Lateinisch - Englische Wortliste - U
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    1077 Ergebnisse
  1. uncia, unciae f
    twelfth part of a pound, an ounce
  2. umbrae ex hostibus
    , frightening images, which emanate from the enemies
  3. umbilicatus, umbilicata, umbilicatum
    , navel-shaped, umbilicate,
  4. uno haustu
    (drink) in one go
  5. usura centesima
    1% interest per month, 12% interest per year
  6. urbs vasta fuga et caedibus
    a city extinct by flight and murder
  7. uva uvam videndo varia fit
    a grape becomes colorful when it sees a grape (said about envy)
  8. uniola, uniolae f
    a plani, otherwise unknown
  9. ustilago, ustilaginis f
    a plant, called also carduus silvaticus
  10. usurpatio, usurpationis f
    a using by another party, whereby a prescription or usucaption is interrupted
  11. ulvosus, ulvosa, ulvosum
    abounding in sedge
  12. ubertas piscium
    abundance of fish
  13. ubertas utilitatis
    abundant benefit, plentiful benefit
  14. uber rivus
    abundantly flowing brook
  15. ut est captus alicuius
    according to one’s capacity or notion
  16. ut captus noster est
    according to our concept, according to our understanding
  17. ut convenerat
    according to the agreement
  18. ut erat constitutum
    according to the agreement, in accordance with the convention
  19. utcumque praesens affectio movet
    according to the current mood, as the current mood dictates
  20. ut res fert
    according to the state of affairs
  21. ut quisque est honoratior
    according to their rank
  22. usu capio
    acquire ownership of a thing by long use, acquire by prescription or usucaption
  23. usucapio 5
    acquire ownership of a thing by long use, acquire by prescription or usucaption
  24. usufacio 5
    acquire ownership of a thing by long use, acquire by prescription or usucaption
  25. usucapio, usucapionis f
    acquisition of ownership by long use or possession, usucaption
  26. usucaptio, usucaptionis f
    acquisition of ownership by long use or possession, usucaption
  27. usus capio, usus capionis f
    acquisition of ownership by long use or possession, usucaption
  28. usuram perscrībo
    add interest to the capital
  29. utrique lateri equite circumdato
    after both flanks were occupied with cavalry
  30. urbe capta
    after the fall of the city, after the capture of the city, after the conquest of the city
  31. urbe expugnata
    after the fall of the city, after the capture of the city, after the conquest of the city
  32. urbanatim
    after the manner of city people, politely, urbanely
  33. utinam abisset!
    ah, he would have gone away! (unfortunately he did not go away)
  34. utinam ne abisset!
    ah, he would not have gone away! (unfortunately he left)
  35. undae aeriae
  36. universaliter
    all together
  37. universi, universae, universa
    all together, all taken collectively, whole, entire, collective, general, universal
  38. universus, universa, universum
    all together, all taken collectively, whole, entire, collective, general, universal
  39. univorsus, univorsa, univorsum
    all together, all taken collectively, whole, entire, collective, general, universal
  40. universim
    all together, as a whole
  41. universatim
    all together, wholly, entirely
  42. ut creditur
    allegedly, as one believes
  43. ut credunt
    allegedly, as one believes
  44. unice
    alone, solely, singularly, especially, in an extraordinary degree
  45. utrimquesecus (utrinquesecus)
    along both sides, on both sides, on either hand
  46. utrinquesecus
    along both sides, on both sides, on either hand
  47. uno impetu hostis perruptus est
    already in the first attack the enemies were defeated
  48. unctus, uncta, unctum
    anointed, oiled, rich, luxurious, sumptuous, luxurious, voluptuous, copious
  49. unguentatus, unguentata, unguentatum
    anointed, perfumed
  50. unctor, unctoris m
  51. unctura, uncturae f
    anointing of the dead
  52. unctorium, unctorii n
    anointing-room in a bath
  53. unctus, unctus m
  54. ullus, ulla, ullum
    any, any one, any one, anybody
  55. ut praetermittam + aci.
    apart from the fact that, except that
  56. ut veri simile est
    apparently, by all appearances, in all probability, in all likelihood
  57. urbi appropinquo
    approaching the city
  58. undae adludentes
    approaching waves
  59. ut ait Cicero
    as Cicero says
  60. ut omnes sciunt
    as everyone knows, as is well known
  61. ut omnibus notum est
    as everyone knows, as is well known
  62. ut reor
    as I believe, as I think
  63. ut explorata victoria
    as if victory was a foregone conclusion, as if the victory was certain
  64. unissime quantum potest
    as intimate as possible, as uniform as possible
  65. ut in circulis mos est
    as is customary before a street audience
  66. utpote
    as is natural, naturally, as namely, namely, as being, as, seeing that, inasmuch as, since
  67. ut inter omnes constat
    as is well known, as everyone knows
  68. ut assolet
    as is wont to happen, as is customary, as usual
  69. ut est captus Germanorum
    as it is the opinion of the Germanic peoples
  70. ut decet et par est
    as it should and should be
  71. ut fere fit
    as it tends to happen
  72. ut fieri solet
    as it tends to happen
  73. ut fit
    as it tends to happen
  74. ut solet
    as it tends to happen, usually
  75. ut postea satis claruit
    as later became sufficiently clear
  76. ut supra dictum est
    as said above, as said before
  77. ut supra diximus
    as said above, as said before
  78. ubi diluxit
    as soon as it had become day, as soon as it was daylight
  79. ubi illuxit
    as soon as it had become day, as soon as it was daylight
  80. ubi luxit
    as soon as it had become day, as soon as it was daylight
  81. ubi dies advenit
    as soon as the agreed day had come
  82. ubi dies coepit
    as soon as the day broke, as soon as the day dawned
  83. ubi primum
    as soon as
  84. ubi semel
    as soon as
  85. ut infra dictum est
    as stated below, as stated later, as said below
  86. ut nunc est
    as the circumstances are now, for the time being
  87. ut est in proverbio
    as the saying goes, as the proverb says
  88. ut perhibent
    as they say, how they say
  89. uti supra ostendimus
    as we have explained further ahead, as we have explained above
  90. ut infra diximus
    as we have said below, as we have said later
  91. ut procedente libro patebit
    as will be shown in the course of the book
  92. ut audimus
    as you hear it called, as you hear it said
  93. ut scis
    as you know, as you well know
  94. utpote cum (+ Konj.)
    as you might exspect since
  95. ut sementem feceris, ita metes
    as you sow, so you will reap
  96. usiacus procurator
    asset manager
  97. unitio, unitionis f
  98. uno aspectu
    at a glance
  99. ubique
    at all places, everywhere
  100. uspiam
    at any place, anywhere, somewhere
  101. ubivis
    at any place, at any location, everywhere, all around
  102. umquam
    at any time, ever
  103. unquam
    at any time, ever
  104. ubique locorum
    at every corner and end, at all places and ends
  105. ut mihi quidem videtur
    at least in my opinion
  106. unose
    at once, at the same time, together
  107. uno in conspectu
    at one glance, at one look
  108. ultimo mense
    at the end of the month
  109. utrobi
    at which of two places, on which of the two sides
  110. utrubi
    at which of two places, on which of the two sides
  111. ut lubet
    at will
  112. ut libet (ut lubet)
    at will, as you like it
  113. urbs ballistarum tormentis petitur
    attack the city with artillery fire
  114. urbs ballistis tormentisque petitur
    attack the city with artillery fire
  115. urbem circumvenio
    attack the city
  116. urbem tempto
    attack the city
  117. unius dominatus
    autocracy, sole reign
  118. ulciscor aliquem
    avenge one’s self on, take vengeance on, punish, take revenge for, avenge
  119. ultor iniuriarum
    avenger of injustice
  120. ultricia tēla
    avenging bullets, bullets of revenge
  121. ultrix, ultricis
    avenging, vengeful
  122. ultro istum a me
    away with this person!, away with this guy!, away with this!, get this man away from me!
  123. uter, utris m
    bag made of an animal’s hide, bottle made of an animal’s hide, skin for wine, oil, water, avain man
  124. utris, utris m
    bag made of an animal’s hide, bottle made of an animal’s hide, skin for wine, oil, water, avain man
  125. utricularius, utricularii m
    bagpiper, master of a raft floated on bladders, used for ferriage
  126. umeris onera porto
    be a porter, be a carrier
  127. ubero 1
    be fruitful, be productive, bear fruit
  128. uxorem habeo
    be married, have a wife
  129. umeo 2
    be moist, be damp, be wet
  130. usui est
    be of use, be of service, be of benefit, be useful, be serviceable, be advantageous, be profitable
  131. undique premor
    be pressed from all sides
  132. undique urgeor
    be pressed from all sides
  133. umide putrere
    be rotten because of the wetness
  134. uberiores effero fruges
    bear abundant fruit
  135. ursarius, ursarii m
    bear keeper
  136. ursus, ursi m
  137. ursina, ursinae f
    bear’s meat
  138. ulmeus fio
    become an elm, be beaten up, be soundly scourged
  139. uvesco 3
    become moist, become wet, become damp, become dank, become humid, grow moist, grow wet, grow damp, grow dank, grow humid, moisten one’s self, refresh one’s self, drink freely, tipple
  140. undis volvor
    being a game of the waves, being washed back and forth by the waves
  141. usia, usiae f
  142. utriculus, utriculi m (2)
    belly, abdomen, little womb, little matrix, bud of a flower, hull of grain, husk of grain
  143. una facio cum aliquo
    belong to someone's party, stand by someone, be at someone's side
  144. ursinus, ursina, ursinum
    belonging to a bear, bear’s
  145. unciarius, unciaria, unciarium
    belonging to a twelfth part, containing a twelfth
  146. universalis, universale
    belonging to all, belonging to the whole, universal, worldwide
  147. ulmeus, ulmea, ulmeum
    belonging to an elm-tree, of elm, elm-
  148. unguentarius, unguentaria, unguentarium
    belonging to ointments, belonging to unguents, ointment-
  149. urceolaris, urceolare
    belonging to pitchers, pitcher-
  150. urciolarius, urciolaria, urciolarium
    belonging to pitchers, pitcher-
  151. urbicarius, urbicaria, urbicarium
    belonging to the city
  152. urbicus, urbica, urbicum
    belonging to the city, city-, civic
  153. umbilicaris, umbilicare
    belonging to the navel, umbilical
  154. unctorius, unctoria, unctorium
    belonging to the ointment
  155. umbraticus, umbratica, umbraticum
    belonging to the shade, belonging to retirement, belonging to seclusion, belonging to leisure, retired, private, contemplative
  156. uraeus, uraea, uraeum
    belonging to the tail
  157. universitarius, universitaria, universitarium
    belonging to the university
  158. urinalis, urinale
    belonging to urine, urinary, urinative
  159. uncatio, uncationis f
    bending inwards, hooking, curving
  160. utilitas efflorescit ex aliqua re
    benefit grows out of something
  161. uncatus, uncata, uncatum
    bent inwards, hooked, curved, bent down, bowed down, hooked, barbed
  162. urbem obsidere
    besiege a city
  163. urbem obsidione cingo
    besiege a city
  164. unctito 1
    besmear often, anoint often
  165. unctulus, unctula, unctulum
    besmeared, anointed
  166. unctio, unctionis f
    besmearing, anointing, ointment, unguent
  167. umentia ultra
    beyond the swamp area, beyond the marsh area
  168. ultra Socratem
    beyond the time of Socrates
  169. ultra solitum
    beyond the usual measure, unusually far, abnormally much
  170. uls (archaist. ouls)
  171. umores fellinei
    bile juices, gall juices
  172. uredo, uredinis f
    blast of plants, blight of plants, burning itch
  173. undae ferventes
    boiling water
  174. urbem tormentis et telis aggredior
    bombard a city
  175. urbs in confinio sita
    Border town
  176. urbs limitalis
    Border town
  177. uno partu editus cum aliquo
    born at the same time with someone, born together with someone
  178. uterinus, uterina, uterinum
    born of the same mother, uterine
  179. umbo, umbonis m
    boss of a shield, shield, elbow, promontory, projecting boundary-stone, full part or swelling of a garment
  180. uterque consul
    both consuls
  181. utraque fluminis ripa
    both riverbanks
  182. utrumque tempus
    both temples
  183. utrīque, utraeque, utraque
  184. ulceratio, ulcerationis f
    breaking out into sores, ulceration, sore, ulcer
  185. universum prope genus humanum in se circumagit
    bring almost the entire humanity on his side
  186. ursus fulvus
    brown bear
  187. ustilo 1
    burn a little, scorch, singe, burn up, consume by fire, pinch, nip, blast with cold
  188. ustulo 1
    burn a little, scorch, singe, burn up, consume by fire, pinch, nip, blast with cold
  189. usti, ustorum m
    burn victims, fire victims
  190. ustilatio, ustilationis f
  191. ustulatio, ustulationis f
  192. uro 3
    burn, burn up, destroy by fire, consume, scorch, parch, dry up, sting acutely, pain acutely, rub sore, gall, fret, chafe, corrode, pinch with cold, nip, blast, wither, inflame, consume with passion, vex, annoy, disturb, harass, annoy, oppress
  193. uror 3
    burn, glow, be heated, be inflamed, be enamored
  194. ultrix flamma
    burning revenge
  195. ustrina, ustrinae f
    burning, burn, place for burning corpses
  196. ustrinum, ustrini n
    burning, burn, place for burning corpses
  197. ustio, ustionis f
    burning, searing, cauterizing,
  198. usta, ustae f
    burnt ochre
  199. unum illud extimescebam, ne quid turpiter facerem
    but I was afraid that I would do something shameful, only that I was afraid to do something shameful
  200. unciatim
    by twelfths, by ounces, by a little at a time, little by little
  201. urbs metropolitana
    capital, capital city
  202. uno in saltu duos apros capio
    catch two boars in one forest
  203. uros foveis capio
    Catching aurochses in pitfalls
  204. urica, uricae f
    caterpillar, canker-worm
  205. uruca, urucae f
    caterpillar, cankerworm, sort of cole-wort
  206. urbs media
    center of the city, city center
  207. uno vinculo copulo
    chain together, concatenate, link together, interconnect
  208. ungues demordeo
    chew on the fingernails
  209. ungues rodo
    chew the fingernails, bite the nails
  210. urceus mustarius
    cider pitcher
  211. urbes motu terrae collapsae
    cities collapsed by an earthquake
  212. urbes cognatae populique propinqui
    Cities of the same tribe and fraternal peoples
  213. urbibus notus et populis
    city and world-famous, city and world-renowned
  214. urbicremus, urbicrema, urbicremum
    city burning
  215. urbanus, urbani m
    city dweller, townsman
  216. urbs in altum proiecta
    City jutting out into the sea
  217. urbs oblonga forma
    city of elongated plant
  218. urbicapus, urbicapi m
    city taker, taker of cities
  219. usurpatio civitatis
    claiming the civil right
  220. univocatio, univocationis f
    clarity, unambiguity, synonymity, univocality
  221. uvifer, uvifera, uviferum
    clusterbearing, bearing grapes, producing grapes
  222. universitas litterarum
    college, higher education, university
  223. ultĭmo 1
    come to an end, be at the last
  224. undecimviri, undecimvirorum m
    committee of eleven, board of eleven
  225. usu receptus
    commonly used, conventionally
  226. uxorius amnis
    conjugal river
  227. urbem expugnare
    conquer a city
  228. urnalis, urnale
    containing an urn, holding half an amphora
  229. undenarius, undenaria, undenarium
    containing eleven
  230. umifer, umifera, umiferum
    containing moisture, moist
  231. umectatio oris nauseabilis
    convergence of the saliva in the mouth
  232. ustor, ustoris m
  233. urbem praesidio saepio
    cover the city with a garrison, protect the city with a garrison
  234. umerale, umeralis n
    covering for the shoulders, (military) cape
  235. urbum, urbi n
    curved part of a plough, the plough-tail
  236. urvum, urvi n
    curved part of a plough, the plough-tail
  237. unio a portoriis
    Customs Union
  238. unio teloniaria
    Customs Union
  239. urbem omni commeatu privo
    cut off all supply to the city
  240. ulcus ferro rescindo
    cut open a lump with a knife
  241. ungues reseco
    cut the nails (back)
  242. ungues pono
    cut the nails, trimm the nails
  243. umbrosae cavernae
    dark caves, sinister caves
  244. undae caecae
    dark sea, dark ocean,
  245. unguentarius, unguentarii m
    dealer in unguents
  246. usu coniunctus sum cum aliquo
    dealing with someone, interacting with someone
  247. ultima dimicatio
    decision battle, decisive fight
  248. urbem monumentis adorno
    decorate the city with buildings
  249. urbem a solo everto
    destroy the city completely
  250. urbs ad solum diruta est
    destroy the city to the ground
  251. ultimato
    directly, without any other intervention
  252. uncta aqua
    dirty water, unclean water
  253. urbem rumoribus pulso
    disquiet the city with rumors
  254. urinator, urinatoris m
  255. undulatus, undulaa, undulaum
    diversified as with waves (like watered stuffs), undulated
  256. uxori claves adimo
    divorce his wife
  257. uxorem suas res sibi habere iubeo
    divorce his wife, divorce from his wife
  258. uno opere eandem incudem diem noctemque tundo
    do one and the same thing all the time
  259. utrum mavis rubrum an candidum ?
    do you prefer red or white wine?
  260. utrum mavis de ala  an de poplitibus capi?
    do you prefer the wing or the club of the cock?
  261. utrum de vitulinis an de ovillis carnibus mavis?
    do you prefer veal or lamb?
  262. ultimum iudicium
    doomsday, last judgment
  263. usus agonisticus medicamenti stupefactivi
  264. urbs interior
    downtown, city center
  265. undique auxilia contraho
    draw together armed forces from everywhere
  266. uva pensilis
    dried grape (for preservation)
  267. uvam bibo
    drink grape juice
  268. uno impetu poto
    drink it empty in one go
  269. uvam bibo
    drinking wine
  270. unguentis adfluens
    dripping of ointment oil
  271. una hora
    during one hour, in one hour
  272. uterque, utraque, utrumque
    each of them, either of them
  273. uterque ... alterum ...
    each other, mutually
  274. uterque ... utrumque ...
    each other, mutually
  275. urceola auriculae
    ear cavity
  276. Unio Rerum Publicarum Sovieticarum Socialisticarum
    Eastern Bloc
  277. unio oeconomica
    Economic Union, Economic Association
  278. undenonaginta
  279. utrocunque modo
    either way
  280. ulna, ulnae f
    elbow, arm, ell, fathom
  281. undeni, undenae, undena
    eleven each, eleven
  282. undecies (undeciens)
    eleven times
  283. undecim
  284. ulmitriba, ulmitribae m
    elm-rubber, one that wears out elms, one that is often beaten with elm-rods
  285. ulmus, ulmi f
    elm, elm-tree
  286. usu
  287. urbem vallo circummunio
    enclose the city with a wall
  288. urbem flammis circumdo
    enclose the city with fires
  289. ultimo mense Iunio
    end of June, at the end of the month of June
  290. ultimum vitae
    end of life, life end
  291. ultimum orationis
    end of the speech
  292. ultima platea
    end of the street
  293. ultima patior
    endure the worst
  294. urbem ingredior
    enter the city, enter the town
  295. urbem inire
    enter the city, enter the town
  296. urbem intro
    enter the city, enter the town
  297. urbem alicui defendendam trado
    entrust someone with the defense of the city
  298. undique expleta et perfecta forma
    epitome of perfection, ideal
  299. unio Eurasiatica
    Eurasian Union
  300. ut quisque fortuna utitur, ita praecellet
    everyone is the smith of his own fortune
  301. undique circa
    everything around
  302. ultra modum
    exaggeratedly, excessively
  303. usu hominum aliquem prohibeo
    exclude from intercourse with others
  304. urethra, urethrae f
    excretory canal of the urine, urethra
  305. urgeo 2
    exert in excess, press upon, crowd, hem in, confine, ply, urge with argument, follow up, keep to, stick to, ply hard, push forward, urge on, force into, plunge into
  306. ultrotributa, ultrotributorum n
    expenditures made by the State for public works
  307. usus belli
    experience of war
  308. ubera exsero
    expose the breasts, bare the breasts
  309. urbs vacua
    extinct city, uninhabited city
  310. urbs vasta a civibus
    extinct city, uninhabited city, a city deserted by citizens
  311. ultime
    extremely, to the last degree, to the extreme, on the outermost
  312. ulterior, ulterius
    farther, on the farther side, that is beyond
  313. Uranos, Urani m
    father of Saturn
  314. unguen, unguinis n
    fatty substance, fat, ointment, unguent
  315. ultionem timeo
    fear the revenge
  316. umbram meam metuo
    fearing even its shadow, being afraid without reason, fear without cause
  317. umbras timeo
    fearing even its shadow, being afraid without reason, fear without cause
  318. ustricula, ustriculae f
    female hair-curler
  319. unguentaria, unguentariae f
    female perfumer, art of making unguents, art of making perfumes
  320. undae mulierum verbales
    female verbal effusion
  321. undesexaginta
  322. urendo populandoque bellum gero
    fight the war with fires
  323. umbraliter
    figuratively, metaphorically
  324. urbani assidui cives
    fine urban and meddlesome citizens, fine urban and pushy citizens
  325. unguiculus, unguiculi m
  326. unguis, unguis m
    finger-nail, toe-nail, claw, talon, hoof, nail-like spot of plants, kind of shell-fish, hook, white skin on the eye
  327. ungulus, unguli m
    finger-ring, ring
  328. ustiones, ustionum f
    fire damages
  329. ubertas fluminum
    fish wealth of the rivers
  330. umbra, umbrae f
    fish, called also sciaena, grayling, umber
  331. uncino 1
    fishing with a rod, angling
  332. urbem praeterfluere
    flow past the city
  333. undique collecti coeunt
    flow together closed from all sides
  334. undique concurro
    flow together from everywhere
  335. unus maxime floreo
    flower most of all alone
  336. undifluus, undiflua, undifluum
    flowing with waves
  337. ultimo
    for the last time
  338. ultimum
    for the last time, only once again
  339. ultima vice
    for the last time, the last time
  340. urbem ad deditionem perpello
    force the city to surrender
  341. usuras alicui remitto
    forgive someone the interests
  342. undequinquaginta
  343. urbem auspicato condo
    found the city after perform auspices
  344. universum quadriduum
    four full days
  345. ultroneitas, ultroneitatis f
    freewill, voluntariness
  346. usus benevolentiaque
    friendly contact (with someone)
  347. undique versus
    from all directions, from every direction
  348. undique
    from all parts, from all sides, from all places, from every quarter, on all sides, on every part, everywhere, utterly, entirely, completely, in all respects
  349. undecunde
    from all sides, on all sides
  350. utrimque (utrinque)
    from both sides, from both parts, on both sides, on both parts, on the one side and on the other
  351. utrinque
    from both sides, from both parts, on both sides, on both parts, on the one side and on the other
  352. utrinde
    from both sides, on both sides
  353. usque ab unguiculo ad capillum summum
    from the head to the toe
  354. unitas ex duobus fio
    from two to become one
  355. unde domo?
    from what country?
  356. unde gentium
    from where in the world
  357. unde in omnes partes circumspectus est
    from where you can look out in all directions
  358. unde unde
    from wherever, whencesoever, from whatever quarter
  359. undeunde
    from wherever, whencesoever, from whatever quarter
  360. undecumque (undecunque)
    from wherever, whencesoever, from what place soever
  361. unde natalium
    from which family environment?
  362. unde
    from which place, whence, from whom, from which, on whose side
  363. uba, ubae f
    fruit of the vine, grape
  364. unguinosus, unguinosa, unguinosum
    full of fat, full of oil, fat, oily, unctuous
  365. uliginosus, uliginosa, uliginosum
    full of moisture, wet, moist, damp, marshy
  366. umbrosus, umbrosa, umbrosum
    full of shade, shady, umbrageous
  367. ulcerosus, ulcerosa, ulcerosum
    full of sores, ulcerous, knobby, full of knots, wounded
  368. undosus, undosa, undosum
    full of waves, full of surges, surgy, billowy
  369. unduosus, unduosa, unduosum
    full of waves, full of surges, surgy, billowy
  370. urinus, urina, urinum
    full of wind, windy
  371. ubertas verborum
    fullness of words, verbosity
  372. uncinatus, uncinata, uncinatum
    furnished with hooks, barbed
  373. ultra quam satis est
    further than necessary, more than enough
  374. usum consequor ex alqa re
    gaining experience from something
  375. urbanicianus, urbaniciana, urbanicianum
    garrisoned in the city
  376. unda radiodiffusionis Germanica
    German Broadcasting
  377. uxorem assumo
    get a wife
  378. uxorem sponso
    get engaged to a woman
  379. ultimum spiritum reddo
    give up his mind
  380. ultra excurro
    go beyond, extend beyond
  381. utinam ita velint superi!
    God grant it!, God give it!, May God give it!
  382. uva cibaria
    grape suitable only for eating
  383. unctae manus
    greasy hands
  384. Ultima Thule
  385. umesco 3
    grow moist, grow wet
  386. uva semiacerba
    half ripe grape
  387. urbs semiruta
    half-destroyed city
  388. uno conspectu aliquid video
    have a general overview of something
  389. utero laboro
    have birth pains
  390. usu praeditus sum
    have experience
  391. unde audierim, oblitus sum
    have forgotten who I heard it from
  392. usu aliquid cognitum habeo
    have practical knowledge, have practical skills, have practical skills
  393. usu bellorum gerendorum exercitatus sum
    have war experience
  394. unicaulis, unicaule
    having a single stalk
  395. unicalamus, unicalama, unicalamum
    having a single stem, having a single straw
  396. ungulatus, ungulata, ungulatum
    having claws, having hoofs
  397. uncipes, uncipedis
    having feet bent in, crook-footed
  398. unguifer, unguifera, unguiferum
    having nails
  399. unicorporeus, unicorporea, unicorporeum
    having one body, single-bodied
  400. uniiugus, uniiuga, uniiugum
    having one yoke, fastened to a single yoke, fastened to a single cross-beam, that has been married only once
  401. unimanus, unimana, unimanum
    having only one hand, one-handed
  402. unipetius, unipetia, unipetium
    having only one stalk
  403. unistirpis, unistirpe
    having only one stem, having only one trunk
  404. unarius, unaria, unarium
    having only one variation
  405. ultimus suorum mortuus est
    he died as the last of his family, as the last of his family died, with him his family died out
  406. unam et sexaginta centesimas suffragiorum accepit
    he received 61 % of the votes
  407. utroque tuum laudabit pollice ludum
    he will keep both fingers crossed for your poetry
  408. usurae graviores
    high interests
  409. ultro ac citro
    hither and thither, this way and that, here and there, to and fro, from both sides, backwards and forwards, reciprocally
  410. ultro citro
    hither and thither, this way and that, here and there, to and fro, from both sides, backwards and forwards, reciprocally
  411. ultro citroque
    hither and thither, this way and that, here and there, to and fro, from both sides, backwards and forwards, reciprocally
  412. ultro et citro
    hither and thither, this way and that, here and there, to and fro, from both sides, backwards and forwards, reciprocally
  413. unguium tenacitas
    holding claws, clinging claws, claws that hold on
  414. urbs, in qua quis natus (genitus) est
    home town, birthplace
  415. urbs natalis
    home town, birthplace, city of birth
  416. urbs patria
  417. ungula, ungulae f
    hoof, claw, talon, horse
  418. uncus, unci m
    hook, barb, anchor
  419. uncinus, uncini m
    hook, barb
  420. uncus, unca, uncum
    hooked, bent in, crooked, curved, barbed
  421. upupa, upupa f
    hoopoe, kind of mattock
  422. utinam ne abierit!
    hopefully he did not leave!
  423. utinam abierit!
    hopefully he has left!
  424. utinam abeat!
    hopefully he will leave!
  425. utinam ne abeat!
    hopefully he will not leave!
  426. urbis tumultus
    horror that the houses of the city could collapse
  427. ut vales?
    how are you?
  428. ut Homerus ait
    how Homer sings
  429. ut affirmatur
    how to insure, how to be insured
  430. ut
    how, in what way, in what manner
  431. ut valetur?
    how's it going?, how does one feel?
  432. utcumque libebit
    however you like it
  433. ululo 1
    howl, yell, shriek, utter a mournful cry, ring, resound, re-echo, howl forth, utter with howlings, cry out, wail over, howl over, fill (a place) with howling, fill (a place) with yells, fill (a place) shrieks
  434. ululatus, ululatus m
    howling, wailing, shrieking, wild yells, wild cries and shouts
  435. ululamen, ululaminis n
    howling, wailing, howl
  436. ululatio, ululationis f
    howling, wailing, lamentation
  437. ululabilis, ululabile
    howling, yelling, wailing
  438. umecta, umectorum n
    humidities, moistures
  439. unus omnia possideo
    I alone own everything, , being the sole owner of everything
  440. una sum
    I am present
  441. uxorium me praebeo
    I am subject to my wife, I am under the slipper
  442. ut maxime cupiam, non possum
    I can't, for the life of me
  443. utcumque valeo
    I feel so so-so
  444. utinam numquam cum Caesare societatem coissem
    I would never have entered into a covenant with Caesar!
  445. ut si (+ Konj.)
    if for instance, for example, if
  446. utilitas si amicitias conglutinaret
    if interest would tie friendship ties
  447. utroqueversum
    in a twofold sense
  448. undanter
    in a waving manner, like waves, in a throng
  449. undatim
    in a waving manner, like waves, in a throng
  450. undatus, undata, undatum
    in a wavy form, in a wave-like form
  451. uno verbo
    in a word, in one word, in short
  452. usurpative
    in an unusual manner, improperly, wrongly
  453. utique
    in any case, at any rate, certainly, surely, assuredly, by all means, particularly, especially, at least, without fail, undoubtedly
  454. ullatenus
    in any respect whatever
  455. utilis, utile
    in cases for which there was no express legal provision
  456. unum comminus ense ferit
    in close combat with the sword
  457. undique gentium
    in every part of the world
  458. ultime affectus
    in extremely bad situation, in extremely bad circumstances
  459. universe
    in general, generally
  460. ut mea est opinio
    in my opinion, in my view, according to my opinion
  461. ut mea fert opinio
    in my opinion, in my view, according to my opinion
  462. ut opinor
    in my opinion, in my view, according to my opinion
  463. uniformiter
    in one and the same manner, uniformly
  464. una
    in one and the same place, at the same time, in company, together
  465. uno tenore
    in one course, in one direction, uninterruptedly, uniformly
  466. uno tractu
    in one go, all at once
  467. uno agmine
    in one go, in one move
  468. una in re anteferor alicui
    in one point to be placed above someone, in one point to be preferred to someone else
  469. uno loco
    in one respect, in one consideration, in one relationship, in one point
  470. umbratiliter
    in outline, slightly
  471. usurpata statim libertate
    in the first enjoyment of freedom
  472. usitate
    in the usual manner
  473. usitato
    in the usual manner
  474. usualiter
    in the usual manner
  475. usitatim
    in the usual way, in the usual manner
  476. undose
    in waves
  477. utcumque
    in what way soever, howsoever, however, in any way whatever, in one way or another, at whatever time, whenever
  478. utut
    in whatever manner, howsoever
  479. ubi
    in which place, in what place, where
  480. utpote qui (quae, quod) (+ Konj.)
    inasmuch as he who, inasmuch as he, because he,
  481. urbem obsidione cingō
    include a city, enclose a city
  482. urbem obsidione claudo
    include a city, enclose a city
  483. unisubsellium, unisubsellii n
    individual bench
  484. utor 3
    indulge, yield to, experience, undergo, receive, enjoy the friendship of any one, be familiar with, be intimate with, associate with, be in possession of a thing, have, hold
  485. urbs intuta
    Insecurity of the city
  486. ursar, ursaris n
    instrument for smoothing the screed floor
  487. usurae semissium
    interest at six percent
  488. usurarii, usurariorum m
    interest recipient, lender, money lender
  489. uniter
    into one, together in one, conjointly
  490. unde (hinc) efficitur, ut ...
    it follows from this that
  491. usu venit, ut ...
    it happens, it occurs, it befalls, it chances
  492. usu receptum est
    it is a traditional custom, it is an old fashioned custom
  493. usu receptum est
    it is common, it is commonly used, it is usual
  494. usitatum est
    it is something in common use
  495. usitatum est
    it is something in common use, it is common, it is usual
  496. utile est + aci
    it is useful, it is of use
  497. usurpatum est
    it is usual, it is customary
  498. urceatim pluit
    it pours like from cans, it rains very strongly
  499. usu receptum est
    it's in fashion, it is fashionable
  500. ursula cummea
    jelly baby
  501. unio 4
    join together, unite
  502. urbanus, urbani m
    joker, funny man
  503. umbo iudicialis
    judicial defense
  504. unum te rogare volo
    just one thing I want to ask you
  505. unum illud dico
    just so much I want to say
  506. urbe oppugnanda hostes coercuit
    keep the enemies in check through the siege of the city
  507. uno in saltu duos apros capio
    kill two birds with one stone, kill two flies with one stone
  508. urion, urii n
    kind of earth in mines
  509. urium, urii n
    kind of earth in mines
  510. ulpicum, ulpici n
    kind of leek
  511. urus, uri m
    kind of wild ox, ure-ox, urus
  512. usu cognitum habemus
    know from experience, know by experience
  513. usu receptus
    know from experience, know by experience
  514. utrum albus an ater sit nescio (ignoro)
    know nothing more about him, do not know him personally closer
  515. urpex, urpicis m
    large rake with iron teeth, harrow
  516. ultima, ultimorum n
    last part, final part, end
  517. ultima pars
    last part, final part, end, remotest part, farthest part
  518. ubi quis habitat, aliquem duco
    lead someone to someone's apartment
  519. urbs trunca
    leaderless city, driverless city
  520. urbem a tergo relinquo
    leave the city behind
  521. urbe oppidove egressus
    left Rome or a country town, having left Rome or a rural town
  522. umor, umoris m
    liquid, fluid, moisture
  523. ungella, ungellae f
    little claw, little talon
  524. unguella, unguellae f
    little claw, little talon
  525. unctulum, unctuli n
    little ointment
  526. unciola, unciolae f
    little ounce
  527. urceola, urceolae f
    little pitcher, little water-pot
  528. urceolum, urceoli n
    little pitcher, little water-pot
  529. urceolus, urceoli m
    little pitcher, little water-pot
  530. urciolum, urcioli n
    little pitcher, little water-pot
  531. urciolus, urcioli m
    little pitcher, little water-pot
  532. umerulus, umeruli m
    little shoulder
  533. urnula, urnulae f
    little urn, water-urn, cinerary urn
  534. uxorcula, uxorculae f
    little wife
  535. urbanitas, urbanitatis f
    living in a city, city life, city fashion, city manners, Refinement, elegance of manner, politeness, courtesy, affability, urbanity, delicacy of speech, elegance of speech, wit, humor, pleasantry, raillery, trickery, roguery, knavery
  536. ultratus, ultrata, ultratum
    located on the other side, located further towards
  537. ultra illud prospicio
    look beyond, see further
  538. umbrarum dominus
    lord of the underworld, king of the underworld
  539. uxore excido
    lose my wife
  540. usurae leviores
    low interest
  541. urruncum, urrunci n
    lowest part of an ear of corn
  542. uno ordine habeo
    lump together, lump them all together
  543. urigo, uriginis f
    lustful heat, desire, pruriency
  544. ubero 1
    make fruitful, fertilize
  545. uberto 1
    make fruitful, fertilize
  546. umifico 1
    make moist, moisten
  547. umefacio 5
    make moist, moisten, wet
  548. uno 1
    make one, join, unite
  549. ulcero 1
    make sore, cause to ulcerate
  550. ulcera montium
    marble quarry
  551. uxoratus, uxorata, uxoratum
    married, partnered
  552. ultimas terras peragro
    migrate through the most remote countries
  553. ubera plena premo
    milk the bulging udders
  554. usus perversus
    misapplication, abuse, misuse
  555. umidum, umidi n
    moist place, wet place, damp place
  556. umens, umentis
    moist, damp, wet
  557. umidus, umida, umidum
    moist, humid, damp, dank, wet, watery, weak
  558. umorosus, umorosa, umorosum
    moist, wet
  559. uvidulus, uvidula, uvidulum
    moist, wet
  560. uvidus, uvida, uvidum
    moist, wet, damp, dank, humid, juicy
  561. uvens, uventis
    moist, wet, humid
  562. umecto 1
    moisten, wet, be moist, tearful, weep
  563. umectatio, umectationis f
    moistening, watering, moisture
  564. umide
    moistly, by reason of moisture
  565. uvor, uvoris m
    moistness, moisture, humidity
  566. umor gramen alit
    moisture soaks the grass
  567. uviditas, uviditatis f
  568. uligo, uliginis f
    moisture, marshy quality of the earth
  569. unguentarium unguentarii n
    money for buying perfumes
  570. unitas coloris
  571. unisyllabus, unisyllaba, unisyllabum
    monosyllabic, monosyllable
  572. unisonus, unisona, unisonum
    monotonous, uniform, monotone
  573. uligines paludum
  574. ut verius dicam
    more correctly, to put it more correctly
  575. uberius
    more fruitfully, more fully, more copiously, more plentifully
  576. urgentiora, urgentiorum n
    more urgent means
  577. unicum filium elugeo
    mourn his only son appropriately
  578. ungula, ungulae f (2)
    myrrh oil, ointment oil
  579. urtica, urticae f
    nettle, stinging-nettle, sea-nettle, lustful desire, pruriency
  580. undeviceni, undevicenae, undevicena
    nineteen each, nineteen
  581. undeviginti
  582. undecentum
  583. utcumque res ceciderit
    no matter how it ends (has ended), how it will go
  584. ubi uber, ibi tuber
    No roses without thorns
  585. unus nemo
    no single, none single
  586. unus nullus
    no single, none single
  587. ut plura non dicam
    not to go into more detail, not to be exhaustive
  588. ut haec omittam
    not to mention
  589. ut nihil dicam de ...
    not to speak of
  590. unio, unionis f
    number one, oneness, unity, unity, union, single large pearl, kind of single onion
  591. ultima vox
  592. umectus, umecta, umectum
    of a moist nature, moist, damp, wet
  593. uncialis, unciale
    of a twelfth part, amounting to a twelfth part
  594. uniusmodi
    of one and the same species
  595. unicolor, unicoloris
    of one color, all of one, all of the same color
  596. unicolorus, unicolora, unicolorum
    of one color, all of one, all of the same color
  597. unimodus, unimoda, unimodum
    of one fashion, of one sort, simple
  598. unanimis, unanime
    of one mind, accordant, harmonious, unanimous
  599. unanimans, unanimantis
    of one mind, of one accord
  600. unanimus, unanima, unanimum
    of one mind, of one heart, of one will, of one accord, concordant, harmonious, unanimous
  601. unianimis, unianime
    of one mind, of one heart, of one will, of one accord, concordant, harmonious, unanimous
  602. uninomius, uninomia, uninomium
    of one name, bearing the same name
  603. unus e posteris
    offspring, descendant
  604. utinam abiret!
    oh let him go away! (unfortunately he does not go away)
  605. utinam (+ Konj.)
    oh that! I wish that!, if only!, would that!
  606. utinam ne abiret!
    oh, he would not go away! (unfortunately he is going away)
  607. unguentarium unguentarii n
    ointment jar, ointment box
  608. unguilla, unguillae f
  609. unguedo, unguedinis f
    ointment, unguent
  610. unguentum, unguenti n
    ointment, unguent, perfume
  611. utraque
    on both sides
  612. utrasque
    on both sides, both times
  613. utrobidem
    on both sides, on each or either side
  614. utrubidem
    on both sides, on each or either side
  615. ultra [ulterior, ultimus]
    on the other side, beyond, farther, over, more, besides, farther, later
  616. utralibet
    on whichever of two sides, on either side
  617. unicus, unica, unicum
    one and no more, only, sole, single, alone of its kind, singular, uncommon, unparalleled, unique, singularly bad, detestable
  618. unum atque idem
    one and the same
  619. unus et idem
    one and the same
  620. unus Cato est pro centum milibus
    one Cato weighs hundreds of thousands
  621. unus mihi restat scrupulus
    one concern remains for me, I still have one reservation
  622. unus de multis
    one from the crowd, one from many, one from the big bunch
  623. utendum est animis, dum spe calent
    one must forge the iron while it is hot
  624. unus ex multis
    one of many
  625. unus e turba circumstantium
    one of the crowd of bystanders
  626. undecimprimus, undecimprimi m
    one of the eleven elders of the city
  627. unus ex superstitibus
    one of the survivors
  628. unus beatiorum
    one of the wealthy, one of the more wealthy
  629. unus atque alter
    one or the other, some, several, quite a few
  630. unus et alter dies
    one or two days
  631. uncia, unciae f
    one twelfth of a jugerum
  632. uncia, unciae f
    one twelfth per cent a month
  633. utrarius, utrarii m
    one who brings water in skins, water-carrier
  634. utricida, utricidae m
    one who cuts skins or bags in pieces, skin-slayer, utricide
  635. usufructuarius, usufructuarii m
    one who has the use and profit but not the property of a thing, a usufructuary
  636. umbraticola, umbraticolae c
    one who is fond of the shade, effeminate person, lounger
  637. usuarius, usuarii m
    one who uses or has the use of a thing
  638. usurpator, usurpatoris m
    one who uses possession unlawfully, one who takes possession unlawfully, usurper of a thing, one who accomplishes
  639. unioculus, uniocula, unioculum
  640. unoculus, unocula, unoculum
  641. unus, una, unum
    one, a single, some, some one, alone, only, sole, single
  642. unicornis, unicorne
    onehorned, having a single horn
  643. umbra imagoque iustitiae
    only a shadow of justice
  644. unigena, unigena c
    only-begotten, only, born of one parent, born of the same family
  645. unigenitus, unigenita, unigenitum
    onlybegotten, only
  646. urnatura, urnaturae f
    ornament, trimming
  647. undo 1
    overflow, inundate, deluge
  648. udo colores illino
    paint in fresco
  649. usuram pendo
    pay interest
  650. usuram solvo
    pay interest
  651. urina respergo
    pee on, pee on, sprinkle with urine
  652. uxori lenocinium praebeo
    pimping your own wife
  653. ulmarium, ulmarii n
    plantation of elms, nursery of elms
  654. unum lusum conficio
    play only one game
  655. ubertim
    plentifully, abundantly, copiously
  656. urbo 1
    plough round, mark out with a plough
  657. urvo 1
    plough round, mark out with a plough
  658. urbem violo
    plunder the city
  659. urbium opes exhaurio
    plunder the rich cities
  660. urino 1
    plunge under water, dive
  661. urinor 1
    plunge under water, dive
  662. ursus albus
    polar bear
  663. ungellae, ungellarum f
    pork claws, pig's feet
  664. urbs portuensis
    port city, seaport, harbor city
  665. usus forensis
    practice of advocacy
  666. urgueo 2
    press, push, force, drive, impel, urge, press upon, bear hard upon, bear close upon, press hard, beset, bear down, burden, oppress, stimulate, drive, solicit, strain , exert in excess, press upon, crowd, hem in, confine, ply, urge with argument, follow up, keep to, stick to
  667. urgeo 2
    press, push, force, drive, impel, urge, press upon, bear hard upon, bear close upon, press hard, beset, bear down, burden, oppress, stimulate, drive, solicit, strain
  668. uvas calco
    pressing grapes
  669. urgens, urgentis
    pressing, cogent, urgent
  670. urgenter
  671. ut arbitror
    presumably, but probably, probably, but certainly
  672. usurpatorie
    presumptuously, pretentiously
  673. usticius, usticii n
    produced by burning, brown
  674. ultorem me promitto
    promise oneself as avengers
  675. ultionem exigo ab aliquo
    punish someone, take revenge on someone
  676. ultionem peto ab aliquo
    punish someone, take revenge on someone
  677. ultor, ultoris m
    punisher, avenger, revenger
  678. umerum pallio onero
    put the coat over the shoulder
  679. umeris alas assumo
    put wings to the shoulders
  680. ululatum edo
    raise a shout, raise a yell
  681. ululatum tollo
    raise a shout, raise a yell
  682. uber bellum
    rapier war, ravenous war, rich war
  683. umidulus, umidula, umidulum
    rather damp, dampish, wettish
  684. ubera praebeo
    reach the chest
  685. ubera admoveo
    reach the chest, reach the breast
  686. ubera do
    reach the chest, reach the breast
  687. usureceptio, usureceptionis f
    recovery by usucaption of property once alienated
  688. usurecipio 5
    recovery by usucaption of property once alienated
  689. uxorem propulso
    reject the wife from the door, turn away a marriage
  690. ureticus, uretica, ureticum
    relating to urine, urinary
  691. uncati syllogismi
    reluctant conclusions, recalcitrant conclusions
  692. utrisque armis vaco
    remain neutral, stay neutral
  693. umbratilis, umbratile
    remaining in the shade, remaining in retirement, remaining at home, private, retired, contemplative, in the manner of the schools
  694. urbem obsidione liberatam esse nuntio
    report the liberation of the city
  695. unde egressus sum me refero
    return to its starting point
  696. ultio violatae pudicitiae
    revenge for the desecration, revenge for the dishonour, revenge for the assault
  697. umbra rhetorica
    rhetoric school
  698. ubertas anni
    rich annual yield, high annual yield, rich blessing of the year
  699. unctum, uncti n
    rich banquet, sumptuous feast
  700. uber agrorum proventus
    rich blessing of the fields
  701. uber, uberis
    rich in something, full, fruitful, fertile, abundant, plentiful, copious, productive, rich
  702. uncta patrimonia
    rich inheritances
  703. ubertas et copia orationis
    richness and abundance of speech
  704. ubertas, ubertatis f
    richness, fulness, plenteousness, plenty, abundance, copiousness, fruitfulness, fertility, productiveness
  705. urbem circumequito
    ride around the city
  706. urbs Fluminensis
    Rio de Janeiro
  707. undo 1
    rise in waves, rise in surges, throw up waves, surge, swell, overflow with, be full of, abound in any thin, wave, undulate, waver, fluctuate, be agitated
  708. ultima audeo
    risk everything, put everything on one card, dare the extreme, dare the utmost
  709. unda irremeabilis
    river of no return, river without return
  710. unguento 1
    rub with sweet ointments, anoint, perfume
  711. undas rate sulco
    sail through the waves
  712. unius sexus coniugium
    same-sex marriage, gay marriage, registered partnership
  713. unciatim comparco
    save up by the cent, save up by the penny
  714. ura scorpiu
    scorpion’s-tail, a plant
  715. urco 1
    scream like a lynx
  716. ulucus, uluci m
  717. ulula, ululae f
  718. ulva, ulvae f
  719. urina genitalis
    seed, semen
  720. ultro morti me offero
    seek death of their own free will, kill themselves, go to death of their own free will
  721. umbrosa, umbrosorum n
    semi-darkness, twilight, dim light
  722. uxorem repudio
    separate from his wife, part with his wife
  723. utilitates alicui praebeo
    serve someone extraordinarily well
  724. urbem in libertatem eximo
    set the city in freedom
  725. urbem inflammo
    set the town on fire
  726. undenonaginta
  727. umbrifer, umbrifera, umbriferum
    shade-bringing, shade-giving, casting a shade, shady
  728. umbro 1
    shade, shadow, overshadow, overspread, cover, make a shade, cast a shade
  729. umbra, umbrae f
    shade, shadow, uninvited guest, attendant, shady place, that which gives a shadow, trace, obscure sign, obscure image, faint appearance, imperfect copy, imperfect representation, semblance, pretence, cover, protection, rest, leisure
  730. umbrella, umbrellae f
    shadow roof
  731. umbresco 3
    shadow, become shadowy, darken
  732. umbratio, umbrationis f
  733. umbrae silentes
    shadows of the underworld
  734. umbraculum, umbraculi n
    shady place, bower, arbor, school, sunshade, parasol, umbrella
  735. urnam moveo
    shake the lottery pot, shake the lot pot
  736. una domus
    shared apartment, common apartment, common home, shared home
  737. usurpatrix, usurpatricis f
    she that assumes or takes to herself without right
  738. ultrix, ultricis f
    she that avenges, avenger
  739. ursa, ursae f
    she-bear, bear
  740. upilio, upilionis m
  741. undeciremis, undeciremis f
    ship of eleven banks of oars
  742. ubi quis habitet, alicui demonstro
    show someone someone's apartment
  743. ulex, ulicis m
    shrub resembling rosemary
  744. unda Sicula
    Sicilian Sea
  745. uno tempore
    simultaneously, at the same time
  746. una sedeo
    sit together
  747. ulmanus, ulmana, ulmanum
    situated near the elms, situated near the elm grove
  748. uxores alienas permolo
    sleep the wives of other men
  749. urceolus fictilis
    small earthen pitcher
  750. uterculus, uterculi m
    small paunch, small belly
  751. utriculus, utriculi m
    small skin, small leathern bottle
  752. ulcusculum, ulcusculi n
    small sore, small ulcer
  753. undula, undulae f
    small wave
  754. unguo 3
    smear, besmear, anoint, dress with oil
  755. undae Maeandri recurvatae
    snake windings of the meander
  756. ut ita dicam
    so to speak, as it were
  757. udo, udonis m
    sock of felt or fur
  758. undecimani, undecimanorum m
    soldiers of the eleventh legion
  759. undecumani, undecumanorum m
    soldiers of the eleventh legion
  760. unetvicesimani, unetvicesimanorum m
    soldiers of the twentyfirst legion
  761. unculus, uncula, unculum
    some, any
  762. unctiusculus, unctiuscula, unctiusculum
    somewhat unctuous
  763. ulcus, ulceris n
    sore spot, delicate subject
  764. ulcus, ulceris n
    sore, ulcer, excrescence (of trees)
  765. unco 1
    sound like a bear, roar like a bear
  766. uva acerba
    sour grape, unripe grape, immature grape
  767. Unio Rerum Publicarum Sovieticarum Socialisticarum
    Soviet Union
  768. una cum legione hiemo
    spend the winter together with the legion
  769. uterque utrique insidiatur
    stalk each other, ambush each other
  770. una sto
    stand beside it
  771. urbem fame suffoco
    starve the city, starve the town
  772. univiratus, univiratus m
    state of a woman who has married but once
  773. unitas, unitatis f
    state of being one, oneness, unity, unity of sentiment, agreement, concord
  774. una mihi restat spes
    still one hope remains for me
  775. uncum bene decutio
    successfully escape the hangman, happily escape the evil, avoid the danger happily
  776. ubera duco
    sucking on the chest, suck at the breast
  777. undis vehor
    surf, riding the waves
  778. undivectatio, undivectationis f
  779. uncus, unci m
    surgical instrument
  780. urnarium, urnarii n
    table on which water-vessels were set, urn-table
  781. uraeum, uraei n
    tail-piece of tunny-fish, fishtail
  782. umbram quoque spei devor
    take away every glimmer of hope
  783. uxorem duco
    take home as wife, marry
  784. usuram ab aliquo accipio
    take interest
  785. usurpo 1
    take into use, make use of, use, employ, apply, practise, exercise, enjoy, get possession of, acquire, obtain a thing, assume unlawfully, appropriate unlawfully, usurp
  786. urbe aliquem socio
    take somebody in his city, share his city with someone
  787. ulnis attollo aliquem
    take somebody on the arm
  788. ulnis tollo aliquem
    take somebody on the arm
  789. urbem surripio
    take the city with cunning
  790. ulcisco 3
    take vengeance on, punish
  791. usurpatio, usurpationis f
    taking into use, making use, using, use of, undertaking of, enjoyment, possession, seizing unlawfully, using unlawfully, usurpation
  792. ultio, ultionis f
    taking vengeance, avenging, revenge, punishment
  793. uberius dico de aliqua re
    talk in more detail about something
  794. uberius disputo de aliqua re
    talk in more detail about something
  795. unctior cena
    tasty food, delicious food, tasty meal
  796. uxorium, uxorii n
    tax laid on old-bachelors, old-bachelor tax, love potion
  797. udum gaudium
    tearful pleasure
  798. uber, uberis n
    teat, pap, dug, udder, breast that gives suck, fruitful breast, mass in the shape of an udder, richness, fruitfulness, fertility
  799. univocus, univoca, univocum
    that has but one meaning, univocal
  800. unicuba, unicubae f
    that has lain with but one husband
  801. ut mihi supersit, suppetat, superstitet
    that I have plenty of it
  802. ultramundanus, ultramundana, ultramundanum
    that is beyond the world, ultra-mundane, , aboveworldly, transcend the world
  803. ulter, tra, trum [ulterior, ultimus]
    that is beyond, that is on the other side
  804. usualis, usuale
    that is for use, fit for use, usual, common, ordinary
  805. usuarius, usuaria, usuarium
    that is used, that made use of, whom one has the use of, but does not own
  806. usurpabilis, usurpabile
    that may be used
  807. utensilis, utensile
    that may be used, fit for use, of use, useful
  808. umificus, umifica, umificum
    that renders moist, moistening
  809. ussurarius, ussuraria, ussurarium
    that serves for use, that is fit for use, of which one has the use or enjoyment, belonging to interest, belonging to usury, that pays interest
  810. usurarius, usuraria, usurarium
    that serves for use, that is fit for use, of which one has the use or enjoyment, belonging to interest, belonging to usury, that pays interest
  811. usurarius, usuraria, usurarium
    that serves for use, that is fit for use, of which one has the use or enjoyment, belonging to interest, belonging to usury, that pays interest
  812. ut quisque (+ Superl.) ... ita (+ Superl.) ...
    the - the
  813. ut quisque (+ Superl.) ... sic (+ Superl.) ...
    the - the
  814. undans Aetna
    the (from the earthquake) trembling Etna
  815. ursus caveae clatros frangit
    the bear breaks the bars of the cage
  816. urbs amoeno loco sita est
    the city has a beautiful location
  817. urbs opportuno loco sita est
    the city has a favorable location
  818. urbs valido praesidio firmata est
    the city has a strong protection force
  819. urbs cecidit
    the city has fallen, the city has been conquered
  820. urbs expugnata est
    the city has fallen, the city has been conquered
  821. urbs solo tenus deiecta est
    the city is destroyed to the ground, the city is razed to the ground
  822. urbs usque ad solum diruta est
    the city is destroyed to the ground, the city is razed to the ground
  823. urbs luctu consedit
    the city is sunk in mourning
  824. urbs mari alluitur
    the city is washed by the sea
  825. urbs in dorso montis porrigitur
    the city stretches along the ridge
  826. ut quisque proxime accederet
    the closer someone gets to us
  827. urnifer, urniferi m
    the constellation Aquarius
  828. ultimi discriminis tempus
    the decisive hour, the decisive time
  829. undecimus, undecima, undecimum
    the eleventh
  830. Unio Europaea, Unionis Europaeae
    the European Union (EU)
  831. Unio Europaea his decenniīs ad iura humana provehenda multum contulit
    the European Union has done much to promote human rights in recent decades
  832. usitata, usitatorum n
    the everyday, the usual
  833. ultimum, ultimi n
    the extreme, the worst, the last, the end, lowest degree
  834. ultimus, ultima, ultimum
    the farthest, most distant, most remote, the uttermost, extreme, last, the farthest, the most distant part of any thing
  835. undesexagesimus, undesexagesima, undesexagesimum
    the fifty-ninth
  836. unda te rursus in bellum resorbet
    the flood draws you again to war
  837. undequinquagesimus, undequinquagesima, undequinquagesimum
    the forty-ninth
  838. Unxia, Unxiae f
    the goddess of anointing
  839. uva calore solis augescit
    the grape thrives in the heat of the sun
  840. undique circumfusae molestiae
    the harassment that comes from all sides
  841. uranoscopos, uranoscopi m
    the heaven-gazer, sea-fish
  842. uranoscopus, uranoscopi m
    the heaven-gazer, sea-fish
  843. umbilicus Veneris
    the herb navelwort
  844. ungula sonat
    the hoofbeat roars, the hoofbeat thunders
  845. urbs situ ad aspectum praeclara est
    the location of the city is very beautiful
  846. uncta Corinthus
    the luxuriant Corinth, the lush Corinth, the lascivious Corinth
  847. ut quisque (+ Superl.) ... ita (+ Superl.) ...
    the more - the more
  848. ut quisque (+ Superl.) ... sic (+ Superl.) ...
    the more - the more
  849. ultimae terrae
    the most remote countries, end of the world
  850. Urania, Uraniae f
    the Muse of astronomy, name of one of Actœon’s hounds
  851. Uranie, Uranies f
    the Muse of astronomy, name of one of Actœon’s hounds
  852. usus adest
    the need is present, the need exists
  853. usus venit
    the need requires it, the need occurs, it becomes necessary
  854. undevicesimus, undevicesima, undevicesimum
    the nineteenth
  855. undevigesimus, undevigesima, undevigesimum
    the nineteenth
  856. undecentesimus, undecentesima, undecentesimum
    the ninety-ninth
  857. unguentum crocum sapit
    the ointment oil smells of crocus
  858. unus homo pluris quam cuncta civitas fuit
    the one man weighed more than the whole state
  859. una et consentiens vox est
    the opinion about it is unanimous, there is a unanimous voice
  860. ultimus caeli complexus
    the outermost perimeter of the sky
  861. ulceraria, ulcerariae f
    the plant horehound
  862. urbs frequentia crescit
    the population of the city is growing, the city is growing in population
  863. uxorius ambitus
    the scheming efforts of a woman
  864. urbs draconigena
    the snake-founded city
  865. urbs pulcherrima Syracusae
    the so beautiful city of Syracuse
  866. undevicesimani, undevicesimanorum m
    the soldiers of the nineteenth legion
  867. unedo, unedonis m
    the strawberry-tree, and also its fruit
  868. undequadragesimus, undequadragesima, undequadragesimum
    the thirty-ninth
  869. urit Venerem Iuno
    the thought of Iuno torments Venus
  870. uncia, unciae f
    the twelfth part of a foot, an inch
  871. unetvicesimus, unetvicesima, unetvicesimum
    the twentyfirst
  872. undetricesimus, undetricesima, undetricesimum
    the twentyninth
  873. undae recedunt
    the water falls, the water level sinks
  874. undae me obruunt
    the waves crash over my head
  875. universi, universorum m
    the whole body of citizens, all men together
  876. universum, universi n
    the whole world, the universe
  877. universitas, universitatis f
    the whole, the whole number of things, the whole world, the universe, number of persons associated into one body, society, company, community, guild, corporation
  878. unctrix, unctricis f
    the woman who anoints, femal anointer
  879. usus est
    there is the need, it is necessary
  880. una adsunt
    they come together
  881. utensilia, utensilium n
    things for use, utensils, materials, necessaries
  882. ultima cogito
    think the worst, imagine the worst
  883. undequadragiens
    thirty-nine times
  884. unum illud
    this one grievance
  885. urbem tempto
    threaten the city
  886. ultorem me promitto
    threatening with revenge, plotting revenge
  887. universum triduum
    three full days
  888. unite
    throughout, consistently, without exception
  889. ut omittam similitudines
    to avoid parables, to leave parables aside
  890. ut ad pauca redeam
    to be brief, to abbreviate me, to be short
  891. ut brevi complectar
    to be brief, to abbreviate me, to be short
  892. ut brevi praecidam
    to be brief, to abbreviate me, to be short
  893. ut breviter complectar
    to be brief, to abbreviate me, to be short
  894. ut breviter dicam
    to be brief, to abbreviate me, to be short
  895. ut paucis complectar
    to be brief, to keep it short
  896. ut ut brevi comprehendam
    to be brief, to keep it short, to make a long story short
  897. utroque
    to both places, to both parts, to both sides, in both directions, in either point of view, both ways
  898. utrolibet
    to either one of two sides, to either side
  899. ut planius dicam
    to express myself more clearly
  900. ut exemplo utar
    to give an example, for example
  901. ut hoc afferam
    to give the example, to cite the example
  902. ut alia omittam
    to leave aside other things, apart from other, among others
  903. unctionis causa
    to oil yourself
  904. urbis defendendae causa
    to protect the city
  905. ut paucis (rem) absolvam
    to put it briefly, to make a long story short
  906. ut ad minima veniam
    to quote very trivial things
  907. ut in eodem simili verser
    to remain in the same parable, to stay in the same parable
  908. ut in perpetuum dicam
    to say it once and for all
  909. ut semel dicam
    to say it once and for all, to put it once and for all
  910. ut emphaticoteron dicam
    to speak with greater force, to emphasise it more
  911. ut in pauca conferam
    to sum it up in a few words
  912. ut eorum, quae dixi, summam faciam
    to sum up my words, to summarize my words
  913. ut Ciceronis verbis utar
    to talk with Cicero, to speak with Cicero
  914. ultro
    to the farther side, beyond, on the other side, afar, away, off, superfluously, gratuitously, wantonly, on his part, on their part, of himself, of themselves, of one’s own accord, without being asked, spontaneously, voluntarily, of his own motion
  915. ut hoc utar
    to use the example
  916. ut levissime dicam
    to use the mildest expression
  917. ut gravissimo vebo utar
    to use the strongest expression
  918. utro
    to which of two places, to which side, to which part
  919. uno vulnere aliquem in mortem afficio
    to wound someone to death with one blow, to give someone the death blow
  920. una mecum simul
    together with me
  921. uberibus exsertis
    topless, bare, breasted, bare, chested
  922. universalitas, universalitatis f
    totality, universality
  923. ulcus tango (attingo)
    touch a sore spot, touch on a delicate subject
  924. uncia, unciae f
    trifle, bit, atom
  925. urbem tuendam alicui committo
    trust the protection of the city to sh
  926. urbem tempto
    try to conquer the city
  927. uncia, unciae f
    twelfth part of any thing, a twelfth
  928. untia, untiae f
    twelfth part of any thing, a twelfth
  929. undetricies
    twenty nine times
  930. unus et vicesimus, una et vicesima, unum et vicesimum
  931. undetriceni, undetricenae, undetricena
    twenty-nine each, twentynine
  932. undetriginta
  933. unus et viginti
  934. universum biduum
    two full days
  935. ultimate
    ultimate, without further action, immediate
  936. umbilicus, umbilici m
    umbilical cord, middle, centre, projecting end of the cylinder on which an ancient book was rolled, projection in the middle of plants, small circle, index on a sundial, kind of sea-snail, sea-cockle
  937. unum sensum habens
  938. unanimitas, unanimitatis f
    unanimity, concord
  939. una voce
  940. uno consensu
  941. unanimiter
    unanimously, cordially
  942. uno ore
    unanimously, with one voice, with one vote, all together
  943. ultimum in libertate
    unbridled freedom, most unrestrained freedom
  944. ungues incompti
    uncut nails, untrimmed nails
  945. uno nomine
    under one heading, at once
  946. usurpatio itineris
    undertaking of a journey
  947. uniformitas, uniformitatis f
  948. unilateralis, unilaterale
  949. Unionis Europaeae Societates Pedifollicae (UEFA)
    Union of European Football Associations (UEFA)
  950. Unio Meridionalis Americae Nationum
    Union of South American States (Unasur)
  951. Unionitae, Unionitārum m
    Unionites, Unitarians, religious sect that denied the Trinity
  952. unesco 3
    unite, to become one
  953. unisco 3
    unite, to become one
  954. Unitarum Nationum Conventus ad commercium et progressionem provehenda (Unctad)
    United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD
  955. Unitarum Nationum ab educatione, scientia, cultura organizatio (UNESCO)
    United Nations Educational-Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
  956. Unitarum Nationum educationis scientiae culturae ordo (UNESCO)
    United Nations Educational-Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
  957. universitas rerum
    universe, space, outer space, world building
  958. undae caecae
    unknown sea, unknown ocean
  959. usum pedum amitto
    unlearn how to walk, forget how to walk
  960. uva immitis
    unripe grape, immature grape, too young girl
  961. ubi nulla suspicio subest
    unsuspicious, where no suspicion exists, suspect free, unsuspicious
  962. unulus, unula, unulum
  963. umerus, umeri m
    upper bone of the arm, shoulder, middle part of a thing, back, ridge
  964. ultima cavea
    uppermost row of seats
  965. urgentia, urgentiae f
    urgency, emergency
  966. urgentia, urgentium n
    urgent necessity
  967. urinal, urinalis n
    urinal, pee bowl, piss basin
  968. urinam facio
    urinate, piss, pee
  969. urinam reddo
    urinate, piss, pee
  970. urina, urinae f
  971. urniger, urnigera, urnigerum
  972. usui aptus
    usable, utilizable, useable, useful
  973. usus, usus m
    use of any thing, using of any thing, employment, practice, exercise, experience, discipline, skill acquired by practice, reality, intercourse, familiarity, association, intimacy, society, usefulness, value, utility, benefit, profit, advantage
  974. usus armorum
    use of weapons
  975. usitor 1
    use often, be in the habit of using
  976. usio, usionis f
  977. uto 3
    use, employ, make use of
  978. utor 3
    use, make use of, employ, manage, control, wield, spend, wear, accept, adopt, resort to, consult, make, adopt, perform, exercise, practise, enjoy, profit by, take advantage of
  979. usitatio, usitationis f
    use, usage
  980. utilitas, utilitatis f
    use, usefulness, utility, serviceableness, service, expediency, benefit, profit, advantage
  981. utilis ad rem
    useful for something
  982. utilis, utile
    useful, serviceable, beneficial, profitable, advantageous, suitable, adapted, proper
  983. utiliter
    usefully, profitably, beneficially, advantageously
  984. usitator, usitatoris m
  985. usura, usurae f
    using of a thing, use of a thing, enjoyment of a thing, use of money lent, interest, usury
  986. usitatus, usitata, usitatum
    usual, wonted, customary, common, ordinary, accustomed, familiar
  987. usus fructus
  988. usus et fructus
    usufruct (of foreign property)
  989. usufructuarie
    usufruct, by usufruct
  990. usurpatorius, usurpatoria, usurpatorium
    usurping, usurpatory
  991. unice securus
    utterly regardless
  992. ulophonon, ulophoni n
    variety of the plant chamaeleon
  993. uranos, urani m
    vault of heaven, sky vault
  994. ungellula, ungellulae f
    very little claw
  995. unguellula, unguellulae f
    very little claw
  996. urbs praevalida
    very powerful city, very mighty city
  997. urna, urnae f
    vessel for drawing water, water-pot, water-jar, urn, voting-urn, urn of fate, cinerary urn, money-pot, money-jar, liquid measure containing half an amphora, measure
  998. urnalia, urnalium n
    vessels containing an urn
  999. ultima exspecto (expecto)
    wait for the end, await the end
  1000. urbs, urbis f
    walled town, city, city of Rome, the citizens, capital city, metropolis, main point
  1001. undivagus, undivaga, undivagum
    wandering in waves
  1002. usus belli
    war supplies, war supply
  1003. urnifer, urniferi m
    water carrier
  1004. unda undam supervenit
    wave follows wave
  1005. undifragus, undifraga, undifragum
    wave-breaking, that breaks the waves
  1006. undisonus, undisona, undisonum
    wave-sounding, sounding with the waves, roaring with the waves
  1007. unda, undae f
    wave, billow, surge, water, moisture, fluid, liquid, any wavelike thing, talon, ogee, stream, tide
  1008. undicola, undicolae c
    wavedwelling, inhabiting the waves, dwelling in the sea
  1009. unilateralem declarationem independentiae agnoscere non valemus
    we do not see ourselves in a position to recognize the unilateral declaration of independence
  1010. uxor beata
    wealthy wife
  1011. unda putealis
    well water
  1012. udi oculi
    wet eyes, watery eyes
  1013. udus, uda, udum
    wet, moist, damp, humid, tearful
  1014. udo 1
    wet, moisten
  1015. umentia, umentium n
  1016. utcumque cessura res est
    whatever the outcome, whatever the outcome will be
  1017. ut primum
    when first, as soon as ever
  1018. ubi iam vesperaverat
    when it had already become evening
  1019. ubi (+ Ind.)
    when, whenever, as soon as, as
  1020. undelibet
    whence you will, whencesoever, from any place whatever, from anywhere, from whatever quarter
  1021. ubinam?
    where actually?
  1022. ubi uber, ibi tuber
    where an udder, there is a swelling
  1023. ubi constitit?
    where did he put himself?, where did he place himself?
  1024. ubiquaque
    where ever
  1025. ubinam gentium?
    where in the world?, where on earth?
  1026. ubinam terrarum?
    where in the world?, where on earth?
  1027. ubi gentium?
    where in the world
  1028. ubi terrarum?
    where in the world
  1029. ubilibet
    where it likes, everywhere
  1030. unde tuos repetam fastus?
    where should I begin to describe your pride?
  1031. ubicumque gentium
    wherever in the world, everywhere in the world
  1032. ubicumque terrarum
    wherever in the world, everywhere in the world
  1033. ubicumque
    wherever, wheresoever, wherever it may be, anywhere, everywhere
  1034. ubicunque
    wherever, wheresoever, wherever it may be, anywhere, everywhere
  1035. ubiquomque
    wherever, wheresoever, wherever it may be, anywhere, everywhere
  1036. ubiubi
    wherever, wheresoever, wherever it may be, anywhere, everywhere
  1037. Urios, Urii m
    which gives good airflow, title of Jupiter
  1038. uterlibet, utralibet, utrumlibet
    which of the two you please, whichsoever of the two, either one (of two), either of the two
  1039. utervis, utravis, utrumvis
    which of the two you will, either one of the two, either
  1040. uter, utra, utrum
    which of them, which of the two, who of them
  1041. utercumque, utracumque, utrumcumque
    whichever of the two, whichsoever, whichever
  1042. utercunque, utracunque, utrumcunque
    whichever of the two, whichsoever, whichever
  1043. uter, utra, utrum
    whoever of them, whoever of both, whoever of the two
  1044. uxor, uxoris f
    wife, spouse, consort
  1045. uxori nubere nolo meae
    will not be subject to my wife
  1046. uno ad nullum ictu vicimus
    win with one to zero goals, win with 1:0
  1047. unca avis Minervae
    with crooked beak and talons
  1048. unifistulatus, unifistulata, unifistulatum
    with one barrel
  1049. unā significatione litterarum
    with one stroke of the pen
  1050. una litterarum significatione
    with one stroke of the pen, with one pen stroke
  1051. urceatim
    with pitchers
  1052. uno digitulo
    with the little finger, child's easy, very simple, baby light
  1053. univira, univirae f
    woman that has had only one husband
  1054. univiria, univiriae f
    woman that has had only one husband
  1055. uter, uteri m
    womb, matrix, fruit of the womb, fetus, child, young, belly, earth cavity, paunch
  1056. uterus, uteri m
    womb, matrix, fruit of the womb, fetus, child, young, belly, earth cavity, paunch
  1057. universa mens divina
    world spirit
  1058. unicultor, unicultoris m
    worshipper of one God, monotheist
  1059. ulcero iecur
    wounding the heart
  1060. usurpativus, usurpativa, usurpativum
    wrongly used, unusual, improper, usurpative
  1061. utrumvis facere potes
    you can do both (at will)
  1062. unam tibi viam et perpetuam esse vellem
    you would never return again!
  1063. uncus, unci m
  1064. umigo 1
  1065. ultionem peto ab aliquo
  1066. usu venire potest, ut ...
    the case may occur that, the case may occur that, there may be the case that
  1067. urbs resurgit
  1068. urbs terra marique clauditur
  1069. ut quisque maxime ... ita minime
  1070. ut a fabulis ad facta veniamus
  1071. ultimatim
    immediate, instantaneous
  1072. Unitarum Nationum Conventus ad commercium et progressionem provehenda (Unctad)
  1073. Unitarum Nationum Institutum exulibus subsidiarium
  1074. ultionis cupiditas
    vindictiveness, vengefulness
  1075. unde me exhibeam?
  1076. unde quo venis?
  1077. utique scire cupio
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