Lateinisch - Englische Wortliste - H
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    95 Ergebnisse
  1. homo stratioticus
  2. homo diruptus dirutusque
    , a man both ruptured and bankrupt,
  3. haustus, haustus m
    a drawing, right of drawing, drinking, swallowing, drawing in, drink, draught
  4. homo absurdus
    a man who is fit or good for nothing
  5. homo nullius stipendii
    a man without any military service
  6. homo ad perdiscendum acerrimus
    a person highly inspired by the eagerness to learn
  7. homo abstrusus
    a reserved man
  8. herba securiclata
    a weed growing among lentils, hatchet vetch
  9. hostibus propulsatis
    after repulse of the enemies
  10. hastatus, hastata, hastatum
    armed with a spear
  11. hiatus niger
    black hole
  12. homo vatius
    bow-legged man
  13. hic vigilans somniat
    build castles in the air, have waking dreams
  14. hamaxobius, hamaxobii m
    car inhabitants, car dwellers
  15. homo abscisus
    castrato, emasculated
  16. homo umbraticus
    creep, moral coward, pussyfoot, creeper, creep, sneakers, hypocrite
  17. huc aditum fero
    direct the steps here
  18. haustor, haustoris m
    drawer, water-drawer, drinker, he who fills casks with wine
  19. humus sugesta
    earth elevation
  20. hostes urgent
    enemies invade
  21. habitus, habitus m
  22. homo tenebrarius
    fellow that shuns the light, giddy fellow, obscure person
  23. hora vacua
    free period
  24. horror me perfundit
    get goose bumps, get goose pimples
  25. hamum vorat
    go to the fishing rod
  26. hara anserum
  27. hic de nostris verbis errat videlicet
    he certainly misunderstands my words
  28. heres unciarius
    heir of the twelfth part
  29. Hellespontus, Hellesponti m
    Hellespont, Dardanelles
  30. herba viperalis
    herb good against the bite of a viper
  31. hara suis
    hog-stye (as a term of reproach)
  32. hara, harae f
  33. hamus, hami m
    hook, fish-hook, angle, talons of a hawk, thorns, kind of pastry
  34. Hyperboreus, Hyperborea, Hyperboreum
    hyperboreal, northern
  35. hysopum, hysopi n
  36. haec tropica instituo
    I bring about this change, I bring about this turnaround
  37. hoc primum te absolvo
    I'll tell you in advance
  38. hieme et vere
    in winter and in spring
  39. haud longē abesse potest
    it can't be far from here
  40. hastifer, hastiferi m
    lance girder, lance bearer
  41. hasta, hastae f
    lance, pike, javelin, spear
  42. homullus, homulli m
    little man, manikin
  43. homo agrestis
    lout, roughneck, ruffian, uncouth fellow, rake, rascal,
  44. homo rerum humanarum peritus
    man of the world
  45. homo urbanus, urbana, urbanu
    man of the world
  46. homo humanus
    man of the world, man of fine living
  47. homo omni vita et victu excultus et expolitus
    man of the world, man of fine living
  48. homo rari aditus
    man rarely accessible, an inaccessible person, a little open-minded person
  49. haud setius
    none the less, just as much
  50. haud usquam
  51. huc accedit, quod (ut)...
    on top of that, in addition to that
  52. homo de capsula
    one who is excessively neat, nice
  53. homo umbraticus
    one who is fond of the shade, effeminate person, lounger
  54. hallucinator, hallucinatoris m
    one who is wandering in mind, dreamer, silly fellow
  55. hara, harae f
    pen for animals, coop for animals
  56. herba vesicalis
    plant that cures pain in the bladder, bladder-wort
  57. herba urceolaris
    plant used for polishing glass pitchers
  58. hominem alicui de manu in manum trado
    put someone to someone's heart, recommend someone to somebody
  59. homo trioboli
    ragged person, shoddy human
  60. homo tumultuosus
  61. humi volvor
    roll on the ground
  62. harena, harenae f
    sand, slime, mud, sandy place, sandy desert, waste, shore of the sea, beach, coast, strand, place of combat in the amphitheatre, combat in the amphitheatre, the combatants in the arena, place of combat, scene of any contest
  63. harenatio, harenationis f
    sanding, plastering with sand, plastering, cementing
  64. hircus malorum depulsor
  65. halec, halecis n
    sediment of a costly fish-sauce, sauce prepared from small fish, fish-pickle, fish-brine
  66. hallec, hallecis n
    sediment of a costly fish-sauce, sauce prepared from small fish, fish-pickle, fish-brine
  67. horologium ad tempus hibernum apto
    set the clock to winter time
  68. hoc villi edormisco
    sleep off this little rush
  69. hac voce utor
    so I speak
  70. haud numquam
  71. Hispanicus, Hispanica, Hispanicum
  72. hypersonicus, hypersonica, hypersonicum
    supersonic, hypersonic
  73. hoc mihi exemplum ascribo
    take this as an example, apply it as an example to oneself
  74. hospitium tentorium
    tent accommodation
  75. hospitium tumultuarium
    tent accommodation, tent camp
  76. hoc hominis agrestis est
    that is boorishness
  77. hoc artius astringi ratio non potest
    the final sequence cannot be summed up more succinctly than this
  78. hic unus
    this alone, this only, this one alone
  79. hodierno et crastino die
    today and tomorrow
  80. hamaxobii, hamaxobiorum m
    travelling people
  81. hostia pro delicto
  82. huc atque illuc me verso
    twist and turn, know neither in nor out
  83. hypogaeus, hypogaea, hypogaeum
    underground, located under the earth
  84. hypogaeum, hypogaei n
    vault under ground, cellar under ground, burying-vault, sepulchre
  85. hypogeum, hypogei n
    vault under ground, cellar under ground, burying-vault, sepulchre
  86. hortus vinearius
  87. hallucinor 1
    wander in mind, talk idly, prate, dream, follow no definite train of thought, digress freely
  88. hallucinatio, hallucinationis f
    wandering of mind, dreaminess, revery
  89. hama, hamae f
    waterbucket, firebucket
  90. homo imbecillus
  91. homo imbellis
  92. homo infirmus
  93. homo minimi roboris
  94. haud cunctanter
    without much fuss
  95. homo maleficus
    wrongdoer, an evil doer, malefactor, delinquent
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