Lateinisch - Englische Wortliste
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3170 Ergebnisse
- talipedo 1
- tetricitas, tetricitatis f
- teutlophace, teutlophaces f
- thoti (indecl.)
- tredecies false read, for terdeciens
- testiculus, testiculi m testicle
- transmotio, transmotionis f transposition
- theogonia, theogoniae f, descent of the gods, title of a poem by Hesiod
- turbystum, turbysti n, drug used by painters to facilitate the reception of a color, mordant,
- tutulus, tutuli m, high head-dress formed by plaiting the hair in a cone over the forehead
- typographeum, typographei n, letterpress, print Shop, printing house
- temperies, temperiei fa due mingling, a due mixture, a due tempering, temperature, temper
- tephrias, tephriae ma kind of ash-colored stone
- trychnos, trychni fa kind of nightshade
- trychnum, trychni na kind of nightshade
- thusculum, thusculi na little frankincense
- tusculum, tusculi na little frankincense
- tardiusculus, tardiuscula, tardiusculuma little slow-witted, a little lazy, a little drowsy, a little sleepy
- taxeota, taxeotae ma magistrate’s assistant
- turbistum, turbistī na means to better accept the color
- teramon, terami na plant growing near Philippi
- teramum, terami na plant growing near Philippi
- theobrotios, theobrotiī fa plant
- theombrotios, theombrotiī fa plant
- thymelaea, thymelaeae fa plant, flax-leaved daphne
- turbiscus, turbisci fa plant, flax-leaved daphne
- tragopogon, tragopogonis ma plant, goat’s-beard
- tragoriganum, tragorigani na plant, goat’s-thyme
- tragoriganus, tragorigani ma plant, goat’s-thyme
- tinus, tini fa plant, Viburnum
- tanos, tani ma precious stone
- Tindari, Tindarorum ma Scythian tribe in Asiatic Sarmatia
- tortula, tortulae fa small twist
- tempestas cooritura storm is brewing, a storm is rising
- ternarius, ternarii ma third of an as
- tritemoria, tritemoriae fa third
- tremor pertemptat corporaa tremor shakes the body
- Tusculum, Tusculi na very ancient town of Latium, on a hill near the modern Frascati
- tum maximeabove all, most of all, especially, chiefly
- terra variaabove wet, below dry earth
- temperatus, temperatus mabstaining, moderation, moderating, abstention
- tonor, tonoris maccentuation of a syllable
- trigaranus, trigarani maccompanied by three cranes, escorted by three cranes
- temporis causaaccording to time and circumstances
- tuatimaccording to your style, after your kind, on your way
- tumultus criminumaccumulation of the crimes, aggregation of crimes
- titulum regis mihi ascriboacquire the title of king, become king
- trans Alpesacross the Alps, over the Alps
- trans flumenacross the river, beyond the river
- trans flumenacross the river, over the river
- trans + Akk.across, over, beyond, on the farther side of, through, through and through
- tonstreinum, tonstreini nact of a barber, calling of a barber
- tonstrinum, tonstrini nact of a barber, calling of a barber
- tributoria, tributoriae faction for compensation, action for compensation
- togatarius, togatarii mactor in the Fabula togata
- thymelicus, thymelici mactor
- thymelica, thymelicae factress
- temporibus inservioadapt oneself to the circumstances
- temporibus sapienter utoradapt wisely to the circumstances
- transitorius, transitoria, transitoriumadapted for passing through, having a passage-way, passing, transitory
- tumulo carmen superaddoadd an inscription to the tomb
- transbeo 1additionally increase, raise to a higher level
- turpitudo iudicumadness of the judges
- torquatus, torquata, torquatumadorned with a neck-chain, adorned with a collar
- tridui viam procedoadvance a three-day march
- turrim adigoadvance a tower, move a tower forward
- tussicus, tussica, tussicumafflicted with a cough
- triennio circumactoafter a period of three years, after three years,
- transactis octonis diebusafter a week
- testatoafter drafting the will
- tristibus laeta succeduntafter rain follows sunshine, sunshine follows rain
- trinundinoafter seventeen days
- trinundino dieafter seventeen days
- tribunis convocatisafter the convocation of the tribunes
- triduo intermissoafter three days, after a period of three days, after a break of three days
- trimatus, trimatus mage of three years
- temperaculum, temperaculi nair conditioning, air conditioner
- trames aeriusairline
- tempus emissoriumairtime, broadcasting time
- tota Italiaall over Italy
- tapantaall things, the all in all
- totus, tota, totumall, all the, the whole, entire, total
- totum, toti nall, the whole
- tempus alicui doallow a period of time
- transitum doallow the passage
- tempus deliberandi doallow time for reflection
- testiculo 1allow to generate
- testiculor 1allow to generate
- tarum, tari naloe-wood
- tunc quoquealso then
- tumidi spiritusambition, excessive ambition
- tephritis, tephritidis fan ashcolored precious stone
- traditionalis, traditionaleancient, ancestral, customary, traditional, handed down
- tumand then, besides, also, moreover, on the other hand
- talus, tali mankle, ankle-bone, pastern-bone, knuckle-bone
- testamentum irritum facioannihilate a will, destroy a will
- testamentum rumpoannihilate a will, destroy a will
- tres mensesannual quarter
- toxicatus, toxicata, toxicatumanointed with poison, poisoned
- thelyphonon, thelyphonī nanother name of the aconitum
- theriaca, theriacae fantidote against the bite of serpents, antidote against poison
- theriace, theriaces fantidote against the bite of serpents, antidote against poison
- theriaca, theriacon nantidote to the bite of poisonous animals, antidote to the snake bite
- temetum, temeti nany intoxicating drink, mead, wine
- taberna, tabernae fany slight structure, little dwelling, hut, cottage, booth, shop, workshop, stall, inn, tavern
- tractum, tracti nany thing drawn out at length, flock of wool drawn out for spinning, long piece of dough
- thesaurus, thesauri many thing laid up, any thing stored up, hoard, treasure, provision, store, great quantity, a loved one, a valued or dear object
- trifurcium, trifurcii nany thing of a three-forked shape
- tribunos plebis in aliqua re a praetore appelloappeal in one case against the decision of the
- tribunos plebis appelloappeal to the tribunes of the people
- tributo adsumappear for the collection of the tribute, appear to collect the tribute
- turrigera deaapproach a siege tower
- testudine facta moenia subeoapproach the walls under the protection of a shield roof
- trifurcifer, trifurciferi march rogue, arrant knave
- tullius, tullii march-shaped fountain, curved fountain
- testudinatus, testudinata, testudinatumarched, vaulted
- thoracatus, thoracata, thoracatumarmed with a breastplate
- tempus et locum alicui condicoarrange time and place with someone
- trivenefica, triveneficae farrant poison-mixer, thorough hag, thorough witch, thorough sorceress
- tribuni animi ac spiritusarrogance and presumption of the tribune
- topice, topices fart of finding topics
- tibicinaria, tibicinariae fart of flute playing
- toreutice, toreutice fart of making embossed work, chasing, sculpture, engraving
- terminus technicusartificial word, artword
- tormenta bellicaartillery, ammunition
- tormentarius, tormentarii martilleryman
- tamquam sias if, just as if
- tamquamas much as, so as, just as, like as, as if, as it were, so to speak, for instance, for example
- tempore procedenteas time goes by, in the course of time, over time
- tempore progredienteas time goes by, in the course of time, over time
- tuum te percontor aevumask someone about his age
- temptatrix, temptatricis fassailant, assassin
- tentatrix, tentatricis fassailant, assassin
- tentator, tentatoris massailant, attempter, tempter, devil, who attacks
- temptator, temptatoris massailant, attempter, tempter, tempter, devil, who attacks
- tribuo 3assign, impart, allot, bestow, give
- typographicus, typographica, typographicumassociated with printing, associated with the print shop
- tum nimirumassuredly, undoubtedly
- tandemat length, at last, in the end, finally, pray, pray now, now, then, in the world
- tunc temporisat that time, at that point in time
- temporeat the right time, at the fitting time, at the appointed time, in time, betimes, timely, seasonably, with the progress of time, gradually
- temporiat the right time, at the fitting time, at the appointed time, in time, betimes, timely, seasonably, with the progress of time, gradually
- tempestiveat the right time, in proper season, seasonably, opportunely, fitly, appropriately
- tempereat the right, at the fitting time, at the appointed time, in time, betimes, timely, seasonably
- temperiat the right, at the fitting time, at the appointed time, in time, betimes, timely, seasonably
- tertia (hora)at three o'clock
- temporatimat times, according to time, chronologically
- temptatio, temptationis fattack, trial, proof, emptation
- tentatio, tentationis fattack, trial, proof, emptation
- trahitorius, trahitoria, trahitoriumattractive, attracting
- technographus, technographi mauthor of rules on grammar and rhetoric
- temperaculum automaticumautomatic air-conditioning system, automatic air conditioner
- telephonum autocineticumautotelefon
- tempus autumnaleautumn season
- telephonice contiguusavailable by phone
- turpia fugioavoid the immoral
- timorem alicui inicioawe somebody
- timendus, timenda, timendumawful, horrible, frightening, fierce
- torteawry, crookedly
- thyrsicus, thyrsica, thyrsicumbacchanalian, belonging to the Bacchus festival
- thiasus, thiasi mBacchic dance, dance performed in honor of Bacchus
- tiasus, tiasi mBacchic dance, dance performed in honor of Bacchus
- tergum cicatricosumback covered with scars
- tergus, tergoris nback part, hinder part, back, rear
- tergum, tergi nback part, hinder part, back, rear, surface, body of an animal, covering of the back, skin, hide, leather, thing made of hide or leather
- tergiversanterback wardly, reluctantly
- testicius, testicia, testiciumbaked in a dish, baked in a bowl, dish-baked
- trutina, trutinae fbalance, pair of scales, tongue on the scale
- tabulinum, tabulini n (tablinum, tablini n)balcony, terrace, place where family records were kept, archives, picture-gallery
- torunda, torundae fball of paste for fattening geese, kind of sacrificial cake, tent or roll of lint for wounds
- turunda, turundae fball of paste for fattening geese, kind of sacrificial cake, tent or roll of lint for wounds
- taenea, taeneae fband, ribbon, fillet, head-band, hair-band, bandeau, tape-worm, ribbon-fish, streak in paper, reef, purple-fish
- taenia, taeniae fband, ribbon, fillet, head-band, hair-band, bandeau, tape-worm, ribbon-fish, streak in paper, reef, purple-fish
- tessera pecuniaebank note
- tinctio, tinctionis fbaptism
- tonstrina, tonstrinae fbarber’s shop
- tisana, tisanae fbarley crushed and cleaned from the hulls, barley-groats, pearl-barley, drink made from barley-groats, barley-water, ptisan
- taura, taurae fbarren, hybrid cow, free-martin
- taurea, taureae fbarren, hybrid cow, free-martin
- turpe, turpis nbase thing, shameful thing, disgrace, shame, reproach
- turpedo, turpedinis fbaseness
- turpido, turpidinis fbaseness
- trulleum, trullei nbasin, wash-basin
- trulleus, trullei mbasin, wash-basin
- trullio, trullionis mbasin, wash-basin
- trullium, trullii nbasin, wash-basin
- tibia succentivabass flute
- thesīon, thesii nbastard toad-flax
- thesīum, thesii nbastard toad-flax
- tiro ac rudis sum in dicendobe a beginner in speech, be illiterate in speech
- totius rei curam sustineobe a superintendent, be a supervisor
- testor 1be a witness, speak as witness, bear witness, give evidence, depose, testify, attest, make known, show, prove, demonstrate, give to understand
- tempori serviobe according to circumstances
- tumulo terrae succedobe buried, be laid to rest
- terrorum et fraudis abunde estbe fed up with horror and deceit, be tired of horror and deceit
- turba premorbe in the crowd
- tabesco 3be melt gradually, be dissolved, be consumed, waste, pine away, dwindle away, decay, decline, languish
- tepeo 2be moderately warm, be lukewarm, be tepid, be warm with love, glow with love, be enamored, be lukewarm, be cool, be cold, be without ardor, be indifferent in love
- tineo 1be moth infested, be infested by moths, be moth-eaten, be eaten by moths
- tinio 1be moth infested, be infested by moths, be moth-eaten, be eaten by moths
- tergum equi premobe mounted, sit on horseback
- traiectu intercludorbe prevented from crossing
- transmigror 1be removed, be colonized
- tristor 1be sad, be grieved, be downcast
- telis coniciorbe shot
- telis obruimurbe showered with bullets
- tempus in morbo consumobe sick, be ill
- taceo 2be silent, not to speak, say nothing, hold one’s peace, be still, be noiseless, be quiet, be at rest
- torpeo 2be stiff, be numb, be motionless, be inactive, be torpid, be sluggish, be still, be motionless, be stupid, be stupefied, be astounded, be dull, be listless, be inactive
- tempestate ferorbe swept away by a storm
- tu in convivio postremus manus admove patinae!be the last to access the table
- tredecim annos natus sumbe thirteen years old
- toto corpore perhorrescobe very horrified, tremble all over the body, shaking all over the body
- talipedo 1be weak in the feet, totter
- tignoserrarius, tignoserrarii mbeam sawyer, board cutter
- temo, temonis mbeam, pole, tongue of a plough, carriage, wagon, constellation called the Wagon of Bootes
- trabes, trabis fbeam, timber, ship, vessel
- trabis, trabis fbeam, timber, ship, vessel
- trabs, tabis fbeam, timber, tree, ship, vessel, roof, battering-ram, ballista, javelin, club, cudgel, table, torch, meteor
- transferobear across, carry over, bring over, convey over, transport, transfer, transplant, transfer by grafting, transfer by writing, carry along, carry in public, bear in triumph, convey, direct, put off, postpone, defer, translate, apply, make use of, change, transform
- testificor 1bear witness, give evidence, attest, testify, show, demonstrate, exhibit, publish, bring to light, call to witnes
- tolero 1bear, support, sustain, endure, tolerate
- tolerabiliterbearably, passably, tolerably, patiently
- testimonium alicui perhibeobearing testimony for someone, testifying for someone
- testimonium dico pro aliquobearing testimony for someone, testifying for someone
- thyrsiger, thyrsigera, thyrsigerumbearing the thyrsus, bearing the Bacchic staff
- thyrsitenens, thyrsitenentisbearing the thyrsus, bearing the Bacchic staff
- testatio, testationis fbearing witness, giving testimony, attesting, testifying, calling to witness, invoking as witness
- testificatio, testificationis fbearing witness, giving testimony, testifying, testification, giving evidence, attestation, proof
- tolerantia, tolerantiae fbearing, supporting, endurance
- toleratio, tolerationis fbearing, supporting, enduring
- tolerans, tolerantisbearing, supporting, enduring, tolerating, tolerant
- tintinniala, tintinnialae fbeast that flaps its wings
- tripedo 1beat the ground with the feet, , leap, jump, dance
- tripodo 1beat the ground with the feet, , leap, jump, dance
- tripudio 1beat the ground with the feet, , leap, jump, dance
- tripodio 1beat the ground with the feet, leap, jump, dance
- tundo 3beat, strike, thump, buffet, pound, bruise, bray, din, stun, keep on at, importune
- tempore praeceptobecause it happened before
- tua causabecause of you, for your sake, on your behalf
- tenebrico 1become dark
- tepesco 3become moderately warm, become lukewarm, become tepid
- torresco 3become parched, become burned
- timescobecoming fearful of, fearing
- testa lectum calefaciensbed bottle
- testatobefore witnesses
- tremesco 3begin to shake, begin to tremble, begin to shake, quake for fear, tremble for fear, quake at, tremble at
- tremisco 3begin to shake, begin to tremble, begin to shake, quake for fear, tremble for fear, quake at, tremble at
- tumesco 3begin to swell, swell up, become swollen, become excited, become violent, become ready to burst forth, be puffed up, are fermenting, are threatening to break out
- turgesco 3begin to swell, swell up, swell, grow fat, grow stout, swell with passion, be inflated, be turgid
- taurigenus, taurigena, taurigenumbegotten by a bull, proceeding from a bull
- timens, timentisbeing afraid, dreading, fearing, fretting, fearful, afraid, timid, shy
- taciturnitas, taciturnitatis fbeing silent, keeping silent, silence, taciturnity
- tintinnabulum, tintinnabuli nbell, signal-bell
- tintinnus, tintinni mbell, signal-bell
- tiniarius, tiniaria, tiniariumbelongign to the moths
- taxoninus, taxonina, taxoninumbelonging to a badger
- tussicularis, tussicularebelonging to a cough, good for a cough, cough-
- thyraeus, thyraea, thyraeumbelonging to a door, belonging to a gate
- tutorius, tutoria, tutoriumbelonging to a guardian
- testamentalis, testmentalebelonging to a last will
- testamentarius, testamentara, testamentarumbelonging to a last will
- torcularius, torcularia, torculariumbelonging to a press
- taurobolicus, taurobolica, taurobolicumbelonging to a sacrifice of a bull
- talentarius, talentaria, talentariumbelonging to a talent
- taxeoticus, taxeotica, taxeoticumbelonging to a taxeota
- templaris, templarebelonging to a temple
- trientarius, trientaria, trientariumbelonging to a third part, a third of one per cent (monthly), four per cent (a year)
- transcripticius, transcripticia, transcripticiumbelonging to a transfer, belonging to a assignment
- triangularis, triangularebelonging to a triangle, triangular
- tribuarius, tribuaria, tribuariumbelonging to a tribe, belonging to tribes
- tribunicius, tribunicia, tribuniciumbelonging to a tribune, tribunitial
- trigarius, trigaria, trigariumbelonging to a triga
- triumphalis, triumphalebelonging to a triumph, triumphal
- turmalis, turmalebelonging to a troop, belonging to a squadron, of the equestrian order
- tropicus, tropica, tropicumbelonging to a turn, belonging to a turning, tropical, figurative, metaphorical, tropical
- termiteus, termitea, termiteumbelonging to an olive-branch
- tignarius, tignaria, tignariumbelonging to beams
- tignuarius, tignuaria, tignuariumbelonging to beams
- trabalis, trabalebelonging to beams, beam-, beam-like, stout as a beam
- tabernarius, tabernaria, tabernariumbelonging to booths, belonging to shops
- terminalis, terminalebelonging to boundaries, boundary-, terminal, belonging to the end, final, concluding
- tectonicus, tectonica, tectonicumbelonging to building, architectural, tectonic
- tumultuarius, tumultuaria, tumultuariumbelonging to bustle, belonging to hurry, belonging to tumult, brought hurriedly together, raised hastily, raised suddenly, that is done in a hurry, that is done hurried, that happens hasty, that is done sudden, that happens confused, that is done irregular
- textrinus, textrina, textrinumbelonging to construction
- tectorius, tectoria, tectoriumbelonging to covering, belonging to a cover, that belongs to or serves for covering or overlaying walls, ceilings, floors
- tenebrarius, tenebraria, tenebrariumbelonging to darkness
- talarius, talaria, talariumbelonging to dice
- tractorius, tractoria, tractoriumbelonging to dragging, belonging to hoisting
- threnicus, threnica, threnicumbelonging to elegy
- testimonialis, testimonialebelonging to evidence, serving for evidence, testimonial
- tutelaris, tutelarebelonging to guardianship, tutelar, tutelary
- tutelarius, tutelaria, tutelariumbelonging to guardianship, tutelar, tutelary
- thuralis, thuralebelonging to incense, incense-
- turalis, turalebelonging to incense, incense-
- triumphatorius, triumphatoria, triumphatoriumbelonging to one who triumphs, triumphing, triumphant
- topiarius, topiaria, topiariumbelonging to ornamental gardening, belonging to gardening
- transmeatorius, transmeatoria, transmeatoriumbelonging to passing through
- tonsorius, tonsoria, tonsoriumbelonging to shearing, belonging to shaving, tonsorial
- tabellarius, tabellaria, tabellariumbelonging to tablets, pertaining to writing, pertaining to letters, relating to voting-tablets, regulating voting
- tepidebelonging to tepid water, belonging to a tepid bath
- territorialis, territorialebelonging to territory, territorial
- talaris, talarebelonging to the ankles, reaching to the ankles, long
- tormentarius, tormentaria, tormentariumbelonging to the artillery
- tessellarius, tessellaria, tessellariumbelonging to the dice, belonging to the mosaic
- terrester, terrestris, terrestrebelonging to the earth, belonging to the land, earth-, land-, terrestrial
- terrestris, terrestrebelonging to the earth, belonging to the land, earth-, land-, terrestrial
- telluster, tellustris, tellustrebelonging to the earth, terrestrial
- tibinus, tibina, tibinumbelonging to the flute, flute-
- triodeius, triodeia, triodeiumbelonging to the goddess worshipped on three ways
- torminalis, torminalebelonging to the gripes, good against the colic
- tamiacus, tamiaca, tamiacumbelonging to the imperial treasury, belonging to the fisc
- tempestivus, tempestiva, tempestivumbelonging to the right time, done at the proper time, happening at the proper time, seasonable, opportune, fitting, appropriate, suitable, timely, seasonable, ripe, mature, timely, betimes, in good time, in good season, early
- tempestus, tempesta, tempestumbelonging to the right time, done at the proper time, happening at the proper time, seasonable, opportune, fitting, appropriate, suitable, timely, seasonable, ripe, mature, timely, betimes, in good time, in good season, early
- tribulis, tribulebelonging to the same tribus, belonging to the same demos
- tibialis, tibialebelonging to the shin-bone, tibial, belonging to the flute, flute-
- temporalis, temporale [2]belonging to the temples
- theatralis, theatralebelonging to the theatre, theatric
- theatralis, theatralebelonging to the theatre, theatrical, feigned, spurious, low, vulgar
- tertianus, tertiana, tertianumbelonging to the third, tertian
- tricesimarius, tricesimaria, tricesimariumbelonging to the thirtieth
- thymelicus, thymelica, thymelicumbelonging to the thymele, belonging to the orchestra
- trabealis, trabealebelonging to the trabea
- trigonalis, trigonalebelonging to the trigon
- trigonarius, trigonaria, trigonariumbelonging to the trigon
- triumviralis, triumviralebelonging to the triumvirs, triumviral
- thunarius, thunaria, thunariumbelonging to the tunny, tunny-
- thunnarius, thunnaria, thunnariumbelonging to the tunny, tunny-
- thynnarius, thynnaria, thynnariumbelonging to the tunny, tunny-
- theologicus, theologica, theologicumbelonging to theology, theological
- tenuarius, tenuaria, tenuariumbelonging to thin clothing
- tenuiarius, tenuiaria, tenuiariumbelonging to thin clothing
- tricennalis, tricennalebelonging to thirty years, tricennial
- tercenarius, tercenaria, tercenariumbelonging to three hundred, soldier whose pay is three hundred sestertia
- trecenarius, trecenaria, trecenariumbelonging to three hundred, soldier whose pay is three hundred sestertia
- trinundinus, trinundina, trinundinumbelonging to three weekly market-days
- temporarius, temporaria, temporariumbelonging to time, lasting but for a time, temporary, depending on the time, according to the time, changeable
- temporalis, temporalebelonging to time, lasting but for a time, temporary, temporal
- topaziacus, topaziaca, topaziacumbelonging to topaz, topaz-
- tragicus, tragica, tragicumbelonging to tragedy, tragic, in the tragic style, lofty, grand, sublime, of a tragic nature, tragic, horrible, fearful, terrible
- translativus, translativa, translativumbelonging to transference, that is to be transferred, translative
- thesaurarius, thesauraria, thesaurariumbelonging to treasure
- tributarius, tributaria, tributariumbelonging to tribute, tributary, concerning tribute
- textrinus, textrina, textrinumbelonging to weaving
- textorius, textoria, textoriumbelonging to weaving, belonging to plaiting, belonging to braiding, textorial
- tabularius, tabularia, tabulariumbelonging to written documents
- tuus et propriusbelonging to you
- tuus propriusbelonging to you
- torpefacio 5benumb, make torpid
- torpidus, torpida, torpidumbenumbed, stupefied, torpid
- translego 1bequeath
- tum etiambesides, as well
- traditor, traditoris mbetrayer, traitor, teacher
- tertia vigiliabetween midnight and 3am
- transmarinus, transmarina, transmarinumbeyond sea, coming from beyond sea, transmarine
- temperatio nataliumbirth control
- tryginon, trygini nblack coloring matter made from the lees of wine
- torres, torris fblazing heat, glowing heat, burning heat
- timor caecusblind fear
- tumultus vanusblind noise
- thrombus, thrombi mblood clot
- thrombosis, thrombosis fblood clotting, blood coagulation
- tributum sanguineumblood toll
- tinctoria mensbloodthirsty mind
- tinctorius, tinctoria, tinctoriumbloodthirsty
- tibiis canoblow the flute, play the flute
- tabulatum, tabulati nboard-work, flooring, floor, story, branches of trees, grapes, layer, row
- tabulamentum, tabulamenti nboarding, flooring
- triumviri militibus conscribendisBoards for recruiting troops
- trahea gubernabilisbobsleigh
- trahea moderabilisbobsleigh
- tumida terraboggy earth, muddy earth, swampy soil
- tormenta coniciobombard, fire at
- tormentis aggrediorbombard, fire at
- tormentorum iaculatiobombardment
- tengo menasbooze the whole night, booze all night long
- transitus finiumborder crossing
- transitus terminalis border crossing
- terebro 1bore, bore through, perforate, make by boring, insinuate one’s self, coax
- transforatio, transforationis fboring through
- terebratus, terebratus mboring
- terebratio, terebratiōnis fboring, hole bored, bore
- terrigena, terrigena cborn of the earth, born from the earth, earth-born
- terrigenus, terrigena, terrigenumborn of the earth, born from the earth, earth-born
- termes, termitis mbough cut off from the olive-tree
- terminus, termini mboundary-line, boundary, bound, limit, end, term
- termo, termonis mboundary-line, boundary, bound, limit, end, term
- terminatio, terminationis fbounding, fixing of bounds, fixing of limits, fixing, determining, determination, decision
- tributum capitisbounty
- trichila, trichilae fbower, arbor, summer-house
- tricla, triclae fbower, arbor, summer-house
- triclea, tricleae fbower, arbor, summer-house
- triclia, tricliae fbower, arbor, summer-house
- textus, texta, textumbraided, woven, assembled, joined
- torris, torris mbrand, firebrand
- torrus, torri mbrand, firebrand
- tomacularius, tomacularii mbratwurst seller, bratwurst dealer
- thorax, thoracis mbreast, chest, thorax, defence, armor, covering for the breast, breastplate, corselet, cuirass, doublet, stomacher, bust, bust portrait
- tumultum sedobring a riot to a standstill, bring a revolt to a standstill
- tulo 3bring, bear, lift up
- tributum radiophonicumbroadcasting fee, radio licence fee
- turrim erigobuild a tower
- turrim excitobuild a tower
- turrim faciobuild a tower
- tetrastylon, tetrastyli nbuilding with four columns, tetrastyle
- tignum, tigni nbuilding-stuff, building-materials, piece of timber, stick of timber, trunk of a tree, log, beam
- tauroboliatus, tauroboliata, tauroboliatumbuilt for a bull sacrifice
- taurifer, taurifera, tauriferumbull-bearing, feeding bulls, supporting bulls
- taurocenta, taurocentae mbull-fighter
- tauricornis, tauricornebull-horned, tauricornous
- taurus, tauri mbull, bullock, ox, steer, bittern, kind of beetle, root of a tree, surface of the body between the anus and the privy parts
- thorax antiglandariusbulletproof vest
- taurarius, taurariī mbullfighter
- trachala, trachalae mBullnecked
- torqueo 2bully, harass, victimize, persecute, hassle, mess around
- tributis premoburden with duties, burden with charges, burden with fees, burden with taxes
- thurifico 1burn incense, offer incense
- turifico 1burn incense, offer incense
- titio, titionis mburning brand, firebrand
- torrens, torrentisburning, hot, inflamed, rushing, roaring, boiling, impetuous, rapid
- tumulo aliquem componobury
- tumulo aliquem supponobury, put to rest
- thorace, thoraces fbust, bust portrait
- turbelae, turbelarum fbustle, stir, row, little crowd, multitude
- turbellae, turbellarum fbustle, stir, row, little crowd, multitude
- tituli et imaginesbusts with inscriptions
- temereby chance, by accident, at random, without design,, without intent, without purpose, casually, fortuitously, rashly, heedlessly, thoughtlessly, inconsiderately, indiscreetly
- temeriterby chance, by accident, at random, without design, without intent, without purpose , casually, fortuitously, rashly, heedlessly, thoughtlessly, inconsiderately, indiscreetly
- tractimby drawing along, little by little, by degress, in a drawling way, at length, slowly
- telephonicus, telephonica, telephonicumby phone
- tantoby so much, so much the
- tonanterby thunder, amidst thunder, under thunder
- tactimby touch
- turmatimby troops, by squadrons, in troops, in bands, in squads, in teams
- testamentoby will, , by last will and testament
- testamentum circumscribobypass the will, evade the will
- testuatium, testuatii ncake baked in an earthen cup, cup-cake
- testem citocall as a witness
- telephono 1call by phone, ring up, telephone
- tribunum plebei cavillans aliquem vococall someone mockingly peoples tribune
- tribunos plebis appellocall the tribunes of the people
- tranquillecalmly, quietly, tranquilly
- tormentum bellicum, tormenti bellici ncannon
- trierarcha, trierarchae mcaptain of a trireme, trierarch
- trierarchus, trierarch mcaptain of a trireme, trierarch
- tribunus celerumcaptain or commander of the Celeres
- temporarium autocinetorum receptaculumcar park
- transitus autoraedariuscar traffic
- transfunctorius, transfunctoria, transfunctoriumcarelessly performed, superficially performed, slight, careless, negligent, perfunctory
- tapes, tapetis mcarpet, tapestry, hangings, coverlet
- tapete, tapetis ncarpet, tapestry, hangings, coverlet
- tapetum, tapeti ncarpet, tapestry, hangings, coverlet
- tappete, tappetis ncarpet, tapestry, hangings, coverlet
- triumphiger, triumphigera, triumphigerumcarried at the triumph, carried in triumph, causing a triumph
- transveho 3carry across, conduct across, convey across, carry over, conduct over, convey over, transport, carry along, bear along, lead along, conduct along in triumph
- traveho 3carry across, conduct across, convey across, carry over, conduct over, convey over, transport, carry along, bear along, lead along, conduct along in triumph
- transporto 1carry over, across, carry from one place to another, convey from one place to another, remove, transport
- tollo 3carry, assume, bear, endure, take away, remove, bear away, carry away, make way with, take away with one, kill, destroy, ruin, do away with, remove, abolish, annul, abrogate, cancel
- tralatus, tralatus mcarrying along, bearing in procession
- translatus, translatus mcarrying along, bearing in procession
- tralatio, tralationis fcarrying from one place to another, removing from one place to another, transporting, transferring, transplanting, ingrafting, pouring out into another vessel, shifling off, translation into another language, trope, metaphor, transposition, metathesis
- translatio, translationis fcarrying from one place to another, removing from one place to another, transporting, transferring, transplanting, ingrafting, pouring out into another vessel, shifling off, translation into another language, trope, metaphor, transposition, metathesis
- tortae condicionescatchy terms and conditions
- tumultum commoveocause a riot, provoke a riot
- terrorem indocause an uproar, cause turmoil, cause riot, cause an uprising
- terrorem excieocause horror
- transmitto 3cause to pass through, transfer, hand over, transmit, commit, let go, pass over, pass across, cross over, cross throug, pass throug, go through, traverse, leave untouched, leave disregarded, undergo, endure
- tremefacio 5cause to shake, cause to quake, cause to tremble
- tumido 1cause to swell
- tumefacio 5cause to swell, tumefy
- tumultum conflocause unrest
- tumultum edocause unrest
- tumultum moveocause unrest
- tumidus, tumida, tumidumcausing to swell
- triumphum agocelebrate a triumph
- tau n (indecl.)Celtic word of unknown meaning
- tumulus honorariuscenotaph
- tumulus inaniscenotaph
- turabulum, turabuli ncenser, smoke pan
- thymiamaterium, thymiamaterii ncenser, vessel for incense
- thymiaterium, thymiaterii ncenser, vessel for incense
- tritor compedumchain-rubber, chain-abrader
- temeritas, temeritatis fchance, accident, rashness, heedlessness, thoughtlessness, hastiness, want of consideration, indiscretion, foolhardiness, temerity, rash opinion, inconsiderate opinion, unfounded opinion
- transformo 1change in shape, transform
- transfiguro 1change in shape, transform, transfigure, metamorphose, change, transform
- transitus rerum Change of power, Change of Government
- transformatio, transformationis fchange of shape, transformation
- transfiguratio, transfigurationis fchange of shape, transformation, transfiguration
- transformis, transformechanged in shape, transformed
- tropica, tropicorum nchanges, alterations
- transmutatio, transmutationis fchanging, shifting of letters, transposition of letters
- thensa, thensae fchariot on which the images of the gods were borne in the Circensian games, carriage
- tensa, tensae fchariot or car on which the images of the gods were borne in the Circensian games, carriage
- tentus, tentus mchecking
- tricliniarcha, tricliniarchae mchief servant who has charge of the table
- tricliniarches, tricliniarchae mchief servant who has charge of the table
- tunc maximechiefly at that time, especially then, just then
- tum inprimischiefly, principally
- tribunus, tribuni mchieftain, commander, tribune
- tepidum iuschilly broth
- tetrachordon, tetrachordi nchord of four notes, tetrachord
- tryx, trygos fcider, must
- tabaci fistulacigarette
- tempora communiacircumstances that affect everyone
- tyrannopolita, tyrannopolitae mcitizen of a town ruled by a tyrant
- togati et militescivil and military persons, civilians and soldiers
- tuxtax tergo erit meoclap clap will be on my back
- tergum doclear the field, move away, give way
- tralucidus, tralucida, tralucidumclear, transparent, translucid
- translucidus, translucida, translucidumclear, transparent, translucid
- trifidus, trifida, trifidumcleft into three parts, cloven into three parts, three-cleft, threeforked
- trifissilis, trifissilecleft into three parts, cloven into three parts, three-cleft, threeforked
- transcendo 3climb over, pass over, cross over, step over, overstep, surmount, surpass, exceed, transcend, make a transition, transgress, excel
- transscendo 3climb over, pass over, cross over, step over, overstep, surmount, surpass, exceed, transcend, make a transition, transgress, excel
- transcensus, transcensus mclimbing over, surmounting, crossing, transition
- transscensus, transscensus mclimbing over, surmounting, crossing, transition
- tenaciterclosely, firmly, strongly, tightly, tenaciously
- tunico 1clothe with a tunic
- taberna sutrinacobbler's workshop
- trichalcon, trichalci ncoin of the value of three chalci
- trichalcum, trichalci ncoin of the value of three chalci
- transitus colorumcolour transitions
- transvenio 4come from another place
- turba premorcome into the crowd
- transfluminalis, transfluminalecoming from beyond the river
- toecharchus, toecharchi mcommander of the rowers
- totus integercompletely unabbreviated
- totalitercompletely, entirely, totally
- totecompletely, entirely, totally
- transactio, transactionis fcompleting, completion, agreement, transaction
- tempori serviocomply with the times
- thymiama, thymiamatis ncomposition for fumigating, incense
- tributorius, tributoria, tributoriumconcerning payment
- topicus, topica, topicum concerning the place, concerning commonplaces
- turbinatus, turbinata, turbinatumconeshaped, pointed like a cone, conical
- turbidum, turbidi nconfused time, troubled time
- turbateconfusedly, disorderly, in confusion
- turbatio, turbationis fconfusion, disorder, disturbance
- tramen coniuncticiumConnecting train
- triumphatus orbisconquered circle of the world, conquered earth
- testacius, testacia, testaciumconsisting of bricks, consisting of tiles, brick-, tile-
- testaceus, testacea, testaceumconsisting of bricks, consisting of tiles, brick-, tile-, covered with a shell, testaceous, brick-colored
- terrulentus, terrulenta, terrulentumconsisting of earth, belonging to the earth, earthly
- terrenus, terrena, terrenumconsisting of earth, earthy, earthen, belonging to the globe, belonging to the earth, earthly, terrestrial, terrene, mortal
- tetrametrus, tetrametra, tetrametrumconsisting of four metrical feet
- ternariusdenarius, ternariusdenaria, ternariusdenariumconsisting of thirteen
- tricolos, tricolonconsisting of three clauses
- trinarius, trinaria, trinariumconsisting of three each, consisting of three,
- trilongus, trilonga, trilongumconsisting of three long syllables
- trochaicus, trochaica, trochaicumconsisting of trochees, trochaic
- tetrasyllabus, tetrasyllaba, tetrasyllabumconsists of four syllables, four syllables
- triones, trionum mconstellation of the two bears
- ter consulconsul for the third time
- tabidulus, tabidula, tabidulumconsuming
- tabitudo, tabitudinis fconsumption, decline
- tertiarius, tertiaria, tertiariumcontaining a third part
- tetrastichos, tetrastichoncontaining four rows, containing four lines
- ternarius, ternaria, ternariumcontaining of three, consisting of three, ternary
- tricenarius, tricenaria, tricenariumcontaining thirty, thirty years old, thirty quarterdigits in diameter
- trimetros, trimetra, trimetrumcontaining three metres or double-feet, trimeter
- trimetrus, trimetra, trimetrumcontaining three metres or double-feet, trimeter
- trischoenus, trischoena, trischoenumcontaining three schoeni
- trisemus, trisema, trisemumcontaining three syllabic times
- theoreticus, theoretica, theoreticum contemplative, speculative
- theoricus, theorica, theoricumcontemplative, speculative
- traductio temporiscontinuation of time, continued development of time
- turris inspectionaliscontrol tower
- turris speculatoriacontrol tower
- teneo 2control, hold fast, guard, preserve, uphold, keep, insist, guard, preserve, uphold, keep, insist, support, bind, hold, obligate, be binding on, occupy, enchaine, fascinate
- traductor, traductoris mconveyer
- tractomelitus, tractomelita, tractomelitumcooked with pastry and honey
- tepidum tectumcool house, chilly house
- tortum, torti ncord, rope
- tenus, tenoris ncord, snare, gin, springe
- thomix, thomicis fcord, string, line, thread
- tomex, tomicis fcord, string, line, thread
- tomix, tomicis fcord, string, line, thread
- tabum, tabi ncorrupt moisture, matter, corruption, putrid gore, infectious disease, plague, pest, pestilence
- tamino 1corrupt, contaminate, defile, stain, pollute
- tabidosus, tabidosa, tabidosumcorrupting, utrefying, decaying
- tabiosus, tabiosa, tabiosumcorrupting, utrefying, decaying
- tetanothrum, tetanothri ncosmetic for removing wrinkles
- telinum, telini ncostly ointment prepared from the herb telis
- trichilinium, trichilinii ncouch running round three sides of a table for reclining on at meals, eating-couch, table-couch, room for eating in, dining-room, supper-room
- tricilinium, tricilinii ncouch running round three sides of a table for reclining on at meals, eating-couch, table-couch, room for eating in, dining-room, supper-room
- triclinium, triclinii ncouch running round three sides of a table for reclining on at meals, eating-couch, table-couch, room for eating in, dining-room, supper-room
- tussedo, tussedinis fcough
- tussis, tussis fcough
- tussio 4cough, have a cough
- tusses, tussium fcoughing fits, cough attacks
- tussiculosus, tussiculosa, tussiculosumcoughing much, subject to a cough
- transnumero 1count over, count out
- Tusculum, Tusculi nCountry estate in Tuskulum
- tumulo 1cover with a tumulus, cover with a burial mound, bury, inter, entomb
- tabulo 1cover with planks
- tergoro 1cover, cover over
- tego 3cover, surround, attend, accompany, hide, conceal, shelter, protect, defend, cover over, bury, enclose, cloak, veil, keep secret
- tuberatus, tuberata, tuberatumcovered with knobs, covered with bosses
- tegulicius, tegulicia, teguliciumcovered with tiles
- tectus, tecta, tectumcovered, hidden, concealed, not frank, not open, not plain, secret, disguised, close, reserved, cautious, enveloped
- thoraca, thoracae fcovering for the breast, breastplate, corselet, cuirass, doublet, stomacher
- tectura, tecturae fcovering over, overlaying with plaster
- tectio, tectionis fcovering
- teges, tegetis fcovering
- tegile, tegilis ncovering, cover
- tegimen, tegiminis ncovering, cover
- tegimentum, tegimenti ncovering, cover, defence, protection
- tegmen, tegminis ncovering, cover, defence, protection
- tegmentum, tegmenti ncovering, cover, defence, protection
- tegumen, teguminis ncovering, cover, defence, protection
- tegumentum, tegumenti ncovering, cover, defence, protection
- tectorium, tectorii ncovering, cover, plaster, stucco, fresco-painting, wash for walls
- toga viriliscovering, garment, outer garment of a Roman citizen in time of peace, toga, gown
- tectum, tecti ncovering, roof, ceiling, roofed building
- tegulum, teguli ncovering, roof, thatch
- tectecovertly, privily, cautiously
- turpilucricupidus, turpilucricupidi mcovetous of base gain, covetous of dishonest gain
- tempus climactericumcritical time, crucial time, turnaround time
- tortuosecrookedly, tortuously
- tortuositas, tortuositatis fcrookedness, shuffling, prevarication
- transfreto 1cross a strait, pass over the sea, passing through
- transversum, transversi ncross direction, cross position
- transvado 1cross over, pass by
- transfluvio 1cross the river
- tignum transversariumcross-beam
- transversaria, transversariorum ncross-beams
- trames, tramitis mcross-way, sideway, by-path, foot-path, way, path, road, course, flight, branch of a family, way of life, way, course, method, manner
- tramis, tramitis mcross-way, sideway, by-path, foot-path, way, path, road, course, flight, branch of a family, way of life, way, course, method, manner
- tigna transversariacrossbars
- transtrum, transtri ncrossbeam, transom, cross-bank in a vessel, bank for rowers, thwart
- trānsiectio, trānsiectionis fcrossing over, passing over, passage
- trānsiectus, trānsiectus mcrossing over, passing over, passage
- traiectus, traiectus mcrossing over, passing over, passage, place for passing over
- traiectio, traiectionis fcrossing over, passing over, passage, transposition of words, exaggeration, hyperbole, throwing upon another, putting off upon another
- transversecrosswise, transversely, obliquely
- transversimcrosswise, transversely, obliquely
- transversumcrosswise, transversely, obliquely, sideways
- transvorsumcrosswise, transversely, obliquely, sideways
- tinnipo 1cry like an owl
- trit (indecl.)cry of a mouse, squeak
- trebacitercunningly, slyly
- transcursimcursorily
- transcursorius, transcursoria, transcursoriumcursory, superficial
- telonarius, telonaria, telonariumcustoms-related
- telluri sulcos infindocut furrows in the earth
- tonsus, tonsus mcut of dressing the hair, mode of dressing the hair, haircut
- transcido 3cut through, flog soundly
- trucido 1cut to pieces, slay cruelly, kill cruelly, slaughter, butcher, massacre, extinguish
- tomus, tomi mcut, piece, part, book, tome of a larger work, book
- tome, tomes fcut, separation, cæsura
- turbo circularisCyclone
- turbo orbiculatusCyclone
- tata, tatae mdad, daddy, , bringer up, rearer
- treico 1dally, delay
- trico 1dally, delay
- toga pulladark-gray toga of mourners
- tenebrosus, tenebrosa, tenebrosumdark, gloomy
- tenebricus, tenebrica, tenebricumdark, gloomy, black
- tenebratio, tenebrationis fdarkening, obscuration
- tenebrosedarkly
- tenebrae, tenebrarum fdarkness of night, night, dimness of a swoon, swoon, darkness of death, death-shades, blindness, dark bathing-place, prison, dungeon, lurking-places, haunts, dark lodgings, poor lodgings, infernal regions, gloom, obscurity
- tenebellae, tenebellarum fdarkness
- tenebra, tenebrae fdarkness
- tenebricositas, tenebricositatis fdarkness, dimness of the eyes
- tenebrositas, tenebrositatis fdarkness, gloom
- teliger, teligera, teligerumdart-bearing
- transmissio datorumdata transmission, data transfer
- tempus dieiday period
- thurarius, thurarii mdealer in frankincense
- turarius, turarii mdealer in frankincense
- tractatio philosophiaedealing with philosophy
- tenebras tibi trudodeceive someone, fool someone
- triumphum alicui decernodecide a triumphal procession for someone
- tergiversatio, tergiversationis fdeclining, refusing, shift, subterfuge, tergiversation
- tisanarium, tisanarii ndecoction of barley-groats, decoction of rice
- tueo 2defend, protect
- tempus proferodefer a date, postpone a date
- terminum pangodefine the target, define the destination, define the goal
- terminis aliquid circumscribodefine, border, delimit, boundary
- terminis aliquid describodefine, border, delimit, boundary
- triumphum postulodemand a triumphal procession (by Senate resolution)
- tristius quid faciodenature something, make a little bitterness
- tristius quid reddodenature something, make a little bitterness
- tapinosis, tapinosis fdepreciation
- traducticius, traducticia, traducticiumderived, derivative
- topographia, topographiae fdescription of a place, location description, topography
- taciturio 4desire to keep silence, try to keep silence
- temnibilis, temnibiledespicable, contemptible
- tragemata, tragematum ndessert, sweetmeats, confectionery
- tempus consumodevote one's time to, apply one's time to
- tempus tribuo alicui reidevote time to a matter
- tablista, tablistae mdice player
- tinctus, tinctus mdipping into, dip, broth, dyeing, sauce
- tempora graviadire straits, difficult times, rough stretches, challenging times
- tempora iniquadire straits, difficult times, rough stretches, challenging times
- transmissio dīrectadirect transmission, live transmission
- triumviri monetalesdirectors of the mint
- trichiasis, trichiasis fdisease of the eyelids, when the lashes grow inside
- turpis inveniordisgrace yourself, make a fool of yourself, embarrass yourself, disgrace oneself
- tirotarichum, tirotarichi ndish of salt-fish prepared with cheese
- tyrotarichos, tyrotarichi mdish of salt-fish prepared with cheese
- tyrotarichum, tyrotarichi ndish of salt-fish prepared with cheese
- turpo 1dishonor, disgrace, make ugly, make unsightly, soil, defile, pollute, disfigure, deform
- transfuga, transfugae cdisloyal, renegade, faithless, apostate
- tabernaculum detendodismantle one's tent
- tumultu permotusdismayed by the horror of war, troubled by the horror of war
- trepidatio et fuga hostiumdisorderly flight of the enemies
- turbula, turbulae fdisorderly group, little crowd of people
- transvendo 3dispose of by sale, sell, alienate
- traho 3dissipate, squander, purge, remove, clear away, draw along, attract, allure, influence, appropriate, refer, ascribe, set down to, weigh, ponder, consider, obtain, derive, extend, prolong, lengthen, protract, put off, delay, retard, last, endure
- turpi honestum secernodistinguish the honorable from the shameful
- tribulatio, tribulationis fdistress, trouble, tribulation
- turbo 1disturb, agitate, confuse, disorder, throw into disorder, throw into confusion, disorganize, trouble, make thick, make turbid
- temerator quietisdisturber of the peace
- thyrambus, thyrambi mdithyramb, dithyrambic poem
- tempero 1divide duly, proportion duly, mingle in due proportion, combine properly, compound properly, qualify, temper, rule, regulate, govern, manage, arrange, order
- tripartio 4divide three times, split three times, divide in three
- tripertio 4divide three times, split three times, divide in three
- trichorus, trichora, trichorumdivided into three apartments
- tripartitus, tripartita, tripartitumdivided into three parts, divisible into three parts, threefold, tripartite
- tripertitus, tripertita, tripertitumdivided into three parts, divisible into three parts, threefold, tripartite
- tributio, tributionis fdividing, distributing, distribution, contributing, paying of tribute
- tribus, tribus fdivision of the people, tribe, commonalty, mass, mob, poor people
- tertio 1do for the third time, plough for the third time
- transversum digitum non discedodo not deviate a finger width
- transversum unguem non discedodo not deviate a finger width
- tu ne cede malisdo not give way to misfortune, don't give in to bad luck
- totum te amplexordo quite tenderly against somebody
- tenesne?do you get it?
- tugurium canisdog kennel, doghouse
- tertiatio, tertiationis fdoing a thing the third time
- tholus, tholi mdome, cupola, rotunda
- tetrarchia, tetrarchiae fdominions of a tetrarch, a tetrarchy
- thyroma, thyromatis ndoor
- tibiae, tibiarum fdouble flute
- tempus ducodrag out the time, protract time
- traha, trahae fdrag, sledge
- trahea, traheae fdrag, sledge
- tracto 1drag, tug, haul, touch, take in hand, handle, manage, wield, exercise, practise, transact, perform, handle, manage, practise, conduct, lead, treat, use, conduct one’s self towards a person, investigate, discuss, negotiate
- tracticius, tracticia, tracticiumdragged
- tractitius, tractitia, tractitiumdragged
- tractaticius, tractaticia, tractaticiumdragged, pulled
- tragicocomoedia, tragicocomoediae fdrama composed of a mixture of tragedy and comedy, tragi-comedy
- tragicomoedia, tragicomoediae fdrama composed of a mixture of tragedy and comedy, tragi-comedy
- telum intentodraw one's dagger
- traduco 3draw over, make a show of, expose to public ridicule, dishonor, disgrace, degrade, set forth publicly, make public, exhibit, display, proclaim, spread abroad, spend, pass, derive
- testamentum conscribodraw up a will, write a will
- testamentum faciodraw up a will, write a will
- traho 3draw, drag, haul, drag along, draw off, draw forth, draw away, draw out, pull out, extract, withdraw, draw together, bring together, contract, wrinkle, draw in, take in, quaff, draw up, inhaling, take on, assume, acquire, get, drag away violently, to carry off, plunder
- tractus, tractus mdrawing, dragging, hauling, pulling, drawing out, trailing, stretch, extent, tract of a thing, territory, district, region, tract of land, course, progress, movement, space, lapse, period, drawing out, protracting, lengthening, protraction, extension, length
- triiugis, triiugedrawn by three horses yoked abreast, three-horse-
- trabeatus, trabeata, trabeatumdressed in a trabea, wearing a trabea
- transbibo 3drink down, drink up
- turbinem agodrive the spinning top
- transigo 3drive through, thrust through, stick through, stab, pierce one through with a weapon, transfix, transpierce, carry through, bring to an end, finish, settle, complete, conclude, perform, accomplish, despatch, transact any business, dispose of, sell, bring to an end
- toxicomanicus, toxicomanica, toxicomanicumdrug addict
- toxicomania, toxicomaniae fdrug addiction
- tympanum, tympani ndrum, timbrel, tambour, tambourine, wheel in machines, triangular area of a pediment, panel of a door, part of the clepsydra
- tympanista, tympanistae mdrummer, taborer
- temulentus, temulenta, temulentumdrunk, drunken, intoxicated
- temulentia, temulentiae fdrunkenness, inebriation, intoxication
- torreo 2dry a thing by heat, parch, roast, bake, scorch, burn, dry up, nip, pinch
- tussis siccadry cough
- taberna coctiliciadry wood shop
- torridus, torrida, torridumdry, dried up, parched, torrid, biting, dried up, pinched, nipped
- torror, torroris mdrying up, parching, scorching
- temperatura, temperaturae fdue measure, due proportion, due composition, due quality, temper, temperament, temperature
- temporis causadue to time pressure
- temperatus, temperata, temperatumduly arranged, duly prepared, limited, moderate, temperate
- terricola, terricolae mdweller upon earth, terrestrial
- tīnctorium, tīnctorii ndye works, dye house, dyeing factory
- tincta, tinctorum ndyed stuffs, colored stuffs
- tinctura, tincturae fdyeing
- tinctor, tinctoris mdyer
- tingentes, tingentium mdyers
- tribaca, tribacae fear-drop consisting of three pearls
- terrarium, terrariī nearth dam
- tractus circum terram recurrensearth orbit
- tellus, telluris fEarth surface
- Tellus, Telluris fearth, land, ground, country, district, region, territory
- testu n (indecl.)earthen vessel, earthen pot
- testum, testi nearthen vessel, earthen pot
- terrena, terrenorum nearthly things, perishable things, land-animals
- testis auritusearwitness, ear witness
- tuburcinor 1eat greedily, gobble up, devour
- turris EiffelianaEiffel Tower
- tribu aliquem moveoeject from the Tribus
- tribu moveoeject from the Tribus
- thronus, throni melevated seat, throne
- thymela, thymelae felevation in the centre of the orchestra of a Greek theatre, in the form of an altar, upon which stood the leader of the chorus, theatre, drama
- thymele, thymeles felevation in the centre of the orchestra of a Greek theatre, in the form of an altar, upon which stood the leader of the chorus, theatre, drama
- tenuatio, tenuationis femaciation, thinning
- tori riparumembankments
- temporum clausulaend of times
- totum bellum deleoend the war completely
- toleratus, toleratus mendurance, bearing
- tormenta, tormentae fengine for hurling missiles, missile, cord, rope, instrument of torture, rack, clothes-press, mangle
- tormentum, tormenti nengine for hurling missiles, missile, cord, rope, instrument of torture, rack, clothes-press, mangle
- tutela mundi ambientisenvironmental protection
- titulus sepulcriepitaph
- turmales, turmalium mequestrians of one squadron, horsemen of the same troop
- tumulum alicui struoerect a tomb
- tumulum constituoerect a tomb
- tumulum statuoerect a tomb
- tota via erroerr all the way, err completely
- tecto latere abscedoescape with a whole skin
- tum certeespecially, at least, assuredly
- tum praecipueespecially, chiefly, above all
- tribus denariis aestimoestimate to three denars
- tunc quoqueeven then
- tempus vespertinumevening time
- timor cuique futurae inopiae abiiteveryone has lost the fear of future misery
- trahit sua quemque voluptaseveryone is guided by his own wishes
- trahit sua quemque voluptaseveryone rides his hobbyhorse
- totum in eo est, ut ...everything is based on the fact that, it depends only on the fact that
- totis lociseverywhere, all over
- testamen, testaminis nevidence, proof, testimony
- tristius quid facioexacerbate, denature, embitter
- tristius quid reddoexacerbate, denature, embitter
- tumultus, tumultus mexcitement, anxiety, disturbance, disquietude, agitation, tumult of the mind, tumult of the feelings, confusion, disorder
- tuxtaxexclamation imitative of the sound of blows
- tortor, tortoris mexecutioner, tormentor, torturer
- tractus ductusque muriexpansion and course of the wall
- tuum adventum praestolorexpect your arrival, await your arrival
- tempestatem subeoexpose myself to the storm
- telis me obicioexpose oneself to projectiles
- tramen rapidumExpress train
- terminos imperii promoveoextend the empire's frontiers
- terminos urbis propagoextend the town limits
- tormentis exprimo confessionemextort a confession under torture,
- tempus additumextra time
- triportentum, triportenti nextraordinary omen, extraordinary portent
- tempora extremaextreme distress
- tunica oculariseye cuticle
- testis oculatuseyewitness, eye witness
- tragopan, tragopanis mfabulous bird, bearded vulture
- trideciesfalse read for terdeciens
- testamentum interpolofalsify a will, distort a will
- testamento fraudem adhibeofalsify a will, forge a will
- topiarium, topiarii nfancy gardening, topiary-work
- tempus supremumfarewell hour, hour of death
- tritavus, tritavi mfather of an atavus or atavia
- terripavium, terripavii nfavorable omen
- timor aliquem occupatfear befalls someone
- timor alas addit fear gives you wings
- timori malum continens estfear is followed by misfortune
- timor externi hostisfear of an enemy from abroad, xenophobia, fear of an external enemy
- timor externusfear of an enemy from abroad, xenophobia, fear of an external enemy
- timor peregrinusfear of an enemy from abroad, xenophobia, fear of an external enemy
- timor mortisfear of death
- timor poenaefear of punishment
- terror servilisfear of the slaves
- terriloquus, terriloqua, terriloquumfear-speaking, fear-inspiring
- timeo 2fear, be afraid of, to dread, be afraid, be in fear, be fearful, be apprehensive, be anxious
- timor, timoris mfear, dread, apprehension, alarm, anxiety, awe, reverence, veneration
- timos, timoris mfear, dread, apprehension, alarm, anxiety, awe, reverence, veneration
- timidus, timida, timidumfearful, afraid, faint-hearted, cowardly, timid, cautious
- tremendus, tremenda, tremendumfearful, dreadful, frightful, formidable, terrible, tremendous
- terribiliterfearfully, dreadfully, terribly
- timidefearfully, timidly
- timiditas, timiditatis ffearfulness, cowardice, timidity
- timore perculsusfearsome, awestruck with fear, fearsaken
- triatrus, triatruum mfeast-day among the Tusculans, three days after the Ides
- taedio 1feel loathing, feel disgust, be weary
- tractatrix, tractatricis ffemal slave among the Romans, who manipulated his master’s limbs, female shampooer
- tiruncula, tirunculae ffemale beginner, female pupil, novice
- trineptis, trineptis ffemale descendant in the fifth degree
- tympanistria, tympanistriae ffemale drummer, female player on the tambourine
- tibicina, tibicinae ffemale fluteplayer
- tutrix, tutricis ffemale guardian, tutrix
- tonstrix, tonstricis ffemale hair-cutter, female barber
- thelypteris, thelypteridis ffemale plant of the filix
- tentrix, tentricis ffemale stretcher
- toraria, torariae ffemale waiter, female attendant
- textrix, textricis ffemale weaver
- triennia, triennium nfestival celebrated every three years, triennial festival
- tricennalia, tricennalium nfestival celebrated once in thirty years, tricennial festival
- tubilustrium, tubilustrii nfestival held on the 23d of March and 23d of May, when the trumpets used at sacrifices were purified, the feast of trumpets
- tubulustrium, tubulustrii nfestival held on the 23d of March and 23d of May, when the trumpets used at sacrifices were purified, the feast of trumpets
- trieterica, trietericorum nfestival of Bacchus
- thesmophoria, thesmophoriorum nfestival of Demeter as lawgiver among the Greeks
- topothesia, topothesiae ffictional location description, assumed position of a place
- tenilusor campensisField tennis player
- truciterfiercely
- tropos, tropi mfigurative use of a word, trope, manner of singing, song
- tropus, tropi mfigurative use of a word, trope, manner of singing, song
- tropologicus, tropologica, tropologicumfigurative, tropical, tropological
- typicus, typica, typicumfigurative, typical, periodical, recurring at intervals
- tropicefiguratively
- tropologicefiguratively, metaphorically
- transcolo 1filter through
- tenuis, tenuefine, thin, rare, slim, lank, slender, weak, little, slight, trifling, poor, mean, fine, nice, delicate, subtle, exact, insignificant, low, inferior, common
- telo aliquem petofire at someone
- telum igniferum firearm
- tyrocinium, tyrocinii nfirst military service, first campaign of a young soldier, military rawness, military inexperience, first beginning of any thing, first trial, first attempt, first essay, inexperience
- tirocinium, tirocinii nfirst military service, first campaign of a young soldier, military rawness, military inexperience, first beginning of any thing, first trial, first attempt, first essay,inexperience
- tractabilitas, tractabilitatis ffitness for being handled, fitness for being wrought, manageableness, tractability
- testis integerflawless witness, honest witness, integer witness, impartial witness
- transfugio 5flee over to the other side, go over to the enemy, desert
- terga, tergorum nflight
- telum librofling the javelin
- transfluo 3flow through, run through, run out, soak through, pass away, elapse
- tibiae aut fidium cantusflute or string playing
- tibicinator, tibicinatoris mflute player, flutist
- tibia, tibiae fflute
- tibiae assaeflutes without vocal accompaniment
- transvolo 1fly over, fly across, go quickly over, come quickly over, mount quickly over, pass quickly over, go quickly across, come quickly across, mount quickly across, pass quickly across, fly through, flow by, flow past, pass over, neglect
- travolo 1fly over, fly across, go quickly over, come quickly over, mount quickly over, pass quickly over, go quickly across, come quickly across, mount quickly across, pass quickly across, fly through, flow by, flow past, pass over, neglect
- transvolito 1fly through
- tota mente incumbo in aliquidfocus on something, concentrate on something
- temporum ordinem servofollow the chronological order
- teniludiarius, teniludiaria, teniludiariumfootball-related
- temporaliterfor a time, temporarily
- temporariefor a time, temporarily
- timore adductusfor fear
- triumviri coloniae deducendae et agro dandofor leading out a colony and distributing the land among its members
- timore perterritusfor sheer fear
- tantisperfor so long a time, so long, in the mean time, meanwhile
- tentorius, tentoria, tentoriumfor tents
- triumviri reficiendis aedibusfor the restoration of temples
- tertiatofor the third time
- tertiumfor the third time
- tertiofor the third time, in the third place, thirdly, three times
- triduum quadriduumvefor three or four days, three or four days,
- tibi seris, tibi metesfor you to sow, for you to reap
- tetricus, tetrica, tetricumforbidding, harsh, crabbed, gloomy, sour, stern, severe, fierce, warlike
- temerator, temeratoris mforger, violator, ravisher
- temeratio, temerationis fforging
- tubulatus, tubulata, tubulatumformed like a pipe, tubular, tubulated
- transvecturarius, transvecturarii mforwarding agent, carrier, freight forwarder
- taetrefoully, shockingly, hideously
- tetrefoully, shockingly, hideously
- totum quadriduumfour full days
- tetrarhythmus, tetrarhythma, tetrarhythmumfour-bar, four-beat
- tetrapus, tetrapodisfour-footed, quadruped
- tetracolos, tetracolonfour-linked, consisting of four links
- tetraonymus, tetraonyma, tetraonymumfour-named, with four names
- tetrastrophi, tetrastrophorum mfour-strophic poem
- tetrastrophos, tetrastrophonfour-strophic
- tetraeteris, tetraeteridis ffour-year period
- tetraplasius, tetraplasia, tetraplasiumfourfold
- tartemorion, tartemorii nfourth of the zodiac
- tetartemorion, tetartemorii nfourth of the zodiac
- tetrans, tetrantis mfourth part, quarter, quadrant, place where two lines meet
- tempus a negotiis vacuumfree time, leisure
- tempus ab opere vacuumfree time, leisure
- tempus subsicivumfree time, leisure
- tempus vacuumfree time, leisure
- tunica recinctafreely hanging undergarment
- timorem alicui incutiofrighten someone, intimidate someone
- terreo 2frighten, affright, put in fear, put in dread, alarm, terrify, drive away by terror, frighten away, scare away, deter by terror, scare, frighten from
- timore aegerfrightened sick
- terrificatio, terrificationis ffrightening terror, terrifying terror
- territio, territionis ffrightening, alarming, terrifying
- terribilis, terribilefrightful, dreadful, terrible, demanding reverence, venerable
- terricrepus, terricrepa, terricrepumfrightfully thundering
- translimitanus, translimitana, translimitanumfrom beyond the frontier
- thyius, thyia, thyiumfrom the wood of the citrus-tree
- tabacarius, tabacaria, tabacariumfrom tobacco, made from tobacco
- tuber, tuberis m (1)fruit of an apple-tree
- tumultuosus, tumultuosa, tumultuosumfull of bustle, full of confusion, full of tumult, restless, turbulent, tumultuous, announcing disturbances
- turbidus, turbida, turbidumfull of confusion, full of disorder, wild, confused, disordered, wild, stormy, troubled, thick, muddy, turbid, disturbed, perplexed, violent, boisterous, turbulent, vehement
- tortuosus, tortuosa, tortuosumfull of crooks, full of turns, winding, tortuous, entangled, involved, complicated, confused, painful, torturing
- tenebricosus, tenebricosa, tenebricosumfull of darkness, full of gloom, shrouded in darkness, dark, gloomy
- tricosus, tricosa, tricosumfull of difficulties, full of perplexities, full of wiles or tricks
- terrosus, terrosa, terrosumfull of earth, earthy
- tumulosus, tumulosa, tumulosumfull of hills, hilly
- tuberosus, tuberosa, tuberosumfull of humps, full of lumps, full of protuberances
- timoratus, timorata, timoratumfull of reverence towards God, devout
- tribulosus, tribulosa, tribulosumfull of thorns, full of thistles, thorny, rough
- thymosus, thymosa, thymosumfull of thyme, thymy
- timosus, timosa, timosumfull of thyme, thymy
- turbulentus, turbulenta, turbulentumfull of trouble, full of commotion, restless, agitated, confused, disturbed, boisterous, stormy, tempestuous, turbid, muddy, stirred up, aroused, excited, making trouble, troublesome, turbulent, factious, seditious
- tineosus, tineosa, tineosumfull of worms, wormy, full of lice, lousy
- tiniosus, tiniosa, tiniosumfull of worms, wormy, full of lice, lousy
- tertiocerius, tertiocerii mfunctionary of the third rank
- tristes litteraefuneral letter, letter of regret, letter of sorrow
- traiectorium, traiectorii nfunnel
- taberna pelliariafurrier's shop
- tumescentia vulnerafurther festering wounds
- turba novellafuture grandchildren
- tempus posterumfuture time
- tempus futurumfuture
- tabanus, tabani mgad-fly, horse-fly, oxfly, breese
- totius Galliae imperio potirigain sovereignty over all Gaul
- taxea, taxeae fGallic name for lard
- Technopaegnion, Technopaegnii ngame of art, poem by Ausonius
- tempora cingogarland the temples
- tunicopallium, tunicopallii ngarment uniting in one the tunic and the pallium
- tyrianthina, tyrianthinorum ngarments of a purpleviolet color
- thesaurizo 1gather treasure, collect treasure, lay up treasure, treasure up
- tepor, teporis mgentle warmth, lukewarmness, tepidity, tepor
- taximgently, little by little, by degrees, gradually
- trissago, trissaginis fgermander
- trixago, trixaginis fgermander
- teucrion, teucrii ngermander, herb spleenwort
- telo stringorget a graze, get a scrach
- telo feriorget a shot
- telo feriorget a shot, get hit by a shot
- tempestatem bonam nanciscorget good weather
- telis cingorget ready, arm themselves
- tempestatem idoneam nanciscorget suitable weather, get appropriate weather
- tribum feroget the votes of a Tribus
- tristia donagifts for the dead, funeral gifts, funerary offerings
- tunicam cingogirdle the undergarment
- thiaso 1give a bacchanal
- tiaso 1give a bacchanal
- tirocinium ponogive a sample
- titulo 1give a title to, call, name, entitle
- totum me alicui patefaciogive air to his heart, ease his heart
- tota Graecia circulorgive blatant speeches throughout Greece
- totum me committo alicuigive someone your complete trust
- togam componogive the toga the right drape
- timorem omittogive up fear, quit fearing, abandon fear
- trado 3give up, hand over, deliver, transmit, surrender, consign, deliver, commit, intrust, confide for shelter, confide for protection, surrender treacherously, betray, make over, transmit, leave behind, bequeath, relate, narrate, recount, propose, propound, teach
- transdo 3give up, hand over, deliver, transmit, surrender, consign, deliver, commit, intrust, confide for shelter, confide for protection, surrender treacherously, betray, make over, transmit, leave behind, bequeath, relate, narrate, recount, propose, propound, teach
- totum me trado alicuigive yourself completely to someone
- tributor, tributoris mgiver, imparter
- transmissus, transmissus mgiving over, handing over, transferring, transmission, passing over, passage
- traditio, traditionis fgiving up, delivering up, surrender, teaching, instruction, saying handed down from former times, tradition
- translabor 3glid past, haste by
- tinea, tineae fgnawing worm, moth, bookworm, wood-worm, silkworm, louse
- tinia, tiniae fgnawing worm, moth, bookworm, wood-worm, silkworm, louse
- transverso foro ambulogo across the market
- transvehor 3go across, come across, pass across, travel across, ride across, sail across, go over, come over, pass over, travel over, ride over, sail over, ride past, pass by, elapse
- transabeogo beyond, pass by, go through, pierce through, transfix
- tendo ad procinctumgo into battle
- transeogo over, go across, cross over, pass over, pass by, pass, go over to a party, go over to a side, go over into any thing, pass over into any thing, be changed into a thing, transformed into a thing
- trameo 1go over, go across, go through
- transmeo 1go over, go across, go through
- transvio 1go through
- travio 1go through
- transito 1go through, pass
- tego latus alicuigo to someone's side, step aside somebody
- tragacantha, tragacanthae fgoat’s-thorn, tragacanth-bush
- tragus, tragi mgoatlike smell of the armpits, kind of fish
- tragion, tragii ngoatwort
- tragonis, tragonis fgoatwort
- theotocos, theotoci fgodbearing, mother of God, god-bearer
- transitio, transitionis fgoing across, going over, passing over, passage, entrance, going over, desertion to a party, infection, contagion, transition, inflection by declension or conjugation
- transgressio, transgressionis fgoing across, going over, passing over, passage, transposition, transition (in speaking), transgression (of the law)
- tolutaris, tolutaregoing on a trot, trotting
- tolutarius, tolutaria, tolutariumgoing on a trot, trotting
- tolutilis, tolutilegoing on a trot, trotting
- transfugium, transfugii ngoing over to the enemy, desertion
- toles, tolium mgoitre, struma
- tolles, tollium mgoitre, struma
- theriacus, theriaca, theriacumgood against the poison of animals, good against the bite of serpents
- toparcha, toparchae mgovernor of a territory, governor of a district, toparch
- toparches, toparchae mgovernor of a territory, governor of a district, toparch
- trinepos, trinepotis mgrandson in the fifth degree
- tribuo 3grant, give, show, pay, render, yield, give up, concede, allow, ascribe, assign, attribute, divide, distribute, bestow upon, spend upon, devote
- trygetus, trygeti mgrape harvest, vintage
- taetricitas, taetricitatis fgrave expression, serious expression, gravity, seriousness
- tetricitas, tetricitatis fgrave expression, serious expression, gravity, seriousness
- templa, templorum ngreases, roof greases
- terror, terroris mgreat fear, affright, dread, alarm, terror, object of fear, object of dread, terror
- tuburchinabundus, tuburchinabunda, tuburchinabundumgreedily eating, greedily devouring, gobbling
- tuburcinabundus, tuburcinabunda, tuburcinabundumgreedily eating, greedily devouring, gobbling
- thya, thyae fGreek name for the citrus-tree
- thyia, thyiae fGreek name for the citrus-tree
- thyon, thyi nGreek name for the citrus-tree
- terrarius, terraria, terrariumgrew up outdoors, raised in the open country
- truculens, truculentisgrim, fierce
- tormina, torminum ngriping of the bowels, gripes, colic
- triscurrium, triscurrii ngross buffoonery
- tenebrasco 3grow dark, become dark
- tenebresco 3grow dark, become dark
- teneresco 3grow soft, grow tender
- torpesco 3grow stiff, grow numb, become useless, become torpid, become dull, grow dim, become listles, become inactive, become indolent
- tenerasco 3grow tender
- tenuesco 3growing thin
- tristis naturagrumpy disposition, bad-tempered nature
- tutela impuberumguardianship over minors
- thema fundamentaleguiding principle, guiding theme, key theme
- transvoro 1gulp down, swallow down, devour, consume, squander
- transvoratio, transvorationis fgulping down, swallowing down
- tragacanthum, tragacanthi ngum-tragacanth
- tudes, tuditis fhammer, mallet
- turma manufollicahandball team
- translaticius, translaticia, translaticiumhanded down, transmitted, preserved by transmission, hereditary, customary, usual, common, , tropical, metaphorical
- tralaticius, tralaticia, tralaticiumhanded down, transmitted, preserved by transmission, hereditary, customary, usual, common, metaphorical
- translaticius, translaticia, translaticiumhanded down, transmitted, preserved by transmission, hereditary, customary, usual, common, metaphorical
- tempto 1handle, touch, feel, try the strength of, make an attempt upon, attack, assail, affect, try, prove, put to the test, attempt, essay, urge, incite, tempt, sound, tamper with, excite, disquiet, disturb, agitate
- tento 1handle, touch, feel, try the strength of, make an attempt upon, attack, assail, affect, try, prove, put to the test, attempt, essay, urge, incite, tempt, sound, tamper with, excite, disquiet, disturb, agitate
- tractatio, tractationis fhandling, management, treatment, treatment of a person, conduct, behavior, discussion of a subject, special use of a word, special usage of a word
- triduum foro do operamhang around on the forum for three days, spend three days on the forum
- temporaneus, temporanea, temporaneumhappening at the right time, coming at the right time, timely, opportune
- transiungo 3harness differently, tackle in elsewhere
- tus metoharvest incense
- trimensis, trimenseharvested after three months, quarterly
- trepidehastily, in a state of confusion, in a state of alarm, with trepidation
- tumidehaughtily, pompously
- tranquillo animo sumhave composure
- torminibus laborohave stomach ache, suffer from stomach ache
- tempus habeo alicui reihave time for something
- tutulatus, tutulata, tutulatumhaving a tutulus, wearing a tutulus
- tetrastylos, tetrastylonhaving four columns
- tetrachordos, tetrachordonhaving four strings, having four notes
- tetracordos, tetracordonhaving four strings, having four notes
- triptotos, triptotonhaving only three case endings
- tunicatus, tunicata, tunicatumhaving skins, dressed only with the tunic
- testiculatus, testiculata, testiculatumhaving testicles
- triremis, triremehaving three banks of oars
- tricorpor, tricorporishaving three bodies, three-bodied, tricorporal
- tripectorus, tripectora, tripectorumhaving three breasts, three-breasted, triplebreasted
- trigemmis, trigemmehaving three buds, having three eyes
- tricameratus, tricamerata, tricameratumhaving three chambers
- triangulus, triangula, triangulumhaving three corners, having three angles, threecornered, triangular
- triquetrus, triquetra, triquetrumhaving three corners, three-cornered, triangular, belonging to the island of Sicily, Sicilian
- tripes, tripedishaving three feet, three-footed
- trifurcus, trifurca, trifurcumhaving three forks, having three prongs, having three points, threeforked, three-pronged
- triformis, triformehaving three forms, having three shapes, having three natures, threefold, triple, triform
- triceps, tricipitishaving three heads, triple-headed, threefold
- tricorniger, tricornigera, tricornigerumhaving three horns, having three points
- tricornis, tricornehaving three horns, three-horned
- trinodis, trinodehaving three knots, three-knotted, of three syllables, trisyllabic
- trinominis, trinominehaving three names, triple-named
- trinomius, trinomia, trinomiumhaving three names, triple-named
- trionymus, trionyma, trionymumhaving three names, triple-named
- tricuspis, tricuspidishaving three points, having three tines, three-pointed, tricuspid
- trieris, trierehaving three ranges of oars
- trimembris, trimembrehaving three sets of limbs, triple-membered
- triloris, trilorehaving three stripes, triple-striped
- tridens, tridentishaving three teeth, having three tines, three-tined, threepronged, tridented, trident
- trifilis, trifilehaving three threads, having three hairs
- trifaux, trifaucishaving three throats, triple-throated
- tibia aspirat chorohe flute accompanies the choir
- timor incessit, ne quas per iuga calles invenirethe was afraid he couldn't find mountain paths across the ridges
- terminator, terminatoris mhe who limits, he who sets bounds, limiter, delimiter
- tiara, tiarae fhead-dress of the Orientals, turban, tiara
- tiaras, tiarae mhead-dress of the Orientals, turban, tiara
- tarditas auriumhearing loss, hearing impairment
- tetrao, tetraonis mheatkcock, moor-fowl
- tardeo 2hem, hesitate, stumble, dumble
- tussilago, tussilaginis fherb colt’sfoot
- tempora heroicaheroic age, heroic time, mythical age
- tristitiam abstrudohide his sadness
- terginum, tergini nhide, raw-hide, scourge
- tibiae duae dextraehigh tuned double whistle, treble whistle
- tramen magnae rapiditatisHigh-speed train (TGV)
- tramen supercelerehigh-speed train
- tumidosus, tumidosa, tumidosumhigh-swelling
- tribuni plebis turbulentissimihighly volatile tribunes of the people
- teba, tebae fhill
- tenetur eius avaritiahis stinginess is world-famous
- trispastos, trispasti fhoisting-tackle with three pulleys, trispast
- teneo 2hold out, hold on, last, endure, continue, maintain itself, prevail
- teneo 2hold, keep, have in the hand, have in the mouth, seize, grasp, comprehend, be master of, have in one’s power, possess, contain in the mind, conceive, comprehend, know
- tentor, tentoris mholder, servant employed at chariotraces, stretcher
- tenax, tenacisholding fast, griping, tenacious, retentive, firm, steadfast, persistent, stubborn, obstinate
- tenacitas, tenacitatis fholding fast, tenacity, holding fast to money, niggardliness, parsimony
- tenor, tenoris mholding on, holding fast, uninterrupted course, uninterrupted career, uninterrupted tenor, connection, contents, sense, tenor
- terebramen, terebraminis nhole bored
- tubulatio, tubulationis fhollowing into a tube, tubulation
- triumpho aliquem mactohonor someone with a triumphal procession
- tunica palliolatahooded coat
- tormentum acrehorrible torture, cruel torture,
- tabernaria, tabernariae fhostess of a tavern
- termospodion, termospodii nhot ashes, glowing ashes, embers
- thermospodion, thermospodii nhot ashes, glowing ashes, embers
- testa calefacienshot water bottle
- tormentum curtum pyrobolis mittendishowitzer
- transitus humanitariushumanitarian corridor
- tuber, tuberis nhump, bump, swelling, tumor, protuberance
- turbo uraganushurricane
- trepido 1hurry with alarm, bustle about anxiously, be in a state of confusion, be in a state of agitation, be in a state of trepidation, flare, waver, flicker, throbbing, quivering, palpitating
- tegurium, tegurii nhut, cot, cottage of shepherds or peasants
- tugurium, tugurii nhut, cot, small shelter, cottage of shepherds, cottage of peasants
- transfigurator suihypocrite, one who disguises himself
- tuam audaciam miror / de tua audacia mirorI am amazed at your courage, marvel at your courage, admire your courage
- taedet meI am disgusted, I am offended, I am tired, I am weary of, I loathe
- tibi amicus sumI am kind to you, I'm friendly with you
- tibi praeniteoI am kinder than you, I'm nicer than you
- tui percupidus sumI am very inclined to you, I am very fond of you
- tibi idem reponoI ask you the same question
- tuam amicitiam amplectorI cherish and maintain the friendship with you
- tempus mihi deest ad rem faciendamI don't have the time to do the thing
- tuam vicem doleoI feel sorry for you
- tuam lenitatem perpetuam fore speroI hope for the permanence of your mildness, I hope that your leniency will persist
- tuam egregiam fidem cognoviI know your outstanding loyalty
- tibi, si venire unā velis, facio (do) copiamI'll leave it up to you whether you want to come along or not
- tempus me citius deficiet quam oratioI'll run out of time before I'm through talking
- tempus maturius quam res me deseretI'll run out of time before the stuff
- tibi praestolorI'm waiting for you
- turifer grexidolaters, heathens
- transfugium, transfugii nImmigration, relocation
- togata, togatae fimmodest woman, prostitute
- testis incorruptusimpartial witness
- tempora Caesarianaimperial era, imperial age, imperial period
- tractoriae, tractoriarum fimperial letter containing an order to provide a person with necessaries on his journey
- tributa alicui imponoimpose taxes on someone, levy taxes on someone
- tessellatimin a checkered form, in a tesselated form
- tempore perbreviin a little while, in a short time
- tripliciterin a threefold manner, in three ways
- tragicein a tragic manner, tragically
- turbulentein a turbulent manner, confusedly, tumultuously, boisterously, with violence
- turbulenterin a turbulent manner, confusedly, tumultuously, boisterously, with violence
- terrulentein an earthly manner
- turpein an unsightly manner, unbecomingly
- turpiterin an unsightly manner, unbecomingly
- transverso itinerein cross direction, in transverse direction
- turbidein disorder, confusedly
- tempestivo temporein due course, in due time, at the right time, in proper season, seasonably, opportunely, fitly, appropriately
- temperatein due proportion, with moderation, moderately, temperately
- tibi optima fide sua omnia concessit, adnumeravit, appenditin good faith, he gave you his entire fortune
- tumultuatimin haste, hastily
- tricesimum annum agensin his thirtieth year
- transitoriein passing, by the way, cursorily
- transituin passing, by the way, cursorily
- temporibus Periclisin Pericles' time, at the time of Pericles
- tabulatimin rows, in divisions
- tam brevi horarum momentoin so few hours, in such little time
- totiugis diebusin so many days
- totmodus, totmoda, totmodumin so many ways, so many different
- taliterin such wise, in such sort, so
- temporis processuin the course of time, in the process of time, as time goes by
- temporibus Augustiin the days of Augustus
- triviatimin the public streets
- toto oppidoin the whole city
- toto orbein the whole world, all over the world
- triduum et trinoctiumin three days and three nights
- tempestillus, tempestilla, tempestillumin time
- translativein transferred meaning, metaphorically
- tinctilis, tinctilein which something is dipped
- thuricremus, thuricrema, thuricremumincense-burning, for burning incense
- turicremus, turicrema, turicremumincense-burning, for burning incense
- thurilegus, thurilega, thurilegumincense-gathering
- turilegus, turilega, turilegumincense-gathering
- tus, turis n (thus, thuris n)incense, frankincense
- thus, thuris n (tus, turis n)incense, frankincense,
- truculentia caeliinclemency of the climate
- tributum quotannis ex censu collatumincome tax, personal income tax
- temeritates, temeritatum finconsiderate acts
- tuberositas, tuberositatis finfection with bumps, infestation with protuberances, infestation with tumors
- transgressor, transgressoris minfringer, transgressor of the law
- tarda, tardorum ninhibitory conditions, inhibitory circumstances
- tiliae, tiliarum finner bark of the linden, barkbands
- thalamus, thalami minner room, chamber, apartment, sleeping-room, bedchamber, marriage-bed, bridal-bed, marriage, wedlock
- trixallis, trixallidis finsect resembling a grasshopper, cricket
- troxalis, troxalidis finsect resembling a grasshopper, cricket
- troxallis, troxallidis finsect resembling a grasshopper, cricket
- tippula, tippulae finsect that runs swiftly over the water, water-spider, water-spinner
- testamentum subicioinsinuate a will
- testamentum supponoinsinuate a will
- turres toto opere circumdoinstall towers all along the line
- turbator belliinstigator to war, instigator of war, instigator for war
- terebra, terebrae finstrument for boring, borer, auger, gimlet, trephine, military engine
- terebrum, terebri ninstrument for boring, borer, auger, gimlet, trephine, military engine
- tenaculum, tenaculi ninstrument for holding, holder
- tribulus, tribuli minstrument resting on three of its iron prongs, while a fourth projected upward, thrown on the ground to impede an enemy’s cavalry, caltrop
- tramen rapidumIntercity Express (ICE)
- tramen interurbanumIntercity
- tempus venaleinterest date
- tormentis aliquem interrogointerrogate someone under torture, question someone under torture, use torture during interrogation
- tormentis de aliquo quaerointerrogate someone under torture, question someone under torture, use torture during interrogation
- tormentis quaero de aliquointerrogate someone under torture, question someone under torture, use torture during interrogation
- timefactus, timefacta, timefactumintimidated, cowed, frightened, scared, terrified
- tripartitointo three parts
- tripertitointo three parts
- tragulam inicio in aliquemintrigue against someone, go against someone
- trochus, trochi miron hoop set round with small rings, trundling-hoop for children
- taedescitit disgusts, it offends, it wearies one
- transactum est de meit is about me
- tuum estit is thy part, it is thy duty, it is thy custom
- tolerabile estit is tolerable to, it is acceptable to
- tuarum partium estit is your responsibility
- tua refertit matters to you, it is important for you
- tuam amicitiam amplectorit means a lot to me the friendship with you, I care a lot about friendship with you
- torqueor, quod torments me that, it pains me that, it tortures me that
- tertia hora estit's between eight and nine in the morning
- tempus maximum est, ut's high time that
- tempus est maximum, ut surgamusit's high time to get up
- tempus est +'s high time to
- transactum estit's over
- tempus est +'s time to
- thos, thois mjackal
- thorax laneusjacket, jerkin, doublet
- tintinnum, tintinni njingling, tinkling
- tendo de fumo in flammamjump out of the frying pan into the fire
- tribus verbis te volojust a few words, only a few words
- tammodojust now, a moment since
- tantusdem, tantadem, tantumdem (tantundem)just so great, as great , just so large, as large
- totidemjust so many, just as many
- tantumdem (tantundem)just so much, just as much
- tenorem servokeep the course, stay the course
- tenorem in narrationibus servokeep the thread of the story
- tabularius, tabularii mkeeper of archives, registrar, public notary, scrivener
- tam facile homines occidit quam canis adsiditkill people as easily as a dog can lift its leg
- telo aliquem occidokill with a shot
- tyrannoctonus, tyrannoctoni mkiller of a tyrant
- tyrannicida, tyrannicidae ckiller of a tyrant, tyrannicide
- tyrannicidium, tyrannicidii nkilling of a tyrant, tyrannicide
- trichitis, trichitidis fkind of alum
- tuber, tuberis f (1)kind of apple-tree
- tubur, tuburis ckind of apple-tree, fruit of this tree
- trigon, trigonis mkind of ball for playing with, game of ball
- testaceum, testacei nkind of brick
- tyropatina, tyropatinae fkind of cheesecake
- thlaspi n (indecl.)kind of cress
- teta, tetae fkind of dove
- trabeata, trabeatae fkind of drama by C, Melissus, in which knights appeared
- tympanites, tympanitae mkind of dropsy that swells the belly like a drum, tympanites
- triorches, triorchae mkind of falcon, buzzard
- trochis, trochis fkind of fig wine
- thursio, thursionis mkind of fish resembling the dolphin, porpoise
- tursio, tursionis mkind of fish resembling the dolphin, porpoise
- teuchites, teuchitae fkind of fragrant rush
- tiphe, tiphes fkind of grain, Peter’s-corn, one-grained wheat
- talpona, talponae fkind of grape-vin
- tinnunculus, tinnunculi mkind of hawk, kestrel
- tricoccum, tricocci nkind of heliotropium
- tufa, tufae fkind of helmet-crest
- telephion, telephii nkind of herb resembling purslane
- tragula, tragulae fkind of javelin, kind of dart, attack, snare, plot, kind of dragnet, small traha, small sledge
- toxicon, toxici nkind of ladanum
- toxicum, toxici nkind of ladanum
- taxa, taxae fkind of laurel
- trifax, trifacis fkind of long missile weapon
- thrauston, thrausti nkind of metopion
- tridacna, tridacnorum nkind of oysters
- tubracum, tubraci nkind of pants
- tubracus, tubraci mkind of pants
- tragos, tragi mkind of pap, kind of porridge
- tragum, tragi nkind of pap, kind of porridge
- tibulus, tibuli fkind of pine-tree
- taos, tai mkind of precious stone of the colors of the peacock
- trichias, trichiae mkind of sardine
- tomaculum, tomaculi nkind of sausage, brain-sausage, liver-sausage
- tomacina, ae fkind of sausage, fried sausages
- tuccetum, tucceti nkind of sausage, kind of haggis
- tritomus, tritomi mkind of sea-fish
- tettigonia, tettigoniae fkind of small cicada
- trucanti, trucantorum mkind of small fish
- tzanga, tzangae fkind of soft Parthian shoe
- thieldones, thieldonum mkind of Spanish horse
- tethea, tetheorum nkind of sponge
- tragelaphus, tragelaphi mkind of stag with a beard like a goat, horse-stag
- tama, tamae fkind of swelling of the feet and legs
- tribulus, tribuli mkind of thorn or thistle, land-caltrops, kind of water-plant bearing a prickly nut of a triangular form, water-chestnut, water-caltrops
- tragos, tragi mkind of thorny plant, kind of sponge
- trucia, truciae fkind of trout
- tructa, tructae fkind of trout
- tructus, tructi mkind of trout
- thymion, thymii nkind of wart, open canker
- thymium, thymii nkind of wart, open canker
- taminia, taminiae fkind of wild grape
- thos, thois mkind of wolf
- tibiale, tibialis nknee-high stocking
- tongeo 2knowledge
- tongillatimknowledge
- tardigenuclus, tardigenucla, tardigenuclumlame, limping
- territorium, territorii nland round a town, domain, district, territory
- terrenum, terreni nland, ground
- terra, terrae fland, ground, soil, country, region, territory, earth, world
- tibia, tibiae flarge shin-bone, tibia, shin-bone, shin, leg, pipe, flute
- tettigometra, tettigometrae flarva of the cicada, matrix of the cicada
- tabulae testataelast will and testament
- triduanus, triduana, triduanumlasting three days, of three days’ continuance
- tardelate, not in time, not early
- traduco 3lead across, bring across, conduct across, to lead over, bring over, carry over, convey across, transport over, lead over, bring over, carry over, transfer, remove, lead along
- transduco 3lead across, bring across, conduct across, to lead over, bring over, carry over, convey across, transport over, lead over, bring over, carry over, transfer, remove, lead along
- transversum ago aliquemlead someone astray from the right path, seduce someone
- traductio, traductionis fleading along, conducting in triumph, removing, transferring, making a show of, exposure, public disgrace, passage of time, lapse of time, course of time, transferring, metonymy, repetition of the same word
- trunco arboris acclinisleaned against the tree stump
- transilio 4leap across, jump across, spring across, leap over, spring over, go quickly over to, hasten to join a party, hasten, make haste, pass rapidly
- trānssilio 4leap across, jump across, spring across, leap over, spring over, go quickly over to, hasten to join a party, hasten, make haste, pass rapidly
- transsulto 1leap over, leap across
- transulto 1leap over, leap across
- transilitĭo, transilitĭonis fleaping over
- telum in vulnere relinquoleave the bullet in the wound
- transvolo in medio positaleave what lies open
- tropis, tropidis flees of wine
- tropis, tropis flees of wine
- tenuslengthwise, to the end, as far as, up to, down to, unto, to
- tempus quadragesimalelenting period
- tormenta alicui admoveolet someone be tortured, torture someone
- transitum alicui faciolet someone pass, allow someone to pass
- tormentis aliquem dedolet torture, bring to the torture, stretch to the torture
- tractoria, tractoriae fletter of invitation, letter of summons
- tabellarius, tabellarii mlettercarrier, courier
- thorax ad fluitandum aptuslifejacket
- tollo 3lift up, take up, raise, raise up, elevate, exalt, take up, accept, acknowledge, bring up, educate as one’s own, lift the anchor, weigh anchor, break up, proceed, build, erect, take on board, cheer up, console
- trechedipnum, trechedipni nlight garment worn at table by parasites
- tus incendolight incense, burn incense
- temulenterlike a drunken person, drunkenly
- talpinus, talpina, talpinumlike a mole, mole-like
- trochaeides, trochaeidis like a trochee
- testatimlike sherds, in bits, in fragments
- thalassicus, thalassica, thalassicumlike the sea, sea-colored, sea-green
- toficius, toficia, toficiumlike tufa, tufaceous
- tilia, tiliae flinden, lime-tree
- traulus, traula, traulum lisping
- taeniola, taeniolae flittle band, little ribbon
- trabecula, trabeculae flittle beam
- trabicula, trabiculae flittle beam
- thoracium, thoracii nlittle breastplate
- toracium, toracii nlittle breastplate
- taurulus, tauruli mlittle bull
- thoraciculus, thoraciculi mlittle bust, little bust portrait
- tussicula, tussiculae flittle cough, slight cough
- tonstricula, tonstriculae flittle female hair-cutter, little female barber
- textricula, textriculae flittle female weaver
- teguriolum, tegurioli nlittle hut, cottage
- tuguriolum, tugurioli nlittle hut, cottage
- tegeticula, tegeticulae flittle mat
- tegiculum, tegiculi nlittle mat
- tectulum, tectuli nlittle roof
- tomicula, tomiculae f
little rope, cord
- tumicla, tumiclae f
little rope, cord
- tendicula, tendiculae flittle snare, noose
- thyrsiculus, thyrsiculi mlittle stalk
- tectoriolum, tectorioli nlittle stuccowork, stucco
- tentoriolum, tentorioli nlittle tent
- theoremation, theorematii nlittle theorem
- theorematium, theorematii nlittle theorem
- togula, togulae flittle toga
- turricula, turriculae flittle tower, turret, kind of dice-box, shaped like a tower
- tunicla, tuniclae flittle tunic, little coat, little skin, little membrane
- tunicula, tuniculae flittle tunic, little coat, little skin, little membrane
- turturilla, turturillae flittle turtle-dove, an effeminate person, softling, sissy
- thermulae, thermularum flittle warm bath
- tineola, tineolae flittle worm
- trans Rhenum incololive above the Rhine, live over the Rhine,
- turpissimam servitutem servirelive in most shameful bondage
- tranquillam pacem agolive in peace and quiet
- Tiberim accololive on the Tiber, live by the Tiber
- taetritudo, taetritudinis floathsomeness, hideousness
- tribius, tribia, tribiumlocated at crossroads, epithet of those deities whose temples were often erected where three ways met
- trivius, trivia, triviumlocated at crossroads, epithet of those deities whose temples were often erected where three ways met
- transitum claudolock the transition, block the transition
- traberna, trabernae flog cabin
- tracta, tractae flong piece of dough
- taniacae, taniacarum flong strips of pork
- transpicio 5look through, see through
- transspicio 5look through, see through
- transpectus, transpectus mlooking through, seeing through
- transspectus, transspectus mlooking through, seeing through
- titubanterloosely, totteringly
- tempus non amittolose no time, waste no time
- termentum, termenti nloss, damage, detriment
- tapinoma, tapinomatis nlow expression, humble expression
- tibiae duae sinistraelow tuned double whistle, bass whistle
- tractus orationislow-key style of speech, calm movement of speech
- tempus meridianumlunchtime, midday
- transversarius, transversaria, transversariumlying across, cross-, transverse
- transbeneventanus, transbeneventana, transbeneventanumlying beyond Beneventum
- timefactus, timefacta, timefactummade afraid, frightened, alarmed, intimidated
- turpificatus, turpificata, turpificatummade foul, made filthy, debased, deformed, corrupted
- teporatus, teporata, teporatummade moderately warm, warmed
- therminus, thermina, therminummade of lupines
- tractogalatus, tractogalata, tractogalatummade of pastry and milk
- thyinus, thyina, thyinummade of the citrus-tree
- trunco 1maim, mutilate, mangle by cutting off, shorten by cutting off, cut off, cut apart, rend asunder, separate
- truncus, trunca, truncummaimed, mutilated, mangled, dismembered, disfigured, deprived of some of its parts, not developed, imperfect, wanting in their parts, cut off
- truncatio, truncationis fmaiming by cutting, mutilating by cutting
- tumultuor 1make a bustle, make a disturbance, be in great agitation, be in confusion, be in an uproar, raise a tumult, storm, rant, talk at random
- testamento aliquid caveomake a decree in the will
- telephono 1make a phone call
- taurobolior 1make a sacrifice of a bull
- tragoedias ago in nugismake a tragedy out of little things, turn small things into tragedy
- triumpho 1make a triumphal, make a procession, hold a triumph, celebrate a triumph, triumph, hold an ovation, celebrate an ovation, triumph, exult, be glad, rejoice exceedingly, triumph over, lead in triumph, conquer, obtaine by victory, get as booty, win as booty
- testamentum resignomake a will, open a will
- terrifico 1make afraid, frighten, alarm, terrify
- tristis summake an out-of-tune impression, make a disgruntled impression
- tenebro 1make dark, darken
- tricor 1make difficulties, start difficulties, trifle, dally, shuffle, play tricks
- torrefacio 5make dry by heat, to parch, torrefy
- tempus bene collocomake good use of one's time
- tempus bene locomake good use of one's time
- tepido 1make lukewarm, make tepid
- tepefacio 5make moderately warm, make lukewarm, make tepid, , warm, tepefy
- tumultum faciomake noise, create unrest
- tirocinio in scaenam producormake one's debut on stage, go on stage for the first time
- trabali clavo figomake rivet and nail proof
- tardo 1 (tr.)make slow, hinder, delay, retard, impede, prevent
- tristitiam alicui afferomake someone grumpy, annoy someone, put sombody in a bad mood,
- torum componomake the bed
- tenuo 1make thin, slender, meagre, fine, rare, dilute, rarefy, attenuate, make small, make trifling, lessen, diminish, reduce, weaken, enfeeble
- turpilucrus, turpilucri mmaking dishonest gain
- transitum Alpium paromaking preparations for the crossing of the Alps
- tristificus, tristifica, tristificummaking sad, saddening
- tenuabilis, tenuabilemaking thin, attenuating
- telamo, telamonis mmale figure that supports an entablature
- telamon, telamonis mmale figure that supports an entablature
- togatulus, togatuli mman of humble station, little client
- tintinnaculi virimanacled malefactors
- transactor, transactoris mmanager, transactor
- terminos regomark out the boundaries
- tegetarius, tegetarii mmat-maker
- thalictrum, thalictri nmeadow-rue
- turpitudo et impudentiamean and impudent thinking
- tutaculum, tutaculi nmeans of defence, defence, protection
- tutamen, tutaminis nmeans of defence, defence, protection
- tutamentum, tutamenti nmeans of defence, defence, protection
- turbamentum, turbamenti nmeans of disturbance
- terricula, terriculae fmeans of exciting terror, fright, scarecrow, bugbear
- terriculum, terriculi nmeans of exciting terror, fright, scarecrow, bugbear
- tripudium, tripudii nmeasured stamping, measured leaping, measured jumping, measured dancing, solemn religious dance
- trochilea, trochileae fmechanical contrivance for raising weights, case or sheaf containing one or more pulleys, bloc
- trochlea, trochleae fmechanical contrivance for raising weights, case or sheaf containing one or more pulleys, bloc
- troclea, trocleae fmechanical contrivance for raising weights, case or sheaf containing one or more pulleys, bloc
- troclia, trocliae fmechanical contrivance for raising weights, case or sheaf containing one or more pulleys, bloc
- troculea, troculeae fmechanical contrivance for raising weights, case or sheaf containing one or more pulleys, bloc
- tabefacio 5melt, dissolve
- tabeo 2melt, melt, melt away, waste away, consume, waste away, vanish
- tabificus, tabifica, tabificummelting, dissolving, wasting, infectious, corroding
- tabidus, tabida, tabidummelting, wasting away, dissolving, decaying, consuming, putrefying, pining away, languishing, wasting, consuming, corrupting, infectious
- trigintasexvir, trigintasexviri mmember of the 36-man committee
- transnominatio, transnominationis fmetonymy
- trochaeus, trochaei mmetrical foot of a long and a short syllable (–⏑), trochee
- tramen subterraneummetro, subway
- tepor solismild solar heat
- tepor vernusmild spring heat
- turris, turris fmilitary tower, castle, palace, citadel, dove-cot, kind of battlearray
- tribunus militum m (tribunus militaris)military tribune
- trico, triconis mmischiefmaker, shuffler, trickster
- torqueo 2misplace, turn aside, distort, wrench the limbs upon the rack, put to the rack, put to the torture, rack, torture, wrest, turn, bend, direct, torment
- tempus amittomiss the happy moment, miss the window of opportunity
- temperamentum, temperamenti nmixing in due proportion, proper measure, proper disposition, proper constitution, proper mean, proper moderation, temperament, temperature
- telephonum gestabilemobile phone
- telephonum portabilemobile phone
- temperans a cibo vinoquemoderate in eating and enjoying wine
- tepidus, tepida, tepidummoderately warm, lukewarm, tepid, cooled, faint, languid
- temperantia, temperantiae fmoderateness, moderation, sobriety, discreetness, temperateness, temperance
- tuber terraemole hill, mole heap
- talpa, talpae fmole
- tyrannus, tyranni mmonarch, ruler, sovereign, king, cruel ruler, severe, ruler, despot, tyrant
- theca nummariamoney box
- tarpessita, tarpessitae mmoney-changer, banker
- trapezita, trapezitae mmoney-changer, banker
- temperiusmore betimes, earlier
- tempora matutinamorning hours
- tempus matutinummorning time
- tessellatum, tessellati nmosaic floor
- tessellator, tessellatoris mmosaic worker
- temulenta vindemiamost-rich grapes, juicy grapes
- tritavia, tritaviae fmother of an atavus or atavia
- terminum commoveomove the boundary stone
- tabernaculum capiomove to location
- tumidum maremoving sea, turbulent sea
- terplico 1multiply by three, treble, triple
- triplico 1multiply by three, treble, triple
- triplo 1multiply by three, treble, triple
- torosulus, torosula, torosulummuscular
- Terpsichore, Terpsichores fMuse of dancing, poetry
- tribus scalis habitomy apartment is on the third floor, live up three stairs
- toro mortuus componormy corpse is laid out
- tunica propior palliomy tunic is nearer than my cloak, near is my shirt, but nearer is my skin
- turget mihi uxormy wife is angry with me
- trossuli, trossulorum mname given to the Roman cavalry, from Trossulum, a town of Etruria, name used in contempt for fops, coxcombs
- tau n (indecl.) (2)name of the Greek T
- thryallis, thryallidis fname of two different plants, plant, called also lychnitis, ear-shaped plant
- transnomino 1name over again, change the name
- trucilo 1Natural sound of the thrush
- trepidatio nervorumnerve flutter
- tiro, tironis mnewly-levied soldier, a young soldier, recruit, beginner, newbie, novice, newcomer
- tyro, tyrōnis mnewly-levied soldier, young soldier, recruit, beginner, newbie, novice, newcomer
- tempus nocturnumnight time
- tempori veniamnoch zeitig genug gkommen
- tumultus verborumnoisy torrent of words
- turundo 1noodling, kneading, snogging, beating, fattening
- transenna, transennae fnoose, springe, net, netting, lattice-work, snare, trap
- trasenna, trasennae fnoose, springe, net, netting, lattice-work, snare, trap
- thrascias, thrasciae mNorth-northwest wind
- transitus borealis-occidentalisNorthwest Passage
- translatio verecundanot an exaggerated translation, a natural translation
- titubo et vacillonot have the slightest firm footing
- tempus non perdonot miss a moment, not wasting time
- taciturnus, taciturna, taciturnumnot talkative, of few words, quiet, still, taciturn, silent, noiseless
- tamenetsinotwithstanding that, although, though
- tametsinotwithstanding that, although, though
- tamennotwithstanding, nevertheless, for all that, however, yet, still
- triptoton, triptoti nnoun that has only three cases
- tempus intro eundi non estnow is not a good time to go in
- testamentum rescindonullify a will, invalidate a will
- testamentum pro cancellato habeonullify the will, invalidate the will, disallow the will
- tetras, tetradis fnumber four, quaternion, tetrad
- trinio, trinionis mnumber three, three, trey, Threesome in the dice game
- trinitas, trinitatis fnumber three, triad, Trinity
- torpor, torporis mnumbness, stupefaction, torpor, sluggishness, listlessness, inactivity
- tonsa, tonsae foar
- tragantum, traganti noat’s-thorn, tragacanth-bush
- turpiloquium, turpiloquiī nobscene speech, immodest speech
- turris speculatoriaobservation tower, airport tower
- tempero 1observe proper measure, moderate one’s self, restrain one’s self, forbear, abstain, be moderate, be temperate, abstain from, refrain from, spare, be indulgent to any thing
- temperans, temperantisobserving moderation, sober, moderate, temperate
- testamentum captoobtain a testamentary inheritance by fraud
- tamiacus, tamiaci moccupant of crown-lands
- transitum insidooccupy the passage
- taureus, taurea, taureumof a bull, of a ox, of oxen, taurine
- tyrianthinus, tyrianthina, tyrianthinumof a cotor between purple and violet
- tergenus (indecl.)of a threefold kind, threefold
- taliscumque, talecumqueof about such a nature, about such, nearly so
- terreus, terrea, terreumof earth, earthen
- testeus, testea, testeumof earthen materials, earthy, earthen
- tetraphoros, tetraphoronof four bearers, four bearers carrying any thing together
- tetradoros, tetradoronof four palms, of four hand-breadths
- tetrasemus, tetrasema, tetrasemumof four syllables, quadrisyllabic
- thureus, thurea, thureumof frankincense
- tureus, turea, tureumof frankincense
- thurarius, thuraria, thurariumof frankincense, belonging to frankincense
- turarius, turaria, turariumof frankincense, belonging to frankincense
- tua sponteof free will, of one’s own accord, of one’s self, freely, willingly, voluntarily, spontaneously
- thurinus, thurina, thurinumof incense, of frankincense
- turinus, turina, turinumof incense, of frankincense
- tiliaceus, tiliacea, tiliaceumof linden-wood, linden-
- tiliacius, tiliacia, tiliaciumof linden-wood, linden-
- tiliagineus, tiliaginea, tiliagineumof linden-wood, linden-
- tiliaris, tiliareof linden-wood, linden-
- tilinus, tilina, tilinumof linden-wood, linden-
- tessellatus, tessellata, tessellatumof small square stones, checkered, tesselated
- tantus, tanta, tantumof such size or measure, so great
- toniaeus, toniaea, toniaeumof the length of a tone
- terbentinus, terbentina, terbentinumof the terebinth, of the turpentine-tree
- terebinthinus, terebinthina, terebinthinumof the terebinth, of the turpentine-tree
- terebintinus, terebintina, terebintinumof the terebinth, of the turpentine-tree
- taxeus, taxea, taxeumof the yewtree, of yew-trees
- taxicus, taxica, taxicumof the yewtree, of yew-trees
- tripedaneus, tripedanea, tripedaneumof three feet in measure, three-foot-
- tripedalis, tripedaleof three feet
- trischematistus, trischematista, trischematistumof three forms
- trinoctialis, trinoctialeof three nights, for the space of three nights, trinoctial
- trilibris, trilibreof three pounds weight, three-pound-
- trifarius, trifaria, trifariumof three sorts or ways, threefold, triple
- trisyllabus, trisyllaba, trisyllabumof three syllables, trisyllabic
- triuncis, triunceof three unciae
- tres, triaof three words
- trimulus, trimula, trimulumof three years, three years old
- trimus, trima, trimumof three years, three years old
- thyminus, thymina, thyminumof thyme, made of thyme
- tofineus, tofinea, tofineumof tufa
- tofinus, tofina, tofinumof tufa
- tufineus, tufinea, tufineumof tufa
- tofaceus, tofacea, tofaceumof tufa, tufaceous
- tofacius, tofacia, tofaciumof tufa, tufaceous
- triticeius, triticeia, triticeiumof wheat, wheaten, wheat-
- triticeus, triticea, triticeumof wheat, wheaten, wheat-
- triticinus, triticina, triticinumof wheat, wheaten, wheat-
- taeter, taetra, taetrumoffensive, foul, noisome, shocking, hideous, loathsome, horrid, hideous, repulsive, shameful, disgraceful, abominable
- teter, tetra, tetrumoffensive, foul, noisome, shocking, hideous, loathsome, horrid, hideous, repulsive, shameful, disgraceful, abominable
- tribunatus, tribunatus moffice and dignity of a tribune, tribuneship
- triumviratus, triumviratus moffice of a triumvir, dignity of a triumvir, triumvirate
- totus scribaoffice Stallion, pencil pusher
- tritus, trita, tritumoft-trodden, beaten, frequented, common, practised, expert, used often, used much, familiar, common, commonplace, trite
- tubus petroleariusoil pipeline, petroleum pipe, petroleum tube
- trisaeclisenex, trisaeclisenis mold man of three generations
- triseclisenex, triseclisenis mold man of three generations
- trapetes, trapetum molivemill, oil-mill
- trapetum, trapeti nolivemill, oil-mill
- trapetus, trapeti molivemill, oil-mill
- tristis sorsominous lot, disastrous fate
- tolutimon a trot, full trot
- trinis continuis nundinison three consecutive market days
- tetanicus, tetanica, tetanicumone affected with tetanus, stiff-necked
- trihemitonium, trihemitonii none and a half tone, minor third
- traduntone is handed down, they are handed down, it is said, it is recorded, they say
- thlasias, thlasiae mone made a eunuch by bruising
- thlibias, thlibiae mone made a eunuch by bruising
- tui carendum estone must do without you, you must be renounced, one has to do without you
- teletus, teleti mone of the Æons
- tribulis, tribulis mone of the same tribe with another, one of the lower classes of the people, a common or poor person
- tribunicius, tribunicii mone that has been a tribune, an ex-tribune
- thurificator, thurificatoris mone that offers incense to the gods, idolater
- turificator, turificatoris mone that offers incense to the gods, idolater
- tector, tectoris mone that overlays walls with plaster or with stucco, plasterer, pargeter
- testis, testeone who attests any thing, witness, eye-witness, spectator
- testis, testis cone who attests any thing, witness, eye-witness, spectator
- testator, testatoris mone who bears witness, one who testifies to a thing, witness, one who makes a will, one who makes a testament, testator
- translator, translatoris mone who carries over, one who hands over, transferrer, translator
- transvena, transvenae mone who comes over from another place, newcomer, stranger, foreigner
- tergiversator, tergiversatoris mone who delays, one who declines, one who hangs back, boggler, laggard
- traharius, trahariī mone who draws a traha, sledge-man, baggage-man
- testamentarius, testamentarii mone who draws up a will, one who forges a will
- tabellio, tabellionis mone who draws up written instruments, such as contracts, wills, notary, scrivener
- trigarius, trigarii mone who drives a threehorse chariot
- trigarium, trigarii none who drives a threehorse chariot, number three
- temperator, temperatoris mone who duly arranges, one who duly orders, one who duly governs
- tolerator, toleratoris mone who endures, tolerator
- transitor, transitoris mone who goes over, a passer by
- triumphalis, triumphalis mone who has had the honors of a triumph
- taurobolinus, taurobolini mone who has sacrificed a bull to Cybele
- tutelarius, tutelarii mone who has the care or custody of a thing, keeper, warden, curator
- tympanites, tympanitae mone who is afflicted with tympanites, a dropsical person
- tympaniticus, tympanitici mone who is afflicted with tympanites, a dropsical person
- transilitor, transilitoris mone who leaps over
- toreutes, toreutae mone who makes embossed work, chaser, graver
- tessalarius, tessalarii mone who makes tessellae, mosaic worker, dice maker
- tessellarius, tessellarii mone who makes tessellae, mosaic worker, dice maker
- transfuga, transfugae mone who runs over to the enemy, deserter
- tenebrio, tenebrionis mone who shuns the light, trickster, swindler
- theurgus, theurgi mone who summons spirits, magician, theurgist
- theologus, theologi mone who treats of the deity and of divine things, theologian
- triumphator, triumphatoris mone who triumphs, triumpher, conqueror, vanquisher
- tantummodoonly, alone, merely, but
- templum, templi nopen place for observation, open space, circuit, infernal regions, plain of the sea, hollow space, consecrated place, sacred place, sanctuary, asylum, shrine, fane, temple, sepulchral monument
- theatrum melodramaticumOpera House
- totus et mente et animo in aliquid insistooperate with all seriousness
- totum animum atque diligentiam in aliqua re ponooperate with all seriousness, do it with all seriousness
- temporis opportunitasopportune moment, opportune time
- tempus opportunumopportune moment
- tractus recurrensorbit
- tributa alicui imperoorder someone to pay taxes, order someone to pay duties
- traditus, tradita, traditumordinary, conventional, traditional, usually
- tōtum mē ad alicuius voluntatem nūtumque convertoorientate oneself entirely towards someone, dance to someone's tune
- triglyphus, triglyphi mornament in the frieze of the Doric order, triglyph
- topiarius, topiarii mornamental gardener, fancy gardener
- topiaria, topiariae fornamental gardening, fancy gardening, topiary art
- transfugio ad victoremoverflow to the winner, defect to the winner
- terrestri itinereoverland, in transit overland
- tristitia correptusoverwhelmed by grief, overcome by grief, overpowered by grief
- temporis causaowing to the circumstances
- taurophthalmon, taurophthalmi nox-eye, a kind of rosemary
- tristia remediapainful remedies, painful medicines
- tosto 1parch, roast
- talaria, talarium nparts about the ankles, winged shoes or sandals fastened to the ankles, long garment reaching down to the ankles
- taceo 2pass over in silence, be silent respecting a thing
- transiugo 1pass through
- traicio 5pass through, make a way through, broke through, strike through, stab through, pierce, penetrate, transfix, transpierce, cross over, pass over, cross, overstep, transgress
- transero 3pass through, thrust through, transfer by grafting, ingraft
- transsero 3pass through, thrust through, transfer by grafting, ingraft
- tetrapylum, tetrapyli npassage of four gates
- traductus, traductus mpassage, pass
- tramen epibaticumPassenger train
- transfretatio, transfretationis fpassing over a strait sea, passing over a narrow sea
- transcursio, transcursionis fpassing over, lapse of a period of time, hasty treatment, brief handling in thought
- transgressus, transgressus mpassing over, passage
- travectio, travectionis fpassing over, passing across, crossing, carrying past, transporting past
- transvectio, transvectionis fpassing over, passing across, crossing, carrying past, transporting past, riding past, review
- transeundi veniapassport
- tempus praeteritumpast
- toleranterpatiently, enduringly, tolerantly, bearably, tolerably
- tribus pensionibus solvopay in three installments
- tributa pendopay taxes
- tribunus aerariuspaymaster, who assisted the quaestors
- tribuni aerariipaymasters
- tranquillum, tranquilli npeace, silence, calm, calm sea
- tempus pacispeacetime
- tumultus agrestiumpeasant war
- tumultus rusticanorumPeasants' War
- tala, talae fpeel of an onion,coat of an onion
- talla, talla fpeel of an onion,coat of an onion
- truo, truonis mpelican
- theca graphiariapencil box
- theca graphiariapencil bushing
- theca calamariapencil case
- theca graphiariapencil case
- traiecto 1penetrate, pierce
- tributa beneficiapension
- Troglodytae, Troglodytarum mpeople of Ethiopia who dwelt in caves, Troglodytes
- typici, typicorum mpeople suffering from changeable fever, people suffering from malaria
- tetracolon, tetracoli nperiod consisting of four members
- tricolon, tricoli nperiod consisting of three clauses
- tricolum, tricoli nperiod consisting of three clauses
- tempora maternaperiod of pregnancy, gestational period
- tusses, tussium fpersistent cough
- torticordius, torticordia, torticordiumperverse in heart
- theorice, theorices fphilosophic speculation
- theoria, theoriae fphilosophic speculation, theory
- telephonatio, telephonationis fphone call
- tēlephonema, tēlephonematis nphone call
- telephonium, telephonii nphone, telephone
- testa, testae fpiece of burned clay, brick, tile, earthen pot, pitcher, jug, urn, piece of bone, sherd, potsherd, shell of shell-fish, shell, covering, skull, brick-colored spot on the face, sort of clapping with the flat of the hands
- triobolos, trioboli mpiece of three oboli, half-drachm, used to denote a trifle, sixpence
- triobolus, trioboli mpiece of three oboli, half-drachm, used to denote a trifle, sixpence
- transforo 1pierce through
- transeopierce, transfix, overpass, surpass, excel, go quickly through a subject, go briefly through a subject, leave untouched, elapse, spend, pass beyond, pass away, cease
- transpertusus, transpertusa, transpertusumpierced through, perforated
- transpunctorius, transpunctoria, transpunctoriumpiercing, perforating, drilling through
- tibiarius, tibiarii mpipe-maker, flute-maker
- tubus, tubi mpipe, tube, trumpet used at sacrifices
- tibicen, tibicinis mpiper, flute-player, flutist, kind of pillar, support of a building, prop of a building
- tibico, tibiconis mpiper, flute-player, flutist, kind of pillar, support of a building, prop of a building
- tabernaculum collocopitch one's tent
- tabernaculum constituopitch one's tent
- tabernaculum ponopitch one's tent
- tabernaculum statuopitch one's tent
- tabernaculum tendopitch one's tent
- tentorium ponopitch one's tent
- tentorium statuopitch one's tent
- teda, tedae fpitch-pine, pitchpine torch, torch
- tutum, tuti nplace of safety, shelter, safety, security
- transpono 3place over, set over, set across, remove, transfer, set out, transplant
- tractatorium, tractatorii nplace where deliberations were held, place where causes tried, place of business, session-room
- tabularia, tabulariae fplace where records were kept, record-office, office of a registrar, office of a public notary
- trifinium, trifinii nplace where three boundaries meet
- tervium, tervii nplace where three roads meet, a fork in the roads, cross-road
- trivium, trivii nplace where three roads meet, fork in the roads, cross-road, public square, the public street, highway
- turdarium, turdarii nplace where thrushes are kept
- thermipolium, thermipolii nplace where warm drinks were sold, pothouse, tap-house, tavern
- thermopolium, thermopolii nplace where warm drinks were sold, pothouse, tap-house, tavern
- topos, topi mplace
- thecatus, thecata, thecatumplaced in a case or cover, encased
- tabulatio, tabulationis fplanking over, flooring over, floor, story
- tripolion, tripolii nplant growing on cliffs
- trichomanes, trichomanis nplant resembling adiantum
- therionarca, therionarcae fplant which benumbs serpents
- theronarca, theronarcae fplant which benumbs serpents
- tithymallus, tithymalli cplant with a milklike sap, spurge
- tithymalon, tithymali nplant with a milklike sap, spurge
- tithymalus, tithymali cplant with a milklike sap, spurge
- teuthalis, teuthalidis fplant, called also sanguinaria and polygonos
- triorchis, triorchis fplant, kind of centaury
- tetrafarmacum, tetrafarmaci nplaster composed of four ingredients, mess of four kinds of food
- tetrapharmacum, tetrapharmaci nplaster composed of four ingredients, mess of four kinds of food
- trullisso 1plaster, rough-cast
- trullizo 1plaster, rough-cast
- trublium, trublii nplate, salver, dish, bowl, tureen
- tryblium, tryblii nplate, salver, dish, bowl, tureen
- tabularia, tabularium nplates
- tablisso 1play dice
- tympanisso 1play on a drum, play on a timbrel
- tympanizo 1play on a drum, play on a timbrel
- tibia canoplay the flute
- tibicino 1play upon the pipe, play upon the flute
- tibizo 1play upon the pipe, play upon the flute
- theatrum, theatri nplayhouse, theatre, any open space for exhibiting martial games, spectators assembled, theatrical audience, place of exhibition, theatre, stage
- tibicinium, tibicinii nplaying upon the pipe, playing upon the flute, piping, fluting
- tellurem sulco tenui suspendoplough up the earth flat
- tiltum, tilti nplucked canvas, sharpie
- tribrachus, tribrachi mpoetical foot consisting of three short syllables, tribrach
- tribrachys, tribrachyos mpoetical foot consisting of three short syllables, tribrach
- telo petopoint at someone
- telum intentopoint one's weapon
- telum intentopoint the gun
- trudis, trudis fpointed pole, pike
- tribulatus, tribulata, tribulatumpointed, toothed like a threshing-sledg
- turbinatio, turbinationis fpointing in the form of a cone
- thapsia, thapsiae fpoisonous shrub
- tubicino 1poke the trumpet, trumpet
- tubo 1poke the trumpet, trumpet
- tensio politica relaxātapolitical relaxation
- tractandae rei publicae ususpolitics, policies
- tunicatus populuspoorer folk class, the poorer people
- tumultuator, tumultuatoris mpopular flatterer, populist, folk flatterer
- trientabulum, trientabuli nportion of public land assigned to creditors in place of a third part of the public debt
- tempus, temporis nportion of time, period of time, a time, time, season, fitting time, appointed time, the right season, proper period, opportunity, state of the times, position, state, condition
- tempestas, tempestatis fportion of time, point of time, space of time, time, season, period, storm, tempest, commotion, disturbance, calamity, misfortune, shower, throng, multitude
- tinnitum componopost a tweet, tweet
- tuber solanipotato
- transfundo 3pour out from one vessel into another, pour off, decant, transfuse
- transfusio, transfusionis fpouring out, decanting, transfusion, discharge, transmigration, transformation
- trebax, trebacis practised, skilled in the ways of the world, cunning, crafty
- tympanium, tympanii nprecious stone shaped like a tambourine
- telicardios, telicardii mprecious stone, called also muchula
- thelycardios, thelycardii mprecious stone, called also muchula
- thelyrrhizos, thelyrrhizi mprecious stone
- triglitis, triglitidis fprecious stone
- triophthalmos, triophthalmi fprecious stone
- topazion, topazii nprecious stone, ancient topaz, chrysolite, green jasper
- topazius, topazii fprecious stone, ancient topaz, chrysolite, green jasper
- topazon, topazontis mprecious stone, ancient topaz, chrysolite, green jasper
- topazos, topazi fprecious stone, ancient topaz, chrysolite, green jasper
- topazus, topazi fprecious stone, ancient topaz, chrysolite, green jasper
- tempus praesenspresent, presence
- taricanus, taricana, taricanumpreserved, salted, pickled
- taricarus, taricara, taricarumpreserved, salted, pickled
- taricus, tarica, taricumpreserved, salted, pickled
- torcularius, torcularii mpress manufacturer, presser, pressman
- torcular, torcularis npress used in making wine or oil, cellar for storing up oil, oil-cellar
- torcularium, torcularii npress
- torculo 1press
- torculum, torculi npress
- tribulo 1press, oppress, afflict
- tortivus, tortiva, tortivumpressed out, squeezed out
- thelohumilis, thelohumilepretend to be humble
- transfingo 3 (intr.)pretend, disguise yourself, pretend to be
- thelodives, thelodivitispretending to be rich, would be rich
- thelosapiens, thelosapientispretending to be wise
- transitu arceo aliquemprevent someone from passing through
- transitu prohibeo aliquemprevent someone from passing through
- transpungo 3prick through, pierce through
- typhus, typhi mpride
- taurobolus, tauroboli mpriest of a bull sacrifice
- tyranna, tyrannae fprincess, female tyrant
- typographus, typographi mprinter as a person
- typographum, typographi nprinter as device
- typographia, typographiae fprinting craft, printing art, letterpress art
- tecta solidaprison
- tractus, tracta, tractumproceeding continuously, flowing, fluent
- testarius, testarii mprocessor of the ore pieces
- thelygonos, thelygononproducing females
- traiectura, traiecturae fprojecting over, projection
- tabacum commendopromote tobacco, advertise for tobacco
- tibicino 1prop up, support any thing
- theorema, theorematis nproposition to be proved, theorem
- thesis, thesis fproposition, thesis, falling of the voice
- testis in reumprosecution witness
- tueri aliquem a periculoprotect someone from danger, protect somebody against danger
- tutatio, tutationis fprotecting, defending, protection
- tutela lociprotective spirit of a place, protective ghost of a place
- tutator, tutatoris mprotector, defender
- tuitor, tuitoris mprotector, sustainer, preserver, keeper, maintainer
- transmineo 2protrude through
- tragophacoptisana, tragophacoptisanae fptisans from wheat groats and lentil flour
- tragoptisana, tragoptisanae fptisans from wheat groats
- tabulae publicaepublic debt management
- transportatio publicapublic transport system
- transportatio publicapublic transport
- testatus, testata, testatumpublic, manifest, published
- testamentum, testamenti npublication of a last will or testament, will, testament
- telum ex vulnere extrahopull the bullet out of the wound
- tractorium machinarum genuspulleys, hoists
- talio, talionis fpunishment similar and equal to the injury sustained
- trusito 1push often, thrust often
- truso 1push strongly, thrust strongly
- terminos commoveopush the boundaries
- totum et animo et corpore in salutem rei publicae me conferoput all its mental and physical powers at the service of the public good
- territo 1put in terror, frighten, affright, alarm, terrify
- thymiamatizo 1put incense on, put some incense on
- togam exuoput off the toga
- togam virilem sumoput on the men's toga, enter the manhood
- tempus consumo in aliqua reput one's time in
- timorem alicui augeoput someone's fear up
- togam componoput the toga in order, put the toga in place
- togam abducoput up the toga
- totum me committo alicuiput yourself completely at someone's disposal
- tetrinnio 4quack
- tetrissito 1quack
- tetraplo 1quadruple, quadruplicate
- tremo 3 (tr.)quake at a thing, tremble at a thing
- tempus valetudini spectandae praestitutumquarantine
- tribunicium bellumquarrels with the tribunes, squabbles with the tribunes
- trimenium, trimenii nquarterly, three months
- tumultum sedoquell a revolt, damp a rebellion
- tranquillus, tranquilla, tranquillumquiet, calm, still, tranquil, not disturbed, peaceful, placid, composed, untroubled, undisturbed, serene
- tranquilloquietly, without disturbance
- tranquillitas, tranquillitatis fquietness, stillness, tranquillity, calmness, quiet, serenity, tranquillity
- taxa radiophonicaradio license fee, broadcasting fee
- tumulum, tumuli nraised heap of earth, mound, hill, hillock, sepulchral mound, barrow, tumulus
- tumulus, tumuli mraised heap of earth, mound, hill, hillock, sepulchral mound, barrow, tumulus
- torus, tori mraised ornament, knot, bolster, cushion, bed, bridalbed, marriage, mistress, elevation of earth, bank of earth, round moulding at the base of a column
- tribunal, tribunalis nraised semicircular or square platform, on which the seats of magistrates were placed, judgment-seat, tribunal, elevation in the camp, seat of the prætor in the theatre
- turres exstruoraising towers, erecting towers
- turres instituoraising towers, erecting towers
- talitrum, talitri nrap with the finger, fillip with the finger
- temeritudo, temeritudinis frashness, heedlessness, temerity
- taxatio, taxationis frating, valuing, appraisal, estimation, limiting or defining clause in wills, limiting or defining clause in contracts
- transigo de aliqua re cum aliquoreach an agreement with someone
- translego 3read through, read out
- transfingo 3rebuild
- titulum nobilitatis accipioreceive a knighthood, receive a title, obtain a title
- turmalis classis insigni decororreceive a medal, get a medal
- triumphum impetroreceive a triumphal procession, get a triumphal procession
- tribum unam feroreceive the votes of only one Tribus
- tribum Papiriam feroreceive the votes of the Papiran Tribe
- triplarius, triplarii mreceiving triple ration, getting triple portion
- triplicarius, triplicarii mreceiving triple ration, getting triple portion
- tumulo aliquem condorecover in grave, bury in grave
- turmarius, turmarii mrecruiting officer of cavalry
- trietericus, trieterica, trietericumrecurring every three years, triennial
- thermopoto 1refresh with warm potations
- tarandrus, tarandri mreindeer
- turbidum laetorrejoicing exuberantly
- tabularis, tabularerelating to boards of wood, relating to plates of metal
- triticarius, triticaria, triticariumrelating to wheat
- triticiarius, triticiaria, triticiariumrelating to wheat
- tristitia ac severitasrelentless rigorun, relenting severity
- tristes sororesrelentless sisters, unrelenting sisters
- transpositivus, transpositiva, transpositivumrelocating, transferring
- tempus reliquumremaining time, left-over time
- traumaticum, traumaticī nremedy for a wound
- tritavi, tritavorum mremote ancestors
- transmigro 1remove from one place to another, migrate, transmigrate
- tramigro 1remove from one place to another, migrate, transmigrate, be removed, be transplanted, be removed, be colonized
- transmoveo 2remove from one place to another, transfer
- transmigratio, transmigrationis fremoving from one country to another, transmigration
- transportatio, transportationis fremoving, transmigration
- taetro 1render foul
- tetro 1render foul
- tautologia, tautologiae frepetition of the same meaning in different words, tautology
- traditio supremorumReport from the end
- taratantararepresenting the sound of the tuba
- tempus ad deliberandum postulorequest a cooling-off period
- tridui commeatum petorequest three days vacation, ask for three days vacation
- transfictio, transfictionis freshaping, forming, transformation
- taeda, taedae fresinous species of pine-tree, resinous fir wood, resinous pine wood, pitch-pine, pitchpine torch, torch, wedding, marriage, pine board, sawn plank, small piece of fat
- tonesco 3resound, sound
- trepidus, trepida, trepidumrestless, agitated, anxious, solicitous, disturbed, alarmed, in a state of trepidation, in a hurry
- trepidiarius, trepidiaria, trepidiariumrestless, moving briskly
- tremulus, tremula, tremulumrestless, spirited
- turbor, turboris mrestlessness, unquietness, disturbance, tumult
- traductivus, traductiva, traductivumresulting from transfer
- taxator, taxatoris mreviler, taunter, abuser
- tergum equi premoride the horse, ride a horse, ride horseback
- tempestivitas, tempestivitatis fright time, proper time, timeliness, seasonableness, right state, proper state, proper condition
- tinnio 4ring, chink, clink, jingle, tinkle, tingle, clink money, pay, have a sharp voice, have a shrill voice, cry, scream, sing
- tintinnio 4ring, clink, clank, jingle, tingle
- tintinno 1ring, clink, clank, jingle, tingle
- tintino 1ring, clink, clank, jingle, tingle
- tinnitus, tinnitus mringing, jingling, tingling, jingle of words
- tinnulus, tinnula, tinnulumringing, tinkling, shrill-sounding, jingling
- turba et dissonus clamorriot, brawl
- tyrannidem mihi pario aliqua rerise through something to become a tyrant
- trabea, trabeae frobe of state of augurs, kings, knights, equestrian order, consulate
- taeniensis, taenienserock-living, cliff-living, rocky
- transvolvo 3roll past, roll by, unroll
- transvolvo 3roll past, roll by, unroll
- talis ludoroll the dice, play dice
- talos iacioroll the dice, throw the dice
- talos mittoroll the dice, throw the dice
- togatus, togati mRoman citizen
- tappullus, tappulla, tappullumRoman cognomen
- togata, togatae fRoman national drama
- tabulare palatiroof of the mouth
- tegula colliciarisroof-tile
- trichorum, trichori nroom divided into three apartments
- tricameratum, tricamerati nroom divided into three chambers
- tesca, tescorum nrough or wild regions, wastes, deserts
- tesqua, tesquorum nrough or wild regions, wastes, deserts
- torrida vox rough voice, raspy voice, raw voice
- teres, teretisrounded off, rounded, well-turned, round, smooth, slender, tightly twisted, firmly woven, polished, elegant
- taeniae, taeniarum frow of projecting rocks in the sea
- tergeo 2rub off, wipe off, wipe dry, wipe clean, cleanse, improve, amend, pure, correct, nice, neat, terse, expiate
- tergo 3rub off, wipe off, wipe dry, wipe clean, cleanse, improve, amend, pure, correct, nice, neat, terse, expiate
- tero 3rub, rub to pieces, bruise, grind, bray, triturate, cleanse by rubbing, beautify by rubbing, smooth, furbish, burnish, polish, sharpen, lessen by rubbing, rub away, wear away by use, wear out, crush, annihilate, use up, pass time, spend time, expend, employ, exhaust
- tritor, tritoris mrubber, grinder, chafer
- tritura, triturae frubbing, wearing off, chafing, threshing of grain
- tritus, tritus mrubbing, wearing
- tetrarcha, tetrarchae mruler who governed the fourth part of a country, tetrarch
- tetrarches, tetrarchae mruler who governed the fourth part of a country, tetrarch
- therapeutica, therapeuticorum nrules of nursing, therapeutics
- tridentipotens, tridentipotentisruling with the trident
- transcurro 3run over, run across, run by, go by, sail by, run past, go past, sail past, pass by, elapse, run through, hasten through, pass through, traverse, run over in speaking, treat cursorily, touch briefly upon, pass over
- transcursus, transcursus mrunning through, darting through, flying through, running over, brief touching upon, cursory mention
- tribus rusticarural district, rural tribus
- transvolo in alteram partemrush over to the other side
- templum augustissimumsacred temple
- taurobolium, taurobolii nsacrifice of a bull in honor of Cybele
- thurificatio, thurificationis fsacrifice of incense
- turificatio, turificationis fsacrifice of incense
- timor maestussad fear
- tristitia solisad nature of the soil, sad state of the ground
- tristis, tristesad, sorrowful, mournful, dejected, melancholy, disconsolate, unhappy, miserable, harsh, disagreeable, bitter, offensive, foul, glum, gloomy, peevish, morose, ill-humored, stern, harsh, severe
- tristesadly, sorrowfully, harshly, severely, with difficulty, toughly
- tristitas, tristitatis fsadness
- tristities, tristitiei fsadness, mournfulness, sorrow, grief
- tristitia, tristitiae fsadness, mournfulness, sorrow, grief, melancholy, gloominess, dejection, hardness, harshness, moroseness, sourness, gloominess, harshness, sternness, severity
- tristitudo, tristitudinis fsadness, sorrow, grief, melancholy, dejection
- tristimonia, tristimoniae fsadness, sorrowfulness
- tristimonium, tristimonii nsadness, sorrowfulness
- tutus a periculosafe from danger, secure from danger
- tutus, tuta, tutumsafe, secure, out of danger, watchful, careful, cautious, prudent
- tutesafely, securely, in safety, without danger
- tutosafely, securely, in safety, without danger
- tinctus croceussaffron-sauce
- transnavigo 1sail across, sail over
- turgida vento velasails inflated by wind
- trisomum, trisomi nsarcophagus for three corpses
- turmae stipatricessatellite cluster, satellite pile
- truculentus, truculenta, truculentumsavage, fierce, ferocious, stern, grim, harsh, cruel, fell, wild, stormy
- truculentesavagely, fiercely, ferociously
- truculentersavagely, fiercely, ferociously
- truculentia, truculentiae fsavageness, ferocity, roughness, harshness, truculence, inclemency
- turpiloquus, turpiloqua, turpiloquumsaying nasty words, uttering immodest words, uttering unseemly words
- terrorem alicui incutioscare someone, frighten someone
- terrorem alicui inicioscare someone, frighten someone
- theatrum et proscaeniumscene and stage
- tempus praestituoschedule, terminate
- tremefioschudden, beven
- torrido 1scorch, parch, burn
- turba confertascrummage, scrumble, scrum, crowd
- turba confertissimascrummage, scrumble, scrum, crowd, jostlin, rush
- thalassinus, thalassina, thalassinumsea-colored, sea-green
- thalassomeli n (indecl.)sea-water mixed with honey, used as a beverage
- thalassinus, thalassina, thalassinumsea-wine, wine which has been ripened by sinking it in the sea
- testamentum obsignoseal a will
- tempora caeliseasons
- tecti vigilesSecret Police
- tecta custodum publicorum cohorsSecret State Police
- tueor 2see, look upon, gaze upon, watch, view, see to, look to, defend, protect, look at, gaze at, behold, watch, view, regard, consider, examine, care for, keep up, uphold, maintain, support, guard, preserve
- tordylon, tordyli nseed of the plant seselis
- trimenstria, trimenstrium nseeds that ripen three months after sowing
- trimestria, trimestrium nseeds that ripen three months after sowing
- tramosericus, tramoserica, tramosericumsemi-silk, half silk
- transmitto 3send across, carry across, convey across, send over, carry over, convey over, send through, carry through, convey through, send off, despatch, transmit from one place or person to another
- tramitto 3send across, carry across, convey across, send over, carry over, convey over, send through, send off, despatch, transmit, cause to pass through, transfer, hand over, transmit, commit, go through, leave untouched, leave disregarded
- transmissio, transmissionis fsending across, passing over, passage, return or payment in
- tmesis, tmesis fseparation of a word, tmesis
- tumba, tumbae fsepulchral mound, sepulchre, tomb
- tempus teroserve out one's time
- tripatina, tripatinae fservice of three dishes
- tripatinium, tripatinii nservice of three dishes
- tripatinum, tripatini nservice of three dishes
- termino 1set bounds to, mark off by boundaries, bound, limit, set limits to, circumscribe, fix, define, determine, close, finish, end, terminate
- turritus, turrita, turritumset with towers, furnished with towers, fortified with towers, towered, turreted, castled, castellated, tower-shaped, towering, high, lofly
- typotheta, typothetae msetter, typesetter
- transsuo 3sew through, stitch through, pierce through
- transuo 3sew through, stitch through, pierce through
- tribunarium, tribunarii nshabby coat
- transpello 3shake through and through, thoroughly shake
- tremo 3 (intr.)shake, quake, quiver, tremble
- tremor, tremoris mshaking, quaking, quivering, trembling, tremor, earthquake, dread, terror
- tremulus, tremula, tremulumshaking, quaking, quivering, trembling, tremulous
- turbineus, turbinea, turbineumshaped like a top, cone-shaped
- torvitersharply, severely, sternly
- testatrix, testatricis fshe that makes a will or testament, testatrix, female witness, female testifier
- turbatrix, turbatricis fshe that troubles, she that disquiets, she that disturbs
- tonsito 1shear
- tondeo 2shear, clip, crop, shave, crop, lop, prune, trim, mow, reap, graze, feed, browse upon, eat off, pluck, gather, cull, fleece, for to deprive, plunder
- tonsura vel rasura capitisshearing or shaving the head
- tonsura, tonsurae fshearing, clipping, pruning, trimming
- tonsio, tonsionis fshearing, cropping
- traluceo 2shine across, shine through, show through, let shine through, be transparent, be translucent
- transluceo 2shine across, shine through, show through, let shine through, be transparent, be translucent
- trieris, trieris fship of three ranges of oar-banks, galley of three ranges of oar-banks, trireme
- textrinum, textrini nship-yard, dock-yard
- tessera nauticashipping ticket
- tormentis demoliorshoot down
- telo aliquem occidoshoot someone dead
- telo aliquem conicioshoot someone
- telo occidoshoot to death
- telis aliquem conicioshoot together
- telo petoshoot
- turgio, turgionis fshoot, sprout, tendril, young branch
- turio, turionis mshoot, sprout, tendril, young branch
- telorum coniectusshooting range, shooting distance
- traiectio stellaeshooting-star
- telorum iaculatioshooting
- tabernarius, tabernarii mshopkeeper, small dealer
- tonsilla, tonsillae fshore bollard, sharppointed pole which was stuck in the ground to fasten vessels to the shore
- tosilla, tosillae fshore bollard, sharppointed pole which was stuck in the ground to fasten vessels to the shore
- tempusculum, tempusculi nshort time span, brief period
- triumphum clamoshout "Triumph!"
- tragicum satis spiroshow enough pathos for the tragedy
- thamnum, thmnni nshrub
- thannum, thanni nshrub
- tribunum plebis perhorrescoshudder before the tribune of the people
- tropaeum, tropaei nsign and memorial of victory, trophy, mark, token, sign, memorial, monument
- trophaeum, trophaei nsign and memorial of victory, trophy, mark, token, sign, memorial, monument
- tropheum, trophei nsign and memorial of victory, trophy, mark, token, sign, memorial, monument
- tacitum, taciti nsilence, secret
- tacitulus, tacitula, tacitulumsilent, without speaking
- tacitesilently, in silence, secretly
- tacitosilently, in silence, secretly
- tetrachmum, tetrachmi nsilver coin of four drachmas
- tetradrachmum, tetradrachmi nsilver coin of four drachmas
- triumphum nomine cieosing the triumphal song
- tinnito 1sing, boast in public
- transdanubianus, transdanubiana, transdanubianumsituated beyond the Danube, Transdanubian
- transdanuvianus, transdanuviana, transdanuvianumsituated beyond the Danube, Transdanubian
- tergilla, tergillae fskin, sward, rind of pork
- transilire moeniaskip the walls, jump over the walls, leap the walls
- tractus caeliskyline, skywalk, skywriting, climate
- tectum caelo aequatumskyscraper, high-rise, tower block
- trucidatio pecorumslaughter of the animals
- trucidatae legionesslaughtered legions, massacred legions
- trucidator, trucidatoris mslaughterer, murderer
- tractator, tractatoris mslave among the Romans, who manipulated his master’s limbs, shampooer, handler, treater of any thing
- tricorius, tricoria, tricoriumslave, from whom with the beating three times the skin was pulled off
- totum mane dormiosleep the whole morning
- talea, taleae fslender staff, rod, stick, stake, bar, cutting, set, layer for planting, scion, twig, sprig, small beam
- trichinus, trichina, trichinum slight, meagre, poor
- tricinus, tricina, tricinum slight, meagre, poor
- temno 3slight, scorn, disdain, despise, contemn
- tenuiculus, tenuicula, tenuiculumslight, trifling, poor
- tralaticieslightly, carelessly, negligently
- translaticieslightly, carelessly, negligently
- tardesco 3slow down, decelerate, get sluggish, staynies, feel drowsy
- tardilinguis, tardilingueslow with the tongue
- tardicors, tardicordisslow-minded, stupid, stolid
- tardigemulus, tardigemula, tardigemulumslow-moaning
- tardingemulus, tardingemula, tardingemulumslow-moaning
- tardigradus, tardigrada, tardigradumslow-paced, tardy-paced
- tardiloquus, tardiloqua, tardiloquumslow-speaking, slow of speech
- tardus, tarda, tardumslow, not swift, sluggish, tardy, slow of apprehension, dull, heavy, stupid
- tardipes, tardipedisslowfooted, tardy-footed, limping, halting
- tardatio, tardationis fslowness, sluggishness
- tardities, tarditiei fslowness, tardiness
- tarditudo, tarditudinis fslowness, tardiness
- tardor, tardoris mslowness, tardiness
- tarditas, tarditatis fslowness, tardiness, dulness, heaviness, stupidity
- tabella, tabellae fsmall board, little table, little tablet, writing-tablet, writing, written composition, letter, written contract, written will, tablet for voting, ballot, painted tablet, small picture, small painting, votive tablet
- tabernula, tabernulae fsmall booth, small shop, little tavern
- tegillum, tegilli nsmall covering, hood, cowl
- taxillus, taxilli msmall die
- tympaniolum, tympanioli nsmall drum, taboret, tambourine
- tinca, tincae fsmall fish, tench
- truella, truellae fsmall ladle, small dipper, small scoop, scoop-shaped fire-pan, mason’s trowel
- trulla, trullae fsmall ladle, small dipper, small scoop, scoop-shaped fire-pan, mason’s trowel
- truola, truolae fsmall ladle, small dipper, small scoop, scoop-shaped fire-pan, mason’s trowel
- tudicula, tudiculae fsmall machine for bruising olives
- trunculus, trunculi msmall piece cut off from the body, bit, tip
- terrula, terrulae fsmall piece of land, field
- tigillum, tigilli nsmall piece of wood, little beam
- tubulus, tubuli msmall pipe, small tube, water-pipe, smoke-pipe, bar of metal, pig, ingot
- taleola, taleolae fsmall slip, small shoot
- tessala, tessalae fsmall square piece of stone, little cube
- tessela, tesselae fsmall square piece of stone, little cube
- tessella, tessellae fsmall square piece of stone, little cube
- tuberculum, tuberculi nsmall swelling, small bump, small protuberance, boil, pimple, tubercle, excrescence
- tentoriola, tentoriolorum nsmall tent camp
- tubula, tubulae fsmall trumpet
- trabaria, trabariae fsmall vessel made of the trunk of a tree
- technyphion, technyphii nsmall workshop, small studio
- trochiscus, trochisci msmall, round ball, pill, troche, trochisk
- trociscus, trocisci msmall, round ball, pill, troche, trochisk
- templum ture vaporosmoke the temple with incense
- transfumo 1smoke through, breathe out like smoke
- tabacum sternutatoriumsnuff
- totus, tota, totumso great a
- tantopere (tanto opere)so greatly, in so high a degree, so very
- tantillus, tantilla, tantillumso little, so small
- tantulus, tantula, tantulumso little, so small
- tantillum, tantilli nso little, such a trifle
- tantulum, tantuli nso little, such a trifle
- totiugis, totiugeso many
- totiugus, totiuga, totiugumso many
- totso many, so great a number, such a great number, so very many, such and such a number, so few
- tantumso much, so many
- totiensso often, so many times, as often, as many times
- totiesso often, so many times, as often, as many times
- tibi igitur hoc censeoso this is my advice to you
- tanta virtuteso virtuous that
- tatae so!, the deuce!
- tamso, so much
- turma pedifollicasoccer team
- turma pediludicasoccer team
- trichaptum, trichapti nsoft garment woven of hair, hairgarment
- tener, tenera, tenerumsoft, delicate, tender
- teneritas, teneritatis fsoftness, tenderness
- teneritudo, teneritudinis fsoftness, tenderness
- tragularius, tragularii msoldier who placed the tragulae to be discharged from an engine
- tertiani, tertianorum msoldiers of the third legion
- tertiadecumani, tertiadecumanorum m
soldiers of the thirteenth legion
- tricensimani, tricensimanorum msoldiers of the thirtieth legion
- tricesimani, tricesimanorum msoldiers of the thirtieth legion
- tripodatio, tripodationis fsolemn, measured stamping with the feet of the Arval brothers
- tripudiatio, tripudiationis fsolemn, measured stamping with the feet of the Arval brothers
- totum te amplexorsomeone with his tenderness almost crush
- traductio hominis ad plebemsomeone's transfer to the plebs
- triste lupus stabulissomething perishable is the wolf for the stable
- tum ... tum ...sometimes … sometimes, now … now, at one time … at another
- turbidulus, turbidula, turbidulumsomewhat disturbed, somewhat confused
- tardiusculus, tardiuscula, tardiusculumsomewhat slow, slowish
- tardiusculesomewhat slowly
- tristiculus, tristicula, tristiculumsomewhat sorrowful, rather sad
- tenellulus, tenellula, tenellulumsomewhat tender, somewhat delicate
- tenellus, tenella, tenellumsomewhat tender, somewhat delicate
- timidulesomewhat timidly
- tenerulus, tenerula, tenerulumsomwhat tender, somwhat delicate
- tricinium, tricinii nsong by three voices, trio
- threnus, threni msong of mourning, lamentation, dirge, elegy
- tibia mixtis carminibussong with flute accompaniment
- tempestas mox venietsoon there will be a thunderstorm
- trigonus, trigoni msoothing pill
- temperativus, temperativa, temperativumsoothing, palliative
- terrisonus, terrisona, terrisonumsounding terribly
- tinnilis, tinnilesounding, ringing
- transaustrinus, transaustrina, transaustrinumsouthern
- tricennium, tricennii nspace of thirty years
- triduum, tridui nspace of three days, three days
- trihōrium, trihōrii nspace of three hours, three hours
- trinoctium, trinoctii nspace of three nights, three nights
- triennium, triennii nspace of three years,three years
- trieteris, trieteridis fspace of three years, three years, triennial festival
- turris cavaspacious tower, roomy tower, large tower
- tempus subsicivumspare time
- tempora subsecundariaspare time, leisure moments, non-productive times, free time
- tramen specialespecial train
- traganthes, traganthis fspecies of the plant artemisia
- theologumena, theologumenon nspeculations on divine things, title of a work by Aristotle
- theoretice, theoretices fspeculative philosophy, philosophical speculation
- tempora in venendo agospend his time on the hunt, spend his time hunting
- tempus in labore consumospend one's time on a job
- tempus in litteris consumereSpend time on science
- tempus confero ad aliquidspend time on something
- theurgicus, theurgica, theurgicumspirit-summoning, magic, theurgic, ghost-banishing
- talio 1splitting
- tigris virgatusspotted tiger, spotted tiger skin
- triticum sitaniumspring wheat, summer wheat
- tabula desultoriaspringboard
- theatralis humanitasspurious humanity
- tesserula, tesserulae fsquare bit of stone for paving, votingtablet, ballot, small tally or counter, ticket for the distribution of corn, die used in play
- tessera, tesserae fsquare, square piece of stone, square piece of wood, watchword, parole, countersign, signal, tally, token, ticket, billet
- tempus anniSseason
- titubo 1stagger, totter, reel, hesitate, falter, waver, be in suspense, be embarrassed, be perplexed
- titubantia, titubantiae fstaggering, wavering, stammering
- titubatio, titubationis fstaggering, wavering, stammering
- temerabilis, temerabilestained, defiled, desecrated
- terminum pangostake one's claim
- thyrsus, thyrsi mstalk, stem of a plant, thorn, Bacchic staff, thyrsus
- tirsus, tirsi mstalk, stem of a plant, thorn, Bacchic staff, thyrsus
- testis in aliquem prodeostand up as a witness against someone
- tensio veretristanding of the male member
- tacens, tacentisstanding still, frozen
- torvus, torva, torvumstaring, keen, piercing, wild, stern, wild, fierce, grim, gloomy, savage
- tormentis ictus edostart shooting, give fire
- tironatus, tironatus mstate of a recruit, condition of a recruit
- trepidatio, trepidationis fstate of confused hurry, state of alarm, agitation, confusion, consternation, trepidation
- thalamegus, thalamegi fstate-barge fitted up with cabins
- tributum, tributi nstated payment, contribution, tribute, gift, present
- tributus, tributus mstated payment, contribution, tribute, gift, present
- trames clivosussteep footpath, steep walkway
- truncus, trunci mstem, stock, bole of a tree, trunk of a tree, trunk, cubical trunk of a pedestal, piece cut off
- transgredior 5step across, step over, climb over, go over, pass over, cross, go over to another party, go beyond, exceed, proceed
- transversus incurrostep in the way, step crosswise in the way
- tetanus, tetani mstiffness of the neck, spasm of the neck, tetanus
- torpedo, torpedinis fstiffness, numbness, inflexibility, sluggishness, torpidity
- trugonus, trugoni mstingray
- trygon, trygonis mstingray
- tudiculo 1stir, stir about
- trua, truae fstirring-spoon, skimmer, ladle, drain, gutter, spout
- toto agmine subsistostop the whole train, make a train stop, stop the train completely
- thesaurus, thesauri mstorehouse, treasure-chamber, treasure-vault, treasury, strong-box, treasure-chest, repository, conservatory, magazine, collection
- turbido, turbidinis fstorm, dullness, cloudiness, turbidity
- turbanterstormy, tempestuous, turbulent
- tempestuosus, tempestuosa, tempestuosumstormy, tempestuous, turbulent, impetuous
- tenesmos, tenesmi mstraining at stool, tenesmus
- tasis, tasis fstraining, tension, exertion
- tormina urinaestrangury
- Tepula aquastream of water conducted to the Capitol
- transvarico 1stretch the feet apart, straddle in walking
- tendo 3stretch, stretch out, distend, extend, direct one’s self or one’s course, aim, strive, go, travel, march, tend, bend one’s course, be directed, be inclined, exert one’s self in opposition, strive, try, endeavor, contend, set up tents, be under tents, be encamped, encamp
- tensus, tensa, tensumstretched out, drawn tight, strained, tense
- tentus, tenta, tentumstretched out, drawn tight, strained, tense
- tonus, toni mstretching of a rope, straining of a rope, sound, tone, accent, natural color of an object, thunder
- tensura, tensurae fstretching out, straining, tension, setting up, pitching
- tensio, tensionis fstretching, stretching out, extension
- tentio, tentionis fstretching, stretching out, extension
- tundo eandem incudemstrike the same anvil, always do the same thing
- tabernacula detendostrike the tents
- transverbero 1strike through, beat through, thrust through, pierce through, transfix
- tudito 1striking often, beating often, pushing on, driving on
- telum vagina nudostrip the weapon of its sheath
- tyrannidem concupiscostrive for sole reign, aspire to sole rule
- tigna, tignorum nstructural timber
- tenacia, tenaciae fstubbornness, obstinacy
- tomentum, tomenti nstuffing for cushion
- tumultus sermonisstuttering while talking
- torminosus, torminosa, torminosumsubject to the gripes, suffering from colic
- theostasis, theostasis fSubstructure for the erection of an image of gods
- tramen subterraneumsubway
- talis, talesuch, of such a kind, of such a nature, of such a quality, such like, so distinguished, so great, so excellent, so good, so beautiful, so fine, so great, so extreme, so bad
- tributo aliquem exhauriosuck out someone through levies
- tributorum multitudine premorsuffer under the pressure of numerous levies
- tormenta fortunaesufferings imposed by fate
- tostarius, tostaria, tostariumsuitable for roasting
- temo, temonis m (2)sum of money paid instead of furnishing recruits, commutationmoney
- theristrum, theristri nsummer garment, garment, covering
- testimonium alicui denuntiosummon a witness
- theurgia, theurgiae fsummoning of spirits, magic, theurgy
- tergum Phoebo praebeosun one's back, sunbathe one's back
- tempora collapsasunken temples
- talutatium, talutatii nsuperficial indication of the presence of gold under the earth
- talutium, talutii nsuperficial indication of the presence of gold under the earth
- triumviri capitalessuperintendents of public prisons
- titulus, tituli msuperscription, inscription, label, litle, ticket, bill, placard, notice, honorable appellation, title of honor, glory, repute, renown, fame, sign, token, reason alleged, pretence, pretext, title of a book
- thermularius, thermulariī msupervisor of smaller hot baths
- tuis consiliis aspirosupport your plans
- transglutio 4swallow down, gulp down
- totum aliquem comedoswallowed whole with love, devouring with love
- tragematia, tragematiorum nsweetmeats, confectionery
- turgeo 2swell out, be swollen, be tumid, be inflated, be urgid, be bombastic, be full, be swollen with anger, be enraged
- turgo 3swell out, be swollen, be tumid, be inflated, be urgid, be bombastic, be full, be swollen with anger, be enraged
- tuberasco 3swell up, get thicker, swell, thicken
- tubero 1swell up, get thicker, swell, thicken
- tumefioswell up, puff up, inflate
- tumeo 2swell, be swollen, be tumid, be puffed out, be inflated, be excited, be violent, be ready to burst forth, are in a ferment, are unsettled, approaching a crisis, be puffed up, be turgid, be pompous, be bombastic
- torus, tori mswelling place, bulging place, elevation, protuberance, prominence, muscular part, fleshy part, muscle, brawn of animal bodies, bulge of trees, thickness of trees
- tumentia, tumentiae fswelling
- tumiditas, tumiditatis fswelling, tumor
- turgor, turgoris mswelling, turgidity
- tranato 1swim over, swim across, swim through
- transnato 1swim over, swim across, swim through
- transno 1swim over, swim across, swim through
- tranato 1swim over, swim across, swim through, go through, sail through, fly through, pierce through, penetrate, permeate
- tolleno, tollenonis mswing-beam, swipe, swape
- tumidus Nilusswollen Nile
- turgidus, turgida, turgidumswollen, inflated, distended, turgid, inflated, turgid, pregnant
- turgidulus, turgidula, turgidulumswollen, slightly swollen, somewhat swollen
- tumidus, tumida, tumidumswollen, swelling, rising high, protuberant, tumid, stuffed with food, excited, incensed, enraged, exasperated, puffed up, elated, haughty, arrogant, restless, violent, ready to break out, swelling with rage, seditious, bombastic, pompous, inflated, turgid, puffing up
- tumidulus, tumidula, tumidulumswollen, tumid
- trapezophoron, trapezophori ntable-bearer, statue supporting a table, ornamental table-leg
- trapeza, trapezae ftable
- tympanotriba, tympanotribae mtaborer, timbrel-player, soft, effeminate person
- truculenter me gerotake a threatening attitude
- transsumo 3take from one to another, adopt, assume
- transumo 3take from one to another, adopt, assume
- tyrannidem occupotake possession of the sole reign, seize the autocracy, seize the autocratic power
- tempus cibi sumotake time to eat, take one's time at dinner
- tempus deliberandi mihi sumotake time to think it over
- tempus sumotake time
- tuitio, tuitionis ftaking care of, keeping, guarding, preserving, defense, protection, preservation
- transsumptio, transsumptionis ftaking of one thing for another, assuming of one thing for another, transumption, metalepsis
- transumptio, transumptionis ftaking of one thing for another, assuming of one thing for another, transumption, metalepsis
- talentum, talenti ntalent, weight or sum of money
- traloquor 3talk over, recount
- tolutiloquentia, tolutiloquentiae ftalking on a trot, volubility
- tamarice, tamarices ftamarisk, tamariskshrub
- tamaricium, tamaricii ntamarisk, tamariskshrub
- tamaricum, tamarici ntamarisk, tamariskshrub
- tamariscus, tamarisci ftamarisk, tamariskshrub
- telum intendotarget
- tardo 1tarry, loiter, linger, delay
- tributi levamentumtax relief, tax reduction, tax rebate, tax allowance
- tetete with an emphatic -te
- technicus, technici mteacher of art, technologist
- triga, trigae fteam of three horses, chariot drawn by three horses, set of three, triad, three
- transscindo 3tear through, cut up, rip in the air
- tractu belli hostem eludotease the enemy by prolonging the war
- terminus technicustechnical term
- tēlephonema auxiliariumtelephone emergency, telphonic emergency call
- tēlephonema auxilium petenstelephone emergency, telphonic emergency call
- telephonicum exceptaculumtelephone handset
- transmissio televisificatelevision broadcasting, television broadcast
- turris televisificatelevision tower
- telehorasis, telehorasis ftelevision
- transloquor 3tell about, talk about
- tempus, temporis n (2)temple, head, face
- templa et delubratemples and holy halls
- tempora, temporum ntemples of the head, face, visage, head
- templa omnibus ornamentis compilatatemples stripped of all art
- templatimtemplewards, through the temples
- tempus praeceptumtemporal advantage
- temporalitas, temporalitatis ftemporariness, temporality, present custom, fashion
- tenerositas, tenerositatistender age
- teneretenderly, delicately, softly
- teneritertenderly, delicately, softly
- tenon, tenontis mtendon, sinew, ligament
- teniludiaria seriestennis set
- teniludium, teniludii ntennis
- tensibilis, tensibiletensible, tensile, tensionable
- tentigo, tentiginis ftension, lecherousness, lust
- tentoria, tentoriorum ntent camp
- tabernaclarius, tabernaclarii mtent-maker
- tabernacularius, tabernacularii mtent-maker
- tentorium, tentorii ntent
- tabernaculum, tabernaculi ntent, the Jewish tabernacle
- tepidarium, tepidarii ntepid bathing-room, tepid bath
- tepidetepidly, lukewarmly
- terebinthus, terebinthi fterebinth, turpentine-tree
- tempestas foedaterrible storm
- terresco 3terrify
- toparchia, toparchiae fterritory, district, toparchy
- terrorismus, terrorismi mterrorism
- terrorista, terroristae mterrorist
- terroristes, terroristae mterrorist
- territor, territoris mterrorist, horror spreader
- terroristicus, terroristics, terroristicumterroristic
- tessello 1tessellate, mosaic
- testum, testi ntest
- testis, testis mtesticle
- testimoniales, testimonialium ftestimonials
- testatio, testationis ftesting, test
- textus, textus mtexture, tissue, structure, construction, combination, connection, context
- triplicabilis, triplicabilethat can be tripled, that can be threefold, that can be triple
- terrificus, terrifica, terrificumthat causes terror, frightful, terrific
- trientalis, trientalethat contains a third of a foot
- trahax, trahacisthat draws every thing to himself, greedy, covetous
- tractuosus, tractuosa, tractuosumthat draws to itself, clammy, gluey, viscous
- temerarius, temeraria, temerariumthat happens by chance, accidental, casual, rash, heedless, thoughtless, imprudent, inconsiderate, indiscreet, unadvised, audacious
- tumultuarius, tumultuaria, tumultuariumthat happens disorderly, that is done tumultuary, unpremeditated, improvised
- testabilis, testabilethat has a right to give testimony
- tripalis, tripalethat has three stakes, that is propped up by three pales
- theca, thecae fthat in which any thing is enclosed, envelope, hull, cover, case, sheath
- tagax, tagacisthat is apt to touch any thing, light-fingered
- transmontanus, transmontana, transmontanumthat is beyond the mountains, tramontane
- transpadaneus, transpadanea, transpadaneumthat is beyond the Po, Transpadane
- transpadanus, transpadana, transpadanumthat is beyond the Po, Transpadane
- transrhenanus, transrhenana, transrhenanumthat is beyond the Rhine, Transrhenish
- transfretanus, transfretana, transfretanumthat is beyond the sea, transmarine
- traiecticius, traiecticia, traiecticiumthat is carried over sea, that is transported over sea
- transalpicus, transalpica, transalpicumthat is or lies beyond the Alps, transalpine
- transalpinus, transalpina, transalpinumthat is or lies beyond the Alps, transalpine
- tacitus, tacita, tacitumthat is passed over in silence, not spoken of, kept secret, unmentioned, that is done without words, assumed as a matter of course, silent, implied, tacit, that exists in silence, secret, hidden, concealed, secretly, unobserved
- trusatilis, trusatilethat is pushed, that may be pushed
- tutelatus, tutelata, tutelatumthat is under protection
- transilis, transilethat leaps across, that goes across
- tolerandus, toleranda, tolerandumthat may be borne, bearable, supportable, endurable
- tolerabilis, tolerabilethat may be borne, bearable, supportable, endurable, passable, tolerable, enduring, sustaining, supporting
- trivialis, trivialethat may be found everywhere, common, commonplace , vulgar, ordinary, trivial
- trivenefica, triveneficae fthat may be found everywhere, common, commonplace, vulgar, ordinary, trivial
- transmeabilis, transmeabilethat may be passed through, passable
- tonsilis, tonsilethat may be shorn, that may be cut, that may be clipped, shorn, clipped, cut, lopped
- tactilis, tactilethat may be touched, tangible
- tangibilis, tangibilethat may be touched, tangible
- tractabilis, tractabilethat may be touched, that may be handled, that may be taken hold of, that may be wrought, tractable, pliant, yielding, manageable
- thurifer, thurifera, thuriferumthat offers frankincense, idolaters, heathen
- turifer, turifera, turiferumthat offers frankincense, idolaters, heathen
- transgressivus, transgressiva, transgressivumthat passes over into another class, transgressive
- traiector, traiectoris mthat pierces through, piercer
- tardabilis, tardabilethat renders slow
- thermanticus, thermantica, thermanticumthat serves for warming, warming
- tenue, tenuis nthat which is subtle
- textum, texti nthat which is woven, web, that which is plaited together, that which is braided together, that which is fitted together, plait, texture, fabric
- turben, turbinis nthat which spins or twirls round, whirlwind, hurricane, tornado, storm, spinning-top, whipping-top, reel, spindle, whirling motion, whirl, twirl, twist, rotation, revolution, round, circle
- turbo, turbinis mthat which spins round, that which twirls round, whirlwind, hurricane, tornado, storm, spinning-top, whipping-top, reel, whirl, spindle, whirling motion, twirl, twist, rotation, revolution, round, circle
- turbus, turbi mthat which spins round, that which twirls round, whirlwind, hurricane, tornado, storm, spinning-top, whipping-top, reel, whirl, spindle, whirling motion, twirl, twist, rotation, revolution, round, circle
- tentipellium, tentipellii nthat which stretches out a skin or hide, hidestretcher, leather-stretcher
- tua occasiothe best opportunity for you, the for you most favorable opportunity
- tumulatus, tumulati mthe buried
- tormenta sunt paratathe cannons are loaded
- tempora in horas commutanturthe circumstances of time change with every hour
- tenebrosum, tenebrosi nthe dark
- tempus abiitthe date has expired
- temulenti, temulentorum mthe drunken ones
- tellus pluvio madescit ab aurothe earth gets wet by the rain-laden south wind
- tellus bibit cruoremthe earth is drenched with blood
- tellus pendet in aerethe earth is suspended in midair
- tessaracoste, tessaracostes fthe fortieth day
- tetrachordon annithe four seasons
- theta n (indecl.)the Greek letter θ
- telis, telis fthe herb fenugreek
- turba undique confluentis fluctuantisque populithe hustle and bustle of the crowd coming together from all sides and swaying back and forth
- tribuni plebis sacroscanctithe inviolable tribunes of the people
- tetradeum, tetradei nthe number four, quaternion, tetrad
- tetradium, tetradii nthe number four, quaternion, tetrad
- triacontas, triacontadis fthe number thirty
- ternio, ternionis mthe number three
- trias, triados fthe number three, triad
- tertiatio, tertiationis fthe oil produced by the third pressure
- tempus priusthe old days
- tempus superiusthe old days
- tempus vetusthe old days
- tempus vetustumthe old days
- totius mundi convenientia et consensusthe perfect harmony of the whole world
- terribilitas, terribilitatis fthe quality of inspiring terror, horrible aspect
- tempus aptumthe right time
- tumultus in suburbio orti extendebanturthe riots that had begun in the suburbs spread, the riots that had started in the suburbs spread
- tela mortem vibrantiathe spears threatening death, the bullets threatening death
- tibi actutum chorda tenditurthe string (the rope) is already kept ready for you
- timenda, timendorum nthe terrible, the horrible, the awful
- tertiana, tertianae fthe tertian fever
- terticeps, terticipis mthe third
- tricensimus, tricensima, tricensimumthe thirtieth
- tricesimus, tricesima, tricesimumthe thirtieth
- trigesimus, trigesima, trigesimumthe thirtieth
- trigenum, trigeni nthe thirtyfold
- tristatae, tristatarum mthe three highest nobles of a country next to the king
- tempestas abiitthe thunderstorm has subsided
- tempus austrinumthe time of the south wind
- toga candidathe toga worn by candidates for office
- torrens iter cogitthe torrent narrows the path
- torrens villas abluitthe torrent washes houses away with it
- turris de caelo percutiturthe tower is hit by lightning
- turris triginta pedes alta estthe tower is thirty feet high
- turris pluvio vapulat austrothe tower is whipped by the south wind
- turris muris cohaerebatthe tower touched the wall
- tramen autocineto illiditurthe train collides with the car
- tramen tanta rapiditate vehitur, ut exorbitetthe train is so fast that it derails
- tramen vehementer frenavitthe train slowed down strongly
- triarii, triariorum mthe triarii, a class of Roman soldiers who formed the third rank from the front
- tribuni comitiatithe tribunes elected by the people
- tribuni se in auctoritate consulum futuros esse polliciti suntthe tribunes promised to submit to the will of the consuls
- tridens, tridentis mthe trident-bearer, epithet of Neptune
- triplum, tripli nthe triple, three times as much
- triumphatrix, triumphatricis fthe Triumphant, name given to the ninth legion
- tuba canit ad praetoriumthe trumpet signal sounds in front of the commander's tent
- tuba commissos canit ludosthe trumpet sounds at the opening of the games
- tyrannosaurus praedecessor gallinarum eratthe Tyrannosurus was the forerunner of the chickens
- tumultus in Turchia latius vaganturthe unrest in Turkey is spreading
- totis castris trepidaturthe whole camp is chaotic, the whole camp is in confusion
- totis trepidatur castristhe whole camp is in turmoil
- tota legio vacillatthe whole legion wavers in their loyalty
- tota ratio iacetthe whole system is thrown over, the whole system is upset
- testis testi diversa dicitthe witnesses' statements are contradictory, the witnesses contradict each other, the witnesses disagree
- tumultuosissimum pugnaethe worst fighting turmoil, the fiercest battle turmoil
- teneri tenerorum mthe young, boys
- thymelici, thymelicirum mtheatrical musicians
- tonitrus scaenicustheatrical thunder
- tonitrus theatralistheatrical thunder
- tonitrus theatricustheatrical thunder
- tum demumthen at length, then indeed
- tuncthen, at that time, at such a time, at such a season, in this instance, under these circumstances, and then
- tumthen, at that time, on that occasion, at such a time of the year, at such a time of the day, at such a season, in such circumstances, in this instance
- theologia, theologiae ftheology
- tempus fuit, cum ...there was a time when
- tumthereupon
- thermarius, thermarii mthermal bath attendant, bath attendant
- tempestatibus cohibentur in portibusthey are held in the ports by storms
- trama figuraethin figure, lank figure
- terricula, terriculae fthing that excites terror, thing that frights
- timori magis quam religioni consulothink more of fear than of the oath of service
- tenuatimthinly
- tenuiterthinly, indifferently, poorly, finely, acutely, exactly, subtilely, lightly, slightly, superficially
- tenuitas, tenuitatis fthinness, slenderness, fineness, smallness, tenuity, clearness, purity, smallness, insignificance, poverty, indigence, scarcity, fineness, acuteness, minuteness
- tremis, tremissis mthird part of an aureus
- triens, trientis mthird part, a third of any thing, third part of an as, third part of an aureus, one third per cent, third of a juger, third of a foot
- tertiarium, tertiarii nthird part, a third
- tristega, tristegorum nthird stories, third floors
- trite, trites fthird string or third tone in the musical scale
- terdeni, terdenae, terdenathirteen each
- terdecies (terdeciens)thirteen times
- tredecimthirteen
- terdecimus, terdecima, terdecimumthirteenth
- tredecimus, tredecima, tredecimumthirteenth
- tricessis, tricessis mthirty asses
- triceni, tricenae, tricenathirty at a time, thirty each, thirty
- trigeni, trigenae, trigenathirty at a time, thirty each, thirty
- triciesthirty times
- trigiesthirty times
- trigintathirty
- transrhenanus, transrhenani mthose living beyond the Rhine
- tribon, tribonis mthreadbare cloak
- toti Asiae immineothreaten to take over the whole of Asia
- tressis, tressis mthree asses
- trigeminus canisthree born at a birth, three twin-brothers, threefold, triple, triform
- trigeminus, trigemina, trigeminumthree born at a birth, three twin-brothers, threefold, triple, triform
- trisextium, trisextii nthree bottles, three pints
- triplinthius, triplinthia, triplinthiumthree bricks thick
- triumviri mensariithree commissioners to regulate money
- triplices Minyeidesthree common daughters of Mynias
- tres soles totidemque noctesthree days and as many nights
- triduo postthree days later
- Trinummus, Trinummi mthree drachmas, name of a comedy by Plautus
- terni, ternae, ternathree each
- trini, trinae, trinathree each, three, threefold, triple
- totum triduumthree full days
- tria turathree grains of incense
- tres viri capitalesthree head jailers
- trecenteni, trecentenae, trecentenathree hundred each
- treceni, trecenae, trecenathree hundred each, three hundred distributively, three hundred
- treceni equites in singulis legionibusthree hundred riders in each legion
- trecentiesthree hundred times
- tricenties (tricentiens)three hundred times
- tercentumthree hundred
- trecenti, trecentae, trecentathree hundred
- tricenti, tricentae, tricentathree hundred
- tres constantiaethree kinds of peace of mind
- triumviri, triumvirorum mthree men holding an office together, three men associated in public business, a board of three, three joint commissioners
- tresviri, tresvirorumthree men holding an office together, three men associated in public business, board of three, three joint commissioners
- trimestris, trimestrethree months old, that ripens in three months, that remain with us but three months
- triambi, triamborum mthree people who improvised a drama performance
- trepondo n (indecl.)three pounds
- tres rationes fundamentales integrae sunt servandaethree principles must remain untouched
- trispithamus, trispithama, trispithamumthree spans large
- tria milia militumthree thousand soldiers
- tria miliathree thousand
- triplex, triplicis nthree times as much, threefold portion, triple
- triplo maiorthree times bigger, three times larger
- terthree times, thrice, often, repeatedly
- teruncius, teruncii mthree twelfths of an as, quarter-as, trifle, fourth part
- tertium ante annum ... quam ...three years before , , ,
- tribus annis antethree years before, three years ago
- tribus ante annisthree years before, three years ago
- triennis, triennethree years old
- trisulcus, trisulca, trisulcumthree-cleft, three-forked, threepointed, threefold, triple, threeforked
- trigonus, trigona, trigonumthree-cornered, triangular, trigonal
- tripus, tripodis mthree-footed seat, tripod, oracle at Delphi, oracle
- trimanus, trimana, trimanumthree-handed
- trecentesimus, trecentesima, trecentesimumthree-hundredth
- tripeccia, tripecciae fthree-legged chair, tripod chair
- tripetia, tripetiae fthree-legged chair, tripod chair
- triscelum, trisceli nthree-legged figure, triangle
- trimestres indutiaethree-month ceasefire, three-month armistice
- trilaterus, trilatera, trilaterumthree-sided, trilateral
- trichordis, trichordethree-stringed
- trisyllaba, trisyllaborum nthree-syllabled words
- treis, triathree
- trinalis, trinalethree
- tris, triathree
- trinus, trina, trinumthree, triple, three each
- tripartītio, tripartītionis fthreefold division
- tripertītio, tripertītionis fthreefold division
- trigamia, trigamiae fthreefold marriage, third marriage, trigamy
- ternox, ternoctis fthreefold night
- triplex animusthreefold soul
- triplex mundusthreefold world
- trimodus, trimoda, trimodumthreefold, in three ways
- triiugus, triiuga, triiugumthreefold, triple
- triplaris, triplarethreefold, triple
- triplasius, triplasia, triplasiumthreefold, triple
- trifolium, trifolii nthreeleaved grass, trefoil
- trituro 1thresh
- triturator, trituratoris mthresher
- trio, trionis mthreshing ox, plough ox
- terrio, terrionis mthreshing ox, plough ox
- trebla, treblae fthreshing-sledge, consisting of a wooden platform studded underneath with sharp pieces of flint or with iron teeth
- tribula, tribula fthreshing-sledge, consisting of a wooden platform studded underneath with sharp pieces of flint or with iron teeth
- tribulum, tribulīi nthreshing-sledge, consisting of a wooden platform studded underneath with sharp pieces of flint or with iron teeth
- trivolum, trivoli nthreshing-sledge, consisting of a wooden platform studded underneath with sharp pieces of flint or with iron teeth
- trituratio, triturationis fthreshing
- teriugus, teriuga, teriugumthrice bound together, threefold
- terveneficus, tervenefici mthrice poisoner, triple-dyed scoundrel, thorough knave
- trifer, trifera, triferumthricebearing, that bears fruit three times a year
- trigamus, trigami mthricemarried man, one who has three wives, one who has been married three times
- tributimthrough each tribe, tribe by tribe, by tribes
- tragulam inicio in aliquemthrow a skewer against someone, throw a spear at someone
- traicio 5throw across, cause to cross, cause to go across, cause to go over, cause to go through, throw, hurl, cast over, fling over, shoot over, shoot across, transfer, transport, ship across, lead over, conduct over, ship over
- telorum coniectusthrow distance
- totam rationem evertothrow the whole system over the edge
- telum missilethrowing projectile
- turda, turdae fthrush, fieldfare, kind of fish, seacarp
- turdus, turdi mthrush, fieldfare, kind of fish, seacarp
- transadigo 3thrust through, pierce through
- transfigo 3thrust through, pierce through, transpierce, transfix
- transfodio 5thrust through, run through, stab through, transfix, transpierce
- trudo 3thrust, push, shove, crowd forward, shove forward, press on, drive, impel, push forth, put forth, send forth, put forward, press hard upon
- tonitru, tonitrus nthunder
- tonitruo 1thunder
- tonitrus, tonitrus mthunder
- tonitruum, tonitrui nthunder
- tonitruus, tonitruus mthunder
- tono 1thunder, make a loud noise, make a thundering noise, roar, rattle, crash, thunder forth, say with a thundering voice
- Tonans, Tonantis mthunderer, god of thunder
- tonatio, tonationis fthundering
- tempestas tonitrualisthunderstorm
- Thuringi, Thuringorum mThuringians
- tuus, tua, tuumthy, thine, your, yours, your own, favorable for you, auspicious for you, proper for you, suitable for you, right for you
- thymites, thymitae mthyme-wine
- thymum, thymi nthyme
- timum, timi nthyme
- thyrsides, thyrsidae mThyrsus carrier, bacchant
- Tibetanus, Tibetani mTibetan
- tessera itinerariaticket
- tessera vectoriaticket
- tessera viariaticket
- titillatio voluptatumtickle of the lust, titillation of the lust
- titillo 1tickle, titillate
- titillamentum, titillamenti ntickling
- titillatus, titillatus mtickling
- titillus, titilli mtickling
- titillatio, titillationis ftickling, titillation
- titillosus, titillosa, titillosumticklish
- tempora vittis circumdotie up the temples, wrap one's temples in bandages
- tigrifer, tigrifera, tigriferumtiger-bearing, producing tigers
- tigris, tigridis ctiger, tigress, tiger-skin
- tigris, tigris ctiger, tigress, tiger-skin
- tigrinus, tigrina, tigrinumtigerlike, barred like a tiger, spotted like a tiger
- tegula, tegulae ftiles, roof-tiles, tiled roof
- tempus tarde (tardum) ittime creeps slowly away
- tempus tarde procedittime creeps slowly away
- tempus consultanditime for consideration
- tempus transittime goes by, time passes
- tempus adventattime is drawing near
- tempus me iuvattime is playing for me, time is playing into my hands
- tempus mihi prodesttime is playing for me, time is playing into my hands
- tempus subsicivumtime left over, remaining time
- tempus finitumtime limit, deadline
- tempus partustime of birth
- tempus luctustime of mourning
- tempus lugenditime of mourning
- tempus praeterittime passes
- tempus ac spatiumtime slot, time frame
- tempus adeunditime to attack
- tempus deliberanditime to consider
- tempus parienditime to give birth
- tempus ita ferttime will take it so
- tempora, temporum ntimes, circumstances
- timibundus, timibunda, timibundumtimid, shy, diffident, reluctant, fearful, hesitant
- tympanum lamineumtin drum, metal drum
- tinnimentum, tinnimenti ntingling
- tintinnaculus, tintinnacula, tintinnaculumtinkling, clinking, clanking
- theatralis operae corollariumTip for the claqueurs
- thalassa, thalassae ftitle of the ninth book of Apicius, which treats of sea-fish
- totum me fingo et accommodo ad alicuius arbitrium et nutumto orientate oneself entirely towards someone
- te futura prospicere credoto trust someone to predict the future, to trust someone to be able to predict the future
- tam facile vinces, quam pirum volpes comestto win as quickly as a fox eats a pear
- tabacum, tabaci ntobacco
- toga praetextatoga of magistrates and free-born children, ornamented with purple
- toga pictatoga worn by a victor in his triumph
- toga purpureatoga worn by kings
- togatulus, togatula, togatulumtoga-dressed
- teloneum, telonei ntoll-booth, custom-house
- telonium, telonii ntoll-booth, custom-house
- telonarius, telonarii mtollgatherer, collector of the customs
- telonearius, telonearii mtollgatherer, collector of the customs
- tonsillae, tonsillarum ftonsils in the throat
- tosillae, tosillarum ftonsils in the throat
- toxillae, toxillarum ftonsils in the throat
- tusillae, tusillarum ftonsils in the throat
- taedifer, taedifera, taediferumtorch-bearing
- tedifer, tedifera, tediferumtorch-bearing
- tortio, tortionis ftorment, torture
- torrens, torrentis mtorrent
- testudinea, testudineorum ntortoise-shell furniture
- testudo, testudinis ftortoise, tortoise-shell, lyre, lute, cithern, arch in buildings, vault in buildings, covering, shed, shelter, covering of the hedgehog, head-dress in imitation of a lyre
- testudineus, testudinea, testudineumtortoiseshell-decorated
- testudineus, testudinea, testudineumtortoiseshell
- torto 1torture, torment
- tortiono 1torture, torment, plague
- triumphatus, triumphata, triumphatumtotally defeated, completely conquered, captured
- taxo 1touch sharply, feel, handle, twit, censure, reproach, charge, rate, value, appraise, estimate, determine the worth, judge of, estimate, compute, reckon
- tango 3touch, take, take away, curry off, reach, arrive at, come to a place, border on, be contiguous to, strike, hit, beat, affect, besprinkle, moisten, wash, smear, anoint, color, dye
- tractatus, tractatus mtouching, handling, working, handling, management, treatment, reflection, consideration, consultation, discussion, treatise, tractate, sermon, homily
- tactus, tactus mtouching, touch, handling, Influence, effect, operation, sense of feeling, feeling
- tactio, tactionis ftouching, touch, sense of touch, feeling