Englisch - Lateinische Wortliste - H
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    1768 Ergebnisse
  1. high head-dress formed by plaiting the hair in a cone over the forehead
    tutulus, tutuli m
  2. hold the treasury :: hold the census
    censum ago
  3. half open
    semipatens, semipatentis
  4. habit
    assuetudo, assuetudinis f (adsuetudo)
  5. habit
    consuetudo, consuetudinis f
  6. harmony
    conspiratio, conspirationis f
  7. harmony
    conspiratus, conspiratus m
  8. harm
    clades, cladis f
  9. heap
    congestio, congestionis f
  10. hiring
    conductio, conductionis f
  11. horse of Pollux, given to him by Juno
    Cyllaros, Cyllari m
  12. horse of Pollux, given to him by Juno
    Cyllarus, Cyllari m
  13. hood
    cuculio, cuculionis m
  14. hood
    cucullio, cucullionis m
  15. hood
    cucullus, cuculli m
  16. hood
    cuculla, cucullae f
  17. husbandry
    cultura, culturae f
  18. hesitating
    cunctamen, cunctaminis n
  19. hesitation
    contatio, contationis f
  20. hesitation
    cunctatio, cunctationis f
  21. hollow
    concisura, concisurae f
  22. harmony
    constantia, constantiae f
  23. half a foot long :: half a foot broad
    semipedalis, semipedale
  24. half a foot long :: half a foot broad
    semipedaneus, semipedanea, semipedaneum
  25. half a Persian
    Semipersa, Semipersae m
  26. humming
    bombus, bombi m
  27. hollow
    cavamen, cavaminis n
  28. hurt
    saucietas, saucietatis f
  29. high place :: height
    specula, speculae f
  30. harmony
    convenientia, convenientiae f
  31. harmonious structure
    concinnitas, concinnitatis f
  32. harmonious structure
    concinnitudo, concinnitudinis f
  33. houseleek
    aithales, aithalis n
  34. herb terrible
    alypon, alypi n
  35. herb terrible
    alypos, alypi mn
  36. horse-tail
    anabasis, anabasis f
  37. horsemint
    stachys, stachyos f
  38. heater
    chytropus, chytropodis m
  39. hiding
    conditus, conditus m (2)
  40. hostile attack
    decursio, decursionis f
  41. hostile attack
    decursus, decursus m
  42. hostile seizure
    comprehensio, comprehensionis f
  43. hostile seizure
    comprensio, comprensionis f
  44. harmony
    concentio, concentionis f
  45. hangings
    aulaea, aulaeae f
  46. hangings
    aulaeum, aulaei n
  47. healing
    curatio, curationis f
  48. hold
    custodia, custodiae f
  49. hatchet vetch
    herba securiclata
  50. hatchet vetch
    securiclata, securiclatae f
  51. have intercourse with
    conversor 1
  52. humid
    aquosus, aquosa, aquosum
  53. hear
    accipio 5
  54. harmonize with
    admodulo 1
  55. harmonize with
    admodulor 1
  56. habituate a person or thing :: have carnal in tercourse with
    consuesco 3
  57. have in view
    ago 3
  58. hardest iron :: hardest steel
    adamans, adamantis m
  59. hardest iron :: hardest steel
    adamas, adamantis m
  60. having a passage-way
    transitorius, transitoria, transitorium
  61. heap up :: heap up earth round the roots of plants
    accumulo 1
  62. harden
    aggravo 1 (adgravo 1)
  63. harness
    adiungo 3
  64. hint
    suggestio, suggestionis f
  65. have recourse to
    decurro 3
  66. happy issue
    successus, successus m
  67. hypochondriac
    spleneticus splenetica, spleneticum
  68. hypochondriac
    spleniacus, spleniaca, spleniacum
  69. hypochondriac
    splenicus, splenica, splenicum
  70. hypochondriac
    spleniticus splenitica, spleniticum
  71. harassment
    aggravatio, aggravationis f
  72. harmonize
    concordo 1
  73. harmonious
    conveniens, convenientis
  74. harmonious
    congruens, congruentis
  75. harmonious
    congruus, congrua, congruum
  76. harmony
    symphonium, symphonii n
  77. harmony
    symphonia, symphoniae f
  78. harmony
    consensus, consensus m
  79. harmony
    congruentia, congruentiae f
  80. harmony
    consonantia, consonantiae f
  81. husbandry
    agricolatio, agricolationis f
  82. ha!
    a (ah, aha)
  83. heat
    aura, aurae f
  84. harmonious
    cuncticinus, cuncticina, cuncticinum
  85. having come into being from something by mixing
    commixtus ex aliqua re
  86. harmony
    consensio, consensionis f
  87. harmony :: harmonious singing
    concordia, concordiae f
  88. harmony :: harmonious singing
    concorditas, concorditatis f
  89. heavens :: hook on which a hinge turns
    assis, assis m
  90. husbandman
    cultor, cultoris m
  91. hole
    apertura, aperturae f
  92. hare’s-ear
    bupleuron, bupleuri n
  93. hereditary estate
    ager avitus
  94. hope
    ancora, ancorae f
  95. handed down
    traditionalis, traditionale
  96. heretics that attributed to God a human form
    anthropiani, anthropianorum m
  97. heretics that attributed to God a human form
    anthropomorphitae, anthropomorphitarum m
  98. haemorrhoids
    anus, ani m
  99. hone
    cos, cotis f
  100. hone
    cotis, cotis f
  101. hissing
    stridor, stridoris m
  102. head of a pin in the water-clock
    bulla, bullae f
  103. hut
    casa, casae f
  104. hut
    taberna, tabernae f
  105. hoard
    thesaurus, thesauri m
  106. husbandry
    agricultio, agricultionis f
  107. head of the archive
    archivi praefectus
  108. hand in hand
    amplexi inter se
  109. hand in hand
    complexi inter se
  110. hand in hand
    complexi unus alterum
  111. hence
  112. how they say
    ut perhibent
  113. high-flying
    altipeta, altipetae c
  114. high-flying
    altipetax, altipetacis
  115. helping
    auxiliatus, auxiliatus m
  116. helping
    auxiliatio, auxiliationis, f
  117. have dealings with
    coutor 3
  118. haughtiness
    arrogantia, arrogantiae f
  119. heretofore
  120. heretofore
  121. honor
    colo 3
  122. humble
    deductus, deducta, deductum
  123. helpful
    suppetilis, suppetile
  124. helpful
    suppetulis, suppetule
  125. horrible
    timendus, timenda, timendum
  126. hair of men
    arista, aristae f
  127. hoel
    ascea,asceae f
  128. hoel
    ascia, asciae f
  129. hatchet
    securis, securis f
  130. hinder part
    tergus, tergoris n
  131. hinder part :: hide
    tergum, tergi n
  132. heedless :: haughty
    supinus, supina, supinum
  133. hairless
    apiciosus, apiciosa, apiciosum
  134. head-band :: hair-band
    taenea, taeneae f
  135. head-band :: hair-band
    taenia, taeniae f
  136. hedge
    sepimen, sepiminis n
  137. hedge
    sepimentum, sepimenti n

  138. Batavi, Batavorum m
  139. have a bath
    balneo 1
  140. have a pumpkin head
    cucurbitae caput habeo
  141. hear
    arbitror 1
  142. have some hesitation
    subdubito 1
  143. have balls
    coleos habeo
  144. help
    servio 4
  145. have access to someone
    copia alicuius mihi est
  146. have the jaundice
    aurugino 1
  147. hold power
    gubernaculis assideo
  148. have a dislike of someone
    alieno sum animo in aliquem
  149. have no guilt
    culpa careo
  150. have to do with the grape harvest
    vindemiae sunt in manibus
  151. have the knowledge of
    calleo 2
  152. hang together
  153. harangue
    contionor 1
  154. harangue
    concionor 1
  155. have seen through something
    aliquid perspectum habeo
  156. hold one’s self aloof from
    careo 2
  157. held of no account
    sordeo 2
  158. have leisure :: have time :: have time for
    vaco 1
  159. having long hair
    como 1
  160. have great prestige
    auctoritate floreo
  161. have great prestige
    auctoritate valeo
  162. have no hope of
    despero 1
  163. have an undulating motion :: have a waving motion :: heave
    aestuo 1
  164. have debts
    aes alienum habeo
  165. have warmed to a young man
    aliquo iuvene tepeo
  166. hold quarantine
    ago extra (urbem) per tempus legitimum
  167. have an intoxication
    crapulor 1
  168. have a wife
    uxorem habeo
  169. have the epithet
    cognomen habeo
  170. have the epithet
    cognomine appellor
  171. have a sense for something :: have an antenna for something
    aliquem sensum habeo in aliqua re
  172. have abundance
    copiis abundo
  173. have learned from misfortune
    calamitate doctus sum
  174. hold one’s peace
    taceo 2
  175. humor
    subservio 4
  176. have great anxiety
    angore conficior
  177. halt
    conquiesco 3
  178. happen
  179. have the guilt of something
    culpam alicuius rei sustineo
  180. heap up
    congero 3
  181. having horns :: horned
    cornifer, cornifera, corniferum
  182. heaping up
    aggestio, aggestionis f
  183. habituate
    suesco 3
  184. handsome
    decorus, decora, decorum
  185. horsecloth :: housing
    stratum, strati n
  186. honey-comb
    cerea castra
  187. habit
    adsuetudo, adsuetudinis f
  188. honorable employment
    dignitas, dignitatis f
  189. hull of grain :: husk of grain
    utriculus, utriculi m (2)
  190. hunter’s :: hunting-
    venatorius, venatoria, venatorium
  191. hortatory
    suasorius, suasoria, suasorium
  192. heavenly
    sidereus, siderea, sidereum
  193. happening at the proper time
    tempestivus, tempestiva, tempestivum
  194. happening at the proper time
    tempestus, tempesta, tempestum
  195. horrible
    tragicus, tragica, tragicum
  196. hollow out
    sinuo 1
  197. hooking
    uncatio, uncationis f
  198. hooked
    aduncus, adunca, aduncum
  199. hooked :: hooked
    uncatus, uncata, uncatum
  200. hollow :: hollow
    sinus, sinus m
  201. half bigger
    dimidio maior
  202. hire one’s self out
    auctoror 1
  203. hold fast :: hinder
    alligo 1 (adligo 1)
  204. hinder
    coligo 1
  205. hinder
    colligo 1
  206. hinder
    conligo 1
  207. harden
    vincio 4
  208. habitat
    biotopus, biotopi m
  209. hurtfully
  210. hurtfully
  211. happiness
    beate vivere
  212. happiness
    vita beata
  213. harmonize
    conspiro 1
  214. hole bored
    terebratio, terebratiōnis f
  215. herbal knowledge
    ars herbaria
  216. hell
    abyssus, abyssi f
  217. hamper
    aero, aeronis m
  218. head-covering
    cerebellare, cerebellaris n
  219. hurled
    contortus, contorta, contortum
  220. heroic deeds
    virilia, virilium n
  221. hog
    sumen, suminis n
  222. haze
    alitus, alitus m
  223. have heavy breath
    aegre spiritum duco
  224. have the lyric spirit
    spiro 1
  225. hiss of a snake :: haughty spirit :: haughtiness :: high spirit
    spiritus, spiritus m
  226. honorably
  227. harm someone
    detrimentum alicui infundo
  228. help each other
    alius alii subsidium ferunt
  229. hem in
    coangusto 1
  230. heap on
    adingero 3
  231. hold games
    committo 3
  232. heap upon
    superingero 3
  233. helping
    auxiliaris, auxiliare
  234. hostile meeting
    collatio, collationis f
  235. having coarse hair :: having bristles
    setiger, setigera, setigerum
  236. hard
    confragosus, confragosa, confragosum
  237. hanging down :: humble
    demissus, demissa, demissum
  238. heaped up
    congesticius, congesticia, congesticium
  239. have waking dreams
    hic vigilans somniat
  240. harass :: hassle
    calumnias alicui instruo
  241. harass :: hassle
    molestias alicui exhibeo
  242. harass :: hassle
    negotium alicui exhibeo
  243. harass :: hassle
    negotium alicui facesso
  244. harass :: hassle
    calumnior 1
  245. harass :: hassle
    torqueo 2
  246. harass
    uro 3
  247. hot
    torrens, torrentis
  248. however
  249. however
  250. harass
    arieto 1
  251. haunch
    clunes, clunium f
  252. haunch
    clunis, clunis f
  253. hoarding purchase
    coemptio, coemptionis f
  254. hum
    bombio 4
  255. hum
    bombito 1
  256. hum
    bombizo 1
  257. hummer of the bee
    bombinator, bombinatoris m
  258. hummer of the bee
    bombitator, bombitatoris m
  259. heedlessly
  260. heedlessly
  261. hooded
    capite velato
  262. hinder
    avoco 1
  263. hard-heartedness :: heartlessness
    animi duritia
  264. humanity
    clementia, clementiae f
  265. he who strives after a thing :: he who aims at a thing
    candidatus, candidati m
  266. have care of, be solicitous for
    coiro 1
  267. have care of :: heal
    curo 1
  268. have care of
    coro 1
  269. heedlessly
  270. hangings
    tapes, tapetis m
  271. hangings
    tapete, tapetis n
  272. hangings
    tapetum, tapeti n
  273. hangings
    tappete, tappetis n
  274. hold up
  275. heap up
    suggero 3
  276. humble
    abicio 5
  277. herd
    armentum, armenti n
  278. hang upon
    suspendo 3
  279. hand over
    transmitto 3
  280. heating
    calorificus, calorifica, calorificum
  281. hollow of a tree
    antrum, antri n
  282. hollow
    cavatio, cavationis f
  283. have a good day
    diem festum ago

  284. camera delegatorum

  285. camera deputatorum
  286. heedlessness :: hastiness
    temeritas, temeritatis f
  287. haul off
    cursum commuto
  288. head-band
    vitta, vittae f
  289. horses drawing a chariot
    currus, currus m
  290. head of the monks :: head of the monastery
    archimandritissa, archimandritissae f
  291. head
    authenta, authentae m
  292. history books in chronological order
    chronica, chronicorum n
  293. history
    annales, annalium m
  294. history
    annales maximi
  295. hoop
    circlus, circli m
  296. hoop
    circulus, circuli m
  297. honesty
    sinceritas, sinceritatis f
  298. honorable
    clarus, clara, clarum
  299. high estimation
    claritas, claritatis f
  300. hang on :: hang on a thing
    adhaereo 2
  301. hold together
    cohaereo 2
  302. hospital
    clinicum, clinici n
  303. hinderance
    sufflamen, sufflaminis n
  304. hair-splitting
    angustus, angusta, angustum
  305. half close the eyes, when heavy with sleep
    coniveo 2 (conniveo 2)
  306. half close the eyes, when heavy with sleep
    conniveo 2
  307. handkerchief
    facitergium, facitergii n
  308. handkerchief
    noegeum, noegei n
  309. handkerchief
    sudarium, sudarii n
  310. handkerchief
    orarium, orarii n
  311. hangings
    velum, veli n
  312. harlequin
    scurra, scurrae m
  313. hards
    stupa, stupae f
  314. hards
    stuppa, stuppae f
  315. harsh
    solox, solocis
  316. higher education
    universitas litterarum
  317. hue
    color, coloris m
  318. hue
    colos, coloris m
  319. having color :: having a healthy color
    coloratus, colorata, coloratum
  320. huge
    colosseus, colossea, colosseum (colossaeus, colossiaeus)
  321. huge
    colossiaeus, colossiaea, colossiaeum
  322. huge
    colossicos, colossicon
  323. huge
    colossicus, colossica, colossicum
  324. happen
    coorior 4
  325. harmonize
    convenio 4
  326. harmonize
    covenio 4
  327. have the idea
    succedit animo
  328. heal
    subvenio 4
  329. happen
    venio 4
  330. hanging before
    anteventulus, anteventula, anteventulum
  331. helping
    succurricius, succurricia, succurricium
  332. hostile meeting
    congressio, congressionis f
  333. have sympathy with
    commiseresco 3
  334. he who has a secret understanding with one to the injury of a third
    collusor, collusoris m
  335. hold in check
    stringo 3
  336. hider
    absconsor, absconsoris m
  337. hider
    celator, celatoris m
  338. hiding
    absconsio, absconsionis f
  339. having a side position
    collateralis, collaterale
  340. hateful
    damnatus, damnata, damnatum
  341. husband
    coniugium, coniugii n
  342. honor
    dignatio, dignationis f
  343. hard bowel movements :: heavy stool
    alvus compressa
  344. heavy stools
    alvus astricta
  345. head
    consul, consulis m
  346. holding half an amphora
    urnalis, urnale
  347. having twenty angles
    vicenalis, vicenale
  348. heat
    coco 3
  349. heat :: harass
    coquo 3
  350. hypocrite
    simulator, simulatoris m
  351. horn of plenty
    cornu copia, cornus copiae f
  352. horn of plenty
    cornucopia, cornucopiae f
  353. have a cough
    tussio 4
  354. hall of the Senate
    senaculum, senaculi n
  355. husbandry
    rusticitas, rusticitatis f
  356. heap upon :: heap over
    supergero 3
  357. hide
    tego 3
  358. hall
    cryptoporticus, cryptoporticus f
  359. heavily barred
    cancellosus, cancellosa, cancellosum
  360. hairy :: having long hair :: having long locks
    crinitus, crinita, crinitum
  361. having long hair
    caesariatus, caesariata, caesariatum
  362. hidden
    tectus, tecta, tectum
  363. hissing
    stridulus, stridula, stridulum
  364. hypocrite
    homo umbraticus
  365. hypocrite
    lepus dormiens
  366. hyperbole
    traiectio, traiectionis f
  367. he that collected the crumbs, left after a meal
    analecta, analectae m
  368. hoot like an owl
    bubulo 1
  369. husbandman
    agricultor, agricultoris m
  370. husbandman
    agricola, agricolae m
  371. husbandman
    agricula, agriculae m
  372. heal a sick person
    aegrotum sano
  373. having curled hair
    crispus, crispa, crispum
  374. having curled hair
    crispulus, crispula, crispulum
  375. having ringlets
    cirratus, cirrata, cirratum
  376. hate intensely
    detestor 1
  377. hookedness
    aduncitas, aduncitatis f
  378. halved
    sematus, semata, sematum
  379. halved
    semiatus, semiata, semiatum
  380. halved
    dichotomos, dichotomon
  381. haircut
    tonsus, tonsus m
  382. hurt
    seco 1
  383. hew
    caedo 3
  384. haycutter
    sector, sectoris m
  385. hewing :: hewing off, that which is hewn
    caesura, caesurae f
  386. head dandruff
    albugines capitis
  387. hazard
    anceps, ancipitis n
  388. horrible :: hideous :: harsh
    atrox, atrocis
  389. haunts
    tenebrae, tenebrarum f
  390. heavens
    dies, diei m
  391. highly
  392. high prices
    charitas, charitatis f
  393. hallow
    consacro 1
  394. higher intelligence
    altior intellectus
  395. hideousness
    deformitas, deformitatis f
  396. he who makes void :: he who annuls
    circumscriptor, circumscriptoris m
  397. hesitate
    cunctor 1
  398. hesitate
    cuncto 1
  399. hinderance
    remoramen, remoraminis n
  400. high heaven
    altum, alti n
  401. hybrid
    bigener, bigenera, bigenerum
  402. having an indicative force
    semanticus, semantica, semanticum
  403. hold back the troops in camp
    copias castris contineo
  404. hold
    aestimo 1
  405. hold
    aestumo 1
  406. harm
    scopulus, scopuli m
  407. hide
    defodio 5
  408. humble
    sordidus, sordida, sordidum
  409. handicapped
    debilitatus, debilitata, debilitatum
  410. hear
    sentio 4
  411. have or gain certain information
    comperio 4
  412. hold a conference
    deliberationem habeo de aliqua re
  413. hash :: hotch-potch
    syncerastum, syncerasti n
  414. have the wrong tone
    absono 1
  415. having a disease of the stomach
    stomachicus, stomachica, stomachicum
  416. have power over one's life
    alicuius vitae necisque dominus sum
  417. harass
    afflicto (adflicto) 1
  418. harass
    afflictus, afflicta, afflictum (adflictus)
  419. harass
    sollicito 1
  420. halve
    dimidio 1
  421. hurt the body badly
    corpus moveo
  422. hesitate
    alterno 1
  423. hasty
    subitarius, subitaria, subitarium
  424. hypocrite
    vir bisulci lingua
  425. hole near the axle of a water-wheel
    columbarium, columbarii n
  426. haul :: handle :: handle
    tracto 1
  427. heave a sigh
    suspiro 1
  428. hem in :: hinder free action
    circumscribo 3
  429. haul up
    subduco 3
  430. hold together :: hold in check
    constringo 3
  431. have intercourse with
    contraho 3
  432. hire :: hire for one’s use
    conduco 3
  433. haul
    traho 3
  434. he who fills casks with wine
    austor, austoris m
  435. he who fills casks with wine
    haustor, haustoris m
  436. hauling
    tractus, tractus m
  437. highwayman
    crassator, crassatoris m
  438. hinder
    depello 3
  439. hastened :: hurried
    citatus, citata, citatum
  440. hostler
    agaso, agasonis m
  441. house :: habitation :: hive of bees
    aedes, aedium f
  442. house :: habitation :: hive of bees
    aedis, aedis f
  443. habitation
    sedes, sedis f
  444. highest parts of a building, which supported the front of a gable
    aquola, aquolae f
  445. highest parts of a building, which supported the front of a gable
    aquila, aquilae f
  446. hearer
    auris, auris f

  447. apocynon, apocyni n
  448. haughty
    sublatus, sublata, sublatum
  449. hairy crown over the horse’s hoof :: halo round the sun
    corona, coronae f
  450. honor
    complector 3
  451. honor
    amplexor 1
  452. harsh-sounding :: huge
    vastus, vasta, vastum
  453. hollow
    cassus, cassa, cassum
  454. hold together :: hold some fault :: hold some passion
    coerceo 2
  455. hold together :: hold in confinement :: hold some fault :: hold some passion
    coherceo 2
  456. hedged in
    consaeptus, consaepta, consaeptum
  457. hedge
    saepes, saepis f
  458. hedge
    sepes, sepis f
  459. horn-shaped side of the cithara
    cornu, cornus n
  460. hostile image
    conceptio hostilis
  461. heroic poem :: heroic song
    carmen epicum
  462. horsemen of the same troop
    turmales, turmalium m
  463. hyperbole
    superlatio, superlationis f
  464. hyperbole
    supralatio, supralationis f
  465. hollow
    cavea, caveae f
  466. heroic deeds
    virtutes, virtutum f
  467. hempen rascal
    crux, crucis f
  468. hangman
    carnificator, carnificatorris m
  469. hangman
    carnifex, carnificis m
  470. hangman
    carnufex, carnuficis m
  471. hangwoman
    carnificatrix, carnificatricis f
  472. hem in
    urgeo 2
  473. hint
    subsono 1
  474. height of perfection
    cacumen, cacuminis n
  475. highly troublesome
  476. haughtiness
    supercilium, supercilii n
  477. heap together :: heap up
    corruo 3
  478. happen :: happen to
    accido 3 [1]
  479. horn conclusion
    ambiguitas ceratina
  480. having the falling sickness :: having the epilepsy
    cadivus, cadiva, cadivum
  481. having no heir
    caducus, caduca, caducum
  482. hypocrisy
    simulatio, simulationis f
  483. hilarious
  484. hilarious
  485. hour of death
    tempus supremum

  486. ave!
  487. hold in check
    compesco 3
  488. hold in check
    compisco 3
  489. horrible
    dirus, dira, dirum
  490. harmonize with
    consentio 4
  491. helper :: handmaid
    administra, administrae f
  492. huckster :: hostess
    caupona, cauponae f (copona)
  493. huckster :: hostess
    copona, coponae f
  494. hedge
    consaeptum, consaepti n
  495. hedge
    consiptum, consipti n
  496. holy festival time
    castum, casti n
  497. holiday dress :: holiday gown
    dierum sollemnium vestis
  498. harlot
    choa, choae f
  499. harlot
    coa, coae f
  500. have
    vescor 3
  501. heat
    vaporo 1
  502. hangerson of an army
    sentina, sentinae f
  503. hoof :: hook
    unguis, unguis m
  504. heat :: heaving motion of the sea
    aestus, aestus m
  505. hard or stiff frost
    concretum, concreti n
  506. head place
    caput, capitis n
  507. hang on
    accommodo 1
  508. heat
    ardor, ardoris m
  509. honest witness
    testis integer
  510. have recourse to
    confugio 5
  511. high water
    aquae magnae
  512. have an abundance :: have an superabundance of
    abundo 1
  513. have an abundance
    circumfluo 3
  514. hasten to
    afluo 3
  515. hasten to :: have in abundance
    affluo 3 (adfluo 3)
  516. having in abundance :: having in superfluity
    affluens, affluentis (adfluens, adfluentis)
  517. hautbois
    aula, aulae f [3]
  518. hover around
    circumvolito 1
  519. hasten around
    circumvolo 1
  520. hasten down :: hasten away
    devolo 1
  521. hasten away
    avolo 1
  522. hasten about :: hover about
    volito 1
  523. hasten along
    volo 1
  524. herbage
    berbena, berbenae f
  525. herbage
    verbenae, verbenarum f
  526. hanging upon
    consectaneus, consectanea, consectaneum
  527. harsh
    tetricus, tetrica, tetricum
  528. hall
    atrium, atrii n
  529. hostile :: hurtful
    alienus, aliena, alienum
  530. heterogeneous
    alienigena, alienigenae
  531. heterogeneous
    alienigenus, alienigena, alienigenum
  532. heap up
    acervo 1
  533. heap up like an agger
    aggero 1
  534. heap up :: heap
    cumulo 1
  535. haulage company
    cura vecturaria
  536. hideously
  537. hideously
  538. hoarse
    crudus, cruda, crudum
  539. hinder
    deterreo 2
  540. high up
  541. high up
  542. hence :: henceforth :: henceforward :: hereupon
  543. henceforth
  544. hall
    aula, aulae f
  545. handsome
    amplus, ampla, amplum
  546. hypochondriac
    biliosus, biliosa, biliosum
  547. hilly
    tumulosus, tumulosa, tumulosum
  548. hurtful
    damnosus, damnosa, damnosum
  549. humorous
    iocosus, iocosa, iocosum
  550. hard
    scruposus, scruposa, scruposum
  551. having a bad odor
    verosus, verosa, verosum (1)
  552. having a bad odor
    virosus, virosa, virosum (1)
  553. harsh
    spinosus, spinosa, spinosum
  554. humid
    aquilentus, aquilenta, aquilentum
  555. having the taste of wine :: having the flavor of wine
    vinosus, vinosa, vinosum
  556. hurl the javelin
    amento 1
  557. hollow out
    strio 1
  558. having abundance
    copiosus, copiosa, copiosum
  559. having a handle
    ansatus, ansata, ansatum
  560. having a stalk
    cauliculatus, cauliculata, cauliculatum
  561. having bronze feet
    aeratus, aerata, aeratum
  562. heard
    auritus, aurita, auritum
  563. hollow
    stria, striae f
  564. horse-fly
    asilus, asili m
  565. horse-fly
    tabanus, tabani m
  566. hunting-park
    saeptum venationis
  567. hazard
    alea, aleae f
  568. hazard
    alia, aliae f
  569. honor wreath for the first penetration into the enemy camp
    corona castrensis
  570. hairy crown over the horse’s hoof
    chorona, choronae f
  571. high value
    stemma, stemmatis n
  572. heap together
    conglobo 1
  573. hill
    cliva, clivorum n
  574. hill
    clivus, clivi m
  575. herb spleenwort
    teucrion, teucrii n
  576. host a meal
    cenam exhibeo
  577. help
    adiuvo 1
  578. help
    adsum (assum)
  579. help :: heal
    auxilior 1
  580. help
    auxilio 1
  581. hang something up on the nail
    calcem impingo alicui rei
  582. hand over
    trado 3
  583. hand over
    transdo 3
  584. handing over
    transmissus, transmissus m
  585. having a faint light
    sublustris, sublustre
  586. haste by
    translabor 3
  587. happen to
    accedo 3
  588. hesitate
    ambigo 3
  589. have the upper hand :: have the superiority
    supero 1
  590. honor
    celebro 1
  591. have some result :: happen
    cedo 3
  592. he-goats
    caprigeni, caprigenorum m
  593. heaven forbid!
    dii melius
  594. having many windings :: honor-loving
    ambitiosus, ambitiosa, ambitiosum
  595. heliochryson
    chrysanthemon, chrysanthemi n
  596. heliochryson
    chrysanthemum, chrysanthemi n
  597. heliochryson
    chrysanthes, chrysanthis n
  598. hairband
    aurum, auri n
  599. houseboat
    cubiculata, cubiculatae f
  600. high merits
    bene promerita
  601. honest conduct
    bonitas, bonitatis f
  602. handsome
    speciosus, speciosa, speciosum
  603. honest :: honorable
    bonus, bona, bonum [melior, optimus]
  604. heebie-jeebies
    cutis anserina
  605. heebie-jeebies
    cutis anseris
  606. harvest of similar things
    vindemia, vindemiae f
  607. husk
    vinacea, vinacae f
  608. husk
    vinacia, vinaciae f
  609. husk
    vinaceum, vinacei n
  610. holding
    arreptus, arreptus m
  611. hoariness
    canitudo, canitudinis f
  612. hoariness :: hoary age
    canitia, canitiae f
  613. hoariness :: hoary age
    canities, canitiei f
  614. hoary
    canens, canentis
  615. high-minded
    dapaticus, dapatica, dapaticum
  616. hail as
    consaluto 1
  617. high projection
    crepido, crepidinis f
  618. harden
    concresco 3
  619. high :: high-minded :: high
    altus, alta, altum
  620. hardened :: hard
    concretus, concreta, concretum
  621. heedfulness
    cavitio, cavitionis f
  622. hurtful
    sons, sontis
  623. habit :: health :: healthfulness :: health
    valetudo, valetudinis f
  624. habitual way of life :: habitual lifestyle
    consuetudo, consuetudinis f
  625. hair curled with the branding iron :: hair curled with a cautery
    coma calamistrata
  626. hair pulled together :: hair knotted together
    capillus implexus
  627. hair ringlet :: hair ring
    comarum anulus
  628. hair stood on end in shock :: hair ruffled in fright
    arrectae horrore comae
  629. hair tie :: hair band
    crinale, crinalis n
  630. hair :: hairy threads or fibres of the roots or leaves of plants
    capillamentum, capillamenti n
  631. hair :: hair growth :: hairiness
    capillago, capillaginis f
  632. hairpin :: hair bodkin
    discerniculum, discerniculi n
  633. half a head :: head
    sinciput, sincipitis n
  634. half alive :: half dead
    semianimis, semianime
  635. half alive :: half dead
    semianimus, semianima, semianimum
  636. half an as :: half a juger of lan :: half foot :: half a foot :: half a cubit
    semis (indecl.)
  637. half an as :: half a juger of lan :: half foot :: half a foot :: half a cubit
    semis, semissis m
  638. half bent backwards :: half supine
    semisupinus, semisupina, semisupinum
  639. half bodied :: having but half its body visible
    semicorporalis, semicorporale
  640. half bodied :: having but half its body visible
    semicorporeus, semicorporea, semicorporeum
  641. half burned :: half consumed
    semicombustus, semicombusta, semicombustum
  642. half clad :: half naked
    semiamictus, semiamicta, semiamictum
  643. half cut off :: half trimmed
    semiamputatus, semiamputata, semiamputatum
  644. half deny :: half refuse
    subnego 1
  645. half eaten :: half devoured :: half consumed
    semessus, semessa, semessum
  646. half eaten :: half devoured :: half consumed
    semesus, semesa, semesum
  647. half eaten :: half devoured :: half consumed
    semiesus, semiesa, semiesum
  648. half finished :: half perfect
    semiperfectus, semiperfecta, semiperfectum
  649. half foot :: half a foot
    semipes, semipedis m
  650. half full :: half empty
    semus, sema, semum
  651. half full :: half in full
    semiplenus, semiplena, semiplenum
  652. half hour :: half an hour
    semihora, semihorae f
  653. half Jew :: half a Jew
    Semiiudaeus, Semiiudaei m
  654. half knowing :: half expert
    semidoctus, semidocti m
  655. half lacerated :: half mangled
    semilacer, semilacera, semilacerum
  656. half lunatic :: half moonstruck
    semilunaticus, semilunatica, semilunaticum
  657. half man :: half man and half beast :: half wild :: half savage
    semihomo, semihominis m
  658. half Mede :: half a Mede
    semimedus, semimedi m
  659. half naked :: half unarmed
    seminudus, seminuda, seminudum
  660. half opened :: half open
    semiapertus, semiaperta, semiapertum
  661. half opened :: half open
    semihiulcus, semihiulca, semihiulcum
  662. half opened :: half open
    semulcus, semulca, semulcum
  663. half overcome :: half drunken
    semigravis, semigrave
  664. half pound :: half a pound
    semilibra, semilibrae f
  665. half raw :: half digested
    semicrudus, semicruda, semicrudum
  666. half rower :: half fighter
    semiremex, semiremigis m
  667. half ruined :: half broken
    semiaxius, semiaxia, semiaxium
  668. half rustic :: half a clown
    semipaganus, semipagani m
  669. half shut :: half close
    semiclausus, semiclausa, semiclausum
  670. half shut :: half close
    semiclusus, semiclusa, semiclusum
  671. half shut :: half closed
    semiadopertulus, semiadopertula, semiadopertulum
  672. half taught :: half learned
    semidoctus, semidocta, semidoctum
  673. half :: half the yield
    dimidia pars
  674. half :: halved
    dimidiatus, dimidiata, dimidiatum
  675. halfbestial :: half man and half beast
    semifer, semifera, semiferum
  676. halfcooked :: half done
    semicoctus, semicocta, semicoctum
  677. halfmade :: half finished
    semifactus, semifacta, semifactum
  678. halfmale :: hermaphrodite
    semimas, semimaris m
  679. halfopened :: half open
    semhians, semhiantis
  680. halfopened :: half open
    semihians, semihiantis
  681. halfpulled down :: half overthrown :: half demolished :: half destroyed :: half ruined
    semirutus, semiruta, semiutum
  682. halfsour :: half ripe
    semiacerbus, semiacerba, semiacerbum
  683. halfwhole :: half uninjured
    semiinteger, semiintegra, semiintegrum
  684. ham :: hough :: hock of a quadruped’s hind leg
    suffrago, suffraginis f
  685. hand mills :: handmills
    molae versatiles
  686. handball court :: handball pitch
    campus manuludiarius
  687. handball team :: handball club
    societas manufollica
  688. handed down :: hereditary
    translaticius, translaticia, translaticium
  689. handed down :: hereditary
    tralaticius, tralaticia, tralaticium
  690. handed down :: hereditary
    translaticius, translaticia, translaticium
  691. handwritten warranty :: handwritten guarantee
    cautio chirographi
  692. hang from :: hang on :: hang down
    dependeo 2
  693. hang up :: hang :: hang :: hold up
    suspendo 3
  694. hanging of one’s self :: hanging
    suspendium, suspendii n
  695. hard-pressed :: hard hit
    ambustus, ambusta, ambustum
  696. hard :: hard to manage :: hard to please
    difficilis, difficile
  697. hard :: hardy :: harsh
    durus, dura, durum
  698. harem spouses :: harem wives :: husband and wife
    coniuges, coniugum f
  699. harsh to the taste :: harsh :: harsh :: hoarse :: hard :: heavy
    acerbus, acerba, acerbum
  700. harsh :: hard
    asper, aspera, asperum
  701. harsh :: hard
    austerus, austera, austerum
  702. harvest of rods :: harvest of stripes :: harvest of blows
    virgidemia, virgidemiae f
  703. hasten :: hasten :: hurry somewhere
    appropero 1 (adpropero 1)
  704. hat can be easily moved :: hasty
    agilis, agile
  705. have a big (quite big, biggest) influence on someone :: have great (pretty big, biggest) prestige with someone
    multum (plus, plurimum) valeo apud aliquem
  706. have a changeful destiny :: have a chequered destiny
    varia fortuna utor
  707. have a discussion with another :: have a difference with another
    altercor 1
  708. have a fast gait :: have a fast walk
    celeri ingressu utor
  709. have a flat somewhere :: have an apartment somewhere
    alicubi habito
  710. have a good memory :: have a strong memory
    memoriā vigeo
  711. have a joking spirit :: have a joking mood
    animo prompto sum ad iocandum
  712. have a liking for someone :: have a tendency towards someone
    alicuius studiosus sum
  713. have a passage at stool :: have bowel movement :: have stool
    ventrem facio
  714. have a quarrel with someone :: have a dispute with someone
    controversiam habeo cum aliquo
  715. have a vote (by stepping apart) :: hold a vote (by stepping apart)
    discessionem facio
  716. have an abode anywhere :: harbor :: house cattle
    stabulo 1
  717. have an abode anywhere :: harbor :: house cattle
    stabulor 1
  718. have an idea of God :: have a concept of God
    dei notitiam habeo
  719. have bulimy :: have insatiable hunger
    bulimo 1
  720. have cramps :: have spasms
    vulso 1
  721. have everything :: have it all
    ago feroque cuncta
  722. have evidence in one's hands :: have evidence at one's disposal
    argumenta mihi in promptu sunt
  723. have exhausted the available material :: have exhausted the material at hand
    copiam, quam potui, persecutus sum
  724. have free leeway :: have free play
    in vacuo vagor
  725. have gone too far in his speculation :: have speculated away
    cupiditate prolapsus sum
  726. have leeway :: have a free hand
    vacuum est
  727. have many connections :: have many relationships
    cum multis hominibus consuetudine coniunctus sum
  728. have other intentions :: have other things in mind
    aliud vidi
  729. have over a thing :: have upon a thing
    superhabeo 2
  730. have practical knowledge :: have practical skills :: have practical skills
    usu aliquid cognitum habeo
  731. have someone as a favorite :: have someone as a sweetheart
    aliquem in deliciis habeo
  732. have someone in one's company :: have someone in one's environment :: have someone with one
    aliquem mecum habeo
  733. have someone in one's power :: have someone under one's control
    copiam alicuius habeo
  734. have something hanging on the neck :: have something sitting on the back of the neck
    aliquid supra caput est
  735. have something hanging on the neck :: have something weighing on the head and neck
    aliquid in capite et in cervicibus est
  736. have something under one's control :: have something at one's disposal
    aliquid in potestate habeo
  737. have the opportunity to do something :: have the chance to do something
    copia mihi est alicuius rei faciendae
  738. have the supreme command :: have unlimited power
    cum imperio sum
  739. have won the game :: have achieved its purpose
  740. have worms :: have crawling pains :: have itching pains
    vermino 1
  741. having a broad nose :: having a turned up nose
    silus, sila, silum
  742. having a madness of the brain :: hare-brained :: hotbrained
    cerebrosus, cerebrosa, cerebrosum
  743. having a sharp edge :: having a cutting edge
    scalpratus, scalprata, scalpratum
  744. having a single stem :: having a single straw
    unicalamus, unicalama, unicalamum
  745. having a small beard :: having a foppish beard
    barbatulus, barbatula, barbatulum
  746. having a warming power :: having a heating power
    calefactorius, calefactoria, calefactorium
  747. having claws :: having hoofs
    ungulatus, ungulata, ungulatum
  748. having conspired :: having entered into a conspiracy
    conspiratus, conspirata, conspiratum
  749. having corners :: having angles
    angularis, angulare
  750. having double members :: half man, half beast
    bimembris, bimembre
  751. having fingers :: having toes
    digitatus, digitata, digitatum
  752. having foliage high up :: having foliage on the top
    alticomus, alticoma, alticomum
  753. having four strings :: having four notes
    tetrachordos, tetrachordon
  754. having four strings :: having four notes
    tetracordos, tetracordon
  755. having hair :: hairy
    capillatus, capillata, capillatum
  756. having horns :: horned
    corniger, cornigera, cornigerum
  757. having long hair :: hairy :: having a radiant hairy train
    comans, comantis
  758. having no light :: hidden
    caecus, caeca, caecum
  759. having only one stem :: having only one trunk
    unistirpis, unistirpe
  760. having pauses :: having intervals
    diastematicus, diastematica, diastematicum
  761. having ten time mores :: having ten time units
    decasemus, decasema, decasemum
  762. having the mastery :: having the control :: having the power over a thing
    compos, compotis
  763. having three buds :: having three eyes
    trigemmis, trigemme
  764. having three corners :: having three angles
    triangulus, triangula, triangulum
  765. having three forks :: having three prongs :: having three points
    trifurcus, trifurca, trifurcum
  766. having three forms :: having three shapes :: having three natures
    triformis, triforme
  767. having three horns :: having three points
    tricorniger, tricornigera, tricornigerum
  768. having three points :: having three tines
    tricuspis, tricuspidis
  769. having three teeth :: having three tines
    tridens, tridentis
  770. having three threads :: having three hairs
    trifilis, trifile
  771. having two breasts :: having double clusters (vine)
    bimammius, bimammia, bimammium
  772. having two doors :: having folding-doors :: having two openings :: having two holes
    biforis, bifore
  773. having two doors :: having folding-doors :: having two openings :: having two holes
    biforus, bifora, biforum
  774. having two prongs :: having two points
    bifurcus, bifurca, bifurcum
  775. having two prongs :: having two points
    bifurtius, bifurtia, bifurtium
  776. having two ways :: having two passages
    bivius, bivia, bivium
  777. hawk :: hem
    screo 1
  778. hawker :: hemmer
    screator, screatoris m
  779. hawking :: hemming
    screatus, screatus m
  780. hawkweed :: hawk feeding
    accipitrina, accipitrinae f
  781. he is an eel, he slips away :: he is a slippery fellow
    anguilla est, elabitur
  782. he made many mistakes :: he was often wrong
    crebro erravit
  783. he may do it for my sake :: he may do it for me :: he may do it anyway
    nihil impedio, quominus faciat
  784. he may do it for my sake :: he may do it for me :: he may do it anyway
    per me faciat
  785. he often missed the mark :: he was often wrong :: he often fell flat on his face :: he has often failed
    crebro peccavit
  786. he quickly came to his senses :: he quickly reconsidered
    cito commentatus est
  787. he that brings about the existence of any object, or promotes the increase or prosperity of it :: head
    auctor, auctoris c
  788. he that brings about the existence of any object, or promotes the increase or prosperity of it :: head
    author, authoris c
  789. he that handles the reins :: hostler :: helmsman
    auriga, aurigae m
  790. he that melts gold :: he that refines gold
    auricoctor, auricoctoris m
  791. he that opens :: he that begins
    apertor, apertoris m
  792. he that reminds one of something :: he that admonishes one to something
    admonitor, admonitoris m
  793. he that rules over :: he that governs :: he that manages something
    arbiter, arbitri m
  794. he who bears together :: he who brings together :: he who places together
    collator, collatoris m
  795. he who cares for :: he who takes charge of a thing
    coerator, coeratoris m
  796. he who catches (animals) :: hunter :: huntsman
    captor, captoris m
  797. he who confirms a thing :: he who establishes a thing
    confirmator, confirmatoris m
  798. he who desists :: he who withdraws from a thing
    destitor, destitoris m
  799. he who discerns :: he who judges
    discretor, discretoris m
  800. he who had the care of the chorus and the supplies necessary for it :: he who pays the cost of a banquet
    choragiarius, choragiarii m
  801. he who had the care of the chorus and the supplies necessary for it :: he who pays the cost of a banquet
    choragus, choragi m
  802. he who is with one in a society :: he who is with one in a college :: he who is with one in a corporation
    collegiatus, collegiati m
  803. he who limits :: he who sets bounds
    terminator, terminatoris m
  804. he who overthrows :: he who destroys
    Supinalis, Supinalis m
  805. he who practises unnatural lust, a sodomite, catamite :: he who performs a wanton dance
    cinaedus, cinaedi m
  806. he who provides a thing :: he who prepares a thing :: he who causes a thing
    conciliator, conciliatoris m
  807. he who rouses :: he who excites
    concitor, concitoris m
  808. he who sees :: he who beholds
    conspector, conspectoris m
  809. he who sits in the highest place :: he who sits at the head of the table
    summus, summi m
  810. he who willingly subscribes (his name) :: he who subscribes to :: he who agrees to :: he who approves any thing
    ascriptor, ascriptoris m
  811. head of hair :: hair :: hair of dogs :: hair of the beard
    caesaries, caesariei f
  812. head of state :: head of government
    civitatis rector
  813. head or coat of arms :: head or crest
    capita aut navia
  814. head or coat of arms :: head or crest
    caput aut navim
  815. healing power :: healing effect
    vis remedialis
  816. heap together :: heap up
    coacervo 1
  817. heap :: heap up
    construo 3
  818. heap :: heap of little offering-cakes
    strues, struis f
  819. hear over and over again :: hear again and again
    audito 1
  820. hear with attention :: heed
    ausculto 1
  821. hear, what I aim at :: hear, what I have in view :: hear, to what conclusion I will bring the matter :: hear what I intend to do
    audi, quo rem deducam
  822. hear :: hearken to :: hear a teacher :: heed
    audio 4
  823. hearing loss :: hearing impairment
    tarditas aurium
  824. hearing of a cause at law :: hall of justice
    auditorium, auditorii n
  825. hearing :: hearsay :: hearing of a pupil
    auditio, auditionis f
  826. hearing :: hearing
    auditus, auditus m
  827. heat stroke :: heat exhaustion
    caloris ictus
  828. helmet smith :: helmet manufacturer
    cassidarius, cassidarii m
  829. hem :: hesitate
    tardeo 2
  830. hemorrhagic :: having hemorrhoids
    aemorroicus, aemorroica, aemorroicum
  831. henceforth :: hence :: hereafter
  832. heraldry :: heraldic art
    ars heraldica
  833. hero age :: hero time :: hero era
    aetas heroica
  834. hero strength :: hero power
    vires invictae
  835. heroic age :: heroic time
    tempora heroica
  836. heroic face :: heroic expression
    vultus intrepidus
  837. heroic mind :: heroic heart :: heroic courage
    animus fortis
  838. heroic power :: heroic virtue
    virtus summa
  839. heroic virtue :: heroic strength :: heroic valor :: heroic courage
    virtus ac fortitudo
  840. hew away :: hew smooth :: hew
    dedolo 1
  841. high Grecian shoe :: high Grecian hunting-boot :: high shoe worn by tragic actors
    cothurnus, cothurni m
  842. high Grecian shoe :: high Grecian hunting-boot :: high shoe worn by tragic actors
    coturnus, coturni m
  843. high ground :: hill
    collis, collis m
  844. high head-dress, made of layers of false hair :: head-dress worn by Roman women
    caliandrium, caliandrii n
  845. high head-dress, made of layers of false hair :: head-dress worn by Roman women
    caliendrum, caliendri n
  846. high head-dress, made of layers of false hair :: head-dress worn by Roman women
    calliandrum, calliandri n
  847. high-sounding :: high
    altisonus, altisona, altisonum
  848. high-speed glider :: high-speed sailor
    ancyromagus, ancyromagi m
  849. high-speed glider :: high-speed sailor
    anquiromacus, anquiromaci m
  850. high :: high up
    alte (altius, altissime)
  851. high :: hard
    arduus, ardua, arduum
  852. higher :: higher
    superior, superius
  853. highest part :: height
    summitas, summitatis f
  854. highly gifted :: highly talented
    alta indole
  855. highness :: height
    supernitas, supernitatis f
  856. hip :: hip-bone
    coxendix, coxendicis f
  857. his crest rises :: he carries his head high :: he is conceited
    illi surgunt cristae
  858. hiss :: hiss at a person :: hiss down a person
    sibilo 1
  859. hissing :: hissing at
    sibilum, sibili n
  860. hissing :: hissing at
    sibilus, sibili m
  861. hist! :: hush!
  862. hither and thither :: here and there
    ultro ac citro
  863. hither and thither :: here and there
    ultro citro
  864. hither and thither :: here and there
    ultro citroque
  865. hither and thither :: here and there
    ultro et citro
  866. hither with it! :: here!
  867. hold a grudge against someone :: have a tense relationship with someone
    in simultate sum cum aliquo
  868. hold an army assembly :: hold an army gathering
    contionem habeo
  869. hold an auction :: hold an public sale
    auctionor 1
  870. hold auspices :: hold a bird show
    augurium ago
  871. hold auspices :: hold a bird show
    augurium capio
  872. hold off :: hold in the mind
    detineo 2
  873. hold out :: hold on
    teneo 2
  874. hold someone up :: hold someone up to the best
    alicui illudo
  875. hold something only by the tail :: hold something only with great difficulty
    aliquid lacinia obtineo
  876. hold the estimate :: hold the census
    censum habeo
  877. hold the estimate :: hold the census
    censura fungor
  878. hold to :: hold near :: hold at some point :: hold fast :: hold :: hold back, delay :: hold possession of
    adtineo 2
  879. hold to :: hold near :: hold at some point :: hold fast :: hold :: hold back, delay :: hold possession of
    attineo 2 (adtineo 2)
  880. hold together in oneself :: hang together
    contineo 2
  881. hold together :: hold :: hinder :: hold in check
    cohibeo 2
  882. hold together :: hold :: hinder :: hold in check
    coibeo 2
  883. hold together :: hold fast :: hold back :: hold in check
    contineo 2
  884. hold toward :: hold to
    adhibeo 2
  885. hold up :: halt
    strigo 1
  886. hold up :: hold upright :: hold in
    sustineo 2
  887. hold up :: hold upriqht :: hold back :: hold out
    sustento 1
  888. hold :: have in the hand :: have in the mouth :: have in one’s power
    teneo 2
  889. holding fast :: holding fast to money
    tenacitas, tenacitatis f
  890. holding on :: holding fast
    tenor, tenoris m
  891. holding together :: hanging together
    continens, continentis
  892. holding up :: holding upright
    sustentatus, sustentatus m
  893. hole up :: hide
    latebris me abstrudo
  894. hollow below :: hollow underneath
    subcavus, subcava, subcavum
  895. hollow of the hand :: hollow of the foot
    vola, volae f
  896. hollow place :: hollow
    concavum, concavi n
  897. hollow :: hole
    caverna, cavernae f
  898. hollow :: hole
    cavernum, caverni n
  899. hollow :: hold of a ship :: hull of a ship :: hollowed gaming-board
    alveus, alvei m
  900. hollow :: hole
    cavum, cavi n
  901. hollow :: hole
    cavus, cavi m
  902. hollow :: hollowness
    cavitas, cavitatis f
  903. hollowed :: hollow
    cavatus, cavata, cavatum
  904. home :: hearth and home
    arae et foci
  905. home :: hearth and home
    arae focique
  906. honey-water :: hydromel
    aqua mulsea
  907. honor crown :: honor wreath
    corona rostrata
  908. honor in common :: honor in abundantly :: honor
    cohonesto 1
  909. hooded coat :: hooded robe :: hoodie
    casula, casulae f
  910. hooded coat :: hooded robe :: hoodie
    lacerna, lacernae f
  911. hooded dress :: hoodie dress :: hoodie
    vestis cucullata
  912. hooded gown :: hooded coat :: hoodie
    paenula, paenulae f
  913. hooded :: having a hood
    cucullatus, cucullata, cucullatum
  914. hoodie :: hooded sweatshirt :: hooded sweater
    paenula, paenulae f
  915. hoof :: horse
    ungula, ungulae f
  916. hope for divinity :: hope for deification
    caelum spero
  917. horn-like :: horn-shaped
    cornuatus, cornuata, cornuatum
  918. horn-shaped :: horned
    corniculans, corniculantis
  919. horn :: hoof :: horny skin covering the eye :: horny excrescence on the head :: horn of the moon
    cornu, cornus n
  920. horn :: hoof :: horny skin covering the eye :: horny excrescence on the head :: horn of the moon
    cornum, corni n (cornus, cornus m)
  921. horn :: hoof :: horny skin covering the eye :: horny excrescence on the head :: horn of the moon
    cornus, cornus m
  922. hornblower :: horn player
    ceraula, ceraulae m
  923. horned animal :: horned cattle
    cornigera, cornigerae f
  924. hornfooted :: hoofed
    cornipedus, cornipeda, cornipedum
  925. hornfooted :: hoofed
    cornipes, cornipedis
  926. horny :: hard
    corneolus, corneola, corneolum
  927. horrible mischief :: horrible behavior
    diritas, diritatis f
  928. hostile encounter of two parties :: hatred
    simultas, simultatis f
  929. hot bath room :: hot cell
    cella caldaria
  930. hot :: heated
    caloratus, calorata, caloratum
  931. hothead :: hot-tempered person :: hot-tempered person
    cerebrosus, cerebrosi m
  932. hotspur :: hothead
    caldicerebrius, caldicerebrii m
  933. house arrest :: home detention
    custodia libera
  934. household :: housekeeping
    administratio rei familiaris
  935. household :: housekeeping
    cura rei familiaris
  936. housemates of celibate priests :: housekeepers
    agapetae, agapetarum f
  937. hovel :: hut
    canaba, canabae f
  938. hovel :: hut
    canapa, canapae f
  939. hovel :: hut
    canava, canavae f
  940. hovel :: hut
    cannaba, cannabae f
  941. how to insure :: how to be insured
    ut affirmatur
  942. how's it going? :: how does one feel?
    ut valetur?
  943. however often :: however often
    cum saepissime
  944. however slowly :: however late
    cum tardissime
  945. however :: howsoever
  946. however :: howsoever
  947. however :: howsoever
  948. howl :: howl forth :: howl over
    ululo 1
  949. howling :: howl
    ululamen, ululaminis n
  950. human error :: human failure
    defectio humana
  951. humbly begging :: humbly entreating :: humble
    supplex, supplicis
  952. humiliation :: humble entreaty :: humble petition
    supplicium, supplicii n
  953. hundreafoid :: hundredarmed :: hundred-gated
    centumgeminus, centumgemina, centumgeminum
  954. hunt :: hunt after
    venor 1
  955. hunter :: huntsman :: hunting man
    venator, venatoris m
  956. hunting booty :: hunting prey
    praeda venaticia
  957. hunting equipment :: hunting device
    instrumentum venatorium
  958. hunting-dog :: hound dog
    canis actuarius
  959. hunting :: hunting spectacle :: hunt
    venatio, venationis f
  960. hunting :: hunting party :: hunting area
    cynegesium, cynegesii n
  961. hurt :: harm
    dampnum, dampni n
  962. hurt :: harm
    damnum, damni n
  963. husk of grain :: husk of pulse
    acus, aceris n
  964. hardly have quite stopped
    vix bene desieram
  965. heathens
    turifer grex
  966. hypocrite
    simulatus, simulata, simulatum
  967. hastily
  968. here and there :: hastily
  969. hand to hand
  970. hand to hand
    comminus (cominus)
  971. hypothetically
  972. half the day
    die mediato
  973. hastily
  974. here - there
    alibi ... alibi ...
  975. hither - thither
    alio ... alio ...
  976. horizontal
    aequilibratus, aequilibrata, aequilibratum
  977. horizontal
    aequilibris, aequilibre
  978. horned
    corniculatus, corniculata, corniculatum
  979. however
  980. howsoever :: however
  981. hesitate
    addubito 1
  982. helping
    auxiliabundus, auxiliabunda, auxiliabundum
  983. honor by offerings
    auctito 1
  984. heap upon
    augeo 2
  985. honor by offerings
    auctifico 1
  986. have :: hold
    utor 3
  987. hamper his step
    vestigia figo
  988. hamper his step
    vestigia premo
  989. hurts
    vexata, vexatorum n
  990. hurtful
    damnificus, damnifica, damnificum
  991. habit
    discipleina, discipleinae f
  992. habit
    disciplina, disciplinae f
  993. habit
    discipulina, discipulinae f
  994. holder
    tenaculum, tenaculi n
  995. have as purpose
    animum intendo
  996. hazard
    discrimen, discriminis n
  997. have confidence in
    credo 3
  998. hood
    cucullus, cuculli m
  999. hold in common
    socio 1
  1000. hanging together
    continuus, continua, continuum
  1001. hard white of an oyster
    sphondulus, sphonduli m
  1002. hard white of an oyster
    sphondylion, sphondylii n
  1003. hard white of an oyster
    sphondylus, sphondyli m
  1004. hard white of an oyster
    spondilus, spondili m
  1005. hard white of an oyster
    spondylion, spondylii n
  1006. hard white of an oyster
    spondylus, spondyli m
  1007. hold back :: hold at a distance
    abstineo 2
  1008. have something firmly imprinted in one's mind
    aliquid fixum in animo teneo
  1009. harbor :: haven
    claustra maris
  1010. hornpike
    acus, aci m
  1011. horse-stag
    tragelaphus, tragelaphi m
  1012. handkerchief
    sudiculum, sudiculi n
  1013. handkerchief
    suduculum, suduculi n
  1014. halcyon
    alcedo, alcedinis f
  1015. halcyon
    alcyon, alcyonis f
  1016. humble one’s self
    supplico 1
  1017. having knowledge
    scius, scia, scium
  1018. harrow
    irpex, irpicis m
  1019. harrow
    urpex, urpicis m
  1020. handsomely
  1021. harass with words
    verbero 1
  1022. hoarding
    sepositio, sepositionis f
  1023. head
    coryphaeus, coryphaei m
  1024. handbill :: handout
    libellus, libelli m
  1025. handbill :: handout
    schedula volitans
  1026. hasten to join a party :: hasten
    transilio 4
  1027. hasten to join a party :: hasten
    trānssilio 4
  1028. hear
    addisco 3
  1029. having left Rome or a rural town
    urbe oppidove egressus
  1030. heal a wound
    vulnus sano, ut coeat
  1031. humble
    submissus, submissa, submissum
  1032. humble
    summissus, summissa, summissum
  1033. horizontal position
    aequilibrium, aequilibrii n
  1034. hunt for legacies
    capto 1
  1035. hold up
    sublevo 1
  1036. homonymous
    cognominis, cognomine
  1037. halt
    claudico 1 (clodico 1)
  1038. halt
    claudeo 2 (claudo 3)
  1039. halt
    claudo 3 [2]
  1040. halt
    clodico 1
  1041. halting
    claudus, clauda, claudum
  1042. halting
    clodus, cloda, clodum
  1043. halting
    cludus, cluda, cludum
  1044. hobbling
    coxo, coxonis m
  1045. hesitating in utterance
    blaesus, blaesa, blaesum
  1046. hatchet
    securicula, securiculae f
  1047. hatchet
    sericula, sericulae f
  1048. heifer
    vaccula, vacculae f
  1049. husk of ears of grain
    vaginula, vaginulae f
  1050. hamlet
    viculus, viculi m
  1051. have life
    veivo 3
  1052. have life
    vivo 3
  1053. happy
    alacer, alacris, alacre (alacris, alacre)
  1054. happy
    alacris, alacre
  1055. humor
    urbanitas, urbanitatis f
  1056. hideousness
    taetritudo, taetritudinis f
  1057. hair on the forehead of a horse
    cirra, cirrae f
  1058. hair on the forehead of a horse
    cirrus, cirri m
  1059. haughtiness :: honorable pride
    superbia, superbiae f
  1060. hungry
    avidus, avida, avidum
  1061. have in view
    adspicio 5
  1062. have in view
    aspicio 5 (adspicio) 5
  1063. honor
    suspicio 5
  1064. height :: high regard :: high esteem
    suspectus, suspectus m
  1065. have no footing
    diffluo 3
  1066. harm
    calamitas, calamitatis f
  1067. hostile call
    clamor, clamoris m
  1068. hostile call
    clamos, clamoris m
  1069. hostile call
    clamositas, clamositatis f
  1070. humming
    susurrus, susurri m
  1071. humble expression
    tapinoma, tapinomatis n
  1072. humbly
  1073. highest point
    aer, aeris m
  1074. hastily put together :: hastily thrown together
    schedius, schedia, schedium
  1075. high-mindedness
    animus magnus
  1076. high-mindedness
    animus magnus et excelsus
  1077. honor :: honor by offered gifts
    adoleo 2 (tr.)
  1078. handmaid
    ancilla, ancillae f
  1079. hum
    susurro 1
  1080. huzza
    astrepo 3 (adstrepo 3)
  1081. hum
    strepo 3
  1082. hold a triumph :: hold an ovation
    triumpho 1
  1083. heat by poultice
    apozymo 1
  1084. heal
    confirmo 1
  1085. hasten
    depropero 1
  1086. hasten :: hurry
    affestino 1
  1087. hollow out
    cavo 1
  1088. hollow out
    concavo 1
  1089. hamper
    angustio 1
  1090. have a good time
    cutem curo
  1091. heighten
    aspero 1
  1092. hurt
    contristo 1
  1093. hinder
    tardo 1 (tr.)
  1094. help someone to become wealthy
    aliquem divitiis orno
  1095. heal
    corrigo 3
  1096. hicken
    denseo 2
  1097. hicken
    denso 1
  1098. heat
    calefacio 5
  1099. heat
    calfacio 5
  1100. heat
    calficio 5
  1101. heat
    calefacto 1 (calfacto 1)
  1102. heat
    calfacto 1
  1103. heal
    consano 1
  1104. hair cover manufacturer :: hair cover dealer
    ciliciarius, ciliciarii m
  1105. hastening
    deproperus, depropera, deproperum
  1106. husband
    vir, viri m
  1107. heroic maiden :: heroine
    virago, viraginis f
  1108. hermaphrodit
    androgynus, androgyni m
  1109. healing
    cura, curae f
  1110. hazelhen :: heath-cock
    attagen, attagenis m
  1111. hartwort
    seselis, seselis f
  1112. hartwort
    seselium, seselii n
  1113. hartwort
    sil, silis n
  1114. have significance :: have meaning
    vim habeo
  1115. help
    adiumentum, adiumenti n
  1116. hold a thing as dear as life
    aliquid vita aestimo
  1117. happen :: have place together
    concurro 3
  1118. hard knot in the interior of wood or precious stones,
    centrum, centri n
  1119. have recourse to
    demigro 1
  1120. hostilities
    belli discidium
  1121. have a desire for something
    desiderio alicuius rei teneor (afficior)
  1122. humid
    umidus, umida, umidum
  1123. humid
    uvidus, uvida, uvidum
  1124. humid
    uvens, uventis
  1125. humidity
    uvor, uvoris m
  1126. hermit
    clausarius, clausarii m
  1127. hermit
    claustralis, claustralis m
  1128. hermit
    claustrensis, claustrensis m
  1129. holy
    castus, casta, castum
  1130. hard :: hard-hearted
    crudelis, crudele
  1131. highway
    autostrata bilatera
  1132. highway
    biseriata via vehicularis
  1133. heave
    anhelo 1
  1134. have an effect on someone
    alicuius animum commoveo
  1135. harass
    vexo 1
  1136. harvest
    demeto 3
  1137. helm
    clavus, clavi m
  1138. honorific name
    cognomen, cognominis n
  1139. hermitage
    clausa, clausae f
  1140. half-heartedness
    animus angustus et parvus
  1141. herdsman
    bobsequa, bobsequae m
  1142. herdsman
    bubsequa, bubsequae m
  1143. herdsman
    busequa, busequae m
  1144. hardship
    aerumna, aerumnae f
  1145. hairpin
    acus, acus f
  1146. hold peace talks
    de pace ago
  1147. how it will go
    utcumque res ceciderit
  1148. husband of Orithyia and father of Calais and Zetes
    aquilo, aquilonis m
  1149. hinder from doing
    veto 1
  1150. hinder from doing
    vetuo 1
  1151. habitual
    certissimus, certissima, certissimum
  1152. however
  1153. however
  1154. honoring
    celebratio, celebrationis f
  1155. honored by a great assembly
    celeber, celebris, celebre
  1156. honored by a great assembly
    celebris, celebre
  1157. hazel dress
    carinum, carini n
  1158. harm
    damno 1
  1159. handicraft
    artificium, artificii n
  1160. hoary
    candidus, candida, candidum
  1161. hard
    aenus, aena, aenum
  1162. hard
    ahenus, ahena, ahenum
  1163. hempen
    cannabinus, cannabina, cannabinum
  1164. horny :: horn- :: hard as horn, horny
    corneus, cornea, corneum
  1165. harmonious
    unanimis, unanime
  1166. harmonious
    unanimus, unanima, unanimum
  1167. harmonious
    unianimis, unianime
  1168. half yearly
    semestris, semestre (semester, semestris)
  1169. half a digit in diameter
    semidigitalis, semidigitale
  1170. hideous :: horrid :: hideous
    taeter, taetra, taetrum
  1171. hideous :: horrid :: hideous
    teter, tetra, tetrum
  1172. half dead man
    vetus sepulcrum
  1173. honest
    anticus, antica, anticum
  1174. honest
    antiquus, antiqua, antiquum
  1175. hot
    ardens, ardentis
  1176. however

  1177. carpistes, carpistae m
  1178. horse :: horseman
    vector, vectoris m
  1179. husbandman
    arator, aratoris m
  1180. hawker
    ambulator, ambulatoris m
  1181. husbandman
    colitor, colitoris m
  1182. helper
    subventor, subventoris m
  1183. he who does any thing
    actor, actoris m
  1184. he who claims or declares one to be a slave
    assertor, assertoris m (adsertor)
  1185. he who goes the rounds and visits the posts of sentinels
    circitor, circitoris m
  1186. he who goes the rounds and visits the posts of sentinels
    circuitor, circuitoris m
  1187. he who goes the rounds and visits the posts of sentinels
    circumitor, circumitoris m
  1188. helper
    adiutor, adiutoris m
  1189. hollowing workman
    cavator, cavatoris m
  1190. helper
    advocatus, advocati m
  1191. husband
    coniuga, coniugae f
  1192. husband
    coniunx, coniugis c (coniux)
  1193. husband
    coniūx, coniugis c
  1194. he who stops a fountain :: he who obstructs a fountain
    caecator, caecatoris m
  1195. he who asks counsel of one
    consultor, consultoris m
  1196. herdsman
    bubulcus, bubulci m
  1197. horseman
    sessor, sessoris m
  1198. having a single horn
    unicornis, unicorne
  1199. hollow space
    templum, templi n
  1200. hole
    caulae, caularum f
  1201. hole
    caullae, caullarum f
  1202. have a good effect
    belle facio
  1203. hostility
    adversitas, adversitatis f
  1204. hold a drive hunt
    agros indagine cingo
  1205. hold a drive hunt
    agros indagine claudo
  1206. head-dress
    comptus, comptus m
  1207. honor
    decus, decoris n
  1208. harsh
    absurdus, absurda, absurdum
  1209. high-priest
    antistes, antistitis c
  1210. horned owl
    bubo, bubonis f
  1211. houseleek
    buphthalmos, buphthalmi m
  1212. horse-cloth
    stragula, stragulae f
  1213. hamper
    soracum, soraci n
  1214. have a part in
    affinis sum
  1215. hover over
    supervector 1
  1216. hide
    condo 3
  1217. hole
    cuniculum, cuniculi n
  1218. hasty treatment
    transcursio, transcursionis f
  1219. hesitation
    aestus, aestus m
  1220. husk
    deglubo 3
  1221. honest :: happy
    candidus, candida, candidum
  1222. holding a congius
    congiarius, congiaria, congiarium
  1223. hasty
    cursualis, cursuale
  1224. hilly :: hill-
    collinus, collina, collinum
  1225. horse-
    caballinus, caballina, caballinum
  1226. horse-
    canterinus, canterina, canterinum
  1227. horse-
    cantherinus, cantherina, cantherinum
  1228. headstrong
    contentiosus, contentiosa, contentiosum
  1229. heavenly
    caelestis, caeleste
  1230. heavenly
    coelestis, coeleste
  1231. hired
    conducticius, conducticia, conducticium
  1232. hereditary
    captatorius, captatoria, captatorium
  1233. harmonious
    canorus, canora, canorum
  1234. high
    aerius, aeria, aerium
  1235. heavenly
    aethereus, aetherea, aethereum
  1236. heavenly
    aetherius, aetheria, aetherium
  1237. hair-
    crinalis, crinale
  1238. hind-
    clunalis, clunale
  1239. huckster
    caupo, cauponis m (copo)
  1240. huckster
    copo, coponis m
  1241. huckster
    cupo, cuponis m
  1242. half-drachm
    triobolos, trioboli m
  1243. half-drachm
    triobolus, trioboli m
  1244. heap
    adtumulo 1
  1245. heap
    attumulo 1
  1246. hoarding
    adaggero 1
  1247. hair-pin
    acus discriminalis
  1248. hinge of a door
    cardo, cardinis m
  1249. hermitage
    asceteria, asceteriorum n
  1250. hole
    cubile, cubilis n
  1251. highway
    trivium, trivii n
  1252. having a plaster :: having a patch on
    spleniatus, spleniata, spleniatum
  1253. have a secret understanding with one
    colludo 3
  1254. hunting-knife
    culter, cultri m
  1255. head :: hair-pin
    speca, specae f
  1256. head :: hair-pin
    spica, spicae f
  1257. head :: hair-pin
    spicum, spici n
  1258. heights
    despectus, despectuum m
  1259. honesty of politics
    disciplinae sanctitas
  1260. harbor city
    urbs portuensis
  1261. hold
    capio 5
  1262. heart :: haughtiness
    animus, animi m
  1263. hunt for legacies
    capto testamenta
  1264. headlong
  1265. harp upon
    canto 1
  1266. hold back
    supprimo 3
  1267. hold back :: hold :: hinder
    comprimo 3
  1268. hem in
    urgueo 2
  1269. handsome
    bellus, bella, bellum
  1270. high aspirations
    animi, animorum m
  1271. historian
    auctor, auctoris c
  1272. hopeful
    bonae spei
  1273. haranguing in a public assembly
    concionabundus, concionabunda, concionabundum
  1274. haranguing in a public assembly
    contionabundus, contionabunda, contionabundum
  1275. haul in the sails
    vela traho
  1276. hoists
    tractorium machinarum genus
  1277. have something in mind
    cogito 1
  1278. hunt
    agito 1
  1279. hide
    abscondo 3
  1280. hide
    abdo 3
  1281. hurl
    cito 1
  1282. hold as
    appono 3 (adpono 3)
  1283. hypothecate
    suppono 3
  1284. hoarseness :: harshness
    asperitas, asperitatis f
  1285. hasten
    celero 1 (tr.)
  1286. hastily
    citatim [citatius, citatissime]
  1287. hastily
  1288. hastily
  1289. hole
    cuniculus, cuniculi m
  1290. hiking
    commeatio, commeationis f
  1291. hill :: hillock
    tumulum, tumuli n
  1292. hill :: hillock
    tumulus, tumuli m
  1293. high :: haughty :: high-spirited
    celsus, celsa, celsum
  1294. height
    suggestum, suggesti n
  1295. height
    suggestus, suggestus m
  1296. hovering :: hesitating
    suspensus, suspensa, suspensum
  1297. heedlessness
    temeritudo, temeritudinis f
  1298. hooked engine of war
    corax, coracis m
  1299. hollow
    cava, cavae f
  1300. heedless
    securus, secura, securum
  1301. hobbyhorse
    arundo, arundinis f
  1302. hollow arm of a candelabra
    calamus, calami m
  1303. hoist the sails
    vela lego
  1304. have a care for
    consulto 1
  1305. hold someone in low esteem
    aliquem nihil puto,
  1306. head-
    cephalicus, cephalica, cephalicum
  1307. holy war
    bellum pro religione susceptum
  1308. holy war
    bellum religiosum
  1309. have confidence in one’s self
    mihi confido
  1310. heal
    subsarcino 1
  1311. hardiness
    resilientia, resilientiae f
  1312. honor
    concelebro 1
  1313. hindrance
    cohibitio, cohibitionis f
  1314. hold up
    conservo 1
  1315. honor
    adorea, adoreae f (adoria, adoriae f)
  1316. honor
    adoria, adoriae f
  1317. hash
    scutula, scutulae f
  1318. high annual yield
    ubertas anni
  1319. horse riding
    caballico 1
  1320. horseman :: hostler
    caballarius, caballarii m
  1321. hand
    dextera, dexterae f
  1322. hand
    dextra, dextrae f (dextera, dexterae f )
  1323. have a sharp voice :: have a shrill voice
    tinnio 4
  1324. high prices
    caritas annonaria
  1325. heap together
    conglomero 1
  1326. head-dress of women
    collyris, collyridis f
  1327. harshly
  1328. harshly
  1329. hamlet
    veicus, veici m
  1330. hamlet
    vicus, vici m
  1331. harshly
  1332. hugeness
    vastitudo, vastitudinis f
  1333. hearsay
    auditum, auditi n
  1334. hang about in common places
    communes locos volvo
  1335. hasten up and down
    discurso 1
  1336. hasten through
    discurro 3
  1337. hasten through
    transcurro 3
  1338. hasten to
    adcurro 3
  1339. hasten to
    accurro 3
  1340. hasten to the aid :: hasten to the assistance of one :: help
    succurro 3
  1341. hasten
    curro 3
  1342. hurry up
    celeriter curro
  1343. hurry up
    celerius eo
  1344. harsh :: harsh
    tristis, triste
  1345. harshly
  1346. hardness :: harshness :: harshness
    tristitia, tristitiae f
  1347. health
    sospitas, sospitatis f
  1348. harsh
    truculentus, truculenta, truculentum
  1349. harshness
    truculentia, truculentiae f
  1350. holder
    bagina, baginae f
  1351. holder :: hull :: husk
    vagina, vaginae f
  1352. here and there
  1353. heliotrope
    scorpioctonon, scorpioctoni n
  1354. hide
    verro 3
  1355. hide
    vorro 3
  1356. harvest
    auctumnum, auctumni n
  1357. harvest
    auctumnus, auctumni m
  1358. harvest
    autumnum, autumni n
  1359. harvest
    autumnus, autumni m
  1360. harvest-time :: harvest
    auctumnitas, auctumnitatis f
  1361. harvest-time :: harvest
    autumnitas, autumnitatis f
  1362. habitation
    sessorium, sessorii n
  1363. hidden
    clandestinus, clandestina, clandestinum
  1364. have the eyes open
    video 2
  1365. honor
    species, speciei f
  1366. have an abortion
    abortioni do operam
  1367. handsomely
    decens, decentis
  1368. heal together
    conferveo 2
  1369. happen to one :: happen
    contingo 3
  1370. half silk
    tramosericus, tramoserica, tramosericum
  1371. hand over
    tramitto 3
  1372. humor
    sensus, sensus m
  1373. hinder
    abduco 3
  1374. harsh
    severus, severa, severum
  1375. have the care of
    anclo 1
  1376. have the care of
    anculo 1 (2)
  1377. have the care of
    antlo 1
  1378. household
    apparitio, apparitionis f
  1379. hurt
    aduro 3
  1380. hurl :: hurl
    vibro 1
  1381. hasten :: hasten through :: hasten over
    corripio 5
  1382. hold in check
    castigo 1
  1383. having two buds
    bigemmis, bigemme
  1384. heating
    succensio, succensionis f
  1385. heating
    suscensio, suscensionis f (2)
  1386. hexagonal
    sexangulatus, sexangulata, sexangulatum
  1387. head
    securiclatus, securiclata, securiclatum
  1388. having an equal share
    consors, consortis
  1389. hasty :: hot
    acer, acris, acre
  1390. harshness of character
    acritudo, acritudinis f
  1391. harshness of character
    acror, acroris m
  1392. harshness :: harsh taste of fruits :: hatred
    acerbitas, acerbitatis f
  1393. harshness :: harsh taste of fruits :: hatred
    acerbitudo, acerbitudinis f
  1394. helper
    adiutrix, adiutricis f
  1395. honor
    splendor, splendoris m
  1396. herding dog
    canis pastoralis
  1397. herding dog
    canis pastoricius
  1398. half-boot
    calceus, calcei m
  1399. hairless
    vulsus, vulsa, vulsum
  1400. handsomely
  1401. hemme in
    circumclaudo 3
  1402. hemme in
    circumcludo 3
  1403. hidden
    arcanus, arcana, arcanum
  1404. hold off
    arceo 2
  1405. hide
    claudo 3
  1406. hide
    clodo 3
  1407. hide
    cludo 3
  1408. hissing
    sibilatio, sibilationis f
  1409. hissing
    sifo, sifonis m
  1410. hospital
    valetudinarium, valetudinarii n
  1411. heave a sigh
    congemo 3
  1412. honest
    simplex, simplicis
  1413. honesty
    simplicitas, simplicitatis f
  1414. honestly
  1415. honestly
  1416. hum
    cantillo 1
  1417. harmonize
    concino 3
  1418. hold sessions
    consido 3
  1419. hold fast :: hang fast
    sedeo 2
  1420. handicraft :: habit
    ars, artis f
  1421. hide
    scortum, scorti n
  1422. hide
    cutis, cutis f
  1423. hide
    corium, corii n
  1424. hide
    corius, corii m
  1425. hide
    cotis, cotis f (2)
  1426. heaven :: height
    caelum, caeli n (coelum, coeli n)
  1427. high-rise
    tectum caelo aequatum
  1428. handler
    tractator, tractatoris m
  1429. homeborn slave
    verna, vernae c
  1430. heavy with sleep
    soporus, sopora, soporum
  1431. hoarsish
    subraucus, subrauca, subraucum
  1432. heavy
    tardus, tarda, tardum
  1433. halting
    tardipes, tardipedis
  1434. heaviness
    tarditas, tarditatis f
  1435. handwagon
    chiramaxium, chiramaxii n
  1436. hood
    tegillum, tegilli n
  1437. hide of animals
    caliculus, caliculi m [2]
  1438. hide of animals
    calyculus, calyculi m
  1439. hide of animals
    calyculus, calyculi m
  1440. half-boot
    calceolus, calceoli m
  1441. half-boot
    calciolus, calcioli m
  1442. hunting knife
    clunaculum, clunaculi n
  1443. hiccups
    singultus, singultus m
  1444. hairgarment
    trichaptum, trichapti n
  1445. humbly
  1446. humbly
  1447. high officer of the imperial court of Constantinople
    castrensis, castrensis m
  1448. heavy
    crassus, crassa, crassum
  1449. hard of hearing
    surdaster, surdastra, surdastrum
  1450. hardish
    subdurus, subdura, subdurum
  1451. half raw
    subcrudus, subcruda, subcrudum
  1452. half raw
    succrudus, succruda, succrudum
  1453. harmonize
    consono 1
  1454. homophonic
    aequisonus, aequisona, aequisonum
  1455. harmonious
    consonus, consona, consonum
  1456. harmony :: harmonious music :: harmony
    concentus, concentus m
  1457. harsh
    acidus, acida, acidum
  1458. having small feet
    struthopus, struthopodis c
  1459. honor
    adoro 1
  1460. hallow
    benedico 3
  1461. hearer :: he that is appointed to inquire into a cause and settle it
    arbiter, arbitri m
  1462. hypochondriac
    spleniticus splenitici m
  1463. headlight
    lux lampade emissa
  1464. horse-cloth :: horse-cloth :: housing
    stragulum, straguli n
  1465. horse-cloth
    stratus, stratus m
  1466. hop around
    circumsilio 4
  1467. hop
    subsulto 1
  1468. having a little cast :: having a little squint
    suppaetulus, suppaetula, suppaetulum
  1469. hostler
    stabularius, stabularii m
  1470. hesitate
    titubo 1
  1471. halm
    stipula, stipulae f
  1472. halm of vetches
    vicialia, vicialium n
  1473. help the friend
    amico adesse
  1474. hold out
    sto 1
  1475. hold out
    substo 1
  1476. harmonious
    constans, constantis
  1477. habitation :: herds :: hut :: hostelry
    stabulum, stabuli n
  1478. height :: heaven
    astrum, astri n
  1479. heavens
    sidus, sideris n
  1480. hazy
    vaporis plenus
  1481. heat
    vapor, vaporis m
  1482. heat
    vapos, vaporis m
  1483. horse’s bit
    chalybs, chalybis m
  1484. height
    verruca, verrucae f
  1485. highest part
    praeceps, praecipitis n
  1486. have a care for
    caveo 2
  1487. halt
    consto 1
  1488. halt
    subsisto 3
  1489. hut
    cella, cellae f
  1490. hold
    statuo 3
  1491. hindrance
    destrictio, destrictionis f
  1492. hindrance
    districtio, districtionis f
  1493. hurl about
    spargo 3
  1494. hit
    batto 3
  1495. hit
    batuo 3
  1496. hit
    icio 5
  1497. hit
    ico 3
  1498. happen
    competo 3
  1499. have an appetite for
    adpeto 3
  1500. have an appetite for
    appeto 3
  1501. handspike
    vectis, vectis m
  1502. healthy
    validus, valida, validum
  1503. healthy, hale :: hearty
    valens, valentis
  1504. height :: head
    arx, arcis f
  1505. hit by a wound
    vulnere pulsus
  1506. happily escape the evil
    uncum bene decutio
  1507. have compassion
    compatior 5
  1508. hungry
    cibi avidus
  1509. harmed
    calamitosus, calamitosa, calamitosum
  1510. hewable
    caesalis, caesale
  1511. heat of the sun :: highlight
    sol, solis m
  1512. hyperbolic
    superlativus, superlativa, superlativum
  1513. honorable appellation
    titulus, tituli m
  1514. hypersonic
    hypersonicus, hypersonica, hypersonicum
  1515. hold up around
    circumfulcio 4
  1516. hallow
    consecro 1
  1517. hedge in :: hedge up :: hinder
    saepio 4
  1518. hedge in :: hedge up :: hinder
    sepio 4
  1519. hellebore
    chelidonia, chelidoniae f
  1520. hesitate
    vaccillo 1
  1521. hesitate
    vacillo 1
  1522. hurried :: hasty
    celer, celeris, celere
  1523. hog
    sus, suis c
  1524. haughty
    tumidus, tumida, tumidum
  1525. have a stand as a dealer
    consisto 3
  1526. have a rest day
    diem unum opperior
  1527. halt :: hold out
    subsisto 3
  1528. hide
    subduco 3
  1529. have a care for
    consulto alicui
  1530. heap upon
    congero 3
  1531. hold up
    suscipio 5
  1532. hire
    captura, capturae f
  1533. hold a conversation :: hold a parley :: hold a conference
    colloquor 3
  1534. hold a conversation :: hold a parley :: hold a conference
    conloquor 3
  1535. hold
    censeo 2
  1536. head
    tempus, temporis n (2)
  1537. head
    tempora, temporum n
  1538. having ten banks of oars
    decemremis, decemreme
  1539. having ten rows of oars
    deceris, decere
  1540. having ten oars
    decemscalmus, decemscalma, decemscalmum
  1541. husband of a slave
    contubernalis, contubernalis m
  1542. horrifying voice
    vastitas vocis
  1543. horror spreader
    territor, territoris m
  1544. hinderance
    impedimentum, impedimenti n
  1545. handle :: haft
    ansa, ansae f
  1546. heedless
    temerarius, temeraria, temerarium
  1547. honored
    adorĭosus, adorĭosa, adorĭosum
  1548. having dined
    cenatus, cenata, cenatum
  1549. having dined
    coenatus, coenata, coenatum
  1550. hazardous
    anceps, ancipitis
  1551. hull
    theca, thecae f
  1552. higher
    super, supera, superum
  1553. higher
    superus, supera, superum
  1554. hidden
    tacitus, tacita, tacitum
  1555. heathen
    thurifer, thurifera, thuriferum
  1556. heathen
    turifer, turifera, turiferum
  1557. hinge
    continens, continentis n
  1558. hire
    auctoramentum, auctoramenti n
  1559. hooligan
    demolitor, demolitoris m
  1560. heap :: heap of wood
    congeries, congeriei f
  1561. housing
    stramentum, stramenti n
  1562. hurricane
    turben, turbinis n
  1563. hurricane
    turbo, turbinis m
  1564. hurricane
    turbus, turbi m
  1565. hidestretcher
    tentipellium, tentipellii n
  1566. high altar
    altaria, altarium n
  1567. hair
    capillatio, capillationis f
  1568. hair :: hair-like streaks in precious stones
    capillatura, capillaturae f
  1569. happiness
    beatitas, beatitatis f
  1570. happiness
    beatitudo, beatitudinis f
  1571. he day is already drawing to a close
    dies iam vergit
  1572. highest throw at dice
    venus, veneris f
  1573. hardness
    callum, calli n (callus, calli m)
  1574. hardness
    callus, calli m
  1575. hundredfold
    centesimus, centesima, centesimum
  1576. humanism
    artes ingenuae
  1577. hare
    auritus, auriti m
  1578. he that says
    autumator, autumatoris m
  1579. hallway
    andron, andronis m
  1580. harshness :: horribleness :: hideousness :: hatefulness
    atrocitas, atrocitatis f
  1581. history of ancient times
    antiquitas, antiquitatis f
  1582. horrible aspect
    terribilitas, terribilitatis f
  1583. he right bank,
    dextera, dexterorum n
  1584. habited by wild tribes, in Asia, between the Black and Caspian Seas
    Caucasus, Caucasi m
  1585. holy dread
    ceremonia, ceremoniae f
  1586. holy dread
    cerimonia, cerimoniae f
  1587. holy dread
    caeremonia, caeremoniae f
  1588. holy dread
    caerimonia, caerimoniae f (caeremonia, ceremonia)
  1589. holy dread
    caerimōnium, caerimōnii n
  1590. hunting knife
    clunaclum, clunacli n
  1591. hunting spear
    aesculus, aesculi f
  1592. height
    culmen, culminis n
  1593. heaven
    aethera, aetherae f
  1594. heaven
    aether, aetheris m
  1595. heavens
    aethra, aethrae f
  1596. he remained knight
    clavi mensura coacta est
  1597. hard
    spissus, spissa, spissum
  1598. hasten an action
    spisso 1
  1599. hurl
    adicio 5
  1600. hurl
    traicio 5
  1601. hurl down :: hang down
    deicio 5
  1602. hurl
    coicio 5
  1603. hurl
    conicio 5
  1604. hand to
    subicio 5
  1605. hurl with force towards
    conicio 5
  1606. hyperbole
    superiectio, superiectionis f
  1607. heap :: hurling
    coniectus, coniectus m
  1608. high wire performer
    schoenobates, schoenobatae m
  1609. hesitant
    timibundus, timibunda, timibundum
  1610. have payment difficulties
    de pecunia laboro
  1611. hide
    contego 3
  1612. hedge in
    consaepio 4 (consepio 4)
  1613. hedge in
    consaepto 1
  1614. hedge in
    consepio 4
  1615. hedge in
    consepto 1
  1616. halt
    consisto 3
  1617. handy
    dexter, dextra, dextrum (dexter, dextera, dexterum)
  1618. hitherto
  1619. how far?
    quem ad finem?
  1620. hurt
    saucio 1
  1621. hereafter
  1622. honorarium or contribution paid to a magistrate
    vectigal, vectigalis n
  1623. having teeth
    dentatus, dentata, dentatum
  1624. have :: hold
    agito 1
  1625. harp
    chelys, chelyos f
  1626. head-dress in imitation of a lyre
    testudo, testudinis f
  1627. handle
    taxo 1
  1628. harm a hair on someone's head
    digito aliquem attingo
  1629. handle :: have illicit intercourse with
    contracto 1
  1630. handle :: have illicit intercourse with
    contrecto 1
  1631. handle
    adtracto 1
  1632. handle
    adtrecto 1
  1633. handle
    attracto 1
  1634. handle
    attrecto 1 (adtrecto 1)
  1635. hit
    tango 3
  1636. handling
    adtrectatio, adtrectationis f
  1637. handling
    attrectatio, attrectationis f
  1638. handling :: handling :: homily
    tractatus, tractatus m
  1639. handling
    tactus, tactus m
  1640. horoscope
    thema, thematis n
  1641. horn-beam
    zygia, zygiae f
  1642. height
    tribunal, tribunalis n
  1643. hinderances
    tricae, tricarum f
  1644. having three tongues
    trilinguis, trilingue
  1645. help
    subsidium, subsidii n
  1646. harasser
    vexator, vexatoris m
  1647. hold as true
    credo 3
  1648. hastily :: hurriedly
  1649. hastily :: hurriedly
  1650. hut :: hovel
    caespes, caespitis m
  1651. hubbub
    turba, turbae f
  1652. heed
    advorto 3
  1653. heed
    arverto 3
  1654. have recourse to
    devertor 3
  1655. have recourse to
    devortor 3 (intr.)
  1656. have a fortunate issue :: have a good outcome
    bene verrunco
  1657. hurl
    contorqueo 2
  1658. heliotrope
    sideritesis, sideritesis f
  1659. hewer
    dens obliquus
  1660. hurl
    torqueo 2
  1661. hurling
    tortus, tortus m
  1662. hypocrite
    bilinguis homo
  1663. having two oars :: having two banks of oars
    biremis, bireme
  1664. having two oars :: having two banks of oars
    biremus, birema, biremum
  1665. hypocritical :: having a double meaning
    bilinguis, bilingue
  1666. hypocritical :: having a double meaning
    bilinguus, bilingua, bilinguum
  1667. hoist the sails
    vela pando
  1668. hardly
  1669. husk
    tunica, tunicae f
  1670. hem of a garment
    subsutura, subsuturae f
  1671. hear a little
    subaudio 4
  1672. have knowledge in any thing :: have skill in any thing
    scio 4
  1673. harmony
    concorporatio, concorporationis f

  1674. curia repraesentantium Civitatum Unitarum
  1675. harmonious
    consociatus, consociata, consociatum
  1676. harmonious
    coniunctus, coniuncta, coniunctum
  1677. high
  1678. high
    sublimis, sublime
  1679. high
    sublimus, sublima, sublimum
  1680. highly
  1681. highest :: highest part of
    summus, summa, summum
  1682. honestly
  1683. honestly
  1684. habituate
    assuesco 3 (adsuesco 3) (tr.)
  1685. have intercourse with
    soleo 2
  1686. hiss
    strideo 2
  1687. hiss
    strido 3
  1688. hopeless situation
    desperatio rerum omnium
  1689. honored
    ambitiosus, ambitiosa, ambitiosum
  1690. hollow
    valles, vallis f
  1691. hollow
    vallis, vallis f
  1692. heart valve
    valvula, valvulae f
  1693. heart chamber
    ventriculus cordis
  1694. holy water duster
    aspergillum, aspergilli n
  1695. hunting implements
    vas, vasis n
  1696. hunting implements
    vasa, vasorum n
  1697. hurricane
    cataegis, cataegidis f
  1698. harshly
  1699. hog-pool
    volutabrum, volutabri n
  1700. hastening away
    vagulus, vagula, vagulum
  1701. hostilities between two nations
    bellum, belli n
  1702. hostilities between two nations
    duellum, duelli n
  1703. hot
    caldus, calda, caldum
  1704. hot
    calidus, calida, calidum (caldus)
  1705. heating
    calefactio, calefactionis f
  1706. heating
    calefactus, calefactus m
  1707. heating
    calfactio, calfactionis f
  1708. heating
    calfactus, calfactus m
  1709. heating
    concalefactio, concalefactionis f
  1710. heat
    caldor, caldoris m
  1711. heat :: heat of a fever :: heat of passion
    calor, caloris m
  1712. hold something back :: hold in custody :: hold captive
    custodio 4
  1713. he who goes the rounds and visit the posts of sentinels
    circitator, circitatoris m
  1714. harass
    carpo 3
  1715. having
    affectus, affecta, affectum
  1716. health weakening
    confectio valetudinis
  1717. having sandals on
    soleatus, soleata, soleatum
  1718. hide
    subtexo 3
  1719. heedful
    circumspectus, circumspecta, circumspectum
  1720. humid
    udus, uda, udum
  1721. hone
    acone, aconae f
  1722. head :: highest point
    vertex, verticis m
  1723. head :: highest point
    vortex, vorticis m
  1724. hiss
    didintrio 4
  1725. having white fibres
    albicomus, albicoma, albicomum
  1726. hoary
    canus, cana, canum
  1727. hawthorn
    spina alba
  1728. house of pleasure
    aedes lenoniae
  1729. hamper
    canua, canuae f
  1730. hamper
    qualum, quali n
  1731. hamper
    qualus, quali m
  1732. hand-basket
    calathus, calathi m
  1733. hurdle :: harrow
    crates, cratis f (cratis, cratis f)
  1734. hurdle :: harrow
    cratis, cratis f
  1735. hair replacement :: hairpiece
    alieni crines
  1736. hard :: harsh
    trux, trucis
  1737. hard :: harsh
    trux, trucis
  1738. handle
    amplector 3
  1739. hollow where the branch unites with the stem
    ascella, ascellae f
  1740. hollow where the branch unites with the stem
    ascilla, ascillae f
  1741. hollow where the branch unites with the stem
    axilla, axillae f
  1742. hard-skinned :: hard
    callosus, callosa, callosum
  1743. haughtily
  1744. having locks or ringlets of hair
    cincinnatus, cincinnata, cincinnatum
  1745. hardly
  1746. hotly
  1747. having the ankles bunching out
    scaurus, scaura, scaurum
  1748. harmoniously
  1749. hardly
  1750. hag, witch
    striga, strigae f (2)
  1751. habitual
    solitus, solita, solitum
  1752. household furniture
    citrum, citri n
  1753. hamadryad
    amadryas, amadryadis f
  1754. hair-splitting
    captatio verborum
  1755. hair-splitting
    verborum aucupium
  1756. hair-splitting
    verborum captatio
  1757. hackneyed
    detritus, detrita, detritum
  1758. heathen
    daemonicola, daemonicolae c
  1759. hurt somebody
    vulnere aliquem afficio
  1760. hole
    volnus, volneris n
  1761. hole
    vulnus, vulneris n
  1762. hurt
    vulnero 1
  1763. hurt
    saucius, saucia, saucium
  1764. hide behind words
    dictīs mē circumvenio
  1765. herbage that clothes the ground, weeds :: habits formed in early youth
    amictus, amictus m
  1766. hat commits a wicked action
    nocens, nocentis m
  1767. happen to one :: happen
    cado 3
  1768. heifer
    bucula, buculae f (bocula)
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