90 Ergebnisse
- res secunde procedit
- refrigeratio, refrigerationis fa cooling, coolness
- refrigerium, refrigerii na mitigation
- radiophonice aliquid praeconoradvertise something on the radio, promote something on the radio
- rebus tranquillatisafter the situation was calmed
- rem ad populum devocoappeal to the people
- res familiaris, rei familiaris fasset situation, asset circumstances
- rerum adipiscorattain dominion, come to power
- res maximi momenti estbe of the greatest importance
- res venerariabelonging to love, venereal
- rusticus, rustica, rusticumbelonging to the country, rural, rustic, country-like, country-, rustic, simple
- rubor mihi suffunditurblush in the face
- rem pūblicam convertobring the state into disorder
- risu dirumporburst out laughing, laugh yourself to death
- refrigerativus, refrigerativa, refrigerativumcooling, refrigeratory
- refrigeratorius, refrigeratoria, refrigeratoriumcooling, refrigeratory
- refrigeratrix, refrigeratricis fcooling, refrigeratory
- refrigerosus, refrigerosa, refrigerosumcooling, refrigeratory
- rusticitas, rusticitatis fcountry life, country occupations, tillage, husbandry, country people, manners of country people, rustic behavior, rusticity
- rerum humanarum condiciocourse of the world, course of human things
- res sordidas deorum honore afficiodaying divine homage to the dirt
- remoramen, remoraminis ndelay, hinderance
- retibus aequor verrodrag the sea with nets, fish in the sea with trawl nets
- redactrix, redactricis feditor
- res energeticaenergy beings, energy system
- reus tonsusexonerated defendant, defendant acquitted
- res male gestafailure
- res egregie gestafeat
- res praeclare et fortiter gestafeat
- res fiscalisfinance, financials
- rota dentatagear wheel, toothed wheel
- rumorem subdogive currency to a rumour
- raresco 3grow thin, lose its density, become rare, be rarefied
- relativus, relativa, relativumhaving reference, havingrelation, referring, relative
- rem teneoI get it, I got it
- rusticein a countrified manner, clownishly, boorishly, awkwardly
- refrigeratio, refrigerationis fmitigation
- refrigerium, refrigerii nmitigation
- refrigeratio, refrigerationis fmitigation,
- rudicula, rudiculae fmixing spoon, stirring spoon
- rudis, rudis fmixing spoon, stirring spoon
- resectorium, resectorii nnail scissors, clipper
- res turpes cohonestonefarious things call by honorable names
- res vehiculariapostal service, cartage
- res vehicularispostal service, cartage
- reconflo 1rekindle
- resilientia, resilientiae fresilience, ability to last, hardiness, ability to bounce back
- revivisco 3resurrect, return to life
- recognosco 3review
- rubleus, rubeli mruble
- rublus, rubli mruble
- ruta capellianarue readily eaten by goats
- res mali exempliscandal
- res pessimi exempliscandal
- reum aliquem subdoscapegoat, blame
- res gestascenario, scene
- recte vendosell expensively
- receptui canosound a retreat
- raeda cursualisstage-coach
- ruina aerariiState Bankruptcy, National bankruptcy
- rota moderatrixsteering wheel
- rudimentum ponotake a sample
- responsabilitatem in me recipiotake on the responsibility
- responsalitatem in me recipiotake on the responsibility
- remediis gravioribus utortake tough action, intervene more vigorously, intervene more forcefully, take stronger measures
- res vertitur in meo forothe matter concerns me, the matter depends on me, the matter falls within my sphere of responsibility
- res male gesta estthe matter has failed
- res cautionem habetthe matter requires caution, the matter admits of caution
- res publica in ancipiti estthe state is in crisis
- res convenitthe thing is fit, it is becoming, it is seemly, it is suitable, it is appropriate, it is proper, it is serviceable for something, it becomes
- res in serium versa estthey took the matter into serious consideration
- rei medendae causato remedy a grievance
- relatio commercialistrade relationship
- res vectoriatransportation, traffic
- rudimenta adulescentiae ponotry one's first youth forces
- regiones vitiosaeunhealthy areas
- rebello 1wage war again, make an insurrection, revolt, rebel, renew the combat, break out again, resist
- rerum bellicarum administratiowar department
- rei militaris peritiawar experience
- res bello gestawar incident
- res militariswar matter, war affair
- res ad bellum gerendum necessariawar supplies, war supply
- remotā subtilitate disputandiwithout engaging in subtle investigation
- res in orbe terrarum gestaeworld history
- rerum humanarum peritiaworld knowledge
- rerum humanarum peritusworld knowledge
- rerum inanium amorworld love
- res politica globalisworld politics, global politics
- res politica universalisworld politics, global politics
- rerum naturae contemplatioworldview