Lateinisch - Englische Wortliste - Z
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    104 Ergebnisse
  1. zopyron, zopyri n
    a plant, called also clinopodion
  2. zopyrontion, zopyrontii n
    a plant, called also clinopodion
  3. zmintha, zminthae f
    an aromatic plant, a kind of mint
  4. zonarius, zonaria, zonarium
    belonging to a belt, belonging to a girdle
  5. zephyrius, zephyria, zephyrium
    belonging to a zephyr, belonging to the west wind
  6. zonalis, zonale
    belonging to a zone
  7. Zaporizhiensis, Zaporizhiense
    belonging to Zaporizhzhia
  8. zona, zonae f
    belt, girdle, zone, money-belt, climate-zone, kind of herpes or erysipelas, shingles
  9. zōna repulsoria
    buffer zone
  10. zmegma, zmegmatis n
    cleansing medicine, detergent
  11. zmecticus, zmectica, zmecticum
    cleansing, abstersive
  12. zeunitor, zeunitoris m
  13. zona frigida
    cold zone, , arctic circle, polar circle
  14. zona frigida
    cold zone, arctic circle, polar circle
  15. zona conflictata
    conflict zone
  16. zema, zemae f
    cooking utensil, saucepan
  17. zuma, zumae f
    cooking utensil, saucepan
  18. zinzilo 1
    cry of the thrush
  19. zinzio 1
    cry of the thrush
  20. zinzito 1
    cry of the thrush
  21. zizania, zizaniae f
    darnel, cockle, tares
  22. zizania, zizaniorum n
    darnel, cockle, tares
  23. zmectica, zmecticorum n
  24. zabolus, zaboli m
  25. ziabolus, ziaboli m
  26. zabolicus, zabolica, zabolicum
    devilish, diabolical
  27. zomoteganite, zomoteganites f
    dish of fish stewed in their own liquor
  28. zmaragdus, zmaragdi m
    emerald, beryl, jasper, malachite
  29. zetema, zetematis n
    examination, investigation, task
  30. zona displosiva
    explosive belt
  31. zygaena, zygaenae f
  32. zophorus, zophori m
    frieze of a column
  33. zephyrus, zephyri m
    gentle west wind, western breeze, zephyr
  34. zimpiberi n (indecl.)
  35. zingiber, zingiberis n
  36. zingiberi n (indecl.)
  37. zona aurea muliebriter cingor
    gird yourself with a golden belt after the manner of a woman
  38. zoster, zosteris m
    girdle, kind of herpes, shingles, kind of sca shrub
  39. zeugma, zeugmatis n
    grammatical figure
  40. zoophthalmon, zoophthalmi n
    great houseleek, called also aizoum majus
  41. zoophthalmos, zoophthalmi m
    great houseleek, called also aizoum majus
  42. zigeunus, zigeuni m
  43. zona perusta
    hot zone, equatorial zone
  44. zona torrida
    hot zone, equatorial zone
  45. zona usta
    hot zone, equatorial zone
  46. zamia, zamiae f
    hurt, damage, loss
  47. zelotypus, zelotypi m
    jealous man
  48. zelivira, zelivirae f
    jealous wife, false read, for caelibi
  49. zelotypa, zelotypae f
    jealous woman
  50. zelotypus, zelotypa, zelotypum
  51. zelotypia, zelotypiae f
  52. ziziphus, ziziphi f
  53. ziziphum, ziziphi n
  54. Zacharpolis, Zacharpolis f
    Kharkiv, Charkiv, Kharkov
  55. zaberna, zabernae f
    kind of cross bag
  56. zeus, zei m
    kind of fish
  57. zmyrus, zmyri m
    kind of fish
  58. zea, zeae f
    kind of grain, spelt, kind of rosemary
  59. zmyrnion, zmyrnii n
    kind of herb like myrrh
  60. zythum, zythi n
    kind of malt-liquor among the Egyptians
  61. zeugites, zeugitae m
    kind of reed
  62. zanca, zancae f
    kind of soft Parthian shoe
  63. zancha, zanchae f
    kind of soft Parthian shoe
  64. zanga, zangae f
    kind of soft Parthian shoe
  65. zothecula, zotheculae f
    little closet, little cabinet
  66. zetematium, zetematii n
    little examination, little investigation, little task
  67. zonula, zonulae f
    little girdle
  68. zotheca, zothecae f
    little private chamber, closet, cabinet, recess, niche
  69. zonam recingo
    loosen the virgin belt
  70. zelo 1
    love with zeal, love ardently, be jealous of, be zealous for
  71. zelor 1
    love with zeal, love ardently, be jealous of, be zealous for
  72. zonarius, zonarii m
    maker of girdles
  73. zygostates, zygostatae m
    master of the weights, weigh-master
  74. zaeta, zaetae f
    mode of living prescribed by a physician, diet, dwelling-place, dwelling room, summer-house
  75. zeta, zetae f
    mode of living prescribed by a physician, diet, dwelling-place, dwelling room, summer-house
  76. zygostasium, zygostasii n
    office of a weigh-master
  77. Zoe, Zoes f
    one of the Æons of Valentinus
  78. zelotes, zelotae m
    one that loves with jealousy, one that is jealous
  79. zopissa, zopissae f
    pitch mixed with wax, which was scraped off from ships
  80. zamilampis, zamilampis m
    precious stone
  81. zmilampis, zmilampis m
    precious stone
  82. zoraniscaeos, zoraniscaei f
    precious stone
  83. zonatim
    round about, in a circle
  84. zacon, zaconis m
    servant of the church, minister of the church, deacon
  85. zaconus, zaconi m
    servant of the church, minister of the church, deacon
  86. zmaris, zmaridis f
    small seafish of inferior quality
  87. zona natatoria
    swim belt
  88. zona temperata
    temperate zone
  89. zēta n (indecl.)
    the Greek letter zeta
  90. zinzilulo 1
    the natural cry of certain birds, chirp
  91. zodiacus, zodiaci m
    the zodiac
  92. zona transitoria
    transit zone
  93. zygia, zygiae f
    tree, called also carpinus, horn-beam
  94. zetarius, zetarii m
  95. zaplutus, zapluta, zaplutum
    very rich
  96. zygis, zygidis f
    wild thyme
  97. zanthenes, zanthenis m
    yellow gem
  98. Zaporizhia, Zaporizhiae f
  99. zelus, zeli m
    zeal, emulation, jealousy
  100. zelator, zelatoris m
    zealous person, zealot
  101. zelanter
  102. zoologicus, zoologica, zoologicum
  103. zoologus, zoologi m
  104. zoologia, zoologiae f
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