119 Ergebnisse
- numquam nonalways
- nomen transcripticiumassignment of debts
- nove vestitus sumbe dressed according to the fashion, be dressed fashionably
- nosocomialis, nosocomialebelonging to the hospital
- negotium alicui exhibeobully someone, harass, victimize, persecute, hassle, mess around
- negotium alicui facessobully someone, harass, victimize, persecute, hassle, mess around
- numquamby no means
- nequeo risui admoderariercannot moderate my laughter
- nullius venerischarmless, without stimulus, without any appeal
- nuntiis bonis aliquem afficiocheer someone up with good news, bring good news to someone
- noegeum, noegei ncloth for wiping off perspiration, handkerchief
- nomen collectivumcollective noun
- nodus scirpiculuscommonplace, truism
- nox votivaconsecrated night
- nolite cunctaridoesn't make a lot of fuss
- nihil admirordon't let anything upset me
- nil admirordon't let anything upset me
- navem applicodrive, direct, steer, bring a ship anywhere, land, bring to land
- nummorum mercatusFinancial Centre
- nummorum mercatusFinancial Market
- non abludo ab aliquo (ab aliqua re)fit well with someone, fit well with something
- navis praetoriaflagship
- navis praetoria vexillo insignisflagship
- navis vexilliferaflagship
- nfluenzalis, nfluenzaleflu, grippal
- nummum externorum mercatusforeign exchange market
- nimio libertatis amore incensusfreedom hawk, freedom enthusiast
- nivosus, nivosa, nivosumfull of snow, snowy
- nihil non armis arrogoget everything by force of arms
- noctu venatum eogo hunting at night
- nec quid nec quareGod knows how and why
- nihil impedio, quominus faciathe may do it for my sake, he may do it for me, he may do it anyway
- neglegenterheedlessly, carelessly, negligently
- nihil hinc diffindere possumI cannot cut off aught of this, I can refute or deny no part of it, I have to agree completely
- non teneo te pluribusI don't want to slow you down with long speeches, I want to keep it short
- non demutaboI won't change my mind, I won't change my purpose
- novam legem perferendam curointroduce a new law
- nimis violentum estit doesn't make sense, there is no point
- nimis violentum estit is going too far
- nihil adiuvatit is useless, it runs nowhere, it fizzles out ineffectively, it leads to nothing, it is a wasted effort of love, it is not worth it
- nullum operae pretium estit's not worth the effort
- nunc demumjust now
- ne quid titubeturlest anything goes wrong
- nota margini adscriptamarginal gloss
- non est ingenii cymba gravanda tuimeddle not with themes above your powers
- nummi, nummorum m (nummi, nummum m)monetary capital
- nummorum mercatusmoney market
- napy, napyos nmustard
- naturalis diesnatural day
- natura atque vis animinature and essence of the soul
- nervus umbilicarisnavel-string, umbilical cord
- naves bellicaenavy, battle fleet, war fleet
- nec citra nec ultraneither on that side nor on this, neither backwards nor forwards
- nidus adulteratusnest tainted (by cuckoo eggs)
- numquam ante hoc tempusnever before, never before this time
- nova infectionew infection
- nuper (Sup. nuperrime)newly, lately, recently, not long ago, recently, in modern times, formerly, once
- nihilo setiusno less, just as
- numquam hodie effugiesno way by no means you will escape today
- numquam adhucnoch nie
- nomades, nomadum mnomad
- nomas, nomadis mnomad
- nomadica vitanomadic life, nomadic lifestyle, gypsy life
- nomadicam vitam agonomadic life, nomadic lifestyle, gypsy life
- nomadum vitanomadic life, nomadic lifestyle, gypsy life
- neque adhucnot as yet, not to this time
- ne verbum quidem de aliquo facionot even mentioning someone with a word
- non modo ... verum etiam ...not only - but also
- non solum ... verum etiam ...not only - but also
- non tantum ... verum etiam ...not only - but also
- non tantummodo ... verum etiam ...not only - but also
- ne verbum quidem de aliquo facionot say a word about somebody
- nullum operae pretium estnot worth it
- nihil adhucnothing as yet, not at all as yet
- nunc demum agon estnow we must act, now is the time for action
- nunc demumnow, now at length, at last
- non usquamnowhere
- nostra sponteof free will, of one’s own accord, of one’s self, freely, willingly, voluntarily, spontaneously
- nostri veteresour old writers, our ancient writers
- nimium pretium alicui rei statuooverrate, over estimate, overcharge
- nimis admiroroverrate, overestimate
- nimis tribuo overrate, overestimate
- nux Americanapeanut
- nablium verroplay the harp, stir the harp
- narro asello fabellam surdopreaching to deaf ears, talk to the wind
- nares corrugoproduce loathing, cause disgust
- nubes aquosaerain-clouds
- novissima aciesrearmost line of battle
- novissimerecently, lately, a short time ago, lastly, last of all, finally
- necrophagus, necrophagi mscavenger
- notam alicui rei apponoset a sign to something
- non astrictusslouchy, not tight fitting
- nyctea niveasnow owl
- nivales undaesnow water, snowwater
- nix cadenssnowfall
- nives plumeaesnowflakes
- nivi similissnowlike
- nivis dissolutiosnowmelt, melting snow
- non numquamsometimes
- nonnumquam (non numquam)sometimes
- nomen in toto orbe spargospread my name all over the world
- nummorum mercatusStock exchange, Stock market
- nomen dotake military service
- non astrictustasteless, sloppy
- ne tibi desisthat you be not wanting to yourself, neglect not your own advantage
- nox vergit ad lucemthe night approaches the morning
- numerus ternariusthe number three
- non est cantandumthere is no occasion for singing, there is no occasion for imagination, fiction
- non arbitrariothere’s no mistake about it
- nihil moror eos salvos essethey may get away with their lives because of me
- negotium abietariumtimber business, timber trade
- negotium carbonariumtraffic in charcoal
- nova aggrediorturn to new things, tackle new things, enter new territory, break new grounds
- non accinctusunarmed
- nova re ictusviolently touched by the unexpected
- Nemea vincowin at the Nemean Games
- nullo attactuwithout touch
- nocens, nocentis mwrongdoer, , hat commits a wicked action, bad, wicked, culpable, criminal, malefactor, delinquent
- non est assiliendum statim ad aliquidyou can't just jump right in with something, you shouldn't fall into the house with the door straight away when you do something