Lateinisch - Englische Wortliste - N
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    119 Ergebnisse
  1. numquam non
  2. nomen transcripticium
    assignment of debts
  3. nove vestitus sum
    be dressed according to the fashion, be dressed fashionably
  4. nosocomialis, nosocomiale
    belonging to the hospital
  5. negotium alicui exhibeo
    bully someone, harass, victimize, persecute, hassle, mess around
  6. negotium alicui facesso
    bully someone, harass, victimize, persecute, hassle, mess around
  7. numquam
    by no means
  8. nequeo risui admoderarier
    cannot moderate my laughter
  9. nullius veneris
    charmless, without stimulus, without any appeal
  10. nuntiis bonis aliquem afficio
    cheer someone up with good news, bring good news to someone
  11. noegeum, noegei n
    cloth for wiping off perspiration, handkerchief
  12. nomen collectivum
    collective noun
  13. nodus scirpiculus
    commonplace, truism
  14. nox votiva
    consecrated night
  15. nolite cunctari
    doesn't make a lot of fuss
  16. nihil admiror
    don't let anything upset me
  17. nil admiror
    don't let anything upset me
  18. navem applico
    drive, direct, steer, bring a ship anywhere, land, bring to land
  19. nummorum mercatus
    Financial Centre
  20. nummorum mercatus
    Financial Market
  21. non abludo ab aliquo (ab aliqua re)
    fit well with someone, fit well with something
  22. navis praetoria
  23. navis praetoria vexillo insignis
  24. navis vexillifera
  25. nfluenzalis, nfluenzale
    flu, grippal
  26. nummum externorum mercatus
    foreign exchange market
  27. nimio libertatis amore incensus
    freedom hawk, freedom enthusiast
  28. nivosus, nivosa, nivosum
    full of snow, snowy
  29. nihil non armis arrogo
    get everything by force of arms
  30. noctu venatum eo
    go hunting at night
  31. nec quid nec quare
    God knows how and why
  32. nihil impedio, quominus faciat
    he may do it for my sake, he may do it for me, he may do it anyway
  33. neglegenter
    heedlessly, carelessly, negligently
  34. nihil hinc diffindere possum
    I cannot cut off aught of this, I can refute or deny no part of it, I have to agree completely
  35. non teneo te pluribus
    I don't want to slow you down with long speeches, I want to keep it short
  36. non demutabo
    I won't change my mind, I won't change my purpose
  37. novam legem perferendam curo
    introduce a new law
  38. nimis violentum est
    it doesn't make sense, there is no point
  39. nimis violentum est
    it is going too far
  40. nihil adiuvat
    it is useless, it runs nowhere, it fizzles out ineffectively, it leads to nothing, it is a wasted effort of love, it is not worth it
  41. nullum operae pretium est
    it's not worth the effort
  42. nunc demum
    just now
  43. ne quid titubetur
    lest anything goes wrong
  44. nota margini adscripta
    marginal gloss
  45. non est ingenii cymba gravanda tui
    meddle not with themes above your powers
  46. nummi, nummorum m (nummi, nummum m)
    monetary capital
  47. nummorum mercatus
    money market
  48. napy, napyos n
  49. naturalis dies
    natural day
  50. natura atque vis animi
    nature and essence of the soul
  51. nervus umbilicaris
    navel-string, umbilical cord
  52. naves bellicae
    navy, battle fleet, war fleet
  53. nec citra nec ultra
    neither on that side nor on this, neither backwards nor forwards
  54. nidus adulteratus
    nest tainted (by cuckoo eggs)
  55. numquam ante hoc tempus
    never before, never before this time
  56. nova infectio
    new infection
  57. nuper (Sup. nuperrime)
    newly, lately, recently, not long ago, recently, in modern times, formerly, once
  58. nihilo setius
    no less, just as
  59. numquam hodie effugies
    no way by no means you will escape today
  60. numquam adhuc
    noch nie
  61. nomades, nomadum m
  62. nomas, nomadis m
  63. nomadica vita
    nomadic life, nomadic lifestyle, gypsy life
  64. nomadicam vitam ago
    nomadic life, nomadic lifestyle, gypsy life
  65. nomadum vita
    nomadic life, nomadic lifestyle, gypsy life
  66. neque adhuc
    not as yet, not to this time
  67. ne verbum quidem de aliquo facio
    not even mentioning someone with a word
  68. non modo ... verum etiam ...
    not only - but also
  69. non solum ... verum etiam ...
    not only - but also
  70. non tantum ... verum etiam ...
    not only - but also
  71. non tantummodo ... verum etiam ...
    not only - but also
  72. ne verbum quidem de aliquo facio
    not say a word about somebody
  73. nullum operae pretium est
    not worth it
  74. nihil adhuc
    nothing as yet, not at all as yet
  75. nunc demum agon est
    now we must act, now is the time for action
  76. nunc demum
    now, now at length, at last
  77. non usquam
  78. nostra sponte
    of free will, of one’s own accord, of one’s self, freely, willingly, voluntarily, spontaneously
  79. nostri veteres
    our old writers, our ancient writers
  80. nimium pretium alicui rei statuo
    overrate, over estimate, overcharge
  81. nimis admiror
    overrate, overestimate
  82. nimis tribuo
    overrate, overestimate
  83. nux Americana
  84. nablium verro
    play the harp, stir the harp
  85. narro asello fabellam surdo
    preaching to deaf ears, talk to the wind
  86. nares corrugo
    produce loathing, cause disgust
  87. nubes aquosae
  88. novissima acies
    rearmost line of battle
  89. novissime
    recently, lately, a short time ago, lastly, last of all, finally
  90. necrophagus, necrophagi m
  91. notam alicui rei appono
    set a sign to something
  92. non astrictus
    slouchy, not tight fitting
  93. nyctea nivea
    snow owl
  94. nivales undae
    snow water, snowwater
  95. nix cadens
  96. nives plumeae
  97. nivi similis
  98. nivis dissolutio
    snowmelt, melting snow
  99. non numquam
  100. nonnumquam (non numquam)
  101. nomen in toto orbe spargo
    spread my name all over the world
  102. nummorum mercatus
    Stock exchange, Stock market
  103. nomen do
    take military service
  104. non astrictus
    tasteless, sloppy
  105. ne tibi desis
    that you be not wanting to yourself, neglect not your own advantage
  106. nox vergit ad lucem
    the night approaches the morning
  107. numerus ternarius
    the number three
  108. non est cantandum
    there is no occasion for singing, there is no occasion for imagination, fiction
  109. non arbitrario
    there’s no mistake about it
  110. nihil moror eos salvos esse
    they may get away with their lives because of me
  111. negotium abietarium
    timber business, timber trade
  112. negotium carbonarium
    traffic in charcoal
  113. nova aggredior
    turn to new things, tackle new things, enter new territory, break new grounds
  114. non accinctus
  115. nova re ictus
    violently touched by the unexpected
  116. Nemea vinco
    win at the Nemean Games
  117. nullo attactu
    without touch
  118. nocens, nocentis m
    wrongdoer, , hat commits a wicked action, bad, wicked, culpable, criminal, malefactor, delinquent
  119. non est assiliendum statim ad aliquid
    you can't just jump right in with something, you shouldn't fall into the house with the door straight away when you do something
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