Lateinisch - Englische Wortliste - R
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    90 Ergebnisse
  1. res secunde procedit
  2. refrigeratio, refrigerationis f
    a cooling, coolness
  3. refrigerium, refrigerii n
    a mitigation
  4. radiophonice aliquid praeconor
    advertise something on the radio, promote something on the radio
  5. rebus tranquillatis
    after the situation was calmed
  6. rem ad populum devoco
    appeal to the people
  7. res familiaris, rei familiaris f
    asset situation, asset circumstances
  8. rerum adipiscor
    attain dominion, come to power
  9. res maximi momenti est
    be of the greatest importance
  10. res veneraria
    belonging to love, venereal
  11. rusticus, rustica, rusticum
    belonging to the country, rural, rustic, country-like, country-, rustic, simple
  12. rubor mihi suffunditur
    blush in the face
  13. rem pūblicam converto
    bring the state into disorder
  14. risu dirumpor
    burst out laughing, laugh yourself to death
  15. refrigerativus, refrigerativa, refrigerativum
    cooling, refrigeratory
  16. refrigeratorius, refrigeratoria, refrigeratorium
    cooling, refrigeratory
  17. refrigeratrix, refrigeratricis f
    cooling, refrigeratory
  18. refrigerosus, refrigerosa, refrigerosum
    cooling, refrigeratory
  19. rusticitas, rusticitatis f
    country life, country occupations, tillage, husbandry, country people, manners of country people, rustic behavior, rusticity
  20. rerum humanarum condicio
    course of the world, course of human things
  21. res sordidas deorum honore afficio
    daying divine homage to the dirt
  22. remoramen, remoraminis n
    delay, hinderance
  23. retibus aequor verro
    drag the sea with nets, fish in the sea with trawl nets
  24. redactrix, redactricis f
  25. res energetica
    energy beings, energy system
  26. reus tonsus
    exonerated defendant, defendant acquitted
  27. res male gesta
  28. res egregie gesta
  29. res praeclare et fortiter gesta
  30. res fiscalis
    finance, financials
  31. rota dentata
    gear wheel, toothed wheel
  32. rumorem subdo
    give currency to a rumour
  33. raresco 3
    grow thin, lose its density, become rare, be rarefied
  34. relativus, relativa, relativum
    having reference, havingrelation, referring, relative
  35. rem teneo
    I get it, I got it
  36. rustice
    in a countrified manner, clownishly, boorishly, awkwardly
  37. refrigeratio, refrigerationis f
  38. refrigerium, refrigerii n
  39. refrigeratio, refrigerationis f
  40. rudicula, rudiculae f
    mixing spoon, stirring spoon
  41. rudis, rudis f
    mixing spoon, stirring spoon
  42. resectorium, resectorii n
    nail scissors, clipper
  43. res turpes cohonesto
    nefarious things call by honorable names
  44. res vehicularia
    postal service, cartage
  45. res vehicularis
    postal service, cartage
  46. reconflo 1
  47. resilientia, resilientiae f
    resilience, ability to last, hardiness, ability to bounce back
  48. revivisco 3
    resurrect, return to life
  49. recognosco 3
  50. rubleus, rubeli m
  51. rublus, rubli m
  52. ruta capelliana
    rue readily eaten by goats
  53. res mali exempli
  54. res pessimi exempli
  55. reum aliquem subdo
    scapegoat, blame
  56. res gesta
    scenario, scene
  57. recte vendo
    sell expensively
  58. receptui cano
    sound a retreat
  59. raeda cursualis
  60. ruina aerarii
    State Bankruptcy, National bankruptcy
  61. rota moderatrix
    steering wheel
  62. rudimentum pono
    take a sample
  63. responsabilitatem in me recipio
    take on the responsibility
  64. responsalitatem in me recipio
    take on the responsibility
  65. remediis gravioribus utor
    take tough action, intervene more vigorously, intervene more forcefully, take stronger measures
  66. res vertitur in meo foro
    the matter concerns me, the matter depends on me, the matter falls within my sphere of responsibility
  67. res male gesta est
    the matter has failed
  68. res cautionem habet
    the matter requires caution, the matter admits of caution
  69. res publica in ancipiti est
    the state is in crisis
  70. res convenit
    the thing is fit, it is becoming, it is seemly, it is suitable, it is appropriate, it is proper, it is serviceable for something, it becomes
  71. res in serium versa est
    they took the matter into serious consideration
  72. rei medendae causa
    to remedy a grievance
  73. relatio commercialis
    trade relationship
  74. res vectoria
    transportation, traffic
  75. rudimenta adulescentiae pono
    try one's first youth forces
  76. regiones vitiosae
    unhealthy areas
  77. rebello 1
    wage war again, make an insurrection, revolt, rebel, renew the combat, break out again, resist
  78. rerum bellicarum administratio
    war department
  79. rei militaris peritia
    war experience
  80. res bello gesta
    war incident
  81. res militaris
    war matter, war affair
  82. res ad bellum gerendum necessaria
    war supplies, war supply
  83. remotā subtilitate disputandi
    without engaging in subtle investigation
  84. res in orbe terrarum gestae
    world history
  85. rerum humanarum peritia
    world knowledge
  86. rerum humanarum peritus
    world knowledge
  87. rerum inanium amor
    world love
  88. res politica globalis
    world politics, global politics
  89. res politica universalis
    world politics, global politics
  90. rerum naturae contemplatio
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