Lateinisch - Englische Wortliste - G
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    37 Ergebnisse
  1. gladiolus segetalis
    a weed that grows among green corn
  2. gorgo
    actually, indeed, really, truly, surely, assuredly, by all means, certainly
  3. gradu honoris superior sum aliquo
    are higher in the hierarchy than someone
  4. gloriam in me transmoveo
    ascribe the fame to themselves, transfer the fame to themselves
  5. gubernaculis assideo
    be at the levers of power, be at the helm, be in government, be in power, exercise power, hold power
  6. generasco 3
    be generated, be produced
  7. gestatio sellaris
    carrying in a sedan, carrying on the carrying chair
  8. gena, genae f
  9. gradus comparativus
  10. gonger, gongri m
  11. gradus deiectio
  12. gaudium corrumpo
    denature the joy
  13. gravis, grave
    drastic, radical
  14. gentem excido
    exterminate a people
  15. gentem recido
    exterminate a people
  16. gestorum volumen
    file, document
  17. gobio, gobionis m
    fish of small value, gudgeon
  18. gobius, gobii m (cobius)
    fish of small value, gudgeon
  19. grippalis, grippale
    flu, grippal
  20. generalitas, generalitatis f
  21. genoma, genomatis n
    genome, genetic material
  22. gradum contollo
    go to meet
  23. grippa, grippae f
    influenza, flu-like infection
  24. gravis, grave
    insistent, urgent, emphatic
  25. galbeum, galbei n
    kind of armband, fillet
  26. gaudium de alterius damno
    malicious joy
  27. glossa margini adscripta
    marginal gloss
  28. gangaba, gangabae m
  29. gammarus, gammari m
    sea-crab, lobster
  30. gemitus edo
    sigh loudly
  31. gemo 3
    sigh over, bemoan, bewail any thing
  32. gemo 3
    sigh, groan, cry, make a mournful noise, creak, utter complaints
  33. glaebula nivis
  34. galanthus nivalis
  35. gradus testudineus
    tortoise-pace, snail’s pace
  36. gladium mihi attempero
    turn the sword against himself
  37. globus terrae
    world globe
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