Lateinisch - Englische Wortliste - A
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    9643 Ergebnisse
  1. automatum pecuniarium
    cash machine
  2. annis fessus
    decrepit, frail, aged, senile, geriatric, old and decrepit, debilitated, , decrepit, frail, aged, senile, geriatric, old and decrepit, debilitated
  3. alicui recusanti me ingero
    forcing oneself on someone against his will
  4. affingo 3
    form, fashion, devise, make or invent a thing as an addition or appendage to another, make up, frame, invent, add falsely, add without grounds, add to, join to, annex, feign, forge
  5. aliubi atque aliubi
    here and there, now here, now there, in different places
  6. aurugo, auruginis f
    jaundice, mildew
  7. amoeniter
    joyfully and delightfully
  8. alicuius castra sequor
    take part in a campaign under someone as a commander, , take part in a campaign under someone as a commander
  9. ascendibilis, ascendibile
    that can be ascended, that can be climbed
  10. arduus ascensus
  11. agōnizo 1
  12. agōnizor 1
  13. aggere in aprico spatior
  14. antichthones, antichthonum m
    , inhabitants of the opposite side of the globe
  15. aversos hostes aggredior
  16. albico 1
  17. anteponor 3
  18. aviatici, aviaticorum m
  19. antependulus, antependula, antependulum
  20. apiarius, apiaria, apiarium
  21. aliquid id genus
  22. altiuscule
  23. agmen constituo
  24. aliquid ad verbum converto (transfero, exprimo)
  25. adapertilis, adapertile
    , that may be opened,
  26. addax, addacis m
    name of a wild animal in Africa, with crooked horns
  27. aurolentus, aurolenta, aurolentum
    of the color of gold
  28. aurulentus, aurulenta, aurulentum
    of the color of gold
  29. amor miser
    passionate love
  30. Apollo augurium citharamque dat
    , Apollo bestows the art of divination and playing the zither,
  31. agonista, agonistae m
    , combatant for a prize,
  32. aeschrologia, aeschrologiae f
    , expression improper on account of its ambiguity,
  33. absidatus, absidata, absidatum
    , fitted together in a circular form, arched
  34. accingo 3
    , gird to, gird on, gird round, gird about, arm, equip, furnish, provide, endow,
  35. aurigans, aurigantis
    , glittering with gold,
  36. aequamen, aequaminis n
    , instrument for levelling or smoothing,
  37. argentum vilius auro
    , silver is worth less than gold
  38. a falsis principiis proficiscor
    , start from wrong principles, proceed from false principles
  39. aeroplanum procella in aera corripitur
    , the aircraft is swept into the air by the storm,
  40. arsit Atrides virgine
    , the Atride had fallen in love with the girl,
  41. anser Gallos adesse canit
    , the goose announces that the Gauls are here,
  42. aquilo undas asperat
    , the north wind stirs up the waves,
  43. aliquid oblivio transmitto
    (leave) consign something to oblivion
  44. alleluia
    = praise ye Jehovah
  45. assuetudo, assuetudinis f (adsuetudo)
    a being accustomed to, custom, habit
  46. avis sanqualis
    a bird sacred to Sancus, the ospray
  47. aspiratio, aspirationis f
    a blowing to, a breathing upon, evaporation, exhalation, enunciation of a word with an h sound, aspiration, the aspirate, the letter H itself
  48. afflatus, afflatus m (adflatus)
    a blowing on, breathing on, a breeze, blast, breath, flash of light, glow of light, afflation of the divine spirit, inspiration
  49. aspiramen, aspiraminis n
    a blowing, breathing, communicating
  50. armilla ex millesimis Mercurii facta
    a bracelet that was vowed (but not given) to Mercury as a thousandth of the prize
  51. aereus, aerei m
    a bronze coin
  52. Arminii frater cognomento Flavus
    a brother of Arminius, Flavus by name
  53. ambustio, ambustionis f
    a burn
  54. ambustum, ambusti n
    a burn
  55. avocatio, avocationis f
    a calling off from a thing, a diverting of the attention, diversion, interruption
  56. antisigma, antisigmatis n
    a character, Ↄ, which the emperor Claudius wished to introduce into Latin for ps = the Greek ψ, a critical mark, Ↄ, placed before a verse which is to be transposed
  57. ambubaia, ambubaiae f
    a class of Syrian girls in Rome, who supported themselves by their music and immorality
  58. aetite, aetites f
    a climbing plant
  59. aliquantum iter
    a considerable distance away, quite a distance away
  60. aliquantum itineris
    a considerable distance away, quite a distance away
  61. antecanis, antecanis m
    a constellation, the Lesser Dog-star
  62. agellus me alit
    a country estate grants me sustenance
  63. antigraphus, antigraphi m
    a critical sign
  64. ausum, ausi n
    a daring attempt, venture, undertaking, enterprise
  65. amicula, amiculae f
    a dear (female) friend
  66. amiculus, amiculi m
    a dear friend
  67. aspernatio, aspernationis f
    a despising, contemning, disdain
  68. abominamentum, abominamenti n
    a detestable thing
  69. Aristides, Aristidis m
    a distinguished sculptor
  70. anfractus intercedit
    a diversion comes in between
  71. auguratio, augurationis f
    a divining, soothsaying, art of divining
  72. austus, austus m
    a drawing, right of drawing, drinking, swallowing, drawing in, drink, draught
  73. abactus, abactus m
    a driving away, robbing
  74. aurigatio, aurigationis f
    a driving of a chariot in the course
  75. attemperies, attemperiei f
    a due mingling, a due mixture, a due tempering, temperature, temper, temperateness, moderate temperature, moderation, temperance
  76. altilis, altilis f
    a fattened bird
  77. architecta, architectae f
    a female architect
  78. annalia, annalium n
    a festival observed at the beginning of the year
  79. aurata, auratae f
    a fish, gilt-bream
  80. afluentia, afluentiae f
    a flowing to, affluence
  81. affluentia, affluentiae f (adfluentia)
    a flowing to, affluence, abundance, copiousness, fulness, profusion, immoderate pomp, immoderate splendor, extravagance
  82. animus amici facile mutatur
    a friend can easily be changed
  83. amicitia in paribus officiis versans
    a friendship based on reciprocity of services
  84. annus integer
    a full year, a complete year, a whole year
  85. annus solidus
    a full year, a whole year
  86. arbor infelix
    a gallows, gibbet
  87. amiculum, amiculi n
    a garment that one throws about or on him, mantle, cloak
  88. aurula, aurulae f
    a gentle breeze, a puff of, a whiff of
  89. antecessio, antecessionis f
    a going before, a preceding, that which goes before, the antecedent cause
  90. ambages, ambagis f
    a going round, roundabout way, circumlocution, evasion, digression, obscurity, ambiguity
  91. ambago, ambaginis f
    a going round, roundabout way, circumlocution, evasion, digression, obscurity, ambiguity
  92. attagus, attagi m
    a he-goat
  93. aggeratio, aggerationis f
    a heaping up, that which is heaped up, a mole, a dike
  94. ad unguem factus homo
    a highly polished man, a perfectly accomplished man
  95. axinomantia, axinomantiae f
    a kind of divination from axes
  96. africia, africiae f
    a kind of pastry, a kind of biscuit
  97. arcuma, arcumae f
    a kind of small carriage
  98. androsaemon, androsaemi n
    a kind of St, John’s-wort, with blood-red juice
  99. androsaemum, androsaemi n
    a kind of St, John’s-wort, with blood-red juice
  100. augurium alicui fit
    a landmark is shown to someone
  101. assaltus, assaltus m4
    a leaping to, leaping toward, an attack, assault
  102. artior petitio
    a less promising application
  103. aliquantulus, aliquantula, aliquantulum
    a little bit, quite a little bit
  104. audaculus, audacula, audaculum
    a little bold
  105. allecula, alleculae f
    a little fish soup
  106. argutulus, argutula, argutulum
    a little noisy, a little talkative, a little loquacious, somewhat subtle, somewhat acute, somewhat keen
  107. acidulus, acidula, acidulum
    a little sour, sourish, acidulous
  108. animal motu cietur interiore
    a living being is set in motion from within
  109. alsine, alsines f
    a luxuriant plant, chickweed
  110. ancillula pedisequaque
    a maid following on the foot
  111. aphrodisiacum metrum
    a metre similar to the choriambus
  112. animus secum discordans
    a mind at odds with itself
  113. animus a se ipse dissidens
    a mind divided with itself
  114. axicia, axiciae f
    a pair of shears
  115. axitia, axitiae f
    a pair of shears
  116. aurarius, aurarii m (2)
    a patron, beneficiary, one who benefits
  117. armilustrum, armilustri n
    a place in Rome, where was celebrated the festival Armilustrium
  118. aviarium, aviarii n
    a place where birds are kept, aviary, , abode of wild birds in the forest
  119. aegolethron, aegolethri n
    a plant in Pontus, injurious to goats
  120. ascyroides, ascyroidis n
    a plant similar to the ascyron
  121. anchusa, anchusae f
    a plant used as a cosmetic, ox-tongue
  122. archebion, archebii n
    a plant used as a cosmetic, ox-tongue
  123. alysson, alyssi n
    a plant used for the bite of a mad dog, madwort
  124. ampelodesmos, ampelodesmi m
    a plant used for tying up vines
  125. aiuga, aiugae f
    a plant which has the power of producing abortion, ground-pine
  126. asperugo, asperuginis f
    a plant with prickly leaves
  127. asifolium, asifolii n
    a plant, also called agrostis
  128. assefolium, assefolii n
    a plant, also called agrostis
  129. assifolium, assifolii n
    a plant, also called agrostis
  130. aithales, aithalis n
    a plant, also called Aizoon, houseleek
  131. ascyron, ascyri n
    a plant, also called androsaemon, St, John’s-wort
  132. arsella, arsellae
    a plant, also called argemonia, inguinalis
  133. auginos, augini f
    a plant, also called hyoscyamos
  134. aegonychos, aegonychi f
    a plant, also called lithospermon
  135. argyros, argyri f
    a plant, otherwise called mercurialis, dog’s-mercury
  136. austeralis, austeralis f
    a plant, usually called sisymbrium
  137. acte, actes f
    a plant
  138. androsaces, androsacis n
    a plant
  139. arcion, arcii n
    a plant
  140. ardissa, ardissae f
    a plant
  141. argemon, argemi n
    a plant
  142. asyla, asylae f
    a plant
  143. aparine, aparines f
    a plant, cleavers
  144. aegoceras, aegoceratis n
    a plant, fenugreek
  145. avia, aviae f [2]
    a plant, groundsel
  146. alypon, alypi n
    a plant, herb terrible
  147. alypos, alypi mn
    a plant, herb terrible
  148. anabasis, anabasis f
    a plant, horse-tail, canary grass
  149. anagallis, anagallidis f
    a plant, pimpernel or chickweed
  150. andrachle, andrachles f
    a plant, purslane
  151. andrachne, andrachnes f
    a plant, purslane
  152. andremas
    a plant, purslane
  153. arnoglossa, arnoglossae f
    a plant, sheep’s-tongue, plantain
  154. arnoglosson, arnoglossi n
    a plant, sheep’s-tongue, plantain
  155. arnoglossos, arnoglossi f
    a plant, sheep’s-tongue, plantain
  156. anactorium, anactorii n
    a plant, sword-grass
  157. alimon, alimi n
    a plant, the orach
  158. anonis, anonidis f
    a plant, the tall rest-harrow
  159. arcebion, arcebii n
    a plant, usually called onochiles or anchusa, kind of ox-tongue
  160. anarrhinon, anarrhini n
    a plant, wild lion’s-mouth
  161. antirrhinon, antirrhini n
    a plant, wild lion’s-mouth
  162. ammochrysos, ammochrysi m
    a precious stone unknown to us, golden mica
  163. ammochrysus, ammochrysi m
    a precious stone unknown to us, golden mica
  164. ammites, ammitae m
    a precious stone
  165. ammitis, ammitidis f
    a precious stone
  166. antachates, antachatae m
    a precious stone
  167. argyrites, argyritae m
    a precious stone
  168. ariste, aristes f
    a precious stone
  169. adparatus, adparatus m
    a preparing, providing, preparation, getting ready, preparation, provision, equipment, apparatus, movables, magnificent preparation, splendor, pomp, magnificence, state
  170. apparatus, apparatus m
    a preparing, providing, preparation, getting ready, preparation, provision, equipment, apparatus, movables, magnificent preparation, splendor, pomp, magnificence, state
  171. amicus certus in re incerta cernitur
    a reliable friend shows himself in an uncertain situation
  172. animus inquietus
    a restless head, restless person, restless mind
  173. antidactylus, antidactyla, antidactylum
    a reversed dactyl, ⏑⏑–
  174. Arar, Araris m
    a river in Celtic Gaul, now the Saone
  175. arculum, arculi n
    a roll or hoop placed upon the head for the purpose of carrying the vessels at public sacrifices
  176. arculus, arculi m
    a roll or hoop placed upon the head for the purpose of carrying the vessels at public sacrifices
  177. acarna, acarnae f
    a sea-fish-
  178. acarne, acarnae f
    a sea-fish-
  179. alter Gargilius
    a second Gargilius, Sunday hunter
  180. alter idem
    a second self, a second me
  181. arcanum, arcani n
    a secret, sacred secret, mystery
  182. apprehensio, apprehensionis f
    a seizing upon, laying hold of, apprehension, understanding
  183. asina, asinae f
    a she-ass
  184. ambidens, ambidentus
    a sheep which has both upper and lower teeth
  185. alaternus, alaterni f
    a shrub, evergreen hawthorn
  186. alternus, alterni f
    a shrub, evergreen hawthorn
  187. aegrotus, aegroti m
    a sick person, a patient
  188. assessus, assessus m
    a sitting by one
  189. apua, apuae f
    a small fish, anchovy
  190. asella, asellae f
    a small sheass
  191. alveus clementior
    a smoother flow
  192. anguinum, anguini n
    a snake’s egg
  193. arcessitum dictum
    a sought-after joke, a far-fetched joke
  194. arsenogonon, arsenogoni n
    a species of the plant satyrion
  195. aulaea, aulaeae f
    a splendidly wrought or embroidered stuff, tapestry, arras, covering, curtain, hangings, canopy, curtain of a theatre, covering for beds and sofas, tapestry, drapery of a heavy upper garment
  196. aulaeum, aulaei n
    a splendidly wrought or embroidered stuff, tapestry, arras, covering, curtain, hangings, canopy, curtain of a theatre, covering for beds and sofas, tapestry, drapery of a heavy upper garment
  197. afflictus, afflictus m
    a striking on, a striking against, collision
  198. actaea, actaeae f
    a strong-smelling plant, herb Christopher
  199. apodosis, apodosis f
    a subsequent proposition, or a clause which refers to one preceding (protasis), by which it is explained
  200. amuletum, amuleti n
    a sympathetic preservative against sickness, etc, , amulet, talisman
  201. attegia, attegiae f
    a tent
  202. aspalathus, aspalathi m
    a thorny shrub, whose bark and roots yielded a fragrant oil, which was used in the preparation of spiced wine, rosewood
  203. aliquanta pecunia
    a tidy sum of money
  204. aliquantum pecuniae
    a tidy sum of money
  205. attemptatio, attemptationis f
    a trying, attempting
  206. attentatio, attentationis f
    a trying, attempting
  207. aversio, aversionis f
    a turning away, a figure by which the orator turns the attention of his hearers from the theme before them, a kind of apostrophe,
  208. aversatio, aversationis f
    a turning of one’s self away, aversion
  209. antibacchus, antibacchi m
    a verse of antibacchic feet
  210. acerrima atque attentissima cogitatio
    a very acute and close manner of thinking
  211. amnis transitu perdifficilis
    a very difficult river to cross
  212. arcellula, arcellulae f
    a very little box
  213. aliquantillum, aliquantilli n
    a very little indeed, a little bit
  214. agellulus, agelluli m
    a very small field
  215. attelabus, attelabi m
    a very small locust without wings
  216. attelebus, attelebi m
    a very small locust without wings
  217. anno
    a year ago, last year, a full year, a whole year, in each year, yearly
  218. ante annum
    a year before
  219. annualis, annuale
    a year old
  220. anniculus, annicula, anniculum
    a year old, of a year, a yearling
  221. annuclus, annucla, annuclum
    a year old, of a year, a yearling
  222. annuculus, annucula, annuculum
    a year old, of a year, a yearling
  223. annotinus, annotina, annotinum
    a year old, of last year
  224. annum
    a year, during a whole year
  225. Aaron m (indecl.)
    Aaron, brother of Moses
  226. Aaron, Aaronis m
    Aaron, brother of Moses
  227. accusationem dimitto
    abandon a lawsuit, drop a lawsuit, end the lawsuit
  228. animum vitiis dedo
    abandon oneself to vice
  229. aedificationem abicio
    abandon the construction plan
  230. abbatissa, abbatissae f
  231. abbatia, abbatiae f
  232. abbreviatio, abbreviationis f
    abbreviation, diminution
  233. alienitas, alienitatis f
    aberration of mind, loss of reason, delirium
  234. abiurator, abiuratoris m
    abjurer, abjurator, rejector
  235. ablativus, ablativi m
    ablative case
  236. armorum patiens
    able to bear arms
  237. abnormitas, abnormitatis f
    abnormality, deviation, irregularity
  238. abominandus, abominanda, abominandum
  239. abominanter
    abominably, detestably
  240. abominatio, abominationis f
    abominating, abomination
  241. autochthon, autochthonis m
    aborigine, native, indigene, aboriginal, local, original inhabitant, autochthon
  242. Aborigines, Aboriginum m
    Aborigines, primeval Romans
  243. abortifaciens, abortifacientis n
  244. abortivum, abortivi n
    abortion, means of procuring abortion
  245. abortum, aborti n
    abortion, miscarriage
  246. abortus, abortus m
    abortion, miscarriage
  247. aristosus, aristosa, aristosum
    abounding in beards or awns
  248. armentosus, armentosa, armentosum
    abounding in herds
  249. arundinosus, arundinosa, arundinosum
    abounding in reeds
  250. algosus, algosa, algosum
    abounding in sea-weed
  251. argentosus, argentosa, argentosum
    abounding in silver
  252. aquosus, aquosa, aquosum
    abounding in water, rainy, moist, humid, full of water, rainy, bright, clear, pellucid
  253. apud exteros
    abroad, in a foreign country
  254. apud extrarios
    abroad, in a foreign country
  255. abolitio, abolitionis f
    abrogating, annulling, abolishing, abolition, amnesty, withdrawal of an accusation, withdrawal of an suit, suspension
  256. abolitus, abolitus m
    abrogating, annulling, abolishing, abolition, amnesty, withdrawal of an accusation, withdrawal of an suit, suspension
  257. antiquatio, antiquationis f
    abrogating, annulling, repealing
  258. amicitiam repente praecido
    abruptly break off the friendship
  259. apostema, apostematis n
    abscess, imposthume
  260. absentia, absentiae f
    absence, want of
  261. absens, absentis
    absent, not appearing in public, deceased
  262. absolutivus, absolutiva, absolutivum
    absolute, definitive
  263. absolutive
    absolutely, definitely
  264. absolutio, absolutionis f
    absolving, acquittal, perfection, consummation, completeness
  265. abstineo 2
    abstain from
  266. abstemius, abstemia, abstemium
    abstaining from intoxicating drinks, temperate, sober, abstinent, moderate, who is yet fasting, who has not breakfasted
  267. abstinens, abstinentis
    abstaining from, abstinent, temperate, unselfish
  268. abstinentia, abstinentiae f
    abstinence, self-restraint, refraining from, abstinence from food, fasting, starvation
  269. abstinax, abstinacis
  270. ab aspectus iudicio remotus
    abstract, withdrawn from sensual judgment
  271. abstractio, abstractionis f
    abstraction, segregation, separation
  272. aquositas, aquositatis f
    abundance of watery substance
  273. abundantia, abundantiae f
    abundance, plenty, fulness, richness, overloading the stomach
  274. affluus, afflua, affluum
    abundantly flowing, abundantly streaming, abundantly inflowing
  275. abundanter
    abundantly, copiously
  276. accumulate
    abundantly, copiously
  277. altitudo profunda
    abyssal depth
  278. academicus, academici m
    Academic philosopher
  279. Academia, Academiae f
    Academy, philosophy of the Academy
  280. acceleratorium, acceleratorii n
  281. accentiuncula, accentiunculae f
  282. alicui (ad cenam) condico
    accept someone's invitation to dinner
  283. alicui me invitanti satisfacio
    accept someone's invitation
  284. alicuius invitatione satisfacio
    accept someone's invitation
  285. augurium accipio
    accept the sign as favourable, understand as an omen, receive as an omen
  286. accipio 5
    accept, take, take possession of, get, receive, be the recipient of, hear, perceive, observe, learn, take a thing upon one’s self, undertake, bear, endure, suffer, be satisfied with, approve, explain a word in any manner
  287. acceptatus, acceptata, acceptatum
  288. accipiendus, accipienda, accipiendum
    acceptable, permissible
  289. acceptabilis, acceptabile
    acceptable, worthy of acceptance
  290. acceptatio, acceptationis f
  291. adsumptus, adsumptus m
  292. assumptus, assumptus m
  293. ascitus, ascitus m
    acceptance, reception
  294. adsumptor, adsumptoris m
  295. assumptor, assumptoris m
  296. accessibilitas, accessibilitatis f
  297. accessibilis, accessibile
  298. adibilis, adibile
  299. adviabilis, adviabile
  300. assecuratio calamitatis
    accident insurance
  301. assecuratio pensionis
    accident insurance
  302. accidens, accidentis n
    accidental quality of any thing, nonessential quality of any thing, extraneous circumstance, unfortunate circumstance
  303. accidenter
    accidentally, by accident
  304. aliquem colloco (hospitem ) apud aliquem
    accommodate someone at someone's place
  305. aliquem votis ominibus lacrimisque prosequor
    accompany someone with good wishes and farewell tears
  306. artificiosus, artificiosa, artificiosum
    accomplished in art, skilful, artistic, on which much art has been bestowed, made with art, artificial, ingenious, according to the rules of art, artificial
  307. admodulo 1
    accord with, harmonize with
  308. admodulor 1
    accord with, harmonize with
  309. ad amussim
    according to a rule or level, accurately, exactly
  310. amussim
    according to a rule or level, accurately, exactly
  311. atamussim
    according to a rule or level, accurately, exactly
  312. adamussim
    according to a rule, according to a level, accurately, exactly
  313. artificialiter
    according to art
  314. ad instar n (+ Gen.)
    according to the likeness of, after the fashion of, like
  315. adīnstar + Gen.
    according to the likeness of, after the fashion of, like
  316. antistrophe
    accordingly, as a counterpart
  317. adfamen, adfaminis n
    accosting, address
  318. affamen, affaminis n
    accosting, address
  319. adstructio, adstructionis f
    accumulation of proof, putting together, composition
  320. astructio, astructionis f
    accumulation of proof, putting together, composition
  321. accusativus, accusativi m
    accusative case
  322. aliquem nocentem acclamo
    accuse someone by acclamation
  323. ambitus aliquem accuso
    accuse someone of bribery, accuse someone of electoral fraud
  324. ambitus crimine aliquem arcesso
    accuse someone of bribery, accuse someone of electoral fraud
  325. ago aliquem reum legum spretarum
    accuse someone of disobeying the law, sue someone for disobeying the law
  326. alicuī aliquod opprobriō dō
    accuse someone of something
  327. aliquid alicui crimini do
    accuse someone of something, blame someone for something
  328. aliquem reum postulo
    accuse someone, challenge someone in court
  329. alicui periculum facesso
    accuse someone, charge someone
  330. accusito 1
  331. assuesco 3 (adsuesco 3) (intr.)
    accustom one’s self to, be wont to, be accustomed to
  332. assuefactus aliqua re
    accustomed to something
  333. assuetus ad rem
    accustomed to something
  334. assuetus aliqua re
    accustomed to something
  335. assuetus in rem
    accustomed to something
  336. assuetus, assueta, assuetum (adsuetus)
    accustomed, customary, usual
  337. aliquid efficio in aliqua re
    achieve something in a field
  338. assiduitate perficio, ut ...
    achieve through persistent perseverance that
  339. aceticus, acetica, aceticum
    acidic, acidic like vinegar
  340. acetosus, acetosa, acetosum
    acidic, acidic like vinegar
  341. acidificatio, acidificationis f
  342. aculos, aculi m
    acorn of the holm-oak
  343. acylos, acyli m
    acorn of the holm-oak
  344. alicui aliquid notum facio
    acquaint someone with something
  345. artem apiscor
    acquire a skill
  346. acquisitio, acquisitionis f
    acquisition, increase, accession
  347. aliquem copiose absolvo
    acquit someone by majority vote
  348. acrobaticus, acrobatica, acrobaticum
  349. acropolis, acropolis f
    acropolis, stronghold, castle, fortress, citadel, chateau
  350. acrostichis, acrostichidis f
  351. adversus rem publicam facio
    act against the public interest
  352. amicor 1
    act like a friend, behave as a friend
  353. aedificatio, aedificationis f
    act of building, building, constructing, structure, edifice, building up, instructing, edification
  354. ago 3
    act, perform, deliver, pronounce, do, labor, transact, be occupied with, think upon, have in view, aim at, pass (time), spend (time), conduct, manage, carry on, administer, represent by external action, play
  355. axitiosus, axitiosa, axitiosum
    acting together, in combination of a party
  356. affectorius, affectoria, affectorium
  357. ars ludicra
    acting, dramatic art
  358. actio tributoria
    action for compensation, action for compensation
  359. activitas, activitatis f
    active meaning, activity
  360. actiosus, actiosa, actiosum
    active, much moved
  361. actualis, actuale
    active, practical
  362. actualiter
  363. active
    actively, like a verb active
  364. artifex scaenicus
  365. actuosus, actuosi m
    actor, dancer
  366. artifex scaenica
  367. acupunctura, acupuncturae f
    acupuncture, pinprick
  368. acutiangulum, acutianguli n
    acute angle
  369. adamans, adamantis m
    adamant, hardest iron, hardest steel, any thing inflexible, anything firm, anything lasting, a hard heart, a unyielding heart, a inexorable heart, diamond
  370. adamas, adamantis m
    adamant, hardest iron, hardest steel, any thing inflexible, anything firm, anything lasting, a hard heart, a unyielding heart, a inexorable heart, diamond
  371. aliquid ad intellegentiam popularem accomnodo
    adapt something to the ordinary mind
  372. aliquid ad intellegentiam communem accommodo
    adapt something to the plain mind
  373. aptatio, aptationis f
    adaptation, adjustment
  374. appingo aliquid novi
    add a nice novelty
  375. accumulo 1
    add to a heap, heap up, accumulate, augment by heaping up, heap up earth round the roots of plants, trench up
  376. admisceo 2
    add to by mingling, mix with, mingle with, admix, mingle in, dd to, mix up with, join to, involve in a thing, entangle in a thing
  377. aggravo 1 (adgravo 1)
    add to the weight of, make heavier, make worse, make more dangerous, aggravate, harden, oppress, burden, annoy, incommode
  378. aggrego 1
    add to
  379. acquiro 3
    add to, get, acquire, obtain, procure, secure, acquire, amass riches, amass money
  380. adiungo 3
    add to, join to, annex to, bind to, yoke, harness, enter into friendship with, make one a friend, apply to, direct to, annex, subjoin, let follow, let attend, add it to the preceding
  381. addo 3
    add to, put to, place to, lay to, bring to, add to by way of increase, join to, annex to, augment, add to one’s bidding, give more
  382. adsummo 1
  383. assummo 1
  384. appositivus, appositiva, appositivum
  385. adiecticius, adiecticia, adiecticium
    added besides
  386. assignificatio, assignificationis f (adsignificatio)
    added statement
  387. afficticius, afficticia, afficticium
    added to, annexed
  388. additivus, additiva,additivum
    added, annexed
  389. additicius, additicia, additicium
    added, annexed, additional
  390. appetitus voluptatis
    addiction to pleasure, penchant for pleasure
  391. additio, additionis f
    adding to, addition
  392. adiectio, adiectionis f
    adding to, addition, annexation, cornice of the pedestal, strengthening remed, invigorating remedy, repetition of the same word, addition to a bid
  393. adiectus, adiectus m
    adding to, applying to
  394. ascriptio, ascriptionis f
    addition in writing
  395. additamentum, additamenti n
    addition, accession, increase
  396. adiectamentum, adiectamenti n
  397. adiectus, adiectus m
  398. auctarium, auctarii n
    addition, augmentation
  399. assacrificium, assacrificii n
    additional sacrifice
  400. appendium, appendii n
    additional weight, extra weight
  401. adopperior 4
    additionally expect, still expect, expect further
  402. accessibiliter
  403. allocutor, allocutoris m
    addresser, comfort speaker
  404. allocutivus, allocutiva, allocutivum
  405. argumentor 1
    adduce proof of a thing, prove, adduce something as proof, make a conclusion, conclude
  406. argumentatio, argumentationis f
    adducing of proof, argumentation, the proof itself
  407. animī constantia
    adherence to principle, principledness, strength of character, reliability, dependability, consistency, independence
  408. adhaesio, adhaesionis f
    adhering, adhesion
  409. adhaesus, adhaesus m
    adhering, adhesion
  410. adhaesitatio, adhaesitationis f
  411. adiectivum, adiectivi n
  412. adiacentia, adiacentium n
    adjoining country
  413. anaphoricus, anaphorica, anaphoricum
    adjusted according to the rising of the stars, bringing up blood, spitting blood
  414. ars administrandi
    administration, management
  415. admirabiliter
    admirably, paradoxically, strangely
  416. auctor doni
    admirer of a gift
  417. admirator, admiratoris m
    admirer, , follower, fan
  418. admiratio, admirationis f
    admiring, admiration, wonder, surprise, astonishment
  419. adhibitio, adhibitionis f
    admission, employing, application
  420. aliquem tertium in amicitiam ascribo
    admit someone as a third party to the covenant of friendship
  421. aliquem comissatum intromitto
    admit someone to the after-party
  422. adoptio, adoptionis f
    admittance to a new hive, reception in a new hive
  423. animo dumtaxat vigeo
    admittedly only be mentally well
  424. admissura, admissuae f
    admitting of a male to a female
  425. admissio, admissionis f
    admitting of the male to the female, admission to a prince, audience, entrance upon an inheritance
  426. admonefacio 5
  427. admonitorium, admonitorii n
    admonition, reminding
  428. aetas et pudor
    adolescence shyness, youthful shyness
  429. aliquem in nomen adscisco
    adopt someone
  430. alicuius consilio obsequor
    adopt someone's plan, make someone's plan one's own, go along with someone's plan
  431. alicuius ratiōnem suscipiō
    adopt someone's principles
  432. adoptaticius, adoptaticii m
    adopted son
  433. adoptivus, adoptivi m
    adopted son
  434. adoptaticius, adoptaticia, adoptaticium
    adopted, received in the place of a child
  435. adoptatio, adoptationis f
    adopting, receiving as a child
  436. adoptulus, adoptuli m
    adoptive boy
  437. adoptive
  438. amandus, amanda, amandum
    adorable, lovable, lovely, amiable
  439. alicui aliquid dono do
    adore somebody something as a gift
  440. alterius ingenio utor
    adorn oneself with borrowed plumes
  441. alienis laudibus me orno
    adorn themselves with borrowed plumes
  442. aureatus, aureata, aureatum
    adorned with gold, decorated with gold
  443. apicatus, apicata, apicatum
    adorned with the priest’s cap
  444. astus, astus m
    adroitness, dexterity, craft, cunning
  445. adulteratio, adulterationis f
    adulteration, sophistication
  446. adulter, adulteri m
  447. adulterio, adulterionis m
  448. adultera, adulterae f
  449. adulteratrix, adulteratricis f
  450. adulterinus, adulterina, adulterinum
    adulterous, not full-blooded, that has assumed the nature of something foreign, not genuine, false, counterfeit, impure
  451. adulter, adultera, adulterum
    adulterous, unchaste
  452. adulteritas, adulteritatis f
  453. adulterium, adulterii n
    adultery, ingrafling, inoculating, adulteration
  454. adverbium, adverbii n
  455. antagonista, antagonistae m
    adversary, opponent, antagonist
  456. adversativus, adversativa, adversativum
  457. aut auctor aut dissuasor
    advisor either pro or against, inst
  458. artificium accusatorium
    advocate trick
  459. advocator, advocatoris m
  460. aedilis est amplius quam privatus
    Aedile is more than a private citizen
  461. aediles, aedilis m
    aedile, a magistrate in Rome who had the superintendence of public buildings and works, such as temples, theatres, baths, aqueducts, sewers, highways, etc
  462. aedilis, aedilis m
    aedile, a magistrate in Rome who had the superintendence of public buildings and works, such as temples, theatres, baths, aqueducts, sewers, highways, etc
  463. aedilitas, aedilitatis f
    aedility, office of an aedile, aedileship
  464. aegida, aegidae f
    aegis, shield of Jupiter, shield of Minerva, with Medusa’s head, shield, defence, the wood nearest the pith
  465. aegis, aegidis f
    aegis, shield of Jupiter, shield of Minerva, with Medusa’s head, shield, defence, the wood nearest the pith
  466. Aeneas nulli cernitur
    Aeneas is not seen by anyone
  467. aeon, aeonis m
  468. aeroplanum, aeroplani n
    aeroplane, aircraft, plane
  469. aerosola, aerosolorum n
  470. aerosolubilia, aerosolubilium n
  471. artis praecepta
    aesthetics, rules of art
  472. affabilitas sermonis
    affability, courtesy, kindnes
  473. applicatio animi
    affection, inclination
  474. amoratus, amorata, amoratum
    affectionate, lovingly
  475. affectuose
  476. agitatus, agitata, agitatum
    affective, excited, aroused, lively
  477. adsocius, adsocia, adsocium
    affiliated, associated, connected
  478. associus, associa, associum
    affiliated, associated, connected
  479. authentico 1
    affirm, confirm, vouch, authenticate
  480. auctorizo 1
    affirm, reinforce, confirm
  481. auctoro 1
    affirm, reinforce, confirm
  482. aientia, aientiae f
  483. affirmatio, affirmationis f
    affirmation, declaration, confirmation, averment of a fact, assertion
  484. annutativus, annutativa, annutativum
    affirmative, affirming, agreeing
  485. annutivus, annutiva, annutivum
    affirmative, affirming, agreeing
  486. affirmative
    affirmatively, in a way that expresses approval or agreement
  487. affirmativus, affirmativa, affirmativum
    affirming, affirmative
  488. aiens, aientis
    affirming, affirmative
  489. alopeciosus, alopeciosa, alopeciosum
    afflicted with alopecia, afflicted with foxtail mange
  490. asthmaticus, asthmatica, asthmaticum
    afflicted with shortness of breath, afflicted with coughing
  491. angoria, angoriae f
    affliction, grief, sadness
  492. alibilis, alibile
    affording nourishment, nutrilious, nourishing
  493. Africanus sequens
    Africanus the Younger
  494. applicato captivo
    after a prisoner had been brought in
  495. argentaria dissoluta
    after dissolution of the bank, after liquidation of the bank
  496. anno exacto
    after one year, after the course of a year
  497. anno interiecto
    after one year, after the course of a year
  498. anno intermisso
    after one year, after the course of a year
  499. anno peracto
    after one year, after the course of a year
  500. anno transacto
    after one year, after the course of a year
  501. aliquo conservato
    after someone's rescue
  502. aliquo servato
    after someone's rescue
  503. aperto alicuius rei introitu
    after something is opened the door
  504. augurato
    after taking auguries
  505. attritis opibus
    after the assets had been brought through
  506. a balineis
    after the bath, after bathing
  507. a balineo
    after the bath, after bathing
  508. aggeribus ruptis exit amnis
    after the dam bursts, the river pours out
  509. anno circumacto
    after the end of the year
  510. armis compositis
    after the fight is over
  511. agro abalienato
    after the sale of the field
  512. alii et rursus alii
    again and again other, always different
  513. adversante et repugnante natura
    against internal resistance
  514. aliquo vetante
    against someone's ban, against someone's prohibition
  515. adversus superiores tristi adulatione, arrogans minoribus
    against superiors of repulsive flattery, presumptuous against inferiors, disgusting flattery against the higher, presumptuous against the subordinate
  516. adverso amne
    against the current, upstream
  517. adversante unda
    against the wave, in the counterforce of the wave
  518. adversis diis
    against the will of the gods
  519. adversante vento
    against the wind, upwind
  520. abinvicem
    against, reverse, vice versa, reverse
  521. achates, achatae m
    agate, so called from Achates, a river in Sicily, where it was first found
  522. aethachates, aethachatae m
  523. aetates, aetatum f
    age categories, age groups
  524. aequalis, aequalis m
    age comrade
  525. aequaevus, aequaevi m
    age comrade, youth comrade, contemporary
  526. aetas cassidis patiens
    age fit for war, age fit to bear arms
  527. aetatis gradus
    age group
  528. aetas septuagenaria
    age of seventy
  529. adolescentia, adolescentiae f
    age of the adulescens, the time between the age of the puer and juvenis, the time from the 15th to the 30th year, time of youth, youth
  530. adulescentia, adulescentiae f
    age of the adulescens, the time between the age of the puer and juvenis, the time from the 15th to the 30th year, time of youth, youth
  531. assenesco 3
    age, grow old, become old
  532. annis plenus
    aged, geriatric
  533. agentura, agenturae f
  534. actionarius, actionariī m
    agent, manager, commissioner, middleman, intermediary, mediator, shareholder
  535. aggravatio, aggravationis f
    aggravation, harassment, pressure
  536. asperatio, asperationis f
    aggravation, reinforcement, escalation, expansion, increase
  537. acerbatio, acerbationis f
    aggravation, worsening
  538. aggregatio, aggregationis f
    aggregation, pile up
  539. aggressivus, aggressiv, aggressivum
  540. abhinc + Abl.
    ago, since
  541. abhinc + Akk.
    ago, since
  542. agoraphobia, agoraphobiae f
    agoraphobia, fear of crowded places
  543. agraria, agrariae f
    agrarian laws, relating to the division of public lands among the poorer citizens
  544. album calculum alicui rei adicio
    agree to a decision
  545. audio (formelhaft)
    agreed!, I grant it, well, that I agree to, that is granted
  546. assentaneus, assentanea, assentaneum
    agreeing with, according with
  547. adsensus, adsensus m
    agreement, assent, approval, approbation, joyful assent, loud assent, assent to the reality of sensible appearances, echo
  548. assensus, assensus m
    agreement, assent, approval, approbation, joyful assent, loud assent, assent to the reality of sensible appearances, echo
  549. agricultura, agriculturae f (agri cultura)
  550. agricolatio, agricolationis f
    agriculture, husbandry
  551. ai
    ah!, alas!
  552. a (ah, aha)
    ah!, alas!, ha!, ah me!
  553. alludo aliquem
    aim at someone, allude to someone
  554. altiores spiritus sumo
    aiming higher, pursuing higher goals
  555. anaphysema, anaphysematis n
    air (which rises explosively from the depths)
  556. antiaerius, antiaeria, antiaerium
    air defence-related
  557. arma aeriae
    air forces
  558. aeris pollutio
    air pollution
  559. aeris pressus
    air pressure
  560. āerophobus, āerophoba, āerophobum
    air-shy, aerophobic
  561. aura, aurae f
    air, breeze, wind, vital air, breath, upper air, Heaven, light, heat, sound, vapor, gleam, glittering, mist, odor, exhalation
  562. anima, animae f
    air, current of air, breeze, wind, air inhaled and exhaled, breath, breath of air, vital principle, breath of life, life, creature endowed with soul, living being, soul separated from the body, shade of the Lower World, rational soul of man
  563. aeroplanum laophorum
  564. aeroplanīga, aeroplanīgae m
    aircraft pilot, aircraft driver, aircraft pilot
  565. agmen aeroplanorum
    aircraft squadron
  566. aeroplanum fractum
    aircraft wreckage
  567. aerovehiculum, aerovehiculi n
    aircraft, airplane, plane
  568. aeroplanīgae, aeroplanīgarum m
    aircrew, flight crew
  569. aeroportus, aeroportus m
  570. aeronavium portus
    airfield, airport
  571. aerius trames
  572. aerodromus, aerodromi m
  573. aeroportus, aeroportus m
    airport, airdrome, aerodrome
  574. aerostatio, aerostationis f
    airport, airdrome, aerodrome
  575. aeriportus, aeriportus m
    airport, airfield, aerodrome
  576. aeria navis
  577. aerispatium, aerispatii n
  578. aerospatium, aerospatii n
  579. Alpes aeriae
    airy Alps
  580. alabastrites, alabastritae m
    alabaster-stone, precious stone found in the region of the Egyptian town Alabastron
  581. alabastritis, alabastritae m
    alabaster-stone, precious stone found in the region of the Egyptian town Alabastron
  582. Alba oriundus
  583. alcohol n (indecl.)
  584. alcoholum, alcoholi n
  585. alnus, alni f
    alder, all made of alder wood, vehicle, ship, barge
  586. Alexander viginti annos natus rex factus est
    Alexander became king at the age of twenty
  587. Alexander breve tempus regnavit
    Alexander ruled for only a short time
  588. Algerium, Agerii n
  589. Algerinus, Algerina, Algerinum
  590. Algeria, Algeriae f
  591. aliquem a me alieno
    alienate someone, estrange oneself from someone
  592. animum alicuius a me (ab)alieno
    alienate someone, make trouble with someone,
  593. animans, animantis
    alive, living, animate, animated
  594. alimenta, alimentorum n
    all things which pertain to the support of life, aliment, maintenance, support
  595. ad unum omnes
    all to one, all together, all without exception
  596. ad unum
    all together, unanimously, to a man, without exception
  597. aetiologia, aetiologiae f
    allegation of reasons, bringing of proofs
  598. apologus, apologi m
    allegorical narrative, fable after the manner of Æsop, apologue
  599. allegoricos
  600. allegoricus, allegorica, allegoricum
  601. allegorice
  602. allegorizo 1
    allegorize, speak in allegories
  603. allegoria, allegoriae f
    allegory, figurative representation of a thought
  604. aegritudinem alicuius elevo
    alleviate someone's grief, ease someone's sorrow
  605. adtributor, adtributoris m
  606. attributor, attributoris m
  607. aliquam comparationem habeo
    allow a comparison
  608. alicui ius admissionis liberae do
    allow someone free entry, give someone free entry
  609. arbitrum aliquem addico
    allow someone to be a referee, approve someone to be a referee, allow someone to be an arbitrator
  610. allicefacio 5
  611. allecto 1 (adlecto 1)
    allure, entice
  612. amygdaliformis, amygdaliforme
  613. amygdalus, amygdali f
  614. antias, antiadis f
  615. amygdala, amygdalae f
    almond, almond-tree
  616. amygdalum, amygdali n
    almond, almondkernel, almond-tree
  617. aloa, aloae f
  618. aloe, aloes f
  619. Alpis, Alpis f
    Alp, Alps
  620. abecedarium, abecedarii n
  621. alphabetum, alphabeti n
  622. Alpicus, Alpica, Alpicum
  623. Alpes, Alpium f
  624. asa, asae f
  625. ara, arae f
    altar, protection, refuge, shelter, funeral pile, constellation in the southern sky, monument of stone
  626. antiphona, antiphonorum n
    alternate song
  627. amoebaeus, amoebaea, amoebaeum
    alternate, responsive
  628. alterno quoque die
    alternately on one day, then again on the other day, one day after the other
  629. alterna
  630. alterna (vice)
  631. alterne
  632. alternatim
    alternately, by turns
  633. alternis
    alternately, by turns
  634. alternativus, alternativa, alternativum
    alternating, alternate
  635. alternitas, alternitatis f
    alternation, accumulation of synonymous expressions
  636. alternamentum, alternamenti n
    alternation, change
  637. Alternativa Germaniae Factio
    Alternative for Germany (AfD)
  638. alternativa optio
    alternative, option
  639. alterius cura
  640. alterius studium
  641. alterius utilitati inserviens
  642. aluminosa, aluminosorum n
    alum veins, veins of alum
  643. aluminarius, aluminarii m
    alum worker, alum dealer
  644. alumen, aluminis n
  645. aluminosus, aluminosa, aluminosum
    aluminous, full of alum
  646. assiduus sum cum aliquo
    always be in someone's company
  647. armatus semper ac velut in procinctu sto
    always stand ready armed, as it were, always be at the ready, as it were, at arms length
  648. antiquissimum quodque tempus
    always the oldest time, the oldest time each time
  649. amarantus, amaranti m
  650. aequivocatio, aequivocationis f
    ambiguity, double meaning, equivocation, equivocality
  651. amphibolia, amphiboliae f
    ambiguity, double-meaning
  652. amphibologia, amphibologiae f
    ambiguity, double-meaning
  653. amphibolus, amphibola, amphibolum
  654. amphidoxus, amphidoxa, amphidoxum
    ambiguous, double-meaning
  655. ambiformiter
  656. amphibole
  657. amphibolice
  658. aequivoce
    ambiguously, equivocaly
  659. ambitiose
    ambitiously, ostentatiously
  660. ambrosia, ambrosiae f
    ambrosia, food of the gods and the steeds of the gods, name of several plants, Turkish mugwort,antidote to poison
  661. ambrosiacus, ambrosiaca, ambrosiacum
  662. Amerina, Amerinorum n
    Amerian fruit
  663. Americanus, Americana, Americanum
  664. Americanus, Americani m
  665. amethystinatus, amethystinata, amethystinatum
    amethyst coloured dressed
  666. amethystina, amethystinorum n
    amethyst coloured dresses, amethyst jewellery
  667. amaracion, amaracii n
  668. amethystus, amethysti f
    amethyst, a precious stone of violet-blue color
  669. amiantus, amianti m
    amianth, stone which may be separated into threads and spun, and is inconsumable by fire, asbestos, earth-flax
  670. āmi n (indecl.)
    ammi, an umbelliferous plant
  671. amium, amii n
    ammi, an umbelliferous plant
  672. ammium, ammii n
    ammi, an umbelliferous plant
  673. Amnestia Internationalis
    amnesty International
  674. abolitio facti
  675. ante actarum rerum oblivio
  676. amnestia, amnestiae f
    amnesty, forgiving of a state crime, pardoning of a state crime
  677. amasius, amasia, amasium
  678. admortizatio, admortizationis f
  679. amortizatio, amortizationis f
  680. amphibion, amphibii n
  681. amphimacrus, amphimacri m
    amphimacer, the poetical foot –⏑– (also called Creticus)
  682. Amphion Thebanae conditor arcis
    Amphion, the founder of the city of Thebes
  683. amphitheater, amphitheatri m
    amphitheatre, circular or oval building in which each successive seat, raised above the last, furnished an unobstructed view
  684. amphitheatrum, amphitheatri n
    amphitheatre, circular or oval building in which each successive seat, raised above the last, furnished an unobstructed view
  685. Amphitrite, Amphitrites f
    Amphitrite, the wife of Neptune, and goddess of the Sea, sea
  686. amolimentum, amolimenti n
    amulet, means of averting
  687. animum avoco
    amuse oneself, disperse oneself
  688. aetatem
    an age, a long time, a long while
  689. Amazon, Amazonis f
    an Amazon
  690. anodynon, anodyni n
    an anodyne
  691. aptus exercitus
    an army good in fight, ready for battle
  692. amomum, amomi n (amomon)
    an aromatic shrub, from which the Romans prepared a costly, fragrant balsam
  693. assarium, assarii n
    an as piece, as coin
  694. assarius, assarii m
    an as piece, as coin
  695. ascensus, ascensus m
    an ascending, ascent, place by which one ascends, approach
  696. ascensio, ascensionis f
    an ascending, ascent, rising, soaring, means of ascent
  697. aemulatio, aemulationis f
    an assiduous striving to equal or excel another in any thing, emulation, jealousy, envy, malevolence
  698. assonatio, assonationis f (adsonatio)
    an assounding to
  699. Aristides, Aristidis m
    an Athenian renowned for his integrity, a contemporary and rival of Themistocles
  700. averruncus, averrunci m
    an averting deity
  701. assis, assis m
    an axletree, about which a round body turns (e, g, a wheel), chariot, car, wagon, axle of a water-clock, axis of the earth, pole, north pole, heavens, a clime (the north, the west), hook on which a hinge turns, valve of a pipe, board, plank, wild animal in India
  702. axis, axis m
    an axletree, about which a round body turns, chariot, car, wagon, axle of a water-clock, axis of the earth, pole, north pole, the whole heavens, region of the heavens, clime, pin or hook on which a hinge turns, valve of a pipe
  703. artaba, artabae f
    an Egyptian dry measure = 3 1/3 Rom, modii
  704. aureola oratiuncula
    an excellent little speech
  705. aspalax, aspalacis m
    an herb now unknown
  706. anacampseros, anacampserotis f
    an herb, the touch of which was said to have the power of bringing back lost love
  707. argemone, argemonies f
    an herb, inguinalis
  708. argemonia, argemoniae f
    an herb, inguinalis
  709. argemonion, argemonii n
    an herb, inguinalis
  710. argimonia, argimoniae f
    an herb, inguinalis
  711. augumentum, augumenti n
    an increase, growth, augmentation, kind of sacrificial cake
  712. antecepta animo rei quaedam informatio
    an innate notion, an inherent concept
  713. auctiuncula, auctiunculae f
    an insignificant auction
  714. ambiguum, ambigui n
    an obscure saying, a dark saying, uncertainty, ambiguity, doubt
  715. annuus magistratus
    an office limited to one year, a one-year term of office
  716. animus apertus ac simplex
    an open and unbiased mind
  717. apertura, aperturae f
    an opening, aperture, hole
  718. aperitio, aperitionis f
    an opening, unfolding, solemn opening of a temple
  719. apertio, apertionis f
    an opening, unfolding, solemn opening of a temple
  720. archetypon, archetypi n
    an original
  721. archetypum, archetypi n
    an original
  722. aestus, aestus m
    an undulating motion, a boiling motion, a waving motion, a tossing motion, a waving motion, an heaving motion, a billowy motion
  723. aegocephalos, aegocephali m
    an unknown bird
  724. amphicomos, amphicomī m
    an unknown precious stone
  725. anachoreticus, anachoretica, anachoreticum
    anachoretical, anachoretic
  726. anacoluthon, anacoluthi n
  727. anadiplosis,anadiploseos f
  728. anaestheticus, anaesthetici m
  729. analogos, analogon
    analogous, proportionate
  730. analogus, analoga, analogum
    analogous, proportionate
  731. analogice
  732. analysis, analysis f
  733. analytice, analytices f
  734. analyticus, analytica, analyticum
    analytical, analytic
  735. analytice
  736. analytica, analyticorum n
    analytics, treatise on analysis
  737. anapaestum, anapaesti n
    anapaestic verse, anapaestic song, anapaestic poem
  738. anapaestica, anapaesticorum n
    anapaestic verses
  739. anathematizo 1
    anathematize, put under the ban, curse, detest, excommunicate
  740. anatomica, anatomicorum n
    anatomical rules
  741. anatomicus, anatomica, anatomicum
  742. anatomicus, anatomici m
  743. anatome, anatomes f
    anatomy, dissection of a body
  744. anatomia, anatomiae f
    anatomy, dissection of a body
  745. anatomica, anatomicae f
    anatomy, dissection of a body
  746. atavi, atavorum m
    ancestors, forefathers, great-parents
  747. ager avitus
    ancestral estate, family estate, hereditary estate
  748. antiqua sedes
    ancestral seat
  749. anchorale, anchoralis n
    anchor rope
  750. ancorale, ancoralis n
    anchor rope
  751. ancora, ancorae f
    anchor, refuge, hope, support, an iron in the form of an anchor
  752. amator antiquitatis
    ancient history enthusiast
  753. archaeus, archaea, archaeum
    ancient, archaic
  754. ac
    and also, and besides, and even, and
  755. atque
    and also, and besides, and even, and
  756. atque adeo
    and rather, and more right, and better
  757. ac deinceps
    and so forth
  758. alia deinceps huius notae
    and the like more
  759. anemone, anemones f
    anemone, wind-flower
  760. anaesthesia, anaesthesiae f
  761. aneurysma, aneurysmatis n
    aneurysm, dilatation of the artery
  762. ab integro
    anew, afresh
  763. animus tumet
    anger glows, anger swells up, anger rises high
  764. angina pectoris
    angina pectoris
  765. angularia, angularium n
    angle measure, angular measure
  766. angulus, anguli m
    angle, corner, retired, unfrequented place, nook, lurking-place, projection of the sea into the land, bay, gulf
  767. Ancyra, Ancyrae f
  768. angularis, angularis m
    angular vessel
  769. animalia cibum dentibus capessunt
    animals grab the food with their teeth
  770. animatus, animata, animatum
    animated, alive, brought or put into a particular frame of mind, disposed, inclined, minded, endowed with courage, courageous, stouthearted
  771. aniscalptor, aniscalptoris m
    aniscalptor, broad back muscle
  772. anesum, anesi n
  773. anisum, anisi n
  774. anisus, anisi m
  775. anisatum, anisati n
    aniseed wine
  776. anitersor, anitersoris m
    anitersor, aniscalptor, broad back muscle
  777. Anius rex idem Phoebique sacerdos
    Anius, king and also priest of Phoebus
  778. Ancyra, Ancyrae f
  779. annalium scriptor
    annalist, author of yearbooks
  780. adscribo 3
    annex by writing, add to a writing, impute, ascribe, attribute to, settle, , fix, designate, appoint, , apply, refer something to one’s self, enroll, enter in a list, reckon in a class, number in a class, include among, add to, join to
  781. alicui societati adscriptus
    annex by writing, add to a writing, impute, ascribe, attribute to, settle, , fix, designate, appoint, , apply, refer something to one’s self, enroll, enter in a list, reckon in a class, number in a class, include among, add to, join to
  782. ascribo 3 (adscribo 3)
    annex by writing, add to a writing, impute, ascribe, attribute to, settle, , fix, designate, appoint, , apply, refer something to one’s self, enroll, enter in a list, reckon in a class, number in a class, include among, add to, join to
  783. adnullo 1
    annihilate, annul, nullify
  784. annullo 1 (adnullo 1)
    annihilate, annul, nullify
  785. adnullatio, adnullationis f
  786. annihilatio, annihilationis f
  787. annullatio, annullationis f
    annihilation, nullification, extinction
  788. annihilator, annihilatoris m
  789. anniversaria independentiae
    anniversary of Independence
  790. anniversarius independentiae
    anniversary of Independence
  791. anniversaria, anniversariorum n
    anniversary, annual celebration
  792. adnuntio 1
    announce, make known, relate, proclaim, declare
  793. annuntio 1 (adnuntio)
    announce, make known, relate, proclaim, declare
  794. annuntiator, annuntiatoris m
  795. annuntiatio, annuntiationis f
    announcing, announcement, annunciation
  796. annua, annuorum n
    annual annuity, annual stipend, annual pension
  797. annuum, annui n
    annual annuity, annual stipend, annual pension
  798. annua ambitio
    annual application for office, annual candidature
  799. Aequorum anniversaria arma
    annual battles with the Equals
  800. annua spectaculorum editio
    annual festival, yearly festival
  801. annua alimenta
    annual pension, annual annuity
  802. annona salaria
    annual price of the salt
  803. annui anfractus
    annual revolution of the sun, cycle of the year
  804. annua, annuorum n
    annual salary, annual allowance
  805. annua stipendia
    annual salary, yearly salary
  806. anniversarie
  807. annua vice (annuis vicibus)
  808. abrogo 1
    annul in all its parts a law, repeal, abrogate wholly, invalidate, take it from one, recall it, take away, deprive of
  809. anorexia, anorexiae f
    anorexia, loss of appetite, lack of appetite
  810. acridium, acridii n
    another name for the scammonia, scammony
  811. alio loco
    another place, another time, another place
  812. alius ac
    another than
  813. alio tempore
    another time
  814. alter, alterius m
    another, neighbor, fellow-creature, the other, the opposite
  815. alis, alid
    another, other
  816. alius, alia, aliud
    another, other
  817. ambigue respondeo
    answer ambiguously
  818. ambiguum responsum do
    answer ambiguously, give an ambiguous answer
  819. ambigue respondeo
    answer ambiguously, give an ambiguous answer
  820. aut etiam aut non responde
    answer yes or no
  821. adversarius, adversarii m
    antagonist, opponent, adversary, enemy, rival
  822. amphithalamus, amphithalami m
  823. anthologica, anthologicon n
    anthology, work consisting of choice thoughts, proverbs, poems
  824. anthropologus, anthropologi m
  825. anthropologicus, anthropologica, anthropologicum
  826. anthropologa, anthropologae f
  827. anthropologia, anthropologiae f
  828. anthropomorphos, anthropomorpha, anthropomorphum
  829. anthropiani, anthropianorum m
    Anthropomorphites, Anthropians, heretics that attributed to God a human form
  830. anthropomorphitae, anthropomorphitarum m
    Anthropomorphites, Anthropians, heretics that attributed to God a human form
  831. anthypophora, anthypophorae f
    anthypohor, rhetorical figure in which one anticipates the arguments of his antagonist and refutes them
  832. antibioticum, antibiotici n
  833. anticorpus, anticorporis n
  834. antichristus, antichristi m
  835. anteversio, anteversionis f
    anticipating, preventing
  836. anteoccupatio, anteoccupationis f
    anticipation of an opponent’s objections
  837. anticipator, anticipatoris m
  838. alexipharmacon, alexipharmaci n
    antidote for poison
  839. antipharmacon, antipharmaci n
    antidote, countermeasure
  840. antigenum, antigeni n
  841. Antiochia, Antiochiae f
  842. antipodae, antipodarum m
    antipodes, banqueters who turn night to day
  843. antipodes, antipodum m
    antipodes, banqueters who turn night to day, night owls
  844. antispastus, antispasti m
    antispast, a foot in verse, ⏑––⏑, choriambus reversed
  845. antispasticus, antispasticum
    antispastic, consisting of antispasts
  846. antistropha, antistrophae f
    antistrophe answering to the strophe, rhetorical figure, when several parts of a period end with the same word = conversio
  847. antistrophe, antistrophes f
    antistrophe answering to the strophe, rhetorical figure, when several parts of a period end with the same word = conversio
  848. antonomasia, antonomasiae f
    antonomasia, antonomasy, rhetorical figure, by which, instead of the name, an epithet of a person is employed
  849. anus, ani m
    anus, the posteriors, butt, buttocks, bottom, fundament, diseases of the anus, piles, haemorrhoids, iron ring for the feet
  850. angores, angorum m
    anxiety disorders, melancholy
  851. anxietas, anxietatis f
    anxiety, temporary anguish, fear, trouble, anxious care, carefulness in regard to a thing
  852. anxietudo, anxietudnis f
    anxiety, trouble, anguish
  853. anxitudo, anxitudinis f
    anxiety, trouble, anguish
  854. anxianimus, anxianima, anxianimum
    anxious mind, fearful, anxious
  855. anxie
    anxiously, with anxiety
  856. atramentum, atramenti n
    any black liquid, writing-ink, ink, black pigment, black color, fine, dark varnish, lacquer, blacking for coloring leather
  857. amnis, amnis m
    any broad and deep-flowing, rapid water, stream, torrent, river, rapidly-flowing stream, torrent rushing down from a mountain, any thing flowing, any thing liquid, current
  858. aes, aeris n
    any crude metal dug out of the earth, copper, alloy (for the most part of copper and tin), bronze, everything made from copper or bronze, weapons, armor, utensils of husbandry, money, reward, payment
  859. arbitrium salis vendendi
    any determination of the salt price
  860. aliquis deus
    any god, some god
  861. aliquispiam
    any one
  862. aliquisvis, aliquavis, aliquidvis
    any one
  863. aliquis alius
    any other, some other
  864. aliquoi
    anywhere, somewhere
  865. aoristos, aoristi m
  866. aorta, aortae f
    Aorta, Aortic artery, main artery
  867. Augusta Praetoria
    Aosta (in Upper Italy)
  868. aphis, aphidis f
    aphid, greenfly
  869. aphorismus, aphorismi m
    aphorism, gnome, saying, motto, sentence
  870. apocrypha, apocryphorum n
    apocryphal books incorporated with the Bible
  871. apologeticon, apologetici n
    Apology, the title of a treatise by Tertullian in defence of Christianity
  872. apologeticum, apologetici n
    Apology, the title of a treatise by Tertullian in defence of Christianity
  873. apoplecticus, apoplectica, apoplecticum
  874. apoplectus, apoplecta, apoplectum
  875. apoplexia, apoplexiae f
  876. apoplexis, apoplexis f
  877. apostatatio, apostatationis f
    apostasy from the faith, apostasy
  878. apostatatus, apostatatus m
    apostasy from the faith, apostasy
  879. apostata, apostatae m
    apostate, a bad, wicked man
  880. apostolus, apostoli m
    apostles, notice sent to a higher tribunal or judge
  881. aliquem agō
    appear in someone's persona, act the part of someone else
  882. alicuius partes agō
    appear in someone's persona, act the part of someone else, represent someone, stand in for someone, substitute for someone
  883. appellativus, appellativa, appellativum
    appellative, belonging to a species
  884. appendicium, appendicii n
  885. ampendix, ampendicis f
    appendage, appendix
  886. affixa, affixorum n
    appendages belonging to a possession, appurtenances belonging to a possession, rivet- and nail-proof accessories
  887. applausus, applausus m
  888. aptitudo, aptitudnis f
    applicability, suitability, usability, practicability
  889. applicitus, applicita, applicitum
    applied to, joined to, attached to
  890. assiduo 1
    apply constantly
  891. ante legitimum tempus magistratum peto
    apply for office before the legal time
  892. amicitiam alicuius appeto
    apply for someone's friendship
  893. applumbo 1
    apply lead to, solder
  894. ambrosialis, ambrosiale
    applying ragweed, ragweed presenting
  895. appositus, appositus m
    applying, application
  896. aliquem tyrannum constituo
    appoint someone as a tyrant
  897. aliquem heredem testamento facio
    appoint someone as heir by will
  898. aliquem heredem testamento scribo
    appoint someone as heir by will
  899. aliquem regem constituo
    appoint someone as king, install someone as king
  900. aestimatio possessionis
    appraised land, payment by appraised land
  901. alicuius alumnus sum
    apprentice with someone, go to school with someone
  902. appropinquatio, appropinquationis f
    approach (in time), drawing near
  903. appropinquatio mortis
    approach of death
  904. accessito 1
    approach repeatedly
  905. astu accedo
    approach the city
  906. administratio aquae
    appropriate distribution of water, management of water supply, the right distribution of water
  907. assero 3 (adsero 3)
    appropriate something to one’s self, claim, declare it one’s own possession, maintain, affirm, assert, declare
  908. artios, artia, artium
    appropriate, fitting, complete,perfect
  909. adrogans, adrogantis
    appropriating something not one’s own, assuming, arrogant
  910. arrogans, arrogantis
    appropriating something not one’s own, assuming, arrogant
  911. aves admissivae
    approving birds, agreeing birds
  912. approbativus, approbativa, approbativum
  913. approbatio, approbationis f
    approving, allowing, assenting to, approbation, acquiescence, reception, proof, confirmation
  914. apsis, apsidis f
  915. aquatilia, aquatilium n
    aquatic animals, disease of cattle, watery vesicles
  916. aqua vitae
    aquavit, schnapps, booze
  917. Aquitania ex tertia parte Galliae est aestimanda
    Aquitaine is to be reckoned the third part of Gaul
  918. agrorum cultura hominibus salutaris est
    arable farming is beneficial for people
  919. agricultio, agricultionis f
    arable farming, agriculture, husbandry
  920. agri cultio
    arable farming, farming, agriculture
  921. arva, arvae f
    arable field, cornfield
  922. arvum, arvi n
    arable field, cultivated land, field, ploughed land, glebe, country, plain, region, pasture-ground, sea, shore, coast
  923. arcuatio, arcuationis f
    arch, arched vault
  924. arcuatura, arcuaturae f
    arch, arched vault
  925. archangelus, archangeli m
  926. archiepiscopus, archiepiscopi m
  927. archiducalis, archiducale
  928. archiducatus, archiducatus m
  929. archidux, archiducis m
  930. arctura, arcturae f
    arched vault
  931. arquatus, arquata, arquatum
    arched, curved, provided with a bow, jaundiced
  932. arcuatus, arcuata, arcuatum (arquatus, arquata, arquatum)
    arched, curved, provided with a bow, jaundiced, rainbow-coloured
  933. arcitenens, arcitenentis f
  934. arcitenens, arcitenentis m
  935. architecticus, architectica, architecticum
  936. architectio, architectionis f
  937. ars Palladis
    architecture, building art
  938. aedificatoria, aedificatoriae f
    architecture, building craft, building industry
  939. archaeotes, archaeotae m
  940. archivi praefectus
    archive manager, head of the archive
  941. archiotes, archiotae m
  942. archimartyr, archimartyris m
  943. ardor pugnandi
    ardent desire to fight
  944. abhorreo a ducenda uxore
    are averse to marriage, not want to marry
  945. aere alieno demersus sum
    are deeply in debt
  946. aere alieno obrutus sum
    are deeply in debt
  947. apud milites magna caritate sum
    are held in high esteem by the soldiers
  948. algosa, algosorum n
    areas overgrown with seagrass
  949. arena, arenae f (harena, harenae f)
  950. Areopagus, Areopagi m
  951. Arius pagus, Arii pagi
  952. Argentina, Argentinae f
  953. altercor cum aliquo
    argue with someone with words, fight a battle of words with someone
  954. altercatim
    arguing with words, changing words
  955. adversaria, adversariorum n
    arguments of the antagonist, assertions of the antagonist
  956. arens silva
    arid forest
  957. aquarum inops
  958. Aristidem sui cives eiecerunt
    Aristides banished his own fellow citizens
  959. aristocratia, aristocratiae f
  960. arithmetica, arithmeticae f
    arithmetic, science of numbers
  961. arithmetica, arithmeticorum n
    arithmetic, science of numbers
  962. arithmetice, aritmetices f
    arithmetic, science of numbers
  963. arithmeticus, arithmetici m
  964. amplexi inter se
    arm in arm, hand in hand
  965. ancon, anconis m
    arm of a workman’s square, stone in a wall, which projects above more than below, and supports something, console, volut, arm of a chair, kind of drinking-vessel in an alehouse
  966. arma animosque expedio
    arm oneself with weapons and courage
  967. apparatus belli
    armament for war
  968. armatio, armationis f
    armament, weaponry
  969. archisellium, archisellii n
    armchair, recliner chair
  970. arcisellium, arcisellii n
    armchair, recliner chair
  971. artisellium, artisellii n
    armchair, recliner chair
  972. armatus, armati m
    armed man, soldier
  973. armati, armatorum m
    armed men, soldiers
  974. armati circumsistunt ipsumque domumque
    armed they surround him himself and the house
  975. astatus, astata, astatum
    armed with a spear
  976. armigeri, armigerorum m
    armed, bodyguard, palace guard, lansquenets
  977. armatus, armata, armatum
    armed, equipped, fitted with armor, furnished
  978. armiger, armigeri m
    armor-bearer, shield-bearer
  979. armiportator, armiportatoris m
    armor-bearer, shield-bearer
  980. armiportitor, armiportitoris m
    armor-bearer, shield-bearer
  981. armatus, armatus m
    armor, armament, weaponry, armed soldiers
  982. armatura, armaturae f
    armor, equipment, armed soldiers, armed force, kind of exercise in arms, rigging
  983. armifactor, armifactoris m
    armourer, armourer's smith
  984. Armorum Tradendorum Tabula (ATT)
    Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)
  985. acoron, acori n
    aromatic plant, sweet-flag, calamus
  986. acoros, acori f
    aromatic plant, sweet-flag, calamus
  987. acorum, acori n
    aromatic plant, sweet-flag, calamus
  988. aromatites, aromatitae m
    aromatic wine
  989. aliquem ad cupiditatem incito
    arouse desire in someone
  990. artificiose aliquid redigo
    arrange something systematically
  991. agonothesia, agonothesiae f
    arrangement of the competition
  992. adordinatio, adordinationis f
    arrangement, disposition, ordering, presentation, exhibition
  993. adventus in urbem
    arrival in the city
  994. adventus ciconinus
    arrival of the storks
  995. advenientia, advenientiae f
  996. adipiscor 3
    arrive at, reach, overtake, attain to by effort, get, obtain, acquire, get possession of
  997. adtollentia, adtollentiae f
    arrogance, cockiness, exaltation
  998. attollentia, attollentiae f
    arrogance, cockiness, exaltation
  999. ascisco 3 (adscisco 3)
    arrogate something to one’s self, order, decree
  1000. armamentarium et navalia
    arsenal and shipyards
  1001. armamentarium, armamentarii n
    arsenal, armory
  1002. arrenicum, arrenici n
    arsenic, orpiment
  1003. arrhenicum, arrhenici n
    arsenic, orpiment
  1004. arsenicum, arsenici n
    arsenic, orpiment
  1005. artis (artium) intellegens
    art connoisseur
  1006. artis (artium) peritus
    art connoisseur
  1007. architectonica, architectonicae f
    art of building, architecture
  1008. architectonice, architectonices f
    art of building, architecture
  1009. architectura, architecturae f
    art of building, architecture
  1010. ars comoedica
    art of comedy poetry, comic poetry
  1011. apotelesmatice, apotelesmatices f
    art of creating a birth chart, art of nativity position
  1012. ars enuntiatrix
    art of expressing oneself
  1013. ars duellica
    art of war
  1014. ars militaris
    art of war
  1015. artificina, artificinae f
    art studio, artist's studio, artist's workshop
  1016. articulamentum, articulamenti n
    articulation of the limbs, joint
  1017. affectaticius, affectaticia, affectaticium
    artificial, mannered, swollen, unnatural, far-fetched
  1018. artes meretriciae
    arts of seduction (of dissolute women)
  1019. artis opus
  1020. aes regulare
    as a rail formable ore
  1021. agnum pro lupo simulans
    as a wolf in sheep's clothing
  1022. ac si
    as if, equally as if
  1023. altero tanto longior
    as long again, once again as long
  1024. a bove maiore discit arare minor
    as the old sang, so do the young chirp, from the older ox the younger one learns to plow
  1025. ascendo 3
    ascend, mount up, climb, go up, rise, spring up, grow up, go aboard ship, go out to sea
  1026. acclivitas, acclivitatis f
    ascending direction, acclivity, ascent, rising place
  1027. ascensio in caelum
    ascending to Heaven
  1028. ascensus in caelum
    ascension (of Christ)
  1029. anabathmus, anabathmi m
    ascent, stage
  1030. auctoritatem alicui perhibeo
    ascribe authority to someone, give someone influence,
  1031. antispodos, antispodi f
    ashes used instead of spodium
  1032. Asia iacet ad austrum
    Asia Minor lies to the south
  1033. Asia populi Romani facta est
    Asia Minor was subjugated by the Romans
  1034. Asius, Asia, Asium
  1035. Asianus, Asiana, Asianum
    Asiatic, belonging to the Roman province of Asia, Asian
  1036. asinalis, asinale
    asinine, doltish, slupid
  1037. arrogo 1
    ask of one, inquire of one, question, add one officer to another, associate with, place by the side of, take in the place of a child, adopt, appropriate, claim as one’s own, arrogate to one’s self, assume, adjudge something to another as his own, confer upon
  1038. adrogo 1
    ask of one, inquire of one, question, add one officer to another, associate with, place by the side of, take in the place of a child, adopt, appropriate, claim as one’s own, arrogate to one’s self, assume, adjudge something to another as his own, confer upon
  1039. auxilium ab amico peto
    ask one's friend for help
  1040. alicuius consilium sciscitor
    ask someone for advice, seek someone's advice
  1041. aliquem rogo ad cenam ut veniat
    ask someone to come to dinner, invite someone to dinner
  1042. aquam a pumice postulo
    ask someone to do something impossible, demand something impossible from someone
  1043. auxilia regem oro
    ask the king for help
  1044. albucus, albuci m
    asphodel plant, bulb of the asphodel
  1045. asphodelus, asphodeli m
    asphodel, kind of lily-shaped plant with many tubercles at the root
  1046. asphodilus, asphodili m
    asphodel, kind of lily-shaped plant with many tubercles at the root
  1047. aspirativus, aspirativa, aspirativum
    aspirable, aspirative
  1048. amor consulatus
    aspiration for the Consulate
  1049. altiora peto
    aspire to higher things, strive for higher things
  1050. altipeta, altipetae c
    aspiring, high-flying
  1051. altipetax, altipetacis
    aspiring, high-flying
  1052. asinus, asini m
    ass, dolt, simpleton, blockhead
  1053. aures surdas obstrepo
    assail deaf ears
  1054. adorio 4
    assault, assail
  1055. approbo 1 (adprobo 1)
    assent to as good, regard as good, approve, favor, allow a thing to take place, show as being good and true, make evident, prove, demonstrate, confirm, establish, make good to one, render acceptable, satisfactory
  1056. astipulatio, astipulationis f
    assent to, agreement with, assenting to, affirming the same facts, modulation of the voice according to the sentiment
  1057. astipulatus, astipulatus m
    assent to, agreement with, assenting to, affirming the same facts, modulation of the voice according to the sentiment
  1058. adsensio, adsensionis f
    assent, agreement, approval, applause, assent to the reality of sensible appearances
  1059. assensio, assensionis f
    assent, agreement, approval, approbation, applause, assent to the reality of sensible appearances (συγκατάθεσις)
  1060. assertum, asserti n
  1061. asses unciales
    asses weighing an ounce
  1062. allectus, allecti m
    assessor, assistant, the newly elected
  1063. aestimatio census
    asset management
  1064. agros assigno
    assign lands
  1065. alterum alteri contribuo
    assign one to the other
  1066. alicui aliquem locum ad habitandum do
    assign somebody a place to live
  1067. assignator, assignatoris f (adsignator)
    assigner, appointer
  1068. aliquem meis amicis ascribo
    assigning someone a place among one's friends
  1069. adtributio, adtributionis f
    assignment of a money-debt, predicate, attribute
  1070. attributio, attributionis f (adtributio)
    assignment of a money-debt, predicate, attribute
  1071. adsimilatio, adsimilationis f (adsimulatio)
    assimilating, being similar, similarity, likeness, feigned adoption of the opinion of one’s hearers, comparison of one thing with others
  1072. adsimulatio, adsimulationis f
    assimilating, being similar, similarity, likeness, feigned adoption of the opinion of one’s hearers, comparison of one thing with others
  1073. assimilatio, assimilationis f (adsimilatio)
    assimilating, being similar, similarity, likeness, feigned adoption of the opinion of one’s hearers, comparison of one thing with others
  1074. assimulatio, assimulationis f (adsimulatio)
    assimilating, being similar, similarity, likeness, feigned adoption of the opinion of one’s hearers, comparison of one thing with others
  1075. adsum alicui
    assist someone helpfully
  1076. alicui bellum navo
    assist someone with war
  1077. admartyrizo 1
    assist the martyrs
  1078. auxiliatus, auxiliatus m
    assistance, helping, aid
  1079. auxiliatio, auxiliationis, f
    assistance, helping, aiding
  1080. adtribuo 3
    associate, add to, join to, annex, assign, bestow, give, join in addition, add, attribute to one, impute to one, charge with, ascribe to, lay as a tax, lay as a tribute
  1081. attribuo 3 (adtribuo 3)
    associate, add to, join to, annex, assign, bestow, give, join in addition, add, attribute to one, impute to one, charge with, ascribe to, lay as a tax, lay as a tribute
  1082. associatio, associationis f
    association, political affiliation, contractual union
  1083. a certa ratione proficiscor
    assume a fixed principle, start from a firm principle
  1084. arrogantia, arrogantiae f
    assuming, presumption, arrogance, conceitedness, proud, lordly bearing arising from a consciousness of real or supposed superiority, pride, haughtiness, pertinacity in one’s demands, obstinacy
  1085. asthma, asthmatis n
    asthma, shortness of breath, narrow chest, anxiety
  1086. astrologicus, astrologica, astrologicum
    astrological, astronomical
  1087. astrologus, astrologa, astrologum
    astrological, astronomical
  1088. astrologica, astrologicae f
    astrology, astronomy
  1089. astronauta, astronautae m
    astronaut, cosmonaut
  1090. astronomus, astronomi m
  1091. astrologus, astrologi m
    astronomer, star-interpreter, astrologer
  1092. astronomicus, astronomica, astronomicum
  1093. asyli petitio
    asylum application
  1094. asyli ius
    asylum law, right to asylum
  1095. asylans, asylantis c
    asylum seeker
  1096. asyli petitor
    asylum seeker
  1097. asylanticomium, asylanticomii n
    asylum seekers' home, asylum seekers' accommodation
  1098. asymmeter, asymmetra, asymmetrum
  1099. alias
    at a time other than the present, at other times, on another occasion, at another place, elsewhere, in respect of other things, in other circumstances, otherwise, in another manner
  1100. admisso passu
    at an accelerated pace, at a quick pace
  1101. angulariter
    at an angle, angularly
  1102. aliena arca
    at another person's expense
  1103. alteras
    at another time, at other times, on another occasion, always at other times, always in other cases, at another place, elsewhere, in respect of other things, in other circumstances, otherwise, in another manner
  1104. autumnali tempore
    at autumn time, in autumn
  1105. aequatis iuribus
    at eye level, with equal rights
  1106. aestu rursus minuente
    at low tide again, at the resumption of low tide
  1107. adventu meo
    at my arrival
  1108. alias ... alias ....
    at one time - at another, once - another time, sometimes - sometimes, now - now
  1109. alibi atque alibi
    at one time here, at another there, now here, now there
  1110. alias aliter ...
    at one time in one way - at another in another, now so - now otherwise, now this - now that
  1111. aliquo tempore anni
    at some point in the year
  1112. alicuius impendio
    at someone's expense
  1113. alicuius inductu
    at someone's instigation, on someone's impulse
  1114. aliquo rogante
    at someone's request
  1115. aliquo rogatus
    at someone's request
  1116. annum agens nonagesimum et quartum
    at the age of 93 years
  1117. acronychos, acronychum
    at the beginning of the night
  1118. acronychus, acronychum
    at the beginning of the night
  1119. anno ineunte
    at the beginning of the year
  1120. anno exeunte
    at the end of the year
  1121. ad extremum
    at the end, finally, at last, at the extremity, at the extreme point, at the top, to the last degree, quite
  1122. ad postremum
    at the end, finally, at last, at the extremity, at the extreme point, at the top, to the last degree, quite
  1123. ad ultimum
    at the end, finally, at last, at the extremity, at the extreme point, at the top, to the last degree, quite
  1124. adverso pectore
    at the front on the chest
  1125. Apro impulsore
    at the instigation of the Aper
  1126. altrim secus
    at the other side, on the other side, from both sides, on both sides
  1127. altrinsecus
    at the other side, on the other side, from both sides, on both sides
  1128. aedepol
    at the Pollux, by god!, by my faithfulness!
  1129. apud mensam
    at the table, at the meal
  1130. aestu suo
    at the tide favourable to him
  1131. avorum memoria
    at the time of the grandparents
  1132. avibus sinistris
    at the unfortunate hour, at the inauspicious hour
  1133. assueto tempore
    at the usual time
  1134. alienissimo loco et tempore
    at the very wrong time in the very wrong place, at the most inconvenient time in the most inconvenient place
  1135. alieno tempore
    at the wrong time, inopportune, at an inopportune time
  1136. arbitrio tuo
    at your convenience
  1137. arbitratu tuo
    at your judgment, at your freewill, at your inclination, at your pleasure, at your wish, at your choice, at your decision, at your direction, at your guidance
  1138. Athenae, Athenarum f
    Athens, the capital of Attica
  1139. athletica, athleticae f
    athletic art, athletics
  1140. athletice
  1141. athletica levis
  1142. aer circumiectus
  1143. aer terrae circumiectus
  1144. aer terris circumiectus
  1145. aer, qui est terrae proximus
  1146. aliquid luo aliqua re
    atone for something with something
  1147. alicui custodes indo
    attach guards to someone, give someone guards
  1148. aggregor 1
    attach one’s self to, follow, adhere to
  1149. arma ad postem figo
    attach the weapons to the post
  1150. aliquem fero lacesso
    attack someone with a weapon
  1151. assultibus utor in proelio
    attack stormily in battle
  1152. adversis hostibus occurro
    attack the enemy in front
  1153. aggressura, aggressurae f
    attack, assault
  1154. aggressus, aggressus m
    attack, assault, entering upon, beginning
  1155. adventus repentinus
    attack, offensive, assault, coup
  1156. attamino 1 (adtamino 1)
    attack, rob, dishonor, contaminate, defile
  1157. apopiras, apopiratis n
    attempt, remedy
  1158. adsector 1
    attend one with zeal, attend one with eagerness, accompany, follow, wait upon, be in attendance upon, follow a woman
  1159. assector 1 (adsector 1)
    attend one with zeal, attend one with eagerness, accompany, follow, wait upon, be in attendance upon, follow a woman, stalk
  1160. adverto in aliquem
    attend to one, punish one
  1161. aquariolus, aquarioli m
    attendant of lewd women
  1162. assecutor, assecutoris m
    attendant:companion, fellow traveller
  1163. animi attentio
  1164. animus attentus
    attention, an attentive mind
  1165. animus intentus
    attention, an attentive mind
  1166. aures vacuae
    attentive listening ears, open ears
  1167. attente
    attentively, carefully, with marked attention
  1168. attentio, attentionis f
    attentiveness, attention, application
  1169. attenuitas, attenuitatis f
    attenuation, mitigation, diminishing, lessening
  1170. adtestatio, adtestationis f
    attesting, attestation, testimony
  1171. attestatio, attestationis f (adttestatio)
    attesting, attestation, testimony
  1172. atticismos, atticismi m
    Attic dialect, Attic way of speaking, Atticism
  1173. adductio, adductionis f
    attraction, spasm, contraction
  1174. adtractivus, adtractiva, adtractivum
  1175. attractivus, attractiva, attractivum
  1176. allectorius, allectoria, allectorium
    attractive, alluring
  1177. addictio, addictionis f
    attribution, awarding, appropriation, awarding, adjudging
  1178. alicuius animum compono
    attune someone to something
  1179. alicuius animum praeparo
    attune someone to something
  1180. astarium, astarii n
    auction venue, auction protocol
  1181. auctionem facio et vendo
    auction, auction off
  1182. auctionator, auctionatoris m
  1183. audibilis, audibile
  1184. audientes, audientium m
  1185. adaucto 1
    augment much
  1186. adauctor, adauctoris m
    augmenter, expander, enlarger
  1187. Augusta Vindelicum
  1188. augur, auguris c
    augur, diviner, soothsayer, seer
  1189. auricularis, auriculare
    aural, auricular
  1190. aures bibulae
    aurally curious ears, ears eager to hear
  1191. avis sinistra
    auspicious bird
  1192. adtestator, adtestatoris m
    authenticator, attestor
  1193. attestator, attestatoris m (adtestator)
    authenticator, attestor
  1194. authenticitas, authenticitatis f
  1195. artigraphus, artigraphi m
    author of a grammatical textbook, author of a rhet, ,
  1196. artigrafus, artigrafi m
    author of a grammatical textbook, author of a rhetorical textbook
  1197. auctoritas, auctoritatis f
    authority, reputation, dignity, influence, weight, importance, significance, worth, value, estimation, example, pattern, model, warrant, credibility, record, document, guaranty, security
  1198. autoritas, autoritatis f
    authority, reputation, dignity, influence, weight, importance, significance, worth, value, estimation, example, pattern, model, warrant, credibility, record, document, guaranty, security
  1199. autocrator, autocratoris m
    autocrat, tyrant, unrestricted ruler
  1200. automaticus, automatica, automaticum
  1201. automataria, automatariorum n
  1202. autonomos, autonomon
    autonomous, following one's own will, living according to one's own laws, self-determined, independent
  1203. autumnescit
    autumn approaches, autumn is coming on
  1204. autumnus pampineus
    autumn rich in vine leaves
  1205. autumpnus, autumpni m
  1206. auctumnus, auctumna, auctumnum
  1207. autumnus, autumna, autumnum (auctumnus)
  1208. auxiliarii milites
    auxiliaries, auxiliary troops, auxiliary forces
  1209. appendices, appendicum f
    auxiliary contingents, small auxiliary groups
  1210. auxiliaris, auxiliaris m
    auxiliary soldier
  1211. auxiliares, auxiliarium m
    auxiliary troops, auxiliaries, auxiliary forces
  1212. auxilia, auxiliorum n
    auxiliary troops, auxiliaries, military force, military power
  1213. avaritia omnia vitia habet
    avarice is the root of all vices
  1214. amor habendi
  1215. amicos ulciscor
    avenge one's friends
  1216. aversus a Musis
    averse to the muses
  1217. aversio, aversionis f
    aversion, loathing, turning away
  1218. averrunco 1
    avert, remove
  1219. aversim
    avertedly, sidewise
  1220. aeronauticus, aeronautica, aeronauticum
    aviation-related, belonging to aviation
  1221. aeronavigatio, aeronavigationis f
  1222. alicuius conspectum fugio
    avoid someone's gaze
  1223. auras fugio
    avoid the daylight
  1224. aspectum hominum vito
    avoid the sight of people
  1225. alicuius aspectum aufugio
    avoid the sight of somebody
  1226. anularium, anularii n
    award of a ring
  1227. aliquid in diem addico
    award something provisionally
  1228. apage!
    away with thee!, away!, begone!, avaunt!, away with it!, away!, not surely!
  1229. aliquamdiu
    awhile, for a while, for some time, for a long distance
  1230. aliquandiu
    awhile, for a while, for some time, for a long distance
  1231. aliquando
    awhile, for a while, for some time, sometimes, now and then, at length, now at last
  1232. arista, aristae f
    awn of grain, beard of grain, ear, summer, hair of men, bones of fishes, plants
  1233. apuliae, apuliarum f
    awnings, sun shades, parasols, cloths stretched over the theatre to protect against the heat of the sun
  1234. ascea,asceae f
    axe for hewing wood, carpenter’s axe, mattock, hoel, mason’s trowel
  1235. ascia, asciae f
    axe for hewing wood, carpenter’s axe, mattock, hoel, mason’s trowel
  1236. axon, axonis m
    axis, a line upon the sundial, part of the ballista
  1237. axungia, axungiae f
    axle-tree grease, wagon grease, grease, fat
  1238. Atropatene, Atropatenes f
  1239. Azerbaigiania, Azerbaigianiae f
  1240. Atropateni, Atropatenorum m
  1241. aversa Asiae
    Back Asia
  1242. aversa Indiae
    Back india
  1243. aversa pars capitis
    back of the head
  1244. anquila, anquilae f
    back of the knee, knee hollow
  1245. aversa montis
    backside of the mountain
  1246. animus male sibi conscius
    bad conscience, guilty conscience
  1247. ascaules, ascaulae m
  1248. adtorreo 2
    bake, roast
  1249. attorreo 2
    bake, roast
  1250. artopticius, artopticia, artopticium
    baked in an artopta
  1251. artocopus, artocopi m
  1252. artopta, artoptae m
    baker, vessel to bake in, a bread-pan
  1253. adversa secundis penso
    balance happiness and unhappiness
  1254. alterum cum altero compenso
    balance the two
  1255. alteras ... alteras ... alteras
    bald --- bald --- bald
  1256. apiciosus, apiciosa, apiciosum
    bald, baldheaded, hairless
  1257. artifex electridis
    ballet dancer
  1258. artifices lateris
    ballet dancers
  1259. arcuballista, arcuballistae f
    ballista furnished with a bow, crossbow
  1260. aliquem domum ad me non admitto
    ban someone from one's house
  1261. anadema, anadematis n
    band, fillet, ornament for the head
  1262. alligamen, alligaminis n
    band, tie
  1263. alligamentum, alligamenti n
    band, tie
  1264. alligatura, alligaturae f
    band, tie
  1265. amorem ex animo eicio
    banish love from one's heart
  1266. aliquem sepono a domo mea
    banish someone from one's home
  1267. abrelego 1
    banish, send away into exile, send into banishment
  1268. argentaria, argentariae f
    banking-house, bank, vocation of a banker, employment of a broker, silver-mine, banker's stall
  1269. adventoria, adventoriae f
    banquet given on one’s arrival
  1270. aepulae, aepularum f
  1271. abacus cauponis
    bar counter
  1272. anchistrum, anchistri n
    barbed hook
  1273. ancistron, ancistri n
    barbed hook
  1274. ancistrum, ancistri n
    barbed hook
  1275. angistrum, angistri n
    barbed hook
  1276. arbores nudatae
    bare trees, defoliated trees, leafless trees
  1277. allatro 1 (adlatro 1)
    bark at, assail with harsh words, revile, rail at, break upon the shore, dash against the shore
  1278. avaritia ac sordes
    base greed
  1279. afflictus, afflicta, afflictum (adflictus)
    base, vile
  1280. alieno arbitrio
    based on a foreign decision
  1281. aquaemanalis, aquaemanalis m
    basin for washing the hands, wash-basin
  1282. apricatio, apricationis f
    basking in the sun, sunning
  1283. aqua perluor
    bathe oneself in water
  1284. aquarum usus
    bathing treatment, bathing cure
  1285. arbiter armorum
    battle decider
  1286. aurigo 1
    be a charioteer, be a contender in the chariot-race, drive a chariot, contend in the chariot-race, rule, direct
  1287. aurigor 1
    be a charioteer, be a contender in the chariot-race, drive a chariot, contend in the chariot-race, rule, direct
  1288. arbitror 1
    be a hearer, be a beholder, observe, perceive, hear, examine, consider, weigh, make a decision, give judgment, give sentence, adjudge, put faith in, testify, declare or announce, give evidence, be of the opinion, believe, consider as, think, suppose
  1289. aquam praebeo
    be a host, invite to the table
  1290. auditor sum Platonis
    be a student of Plato
  1291. aedituo 1
    be a temple keeper
  1292. aedituor 1
    be a temple keeper
  1293. absento 1
    be absent
  1294. assuevi
    be accustomed to, be used to, maintain
  1295. assoleo 2 (adsoleo 2)
    be accustomed, be wont to (to do, to happen)
  1296. argentariam exerceo
    be active as a banker, be active as a broker
  1297. aurugino 1
    be affected with the jaundice, have the jaundice
  1298. afformido 1
    be afraid, tend to be afraid, be prone to fear
  1299. a libertate degenero
    be alienated from freedom
  1300. animo sum perculso et abiecto
    be all in low spirits, be all chagrined
  1301. adstupeo 2
    be amazed at, be amazed on account of, be astonished at
  1302. astupeo 2 (adstupeo 2)
    be amazed at, be amazed on account of, be astonished at
  1303. adpendeo 2
    be attached to
  1304. appendeo 2 (intr.)
    be attached to
  1305. animo adsum
    be attentive, pay attention
  1306. alieno sum animo in aliquem
    be averse to someone, be disinclined towards someone, have a dislike of someone
  1307. absum
    be away from, be absent, be removed from
  1308. amaricor 1
    be bitter, be irritated, be acrimonious
  1309. agnascor 3
    be born in addition to, accrue by adoption, grow to something, grow at something, grow upon something, grow afterwards (of teeth)
  1310. annascor 3
    be born in addition to, accrue by adoption, grow to something, grow at something, grow upon something, grow afterwards (of teeth)
  1311. adnascor 3
    be born in addition to, accrue by adoption, grow to, grow at, grow upon, grow afterwards
  1312. aegritudine afflictus sum
    be bowed down by grief
  1313. aegritudine debilitatus sum
    be bowed down by grief
  1314. aegritudine iaceo
    be bowed down by grief
  1315. astituor in genua
    be brought down on one's knees
  1316. adaquor 1
    be brought to drink
  1317. amplo funere efferor
    be buried shiny
  1318. antestor 1
    be called as a witness, be asked to testify
  1319. aequo animo sum
    be calm, be cool
  1320. avehor 3
    be carried away, ride away, depart, drive away
  1321. advehor 3
    be carried to a place, ride to a place, come to a place (upon a horse, in a carriage, ship)
  1322. artissimo amicitiae vinculo coniunctus sum cum aliquo
    be close friend with someone
  1323. algeo 2
    be cold, feel cold
  1324. astringor a marino morsu
    be compacted by the sharpness of the sea water
  1325. animo sum conturbato et incerto
    be completely mentally confused, not knowing where one's head is
  1326. affinis sum culpae
    be complicit, share in the blame, not to be far from a debt
  1327. animi mei saluti prospicio
    be concerned about one's salvation
  1328. aliquanto serius venio
    be considerably late, be quite a bit late
  1329. aegritudine conficior
    be consumed by grief, be worn down with grief
  1330. aliquid perspectum habeo
    be convinced of something, have seen through something
  1331. animis sto
    be courageous, be steadfast
  1332. aneo 2
    be decrepit, tremble like an old woman
  1333. aggaudeo 2
    be delighted with, delight in
  1334. averso animo sum ab aliquo
    be disinclined towards someone, be averse to someone
  1335. annotor 1 (adnotor 1)
    be distinguished for something, be noted for something
  1336. a fortuna derelictus sum
    be down on one's luck, be out of luck
  1337. a fortuna desertus sum
    be down on one's luck, be out of luck
  1338. arefio
    be dried, get dried
  1339. ad mortem trudor
    be driven to death
  1340. aquas bibo
    be drowned, founder, be wrecked
  1341. areo 2
    be dry, be dried up, be withered, languish from thirst
  1342. angustior 1
    be embarrassed, get into trouble
  1343. altissimis montibus undique contineor
    be enclosed on all sides by very tall trees
  1344. aequipolleo 2
    be equal, be of equal value
  1345. aliquid instructum habeo
    be equipped with something
  1346. animo humili sum
    be fainthearted
  1347. arto somno devinctus sum
    be fast asleep, lie in sound sleep
  1348. afflo 1
    be favorable to, be friendly to, be propitious to
  1349. aequis auribus audior
    be favourably received, find a sympathetic ear
  1350. animo mobili sum
    be fickle, be indecisive, be unstable
  1351. amore ardeo
    be filled with ardent love
  1352. amore flagro
    be filled with fervent love
  1353. amore amplector aliquem
    be fond of someone
  1354. amore prosequor aliquem
    be fond of someone
  1355. amice de Romanis cogito
    be friendly towards the Romans
  1356. amicitiam gero cum aliquo
    be friends with someone, cherish friendship with someone
  1357. augeor filiolo
    be gifted with a little son
  1358. adsum alicuius rebus
    be helpful to someone
  1359. alicui praesidio sum
    be helpful to someone, prove helpful to somebody
  1360. aversissimo animo sum ab aliquo
    be highly averse to someone
  1361. auctoritate floreo
    be highly regarded, be of high standing, have great prestige, be influential
  1362. auctoritate valeo
    be highly regarded, be of high standing, have great prestige, be influential
  1363. aegreo 2
    be ill, be sick
  1364. aegroto 1
    be ill, be sick, languish, sicken, lying down
  1365. artissimo somno quiēscō
    be in a very sound sleep
  1366. aestuo 1
    be in agilation, be in violent commotion, move to and fro, rage, toss, boil up, rage, be warm, be hot, burn, glow, it is warm to me, I feel warm, have an undulating motion, have a waving motion, be tossed, heave
  1367. alicuius rei facultatem habeo
    be in command of something
  1368. aliquid inclinatur
    be in crisis
  1369. aes alienum habeo
    be in debt, have debts
  1370. animus me fallit
    be in error, be wrong, be mistaken
  1371. annuo coeptis
    be in favour of the project, agree with the project
  1372. aliquo iuvene tepeo
    be in love with a young man, have warmed to a young man,
  1373. animo demisso sum
    be in low spirits
  1374. ago extra (urbem) per tempus legitimum
    be in quarantine, hold quarantine
  1375. aestuor 1
    be in restless anxiety, feel heat
  1376. alicui par sum
    be in the same line with someone, be on the same level with someone
  1377. apud inferos sum
    be in the underworld
  1378. aporior 1
    be in uncertainty, doubt, vacillate
  1379. alias res ago
    be inattentive, be distracted
  1380. aliud ago
    be inattentive, be distracted, do allotry
  1381. ascior in societatem
    be included in the alliance, be admitted to the alliance
  1382. ascior inter comites
    be included in the entourage, be admitted to the retinue
  1383. armis inferiores sumus
    be inferior in military clout
  1384. amore incensus sum
    be inflamed with love
  1385. aptissime cohaereo
    be intimately connected
  1386. arte coniunctus sum
    be intimately connected
  1387. aere alieno obstrictus sum
    be involved in debts, be entangled in debts
  1388. animo pendeo
    be irresolute
  1389. animus mihi pendet
    be irresolute, be undecided
  1390. adolesco 3 (2)
    be kindled, burn
  1391. alicui multatus sum
    be liable to punishment, be in punishment of someone,
  1392. aliquo deferor
    be lost somewhere
  1393. aliquo deicior
    be lost somewhere
  1394. animo adsum
    be mentally present, be mentally on the point
  1395. alienis blandior sum quam meis
    be more courteous to strangers than to his people
  1396. auctoritati parentis anteeo
    be more powerful than the mother, surpass the mother in influence
  1397. antepolleo 2
    be more powerful, excel, surpass
  1398. acedior 1
    be morose, be peevish
  1399. administro 1
    be near as an aid, attend upon, assist, serve, take charge of, manage, guide, administer, execute, accomplish, do, perform, govern, guide, steer, put the hand to, render service, do one’s duty, employ
  1400. approximo 1
    be near to, draw near to, approach
  1401. alacri et erecto animo sum
    be of good cheer and firm mind
  1402. aequalis sum alicuius
    be of the same age as someone
  1403. ardeo 2
    be on fire, burn, blaze, flash, glow, sparkle, shine, sparkle, glisten, glitter, dazzle, be strongly affected, be inflamed, burn, glow, to blaze, be on fire, be consumed
  1404. animum ad cavendum attendo (adtendo)
    be on one's guard, be careful
  1405. a doctrina mediocriter instructus sum
    be only little learned, be little taught
  1406. apertus sum
    be open
  1407. angoribus premor
    be oppressed by fear
  1408. animam debeo
    be over head and ears in debt
  1409. ardore solis torreor
    be parched by the heat of the sun
  1410. allibesco 3
    be pleasing to
  1411. alterutri me fortunae paro
    be prepared for both cases, get ready for both cases
  1412. animo paratus sum ad aliquid
    be prepared for something
  1413. adsum scribendo
    be present at the drafting of a Senate resolution
  1414. affore (adfore)
    be present in the future
  1415. adsum (assum)
    be present, be at hand, be present in mind, be present with attention, be present with interest, be present with sympathy, be present with courage
  1416. assum
    be present, be at hand, be present in mind, be present with attention, be present with interest, be present with sympathy, be present with courage, give attention to something, give heed, observe, attend to, be fearless, be of good courage, be associated with
  1417. aptus sum
    be qualified for something, be fit for something, be suitable for something
  1418. assideo 2 (adsideo 2)
    be quite similar, be quite close, resemble
  1419. aliquem sensum habeo in aliqua re
    be receptive to something, have a sense for something, have an antenna for something
  1420. animor 1
    be resolved, be willing, become more courageous
  1421. aliquid praesto
    be responsible for something, stand up for something, vouch for something
  1422. alicui irrisui sum
    be ridiculed by someone, be mocked by someone
  1423. alicui iure suscenseo
    be rightly angry with someone
  1424. aeger sum
    be sick
  1425. aliquid semuncia venit
    be sold at a knockdown price
  1426. alicui praesidio sum
    be somebody's protection, be a shelter for someone
  1427. alicui collega et in tribunatu et in septem consulatibus fui
    be someone's counterpart both in the tribunate and seven consulates
  1428. alicuius vicarius sum
    be someone's deputy
  1429. alicuius studiosus sum
    be someone's follower
  1430. alicuius alumnus sum
    be someone's pupil
  1431. alicuius discipulus sum
    be someone's pupil, be someone's disciple, be someone's student, apprentice with someone
  1432. alicui imperatori succedo
    be someone's successor in the commander's office
  1433. animo parum valeo
    be somewhat weak-minded, not to be quite able to think, not to be in full possession of one's mental powers
  1434. arto somno opprimor
    be sound asleep, lie in sound sleep
  1435. aceo 2
    be sour, be off
  1436. alicui in aliqua re antisto
    be superior to someone in something
  1437. aliquem (in) aliqua re antisto
    be superior to someone in something
  1438. antisto alicui aliqua re
    be superior to someone in something
  1439. auditu aliquid compertum habeo
    be sure of something from hearing
  1440. a deterioribus honore anteiri
    be surpassed in honor by the rest
  1441. aquae sitio
    be thirsty for water
  1442. animi conscientiā excrucior
    be tormented by remorse, suffer from remorse
  1443. animo fracto sum
    be totally discouraged
  1444. apud iudices offendo
    be tried in a court of law
  1445. avelli non possunt
    be unable to separate
  1446. animi pendeo
    be undecided
  1447. angustiatus sum
    be under pressure, be in distress, be in need, be in embarrassment, be in difficulty, be in a dilemma
  1448. angustiis premor
    be under pressure, be in distress, be in need, be in embarrassment, be in difficulty, be in a dilemma
  1449. alicuius praesidio tectus sum
    be under someone's aegis
  1450. alicuius arbitrio pareo
    be under someone's influence
  1451. alicuius voluntati pareo
    be under someone's influence
  1452. alicuius imperio pareo
    be under someone's influence, be under someone's command
  1453. aliquid in cursu est
    be under way, be in progress
  1454. alogior 1
    be unreasonable
  1455. angor et crucior
    be very afraid, be in great fear
  1456. angore conficior
    be very afraid, be in great fear, have great anxiety
  1457. adessurio 4
    be very hungry
  1458. adesurio 4
    be very hungry
  1459. alicui in oculis sum
    be very popular with someone, be well liked by someone
  1460. affaveo 2
    be well disposed, be inclined towards, favor, promote, befriend, countenance, protect
  1461. amplo corpore sum
    be well-fed, be obese
  1462. aveo 2 [2]
    be well, fare well
  1463. albeo 2
    be white
  1464. angore et metu conficior
    be worn down by anxiety and fear
  1465. adzelor 1
    be zealous against one, be angry with
  1466. acta, actae f
    beach life
  1467. asser, asseris m
    beam, pole, stake, post, pole on which a litter was borne, lath
  1468. asporto 1
    bear away, carry away, take away, take off, transport
  1469. antefero
    bear before, carry before, place before, prefer, give the preference to, anticipate
  1470. animus meus eadem movet
    bear in mind the same thoughts
  1471. animo agito
    bear in mind
  1472. alicui aliquid suscenseo
    bear some grudge against someone
  1473. aequo animo fero aliquid
    bear something with equanimity, bear something with composure
  1474. aequissimo animo fero aliquid
    bear something with the greatest equanimity
  1475. argumentis probo
    bear the proof, bear the evidence
  1476. aequo animo patior
    bear with equanimity
  1477. adtestor 1
    bear witness to, attest, prove, confirm, corroborate
  1478. attestor 1 (adtestor 1)
    bear witness to, attest, prove, confirm, corroborate
  1479. Arctophylax, Arctophylacis m
  1480. aggero 3
    bear, carry, convey, bring to a place, bring toward a place, bring forwards, lay to one’s charge, stick together soft masses
  1481. absporto 1
    bear, carry, take off, take away, carry away, transport
  1482. adtolero 1
    bear, support
  1483. attolero 1
    bear, support
  1484. attollero 1
    bear, support
  1485. acantha, acanthae f
    bear’s-breech, bear’s-foot, brankursine, thorny evergreen tree of Egypt
  1486. acanthus, acanthi m
    bear’s-breech, bear’s-foot, brankursine, thorny evergreen tree of Egypt
  1487. aerifer, aerifera, aeriferum
    bearing copper, bearing bronze, bearing bronze cymbals
  1488. aristifer, aristifera, aristiferum
    bearing ears of corn
  1489. annifer, annifera, anniferum
    bearing fruit the whole year, producing annually a new stalk
  1490. auriger, aurigera, aurigerum
    bearing gold
  1491. actinophoros, actinophoron
    bearing rays, epithet of the cochloe
  1492. aggestus, aggestus m (adgestus, aggestus m)
    bearing to a place, carrying to a place, collecting, accumulation, collection
  1493. aggestio, aggestionis f
    bearing to a place, heaping up, mass of mud, heap of sand
  1494. armifer, armifera, armiferum
    bearing weapons, armed, warlike
  1495. armiger, armigera, armigerum
    bearing weapons, armed, warlike
  1496. adversariorum copias pello
    beat the enemy troops
  1497. aureolus anellus
    beautifully crafted gold ring
  1498. arboresco 3
    become a tree, grow to be a tree
  1499. animum ad scribendum appello
    become a writer, become an author
  1500. anilitor 1
    become an old woman
  1501. animum arrigo
    become attentive, be astonished, become suspicious
  1502. amaresco 3
    become bitter
  1503. amarizo 1
    become bitter
  1504. ad vilitatem sui pervenit
    become contemptible to oneself
  1505. aere alieno liberor
    become debt-free
  1506. adsiccesco 3
    become dry, dry up
  1507. assiccesco 3
    become dry, dry up
  1508. aresco 3
    become dry, languish, dry up, wither, pine away in sickness, sink, be overcome
  1509. aggravesco 3
    become heavy, become violent, become severe, become dangerous, grow worse, be aggravated
  1510. aegresco 3
    become ill, grow sick, be troubled, be anxious, be afflicted, be grieved
  1511. auresco 3
    become of the color of gold
  1512. acquiesco 3
    become physically quiet, come to physical repose, repose, rest, come to a state of repose in relation to one’s wishes, repose in, find rest in, find pleasure in, rejoice in, be satisfied with, acquiesce in, give assent to
  1513. aerugino 1
    become rusty, become cankered
  1514. auctoro 1
    become security for, give a pledge as bondsman, bind, confirm, support
  1515. antonesco 3
    become similar to Antonius
  1516. alicui concilior
    become someone's friend
  1517. acetasco 3
    become sour
  1518. acesco 3
    become sour, turn sour
  1519. addensor 1
    become thick, thicken
  1520. albicasco 3
    become white, grow clear
  1521. albesco 3
    become white, whiten, dawn
  1522. albisco 3
    become white, whiten, dawn
  1523. adparentia, adparentiae f
    becoming visible, appearing, appearance, external appearance
  1524. apparentia, apparentiae f
    becoming visible, appearing, appearance, external appearance
  1525. acoetis, acoetis f
    bed-fellow, wife
  1526. agmen apium
    bee colony, bee swarm
  1527. apis aculeus
    bee sting
  1528. apiarium, apiarii n
    bee-house, beehive
  1529. apiarius, apiarii m
  1530. apes, apis f
  1531. apis, apis f (apes, apis f)
  1532. alvarium, alvarii n
    beehive, beehouse, apiary, kneading-trough
  1533. alveare, alvearis n
    beehive, beehouse, apiary, kneading-trough
  1534. alvearium, alvearii n
    beehive, beehouse, apiary, kneading-trough
  1535. apicularius, apicularii m
    beekeeper, apiarist
  1536. antetemporaneus, antetemporanea, antetemporaneum
    been before time, prehistoric
  1537. apes mellificant
    bees make honey
  1538. alicuius os sublino
    befool, cheat, bamboozle, make someone believe something, lead someone by the nose, pull the wool over someone's eyes, deceive someone
  1539. ante omnia
    before all things, first of all, above all, especially, chiefty, first of all, in the first place
  1540. antegenitalis, antegenitale
    before birth
  1541. ante lucanam
    before dawn, before daybreak
  1542. ante lucanum
    before dawn, before daybreak
  1543. ante lucem
    before dawn, before daybreak
  1544. ante lucis adventum
    before dawn, before daybreak
  1545. antelucio
    before daybreak
  1546. anteluculo
    before daybreak
  1547. ante alpha et beta
    before learning to read, in the pre-school years
  1548. antelucano
    before light, before day
  1549. antelucanum
    before light, before day
  1550. antelucanus, antelucana, antelucanum
    before light, before day, continue the whole night until daybreak
  1551. antenuptialis, antenuptiale
    before marriage, pre-wedding
  1552. antemeridialis, antemeridiale
    before mid-day, before noon
  1553. antemeridianus, antemeridiana, antemeridianum
    before mid-day, before noon
  1554. ante lucernas
    before night time
  1555. ante Verrem praetorem
    before the praetorship of Verres
  1556. ante tempus
    before the right time, before the appointed time, before the proper time, before the lawful time
  1557. ante diem
    before the time, before the time destined by fate
  1558. ante tubam
    before the trumpet sounds, before the war begins
  1559. abante
  1560. ante + Akk.
  1561. anterius
  1562. ante
    before, formerly, especially, in advance, forward, ahead, first, beforehand
  1563. alicuius opem imploro
    beg somebody for help
  1564. aggenero 1
    beget in addition to
  1565. accido 3 [2]
    begin to cut, cut into, so to cut a thing that it falls, fell, cut, impair, weaken
  1566. adedo
    begin to eat, bite, nibble at, gnaw
  1567. augesco 3
    begin to grow, become greater, grow, increase
  1568. adaugesco 3
    begin to increase, begin to augment, grow, thrive
  1569. amasco 3
    begin to love
  1570. addormio 4
    begin to sleep, go to sleep
  1571. assudesco 3
    begin to sweat
  1572. aliter me habeo
    behave differently
  1573. adolescenturio 4
    behave like an adulescens
  1574. adulescentior 1
    behave like an adulescens
  1575. adulescenturio 4
    behave like an adulescens
  1576. amputatio capitis
    beheading, decapitation
  1577. arbitrium ago
    being a referee
  1578. adsuetudo, adsuetudinis f
    being accustomed to, custom, habit
  1579. agor 3
    being carried away, being driven away, being led around
  1580. ancipitibus locis premor
    being harassed from the front and from behind
  1581. ancipiti periculo premor
    being in a tight spot, it's quite dangerous for me, being cornered
  1582. adducor 3
    being induced
  1583. amentia, amentiae f
    being out of one’s senses, beside one’s self, madness, insanity, folly, stupidity, malice, malignity
  1584. adsum alicui animo non amico
    being present for someone without a friendly disposition
  1585. aestu et febri iactor
    being shaken by fever heat
  1586. aestu febrique iactor
    being shaken by fever heat
  1587. aliquid pro certo credo
    believe something as certain, consider something as certain
  1588. alicuius gloriae obtrecto
    belittle someone
  1589. atropus, atropi f
  1590. alvus, alvi f
    belly, paunch, bowels, womb, stomach, digestive organs, beehive, basin (in the Jewish temple)
  1591. a latere regis sum
    belong to the closest environment of the king
  1592. appertineo 2
    belong to, appertain to
  1593. Apollinaris, Apollinare
    belonging or sacred to Apollo, of Apollo
  1594. avitus, avita, avitum
    belonging to a grandfather, coming from a grandfather, ancestral, very old, very ancient
  1595. aulicus, aulica, aulicum
    belonging to a prince’s court, princely
  1596. Aleppensis, Aleppense
    belonging to Aleppo
  1597. Algerinus, Algerina, Algerinum
    belonging to Algeria
  1598. Ammoniacus, Ammoniaca, Ammoniacum
    belonging to Ammon
  1599. accusativus, accusativa, accusativum
    belonging to an accusation
  1600. asinaricius, asinaricia, asinaricium
    belonging to an ass
  1601. asinarius, asinaria, asinarium
    belonging to an ass
  1602. angelicus, angelica, angelicum
    belonging to angels, angelic
  1603. Antiochensis, Antiochense
    belonging to Antiochia
  1604. Antiochenus, Antiochena, Antiochenum
    belonging to Antiochia
  1605. Apollineus, Apollinea, Apollineum
    belonging to Apollo
  1606. Aquinas, Aquinatis
    belonging to Aquinum
  1607. artificialis, artificiale
    belonging to art, artificial, according to the rules of art
  1608. auguralis, augurale
    belonging to augurs, relating to soothsaying, relating to prophecy, augurial
  1609. augurialis, auguriale
    belonging to augurs, relating to soothsaying, relating to prophecy, augurial
  1610. augurionalis, augurionale
    belonging to augurs, relating to soothsaying, relating to prophecy, augurial
  1611. apianus, apiana, apianum
    belonging to bees, of bees
  1612. aucupatorius, aucupatoria, aucupatorium
    belonging to bird-catching, useful in bird-catching
  1613. adhortativus, adhortativa, adhortativum
    belonging to exhortation
  1614. alieuticus, alieutica, alieuticum
    belonging to fishing
  1615. aratorius, aratoria, aratorium
    belonging to plowing
  1616. angualis, anguale
    belonging to Sancus
  1617. atomicus, atomica, atomicum
    belonging to the atom
  1618. accubitaris, accubitare
    belonging to the dining sofa
  1619. antarius, antaria, antarium [2]
    belonging to the door, outside the city
  1620. apotelesmaticus, apotelesmatica, apotelesmaticum
    belonging to the drawing up of a birth horoscope, belonging to the nativity scene
  1621. auricularius, auricularia, auricularium
    belonging to the ears
  1622. adterrāneus, adterrānea, adterrāneum
    belonging to the earth: fulmina, coming from the earth
  1623. atterrāneus, atterrānea, atterrāneum (adterrāneus)
    belonging to the earth, coming from the earth
  1624. armamentarius, armamentaria, armamentarium
    belonging to the equipment
  1625. amburbiale, amburbialis n
    belonging to the expiatory procession round the city of Rome
  1626. amburbalis, amburbale
    belonging to the expiatory procession round the city of Rome,
  1627. amburbialis, amburbiale
    belonging to the expiatory procession round the city of Rome,
  1628. affativus, affativa, affativum
    belonging to the form of address
  1629. agnellinus, agnellina, agnellinum
    belonging to the lamb
  1630. agonotheticus, agonothetica, agonotheticum
    belonging to the organization of competitions
  1631. arvignus, arvigna, arvignum
    belonging to the ram
  1632. amnalis, amnale
    belonging to the river
  1633. agrimensorius, agrimensoria, agrimensorium
    belonging to the surveyor, pertaining to the surveyor
  1634. aprogineus, aproginea, aprogineum
    belonging to the wild boar
  1635. aprugineus, apruginea, aprugineum
    belonging to the wild boar
  1636. aprugnus, aprugna, aprugnum
    belonging to the wild boar
  1637. aprunus, apruna, aprunum
    belonging to the wild boar
  1638. anclabris, anclabre
    belonging to the worship of gods
  1639. agapetus, agapeta, agapetum
    beloved, desired, in someone's favour
  1640. arcuor 1
    bend itself in the form of a bow
  1641. ancala, ancalae f
    bend of the knee, knee, back of the knee
  1642. ancale, ancales f
    bend of the knee, knee, back of the knee
  1643. almitas, almitatis f
    benignity, kind behavior
  1644. almities,almitiei f
    benignity, kind behavior
  1645. aduncus, adunca, aduncum
    bent in the manner of a hook, hooked
  1646. amflexus, amflexa, amflexum
    bent round, curved round
  1647. acina, acinae f
    berry, grape, stone of a berry
  1648. acinum, acini n
    berry, grape, stone of a berry
  1649. acinus, acini m
    berry, grape, stone of a berry
  1650. amens formidine
    beside himself with fear
  1651. amens dolore
    beside himself with pain
  1652. allinio 4
    besmear, cover over, bedaub, draw over, attach to, impart to
  1653. allino 3 (adlino 3)
    besmear, cover over, bedaub, draw over, attach to, impart to
  1654. animos nudo
    betray one's convictions
  1655. aperior 4
    betray oneself, reveal oneself
  1656. alicui aliquam fallaciam porto
    betray somebody, deceive somebody, defraud somebody, cheat on somebody
  1657. affor mortuum
    bid farewell to the dead at the burial, take the last adieu
  1658. auctoror 1
    bind one’s self, oblige one’s self, hire one’s self out
  1659. alligo 1 (adligo 1)
    bind to something, bind, bind up, bind round, bind, hold fast, hinder, detain, oblige, lay under obligation
  1660. adalligo 1
    bind to, fasten to, attach
  1661. ango 3
    bind together, draw together, press together, throttle, strangle, cause (physical) pain, distress, torment, torture, vex, trouble, puts in torturing suspense
  1662. alligatio, alligationis f
    binding to, tying to, band
  1663. adstrictōrius, adstrictōria, adstrictōrium
    binding, astringent
  1664. astrictōrius, astrictōria, astrictōrium
    binding, astringent
  1665. auceptor, auceptoris m
    bird catcher
  1666. auspex, auspicis m
    bird inspector, bird-seer, augur, soothsayer, diviner, author, founder, director, leader, protector, favorer, matchmaker, beginning
  1667. avis clamatoria
    bird of bad omen
  1668. atricapilla, atricapillae f
    bird of black plumage, blackcap
  1669. avis rapax
    bird of prey
  1670. avis rapto vivens
    bird of prey
  1671. apiastra, apiastrae f
    bird that lies in wait for bees, bee-eater
  1672. auceps, aucupis m
    bird-catcher, fowler, bird-seller, spy, eavesdropper
  1673. aucupator, aucupatoris m
    bird-catcher, fowler, spy, eavesdropper, bird catcher,catcher, grappler, grabber
  1674. aucupex, aucupicis m
    bird-catcher, fowler, spy, eavesdropper, bird catcher,catcher, grappler, grabber
  1675. aucipium, aucipii n
    bird-catching, fowling, catching at, lying in wait for something, birds caught
  1676. aucupium, aucupii n
    bird-catching, fowling, catching at, lying in wait for something, birds caught
  1677. avipes, avipedis
    bird-footed, swift-footed
  1678. aviarius, aviarii m
  1679. avicularius, avicularii m
  1680. auguraculum, auguraculi n
    bird-watching area
  1681. avis, avis f
    bird, fowl, divination bird, bird sign, omen, portent
  1682. auca, aucae f
    bird, goose
  1683. aucupatio, aucupationis f
    birdcatching, fowling
  1684. aucilla, aucillae f
  1685. aves trimestres
    birds that only stay for three months
  1686. aves remores
    birds that stop a project
  1687. ambigenus, ambigena, ambigenum
    bisexual, of double gender, of two sexes
  1688. admordeo 2
    bite at, gnaw, bite into, fleece someone
  1689. admorsus, admorsus m
    biting at, gnawing, bite
  1690. amara nux
    bitter almond
  1691. amaror, amaroris m
    bitter taste, bitter feeling, bitterness
  1692. amarulentus, amarulenta, amarulentum
    bitter, full of bitterness
  1693. amarus, amara, amarum
    bitter, pungent, brackish, rough, sharp, shrill, disagreeable, offensive, calamitous, unpleasant, sad, biting, acrimonious, sarcastic, caustic, severe, morose, ill-natured, sour, irritable
  1694. amaricatus, amaricata, amaricatum
    bitter, resentful, disappointed, frustrated, angry
  1695. acide
    bitterly, disagreeably
  1696. amare
    bitterly, hurtfully, full of bitterness, full of bile
  1697. amariter
    bitterly, hurtfully, full of bitterness, full of bile
  1698. amaritas, amaritatis f
  1699. amaritia, amaritiae f
  1700. amarities, amaritiei f
  1701. amara, amarorum n
    bitterness, bitter things
  1702. amaricatio, amaricationis f
    bitterness, resentment, disappointment, bitterness, severity, acrimoniousness, sadness, sorrow, trouble
  1703. amaritudo, amaritudinis f
    bitterness, severity, acrimoniousness, sadness, sorrow, trouble
  1704. atra bilis
    black bile, melancholy, sadness, dejection, rage, fury, madness
  1705. anthracina, anthracinorum n
    black clothes
  1706. atramentum sepiae
    black juice of the squid, black juice of the octopus
  1707. antipathes antipathis f
    black kind of coral used as a preventive of witchcraft
  1708. annona excandefacta
    black market
  1709. annona incensa
    black market, black trade, , overheated inflation
  1710. atra fax
    black smoking torch
  1711. atricapillus, atricapilla, atricapillum
  1712. ater, atra, atrum
    black, coalblack, lustreless-black, sable, dark, stormy (mare), clothed in black, gloomy, sad, dismal, unfortunate, unlucky (dies), malevolent, malicious, virulent, obscure
  1713. atricolor, atricoloris
    blackcolored, written with ink
  1714. alicuius famae obsisto
    blacken someone's reputation, obscure someone's reputation
  1715. atritas, atritatis f
  1716. atritudo, atrituddinis f
  1717. amaurosis, amaurosis f
    blackout, darkening, obscuration
  1718. ars ferraria
    blacksmithing, blacksmith's craft
  1719. agna, agnae f (2)
    blade, straw
  1720. accusabilis, accusabile
    blameworthy, reprehensible
  1721. accentus, accentus m
    blast, signal, accentuation of a word, accent, tone, intensity, violence
  1722. afflagrans, afflagrantis
    blazing up, flaming up
  1723. animam cum sanguine effundo
    bleed to death
  1724. almificus, almifica, almificum
    blessing, soothing
  1725. apodidrascinda, apodidrascindorum n
    blind cow game
  1726. alicuius aciem mentis praestringo
    blind someone, give someone the wrong impression, mislead someone, pull the wool over someone's eyes
  1727. aciem oculorum alicui praestringo
    blind someone's eyes, dazzle someone's eyes
  1728. andabata, andabatae m
    blindfighter, kind of Roman gladiator, whose helmet was without openings for the eyes, and who therefore fought blindfolded for the amusement of spectators
  1729. alveolum interpello
    block the riverbed
  1730. arma uncta cruore
    bloodstained weapons
  1731. ancentus, ancentus m
    blow (of an instrument)
  1732. afflo 1
    blow on, breathe on, blow to, breathe to, bear to, bring to, impart to
  1733. aprunculus, aprunculi m
    boar cub, young boar
  1734. axedo, axedinis f
    board, plank
  1735. axis, axis m (assis, assis m)
    board, plank
  1736. acsula, acsulae f
    board, wooden plate
  1737. alapator, alapatoris m
    boaster, bragger
  1738. adtertiatus, adtertiata, adtertiatum
    boiled down until the third
  1739. attertiatus, attertiata, attertiatum (adtertiatus)
    boiled down until the third
  1740. apiatus, apiata, apiatum
    boiled with parsley, like a parsley-leaf, crisped
  1741. aulicoctus, aulicocta, aulicoctum
    boiled, cooked in the pot
  1742. aestuatio, aestuationis f
    boiling up, foaming, trouble of mind, agitation of mind, apprehension, discomfort, imbalance, discomfort
  1743. audax, audacis
    bold, courageous, spirited, audacious, rash, presumptuous, foolhardy, unusual, violent, fierce, proud
  1744. audaciter
    boldly, courageously, audaciously
  1745. audacter (audaciter)
    boldly, courageously, audaciously
  1746. audenter
    boldly, fearlessly, rashly
  1747. audentia, audentiae f
    boldness, courage, spirit, freedom in the use of words, license
  1748. animositas, animositatis f
    boldness, courage, spirit, vehemence, impetuosity, ardor, wrath, enmity
  1749. audacia, audaciae f
    boldness, daring, intrepidity, courage, valor, audacity, presumption, temerity, insolence, impudence
  1750. animum alicui tollo
    bolster up someone's courage
  1751. aeronavis pyrobolaria
  1752. aeroplanum bombiferum
    bomber, bomb-carrying aircraft
  1753. animum alicuius augeo
    boost someone's courage
  1754. ager confinis
    border area, border region, borderland
  1755. affines, affinium m
    border neighbors
  1756. affinis, affinis m
    border neighbour
  1757. arbor in fine agri posita
    border tree
  1758. arbor terminalis
    border tree
  1759. anatresis, anatresis f
    boring through
  1760. amnigenus, amnigena, amnigenum
    born in a river, born of a river-god
  1761. aquilonigena, aquilonigenae c
    born in the north, of northern extraction, northerly, northern
  1762. aquigenus, aquigena, aquigenum
    born in the water
  1763. adnatus, adnata, adnatum
    born to, belonging to, connected with by birth
  1764. agnatus, agnata, agnatum
    born to, belonging to, connected with by birth
  1765. astrosus, astrosa, astrosum
    born under an evil star, ill-starred
  1766. ars herbaria
    botany, herbal knowledge
  1767. atque ... atque ...
    both , , , as well as , , ,
  1768. ambae, ambarum f
    both hands
  1769. affectabat ut Romanus, ita Poenus Siciliam
    both the Romans and the Punic claimed Sicily
  1770. ardebant mentibus ambo
    both were inflamed in love, both were in love
  1771. ambo, ambae, ambo
    both, both together
  1772. aures alicuius impleo
    bother someone's ears, pester someone, nag someone, bother someone's ears
  1773. aures alicuius obtundo
    bother someone's ears, pester someone, nag someone, bother someone's ears
  1774. ampullacium, ampullacii n
    bottle-shaped flower of the pomegranate
  1775. ampullagium, ampullagii n
    bottle-shaped flower of the pomegranate
  1776. abyssus, abyssi f
    bottomless pit, an abyss, sea, place of the dead, hell
  1777. aperantologia, aperantologiae f
    boundless chattiness
  1778. arcifer, arciferi m
    bow carrier, archer
  1779. approno 1
    bow down forwards
  1780. aggeniculor 1
    bow the knee before, kneel before
  1781. arcuatilis, arcuatile
  1782. arcus, arcus m (arquus, arquus m)
    bow, rainbow, bow in building, arch in building, vault, arch, triumphal arch, any thing arched or curved like a bow, mathematical arc
  1783. arquus, arquus m
    bow, rainbow, bow in building, arch in building, vault, arch, triumphal arch, any thing arched or curved like a bow, mathematical arc
  1784. aevo obsitus
    bowed by years
  1785. alabaster, alabastri m
    box for perfume, casket for perfumes, box for unguents, form of a rose-bud
  1786. alabastrum, alabastri n
    box for perfume, casket for perfumes, box for unguents, form of a rose-bud
  1787. armillarius, armillarii m
    bracelet maker
  1788. alazon, alazonis m
    braggart, boaster
  1789. aero, aeronis m
    braided basket, wicker basket, hamper
  1790. aenëum pectori tegumen
    brazen breastplate
  1791. aerea suta
    brazen chain mail
  1792. acieris, acieris f
    brazen sacrificial ax of the sacrificial priests
  1793. aereus ensis
    brazen sword
  1794. aera legum
    brazen tablets of law
  1795. aeneum, aenei n
    brazen vessel
  1796. aeratius, aeratia, aeratium
  1797. ars, quae nihil utilitatis habet
    breadless art, useless art
  1798. alienor 1
    break away, tergiversate
  1799. abrumpo 3
    break off, rend, tear, sever, interrupt, destroy, violate
  1800. abscissio, abscissionis f
    breaking off in the midst of a discourse, interruption
  1801. aposiopesis, aposiopesis f
    breaking off in the midst of a speech
  1802. anfractus, anfractus m (amfractus)
    breaking round, bending, recurving, turning, circuit, revolution, a tortuous, circuitous route, circumlocution, digression, ramifications, intricacies, prolixity
  1803. amfractus, amfractus m
    breaking round, bending, recurving, turning, circumlocution, digression, intricacies, prolixity
  1804. allacto 1
    breastfeed simultaneously, breastfeed on the side
  1805. anhelus cursus
    breath heavy run, a run causing to pant
  1806. aspiramentum, aspiramenti n
  1807. animus, animi m
    breath, life, soul, wind, spirit, mind, the rational soul in man, intellect, sensibility, will, reason, memory, consciousness, vital power, conscience, opinion, judgment, imagination, fancy
  1808. alitus, alitus m
    breath, vapour, scent, haze
  1809. a metu respiro
    breathe again from the fear
  1810. aera spiritu duco
    breathe air
  1811. aegre spiritum duco
    breathe heavily, have heavy breath
  1812. animam in arma cruore diffundo
    breathe my life away bit by bit, pouring the blood on the armour
  1813. adhalo 1
    breathe on
  1814. auras vitales carpo
    breathe the air of life, enjoy the airs of life, live
  1815. auras vitales suscipio
    breathe the air of life, live
  1816. aspiro 1
    breathe upon, blow upon, exhale, be favorable to, favor, assist, aspire to, desire to reach, desire to obtain, approach, come near, arrive at, attain to, give the h sound, aspirate, infuse, instil, be washed
  1817. adspiro 1
    breathe upon, blow upon, exhale, be favorable to, favor, assist, aspire to, desire to reach, desire to obtain, approach, come near, arrive at, attain to, give the h sound, aspirate, infuse, instil, wash
  1818. animam traho
  1819. afflamen, afflaminis n
    breathing on, enthusiasm
  1820. animatus, animatus m
  1821. aura maris
    breeze from the sea, sea breeze
  1822. ambitus largitiones
    bribes to steal office
  1823. annotatiuncula, annotatiunculae f
    brief annotation
  1824. auditiuncula, auditiunculae f
    brief discourse, short message
  1825. argumenta breviter astringo
    briefly summarize the evidence,
  1826. aes canorum
    bright-sounding trumpet
  1827. argennon, argenni n
    brilliant, white silver
  1828. alicui quid triste nuntio
    bring a message of grief to someone
  1829. adduco 3
    bring a person into a certain condition, prompt to, induce to, prevail upon, persuade to, move to, incite to
  1830. adumbro 1
    bring a shadow over a thing, cast a shadow on, shade by something, overshadow by something, shade, represent an object with the due mingling of light and shade, represent a thing in the appropriate manner, represent a thing only in outline
  1831. adporto adventum
    bring an arrival
  1832. arripio 5
    bring before a tribunal, summon before a tribunal, complain of, accuse, attack with ridicule, attack with reproach, ridicule, satirize
  1833. alterum cum altero compenso
    bring both into balance
  1834. accusationem factito
    bring charges
  1835. arma Cretae commoveo
    bring Crete under arms
  1836. aborto 1
    bring forth prematurely
  1837. ago 3
    bring forth, put forth, put out, shoot, extend, guide, govern, move, impel, excite, urge to a thing, prompt to, induce to, agitate, rouse vehemently, pursue with hostile intent, persecute, disturb, vex, attack, assail
  1838. alius alii subsidium ferunt
    bring help to each other, help each other
  1839. aliquem testem do
    bring in someone as a witness
  1840. aliquem testem edo
    bring in someone as a witness
  1841. aliquem testem produco
    bring in someone as a witness
  1842. aliquem testem profero
    bring in someone as a witness
  1843. aliquem ad deliberationem adhibeo
    bring in someone for advice, involve someone for advice
  1844. ante oculos vestros res gestas proponite
    bring one's deeds before one's eyes
  1845. amico salutem affero
    bring salvation to the friend
  1846. aliquem ignominia afficio
    bring shame on someone,
  1847. alicui ignominiam inuro
    bring shame upon someone
  1848. aliquem ad officium reduco
    bring someone back to his duty, lead someone back to obedience
  1849. aliquem restituo
    bring someone back to the right path, restore someone to his senses, restore someone to his possessions and rights
  1850. aliquem de altissimo dignitatis gradu praecipito
    bring someone down from his very high position
  1851. aliquem in alicuius invidiam (odium) voco
    bring someone into disrepute with someone
  1852. aliquem memini
    bring someone to mind, remember someone
  1853. aliquem in suspicionem adduco
    bring someone under suspicion, place someone under suspicion
  1854. alicuius nomen ventilo
    bring someone's name into disrepute, attack someone's reputation
  1855. aliquid in ruinas ago
    bring something down, ruin something
  1856. aliquid ex medio alveo in meam ripam traho
    bring something into calmer waters
  1857. aliquid in usum induco
    bring something to application, apply something
  1858. aliquid ad certum redigo
    bring something to certainty
  1859. aliquid manifestum facio
    bring something to light
  1860. aliquid in vulgus effero
    bring something to the people
  1861. adingero 3
    bring to in addition, heap on
  1862. admaturo 1
    bring to maturity, mature, ripen
  1863. annihilo 1
    bring to nothing, annihilate
  1864. ad exitium voco
    bring to ruin, bring to destruction, reduce to ruin, destroy
  1865. aliis narro
    bring to the people, gossip
  1866. adtulo 3
    bring to
  1867. attulo 3
    bring to
  1868. apporto 1 (adporto 1)
    bring to, carry to, conduct to, convey to
  1869. agmen claudo
    bring up the rear
  1870. admoneo 2
    bring up to one’s mind, put one in mind of, remind, suggest, advise, warn, admonish, recall a thing to memory, bring to remembrance, incite to action, urge to action
  1871. ammoneo 2
    bring up to one’s mind, put one in mind of, remind, suggest, advise, warn, admonish, recall a thing to memory, bring to remembrance, incite to action, urge to action
  1872. alumnor 1
    bring up, educate
  1873. adaquo 1
    bring water to, give to drink
  1874. aquor 1
    bring water, fetch water for drinking, get water, be watered
  1875. affero
    bring, take, carry, convey (a thing to a place), report, announce, inform, publish, cause, occasion, effect, give, impart, bring forwards, allege, assert, adduce, bring forth as a product, yield, bear, produce
  1876. aestifer, aestifera, aestiferum
    bringing heat, causing heat, producing heat
  1877. aestiferus, aestifera, aestiferum
    bringing heat, causing heat, producing heat
  1878. auxiliarius, auxiliaria, auxiliarium
    bringing help, aiding, auxiliary
  1879. auxiliaris, auxiliare
    bringing help, bringing aid, aiding, helping, assisting, auxiliary, pertaining to auxiliaries
  1880. animum ad se ipsum advoco
    bringing the soul to self-awareness, bringing the soul to consciousness of itself, develop self-awareness, go into oneself
  1881. austrifer, austrifera, austriferum
    bringing the south wind
  1882. advectus, advectus m
    bringing to a place, conveying to a place
  1883. advectio, advectionis f
    bringing, conveying, transportation
  1884. alacriter
    briskly, eagerly
  1885. astulosus, astulosa, astulosum
    brittle, splintery, crumbly
  1886. ars plumaria
    brocade weaving
  1887. abruptus, abrupta, abruptum
    broken off from, separated, inaccessible, difficult of access, precipitous, steep, broken, disconnected, abrupt, stubborn
  1888. aena, aenae f
    bronze vessel
  1889. aenum, aeni n
    bronze vessel
  1890. aeripes, aeripedis
    bronzefooted, strong of foot, swift of foot, swiftfooted
  1891. animus fraternus
    brother heart
  1892. affinis, affinis m
  1893. amor fraternus
    brotherly love
  1894. artibus conclusus
    brought into a system, systematised
  1895. absolutus, absoluta, absolutum
    brought to a conclusion, finished, ended, complete
  1896. advecticius, advecticia, advecticium
    brought to a place from a distance, foreign
  1897. alumnus legionum
    brought up in the camp, child of the camp
  1898. attrita, attritorum n
    bruised parts of the body, excoriated parts of the body
  1899. archezostis, archezostidis f
    bryony, also called ampeloleuce
  1900. auctoritas negotiorum publicorum dispensandorum
    budget autonomy of the state
  1901. apenarii, apenariorum m
  1902. apinarii, apinariorum m
  1903. aggerem exstruo
    build a siege wall
  1904. aggerem struo
    build a siege wall
  1905. adstruo 3
    build near, build in addition to a thing, add to, furnish with something
  1906. astruo 3 (adstruo 3)
    build near, build in addition to a thing, add to, furnish with something
  1907. architectonor 1
    build, construct, make, devise, invent, procure
  1908. aedificantes, aedificantium m
    builder, installer
  1909. aedifex, aedificis m
    builder, maker, architect
  1910. aedificator, aedificatoris m
    builder, maker, architect, that is fond of building
  1911. architector, architectoris m
    building artist, master builder, architect
  1912. aedificium, aedificii n
    building of any kind, edifice, structure
  1913. aedificia circumiecta muris
    buildings around the walls
  1914. aedificia vetustate sublapsa
    buildings that are dilapidated due to their age
  1915. admunio 4
    built into the city wall
  1916. adtundo 3
    bump, knock, strike
  1917. attundo 3
    bump, knock, strike
  1918. aetas ingravescens
    burden of old age, pressure of old age
  1919. amburo 3
    burn around, scorch, burn wholly up, consume
  1920. ardeo avaritia
    burn with greed
  1921. amore ardeo
    burn with love
  1922. adustus, adusta, adustum
    burned by the sun, scorched, made brown, brown, swarthy
  1923. atabulus, atabuli m
    burning wind blowing in Apulia, now called sirocco
  1924. aliquem terra pono
    bury someone
  1925. aliquid terra premo
    bury something in the ground
  1926. agmen autoraedarum longarum
    bus convoy
  1927. autocinetum laophorum
    bus, autobus, motor coach
  1928. apis sedula
    busy bee
  1929. alticinctus atriensis
    busy servant
  1930. atqui
    but anyhow, but any way or wise, yet, notwithstanding, however, rather, but now, but nevertheless, and yet, but indeed, but certainly, by all means, still, instead of that, but, now
  1931. atquin
    but anyhow, but any way or wise, yet, notwithstanding, however, rather, but now, but nevertheless, and yet, but indeed, but certainly, by all means, still, instead of that, but, now
  1932. arieto 1
    butt like a ram, strike violently, beat violently, disturb, harass, disquiet
  1933. amicos ambio
    buttering up one's friends, endearing oneself to one's friends
  1934. arietatio, arietationis f
    butting like a ram
  1935. arma commercor
    buy up weapons, buy up arms
  1936. assensu omnium aliquid approbatur
    by all applause something is approved
  1937. abusive
    by an improper use, slightly, not in good earnest
  1938. anseratim
    by goose type, like geese
  1939. acervatim
    by heaping up, by accumulation, by heaps, in heaps, crowded together, briefly, summarily
  1940. assimulata castrorum consuetudine
    by imitating the usual camp order
  1941. assultim
    by leaps, by bounds
  1942. aliquam plures
    by quite a bit more, by quite a lot more
  1943. assessu meo
    by sitting with me
  1944. adiuratione suae salutis
    by swearing by her own safety
  1945. agminatim
    by troops, in trains, in crowds
  1946. alis alium
    by turns, in turn, one after another
  1947. adinvicem
    by turns, in turn, one after another, alternately, one another, each other, mutually, reciprocally, instead of
  1948. argumentaliter
    by way of proof
  1949. avium, avii n
    by-way, desert, wilderness
  1950. acerbum, acerbi n
    calamity, misfortune
  1951. alicuius rei rationem duco
    calculate something
  1952. anxo 1
    call by name
  1953. auxilio accio aliquem
    call for help, call for assistance, summon for help,
  1954. auxilio aliquem arcesso
    call for help, call for assistance, summon for help,
  1955. auxilia arcesso
    call in auxiliary troops
  1956. aliquem testem adhibeo
    call in someone as a witness
  1957. avoco 1
    call off, call away, withdraw, divert, turn, remove, separate, withdraw the attention, distract, divert, interrupt, hinder, cheer, amuse, entertain one’s self, reclaim, recall, revoke, disavow
  1958. arvoco 1
    call one to a place, summon one to a place, avail one’s self of some one in a cause, as aid, assistant, witness, counsellor, call to one’s aid, call to for help, summon, get a respite, delay, give consolation, console (παρακαλεῖν)
  1959. advoco 1
    call one to a place, summon one to a place, call in, call to one’s aid, call to for help, summon, get a respite, delay
  1960. accuso 1
    call one to account, make complaint against, reproach, blame, find fault with, lay the fault on one, call one to account publicly, accuse, inform against, arraign, indict
  1961. aliquem furem clamo
    call someone a thief out loud
  1962. aliquem testem alicuius rei cito
    call someone as a witness in a case
  1963. aliquo teste utor
    call someone as a witness, involve someone as a witness
  1964. aliquem redire iubeo
    call someone back, let someone come back
  1965. aliquem ad (in) consilium adhibeo
    call someone in for advice
  1966. aliquem consilio adhibeo
    call someone in for advice, consult someone
  1967. alicui male dico
    call someone names, defame someone
  1968. aliquem lingua aspergo
    call someone names, jeer at someone, badmouth someone
  1969. aliquem provoco
    call someone to the front of the house
  1970. attentum facio
    call someone's attention
  1971. aliquid memoria repeto
    call something to mind
  1972. antestor 1
    call up as a witness before the opening of the cause, call as a witness
  1973. accio 4
    call, summon, fetch
  1974. adcio 4
    call, summon, fetch
  1975. acclamatio, acclamationis f
    calling to, exclamation, shout, cry of disapprobation, shout of approbation
  1976. advocatio, advocationis f
    calling to, summoning, legal assistance, judicial aid, the whole body of assistants, counsel, the time allowed for procuring legal assistance, any kind of delay, any kind of adjournment, consolation
  1977. arcessio, arcessionis f
    calling, summon
  1978. arcessitio, arcessitionis f
    calling, summon, taking home to God
  1979. accitio, accitionis f
    calling, summoning
  1980. accersio, accersionis f
    calling, summons
  1981. arcessitus, arcessitus m
    calling, summons
  1982. animi duritia
    callousness, hard-heartedness, heartlessness, unmercifulness
  1983. animum compono
    calm down, compose oneself
  1984. aequanimiter
    calmly, with equanimity
  1985. apparatus photographicus
  1986. apparatus cinematographicus
    camera, film camera
  1987. amalocia, amalociae f
    camomile, chamomile
  1988. amalusta, amalustae f
    camomile, chamomile
  1989. ad Africanum minime aspiro
    can by far not compare to the Africanus, far from being able to compare to the Africanus
  1990. aegre me contineo, quin ...
    can hardly abstain from
  1991. abscisio, abscisionis f
    cancel, cut off, failure, interruption
  1992. ambitor, ambitoris m
  1993. aptus ad aliquid faciendum (efficiendum, consequendum)
    capable, able to achieve something
  1994. aptus ad aliquid praestandum
    capable, able to achieve something
  1995. astrictior vivorum usus
    capital shortage
  1996. aes alienum, aeris alieni n
  1997. animos audientium teneo
    captivate one's audience, captivate one's listeners
  1998. aurum triumphatum
    captured gold
  1999. autoraedarius, autoraedarii m
    car driver, racing driver, motorist
  2000. autoraedaria industria
    car industry
  2001. agonisticum autoraedārum curriculum
    car racing
  2002. autostrata, autostratae f
    car road
  2003. autocinetum ad habitandum aptum
    car with living comfort, motorhome, caravan
  2004. autoraedarius, autoraedaria, autoraedarium
  2005. autocinetum, autocineti n
    car, automobile, vehicle
  2006. autoraeda, autoraedae f
    car, motor vehicle
  2007. alta cervice
    carefree, unconcerned, unworried
  2008. anquisite
  2009. accurate
    carefully, nicely, exactly
  2010. accuratim
    carefully, nicely, exactly
  2011. artis salutaris minister
  2012. amor venerius
    carnal love, sexual love
  2013. antequadragesimalia, antequadragesimalium n
  2014. antequadragesimalis, antequadragesimale
    carnival, carnivalistic
  2015. artifex lignorum
  2016. ars dolatoria
    carpentry, carpenter's trade
  2017. apiaca corona
    carpet wreath
  2018. aveho 3
    carry off, carry away, bear off, drive something away
  2019. accusationem perago
    carry out a lawsuit
  2020. advecto 1
    carry to a place often, convey to a place often
  2021. aquas in litus fundo
    carry water into the sea
  2022. arcitenens, arcitenentis
    carrying a bow, bow-bearing, epithet of Apollo and of Diana
  2023. arquitenens, arquitenentis
    carrying a bow, bow-bearing, epithet of Apollo and of Diana
  2024. amiger, amigeri m
    carrying a water bucket, carrying a fire bucket
  2025. asportatio, asportationis f
    carrying away
  2026. anaphorus, anaphori m
    carrying bar
  2027. asellifer, asellifera, aselliferum
    carrying the donkey
  2028. anaglypticus, anaglyptica, anaglypticum
    carved in bas-relief, engraved in bas-relief
  2029. arca nummaria
    cash box
  2030. aesculator, aesculatoris m
    cash collector, cashier
  2031. arcaria nomina
    cash loan against promissory note
  2032. argentum praesentarium
  2033. aurum praesentarium
  2034. arca nummaria
    cash, cashbox
  2035. alatorium, aleatorii n
    casino, gambling house
  2036. acerra, acerrae f
    casket in which was kept the incense used in sacrifices, incense-box
  2037. aliquo imprudentiam oculorum adicio
    cast a careless glance somewhere, look carelessly somewhere
  2038. ancoras iacio
    cast anchor,drop anchor
  2039. ancoras pango
    cast anchor,drop anchor
  2040. ancoras pono
    cast anchor,drop anchor
  2041. abicio 5
    cast away, throw away, throw down, cast off, throw away, give up, throw off, cast aside, cast down to a lower grade, degrade, humble
  2042. affundor 3
    cast one’s self to, throwing one’s at
  2043. abnumero 1
    cast up numbers, reckon up
  2044. aelurus, aeluri c
  2045. auctionalia, auctionalium n
    catalogues of auction sales
  2046. algesco 3
    catch cold, become cold
  2047. aucupiamen, aucupiaminis n
    catch on birds
  2048. aliquem collapsum excipio
    catch someone falling, reach under someone's arms, support someone when they fall
  2049. assequor aliquem
    catch up with someone
  2050. adhamo 1
    catch, secure
  2051. armentum, armenti n
    cattle for ploughing, herd, single cow, ox
  2052. aububulcus, aububulci m
    cattle herder
  2053. armenta bucera
    cattle herds, cattle
  2054. abactor pecorum
    cattle thieve
  2055. abigeator, abigeatoris m
  2056. abigeus, abigei m
  2057. abigeatus, abigeatus m
  2058. ahena undantia flammis
    cauldrons billowing over the flames
  2059. accerso 3
    cause any one to come, call, send for, invite, summon, fetch, order, let be brought, summon, arraign one, before a court of justice, accuse, bring, seek
  2060. arcesso 3
    cause any one to come, call, send for, invite, summon, fetch, order, let be brought, summon, arraign one, before a court of justice, accuse, bring, seek
  2061. arcesso 3
    cause any one to come, call, send for, invite, summon, fetch, summon, arraign one, before a court of justice, accuse, inform against, bring, seek, derive
  2062. auctumno 1
    cause autumn, bring on autumn, bring autumnal weather
  2063. autumno 1
    cause autumn, bring on autumn, bring autumnal weather
  2064. animum alicuius offendo
    cause offence to someone, spoil things with someone, upset someone
  2065. absento 1
    cause one to be absent, send away
  2066. aliquem sollicitum habeo
    cause someone constant grief, make someone's heart heavy
  2067. aerumnam gravem in aliquem obsero
    cause someone severe distress
  2068. alicuius rei materiam do
    cause something to happen, give cause for something to happen
  2069. anxifer, anxifera, anxiferum
    causing anxiety, bringing anxiety, terrifying
  2070. antrum, antri n
    cave, cavern, grotto, hollow of a tree, sedan, any cavity
  2071. antralis, antrale
  2072. absiste viribus indubitare tuis
    cease to distrust thy strength
  2073. amplissime triumpho
    celebrate a very glamorous triumph
  2074. alicuius res gestas versibus orno (celebro)
    celebrate someone's deeds in song
  2075. artifices celebrati
    celebrated artists
  2076. axis caeli
    celestial pole
  2077. agmen medium
    center of the army train
  2078. angustiae rei frumentariae
    cereal deficiency, , cereal shortage, lack of grain
  2079. amplitudines quaedam bonorum excitabantur
    certain extensions of the estates were suggested
  2080. apluda, apludae f
    chaff, bran, kind of drink
  2081. appluda, appludaae f
    chaff, bran, kind of drink
  2082. alyseidion, alyseidii n
  2083. alysidion, alysidii n
  2084. archiposia, archiposiae f
    Chair at the drinking party
  2085. aliquem ad certamen singulare provoco
    challenge someone to a single combat
  2086. aliquem maiestatis arcesso
    challenge someone to court for lese majeste
  2087. aliquem ad pugnam lacesso
    challenge someone to the fight
  2088. anthemis, anthemidis f
  2089. apiana, apianae f
  2090. aestus maritimi mutuo accedentes et recedentes
    change between high and low tide
  2091. animi commutatio
    change of heart, change of mind
  2092. animi iudicium muto
    change one's mind
  2093. animi iudicium muto
    change one's mind, change one's principles, throw one's principles overboard
  2094. aliquem de sententia deduco
    change someone's mind
  2095. aliquem de sententia moveo
    change someone's mind
  2096. aliquem flecto
    change someone's mind
  2097. animum alicuius flecto
    change someone's mind
  2098. animum flecto
    change someone's mind, bring someone round
  2099. alicuius mentem sano
    change someone's mind, bring someone to their senses
  2100. animus commutabilis
    changeable mind, inconstancy
  2101. alternabilis, alternabile
  2102. angelificatus, angelificata, angelificatum
    changed into an angel
  2103. ancipites et varii casus
    changeful destinies, changeful fates
  2104. annuae commutationes
    changes of the seasons
  2105. agogae, agogarum f
    channels or passages for drawing off water
  2106. aurigarius, aurigarii m
    charioteer in the races of the circus
  2107. auriga russeus
    charioteer of the red-clad racers
  2108. antipathes, antipathis n
    charm against pain
  2109. abactio, abactionis f
    chase away
  2110. avibus insidias molior
    chase the birds
  2111. aggarrio 4
    chatter, therefore babble, talk
  2112. annonae vilitas
    cheap grain price
  2113. annonam laxo
    cheapen the grain, reduce the price of corn
  2114. annonam levo
    cheapen the grain, reduce the price of corn
  2115. alicui impono
    cheat someone, pull the wool over someone's eyes
  2116. audax, audacis m
    cheeky, bad boy, villain, daredevil
  2117. adiubilo 1
  2118. ambabus malis voro
    chew on both cheeks, eat heartily, eat well
  2119. aliquid ore premo
    chew something
  2120. archimagirus, archimagiri m
    chief cook
  2121. archimimus, archimimi m
    chief mimic actor, chief pantomime
  2122. archimima, archimimae f
    chief mimic actress
  2123. archimandrita, archimandritae m
    chief of monks, principal of monks, abbot
  2124. archimandrites, archimandritae m
    chief of monks, principal of monks, abbot
  2125. archimandritissa, archimandritissae f
    chief of the monks, head of the monks, abbess, head of the monastery
  2126. archigeron, archigerontis m
    chief of the old men (a title under the emperors)
  2127. archipresbyter, archipresbyteri m
    chief of the presbyteri, arch-priest
  2128. archigubernus, archiguberni m
    chief pilot, chief helmsman
  2129. archibucolus, archibucoli m
    chief priest of Bacchus
  2130. archibuculus, archibuculi m
    chief priest of Bacchus
  2131. archigallus, archigalli m
    chief priest of Cybele
  2132. archiereus, archierei m
    chief priest
  2133. archisacerdos, archisacerdotis m
    chief priest
  2134. authenta, authentae m
    chief prince, head
  2135. affiliatio, affiliationis f
    child adoption, adoption, grafting, insertion
  2136. adnatus, adnati m
    child born after
  2137. agnatus, agnati m
    child born after
  2138. alumnus fortunae
    child of fortune
  2139. alsius, alsia, alsium
    chilly, cold, cool
  2140. alsus, alsa, alsum
    chilly, cold, cool
  2141. allectio, allectionis f
    choice for something, election for something, troop deployment, levying of troops, promotion to a higher office before one has performed the duties of a lower
  2142. antesignani, antesignanorum m
    chosen band of Roman soldiers who fought before the standards, and served for their defence
  2143. agape, agapes f
    Christian love, Christian charity, love-feast of the early Christians
  2144. arbor natalicia
    Christmas tree
  2145. annales, annalium m
    chronicles, annals, archives, history
  2146. annales maximi
    chronicles, annals, yearbooks of the Pontifices Maximi, archives, history
  2147. assessor consistorialis
    church council
  2148. arbor cinnamomi
    cinnamon tree
  2149. aliquid in quadrum numerumque redigo
    circle something precisely and bring it into shape
  2150. auras circino
    circle the skies
  2151. annus, anni m
    circuit, circular course, periodical return, a season of the year, the produce of the year, the age to which one must attain in order to be appointed to an office
  2152. anuloculter, anulocultri m
    circular cutter, annular knife
  2153. armilla, armillae f
    circular ornament for the arm, bracelet, armlet, iron hoop, ring, ferrule
  2154. argumentum immortalitatis affero
    cite a reason for immortality
  2155. aliquem (aliquid) exempli causa commemoro
    cite someone (something) as an example
  2156. aliquem (aliquid) exempli causa nomino
    cite someone (something) as an example
  2157. aliquem (aliquid) exempli causa pono
    cite someone (something) as an example
  2158. aliquem (aliquid) exempli causa profero
    cite someone (something) as an example
  2159. amnenses, amnensium f
    cities situated on rivers, towns situated near a river
  2160. amneses, amnesium f
    cities situated on rivers, towns situated near a river
  2161. ardor civium
    citizen anger, citizen rage
  2162. assidui, assiduorum m
    citizens of the upper and more wealthy classes
  2163. aedificium urbanum
    city hall, town hall, town house
  2164. astu n (indecl.)
  2165. asty, astyos n
  2166. audacia civilis
    civil courage
  2167. aliquem expolio hominemque reddo
    civilize someone
  2168. aliquem mitem reddo et mansuetum
    civilize someone
  2169. a fera agrestique vita ad humanum cultum civilemque deduco
  2170. alicuius laudem mihi assero
    claim someone's fame
  2171. aliquid pro certo affirmo
    claim something as certain
  2172. affectatio Germanicae originis
    claim to Germanic descent
  2173. argillaceus, argillacea, argillaceum
    clayey, of clay, argillaceous
  2174. aether apertus
    clear sky
  2175. argutus, arguta, argutum
    clear, bright, glancing, lively, penetrating, piercing, clear-sounding, sharp, noisy, rustling, whizzing, rattling, clashing, chirping, murmuring, rustling
  2176. adhaereo 2
    cleave to a thing, stick to a thing, cling to, adhere to, be close to a person, be close to a thing, be near, hang on, keep close to, hang on a thing, trail after, drag after, to be the last
  2177. adhaeresco 3
    cleave to, stick to, adhere, correspond to, accord with, fit to, suit
  2178. agoranomus, agoranomi m
    clerk of the market, market overseer, market master
  2179. a manu servus
    clerk, secretary
  2180. amanuensis, amanuensis m
    clerk, secretary
  2181. acta, actae f
  2182. adulor 1
    cling to one fawningly, fawn as a dog, flatter in a cringing manner, fawn upon
  2183. adhaesibilis, adhaesibile
    clinging, devoted, affectionate
  2184. aliquem frango
    clip someone's wings, bring someone back to normal
  2185. arte amicaliterque
    close and friendly, close and amicable
  2186. aures assentatoribus claudo
    close the ear of the flatterers, turn a blind eye to the flatterers
  2187. angustus, angusta, angustum
    close, contracted, small, not spacious, narrow, base, low, mean-spirited, subtle, hair-splitting, brief, simple
  2188. arte
    closely, close, fast, firmly, strongly, deeply
  2189. apte
    closely, fitly, suitably, nicely, rightly, properly, duly
  2190. armarium, armarii n
    closet, chest, safe, (for food, clothing, money)
  2191. atratus, atrata, atratum
    clothed in black for mourning, dressed in mourning
  2192. albatus, albata, albatum
    clothed in white
  2193. arca vestiaria
    clothes box
  2194. animo caliginem offundo
    cloud the powers of reasoning
  2195. agaso, agasonis m
    clumsy, booby
  2196. anthracinus, anthracina, anthracinum
  2197. alphita, alphitorum n
    coarse flour
  2198. aphaerema, aphaerematis n
    coarse kind of grits
  2199. autopyros pānis
    coarse wheat bread with the bran
  2200. autopyrus pānis
    coarse wheat bread with the bran
  2201. araneae (aranei) textura
  2202. alectoros lophos, alectoros lophi f
  2203. aliquem in armis habeo
    coercing someone to stay under arms
  2204. aequator monetae
    coin adjuster, coin guard
  2205. animus fortis
    cold-bloodedness, fearlessness
  2206. animus impavidus
    cold-bloodedness, fearlessness
  2207. animus intrepidus
    cold-bloodedness, fearlessness
  2208. algens, algentis
  2209. algidus, algida, algidum
    cold, frosty, cool, chilly
  2210. algor, algoris m
    cold, perceived cold, coldness
  2211. aesculor 1
    collect copper money
  2212. apocho 1
    collect money against receipt
  2213. annonor 1
    collect provisions, gather provisions
  2214. antae, antarum f
    columns or pilasters on both door sides of a building
  2215. aeroplanum pugnatorium
    combat aircraft, fighter jet
  2216. arenarius, arenarii m
    combatant in the amphitheatre, gladiator, groundsman of the arena, teacher of the elements of arithmetic
  2217. a limine leti revertor
    come alive again, come back to life, come to life again
  2218. antevenio 4
    come before, get the start of, anticipate, thwart, exceed, surpass, excel, become greater, become more distinguished
  2219. apud me ipse decido, ut ...
    come clean with oneself, that
  2220. advento 1
    come continually nearer to a point, come on, approach, arrive at, come to
  2221. aspere aliquem tracto
    come down hard on someone
  2222. attenuor 1 (adtenuor 1)
    come down, fade away
  2223. adpareo 2
    come in sight, appear, become visible, make one’s appearance, be seen, show one’s self, be in public, appear, appear as servant or aid, attend, wait upon, serve
  2224. appareo 2
    come in sight, appear, become visible, make one’s appearance, be seen, show one’s self, be in public, appear, appear as servant or aid, attend, wait upon, serve
  2225. adbito 3
    come near, draw near, approach
  2226. appropinquo 1
    come near, draw nigh to, approach
  2227. aequo Marte discedo
    come out of a fight tied
  2228. advenio 4
    come to a place, reach, arrive at, come into one’s possession, accrue, come by conveyance, be brought
  2229. arvenio 4
    come to a place, reach, arrive at, come into one’s possession, accrue, come by conveyance, be brought
  2230. amissum animum recupero
    come to one's senses again
  2231. auxilio venio alicui
    come to someone's rescue
  2232. animam finio
    come to the end of my life, end my life, die
  2233. auxilio venio
    come to the rescue
  2234. alicui cedo
    come to, fall to one (as a possession), fall to his lot or share, accrue
  2235. animum ad consilium adicio
    come up with a plan
  2236. age
    come!, come on!, follow me!, well then!, well now!, well!, very well!, good!, right!
  2237. agedum (agitedum)!
    come!, come on!, follow me!, well then!, well now!, well!, very well!, good!, right!
  2238. agesis
    come!, come on!, up!, on!, quick!
  2239. amicum tollo
    comfort his friend, raise his friend
  2240. alum, ali n
    comfrey, kind of garlic
  2241. alus, ali f
    comfrey, kind of garlic
  2242. Atellana, Atellanae f
    comic but not wanton kind of popular farce that originated in Atella
  2243. anteventulus, anteventula, anteventulum
    coming before, hanging before
  2244. amplissimo genere natus
    coming from a highly respected family
  2245. arbitrium, arbitrii n
    coming near, a being present, presence, judgment, decision of an arbitrator, opinion, decision, mastery, dominion, authority, power, will, free-will
  2246. adventus, adventus m
    coming, approach, arrival, state of having arrived, being present by arriving
  2247. alterum cornu teneo
    command one of the two wings
  2248. approbabilis, approbabile
    commendable, approvable
  2249. aeroplanum commerciale
    commercial aircraft
  2250. area commercialis
    commercial area, industrial estate
  2251. alligo me scelere
    commit a crime, be guilty of a crime
  2252. adultero 1
    commit adultery, pollute, defile, falsify, adulterate, give a foreign nature to a thing, counterfeit
  2253. adulteror 1
    commit adultery, pollute, defile, falsify, adulterate, give a foreign nature to a thing, counterfeit
  2254. animum ex ēventū sūmptūrus sum
    commit only after the end
  2255. alicuius animum donis vincio
    commit someone to oneself by means of gifts
  2256. animam proicio
    commit suicide, throw away one's life
  2257. alii matrimonio me obstringo
    commit to another marriage
  2258. anazetesis, anazetesis f
    common comfrey, officinal comfrey
  2259. avena, avenae f
    common oats, wild oats, barren oats, any stem of grass, any stalk of grain, a straw, shepherd’s pipe, reed-pipe
  2260. ager compascuus
    common pasture
  2261. agapetus, agapeta, agapetum
    common, popular, customary, usual
  2262. alterna loquor cum aliquo
    communicate with someone
  2263. aequatio omnium bonorum
    communism, community of goods
  2264. adsocietas, adsocietatis f
    community with someone or something, union with someone or something
  2265. associetas, associetatis f
    community with someone or something, union with someone or something
  2266. aequiperantia, aequiperantiae f
  2267. adactio, adactionis f
    compelling, exaction
  2268. ambio aliquem
    compete for someone's vote, curry favour with someone
  2269. agonistica, agonisticorum n
    competition events
  2270. agonisticus, agonistica, agonisticum
  2271. athletica agōnistica
    competitive sports
  2272. agonistarum ritu
    competitively, in a sporting manner, in the manner of competitors
  2273. antepilanus, antepilani m
    competitor, rival
  2274. annonam queror
    complain about the lack of grain, complain about the high price of grain
  2275. apud novercam queror
    complain in vain
  2276. accusatio, accusationis f
    complaint, accusation, indictment, bill of indictment, action, suit
  2277. aliquid plene cumulateque perficio
    complete something to the highest degree, bring something to the pinnacle of perfection, bring something to its highest completion, raise something to its utmost perfection
  2278. aetas adulta
    completed physical development, physical maturity
  2279. aurigabundus, aurigabunda, aurigabundum
    completely devoted to driving
  2280. aures alicuius impleo
    completely satisfy someone's taste
  2281. applene
    completely, totally
  2282. adimpletio, adimpletionis f
    completing, completion
  2283. aromaticus, aromatica, aromaticum
    composed of spice, aromatic, fragrant
  2284. ammoniacum thymiama
    composition for fumigating, incense
  2285. aer compressus
    compressed air
  2286. aer condensatus
    compressed air
  2287. aer pressus
    compressed air
  2288. angor, angoris m
    compression of the neck, strangling, anguish, torment, trouble, vexation
  2289. alicuius famam laedo
    compromise someone, expose someone
  2290. armorum socius
    comrade in arms, brother in arms
  2291. abstrusio, abstrusionis f
  2292. absconsor, absconsoris m
    concealer, hider
  2293. absconsio, absconsionis f
    concealing, hiding
  2294. abditudo, abditudinis f
    concealment, undetectability, hiddenness
  2295. archangelicus, archangelica, archangelicum
    concerning the archangel
  2296. agitatorius, agitatoria, agitatorium
    concerning the charioteer, regarding the driver
  2297. affectionalis, affectionale
    concerning the mind, concerning sensation, affective
  2298. astrictum et collectum dicendi genus
    concise and crowded style of speaking
  2299. astricte (adstricte)
    concisely, briefly
  2300. aversione
    concluding, lock, stock and barrel
  2301. argumentum a fortiori (fortiore)
    conclusion according to the more convincing reason
  2302. argumentum per analogiam
    conclusion by analogy, conclusion on similar cases
  2303. argumentum e contrario
    conclusion from the opposite, reverse conclusion
  2304. apodixis, apodixis f
    conclusive proof, demonstration
  2305. antiquitas, antiquitatis f
    condition of former times, state of former times, the good old times, the honesty of the good old times, integrity, uprightness
  2306. angustiae petitionis
    conditions unfavourable for application, difficulty of obtaining the consular dignity
  2307. adveho 3
    conduct to a place, carry to a place, convey to a place, bear to a place, bring to a place
  2308. arveho 3
    conduct to a place, carry to a place, convey to a place, bear to a place, bring to a place
  2309. aquam per hortum duco
    conducting water through the garden
  2310. aquilegus, aquilegi m
  2311. armorum fidens
    confident in one's military strength
  2312. alicui obviam occedo
    confront someone
  2313. aeri alieno subvenio
    confronting debts, tackling debts, doing something about debts
  2314. aliquem pro aliquo voco
    confuse both names, mistake the two names, confuse someone with someone else
  2315. adiuramentum, adiuramenti n
    conjuring, entreating, pleading, beseech
  2316. animum eius expugno
    conquer his mind
  2317. auspicatus, auspicata, auspicatum
    consecrated by auguries, begun
  2318. assensio elabitur
    consent is dwindling, consent is fading
  2319. animo et cogitatione aliquid complector
    consider and think about something
  2320. aliquem ad quodlibet facinus audacem habeo
    consider someone capable of any bad deed, trust someone with any shameful deed
  2321. aliquid infra me positum arbitror
    consider something beneath one's dignity
  2322. aliquid infra me puto
    consider something beneath one's dignity
  2323. aliquid pro certo habeo
    consider something certain, regard something as certain
  2324. aliquid in rapida aqua scribo
    consider something null and void
  2325. aliquid in religionem verto
    consider something questionable from a religious point of view
  2326. aliquid religioni habeo
    consider something questionable, make a conscience out of something
  2327. aliquam multo
    considerable much
  2328. aliquanto maior
    considerably bigger, considerably greater
  2329. aliquanto ante
    considerably earlier, quite some time before
  2330. aliquanto post
    considerably later, quite some time later, quite some time afterwards
  2331. appensio, appensionis f
    consideration, weighing, assessment
  2332. appensus, appensus m
    consideration, weighing, assessment
  2333. aliquid oblivioni do
    consign something to oblivion, let something fall into oblivion
  2334. animalis, animale
    consisting of air, aërial, animate, living
  2335. anapaesticus, anapaestica, anapaesticum
    consisting of anapœsts
  2336. aegrimoniae adloquia
    consolation against grief, solac against sorrow
  2337. auctoritatem aulae communio
    consolidate the authority of the royal court
  2338. aequisonantia, aequisonantiae f
    consonance, equal sound
  2339. aequisonatio, aequisonationis f
    consonance, equal sound
  2340. adsiduitas, adsiduitatis f - beständiges Fortdauern
    constant presence with any one, constant attendance, constant presence, continuance, duration, constancy of any thing, frequent occurrence of, frequent repetition of
  2341. assiduitas, assiduitatis f (adsiduitas, adsiduitatis f)
    constant presence with any one, constant attendance, constant presence, continuance, duration, constancy of any thing, frequent occurrence of, frequent repetition of
  2342. adsiduus, adsidua, adsiduum
    constantly present somewhere, attending to, busy with, occupied with, continual, unremitting, incessant, perpetual, constant, everlasting, eternal
  2343. assiduus, assidua, assiduum
    constantly present somewhere, attending to, busy with, occupied with, continual, unremitting, incessant, perpetual, constant, everlasting, eternal
  2344. alvus restricta
    constipation, hard bowel movements
  2345. alvus compressa
    constipation, hard bowel movements, heavy stool
  2346. alvus astricta
    constipation, heavy stools
  2347. aliquem ad (in) consilium adhibeo
    consult someone
  2348. advocatum aliquid adhibeo
  2349. aliquem comedo
    consume someone's fortune
  2350. abligurritio, abligurritiomis f
    consuming in feasting, spending in feasting
  2351. absumptio, absumptionis f
    consuming, consumption
  2352. amphorarius, amphoraria, amphorarium
    contained in the amphora, kept in the amphora
  2353. argumentalis, argumentale
    containing proof
  2354. araneans, araneantis
    containing spiders’ webs
  2355. amphoralis, amphorale
    containing the measure of an amphora
  2356. aër infectus
    contaminated air
  2357. aequalis, aequalis m
  2358. ancipiti Marte pugnare
    contend without deciding the contest, struggle with uncertain success
  2359. animus hilaris
    contentment, serene sense
  2360. agon, agonis m
    contest or combat in the public games
  2361. assidue (adsidue)
    continually, constantly, without intermission
  2362. assiduo (adsiduo)
    continually, constantly, without intermission
  2363. annalis, annale
    continuing a year, annual, relating to the year or the age
  2364. artatus, artata, artatum
    contracted into a small compass, narrow, close, short
  2365. antinomia, antinomiae f
    contradiction between laws
  2366. arma ordinaria
    conventional weapons, conventional arms
  2367. a maioribus traditus
    conventional, outdated
  2368. aquae ductio
    conveyance of water
  2369. aquarum ductus, aquarum ductus m
    conveyance of water, aqueduct, conduit
  2370. aquagium, aquagii n
    conveyance of water, aqueduct
  2371. aquae ductus, aquae ductus m
    conveyance of water, aqueduct, conduit
  2372. aquaeductus, aquaeductus m
    conveyance of water, aqueduct, conduit
  2373. apportatio, apportationis f
    conveying, carrying to a place
  2374. abarguo 3
  2375. argumenta vincibilia
    convincing evidence, convincing arguments
  2376. astringor 3 (adstringor 3)
    cool down
  2377. animum expleo
    cool one's heels
  2378. algidum, algidi n
    coolness, coldness, cold
  2379. abundus, abunda, abundum
  2380. aeramen, aeraminis n
    copper vessel, bronze vessel, copper utensil, bronze utensil
  2381. aeramentum, aeramenti n
    copper vessel, bronze vessel, copper utensil, bronze utensil
  2382. aereum, aerei n
    copper color
  2383. aeraria, aerariae f
    copper mine, smelting house, refining house, smelting-furnace
  2384. aeraneus, aeranea, aeraneum
  2385. aeri similis
  2386. aes cyprium
  2387. as aerarius
  2388. angularis columna
    corner column, corner pillar
  2389. angularis res
  2390. agema, agematis n
    corps of soldiers, division of soldiers (in the Macedonian army)
  2391. amplitudo corporis
  2392. amicorum absentium colloquium
    correspondence with absent friends, epistolary correspondence among friends, communication by letter
  2393. antistrophus, antistropha, antistrophum
    corresponding to each other, reciprocal
  2394. ars cosmetica
  2395. aliquem moderor ac rego
    cotroll someone
  2396. accubitum, accubiti n
    couch for a large number of guests to recline on at meals
  2397. agrostis, agrostis f
    couchgrass, quitch-grass
  2398. acerbum tussio
    cough violently, cough heavily
  2399. auricularius, auricularii m
  2400. aliquem vatibus insero
    count someone among the poets, rank someone among the seers
  2401. aliquem in hostium numero duco
    count someone as one's enemy
  2402. aliquid in vitiis pono
    count something among the faults
  2403. adnumero 1
    count to, count out to, put to a person’s account, add to, include with, reckon with, attribute, impute to, reckon for, consider equal to
  2404. annumero 1 (adnumero 1)
    count to, count out to, put to a person’s account, add to, include with, reckon with, give the number of something, attribute to, impute to, reckon for, consider equal to
  2405. antitheus, antithei m
    counter-deity, one who pretends to be God, devil
  2406. anteris, anteridis f
    counter-prop set against a wall to support it, buttress
  2407. antisophista, antisophistae m
    counter-sophist, a grammarian who takes the opposite side of a question
  2408. antisophistes, antisophistae m
    counter-sophist, a grammarian who takes the opposite side of a question
  2409. alicui par sum
    counterbalance someone
  2410. accusatio mutua
    countercharge, recrimination
  2411. adulterator, adulteratoris m
  2412. antidotos, antidoti f
    counterpoison, antidote, remedy
  2413. antidotum, antidoti n
    counterpoison, antidote, remedy
  2414. antidotus, antidoti f
    counterpoison, antidote, remedy
  2415. alicuius peccata enumero
    counting someone's faults on their fingers
  2416. agrestis, agrestis m
    countryman, rustic, farmer, peasant
  2417. agrestes, agrestium m
    countryman, rustics, farmers, peasants
  2418. animus inveteratur
    courage becomes second nature
  2419. animus augescit
    courage grows
  2420. animus percellitur
    courage is broken
  2421. animus debilitatur
    courage is paralysed
  2422. animus affligitur
    courage is shaken
  2423. animi cadunt
    courage sinks
  2424. animus languescit
    courage sinks, courage drops
  2425. area, areae f
    course of life, the halo around the sun or moon, bed or border in a garden, fowling-floor, burying-ground, church-yard, bald spot upon the head, baldness
  2426. aria, ariae f
    course of life, the halo around the sun or moon, bed or border in a garden, fowling-floor, burying-ground, church-yard, bald spot upon the head, baldness
  2427. aulici, aulicorum m
    court servants, courtiers
  2428. affabiliter
    courteously, kindly
  2429. aularius, aularii m
  2430. assentatores regii
    courtiers, courtsmen
  2431. amitinus, amitini m
  2432. amitinae, amitinarum f
  2433. amitini, amitinōrum m
  2434. abacus, abaci m
    cover plate, square tublet, sideboard, gaming-board, counting-table
  2435. adoleo altaria donis
    cover the altar with gifts
  2436. aures claudo
    cover the ears
  2437. adobruo 3
    cover up with earth, bury
  2438. adoperio 4
    cover up, cover, overlay
  2439. attumulo 1
    cover with a burial mound
  2440. adobrutio, adobrutionis f
    cover with earth, pour over with earth, bury
  2441. arcera, arcerae f
    covered carriage for sick persons
  2442. armamaxa, armamaxae f
    covered Persian chariot (especially for women and children)
  2443. aures alicui obturo
    covering ones ears because of someone
  2444. assamentum, assamenti n
    covering with boards, panelling
  2445. accubitalia, accubitalium n
    coverings spread over the tablecouches, sofa cushions
  2446. amphitapa, amphitapae f
    coverlet, shaggy on both sides
  2447. amphitapos, amphitapi m
    coverlet, shaggy on both sides
  2448. adoperte
    covertly, in a dark manner, in a mysterious manner
  2449. avare
    covetously, greedily, avariciously
  2450. avariter
    covetously, greedily, avariciously
  2451. aspere aliquem tracto
    crack down on someone
  2452. amyche, amychae f
    crack, rip, tear
  2453. astute
    craftily, cunningly, shrewdly
  2454. accommodator, accommodatoris m
    craftsman with unknown business
  2455. adversa fortuna utor
  2456. adversa fortuna usus
  2457. alienata mente
    crazy, out of one's mind, insane, of unsound mind
  2458. ante oculos aliquid pono
    create a vivid picture of something, vividly visualise something
  2459. amicitiam coniungo
    create friendship
  2460. amicitiam constituo
    create friendship
  2461. anastomoticus, anastomotica, anastomoticum
    creating an opening
  2462. animalia eius generis
    creatures of this genus
  2463. adrepo 3
    creep to, creep toward, move slowly to, move slowly toward
  2464. arrepo 3 (adrepo 3)
    creep to, creep toward, move slowly to, move slowly toward
  2465. aliquem capto
    creep up on someone's inheritance
  2466. aliquem mortuum cremo (extruo)
    cremate someone who has died
  2467. avis galerita
    crested lark
  2468. anthyllion, anthyllii n
    Cretan pitchplant
  2469. anthyllium, anthyllii n
    Cretan pitchplant
  2470. alias atque alias regiones peto
    criss-cross travel, crusading
  2471. ambiguitas crocodilina
    crocodile conclusion, fallacy
  2472. admutilo 1
    crop, clip close, shave, defraud, cheat, fleece one of his money, shear to the skin
  2473. Alpes supero
    cross the Alps, transcend the Alps
  2474. arma extra fines effero
    crossing borders with weapons in hand
  2475. ales Phoebeius
  2476. aliquem cruci suffigo
    crucify someone
  2477. aliquem in cruce suffigo
    crucify someone
  2478. aliquem in crucem suffigo
    crucify someone
  2479. aliquem in crucem tollo
    crucify someone
  2480. analecta, analectae m
    crumb collector, he that collected the crumbs, left after a meal, that picked up words (said of parasites)
  2481. astulae, astularum f
    crumbled pieces of stone
  2482. analecta, analectorum n
    crumbs, chunks
  2483. auribus alicuius opploro
    cry someone's ears
  2484. allacrimans, allacrimantis
    crying at that
  2485. astrion, astrii n
    crystalline precious stone, found in India, kind of sapphire, adularia
  2486. astrios, astrii f
    crystalline precious stone, found in India, kind of sapphire, adularia
  2487. agros mitigo
    cultivate fallow land, cultivate wasteland
  2488. agricolor 1
    cultivate land, pursue agriculture
  2489. agriculturae studeo
    cultivate land, pursue agriculture
  2490. agricultor, agricultoris m
    cultivator of land, husbandman, agriculturist, farmer, ploughman, countryman, boor, peasant
  2491. agricola, agricolae m
    cultivator of land, husbandman, agriculturist, farmer, ploughman, countryman, boor, peasant, deity of agriculture (Ceres, Faunus, Faunus)
  2492. agricula, agriculae m
    cultivator of land, husbandman, agriculturist, farmer, ploughman, countryman, boor, peasant, deity of agriculture (Ceres, Faunus, Faunus)
  2493. armāria, armāriae f
    cupboard, cabinet
  2494. amores, amorum m
    Cupids, Loves, liaisons, flirtations, love affairs, amours
  2495. aegrotum sano
    cure a sick person, heal a sick person
  2496. alicuius gratiam consequor
    curry favour with someone, win someone's favour, win someone over
  2497. anathema, anathematis n
    curse of excommunication, anathema, the person cursed, the person excommunicated, church ban
  2498. anathematio, anathemationis f
  2499. anathematismus, anathematismi m
    curse, church ban
  2500. anathemabilis, anathemabile
    cursed, damnable
  2501. anuli velares
    curtain rings
  2502. aediles curules
    curulic aediles
  2503. aduncitas, aduncitatis f
    curvature of a point inwards, hookedness, aduncity
  2504. adunco 1
    curve inwards like a hook
  2505. amphicyrtos, amphicyrton
    curved on both sides
  2506. aplustra, aplustrorum n
    curved stern of a ship, with its ornaments
  2507. aplustre, aplustris n (aplustria, aplustra)
    curved stern of a ship, with its ornaments
  2508. ancus, anca, ancum
    curved, crooked, bent, curved
  2509. anaclinterium, anaclinterii n
    cushion for leaning upon
  2510. anacliterium, anacliterii n
    cushion for leaning upon
  2511. analectris, analectridis f
    cushion for the shoulders (used to improve the figure), shoulder-pad
  2512. amcisus, amcisa, amcisum
    cut around, cut away
  2513. ancisus, ancisa, ancisum
    cut around, cut away
  2514. amputo 1
    cut around, cut away, cut off, prune, lop off, curtail, shorten, diminish
  2515. arborem auctum caedo
    cut down a strong tree, fell a strong tree
  2516. a ceteris abruptus
    cut from the rest, cut off from the others
  2517. abnodo 1
    cut off knots, clear trees of knots
  2518. annodo 1
    cut off knots, clear trees of knots
  2519. accisus, accisa, accisum
    cut off or down, impaired, ruined, troubled, disordered
  2520. amputo auriculam alicuius (alicui)
    cut off someone's ear
  2521. aliquem dicentem interpello
    cut off someone's speech, cut off someone's word
  2522. alicuius vocem claudo
    cut off someone's word in the mouth
  2523. abscise
    cut off, concisely, shortly, distinctly
  2524. abscido 3
    cut off, deprive of, detract
  2525. absectus, absecta, absectum
    cut off, isolated, alone
  2526. abssectus, abssecta, abssectum
    cut off, isolated, alone
  2527. aliquid ad vivum reseco
    cut something up to the meat, cut something very deep, take something very carefully
  2528. ancoram praecido
    cut the anchor
  2529. ancoras praecido
    cut the cables
  2530. amputator, amputatoris m
    cutter, shortener, abbreviator, incutter, circumciser, culler, mutilator
  2531. ambecisus, ambecisus m
    cutting around, rounding off
  2532. ancisio, ancisionis f
    cutting around, rounding off
  2533. atramenti effusione sepiae se tutantur
    cuttlefish protect themselves by expelling a black juice
  2534. assuetudo cotidiana
    daily habit
  2535. acta militaria
    daily records of the movements of a legion
  2536. amphemerinos, amphemerinon
    daily, occurring every day, not intermittent
  2537. aggere opposito claudo
    dam up
  2538. aggerem aquae obicio
    dam up the water, accumulate the water
  2539. aggerem obicio
    dam up
  2540. aggereus, aggerea, aggereum
    dam-like, wall-like, rampart-like
  2541. artifex polymitarius
    damask weaver
  2542. ardorem animi restinguo
    dampen the enthusiasm
  2543. amtruo 1
    dance around
  2544. antruo 1
    dance around, dance hopping
  2545. andruo 1
    dance around, run back
  2546. amptruo 1
    dance hopping
  2547. albugines capitis
    dandruff, head dandruff, scurf upon the head
  2548. anceps, ancipitis n
    danger, hazard, peril
  2549. audeo dicere
    dare to assert
  2550. audaciae, audaciarum f
    daring deeds
  2551. audens, audentis
    daring, bold, intrepid, courageous
  2552. aquilius, aquilia, aquilium
    dark brown, black brown
  2553. aquilus, aquila, aquilum
    dark brown, black brown
  2554. atrox, atrocis
    dark, gloomy, frowning, horrible, hideous, frightful, dreadful, savage, cruel, fierce, atrocious, harsh, severe, unyielding, violent, bitter
  2555. allisio, allisionis f
    dashing against, striking upon
  2556. abneptis, abneptis f
    daughter of a great-grandchild
  2557. adneptis, adneptis f
    daughter of the abnepos, daughter of the abneptis, granddaughter of a great-grandchild, fourth granddaughter
  2558. atneptis, atneptis f
    daughter of the abnepos, daughter of the abneptis, granddaughter of a great-grandchild, fourth granddaughter
  2559. admatertera, admaterterae f
    daughter of the great-great-aunt
  2560. adamita, adamitae f
    daughter of the sister of the great-grandfather
  2561. affinis, affinis f
  2562. aurora, aurorae f
    dawn, daybreak, morning, goddess of the morning, the East, the Orient
  2563. alternis diebus
    day after day, one day after the other
  2564. abbacino 1
    dazzle, glare
  2565. abalienatus, abalienata, abalienatum
    dead, deceased
  2566. alicuius familiaritate utor
    deal familiarly with somebody
  2567. ago cum aliquo
    deal with someone
  2568. ad vectigalia accedo
    deal with the customs lease
  2569. arundinarius, arundinariī m
    dealer in limed twigs
  2570. aromatarius, aromatariī m
    dealer in spices
  2571. aeris alieni magnitudo
    debt burden
  2572. aeris alieni solutio
    debt payment, debt settlement, debt redemption
  2573. addictus, addicti m
    debt servant
  2574. aere alieno liberatus
  2575. aere alieno solutus
    debt-free, free of depts
  2576. aere alieno vacuus
    debt-free, free of depts
  2577. aerator, aeratoris m
  2578. aes alienum, aeris alieni n
  2579. abolesco 3
    decay little by little, vanish, cease
  2580. aliquem imprudentem obrepo
    deceive someone secretly, trick someone
  2581. aura fallax
    deceptive favour (of love)
  2582. agere et celerare statuo
    decide to act quickly
  2583. arbitrium pacis ac belli
    deciding on war and peace
  2584. auctoritas collegii
    decision of the Pontifices
  2585. argumentorum momenta
    decisive grounds for proof
  2586. agnosco 3
    declare a thing to be one’s own, announce a thing to be one’s own, allow a thing to be one’s own, admit a thing to be one’s own, acknowledge, understand, recognize, know, perceive by, become acquainted with, perceive, apprehend, discern, remark, see
  2587. assero 3 (adsero 3)
    declare it one’s own possession, maintain, affirm, assert, declare
  2588. assero 3 (adsero 3)
    declare one (a slave) to be free by laying hands upon him, set free, liberate, declare one to be a slave by laying the hand upon him, claim as a slave, free from, protec, defend, defend against, appropriate something to one’s self, claim
  2589. amorem alicui declaro
    declare one's love to someone
  2590. aqua et igni interdico
    declare outlawed, ostracise, banish
  2591. aqua et igni interdico alicui
    declare someone an outlaw, banish someone, boycott someone, condemn someone
  2592. alicuius laudes praedico
    declare someone's praise
  2593. aliquid irritum esse iubeo
    declare something null and void, invalidate something, make something null and void
  2594. auctoritas imminuta
    decline in reputation, decrease in prestige
  2595. apozema, apozematis n
  2596. apozima, apozimatis n
  2597. alienis coloribus me adorno
    decorate me with foreign feathers, adorn oneself with borrowed plumes
  2598. aevo confectus
    decrepit, weakened by age
  2599. aevo solutus
    decrepit, weakened by age
  2600. annis confectus
    decrepit, worn, bent by the years
  2601. addictus, addicta, addictum
    dedicated to a thing, devoted to a thing, destined to, given up to, bound to
  2602. altissime sedens
    deep-seated, deeply rooted
  2603. altior intellectus
    deeper insight, higher intelligence, greater reason, greater intellect
  2604. anagoge, anagogēs f
    deeper meaning
  2605. artes reconditae
    deeper scientific education
  2606. assello 1
    defecate, excrete with the stool, pass with the bowel movement
  2607. apologia, apologiae f
    defence, apology, title of a work by Apuleius of Madaura
  2608. apud iudices causam dico
    defend oneself in front of the judges
  2609. arboribus nudo
  2610. a maiorum virtute deflecto
  2611. a maiorum virtute degenero
  2612. a maiorum virtute descisco
  2613. amotio ordinis
    degradation of status
  2614. auctoritatem alicuius imminuo
    degrade someone's reputationde, defame someone
  2615. arbustra castro
    dehorn the trees, cut away the horny drifts of the trees
  2616. afflictim
    dejectedly, depressingly, downheartedly
  2617. apocrisarius, apocrisarii m
    delegate, deputy
  2618. apocrisiarius, apocrisiarii m
    delegate, deputy
  2619. adumbratus, adumbrata, adumbratum
    delineated only in semblance, counterfeited, feigned, false, devised in darkness, dark, secret
  2620. artes populares
    demagogue arts
  2621. apposco 3 (adposco)
    demand in addition to something
  2622. angario 1
    demand something as angaria, exact villanage, compel, constrain
  2623. angarizo 1
    demand something as angaria, exact villanage, compel, constrain
  2624. aquam et ignem peto
    demand submission from the enemy
  2625. aliquem posco causam disserendi
    demand to know from someone the point of contention of the negotiation
  2626. aliquem in ordinem cogo
    demote someone
  2627. abnegator, abnegatoris m
  2628. affectivus, affectiva, affectivum
    denoting an emotion, moving, touching
  2629. agnominativus, agnominativa, agnominativum
    denoting the agnomen, denoting the epithet
  2630. abnuto 1
    deny (by a nod), refuse
  2631. abiuro 1
    deny on oath, abjure
  2632. abiurgo 1
    deny reproachfully, refuse reproachfully
  2633. alicuius dignitatem neglego
    deny someone due respect
  2634. abnegatio, abnegationis f
    denying, denial
  2635. abnutivum, abnutivi n
    denying, refusal
  2636. aeroplanum ab aeriportu avolat
    depart from the airport, take off from the airport
  2637. ancoram (navem) solvo
    depart, go away, , sail away, weigh anchor
  2638. ancoras tollo
    depart, go away, weigh anchor, pull up anchor
  2639. apostasia, apostasiae f
    departure from one’s religion, apostasy
  2640. avolatio, avolationis f
    departure, take-off
  2641. abominor 1
    deprecate any thing as an ill omen
  2642. animi taedium
  2643. animi abiectio
  2644. animi imminutio
  2645. animi maestitia
  2646. animus fractus
  2647. affurcillo 1
    deprive of support, make tottering, shake
  2648. abiudico 1
    deprive one of a thing by judicial sentence, declare that it does not belong to one, abjudicate
  2649. aliquem testimonio fraudo
    deprive someone of recognition
  2650. altitudo plagae
    depth of the wound
  2651. altum, alti n
    depth, what is deep or far removed, the height of heaven, high heaven, the heavens, the high sea, the deep, sea
  2652. allegati, allegatorum m
  2653. argumentum peto ab aliqua re
    derive a proof from something
  2654. ā fonte repeto
    derive from the origin, go back to the origin, go back to the source, go back to the beginning
  2655. ascitus, ascita, ascitum
    derived, assumed, foreign
  2656. amitinus, amitina, amitinum
    descended from a father’s sister
  2657. abrelictus, abrelicta, abrelictum
    deserted, abandoned
  2658. abominābilis, abominābile
    deserving imprecation, deserving abhorrence, abominable
  2659. acroamaticus, acroamatica, acroamaticum
    designed for hearing only, esoteric
  2660. acroaticus, acroatica, acroaticum
    designed for hearing only, esoteric
  2661. adoptabilis, adoptabile
    desirable, welcome
  2662. alios amores suspiro
    desire other loves, longing for other liaisons, yearn for other loves
  2663. aviditates, aviditatum f
    desires, cravings, rutting
  2664. aphantica, aphanticorum n
    desolate places, desolate areas
  2665. aphanticus, aphantica, aphanticum
    desolate, uncultivated, deserted
  2666. aliquem despicatui mihi habeo
    despise someone
  2667. aspernator, aspernatoris m
    despiser, contemner
  2668. aspernamentum, aspernamenti n
    despising, object of contempt, abomination, monster, inhuman being
  2669. alogos, alogon
    destitute of reason, irrational, one that does not correspond with another, irregular, which corresponds with no kind of measure
  2670. alogus, aloga, alogum
    destitute of reason, irrational, one that does not correspond with another, irregular, which corresponds with no kind of measure
  2671. abolefacio 5
  2672. aestimatio multae
    determination of the fine
  2673. animos audientium permoveo, ut ...
    determine his listeners that
  2674. aestimo 1
    determine the value, estimate the value, value, rate, appraise, estimate the value of an object, weigh, value, hold
  2675. aestumo 1
    determine the value, estimate the value, value, rate, appraise, estimate the value of an object, weigh, value, hold
  2676. apparatus deterrificus
    deterrent apparatus, deterrent measures
  2677. abnormis, abnorme
    deviating from a fixed rule, departing from a fixed rule, irregular, abnormal
  2678. anomalos, anomalon
    deviating from the general rule, irregular, anomalous
  2679. anomalus, anomala, anomalum
    deviating from the general rule, irregular, anomalous
  2680. absonans, absonantis
    deviating from the right tone, discordant, dissonant, inharmonious, not harmonizing with a thing, not accordant with, unsuitable, incongruous
  2681. absonus, absona, absonum
    deviating from the right tone, discordant, dissonant, inharmonious, not harmonizing with a thing, not accordant with, unsuitable, incongruous
  2682. amori obnoxius
    devoted to love
  2683. agglutinatio, agglutinationis f
    devotion, attachment
  2684. astutia, astutiae f
    dexterity, adroitness, understanding, wisdom, cunning, slyness, subtlety, craft
  2685. ambidexter, ambidextra, ambidextrum
    dexterous on both hands
  2686. ars disserendi
  2687. alvi profluvium
  2688. alvus exsoluta
    diarrhea, diarrhoea
  2689. alvus resoluta
    diarrhea, diarrhoea
  2690. an me taciturum existimasti?
    did you perhaps think I would keep my mouth shut?
  2691. aequissimo animo morior
    die in utmost peace, die in utmost tranquillity
  2692. angoribus conficior
    die of fright
  2693. aboleor 2
    die, decay
  2694. animam do
    die, give one's life
  2695. ademptus, adempta, ademptum
    died, taken away
  2696. alio pacto
    differently, in a different way
  2697. anhelatio, anhelationis f
    difficulty of breathing, panting, puffing, asthma, breathing, play of
  2698. anhelatus, anhelatus m
    difficulty of breathing, panting, puffing, painful panting, asthma, breathing, breath, exhalation, vapor
  2699. anhelitus, anhelitus m
    difficulty of breathing, panting, puffing, painful panting, asthma, breathing, breath, exhalation, vapor
  2700. affodio 5
    dig in addition to
  2701. alvos castro apum
    dig the hives
  2702. ablaqueatio, ablaqueationis f
    digging or loosening of the soil round the roots of a tree, trench itself made by digging
  2703. aetās digitalis
    digital age, digital era
  2704. anethum, anethi n
    dill, anise, sweet fennel
  2705. attenuatio, attenuationis f (adtenuatio)
    diminishing, lessening
  2706. adtenuatio, adtenuationis f
    diminishing, lessening, simplicity
  2707. ars politica
    diplomacy, art of diplomacy
  2708. animum intendo ad aliquid
    direct one's attention to something, pay attention to something
  2709. aurem admoveo
    direct the ear, listen, listen attentively
  2710. animadverto 3
    direct the mind to, direct the attention to, attend to, give heed to, take heed, consider, regard, observe, give attention, pay attention, pay regard to, remark, notice, observe, erceive, see, apprehend, understand, comprehend, know
  2711. animadvorto 3
    direct the mind to, direct the attention to, attend to, give heed to, take heed, consider, regard, observe, give attention, pay attention, pay regard to, remark, notice, observe, erceive, see, apprehend, understand, comprehend, know
  2712. aliorsum (aliorsus)
    directed to another place, directed to other objects, in another direction, elsewither, elsewhere, in another manner, in a different sense, with another design, in a different sense
  2713. aliorsus
    directed to another place, directed to other objects, in another direction, elsewither, elsewhere, in another manner, in a different sense, with another design, in a different sense
  2714. alioversum
    directed to another place, directed to other objects, in another direction, elsewither, elsewhere, in another manner, in a different sense, with another design, in a different sense
  2715. alioversus
    directed to another place, directed to other objects, in another direction, elsewither, elsewhere, in another manner, in a different sense, with another design, in a different sense
  2716. aliovorsum
    directed to another place, directed to other objects, in another direction, elsewither, elsewhere, in another manner, in a different sense, with another design, in a different sense
  2717. aliovorsus
    directed to another place, directed to other objects, in another direction, elsewither, elsewhere, in another manner, in a different sense, with another design, in a different sense
  2718. adtentus, adtenta, adtentum
    directed to, attentive, intent on, striving after, careful, frugal, industrious
  2719. attentus, attenta, attentum (adtentus)
    directed to, attentive, intent on, striving after, careful, frugal, industrious
  2720. afflexus, afflexus m
    direction, turning towards, bending towards
  2721. amica luto sus
    dirty pig
  2722. alicui errorem demo
    disabuse someone of his error
  2723. alicui errorem eripio
    disabuse someone of his error
  2724. alicui errorem extorqueo
    disabuse someone of his error, take away someone's error
  2725. aliter sentio atque aliquis
    disagree with someone
  2726. abdico 3
    disapprove, forbid, take away by sentence
  2727. arma alicui e manibus extorqueo
    disarm someone
  2728. armis exuo aliquem
    disarm someone
  2729. assectator sapientiae
    disciple of philosophy
  2730. apocalypsis, apocalypsis f
    disclosing, revelation, Apocalypse
  2731. absone
    discordantly, incongruously
  2732. absurde
    discordantly, irrationally, absurdly
  2733. acroasis, acroasis f
    discourse delivered before an assembly, public lecture
  2734. aspernor 1
    disdain, spurn, reject, despise, turn away, avert
  2735. aegilopium, aegilopii n
    disease of the eyes, lacrimal fistula, ulcer in the inner corner of the eye
  2736. aegilops, aegilopis m
    disease of the eyes, lacrimal fistula, ulcer in the inner corner of the eye, kind of oak with edible acorns, weed among barley, tare among barley, kind of bulbous plant
  2737. aegritas, aegritatis f
    disease, illness, sickness
  2738. auctoritate privo
  2739. auctoritatem adimo
  2740. absono 1
    disharmonise, have the wrong tone, be inharmonious, not harmonize
  2741. abaudio 4
    disobey, be disobedient
  2742. acopos, acopon
    dispelling and relieving pain
  2743. abiecte
    dispiritedly, despondingly, low, meanly
  2744. alicuius vitae necisque dominus sum
    dispose of someone's life, have power over one's life
  2745. alienigero 1
    dispose of, sell off, convert into hard cash, knock off, turn into money
  2746. animus, animi m
    disposition toward any one, friendly feeling, affection, kindness, liberality, power of willing, will, inclination, desire, purpose, design, intention
  2747. argumentum refello
    disprove a statement, refute a proof
  2748. afflicto (adflicto) 1
    disquiet greatly, agitate, toss, shatter, damage, harass, injure, trouble, disquiet, vex, torment, distress
  2749. afflictus, afflicta, afflictum (adflictus)
    disquiet greatly, agitate, toss, shatter, damage, harass, injure, trouble, disquiet, vex, torment, distress, disordered, embarrassed, ruined, being in a bad state, being in a ill condition, cast down, dejected, discouraged, desponding, abandoned, outcast, depraved, low, mean
  2750. auspicia neglego
    disregard the auspicies
  2751. artuo 1
    dissect, divide, dismember
  2752. asotus, asoti m
    dissolute man, debauchee
  2753. asotia, asotiae f
    dissoluteness, sensuality
  2754. amicitiam dissolvo
    dissolve the friendship
  2755. amicitiam dissuo
    dissolve the friendship
  2756. absurditas, absurditatis f
    dissonance, incongruity, absurdity
  2757. ab institutis aliquem abduco
    dissuade someone from his principles
  2758. abstantia, abstantiae f
  2759. aegre ferens
    distempered, vexed
  2760. ambix, ambicis f
    distillery helmet, bubble hat
  2761. articulate
    distinctly, articulately
  2762. aversus a proposito
    distracted from his purpose
  2763. avocatio a cogitanda molestia
    distraction from the thought of trouble
  2764. angustiae navales
    distress at sea
  2765. angina mentis
    distress of mind, produced by physical disease
  2766. anxius, anxia, anxium
    distressed, solicitous, uneasy, troubled, anxious, that troubles, that awakens solicitude, that troublesome, prepared with anxious care
  2767. agros inter se sortiunt
    distribute the fields among themselves by lot
  2768. a deo ad materias avoco
    divert from God to the material
  2769. aequaliter divido
    Divide in two equal halves
  2770. aequabiliter dispertio
    divide into equal parts
  2771. articulo 1
    divide into single members or joints, utter distinctly, articulate
  2772. annum in duodecim menses discribo
    divide the year into twelve months
  2773. auspicium, auspicii n
    divination by observing the flight of birds, augury from birds, auspices, right, power, inclination, will, sign, omen, divine premonition, divine token, beginning
  2774. aeromantia, aeromantiae f
    divination from the state of the air, aëromancy
  2775. adsevero 1
    do any thing with earnestness, do earnestly, pursue earnestly, assert strongly, assert firmly, declare positively, affirm, make known, show, prove, demonstrate
  2776. assevero 1 (adsevero 1)
    do any thing with earnestness, do earnestly, pursue earnestly, assert strongly, assert firmly, declare positively, affirm, make known, show, prove, demonstrate
  2777. aliquem colo et observo
    do honour to someone, pay homage to someone
  2778. agriculturam desero
    do not practice agriculture
  2779. alterno 1
    do one thing and then another, do a thing by turns, interchange with something, alternate, hesitate
  2780. alicui do operam
    do someone a service, render a service for someone
  2781. auctoritatem alicuius persequor
    do someone's bidding
  2782. alicuius mandata diligenter conficio
    do someone's job on time, do someone's job conscientiously,
  2783. alicuius mandata digero
    do someone's job, do someone's bidding
  2784. alicuius mandata persequor
    do someone's job, do someone's bidding
  2785. alicuius voluntati obtempero
    do someone's will, comply with someone's will
  2786. aliquid nefarie committo
    do something nefarious
  2787. afficio 5
    do something to one, exert an influence on body or mind, affect a person or thing with something, bestow upon, grace with, to visit with, inflict upon
  2788. ain tu ?
    do you really mean so?, indeed?, really?, is it possible?, what?
  2789. ain?
    do you really mean so?, indeed?, really?, is it possible?, what?
  2790. aceto 1 [2]
    do, act
  2791. aliquem non deterreo, quin ...
    does not stop one from
  2792. agmen canum
    dog pack, pack of dogs
  2793. aures asininae
  2794. arma ventilo
    doing air blows (in fencing)
  2795. arenae mando semina
    doing something nonsensical, sowing seeds in the sand
  2796. actio, actionis f
    doing, performing, acting, action, act, public performance, public function, civil act, proceeding, duty, negotiation, deliberation, suit, process, pleading of a case
  2797. apocha muneraria
    donation receipt
  2798. alveus fluvii Donez
  2799. asellio, asellionis m
    donkey driver
  2800. asinus ad lyram
    donkey playing loud, of an awkward man
  2801. asellus pandus
    donkey with a depressed back
  2802. ancarius, ancarii m
  2803. ansa ostii
    door handle
  2804. apertularius, apertularii m
    door opener, door breaker, burglar
  2805. austium, austii n
    door, mouth, entrance of any kind
  2806. ambigua verba
    double entendres
  2807. ambivium, ambivii n
    double way, place where two roads meet
  2808. altriplex, altriplicis
  2809. anadiplumenus, anadiplumena, anadiplumenum
    doubling, repeating
  2810. aporia, aporiae f
    doubt, perplexity, embarrassment
  2811. ambiguo
    doubtfully, ambiguously
  2812. ambigue
    doubtfully, ambiguously, with doubtful success
  2813. addubitatio, addubitationis f
  2814. ab acia et acu
    down to the smallest detail
  2815. abiectus, abiecta, abiectum
    downcast, disheartened, desponding, low, mean, abject, worthless, unprincipled
  2816. aquarum agmen
    downpour, rain shower
  2817. aquam verto in subiecta
    drain the water into the lowlands
  2818. aquam ex flumine derivo
    drain water from the river
  2819. aquam removeo
    drain, dehydrate
  2820. aquam deduco
    drain, divert the water
  2821. argumentum concludo
    draw a conclusion
  2822. albā lineā signo
    draw a white line on a white board, make no difference
  2823. abstraho 3
    draw away from, drag away, pull away, withdraw, alienate from, divert
  2824. anhelitum recipio
    draw breath again
  2825. arcto 1
    draw close together, press close together, compress, contract, straiten, limit, curtail, finish, conclude
  2826. arto 1
    draw close together, press close together, compress, contract, straiten, limit, curtail, finish, conclude
  2827. adstringo 3
    draw close, draw, bind together, tie together, bind, tighten, contract, make colder, cool, refresh, deaden, draw together, draw closer, circumscribe, put under obligation, oblige, necessitate, compress, abridge, bring into short compass
  2828. astringo 3 (adstringo 3)
    draw close, draw, bind together, tie together, bind, tighten, contract, make colder, cool, refresh, deaden, draw together, draw closer, circumscribe, put under obligation, oblige, necessitate, compress, abridge, bring into short compass
  2829. admoenio 4
    draw near the walls, besiege, invest
  2830. aliquem in conscientiam assumo (adsumo)
    draw someone into agreement, bring someone into line, implicate someone
  2831. aliquem in societatem consilii assumo
    draw someone into one's interest, take someone into one's confidence
  2832. aliquem in societatem cogitatae rei ascisco
    draw someone into one's plan, involve someone in one's plan, let someone share in one's plans
  2833. arcum adduco
    draw the bow
  2834. arcum intendo
    draw the bow
  2835. arcum sinuo
    draw the bow
  2836. arcum tendo
    draw the bow
  2837. avoco ad Antiochum multitudinis animos
    draw the majority over to the side of Antiochus
  2838. allicio 5 (adlicio 5)
    draw to one’s self, attract
  2839. adtraho 3
    draw to, draw toward, attract, drag with force, draw, lead, bring, move, attract
  2840. attraho 3 (adtraho 3)
    draw to, draw toward, attract, drag with force, draw, lead, bring, move, attract
  2841. auctumnasco 3
    draw towards autumn
  2842. autumnasco 3
    draw towards autumn
  2843. autumnesco 3
    draw towards autumn
  2844. aliquid cogitatione depingo
    draw up a pictorial idea of something, make a picture of something
  2845. austor, austoris m
    drawer, water-drawer, drinker, he who fills casks with wine
  2846. aquiducus, aquiduca, aquiducum
    drawing off water
  2847. adtractus, adtractus m
    drawing to, attraction
  2848. attractus, attractus m
    drawing to, attraction
  2849. attractio, attractionis f
    drawing together, contraction
  2850. adductus, adducta, adductum
    drawn tight, stretched, strained, contracted, narrow, contracted, strait, strict, serious, severe
  2851. adstrictus, adstricta, adstrictum
    drawn together, tight, narrow, close, shut, costiveness, sparing, parsimonious, covetous, compact, brief, concise, short
  2852. astrictus, astricta, astrictum (adstrictus)
    drawn together, tight, narrow, close, shut, costiveness, sparing, parsimonious, covetous, compact, brief, concise, short
  2853. adtractus, adtracta, adtractum
    drawn, attracted, knit
  2854. attractus, attracta, attractum
    drawn, attracted, knit
  2855. aliquem obligo
    dress someone's wound
  2856. amiculatus, amiculata, amiculatum
    dressed with a throw, covered with a throw
  2857. anetatus, anetata, anetatum
    dressed with dill
  2858. anethatus, anethata, anethatum
    dressed with dill
  2859. allecatus, allecata, allecatum
    dressed with fish sauce
  2860. alliatus, alliata, alliatum
    dressed with garlic
  2861. aliatus, aliata, aliatum
    dressed with garlic, added with garlic, fed with garlic
  2862. aptatura, aptaturae f
    dressing up
  2863. assiratum, assirati n
    drink composed of wine and blood
  2864. aut bibat aut abeat
    drink or run!
  2865. aliquem vino depono
    drink someone under the table, drink someone to the ground
  2866. absorbitio, absorbitionis f
    drink, beverage
  2867. absorptio, absorptionis f
    drink, beverage
  2868. adbibo 3
    drink, drink in eagerly, listen to attentively
  2869. aspergo nimborum
    dripping rain, , rain falling down, rainwater, raindrops
  2870. agito 1
    drive at a thing in the mind, turn over, revolve, weigh, consider, meditate upon, deliberate upon, devise, contrive, plot, be occupied with, design, intend, treat of, speak of, concerning a thing, confer about
  2871. abigeo 1
    drive away
  2872. absterreo 2
    drive away by terrifying, frighten away, deter, take away, remove, withdraw
  2873. abago 3
    drive away, remove
  2874. aspello 3
    drive away, remove
  2875. abigo 3
    drive away, remove, force birth, procure abortion, get rid of a nuisance
  2876. alicuius mentem alieno
    drive someone crazy, drive someone out of his mind
  2877. ad insaniam aliquem adigo
    drive someone insane
  2878. ad mortem aliquem adigo
    drive someone to death
  2879. abactus hospitum exerceo
    drive the cattle away from the guests
  2880. armentum ad litora verto
    drive the cattle towards the shore
  2881. adversarios intra moenia compello
    drive the opponents behind the walls of the city
  2882. adigo 3
    drive to a place, bring to a place, take to a place, compel, drive home, plunge, thrust, send to a place, drive to a situation, urge to a situation, bring to a situation
  2883. appello (appellor) ad oram
    drive toward, move or bring to, move toward, bring toward
  2884. appello 3 (adpello 3)
    drive toward, move or bring to, move toward, bring toward, bring or conduct a ship somewhere, land, come to land, arrive at
  2885. alator, alatoris m
    driver in the hunt
  2886. agaso, agasonis m
    driver, one who takes care of horses, hostler, groom
  2887. aedicula gubernatoria
    driver's cab, cabin
  2888. appulsus, appulsus m
    driving to some place, driving of a flock to drink, landing, bringing to land, approaching, approach, effect, influence caused by approach
  2889. aeroplanum automaticum
    drone, unmanned military reconnaissance and combat aircraft
  2890. alicui rei lumina immitto
    drop a spotlight on something, bring something into focus, put some focus on
  2891. aliquid illustro
    drop a spotlight on something, let light fall on something
  2892. arae lapidem supermitto
    drop a stone on the altar
  2893. ancoras figo
    drop anchor
  2894. arto somno opprimor
    drop off to a sound sleep
  2895. apocopa, apocopae f
    dropping of a letter or syllable at the end of a word
  2896. apocope, apocopes f
    dropping of a letter or syllable at the end of a word
  2897. aqua intercus
  2898. ariditates, ariditatum f
    drought period
  2899. amni mergo
    drown in the river
  2900. aqua mergo
    drown in water
  2901. aqua suffoco
  2902. aquis haurior
    drown, be drowned
  2903. aquis submergor
    drown, be drowned
  2904. aquae immergo
    drown, immerse in water
  2905. appotus, appota, appotum
    drunk, intoxicated
  2906. arida lippitudo
    dry eyes
  2907. arida, aridae f
    dry land, arid country
  2908. aridum, aridi n
    dry place, dry land
  2909. adaresco 3
    dry up
  2910. arens, arentis
    dry, arid, parched, languishing or fainting from thirst, thirsty
  2911. adsicco 1
    dry, dry up
  2912. assicco 1
    dry, dry up
  2913. ardus, arda, ardum