Englisch - Lateinische Wortliste - G
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    1536 Ergebnisse
  1. gird to :: gird on :: gird round :: gird about
    accingo 3
  2. glittering with gold
    aurigans, aurigantis
  3. ground-serpent
    chamaedracōn, chamaedracontos m
  4. globular
    sphaeroides, sphaeroides
  5. glow of light
    afflatus, afflatus m (adflatus)
  6. going together
    congressus, congressus m
  7. guessing
    coniectatio, coniectationis f
  8. gurgler :: gurgling person
    curculio, curculionis m
  9. graver
    scalptor, scalptoris m
  10. grayling
    sciaena, sciaenae f
  11. gilt-bream
    aurata, auratae f
  12. gibbet
    arbor infelix
  13. gift
    datus, datus m
  14. going at will
    commeatus, commeatus m
  15. grief
    contritio, contritionis f
  16. guests
    convivium, convivii n
  17. grayling
    sciadeus, sciadei m
  18. genius
    vir ingeniosus
  19. genius
    vir magno ingenio
  20. genius
    vir magno ingenio praeditus
  21. ground-pine
    aiuga, aiugae f
  22. goat’s-thorn
    carphos, carphis n
  23. goat’s-thorn
    carphus, carphi m
  24. goat’s-beard
    tragopogon, tragopogonis m
  25. goat’s-thyme
    tragoriganum, tragorigani n
  26. goat’s-thyme
    tragoriganus, tragorigani m
  27. groundsel
    avia, aviae f [2]
  28. golden mica
    ammochrysos, ammochrysi m
  29. golden mica
    ammochrysus, ammochrysi m
  30. getting ready
    adparatus, adparatus m
  31. getting ready
    apparatus, apparatus m
  32. giving in marriage
    collocatio, collocationis f
  33. grammatical connection
    constructio, constructionis f
  34. going to and fro
    concursatio, concursationis f
  35. glance
    conspectus, conspectus m
  36. goal
    calcis, calcis f
  37. goal
    calx, calcis f
  38. guardianship
    curatio, curationis f
  39. gold-leaf :: glitter
    bractea, bracteae f
  40. gold-leaf :: glitter
    brattea, bratteae f (bractea)
  41. guard
    custodela, custodelae f
  42. guard :: guard-house
    custodia, custodiae f
  43. go back on one's plan
    consilium meum minuo
  44. give up the plan
    consilio desisto
  45. get
    accipio 5
  46. government accounting
    cura tabularum publicarum
  47. gain a victory
    victoriam adipiscor
  48. giving up :: gift
    datio, dationis f
  49. get
    acquiro 3
  50. give more
    addo 3
  51. give something to one for his convenience or use :: give :: grant
    commodo 1
  52. govern the state
    civitatem administro
  53. go along with someone's plan
    alicuius consilio obsequor
  54. go through :: go at an end
    decurro 3
  55. good result
    successus, successus m
  56. grief
    angoria, angoriae f
  57. grow old
    assenesco 3
  58. geriatric
    annis plenus
  59. go between
    sequester, sequestris m
  60. give
    subministro 1
  61. give
    sumministro 1
  62. gleam :: glittering
    aura, aurae f
  63. general
    universi, universae, universa
  64. general
    universus, universa, universum
  65. general
    univorsus, univorsa, univorsum
  66. give someone free entry
    alicui ius admissionis liberae do
  67. great duck-weed
    stratiotes, stratiotae m
  68. goat
    barbatus, barbati m
  69. grief
    contristatio, contristationis f
  70. granting
    concessio, concessionis f
  71. guardian :: grief
    cura, curae f
  72. g
    assis, assis m
  73. gathering
    conglobatio, conglobationis f
  74. growth
    augumentum, augumenti n
  75. ground-level
    chorobates, chorobatae m
  76. great-parents
    atavi, atavorum m
  77. gulf
    angulus, anguli m
  78. give an ambiguous answer
    ambigue respondeo
  79. grindstone
    cos, cotis f
  80. grindstone
    cotis, cotis f
  81. great quantity
    thesaurus, thesauri m
  82. greenfly
    aphis, aphidis f
  83. gnome
    aphorismus, aphorismi m
  84. grasp
    comprehendo 3
  85. grasp
    comprendo 3
  86. go to school with someone
    alicuius alumnus sum
  87. glebe
    arvum, arvi n
  88. get along well with each other
    bene convenit inter aliquos
  89. get :: get possession of
    adipiscor 3
  90. go up :: grow up :: go aboard ship :: go out to sea
    ascendo 3
  91. give someone influence
    auctoritatem alicui perhibeo
  92. give
    tribuo 3
  93. give
    adtribuo 3
  94. give
    attribuo 3 (adtribuo 3)
  95. gradually
  96. gradually
  97. give someone guards
    alicui custodes indo
  98. guarantor
    consignator, consignatoris m
  99. guaranty
    auctoritas, auctoritatis f
  100. guaranty
    autoritas, autoritatis f
  101. go out of the way of
    devito 1
  102. get this man away from me!
    ultro istum a me
  103. grease
    axungia, axungiae f
  104. going back
    supinus, supina, supinum
  105. guilty conscience
    animus male sibi conscius
  106. globe
    spaera, spaerae f
  107. globe
    sphaera, sphaerae f
  108. globe
    sphera, spherae f
  109. gala dinner
    convivatio, convivationis f
  110. give judgment :: give sentence :: give evidence
    arbitror 1
  111. give evidence :: give to understand
    testor 1
  112. go berserk
  113. go to school with someone
    disciplina alicuius utor
  114. grow to something :: grow at something :: grow upon something :: grow afterwards (of teeth)
    agnascor 3
  115. grow to something :: grow at something :: grow upon something :: grow afterwards (of teeth)
    annascor 3
  116. grow to :: grow at :: grow upon :: grow afterwards
    adnascor 3
  117. glitter :: glisten :: glowing with passion
    candeo 2
  118. go
    vehor 3
  119. get dried
  120. get into trouble
    angustior 1
  121. getting ready
    cingor 3
  122. give up
    despero 1
  123. glow
    aestuo 1
  124. glimmer :: glitter :: gleam
    vibro 1 (intr.)
  125. glow with love
    tepeo 2
  126. guide :: govern :: guide
    administro 1
  127. glow :: glisten :: glitter :: glow
    ardeo 2
  128. guard against
    caveo 2
  129. get ready for both cases
    alterutri me fortunae paro
  130. gnawed by the ravages of slander :: gnawed by the ravages of envy
    dente Theonino circumrodor
  131. get ruffled by the winds
    verberor ventis
  132. glow :: glow in mind
    caleo 2
  133. give :: grant
  134. give to one :: grant
  135. give the preference to
  136. give evidence
    testificor 1
  137. giving testimony
    testatio, testationis f
  138. giving testimony :: giving evidence
    testificatio, testificationis f
  139. grind
    contundo 3
  140. grow to be a tree
    arboresco 3
  141. get life :: grow lively :: grow strong :: grow vigorous
    vivesco 3
  142. get life :: grow lively :: grow strong :: grow vigorous
    vivisco 3
  143. grow up thin :: grow up far apart
    calvesco 3
  144. grow bright :: grow clear
    claresco 3
  145. grow filthy
    sordesco 3
  146. get dry
    sicco 1
  147. grow towards evening
  148. get stout :: gain weight
    corpus facio
  149. grow together
    solidesco 3
  150. gather strength
    concrebresco 3
  151. grow strong
    crebesco 3
  152. grow strong
    crebresco 3 (crebesco 3)
  153. grow worse
    aggravesco 3
  154. grow sick
    aegresco 3
  155. get embroiled in a war
    bello implicor
  156. grow horny
    cornesco 3
  157. grow moist :: grow wet :: grow damp :: grow dank :: grow humid
    uvesco 3
  158. grow red hot
    candesco 3
  159. give assent to
    acquiesco 3
  160. get skinny
    corpus amitto
  161. grieve
    contristor 1
  162. give a pledge as bondsman
    auctoro 1
  163. grow dumb
    consilesco 3
  164. gain strength
    vigoro 1
  165. grow thoroughly warm :: glow :: glow with love
    concalesco 3
  166. grow weary :: grow faint
    defatiscor 3
  167. grow weary :: grow faint
    defetiscor 3 (defatiscor 3)
  168. grow very dark
    contenebrasco 3
  169. grow very dark
    contenebresco 3
  170. grow clear
    albicasco 3
  171. generally :: generally
  172. generally :: generally
  173. gnaw
  174. grow
    augesco 3
  175. grow
    adaugesco 3
  176. go to sleep
    addormio 4
  177. grow fat :: grow stout
    turgesco 3
  178. greatness :: grandeur
    dignitas, dignitatis f
  179. glutton :: gormandizer
    venter, ventris m
  180. gripes
    strophoma, strophomatis n
  181. gripes
    strophus, strophi m
  182. globular
    sphaeralis, sphaerale
  183. good for a cough
    tussicularis, tussiculare
  184. given in consequence of a vow
    votivus, votiva, votivum
  185. growing wild
    silvester, silvestris, silvestre
  186. growing wild
    silvestris, silvestre
  187. given
    dativus, dativa, dativum
  188. glittering
    sidereus, siderea, sidereum
  189. general
    vulgaris, vulgare
  190. general
    vulgarius, vulgaria, vulgarium
  191. good against the colic
    torminalis, torminale
  192. grand
    tragicus, tragica, tragicum
  193. girdle
    sona, sonae f
  194. girdle
    zona, zonae f
  195. gulf
    sinus, sinus m
  196. grown inwards :: grown awry
    varus, vara, varum
  197. grape
    acina, acinae f
  198. grape
    acinum, acini n
  199. grape
    acinus, acini m
  200. glittering
    stellans, stellantis
  201. go anywhere
    me confero
  202. gall juices
    umores fellinei
  203. guard
    vincio 4
  204. grappler :: grabber
    aucupator, aucupatoris m
  205. grappler :: grabber
    aucupex, aucupicis m
  206. goose
    auca, aucae f
  207. gnaw
    admordeo 2
  208. gnawing
    admorsus, admorsus m
  209. gloomy
    ater, atra, atrum
  210. glowing heat
    torres, torris f
  211. grumble
    balatus, balatus m
  212. give someone the wrong impression
    alicuius aciem mentis praestringo
  213. genius
    vena, venae f
  214. gory
    cruore oblitus
  215. got enraged
    sufflo 1
  216. give a signal with the trumpet
    bucino 1
  217. get into the vehicle
    vehiculum escendo
  218. grapes
    tabulatum, tabulati n
  219. gondola
    cumba, cumbae f
  220. gondola
    cymba, cymbae f (cumba, cumbae f )
  221. grow violent
    effervesco 3
  222. godfather :: godmother
    sponsor, sponsoris m
  223. get on someone's body
    comminus ad aliquem accedo
  224. greet someone with a bow
    corpore inclinato aliquem saluto
  225. give a slap
    colaphizo 1
  226. give a slap
    colapho aliquem ferio
  227. go against the rule
    contra regulam committo
  228. gasp away with short sobs
    singulto 1
  229. give the h sound
    aspiro 1
  230. give the h sound
    adspiro 1
  231. gentle blowing of air
    spiritus, spiritus m
  232. glittering
    splendidus, splendida, splendidum
  233. glorifying
    clarificus, clarifica, clarificum
  234. give an account of
  235. guide :: govern
    ago 3
  236. gather
    compono 3
  237. give the conversation a different direction
    sermonem alio transfero
  238. gossip
    aliis narro
  239. gain
    concilio 1
  240. get under :: get up
    subigo 3
  241. give to drink
    adaquo 1
  242. get water
    aquor 1
  243. give
  244. go into oneself
    animum ad se ipsum advoco
  245. gratuity collected together for the emperor
    collatio, collationis f

  246. Brito, Britonis m (Britto, Brittonis m )
  247. gushing up of water
    bullitio, bullitionis f
  248. gushing up of water
    bullitus, bullitūs m
  249. gunshot wounds
    vulnera missilium
  250. grave :: grave
    sepulcrum, sepulcri n
  251. gall
    uro 3
  252. glow
    uror 3
  253. good-will
    studium, studii n
  254. gravel
    calculatio, calculationis f [2]
  255. get a respite
    advoco 1
  256. giraffe
    camelopardalis, camelopardalis f
  257. giraffe
    camelopardalus, camelopardali m
  258. giraffe
    camelopardus, camelopardi m
  259. garage
    cisiarium, cisiarii n
  260. govern
    curo 1
  261. glib words
    verba non circumspecta
  262. go through
    circumvecto 1
  263. get rid of
  264. get
    deporto 1
  265. gather :: get in
    conveho 3
  266. gristle
    cartilago, cartilaginis f
  267. gristly
    cartilagineus, cartilaginea, cartilagineum
  268. gambling house
    alatorium, aleatorii n
  269. give up
    abicio 5
  270. get rid of one's shackles
    vincula mihi exuo
  271. give cause for something to happen
    alicuius rei materiam do
  272. go through
    transmitto 3
  273. grot
    specus, specus m
  274. grotto
    antrum, antri n
  275. give destiny a new direction
    fatalia deverto
  276. gracefully
  277. grafting
    affiliatio, affiliationis f
  278. goatee
    mentum, menti n
  279. graver
    caelum, caeli n
  280. graver
    celum, celi n
  281. graver
    coelum, coeli n
  282. graver
    cilio, cilionis m
  283. gather
    deligo 3
  284. girdle
    cinctura, cincturae f
  285. global citizen
    civis universi

  286. magistratus, magistratus m
  287. grasping any thing
    deplexus, deplexa, deplexum
  288. genuine
    sincerus, sincera, sincerum
  289. good conscience
    conscientia virtutis
  290. give way
    tergum do
  291. glancing
    argutus, arguta, argutum
  292. glorious
    clarus, clara, clarum
  293. glad
    serenus, serena, serenum
  294. graphically
  295. garment
    vestimentum, vestimenti n
  296. georgian
    Colchus, Colcha, Colchum

  297. Colchis, Colchidis f
  298. gather provisions
    annonor 1
  299. get :: gain :: gather up in memory
    colligo 3
  300. gathered together :: gathered hastily without selection
    collecticius, collecticia, collecticium
  301. gathered together :: gathered hastily without selection
    collectitius, collectitia, collectitium
  302. gathered together
    collectivus, collectiva, collectivum
  303. gathering
    conceptus, conceptus m
  304. gathering
    concilium, concilii n
  305. gigantic
    colossus, colossa, colossum
  306. gigantic
    colosseus, colossea, colosseum (colossaeus, colossiaeus)
  307. gigantic
    colossiaeus, colossiaea, colossiaeum
  308. gigantic
    colossicos, colossicon
  309. gigantic
    colossicus, colossica, colossicum
  310. give someone a beating
    depecto 3
  311. gladiator :: groundsman of the arena
    arenarius, arenarii m
  312. grasp
    circumvenio 4
  313. get the start of
    antevenio 4
  314. go down :: go :: go into
    descendo 3
  315. grow :: grow :: grow up
    cresco 3
  316. go to :: go to a place
    devenio 4
  317. go beyond
    supervenio 4
  318. go under any thing :: go on :: go down
  319. go to and fro
    concurso 1
  320. good!
  321. good!
    agedum (agitedum)!
  322. good issue
    successio, successionis f
  323. give a foreign nature to a thing
    adultero 1
  324. give a foreign nature to a thing
    adulteror 1
  325. grace
    commendo 1
  326. generally one says
    vulgo dicitur
  327. grace
    venia, veniae f
  328. grasp some
    cogitatione aliquid comprehendo
  329. grasp something mentally
    cogitatione aliquid complector
  330. grasp something mentally
    cogitatione aliquid comprehendo
  331. grotto
    cripta, criptae f
  332. grotto
    crupta, cruptae f
  333. grotto
    crypta, cryptae f
  334. guess
    coiector 1
  335. give full assurance of
    confirmo 1
  336. guild
    collegium, collegii n
  337. guilty
    culpae conscius
  338. guilty fea
    conscientia, conscientiae f
  339. gathered together
    consponsus, consponsa, consponsum
  340. governor
    consul, consulis m
  341. go to for counsel
    consultor 1
  342. grow cold
    defrigesco 3
  343. gin
    tenus, tenoris n
  344. growing corn :: ground
    seges, segetis f
  345. grave robber
    bisbellio, bisbellionis m
  346. grave robber
    bisbillus, bisbilli m
  347. grave robber
    bispellio, bispellionis m
  348. grave robber
    bispello, bispellonis m
  349. grave robber
    vespillo, vespillonis m
  350. grave robber
    vispellio, vispellionis m
  351. grave robber
    vispillo, vispillonis m
  352. grossness of body
    corpulentia, corpulentiae f
  353. gross
    corporosus, corporosa, corporosum
  354. governor
    corrector, correctoris m
  355. give the number of something
    annumero 1 (adnumero 1)
  356. gentleness
    comitas, comitatis f
  357. gaming-board
    abacus, abaci m
  358. garment
    velamen, velaminis n
  359. gilt :: glistening like gold :: golden :: gilded
    bracteatus, bracteata, bracteatum
  360. gilt :: glistening like gold :: golden :: gilded
    bratteatus, bratteata, bratteatum (bracteatus)
  361. garment :: gown
    toga virilis
  362. greedily
  363. greedily

  364. creator, creatoris m
  365. goblet
    calix, calicis m
  366. goblet
    scyphus, scyphi m
  367. give a curling motion to :: give a undulatory motion to
    concrispo 1
  368. gore
    caedes, caedis f
  369. graving
    scalptura, scalpturae f
  370. gloomy :: green :: greenish
    caeruleus, caerulea, caeruleum
  371. gloomy :: green :: greenish
    caerulus, caerula, caerulum
  372. gloomy :: green :: greenish
    coeruleus, coerulea, coeruleum
  373. gloomy :: green :: greenish
    coerulus, coerula, coerulum
  374. gloomy
    caligineus, caliginea, caligineum
  375. gloomy
    tenebrosus, tenebrosa, tenebrosum
  376. gloomy
    tenebricus, tenebrica, tenebricum
  377. gloomy
    atrox, atrocis
  378. gloom
    tenebrae, tenebrarum f
  379. gloom
    tenebrositas, tenebrositatis f
  380. granddaughter of a great-grandchild
    adneptis, adneptis f
  381. granddaughter of a great-grandchild
    atneptis, atneptis f
  382. goddess of the morning
    aurora, aurorae f
  383. glare
    abbacino 1
  384. glitter
    candor, candoris m
  385. group of ten monks
    decania, decaniae f
  386. give up
    dico 1
  387. given up to
    addictus, addicta, addictum
  388. greater reason :: greater intellect
    altior intellectus
  389. grant in inheritance matters
    devolutio, devolutionis f
  390. go away
    ancoram (navem) solvo
  391. go away
    ancoras tollo
  392. geld
    castro 1
  393. go back to the origin :: go back to the source :: go back to the beginning
    ā fonte repeto
  394. geography
    chorographia, chorographiae f
  395. generate
    parturio 4
  396. greed
    cupido, cupidinis f
  397. greediness of gain in trade
    cupiditas, cupiditatis f
  398. give up hope of rescue
    de salute despero
  399. give one’s self up to
    me devoveo
  400. given to
    devotus, devota, devotum
  401. greatly attached to
    devinctus, devincta, devinctum
  402. give one's life
    animam do
  403. grind
    conficio 5
  404. guest
    cenator, cenatoris m
  405. give heed to :: give attention
    animadverto 3
  406. give heed to :: give attention
    animadvorto 3
  407. get on my way
    castra commoveo
  408. get on my way
    castra moveo
  409. govern
    tempero 1
  410. god's blessing
    dei benignitas
  411. grace with
    afficio 5
  412. gain or mortise in which rafters or joists lie
    columbarium, columbarii n
  413. graze
    stringo 3
  414. get
    contraho 3
  415. get
    traho 3
  416. get dressed
    vestem induo
  417. give to drink
    poto 1
  418. growing in moist places
    bibulus, bibula, bibulum
  419. goblet
    culilla, culillae f
  420. goblet
    cululla, culullae f
  421. goblet
    culullus, cululli m (culillus, culilli m )
  422. get rid of a nuisance
    abigo 3
  423. go there in the car
    curru advehor
  424. gather together
    cogo 3
  425. groom
    agaso, agasonis m
  426. gently
  427. god
    coelicola, coelicolae m
  428. greedy
    avarus, avara, avarum
  429. greedily
  430. greedily
  431. ground
    Tellus, Telluris f
  432. gnaw around
  433. gobble up
    tuburcinor 1
  434. gnawed
    adesus, adesa, adesum
  435. gourmand
    comesor, comesoris m
  436. good appetite
    amor edendi
  437. gulf
    voratrina, voratrinae f
  438. gum of the Egyptian pod-thorn
    acacia, acaciae f
  439. gracefully
  440. get out of the way
    de medio tollo
  441. glow
    vaporo 1
  442. grope about
    caligino 1
  443. grope about
    caligo 1
  444. grope about
    calligo 1
  445. gabble
    vaniloquium, vaniloquii n
  446. gathering of the field signs
    collatio signorum
  447. great
    auctus, aucta, auctum
  448. give someone information
    certiorem facio
  449. go into
    adingredior 5
  450. grasp
    complector 3
  451. give way
    consido 3
  452. gallows bird
    crux, crucis f
  453. go to :: go hastily to
    contendo 3
  454. give up the ghost
    animam ago
  455. get to know something directly from practical experience
    aliquid ipso cognosco in actu
  456. glasses
    vitra ocularia
  457. go out
    deficior 5
  458. go wrong
    male evenio
  459. going out
    delinquio, delinquionis f
  460. going out
    deliquio, deliquionis f (delinquio, delinquionis f)
  461. going out
    deliquium, deliquii n
  462. go to pieces :: go to decay :: go to ruin :: glide away
    dilabor 3
  463. go down
    cado 3
  464. get where :: get carried away
  465. glide down
    delabor 3
  466. get duped
    dolo capior
  467. glide :: glide away
    sublabor 3
  468. greetings!
  469. gluttony
    abdomen, abdominis n
  470. gluttony
    abdumen, abduminis n
  471. good-will
    aequanimitas, aequanimitatis f
  472. grovelling
    adulatio, adulationis f
  473. gorge oneself on wine
    vino me beo
  474. gorge oneself on wine
    corpus vino curo

  475. conventus foederalis
  476. giddy fellow
    homo tenebrarius
  477. guard
    defendo 3
  478. get water
    aquatum eo
  479. gladiator
    assidarius, assidarii m
  480. gladiator
    essedarius, essedarii m
  481. greasy :: gross
    adipatus, adipata, adipatum
  482. give in to one's urge :: give free rein to one's urge
    animum facio alicui
  483. gourmet restaurant
    coquina conditaria
  484. grain of sand
    arenula, arenulae f
  485. glow
    aestus, aestus m
  486. guide
    caput, capitis n
  487. gudgeon
    cobio, cobionis m
  488. gudgeon
    cobius, cobiii m
  489. gudgeon
    gobio, gobionis m
  490. gudgeon
    gobius, gobii m (cobius)
  491. grayling
    umbra, umbrae f
  492. get ready
    apto 1
  493. glow
    ardor, ardoris m
  494. glitter :: gleam
    corusco 1
  495. glitter :: gleam
    scorisco 1
  496. go over to the enemy, desert
    transfugio 5
  497. get off
    subterfugio 5
  498. glide down :: get lost
    defluo 3
  499. garland
    coronamentum, coronamenti n
  500. grippal
    ad influenzam pertinens
  501. grippal
    grippalis, grippale
  502. grippal
    nfluenzalis, nfluenzale
  503. go away quickly
    avolo 1
  504. go quickly over :: go quickly across
    transvolo 1
  505. go quickly over :: go quickly across
    travolo 1
  506. go along with someone's plans
    alicuius consiliis assentior (adsentior)
  507. go after
    consequor 3
  508. gain
    assequor 3 (adsequor 3)
  509. go after
    consector 1
  510. gloomy
    tetricus, tetrica, tetricum
  511. gather in a company or circle for conversation
    circulor 1
  512. go over to any one
    descisco 3
  513. grow hard
    congelo 1
  514. grow hard
    congelor 1
  515. grape
    uba, ubae f
  516. great :: glorious
    amplus, ampla, amplum
  517. great ly agitated
    aestuosus, aestuosa, aestuosum
  518. gloomy
    tenebricosus, tenebricosa, tenebricosum
  519. gloomy
    caliginosus, caliginosa, caliginosum
  520. gloomy
    caligosus, caligosa, caligosum
  521. glorious
    actinosus, actinosa, actinosum
  522. gravelly
    calculosus, calculosa, calculosum
  523. grievous
    curius, curia, curium
  524. greasy
    sebosus, sebosa, sebosum
  525. galling
    spinosus, spinosa, spinosum
  526. groove
    strio 1
  527. gilded :: gilt :: golden :: gold-colored
    auratus, aurata, auratum
  528. gain respect :: gain prestige :: gain a reputation
    dignitatem mihi concilio (paro)
  529. game with dice :: game of hazard :: game of chance
    alea, aleae f
  530. game with dice :: game of hazard :: game of chance
    alia, aliae f
  531. game :: game meat
    venatio, venationis f
  532. garland :: genealogical table :: genealogical tree
    stemma, stemmatis n
  533. garment of skins :: garment of leather
    scortea, scorteae f
  534. gas bubble :: gas blister :: gas bladder
    caverna gasosa
  535. gather from below :: gather for underneath
    sublego 3
  536. gather grapes :: gather the vintage
    vindemio 1
  537. gene analysis :: genetic analysis
    analysis genetica
  538. general assembly :: general meeting
    coetus generalis
  539. general :: generally
    volgatus, volgata, volgatum
  540. general :: generally
    vulgatus, vulgata, vulgatum
  541. genetic engineering :: gene technology
    ars genetica
  542. genome :: genetic material
    genoma, genomatis n
  543. gently :: gradually
  544. gently :: gradually :: gently
    clemens, clementis

  545. concilium foederatarum Germaniae civitatum
  546. get a graze :: get a scrach
    telo stringor
  547. get a shot :: get hit by a shot
    telo ferior
  548. get an epithet :: get a nickname
    cognomen mihi induo
  549. get cocky :: get presumptuous
    arrogantiam mihi sumo
  550. get going :: getting started
    celebror 1
  551. get goose bumps :: get goose pimples
    cohorrescit corpus meum
  552. get goose bumps :: get goose pimples
    horror me perfundit
  553. get into trouble :: get into a difficult position :: get into a difficult situation
    difficultate afficior
  554. get knowledge of something :: get notified about something
    certior fio de aliqua re
  555. get moving :: get going
    agitor 1
  556. get one away from the fact that he :: get one off that he
    aliquem deterreo, ne ...
  557. get one away from the fact that he :: get one off that he
    aliquem deterreo, quominus ...
  558. get sick :: get gripped by illness
    adversa valetudine corripior
  559. get suitable weather :: get appropriate weather
    tempestatem idoneam nanciscor
  560. get talked about :: get into the talk
    in sermōnem venio
  561. get the lazy man on his feet :: get the sluggard on his feet
    commoveo languentem
  562. getting trapped :: getting into danger
    circumvenior 4
  563. getting up from bed :: getting out of bed
    a lecto surgo
  564. giant force :: giant forces
    vires vastae
  565. gift made to a guest :: gift
    xenium, xenii n
  566. gild :: gild over
    deauro 1
  567. gird below :: gird from below :: gird :: gird about :: girdle
    succingo 3
  568. gird to :: gird on, gird round :: gird about
    adcingo 3
  569. gird yourself up :: get ready
    accinctio, accinctionis f
  570. gird yourself up :: get ready
    accinctus, accinctus m
  571. girded :: girt
    succinctulus, succinctula, succinctulum
  572. girding :: girdle
    cinctum, cincti n
  573. girding :: girdle
    cinctus, cinctus m
  574. girdle encircling the hips :: girdle of the earth
    cingula, cingulae f
  575. girdle encircling the hips :: girdle of the earth
    cingulum, cinguli n
  576. girdle encircling the hips :: girdle of the earth
    cingulus, cinguli m
  577. girdle :: girth
    cestos, cesti m
  578. girdle :: girth
    cestus, cesti m
  579. girdle :: girth :: girdle of Venus
    caestus, caesti m
  580. give a banquet :: give a feast
    convivium orno
  581. give a color to :: gloss over
    coloro 1
  582. give a farewell feast :: give a farewell party
    cenam viaticam do
  583. give a particular direction to :: guide
    derigo 3
  584. give a particular direction to :: guide
    dirigo 3
  585. give a public lecture :: give a public speech
    verbum in publico facio
  586. give a push :: give a point
    appungo 3
  587. give a splendid banquet :: give a splendid feast
    convivium splendide orno
  588. give an echo :: give a resonance
    vocem remitto
  589. give an official intimation :: give notice
    denuntio 1
  590. give attention to one's speech :: give attention to one's lecture
    meae orationi audientiam facio
  591. give attention to something :: give heed
    adsum (assum)
  592. give away :: give up from one’s self :: give up any thing to one :: give up
    dedo 3
  593. give free rein to one's desires :: give full vent to one's desires
    cupiditatibus frena permitto
  594. give help :: give aid
    auxilior 1
  595. give help :: give haid
    auxilio 1
  596. give notice of a suit :: give notice of a process
    denuntio 1
  597. give occasion that :: give cause that, act so as that, bring punishment upon one’s self by an error or fault
    committo 3
  598. give out a smell :: give out a odor
    adoleo 2 (intr.)
  599. give out tidings :: give out a notice
    dedico 1
  600. give over grieving :: grieve no more
    dedoleo 2
  601. give place to (in excellence, dignity, rank) :: give precedence :: grant
    concedo 3
  602. give someone a big fright :: give someone a cold shiver :: give someone a chill
    cor alicui perfrigefacio
  603. give someone a hand :: give someone help
    auxilium fero alicui
  604. give something a happy turn :: give something a turn for the better
    bene verto aliquid
  605. give something to one :: give up :: give a debt to one
    condono 1
  606. give the signal for breaking up camp :: give the signal for an attack :: give the signal for commencing hostilities
    bellicum cano
  607. give the signal to leave :: give the signal, before breaking up, for packing :: give the order for decamping
    vasa conclamo
  608. give the state a solid, stable, resilient, robust constitution :: give the state a solid order :: give the state a stable organization
    disciplinam legibus astringo
  609. give up the ghost :: go belly up
    animam ebullio
  610. give :: give up to
    committo 3
  611. giving health :: giving safety
    sospitalis, sospitale
  612. giving some light :: glimmering
    sublustris, sublustre
  613. glass-worker :: glassblower
    vitrarius, vitrarii m
  614. glass-worker :: glassblower
    vitrearius, vitrearii m
  615. glass-worker :: glassblower
    vitriarius, vitriarii m
  616. glide to something :: glide toward something :: glide to something
    allabor 3 (adlabor 3)
  617. gloating :: gleeful
    malevolus, malevola, malevolum (malivolus)
  618. gloating :: gleeful
    qui gaudet alienis (alterius) malis
  619. gloating :: gleeful
    de damno aliorum (alterius) laetus
  620. glow slightly :: glimmer forth
    subrutilo 1
  621. glow :: gleam
    clarico 1
  622. glutton :: gormandizer
    cataphagas, cataphagae m
  623. glutton :: gormandizer
    comedo, comedonis m
  624. glutton :: gormandizer
    comedus, comedi m
  625. gnaw at :: gnaw
    adrodo 3
  626. gnaw at :: gnaw
    arrodo 3 (adrodo 3)
  627. gnaw :: gnaw to pieces
    corrodo 3
  628. go to :: give assent to
    accedo 3
  629. go about :: go around
    ambigo 3
  630. go about :: go
    ambulo 1
  631. go across :: go over
    transvehor 3
  632. go and come :: go
    commeo 1
  633. go apart :: go aside :: go away
    secedo 3
  634. go apart :: go asunder :: go away
    digredior 5
  635. go around :: go from one to another
  636. go around :: go from one to another
  637. go astray :: get lost
    de via decedo
  638. go away secretly :: go into hiding
    clam me subduco
  639. go away secretly :: go into hiding
    clam me submoveo
  640. go away :: go off :: give way
    decedo 3
  641. go away :: go down
    devehor 3
  642. go before :: get the start
    antecedo 3
  643. go below :: go under :: go from under :: go up
    succedo 3
  644. go beyond :: go through
  645. go bird-catching :: give chase to
    aucupo 1
  646. go bird-catching :: give chase to
    aucupor 1
  647. go easy! :: go slow! :: go mercifully!
    bona verba!
  648. go far :: go far back
    alte repeto
  649. go from a place :: go away
  650. go from bad to worse :: get out of the frying pan and into the fire
    de calcaria in carbonariam pervenio
  651. go into detail :: go into the details
    de singulis ago
  652. go off :: go away
    abscedo 3
  653. go out successfully :: go out favourably :: go out happily :: go out well :: go out successfully :: go out favourably :: go out happily :: go out well
    aliquid prospere cadit
  654. go over :: glide over
    supermeo 1
  655. go over :: go across :: go over to a party :: go over to a side :: go over into any thing
  656. go over :: go across :: go through
    trameo 1
  657. go over :: go across :: go through
    transmeo 1
  658. go over :: go past
    supervehor 3
  659. go round a thing :: go about a thing :: go round after
    ambio 4
  660. go round in a circle :: gird :: gird on (the sword) :: gird
    cingo 3
  661. go somewhere in great numbers :: go in great numbers to a celebration
    celebro 1
  662. go to sleep :: go to bed
    concedo cubitum
  663. go to sleep :: go to bed
    cubitum eo
  664. go to the gallows :: go hang
    abi in malum cruciatum
  665. go to the toilet :: go to relieve yourself
    alvum exoneratum eo
  666. go to :: go against one in a hostile manner
    aggredior 5
  667. go :: go along
    cedo 3
  668. go :: go away :: go out of the way for one :: give way to
    concedo 3
  669. go :: go hastily :: go rapidly
    vado 3
  670. goat hair robe :: goat hair garment
    vestis saetigera
  671. goatee beard :: goatbeard
    aruncus, arunci m
  672. goatee beard :: goatee
    barba in acutum desinens

  673. deus nullius exempli capit ´nem

  674. utinam ita velint superi!
  675. god of the changing year :: god of the seasons and their productions
    Vertumnus, Vertumni m
  676. godbearing :: god-bearer
    theotocos, theotoci f
  677. goddess of agriculture :: grain
    Ceres, Cereris f
  678. gods that possess no definite place in heaven :: gods revered everywhere
    azoni di
  679. going to :: going near
    accessio, accessionis f
  680. going about :: going hither and thither
    ambiguus, ambigua, ambiguum
  681. going across :: going over :: going over
    transitio, transitionis f
  682. going across :: going over
    transgressio, transgressionis f
  683. going asunder :: going away
    discessus, discessus m
  684. going before :: going ahead
    antecessus, antecessus m
  685. going before :: going ahead
    anticessus, anticessus m
  686. going round :: going about of candidates for office in Rome
    ambitio, ambitionis f
  687. going to :: going near
    accessus, accessus m
  688. going to :: going toward
    aggressio, aggressionis f
  689. gold bearing :: gold producing :: gold containing :: goldbearing
    aurifer, aurifera, auriferum
  690. gold digger :: gold seeker
    aurifossor, aurifossoris m
  691. gold mine :: gold pit
    auri fodina
  692. gold vein :: gold mine
    auri vena
  693. gold-mine :: golddealer
    auraria, aurariae f
  694. gold-picker :: gold-collector
    aurilegulus, aurileguli m
  695. gold-picker :: gold-collector
    aurilegus, aurilegi m
  696. gold-sand :: gold-dust
    balluca, ballucae f
  697. gold-sand :: gold-dust
    baluca, balucae f
  698. gold-sand :: gold-dust
    balux, balucis f
  699. gold-weaver :: gilder
    barbaricarius, barbaricarii m
  700. gold :: gleam of gold
    aurum, auri n
  701. golden middle way :: golden middle road
    aurea mediocritas
  702. golden :: gold-colored
    chryseus, chrysea, chryseum
  703. golden :: gold-colored
    chrysius, chrysia, chrysium
  704. good against the poison of animals :: good against the bite of serpents
    theriacus, theriaca, theriacum
  705. good for sharpening :: good for sharpening weapons
    acuminarius, acuminaria, acuminarium
  706. good quality of a thing :: goodness :: good conduct
    bonitas, bonitatis f
  707. good reputation :: good name :: good repute
    bona fama
  708. goose farmer :: goose fattener
    anserarius, anserarii m
  709. goose pimples :: goose flesh
    cutis anserina
  710. goose pimples :: goose flesh
    cutis anseris
  711. gouge out the eyes :: glare
    abacino 1
  712. gout sufferers :: gouty patients
    arthritici, arthriticorum m
  713. gout :: gout pain
    articulorum dolores
  714. government participation :: government involvement
    societas regendi
  715. governor of a territory :: governor of a district
    toparcha, toparchae m
  716. governor of a territory :: governor of a district
    toparches, toparchae m
  717. grain feeds :: grain supplies
    vecturae frumenti
  718. grammatical theorist :: grammarian
    artis lator
  719. grandfather :: grandsire
    avus, avi m
  720. grant forgiveness :: grant pardon
    veniam impertio
  721. grant grace :: grant mercy
    veniam impertio
  722. grant or yield something to one as a favor or from regard :: give up :: go or pass over to any thing
    concedo 3
  723. grant the debtor a deferment of payment :: give the debtor a deadline for payment
    debitori intervallum do
  724. grant :: give :: give up
    tribuo 3
  725. grape-gathering :: grapes
    vindemia, vindemiae f
  726. grape-stone :: grape-skin
    vinaceus, vinacei m
  727. grape-stone :: grape-skin
    vinaceum, vinacei n
  728. grasp with both hands :: grip with both hands
    cupide arripio
  729. grasp :: grasping
    assecutio, assecutionis f
  730. grasping :: grabbing
    arreptus, arreptus m
  731. grave expression :: gravity
    taetricitas, taetricitatis f
  732. grave expression :: gravity
    tetricitas, tetricitatis f
  733. graver :: graving tool
    cestros, cestri m
  734. graver :: graving tool
    cestrus, cestri m
  735. gray hair :: greying hair
    albitudo capitis
  736. gray or grayish-white color :: gray hair
    canitia, canitiae f
  737. gray or grayish-white color :: gray hair
    canities, canitiei f
  738. gray :: grayish
    canens, canentis
  739. grazers :: grass-eating animals
    animalia herbatica
  740. grease :: greasiness
    arvina, arvinae f
  741. grease :: greasiness
    arvinula, arvinulae f
  742. greasy wool coat :: greasy cloak
    cerea abolla
  743. great :: great in soul
    dapaticus, dapatica, dapaticum
  744. greedily eating :: greedily devouring :: gobbling
    tuburchinabundus, tuburchinabunda, tuburchinabundum
  745. greedily eating :: greedily devouring :: gobbling
    tuburcinabundus, tuburcinabunda, tuburcinabundum
  746. greedy desire for possessions :: greediness :: gluttony
    avaritas, avaritatis f
  747. greedy desire for possessions :: greediness :: gluttony
    avaritia, avaritiae f
  748. greedy desire for possessions :: greediness
    avarities, avaritiei f

  749. Danaus, Danaa, Danaum
  750. green color :: greenness
    viror, viroris m
  751. green color :: greenness :: green thing
    viride, viridis n
  752. green color :: greenness
    viriditas, viriditatis f
  753. green plants :: green herbs :: green trees
    viridia, viridium n
  754. greet :: greet as
    consaluto 1
  755. grinding mill :: grindstone
    mola acuminaria
  756. grinding room :: grinding chamber
    cella molaris
  757. griping of the bowels :: gripes
    tormina, torminum n
  758. groaning under the pressure of something :: groaning under the weight of something
    aliqua re oppressus sum
  759. groaning under the pressure of something :: groaning under the weight of something
    aliqua re oppressus teneor
  760. gross gluttony :: gormandizing
    collucernatio, collucernationis f
  761. gross gluttony :: gormandizing
    collurchinatio, collurchinationis f
  762. gross gluttony :: gormandizing
    collurcinatio, collurcinationis f
  763. grouchy :: grumpy
    atribux, atribucis
  764. grouchy :: grumpy
    attribux, attribucis
  765. groundskeeper :: groundsman
    curator campi
  766. group of persons embracing :: group of persons wrestling
    symplegma, symplegmatis n
  767. grow broad :: grow out
    discresco 3
  768. grow foamy :: grow frothy
    spumesco 3
  769. grow green :: green
    viridico 1
  770. grow green :: green
    virido 1
  771. grow green :: green
    viridor 1
  772. grow harsh :: grow violent :: grow worse
    crudesco 3
  773. grow less :: grow shorter
    decresco 3
  774. grow moist :: grow wet
    umesco 3
  775. grow old together :: grow old :: grow old or gray in an occupation
    consenesco 3
  776. grow over :: grow upon
    superincresco 3
  777. grow soft :: grow tender
    teneresco 3
  778. grow stiff :: grow numb :: grow dim
    torpesco 3
  779. grow thick :: grow dense :: grow hard :: grow large :: grow fat
    crassesco 3
  780. grow together with one :: grow up with
    congermanesco 3
  781. grow together with something :: grow firmly :: grow firm
    coalesco 3
  782. grow together with something :: grow firmly :: grow firm
    colesco 3
  783. grow together with something :: grow firmly :: grow firm
    coolēsco 3
  784. grow together :: grow :: grow strong
    concresco 3
  785. grow under :: grow from under :: grow up
    subcresco 3
  786. grow under :: grow from under :: grow up
    succresco 3
  787. grow unfruitful :: grow barren :: grow sterile
    sterilesco 3
  788. grow up under :: grow out of :: grow after
    subnascor 3
  789. grow up :: grow over :: grow upon
    supercresco 3
  790. grow up :: grow
    adolesco 3
  791. grow warm :: grow hot :: glow
    calesco 3
  792. grow white :: grow old :: get feeble
    canesco 3
  793. grow white :: grow old :: get feeble
    canisco 3
  794. grow :: grow
    viresco 3
  795. growing over :: growing above
    supernascor 3
  796. grown great :: great :: great
    altus, alta, altum
  797. grown up :: grown
    adultus, adulta, adultum
  798. guardianship over a prodigal :: guardianship over a profligate
    cura prodigi
  799. guardianship over an infirm person :: guardianship over a frail
    cura debilis
  800. guide :: govern
    agguberno 1
  801. guiding principle :: guiding theme
    thema fundamentale
  802. guild of tradesmen :: guild of merchants
    collegium mercatorum
  803. guitar player :: guitarist
    citharicen, citharicinis m

  804. citharista, citharistae m
  805. guitar player :: guitarist
    citharistria, citharistriae f
  806. guitar player :: guitarist
    citharoedus, citharoedi m
  807. guitar :: guitar playing
    cithara, citharae f

  808. civitates sinui Persico circumdatae
  809. gummy substance :: groundwork in honey-making
    commosis, commosis f
  810. gymnastics hall :: gymnasium
    basilica exercitatoria
  811. good state :: good condition :: good health
    valetudo, valetudinis f
  812. grizzled
    semicanus, semicana, semicanum
  813. grizzled
    canaster, canastra, canastrum
  814. grip
    ampla, amplae f
  815. grievous
    acerbus, acerba, acerbum
  816. grating
    asper, aspera, asperum
  817. grave :: gloomy
    austerus, austera, austerum
  818. go at a fast pace
    celeri ingressu utor
  819. give birth
    e partu laboro
  820. gloomy
    caecus, caeca, caecum
  821. guilty of
    compos, compotis
  822. groom
    auriga, aurigae m
  823. guardian
    curator, curatoris m
  824. gather together
    construo 3
  825. give ear to :: give credit to
    ausculto 1
  826. give ear to :: grant
    audio 4
  827. give someone help :: give someone assistance
    auxilio aliquem levo
  828. grain-rich
    annonae fecundus
  829. greater reason
    altior prudentia
  830. greater
    superior, superius
  831. give! :: give here :: grant that
  832. guard
    adtineo 2
  833. guard
    attineo 2 (adtineo 2)
  834. give out :: give way
    strigo 1
  835. grasp
    teneo 2
  836. griping
    tenax, tenacis
  837. grotto
    caverna, cavernae f
  838. grotto
    cavernum, caverni n
  839. good qualities
    bonae artes
  840. grace
    cohonesto 1
  841. grudge
    simultas, simultatis f
  842. glowing ashes
    termospodion, termospodii n
  843. glowing ashes
    thermospodion, thermospodii n
  844. goods
    supelex, supelectilis f
  845. goods
    supellectilis, supellectilis f
  846. goods
    supellex, supellectilis f
  847. give someone a hug
    complexus alicui do
  848. game
    venatus, venatus m
  849. game
    venatio, venationis f
  850. glitch
    damnum, damni n
  851. grievous
    aeger, aegra, aegrum
  852. grief
    aegritudo, aegritudinis f
  853. generously
  854. generously
  855. grooved
  856. generally
  857. gestiefelt
    caligatus, caligata, caligatum
  858. gleaming :: glittering
    coruscus, corusca, coruscum
  859. grow
    crementor 1
  860. give to
    augeo 2
  861. growth
    augmen, augminis n
  862. growth
    augmentatio, augmentationis f
  863. growth
    auxesis, auxesis f
  864. growth
    accretio, accretionis f
  865. growth
    auctus, auctus m
  866. growth
    adauctus, adauctus m
  867. growth
    adaugmen, adaugminis n
  868. goods to be sold by auction
    auctio, auctionis f
  869. gasped out
    anhelatus, anhelata, anhelatum
  870. gods
    coelites, coelitum m
  871. grave
    adytum, adyti n
  872. grave
    adytus, adytus m
  873. give someone courage
    animos alicui adicio
  874. give someone courage
    animum addo alicui
  875. gimlet
    terebra, terebrae f
  876. gimlet
    terebrum, terebri n
  877. goal of life
    destinata, destinatorum n
  878. gluttony
    vinolenties, vinolentiei f
  879. gluttony
    vinulentia, vinulentiae f
  880. gluttony
    vinulenties, vinulentiei f
  881. gluttony
    vinolentia, vinolentiae f
  882. go against someone
    tragulam inicio in aliquem
  883. give assent :: give approval
    adsentio 4
  884. give assent :: give approval
    adsentior 4
  885. give assent :: give approval
    assentio 4 (adsentio 4)
  886. glue together
    coagmento 1
  887. gladness
    alacrimonia, alacrimoniae f
  888. guidance
    arbitratus, arbitratus m
  889. green dragon
    aris, aridis f
  890. game of ball
    trigon, trigonis m
  891. garfish :: garpike
    acus, aci m
  892. groundwork
    carpisculum, carpisculi n
  893. groundwork
    carpisculus, carpisculi m
  894. groundwork
    carpusculum, carpusculi n
  895. groundwork
    carpusculus, carpusculi m
  896. galling
    adustio, adustionis f
  897. give a kiss
    basio 1
  898. graft
    clava, clavae f

  899. Colchus, Colchi m
  900. get insufficient
  901. gout
    arthrisis, arthrisidis f
  902. gout
    arthritis, arthritidis f
  903. ground
    terrenum, terreni n
  904. ground
    terra, terrae f
  905. great tansy
    vernilago, vernilaginis f
  906. grating :: grate
    cancelli, cancellorum m
  907. grate
    clathri, clathrorum m
  908. grate
    clatra, clatrorum n
  909. grate
    clatri, clatrorum m
  910. grasp
    comprehendo 3
  911. grasp with the mind
    adprehendo 3
  912. grasp with the mind
    apprehendo 3 (adprehendo 3), [apprendo 3, adprendo 3]
  913. getting rid of
    depositio, depositionis f
  914. go quickly over to
    transilio 4
  915. go quickly over to
    trānssilio 4
  916. give over singing
    decanto 1
  917. give over
    desino 3
  918. give over
    desivo 1
  919. give up acting
    de scaena decedo
  920. go away
    abito 1
  921. go away
    abito 3
  922. give someone one's ear
    aurem alicui do
  923. give someone one's ear
    aurem alicui praebeo
  924. gentle :: grovelling
    submissus, submissa, submissum
  925. gentle :: grovelling
    summissus, summissa, summissum
  926. give loose reins to :: give access :: grant admittance :: give admittance
    admitto 3
  927. give life to the gladiator
    vitam gladiatori concedo
  928. get depilated
    vellor 3
  929. give leave :: give up
    sino 3
  930. grow up somewhere
    aliquo tollor
  931. get up :: grow up
    surgo 3
  932. give vent to one's heart :: give air to one's heart
    animum levo
  933. ghastly
    cadaverosus, cadaverosa, cadaverosum
  934. gift
    sportula, sportulae f
  935. gosling
    anserculus, anserculi m
  936. gentle kiss
    basiolum, basioli n
  937. glen
    vallecula, valleculae f
  938. glen
    vallicula, valliculae f
  939. grub
    vermiculus, vermiculi m
  940. gladness
    alacritas, alacritatis f
  941. glad
    alacer, alacris, alacre (alacris, alacre)
  942. glad
    alacris, alacre
  943. growing in water
    aquatilis, aquatile
  944. gate
    claustra, claustrorum n
  945. gate
    claustrum, claustri n
  946. gate
    clostrum, clostri n
  947. gate
    clustrum, clustri n
  948. guest house
    deversorium, deversorii n
  949. guest house
    devorsorium, devorsorii n
  950. greatly wish for
    desidero 1
  951. great-coat, with a hood
    caracalla, caracallae f
  952. great-coat, with a hood
    caracallis, caracallis f
  953. greedy :: greedy of money :: greedy :: gluttonous
    avidus, avida, avidum
  954. grief
    desiderium, desiderii n
  955. greedy
    cupidus, cupida, cupidum
  956. glare round upon
    circumviso 3
  957. get sight of :: gaze upon
    conspicio 5
  958. go in order to look at :: go in order to see to :: go in order to look after :: go to see :: go to visit
    viso 3
  959. go in order to look at :: go in order to see to :: go in order to look after :: go to see :: go to visit
    visso 3
  960. gaze at
    specto 1
  961. gaze upon :: get sight of
    contueor 2
  962. gaze upon :: get sight of
    contuor 3
  963. gaze :: glimpse
    adspectio, adspectionis f
  964. gaze :: glimpse
    aspectio, aspectionis f
  965. go to ruin :: go down
    concido 3 (2)
  966. go blind
    aspectum omnino amitto
  967. graceful
    venustus, venusta, venustum
  968. gallant
    amator, amatoris m
  969. ground :: ground
    solum, soli n
  970. generosity
    animus magnus
  971. generosity
    animus magnus et excelsus
  972. girl
    virgo, virginis f
  973. great state
    civitas praepotens
  974. get up by someone's fall
    cresco ex aliquo
  975. give utterance
    sono 1
  976. go on patrol
    viam custodiariam eo
  977. go over
    conficio 5
  978. get as booty
    triumpho 1
  979. gladden
    beo 1
  980. give someone a hard time
    vitam alicui molestam reddo
  981. go on stage for the first time
    tirocinio in scaenam producor
  982. gain attention
    audientiam mihi facio
  983. give someone space
    viam alicui do
  984. give support :: give assistance
    velificor 1
  985. get yourself up to sing
    animum induco cantare
  986. guardianship
    cura, curae f
  987. garment that is thrown about or on
    amicimen, amiciminis n
  988. go back
    castra removeo
  989. goal of life
    destinatum, destinati n
  990. gallant
    sodalis, sodalis m
  991. gist of the action
    causativa, causativorum n
  992. gathering
    cogressio, cogressionis f
  993. growing up with one
    congermanitas, congermanitatis f
  994. gentle
    clemens, clementis
  995. general
    strategus, strategi m
  996. goat-sucker
    caprimulgus, caprimulgi m
  997. get something wrong
    aliquid aliud esse puto
  998. gift :: gratuity
    corollarium, corollarii n
  999. go bad
    depravor 1
  1000. guiltless
    castus, casta, castum
  1001. grape-formed blossom of the silver poplar
    bryon, bryi n
  1002. gasp
    anhelo 1
  1003. glitter :: gleam
    scorusco 1
  1004. guaranty :: guardian
    auctor, auctoris c
  1005. guaranty :: guardian
    autor, autoris c
  1006. gather
    demeto 3
  1007. gullibility
    credulitas, credulitatis f
  1008. give assent by nodding :: give approval by nodding :: grant :: grant something to one
    adnuo 3
  1009. give assent
    annuo 3 (adnuo 3)
  1010. gypsy life
    nomadica vita
  1011. gypsy life
    nomadicam vitam ago
  1012. gypsy life
    nomadum vita
  1013. giving free rein to one's desires
    cupiditates coercere non possum
  1014. godlike
    inhumanus, inhumana, inhumanum
  1015. give message
    adviso 1
  1016. genial
    almus, alma, almum
  1017. get
    consequor 3
  1018. gosh! :: golly
  1019. good
    benignus, benigna, benignum
  1020. growing wild
    silvaticus, silvatica, silvaticum
  1021. grimacing
    vultuosus, vultuosa, vultuosum
  1022. greasy of fat :: greasy with fat :: greasy
    adipalis, adipale
  1023. glass- :: glassy
    vitreus, vitrea, vitreum
  1024. glass- :: glassy
    vitrius, vitria, vitrium
  1025. golden :: gilded :: gold-colored
    aureolus, aureola, aureolum
  1026. golden :: gilded :: glittering like gold
    aureus, aurea, aureum
  1027. gigantic
    staturosus, staturosa, staturosum
  1028. golden
    bractealis, bracteale
  1029. golden
    brattealis, bratteale
  1030. gladly
  1031. give someone the right hand
    dextram alicui offero
  1032. gift
    anathema, anathematis n (2)
  1033. great age
    vetustas, vetustatis f
  1034. gray hairs
    senectus, senectutis f
  1035. girded
    cinctutus, cinctuta, cinctutum
  1036. gone by :: good
    anticus, antica, anticum
  1037. gone by :: good
    antiquus, antiqua, antiquum
  1038. glowing
    ardens, ardentis
  1039. generally
    ad summam
  1040. guest
    adventor, adventoris m
  1041. guide, teacher
    deductor, deductoris m
  1042. geographer
    chorographus, chorographi m
  1043. guest
    conviva, convivae m
  1044. guarantor
    cautor, cautoris m
  1045. guarantor of security
    appromissor, appromissoris m
  1046. guest
    deversor, deversoris m
  1047. glutton
    ventricola, ventricolae m
  1048. glutton
    ventricultor, ventricultois m
  1049. graver
    toreutes, toreutae m
  1050. goldsmith
    vascularius, vascularii m
  1051. guest
    deversitor, deversitoris m
  1052. goods hunter
    agripeta, agripetae m
  1053. gaming-house keeper :: guardian
    susceptor, susceptoris m
  1054. gape
    bataclo 1
  1055. grace :: glory
    decus, decoris n
  1056. giving a disagreeable sound
    absurdus, absurda, absurdum
  1057. give too much weight to
    aequo pluris aestimo
  1058. go pale
    colorem perdo
  1059. gasp beneath
    subteranhelo 1
  1060. grant a pardon
    veniam impertio
  1061. go away from :: go away to :: get away :: give up :: go over to
    discedo 3
  1062. go apart :: gape
    dehisco 3
  1063. going away :: going aside
    digressio, digressionis f
  1064. going away
    digressus, digressus m
  1065. get faint
    animo linquor
  1066. give someone attention
    verecundiam alicui attribuo
  1067. give up
    dependo 3
  1068. grumpiness
    acedia, acediae f
  1069. grumpiness
    acidia, acidiae f
  1070. generation
    aetas, aetatis f
  1071. gestational period
    tempora materna
  1072. guileless
    candidus, candida, candidum
  1073. given by measure
    congiarius, congiaria, congiarium
  1074. growing on a hill
    collinus, collina, collinum
  1075. given to acting
    comoedus, comoeda, comoedum
  1076. golden :: gold-
    aurarius, auraria, aurarium
  1077. god-like
    caelestis, caeleste
  1078. god-like
    coelestis, coeleste
  1079. golden
    croceus, crocea, croceum
  1080. gasoline
    benzinium, benzinii n
  1081. gasoline
    benzinum, benzini n
  1082. grave-digger
    clinicus, clinici m
  1083. gallop along
    datis habenis proferor
  1084. gather
    carpeo 2
  1085. gather
    carpio 5
  1086. gather :: graze on
    carpo 3
  1087. ground for a house
    area, areae f
  1088. go quickly through a subject :: go briefly through a subject
  1089. gudgeon
    cnodax, cnodacis m
  1090. gutter fabricator
    canaliclarius, canaliclariī m
  1091. groove :: groove upon Ionic capitals
    canale, canalis n
  1092. groove :: groove upon Ionic capitals
    canalis, canalis c
  1093. grain silo
    sirus, siri m
  1094. general engagement
    dimicatio universae rei
  1095. game at ball
    sphaeristerium, sphaeristerii n
  1096. go around
    circumsisto 3
  1097. go before
    anteverto 3 (antevorto 3)
  1098. go before
    antevertor 3
  1099. go before
    antevorto 3
  1100. green place :: greensward :: greenness
    viretum, vireti n
  1101. give someone house arrest
    aliquem domo custodio
  1102. give someone house arrest
    aliquem domo egredi veto
  1103. give in marriage :: give
    colloco 1
  1104. ground-pine
    abiga, abigae f
  1105. glutton :: gourmand
    catillo, catillonis m
  1106. gamester
    aleator, aleatoris m
  1107. give as a reason for something
    causo 1
  1108. give as a reason for something
    causor 1
  1109. give as a reason for something
    caussor 1
  1110. graceful areas
    amoena, amoenorum n
  1111. gain by agriculture
    aro 1
  1112. guide by pointing out the way
    demonstro 1
  1113. garlic eater
    alliatus, alliati m
  1114. give everyone their glass full
    dato singulis plena potoria!
  1115. generalship
    ars imperatoria
  1116. green jasper
    topazion, topazii n
  1117. green jasper
    topazius, topazii f
  1118. green jasper
    topazon, topazontis m
  1119. green jasper
    topazos, topazi f
  1120. green jasper
    topazus, topazi f
  1121. get :: gained one over to one's side
    comparo 1 (2)
  1122. get ready
    adorno 1
  1123. gaining
    comparatio, comparationis f (2)
  1124. give someone a book as a gift
    aliquem libro donare
  1125. gallant :: good
    bellus, bella, bellum
  1126. goad on :: goad
    stimulo 1
  1127. gainer
    acquisitor, acquisitoris m
  1128. gold-begotten
    aurigena, aurigenae m
  1129. give assurance
    spondeo 2
  1130. give up
    despondeo 2
  1131. gard a little
    subdefendo 3
  1132. guardian
    astator, astatoris m
  1133. give help
    auxilium praesto
  1134. government domains
    arationes, arationum f
  1135. give someone a punch
    colapho aliquem icio
  1136. girl
    cora, corae f
  1137. goring with the horns
    cornipeta, cornipetae m
  1138. goring with the horns
    cornupeta, cornupetae m
  1139. give in charge to :: give up :: get rid of
    depono 3
  1140. get pods
    siliquor 1
  1141. get someone in position
    aliquem perhibeo
  1142. get the project on track
    commissum corrigo
  1143. get the troops across the river
    copias flumen traduco
  1144. get the troops across the river
    copias flumen traicio
  1145. give
    sufficio 5
  1146. grumbling
    ignavia animi
  1147. grow a beard
    barbio 4
  1148. great
    celsus, celsa, celsum
  1149. grate
    concrepo 1
  1150. grapnel
    corvus, corvi m
  1151. get, gain
    apiscor 3
  1152. get a cow as a reward
    vaccam praemium capio
  1153. get a medal
    turmalis classis insigni decoror
  1154. get a triumphal procession
    triumphum impetro
  1155. getting triple portion
    triplarius, triplarii m
  1156. getting triple portion
    triplicarius, triplicarii m
  1157. grow strong :: gain strength :: grow :: grow better
    convalesco 3
  1158. gondola
    canna, cannae f
  1159. graft
    calamus, calami m
  1160. go to see
    video 2
  1161. go to for counsel
    consulto 1
  1162. gifts
    census, census m
  1163. good-will
    affectio, affectionis f
  1164. growing on a thing :: growing to a thing
    agnatio, agnationis f
  1165. growing on a thing :: growing to a thing
    annatio, annationis f
  1166. go to stool
    desideo 2
  1167. give one a remembrance
    commonefacio 5
  1168. give a hint
    submoneo 2
  1169. go away
  1170. go away from :: give place to
    cedo 3
  1171. glorify
    augusto 1
  1172. glibness
    celeritas respondendi
  1173. give advice :: guarantee
    auctor sum
  1174. give up one's office
    de potestate decedo
  1175. galbanum
    chalbane, chalbanes f
  1176. governing
    cohibitio, cohibitionis f
  1177. grocer
    aginator, aginatoris m
  1178. glory
    adorea, adoreae f (adoria, adoriae f)
  1179. glory
    adoria, adoriae f
  1180. gallop up to
    adequito 1
  1181. growl at
    affremo 3
  1182. gazelle
    capreola, capreolae f
  1183. gold coin of the value of 25 silver denarii
    denarius, denarii m
  1184. great
    spatiosus, spatiosa, spatiosum
  1185. good beating
    infortunium crassum
  1186. grind to pieces
    subtero 3
  1187. grind
    tero 3
  1188. grinder
    tritor, tritoris m
  1189. gum
    cumma n (indecl.)
  1190. gum
    cummi n (indecl.)
  1191. gum
    cummis, cummis f (commis, commis f)
  1192. gum :: gummi
    commi n (indecl.)
  1193. go through military exercises :: go through manœuvres
    decurro 3
  1194. go to expense
    sumptum impendo
  1195. grow faint
    deficio 5
  1196. go by :: go past
    transcurro 3
  1197. gait
    discursus, discursus m
  1198. glum :: gloomy
    tristis, triste
  1199. grief
    tristities, tristitiei f
  1200. grief :: gloominess :: gloominess
    tristitia, tristitiae f
  1201. grief
    tristitudo, tristitudinis f
  1202. get through
    supernavigo 1
  1203. gay marriage
    unius sexus coniugium
  1204. grim
    truculentus, truculenta, truculentum
  1205. give heed to :: guard
    servo 1
  1206. giver of health :: giver of safety
    soter, eris m
  1207. gamut
    diagramma, diagrammatis n
  1208. graft
    clavola, clavolae f
  1209. graft
    clavula, clavulae f
  1210. give someone a seat
    aliquem sessum duco
  1211. go to see
    visito 1
  1212. gaze upon :: gaze at :: guard
    tueor 2
  1213. go in quest of
    conquaero 3
  1214. go in quest of
    conquiro 3
  1215. graft :: ground
    semen, seminis n
  1216. glance
    adspectus, adspectus m
  1217. glance
    aspectus, aspectus m
  1218. glance
    visus, visus m
  1219. go to death of their own free will
    ultro morti me offero
  1220. grow together
    conferveo 2
  1221. go to
    capesso 3
  1222. go to
    capisso 3
  1223. give up for money
    vendo 3
  1224. go through
    tramitto 3
  1225. give up
    dimitto 3
  1226. grant an audience
    admitto 3
  1227. gently :: gradually
  1228. get
  1229. going away :: going over to
    discessio, discessionis f
  1230. grave
    severus, severa, severum
  1231. gravity
    severitas, severitatis f
  1232. gentle
    commodus, commoda, commodum
  1233. give the preference to
    antepono 3
  1234. give someone one's hand
    alicui dextram offero
  1235. give someone one's hand
    alicui manum offero
  1236. gnawing
    acer, acris, acre
  1237. grief
    acerbitas, acerbitatis f
  1238. grief
    acerbitudo, acerbitudinis f
  1239. gnaw at
    adtondeo 2
  1240. gnaw at
    attondeo 2 (adtondeo 2)
  1241. giver
    condonatrix, condonatricis f
  1242. graze :: gather
    tondeo 2
  1243. glimmer of hope
    speicula, speiculae f
  1244. gleam faintly :: glimmer
    subluceo 2
  1245. glitter :: glisten
    confulgeo 2
  1246. gleam :: glitter :: glisten
    splendeo 2
  1247. glitter
    splendico 1
  1248. glittering around
    circumlucens, circumlucentis
  1249. gleaming like stars
    astrilucus, astriluca, astrilucum
  1250. glowing
    candens, candentis
  1251. galley of three ranges of oar-banks
    trieris, trieris f
  1252. gibbering around
    circumstridens, circumstridentis
  1253. guarded
    signatus, signata, signatum
  1254. groan deeply :: groan loudly
    congemo 3
  1255. groan
    gemo 3
  1256. great
    dignitate praeditus
  1257. guileless
    simplex, simplicis
  1258. genuine sensuality
    verus adfectus
  1259. great grandfather sister
    abamita, abamitae f
  1260. give a slap
    alapo 1
  1261. give a slap
    alapor 1
  1262. graft
    virga, virgae f
  1263. graceful
    cracens, cracentis
  1264. get sluggish
    tardesco 3
  1265. groove of a catapult
    canaliculus, canaliculi m
  1266. galley with two banks of oars
    biremis, biremis f
  1267. gin
    decipula, decipulae f
  1268. gin
    decipulum, decipuli n
  1269. grab for applause
    clamores capto
  1270. give by sneezing
    sternuo 3
  1271. gurgling
    singultus, singultus m
  1272. grease of animals
    adeps, adipis c
  1273. grease of animals
    adips, adipis c
  1274. gently
  1275. gently
  1276. gently
  1277. gently
  1278. guarantee
    sponsio, sponsionis f
  1279. gross :: greatly
    crassus, crassa, crassum
  1280. greenish
    subviridis, subviride
  1281. grandson of a great-grandson :: grandson of a greatgranddaughter
    adnepos, adnepotis m
  1282. grandson of a great-grandson :: grandson of a greatgranddaughter
    atnepos, atnepotis m
  1283. gossip
    cantilena, cantilenae f
  1284. gossip
    cantilena, cantilenae f
  1285. gently
  1286. gently
  1287. gently
  1288. grief
    vomica, vomicae f
  1289. grief
    cordolium, cordolii n

  1290. curio, curionis m (2)
  1291. grieving
    cordolens, cordolentis
  1292. get a vinegar taste
    aceto 1
  1293. glimmer
    scintilla, scintillae f
  1294. glitter :: glow :: gleam
    scintillo 1
  1295. give one's opinion
    aperio, quid sentiam

  1296. anthedon, anthedonis f
  1297. grain speculator :: grain usurer
    dardanarius, dardanarii m
  1298. give more than one receives
    caldum meio et frigidum poto
  1299. ghost-banishing
    theurgicus, theurgica, theurgicum
  1300. gymnasium
    aula athletica
  1301. gymnastics teacher
    corporis exercitator
  1302. gymnastics
    ars athletica
  1303. gymnastics
    ars gymnica
  1304. gush forth (of blood)
    acontizo 1
  1305. good-for-nothing
    vapio, vapionis m
  1306. give over
    cesso 1
  1307. give over
    desisto 3
  1308. guard
    statio, stationis f
  1309. glowworm
    stella, stellae f
  1310. grim :: gloomy
    torvus, torva, torvum
  1311. glory
    sidus, sideris n
  1312. go to war with someone
    bellum cum aliquo ineo
  1313. give fire
    tormentis ictus edo

  1314. cognitor, cognitoris m
  1315. good-will
    affectus, affectus m

  1316. visitatio statalis
  1317. gift
    tributum, tributi n
  1318. gift
    tributus, tributus m
  1319. gloomy
    vaporatus, vaporata, vaporatum
  1320. great danger
    praeceps, praecipitis n
  1321. go over :: go over to another party :: go beyond
    transgredior 5
  1322. go over
    supergradior 5
  1323. give security :: guarantee
    caveo 2
  1324. gutter
    trua, truae f
  1325. gold dealer
    auri negotiator
  1326. gastric weakness
    defectus stomachi
  1327. granary
    cella, cellae f
  1328. gauntlet
    caestus, caestus m (cestus, cestus m)
  1329. grow
    augeor 2
  1330. give heed to
    attendo 3 (adtendo 3)
  1331. go
    tendo 3
  1332. give up
    substerno 3
  1333. give up
    affligo 3 (adfligo 3)
  1334. graze
    destringo 3
  1335. grasp after :: go somewhere
    adpeto 3
  1336. grasp after :: go somewhere
    appeto 3
  1337. go to and fro
    vagor 1
  1338. get through
    me transigo
  1339. garb
    cultus, cultus m
  1340. grandeur of speech
    altitudo orationis
  1341. generosity
    animi excelsitas
  1342. gathering from flowers
    carptura, carpturae f
  1343. grieving
    atratus, atrata, atratum
  1344. grieving
    lugens, lugentis
  1345. grieving
    qui est in luctu
  1346. garment
    theristrum, theristri n
  1347. gathering of the people to defend the Roman state
    convocatio populi Romani ad rem publicam defendendam
  1348. glory
    titulus, tituli m
  1349. ground to air missile
    solaerium missile
  1350. give up one’s self
    dedor 3
  1351. give up one’s self
    me dedo
  1352. gulp down
    transglutio 4
  1353. gulp down
    devoro 1
  1354. grateful
    suavidus, suavida, suavidum
  1355. grateful
    suavis, suave
  1356. get thicker
    tuberasco 3
  1357. get thicker
    tubero 1
  1358. go through
    tranato 1
  1359. gladiole
    xiphion, xiphii n
  1360. girdle
    cinctorium, cinctorii n
  1361. grammatical figure, by which one word is referred to another to which it does not grammatically belong
    syllepsis, syllepsis f
  1362. go
    spatior 1
  1363. gleam :: glitter
    ardesco 3
  1364. give oneself a jolt :: give one's heart a push :: gather all one's courage
    animum offirmo
  1365. grasp
    capio 5
  1366. get possession of
    usurpo 1
  1367. gather
    delibo 1
  1368. go away
    amolior me
  1369. get
    suscipio 5
  1370. get
    sumo 3
  1371. guarding
    tuitio, tuitionis f
  1372. granting of a proposition
    acceptio, acceptionis f
  1373. gain
    captura, capturae f
  1374. gabbling
    vaniloquus, vaniloqua, vaniloquum
  1375. gum-drop which exudes from plants
    dacruma, dacrumae f
  1376. gnaw at
    carpo 3
  1377. good
    capax, capacis
  1378. good
    capabilis, capabile
  1379. gives delight
    voluptificus, voluptifica, voluptificum
  1380. genuine
    auctoraticius, auctoraticia, auctoraticium
  1381. genuine
    authenticus, authentica, authenticum
  1382. groundless
    vanus, vana, vanum
  1383. greedy
    trahax, trahacis
  1384. gluey
    tractuosus, tractuosa, tractuosum
  1385. general
    communis, commune
  1386. glimmering
    vibrabilis, vibrabile
  1387. good to breathe
    spirabilis, spirabile
  1388. genius
    argutia, argutiae f
  1389. genius
    argutiae, argutiarum f
  1390. gratification to the ear
    acroama, acroamatis n
  1391. gratification to the ear
    acruama, acruamatis n
  1392. gesticulation
    chironomia, chironomiae f
  1393. groove of a stone
    cubiculum, cubiculi n
  1394. grace
    venus, veneris f
  1395. girder
    corsa, corsae f
  1396. gaming-house
    aleatorium, aleatorii n
  1397. gold piece
    aureus, aurei m
  1398. grounds
    crassamentum, crassamenti n
  1399. gable
    culmen, culminis n
  1400. graveclothes
    vitalia, vitalium n
  1401. guild
    universitas, universitatis f
  1402. gloom
    caligo, caliginis f
  1403. gloom
    calligo, calliginis f
  1404. getting fat
    crassatio, crassationis f
  1405. grossly
  1406. greediness
    sitis, sitis f
  1407. greedily
  1408. greedy
    sitiens, sitientis
  1409. goldfinch
    acalanthis, acalanthidis f
  1410. goldfinch
    acanthis, acanthidis f
  1411. goldfinch
    cardelis, cardelis f
  1412. goldfinch
    carduelis, carduelis f
  1413. generate
    commoveo 2
  1414. guess
    coniecto 1
  1415. god of thunder
    Tonans, Tonantis m
  1416. gather
    conecto 3
  1417. gather
    connecto 3
  1418. get up
    scando 3
  1419. glu
    saturo 1
  1420. go on board a ship
    conscendo 3
  1421. gratuitously
  1422. generally
  1423. grope for
    adtracto 1
  1424. grope for
    adtrecto 1
  1425. grope for
    attracto 1
  1426. grope for
    attrecto 1 (adtrecto 1)
  1427. great commotion :: great disturbance
    tragoedia, tragoediae f
  1428. going over to another
    alienatio, alienationis f
  1429. go by train
    tramine vehor
  1430. give high value to something
    aliquid magni duco
  1431. give high value to something
    aliquid magni facio
  1432. give high value to something
    aliquid magni habeo
  1433. green frog
    calamites, calamitae m
  1434. gallows :: gibbet
    arbor, arboris f
  1435. glimmering
    vibrabundus, vibrabunda, vibrabundum
  1436. greatness
    tribunal, tribunalis n
  1437. grief-stricken people
    aegri mortales
  1438. genuine
    verus, vera, verum
  1439. give someone credence
    credo 3
  1440. group of plants :: grassy field :: ground
    caespes, caespitis m
  1441. give attention to
    adverto 3
  1442. give attention to
    advorto 3
  1443. give attention to
    arverto 3
  1444. go around in a circle
    circumagor 3
  1445. go aside :: go towards
    deverto 3 (intr.)
  1446. go aside
    devio 1
  1447. go in any direction
    detorqueo 2
  1448. going across
    transversus, transversa, transversum
  1449. going across
    transvorsus, transvorsa, transvorsum
  1450. giddiness
    vertigo, vertiginis f
  1451. gain an accurate idea of the Roman Senate
    veram speciem Romani senatus capio
  1452. generation
    aevum, aevi n
  1453. generally
    in toto
  1454. garret
    coenaculum, coenaculi n
  1455. gaining
    acquisitivus, acquisitiva, acquisitivum
  1456. giving the veil
    velatio, velationis f
  1457. golden-crested wren
    trochilus, trochili m
  1458. gnats
    cinyphes, cinyphum f
  1459. goblet
    acetabulum, acetabuli n
  1460. goblet
    acitabulum, acitabuli n
  1461. gift divided among the people of the measure of a congius :: gift
    congiarium, congiarii n
  1462. get sight of by looking around
    circumspicio 5
  1463. grape-vine
    ampelos, ampeli f
  1464. grape harvest
    fructus vineaticus
  1465. glutton
    delicatus, delicati m
  1466. go into the comitium
    comitio 1
  1467. go into the comitium
    comitior 1
  1468. give up
    devoveo 2
  1469. grasping perso
    volturius, volturii m
  1470. grasping perso
    vultur, vulturis m
  1471. grasping perso
    vulturius, vulturii m
  1472. guard
    vigilia, vigiliae f
  1473. guard
    vigilium, vigilii n
  1474. go around
    circummeo 1
  1475. go astray :: go the wrong way
    deerro 1
  1476. go astray
    aberro 1
  1477. glow
    calor, caloris m
  1478. guard
    asservo 1 (adservo 1)
  1479. guard
    adservo 1
  1480. guard
    asservo 1 (adservo 1)
  1481. guard
    tuto 1
  1482. guard
    tutor 1
  1483. guard
    custodio 4
  1484. guardian
    tutor, tutoris m
  1485. guardianship :: guardian
    tutela, tutelae f
  1486. growing
    crescens, crescentis
  1487. go
    carpo 3
  1488. gowned
    togatus, togata, togatum
  1489. give up
    deploro 1
  1490. guarded
    circumspectus, circumspecta, circumspectum
  1491. greetings
    verba salutationum
  1492. grace
    decor, decoris m
  1493. gable pilla
    columen, columinis n
  1494. game loss
    quod in alea lusum est
  1495. greatness :: grandeur
    amplitudo, amplitudinis f
  1496. greatly
  1497. gnu
    catoblepas, catoblepae m
  1498. grim
    trux, trucis
  1499. grim
    trux, trucis
  1500. good-will
    voluntas, voluntatis f
  1501. grapes reading
    vinum cogo
  1502. grapes
    vinum, vini n
  1503. grandly,splendidly
  1504. give up business
    foro cedo
  1505. go away
    absisto 3
  1506. ground fig
    chamaesyce, chamaesyces f
  1507. gaze at passionately
    admiror 1
  1508. gaze at passionately
    ammiror 1
  1509. grove
    silva, silvae f
  1510. gold-beater
    bractearius, bractearii m
  1511. goldsmith
    aurarius, aurarii m
  1512. goldsmith
    aurifex, aurificis m
  1513. goldsmith
    aurufex, auruficis m
  1514. gainful rural life
    attenta vita rusticana
  1515. global axis
    cardo mundi
  1516. global language
    omnium hominum communis sermo
  1517. global politics
    politica mundana
  1518. global politics
    res politica globalis
  1519. global politics
    res politica universalis
  1520. grief
    volnus, volneris n
  1521. grief
    vulnus, vulneris n
  1522. get ready
    amicior 4
  1523. garlanded
    sertatus, sertata, sertatum
  1524. garlands
    serta, sertorum n
  1525. garlands
    sertum, serti n
  1526. grab someone by the collar
    collum alicui torqueo
  1527. grant
    subscribo 3
  1528. gape
    casmo 1
  1529. gape
    chasmo 1
  1530. grain :: goddess of the yearly produce
    annona, annonae f
  1531. give the preference or precedence :: give place to
    alicui cedo
  1532. graft
    surcellus, surcelli m
  1533. graft
    surcillus, surcilli m
  1534. graft
    surclus, surcli m
  1535. graft
    surculum, surculi n
  1536. graft
    surculus, surculi m
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