 3
- go to and frovagor 1
- get throughme transigo
- garbcultus, cultus m
- grandeur of speechaltitudo orationis
- generosityanimi excelsitas
- gathering from flowerscarptura, carpturae f
- grievingatratus, atrata, atratum
- grievinglugens, lugentis
- grievingqui est in luctu
- garmenttheristrum, theristri n
- gathering of the people to defend the Roman stateconvocatio populi Romani ad rem publicam defendendam
- glorytitulus, tituli m
- ground to air missilesolaerium missile
- give up one’s selfdedor 3
- give up one’s selfme dedo
- gulp downtransglutio 4
- gulp downdevoro 1
- gratefulsuavidus, suavida, suavidum
- gratefulsuavis, suave
- get thickertuberasco 3
- get thickertubero 1
- go throughtranato 1
- gladiolexiphion, xiphii n
- girdlecinctorium, cinctorii n
- grammatical figure, by which one word is referred to another to which it does not grammatically belongsyllepsis, syllepsis f
- gospatior 1
- gleam :: glitterardesco 3
- give oneself a jolt :: give one's heart a push :: gather all one's courageanimum offirmo
- graspcapio 5
- get possession ofusurpo 1
- gatherdelibo 1
- go awayamolior me
- getsuscipio 5
- getsumo 3
- guardingtuitio, tuitionis f
- granting of a propositionacceptio, acceptionis f
- gaincaptura, capturae f
- gabblingvaniloquus, vaniloqua, vaniloquum
- gum-drop which exudes from plantsdacruma, dacrumae f
- gnaw atcarpo 3
- goodcapax, capacis
- goodcapabilis, capabile
- gives delightvoluptificus, voluptifica, voluptificum
- genuineauctoraticius, auctoraticia, auctoraticium
- genuineauthenticus, authentica, authenticum
- groundlessvanus, vana, vanum
- greedytrahax, trahacis
- glueytractuosus, tractuosa, tractuosum
- generalcommunis, commune
- glimmeringvibrabilis, vibrabile
- good to breathespirabilis, spirabile
- geniusargutia, argutiae f
- geniusargutiae, argutiarum f
- gratification to the earacroama, acroamatis n
- gratification to the earacruama, acruamatis n
- gesticulationchironomia, chironomiae f
- groove of a stonecubiculum, cubiculi n
- gracevenus, veneris f
- girdercorsa, corsae f
- gaming-housealeatorium, aleatorii n
- gold pieceaureus, aurei m
- groundscrassamentum, crassamenti n
- gableculmen, culminis n
- graveclothesvitalia, vitalium n
- guilduniversitas, universitatis f
- gloomcaligo, caliginis f
- gloomcalligo, calliginis f
- getting fatcrassatio, crassationis f
- grosslycrasse
- greedinesssitis, sitis f
- greedilysitienter
- greedysitiens, sitientis
- goldfinchacalanthis, acalanthidis f
- goldfinchacanthis, acanthidis f
- goldfinchcardelis, cardelis f
- goldfinchcarduelis, carduelis f
- generatecommoveo 2
- guessconiecto 1
- god of thunderTonans, Tonantis m
- gatherconecto 3
- gatherconnecto 3
- get upscando 3
- glusaturo 1
- go on board a shipconscendo 3
- gratuitouslyultro
- generallycommuniter
- grope foradtracto 1
- grope foradtrecto 1
- grope forattracto 1
- grope forattrecto 1 (adtrecto 1)
- great commotion :: great disturbancetragoedia, tragoediae f
- going over to anotheralienatio, alienationis f
- go by traintramine vehor
- give high value to somethingaliquid magni duco
- give high value to somethingaliquid magni facio
- give high value to somethingaliquid magni habeo
- green frogcalamites, calamitae m
- gallows :: gibbetarbor, arboris f
- glimmeringvibrabundus, vibrabunda, vibrabundum
- greatnesstribunal, tribunalis n
- grief-stricken peopleaegri mortales
- genuineverus, vera, verum
- give someone credencecredo 3
- group of plants :: grassy field :: groundcaespes, caespitis m
- give attention toadverto 3
- give attention toadvorto 3
- give attention toarverto 3
- go around in a circlecircumagor 3
- go aside :: go towardsdeverto 3 (intr.)
- go asidedevio 1
- go in any directiondetorqueo 2
- going acrosstransversus, transversa, transversum
- going acrosstransvorsus, transvorsa, transvorsum
- giddinessvertigo, vertiginis f
- gain an accurate idea of the Roman Senateveram speciem Romani senatus capio
- generationaevum, aevi n
- generallyin toto
- garretcoenaculum, coenaculi n
- gainingacquisitivus, acquisitiva, acquisitivum
- giving the veilvelatio, velationis f
- golden-crested wrentrochilus, trochili m
- gnatscinyphes, cinyphum f
- gobletacetabulum, acetabuli n
- gobletacitabulum, acitabuli n
- gift divided among the people of the measure of a congius :: giftcongiarium, congiarii n
- get sight of by looking aroundcircumspicio 5
- grape-vineampelos, ampeli f
- grape harvestfructus vineaticus
- gluttondelicatus, delicati m
- go into the comitiumcomitio 1
- go into the comitiumcomitior 1
- give updevoveo 2
- grasping persovolturius, volturii m
- grasping persovultur, vulturis m
- grasping persovulturius, vulturii m
- guardvigilia, vigiliae f
- guardvigilium, vigilii n
- go aroundcircummeo 1
- go astray :: go the wrong waydeerro 1
- go astrayaberro 1
- glowcalor, caloris m
- guardasservo 1 (adservo 1)
- guardadservo 1
- guardasservo 1 (adservo 1)
- guardtuto 1
- guardtutor 1
- guardcustodio 4
- guardiantutor, tutoris m
- guardianship :: guardiantutela, tutelae f
- growingcrescens, crescentis
- gocarpo 3
- gownedtogatus, togata, togatum
- give updeploro 1
- guardedcircumspectus, circumspecta, circumspectum
- greetingsverba salutationum
- gracedecor, decoris m
- gable pillacolumen, columinis n
- game lossquod in alea lusum est
- greatness :: grandeuramplitudo, amplitudinis f
- greatlyspatiose
- gnucatoblepas, catoblepae m
- grimtrux, trucis
- grimtrux, trucis
- good-willvoluntas, voluntatis f
- grapes readingvinum cogo
- grapesvinum, vini n
- grandly,splendidlyample
- give up businessforo cedo
- go awayabsisto 3
- ground figchamaesyce, chamaesyces f
- gaze at passionatelyadmiror 1
- gaze at passionatelyammiror 1
- grovesilva, silvae f
- gold-beaterbractearius, bractearii m
- goldsmithaurarius, aurarii m
- goldsmithaurifex, aurificis m
- goldsmithaurufex, auruficis m
- gainful rural lifeattenta vita rusticana
- global axiscardo mundi
- global languageomnium hominum communis sermo
- global politicspolitica mundana
- global politicsres politica globalis
- global politicsres politica universalis
- griefvolnus, volneris n
- griefvulnus, vulneris n
- get readyamicior 4
- garlandedsertatus, sertata, sertatum
- garlandsserta, sertorum n
- garlandssertum, serti n
- grab someone by the collarcollum alicui torqueo
- grantsubscribo 3
- gapecasmo 1
- gapechasmo 1
- grain :: goddess of the yearly produceannona, annonae f
- give the preference or precedence :: give place toalicui cedo
- graftsurcellus, surcelli m
- graftsurcillus, surcilli m
- graftsurclus, surcli m
- graftsurculum, surculi n
- graftsurculus, surculi m