Lateinisch - Englische Wortliste - L
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    98 Ergebnisse
  1. lac schiston
  2. lacus Cutilĭae
    a lake in the Sabine land
  3. legio veterana
    a legion consisting of veteran soldiers
  4. lacertos auro vincio
    adorn the arms with golden clasp
  5. locum sessui impertio
    assign a seat, allocate a place to sit
  6. lateres diatoni
    band-stones, which run through the thickness of a wall and bind it together
  7. libertatis amore ardeo
    be filled with a great love of freedom, burn with a love of freedom
  8. libertatis amore incensus sum
    be filled with a great love of freedom, burn with a love of freedom
  9. Londiniensis, Londiniense
    belonging to London
  10. Luganopolitanus, Luganopolitana, Luganopolitanum
    belonging to Luhansk
  11. litus aro
    bestow useless labor
  12. later coctilis
  13. litem alicui intendo
    bring an action against someone, bring a lawsuit against someone
  14. latus, lata, latum
    bulky, unwieldy
  15. lucro aliquid appono
    calculate for a profit, consider as a profit
  16. litterae capitaneae
  17. laturarius, laturarii m
    carrier, porter
  18. luctum alicui affero
    cause someone grief
  19. liturgus, liturgi m
    Civil servant
  20. lentitudo, lentitudinis f
  21. lacunam expleo
    compensate for the deficit
  22. lina xylina
  23. loca ascia
    countries under the equator
  24. lepus dormiens
    creep, moral coward, pussyfoot, creeper, creep, sneakers, hypocrite
  25. libertatis desiderium
    desire for freedom
  26. lumina suprema verso
    do his last look, open his eyes for the last time
  27. lautitia, lautitiae f
    elegance, splendor, magnificence
  28. lingua ventosa
    empty boast, vainglorious boast
  29. libertatis inimicus
    enemy of freedom
  30. lex omnis aut adimit aut tribuit
    every law either takes or gives
  31. lacunam expleo
    fill a gap
  32. lapis vivus
  33. linum volatile
    fluttering sail
  34. libertatis vindex
    founder of freedom
  35. liberator, liberatoris m
    founder of freedom, liberator
  36. libertatis semper amator
    freedom apostle
  37. lacuna, lacunae f
    gap, void, defect,, want, loss, deficit
  38. laetor alienis malis
    gloat, mope, feel malicious joy
  39. laudem sumo
    harvesting praise, receiving praise
  40. latebris me abstrudo
    hole up, creep away, hide
  41. lacuna, lacunae f
    hollow, cavity, opening, chasm, cleft
  42. lacerna, lacernae f
    hooded coat, hooded robe, hoodie
  43. Luganopolitae, Luganopolitarum m
    Inhabitants of Luhansk
  44. Libri Pontificales
    Instructions of the Pontifices for the performance of the sacred rites
  45. litem contestor
    introduce a lawsuit by calling witnesses, bring an action, set on foot an action
  46. lex viaria
    law for the repair of roads, law for keeping the roads in repair
  47. libellus, libelli m
    leaflet, handbill, flier, broadsheet , handout
  48. legiones adiutrices
    legions raised by the proconsul in the provinces for the purpose of strengthening the veteran army
  49. litterae victrices
    letter containing news of victory, letter with the news of the victory
  50. litterae umbraticae
    letters composed in one’s study
  51. libertatis amans
    love of freedom
  52. libertatis amor
    love of freedom
  53. limen deprimo
    lower the threshold
  54. Luganopolis, Luganopolis f
  55. Lemberga, Lembergae f
  56. Leopolis, Leopolis f
  57. lupus cervariolus
  58. lupus cervarius
  59. lamina aurichalca
    made of brass, , brass sheet, brass plate
  60. ludificor 1
    make game, mock, make game of, make sport of, turn into ridicule, delude, deceive, ridicule, thwart, frustrate
  61. lugeo 2
    mourn, lament, bewail, deplore, be in mourning, wear mourning apparel
  62. luna corniculans
    new moon
  63. luna corniculata
    new moon
  64. libellus factionalis
    party book, party register
  65. linea circumcurrens
  66. lectum commeio
    piss in bed
  67. ludum alicui suggero
    play a teasing trick
  68. liberi commeatus interdictio
    prohibition of free movement, ban on free movement
  69. lacertum adduco
    reach out with your arm
  70. librum usque ad umbilicum revolvo
    read the book to the end
  71. libellos castro
    remove the obscenity from the books, expurgate the books
  72. limes actuarius
    road 12 feet wide between fields
  73. lapis arenarius
  74. leniter dormio
  75. lux lampade emissa
    spotlight, headlight
  76. lignum viride
    still green wood
  77. lapidum caesor
  78. lugens, lugentis
    suffering, mourning, grieving
  79. litem denuntio
    summon for immediate trial
  80. leges cibariae
    sumptuary laws, laws restraining luxury
  81. locum capio
    take a position, take a stand
  82. luminar, luminaris n
    that which gives light, light-giver, luminary, a heavenly body, light, lamp, window-shutter, window
  83. luminare, luminaris n
    that which gives light, light-giver, luminary, a heavenly body, light, lamp, window-shutter, window
  84. lectus vitalis
    the bed upon which one is laid while alive and is laid out when dead, death-bed, funeral-couch
  85. lugentes, lugentium m
    the bereaved, the mourners, the grieving, the suffering
  86. lis contestatur
    the litigation is initiated, the lawsuit is filed
  87. lorica serta
    track armour, tracked armour, chain mail
  88. lapis vivus
    unprocessed stone, natural stone
  89. ludentis naturae varietas
    variety, variant, mutant
  90. ligna vitea
    vine wood
  91. leges circumvenio
    violate the laws by evading
  92. luto me tergoro
    wallowing in the mud, rolling in the mud
  93. lavo 1
    wash, bathe, lave, wash away
  94. lavo 3
    wash, bathe, lave, wash away
  95. lento pectore fero aliquid
    watch something cold-blooded
  96. laver, laveris f
    water parsley
  97. ligni vermis
  98. lampas lucem emittens
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