Lateinisch - Englische Wortliste - S
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    5208 Ergebnisse
  1. sessimonium, sessimonii n
  2. sacra spina
  3. scalptura, scalpturae f
  4. scamillus, scamilli m
  5. scamma, scammatis n
  6. scammoneum, scammonei n
  7. scammonium, scammonii n
  8. scamnatus, scamnata, scamnatum
  9. scamonium, scamonii n
  10. scandalum, scandali n
  11. scansilis, scansile
  12. scansio, scansionis f
  13. scardia, scardiae f
  14. scelerĭtas, scelerĭtatis f
  15. scelero 1
  16. scelerus, scelera, scelerum
  17. schisma, schismatis n
  18. schistos, schista, schiston
  19. schoenantos, schoenanti n
  20. schoenus, schoeni m
  21. schoinuanthos, schoinuanthi n
  22. scholastica, scholasticorum n
  23. scillinus, scillina, scillinum
  24. scimpodion, scimpodii n
  25. scintillatio, scintillationis f
  26. sciropaectes, sciropaect ae m
  27. scitamenta, scitamentorum n
  28. scituli, scitulorum m
  29. scitulus, scitula, scitulum
  30. scius, scia, scium
  31. scius, scii m
  32. scolopendra, scolopendrae f
  33. scopulus, scopuli m
  34. scotoma, scotomatis n
  35. scribatus, scribatus m
  36. scripturio 4
  37. scrupulositas, scrupulositatis f
  38. sebastonices, sebastonicae m
  39. sebosus, sebosa, sebosum
  40. sebur, seburi m
  41. sectivus, sectiva, sectivum
  42. secubitus, secubitus m
  43. secutio, secutionis f
  44. secutuleius, secutuleia, secutuleium
  45. sedimentum, sedimenti n
  46. sedis, sedis f
  47. sedulus, sedula, sedulum
  48. segestre, segestris n
  49. segnesco 3
  50. selas n (indecl.)
  51. selenites, selenitae m
  52. selenitis, selenitidis f
  53. sematus, semata, sematum
  54. semaxius, semaxia, semaxium
  55. sementinus, sementina, sementinum
  56. semicorus, semicori m
  57. semimitra, semimitrae f
  58. seminata, seminatorum n
  59. seminatio, seminationis f
  60. seminium, seminii n
  61. seminiverbius, seminiverbia, seminiverbium
  62. semipedalis, semipedale
  63. semiperfectus, semiperfecta, semiperfectum
  64. semiperitus, semiperiti m
  65. semipes, semipedis m
  66. semipiscina, semipiscinae f
  67. semiplene
  68. semiseptenaria, semiseptenariae f
  69. semisopitus, semisopita, semisopitum
  70. semisupinus, semisupina, semisupinum
  71. semitatim
  72. semitatrix, semitatricis f
  73. senecio, senecionis m
  74. senica non sescunciae
  75. senipes, senipedis
  76. senticosus, senticosa, senticosum
  77. sentifico 1
  78. sentisco 3
  79. sentosus, sentosa, sentosum
  80. sentuosus, sentuosa, sentuosum
  81. separator, separatoris m
  82. separatrix, separatricis f
  83. sepelibilis, sepelibile
  84. sepositus, seposita, sepositum
  85. seps, sepis c
  86. septa, septorum n
  87. september, septembris, septembre
  88. septemviratus, septemviratus m
  89. sequacitas, sequacitatis f
  90. sequaciter
  91. sequentia, sequentium n
  92. sequestratim
  93. sequestratio, sequestrationis f
  94. sequestrator, sequestratoris m
  95. sericarius, sericaria, sericarium
  96. sericarius, sericarii m
  97. sericatus, sericata, sericatum
  98. sermocinatrix, sermocinatricis f
  99. serotinus, serotina, serotinum
  100. serrata, serratae f
  101. servilicola, servilicolae f
  102. sescla, sesclae f
  103. Sesculixes, Sesculixis m
  104. sescuncia, sescunciae f
  105. sescuplum, sescupli n
  106. sescuplus, sescupla, sescuplum
  107. sesquicyathus, sesquicyathi m
  108. sesquiopera, sesquioperae f
  109. sessibulum, sessibuli n
  110. sessibulus, sessibula, sessibulum
  111. sessiuncula, sessiunculae f
  112. sessorium, sessorii n
  113. setania, setaniae f
  114. setim n (indecl.)
  115. seutlophace, seutlophaces f
  116. severitudo, severitudinis f
  117. seviratus, seviratus m
  118. sexagessis, sexagessis m
  119. sexfascalis, sexfascais m
  120. sexis n (indecl.)
  121. sextadecumani, sextadecumanorum m
  122. sextani, sextanorum m
  123. sextarialis, sextarialis f
  124. sibus, siba, sibum
  125. siccaneus, siccanea, siccaneum
  126. Sicelicon, Sicelici n
  127. sideritis, sideritidis f
  128. sido 3
  129. sigillaricium, sigillarici n
  130. sigma, sigmatis n
  131. silaceus, silacea, silaceum
  132. siliquaticum, siliquatici n
  133. siliquor 1
  134. sillographus, sillographi m
  135. silvicomus, silvicoma, silvicomum
  136. silvifragus, silvifraga, silvifragum
  137. silviger, silvigera, silvigerum
  138. simo 1
  139. simulatorius, simulatoria, simulatorium
  140. sinciput, sincipitis n
  141. siriacus, siriaca, siriacum
  142. siriasis, siriasis f
  143. sisto 3 (intr.)
  144. sistrifer, sistrifera, sistriferum
  145. sistriger, sistrigera, sistrigerum
  146. sisura, sisurae f
  147. sitanius, sitania, sitanium
  148. sitarchia, sitarchiae f
  149. sitarcia, sitarciae f
  150. sitīcula, sitīculae f
  151. soporus, sopora, soporum
  152. spadonatus, spadonatus m
  153. spissae, spissarum f
  154. stabulum servitricium
  155. stercoreus, stercorea, stercoreum
  156. stercoreus, stercorei m
  157. subdivo
  158. subtorqueo 2
  159. supernitas, supernitatis f
  160. stultus, stulti m
    a fool
  161. segregus, segrega, segregum
    apart, separate, different
  162. segrex, segregis
    apart, separate, different
  163. superventus, superventus m
    coming up, coming upon, arrival
  164. sensiculus, sensiculi m
    little sentence
  165. scitum, sciti n
    ordinance, statute, decree
  166. sententia, sententiae f
    philosophical proposition, aphorism, apophthegm, maxim, axiom
  167. secundanus, secundana, secundanum
    the second in rank, the second in rank
  168. schoenum, schoeni n
  169. scholasticellulus, scholasticelluli m
  170. scholasticellus, scholasticelli m
  171. scholasticulus, scholasticuli m
  172. scelus, sceleris n
    , a misfortune,, a calamity
  173. sequestratorium, sequestratoriī n
    , depository, place where any thing is laid up for safe keeping
  174. stillaticius, stillaticia, stillaticium
    , dropping, dripping, stillatitious
  175. sequaciter
    , of course, consequently
  176. supersisto 4
    , place one’s self upon, place one’s self over, stand upon, stand over
  177. sublido 3
    , press out, injure by degrees,
  178. sphaeroides, sphaeroides
    , round, globular, spherical
  179. seminata, seminatorum n
    , seeds, seed fields
  180. sensui subiectus
    , sensorial
  181. semipatens, semipatentis
    , standing half open, half open,
  182. sillographus, sillographi m
    , writer of lampoons, writer of satires
  183. scarabaeus, scarabaei m
    a beetle, scarab, scarabee
  184. satus, satus m
    a begetting, producing, origin, stock, race
  185. striatura, striaturae f
    a being channelled, a being fluted, fluting, striature
  186. silentium, silentii n
    a being still, a being silent, noiselessness, stillness, silence, quietness, freedom from disturbance, faultlessness, perfectness, standstill, cessation, repose, inaction, tranquillity
  187. scamnum, scamni n
    a bench, stool, step
  188. staphyloma, staphylomatis n
    a blemish in the eye shaped like a grape, stone
  189. sesquiplaga, sesquiplagae f
    a blow and a half, a stroke and a half
  190. scaturex, scaturigis f
    a bubbling spring, a gushing spring
  191. scaturigo, scaturiginis f
    a bubbling spring, a gushing spring, spring water
  192. scatebra, scatebrae f
    a bubbling up, a gushing up
  193. strongyla, strongylae f
    a bust
  194. silentiarius, silentiarii m
    a certain high officer at court, a privy councillor
  195. scaphium, scaphii n
    a chamber pot
  196. schidia, schidiae f
    a chip of wood, a splinter of wood
  197. scansio, scansionis f
    a climbing up
  198. schola, scholae f
    a college, a corporation
  199. scaphe, scaphes f
    a concave sundial
  200. silentiarius, silentiarii m
    a confidential domestic servant watching for the domestic silence
  201. subtectio, subtectionis f
    a covering
  202. scalptor, scalptoris m
    a cutter, graver
  203. sesquicyathus, sesquicyathi m
    a cyathus and a half
  204. sesquiopera, sesquioperae f
    a day’s work and a half
  205. sesquiopus, sesquioperis n
    a day’s work and a half
  206. spoliarium, spoliariī n
    a den of robbers, a den of murderers, cutthroat place
  207. sesquidigitus, sesquidigiti m
    a digit and a half
  208. scotomaticus, scotomatici m
    a dim sighted person
  209. securicula, securiculae f
    a dovetail
  210. scaenographia, scaenographiae f
    a drawing in perspective
  211. scenographia, scenographiae f
    a drawing in perspective
  212. sciagraphia, sciagraphiae f
    a drawing in perspective
  213. scaphium, scaphii n
    a drinking, vessel in the form of a boat
  214. subdito 1
    a false read (Lucr)
  215. sciaena, sciaenae f
    a female sea fish, grayling, ombre
  216. statulibera, statuliberae f
    a female slave to whom liberty is granted by testament
  217. speciaria, speciariae f
    a female spice-dealer
  218. speclaria, speclariae f
    a female spice-dealer
  219. soteria, soteriorum n
    a festive entertainment given on a person’s recovery from illness or escape from danger; presents given on such an occasion, a congratulatory poem on such an occasion
  220. saucaptis, saucaptidis f
    a fictitious spice
  221. schematismos, schematismi m
    a figurative manner speaking
  222. schematismus, schematismi m
    a figurative manner speaking
  223. schema, schematis n
    a figure of speech, a rhetorical figure
  224. saturator, saturatoris m
    a filler, satisfier
  225. saturamen, saturaminis n
    a filling, satisfying
  226. saturatio, saturationis f
    a filling, satisfying
  227. squamatus, squamati m
    a fish
  228. scalae, scalarum f
    a flight of steps, a flight of stairs, a staircase, a ladder, scaling, ladderstairs, a staircase, a ladder, scaling ladder
  229. schematismus, schematismi m
    a florid manner of speaking
  230. sesquipedis, sesquipede
    a foot and a half in height
  231. sesquipes, sesquipedis m
    a foot and a half in length, a foot and a half in breadth, a foot and a half in height
  232. schola, scholae f
    a gallery
  233. sephyrus, sephyri m
    a gentle west wind, the western breeze, zephyr
  234. scalptura, scalpturae f
    a graved figure, a sculpture
  235. sceptos, scepti m
    a gust, a squall, a storm
  236. solivertiator, solivertiatoris m
    a guy who makes a bolt for it, runaway
  237. semichristianus, semichristiani m
    a half Christian
  238. semicubitalis, semicubitale
    a half cubit long
  239. semipedalis, semipedale
    a half foot in size, half a foot long, half a foot broad
  240. semipedaneus, semipedanea, semipedaneum
    a half foot in size, half a foot long, half a foot broad
  241. sincipitamentum, sincipitamenti n
    a half head
  242. sīnciputamentum, sīnciputamenti n
    a half head
  243. sembella, sembellae f
    a half libella
  244. semestrium, semestrii n
    a half month, fortnight
  245. Semipersa, Semipersae m
    a half Persian, half a Persian
  246. selibra, selibrae f
    a half pound
  247. semias, semiassis m
    a half pound
  248. schirrosis, schirrosis f
    a hardening in the flesh
  249. scirrosis, scirrosis f
    a hardening in the flesh
  250. scorpio, scorpionis m (scorpius, scorpii m)
    a heap of stones terminating in a point, and used as a boundary mark
  251. scala gallinaria
    a hen, roost
  252. saucietas, saucietatis f
    a hurting,, hurt
  253. sesquiiugerum, sesquiiugeri n
    a juger and a half
  254. selinas, selinadis f
    a kind of cabbage resembling parsley
  255. scolex, scolecis m
    a kind of copper rust
  256. scissum, scissi n
    a kind of gladiator
  257. scircula, scirculae f
    a kind of grapes
  258. sibina, sibinae f
    a kind of hunting spear
  259. sibonis, sibonis m
    a kind of hunting spear
  260. sibyna, sibynae f
    a kind of hunting spear
  261. scincos, scinci m
    a kind of lizard
  262. scincus, scinci m
    a kind of lizard
  263. strychnos, strychni m
    a kind of nightshade
  264. scolecion, scolecii b
    a kind of scarlet berr
  265. scriblita, scriblitae f
    a kind of tart
  266. specularis lapis
    a kind of transparent stone, muscovy-glass, isinglass-stone, mica
  267. stacula, staculae f
    a kind of vine, also called sircula
  268. stephanites, stephanitae m
    a kind of vine
  269. stephanitis, stephanitidis f
    a kind of vine
  270. sticha, stichae f
    a kind of vine
  271. savium, savii n
    a kiss, a love, kiss
  272. scientia, scientiae f
    a knowing in any thing, being skilled in any thing, knowledge, science, skill, expertness
  273. scala, scalae f
    a ladder
  274. scelotyrbe, scelotyrbes f
    a lameness in the ankles
  275. scelotyrbe, scelotyrbes f
    a lameness in the knees
  276. sinum, sini n
    a large drinking vessel
  277. sinus, sini m
    a large drinking vessel
  278. sexaginta
    a large number
  279. seductio, seductionis f
    a leading aside, a drawing aside, misleading, seduction, separation
  280. scheda, schedae f (schida, schidae f)
    a leaf of paper, a sheet of paper
  281. schida, schidae f
    a leaf of paper, a sheet of paper, a strip of papyrus bark
  282. scholasticus, scholastici m
    a lecturer in the schools, a rhetorician
  283. scaeva, scaevae m
    a lefthanded person
  284. scapha, scaphae f
    a light boat, a skiff
  285. scamellum, scamelli n
    a little bench, a little stool
  286. scamillarii, scamillariorum m
    a little bench, a little stool
  287. scamillum, scamilli n
    a little bench, a little stool
  288. scamillus, scamilli m
    a little bench, a little stool
  289. scaphula, scaphulae f
    a little boat, skiff
  290. subinvisus, subinvisa, subinvisum
    a little disliked, somewhat odious
  291. sessiuncula, sessiunculae f
    a little group assembled for amusement, meeting for amusement, company assembled for amusement
  292. saviolum, savioli n
    a little kiss
  293. suaviolum, suavioli n
    a little kiss
  294. scientiola, scientiolae f
    a little knowledge, a smattering, superficial knowledge
  295. saxulis tamquam nidulus affixus
    a little rock
  296. satyriscus, satyrisci m
    a little Satyr
  297. specula, speculae f
    a look-out, watch-tower, high place, height, eminence
  298. scabellum, scabelli n
    a low stool, footstool, cricket
  299. sciadeus, sciadei m
    a male sea fish, grayling, ombre
  300. scholasticus, scholastici m
    a man of learning, a scholar
  301. sescentoplagus, sescentoplaga, sescentoplagum
    a man of six hundred stripes
  302. stigma, stigmatis n
    a mark burned in, a brand impressed, a mark of disgrace, stigma
  303. stomatice, stomatices f
    a medicine for diseases of the mouth
  304. scaevitas, scaevitatis f
    a mischance, misfortune
  305. sesquimensis, sesquimensis m
    a month and a half
  306. sima, simae f
    a moulding, ogee
  307. savium, savii n
    A mouth to be kissed
  308. semita, semitae f
    a narrow way, a path, foot path, lane, by way, way, path, road
  309. stalagmias, stalagmiae m
    a natural vitriol
  310. sesquimodius, sesquimodii m
    a peck and a half
  311. scalmus, scalmi m
    a peg to which an oar was strapped, a thole, a tholepin
  312. suprema, supremorum n
    a person's last will and testament
  313. schola, scholae f
    a place for learned conversation, a place for learned instruction, a place of learning, a school
  314. scholae bestiarum
    a place where animals fight, an amphitheatre
  315. silphium, silphii n
    a plant called in Latin laserpitium
  316. sesamoides, sesamoidis n
    a plant resembling sesame
  317. sesimoides, sesimoidis n
    a plant resembling sesame
  318. strumus, strumi m
    a plant that cures the struma, called also strychnos and cuculus
  319. scolibrochon, scolibrochi n
    a plant, also called callitrichos, scolopendrion
  320. scolopendrion, scolopendrii n
    a plant, also called callitrochon and scolibrochon
  321. solsequia, solsequiae f
    a plant, also called heliotropium
  322. solsequium, solsequii n
    a plant, also called heliotropium
  323. serapias, serapiadis f
    a plant, also called orchis
  324. serapion, serapii n
    a plant, also called orchis
  325. statumaria, statumariae f
    a plant, also called proserpinaca
  326. sozusa, sozusae f
    a plant, called also artemisia and serpyllum maius
  327. solago, solaginis f
    a plant, called also heliotropium
  328. smyrriza, smyrrizae f
    a plant, called also myrrha and myrrhis
  329. stoebe, stoebes, f
    a plant, called also pheos
  330. sirpe, sirpis n
    a plant, called also silphium and laser, asafœtida
  331. solanum, solani n
    a plant, called also strychnos, nightshade
  332. sparton, sparti n
    a plant, of which ropes, mats, nets, etc, , were made
  333. spartum, sparti n
    a plant, of which ropes, mats, nets, etc, , were made
  334. sublabium, sublabii n
    a plant, dog’s-tongue
  335. stachys, stachyos f
    a plant, horsemint
  336. staphis, staphidis f
    a plant, licebane, staves-acre
  337. struthion, struthii n
    a plant, soapwort
  338. scēnicus, scēnici m
    a player, actor, stage hero
  339. sesquilibra, sesquilibrae f
    a pound and a half
  340. scilla, scillae f
    a prawn, a shrimp
  341. scorpitis, scorpitidis f
    a precious stone, resembling the scorpion in color or shape
  342. scaritis, scaritidis f
    a precious stone
  343. siderites, sideritae m
    a precious stone
  344. sideropoecilos, sideropoecili m
    a precious stone
  345. stipulatus, stipulatus m
    a promise formally demanded, bargain, stipulation
  346. schedia, schediae f
    a raft, a float constructed in hast
  347. silurus, siluri m
    a riverfish, sheat fish
  348. saxetum, saxeti n
    a rocky place
  349. saxum, saxi n
    a rough stone, a detached fragment of rock, a rock, a stone
  350. scabredo, scabredinis f
    a roughness of the skin, scabbiness, itch, mange
  351. sceptrum, sceptri n
    a royal staff, a sceptre
  352. satiricus, satirici m
    a satirist
  353. Satyrus, Satyri m
    a Satyr
  354. sceptuchus, sceptuchi m
    a sceptre bearer
  355. Scotus, Scoti m
    a Scot
  356. scarifatio, scarifationis f
    a scratching open, a scarifying
  357. scarificatio, scarificationis f
    a scratching open, a scarifying
  358. scariphatio, scariphationis f
    a scratching open, a scarifying
  359. scalpurigo, scalpuriginis f
    a scratching
  360. scilla, scillae f
    a sea onion, sea leek, squill
  361. septuplum, septupli n
    a septuple
  362. schema, schematis n
    a shape, a figure, a form, a fashion, a manner, a posture, a attitude
  363. scalprum, scalpri m (scalper, scalpri m)
    a sharp cutting instrument, a chisel, knife
  364. scandula, scandulae f
    a shingle
  365. scandularius, scandularii m
    a shingler,
  366. scaeva, scaevae f
    a sign in the sky, a token in the sky, an omen
  367. sceletus, sceleti m
    a skeleton
  368. statuliber, statulibri m
    a slave to whom liberty is granted by testament
  369. subdefectio, subdefectionis f
    a slight failure
  370. scimpodion, scimpodii n
    a small bed, a couch
  371. schedula, schedulae f
    a small leaf of paper
  372. semiphalarica, semiphalaricae f
    a small phalarica
  373. scalpellum, scalpelli n
    a small surgical knife, a scalpel, a lancet
  374. scalper, scalpri m
    a small surgical knife, a scalpel, a lancet
  375. siliqua, siliquae f
    a small weight, a small measure
  376. scirerytis, scirerytidis f
    a sort of silver dross
  377. sciria, sciriae f
    a sort of silver dross
  378. satus, satus m
    a sowing, planting
  379. scaenaticus, scaenatici m
    a stageplayer
  380. scenaticus, scenatica, scenaticum
    a stageplayer
  381. scheda, schedae f (schida, schidae f)
    a strip of papyrus bark
  382. scida, scidae f
    a strip of papyrus bark, a leaf of paper, a sheet of paper
  383. subterraneum, subterranei n
    a subterranean place
  384. serius
    a tad late
  385. scriblitarius, scriblitarii m
    a tart baker, pastry cook
  386. sceptrum, sceptri n
    a teacher's rod
  387. stobrus, stobri f
    a tree in Carmania yielding an odorous gum
  388. storax, storacis m
    a tree, the resinous gum of that tree, storax
  389. schola, scholae f
    a waiting place in a bathing room
  390. securiclata, securiclatae f
    a weed growing among lentils, hatchet vetch
  391. systema, systematis n
    a whole consisting of several parts, a complex whole, system
  392. scelio, scelionis m
    a wicked man, scoundrel
  393. scelerosus, scelerosi m
    a wicked or vicious person, a wretch
  394. sophos, sophi m
    a wise man
  395. sophus, sophi m
    a wise man
  396. sauciatio, sauciationis f
    a wounding
  397. scamma, scammatis n
    a wrestling place
  398. scamma, scammatis n
    a wrestling, a contest
  399. satirographus, satirographi m
    a writer of satires, a satirist
  400. satyrographus, satyrographi m
    a writer of satires, a satirist
  401. summum imperium depono
    abdicate supreme command
  402. super
    above, on top, thereupon, upon, moreover, besides, over, left, remaining
  403. supera + Akk.
    above, over, before, over, above, beyond, more than
  404. supra + Akk.
    above, over, before, over, above, beyond, more than
  405. saturitas, saturitatis f
  406. scisco 3
    accept, approve, assent to something
  407. subsiciva opera
    accessory work, over-work
  408. succentor, succentoris m
    accompanier in singing, furtherer, promoter
  409. succentus, succentus m
    accompanying, accompaniment
  410. suatim (1)
    according to his method, according to his way, on his own terms, on his way
  411. secus + Akk.
    according to, in proportion to
  412. scrutans, scrutantis
    accurate investigating, urgently investigating
  413. subiugalis, subiugale
    accustomed to the yoke
  414. subsidior 1
    act as a reserve, stand in reserve
  415. summae rei praefectus sum
    act as superintendent
  416. summae rei praepositus sum
    act as superintendent
  417. statarius, stataria, statarium
    actor in the comoedia stataria, , performer in the comoedia stataria
  418. superadicio 5
    add more
  419. superadnecto 3
    add more
  420. superaddo 3
    add over and above, superadd
  421. superappono 3
  422. supernexivus, supernexiva, supernexivum
    adding to this
  423. suggestio, suggestionis f
    adding to, addition, hint, intimation, suggestion
  424. suffectio, suffectionis f
    adding, supplying, substituting
  425. sumptus superfluus
    additional amount of the costs
  426. superpostulatio, superpostulationis f
    additional demand
  427. superaugmentum, superaugmenti n
    additional increase, further increase
  428. secundo 1
    adjust, adapt, accommodate, favor, further, second, to be favorable
  429. subadmiratio, subadmirationis f
  430. superadmiro 1
    admire at exceedingly, wonder at exceedingly
  431. successus, successus m
    advance, approach, succession of time, continuance, happy issue, good result, success, posterity
  432. suasus, suasus m
    advice, persuasion, advising, persuading
  433. suadeo 2
    advise, recommend, exhort, urge, persuade, induce, impel, recommend, advocate, speak in favor
  434. suasorie
  435. socialia, socialium n
    affairs of the confederates
  436. spleneticus splenetica, spleneticum
    affected with spleen, splenetic, hypochondriac
  437. spleniacus, spleniaca, spleniacum
    affected with spleen, splenetic, hypochondriac
  438. splenicus, splenica, splenicum
    affected with spleen, splenetic, hypochondriac
  439. spleniticus splenitica, spleniticum
    affected with spleen, splenetic, hypochondriac
  440. spasticus, spastica, spasticum
    afflicted with the cramp or spasms, spastic
  441. secundina, secundinae f
    after birth
  442. seniliter
    after the manner of an old person
  443. suatim (2)
    after the manner of swine, swinishly
  444. secundum
    after, behind, afterwards, in the next place, secondly
  445. senica, senicae f
    aged person, old man, old woman
  446. senectus, senecta, senectum
    aged, very old
  447. solita dierum singulorum descriptio
  448. solita dierum singulorum ratio
  449. solita rerum descriptio
  450. solita rerum ratio
  451. sequester, sequestris m
    agent, go between, mediator
  452. secundum + Akk.
    agreeably to, in accordance with, according to, in favor of, to the advantage of
  453. symphonium, symphonii n
    agreement of sounds, concord, harmony, symphony
  454. symphonia, symphoniae f
    agreement of sounds, concord, harmony, symphony, signal in war, kind of musical instrument
  455. societas agricolaris
    agricultural enterprise
  456. subministro 1
    aid by giving, give, furnish, afford, supply
  457. sumministro 1
    aid by giving, give, furnish, afford, supply
  458. societas aeronautica
  459. statio aeronautica
    airport, airdrome, aerodrome
  460. sedator, sedatoris m
    allayer, calmer, quieter
  461. sedamen, sedaminis n
    allaying, allayment, sedative
  462. sedatio, sedationis f
    allaying, assuaging, calming of the passions
  463. societas, societatis f
  464. sociale foedus
    alliance, federal cooperative, federation
  465. stagnum, stagni n (2)
    alloy of silver and lead, tin
  466. stannum, stanni n
    alloy of silver and lead, tin
  467. stratiotes, stratiotae m
    aloe-leaved watersoldier, great duck-weed
  468. solitarius, solitaria, solitarium
    alone, by itself, lonely, solitary
  469. solum
    alone, only, merely, barely
  470. solus, sola, solum
    alone, only, single, sole, lonely, solitary, forsaken, deserted, unfrequented, desert
  471. superintellego 3
    also understand, understand in addition, understand additionally
  472. stypteria, stypteriae f
  473. styptiria, styptiriae f
  474. stypteriazusa, stypteriazusae f
  475. secubito 1
    always sleep alone
  476. sucina, sucinorum n
    amber jewellery
  477. succinacius, succinacia, succinacium
    amber-coloured, amber
  478. sucinacius, sucinacia, sucinacium
    amber-coloured, amber
  479. succinum, succini n
  480. sucinum, sucini n
  481. subsessa, subsessae f
    ambush, ambuscade
  482. semiuncialis, semiunciale
    amounting to a half ounce
  483. semiunciarius, semiunciaria, semiunciarium
    amounting to a half ounce
  484. semuncialis, semunciale
    amounting to a half ounce
  485. scripularis, scripulare
    amounting to a scruple, of a scruple
  486. stillarium, stillarii n
    an added drop, a trifling addition
  487. senex, senis m
    an aged person, an old man
  488. simia, simiae f
    an ape
  489. structura, structurae f
    an architectural fitting together, building, erecting, mode of building, construction, erection, edifice, structure, arrangement, order
  490. serichatum, serichati n
    an aromatic plant
  491. sequax, sequacis m
    an attendant, follower
  492. stalagmium, stalagmii n
    an ear-drop, pendant
  493. scolymos, scolymi m
    an edible kind of thistle, caraoon
  494. scelus, sceleris n
    an evil deed, a wicked action, a heinous action, an impious action, a crime, a sin, enormity, wickedness
  495. scelerator, sceleratoris m
    an evil doer, a wretch
  496. schedium, schedii n
    an extemporaneous poem
  497. spalax, spalacis f
    an herb now unknown
  498. statice, statices f
    an herb of an astringent quality
  499. septemnerva, septemnervae f
    an herb, called also plantago
  500. sesquihora, sesquihorae f
    an hour and a half
  501. scandalum, scandali n
    an inducement to sin, a temptation
  502. succonditor, succonditoris m
    an inferior officer in the Circensian games
  503. siriasis, siriasis f
    an inflammatory disease of children, siriasis
  504. scalptorium, scalptorii n
    an instrument for scratching one's self
  505. sesquiobolus, sesquiobol m
    an obolus and a half
  506. saurex, sauricis m
    an owl bird
  507. saurix, sauricis m
    an owl bird
  508. sorix, soricis m
    an owl bird
  509. scrapta, scraptae f
    an unchaste woman
  510. scratia, scratiae f
    an unchaste woman
  511. scratta, scrattae f
    an unchaste woman
  512. scrattia, scrattiae f
    an unchaste woman
  513. spinturnix, spinturnicis f
    an unsightly bird, Eagle Owl
  514. sentiendi facultatis privatio
    anaesthesia, narcosis
  515. succensio, succensionis f
    anger, irritation, indignation
  516. suscensio, suscensionis f
    anger, irritation, indignation
  517. stomachose
    angrily, peevishly
  518. subterlino 3
    anoint underneath
  519. synchrisma, synchrismatis n
  520. stibi, stibis n
    antimony, a sulphuret of antimony, stibium
  521. stibium, stibii n
    antimony, a sulphuret of antimony, stibium
  522. stimmi, stimmis n
    antimony, a sulphuret of antimony, stibium
  523. silex, silicis m
    any hard stone, pebble stone, flint, flint stone, rock, crag
  524. stridor, stridoris m
    any harsh sound, any shrill sound, any hissing sound, any grating sound, any creaking sound, creaking, hissing, rattling, buzzing, whizzing, whistling
  525. subscriptio, subscriptionis f
    Any thing written underneath, subscription, warrant, list, register
  526. segregatim
    apart, separately
  527. simius, simii m
  528. sensilocus, sensiloca, sensilocum
    appealing to the senses, sensual
  529. superapparitio, superapparitionis f
    appearance above
  530. spectrum, spectri n
    appearance, form, image
  531. superordino 1
    appoint in addition, add something to
  532. scisco 3
    appoint, enact, decree, ordain
  533. status, stata, statum
    appointed, fixed, regular, moderate, average, normal
  534. succinctorium, succinctorii n
  535. suspicax, suspicacis
    apt to suspect, distrustful, suspicious, that excites mistrust, suspicious
  536. seiromastes, seiromastae m
    arbed lance
  537. suspensura, suspensurae f
    arching, vaulting, arched work, arch
  538. suspensio, suspensionis f
    arching, vaulting, arched work, imperfect pronunciation of a letter
  539. superargumentor 1
    argue over and above, prove besides
  540. suspicionem affero alicui
    arouse suspicion in someone, raise someone's suspicion
  541. suspicionem commoveo alicui
    arouse suspicion in someone, raise suspicion in someone
  542. suspicionem excito alicui
    arouse suspicion in someone, raise suspicion in someone
  543. suspicionem facio alicui
    arouse suspicion in someone, raise suspicion in someone
  544. suspicionem inicio alicui
    arouse suspicion in someone, raise suspicion in someone
  545. suspicionem moveo alicui
    arouse suspicion in someone, raise suspicion in someone
  546. suspicionem moveo
    arouse suspicion, raise suspicion
  547. satelles fabricatus
    artificial satellite
  548. sic
    as follows, in the following manner, as I do it, as you see, in the manner mentioned, under these circumstances, accordingly, hence
  549. saxeus, saxea, saxeum
    as hard as stone
  550. simul atque
    as soon as
  551. solite
    as usual
  552. summa imperii mihi defertur
    ascend to supremacy
  553. scitatio, scitationis f
    asking, inquiring
  554. sciscitatio, sciscitationis f
    asking, inquiry
  555. sicarius, sicarii m
    assassin, murderer
  556. subadsentiens, subadsentientis
    assenting a little, yielding a little
  557. subassentiens, subassentientis
    assenting a little, yielding a little
  558. sedulitas, sedulitatis f
    assiduity, application, zeal, earnestness, sedulousness, sedulity
  559. subornatrix, subornatricis f
    assistant of the ōrnātrīx
  560. subadiuva, subadiuvae m
  561. subadiuvans, subadiuvantis m
  562. Societas externae politiae amplectendae Germanica (DGAP)
    association, think tank, advocacy group
  563. stypticus, styptica, stypticum
    astringens, styptic
  564. stalticum, staltici n
  565. stalticus, staltica, stalticum
    astringent, contracting, attracting, tightening
  566. separatim
    asunder, apart, separately
  567. sorsum
    asunder, separately, apart
  568. sublucanis temporibus
    at dawn, in the early morning
  569. sub galli cantum
    at daybreak, at cock-crowing
  570. summum
    at most, at the most, not more than
  571. simitu
    at once, at the same time, together
  572. simitur
    at once, at the same time, together
  573. suis opibus
    at one's own expense, at one's own charge, at one's own expenses, at one's own cost
  574. summo carmine
    at the end of the song
  575. summa aestate
    at the height of summer
  576. supremo in tempore
    at the most critical moment
  577. simul
    at the same time, together, at once, as soon as, also, likewise
  578. solito tempore
    at the usual time
  579. septimana vergente
    at the weekend
  580. scalas moenibus applico (adplico)
    attach storm ladders to the wall
  581. summum bonum in virtute pono
    attach the highest value to virtue
  582. stipator, stipatoris m
    attendant of a nobleman, attendant, bodyguard
  583. stipatrix, stipatricis f
    attendant upon, thronging in attendance
  584. societas autocinetica
    automobile company
  585. suppetilis, suppetile
    auxiliary, helpful, useful
  586. suppetulis, suppetule
    auxiliary, helpful, useful
  587. suspicionem a me depello
    avert suspicion from oneself
  588. suspicionem a me propulso
    avert suspicion from oneself
  589. suscitator, suscitatoris m
    awakener, resuscitator
  590. suscitatio, suscitationis f
    awakening, resuscitation
  591. scaevus, scaeva, scaevum
    awkward, perverse, stupid, silly
  592. scaevitas, scaevitatis f
    awkwardness, perverseness, unskilfulness
  593. sinisteritas, sinisteritatis f
    awkwardness, untowardness, perversity
  594. subula, subulae f
    awl, a very small weapon
  595. securifer, securifera, securiferum
    axe bearing, armed with a battle axe
  596. securiger, securigera, securigerum
    axe bearing, armed with a battle axe
  597. securis, securis f
    axe, hatchet, blow, death blow
  598. sermocinator, sermocinatoris m
  599. suppus, suppa, suppum
  600. supinus, supina, supinum
    backwards, bent backwards, thrown backwards, lying on the back, supine, going back, retrograde, sloping, inclined, stretched out, extended, careless, thoughtless, heedless, negligent, indolent, with head thrown back, haughty, proud
  601. scelerate
    bad, impious, wicked, infamous, vicious, flagitious
  602. sceleratus, scelerata, sceleratum
    bad, impious, wicked, infamous, vicious, flagitious
  603. sinistre
    badly, wrongly, perversely
  604. siliginarius, siliginarii m
    baker of wheat flour
  605. similaginarius, similaginaria, similaginarium
    baking with finest wheat flour
  606. sphaerista, sphaeristae m
  607. spaera, spaerae f
    ball, globe, sphere
  608. sphaera, sphaerae f
    ball, globe, sphere
  609. sphera, spherae f
    ball, globe, sphere
  610. secta, sectae f
    band of robbers
  611. stroppus, stroppi m
    band, thong, strap
  612. struppus, struppi m
    band, thong, strap
  613. sera, serae f
    bar for fastening doors
  614. sepimen, sepiminis n
    barrier, enclosure, hedge, fencing, fence
  615. sepimentum, sepimenti n
    barrier, enclosure, hedge, fencing, fence
  616. suffusus, suffusa, suffusum
    bashful, shamefaced, prudish, modest
  617. sententia summa
    basic Idea
  618. semina rerum
    basic materials of nature
  619. scaphium, scaphii n
    basin in the form of a boat
  620. scirpiculus, scirpiculi m
    basket made of rushes, rush basket
  621. sirpiculus, sirpicula, sirpiculum
    basket made of rushes, rush basket
  622. sirpiculus, sirpiculi m
    basket made of rushes, rush basket
  623. surpiculus, surpiculi m
    basket made of rushes, rush basket
  624. salix viminea
    basket willow
  625. sirpea,sirpeae f
    basket work of rushes, body of a wagon
  626. sirpia, sirpiae f
    basket work of rushes, body of a wagon
  627. subdubito 1
    be a little doubtful, be a little undecided, have some hesitation
  628. servio 4
    be a servant, be a slave, serve, be in service, help, assist, be serviceable to, be useful for
  629. stupefio
    be amazed, be upset, lose your temper, go berserk
  630. sum pro aliquo
    be an advantage to sb, , be an asset to sb,
  631. somno opprimor
    be assaulted by sleep
  632. summa necessitudine aliquem contingo
    be associated with sombody
  633. suppeto 3
    be at hand, be in store, be present, be equal to, be sufficient for, suffice, agree with, correspond to, ask in place of another, to personate another in asking
  634. somno experrectus sum
    be awake from sleep
  635. somno excutior
    be awakened from sleep
  636. summa familiaritate coniunctus sum cum aliquo
    be bound together in the deepest friendship
  637. supra caput sum
    be burdensome, be annoying
  638. supra caput sum
    be close at hand
  639. sublate dico
    be concealed beneath, , be concealed below, be hidden underneath
  640. sensu audiendi careo
    be deaf
  641. sordeo 2
    be dirty, be filthy, be foul, be mean, be base, be low, be sordid, seem base, seem paltry, seem despised, seem slighted, held of no account, seem paltry, seem of small account
  642. studeo 2
    be eager , be zealous, take pains about, be diligent in, be anxious about, be busy one’s self with, strive after, apply one’s self to, pursue some course of action, desire, wish
  643. summe exspecto, quidnam ...
    be eager to learn
  644. subtervaco 1
    be empty below
  645. suffragium habeo
    be entitled to vote
  646. suppedito 1
    be fully supplied, be in abundance, be at hand, be in store, have in abundance, abound, be rich in, be enough, be sufficient, suffice, be fit for, be equal to, be a match for
  647. superbio 4
    be haughty, be proud, take pride in a thing, disdains, be superb, be splendid, be magnificent
  648. summo ingenio praeditus sum
    be highly talented
  649. sum in ambiguo
    be in an uncertain position
  650. sum cum aliquo
    be in cahoots with sb,
  651. sentino 1
    be in difficulty, be in danger
  652. surio 4
    be in heat
  653. summae imperii praesum
    be in supreme command
  654. suis legibus uti
    be independent
  655. sumptui parco
    be inexpensive
  656. succenseo 2
    be inflamed with anger, be angry, be irritated, be enraged
  657. suscenseo 2
    be inflamed with anger, be angry, be irritated, be enraged
  658. stomachor 1
    be irritated, be peevish, be pettish, be vexed, be angry, be out of humor, fume, fret, be angry, be vexed
  659. sum in aliquem locum
    be located somewhere
  660. sessilis, sessile
    be longing to sitting, fit for sitting upon, low, dwarf
  661. supereffulgeo 2
    be more than effulgent
  662. sileo 2
    be noiseless, still, silen, keep silence, not to speak of, to keep silent respecting a thing, be still, be quiet, remain inactive, rest, cease
  663. summa gloria floreo
    be on the crest of my fame
  664. superfio
    be over and above, be left, remain
  665. supersum
    be over and above, be left, remain, exist still, live after, outlive, be still alive, survive, be in abundance, abound, be in excess, be superabundant, be superfluous, be present, serve by being present, assist, serve as an advocate, be over, be beyond, be prominent
  666. superstito 1
    be over, be remaining
  667. somno opprimor
    be overcome by sleep
  668. supplicio afficior
    be put to death, be executed
  669. sedeo 2
    be quieted
  670. successorem accipio
    be removed from office
  671. supplicio aliquem coerceo
    be sent to punishment
  672. stello 1
    be set with star, be covered with star
  673. subtimeo 2
    be somewhat afraid, fear a little
  674. subirascor 3
    be somewhat angry
  675. suppudet
    be somewhat ashamed
  676. subdiffido 3
    be somewhat distrustful
  677. subvereor 2
    be somewhat fearful, be somewhat apprehensive
  678. squaleo 2
    be stiff, be rough, be desert, be untilled, be waste, mourn in squalid garments
  679. stupeo 2
    be struck senseless, be stunned, be benumbed, be struck aghast, be astonished, be astounded, be amazed, be confounded, be stupefied, be astonished, be amazed at, wonder at any thing
  680. subservio 4
    be subject to, serve, comply with, humor, accommodate one’s self to
  681. somno captus sum
    be sunk in sleep
  682. somno oppressus sum
    be sunk in sleep
  683. supervaco 1
    be superfluous
  684. suspicionem alicuius rei habeo
    be suspect of something, be suspicious of something
  685. suspector 1
    be suspect, be under suspicion
  686. suspicione non careo
    be suspect, be under suspicion
  687. somno vincor
    be unable to resist sleep
  688. subsum
    be under, be among, be behind, be near, be close, be at hand, be near, approach, be underneath, be at the bottom, be under, exist under, lie concealed in
  689. superabundo 1
    be very abundant, superabound
  690. stritto 1
    be weak in the feet
  691. studeo 2
    be zealous for any one, be friendly, be attached to one, be favorable to one, be favor, be apply one’s self to learning, be apply one’s self to study, be diligent in study
  692. sum
    be, exist, live, happen, occur, befall, take place, be present, be at a place, depend upon, rest with, be of, belong to, be of use for, serve for
  693. sorbitio fabaria
    bean soup, soup of beans
  694. sumptus tolero
    bear the costs
  695. sphondylion, sphondylii n
    bear’s-foot, bear’s-wort, spicknel
  696. sphondylium, sphondylii n
    bear’s-foot, bear’s-wort, spicknel
  697. spondilium, spondilii n
    bear’s-foot, bear’s-wort, spicknel
  698. spondylion, spondylii n
    bear’s-foot, bear’s-wort, spicknel
  699. sustentabilis, sustentabile
  700. subvector, subvectoris m
    bearer, carrier, conveyer
  701. sesquioctavus decimus, sesquioctava decima, sesquioctavum decimum
    bearing the ratio of nineteen to eighteen
  702. silviger, silvigera, silvigerum
    bearing woods, wooded, woody
  703. sufferentia, sufferentiae f
    bearing, enduring, toleration, sufferance
  704. subiugale, subiugalis n
    beast of burden
  705. sugillo 1
    beat black-and blue, flout, jeer, taunt, scoff at, insult, revile, beat into one, suggest
  706. symbolae, symbolarum f
    beatings, floggings
  707. scitus, scita, scitum
    beautiful, elegant, fine
  708. sopior 4
    became unconscious, became senseless, was stunned, be laid to rest, be laid to die
  709. splendesco 3
    become bright, become shining, derive lustre
  710. surdesco 3
    become deaf
  711. sordesco 3
    become dirty, grow filthy, become wild, lie untilled, be mean, be vile
  712. sicco 1
    become dry, get dry
  713. solidesco 3
    become firm, become solid, whole, unite, grow together
  714. subdeficio 5
    become more and more feeble, fail somewhat
  715. situ pcorrumpor 3
    become mouldy, become musty
  716. subhorresco 3
    become rough from below, stormy from below, boil up
  717. segnesco 3
    become slow, abate, decrease
  718. silesco 3
    become still, become silent, become calm
  719. spissesco 3
    become thick, thicken, condense
  720. suesco 3
    become used, become accustomed, accustom, habituate, train
  721. stratum, strati n
    bed, covering, coverlet, quilt, blanket, pillow, bolster, bed, couch, horsecloth, housing, saddle, pavement
  722. stroma, stromatis n
    bedcovering, coverlet
  723. stratorium, stratoriī n
  724. seminium, seminii n
    begetting of animals, procreation of animals, race of animals, stock of animals, breed of animals
  725. satus, sata, satum
  726. sperare videor
    being allowed to hope
  727. singularitas, singularitatis f
    being alone, being single, singleness, singular number, unity, number one
  728. solitudo, solitudinis f
    being alone, being solitary, loneliness, solitariness, solitude, lonely place, desert, wilderness
  729. solitas, solitatis f
    being alone, loneliness, solitude
  730. situs, situs m
    being laid, being placed, lying, manner of lying, situation, local position, site of a thing, a quarter of the world, region, rust, mould, mustiness, dust, dirt, neglect, idleness, absence of use, rusting, moulding, wasting away, dulness, inactivity
  731. sectarius vervex
  732. strophoma, strophomatis n
    bellyache, gripes, colic
  733. strophus, strophi m
    bellyache, gripes, colic
  734. sudatorius, sudatoria, sudatorium
    belonging to sweating, serving for sweating, sudatory
  735. sphaeralis, sphaerale
    belonging to a ball, globular, spherical
  736. sphaericus, sphaerica, sphaericum
    belonging to a ball, spherical
  737. sphericus, spherica, sphericum
    belonging to a ball, spherical
  738. symposiacus, symposiaca, symposiacum
    belonging to a banquet, convivial, symposiac
  739. sonarius, sonaria, sonarium
    belonging to a belt, belonging to a girdle
  740. sellularius, sellularia, sellularium
    belonging to a chair:
  741. scalaris, scalare
    belonging to a flight of steps, belonging to a ladder
  742. semissalis, semissale
    belonging to a half as
  743. semissarius, semissaria, semissarium
    belonging to a half as, who inherits one half
  744. specularis, speculare
    belonging to a mirror, like a mirror
  745. subsidiarius, subsidiaria, subsidiarium
    belonging to a reserve, reserve-, subsidiary, serving for support
  746. subsidialis, subsidiale
    belonging to a reserve, subsidiary
  747. scholaris, scholare
    belonging to a school
  748. scolaris, scolare
    belonging to a school
  749. scholasticus, scholastica, scholasticum
    belonging to a school, scholastic
  750. scholicus, scholica, scholicum
    belonging to a school, school,
  751. scorpionius, scorpionia, scorpionium
    belonging to a scorpion
  752. sellaris, sellare
    belonging to a seat
  753. senatorius, senatoria, senatorium
    belonging to a senator, senatorial
  754. seviralis, sevirale
    belonging to a sexvir
  755. stlatarius, stlataria, stlatarium
    belonging to a ship, brought by ship, costly
  756. sutoricius, sutoricia, sutoricium
    belonging to a shoemaker
  757. sutorius, sutoria, sutorium
    belonging to a shoemaker, belonging to a cobbler
  758. sutrinus, sutrina, sutrinum
    belonging to a shoemaker, belonging to a cobbler, shoemaker’s-
  759. sororius, sororia, sororium
    belonging to a sister, sisterly
  760. servilis, servile
    belonging to a slave, slavish, servile
  761. stratioticus, stratiotica, stratioticum
    belonging to a soldier, soldierlike, military
  762. synanchicus, synanchica, synanchicum
    belonging to a soreness of the throat
  763. scrofinus, scrofina, scrofinum
    belonging to a sow
  764. scrophinus, scrophina, scrophinum
    belonging to a sow
  765. suminatus, suminata, suminatum
    belonging to a sow’s udder, that has the paps on
  766. stellaris, stellare
    belonging to a star, starry
  767. stabularius, stabularia, stabularium
    belonging to a stopping-place, belonging to a stable
  768. syllogisticus, syllogistica, syllogisticum
    belonging to a syllogism, syllogistic
  769. synodalis, synodale
    belonging to a synod, synodal
  770. sepulcralis, sepulcrale
    belonging to a tomb, sepulchral
  771. silvester, silvestris, silvestre
    belonging to a wood, belonging to a forest, overgrown with woods, wooded, woody, growing wild, wild
  772. silvestris, silvestre
    belonging to a wood, belonging to a forest, overgrown with woods, wooded, woody, growing wild, wild
  773. sodaliciarius, sodaliciaria, sodaliciarium
    belonging to an association, belonging to an fellowship
  774. sodalitiarius, sodalitiaria, sodalitiarium
    belonging to an association, belonging to an fellowship
  775. simininus, siminina, simininum
    belonging to apes, of apes
  776. sponsalis, sponsale
    belonging to betrothal, belonging to espousal, belonging to spousal, belonging to sponsal
  777. sponsalicius, sponsalicia, sponsalicium
    belonging to betrothal, spousal
  778. subiunctivus, subiunctiva, subiunctivum
    belonging to binding together, connecting
  779. spiritalis, spiritale
    belonging to breathing, belonging to wind, belonging to air, belonging to spirit, spiritual
  780. spiritualis, spirituale
    belonging to breathing, belonging to wind, belonging to air, belonging to spirit, spiritual
  781. spartarius, spartaria, spartarium
    belonging to broom, bearing broom
  782. structorius, structoria, structorium
    belonging to building, architectural
  783. structilis, structile
    belonging to building, that is built or constructed, that is designed or used for building
  784. sepulturarius, sepulturaria, sepulturarium
    belonging to burial
  785. symphoniacus, symphoniaca, symphoniacum
    belonging to concerts, belonging to music
  786. suasorius, suasoria, suasorium
    belonging to counselling, belonging to persuading, suasory, persuasive, belonging to the suasory species of discourse, hortatory, suasory
  787. scotomaticus, scotomatica, scotomaticum
    belonging to dimness of vision
  788. stercerarius, sterceraria, stercerarium
    belonging to dung
  789. stercorarius, stercoraria, stercorarium
    belonging to dung
  790. sodalicius, sodalicia, sodalicium
    belonging to fellowship, belonging to companionship, pertaining to an unlawful secret association
  791. sodalitius, sodalitia, sodalitium
    belonging to fellowship, belonging to companionship, pertaining to an unlawful secret association
  792. semitalis, semitale
    belonging to foot paths
  793. suspendiosus, suspendiosa, suspendiosum
    belonging to hanging, suffered while hanging
  794. semitarius, semitaria, semitarium
    belonging to lanes
  795. spondeus, spondea, spondeum
    belonging to libations
  796. spondius, spondia, spondium
    belonging to libations
  797. stipendiosus, stipendiosa, stipendiosum
    belonging to military servic
  798. senilis, senile
    belonging to old people, aged, senile
  799. stagnatilis, stagnatile
    belonging to ponds, belonging to pools
  800. stagnensis, stagnense
    belonging to ponds, belonging to pools
  801. supputarius, supputaria, supputarium
    belonging to reckoning, belonging to computation
  802. supputatorius, supputatoria, supputatorium
    belonging to reckoning, belonging to computation
  803. sigillaricius, sigillaricia, sigillaricium
    belonging to sealing
  804. signatorius, signatoria, signatorium
    belonging to sealing
  805. seminarius, seminaria, seminarium
    belonging to seed
  806. sementinus, sementina, sementinum
    belonging to seed, belonging to sowing, that occur at seed time, proper for sowing
  807. sementivus, sementiva, sementivum
    belonging to seed, belonging to sowing, that occur at seed time, proper for sowing
  808. separativus, separativa, separativum
    belonging to separation, disjunctive, separative
  809. sequestrarius, sequestraria, sequestrarium
    belonging to sequestration
  810. sexualis, sexuale
    belonging to sex, sexual
  811. surcularius, surcularia, surcularium
    belonging to shoots, belonging to twigs, planted with young trees, living among the twigs, living among branches
  812. sericarius, sericaria, sericarium
    belonging to silks
  813. siricarius, siricaria, siricarium
    belonging to silks
  814. sedentarius, sedentaria, sedentarium
    belonging to sitting, sitting, sedentary
  815. somnurnus, somnurna, somnurnum
    belonging to sleep, seen in sleep
  816. strutheus, struthea, strutheum
    belonging to sparrows
  817. struthius, struthia, struthium
    belonging to sparrows
  818. sermonalis, sermonale
    belonging to speech, speaking
  819. speculatorius, speculatoria, speculatorium
    belonging to spies, belonging to scouts
  820. segetalis, segetale
    belonging to standing crops
  821. statarius, stataria, statarium
    belonging to standing, belonging to standing fast, standing, standing firm, stationary, steady
  822. stramentarius, stramentaria, stramentarium
    belonging to straw
  823. Suburanus, Suburana, Suburanum
    belonging to Subura
  824. successorius, successoria, successorium
    belonging to succession, successory
  825. suillinus, suillina, suillinum
    belonging to swine
  826. suillus, suilla, suillum
    belonging to swine
  827. suarius, suaria, suarium
    belonging to swine, swine-
  828. suinus, suina, suinum
    belonging to swine, swine-
  829. sidereus, siderea, sidereum
    belonging to the constellations, belonging to the stars, starry, heavenly, divine, bright, glittering, shining, excellent, brilliant, divine
  830. siriacus, siriaca, siriacum
    belonging to the dog star, of the dog star
  831. smaragdineus, smaragdinea, smaragdineum
    belonging to the emerald, smaragdine
  832. smaragdinus, smaragdina, smaragdinum
    belonging to the emerald, smaragdine
  833. substantialis, substantiale
    belonging to the essence, belonging to the substance, essential, substantial, substantial, substantive
  834. Septimontialis, Septimontiale
    belonging to the feast of the Seven Hills
  835. solarius, solaria, solarium (solum)
    belonging to the land
  836. scenofactorius, scenofactoria, scenofactorium
    belonging to the making of tents
  837. septemtrionalis, septemtrionale
    belonging to the north, northern, north,
  838. septemtrionarius, septemtrionaria, septemtrionarium
    belonging to the north, northern, north,
  839. septentrionalis, septentrionale
    belonging to the north, northern, north,
  840. septimanus, septimana, septimanum
    belonging to the number seven
  841. septumanus, septumana, septumanum
    belonging to the number seven
  842. septuagenarius, septuagenaria, septuagenarium
    belonging to the number seventy, containing seventy, septuagenarian
  843. sirpicus, sirpica, sirpicum
    belonging to the plant sirpe
  844. sectorius, sectoria, sectorium
    belonging to the purchase of confiscated effects
  845. sotericianus, sotericiana, sotericianum
    belonging to the Saviour
  846. secundarius, secundaria, secundarium
    belonging to the second class, sort, or quality
  847. septemviralis, septemvirale
    belonging to the septemvirs, septemviral
  848. Sericus, Serica, Sericum
    belonging to the Seres
  849. soricinus, soricina, soricinum
    belonging to the shrew-mouse
  850. Sibyllinus, Sibyllina, Sibyllinum
    belonging to the Sibyl, Sibylline
  851. spinalis, spinale
    belonging to the spine, spinal
  852. spionicus, spionica, spionicum
    belonging to the spionia
  853. scaenalis, scaenale
    belonging to the stage
  854. scaenatilis, scaenatile
    belonging to the stage
  855. scenatilis, scenatile
    belonging to the stage
  856. scaenarius, scaenaria, scaenarium
    belonging to the stage, scenic, dramatic, theatrical
  857. scaenicus, scaenica, scaenicum
    belonging to the stage, scenic, dramatic, theatrical
  858. scenicus, scenica, scenicum
    belonging to the stage, scenic, dramatic, theatrical
  859. scenalis, scenale
    belonging to the stage, scenic, theatrical
  860. scenarius, scenaria, scenarium
    belonging to the stage, scenic, theatrical
  861. sideralis, siderale
    belonging to the stars, sidereal
  862. subiectivus, subiectiva, subiectivum
    belonging to the subject of a proposition, subjective
  863. solstitialis, solstitiale
    belonging to the summer solstice, solstitial, belonging to midsummer, summer heat, belonging to the sun, solar
  864. solarius, solaria, solarium (sol)
    belonging to the sun, sun-, solar, sunny
  865. solaris, solare
    belonging to the sun, sun-, solar, sunny, towards the sun
  866. suffragatorius, suffragatoria, suffragatorium
    belonging to the support of a candidate, recommendatory, suffragatory
  867. superficialis, superficiale
    belonging to the surface, superficial, denoting the superficial content
  868. scripturarius, scripturaria, scripturarium
    belonging to the tax on pastures
  869. supernas, supernatis
    belonging to the upper country, upper, northern
  870. subiugius, subiugia, subiugium
    belonging to the yoke, that is attached to the yoke
  871. stupparius, stupparia, stupparium
    belonging to tow
  872. stipendialis, stipendiale
    belonging to tribute
  873. stipendiarius, stipendiaria, stipendiarium
    belonging to tribute, liable to impost, liable to contribution, tributary, receiving pay, serving for pay, stipendiary
  874. scriptionalis, scriptionale
    belonging to writing
  875. scriptorius, scriptoria, scriptorium
    belonging to writing, writing,
  876. sublunaris, sublunare
    below the moon
  877. subter
    below, beneath, underneath
  878. subtus
    below, beneath, underneath
  879. subter + Abl.
    below, beneath, underneath, under, close to
  880. subter + Akk.
    below, beneath, underneath, under, close to
  881. scutica, scuticae f (scytica, scyticae f)
    belt whip, lash
  882. sona, sonae f
    belt, girdle, zone, kind of herpes, shingles
  883. sedes, sedis f
    bench, chair, throne
  884. supino 1
    bend backwards, lay backwards, place on the back, put on the back, throw on the back, turned over, ploughed up
  885. succlino 1
    bend somewhat, incline somewhat
  886. sinuo 1
    bend, wind, curve, bow, swell out in curves, hollow out, excavate
  887. supinitas, supinitatis f
    bending backwards, lying flat, flatness
  888. sinuamen, sinuaminis n
    bending, bend, curve
  889. sinuatio, sinuationis f
    bending, turning, winding
  890. superflexus, superflexa, superflexum
    bent over
  891. superincurvatus, superincurvata, superincurvatum
    bent over, stooping over
  892. sinus, sinus m
    bent surface, curve, fold, hollow, purse, money, bosom, bay, bight, gulf, basin, hollow, valley, the interior part, the inmost part of a thing
  893. super quam, quod
    besides that
  894. sublino 3
    besmear beneat, anoint beneath, lay on as a groundcolor, prime with any thing, put underneath, underlay
  895. stellans, stellantis
    bestarred, starry, glittering, shining
  896. sponso 1
    betroth, affiance, espouse
  897. sponsalia, sponsaliorum n (sponsalia, um n)
    betrothal, espousal, betrothal feast, betrothal gift
  898. sponsus, sponsi m
    betrothed man, a bridegroom
  899. sposus, sposi m
    betrothed man, a bridegroom
  900. sponsa, sponsae f
    betrothed woman, bride
  901. sperata, speratae f
    betrothed, intended, over, bride
  902. speratus, sperati m
    betrothed, intended, over, bride
  903. sculpo 3
    bilden, meißeln, modellieren, schnitzen
  904. subligo 1
    bind below, tie below, bind on
  905. substringo 3
    bind beneath, bind up, tie up, draw up
  906. sustollo 3
    bind beneath, bind up, tie up, draw up
  907. superdeligo 1
    bind over
  908. superilligo 1
    bind over, bind upon
  909. superstringo 3
    bind together above, draw together above, draw together over
  910. surclo 1
    bind together with twigs
  911. surculo 1
    bind together with twigs
  912. subnecto 3
    bind under, tie under, bind on beneath, add, subjoin
  913. subligatio, subligationis f
    binding below, tying below
  914. subligatura, subligaturae f
    binding below, tying below
  915. suffrenatio, suffrenationis f
    binding down fast, cementing
  916. septimestris partus
    birth after seven months of pregnancy
  917. sales suffusi felle
    biting jokes, sardonic jokes, malicious jokes
  918. sugillatio, sugillationis f
    blackand-blue mark, a livid spot, affronting, insulting
  919. spinus, spini f
    blackthorn, sloe-tree
  920. spinus, spinus f
    blackthorn, sloe-tree
  921. subaccuso 1
    blame somewhat, accuse somewhat
  922. sublaqueo 1
  923. solis ardores
    blazing heat of the sun
  924. status sanguinis
    blood count
  925. sanguis torrens
  926. sanguine decolor
  927. superfloresco 3
    blossoming all over
  928. sufflo 1
    blow forth from below, to blow up, puff out, inflate, got enraged
  929. sufflatio, sufflationis f
    blowing up, puffing up, inflation
  930. scybalon, scybali n
    body dung
  931. sufferveo 2
    boil gently, seethe gently
  932. suffervefio
    boil up
  933. sponsor, sponsoris m
    bondsman, surety, godfather, godmother, sponsor
  934. speculatoria, speculatoriae f
    boot worn by spies, boot worn by scouts
  935. superforo 1
    bore from above
  936. saxigenus, saxigena, saxigenum
    born from stone
  937. satus, sata, satum
  938. subteradnexus, subteradnexa, subteradnexum
    bottom tied to
  939. subterannexus, subterannexa, subterannexum
    bottom tied to
  940. subcumbus, subcumbi m
  941. succumbus, succumbi m
  942. scambus, scamba, scambum
    bow legged, bandy legged
  943. suffercitus, suffercita, suffercitum
  944. sertus, serta, sertum
  945. syntrophium, syntrophii n
  946. surus, suri m
    branch, stake
  947. stigmo 1
    brand, stigmatize
  948. subverbustus, a, um
    branded under the spear
  949. suffringo 3
    break below, break
  950. subrumpo 3
    break off below, destroy
  951. sponsum nego
    break one’s pledge, disown one’s pledge
  952. silentium vinco
    break the silence
  953. suppedo 3
    break wind softly, , fart a little, fart slightly
  954. statumen fluctigerum
  955. sumen, suminis n
    breast of women, sow’s udder, paps of a sow, sow, hog, fat part, richest portion
  956. singulto 1
    breathe out with sobs, gasp away with short sobs
  957. spiro 1
    breathe, blow, draw breath, respire, be favorable, favor, live, be alive, be poetically inspired, have the lyric spirit, be puffed up, be proud, be arrogant, breathe out, exhale, emit, breathe feebly, breathe forth, exhale, breathe into, be full of, show, express, manifest
  958. suspiriosus, suspiriosa, suspiriosum
    breathing deeply, breathing with difficulty, breathing short, asthmatic
  959. suspiritus, suspiritus m
    breathing deeply, breathing with difficulty, deep breath, sigh
  960. spiramentum, spiramenti n
    breathing-hole, airhole, vent, pore, spiracle, breathing space, brief pause, brief interval, instant
  961. spiramen, spiraminis n
    breathing-hole, passage for the breath, air-hole, thrill, vent, breathing, blowing
  962. spiratio, spirationis f
    breathing, breath
  963. spiratus, spiratus m
    breathing, breath
  964. spiritus, spiritus m
    breathing, gentle blowing of air, breath, breeze, air, exhalation, smell, odor, inspiration, breath of life, life, aspiration, hiss of a snake, haughty spirit, haughtiness, pride, arrogance, high spirit, energy, courage, spirit, soul, mind
  965. spiraculum, spiraculi n
    breathinghole, air-hole, vent, spiracle
  966. scrofa, scrofae f
    breeding sow
  967. seminatio, seminationis f
    breeding, propagation
  968. sponsale, sponsalis n
    bridal bed
  969. sponsalis, sponsalis m
    Bridal chamber
  970. sponsus et sponsa
    Bridal pair
  971. sponsus sponsaque
    Bridal pair
  972. succincte
    briefly, concisely, succinctly
  973. succinctim
    briefly, concisely, succinctly
  974. scintilla, scintillae f
    bright point, sparkling point
  975. sudum, sudi n
    bright weather, clear weather
  976. splendidus, splendida, splendidum
    bright, shining, glittering, brilliant, illustrious, distinguished, noble, showy, fine, specious
  977. sudum
  978. splendide
    brightly, brilliantly, splendidly, nobly, intelligibly, ostentatiously
  979. splendifice
    brightly, splendidly
  980. splendentia, splendentiae f
  981. splendificus, splendifica, splendificum
    brilliant, shiny, bright
  982. superefficio 5
    brim over
  983. sulfur, sulfuris n
    brimstone, sulphur
  984. sulphur, sulphuris n
    brimstone, sulphur
  985. subadmoveo 2
    bring close
  986. si quid belli habes, affer!
    bring it on if you have something pretty!
  987. suffragium inire iubeo
    bring sb to the vote
  988. suspicionem confero in aliquem
    bring someone under suspicion, cast suspicion on somebody
  989. signa sustineo
    bring the army to a halt
  990. sermonem alio transfero
    bring the language to something else, give the conversation a different direction, , steer the conversation to another point, change the topic
  991. summatim expono
    bring to the point
  992. subiugo 1
    bring under the yoke, subject, subjugate
  993. subigo 3
    bring under, get under, bring up, get up, bring up to any place, turn up from beneath, break up, dig up, plough, cultivate, work, knead, rub down, sharpen, whet, tame, break, put down, overcome, conquer, subjugate, subject, subdue
  994. subveho 3
    bring up from below, bring, carry, convey, conduct to a place, bring up stream, carry up stream
  995. superingero 3
    bring upon, heap upon
  996. splendorifer, splendorifera, splendoriferum
    bringing brightness, bringing splendor
  997. serenifer, serenifera, sereniferum
    bringing fair weather, clearing up
  998. sereniger, serenigera, serenigerum
    bringing fair weather, clearing up
  999. strenuus, strenua, strenuum
    brisk, nimble, quick, prompt, active, vigorous, strenuous, restless, turbulent
  1000. strenue
    briskly, quickly, promptly, actively, strenuously
  1001. setiger, setigeri m
    bristle bearer, bristler, boar
  1002. setiger, setigera, setigerum
    bristle bearing, having coarse hair, having bristles, bristly, setaceous
  1003. seta, setae f
    bristle, stiff hair, spiny leaves, brush made from bristles
  1004. scopula, scopulae f
    broom twig
  1005. syrus, syri m
    broom, besom
  1006. scopo 1
    brush away, sweep away
  1007. sulfura taedis circumlino
    brush sulphur around the torches
  1008. summas undas stringo
    brush the crest of the wave
  1009. situla, situlae f
    bucket for drawing water, urn used in drawing lots
  1010. situlus, situli m
    bucket for drawing water, urn used in drawing lots
  1011. specialis, specialis m
    buddy, special
  1012. sumptuum futurorum existimatio
    budget planning
  1013. sumptuum futurorum existimatio
  1014. substruo 3
    build beneath, to underbuild, lay
  1015. superinstruo 3
    build over, build upon, arrange over one another
  1016. superaedifico 1
    build upon, build over
  1017. superstruo 3
    build upon, build over, superstruct
  1018. superaedificatio, superaedificationis f
    building upon
  1019. schoenus, schoeni m
  1020. sepultorium, sepultorii n
    burial ground
  1021. sepulcrum, sepulcri n
    burial place, grave, tomb, sepulchre, grave, tomb
  1022. sepultura, sepulturae f
    burial, interment, funeral obsequies, sepulture
  1023. sepulcretum, sepulcreti n
    burialplace, cemetery
  1024. suburo 3
    burn slightly, singe, scorch
  1025. sepulio 4
  1026. sepelio 4
    bury, overwhelm, submerge, destroy, ruin, suppress
  1027. sedule
    busily, diligently, carefully
  1028. sedulo
    busily, diligently, industriously, eagerly, carefully, zealously, unremittingly, assiduously, solicitously, sedulously
  1029. sedulus, sedula, sedulum
    busy, diligent, industrious, zealous, careful, unremitting, solicitous, assiduous, sedulous
  1030. studium, studii n
    busying one’s self about a thing, application to a thing, assiduity, zeal, eagerness, fondness, inclination, desire, exertion, endeavor, study, good-will, affection, attachment, devotion, favor, kindness
  1031. sin
    but if
  1032. sed
  1033. sedum
  1034. sumo 3
    buy, purchase, enjoy, fascinate, charm
  1035. synoneton, synoneti n
    buying up, collecting by purchase
  1036. stillatim
    by drops, drop by drop
  1037. sortito
    by lot, by fate, by destiny
  1038. suis viribus
    by oneself, on its own
  1039. scissim
    by rending, by cleaving, by dividing
  1040. scripulatim
    by scruples
  1041. scrupulatim
    by scruples
  1042. summo iure
    by strict law
  1043. synecdochice
    by synecdoche
  1044. synecdochicus, synecdochica, synecdochicum
    by synecdoche
  1045. sensibiliter
    by the senses, sensibly
  1046. stirpitus
    by the stalk, by the roots, root and branch, stock and stump, utterly
  1047. secivum, secivi n
    cake, pancake
  1048. sura, surae f
    calf of the leg, smaller bone of the leg
  1049. suffragium decretorium fero
    call a second ballot
  1050. sevoco 1
    call apart, call aside, call away, call off, separate, withdraw, remove
  1051. subclamo 1
    call out, cry out, shout, exclaim
  1052. succlamo 1
    call out, cry out, shout, exclaim
  1053. succlamatio, succlamationis f
    calling out, crying out, shouting, acclamation
  1054. sedate
    calmly, tranquilly, sedately
  1055. stratopedon, stratopedi n
  1056. stratopedum, stratopedi n
  1057. sedibilis, sedibile
    capable of being sat upon
  1058. secabilitas, secabilitatis f
    capacity for being cut or divided
  1059. sensualitas, sensualitatis f
    capacity for sensation, sensibility
  1060. sollicite
    carefully, punctiliously, anxiously, with grief, with solicitude
  1061. secure
    carelessly, heedlessly, fearlessly, unconcernedly, quietly, safely, securely
  1062. supine
    carelessly, negligently
  1063. socorditer
    carelessly, negligently, slothfully
  1064. subblandior 4
    caress a little, fondle a little
  1065. suppalpor 1
    caress a little, fondle a little, wheedle a little
  1066. sollemnia antequadragesimalia
  1067. subiunctorium, subiunctorii n
    carriage drawn by animals, beast used for draught
  1068. superinungo 3
    carry above
  1069. subterduco 3
    carry off secretly, to steal away any thing
  1070. superveho 3
    carry over
  1071. superfero
    carry over, carry beyond, place over, put over
  1072. supporto 1
    carry to a place, bring to a place, convey to a place
  1073. suffero
    carry under, to put under, lay under, offer, proffer, hold up, bear, support, sustain, take upon one’s self, undergo, bear, endure, suffer an evil
  1074. suggero 3
    carry, bring, put under, lay under, heap up, raise, erect, build, furnish, afford, supply, excite, produce, put upon, imposed upon, suggest, advise, prompt, offer, bring to mind, assign, add, subjoin
  1075. subvectus, subvectus m
    carrying, conveying, conveyance
  1076. subvectio, subvectionis f
    carrying, transporting, conveying, conveyance
  1077. secamenta, secamentorum n
    carved work
  1078. scissor, scissoris m
  1079. scrinium, scrinii n
    case, chest, box for keeping books, box for keeping papers, box for keeping letters, book box, letter case, escritoir
  1080. sortior 4
    cast lots, draw lots, fix, assign by lot, appoint by lot, allot, obtain by lot, receive by lot, share, divide, distribute, choose, select, obtain, receive
  1081. suffragium fero
    cast one's ballot
  1082. superiacio 5
    cast over, throw over, cast upon, throw upon, overdo, exaggerate, overtop with any thing
  1083. supinatio, supinationis f
    casting back
  1084. sortitio, sortitionis f
    casting of lots, drawing of lots, choosing by lot, determining by lot, sortition
  1085. sortitus, sortitus m
    casting of lots, drawing of lots, lot, fate, destiny
  1086. sectio, sectionis f
  1087. sollicito 1
    cause anxiety, cause uneasiness, distress, fill with apprehension, cause fear, cause suspense of the mind, cause anxiety for the future, grieve, afflict, make wretched, arouse, excite, incite, urge to wrong-doing, inveigle, seduce, incite, stimulate, provoke, tempt, abet
  1088. scandalum, scandali n
    cause of offence
  1089. subrogo 1
    cause to be chosen in place of another, put in another’s place, substitute
  1090. surrogo 1
    cause to be chosen in place of another, put in another’s place, substitute
  1091. suspendo 3
    cause to be suspended, make uncertain, make doubtful, keep in suspense, stay, stop, check, interrupt, suspend, hang upon, fix upon
  1092. subradio 1
    cause to beam forth, indicate
  1093. surradio 1
    cause to beam forth, indicate
  1094. spumo 1
    cause to foam, cause to foam forth, cover with foam
  1095. sedo 1
    cause to sit, allay, settle, still, calm, assuage, appease, quiet, check, end, stop, stay
  1096. sisto 3 (tr.)
    cause to stand, place, produce in court, arrest, stop, end, put an end to
  1097. statuo 3
    cause to stand, set up, set, station, fix in an upright position, set in the ground, erect, plant, place, set forth, construct and place, set up after constructing, make, establish, found, build, cause to stand still, cause to stop, cause to stand firm
  1098. sufficio 5
    cause to take the place of, supply instead of, furnish as a substitute, be sufficient, suffice, avail for, meet the need of, satisfy
  1099. somnificus, somnifica, somnificum
    causing sleep, narcotic
  1100. spelunca latronum
    cave of robbers
  1101. spelaeum, spelaei n
    cave, cavern, den
  1102. speleum, spelei n
    cave, cavern, den
  1103. spelunca, speluncae f
    cave, cavern, den
  1104. specus, specus m
    cave, cavern, grot, den, cavity, chasm, ditch, drain, canal, channel, covered water-course, pit in mines
  1105. submuto 1
    change, interchange, substitute one thing for another
  1106. summuto 1
    change, interchange, substitute one thing for another
  1107. scaena versilis
    changeable stage, revolving stage
  1108. stephaneplocos, stephaneploci f
  1109. schoenus, schoeni m
    cheap parfume
  1110. savillum, savilli n
    cheese cake
  1111. savillum, savilli n
  1112. scutulata, scutulatorum n
    chequered garment
  1113. supermando 3
    chew after something else, eat after something else
  1114. stymma, stymmatis n
    chief ingredient of an unguent, foundation of an unguent
  1115. sufes, sufetis m
    chief magistrate of the Carthaginians, sufet
  1116. suffes, suffetis m
    chief magistrate of the Carthaginians, sufet
  1117. summatus, summatus m
    chief rule, supremacy, sovereignty
  1118. supertextor, supertextoris m
  1119. soligena, soligenae m
    child of the Sun
  1120. Sinensis, Sinense
  1121. superordinatio, superordinationis f
    choice of a bishop’s successor
  1122. spirarches, spirarchae m
    choir leader
  1123. strangulator, strangulatoris m
    choker, strangler
  1124. suffocatio, suffocationis f
    choking, stifling, suffocating
  1125. suffoco 1
    choking, stifling, suffocating, starve
  1126. strangulatus, strangulatus m
    choking, strangling
  1127. strangulatio, strangulationis f
    choking, suffocating, strangulation
  1128. subsortior 4
    choose by lot as a substitute
  1129. subdeligo 3
  1130. subdescendo 3
  1131. selector, selectoris m
    chooser, selecter
  1132. subsortitio, subsortitionis f
    choosing of substitutes by lot
  1133. selectio, selectionis f
    choosing out, choice, selection
  1134. sensim atque summissim rideo
  1135. Septimontium, Septimontii n
    circuit of the Seven Hills
  1136. status, status m
    civil status, condition, position, circumstances, constitution, institutions, form of government, characteristic, mark, character, essential feature, mood of the verb
  1137. superplaudo 3
    clap over a thing, flap over a thing, flap at a thing
  1138. sonitus armorum
    clash of arms
  1139. sincerus, sincera, sincerum
    clean, pure, sound, not spoiled, uninjured, whole, entire, real, natural, genuine, sincere, unharmed, unhurt, unblemished
  1140. sinceritas, sinceritatis f
    cleanness, purity, soundness, wholeness, moral purity, uprightness, honesty, integrity, sincerity
  1141. smegma, smegmatis n
    cleansing medicine, detergent
  1142. smigma, smigmatis n
    cleansing medicine, detergent
  1143. smecticus, smectica, smecticum
    cleansing, abstersive
  1144. surculo 1
    clear of shoots, clear of sprouts, prune, trim, surculate
  1145. serenum, sereni n
    clear sky, bright sky, serene sky, fair weather
  1146. serenitas, serenitatis f
    clear weather, fair weather, serene weather, fairness, serenity, Serene Highness
  1147. serenus, serena, serenum
    clear, fair, bright, serene, cheerful, glad, joyous, tranquil
  1148. serenificus, serenifica, serenificum
    cleared up, clear, serene
  1149. serene
    clearly, brightly
  1150. signate
    clearly, distinctly
  1151. signatim
    clearly, distinctly
  1152. significanter
    clearly, distinctly, expressly, significantly, graphically
  1153. scissio, scissionis f
    cleaving, dividing, scission
  1154. summo 1
    climax, culminate, culminationate
  1155. superscendo 3
    climb over, step over
  1156. sufflamen, sufflaminis n
    clog, break, drag-chain, hinderance, impediment
  1157. striculus, stricula, striculum
    close-haired, rau-haired
  1158. systylos, systylon
  1159. stricte
    closely, tightl, accurately
  1160. strictim
    closely, tightl, accurately
  1161. sudarium, sudarii n
    cloth for wiping off perspiration, handkerchief
  1162. supervestio 4
    clothe upon, clothe
  1163. semipullatus, semipullata, semipullatum
    clothed in half black
  1164. semiatratus, semiatrata, semiatratum
    clothed in half black, in half mourning
  1165. sericatus, sericata, sericatum
    clothed in Seric stuffs, dressed in silks
  1166. scurra, scurrae m
    clown jester, funbird, monkey, harlequin, farm dwarf, crazy fool
  1167. scurrilis, scurrile
    clownish, funny, farcical, jokerish
  1168. socius confoederatus
    coalition partner
  1169. stupa, stupae f
    coarse part of flax, tow, hards, oakum
  1170. stuppa, stuppae f
    coarse part of flax, tow, hards, oakum
  1171. stipidosus, stipidosa, stipidosum
    coarse, clumsy, bulky, uncouth
  1172. solox, solocis
    coarse, harsh, bristly
  1173. sutriballus, sutriballi m
  1174. sportulor 1
    collect donations
  1175. sexprimi, sexprimorum m
    college of magistrates in provincial towns, consisting of six members
  1176. synodus, synodi f
    college of priests, ecclesiastical assembly, ecclesiastical council, synod
  1177. septemviri, septemvirorum m
    college of seven men, septemvirs
  1178. sermo cotidianus (cottidianus)
    colloquial language
  1179. societas armorum
    combat alliance, fighting alliance, battle alliance
  1180. subsalto 1
    come jumping along, jumping along
  1181. supervenio 4
    come over, come upon, come to, come in addition to, overtake, come up, arrive, fall upon, leap, cover, be added to, go beyond, surpass, exceed, excel
  1182. stationem facio
    come to a standstill, stand still
  1183. suppetior 1
    come to the aid of, assist, succor, run to aid
  1184. subeo
    come under any thing, go under any thing, come or go up to, approach, draw near, advance to a place, proceed to a place, come on, go on, follow, succeed, go down, sink, come up, spring up
  1185. succedit animo
    come up with the idea, have the idea
  1186. subvenio 4
    come up, advance to one’s assistance, come to one’s assistance, aid, assist, relieve, succor, obviate, remedy, heal, cure a disease, come up, come, come to one’s mind, occur to him
  1187. subvento 1
    come with assistance to one
  1188. stella cincinnata
  1189. stella comans
  1190. stella crinita
  1191. solor 1
    comfort, console, solace, soothe, ease, lighten, lessen, relieve, assuage, mitigate
  1192. solamen, solaminis n
    comfort, relief, solace, consolation
  1193. solator, solatoris m
    comforter, consoler
  1194. successio, successionis f
    coming into the place of another, following after, succeeding, succession, good issue, success
  1195. succurricius, succurricia, succurricium
    coming to the rescue, helping
  1196. subdistinctio, subdistinctionis f
    comma, colon
  1197. scelus committo
    commit a crime
  1198. sensus, sensus m
    common feelings of humanity, moral sense, taste, discretion, tact
  1199. sermo familaris et cotidianus
    common parlance
  1200. sensus communis
    common sense
  1201. sermunculus, sermunculi m
    common talk, tittletattle, report, rumor, little discourse
  1202. spissitas, spissitatis f
    compactness, density
  1203. socia, sociae f
    companion, partner, co-owner
  1204. socialis, sociale
    companionable, sociable, social, belonging to allies, belonging to confederates, allied, confederate, conjugal, nuptial
  1205. societas mercatoria
  1206. simile, similis n
    comparison, likeness, parallel case, parallel example, resemblance
  1207. sufficientia sui
    complacency, self-satisfaction
  1208. summa fides
    complete confidence
  1209. sedatus, sedata, sedatum
    composed, moderate, calm, quiet, tranquil, sedate
  1210. scriptura, scripturae f
    composing, composition
  1211. stringo 3
    compress, abridge, hold in check, rule, sway, waste, consume, reduce, touch, move, affect, affect painfully, wound, pain
  1212. semiquinarius, semiquinaria, semiquinarium
    comprising half of five
  1213. semiseptenarius, semiseptenaria, semiseptenarium
    comprising half of seven
  1214. sodaliciarius, sodaliciarii m
    comrade, bosomfriend
  1215. sodalitiarius, sodalitiarii m
    comrade, bosomfriend
  1216. superfeto 1
    conceive anew while still with young, superfetate
  1217. superfoeto 1
    conceive anew while still with young, superfetate
  1218. spissatio, spissationis f
    condensation, packing
  1219. servitium, servitii n
    condition of a slave, condition of a servant, slavery, servitude, body of servants, class of slaves
  1220. substitutivus, substitutiva, substitutivum
  1221. suffragium do
    confer the right to vote
  1222. stupido 1
    confound, amaze, astonish
  1223. synchysis, synchysis f
  1224. synagoga, synagogae f
    congregation, synagogue of Jews
  1225. suspicabilis, suspicabile
  1226. synemmenon, synemmeni n
    conjoined, name of a certain series of musical sounds
  1227. subcuneo 1
    connect with wedges, wedge
  1228. syntaxis, syntaxis f
    connection of words
  1229. servatorium, servatorii n
    conservatory, magazine
  1230. spiceus, spicea, spiceum
    consisting of ears of corn
  1231. sublicius, sublicia, sublicium
    consisting of piles, resting upon piles
  1232. stimuleus, stimulea, stimuleum
    consisting of prickles, consisting of goads
  1233. senarius, senaria, senarium
    consisting of six each
  1234. spondaicus, spondaica, spondaicum
    consisting of spondees, spondaic
  1235. spondiacus, spondiaca, spondiacum
    consisting of spondees, spondaic
  1236. syllogismaticus, syllogismatica, syllogismaticum
    consisting of syllogisms, syllogistic
  1237. staminatus, staminata, staminatum
    consisting of threads
  1238. stamineus, staminea, stamineum
    consisting of threads, full of threads, thready
  1239. solaminium, solaminii n
  1240. solatius, solatia, solatium
  1241. synodia, synodiae f
    consonance, synody, unison
  1242. synodium, synodii n
    consonance, synody, unison
  1243. stupor, stuporis m
    consternation, embarrassment, consternation, bewilderment
  1244. synodale, synodalis n
    constitution of a synod
  1245. submultiplex, submultiplicis
    contained many times in another number
  1246. subtriplus, subtripli m
    contained three times in a larger number
  1247. sesquiculearis, sesquiculeare
    containing a culeus and a half
  1248. superparticularis, superparticulare
    containing a number and an aliquot part of it besides, superparticular
  1249. superparticularitas, superparticularitatis f
    containing a number and an aliquot part of it besides, superparticular
  1250. superpartiens, superpartientis
    containing a number and an aliquot part of it besides, superparticular
  1251. sextarius, sextarii m
    containing a sextans asses, worth only the sixth part of the former
  1252. sextantalis, sextantale
    containing a sextans
  1253. stadialis, stadiale
    containing a stadium
  1254. summalis, summale
    containing a sum, whole
  1255. sescuncialis, sescunciale
    containing a twelfth and a half
  1256. sesquiseptimus, sesquiseptima, sesquiseptimum
    containing eight sevenths, one and a seventh, bearing the ratio of eight to seven
  1257. sesquiseptimus decimus, sesquiseptima decima, sesquiseptimum decimum
    containing eighteen seventheents, one and a seventheent, bearing the ratio of eighteen to seventeen
  1258. sesquidecimus, sesquidecima, sesquidecimum
    containing eleven tenths, one and an tenth, bearing the ratio of eleven to ten
  1259. sesquiquartus, sesquiquarta, sesquiquartum
    containing five quarters, one and an quarter, bearing the ratio of five to four
  1260. sesquitertius, sesquitertia, sesquitertium
    containing four thirds, one and a third, bearing the ratio of four to three
  1261. sesqueoctavus, sesqueoctava, sesqueoctavum
    containing nine eighths, containing one and an eighth, bearing the ratio of nine to eight
  1262. sesquioctavus, sesquioctava, sesquioctavum
    containing nine eighths, containing one and an eighth, bearing the ratio of nine to eight
  1263. sesquisextus, sesquisexta, sesquisextum
    containing seven sixths, one and a sixth, bearing the ratio of seven to six
  1264. septenarius, septenaria, septenarium
    containing seven, consisting of seven, septenary
  1265. sesquisextus decimus, sesquisexta decima, sesquisextum decimum
    containing seventeen sixtheents, one and a sixtheent, bearing the ratio of seventeen to sixteen
  1266. sesquiquintus, sesquiquinta, sesquiquintum
    containing six fifths, one and a fifth, bearing the ratio of six to five
  1267. sulphurans, sulphurantis
    containing sulphur, sulphurous
  1268. sesquinonus, sesquinona, sesquinonum
    containing ten ninths, one and an ninth, bearing the ratio of ten to nine
  1269. sesquitricesimus, sesquitricesima, sesquitricesimum
    containing thirty one thirtieths, one and a thirtieth, bearing the ratio of thirty one to thirty
  1270. sesquivicesimus, sesquivicesima, sesquivicesimum
    containing twenty one twentieths, one and a twentieth, bearing the ratio of twenty one to twenty
  1271. spectativus, spectativa, spectativum
    contemplative, speculative
  1272. subtorqueo 2
    contort, twist
  1273. stypsis, stypsis f
    contracting power, astringency
  1274. stenocoriasis, stenocoriasis f
    contraction of the pupil
  1275. synaliphe, synaliphes f
    contraction of two syllables into one
  1276. synaloepha, synaloephae f
    contraction of two syllables into one
  1277. synaloephe, synaloephes f
    contraction of two syllables into one
  1278. synizesis, synizesis f
    contraction of two vowels into one syllable
  1279. strictura, stricturae f
    contraction, compression, strictur, pressure, suffering, torment, mass of wrought iron, bar of iron
  1280. symbola, symbolae f
    contribution of money to a feast, share of a reckoning
  1281. sermocinatio, sermocinationis f
    conversation, disputation, discussion
  1282. subcoquo 3
    cook lightly
  1283. simulator, simulatoris m
    copier, imitator, feigner, pretender, counterfeit, hypocrite, simulator
  1284. simulamen, simulaminis n
    copy, imitation
  1285. strictorium, strictorii n
    cord, string
  1286. suber, suberis n
    cork-oak, cork-tree, thick bark
  1287. suberies, suberiei f
    cork-oak, cork-tree, thick bark
  1288. seges, segetis f
    cornfield, standing corn, growing corn, crop in a field, field, ground, soil
  1289. subtussio 4
    cough slightly
  1290. sessimonium deorum
    council of the gods
  1291. senaculum, senaculi n
    council, hall of the Senate, meeting room, advisory building
  1292. suasio, suasionis f
    counselling, advice, exhortation, suasion, persuasion, recommending, advocacy of a proposed law, suasory species of eloquence
  1293. synedrus, synedri m
    counsellor, senator
  1294. sponsum, sponsi n
    covenant, agreement, engagement
  1295. supertego 3
    cover above, cover over
  1296. supercontego 3
    cover over
  1297. superintego 3
    cover over
  1298. superoperio 4
    cover over
  1299. supergero 3
    cover over, cover up, carry upon, heap upon, heap over
  1300. superobruo 3
    cover over, overwhelm
  1301. subtego 3
    cover underneath
  1302. superpolluo 3
    cover with pollution
  1303. serniosus, serniosa, serniosum
    covered with an eruption, scabby, mangy
  1304. soliar, soliaris n
    covering for the feet
  1305. segestria, ae
    covering, wrapper
  1306. segestre, segestris n
    covering, wrapper
  1307. stellionatus, stellionatus m
    cozenage, trickery, cheating, stellionate
  1308. succrepo 1
    crackle beneath
  1309. subdolositas, subdolositatis f
    craft, cunning
  1310. sycophantia, sycophantiae f
    craft, cunning, deceit
  1311. sycophantiose
    craftily, knavishly, deceitfully
  1312. stēllo, stēllonis m
    crafty person, knavish person
  1313. sufferctus, a, um
    crammed full, full
  1314. suffertus, sufferta, suffertum
    crammed full, full
  1315. spasma, spasmatis n
    cramp, convulsion, spasm
  1316. spasmus, spasmi m
    cramp, convulsion, spasm
  1317. supercadentes aquae
    crash bath, shower, shock bath
  1318. stridulus, stridula, stridulum
    creaking, rattling, hissing, whizzing, buzzing, stridulous
  1319. substruendo iter facio
    create a path by underpinning
  1320. subrepo 3
    creep under, creep along, steal along, creep softly on, steal upon, come on unawares, insensibly
  1321. surrepo 3
    creep under, creep along, steal along, creep softly on, steal upon, come on unawares, insensibly
  1322. serpo 3
    creep, crawl, move slowly, move imperceptibly, creep along, proceed gradually, spread abroad, increase, prevail
  1323. sera transversa
    crossbar, cross bar
  1324. subsido 3
    crouch down on the watch, to lie in wait, lie in ambush, yield, submit to the male, subside, decrease, abate, lie in wait for, waylay, watch
  1325. stipatio, stipationis f
    crowd pressing around any one, a suite, retinue, train, throng
  1326. stipo 1
    crowd together, press together, compress, pack up together, press, cram, stuff full, fill full, surround, encompass, environ, attend, accompany
  1327. silvifragus, silvifraga, silvifragum
    crushing the forest, crushing trees
  1328. selenites, selenitae m
    crystalline gypsum, selenite
  1329. selenitis, selenitidis f
    crystalline gypsum, selenite
  1330. simplicitas culturalis
    cultural simplicity
  1331. scyphus, scyphi m
    cup, goblet, mug
  1332. sumptibus modum statuo
    curb one's spending
  1333. sapo simplex
    curd soap
  1334. sica, sicae f
    curved dagger, edge of a boar’s tusk
  1335. sedularia, sedulariorum n
    cushions of a carriage
  1336. suetum, sueti n
    custom, usage
  1337. solitum, soliti n
    customary, what is usual
  1338. siliquatarius, siliquatarii m
    customs agent
  1339. siliquaticum, siliquatici n
  1340. sulcos in pulvere duco
    cut furrows in the sand
  1341. sematus, semata, sematum
    cut in half, halved
  1342. semiatus, semiata, semiatum
    cut in half, halved
  1343. superincido 3 (1)
    cut into above
  1344. succido 3
    cut off below, cut away below, cut from below, cut through, cut off, cut down, fell, made powerless
  1345. supputo 1
    cut off below, prune, lop, trim, count up, reckon, compute
  1346. subseco 1
    cut under, cut away below, clip, pare
  1347. subcultro 1
    cut up with a knife, chop up with a knife, mince with a knife
  1348. sectilis, sectile
    cut, cleft, divided, that may be cut
  1349. seco 1
    cut, cut off, cut up, cut through, divide, cut surgically, operate on, amputate, separate, excise, scratch, tear, wound, hurt, injure, censure, satirize
  1350. scindo 3
    cut, tear, rend, break asunder, split, cleave, divide by force, separate by force
  1351. sector, sectoris m
    cutpurse, cutthroat, haycutter, mower, bidder
  1352. secabilitas, secabilitatis f
    cuttability, severability, divisibility, dissectability
  1353. sicilis, sicilis f
    cutting instrument, sickle
  1354. succisio, succisionis f
    cutting off, cutting away
  1355. scalptura, scalpturae f
    cutting, carving, graving
  1356. sectura, secturae f
    cutting, cut, diggings, mines
  1357. segmentum, segmenti n
    cutting, cut, piece cut off, slice, strip, zone, segment
  1358. sigmentum, sigmenti n
    cutting, cut, piece cut off, slice, strip, zone, segment
  1359. sectio, sectionis f
    cutting, cutting off, cutting up
  1360. segmen, segminis n
    cutting, shred, little bit
  1361. sepia, sepiae f
    cuttle, fish
  1362. septidromus, septidromi m
    cycle of seven years
  1363. saltatio feralis
    dance of death
  1364. sonticus, sontica, sonticum
    dangerous, serious, critical
  1365. spadix, spadicis
    date-brown, nut-brown, chestnut-brown
  1366. superlinio 4
    daub over, smear over, besmear with something
  1367. superlino 3
    daub over, smear over, besmear with something
  1368. supremus dies
    day of death, date of death
  1369. surdigo, surdiginis f
  1370. surditia, surditiae f
  1371. surdo 1
  1372. subactor, subactoris m
    debaucher, polluter
  1373. summa aeris alieni
    debt capital
  1374. simulamentum, simulamenti n
  1375. simulatorie
  1376. simulatorius, simulatoria, simulatorium
  1377. summorum consultum
    decision of the summit
  1378. stega, stegae f
    deck of a ship
  1379. solidam coniunctionem confero cum aliquo
    declare one's solidarity
  1380. solidam coniunctionem ineo cum aliquo
    declare one's solidarity
  1381. sidreum obitus
    decline of the stars
  1382. syntexis, syntexis f
    decline, consumption
  1383. scitus, scitus m
    decree of the people, ordinance of the people
  1384. stellatura, stellaturae f
    deduction from the soldiers’ rations granted to the military tribunes
  1385. strategica, strategicon n
    deeds of a general
  1386. sopor, soporis m
    deep sleep, sleep of death, death, stupefaction, lethargy, stupor, drowsiness, laziness, indifference, poppy-juice, opium, sleepingdraught, sleeping-potion, temple
  1387. sustentatio, sustentationis f
    deferring, delay, forbearance, figure of speech where the orator defers the mention of something, keeping the hearer in doubt, suspension, sustenance, maintenance
  1388. stupro 1
    defile, dishonor by unchastity, debauch, deflour, ravish, stuprate
  1389. stuprum, stupri n
    defilement, dishonor, disgrace, dishonor, disgrace by unchastity, debauchery, lewdness, violation
  1390. stuprator, stupratoris m
    defiler, debaucher, ravisher
  1391. subdistinctio, subdistinctionis f
    definite differentiation, accurate discrimination, precise distinction
  1392. scitamenta, scitamentorum n
    delicate food, dainties
  1393. stipulor 1
    demand a formal promise, bargain, covenant, stipulate
  1394. superexigo 3
    demand over and above, exact over and above
  1395. superexactio, superexactionis f
    demanding over and above, excessive demand
  1396. semideus, semidei m
  1397. semidea, semideae f
  1398. summatim expono
    denote with light strokes
  1399. significatorius, significatoria, significatorium
    denoting, signifying, significatory
  1400. significativus, significativa, significativum
    denoting, signifying, significative
  1401. solide
    densely, closely, solidly, surely, wholly, fully, truly
  1402. sequestra, sequestrae f
    depositary, trustee
  1403. sequestratio, sequestrationis f
    depositing in the hands of a third party, sequestration, separation
  1404. sopio 4
    deprive of feeling, deprive of sense, put to sleep, lull to sleep, lay to rest, lay to kill, lay at rest, lay to calm, settle, still, quiet
  1405. squalentia, squalentiorum n
  1406. semanticus, semantica, semanticum
    designating, having an indicative force
  1407. scripturio 4
    desire to write
  1408. spernor 3
  1409. spretor, spretoris m
    despiser, disdainer, scorner, contemner
  1410. spretio, spretionis f
    despising, disdain, scorn, contempt
  1411. spretus, spretus m
    despising, disdain, scorn, contempt
  1412. scindo 3
    destroy, tear in pieces, distract, agitate, disturb
  1413. sermo altercabilis
  1414. scutulatus, scutulata, scutulatum
    diamond shaped, checkered
  1415. superemorior 5
    die upon
  1416. spinae, spinarum f
    difficulties, subtleties, perplexities
  1417. scrupea, scrupeae f
  1418. scopulus, scopuli m
    difficulty, danger, harm
  1419. suffodio 5
    dig underneath, pierce underneath, pierce through, bore through, dig under, sap, undermine
  1420. suffossio, suffossionis f
    digging under, undermining
  1421. seviratus, seviratus m
    dignity of a sexvir, sexvirate
  1422. sexviratus, sexviratuss m
    dignity of a sexvir, sexvirate
  1423. subtilio 1
    dilute, refine, weaken
  1424. scotoma, scotomatis n
    dimness of vision
  1425. submergo 3
    dip under, plunge under, sink, overwhelm, submerge, submerse
  1426. summergo 3
    dip under, plunge under, sink, overwhelm, submerge, submerse
  1427. subcontinuatio, subcontinuationis f
    direct extension, direct continuation, direct follow-up
  1428. sensus ad aliquid intendo
    direct one's senses to something
  1429. sordities, sorditiei f
    dirt, filth
  1430. sorditudo, sorditudinis f
    dirt, filth
  1431. sors, sordis f
    dirt, filth
  1432. spurcamen, spurcaminis n
    dirt, filth
  1433. squalentia, squalentiae f
    dirt, filth
  1434. squales, squalis f
    dirt, filth
  1435. squaliditas, squaliditatis f
    dirt, filth
  1436. squalitas, squalitatis f
    dirt, filth
  1437. squalitudo, squalitudinis f
    dirt, filth
  1438. sordes, sordis f
    dirt, filth, uncleanness, squalor, lowness of rank, meanness of rank, low condition, meanness, baseness of behavior, dregs of the people, mob, rabble, meanness, stinginess, niggardliness, sordidness
  1439. sordide
    dirtily, foully, meanly, basely, vulgarly, unbecomingly, poorly, stingily, penuriously, sordidly
  1440. spurce
    dirtily, impurely
  1441. superfoedo 1
    dirty above
  1442. squalus, squala, aqualum
    dirty, filthy, squalid
  1443. sordido 1
    dirty, foul, defile, pollute
  1444. sordidus, sordida, sordidum
    dirty, unclean, foul, filthy, squalid, sordid, low, base, mean, poor, humble, small, paltry, abject, vile, despicable, disgraceful, niggardly, penurious
  1445. spurcus, spurca, spurcum
    dirty, unclean, impure, foul, base, low, mean, common
  1446. sentio 4
    discern by the senses, feel, hear, see, perceive, be sensible of, experience, suffer, undergo, endure, be affected by, be influenced by, be susceptible of, observe, notice
  1447. stomacace, stomacaces f
    disease of the gums, scurvy of the mouth
  1448. sideratio, siderationis f
    disease produced by a constellation, sideration, blight, numbness, palsy
  1449. suffraginosus, suffraginosa, suffraginosum
    diseased in the hough, diseased in the pastern
  1450. syncerastum, syncerasti n
    dish composed of a variety of ingredients, hash, hotch-potch
  1451. seiugo 1
    disjoin, part, separate, divide
  1452. separo 1
    disjoin, sever, part, divide, separate
  1453. seiugis, seiuge (2)
    disjoined, separate
  1454. sexiugis, sexiuge
    disjoined, separate, drawn by six horses
  1455. seiunctio, seiunctionis f
    disjunction, separation, division
  1456. seiunctim
    disjunctly, separately
  1457. stremma, stremmatis n
  1458. stomachicus, stomachica, stomachicum
    disordered in the stomach, having a disease of the stomach
  1459. seditio, seditionis f
    dissension, discord, strife, quarrel
  1460. seiunctio, seiunctionis f
    dissension, dispute
  1461. sepositus, seposita, sepositum
    distant, remote
  1462. sepositus, seposita, sepositum
    distinct, special
  1463. sollicito 1
    disturb, stir, agitate, move, distress, harass, make uneasy, vex, solicit, tempt, seduce, attract, induce, put in lively motion, move violently, shake, exercise, produce by stirring, excite, cause to come forth, arouse, draw out, cause distress
  1464. seiungo 3
    disunite, disjoin, part, sever, separate, divide
  1465. scrobis, scrobis c
    ditch, dike, trench
  1466. suspicionem a me removeo
    divert suspicion from oneself
  1467. suspicione me exsolvo
    divert suspicion from oneself, allay suspicion of oneself
  1468. sectio, sectionis f
    dividing, parcelling out, distribution by auction
  1469. secretio, secretionis f
    dividing, sundering, separation
  1470. spiritum ultimum traho
    do the last breath
  1471. secta, sectae f
    doctrines, school, sect
  1472. suspicionem alicuius rei vito
    dodge the suspicion of something
  1473. sirius, sirii m
    dog star
  1474. sentix, senticis m
    dogrose, wild brier
  1475. societas perpetua
    domestic partnership
  1476. subitarius, subitaria, subitarium
    done suddenly, done in haste, sudden, hasty
  1477. syrmaticus, syrmatica, syrmaticum
    dragging along, trailing along
  1478. suspiro 1
    draw a deep breath, heave a sigh, sigh, sighing after, longing for, may exhale, evaporate, breathe out, exhale, sigh for, long for, sigh out, exclaim with a sigh
  1479. syllogizo 1
    draw a syllogism
  1480. subtraho 3
    draw away from underneath, draw away by stealth, draw off, carry off, withdraw, take away, remove, omit, not mention
  1481. subduco 3
    draw from under, draw from below, draw up, pull up, lift up, raise, haul up, draw away from among, take away, lead away, carry off, purge, evacuate, take in, furl
  1482. sortes tollo
    draw lots
  1483. supertraho 3
    draw over
  1484. superinduco 3
    draw over, cover over, cause to come upon, bring upon, mention afterwards, add
  1485. stringo 3
    draw tight, bind tight, tie tight, draw together, bind together, press together, touch, touch upon, touch lightly, touch slightly, graze, touch upon, treat briefly
  1486. subtractio, subtractionis f
    drawing back
  1487. superductio, superductionis f
    drawing over, erasure
  1488. systalticus, systaltica, systalticum
    drawing together
  1489. superobductus, superobducta, superobductum
    drawn over
  1490. strictus, stricta, strictum
    drawn together, close, strait, tight
  1491. substrictus, substricta, substrictum
    drawn together, contracted, small, narrow, tight, close
  1492. somnium, somnii n
    dream, idle whim, idle fancy, stuff, nonsense
  1493. somnio 1
    dream, see in a dream, think idly, think vainly, talk foolishly
  1494. somnialis, somniale
  1495. solox, solocis f
    dress of coarse woollen stuff
  1496. stolatus, stolata, stolatum
    dressed in a stola, wearing a stola, befitting a matron
  1497. synthesina, synthesinae f
  1498. subbibo 3
    drink a little, tipple
  1499. superbibo 3
    drink upon, drink after
  1500. scutella, scutellae f
    drinking bowl
  1501. sudorus, sudora, sudorum
    dripping with sweat, sweaty
  1502. subterago 3
    drive below, drive underneat
  1503. suburgeo 2
    drive close to, urge close to
  1504. suburgueo 2
    drive close to, urge close to
  1505. substīllum, substīlli n
    drizzly weather, drizzle, dripping rain, slight dropping, sprinkling
  1506. stillanter
    drop by drop
  1507. somno mergor
    drop off to a deep sleep
  1508. somno opprimor
    drop off to a deep sleep
  1509. somno me trado
    drop off to sleep
  1510. somno opprimor
    drop off to sleep
  1511. sevehor 3
    drop out of the course
  1512. superinstillo 1
    drop upon
  1513. superstillo 1
    drop upon, pour on drop by drop
  1514. superdestillo 1
    drop upon, trickle upon
  1515. stilla, stillae f
    drop, small quantity, a very little, moment
  1516. stillo 1
    drop, trickle, cause to drop, let fall in drops, distil
  1517. stillatio, stillationis f
    dropping down, falling in drops
  1518. stillativus, stillativa, stillativum
    dropping, dripping
  1519. spodium, spodii n
    dross of metals, slag, scoria, ashes of vegetable
  1520. scoria, scoriae f
    dross, slag, scoria of metals
  1521. spodos, spodi f
    dross, slag, scoria
  1522. saucius, saucia, saucium
  1523. sudario frontem sicco
    dry my brow with a handkerchief
  1524. sudario frontem tergeo
    dry my brow with a handkerchief
  1525. siccanea, siccaneorum n
    dry places
  1526. siccidus, siccida, siccidum
  1527. siccaneus, siccanea, siccaneum
    dry, of a dry nature
  1528. siccanus, siccana, siccanum
    dry, of a dry nature
  1529. siccus, sicca, siccum
    dry, without rain, firm, solid, insipid, jejune, ignorant, unformed, unprepared, void of love, cold
  1530. siccatio, siccationis f
  1531. sicce
    dryly, without wet or damp
  1532. siccitas, siccitatis f
    dryness, siccity, freedom from gross humor, jejuneness, want of ornament
  1533. socordia, socordiae f (secordia)
    dulness of mind, weakmindedness, silliness, folly, stupidity, carelessness, negligence, sloth, laziness, indolence, inactivity
  1534. stoliditas, stoliditatis f
    dulness, obtuseness, stupidity, stolidity
  1535. succerda, succerdae f
    dung of swine, pig excrements, pig manure
  1536. sucerda, sucerdae f
    dung of swine, pig excrements, pig manure
  1537. sterquilinium, sterquilinii n
    dung-pit, laystall, mixen
  1538. sterquilinum, sterquilini n
    dung-pit, laystall, mixen
  1539. stercilinium, stercilinii n
    dung-pit, laystall, mixen, dung heap, cesspit
  1540. stercilinum, stercilini n
    dung-pit, laystall, mixen, dung heap, cesspit
  1541. sterculinum, sterculini n
    dung-pit, laystall, mixen, dung heap, cesspit
  1542. stercus, stercoris n
    dung, excrements, ordure
  1543. stercoro 1
    dung, manure with dung, muck, cleanse from dung
  1544. sterceratus, stercerata, sterceratum
    dunged, mucked, manured
  1545. stercoratus, stercorata, stercoratum
    dunged, mucked, manured
  1546. stercoratio, stercorationis f
    dunging, manuring
  1547. stercoreus, stercorea, stercoreum
    dungy, stinking, misty, rancid, mangy
  1548. sordium excipulum
  1549. Suburanenses, Suburanensium m
    dwellers in the Subura
  1550. sedes, sedis f
    dwelling place, residence, habitation, abode, temple
  1551. suis fortuna cuique fingitur moribus
    each is the architect of his own fortune
  1552. studiosus, studiosa, studiosum
    eager, zealous, assiduous, anxious after any thing, fond of any thing, studious of any thing, zealous for any one, partial, friendly, attached, devoted to
  1553. studiose
    eagerly, zealously, anxiously, carefully, studiously
  1554. spinturnicium, spinturnicii n
    Eagle Owl
  1555. spicifer, spicifera, spiciferum
  1556. serium, serii n
    earnestness, seriousness, serious matters, serious discourse
  1557. seria, seriae f
    earthen vessel, large jar
  1558. solanus, solani m
    east wind
  1559. subedo
    eat away below, wear away below
  1560. subceno 1
    eat below, dine underneath
  1561. subcoeno 1
    eat below, dine underneath
  1562. succoeno 1
    eat below, dine underneath
  1563. superedo 3
    eat besides a thing, eat after a thing
  1564. se ipsum amans
    egomaniacal, egocentric, self-interested, selfish, self-centred
  1565. suae utilitati inserviens
    egomaniacal, egocentric, self-interested, selfish, self-centred
  1566. suae utilitati salutique inserviens
    egomaniacal, egocentric, self-interested, selfish, self-centred
  1567. suo commodo inserviens
    egomaniacal, egocentric, self-interested, selfish, self-centred
  1568. sublatus, sublata, sublatum
    elated, proud, haughty
  1569. suffragiorum certamen
    election campaign
  1570. suffragiorum concertatio
    election campaign
  1571. suffragiorum petitor
    election candidate
  1572. suffragiorum clades
    election defeat
  1573. suffragiorum victoria
    election victory
  1574. scitule
    elegantly, gracefully
  1575. sublimator, sublimatoris m
    elevator, exalter
  1576. smaragdus, smaragdi c
    emerald, beryl, jasper, malachite
  1577. solum muto
  1578. solum verto
  1579. submigratio, submigrationis f
  1580. suboleo 2
    emit a smell
  1581. subolo 3
    emit a smell, smell, scent, perceive any thing, perceive, detect
  1582. synergus, synergi m
    employee, assistant, partner, colleague
  1583. semicingo 3
    enclose half
  1584. saepes, saepis f
    enclosure, hedge, fencing, fence
  1585. sepes, sepis f
    enclosure, hedge, fencing, fence
  1586. sensualis, sensuale
    endowed with feeling or sensation, sensitive, sensual
  1587. supportatio, supportationis f
    endurance, bearing
  1588. sponsus, sponsus m
    engagement, betrothal, bail, suretyship
  1589. scribo 3
    enlist, enroll, levy
  1590. satis
    enough, sufficiently
  1591. subinvideo 2
    envy a little, envy slightly, be somewhat envious of
  1592. sublinguium, sublinguii n
  1593. septeresmos, septeresmon
    equipped with seven benches
  1594. septeresmus, septeresma, septeresmum
    equipped with seven benches
  1595. septiremis, septireme
    equipped with seven rows of rudders
  1596. superinductio, superinductionis f
    erasing any thing written
  1597. subrector, subrectoris m
  1598. subterfugio 5
    escape, evade, avoid, shun
  1599. substantialiter
    essentially, substantially
  1600. stabilitor, stabilitoris m
  1601. suburbanum, suburbani n
    estate near Rome, suburban villa
  1602. suspicientia, suspicientia f
    esteeming highly
  1603. sopitio, sopitionis f
    euthanization, putting to sleep
  1604. sera, serae f (2)
  1605. serum diei
  1606. sermo cotidianus (cottidianus)
    everyday language
  1607. suprapositio, suprapositionis f
    exacerbation of the disease, aggravation of the disease
  1608. sumptus effusi
    exaggerated expense, wasteful expenditure
  1609. supralatus, supralata, supralatum
  1610. superlatio, superlationis f
    exaggerating, hyperbole, superlative
  1611. supralatio, supralationis f
    exaggerating, hyperbole, superlative
  1612. superexalto 1
    exalt above others
  1613. supereffero 3
    exalt, extol
  1614. scrutator, scrutatoris m
    examiner, Investigator
  1615. supercedo 3
    exceed, pass, cross, overshoot, be over
  1616. supergloriosus, supergloriosa, supergloriosum
    exceedingly glorious
  1617. supercresco 3
    excel, outdo
  1618. superantia, superantiae f
    excess, predominance
  1619. superstitio, superstitionis f
    excessive fear of the goas, unreasonable religious belief, superstition, excessive regard, scrupulous observance, object that inspires dread
  1620. satyriasis, satyriasis f
    excessive sexual excitement, lascivious madness, priapism
  1621. superflua, superfluorum n
  1622. supplicio afficio aliquem
    execute the death penalty
  1623. supplicio aliquem punio (punior)
    execute the death penalty
  1624. supplicium sumo de aliquo
    execute the death penalty
  1625. supplicio afficio aliquem
  1626. summis opibus annitor
    exert all one's influence
  1627. subexhibeo 2
    exhibit under any thing
  1628. suadela, suadelae f
    exhortation, suasion, persuasion
  1629. suspicionem ab aliquo amoveo
    exonerate from suspicion, divert suspicion from someone
  1630. suspicionem removeo ab aliquo
    exonerate someone from suspicion, clear someone of suspicion
  1631. suspicionem ab aliquo averto
    exonerate someone from suspicion, clear someone of suspicion, divert suspicion from someone
  1632. sumptus, sumptus m
    expense, cost, charge
  1633. sumptuose
    expensively, sumptuously
  1634. specialista, specialistae m
    Expert, Professional, Capacity, Ass
  1635. subsono 1
    express secretly, insinuate, furtively disclose, hint, intimate
  1636. significatio, significationis f
    expression of approbation, applause, significance, emphasis, meaning, sense, import, signification
  1637. signanter
    expressly, clearly, distinctly
  1638. superexeo
    extend over
  1639. superindictum, superindicti n
    extraordinary impost
  1640. superlatus, superlata, superlatum
    extravagant, excessive, exaggerated
  1641. summe officiosus
    extremely dutiful
  1642. superlaudabilis, superlaudabile
    extremely to be praised
  1643. supercilium, supercilii n
    eye-brow, brow, ridge, summit, projecting moulding, threshold, shore of a river, nod, will, pride, haughtiness, arrogance, sternness, superciliousness
  1644. sequacitas, sequacitatis f
    facility in following, disposilion to follow, sequaciousness, sequacity
  1645. sensus, sensus m
    faculty of perceiving, power of perceiving, perception, feeling, sensation, sense
  1646. syncopizo 1
    faint away, swoon
  1647. syncopo 1
    faint away, swoon
  1648. syncopa, syncopae f
    fainting away, swooning, syncope, omission of a letter or syllable in the middle of a word
  1649. syncope, syncopes f
    fainting away, swooning, syncope, omission of a letter or syllable in the middle of a word
  1650. surde
    faintly, imperfectly, indistinctly
  1651. superruo 3
    fall upon, rush upon
  1652. supercorruo 3
    fall down thereon
  1653. superincido 3 (2)
    fall from above, fall down
  1654. somno sempiterno consopior
    fall into a perpetual sleep
  1655. sub oculorum aspectum cado
    fall into the eyes
  1656. sub oculos cado
    fall into the eyes
  1657. sub alicuius dentem venio
    fall into the jaws of, fall under the clutches of
  1658. succido 3 (2)
    fall under any thing, be comprehended under, sink under one’s self, sink down, sink
  1659. supercado 3
    fall upon, fall over
  1660. sublabor 3
    fall, glide, sink under, sink down, sink, slip down, glide away
  1661. soporatus, soporata, soporatum
    fallen asleep, soporific
  1662. stiricidium, stiricidii n
    falling of snow-flakes, snowing
  1663. sophisma, sophismatis n
    false conclusion, fallacy, sophism
  1664. sophistĭce, sophistĭces f
    false reasoning, sophistry
  1665. subreptivus, subreptiva, subreptivum
    false, fraudulent
  1666. simulatio, simulationis f
    falsely assumed appearance, false show, feigning, shamming, pretence, feint, insincerity, deceit, hypocrisy, simulation
  1667. scurriliter
    farcial, ludicrous, burlesque, farcically, buffoonery, hilarious, satirical, buffoonish, ridiculous
  1668. scurruliter
    farcial, ludicrous, burlesque, farcically, buffoonery, hilarious, satirical, buffoonish, ridiculous
  1669. suffigo 3
    fasten beneath, fasten below, fasten on, fix on, affix
  1670. suppingo 3 [1]
    fasten underneath, clout
  1671. superfigo 3
    fasten up, fasten thereupon
  1672. sero 1
    fasten with a bolt, bar
  1673. stritavus, stritavi m
    father of an atavus or atavia
  1674. socer, soceri m
  1675. socerio, socerionis m
  1676. socerus, soceri m
  1677. satur, satura, saturum
    fatted, fat
  1678. suffrago 1
    favor, support, vote for, agree with, proceed favorably
  1679. secunde
    favorably, fortunately
  1680. Septimontium, Septimontii n
    feast of the Seven Hills
  1681. sitistus, sitista, sitistum
    fed, fattened
  1682. sympathia, sympathiae f
    feeling in common, sympathy
  1683. simulatilis, simulatile
    feigned, fictitious
  1684. simulato
  1685. simulanter
    feignedly, pretendedly, apparently
  1686. simulate
    feignedly, pretendedly, not sincerely
  1687. symmysta, symmystae m
    fellow-priest, colleague in the priesthood
  1688. symmystes, symmystae m
    fellow-priest, colleague in the priesthood
  1689. synoditae, synoditarum m
    fellow-travellers, companions
  1690. sociennus, socienni m
    fellow, comrade
  1691. socius, socii m
    fellow, sharer, partner, copartner, comrade, companion, associate
  1692. societas, societatis f
    fellowship, association, union, community, society, copartnership, political league, confederacy
  1693. sodalitas, sodalitatis f
    fellowship, companionship, brotherhood, friendship, intimacy, society, association, company assembled for feasting, banqueting-club, unlawful secret society
  1694. sodalicium, sodalicii n
    fellowship, friendly intercourse, friendly intimacy, brotherhood, companionship, association, company, society, college, company assembled for feasting, banquetingclub, unlawful secret society
  1695. sodalitium, sodalitii n
    fellowship, friendly intercourse, friendly intimacy, brotherhood, companionship, association, company, society, college, company assembled for feasting, banquetingclub, unlawful secret society
  1696. socialitas, socialitatis f
    fellowship, sociableness, sociality
  1697. stephanusa, stephanusae f
    female Chaplet-wreather
  1698. subrectrix, subrectricis f
    female erector
  1699. suffragatrix, suffragatricīs f
    female favorer, female supporter
  1700. spurium, spurii n
    female genital, marine animal of a similar shape
  1701. senatrix, senatricis f
    female senator
  1702. Sibylla, Sibyllae f
    female soothsayer, prophetess, Sibyl
  1703. speciaria, speciariae f
    female spice-dealer
  1704. simulatrix, simulatricis f
    female transformer
  1705. sudis, sudis f
    fence post, fencing post
  1706. staphyle, staphyles f
    fence turnip, visible haze
  1707. saeptum, saepti n
    fence, enclosure, wall, enclosed place, palisade, stake, pale, sluice, floodgate
  1708. septum, septi n
    fence, enclosure, wall, enclosed place, palisade, stake, pale, sluice, floodgate
  1709. septus, septus m
    fence, enclosure, wall, enclosed place, palisade, stake, pale, sluice, floodgate
  1710. silicia, siliciae f
  1711. siderizusa, siderizusae f
  1712. stramentor 1
    fetch straw
  1713. suspiratio, suspirationis f
    fetching a deep breath, sighing, sigh
  1714. sycites, sycitae m
  1715. supercerto 1
    fight over, fight therefor
  1716. symbolice
    figuratively, symbolically
  1717. sententiarum conformatio
    figure of speech
  1718. suppleo 2
    fill up, make full or whole, make good, complete, supply, make complete, make full in number, furnish with a complement, recruit
  1719. satullus, satulla, satullum
    filled with food, satisfied
  1720. sorditia, sorditiae f
  1721. subluvies, subluviei f
    filth, dirt, a disease in the feet of sheep, foul
  1722. spurcitia, spurcitiae f
    filth, dirt, smut, dun
  1723. spurcities, spurcitiei f
    filth, dirt, smut, dun
  1724. spurciloquium, ispurciloquii n
    filthy language, smutty language, obscenity
  1725. sentina, sentinae f
    filthy water that collects in the bottom of a ship, bilgewater, bottom of a ship where the bilgewater is, the hold, the lowest of the people, the dregs, refuse, rabble of a state, hangerson of an army, camp followers
  1726. sententia terminalis
    final judgment, definitive judgment
  1727. sumptuum futurorum existimatio
    financial planning
  1728. subtililia, subtililium n
    fine goods, fine stuffs
  1729. subtililoquentia, subtililoquentiae f
    fine language, elegant language
  1730. soubtilis, soubtile
    fine, not thick, not coarse, thin, slender, minute
  1731. subtilis, subtile
    fine, not thick, not coarse, thin, slender, minute, nice, acute, delicate, exquisite, precise, exact, accurate, keen, subtle, keen, plain, simple, unadorned
  1732. subtiliter
    finely, minutely, acutely, accurately, subtly, particularly, plainly, simply, without ornamen
  1733. subtilitas, subtilitatis f
    fineness, thinness, slenderness, minuteness, keen edge, sharpness, keenness, acuteness, penetration, definiteness, exactness, subtlety, plainness, simplicity, absence of ornament
  1734. simila, similae f
    finest wheat flour
  1735. similago, similaginis f
    finest wheat flour
  1736. supernas abies
    fir tree growing on the Adriatic Sea
  1737. siphonarii, siphonariorum m
    fire department
  1738. siphonarius, siphonarii m
  1739. siponarius, siponarii m
  1740. siphonarius, siphonaria, siphonarium
  1741. soldus, solda, soldum
    firm, dense, compact, not hollow, solid, whole, complete, entire
  1742. soledus, soleda, soledum
    firm, dense, compact, not hollow, solid, whole, complete, entire
  1743. solidus, solida, solidum
    firm, dense, compact, not hollow, solid, whole, complete, entire
  1744. stabiliter
    firmly, durably, permanently
  1745. statim
    firmly, steadily, steadfastly, unyieldingly, on the spot, forthwith, straightway, at once, immediately, instantly, recently, newly, just
  1746. synodus, synodontis m
    fish of the bream genus
  1747. synecticus, synectica, synecticum
    fit for maintaining, efficient
  1748. superaccommodo 1
    fit on above, put on
  1749. suborno 1
    fit out, furnish, provide, equip, adorn
  1750. supparo 1
    fit, adjust
  1751. scitus, scita, scitum
    fit, suitable, proper, judicious, sensible, witty
  1752. scutatus, scutata, scutatum
    fitted with long shield, armed with a shield
  1753. stabilimentum, stabilimenti n
    Fixation, Stabilization, Underpinning, Strengthening, Securing
  1754. sidus infixum
    fixed star
  1755. sidera certis locis infixa
    fixed stars
  1756. scorisco 1
    flash, glitter, gleam, coruscate
  1757. scutula, scutulae f
    flat bowl, platel, little dish, little platter
  1758. simulus, simula, simulum
    flat nosed, pug nosed
  1759. simus, sima, simum
    flat nosed, pug nosed, snub nosed
  1760. supparasitor 1
    flatter a little like a parasite, fawn a little like a parasite
  1761. subsentator, subsentatoris m
  1762. scrutaria, scrutariae f
    flea market
  1763. Sicelicon, Sicelici n
    fleawort, fleabane
  1764. superfugio 5
    flee away over
  1765. suffugio 5
    flee away, flee from, shun, avoid, escape
  1766. subterfugio 5
    flee secretly, flee by stealth, get off
  1767. superficialitas, superficialitatis f
    fleetingness, superficiality
  1768. strebula, strebulorum n
    flesh about the haunches
  1769. stribula, stribulorum n
    flesh about the haunches
  1770. succutio 5
    fling up from below, fling aloft, toss up
  1771. superiacto 1
    fling up, toss up, spring over a thing
  1772. subterfluo 3
    flow beneath
  1773. septemfluus, septemflua, septemfluum
    flowing in seven mouths
  1774. sudabilis, sudabile
    flowing like sweat, fluid
  1775. sudatilis, sudatile
    flowing like sweat, fluid
  1776. subulo, subulonis m
    flute-player, kind of hart with pointed horns
  1777. superevolo 1
    fly away over
  1778. subtervolo 1
    fly beneath
  1779. supervolito 1
    fly over often, fly about over
  1780. supervolo 1
    fly over
  1781. subvolo 1
    fly up, fly upwards
  1782. scintillae vagae
    flying sparks
  1783. subbullio 4
    foam slightly, bubble slightly
  1784. spumifer, spumifera, spumiferum
    foam-bearing, foaming
  1785. spumiger, spumigera, spumigerum
    foam-bearing, foaming
  1786. spumigena, spumigenae c
  1787. spumo 1
    foam, froth, foam up, boil up, effervesces
  1788. spuma salis
    foaming salt
  1789. spumatio, spumationis f
  1790. spumabundus, spumabunda, spumabundum
    foaming, frothing
  1791. spumatus, spumatus m
    foaming, frothing, foam, froth
  1792. spumeus, spumea, spumeum
    foaming, frothy
  1793. spumidus, spumida, spumidum
    foaming, frothy
  1794. subsequor 3
    follow close after, follow immediately, follow, succeed, ensue
  1795. sector 1
    follow continually, follow eagerly, run after, attend, accompany, follow after, chase, pursue
  1796. sequor 3
    follow, chase, pursue, succeed, come after, result, ensue
  1797. sectator, sectatoris m
    follower, attendant, adherent
  1798. sectatrix, sectatricis f
    follower, successor
  1799. successor, successoris m
    follower, successor, inheritor
  1800. schola, scholae f
    followers of a teacher, a school, a sect
  1801. sequax, sequacis
    following after, seeking after, pursuing, sequacious, yielding, pliable, ductile, flexible, following, pursuing, tractable
  1802. secutio, secutionis f
    following after, striving after
  1803. secutorius, secutoria, secutorium
  1804. sequius
    following, later in rank, later in order, less than something mentioned before, otherwise, differently, not so
  1805. subsequus, subsequa, subsequum
    following, succeeding
  1806. subsicuus, subsicua, subsicuum
    following, succeeding
  1807. stultitia, stultitiae f
    folly, foolishness, simplicity, silliness, fatuity
  1808. stultities, stultitiei f
    folly, foolishness, simplicity, silliness, fatuity
  1809. stulte
    foolish, silly
  1810. stultus, stulta, stultum
    foolish, simple, silly, fatuous
  1811. societas pedifollica
    football club, soccer club
  1812. scabellum suppedaneum
  1813. scamnum, scamni n
  1814. suppedaneum, suppedanei n
  1815. scansorius, scansoria, scansorium
    for climbing
  1816. siccarius, siccaria, siccarium
    for drying , for keeping dry
  1817. sequestro
    for safekeeping
  1818. sellariolus, sellariola, sellariolum
    for sitting
  1819. sellifer, sellifera, selliferum
    for sitting
  1820. supremo
    for the last time in life
  1821. supremum
    for the last time in life
  1822. supremum
    for the last time
  1823. secundo
    for the second time
  1824. septimum
    for the seventh time
  1825. septimo
    for the seventh time, seven times
  1826. sextum
    for the sixth time
  1827. significantia, significantiae f
    force of words, energy of words, significancy of words
  1828. stagno 1
    form a pool of standing water, stagnate, be stagnant, be overflowed, be inundated, cause to stand, make stagnant, cover with water, overflow, inundate
  1829. syllogismus, syllogismi m
    form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn from two premises, syllogism
  1830. sculptilis, sculptile
    formed, shaped, carved, modeld
  1831. supermunio 4
    fortify above, protect above
  1832. sortilegus, sortilegi m
    fortune-teller, soothsayer, diviner by lots, diviner from oracles
  1833. societas vecturaria
    forwarding agency
  1834. spurcatus, spurcata, spurcatum
    foul, stained
  1835. sordifluus, sordiflua, sordifluum
  1836. subterfundo 1
    found beneath, establish beneath
  1837. silanus, silani m
    fountain of water, jet of water
  1838. sicilicus, sicilici m
    fourth part of an uncia, a quarter of an inch, one fortyeighth of a jugerum, two drachms, forty, eighth part of an hour
  1839. siciliquus, siciliqui m
    fourth part of an uncia, a quarter of an inch, one fortyeighth of a jugerum, two drachms, forty, eighth part of an hour
  1840. suaveolentia, suaveolentiae f
  1841. suaveolens, suaveolentis
    fragrant, scented, perfumed, aromatic
  1842. sponda, spondae f
    frame of a bedstead, sofa, bed, couch, bier
  1843. securus, secura, securum
    free from care, careless, unconcerned, untroubled, fearless, quiet, easy, composed
  1844. subdivum, subdivi n
    free sky, open skies
  1845. solutus, soluta, solutum
    free, loose, at large, unfettered, unbandaged, friable
  1846. securitas, securitatis f
    freedom from care, unconcern, composure
  1847. securitas, securitatis f
    freedom from danger, safety, security
  1848. stoechas, stoechadis f
    French lavender, sticados
  1849. summiter
    from above
  1850. sursum
    from below, up, upwards, on high, high up, above
  1851. sursus
    from below, up, upwards, on high, high up, above
  1852. septima hora
    from noon to 1 p, m
  1853. stiria, stiriae f
    frozen drop, ice-drop, icicle
  1854. stiriacus, stiriaca, stiriacum
  1855. sorbum, sorbi n
    fruit of the sorbus, sorb-apple, sorb, service-berry
  1856. sinuosus, sinuosa, sinuosum
    full of bendings, full of windings, full of curves, full of folds, bent, winding, sinuous
  1857. sentinosus, sentinosa, sentinosum
    full of bilge water
  1858. stigmosus, stigmosa, stigmosum
    full of brand-marks, branded
  1859. senticosus, senticosa, senticosum
    full of briers, full of thorns, thorny, briery
  1860. speluncosus, speluncosa, speluncosum
    full of caves, full of caverns, cavernous
  1861. seditiosus, seditiosa, seditiosum
    full of civil discord, factious, turbulent, mutinous, seditious, quarrelsome, exposed to discord, troubled
  1862. setosus, setosa, setosum
    full of coarse hairs, full of bristles, bristly, setous
  1863. stercorosus, stercorosa, stercorosum
    full of excrements, full of dung, well manured, full of filth, impure
  1864. spumosus, spumosa, spumosum
    full of foam, foaming, frothy, bombastic
  1865. satur, satura, saturum
    full of food, sated, that has eaten enough
  1866. stimulosus, stimulosa, stimulosum
    full of incentives, stimulative
  1867. succosus, succosa, succosum
    full of juice, full of moisture, juicy, sappy, succulent, rich in money
  1868. sucosus, sucosa, sucosum
    full of juice, full of moisture, juicy, sappy, succulent, rich in money
  1869. succulentus, succulenta, succulentum
    full of juice, full of sap, sappy, succulent, vigorous
  1870. suculentus, suculenta, suculentum
    full of juice, full of sap, sappy, succulent, vigorous
  1871. significans, significantis
    full of meaning, expressive, significant
  1872. sententiosus, sententiosa, sententiosum
    full of meaning, pithy, sententious
  1873. sententiose
    full of meaning, suggestively, sententiously
  1874. saxosus, saxosa, saxosum
    full of rocks
  1875. scopulosus, scopulosa, scopulosum
    full of rocks, rocky, shelvy, craggy
  1876. seminosus, seminosa, seminosum
    full of seeds
  1877. scruposus, scruposa, scruposum
    full of sharp stones, jagged, rough, rugged, hard, arduous
  1878. somniculosus, somniculosa, somniculosum
    full of sleep, inclined to sleep, drowsy, dozy, sleepy, sluggish, slothful, making sleepy, making drowsy, making sluggish
  1879. scrupulosus, scrupulosa, scrupulosum
    full of small sharp stones, rough, rugged, jagged
  1880. scaturiginosus, scaturiginosa, scaturiginosum
    full of springs, abounding in springs, springy
  1881. stagnosus, stagnosa, stagnosum
    full of standing waters, full of pools
  1882. sulphurosus, sulphurosa, sulphurosum
    full of sulphur, sulphureous
  1883. superstitiosus, superstitiosa, superstitiosum
    full of superstition, superstitious, soothsaying, prophetic, prophetical
  1884. sebosus, sebosa, sebosum
    full of tallow, full of grease, tallowy, greasy
  1885. spinosus, spinosa, spinosum
    full of thorns, full of prickles, thorny, prickly, harsh, crabbed, obscure, confused, perplexed, stinging, galling, irritating
  1886. sentosus, sentosa, sentosum
    full of thorns, thorny
  1887. sentuosus, sentuosa, sentuosum
    full of thorns, thorny
  1888. scelerosus, scelerosa, scelerosum
    full of wickedness, vicious, abominable, accursed
  1889. silvosus, silvosa, silvosum
    full of woods, full of trees, woody
  1890. suppeditatio, suppeditationis f
    full supply, abundance, exuberance
  1891. satur, satura, saturum
    full, deep, strong, rich
  1892. superadultus, superadulta, superadultum
    fully mature, past the first period of maturity
  1893. sonoritas, sonoritatis f
    fulness of sound, melodiousness
  1894. saturitas, saturitatis f
    fulness, plenty
  1895. saturitas, saturitatis f
    fulness, repletion, satiety
  1896. suffumigo 1
    fumigate from below, suffumigate
  1897. suffitu cimices neco
    fumigate the bugs
  1898. suffimento 1
  1899. suffio 4
    fumigate, perfume, scent
  1900. suffumigatio, suffumigationis f
    fumigating from below
  1901. suffitio, suffitionis f
    fumigating, fumigation, perfuming
  1902. suffitus, suffitus m
    fumigating, fumigation, smoke produced by fumigation
  1903. suffimen, suffiminis n
    fumigation, incense
  1904. suffimentum, suffimenti n
    fumigation, incense
  1905. suffitor, suffitorris m
  1906. secundicerius, secundiceriiī m
    functionary of the second rank
  1907. silicernium, silicernii n
    funeral feast, drybones, kind of sausage
  1908. sparsivus, sparsiva, sparsivum
    für das Hurlingspiel, zum Hurling
  1909. strio 1
    furnish with furrows, furnish with channels, hollow out, groove, flute, striate
  1910. spico 1
    furnish with spikes, furnish with ears
  1911. stadiatus, stadiata, stadiatum
    furnished with a race-course
  1912. sigillatus, sigillata, sigillatum
    furnished with little images, adorned with little figures
  1913. specillatus, specillata, specillatum
    furnished with little mirrors
  1914. speculatus, speculata, speculatum
    furnished with mirrors, adorned with mirrors
  1915. soccatus, soccata, soccatum
    furnished with socci, wearing socci
  1916. soccifer, soccifera, socciferum
    furnished with socci, wearing socci
  1917. subministratus, subministratus m
    furnishing, supplying
  1918. sulcus, sulci m
    furrow made by the plough, ploughing, long narrow trench, ditch, rut, track, wrinkle of the skin, trail of a meteor
  1919. sulcamen, sulcaminis n
  1920. stria, striae f
    furrow, channel, hollow, flute of a column
  1921. sulco 1
    furrow, cut furrows through, plough, sail over, traverse, pass through
  1922. sulcabilis, sulcabile
  1923. superadornatus, superadornata, superadornatum
    further adorned, additionally ornamented
  1924. super quam
  1925. superquam
    furthermore, besides that
  1926. superlucror 1
    gain in addition
  1927. servitricius, servitricia, servitricium
    galled by slavery
  1928. servitritius, servitritia, servitritium
    galled by slavery
  1929. saeptum venationis
    game enclosure, wildlife enclosure, preserve for game, corer for game, hunting-park
  1930. stemma, stemmatis n
    garland, wreath, pedigree, genealogical table, genealogical tree, nobility, high value
  1931. sericablatta, sericablattae f
    garment of purple silk
  1932. sericoblatta, sericoblattae f
    garment of purple silk
  1933. scortea, scorteae f
    garment of skins, garment of leather
  1934. sublego 3
    gather from below, gather for underneath, search for underneath, to gather up, catch up secretly, catch up by stealth, kidnap, overhear, choose in the place of another, elect in the place of another, substitute
  1935. suppuro 1
    gather matter, form pus, come to a head, suppurate, bring to a head, cause to suppurate, bring forth, produce
  1936. sectarius, sectaria, sectarium
    gelded, castrated
  1937. semigenius, semigenia, semigenium
  1938. summa belli
    general management of the war
  1939. synopsis, synopsis f
    general view, list, synopsis
  1940. semina genetice mutata
    genetically modified seeds
  1941. scordilon, scordili n
    germander, scordium
  1942. scordion, scordii n
    germander, scordium
  1943. scordium, scordii n
    germander, scordium
  1944. scordotis, scordotidis f
    germander, scordium
  1945. squalesco 3
    get dirty
  1946. sub dentem alicuius venio
    get into clutches of, fall into claws of
  1947. spem devoro
    get one's teeth into a hope, cling to a hope
  1948. stilasco 3
    get stalks
  1949. stilo 1
    get stalks
  1950. sumptum reficio
    get the costs back out, cover the costs
  1951. supermolior 4
    get through
  1952. stips, stipis f
    gift, donation, alms, contribution
  1953. sensutus, sensuta, sensutum
    gifted with brains, understanding
  1954. sensatus, sensata, sensatum
    gifted with sense, intelligent
  1955. succingo 3
    gird below, gird from below, tuck up, gird, gird about, girdle, surround, furnish, provide, equip, fit out
  1956. succinctulus, succinctula, succinctulum
    girded, girt
  1957. suboffendo 3
    give some offence
  1958. soccito 1
    give the sound of the thrush
  1959. sequestro 1
    give up for safekeeping, surrender, remove, separate from any thing
  1960. suppedito 1
    give, furnish, afford, supply, procure in abundance
  1961. sospitalis, sospitale
    giving health, giving safety, salutary
  1962. sortifer, sortifera, sortiferum
    giving out oracles, oracular
  1963. sortiger, sortigera, sortigerum
    giving out oracles, oracular
  1964. sublustris, sublustre
    giving some light, having a faint light, glimmering
  1965. subministratio, subministrationis f
    giving, furnishing, supplying, subministration
  1966. suffulgeo 2
    gleam beneath, shine beneath
  1967. spicilegium, spicilegii n
    gleaning of ears of corn after gathering
  1968. sublectio, sublectionis f
    gleaning, leasing
  1969. superlabor 3
    glide over, run over
  1970. subterlabor 3
    glide under, flow under, slip away, escape
  1971. submano 1
    glide under, trickle under, wet somewhat
  1972. summano 1
    glide under, trickle under, wet somewhat, do something wet
  1973. stellimicans, stellimicantis
    glittering with stars
  1974. stellumicans, stellumicantis
    glittering with stars
  1975. scoriscatio, scoriscationis f
    glittering, flash, coruscation
  1976. superglorifico 1
    glorify beyond all measure, praise beyond all measure
  1977. subrutilo 1
    glow slightly, glimmer forth
  1978. suffrendens, suffrendentis
    gnashing a little
  1979. secedo 3
    go apart, go aside, go away, separate, withdraw, remove, withdraw, retire, revolt, dissent from the opinion
  1980. singulas urbes circumvenio
    go around from one city to another
  1981. semigro 1
    go away, remove
  1982. succedo 3
    go below, go under, enter, come under, go from under, go up, mount, ascend, submit to any thing, march on, advance, march up to, approach, follow, follow after, take the place of, relieve, come into the place of, succeed, succeed to, receive by succession, come next
  1983. subintro 1
    go into secretly, enter by stealth, steal into
  1984. solum verto
    go out of the country, turn one's back on one's homeland, leave the country
  1985. supereo
    go over
  1986. supervado 3
    go over, climb over, surmount
  1987. supermeo 1
    go over, glide over, flow over
  1988. supero 1
    go over, pass over, rise above, mount, ascend, surmount, overtop, sail by a place, past a place, surpass, excel, exceed, outdo, outstrip, overcome, subdue, conquer, vanquish
  1989. superferor
    go over, ride over, fly over, swim over
  1990. supervehor 3
    go over, ride over, sail over, go past, ride past, sail past
  1991. supero 1
    go over, rise above, overtop, surmount, have the upper hand, have the superiority, be superior, overcome, surpass, be left over, remain, survive
  1992. somno me do
    go to bed
  1993. sumptum impendo
    go to expense
  1994. suggredior 5
    go up to, come up to, approach, attack
  1995. stimulus, stimuli m
    goad for driving, sting, torment, pang, spur, incentive, incitement, stimulus, pointed stake
  1996. scopus, scopi m
    goal, target
  1997. secessio, secessionis f
    going aside, withdrawal, separation, schism, secession
  1998. secessus, secessus m
    going away, departure, separation, Retirement, solitude, place of retirement
  1999. synodicus, synodica, synodicum
    going together, coming together, synodical, according to the decrees of the synod
  2000. solidus, solidi m
    gold coin
  2001. speciositas, speciositatis f
    good looks, beauty
  2002. speciosus, speciosa, speciosum
    good-looking, showy, handsome, beautiful, splendid, brilliant, well-sounding, plausible, specious
  2003. species, specierum f
    goods, wares
  2004. societas regendi
    government participation, government involvement
  2005. strategia, strategiae f
    government, district, province
  2006. spelta, speltae f
    grains of spelt
  2007. soloecismus, soloecismi m
    grammatical fault in the construction of a sentence, solecism
  2008. soloecum, soloeci n
    grammatical fault in the construction of a sentence, solecism
  2009. surena, surenae m
    grand vizier
  2010. suggrundarium, suggrundarii n
    grave of a child less than forty days old
  2011. serius, seria, serium
    grave, earnest, serious
  2012. severe
    gravely, seriously, austerely, rigidly, severely
  2013. severiter
    gravely, seriously, austerely, rigidly, severely
  2014. severitudo, severitudinis f
    gravity, austerity, severity
  2015. sumptuositas, sumptuositatis f
    great expense, costliness, expensiveness
  2016. stergethron, stergethri n
    great houseleek
  2017. scurrilitas, scurrilitatis f
    grotesque gag, kintopp, clambake, comic, slapstick, burleske, farce
  2018. scurrulitas, scurrulitatis f
    grotesque gag, kintopp, clambake, comic, slapstick, burleske, farce
  2019. solarium, solarii n [2]
  2020. symplegma, symplegmatis n
    group of persons embracing, group of persons wrestling
  2021. sideratio, siderationis f
    grouping of stars, configuration of stars, constellation
  2022. stupesco 3
    grow astonished, become amazed
  2023. seresco 3
    grow dry
  2024. siccesco 3
    grow dry, become dry, dry up
  2025. spumesco 3
    grow foamy, grow frothy, begin to foam, begin to froth
  2026. supervalesco 3
    grow in power
  2027. superincresco 3
    grow over, grow upon
  2028. subaresco 3
    grow somewhat dry
  2029. subargutulus, subargutula, subargutulum
    grow somewhat dry
  2030. spinesco 3
    grow thorny
  2031. subcresco 3
    grow under, grow from under, grow up
  2032. succresco 3
    grow under, grow from under, grow up
  2033. sterilesco 3
    grow unfruitful, grow barren, grow sterile
  2034. sororio 1
    grow up together like two sisters, swell together like two sisters
  2035. subnascor 3
    grow up under, grow out of, grow after, follow after, succeed
  2036. subolesco 3
    grow up
  2037. supercresco 3
    grow up, grow over, grow upon
  2038. silvesco 3
    grow wild, run wild, run to wood
  2039. saxosus, saxosa, saxosum
    growing among stones
  2040. supernascor 3
    growing over, growing above
  2041. supercreatus, supercreata, supercreatum
    grown on, adventitious
  2042. suggrunnio 4
    grunt a little
  2043. securitas, securitatis f
  2044. scelerĭtas, scelerĭtatis f
    guilt, wickedness, criminality
  2045. sons, sontis m
    guilty person, offender, malefactor, criminal, an evil doer, malefactor, delinquent
  2046. sons, sontis
    guilty, criminal, hurtful, noxious, delinquent
  2047. stomachus, stomachi m
    gullet, alimentary canal, œsophagus, stomach, taste, liking, distaste, dislike
  2048. stagonitis, stagonitidis f
    gum galbanum
  2049. spicus crinalis
  2050. sinciput, sincipitis n
    half a head, brain, head
  2051. semilixa, semilixae m
    half a sutler, one little better than a sutler
  2052. semianimis, semianime
    half alive, half dead
  2053. semianimus, semianima, semianimum
    half alive, half dead
  2054. semis (indecl.)
    half an as, a semi as, half a juger of lan, half foot, half a foot, half a cubit
  2055. semis, semissis m
    half an as, a semi as, half a juger of lan, half foot, half a foot, half a cubit
  2056. semermis, semerme
    half armed, badly armed, indifferently armed
  2057. semermus, semerma, semermum
    half armed, badly armed, indifferently armed
  2058. semiermis, semierme
    half armed, badly armed, indifferently armed
  2059. semiermus, semierma, semiermum
    half armed, badly armed, indifferently armed
  2060. semissalis, semissale
    half as a month
  2061. subdimidius, subdimidia, subdimidium
    half as much less, less by one half of itself
  2062. semisomnis, semisomne
    half asleep, sleepy, drowsy
  2063. semisomnus, semisomna, semisomnum
    half asleep, sleepy, drowsy
  2064. semisopitus, semisopita, semisopitum
    half asleep, sleepy, drowsy
  2065. semisopoōrus, semisopoōra, semisopoōrum
    half asleep, sleepy, drowsy
  2066. semireductus, semireducta, semireductum
    half bent back
  2067. semisupinus, semisupina, semisupinum
    half bent backwards, half supine
  2068. semicorporalis, semicorporale
    half bodied, having but half its body visible
  2069. semicorporeus, semicorporea, semicorporeum
    half bodied, having but half its body visible
  2070. semilater, semilateris m
    half brick
  2071. semilaterium, semilaterii n
    half brick
  2072. semisepultus, semisepulta, semisepultum
    half buried
  2073. semiustulo 1
    half burn, burn in part
  2074. semustulo 1
    half burn, burn in part
  2075. semiambustus, semiambusta, semiambustum
    half burned, half consumed
  2076. semicrematus, semicremata, semicrematum
    half burned
  2077. semicombustus, semicombusta, semicombustum
    half burned, half consumed
  2078. semicirculus, semicirculī m
    half circle, semicircle
  2079. semiamictus, semiamicta, semiamictum
    half clad, half naked
  2080. semigelatus, semigelata, semigelatum
    half coagulated, semi frozen
  2081. semipletio, semipletionis f
    half completeness
  2082. semimodius, semodiī mm
    half corn measure
  2083. semodius, semodiī mm
    half corn measure
  2084. semicorrectus, semicorrecta, semicorrectum
    half corrected
  2085. semiobrutus, semiobruta, semiobrutum
    half covered
  2086. semiamputatus, semiamputata, semiamputatum
    half cut off, half trimmed, lopped, pruned
  2087. semidies, semidiei m
    half day
  2088. semimortuus, semimortua, semimortuum
    half dead
  2089. seminecus, semineca, seminecum
    half dead
  2090. seminex, seminecis
    half dead
  2091. subnego 1
    half deny, half refuse
  2092. semiperemptus, semiperempta, semiperemptum
    half destroyed
  2093. semiperemtus, semiperemta, semiperemtum
    half destroyed
  2094. semideus, semidea, semideum
    half divine
  2095. semidivinus, semidivina, semidivinum
    half divine, semi divine
  2096. semicanis, semicane
    half dog
  2097. semisiccus, semisicca, semisiccum
    half dry
  2098. semipastus, semipasta, semipastum
    half eaten
  2099. semessus, semessa, semessum
    half eaten, half devoured, half consumed
  2100. semesus, semesa, semesum
    half eaten, half devoured, half consumed
  2101. semiesus, semiesa, semiesum
    half eaten, half devoured, half consumed
  2102. semiieiunia, semiieiuniorum n
    half fasts
  2103. semiperactus, semiperacta, semiperactum
    half finished
  2104. semiperfectus, semiperfecta, semiperfectum
    half finished, half perfect, incomplete
  2105. semipes, semipedis m
    half foot in vers
  2106. semipes, semipedis m
    half foot, half a foot
  2107. semipodius, semipodia, semipodium
    half footed
  2108. semiliber, semilibera, semiliberum
    half free
  2109. semus, sema, semum
    half full, half empty, only half
  2110. semiplenus, semiplena, semiplenum
    half full, half in full, incompletely, in part
  2111. semigermanus, semigermana, semigermanum
    half German, semi German
  2112. semipuella, semipuellae f
    half girl
  2113. semicaper, semicapri m
    half goat
  2114. semicanus, semicana, semicanum
    half gray, grizzled
  2115. semigraecus, semigraeca, semigraecum
    half Greek,
  2116. semihora, semihorae f
    half hour, half an hour
  2117. semimarinus, semimarina, semimarinum
    half in the sea
  2118. Semiiudaeus, Semiiudaei m
    half Jew, half a Jew
  2119. semiiugerum, semiiugeri n
    half juger, quarter acre
  2120. semidoctus, semidocti m
    half knowing, half expert, semi expert
  2121. semilacer, semilacera, semilacerum
    half lacerated, half mangled
  2122. semipedius, semipedia, semipedium
    half lame
  2123. semipes, semipedis m
    half lame
  2124. semicoriaceus, semicoriacea, semicoriaceum
    half leather
  2125. semilineus, semilinea, semilineum
    half linen
  2126. semilixula, semilixulae f
    half lixula
  2127. semilunaticus, semilunatica, semilunaticum
    half lunatic, half moonstruck
  2128. semiconfectus, semiconfecta, semiconfectum
    half made
  2129. semihomo, semihominis m
    half man, half man and half beast, half wild, half savage
  2130. semimedus, semimedi m
    half Mede, half a Mede
  2131. semimetopion, semimetopii n
    half metope
  2132. seminudus, seminuda, seminudum
    half naked, half unarmed, almost defenceless
  2133. semiobolus, semioboli m
    half obolus
  2134. semiadapertus, semiadaperta, semiadapertum
    half opened
  2135. semiapertus, semiaperta, semiapertum
    half opened, half open
  2136. semihiulcus, semihiulca, semihiulcum
    half opened, half open
  2137. semulcus, semulca, semulcum
    half opened, half open
  2138. semiuncia, semiunciae f
    half ounce, the twenty fourth part of any whole, twentyfourth of a pound, domestic utensil
  2139. semigravis, semigrave
    half overcome, half drunken
  2140. semibos, semibovis m
    half ox
  2141. semifastigium, semifastigii n
    half pediment
  2142. semiquinaria, semiquinariae f
    half pentameter
  2143. semiperfectio, semiperfectionis f
    half perfection
  2144. semipoeta, semipoetae m
    half poet
  2145. semilibra, semilibrae f
    half pound, half a pound
  2146. semifultus, semifulta, semifultum
    half propped
  2147. semicrudus, semicruda, semicrudum
    half raw, half digested
  2148. semirefectus, semirefecta, semirefectum
    half repaired
  2149. semimaturus, semimatura, semimaturum
    half ripe, still immature
  2150. semiromanus, semiromana, semiromanum
    half Roman
  2151. semirotundus, semirotunda, semirotundum
    half round, semicircular
  2152. semiremex, semiremigis m
    half rower, half fighter
  2153. semiaxius, semiaxia, semiaxium
    half ruined, half broken
  2154. semipaganus, semipagani m
    half rustic, half a clown, no right poet
  2155. semiagrestis, semiagreste
    half rustic, somewhat boorish
  2156. semiclausus, semiclausa, semiclausum
    half shut, half close
  2157. semiclusus, semiclusa, semiclusum
    half shut, half close
  2158. semiadopertulus, semiadopertula, semiadopertulum
    half shut, half closed
  2159. semisermo, semisermonis m
    half speech, jargon
  2160. semisyllaba, semisyllabae f
    half syllable
  2161. semitalentum, semitalenti n
    half talent
  2162. semidoctus, semidocta, semidoctum
    half taught, half learned
  2163. semidecima, semidecimae f
    half tenth
  2164. semitactus, semitacta, semitactum
    half touched
  2165. semimitra, semimitrae f
    half turban
  2166. semiconspicuus, semiconspicua, semiconspicuum
    half visible
  2167. semifer, semiferi m
    half wild man
  2168. subsericus, subserica, subsericum
  2169. semifer, semifera, semiferum
    halfbestial, half man and half beast
  2170. semicremus, semicrema, semicremum
  2171. semiorbis, semiorbis m
    halfcircle, semicircle
  2172. semicoctus, semicocta, semicoctum
    halfcooked, half done
  2173. semiruta, semirutorum n
    halfdemolished parts of the wall
  2174. semiinanis, semiinane
    halfempty, but half full
  2175. seminanis, seminane
    halfempty, but half full
  2176. semiformis, semiforme
  2177. semirosus, semirosa, semirosum
    halfgnawed, seminibbled
  2178. semionustus, semionusta, semionustum
  2179. semifactus, semifacta, semifactum
    halfmade, half finished
  2180. semimasculus, semimasculi m
  2181. semimas, semimaris m
    halfmale, hermaphrodite, unmanned, emasculated
  2182. semhians, semhiantis
    halfopened, half open
  2183. semihians, semihiantis
    halfopened, half open
  2184. semiputatus, semiputata, semiputatum
  2185. semirutus, semiruta, semiutum
    halfpulled down, half overthrown, half demolished, half destroyed, half ruined
  2186. semifunium, semifunii n
    halfrope, slender line, slender cord
  2187. semirasus, semirasa, semirasum
  2188. semiperitus, semiperita, semiperitum
  2189. semifumans, semifumantis
  2190. semisonans, semisonantis
    halfsounding, semi vocal
  2191. semisonus, semisona, semisonum
    halfsounding, semi vocal
  2192. semiacerbus, semiacerba, semiacerbum
    halfsour, half ripe
  2193. semilautus, semilauta, semilautum
  2194. semimadidus, semimadida, semimadidum
    halfwet, moist, damp
  2195. semiinteger, semiintegra, semiintegrum
    halfwhole, half uninjured
  2196. semisaucius, semisaucia, semisaucium
  2197. suffrago, suffraginis f
    ham, hough, hock of a quadruped’s hind leg, , shoot of a vine, spray of a vine
  2198. societas manufollica
    handball team, handball club
  2199. scitulus, scitula, scitulum
    handsome, pretty, neat, trim, elegant
  2200. superimmineo 2
    hang over, overhang
  2201. suspendo 3
    hang up, hang, suspend, choke to death by hanging, hang, dedicate, consecrate, build upon arches, build upon vaults, prop up, hold up, support
  2202. suspendium, suspendii n
    hanging of one’s self, hanging
  2203. scirros, scirri m
    hard swelling, tumor
  2204. scortum, scorti n
    harlot, strumpet, prostitut, mistress, concubine
  2205. speusticus, speustica, speusticum
    hastily made
  2206. superbe
    haughtily, proudly, superciliously
  2207. superbiter
    haughtily, proudly, superciliously
  2208. superbiloquentia, superbiloquentiae f
    haughty speaking, proud speaking
  2209. superciliosus, superciliosa, superciliosum
    haughty, disdainful, supercilious, censorious, severe
  2210. superbus, superba, superbum
    haughty, proud, arrogant, insolent, discourteous, uncivil, rude, supercilious, domineering, delicate, fastidious, squeamish, very severe, utterly impartial, uncivil, arrogant, proud, superior, excellent, distinguished, splendid, magnificent, superb
  2211. subductio, subductionis f
    hauling ashore of a ship, reckoning, dryocking, beaching
  2212. sublacrimo 1
    have a bit of tears, weeping a little
  2213. subincrepito 1
    have a little bang
  2214. suevi
    have accustomed one’s self, be wont, be used, be accustomed
  2215. stabulo 1
    have an abode anywhere, stable, kennel, harbor, roost, stable cattle, house cattle
  2216. stabulor 1
    have an abode anywhere, stable, kennel, harbor, roost, stable cattle, house cattle
  2217. successit coeptis
    have done a good job
  2218. superhabeo 2
    have over a thing, have upon a thing
  2219. somno satiatus sum
    have slept in
  2220. subsipio 5
    have some taste
  2221. superintendo 3
    have the oversight of, superintend
  2222. summam rerum administro
    have the supreme command
  2223. silus, sila, silum
    having a broad nose, having a turned up nose, pug nosed, snub nosed
  2224. subdialis ceno
    having a picnic, picnic
  2225. scalpratus, scalprata, scalpratum
    having a sharp edge, having a cutting edge
  2226. sistratus, sistrata, sistratum
    having a sistrum, bearing a sistrum
  2227. strumaticus, strumatica, strumaticum
    having a struma, scrofulous, strumous
  2228. strumosus, strumosa, strumosum
    having a struma, scrofulous, strumous
  2229. suppes, suppedis
    having feet turned under, with twisted feet
  2230. semicorporis, sēmicorpore
    having half a body
  2231. semicorpus, semicorporis
    having half a body
  2232. septiforis, septifore
    having seven openings, seven holed
  2233. screo 1
    hawk, hem
  2234. screator, screatoris m
    hawker, hemmer
  2235. screatus, screatus m
    hawking, hemming
  2236. separator, separatoris m
    he that separates, separator
  2237. Supinalis, Supinalis m
    he who overthrows, he who destroys
  2238. summus, summi m
    he who sits in the highest place, he who sits at the head of the table
  2239. superacervo 1
    heap on, pile up
  2240. superaggero 1
    heap over
  2241. structus, structus m
    heap, pile
  2242. struix, struicis f
    heap, pile
  2243. strues, struis f
    heap, pile, heap of little offering-cakes, funeral pile, pyre
  2244. suffervefacio 5
    heat from below,warm from below
  2245. subatio, subationis f
    heat, brimming of swine
  2246. sisara, sisarae f
    heath, sweetbroom
  2247. sisyrus, sisyri m
    heather, erica
  2248. subustio, subustionis f
    heating from below
  2249. saeps, saepis f
    hedge, fence, enclosure
  2250. seps, sepis f (2)
    hedge, fence, enclosure
  2251. saeptio, saeptionis f
    hedging in, fencing in, enclosing, enclosing with a wall
  2252. septio, septionis f
    hedging in, fencing in, enclosing, enclosing with a wall
  2253. statura, staturae f
    height of the body, size of the body, stature
  2254. sublime, sublimis n
  2255. sublimitas, sublimitatis f
    height, loftiness, loftiness, elevation, sublimity
  2256. suppetium, suppetii n
    help, assistance, support
  2257. succursor, succursoris m
    helper, succorer
  2258. symphoniaca, symphoniacae f
  2259. serpentaria, serpentariae f
    herb good against the bite of a viper
  2260. strumea, strumeae f
    herb that cures the strumaa
  2261. suspense
    hesitatingly, in suspense
  2262. sexangulum, sexanguli n
  2263. sugglutio 4
    hiccup a little
  2264. singultio 4
    hiccup, sob, cluck, throb
  2265. singulto 1
    hiccup, sob, rattle in the throat
  2266. secrete
    hidden, concealed, secret, in secret, secretly
  2267. secretim
    hidden, concealed, secret, in secret, secretly
  2268. secreto
    hidden, concealed, secret, in secret, secretly
  2269. secretus, secreta, secretum
    hidden, concealed, secret, isolated, solitary
  2270. suppressor, suppressoris m
    hider, concealer
  2271. sculponeae, sculponearum f
    high wooden shoes
  2272. superior, superius
    higher, upper, upper part of, former, past, previous, preceding, older, elder, senior, more advanced, victorious, conquering, stronger, superior, higher, more distinguished, greater
  2273. summitas, summitatis f
    highest part, height, top, summit
  2274. superrimus, superrima, superrimum
    highest, loftiest, topmost
  2275. superrumus, superruma, superrumum
    highest, loftiest, topmost
  2276. supremus, suprema, supremum
    highest, loftiest, topmost, last, latest, extreme, final, closing, dying
  2277. summo ingenio praeditus
    highly talented
  2278. supernitas, supernitatis f
    highness, height
  2279. sibilo 1
    hiss, whistle, hiss at a person, hiss down a person
  2280. sibilatrix, sibilatricis f
    hissing, whistling
  2281. sibilatus, sibilatus m
    hissing, whistling
  2282. sibilus, sibila, sibilum
    hissing, whistling
  2283. sibilum, sibili n
    hissing, whistling, contemptuous hissing, hissing at
  2284. sibilus, sibili m
    hissing, whistling, contemptuous hissing, hissing at
  2285. st
    hist!, whist!, hush!
  2286. scrupeda, scrupedae f
    hobbling, shambling
  2287. scrupipeda, scrupipedae f
    hobbling, shambling
  2288. suile, suilis n
    hog-sty, pigsty, pigpen, pig sty
  2289. sufflamino 1
    hold back by a clog, clog, check, stay, check, repress in speaking
  2290. sepulto 1
    hold buried
  2291. summis honoribus fungor
    hold the highest offices
  2292. subteneo 2
    hold underneath
  2293. strigo 1
    hold up, halt, stop in ploughing, give out, give way, lose strength, sink
  2294. sustineo 2
    hold up, hold upright, uphold, bear up, keep up, support, sustain, maintain, preserve, hold in, stop, stay, check, restrain, keep back, put off, defer, delay
  2295. sustento 1
    hold up, hold upriqht, uphold, support, prop, sustain, bear, wear, keep up, maintain, uplift, preserve, keep in check, hold back, restrain, hold out, endure, suffer, put off, defer, delay
  2296. sustentatus, sustentatus m
    holding up, holding upright, sustaining, support
  2297. subcavus, subcava, subcavum
    hollow below, hollow underneath
  2298. scotia, scotiae f
    hollow moulding in the base of a column
  2299. syringianus, syringiana, syringianum
    hollowed out like a pipe
  2300. syringnatus, syringnata, syringnatum
    hollowed out like a pipe
  2301. subtercavatus, subtercavata, subtercavatum
    hollowed out underneath
  2302. sitis caedis
    homicidal desire
  2303. superspero 1
    hope exceedingly
  2304. spero 1
    hope, look for, trust, expect, promise one’s self, flatter one’s self
  2305. sonupes, sonupedis m
    horse, ross
  2306. suasoria, suasoriae f
    hortatory speech, suasory speech
  2307. simultas, simultatis f
    hostile encounter of two parties, dissension, enmity, rivalry, jealousy, grudge, hatred, animosity, contest for a prize
  2308. suppellex, suppellectilis f
    household utensils
  2309. supelex, supelectilis f
    household utensils, stuff, furniture, goods, apparatus, furniture, outfit, qualification
  2310. supellectilis, supellectilis f
    household utensils, stuff, furniture, goods, apparatus, furniture, outfit, qualification
  2311. supellex, supellectilis f
    household utensils, stuff, furniture, goods, apparatus, furniture, outfit, qualification
  2312. sedum, sedi n
  2313. supplex, supplicis
    humbly begging, humbly entreating, humble, submissive, beseeching, suppliant, supplicant
  2314. supplice
  2315. subiecte
    humbly, submissively
  2316. supplicue
    humbly, submissively
  2317. suppliciter
    humbly, submissively, suppliant
  2318. supplicium, supplicii n
    humiliation, public prayer, public supplication, act of worship, sacrificing, offering, sacrifice, humble entreaty, humble petition, supplication, punishment, penalty, torture, torment, pain, distress, suffering
  2319. silvarum agitatrix, agitatricis f
  2320. samia, samiae f
    hurt, damage, loss
  2321. siliqua, siliquae f
    husk of leguminous plants, pod of leguminous plants, carob tree, carob, St, John’s bread
  2322. supplantatio, supplantationis f
    hypocritical deceit
  2323. supposititivus, supposititiva, supposititivum
  2324. supposititive
  2325. septimus sum deinceps
    I am the seventh in succession
  2326. suillas carnes mirum in modum amo
    I love pork very much
  2327. sensus, sensus m
    idea, notion, meaning, signification
  2328. siqui, siqua, siquod
    if any, if any one
  2329. siquis, siquid
    if any, if any one
  2330. siquando
    if ever
  2331. sicunde
    if from anywhere
  2332. sicubi
    if in any place, if anywhere, wheresoever
  2333. siqua (si qua)
    if in any way, if by any means
  2334. siqui (si qui)
    if in any way, if by any means
  2335. siquidem
    If only, if indeed
  2336. si quid titubatum est
    if something has gone wrong
  2337. sodes
    if you will, if you please, with your leave, prithee, pray
  2338. si
    if, whether, if perchance
  2339. syntecticus, syntectica, syntecticum
    ill of consumption, consumptive, syntectic
  2340. spurius, spurii m
    illegitimate child, spurious child, bastard
  2341. subagitatio, subagitationis f
    illicit intercourse
  2342. subigitatio, subigitationis f
    illicit intercourse
  2343. signifex, significis m
    image maker, carver, statuary, sculptor
  2344. statua, statuae f
    image, statue, pillar
  2345. sicelisso 1
    imitate Sicilian manner
  2346. sicilisso 1
    imitate Sicilian manner
  2347. sicilizo 1
    imitate Sicilian manner
  2348. simulatus, simulata, simulatum
    imitated, feigned, simulated, hypocrite
  2349. simulans, simulantis
    imitating, imitative
  2350. subinde
    immediately after, just after, presently, forthwith, thereupon, one after the other, from time to time, now and then, repeatedly, frequently, continually
  2351. secundum + Akk.
    immediately after, next to, after, behind, by, along
  2352. subcontinuativus, subcontinuativa, subcontinuativum
    immediately continued
  2353. systema immunitatis
    immune system
  2354. supplicium alicui decerno
    impose the death penalty
  2355. supplicium allicui irrogo
    impose the death penalty
  2356. supplicium constituo in aliquem
    impose the death penalty
  2357. sulphuratus, sulphurata, sulphuratum
    impregnated with sulphur, sulphurated
  2358. sphragitis, sphragitidis f
    impression of a seal
  2359. stribiligo, stribiliginis f
    impropriety in language, solecism
  2360. stribligo, stribliginis f
    impropriety in language, solecism
  2361. somnialiter
    in a dream
  2362. susurratim
    in a low voice, softly
  2363. suspecto
    in a manner to excite suspicion, suspiciously
  2364. sollemniter
    in a religious manner, in a solemn manner, solemnly, with pomp, with splendor, according to custom, in the usual manner, in the customary manner, regularly, formally
  2365. sollemnitus
    in a religious manner, in a solemn manner, solemnly, with pomp, with splendor, according to custom, in the usual manner, in the customary manner, regularly, formally
  2366. sensualiter
    in a sensual manner, carnally
  2367. septempliciter
    in a sevenfold manner
  2368. suspiciose
    in a way to raise mistrust, in a way to raise suspicion, suspiciously
  2369. synodice
    in accordance with the synod’s decrees
  2370. supererogo 1
    in addition spend money
  2371. sereno
    in clear weather
  2372. summa hieme
    in deep winter, in the deep of winter
  2373. supremo in tempore
    in dire necessity, in dire distress
  2374. sordidatus, sordidata, sordidatum
    in dirty clothes, meanly dressed, shabbily dressed, foul, polluted
  2375. sermocinanter
    in discourse, in conversation
  2376. serie
    in earnest, seriously
  2377. serio
    in earnest, seriously
  2378. submissa voce
    in hushed tones, in a low voice
  2379. similiter
    in like manner, similarly
  2380. simulter
    in like manner, similarly
  2381. syllabice
    in respect to syllables, in increasing the number of the syllables
  2382. subidus, subida, subidum
    in rut
  2383. solidalis, solidale
    in solidarity
  2384. subsequenter
    in succession, one after another
  2385. syllabicus, syllabica, syllabicum
    in syllables, by the syllables
  2386. si quid humanitus mihi accidat (acciderit)
    in the event of my death, in case of my death
  2387. si quid mihi accidat (acciderit)
    in the event of my death, in case of my death
  2388. sphingatus, sphingata, sphingatum
    in the form of a sphinx
  2389. spingatus, spingata, spingatum
    in the form of a sphinx
  2390. summe
    in the highest degree, most highly, most greatly, extremely
  2391. speculari ratione
    in the manner of a mirror
  2392. serratim
    in the manner of a saw, like a saw
  2393. subdivus, subdiva, subdivum
    in the open air
  2394. superiore anno
    in the past year, last year, over the last year
  2395. sensu proprio verbi
    in the proper meaning of the word
  2396. sub umbra
    in the shade, in the shadow
  2397. stimulos sub pectore verto
    incite the heart to enthusiasm
  2398. semisermo, semisermonis m
    incomplete speech
  2399. suspectivus, suspectiva, suspectivum
    indicating a hunch
  2400. saucietas, saucietatis f
  2401. segne otium traho
    indulge in lazy leisure
  2402. societas industrialis
    industrial enterprise, industrial plant, industrial company
  2403. sequior, sequius
    inferior, lower, worse
  2404. sedes, sedis f
    infernal regions, burial place
  2405. superincendo 3
    inflame more, inflame greatly
  2406. synanche, synanches f
    inflammation of the throat, a sore-throat, quinsy
  2407. sciscitor 1
    inform one's self, ask, inquire, question, examine, interrogate
  2408. sycophanta, sycophantae m
    informer, tale-bearer, backbiter, slanderer, deceiver, trickster, cheat, cunning flatterer, parasite, sycophant
  2409. species, specierum f
  2410. suburbani, suburbanorum m
    inhabitants of the towns near Rome
  2411. silvicola, silvicolae c
    inhabiting woods, sylvan
  2412. silvicolens, silvicolentis
    inhabiting woods, sylvan
  2413. silvicultrix, silvicultricis f
    inhabiting woods, sylvan
  2414. sepioticon, sepiotici n
  2415. sciscitator, sciscitatoris m
    inquirer, examiner, investigator
  2416. scitator, scitatoris m
    inquirer, examiner, investigator
  2417. superscriptio, superscriptionis f
    inscription, superscription
  2418. sphondyle, sphondyles f
    insect that lives in the ground, and gnaws the roots of trees
  2419. spondyle, spondyles f
    insect that lives in the ground, and gnaws the roots of trees
  2420. subornator, subornatoris m
    instigator, abettor, suborner
  2421. sentinaculum, sentinaculi n
    instrument for bailing out the bilgewater of a ship, a scoop
  2422. syntonum, syntoni n
    instrument of the nature of the castanet, played on by the foot
  2423. subsanno 1
    insult by derisive gestures, deride, mock
  2424. seditio, seditionis f
    insurrectionary separation, civil discord, insurrection, mutiny, sedition
  2425. sensate
    intelligently, sensibly
  2426. subsanium, subsanii n
    Interior of the ship
  2427. subsannium, subsannii n
    Interior of the ship
  2428. sculna, sculnae m
    intermediary, fiduciary, frustee, agent, referee
  2429. sinuose
    intricately, in a roundabout manner
  2430. stropharius, stropharii m
  2431. subintroduco 3
    introduce in secret
  2432. subinduco 3
    introduce in secret, smuggle in
  2433. subintroduco 3
    introduce in secret, smuggle in
  2434. subnervo 1
    invalidate, refute
  2435. scopo 3
    investigate, test, search
  2436. scrutabundus, scrutabunda, scrutabundum
  2437. subinvito 1
    invite slightly, invite secretly
  2438. sideritis, sideritidis f
    Ironwort, vervain, a precious stone, loadstone, magnet
  2439. semeter, semetra, semetrum
    irregular, inharmonious
  2440. stomachanter
    irritably, peevishly, pettishly
  2441. suppeditat dicere
    it is easy to say
  2442. sufficit
    it is enough, suffice it
  2443. scilicet
    it is evident, clear, plain, manifest, of course, naturally, evidently, certainly, undoubtedly
  2444. scitum est
    it's a great idea
  2445. sculptor, sculptoris m
    ivory carver
  2446. scabratus, scabrata, scabratum
  2447. suffusio fellis
  2448. suffusio luridae bilis
  2449. subiungo 3
    join to, add to, annex, affix, subjoin, ring under, make subject, subordinate, subdue, subject, subjugate, put in the place of, substitute
  2450. sero 3
    join together, bind together, plait, interweave, entwine, join, connect, interweave, combine, compose, contrive
  2451. socio 1
    join together, unite together, associate, to do in common, hold in common, to share a thing with another
  2452. structio, structionis f
    joining together, building, erecting, construction
  2453. symplegas, symplegadis f
    joining together, cohesion
  2454. syzygia, syzygiae f
    joining together, conjunction, syzygy
  2455. sphondulus, sphonduli m
    joint of the spine, vertebra, spondyle, hard white of an oyster, muscle of an bivalve
  2456. sphondylion, sphondylii n
    joint of the spine, vertebra, spondyle, hard white of an oyster, muscle of an bivalve
  2457. sphondylus, sphondyli m
    joint of the spine, vertebra, spondyle, hard white of an oyster, muscle of an bivalve
  2458. spondilus, spondili m
    joint of the spine, vertebra, spondyle, hard white of an oyster, muscle of an bivalve
  2459. spondylion, spondylii n
    joint of the spine, vertebra, spondyle, hard white of an oyster, muscle of an bivalve
  2460. spondylus, spondyli m
    joint of the spine, vertebra, spondyle, hard white of an oyster, muscle of an bivalve
  2461. subcommunis, subcommune
    jointly, collectively, together, collaboratively
  2462. succussator, succussatoris m
  2463. succussatura, succussaturae f
    jolting of a hard-going horse
  2464. succus, succi m
    juice, moisture, sap, medicinal liquor, drink, draught, potion, taste of any thing, flifelavor, strength, rigor, energy, spirit, life
  2465. sucus, suci m
    juice, moisture, sap, medicinal liquor, drink, draught, potion, taste of any thing, flifelavor, strength, rigor, energy, spirit, life
  2466. succositas, succositatis f
    juiciness, succulence, juici ness
  2467. sucositas, sucositatis f
    juiciness, succulence, juici ness
  2468. succidus, succida, succidum
    juicy, sappy, fresh, plump
  2469. sucidus, sucida, sucidum
    juicy, sappy, fresh, plump
  2470. scrutarius, scrutarii m
    junk dealer
  2471. sic demum
    just like that
  2472. superstito 1
    keep alive, preserve
  2473. scriniarius, scriniarii m
    keeper of the scrinium
  2474. servans, servantis
    keeping, keeping up, observant
  2475. stimulum pugnis caedo
    kick against the pricks
  2476. scinifes, scinifum m
    kind of ant
  2477. strongyle, strongyles f
    kind of alum
  2478. strepsiceros, strepsicerotis m
    kind of animal with twisted horns, called by the Africans adax
  2479. sphingion, sphingii n
    kind of ape
  2480. seleucis, seleucidis f
    kind of bird on Mount Casius
  2481. subis, subis f
    kind of bird that breaks eagles’ eggs
  2482. scultatores, scultatorum m
    kind of bodyguard
  2483. sphaeromachia, sphaeromachiae f
    kind of boxing wirh iron balls strapped to the hands
  2484. spatalium, spatalii n
    kind of bracelet
  2485. spathalion, spathalii n
    kind of bracelet
  2486. spathalium, spathalii n
    kind of bracelet
  2487. spīnter, spīnteris n
    kind of bracelet
  2488. spīnther, spīntheris n
    kind of bracelet
  2489. spica testacea
    kind of brick for pavements
  2490. siler, sileris n
    kind of brook willow
  2491. sisyrinchion, sisyrinchii n
    kind of bulbous plant
  2492. stataria, statariae f
    kind of comedy, so called from the quiet acting of the performers
  2493. segullum, segulli n
    kind of earth, which indicate the presence of native gold
  2494. segutilum, segutili n
    kind of earth, which indicate the presence of native gold
  2495. stacton, stacti n
    kind of eye-salve
  2496. stratioticum, stratiotici n
    kind of eye-salve
  2497. steatoma, steatomatis n
    kind of fatty tumor
  2498. selas n (indecl.)
    kind of fiery meteor
  2499. sindon, sindonis f
    kind of fine cotton stuff, muslin
  2500. stomoma, stomomatis n
    kind of fine scales which fly off in hammering
  2501. smyrus, smyri m
    kind of fish
  2502. surena, surenae f
    kind of fish
  2503. sparulus, sparuli m
    kind of fish, bream
  2504. sparus, spari m
    kind of fish, bream
  2505. sphacos, sphaci m
    kind of fragrant moss
  2506. sphagnos, sphagni m
    kind of fragrant moss
  2507. stagonias, stagoniae m
    kind of frankincense
  2508. subminia, subminiae f
    kind of garment for women
  2509. staticulus, staticuli m
    kind of gentle dance
  2510. secale, secalis n
    kind of grain, rye, black spelt
  2511. sicale, sicalis n
    kind of grain, rye, black spelt
  2512. spionia, spioniae f
    kind of grape-vine
  2513. sircitula, sircitulae f
    kind of grape
  2514. sticula, sticulae f
    kind of grape
  2515. surcula, surculae f
    kind of grapes
  2516. strangias, strangiae m
    kind of Grecian wheat
  2517. smyrnion, smyrnii n
    kind of herb like myrrh
  2518. subina, subinae f
    kind of hunting spear
  2519. sybina, sybinae f
    kind of hunting-spea
  2520. soccus, socci m
    kind of low-heeled, light shoe, slipper, sock, comedy
  2521. sucula, suculae f
    kind of machine for drawing or lifting, winch, windlass, capstan, wine-press, oil-press
  2522. smilion, smilii n
    kind of medicinal salve
  2523. scolopendra, scolopendrae f
    kind of multipede, scolopendra, kind of sea fish
  2524. sory, soryos n
    kind of ore, ink-stone, sory
  2525. scopes, scopum f
    kind of owl
  2526. syagrus, syagri f
    kind of palm-tree
  2527. silaus, silai m
    kind of parsley, smallage
  2528. staphylinos, staphylini f
    kind of parsnip
  2529. staphylinus, staphylini f
    kind of parsnip
  2530. spagas (indecl.)
    kind of pitch found in Asia
  2531. sitites, sititae m
    kind of precious stone
  2532. spongitis, spongitidis f
    kind of precious stone
  2533. syringitis, syringitidis f
    kind of precious stone
  2534. scorpio, scorpionis m (scorpius, scorpii m)
    kind of prickly sea fish
  2535. sualiternicum, sualiternici n
    kind of reddish amber
  2536. syringia, syringiae f
    kind of reed
  2537. syringio, syringionis f
    kind of reed
  2538. syringa, syringae f
    kind of reed, cane good for pipes
  2539. syringias, syringiae m
    kind of reed, cane good for pipes
  2540. spaerita, spaeritae m
    kind of round cake
  2541. sphaerita, sphaeritae m
    kind of round cake
  2542. sphacos, sphaci m
    kind of sage
  2543. silicernius, silicernii m
    kind of sausage
  2544. sphyraena, sphyraenae f
    kind of sea-fish, otherwise called sudis
  2545. squalus, squali m
    kind of sea-fish
  2546. spatangius, spatangii m
    kind of sea-urchin
  2547. spatarius, spataria, spatarium
    kind of sea-urchin
  2548. solen, solenis m
    kind of seamussel, razor-fish
  2549. seliquastrum, seliquastri n
    kind of seat, kind of stool
  2550. stlata, stlatae f
    kind of ship, kind of piratical vessel
  2551. strombus, strombi m
    kind of spiral snail
  2552. sicera n (indecl.)
    kind of spirituous, intoxicating drink
  2553. sphragis, sphragidis f
    kind of stone used for seals, Lemnian earth, little ball of plaster
  2554. spadix, spadicis m
    kind of stringed instrument
  2555. suavillum, suavilli n
    kind of sweet cake, confectionery
  2556. striblita, striblitae f
    kind of tart
  2557. sillybus, sillybi f (2)
    kind of thistle
  2558. syllibus, syllibi f
    kind of thistle
  2559. spathe, spathes f
    kind of tree, called also elate
  2560. scomber, scombri m
    kind of tunny, a mackerel
  2561. sitella, sitellae f
    kind of urn used in drawing lots
  2562. salpuga, salpugae f
    kind of venomous ant, kind of venomous spider
  2563. solifuga, solifugae f
    kind of venomous ant, kind of venomous spider
  2564. solipuga, solipugae f
    kind of venomous ant, kind of venomous spider
  2565. solipugna, solipugnae f
    kind of venomous ant, kind of venomous spider
  2566. solpuga, solpugae f
    kind of venomous ant, kind of venomous spider
  2567. silīgo, silīginis f
    kind of very white wheat, winter wheat, fine wheaten flour
  2568. spinea, spineae f
    kind of vine
  2569. serracum, serraci n
    kind of wagon, kind of cart
  2570. sudiculum, sudiculi n
    kind of whip, kind of scourge, cloth for wiping off perspiration, handkerchief
  2571. suduculum, suduculi n
    kind of whip, kind of scourge, cloth for wiping off perspiration, handkerchief
  2572. scybelites, scybelitae m
    kind of wine in Galatia
  2573. scyzinum, scyzini n
    kind of wine
  2574. succendo 3
    kindle from below, set on fire from below, inflame, redden
  2575. sufflammo 1
    kindle, inflame
  2576. sceptrum, sceptri n
    kingdom, rule, dominion, authority
  2577. syngenicon, syngenici n
    kinship relation
  2578. saviatus, saviata, saviatum
    kiss worth
  2579. suavium, suavii n (savium, savii n)
    kiss, love-kiss, smacker
  2580. saviationes puerorum et puellarum
    Kissing with boys and girls
  2581. suaviatio, suaviationis f
  2582. supellex coquinaria
    kitchen appliance, food processor
  2583. stlembus, stlemba, stlembum
    klutzy, slow
  2584. serpirastra, serpirastrorum n
    knee splints
  2585. serperastra, serperastrorum n
    knee splints, knee bandages for straightening the crooked legs of children
  2586. supplico 1
    kneel down, humble one’s self, pray humbly, beg humbly, to beseech, implore, supplicate, pray to a god, supplicate as a god, pray, worship
  2587. superbas potentiorum fores pulso
    knock on the doors of the proud rich
  2588. scio + aci
  2589. scitor, scitoris m
    knower, connoisseur
  2590. scitor, scitoris m
    knower, connoisseur
  2591. sciens, scientis
  2592. scius, scia, scium
    knowing, having knowledge
  2593. subidus, subida, subidum
    knowing, sensible
  2594. scitus, scita, scitum
    knowing, shrewd, wise, acute, experienced, skilful, adroit
  2595. scio 4
    Knowing, understanding, acquainted with, skilled, versed, expert in any thing
  2596. scienter
    knowingly, understandingly, wisely, skilfully, expertly
  2597. suppernatus, suppernata, suppernatum
    lamed in the hip, cut down
  2598. sublugeo 2
    lament a little
  2599. solifundium, solifundii n
    landed property
  2600. Sybaritica, Sybariticorum n
    lascivious poems
  2601. semiannuus, semiannua, semiannuum
    lasting half a year, of half a year
  2602. sero
    late, at a late hour, too late, delayed
  2603. serus, sera, serum
    late, too late
  2604. septimana vergente
    later this week
  2605. superrideo 2
    laugh at sth,
  2606. statutum, statuti n
    law, decision, determination, statute
  2607. suppo 1
    lay back, lay on the back
  2608. suffundo 1
    lay foundation
  2609. succumbo 3
    lay under any thing, put one’s self under any thing, fall down, lie down, sink down, lie down to a man, cohabit with a man, yield, be overcome, submit, surrender, succumb
  2610. subiecto 1
    lay under, place under, put under, throw out from below
  2611. sepositio, sepositionis f
    laying aside, setting apart, hoarding, separation
  2612. stratio, strationis f
    laying of cloths and coverings, the preparation of a room for a feast
  2613. subiectus, subiectus m
    laying under
  2614. subiectio, subiectionis f
    laying under, putting under, placing under, representation, substituting, forging, subjugation, reduction to obedience, annexing, subjoining, answer subjoined, added explanation
  2615. seduco 3
    lead aside, lead apart, draw aside, lead lead away, carry off, set aside, put by, remove, separate, divide, lead astray, mislead, seduce
  2616. superduco 3
    lead over, draw over, bring over, put over, add, subjoin
  2617. schedula volitans
    leaflet, handbill, flier, broadsheet, handout
  2618. socius, socia, socium
    leagued, allied, confederate
  2619. strigosus, strigosa, strigosum
    lean, lank, thin, meagre, dry, tasteless
  2620. stricosus, stricosa, stricosum
    lean, lank, thin, meagre, meagre, dry, tasteless
  2621. superinsulto 1
    leap about upon
  2622. supermico 1
    leap over, leap beyond
  2623. superexsulto 1
    leap up, exult greatly
  2624. supersilio 4
    leap upon, alight upon
  2625. superiectus, superiectus m
    leaping upon, covering
  2626. scisco 3
    learn, ascertain, know
  2627. scordisus, scordisci m
    leather saddle
  2628. subrelinquo 3
    leave behind
  2629. subcubonea, subcuboneae f
    lecher, mistress
  2630. sinistra, sinistrae f
    left hand, the left
  2631. sinistrum, sinistri n
    left side
  2632. sinister, sinistra, sinistrum
    left, on the left, on the left hand, on the left side, awkward, wrong, perverse, improper, unlucky, injurious, adverse, unfavorable, ill, bad
  2633. scaevus, scaeva, scaevum
    left, that is on the left, towards the left side
  2634. sucidia, sucidiae f
    leg of meat cut off, side of meat cut off, leg of pork, flitch of bacon, slaughter
  2635. succidia, succidiae f
    leg of meat cut off, side of meat cut off, leg of pork, flitch of bacon, slaughtering
  2636. spathula, spathulae f
    leg of pork, little palmbranch, small stirring spoon
  2637. spatula, spatulae f
    leg of pork, little palmbranch, small stirring spoon
  2638. schola, scholae f
    leisure given to learning, a learned conversation, a debate, a disputation, lecture, dissertation
  2639. sorbitio lentiaria
    lentil soup
  2640. subtertius, subtertia, subtertium
    less by a third of itself
  2641. substrepo 3
    let a little hear, let a little sound
  2642. sanguinem depleo
    let blood, bleed
  2643. submissus, submissa, submissum
    let down, lowered, low, soft, gentle, calm, not vehement, low, mean, grovelling, abject, humble, submissive
  2644. summissus, summissa, summissum
    let down, lowered, low, soft, gentle, calm, not vehement, low, mean, grovelling, abject, humble, submissive
  2645. subsicco 1
    let it dry a little
  2646. sino 3
    let, suffer, allow, permit, give leave, give up, cease, leave a thing undone
  2647. submissio, submissionis f
    letting down, lowering, dropping, sinking
  2648. summissio, summissionis f
    letting down, lowering, dropping, sinking
  2649. spatalocinaedus, spatalocinaedi m
    lewd person
  2650. salinum regusto
    lick out the salt cask, suck out the salt cask
  2651. sublingulo, sublingulonis m
    lick-dish, under-scullion
  2652. secubo 1
    lie alone, sleep by one's self, sleep without a bedfellow, lie alone, sleep by one's self or without a bedfellow
  2653. supinor 1
    lie along, lie extended
  2654. sub umbra vescor
    lie in the shade while eating
  2655. suppateo 2
    lie open beneath, spread out beneath, was spread over at the bottom
  2656. superincumbo 3
    lie over, lie above
  2657. superiaceo 2
    lie over, lie upon
  2658. subteriaceo 2
    lie under any thing
  2659. subiaceo 2
    lie under any thing, lie near any thing, be under, subject to any thing, belong to, be connected with
  2660. subcubo 1
    lie under
  2661. succubo 1
    lie under
  2662. supercubo 1
    lie upon, sleep upon
  2663. subigito 1
    lie with illicitly, work upon, incite to any thing
  2664. sublevo 1
    lift up from beneath, raise up, hold up, support, sustain, support, assist, encourage, console, lighten, qualify, alleviate, mitigate, lessen an evil, assuage
  2665. sublimo 1
    lift up on high, raise, elevate
  2666. sublimor 1
    lift up on high, raise, elevate
  2667. subrigo 3
    lift up, raise up, raise, erect, elevate
  2668. surgo 3
    lift up, raise up, raise, erect, elevate, rise, arise, get up, stand up, mount up, ascend, rise in growth, spring up, grow up, rise in building, be built, occur, rise to, rise against, attempt, assume, attack
  2669. suscito 1
    lift up, raise, elevate, throw up, cast up, erect, prick up, scare away, build, erect, stir up, rouse up, arouse, awaken, set in motion, encourage, incite, restore, revive, awaken, resuscitate
  2670. sustollo 3
    lift up, take up, raise up, raise, set upon a high pedestal, build, erect, take away, remove, destroy
  2671. sublimatio, sublimationis f
    lifting up, deliverance
  2672. sublatio, sublationis f
    lifting up, raising, elevation, exaltation, removal, abrogation, annulling, taking away, withdrawal
  2673. sublevatio, sublevationis f
    lightening, alleviation
  2674. subunguo 3
    lightly cream, lightly anoint, lightly massage in
  2675. solearis, soleare
    like a sole, like a sandal, sandal-shaped
  2676. Stoice
    like a Stoic, Stoically
  2677. silaceus, silacea, silaceum
    like ochre, of ochre
  2678. squamatim
    like scales
  2679. solporeus, solporea, solporeum
    like sulphur, sulphurous, sulphureous
  2680. sulfureus, sulfurea, sulfureum
    like sulphur, sulphurous, sulphureous
  2681. sulphureus, sulphurea, sulphureum
    like sulphur, sulphurous, sulphureous
  2682. surculose
    like wood
  2683. similis, simile
    like, resembling, similar
  2684. siremps (sirempse) (indecl.)
    like, the same
  2685. simulacrum, simulacri n
    likeness, image, form, representation, semblance, image, form, shade, phantom, sign, type, emblem, description, similitude, appearance
  2686. similitas, similitatis f
    likeness, resemblance, similarity
  2687. similitudo, similitudinis f
    likeness, resemblance, similitude, imitation, analogy, application to similar cases, sameness, uniformity, monotony
  2688. scriptura, scripturae f
  2689. scriptum, scripti n
    line, written composition, writing, treatise, book, work
  2690. supparum, suppari n
    linen garment worn by women or men, small sail on the foremast, topsail
  2691. siparium, siparii n
    linen garment worn by women, topsail
  2692. superlimen, superliminis n
  2693. superliminare, superliminaris n
  2694. superliminium, superliminii n
  2695. stilicidium, stilicidii n
    liquid which falls drop by drop, a dripping moisture, stillicide, falling rain, rain-water falling from the eaves of houses
  2696. stillicidium, stillicidii n
    liquid which falls drop by drop, a dripping moisture, stillicide, falling rain, rain-water falling from the eaves of houses
  2697. syllabus, syllabi m
    list, register, syllabus
  2698. subausculto 1
    listen secretly, eavesdrop
  2699. strategematica, strategematicon n
    lists of war, lists of generals
  2700. substramentum, substramenti n
  2701. stipulatiuncula, stipulatiunculae f
    little promise, insignificant promise, little stipulation
  2702. simiolus, simioli m
    little ape
  2703. securicula, securiculae f
    little axe, hatchet
  2704. sericula, sericulae f
    little axe, hatchet, dovetail
  2705. sphaerion, sphaerii n
    little ball, pill in medicine
  2706. sportella, sportellae f
    little basket, fruit-basket
  2707. sportula, sportulae f
    little basket, gift, present
  2708. scamnellum, scamnelli n
    little bench
  2709. scamnulum, scamnuli n
    little bench
  2710. suculus, suculi m
    little boar
  2711. scopulae, scopularum f
    little broom
  2712. scriniolum, scrinioli n
    little case, little box, little shrine
  2713. scurrula, scurrulae m
    little clown
  2714. setula, setulae f
    little coarse hair, a small bristle
  2715. solaciolum, solacioli n
    little comfort, little solace
  2716. solatiolum, solatioli n
    little comfort, little solace
  2717. sicilicula, siciliculae f
    little cutting instrument, a small sickle
  2718. sepiola, sepiolae f
    little cuttle fish
  2719. sicula, siculae f
    little dagger
  2720. sordicula, sordiculae f
    little dirt, little filth
  2721. scrobiculus, scrobiculi m
    little ditch, little trench
  2722. sponsiuncula, sponsiunculae f
    little engagement, little stipulation
  2723. sigilliolum, sigillioli n
    little figure, little image
  2724. sigillum, sigilli n
    little figure, little image
  2725. scamnellum, scamnelli n
    little footstool
  2726. Semigraeculus, Semigraeculī
    little half Greek
  2727. sudariolum, sudarioli n
    little handkerchief
  2728. scortillum, scortilli n
    little harlot, young harlot
  2729. silicula, siliculae f
    little husk, little pod, silicle
  2730. sigillaria, sigillariorum n
    little images
  2731. sigillaricia, sigillariciorum n
    little images
  2732. sorticula, sorticulae f
    little lot, small tablet, small ticket
  2733. scriptiuncula, scriptiunculae f
    little piece of writing, little treatise
  2734. suellus, suelli m
    little pig
  2735. siphunculus, siphunculi m
    little pipe from which water springs forth
  2736. sipunculus, sipunculi m
    little pipe from which water springs forth
  2737. scutrillus, scutrilli m
    little plate, bowl, flat tray, little dish
  2738. scutriscum, scutrisci n
    little plate, bowl, flat tray, little dish
  2739. squamula, squamulae f
    little scale
  2740. sellula, sellulae f
    little seat, little stool, little sedan
  2741. sedecula, sedeculae f
    little seat, low stool
  2742. senariolus, senarioli m
    little senarius, insignificant senarius, little verse of six feet
  2743. spiculum, spiculi n
    little sharp point, little sting, dart, arrow, later name for the pilum, ray, beam
  2744. sororcula, sororculae f
    little sister
  2745. serviculus, serviculi m
    little slave
  2746. serpula, serpulae f
    little snake, little serpent
  2747. scintillula, scintillulae f
    little spark, sparklet
  2748. semispatha, semispathae f
    little spatha
  2749. semispathium, semispathii n
    little spatha
  2750. stellula, stellulae f
    little star, asterisk
  2751. staticulum, staticuli n
    little statue, little image, statuette, idol
  2752. statunculum, statunculi n
    little statue, statuette
  2753. studiolum, studioli n
    little study, little piece of composition, little study, i, e, a , little room to study in
  2754. substantiola, substantiolae f
    little substance, small property
  2755. spinula, spinulae f
    little thorn, little backbone, little spine
  2756. silvula, silvulae f
    little wood, copse
  2757. stefanium, stefanii n
    little wreath
  2758. stephanium, stephanii n
    little wreath
  2759. sine tecto ac sede sum vagus
    live a nomadic life, live a gypsy life
  2760. secubo 1
    live alone, live in solitude
  2761. suis legibus uti
    live by one's own laws
  2762. sycotum, sycoti n
    liver of an animal fattened on figs
  2763. serarius, seraria, serarium
    living on whey
  2764. saura, saurae f
  2765. saurus, sauri m
  2766. Sauroctonos, Sauroctoni m
    lizard, killer
  2767. sauritis, sauritidis f
  2768. sinisterior, sinisterius
    located further left
  2769. sublime
    loftily, on high
  2770. superbia, superbiae f
    loftiness, haughtiness, pride, arrogance, conceit, vanity, rudeness, discourtesy, lofty spirit, honorable pride
  2771. stipes, stipitis m
    log, stock, post, trunk of a tree, tree, branch of a tree
  2772. stips, stipis m (2)
    log, stock, post, trunk of a tree, tree, branch of a tree
  2773. sorites, soritae m
    logical sophism formed by an accumulation of arguments, sorites
  2774. subligar, subligaris n
    loincloth, apron, underpants
  2775. solitudo aetate provectorum
    loneliness of elderly people
  2776. stola, stolae f
    long female upper garment, noble woman, lady, dame, matron
  2777. scutati, scutatorum m
    long shield bearer
  2778. strictoria, strictoriae f
    long-sleeved men's shirt
  2779. specto 1
    look at, behold, gaze at, watch, observe, see as a spectator, look on, face, lie, be situated, regard, consider
  2780. superspicio 5
    look on
  2781. solem adversum intueor
    look straight into the sun
  2782. suspecto 1
    look up at, look up, watch, observe, mistrust, suspect, apprehend
  2783. suspicio 5
    look up, look upwards, look up at a thing, admire, respect, regard, esteem, honor, mistrust, suspect
  2784. spectus, spectus m
    look, appearance, aspect
  2785. specio 5
    look, look at, behold
  2786. spicio 5
    look, look at, behold
  2787. spectator, spectatoris m
    looker-on, beholder, observer, spectator
  2788. speculator, speculatoris m
    looker-out, spy, scout, explorer, éclaireur, searcher, explorer, investigator, examiner
  2789. spiculator, spiculatoris m
    looker-out, spy, scout, explorer, éclaireur, searcher, explorer, investigator, examiner
  2790. speculamen, speculaminis n
    looking at, observing
  2791. suspectio, suspectionis f
    looking up to any one, esteeming highly
  2792. suspectus, suspectus m
    looking up, looking upwards, height, high regard, high esteem, respect
  2793. speculum, speculi n
    looking-glass, mirror, copy, imitation
  2794. spectatio, spectationis f
    looking, beholding, contemplation, examining, proving, testing, respect, regard, consideration
  2795. solutim
  2796. solutor, solutoris m
    looser, opener, payer
  2797. summus magister civium, summ magistri civium m
    Lord Mayor of the city
  2798. sors, sortis f
    lot, casting of lots, drawing of lots, decision by lot, share, duty assigned by lot, oracular response, oracular sayings, oracular verses, oracular sentences, fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part, capital bearing interest, rank, class, order
  2799. sortis, sortis f
    lot, casting of lots, drawing of lots, decision by lot, share, duty assigned by lot, oracular response, oracular sayings, oracular verses, oracular sentences, fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part, capital bearing interest, rank, class, order
  2800. sonore
  2801. susurrus, susurri m
    low and gentle noise, humming, murmuring, muttering, whispering
  2802. subsellium, subsellii n
    low bench, judge’s seat, benc
  2803. semiplotia, semiplotiorum n
    low shoes
  2804. sordes, sordis f
    low-minded creature
  2805. subventrile, subventrilis n
    lower belly, abdomen
  2806. suggrunda, suggrundae f
    lower border of a roof, eaves
  2807. suggrundatio, suggrundationis f
    lower border of a roof, eaves
  2808. suggrundium, suggrundii n
    lower border of a roof, eaves
  2809. stirps, stirpis f
    lower part of the trunk of plants, stock, stem, stalk, root, plant, shrub, shoot, sprout, race, family, lineage, offspring, descendant, progeny, source, origin, foundation, first beginning, cause
  2810. solum, soli n
    lowest part of a thing,bottom, ground, base, foundation, floor of a room, pavement of a room, bottom of a ditch, bottom of a trench, ground, earth, land, soil, sole of the footsole of a shoe, land, country, region, place, base, basis
  2811. secubatio, secubationis f
    lying alone, sleeping alone
  2812. secubitus, secubitus m
    lying alone, sleeping alone
  2813. subsitus, subsita, subsitum
    lying below, situated below
  2814. subsolanus, subsolana, subsolanum
    lying beneath the sun, eastern, oriental
  2815. subalpinus, subalpina, subalpinum
    lying near the Alps, sub-Alpine
  2816. subtalaris, subtalare
    lying under the heel
  2817. subiectus, subiecta, subiectum
    lying under, lying near, bordering upon, neighboring, adjacent
  2818. susinatus, susinata, susinatum
    made from lilies
  2819. susinus, susina, susinum
    made from lilies
  2820. styracinus, styracina, styracinum
    made from storax
  2821. similagineus, similaginea, similagineum
    made of fine wheat flour
  2822. scorteus, scortea, scorteum
    made of hides, made of leather, leathern
  2823. scortinus, scortina, scortinum
    made of hides, made of leather, leathern
  2824. scirpiculus, scirpicula, scirpiculum
    made of rushes
  2825. stagneus, stagnea, stagneum
    made of stannum, pewtered, tin
  2826. stanneus, stannea, stanneum
    made of stannum, pewtered, tin
  2827. stramineus, straminea, stramineum
    made of straw, straw-
  2828. stupeus, stupea, stupeum
    made of tow, consisting of tow
  2829. stuppeus, stuppea, stuppeum
    made of tow, consisting of tow
  2830. sobriefactus, sobriefacta, sobriefactum
    made reasonable, sobered
  2831. scabratus, scabrata, scabratum
    made rough, roughened
  2832. schedius, schedia, schedium
    made suddenly, made off hand, hastily put together, hastily thrown together
  2833. summa cenae
    main dish
  2834. sententiae longe plurimae
    majority of votes
  2835. sulcum duco
    make a furrow
  2836. sulcum imprimo
    make a furrow
  2837. strepito 1
    make a great noise, rustling, rattling
  2838. susurro 1
    make a low continued sound, hum, buzz, murmur, mutter, whisper
  2839. sonito 1
    make a noise
  2840. strepo 3
    make a noise, rattle, rustle, rumble, murmur, hum, roar
  2841. sono 1
    make a noise, sound, resound, utter, give utterance, speak, call, cry out, sing, pour forth
  2842. subdīstinguo 3
    make a smaller interpunction
  2843. subringor 3
    make a somewhat wry face, be a little vexed
  2844. surringor 3
    make a somewhat wry face, be a little vexed
  2845. simulo 1
    make a thing like another, imitate, copy, represent
  2846. suavifico 1
    make acceptable, make dear
  2847. strideo 2
    make any harsh sound, make any shrill sound, make any hissing sound, make any whistling sound, make any grating sound, make any creaking sound
  2848. strido 3
    make any harsh sound, make any shrill sound, make any hissing sound, make any whistling sound, make any grating sound, make any creaking sound
  2849. splendifico 1
    make bright, brighten, illumine
  2850. strenuo 1
    make brisk, make lively, make busy
  2851. sincero 1
    make clean, make pure
  2852. sereno 1
    make clear, make fair, make serene, clear up
  2853. sum cum aliquo
    make common cause with sb,
  2854. sicco 1
    make dry, day, dry up, drain
  2855. summa ope annitor
    make every effort
  2856. stagno 1 (2)
    make fast, strengthen, fortify
  2857. spurco 1
    make filthy, befoul, defile
  2858. solido 1
    make firm, make dense, make solid, make whole, make sound, strengthen, fasten together, confirm, establish, unite, correct
  2859. stabilio 4
    make firm, make steadfast, make stable, fix, stay, establish
  2860. stabilito 1
    make firm, make steadfast, make stable, fix, stay, establish
  2861. sucido 1
    make fresh, make juicy
  2862. solo 1
    make lonely, make desolate, lay waste, lay desolate
  2863. sebo 1
    make of tallow
  2864. sensifico 1
    make sensible, endow with sensation
  2865. splendido 1
    make shining, make shiningbright, brighten, polish
  2866. simplo 1
    make simple, simplify
  2867. simplico 1
    make single, make simple
  2868. supparo 1 (2)
    make somewhat like, make somewhat similar
  2869. stupefacio 5
    make stupid, make senseless, benumb, deaden, stun, stupefy
  2870. scurror 1
    make the court jester, dance, scrounge, flatter
  2871. submeio 3
    make water under a thing, piss under oneself
  2872. scotomo 1
    make you dizzy
  2873. sonarius, sonarii m
    maker of girdles
  2874. sigillariarius, sigillariarii m
    maker of images
  2875. strophiarius, strophiarii m
    maker of strophia, dealer in strophia
  2876. stegnus, stegna, stegnum
    making close, drawing together, costive
  2877. spurcificus, spurcifica, spurcificum
    making filthy, making smutty, making obscene
  2878. spurcuficus, spurcufica, spurcuficum
    making filthy, making smutty, making obscene
  2879. solidatio, solidationis f
    making firm, making solid, fastening, strengthening
  2880. similatio, similationis f
    making similar