Lateinisch - Englische Wortliste
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5208 Ergebnisse
- sessimonium, sessimonii n
- sacra spina
- scalptura, scalpturae f
- scamillus, scamilli m
- scamma, scammatis n
- scammoneum, scammonei n
- scammonium, scammonii n
- scamnatus, scamnata, scamnatum
- scamonium, scamonii n
- scandalum, scandali n
- scansilis, scansile
- scansio, scansionis f
- scardia, scardiae f
- scelerĭtas, scelerĭtatis f
- scelero 1
- scelerus, scelera, scelerum
- schisma, schismatis n
- schistos, schista, schiston
- schoenantos, schoenanti n
- schoenus, schoeni m
- schoinuanthos, schoinuanthi n
- scholastica, scholasticorum n
- scillinus, scillina, scillinum
- scimpodion, scimpodii n
- scintillatio, scintillationis f
- sciropaectes, sciropaect ae m
- scitamenta, scitamentorum n
- scituli, scitulorum m
- scitulus, scitula, scitulum
- scius, scia, scium
- scius, scii m
- scolopendra, scolopendrae f
- scopulus, scopuli m
- scotoma, scotomatis n
- scribatus, scribatus m
- scripturio 4
- scrupulositas, scrupulositatis f
- sebastonices, sebastonicae m
- sebosus, sebosa, sebosum
- sebur, seburi m
- sectivus, sectiva, sectivum
- secubitus, secubitus m
- secutio, secutionis f
- secutuleius, secutuleia, secutuleium
- sedimentum, sedimenti n
- sedis, sedis f
- sedulus, sedula, sedulum
- segestre, segestris n
- segnesco 3
- selas n (indecl.)
- selenites, selenitae m
- selenitis, selenitidis f
- sematus, semata, sematum
- semaxius, semaxia, semaxium
- sementinus, sementina, sementinum
- semicorus, semicori m
- semimitra, semimitrae f
- seminata, seminatorum n
- seminatio, seminationis f
- seminium, seminii n
- seminiverbius, seminiverbia, seminiverbium
- semipedalis, semipedale
- semiperfectus, semiperfecta, semiperfectum
- semiperitus, semiperiti m
- semipes, semipedis m
- semipiscina, semipiscinae f
- semiplene
- semiseptenaria, semiseptenariae f
- semisopitus, semisopita, semisopitum
- semisupinus, semisupina, semisupinum
- semitatim
- semitatrix, semitatricis f
- senecio, senecionis m
- senica non sescunciae
- senipes, senipedis
- senticosus, senticosa, senticosum
- sentifico 1
- sentisco 3
- sentosus, sentosa, sentosum
- sentuosus, sentuosa, sentuosum
- separator, separatoris m
- separatrix, separatricis f
- sepelibilis, sepelibile
- sepositus, seposita, sepositum
- seps, sepis c
- septa, septorum n
- september, septembris, septembre
- septemviratus, septemviratus m
- sequacitas, sequacitatis f
- sequaciter
- sequentia, sequentium n
- sequestratim
- sequestratio, sequestrationis f
- sequestrator, sequestratoris m
- sericarius, sericaria, sericarium
- sericarius, sericarii m
- sericatus, sericata, sericatum
- sermocinatrix, sermocinatricis f
- serotinus, serotina, serotinum
- serrata, serratae f
- servilicola, servilicolae f
- sescla, sesclae f
- Sesculixes, Sesculixis m
- sescuncia, sescunciae f
- sescuplum, sescupli n
- sescuplus, sescupla, sescuplum
- sesquicyathus, sesquicyathi m
- sesquiopera, sesquioperae f
- sessibulum, sessibuli n
- sessibulus, sessibula, sessibulum
- sessiuncula, sessiunculae f
- sessorium, sessorii n
- setania, setaniae f
- setim n (indecl.)
- seutlophace, seutlophaces f
- severitudo, severitudinis f
- seviratus, seviratus m
- sexagessis, sexagessis m
- sexfascalis, sexfascais m
- sexis n (indecl.)
- sextadecumani, sextadecumanorum m
- sextani, sextanorum m
- sextarialis, sextarialis f
- sibus, siba, sibum
- siccaneus, siccanea, siccaneum
- Sicelicon, Sicelici n
- sideritis, sideritidis f
- sido 3
- sigillaricium, sigillarici n
- sigma, sigmatis n
- silaceus, silacea, silaceum
- siliquaticum, siliquatici n
- siliquor 1
- sillographus, sillographi m
- silvicomus, silvicoma, silvicomum
- silvifragus, silvifraga, silvifragum
- silviger, silvigera, silvigerum
- simo 1
- simulatorius, simulatoria, simulatorium
- sinciput, sincipitis n
- siriacus, siriaca, siriacum
- siriasis, siriasis f
- sisto 3 (intr.)
- sistrifer, sistrifera, sistriferum
- sistriger, sistrigera, sistrigerum
- sisura, sisurae f
- sitanius, sitania, sitanium
- sitarchia, sitarchiae f
- sitarcia, sitarciae f
- sitīcula, sitīculae f
- soporus, sopora, soporum
- spadonatus, spadonatus m
- spissae, spissarum f
- stabulum servitricium
- stercoreus, stercorea, stercoreum
- stercoreus, stercorei m
- subdivo
- subtorqueo 2
- supernitas, supernitatis f
- stultus, stulti m a fool
- segregus, segrega, segregum apart, separate, different
- segrex, segregis apart, separate, different
- superventus, superventus m coming up, coming upon, arrival
- sensiculus, sensiculi m little sentence
- scitum, sciti n ordinance, statute, decree
- sententia, sententiae f philosophical proposition, aphorism, apophthegm, maxim, axiom
- secundanus, secundana, secundanum the second in rank, the second in rank
- schoenum, schoeni n
- scholasticellulus, scholasticelluli m
- scholasticellus, scholasticelli m
- scholasticulus, scholasticuli m
- scelus, sceleris n, a misfortune,, a calamity
- sequestratorium, sequestratoriī n, depository, place where any thing is laid up for safe keeping
- stillaticius, stillaticia, stillaticium, dropping, dripping, stillatitious
- sequaciter, of course, consequently
- supersisto 4, place one’s self upon, place one’s self over, stand upon, stand over
- sublido 3, press out, injure by degrees,
- sphaeroides, sphaeroides, round, globular, spherical
- seminata, seminatorum n, seeds, seed fields
- sensui subiectus, sensorial
- semipatens, semipatentis, standing half open, half open,
- sillographus, sillographi m, writer of lampoons, writer of satires
- scarabaeus, scarabaei ma beetle, scarab, scarabee
- satus, satus ma begetting, producing, origin, stock, race
- striatura, striaturae fa being channelled, a being fluted, fluting, striature
- silentium, silentii na being still, a being silent, noiselessness, stillness, silence, quietness, freedom from disturbance, faultlessness, perfectness, standstill, cessation, repose, inaction, tranquillity
- scamnum, scamni na bench, stool, step
- staphyloma, staphylomatis na blemish in the eye shaped like a grape, stone
- sesquiplaga, sesquiplagae fa blow and a half, a stroke and a half
- scaturex, scaturigis fa bubbling spring, a gushing spring
- scaturigo, scaturiginis fa bubbling spring, a gushing spring, spring water
- scatebra, scatebrae fa bubbling up, a gushing up
- strongyla, strongylae fa bust
- silentiarius, silentiarii ma certain high officer at court, a privy councillor
- scaphium, scaphii na chamber pot
- schidia, schidiae fa chip of wood, a splinter of wood
- scansio, scansionis fa climbing up
- schola, scholae fa college, a corporation
- scaphe, scaphes fa concave sundial
- silentiarius, silentiarii ma confidential domestic servant watching for the domestic silence
- subtectio, subtectionis fa covering
- scalptor, scalptoris ma cutter, graver
- sesquicyathus, sesquicyathi ma cyathus and a half
- sesquiopera, sesquioperae fa day’s work and a half
- sesquiopus, sesquioperis na day’s work and a half
- spoliarium, spoliariī na den of robbers, a den of murderers, cutthroat place
- sesquidigitus, sesquidigiti ma digit and a half
- scotomaticus, scotomatici ma dim sighted person
- securicula, securiculae fa dovetail
- scaenographia, scaenographiae fa drawing in perspective
- scenographia, scenographiae fa drawing in perspective
- sciagraphia, sciagraphiae fa drawing in perspective
- scaphium, scaphii na drinking, vessel in the form of a boat
- subdito 1a false read (Lucr)
- sciaena, sciaenae fa female sea fish, grayling, ombre
- statulibera, statuliberae fa female slave to whom liberty is granted by testament
- speciaria, speciariae fa female spice-dealer
- speclaria, speclariae fa female spice-dealer
- soteria, soteriorum na festive entertainment given on a person’s recovery from illness or escape from danger; presents given on such an occasion, a congratulatory poem on such an occasion
- saucaptis, saucaptidis fa fictitious spice
- schematismos, schematismi ma figurative manner speaking
- schematismus, schematismi ma figurative manner speaking
- schema, schematis na figure of speech, a rhetorical figure
- saturator, saturatoris ma filler, satisfier
- saturamen, saturaminis na filling, satisfying
- saturatio, saturationis fa filling, satisfying
- squamatus, squamati ma fish
- scalae, scalarum fa flight of steps, a flight of stairs, a staircase, a ladder, scaling, ladderstairs, a staircase, a ladder, scaling ladder
- schematismus, schematismi ma florid manner of speaking
- sesquipedis, sesquipedea foot and a half in height
- sesquipes, sesquipedis ma foot and a half in length, a foot and a half in breadth, a foot and a half in height
- schola, scholae fa gallery
- sephyrus, sephyri ma gentle west wind, the western breeze, zephyr
- scalptura, scalpturae fa graved figure, a sculpture
- sceptos, scepti ma gust, a squall, a storm
- solivertiator, solivertiatoris ma guy who makes a bolt for it, runaway
- semichristianus, semichristiani ma half Christian
- semicubitalis, semicubitalea half cubit long
- semipedalis, semipedalea half foot in size, half a foot long, half a foot broad
- semipedaneus, semipedanea, semipedaneuma half foot in size, half a foot long, half a foot broad
- sincipitamentum, sincipitamenti na half head
- sīnciputamentum, sīnciputamenti na half head
- sembella, sembellae fa half libella
- semestrium, semestrii na half month, fortnight
- Semipersa, Semipersae ma half Persian, half a Persian
- selibra, selibrae fa half pound
- semias, semiassis ma half pound
- schirrosis, schirrosis fa hardening in the flesh
- scirrosis, scirrosis fa hardening in the flesh
- scorpio, scorpionis m (scorpius, scorpii m)a heap of stones terminating in a point, and used as a boundary mark
- scala gallinariaa hen, roost
- saucietas, saucietatis fa hurting,, hurt
- sesquiiugerum, sesquiiugeri na juger and a half
- selinas, selinadis fa kind of cabbage resembling parsley
- scolex, scolecis ma kind of copper rust
- scissum, scissi na kind of gladiator
- scircula, scirculae fa kind of grapes
- sibina, sibinae fa kind of hunting spear
- sibonis, sibonis ma kind of hunting spear
- sibyna, sibynae fa kind of hunting spear
- scincos, scinci ma kind of lizard
- scincus, scinci ma kind of lizard
- strychnos, strychni ma kind of nightshade
- scolecion, scolecii ba kind of scarlet berr
- scriblita, scriblitae fa kind of tart
- specularis lapisa kind of transparent stone, muscovy-glass, isinglass-stone, mica
- stacula, staculae fa kind of vine, also called sircula
- stephanites, stephanitae ma kind of vine
- stephanitis, stephanitidis fa kind of vine
- sticha, stichae fa kind of vine
- savium, savii na kiss, a love, kiss
- scientia, scientiae fa knowing in any thing, being skilled in any thing, knowledge, science, skill, expertness
- scala, scalae fa ladder
- scelotyrbe, scelotyrbes fa lameness in the ankles
- scelotyrbe, scelotyrbes fa lameness in the knees
- sinum, sini na large drinking vessel
- sinus, sini ma large drinking vessel
- sexagintaa large number
- seductio, seductionis fa leading aside, a drawing aside, misleading, seduction, separation
- scheda, schedae f (schida, schidae f)a leaf of paper, a sheet of paper
- schida, schidae fa leaf of paper, a sheet of paper, a strip of papyrus bark
- scholasticus, scholastici ma lecturer in the schools, a rhetorician
- scaeva, scaevae ma lefthanded person
- scapha, scaphae fa light boat, a skiff
- scamellum, scamelli na little bench, a little stool
- scamillarii, scamillariorum ma little bench, a little stool
- scamillum, scamilli na little bench, a little stool
- scamillus, scamilli ma little bench, a little stool
- scaphula, scaphulae fa little boat, skiff
- subinvisus, subinvisa, subinvisuma little disliked, somewhat odious
- sessiuncula, sessiunculae fa little group assembled for amusement, meeting for amusement, company assembled for amusement
- saviolum, savioli na little kiss
- suaviolum, suavioli na little kiss
- scientiola, scientiolae fa little knowledge, a smattering, superficial knowledge
- saxulis tamquam nidulus affixusa little rock
- satyriscus, satyrisci ma little Satyr
- specula, speculae fa look-out, watch-tower, high place, height, eminence
- scabellum, scabelli na low stool, footstool, cricket
- sciadeus, sciadei ma male sea fish, grayling, ombre
- scholasticus, scholastici ma man of learning, a scholar
- sescentoplagus, sescentoplaga, sescentoplaguma man of six hundred stripes
- stigma, stigmatis na mark burned in, a brand impressed, a mark of disgrace, stigma
- stomatice, stomatices fa medicine for diseases of the mouth
- scaevitas, scaevitatis fa mischance, misfortune
- sesquimensis, sesquimensis ma month and a half
- sima, simae fa moulding, ogee
- savium, savii nA mouth to be kissed
- semita, semitae fa narrow way, a path, foot path, lane, by way, way, path, road
- stalagmias, stalagmiae ma natural vitriol
- sesquimodius, sesquimodii ma peck and a half
- scalmus, scalmi ma peg to which an oar was strapped, a thole, a tholepin
- suprema, supremorum na person's last will and testament
- schola, scholae fa place for learned conversation, a place for learned instruction, a place of learning, a school
- scholae bestiaruma place where animals fight, an amphitheatre
- silphium, silphii na plant called in Latin laserpitium
- sesamoides, sesamoidis na plant resembling sesame
- sesimoides, sesimoidis na plant resembling sesame
- strumus, strumi ma plant that cures the struma, called also strychnos and cuculus
- scolibrochon, scolibrochi na plant, also called callitrichos, scolopendrion
- scolopendrion, scolopendrii na plant, also called callitrochon and scolibrochon
- solsequia, solsequiae fa plant, also called heliotropium
- solsequium, solsequii na plant, also called heliotropium
- serapias, serapiadis fa plant, also called orchis
- serapion, serapii na plant, also called orchis
- statumaria, statumariae fa plant, also called proserpinaca
- sozusa, sozusae fa plant, called also artemisia and serpyllum maius
- solago, solaginis fa plant, called also heliotropium
- smyrriza, smyrrizae fa plant, called also myrrha and myrrhis
- stoebe, stoebes, fa plant, called also pheos
- sirpe, sirpis na plant, called also silphium and laser, asafœtida
- solanum, solani na plant, called also strychnos, nightshade
- sparton, sparti na plant, of which ropes, mats, nets, etc, , were made
- spartum, sparti na plant, of which ropes, mats, nets, etc, , were made
- sublabium, sublabii na plant, dog’s-tongue
- stachys, stachyos fa plant, horsemint
- staphis, staphidis fa plant, licebane, staves-acre
- struthion, struthii na plant, soapwort
- scēnicus, scēnici ma player, actor, stage hero
- sesquilibra, sesquilibrae fa pound and a half
- scilla, scillae fa prawn, a shrimp
- scorpitis, scorpitidis fa precious stone, resembling the scorpion in color or shape
- scaritis, scaritidis fa precious stone
- siderites, sideritae ma precious stone
- sideropoecilos, sideropoecili ma precious stone
- stipulatus, stipulatus ma promise formally demanded, bargain, stipulation
- schedia, schediae fa raft, a float constructed in hast
- silurus, siluri ma riverfish, sheat fish
- saxetum, saxeti na rocky place
- saxum, saxi na rough stone, a detached fragment of rock, a rock, a stone
- scabredo, scabredinis fa roughness of the skin, scabbiness, itch, mange
- sceptrum, sceptri na royal staff, a sceptre
- satiricus, satirici ma satirist
- Satyrus, Satyri ma Satyr
- sceptuchus, sceptuchi ma sceptre bearer
- Scotus, Scoti ma Scot
- scarifatio, scarifationis fa scratching open, a scarifying
- scarificatio, scarificationis fa scratching open, a scarifying
- scariphatio, scariphationis fa scratching open, a scarifying
- scalpurigo, scalpuriginis fa scratching
- scilla, scillae fa sea onion, sea leek, squill
- septuplum, septupli na septuple
- schema, schematis na shape, a figure, a form, a fashion, a manner, a posture, a attitude
- scalprum, scalpri m (scalper, scalpri m)a sharp cutting instrument, a chisel, knife
- scandula, scandulae fa shingle
- scandularius, scandularii ma shingler,
- scaeva, scaevae fa sign in the sky, a token in the sky, an omen
- sceletus, sceleti ma skeleton
- statuliber, statulibri ma slave to whom liberty is granted by testament
- subdefectio, subdefectionis fa slight failure
- scimpodion, scimpodii na small bed, a couch
- schedula, schedulae fa small leaf of paper
- semiphalarica, semiphalaricae fa small phalarica
- scalpellum, scalpelli na small surgical knife, a scalpel, a lancet
- scalper, scalpri ma small surgical knife, a scalpel, a lancet
- siliqua, siliquae fa small weight, a small measure
- scirerytis, scirerytidis fa sort of silver dross
- sciria, sciriae fa sort of silver dross
- satus, satus ma sowing, planting
- scaenaticus, scaenatici ma stageplayer
- scenaticus, scenatica, scenaticuma stageplayer
- scheda, schedae f (schida, schidae f)a strip of papyrus bark
- scida, scidae fa strip of papyrus bark, a leaf of paper, a sheet of paper
- subterraneum, subterranei na subterranean place
- seriusa tad late
- scriblitarius, scriblitarii ma tart baker, pastry cook
- sceptrum, sceptri na teacher's rod
- stobrus, stobri fa tree in Carmania yielding an odorous gum
- storax, storacis ma tree, the resinous gum of that tree, storax
- schola, scholae fa waiting place in a bathing room
- securiclata, securiclatae fa weed growing among lentils, hatchet vetch
- systema, systematis na whole consisting of several parts, a complex whole, system
- scelio, scelionis ma wicked man, scoundrel
- scelerosus, scelerosi ma wicked or vicious person, a wretch
- sophos, sophi ma wise man
- sophus, sophi ma wise man
- sauciatio, sauciationis fa wounding
- scamma, scammatis na wrestling place
- scamma, scammatis na wrestling, a contest
- satirographus, satirographi ma writer of satires, a satirist
- satyrographus, satyrographi ma writer of satires, a satirist
- summum imperium deponoabdicate supreme command
- superabove, on top, thereupon, upon, moreover, besides, over, left, remaining
- supera + Akk.above, over, before, over, above, beyond, more than
- supra + Akk.above, over, before, over, above, beyond, more than
- saturitas, saturitatis fabundance
- scisco 3accept, approve, assent to something
- subsiciva operaaccessory work, over-work
- succentor, succentoris maccompanier in singing, furtherer, promoter
- succentus, succentus maccompanying, accompaniment
- suatim (1)according to his method, according to his way, on his own terms, on his way
- secus + Akk.according to, in proportion to
- scrutans, scrutantisaccurate investigating, urgently investigating
- subiugalis, subiugaleaccustomed to the yoke
- subsidior 1act as a reserve, stand in reserve
- summae rei praefectus sumact as superintendent
- summae rei praepositus sumact as superintendent
- statarius, stataria, statariumactor in the comoedia stataria, , performer in the comoedia stataria
- superadicio 5add more
- superadnecto 3add more
- superaddo 3add over and above, superadd
- superappono 3add
- supernexivus, supernexiva, supernexivumadding to this
- suggestio, suggestionis fadding to, addition, hint, intimation, suggestion
- suffectio, suffectionis fadding, supplying, substituting
- sumptus superfluusadditional amount of the costs
- superpostulatio, superpostulationis fadditional demand
- superaugmentum, superaugmenti nadditional increase, further increase
- secundo 1adjust, adapt, accommodate, favor, further, second, to be favorable
- subadmiratio, subadmirationis fadmiration
- superadmiro 1admire at exceedingly, wonder at exceedingly
- successus, successus madvance, approach, succession of time, continuance, happy issue, good result, success, posterity
- suasus, suasus madvice, persuasion, advising, persuading
- suadeo 2advise, recommend, exhort, urge, persuade, induce, impel, recommend, advocate, speak in favor
- suasorieadvisorily
- socialia, socialium naffairs of the confederates
- spleneticus splenetica, spleneticumaffected with spleen, splenetic, hypochondriac
- spleniacus, spleniaca, spleniacumaffected with spleen, splenetic, hypochondriac
- splenicus, splenica, splenicumaffected with spleen, splenetic, hypochondriac
- spleniticus splenitica, spleniticumaffected with spleen, splenetic, hypochondriac
- spasticus, spastica, spasticumafflicted with the cramp or spasms, spastic
- secundina, secundinae fafter birth
- seniliterafter the manner of an old person
- suatim (2)after the manner of swine, swinishly
- secundumafter, behind, afterwards, in the next place, secondly
- senica, senicae faged person, old man, old woman
- senectus, senecta, senectumaged, very old
- solita dierum singulorum descriptioagenda
- solita dierum singulorum ratioagenda
- solita rerum descriptioagenda
- solita rerum ratioagenda
- sequester, sequestris magent, go between, mediator
- secundum + Akk.agreeably to, in accordance with, according to, in favor of, to the advantage of
- symphonium, symphonii nagreement of sounds, concord, harmony, symphony
- symphonia, symphoniae fagreement of sounds, concord, harmony, symphony, signal in war, kind of musical instrument
- societas agricolarisagricultural enterprise
- subministro 1aid by giving, give, furnish, afford, supply
- sumministro 1aid by giving, give, furnish, afford, supply
- societas aeronauticaairline
- statio aeronauticaairport, airdrome, aerodrome
- sedator, sedatoris mallayer, calmer, quieter
- sedamen, sedaminis nallaying, allayment, sedative
- sedatio, sedationis fallaying, assuaging, calming of the passions
- societas, societatis falliance
- sociale foedusalliance, federal cooperative, federation
- stagnum, stagni n (2)alloy of silver and lead, tin
- stannum, stanni nalloy of silver and lead, tin
- stratiotes, stratiotae maloe-leaved watersoldier, great duck-weed
- solitarius, solitaria, solitariumalone, by itself, lonely, solitary
- solumalone, only, merely, barely
- solus, sola, solumalone, only, single, sole, lonely, solitary, forsaken, deserted, unfrequented, desert
- superintellego 3also understand, understand in addition, understand additionally
- stypteria, stypteriae falum
- styptiria, styptiriae falum
- stypteriazusa, stypteriazusae faluminous
- secubito 1always sleep alone
- sucina, sucinorum namber jewellery
- succinacius, succinacia, succinaciumamber-coloured, amber
- sucinacius, sucinacia, sucinaciumamber-coloured, amber
- succinum, succini namber
- sucinum, sucini namber
- subsessa, subsessae fambush, ambuscade
- semiuncialis, semiuncialeamounting to a half ounce
- semiunciarius, semiunciaria, semiunciariumamounting to a half ounce
- semuncialis, semuncialeamounting to a half ounce
- scripularis, scripulareamounting to a scruple, of a scruple
- stillarium, stillarii nan added drop, a trifling addition
- senex, senis man aged person, an old man
- simia, simiae fan ape
- structura, structurae fan architectural fitting together, building, erecting, mode of building, construction, erection, edifice, structure, arrangement, order
- serichatum, serichati nan aromatic plant
- sequax, sequacis man attendant, follower
- stalagmium, stalagmii nan ear-drop, pendant
- scolymos, scolymi man edible kind of thistle, caraoon
- scelus, sceleris nan evil deed, a wicked action, a heinous action, an impious action, a crime, a sin, enormity, wickedness
- scelerator, sceleratoris man evil doer, a wretch
- schedium, schedii nan extemporaneous poem
- spalax, spalacis fan herb now unknown
- statice, statices fan herb of an astringent quality
- septemnerva, septemnervae fan herb, called also plantago
- sesquihora, sesquihorae fan hour and a half
- scandalum, scandali nan inducement to sin, a temptation
- succonditor, succonditoris man inferior officer in the Circensian games
- siriasis, siriasis fan inflammatory disease of children, siriasis
- scalptorium, scalptorii nan instrument for scratching one's self
- sesquiobolus, sesquiobol man obolus and a half
- saurex, sauricis man owl bird
- saurix, sauricis man owl bird
- sorix, soricis man owl bird
- scrapta, scraptae fan unchaste woman
- scratia, scratiae fan unchaste woman
- scratta, scrattae fan unchaste woman
- scrattia, scrattiae fan unchaste woman
- spinturnix, spinturnicis fan unsightly bird, Eagle Owl
- sentiendi facultatis privatioanaesthesia, narcosis
- succensio, succensionis fanger, irritation, indignation
- suscensio, suscensionis fanger, irritation, indignation
- stomachoseangrily, peevishly
- subterlino 3anoint underneath
- synchrisma, synchrismatis nanointing
- stibi, stibis nantimony, a sulphuret of antimony, stibium
- stibium, stibii nantimony, a sulphuret of antimony, stibium
- stimmi, stimmis nantimony, a sulphuret of antimony, stibium
- silex, silicis many hard stone, pebble stone, flint, flint stone, rock, crag
- stridor, stridoris many harsh sound, any shrill sound, any hissing sound, any grating sound, any creaking sound, creaking, hissing, rattling, buzzing, whizzing, whistling
- subscriptio, subscriptionis fAny thing written underneath, subscription, warrant, list, register
- segregatimapart, separately
- simius, simii mape
- sensilocus, sensiloca, sensilocumappealing to the senses, sensual
- superapparitio, superapparitionis fappearance above
- spectrum, spectri nappearance, form, image
- superordino 1appoint in addition, add something to
- scisco 3appoint, enact, decree, ordain
- status, stata, statumappointed, fixed, regular, moderate, average, normal
- succinctorium, succinctorii napron
- suspicax, suspicacisapt to suspect, distrustful, suspicious, that excites mistrust, suspicious
- seiromastes, seiromastae marbed lance
- suspensura, suspensurae farching, vaulting, arched work, arch
- suspensio, suspensionis farching, vaulting, arched work, imperfect pronunciation of a letter
- superargumentor 1argue over and above, prove besides
- suspicionem affero alicuiarouse suspicion in someone, raise someone's suspicion
- suspicionem commoveo alicuiarouse suspicion in someone, raise suspicion in someone
- suspicionem excito alicuiarouse suspicion in someone, raise suspicion in someone
- suspicionem facio alicuiarouse suspicion in someone, raise suspicion in someone
- suspicionem inicio alicuiarouse suspicion in someone, raise suspicion in someone
- suspicionem moveo alicuiarouse suspicion in someone, raise suspicion in someone
- suspicionem moveoarouse suspicion, raise suspicion
- satelles fabricatusartificial satellite
- sicas follows, in the following manner, as I do it, as you see, in the manner mentioned, under these circumstances, accordingly, hence
- saxeus, saxea, saxeumas hard as stone
- simul atqueas soon as
- soliteas usual
- summa imperii mihi deferturascend to supremacy
- scitatio, scitationis fasking, inquiring
- sciscitatio, sciscitationis fasking, inquiry
- sicarius, sicarii massassin, murderer
- subadsentiens, subadsentientisassenting a little, yielding a little
- subassentiens, subassentientisassenting a little, yielding a little
- sedulitas, sedulitatis fassiduity, application, zeal, earnestness, sedulousness, sedulity
- subornatrix, subornatricis fassistant of the ōrnātrīx
- subadiuva, subadiuvae massistant
- subadiuvans, subadiuvantis massistant
- Societas externae politiae amplectendae Germanica (DGAP)association, think tank, advocacy group
- stypticus, styptica, stypticumastringens, styptic
- stalticum, staltici nastringent
- stalticus, staltica, stalticumastringent, contracting, attracting, tightening
- separatimasunder, apart, separately
- sorsumasunder, separately, apart
- sublucanis temporibusat dawn, in the early morning
- sub galli cantumat daybreak, at cock-crowing
- summumat most, at the most, not more than
- simituat once, at the same time, together
- simiturat once, at the same time, together
- suis opibusat one's own expense, at one's own charge, at one's own expenses, at one's own cost
- summo carmineat the end of the song
- summa aestateat the height of summer
- supremo in temporeat the most critical moment
- simulat the same time, together, at once, as soon as, also, likewise
- solito temporeat the usual time
- septimana vergenteat the weekend
- scalas moenibus applico (adplico)attach storm ladders to the wall
- summum bonum in virtute ponoattach the highest value to virtue
- stipator, stipatoris mattendant of a nobleman, attendant, bodyguard
- stipatrix, stipatricis fattendant upon, thronging in attendance
- societas autocineticaautomobile company
- suppetilis, suppetileauxiliary, helpful, useful
- suppetulis, suppetuleauxiliary, helpful, useful
- suspicionem a me depelloavert suspicion from oneself
- suspicionem a me propulsoavert suspicion from oneself
- suscitator, suscitatoris mawakener, resuscitator
- suscitatio, suscitationis fawakening, resuscitation
- scaevus, scaeva, scaevumawkward, perverse, stupid, silly
- scaevitas, scaevitatis fawkwardness, perverseness, unskilfulness
- sinisteritas, sinisteritatis fawkwardness, untowardness, perversity
- subula, subulae fawl, a very small weapon
- securifer, securifera, securiferumaxe bearing, armed with a battle axe
- securiger, securigera, securigerumaxe bearing, armed with a battle axe
- securis, securis faxe, hatchet, blow, death blow
- sermocinator, sermocinatoris mbabbler
- suppus, suppa, suppumbackwards
- supinus, supina, supinumbackwards, bent backwards, thrown backwards, lying on the back, supine, going back, retrograde, sloping, inclined, stretched out, extended, careless, thoughtless, heedless, negligent, indolent, with head thrown back, haughty, proud
- sceleratebad, impious, wicked, infamous, vicious, flagitious
- sceleratus, scelerata, sceleratumbad, impious, wicked, infamous, vicious, flagitious
- sinistrebadly, wrongly, perversely
- siliginarius, siliginarii mbaker of wheat flour
- similaginarius, similaginaria, similaginariumbaking with finest wheat flour
- sphaerista, sphaeristae mball-player
- spaera, spaerae fball, globe, sphere
- sphaera, sphaerae fball, globe, sphere
- sphera, spherae fball, globe, sphere
- secta, sectae fband of robbers
- stroppus, stroppi mband, thong, strap
- struppus, struppi mband, thong, strap
- sera, serae fbar for fastening doors
- sepimen, sepiminis nbarrier, enclosure, hedge, fencing, fence
- sepimentum, sepimenti nbarrier, enclosure, hedge, fencing, fence
- suffusus, suffusa, suffusumbashful, shamefaced, prudish, modest
- sententia summabasic Idea
- semina rerumbasic materials of nature
- scaphium, scaphii nbasin in the form of a boat
- scirpiculus, scirpiculi mbasket made of rushes, rush basket
- sirpiculus, sirpicula, sirpiculumbasket made of rushes, rush basket
- sirpiculus, sirpiculi mbasket made of rushes, rush basket
- surpiculus, surpiculi mbasket made of rushes, rush basket
- salix vimineabasket willow
- sirpea,sirpeae fbasket work of rushes, body of a wagon
- sirpia, sirpiae fbasket work of rushes, body of a wagon
- subdubito 1be a little doubtful, be a little undecided, have some hesitation
- servio 4be a servant, be a slave, serve, be in service, help, assist, be serviceable to, be useful for
- stupefiobe amazed, be upset, lose your temper, go berserk
- sum pro aliquobe an advantage to sb, , be an asset to sb,
- somno opprimorbe assaulted by sleep
- summa necessitudine aliquem contingobe associated with sombody
- suppeto 3be at hand, be in store, be present, be equal to, be sufficient for, suffice, agree with, correspond to, ask in place of another, to personate another in asking
- somno experrectus sumbe awake from sleep
- somno excutiorbe awakened from sleep
- summa familiaritate coniunctus sum cum aliquobe bound together in the deepest friendship
- supra caput sumbe burdensome, be annoying
- supra caput sumbe close at hand
- sublate dicobe concealed beneath, , be concealed below, be hidden underneath
- sensu audiendi careobe deaf
- sordeo 2be dirty, be filthy, be foul, be mean, be base, be low, be sordid, seem base, seem paltry, seem despised, seem slighted, held of no account, seem paltry, seem of small account
- studeo 2be eager , be zealous, take pains about, be diligent in, be anxious about, be busy one’s self with, strive after, apply one’s self to, pursue some course of action, desire, wish
- summe exspecto, quidnam eager to learn
- subtervaco 1be empty below
- suffragium habeobe entitled to vote
- suppedito 1be fully supplied, be in abundance, be at hand, be in store, have in abundance, abound, be rich in, be enough, be sufficient, suffice, be fit for, be equal to, be a match for
- superbio 4be haughty, be proud, take pride in a thing, disdains, be superb, be splendid, be magnificent
- summo ingenio praeditus sumbe highly talented
- sum in ambiguobe in an uncertain position
- sum cum aliquobe in cahoots with sb,
- sentino 1be in difficulty, be in danger
- surio 4be in heat
- summae imperii praesumbe in supreme command
- suis legibus utibe independent
- sumptui parcobe inexpensive
- succenseo 2be inflamed with anger, be angry, be irritated, be enraged
- suscenseo 2be inflamed with anger, be angry, be irritated, be enraged
- stomachor 1be irritated, be peevish, be pettish, be vexed, be angry, be out of humor, fume, fret, be angry, be vexed
- sum in aliquem locumbe located somewhere
- sessilis, sessilebe longing to sitting, fit for sitting upon, low, dwarf
- supereffulgeo 2be more than effulgent
- sileo 2be noiseless, still, silen, keep silence, not to speak of, to keep silent respecting a thing, be still, be quiet, remain inactive, rest, cease
- summa gloria floreobe on the crest of my fame
- superfiobe over and above, be left, remain
- supersumbe over and above, be left, remain, exist still, live after, outlive, be still alive, survive, be in abundance, abound, be in excess, be superabundant, be superfluous, be present, serve by being present, assist, serve as an advocate, be over, be beyond, be prominent
- superstito 1be over, be remaining
- somno opprimorbe overcome by sleep
- supplicio afficiorbe put to death, be executed
- sedeo 2be quieted
- successorem accipiobe removed from office
- supplicio aliquem coerceobe sent to punishment
- stello 1be set with star, be covered with star
- subtimeo 2be somewhat afraid, fear a little
- subirascor 3be somewhat angry
- suppudetbe somewhat ashamed
- subdiffido 3be somewhat distrustful
- subvereor 2be somewhat fearful, be somewhat apprehensive
- squaleo 2be stiff, be rough, be desert, be untilled, be waste, mourn in squalid garments
- stupeo 2be struck senseless, be stunned, be benumbed, be struck aghast, be astonished, be astounded, be amazed, be confounded, be stupefied, be astonished, be amazed at, wonder at any thing
- subservio 4be subject to, serve, comply with, humor, accommodate one’s self to
- somno captus sumbe sunk in sleep
- somno oppressus sumbe sunk in sleep
- supervaco 1be superfluous
- suspicionem alicuius rei habeobe suspect of something, be suspicious of something
- suspector 1be suspect, be under suspicion
- suspicione non careobe suspect, be under suspicion
- somno vincorbe unable to resist sleep
- subsumbe under, be among, be behind, be near, be close, be at hand, be near, approach, be underneath, be at the bottom, be under, exist under, lie concealed in
- superabundo 1be very abundant, superabound
- stritto 1be weak in the feet
- studeo 2be zealous for any one, be friendly, be attached to one, be favorable to one, be favor, be apply one’s self to learning, be apply one’s self to study, be diligent in study
- sumbe, exist, live, happen, occur, befall, take place, be present, be at a place, depend upon, rest with, be of, belong to, be of use for, serve for
- sorbitio fabariabean soup, soup of beans
- sumptus tolerobear the costs
- sphondylion, sphondylii nbear’s-foot, bear’s-wort, spicknel
- sphondylium, sphondylii nbear’s-foot, bear’s-wort, spicknel
- spondilium, spondilii nbear’s-foot, bear’s-wort, spicknel
- spondylion, spondylii nbear’s-foot, bear’s-wort, spicknel
- sustentabilis, sustentabilebearable
- subvector, subvectoris mbearer, carrier, conveyer
- sesquioctavus decimus, sesquioctava decima, sesquioctavum decimumbearing the ratio of nineteen to eighteen
- silviger, silvigera, silvigerumbearing woods, wooded, woody
- sufferentia, sufferentiae fbearing, enduring, toleration, sufferance
- subiugale, subiugalis nbeast of burden
- sugillo 1beat black-and blue, flout, jeer, taunt, scoff at, insult, revile, beat into one, suggest
- symbolae, symbolarum fbeatings, floggings
- scitus, scita, scitumbeautiful, elegant, fine
- sopior 4became unconscious, became senseless, was stunned, be laid to rest, be laid to die
- splendesco 3become bright, become shining, derive lustre
- surdesco 3become deaf
- sordesco 3become dirty, grow filthy, become wild, lie untilled, be mean, be vile
- sicco 1become dry, get dry
- solidesco 3become firm, become solid, whole, unite, grow together
- subdeficio 5become more and more feeble, fail somewhat
- situ pcorrumpor 3become mouldy, become musty
- subhorresco 3become rough from below, stormy from below, boil up
- segnesco 3become slow, abate, decrease
- silesco 3become still, become silent, become calm
- spissesco 3become thick, thicken, condense
- suesco 3become used, become accustomed, accustom, habituate, train
- stratum, strati nbed, covering, coverlet, quilt, blanket, pillow, bolster, bed, couch, horsecloth, housing, saddle, pavement
- stroma, stromatis nbedcovering, coverlet
- stratorium, stratoriī nbedding
- seminium, seminii nbegetting of animals, procreation of animals, race of animals, stock of animals, breed of animals
- satus, sata, satumbegotten
- sperare videorbeing allowed to hope
- singularitas, singularitatis fbeing alone, being single, singleness, singular number, unity, number one
- solitudo, solitudinis fbeing alone, being solitary, loneliness, solitariness, solitude, lonely place, desert, wilderness
- solitas, solitatis fbeing alone, loneliness, solitude
- situs, situs mbeing laid, being placed, lying, manner of lying, situation, local position, site of a thing, a quarter of the world, region, rust, mould, mustiness, dust, dirt, neglect, idleness, absence of use, rusting, moulding, wasting away, dulness, inactivity
- sectarius vervexbellwether
- strophoma, strophomatis nbellyache, gripes, colic
- strophus, strophi mbellyache, gripes, colic
- sudatorius, sudatoria, sudatoriumbelonging to sweating, serving for sweating, sudatory
- sphaeralis, sphaeralebelonging to a ball, globular, spherical
- sphaericus, sphaerica, sphaericumbelonging to a ball, spherical
- sphericus, spherica, sphericumbelonging to a ball, spherical
- symposiacus, symposiaca, symposiacumbelonging to a banquet, convivial, symposiac
- sonarius, sonaria, sonariumbelonging to a belt, belonging to a girdle
- sellularius, sellularia, sellulariumbelonging to a chair:
- scalaris, scalarebelonging to a flight of steps, belonging to a ladder
- semissalis, semissalebelonging to a half as
- semissarius, semissaria, semissariumbelonging to a half as, who inherits one half
- specularis, specularebelonging to a mirror, like a mirror
- subsidiarius, subsidiaria, subsidiariumbelonging to a reserve, reserve-, subsidiary, serving for support
- subsidialis, subsidialebelonging to a reserve, subsidiary
- scholaris, scholarebelonging to a school
- scolaris, scolarebelonging to a school
- scholasticus, scholastica, scholasticumbelonging to a school, scholastic
- scholicus, scholica, scholicumbelonging to a school, school,
- scorpionius, scorpionia, scorpioniumbelonging to a scorpion
- sellaris, sellarebelonging to a seat
- senatorius, senatoria, senatoriumbelonging to a senator, senatorial
- seviralis, seviralebelonging to a sexvir
- stlatarius, stlataria, stlatariumbelonging to a ship, brought by ship, costly
- sutoricius, sutoricia, sutoriciumbelonging to a shoemaker
- sutorius, sutoria, sutoriumbelonging to a shoemaker, belonging to a cobbler
- sutrinus, sutrina, sutrinumbelonging to a shoemaker, belonging to a cobbler, shoemaker’s-
- sororius, sororia, sororiumbelonging to a sister, sisterly
- servilis, servilebelonging to a slave, slavish, servile
- stratioticus, stratiotica, stratioticumbelonging to a soldier, soldierlike, military
- synanchicus, synanchica, synanchicumbelonging to a soreness of the throat
- scrofinus, scrofina, scrofinumbelonging to a sow
- scrophinus, scrophina, scrophinumbelonging to a sow
- suminatus, suminata, suminatumbelonging to a sow’s udder, that has the paps on
- stellaris, stellarebelonging to a star, starry
- stabularius, stabularia, stabulariumbelonging to a stopping-place, belonging to a stable
- syllogisticus, syllogistica, syllogisticumbelonging to a syllogism, syllogistic
- synodalis, synodalebelonging to a synod, synodal
- sepulcralis, sepulcralebelonging to a tomb, sepulchral
- silvester, silvestris, silvestrebelonging to a wood, belonging to a forest, overgrown with woods, wooded, woody, growing wild, wild
- silvestris, silvestrebelonging to a wood, belonging to a forest, overgrown with woods, wooded, woody, growing wild, wild
- sodaliciarius, sodaliciaria, sodaliciariumbelonging to an association, belonging to an fellowship
- sodalitiarius, sodalitiaria, sodalitiariumbelonging to an association, belonging to an fellowship
- simininus, siminina, simininumbelonging to apes, of apes
- sponsalis, sponsalebelonging to betrothal, belonging to espousal, belonging to spousal, belonging to sponsal
- sponsalicius, sponsalicia, sponsaliciumbelonging to betrothal, spousal
- subiunctivus, subiunctiva, subiunctivumbelonging to binding together, connecting
- spiritalis, spiritalebelonging to breathing, belonging to wind, belonging to air, belonging to spirit, spiritual
- spiritualis, spiritualebelonging to breathing, belonging to wind, belonging to air, belonging to spirit, spiritual
- spartarius, spartaria, spartariumbelonging to broom, bearing broom
- structorius, structoria, structoriumbelonging to building, architectural
- structilis, structilebelonging to building, that is built or constructed, that is designed or used for building
- sepulturarius, sepulturaria, sepulturariumbelonging to burial
- symphoniacus, symphoniaca, symphoniacumbelonging to concerts, belonging to music
- suasorius, suasoria, suasoriumbelonging to counselling, belonging to persuading, suasory, persuasive, belonging to the suasory species of discourse, hortatory, suasory
- scotomaticus, scotomatica, scotomaticumbelonging to dimness of vision
- stercerarius, sterceraria, stercerariumbelonging to dung
- stercorarius, stercoraria, stercorariumbelonging to dung
- sodalicius, sodalicia, sodaliciumbelonging to fellowship, belonging to companionship, pertaining to an unlawful secret association
- sodalitius, sodalitia, sodalitiumbelonging to fellowship, belonging to companionship, pertaining to an unlawful secret association
- semitalis, semitalebelonging to foot paths
- suspendiosus, suspendiosa, suspendiosumbelonging to hanging, suffered while hanging
- semitarius, semitaria, semitariumbelonging to lanes
- spondeus, spondea, spondeumbelonging to libations
- spondius, spondia, spondiumbelonging to libations
- stipendiosus, stipendiosa, stipendiosumbelonging to military servic
- senilis, senilebelonging to old people, aged, senile
- stagnatilis, stagnatilebelonging to ponds, belonging to pools
- stagnensis, stagnensebelonging to ponds, belonging to pools
- supputarius, supputaria, supputariumbelonging to reckoning, belonging to computation
- supputatorius, supputatoria, supputatoriumbelonging to reckoning, belonging to computation
- sigillaricius, sigillaricia, sigillariciumbelonging to sealing
- signatorius, signatoria, signatoriumbelonging to sealing
- seminarius, seminaria, seminariumbelonging to seed
- sementinus, sementina, sementinumbelonging to seed, belonging to sowing, that occur at seed time, proper for sowing
- sementivus, sementiva, sementivumbelonging to seed, belonging to sowing, that occur at seed time, proper for sowing
- separativus, separativa, separativumbelonging to separation, disjunctive, separative
- sequestrarius, sequestraria, sequestrariumbelonging to sequestration
- sexualis, sexualebelonging to sex, sexual
- surcularius, surcularia, surculariumbelonging to shoots, belonging to twigs, planted with young trees, living among the twigs, living among branches
- sericarius, sericaria, sericariumbelonging to silks
- siricarius, siricaria, siricariumbelonging to silks
- sedentarius, sedentaria, sedentariumbelonging to sitting, sitting, sedentary
- somnurnus, somnurna, somnurnumbelonging to sleep, seen in sleep
- strutheus, struthea, strutheumbelonging to sparrows
- struthius, struthia, struthiumbelonging to sparrows
- sermonalis, sermonalebelonging to speech, speaking
- speculatorius, speculatoria, speculatoriumbelonging to spies, belonging to scouts
- segetalis, segetalebelonging to standing crops
- statarius, stataria, statariumbelonging to standing, belonging to standing fast, standing, standing firm, stationary, steady
- stramentarius, stramentaria, stramentariumbelonging to straw
- Suburanus, Suburana, Suburanumbelonging to Subura
- successorius, successoria, successoriumbelonging to succession, successory
- suillinus, suillina, suillinumbelonging to swine
- suillus, suilla, suillumbelonging to swine
- suarius, suaria, suariumbelonging to swine, swine-
- suinus, suina, suinumbelonging to swine, swine-
- sidereus, siderea, sidereumbelonging to the constellations, belonging to the stars, starry, heavenly, divine, bright, glittering, shining, excellent, brilliant, divine
- siriacus, siriaca, siriacumbelonging to the dog star, of the dog star
- smaragdineus, smaragdinea, smaragdineumbelonging to the emerald, smaragdine
- smaragdinus, smaragdina, smaragdinumbelonging to the emerald, smaragdine
- substantialis, substantialebelonging to the essence, belonging to the substance, essential, substantial, substantial, substantive
- Septimontialis, Septimontialebelonging to the feast of the Seven Hills
- solarius, solaria, solarium (solum)belonging to the land
- scenofactorius, scenofactoria, scenofactoriumbelonging to the making of tents
- septemtrionalis, septemtrionalebelonging to the north, northern, north,
- septemtrionarius, septemtrionaria, septemtrionariumbelonging to the north, northern, north,
- septentrionalis, septentrionalebelonging to the north, northern, north,
- septimanus, septimana, septimanumbelonging to the number seven
- septumanus, septumana, septumanumbelonging to the number seven
- septuagenarius, septuagenaria, septuagenariumbelonging to the number seventy, containing seventy, septuagenarian
- sirpicus, sirpica, sirpicumbelonging to the plant sirpe
- sectorius, sectoria, sectoriumbelonging to the purchase of confiscated effects
- sotericianus, sotericiana, sotericianumbelonging to the Saviour
- secundarius, secundaria, secundariumbelonging to the second class, sort, or quality
- septemviralis, septemviralebelonging to the septemvirs, septemviral
- Sericus, Serica, Sericumbelonging to the Seres
- soricinus, soricina, soricinumbelonging to the shrew-mouse
- Sibyllinus, Sibyllina, Sibyllinumbelonging to the Sibyl, Sibylline
- spinalis, spinalebelonging to the spine, spinal
- spionicus, spionica, spionicumbelonging to the spionia
- scaenalis, scaenalebelonging to the stage
- scaenatilis, scaenatilebelonging to the stage
- scenatilis, scenatilebelonging to the stage
- scaenarius, scaenaria, scaenariumbelonging to the stage, scenic, dramatic, theatrical
- scaenicus, scaenica, scaenicumbelonging to the stage, scenic, dramatic, theatrical
- scenicus, scenica, scenicumbelonging to the stage, scenic, dramatic, theatrical
- scenalis, scenalebelonging to the stage, scenic, theatrical
- scenarius, scenaria, scenariumbelonging to the stage, scenic, theatrical
- sideralis, sideralebelonging to the stars, sidereal
- subiectivus, subiectiva, subiectivumbelonging to the subject of a proposition, subjective
- solstitialis, solstitialebelonging to the summer solstice, solstitial, belonging to midsummer, summer heat, belonging to the sun, solar
- solarius, solaria, solarium (sol)belonging to the sun, sun-, solar, sunny
- solaris, solarebelonging to the sun, sun-, solar, sunny, towards the sun
- suffragatorius, suffragatoria, suffragatoriumbelonging to the support of a candidate, recommendatory, suffragatory
- superficialis, superficialebelonging to the surface, superficial, denoting the superficial content
- scripturarius, scripturaria, scripturariumbelonging to the tax on pastures
- supernas, supernatisbelonging to the upper country, upper, northern
- subiugius, subiugia, subiugiumbelonging to the yoke, that is attached to the yoke
- stupparius, stupparia, stuppariumbelonging to tow
- stipendialis, stipendialebelonging to tribute
- stipendiarius, stipendiaria, stipendiariumbelonging to tribute, liable to impost, liable to contribution, tributary, receiving pay, serving for pay, stipendiary
- scriptionalis, scriptionalebelonging to writing
- scriptorius, scriptoria, scriptoriumbelonging to writing, writing,
- sublunaris, sublunarebelow the moon
- subterbelow, beneath, underneath
- subtusbelow, beneath, underneath
- subter + Abl.below, beneath, underneath, under, close to
- subter + Akk.below, beneath, underneath, under, close to
- scutica, scuticae f (scytica, scyticae f)belt whip, lash
- sona, sonae fbelt, girdle, zone, kind of herpes, shingles
- sedes, sedis fbench, chair, throne
- supino 1bend backwards, lay backwards, place on the back, put on the back, throw on the back, turned over, ploughed up
- succlino 1bend somewhat, incline somewhat
- sinuo 1bend, wind, curve, bow, swell out in curves, hollow out, excavate
- supinitas, supinitatis fbending backwards, lying flat, flatness
- sinuamen, sinuaminis nbending, bend, curve
- sinuatio, sinuationis fbending, turning, winding
- superflexus, superflexa, superflexumbent over
- superincurvatus, superincurvata, superincurvatumbent over, stooping over
- sinus, sinus mbent surface, curve, fold, hollow, purse, money, bosom, bay, bight, gulf, basin, hollow, valley, the interior part, the inmost part of a thing
- super quam, quodbesides that
- sublino 3besmear beneat, anoint beneath, lay on as a groundcolor, prime with any thing, put underneath, underlay
- stellans, stellantisbestarred, starry, glittering, shining
- sponso 1betroth, affiance, espouse
- sponsalia, sponsaliorum n (sponsalia, um n)betrothal, espousal, betrothal feast, betrothal gift
- sponsus, sponsi mbetrothed man, a bridegroom
- sposus, sposi mbetrothed man, a bridegroom
- sponsa, sponsae fbetrothed woman, bride
- sperata, speratae fbetrothed, intended, over, bride
- speratus, sperati mbetrothed, intended, over, bride
- sculpo 3bilden, meißeln, modellieren, schnitzen
- subligo 1bind below, tie below, bind on
- substringo 3bind beneath, bind up, tie up, draw up
- sustollo 3bind beneath, bind up, tie up, draw up
- superdeligo 1bind over
- superilligo 1bind over, bind upon
- superstringo 3bind together above, draw together above, draw together over
- surclo 1bind together with twigs
- surculo 1bind together with twigs
- subnecto 3bind under, tie under, bind on beneath, add, subjoin
- subligatio, subligationis fbinding below, tying below
- subligatura, subligaturae fbinding below, tying below
- suffrenatio, suffrenationis fbinding down fast, cementing
- septimestris partusbirth after seven months of pregnancy
- sales suffusi fellebiting jokes, sardonic jokes, malicious jokes
- sugillatio, sugillationis fblackand-blue mark, a livid spot, affronting, insulting
- spinus, spini fblackthorn, sloe-tree
- spinus, spinus fblackthorn, sloe-tree
- subaccuso 1blame somewhat, accuse somewhat
- sublaqueo 1blanket
- solis ardoresblazing heat of the sun
- status sanguinisblood count
- sanguis torrensbloodbath
- sanguine decolorbloodstained
- superfloresco 3blossoming all over
- sufflo 1blow forth from below, to blow up, puff out, inflate, got enraged
- sufflatio, sufflationis fblowing up, puffing up, inflation
- scybalon, scybali nbody dung
- sufferveo 2boil gently, seethe gently
- suffervefioboil up
- sponsor, sponsoris mbondsman, surety, godfather, godmother, sponsor
- speculatoria, speculatoriae fboot worn by spies, boot worn by scouts
- superforo 1bore from above
- saxigenus, saxigena, saxigenumborn from stone
- satus, sata, satumborn
- subteradnexus, subteradnexa, subteradnexumbottom tied to
- subterannexus, subterannexa, subterannexumbottom tied to
- subcumbus, subcumbi mboundary-stone
- succumbus, succumbi mboundary-stone
- scambus, scamba, scambumbow legged, bandy legged
- suffercitus, suffercita, suffercitumbragging
- sertus, serta, sertumbraided
- syntrophium, syntrophii nbramble-bush
- surus, suri mbranch, stake
- stigmo 1brand, stigmatize
- subverbustus, a, umbranded under the spear
- suffringo 3break below, break
- subrumpo 3break off below, destroy
- sponsum negobreak one’s pledge, disown one’s pledge
- silentium vincobreak the silence
- suppedo 3break wind softly, , fart a little, fart slightly
- statumen fluctigerumbreakwater
- sumen, suminis nbreast of women, sow’s udder, paps of a sow, sow, hog, fat part, richest portion
- singulto 1breathe out with sobs, gasp away with short sobs
- spiro 1breathe, blow, draw breath, respire, be favorable, favor, live, be alive, be poetically inspired, have the lyric spirit, be puffed up, be proud, be arrogant, breathe out, exhale, emit, breathe feebly, breathe forth, exhale, breathe into, be full of, show, express, manifest
- suspiriosus, suspiriosa, suspiriosumbreathing deeply, breathing with difficulty, breathing short, asthmatic
- suspiritus, suspiritus mbreathing deeply, breathing with difficulty, deep breath, sigh
- spiramentum, spiramenti nbreathing-hole, airhole, vent, pore, spiracle, breathing space, brief pause, brief interval, instant
- spiramen, spiraminis nbreathing-hole, passage for the breath, air-hole, thrill, vent, breathing, blowing
- spiratio, spirationis fbreathing, breath
- spiratus, spiratus mbreathing, breath
- spiritus, spiritus mbreathing, gentle blowing of air, breath, breeze, air, exhalation, smell, odor, inspiration, breath of life, life, aspiration, hiss of a snake, haughty spirit, haughtiness, pride, arrogance, high spirit, energy, courage, spirit, soul, mind
- spiraculum, spiraculi nbreathinghole, air-hole, vent, spiracle
- scrofa, scrofae fbreeding sow
- seminatio, seminationis fbreeding, propagation
- sponsale, sponsalis nbridal bed
- sponsalis, sponsalis mBridal chamber
- sponsus et sponsaBridal pair
- sponsus sponsaqueBridal pair
- succinctebriefly, concisely, succinctly
- succinctimbriefly, concisely, succinctly
- scintilla, scintillae fbright point, sparkling point
- sudum, sudi nbright weather, clear weather
- splendidus, splendida, splendidumbright, shining, glittering, brilliant, illustrious, distinguished, noble, showy, fine, specious
- sudumbrightly
- splendidebrightly, brilliantly, splendidly, nobly, intelligibly, ostentatiously
- splendificebrightly, splendidly
- splendentia, splendentiae fbrilliancy
- splendificus, splendifica, splendificumbrilliant, shiny, bright
- superefficio 5brim over
- sulfur, sulfuris nbrimstone, sulphur
- sulphur, sulphuris nbrimstone, sulphur
- subadmoveo 2bring close
- si quid belli habes, affer!bring it on if you have something pretty!
- suffragium inire iubeobring sb to the vote
- suspicionem confero in aliquembring someone under suspicion, cast suspicion on somebody
- signa sustineobring the army to a halt
- sermonem alio transferobring the language to something else, give the conversation a different direction, , steer the conversation to another point, change the topic
- summatim exponobring to the point
- subiugo 1bring under the yoke, subject, subjugate
- subigo 3bring under, get under, bring up, get up, bring up to any place, turn up from beneath, break up, dig up, plough, cultivate, work, knead, rub down, sharpen, whet, tame, break, put down, overcome, conquer, subjugate, subject, subdue
- subveho 3bring up from below, bring, carry, convey, conduct to a place, bring up stream, carry up stream
- superingero 3bring upon, heap upon
- splendorifer, splendorifera, splendoriferumbringing brightness, bringing splendor
- serenifer, serenifera, sereniferumbringing fair weather, clearing up
- sereniger, serenigera, serenigerumbringing fair weather, clearing up
- strenuus, strenua, strenuumbrisk, nimble, quick, prompt, active, vigorous, strenuous, restless, turbulent
- strenuebriskly, quickly, promptly, actively, strenuously
- setiger, setigeri mbristle bearer, bristler, boar
- setiger, setigera, setigerumbristle bearing, having coarse hair, having bristles, bristly, setaceous
- seta, setae fbristle, stiff hair, spiny leaves, brush made from bristles
- scopula, scopulae fbroom twig
- syrus, syri mbroom, besom
- scopo 1brush away, sweep away
- sulfura taedis circumlinobrush sulphur around the torches
- summas undas stringobrush the crest of the wave
- situla, situlae fbucket for drawing water, urn used in drawing lots
- situlus, situli mbucket for drawing water, urn used in drawing lots
- specialis, specialis mbuddy, special
- sumptuum futurorum existimatiobudget planning
- sumptuum futurorum existimatiobudget
- substruo 3build beneath, to underbuild, lay
- superinstruo 3build over, build upon, arrange over one another
- superaedifico 1build upon, build over
- superstruo 3build upon, build over, superstruct
- superaedificatio, superaedificationis fbuilding upon
- schoenus, schoeni mbulrush
- sepultorium, sepultorii nburial ground
- sepulcrum, sepulcri nburial place, grave, tomb, sepulchre, grave, tomb
- sepultura, sepulturae fburial, interment, funeral obsequies, sepulture
- sepulcretum, sepulcreti nburialplace, cemetery
- suburo 3burn slightly, singe, scorch
- sepulio 4bury
- sepelio 4bury, overwhelm, submerge, destroy, ruin, suppress
- sedulebusily, diligently, carefully
- sedulobusily, diligently, industriously, eagerly, carefully, zealously, unremittingly, assiduously, solicitously, sedulously
- sedulus, sedula, sedulumbusy, diligent, industrious, zealous, careful, unremitting, solicitous, assiduous, sedulous
- studium, studii nbusying one’s self about a thing, application to a thing, assiduity, zeal, eagerness, fondness, inclination, desire, exertion, endeavor, study, good-will, affection, attachment, devotion, favor, kindness
- sinbut if
- sedbut
- sedumbut
- sumo 3buy, purchase, enjoy, fascinate, charm
- synoneton, synoneti nbuying up, collecting by purchase
- stillatimby drops, drop by drop
- sortitoby lot, by fate, by destiny
- suis viribusby oneself, on its own
- scissimby rending, by cleaving, by dividing
- scripulatimby scruples
- scrupulatimby scruples
- summo iureby strict law
- synecdochiceby synecdoche
- synecdochicus, synecdochica, synecdochicumby synecdoche
- sensibiliterby the senses, sensibly
- stirpitusby the stalk, by the roots, root and branch, stock and stump, utterly
- secivum, secivi n cake, pancake
- sura, surae fcalf of the leg, smaller bone of the leg
- suffragium decretorium ferocall a second ballot
- sevoco 1call apart, call aside, call away, call off, separate, withdraw, remove
- subclamo 1call out, cry out, shout, exclaim
- succlamo 1call out, cry out, shout, exclaim
- succlamatio, succlamationis fcalling out, crying out, shouting, acclamation
- sedatecalmly, tranquilly, sedately
- stratopedon, stratopedi ncamp
- stratopedum, stratopedi ncamp
- sedibilis, sedibilecapable of being sat upon
- secabilitas, secabilitatis fcapacity for being cut or divided
- sensualitas, sensualitatis fcapacity for sensation, sensibility
- sollicitecarefully, punctiliously, anxiously, with grief, with solicitude
- securecarelessly, heedlessly, fearlessly, unconcernedly, quietly, safely, securely
- supinecarelessly, negligently
- socorditercarelessly, negligently, slothfully
- subblandior 4caress a little, fondle a little
- suppalpor 1caress a little, fondle a little, wheedle a little
- sollemnia antequadragesimaliacarnival
- subiunctorium, subiunctorii ncarriage drawn by animals, beast used for draught
- superinungo 3carry above
- subterduco 3carry off secretly, to steal away any thing
- superveho 3carry over
- superferocarry over, carry beyond, place over, put over
- supporto 1carry to a place, bring to a place, convey to a place
- sufferocarry under, to put under, lay under, offer, proffer, hold up, bear, support, sustain, take upon one’s self, undergo, bear, endure, suffer an evil
- suggero 3carry, bring, put under, lay under, heap up, raise, erect, build, furnish, afford, supply, excite, produce, put upon, imposed upon, suggest, advise, prompt, offer, bring to mind, assign, add, subjoin
- subvectus, subvectus mcarrying, conveying, conveyance
- subvectio, subvectionis fcarrying, transporting, conveying, conveyance
- secamenta, secamentorum ncarved work
- scissor, scissoris mcarver
- scrinium, scrinii ncase, chest, box for keeping books, box for keeping papers, box for keeping letters, book box, letter case, escritoir
- sortior 4cast lots, draw lots, fix, assign by lot, appoint by lot, allot, obtain by lot, receive by lot, share, divide, distribute, choose, select, obtain, receive
- suffragium ferocast one's ballot
- superiacio 5cast over, throw over, cast upon, throw upon, overdo, exaggerate, overtop with any thing
- supinatio, supinationis fcasting back
- sortitio, sortitionis fcasting of lots, drawing of lots, choosing by lot, determining by lot, sortition
- sortitus, sortitus mcasting of lots, drawing of lots, lot, fate, destiny
- sectio, sectionis fcastration
- sollicito 1cause anxiety, cause uneasiness, distress, fill with apprehension, cause fear, cause suspense of the mind, cause anxiety for the future, grieve, afflict, make wretched, arouse, excite, incite, urge to wrong-doing, inveigle, seduce, incite, stimulate, provoke, tempt, abet
- scandalum, scandali ncause of offence
- subrogo 1cause to be chosen in place of another, put in another’s place, substitute
- surrogo 1cause to be chosen in place of another, put in another’s place, substitute
- suspendo 3cause to be suspended, make uncertain, make doubtful, keep in suspense, stay, stop, check, interrupt, suspend, hang upon, fix upon
- subradio 1cause to beam forth, indicate
- surradio 1cause to beam forth, indicate
- spumo 1cause to foam, cause to foam forth, cover with foam
- sedo 1cause to sit, allay, settle, still, calm, assuage, appease, quiet, check, end, stop, stay
- sisto 3 (tr.)cause to stand, place, produce in court, arrest, stop, end, put an end to
- statuo 3cause to stand, set up, set, station, fix in an upright position, set in the ground, erect, plant, place, set forth, construct and place, set up after constructing, make, establish, found, build, cause to stand still, cause to stop, cause to stand firm
- sufficio 5cause to take the place of, supply instead of, furnish as a substitute, be sufficient, suffice, avail for, meet the need of, satisfy
- somnificus, somnifica, somnificumcausing sleep, narcotic
- spelunca latronumcave of robbers
- spelaeum, spelaei ncave, cavern, den
- speleum, spelei ncave, cavern, den
- spelunca, speluncae fcave, cavern, den
- specus, specus mcave, cavern, grot, den, cavity, chasm, ditch, drain, canal, channel, covered water-course, pit in mines
- submuto 1change, interchange, substitute one thing for another
- summuto 1change, interchange, substitute one thing for another
- scaena versilischangeable stage, revolving stage
- stephaneplocos, stephaneploci fchaplet-wreather
- schoenus, schoeni mcheap parfume
- savillum, savilli ncheese cake
- savillum, savilli nCheesecake
- scutulata, scutulatorum nchequered garment
- supermando 3chew after something else, eat after something else
- stymma, stymmatis nchief ingredient of an unguent, foundation of an unguent
- sufes, sufetis mchief magistrate of the Carthaginians, sufet
- suffes, suffetis mchief magistrate of the Carthaginians, sufet
- summatus, summatus mchief rule, supremacy, sovereignty
- supertextor, supertextoris mchief-weaver
- soligena, soligenae mchild of the Sun
- Sinensis, Sinensechinese
- superordinatio, superordinationis fchoice of a bishop’s successor
- spirarches, spirarchae mchoir leader
- strangulator, strangulatoris mchoker, strangler
- suffocatio, suffocationis fchoking, stifling, suffocating
- suffoco 1choking, stifling, suffocating, starve
- strangulatus, strangulatus mchoking, strangling
- strangulatio, strangulationis fchoking, suffocating, strangulation
- subsortior 4choose by lot as a substitute
- subdeligo 3choose
- subdescendo 3choose
- selector, selectoris mchooser, selecter
- subsortitio, subsortitionis fchoosing of substitutes by lot
- selectio, selectionis fchoosing out, choice, selection
- sensim atque summissim rideochuckle
- Septimontium, Septimontii ncircuit of the Seven Hills
- status, status mcivil status, condition, position, circumstances, constitution, institutions, form of government, characteristic, mark, character, essential feature, mood of the verb
- superplaudo 3clap over a thing, flap over a thing, flap at a thing
- sonitus armorumclash of arms
- sincerus, sincera, sincerumclean, pure, sound, not spoiled, uninjured, whole, entire, real, natural, genuine, sincere, unharmed, unhurt, unblemished
- sinceritas, sinceritatis fcleanness, purity, soundness, wholeness, moral purity, uprightness, honesty, integrity, sincerity
- smegma, smegmatis ncleansing medicine, detergent
- smigma, smigmatis ncleansing medicine, detergent
- smecticus, smectica, smecticumcleansing, abstersive
- surculo 1clear of shoots, clear of sprouts, prune, trim, surculate
- serenum, sereni nclear sky, bright sky, serene sky, fair weather
- serenitas, serenitatis fclear weather, fair weather, serene weather, fairness, serenity, Serene Highness
- serenus, serena, serenumclear, fair, bright, serene, cheerful, glad, joyous, tranquil
- serenificus, serenifica, serenificumcleared up, clear, serene
- sereneclearly, brightly
- signateclearly, distinctly
- signatimclearly, distinctly
- significanterclearly, distinctly, expressly, significantly, graphically
- scissio, scissionis fcleaving, dividing, scission
- summo 1climax, culminate, culminationate
- superscendo 3climb over, step over
- sufflamen, sufflaminis nclog, break, drag-chain, hinderance, impediment
- striculus, stricula, striculumclose-haired, rau-haired
- systylos, systylonclosecolumned
- stricteclosely, tightl, accurately
- strictimclosely, tightl, accurately
- sudarium, sudarii ncloth for wiping off perspiration, handkerchief
- supervestio 4clothe upon, clothe
- semipullatus, semipullata, semipullatumclothed in half black
- semiatratus, semiatrata, semiatratumclothed in half black, in half mourning
- sericatus, sericata, sericatumclothed in Seric stuffs, dressed in silks
- scurra, scurrae mclown jester, funbird, monkey, harlequin, farm dwarf, crazy fool
- scurrilis, scurrileclownish, funny, farcical, jokerish
- socius confoederatuscoalition partner
- stupa, stupae fcoarse part of flax, tow, hards, oakum
- stuppa, stuppae fcoarse part of flax, tow, hards, oakum
- stipidosus, stipidosa, stipidosumcoarse, clumsy, bulky, uncouth
- solox, solociscoarse, harsh, bristly
- sutriballus, sutriballi mcobbler
- sportulor 1collect donations
- sexprimi, sexprimorum mcollege of magistrates in provincial towns, consisting of six members
- synodus, synodi fcollege of priests, ecclesiastical assembly, ecclesiastical council, synod
- septemviri, septemvirorum mcollege of seven men, septemvirs
- sermo cotidianus (cottidianus)colloquial language
- societas armorumcombat alliance, fighting alliance, battle alliance
- subsalto 1come jumping along, jumping along
- supervenio 4come over, come upon, come to, come in addition to, overtake, come up, arrive, fall upon, leap, cover, be added to, go beyond, surpass, exceed, excel
- stationem faciocome to a standstill, stand still
- suppetior 1come to the aid of, assist, succor, run to aid
- subeocome under any thing, go under any thing, come or go up to, approach, draw near, advance to a place, proceed to a place, come on, go on, follow, succeed, go down, sink, come up, spring up
- succedit animocome up with the idea, have the idea
- subvenio 4come up, advance to one’s assistance, come to one’s assistance, aid, assist, relieve, succor, obviate, remedy, heal, cure a disease, come up, come, come to one’s mind, occur to him
- subvento 1come with assistance to one
- stella cincinnatacomet
- stella comanscomet
- stella crinitacomet
- solor 1comfort, console, solace, soothe, ease, lighten, lessen, relieve, assuage, mitigate
- solamen, solaminis ncomfort, relief, solace, consolation
- solator, solatoris mcomforter, consoler
- successio, successionis fcoming into the place of another, following after, succeeding, succession, good issue, success
- succurricius, succurricia, succurriciumcoming to the rescue, helping
- subdistinctio, subdistinctionis fcomma, colon
- scelus committocommit a crime
- sensus, sensus mcommon feelings of humanity, moral sense, taste, discretion, tact
- sermo familaris et cotidianuscommon parlance
- sensus communiscommon sense
- sermunculus, sermunculi mcommon talk, tittletattle, report, rumor, little discourse
- spissitas, spissitatis fcompactness, density
- socia, sociae fcompanion, partner, co-owner
- socialis, socialecompanionable, sociable, social, belonging to allies, belonging to confederates, allied, confederate, conjugal, nuptial
- societas mercatoriacompany
- simile, similis ncomparison, likeness, parallel case, parallel example, resemblance
- sufficientia suicomplacency, self-satisfaction
- summa fidescomplete confidence
- sedatus, sedata, sedatumcomposed, moderate, calm, quiet, tranquil, sedate
- scriptura, scripturae fcomposing, composition
- stringo 3compress, abridge, hold in check, rule, sway, waste, consume, reduce, touch, move, affect, affect painfully, wound, pain
- semiquinarius, semiquinaria, semiquinariumcomprising half of five
- semiseptenarius, semiseptenaria, semiseptenariumcomprising half of seven
- sodaliciarius, sodaliciarii mcomrade, bosomfriend
- sodalitiarius, sodalitiarii mcomrade, bosomfriend
- superfeto 1conceive anew while still with young, superfetate
- superfoeto 1conceive anew while still with young, superfetate
- spissatio, spissationis fcondensation, packing
- servitium, servitii ncondition of a slave, condition of a servant, slavery, servitude, body of servants, class of slaves
- substitutivus, substitutiva, substitutivumconditional
- suffragium doconfer the right to vote
- stupido 1confound, amaze, astonish
- synchysis, synchysis fconfusion
- synagoga, synagogae fcongregation, synagogue of Jews
- suspicabilis, suspicabileconjectural
- synemmenon, synemmeni nconjoined, name of a certain series of musical sounds
- subcuneo 1connect with wedges, wedge
- syntaxis, syntaxis fconnection of words
- servatorium, servatorii nconservatory, magazine
- spiceus, spicea, spiceumconsisting of ears of corn
- sublicius, sublicia, subliciumconsisting of piles, resting upon piles
- stimuleus, stimulea, stimuleumconsisting of prickles, consisting of goads
- senarius, senaria, senariumconsisting of six each
- spondaicus, spondaica, spondaicumconsisting of spondees, spondaic
- spondiacus, spondiaca, spondiacumconsisting of spondees, spondaic
- syllogismaticus, syllogismatica, syllogismaticumconsisting of syllogisms, syllogistic
- staminatus, staminata, staminatumconsisting of threads
- stamineus, staminea, stamineumconsisting of threads, full of threads, thready
- solaminium, solaminii nconsolation
- solatius, solatia, solatiumconsoling
- synodia, synodiae fconsonance, synody, unison
- synodium, synodii nconsonance, synody, unison
- stupor, stuporis mconsternation, embarrassment, consternation, bewilderment
- synodale, synodalis nconstitution of a synod
- submultiplex, submultipliciscontained many times in another number
- subtriplus, subtripli mcontained three times in a larger number
- sesquiculearis, sesquiculearecontaining a culeus and a half
- superparticularis, superparticularecontaining a number and an aliquot part of it besides, superparticular
- superparticularitas, superparticularitatis fcontaining a number and an aliquot part of it besides, superparticular
- superpartiens, superpartientiscontaining a number and an aliquot part of it besides, superparticular
- sextarius, sextarii mcontaining a sextans asses, worth only the sixth part of the former
- sextantalis, sextantalecontaining a sextans
- stadialis, stadialecontaining a stadium
- summalis, summalecontaining a sum, whole
- sescuncialis, sescuncialecontaining a twelfth and a half
- sesquiseptimus, sesquiseptima, sesquiseptimumcontaining eight sevenths, one and a seventh, bearing the ratio of eight to seven
- sesquiseptimus decimus, sesquiseptima decima, sesquiseptimum decimumcontaining eighteen seventheents, one and a seventheent, bearing the ratio of eighteen to seventeen
- sesquidecimus, sesquidecima, sesquidecimumcontaining eleven tenths, one and an tenth, bearing the ratio of eleven to ten
- sesquiquartus, sesquiquarta, sesquiquartumcontaining five quarters, one and an quarter, bearing the ratio of five to four
- sesquitertius, sesquitertia, sesquitertiumcontaining four thirds, one and a third, bearing the ratio of four to three
- sesqueoctavus, sesqueoctava, sesqueoctavumcontaining nine eighths, containing one and an eighth, bearing the ratio of nine to eight
- sesquioctavus, sesquioctava, sesquioctavumcontaining nine eighths, containing one and an eighth, bearing the ratio of nine to eight
- sesquisextus, sesquisexta, sesquisextumcontaining seven sixths, one and a sixth, bearing the ratio of seven to six
- septenarius, septenaria, septenariumcontaining seven, consisting of seven, septenary
- sesquisextus decimus, sesquisexta decima, sesquisextum decimumcontaining seventeen sixtheents, one and a sixtheent, bearing the ratio of seventeen to sixteen
- sesquiquintus, sesquiquinta, sesquiquintumcontaining six fifths, one and a fifth, bearing the ratio of six to five
- sulphurans, sulphurantiscontaining sulphur, sulphurous
- sesquinonus, sesquinona, sesquinonumcontaining ten ninths, one and an ninth, bearing the ratio of ten to nine
- sesquitricesimus, sesquitricesima, sesquitricesimumcontaining thirty one thirtieths, one and a thirtieth, bearing the ratio of thirty one to thirty
- sesquivicesimus, sesquivicesima, sesquivicesimumcontaining twenty one twentieths, one and a twentieth, bearing the ratio of twenty one to twenty
- spectativus, spectativa, spectativumcontemplative, speculative
- subtorqueo 2contort, twist
- stypsis, stypsis f contracting power, astringency
- stenocoriasis, stenocoriasis fcontraction of the pupil
- synaliphe, synaliphes fcontraction of two syllables into one
- synaloepha, synaloephae fcontraction of two syllables into one
- synaloephe, synaloephes fcontraction of two syllables into one
- synizesis, synizesis fcontraction of two vowels into one syllable
- strictura, stricturae fcontraction, compression, strictur, pressure, suffering, torment, mass of wrought iron, bar of iron
- symbola, symbolae fcontribution of money to a feast, share of a reckoning
- sermocinatio, sermocinationis fconversation, disputation, discussion
- subcoquo 3cook lightly
- simulator, simulatoris mcopier, imitator, feigner, pretender, counterfeit, hypocrite, simulator
- simulamen, simulaminis ncopy, imitation
- strictorium, strictorii ncord, string
- suber, suberis ncork-oak, cork-tree, thick bark
- suberies, suberiei fcork-oak, cork-tree, thick bark
- seges, segetis fcornfield, standing corn, growing corn, crop in a field, field, ground, soil
- subtussio 4cough slightly
- sessimonium deorumcouncil of the gods
- senaculum, senaculi n council, hall of the Senate, meeting room, advisory building
- suasio, suasionis fcounselling, advice, exhortation, suasion, persuasion, recommending, advocacy of a proposed law, suasory species of eloquence
- synedrus, synedri mcounsellor, senator
- sponsum, sponsi ncovenant, agreement, engagement
- supertego 3cover above, cover over
- supercontego 3cover over
- superintego 3cover over
- superoperio 4cover over
- supergero 3cover over, cover up, carry upon, heap upon, heap over
- superobruo 3cover over, overwhelm
- subtego 3cover underneath
- superpolluo 3cover with pollution
- serniosus, serniosa, serniosumcovered with an eruption, scabby, mangy
- soliar, soliaris ncovering for the feet
- segestria, aecovering, wrapper
- segestre, segestris ncovering, wrapper
- stellionatus, stellionatus mcozenage, trickery, cheating, stellionate
- succrepo 1crackle beneath
- subdolositas, subdolositatis fcraft, cunning
- sycophantia, sycophantiae fcraft, cunning, deceit
- sycophantiosecraftily, knavishly, deceitfully
- stēllo, stēllonis mcrafty person, knavish person
- sufferctus, a, umcrammed full, full
- suffertus, sufferta, suffertumcrammed full, full
- spasma, spasmatis ncramp, convulsion, spasm
- spasmus, spasmi mcramp, convulsion, spasm
- supercadentes aquaecrash bath, shower, shock bath
- stridulus, stridula, stridulumcreaking, rattling, hissing, whizzing, buzzing, stridulous
- substruendo iter faciocreate a path by underpinning
- subrepo 3creep under, creep along, steal along, creep softly on, steal upon, come on unawares, insensibly
- surrepo 3creep under, creep along, steal along, creep softly on, steal upon, come on unawares, insensibly
- serpo 3creep, crawl, move slowly, move imperceptibly, creep along, proceed gradually, spread abroad, increase, prevail
- sera transversacrossbar, cross bar
- subsido 3crouch down on the watch, to lie in wait, lie in ambush, yield, submit to the male, subside, decrease, abate, lie in wait for, waylay, watch
- stipatio, stipationis fcrowd pressing around any one, a suite, retinue, train, throng
- stipo 1crowd together, press together, compress, pack up together, press, cram, stuff full, fill full, surround, encompass, environ, attend, accompany
- silvifragus, silvifraga, silvifragumcrushing the forest, crushing trees
- selenites, selenitae mcrystalline gypsum, selenite
- selenitis, selenitidis fcrystalline gypsum, selenite
- simplicitas culturaliscultural simplicity
- scyphus, scyphi mcup, goblet, mug
- sumptibus modum statuocurb one's spending
- sapo simplexcurd soap
- sica, sicae fcurved dagger, edge of a boar’s tusk
- sedularia, sedulariorum ncushions of a carriage
- suetum, sueti ncustom, usage
- solitum, soliti ncustomary, what is usual
- siliquatarius, siliquatarii mcustoms agent
- siliquaticum, siliquatici ncustoms
- sulcos in pulvere ducocut furrows in the sand
- sematus, semata, sematumcut in half, halved
- semiatus, semiata, semiatumcut in half, halved
- superincido 3 (1)cut into above
- succido 3cut off below, cut away below, cut from below, cut through, cut off, cut down, fell, made powerless
- supputo 1cut off below, prune, lop, trim, count up, reckon, compute
- subseco 1cut under, cut away below, clip, pare
- subcultro 1cut up with a knife, chop up with a knife, mince with a knife
- sectilis, sectilecut, cleft, divided, that may be cut
- seco 1cut, cut off, cut up, cut through, divide, cut surgically, operate on, amputate, separate, excise, scratch, tear, wound, hurt, injure, censure, satirize
- scindo 3cut, tear, rend, break asunder, split, cleave, divide by force, separate by force
- sector, sectoris mcutpurse, cutthroat, haycutter, mower, bidder
- secabilitas, secabilitatis fcuttability, severability, divisibility, dissectability
- sicilis, sicilis fcutting instrument, sickle
- succisio, succisionis fcutting off, cutting away
- scalptura, scalpturae fcutting, carving, graving
- sectura, secturae fcutting, cut, diggings, mines
- segmentum, segmenti ncutting, cut, piece cut off, slice, strip, zone, segment
- sigmentum, sigmenti ncutting, cut, piece cut off, slice, strip, zone, segment
- sectio, sectionis fcutting, cutting off, cutting up
- segmen, segminis ncutting, shred, little bit
- sepia, sepiae fcuttle, fish
- septidromus, septidromi mcycle of seven years
- saltatio feralisdance of death
- sonticus, sontica, sonticumdangerous, serious, critical
- spadix, spadicisdate-brown, nut-brown, chestnut-brown
- superlinio 4daub over, smear over, besmear with something
- superlino 3daub over, smear over, besmear with something
- supremus diesday of death, date of death
- surdigo, surdiginis fdeafness
- surditia, surditiae fdeafness
- surdo 1deafness
- subactor, subactoris mdebaucher, polluter
- summa aeris alienidebt capital
- simulamentum, simulamenti ndeception
- simulatoriedeceptive
- simulatorius, simulatoria, simulatoriumdeceptive
- summorum consultumdecision of the summit
- stega, stegae fdeck of a ship
- solidam coniunctionem confero cum aliquodeclare one's solidarity
- solidam coniunctionem ineo cum aliquodeclare one's solidarity
- sidreum obitusdecline of the stars
- syntexis, syntexis fdecline, consumption
- scitus, scitus mdecree of the people, ordinance of the people
- stellatura, stellaturae fdeduction from the soldiers’ rations granted to the military tribunes
- strategica, strategicon ndeeds of a general
- sopor, soporis mdeep sleep, sleep of death, death, stupefaction, lethargy, stupor, drowsiness, laziness, indifference, poppy-juice, opium, sleepingdraught, sleeping-potion, temple
- sustentatio, sustentationis fdeferring, delay, forbearance, figure of speech where the orator defers the mention of something, keeping the hearer in doubt, suspension, sustenance, maintenance
- stupro 1defile, dishonor by unchastity, debauch, deflour, ravish, stuprate
- stuprum, stupri ndefilement, dishonor, disgrace, dishonor, disgrace by unchastity, debauchery, lewdness, violation
- stuprator, stupratoris mdefiler, debaucher, ravisher
- subdistinctio, subdistinctionis fdefinite differentiation, accurate discrimination, precise distinction
- scitamenta, scitamentorum ndelicate food, dainties
- stipulor 1demand a formal promise, bargain, covenant, stipulate
- superexigo 3demand over and above, exact over and above
- superexactio, superexactionis fdemanding over and above, excessive demand
- semideus, semidei mdemigod
- semidea, semideae fdemigoddess
- summatim exponodenote with light strokes
- significatorius, significatoria, significatoriumdenoting, signifying, significatory
- significativus, significativa, significativumdenoting, signifying, significative
- solidedensely, closely, solidly, surely, wholly, fully, truly
- sequestra, sequestrae fdepositary, trustee
- sequestratio, sequestrationis fdepositing in the hands of a third party, sequestration, separation
- sopio 4deprive of feeling, deprive of sense, put to sleep, lull to sleep, lay to rest, lay to kill, lay at rest, lay to calm, settle, still, quiet
- squalentia, squalentiorum ndeserts
- semanticus, semantica, semanticum designating, having an indicative force
- scripturio 4desire to write
- spernor 3despise
- spretor, spretoris mdespiser, disdainer, scorner, contemner
- spretio, spretionis fdespising, disdain, scorn, contempt
- spretus, spretus mdespising, disdain, scorn, contempt
- scindo 3destroy, tear in pieces, distract, agitate, disturb
- sermo altercabilisdialogue
- scutulatus, scutulata, scutulatumdiamond shaped, checkered
- superemorior 5die upon
- spinae, spinarum fdifficulties, subtleties, perplexities
- scrupea, scrupeae fdifficulty
- scopulus, scopuli mdifficulty, danger, harm
- suffodio 5dig underneath, pierce underneath, pierce through, bore through, dig under, sap, undermine
- suffossio, suffossionis fdigging under, undermining
- seviratus, seviratus mdignity of a sexvir, sexvirate
- sexviratus, sexviratuss mdignity of a sexvir, sexvirate
- subtilio 1dilute, refine, weaken
- scotoma, scotomatis ndimness of vision
- submergo 3dip under, plunge under, sink, overwhelm, submerge, submerse
- summergo 3dip under, plunge under, sink, overwhelm, submerge, submerse
- subcontinuatio, subcontinuationis fdirect extension, direct continuation, direct follow-up
- sensus ad aliquid intendodirect one's senses to something
- sordities, sorditiei fdirt, filth
- sorditudo, sorditudinis fdirt, filth
- sors, sordis fdirt, filth
- spurcamen, spurcaminis ndirt, filth
- squalentia, squalentiae fdirt, filth
- squales, squalis fdirt, filth
- squaliditas, squaliditatis fdirt, filth
- squalitas, squalitatis fdirt, filth
- squalitudo, squalitudinis fdirt, filth
- sordes, sordis fdirt, filth, uncleanness, squalor, lowness of rank, meanness of rank, low condition, meanness, baseness of behavior, dregs of the people, mob, rabble, meanness, stinginess, niggardliness, sordidness
- sordidedirtily, foully, meanly, basely, vulgarly, unbecomingly, poorly, stingily, penuriously, sordidly
- spurcedirtily, impurely
- superfoedo 1dirty above
- squalus, squala, aqualumdirty, filthy, squalid
- sordido 1dirty, foul, defile, pollute
- sordidus, sordida, sordidumdirty, unclean, foul, filthy, squalid, sordid, low, base, mean, poor, humble, small, paltry, abject, vile, despicable, disgraceful, niggardly, penurious
- spurcus, spurca, spurcumdirty, unclean, impure, foul, base, low, mean, common
- sentio 4discern by the senses, feel, hear, see, perceive, be sensible of, experience, suffer, undergo, endure, be affected by, be influenced by, be susceptible of, observe, notice
- stomacace, stomacaces fdisease of the gums, scurvy of the mouth
- sideratio, siderationis fdisease produced by a constellation, sideration, blight, numbness, palsy
- suffraginosus, suffraginosa, suffraginosumdiseased in the hough, diseased in the pastern
- syncerastum, syncerasti ndish composed of a variety of ingredients, hash, hotch-potch
- seiugo 1disjoin, part, separate, divide
- separo 1disjoin, sever, part, divide, separate
- seiugis, seiuge (2)disjoined, separate
- sexiugis, sexiugedisjoined, separate, drawn by six horses
- seiunctio, seiunctionis fdisjunction, separation, division
- seiunctimdisjunctly, separately
- stremma, stremmatis ndislocation
- stomachicus, stomachica, stomachicumdisordered in the stomach, having a disease of the stomach
- seditio, seditionis fdissension, discord, strife, quarrel
- seiunctio, seiunctionis fdissension, dispute
- sepositus, seposita, sepositumdistant, remote
- sepositus, seposita, sepositumdistinct, special
- sollicito 1disturb, stir, agitate, move, distress, harass, make uneasy, vex, solicit, tempt, seduce, attract, induce, put in lively motion, move violently, shake, exercise, produce by stirring, excite, cause to come forth, arouse, draw out, cause distress
- seiungo 3disunite, disjoin, part, sever, separate, divide
- scrobis, scrobis cditch, dike, trench
- suspicionem a me removeodivert suspicion from oneself
- suspicione me exsolvodivert suspicion from oneself, allay suspicion of oneself
- sectio, sectionis fdividing, parcelling out, distribution by auction
- secretio, secretionis fdividing, sundering, separation
- spiritum ultimum trahodo the last breath
- secta, sectae fdoctrines, school, sect
- suspicionem alicuius rei vitododge the suspicion of something
- sirius, sirii mdog star
- sentix, senticis mdogrose, wild brier
- societas perpetuadomestic partnership
- subitarius, subitaria, subitariumdone suddenly, done in haste, sudden, hasty
- syrmaticus, syrmatica, syrmaticumdragging along, trailing along
- suspiro 1draw a deep breath, heave a sigh, sigh, sighing after, longing for, may exhale, evaporate, breathe out, exhale, sigh for, long for, sigh out, exclaim with a sigh
- syllogizo 1draw a syllogism
- subtraho 3draw away from underneath, draw away by stealth, draw off, carry off, withdraw, take away, remove, omit, not mention
- subduco 3draw from under, draw from below, draw up, pull up, lift up, raise, haul up, draw away from among, take away, lead away, carry off, purge, evacuate, take in, furl
- sortes tollodraw lots
- supertraho 3draw over
- superinduco 3draw over, cover over, cause to come upon, bring upon, mention afterwards, add
- stringo 3draw tight, bind tight, tie tight, draw together, bind together, press together, touch, touch upon, touch lightly, touch slightly, graze, touch upon, treat briefly
- subtractio, subtractionis fdrawing back
- superductio, superductionis fdrawing over, erasure
- systalticus, systaltica, systalticumdrawing together
- superobductus, superobducta, superobductumdrawn over
- strictus, stricta, strictumdrawn together, close, strait, tight
- substrictus, substricta, substrictumdrawn together, contracted, small, narrow, tight, close
- somnium, somnii ndream, idle whim, idle fancy, stuff, nonsense
- somnio 1dream, see in a dream, think idly, think vainly, talk foolishly
- somnialis, somnialedreambringing
- solox, solocis fdress of coarse woollen stuff
- stolatus, stolata, stolatumdressed in a stola, wearing a stola, befitting a matron
- synthesina, synthesinae fdressing-gown
- subbibo 3drink a little, tipple
- superbibo 3drink upon, drink after
- scutella, scutellae fdrinking bowl
- sudorus, sudora, sudorumdripping with sweat, sweaty
- subterago 3drive below, drive underneat
- suburgeo 2drive close to, urge close to
- suburgueo 2drive close to, urge close to
- substīllum, substīlli ndrizzly weather, drizzle, dripping rain, slight dropping, sprinkling
- stillanterdrop by drop
- somno mergordrop off to a deep sleep
- somno opprimordrop off to a deep sleep
- somno me tradodrop off to sleep
- somno opprimordrop off to sleep
- sevehor 3drop out of the course
- superinstillo 1drop upon
- superstillo 1drop upon, pour on drop by drop
- superdestillo 1drop upon, trickle upon
- stilla, stillae fdrop, small quantity, a very little, moment
- stillo 1drop, trickle, cause to drop, let fall in drops, distil
- stillatio, stillationis fdropping down, falling in drops
- stillativus, stillativa, stillativumdropping, dripping
- spodium, spodii ndross of metals, slag, scoria, ashes of vegetable
- scoria, scoriae fdross, slag, scoria of metals
- spodos, spodi fdross, slag, scoria
- saucius, saucia, sauciumdrunk
- sudario frontem siccodry my brow with a handkerchief
- sudario frontem tergeodry my brow with a handkerchief
- siccanea, siccaneorum ndry places
- siccidus, siccida, siccidumdry
- siccaneus, siccanea, siccaneumdry, of a dry nature
- siccanus, siccana, siccanumdry, of a dry nature
- siccus, sicca, siccumdry, without rain, firm, solid, insipid, jejune, ignorant, unformed, unprepared, void of love, cold
- siccatio, siccationis fdrying
- siccedryly, without wet or damp
- siccitas, siccitatis fdryness, siccity, freedom from gross humor, jejuneness, want of ornament
- socordia, socordiae f (secordia)dulness of mind, weakmindedness, silliness, folly, stupidity, carelessness, negligence, sloth, laziness, indolence, inactivity
- stoliditas, stoliditatis fdulness, obtuseness, stupidity, stolidity
- succerda, succerdae fdung of swine, pig excrements, pig manure
- sucerda, sucerdae fdung of swine, pig excrements, pig manure
- sterquilinium, sterquilinii ndung-pit, laystall, mixen
- sterquilinum, sterquilini ndung-pit, laystall, mixen
- stercilinium, stercilinii ndung-pit, laystall, mixen, dung heap, cesspit
- stercilinum, stercilini ndung-pit, laystall, mixen, dung heap, cesspit
- sterculinum, sterculini ndung-pit, laystall, mixen, dung heap, cesspit
- stercus, stercoris ndung, excrements, ordure
- stercoro 1dung, manure with dung, muck, cleanse from dung
- sterceratus, stercerata, sterceratumdunged, mucked, manured
- stercoratus, stercorata, stercoratumdunged, mucked, manured
- stercoratio, stercorationis fdunging, manuring
- stercoreus, stercorea, stercoreumdungy, stinking, misty, rancid, mangy
- sordium excipulumdustbin
- Suburanenses, Suburanensium mdwellers in the Subura
- sedes, sedis fdwelling place, residence, habitation, abode, temple
- suis fortuna cuique fingitur moribuseach is the architect of his own fortune
- studiosus, studiosa, studiosumeager, zealous, assiduous, anxious after any thing, fond of any thing, studious of any thing, zealous for any one, partial, friendly, attached, devoted to
- studioseeagerly, zealously, anxiously, carefully, studiously
- spinturnicium, spinturnicii nEagle Owl
- spicifer, spicifera, spiciferumear-bearing
- serium, serii nearnestness, seriousness, serious matters, serious discourse
- seria, seriae fearthen vessel, large jar
- solanus, solani meast wind
- subedoeat away below, wear away below
- subceno 1eat below, dine underneath
- subcoeno 1eat below, dine underneath
- succoeno 1eat below, dine underneath
- superedo 3eat besides a thing, eat after a thing
- se ipsum amansegomaniacal, egocentric, self-interested, selfish, self-centred
- suae utilitati inserviensegomaniacal, egocentric, self-interested, selfish, self-centred
- suae utilitati salutique inserviensegomaniacal, egocentric, self-interested, selfish, self-centred
- suo commodo inserviensegomaniacal, egocentric, self-interested, selfish, self-centred
- sublatus, sublata, sublatumelated, proud, haughty
- suffragiorum certamenelection campaign
- suffragiorum concertatioelection campaign
- suffragiorum petitorelection candidate
- suffragiorum cladeselection defeat
- suffragiorum victoriaelection victory
- scituleelegantly, gracefully
- sublimator, sublimatoris melevator, exalter
- smaragdus, smaragdi cemerald, beryl, jasper, malachite
- solum mutoemigrate
- solum vertoemigrate
- submigratio, submigrationis femigration
- suboleo 2emit a smell
- subolo 3emit a smell, smell, scent, perceive any thing, perceive, detect
- synergus, synergi memployee, assistant, partner, colleague
- semicingo 3enclose half
- saepes, saepis fenclosure, hedge, fencing, fence
- sepes, sepis fenclosure, hedge, fencing, fence
- sensualis, sensualeendowed with feeling or sensation, sensitive, sensual
- supportatio, supportationis fendurance, bearing
- sponsus, sponsus mengagement, betrothal, bail, suretyship
- scribo 3enlist, enroll, levy
- satisenough, sufficiently
- subinvideo 2envy a little, envy slightly, be somewhat envious of
- sublinguium, sublinguii nepiglottis
- septeresmos, septeresmonequipped with seven benches
- septeresmus, septeresma, septeresmumequipped with seven benches
- septiremis, septiremeequipped with seven rows of rudders
- superinductio, superinductionis ferasing any thing written
- subrector, subrectoris merector
- subterfugio 5escape, evade, avoid, shun
- substantialiteressentially, substantially
- stabilitor, stabilitoris mestablisher
- suburbanum, suburbani nestate near Rome, suburban villa
- suspicientia, suspicientia festeeming highly
- sopitio, sopitionis feuthanization, putting to sleep
- sera, serae f (2)evening
- serum dieievening
- sermo cotidianus (cottidianus)everyday language
- suprapositio, suprapositionis fexacerbation of the disease, aggravation of the disease
- sumptus effusiexaggerated expense, wasteful expenditure
- supralatus, supralata, supralatumexaggerated
- superlatio, superlationis fexaggerating, hyperbole, superlative
- supralatio, supralationis fexaggerating, hyperbole, superlative
- superexalto 1exalt above others
- supereffero 3exalt, extol
- scrutator, scrutatoris mexaminer, Investigator
- supercedo 3exceed, pass, cross, overshoot, be over
- supergloriosus, supergloriosa, supergloriosumexceedingly glorious
- supercresco 3excel, outdo
- superantia, superantiae fexcess, predominance
- superstitio, superstitionis fexcessive fear of the goas, unreasonable religious belief, superstition, excessive regard, scrupulous observance, object that inspires dread
- satyriasis, satyriasis fexcessive sexual excitement, lascivious madness, priapism
- superflua, superfluorum nexcrements
- supplicio afficio aliquemexecute the death penalty
- supplicio aliquem punio (punior)execute the death penalty
- supplicium sumo de aliquoexecute the death penalty
- supplicio afficio aliquemexecute
- summis opibus annitorexert all one's influence
- subexhibeo 2exhibit under any thing
- suadela, suadelae fexhortation, suasion, persuasion
- suspicionem ab aliquo amoveoexonerate from suspicion, divert suspicion from someone
- suspicionem removeo ab aliquoexonerate someone from suspicion, clear someone of suspicion
- suspicionem ab aliquo avertoexonerate someone from suspicion, clear someone of suspicion, divert suspicion from someone
- sumptus, sumptus mexpense, cost, charge
- sumptuoseexpensively, sumptuously
- specialista, specialistae mExpert, Professional, Capacity, Ass
- subsono 1express secretly, insinuate, furtively disclose, hint, intimate
- significatio, significationis fexpression of approbation, applause, significance, emphasis, meaning, sense, import, signification
- signanterexpressly, clearly, distinctly
- superexeoextend over
- superindictum, superindicti nextraordinary impost
- superlatus, superlata, superlatumextravagant, excessive, exaggerated
- summe officiosusextremely dutiful
- superlaudabilis, superlaudabileextremely to be praised
- supercilium, supercilii neye-brow, brow, ridge, summit, projecting moulding, threshold, shore of a river, nod, will, pride, haughtiness, arrogance, sternness, superciliousness
- sequacitas, sequacitatis ffacility in following, disposilion to follow, sequaciousness, sequacity
- sensus, sensus mfaculty of perceiving, power of perceiving, perception, feeling, sensation, sense
- syncopizo 1faint away, swoon
- syncopo 1faint away, swoon
- syncopa, syncopae ffainting away, swooning, syncope, omission of a letter or syllable in the middle of a word
- syncope, syncopes ffainting away, swooning, syncope, omission of a letter or syllable in the middle of a word
- surdefaintly, imperfectly, indistinctly
- superruo 3fall upon, rush upon
- supercorruo 3fall down thereon
- superincido 3 (2)fall from above, fall down
- somno sempiterno consopiorfall into a perpetual sleep
- sub oculorum aspectum cadofall into the eyes
- sub oculos cadofall into the eyes
- sub alicuius dentem veniofall into the jaws of, fall under the clutches of
- succido 3 (2)fall under any thing, be comprehended under, sink under one’s self, sink down, sink
- supercado 3fall upon, fall over
- sublabor 3fall, glide, sink under, sink down, sink, slip down, glide away
- soporatus, soporata, soporatumfallen asleep, soporific
- stiricidium, stiricidii nfalling of snow-flakes, snowing
- sophisma, sophismatis nfalse conclusion, fallacy, sophism
- sophistĭce, sophistĭces ffalse reasoning, sophistry
- subreptivus, subreptiva, subreptivumfalse, fraudulent
- simulatio, simulationis ffalsely assumed appearance, false show, feigning, shamming, pretence, feint, insincerity, deceit, hypocrisy, simulation
- scurriliterfarcial, ludicrous, burlesque, farcically, buffoonery, hilarious, satirical, buffoonish, ridiculous
- scurruliterfarcial, ludicrous, burlesque, farcically, buffoonery, hilarious, satirical, buffoonish, ridiculous
- suffigo 3fasten beneath, fasten below, fasten on, fix on, affix
- suppingo 3 [1]fasten underneath, clout
- superfigo 3fasten up, fasten thereupon
- sero 1fasten with a bolt, bar
- stritavus, stritavi mfather of an atavus or atavia
- socer, soceri mfather-in-law
- socerio, socerionis mfather-in-law
- socerus, soceri mfather-in-law
- satur, satura, saturumfatted, fat
- suffrago 1favor, support, vote for, agree with, proceed favorably
- secundefavorably, fortunately
- Septimontium, Septimontii nfeast of the Seven Hills
- sitistus, sitista, sitistumfed, fattened
- sympathia, sympathiae ffeeling in common, sympathy
- simulatilis, simulatilefeigned, fictitious
- simulatofeignedly
- simulanterfeignedly, pretendedly, apparently
- simulatefeignedly, pretendedly, not sincerely
- symmysta, symmystae mfellow-priest, colleague in the priesthood
- symmystes, symmystae mfellow-priest, colleague in the priesthood
- synoditae, synoditarum mfellow-travellers, companions
- sociennus, socienni mfellow, comrade
- socius, socii mfellow, sharer, partner, copartner, comrade, companion, associate
- societas, societatis ffellowship, association, union, community, society, copartnership, political league, confederacy
- sodalitas, sodalitatis ffellowship, companionship, brotherhood, friendship, intimacy, society, association, company assembled for feasting, banqueting-club, unlawful secret society
- sodalicium, sodalicii nfellowship, friendly intercourse, friendly intimacy, brotherhood, companionship, association, company, society, college, company assembled for feasting, banquetingclub, unlawful secret society
- sodalitium, sodalitii nfellowship, friendly intercourse, friendly intimacy, brotherhood, companionship, association, company, society, college, company assembled for feasting, banquetingclub, unlawful secret society
- socialitas, socialitatis ffellowship, sociableness, sociality
- stephanusa, stephanusae ffemale Chaplet-wreather
- subrectrix, subrectricis ffemale erector
- suffragatrix, suffragatricīs ffemale favorer, female supporter
- spurium, spurii nfemale genital, marine animal of a similar shape
- senatrix, senatricis ffemale senator
- Sibylla, Sibyllae ffemale soothsayer, prophetess, Sibyl
- speciaria, speciariae ffemale spice-dealer
- simulatrix, simulatricis ffemale transformer
- sudis, sudis ffence post, fencing post
- staphyle, staphyles f fence turnip, visible haze
- saeptum, saepti nfence, enclosure, wall, enclosed place, palisade, stake, pale, sluice, floodgate
- septum, septi nfence, enclosure, wall, enclosed place, palisade, stake, pale, sluice, floodgate
- septus, septus mfence, enclosure, wall, enclosed place, palisade, stake, pale, sluice, floodgate
- silicia, siliciae ffenugreek
- siderizusa, siderizusae fferrous
- stramentor 1fetch straw
- suspiratio, suspirationis ffetching a deep breath, sighing, sigh
- sycites, sycitae mfig-wine
- supercerto 1fight over, fight therefor
- symbolicefiguratively, symbolically
- sententiarum conformatiofigure of speech
- suppleo 2fill up, make full or whole, make good, complete, supply, make complete, make full in number, furnish with a complement, recruit
- satullus, satulla, satullumfilled with food, satisfied
- sorditia, sorditiae ffilth
- subluvies, subluviei ffilth, dirt, a disease in the feet of sheep, foul
- spurcitia, spurcitiae ffilth, dirt, smut, dun
- spurcities, spurcitiei ffilth, dirt, smut, dun
- spurciloquium, ispurciloquii nfilthy language, smutty language, obscenity
- sentina, sentinae ffilthy water that collects in the bottom of a ship, bilgewater, bottom of a ship where the bilgewater is, the hold, the lowest of the people, the dregs, refuse, rabble of a state, hangerson of an army, camp followers
- sententia terminalisfinal judgment, definitive judgment
- sumptuum futurorum existimatiofinancial planning
- subtililia, subtililium nfine goods, fine stuffs
- subtililoquentia, subtililoquentiae ffine language, elegant language
- soubtilis, soubtilefine, not thick, not coarse, thin, slender, minute
- subtilis, subtilefine, not thick, not coarse, thin, slender, minute, nice, acute, delicate, exquisite, precise, exact, accurate, keen, subtle, keen, plain, simple, unadorned
- subtiliterfinely, minutely, acutely, accurately, subtly, particularly, plainly, simply, without ornamen
- subtilitas, subtilitatis ffineness, thinness, slenderness, minuteness, keen edge, sharpness, keenness, acuteness, penetration, definiteness, exactness, subtlety, plainness, simplicity, absence of ornament
- simila, similae ffinest wheat flour
- similago, similaginis ffinest wheat flour
- supernas abiesfir tree growing on the Adriatic Sea
- siphonarii, siphonariorum mfire department
- siphonarius, siphonarii mfirefighter
- siponarius, siponarii mfirefighter
- siphonarius, siphonaria, siphonariumfirefighting
- soldus, solda, soldumfirm, dense, compact, not hollow, solid, whole, complete, entire
- soledus, soleda, soledumfirm, dense, compact, not hollow, solid, whole, complete, entire
- solidus, solida, solidumfirm, dense, compact, not hollow, solid, whole, complete, entire
- stabiliterfirmly, durably, permanently
- statimfirmly, steadily, steadfastly, unyieldingly, on the spot, forthwith, straightway, at once, immediately, instantly, recently, newly, just
- synodus, synodontis mfish of the bream genus
- synecticus, synectica, synecticumfit for maintaining, efficient
- superaccommodo 1fit on above, put on
- suborno 1fit out, furnish, provide, equip, adorn
- supparo 1fit, adjust
- scitus, scita, scitumfit, suitable, proper, judicious, sensible, witty
- scutatus, scutata, scutatumfitted with long shield, armed with a shield
- stabilimentum, stabilimenti nFixation, Stabilization, Underpinning, Strengthening, Securing
- sidus infixumfixed star
- sidera certis locis infixafixed stars
- scorisco 1flash, glitter, gleam, coruscate
- scutula, scutulae fflat bowl, platel, little dish, little platter
- simulus, simula, simulumflat nosed, pug nosed
- simus, sima, simumflat nosed, pug nosed, snub nosed
- supparasitor 1flatter a little like a parasite, fawn a little like a parasite
- subsentator, subsentatoris mflatterer
- scrutaria, scrutariae fflea market
- Sicelicon, Sicelici nfleawort, fleabane
- superfugio 5flee away over
- suffugio 5flee away, flee from, shun, avoid, escape
- subterfugio 5flee secretly, flee by stealth, get off
- superficialitas, superficialitatis ffleetingness, superficiality
- strebula, strebulorum nflesh about the haunches
- stribula, stribulorum nflesh about the haunches
- succutio 5fling up from below, fling aloft, toss up
- superiacto 1fling up, toss up, spring over a thing
- subterfluo 3flow beneath
- septemfluus, septemflua, septemfluumflowing in seven mouths
- sudabilis, sudabileflowing like sweat, fluid
- sudatilis, sudatileflowing like sweat, fluid
- subulo, subulonis mflute-player, kind of hart with pointed horns
- superevolo 1fly away over
- subtervolo 1fly beneath
- supervolito 1fly over often, fly about over
- supervolo 1fly over
- subvolo 1fly up, fly upwards
- scintillae vagaeflying sparks
- subbullio 4foam slightly, bubble slightly
- spumifer, spumifera, spumiferumfoam-bearing, foaming
- spumiger, spumigera, spumigerumfoam-bearing, foaming
- spumigena, spumigenae cfoam-born
- spumo 1foam, froth, foam up, boil up, effervesces
- spuma salisfoaming salt
- spumatio, spumationis ffoaming
- spumabundus, spumabunda, spumabundumfoaming, frothing
- spumatus, spumatus mfoaming, frothing, foam, froth
- spumeus, spumea, spumeumfoaming, frothy
- spumidus, spumida, spumidumfoaming, frothy
- subsequor 3follow close after, follow immediately, follow, succeed, ensue
- sector 1follow continually, follow eagerly, run after, attend, accompany, follow after, chase, pursue
- sequor 3follow, chase, pursue, succeed, come after, result, ensue
- sectator, sectatoris mfollower, attendant, adherent
- sectatrix, sectatricis ffollower, successor
- successor, successoris mfollower, successor, inheritor
- schola, scholae ffollowers of a teacher, a school, a sect
- sequax, sequacisfollowing after, seeking after, pursuing, sequacious, yielding, pliable, ductile, flexible, following, pursuing, tractable
- secutio, secutionis ffollowing after, striving after
- secutorius, secutoria, secutoriumfollowing
- sequiusfollowing, later in rank, later in order, less than something mentioned before, otherwise, differently, not so
- subsequus, subsequa, subsequumfollowing, succeeding
- subsicuus, subsicua, subsicuumfollowing, succeeding
- stultitia, stultitiae ffolly, foolishness, simplicity, silliness, fatuity
- stultities, stultitiei ffolly, foolishness, simplicity, silliness, fatuity
- stultefoolish, silly
- stultus, stulta, stultumfoolish, simple, silly, fatuous
- societas pedifollicafootball club, soccer club
- scabellum suppedaneumfootstool
- scamnum, scamni nfootstool
- suppedaneum, suppedanei nfootstool
- scansorius, scansoria, scansoriumfor climbing
- siccarius, siccaria, siccariumfor drying , for keeping dry
- sequestrofor safekeeping
- sellariolus, sellariola, sellariolumfor sitting
- sellifer, sellifera, selliferumfor sitting
- supremofor the last time in life
- supremumfor the last time in life
- supremumfor the last time
- secundofor the second time
- septimumfor the seventh time
- septimofor the seventh time, seven times
- sextumfor the sixth time
- significantia, significantiae fforce of words, energy of words, significancy of words
- stagno 1form a pool of standing water, stagnate, be stagnant, be overflowed, be inundated, cause to stand, make stagnant, cover with water, overflow, inundate
- syllogismus, syllogismi mform of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn from two premises, syllogism
- sculptilis, sculptileformed, shaped, carved, modeld
- supermunio 4fortify above, protect above
- sortilegus, sortilegi mfortune-teller, soothsayer, diviner by lots, diviner from oracles
- societas vecturariaforwarding agency
- spurcatus, spurcata, spurcatumfoul, stained
- sordifluus, sordiflua, sordifluumfouling
- subterfundo 1found beneath, establish beneath
- silanus, silani mfountain of water, jet of water
- sicilicus, sicilici mfourth part of an uncia, a quarter of an inch, one fortyeighth of a jugerum, two drachms, forty, eighth part of an hour
- siciliquus, siciliqui mfourth part of an uncia, a quarter of an inch, one fortyeighth of a jugerum, two drachms, forty, eighth part of an hour
- suaveolentia, suaveolentiae ffragrance
- suaveolens, suaveolentisfragrant, scented, perfumed, aromatic
- sponda, spondae fframe of a bedstead, sofa, bed, couch, bier
- securus, secura, securumfree from care, careless, unconcerned, untroubled, fearless, quiet, easy, composed
- subdivum, subdivi nfree sky, open skies
- solutus, soluta, solutumfree, loose, at large, unfettered, unbandaged, friable
- securitas, securitatis ffreedom from care, unconcern, composure
- securitas, securitatis ffreedom from danger, safety, security
- stoechas, stoechadis fFrench lavender, sticados
- summiterfrom above
- sursumfrom below, up, upwards, on high, high up, above
- sursusfrom below, up, upwards, on high, high up, above
- septima horafrom noon to 1 p, m
- stiria, stiriae ffrozen drop, ice-drop, icicle
- stiriacus, stiriaca, stiriacumfrozen
- sorbum, sorbi nfruit of the sorbus, sorb-apple, sorb, service-berry
- sinuosus, sinuosa, sinuosumfull of bendings, full of windings, full of curves, full of folds, bent, winding, sinuous
- sentinosus, sentinosa, sentinosumfull of bilge water
- stigmosus, stigmosa, stigmosumfull of brand-marks, branded
- senticosus, senticosa, senticosumfull of briers, full of thorns, thorny, briery
- speluncosus, speluncosa, speluncosumfull of caves, full of caverns, cavernous
- seditiosus, seditiosa, seditiosumfull of civil discord, factious, turbulent, mutinous, seditious, quarrelsome, exposed to discord, troubled
- setosus, setosa, setosumfull of coarse hairs, full of bristles, bristly, setous
- stercorosus, stercorosa, stercorosumfull of excrements, full of dung, well manured, full of filth, impure
- spumosus, spumosa, spumosumfull of foam, foaming, frothy, bombastic
- satur, satura, saturumfull of food, sated, that has eaten enough
- stimulosus, stimulosa, stimulosumfull of incentives, stimulative
- succosus, succosa, succosumfull of juice, full of moisture, juicy, sappy, succulent, rich in money
- sucosus, sucosa, sucosumfull of juice, full of moisture, juicy, sappy, succulent, rich in money
- succulentus, succulenta, succulentumfull of juice, full of sap, sappy, succulent, vigorous
- suculentus, suculenta, suculentumfull of juice, full of sap, sappy, succulent, vigorous
- significans, significantisfull of meaning, expressive, significant
- sententiosus, sententiosa, sententiosumfull of meaning, pithy, sententious
- sententiosefull of meaning, suggestively, sententiously
- saxosus, saxosa, saxosumfull of rocks
- scopulosus, scopulosa, scopulosumfull of rocks, rocky, shelvy, craggy
- seminosus, seminosa, seminosumfull of seeds
- scruposus, scruposa, scruposumfull of sharp stones, jagged, rough, rugged, hard, arduous
- somniculosus, somniculosa, somniculosumfull of sleep, inclined to sleep, drowsy, dozy, sleepy, sluggish, slothful, making sleepy, making drowsy, making sluggish
- scrupulosus, scrupulosa, scrupulosumfull of small sharp stones, rough, rugged, jagged
- scaturiginosus, scaturiginosa, scaturiginosumfull of springs, abounding in springs, springy
- stagnosus, stagnosa, stagnosumfull of standing waters, full of pools
- sulphurosus, sulphurosa, sulphurosumfull of sulphur, sulphureous
- superstitiosus, superstitiosa, superstitiosumfull of superstition, superstitious, soothsaying, prophetic, prophetical
- sebosus, sebosa, sebosumfull of tallow, full of grease, tallowy, greasy
- spinosus, spinosa, spinosumfull of thorns, full of prickles, thorny, prickly, harsh, crabbed, obscure, confused, perplexed, stinging, galling, irritating
- sentosus, sentosa, sentosumfull of thorns, thorny
- sentuosus, sentuosa, sentuosumfull of thorns, thorny
- scelerosus, scelerosa, scelerosumfull of wickedness, vicious, abominable, accursed
- silvosus, silvosa, silvosumfull of woods, full of trees, woody
- suppeditatio, suppeditationis ffull supply, abundance, exuberance
- satur, satura, saturumfull, deep, strong, rich
- superadultus, superadulta, superadultumfully mature, past the first period of maturity
- sonoritas, sonoritatis ffulness of sound, melodiousness
- saturitas, saturitatis ffulness, plenty
- saturitas, saturitatis ffulness, repletion, satiety
- suffumigo 1fumigate from below, suffumigate
- suffitu cimices necofumigate the bugs
- suffimento 1fumigate
- suffio 4fumigate, perfume, scent
- suffumigatio, suffumigationis ffumigating from below
- suffitio, suffitionis ffumigating, fumigation, perfuming
- suffitus, suffitus mfumigating, fumigation, smoke produced by fumigation
- suffimen, suffiminis nfumigation, incense
- suffimentum, suffimenti nfumigation, incense
- suffitor, suffitorris mfumigator
- secundicerius, secundiceriiī mfunctionary of the second rank
- silicernium, silicernii nfuneral feast, drybones, kind of sausage
- sparsivus, sparsiva, sparsivumfür das Hurlingspiel, zum Hurling
- strio 1furnish with furrows, furnish with channels, hollow out, groove, flute, striate
- spico 1furnish with spikes, furnish with ears
- stadiatus, stadiata, stadiatumfurnished with a race-course
- sigillatus, sigillata, sigillatumfurnished with little images, adorned with little figures
- specillatus, specillata, specillatumfurnished with little mirrors
- speculatus, speculata, speculatumfurnished with mirrors, adorned with mirrors
- soccatus, soccata, soccatumfurnished with socci, wearing socci
- soccifer, soccifera, socciferumfurnished with socci, wearing socci
- subministratus, subministratus mfurnishing, supplying
- sulcus, sulci mfurrow made by the plough, ploughing, long narrow trench, ditch, rut, track, wrinkle of the skin, trail of a meteor
- sulcamen, sulcaminis nfurrow
- stria, striae ffurrow, channel, hollow, flute of a column
- sulco 1furrow, cut furrows through, plough, sail over, traverse, pass through
- sulcabilis, sulcabilefurrowable
- superadornatus, superadornata, superadornatumfurther adorned, additionally ornamented
- super quamfurthermore
- superquamfurthermore, besides that
- superlucror 1gain in addition
- servitricius, servitricia, servitriciumgalled by slavery
- servitritius, servitritia, servitritiumgalled by slavery
- saeptum venationisgame enclosure, wildlife enclosure, preserve for game, corer for game, hunting-park
- stemma, stemmatis ngarland, wreath, pedigree, genealogical table, genealogical tree, nobility, high value
- sericablatta, sericablattae fgarment of purple silk
- sericoblatta, sericoblattae fgarment of purple silk
- scortea, scorteae fgarment of skins, garment of leather
- sublego 3gather from below, gather for underneath, search for underneath, to gather up, catch up secretly, catch up by stealth, kidnap, overhear, choose in the place of another, elect in the place of another, substitute
- suppuro 1gather matter, form pus, come to a head, suppurate, bring to a head, cause to suppurate, bring forth, produce
- sectarius, sectaria, sectariumgelded, castrated
- semigenius, semigenia, semigeniumgenderchanging
- summa belligeneral management of the war
- synopsis, synopsis fgeneral view, list, synopsis
- semina genetice mutatagenetically modified seeds
- scordilon, scordili ngermander, scordium
- scordion, scordii ngermander, scordium
- scordium, scordii ngermander, scordium
- scordotis, scordotidis fgermander, scordium
- squalesco 3get dirty
- sub dentem alicuius venioget into clutches of, fall into claws of
- spem devoroget one's teeth into a hope, cling to a hope
- stilasco 3get stalks
- stilo 1get stalks
- sumptum reficioget the costs back out, cover the costs
- supermolior 4get through
- stips, stipis fgift, donation, alms, contribution
- sensutus, sensuta, sensutumgifted with brains, understanding
- sensatus, sensata, sensatumgifted with sense, intelligent
- succingo 3gird below, gird from below, tuck up, gird, gird about, girdle, surround, furnish, provide, equip, fit out
- succinctulus, succinctula, succinctulumgirded, girt
- suboffendo 3give some offence
- soccito 1give the sound of the thrush
- sequestro 1give up for safekeeping, surrender, remove, separate from any thing
- suppedito 1give, furnish, afford, supply, procure in abundance
- sospitalis, sospitalegiving health, giving safety, salutary
- sortifer, sortifera, sortiferumgiving out oracles, oracular
- sortiger, sortigera, sortigerumgiving out oracles, oracular
- sublustris, sublustregiving some light, having a faint light, glimmering
- subministratio, subministrationis fgiving, furnishing, supplying, subministration
- suffulgeo 2gleam beneath, shine beneath
- spicilegium, spicilegii ngleaning of ears of corn after gathering
- sublectio, sublectionis fgleaning, leasing
- superlabor 3glide over, run over
- subterlabor 3glide under, flow under, slip away, escape
- submano 1glide under, trickle under, wet somewhat
- summano 1glide under, trickle under, wet somewhat, do something wet
- stellimicans, stellimicantisglittering with stars
- stellumicans, stellumicantisglittering with stars
- scoriscatio, scoriscationis fglittering, flash, coruscation
- superglorifico 1glorify beyond all measure, praise beyond all measure
- subrutilo 1glow slightly, glimmer forth
- suffrendens, suffrendentisgnashing a little
- secedo 3go apart, go aside, go away, separate, withdraw, remove, withdraw, retire, revolt, dissent from the opinion
- singulas urbes circumveniogo around from one city to another
- semigro 1go away, remove
- succedo 3go below, go under, enter, come under, go from under, go up, mount, ascend, submit to any thing, march on, advance, march up to, approach, follow, follow after, take the place of, relieve, come into the place of, succeed, succeed to, receive by succession, come next
- subintro 1go into secretly, enter by stealth, steal into
- solum vertogo out of the country, turn one's back on one's homeland, leave the country
- supereogo over
- supervado 3go over, climb over, surmount
- supermeo 1go over, glide over, flow over
- supero 1go over, pass over, rise above, mount, ascend, surmount, overtop, sail by a place, past a place, surpass, excel, exceed, outdo, outstrip, overcome, subdue, conquer, vanquish
- superferorgo over, ride over, fly over, swim over
- supervehor 3go over, ride over, sail over, go past, ride past, sail past
- supero 1go over, rise above, overtop, surmount, have the upper hand, have the superiority, be superior, overcome, surpass, be left over, remain, survive
- somno me dogo to bed
- sumptum impendogo to expense
- suggredior 5go up to, come up to, approach, attack
- stimulus, stimuli mgoad for driving, sting, torment, pang, spur, incentive, incitement, stimulus, pointed stake
- scopus, scopi mgoal, target
- secessio, secessionis fgoing aside, withdrawal, separation, schism, secession
- secessus, secessus mgoing away, departure, separation, Retirement, solitude, place of retirement
- synodicus, synodica, synodicumgoing together, coming together, synodical, according to the decrees of the synod
- solidus, solidi mgold coin
- speciositas, speciositatis fgood looks, beauty
- speciosus, speciosa, speciosumgood-looking, showy, handsome, beautiful, splendid, brilliant, well-sounding, plausible, specious
- species, specierum fgoods, wares
- societas regendigovernment participation, government involvement
- strategia, strategiae fgovernment, district, province
- spelta, speltae fgrains of spelt
- soloecismus, soloecismi mgrammatical fault in the construction of a sentence, solecism
- soloecum, soloeci ngrammatical fault in the construction of a sentence, solecism
- surena, surenae mgrand vizier
- suggrundarium, suggrundarii ngrave of a child less than forty days old
- serius, seria, seriumgrave, earnest, serious
- severegravely, seriously, austerely, rigidly, severely
- severitergravely, seriously, austerely, rigidly, severely
- severitudo, severitudinis fgravity, austerity, severity
- sumptuositas, sumptuositatis fgreat expense, costliness, expensiveness
- stergethron, stergethri ngreat houseleek
- scurrilitas, scurrilitatis fgrotesque gag, kintopp, clambake, comic, slapstick, burleske, farce
- scurrulitas, scurrulitatis fgrotesque gag, kintopp, clambake, comic, slapstick, burleske, farce
- solarium, solarii n [2]ground-rent
- symplegma, symplegmatis ngroup of persons embracing, group of persons wrestling
- sideratio, siderationis fgrouping of stars, configuration of stars, constellation
- stupesco 3grow astonished, become amazed
- seresco 3grow dry
- siccesco 3grow dry, become dry, dry up
- spumesco 3grow foamy, grow frothy, begin to foam, begin to froth
- supervalesco 3grow in power
- superincresco 3grow over, grow upon
- subaresco 3grow somewhat dry
- subargutulus, subargutula, subargutulumgrow somewhat dry
- spinesco 3grow thorny
- subcresco 3grow under, grow from under, grow up
- succresco 3grow under, grow from under, grow up
- sterilesco 3grow unfruitful, grow barren, grow sterile
- sororio 1grow up together like two sisters, swell together like two sisters
- subnascor 3grow up under, grow out of, grow after, follow after, succeed
- subolesco 3grow up
- supercresco 3grow up, grow over, grow upon
- silvesco 3grow wild, run wild, run to wood
- saxosus, saxosa, saxosumgrowing among stones
- supernascor 3growing over, growing above
- supercreatus, supercreata, supercreatumgrown on, adventitious
- suggrunnio 4grunt a little
- securitas, securitatis fguarantee
- scelerĭtas, scelerĭtatis fguilt, wickedness, criminality
- sons, sontis mguilty person, offender, malefactor, criminal, an evil doer, malefactor, delinquent
- sons, sontisguilty, criminal, hurtful, noxious, delinquent
- stomachus, stomachi mgullet, alimentary canal, œsophagus, stomach, taste, liking, distaste, dislike
- stagonitis, stagonitidis fgum galbanum
- spicus crinalishair-pin
- sinciput, sincipitis nhalf a head, brain, head
- semilixa, semilixae mhalf a sutler, one little better than a sutler
- semianimis, semianimehalf alive, half dead
- semianimus, semianima, semianimumhalf alive, half dead
- semis (indecl.)half an as, a semi as, half a juger of lan, half foot, half a foot, half a cubit
- semis, semissis mhalf an as, a semi as, half a juger of lan, half foot, half a foot, half a cubit
- semermis, semermehalf armed, badly armed, indifferently armed
- semermus, semerma, semermumhalf armed, badly armed, indifferently armed
- semiermis, semiermehalf armed, badly armed, indifferently armed
- semiermus, semierma, semiermumhalf armed, badly armed, indifferently armed
- semissalis, semissalehalf as a month
- subdimidius, subdimidia, subdimidiumhalf as much less, less by one half of itself
- semisomnis, semisomnehalf asleep, sleepy, drowsy
- semisomnus, semisomna, semisomnumhalf asleep, sleepy, drowsy
- semisopitus, semisopita, semisopitumhalf asleep, sleepy, drowsy
- semisopoōrus, semisopoōra, semisopoōrumhalf asleep, sleepy, drowsy
- semireductus, semireducta, semireductumhalf bent back
- semisupinus, semisupina, semisupinumhalf bent backwards, half supine
- semicorporalis, semicorporalehalf bodied, having but half its body visible
- semicorporeus, semicorporea, semicorporeumhalf bodied, having but half its body visible
- semilater, semilateris mhalf brick
- semilaterium, semilaterii nhalf brick
- semisepultus, semisepulta, semisepultumhalf buried
- semiustulo 1half burn, burn in part
- semustulo 1half burn, burn in part
- semiambustus, semiambusta, semiambustumhalf burned, half consumed
- semicrematus, semicremata, semicrematumhalf burned
- semicombustus, semicombusta, semicombustumhalf burned, half consumed
- semicirculus, semicirculī mhalf circle, semicircle
- semiamictus, semiamicta, semiamictumhalf clad, half naked
- semigelatus, semigelata, semigelatumhalf coagulated, semi frozen
- semipletio, semipletionis fhalf completeness
- semimodius, semodiī mmhalf corn measure
- semodius, semodiī mmhalf corn measure
- semicorrectus, semicorrecta, semicorrectumhalf corrected
- semiobrutus, semiobruta, semiobrutumhalf covered
- semiamputatus, semiamputata, semiamputatumhalf cut off, half trimmed, lopped, pruned
- semidies, semidiei mhalf day
- semimortuus, semimortua, semimortuumhalf dead
- seminecus, semineca, seminecumhalf dead
- seminex, seminecishalf dead
- subnego 1half deny, half refuse
- semiperemptus, semiperempta, semiperemptumhalf destroyed
- semiperemtus, semiperemta, semiperemtumhalf destroyed
- semideus, semidea, semideumhalf divine
- semidivinus, semidivina, semidivinumhalf divine, semi divine
- semicanis, semicanehalf dog
- semisiccus, semisicca, semisiccumhalf dry
- semipastus, semipasta, semipastumhalf eaten
- semessus, semessa, semessumhalf eaten, half devoured, half consumed
- semesus, semesa, semesumhalf eaten, half devoured, half consumed
- semiesus, semiesa, semiesumhalf eaten, half devoured, half consumed
- semiieiunia, semiieiuniorum nhalf fasts
- semiperactus, semiperacta, semiperactumhalf finished
- semiperfectus, semiperfecta, semiperfectumhalf finished, half perfect, incomplete
- semipes, semipedis mhalf foot in vers
- semipes, semipedis mhalf foot, half a foot
- semipodius, semipodia, semipodiumhalf footed
- semiliber, semilibera, semiliberumhalf free
- semus, sema, semumhalf full, half empty, only half
- semiplenus, semiplena, semiplenumhalf full, half in full, incompletely, in part
- semigermanus, semigermana, semigermanumhalf German, semi German
- semipuella, semipuellae fhalf girl
- semicaper, semicapri mhalf goat
- semicanus, semicana, semicanumhalf gray, grizzled
- semigraecus, semigraeca, semigraecumhalf Greek,
- semihora, semihorae fhalf hour, half an hour
- semimarinus, semimarina, semimarinumhalf in the sea
- Semiiudaeus, Semiiudaei mhalf Jew, half a Jew
- semiiugerum, semiiugeri nhalf juger, quarter acre
- semidoctus, semidocti mhalf knowing, half expert, semi expert
- semilacer, semilacera, semilacerumhalf lacerated, half mangled
- semipedius, semipedia, semipediumhalf lame
- semipes, semipedis mhalf lame
- semicoriaceus, semicoriacea, semicoriaceumhalf leather
- semilineus, semilinea, semilineumhalf linen
- semilixula, semilixulae fhalf lixula
- semilunaticus, semilunatica, semilunaticumhalf lunatic, half moonstruck
- semiconfectus, semiconfecta, semiconfectumhalf made
- semihomo, semihominis mhalf man, half man and half beast, half wild, half savage
- semimedus, semimedi mhalf Mede, half a Mede
- semimetopion, semimetopii nhalf metope
- seminudus, seminuda, seminudumhalf naked, half unarmed, almost defenceless
- semiobolus, semioboli mhalf obolus
- semiadapertus, semiadaperta, semiadapertumhalf opened
- semiapertus, semiaperta, semiapertumhalf opened, half open
- semihiulcus, semihiulca, semihiulcumhalf opened, half open
- semulcus, semulca, semulcumhalf opened, half open
- semiuncia, semiunciae fhalf ounce, the twenty fourth part of any whole, twentyfourth of a pound, domestic utensil
- semigravis, semigravehalf overcome, half drunken
- semibos, semibovis mhalf ox
- semifastigium, semifastigii nhalf pediment
- semiquinaria, semiquinariae fhalf pentameter
- semiperfectio, semiperfectionis fhalf perfection
- semipoeta, semipoetae mhalf poet
- semilibra, semilibrae fhalf pound, half a pound
- semifultus, semifulta, semifultumhalf propped
- semicrudus, semicruda, semicrudumhalf raw, half digested
- semirefectus, semirefecta, semirefectumhalf repaired
- semimaturus, semimatura, semimaturumhalf ripe, still immature
- semiromanus, semiromana, semiromanumhalf Roman
- semirotundus, semirotunda, semirotundumhalf round, semicircular
- semiremex, semiremigis mhalf rower, half fighter
- semiaxius, semiaxia, semiaxiumhalf ruined, half broken
- semipaganus, semipagani mhalf rustic, half a clown, no right poet
- semiagrestis, semiagrestehalf rustic, somewhat boorish
- semiclausus, semiclausa, semiclausumhalf shut, half close
- semiclusus, semiclusa, semiclusumhalf shut, half close
- semiadopertulus, semiadopertula, semiadopertulumhalf shut, half closed
- semisermo, semisermonis mhalf speech, jargon
- semisyllaba, semisyllabae fhalf syllable
- semitalentum, semitalenti nhalf talent
- semidoctus, semidocta, semidoctumhalf taught, half learned
- semidecima, semidecimae fhalf tenth
- semitactus, semitacta, semitactumhalf touched
- semimitra, semimitrae fhalf turban
- semiconspicuus, semiconspicua, semiconspicuumhalf visible
- semifer, semiferi mhalf wild man
- subsericus, subserica, subsericumhalf-silken
- semifer, semifera, semiferumhalfbestial, half man and half beast
- semicremus, semicrema, semicremumhalfburned
- semiorbis, semiorbis mhalfcircle, semicircle
- semicoctus, semicocta, semicoctumhalfcooked, half done
- semiruta, semirutorum nhalfdemolished parts of the wall
- semiinanis, semiinanehalfempty, but half full
- seminanis, seminanehalfempty, but half full
- semiformis, semiformehalfformed
- semirosus, semirosa, semirosumhalfgnawed, seminibbled
- semionustus, semionusta, semionustumhalfladen
- semifactus, semifacta, semifactumhalfmade, half finished
- semimasculus, semimasculi mhalfmale
- semimas, semimaris mhalfmale, hermaphrodite, unmanned, emasculated
- semhians, semhiantishalfopened, half open
- semihians, semihiantishalfopened, half open
- semiputatus, semiputata, semiputatumhalfpruned
- semirutus, semiruta, semiutumhalfpulled down, half overthrown, half demolished, half destroyed, half ruined
- semifunium, semifunii nhalfrope, slender line, slender cord
- semirasus, semirasa, semirasumhalfshaven
- semiperitus, semiperita, semiperitumhalfskilled
- semifumans, semifumantishalfsmoking
- semisonans, semisonantishalfsounding, semi vocal
- semisonus, semisona, semisonumhalfsounding, semi vocal
- semiacerbus, semiacerba, semiacerbumhalfsour, half ripe
- semilautus, semilauta, semilautumhalfwashed
- semimadidus, semimadida, semimadidumhalfwet, moist, damp
- semiinteger, semiintegra, semiintegrumhalfwhole, half uninjured
- semisaucius, semisaucia, semisauciumhalfwounded
- suffrago, suffraginis fham, hough, hock of a quadruped’s hind leg,
, shoot of a vine, spray of a vine
- societas manufollicahandball team, handball club
- scitulus, scitula, scitulumhandsome, pretty, neat, trim, elegant
- superimmineo 2hang over, overhang
- suspendo 3hang up, hang, suspend, choke to death by hanging, hang, dedicate, consecrate, build upon arches, build upon vaults, prop up, hold up, support
- suspendium, suspendii nhanging of one’s self, hanging
- scirros, scirri mhard swelling, tumor
- scortum, scorti nharlot, strumpet, prostitut, mistress, concubine
- speusticus, speustica, speusticum hastily made
- superbehaughtily, proudly, superciliously
- superbiterhaughtily, proudly, superciliously
- superbiloquentia, superbiloquentiae fhaughty speaking, proud speaking
- superciliosus, superciliosa, superciliosumhaughty, disdainful, supercilious, censorious, severe
- superbus, superba, superbumhaughty, proud, arrogant, insolent, discourteous, uncivil, rude, supercilious, domineering, delicate, fastidious, squeamish, very severe, utterly impartial, uncivil, arrogant, proud, superior, excellent, distinguished, splendid, magnificent, superb
- subductio, subductionis fhauling ashore of a ship, reckoning, dryocking, beaching
- sublacrimo 1have a bit of tears, weeping a little
- subincrepito 1have a little bang
- suevihave accustomed one’s self, be wont, be used, be accustomed
- stabulo 1have an abode anywhere, stable, kennel, harbor, roost, stable cattle, house cattle
- stabulor 1have an abode anywhere, stable, kennel, harbor, roost, stable cattle, house cattle
- successit coeptishave done a good job
- superhabeo 2have over a thing, have upon a thing
- somno satiatus sumhave slept in
- subsipio 5have some taste
- superintendo 3have the oversight of, superintend
- summam rerum administrohave the supreme command
- silus, sila, silumhaving a broad nose, having a turned up nose, pug nosed, snub nosed
- subdialis cenohaving a picnic, picnic
- scalpratus, scalprata, scalpratumhaving a sharp edge, having a cutting edge
- sistratus, sistrata, sistratumhaving a sistrum, bearing a sistrum
- strumaticus, strumatica, strumaticumhaving a struma, scrofulous, strumous
- strumosus, strumosa, strumosumhaving a struma, scrofulous, strumous
- suppes, suppedishaving feet turned under, with twisted feet
- semicorporis, sēmicorporehaving half a body
- semicorpus, semicorporishaving half a body
- septiforis, septiforehaving seven openings, seven holed
- screo 1hawk, hem
- screator, screatoris mhawker, hemmer
- screatus, screatus mhawking, hemming
- separator, separatoris mhe that separates, separator
- Supinalis, Supinalis mhe who overthrows, he who destroys
- summus, summi mhe who sits in the highest place, he who sits at the head of the table
- superacervo 1heap on, pile up
- superaggero 1heap over
- structus, structus mheap, pile
- struix, struicis fheap, pile
- strues, struis fheap, pile, heap of little offering-cakes, funeral pile, pyre
- suffervefacio 5heat from below,warm from below
- subatio, subationis fheat, brimming of swine
- sisara, sisarae fheath, sweetbroom
- sisyrus, sisyri mheather, erica
- subustio, subustionis fheating from below
- saeps, saepis fhedge, fence, enclosure
- seps, sepis f (2)hedge, fence, enclosure
- saeptio, saeptionis fhedging in, fencing in, enclosing, enclosing with a wall
- septio, septionis fhedging in, fencing in, enclosing, enclosing with a wall
- statura, staturae fheight of the body, size of the body, stature
- sublime, sublimis nheight
- sublimitas, sublimitatis fheight, loftiness, loftiness, elevation, sublimity
- suppetium, suppetii nhelp, assistance, support
- succursor, succursoris mhelper, succorer
- symphoniaca, symphoniacae fhenbane
- serpentaria, serpentariae fherb good against the bite of a viper
- strumea, strumeae fherb that cures the strumaa
- suspensehesitatingly, in suspense
- sexangulum, sexanguli nhexagon
- sugglutio 4hiccup a little
- singultio 4hiccup, sob, cluck, throb
- singulto 1hiccup, sob, rattle in the throat
- secretehidden, concealed, secret, in secret, secretly
- secretimhidden, concealed, secret, in secret, secretly
- secretohidden, concealed, secret, in secret, secretly
- secretus, secreta, secretumhidden, concealed, secret, isolated, solitary
- suppressor, suppressoris mhider, concealer
- sculponeae, sculponearum fhigh wooden shoes
- superior, superiushigher, upper, upper part of, former, past, previous, preceding, older, elder, senior, more advanced, victorious, conquering, stronger, superior, higher, more distinguished, greater
- summitas, summitatis fhighest part, height, top, summit
- superrimus, superrima, superrimumhighest, loftiest, topmost
- superrumus, superruma, superrumumhighest, loftiest, topmost
- supremus, suprema, supremumhighest, loftiest, topmost, last, latest, extreme, final, closing, dying
- summo ingenio praeditushighly talented
- supernitas, supernitatis fhighness, height
- sibilo 1hiss, whistle, hiss at a person, hiss down a person
- sibilatrix, sibilatricis fhissing, whistling
- sibilatus, sibilatus mhissing, whistling
- sibilus, sibila, sibilumhissing, whistling
- sibilum, sibili nhissing, whistling, contemptuous hissing, hissing at
- sibilus, sibili mhissing, whistling, contemptuous hissing, hissing at
- sthist!, whist!, hush!
- scrupeda, scrupedae fhobbling, shambling
- scrupipeda, scrupipedae fhobbling, shambling
- suile, suilis nhog-sty, pigsty, pigpen, pig sty
- sufflamino 1hold back by a clog, clog, check, stay, check, repress in speaking
- sepulto 1hold buried
- summis honoribus fungorhold the highest offices
- subteneo 2hold underneath
- strigo 1hold up, halt, stop in ploughing, give out, give way, lose strength, sink
- sustineo 2hold up, hold upright, uphold, bear up, keep up, support, sustain, maintain, preserve, hold in, stop, stay, check, restrain, keep back, put off, defer, delay
- sustento 1hold up, hold upriqht, uphold, support, prop, sustain, bear, wear, keep up, maintain, uplift, preserve, keep in check, hold back, restrain, hold out, endure, suffer, put off, defer, delay
- sustentatus, sustentatus mholding up, holding upright, sustaining, support
- subcavus, subcava, subcavumhollow below, hollow underneath
- scotia, scotiae fhollow moulding in the base of a column
- syringianus, syringiana, syringianumhollowed out like a pipe
- syringnatus, syringnata, syringnatumhollowed out like a pipe
- subtercavatus, subtercavata, subtercavatumhollowed out underneath
- sitis caedishomicidal desire
- superspero 1hope exceedingly
- spero 1hope, look for, trust, expect, promise one’s self, flatter one’s self
- sonupes, sonupedis mhorse, ross
- suasoria, suasoriae fhortatory speech, suasory speech
- simultas, simultatis fhostile encounter of two parties, dissension, enmity, rivalry, jealousy, grudge, hatred, animosity, contest for a prize
- suppellex, suppellectilis fhousehold utensils
- supelex, supelectilis fhousehold utensils, stuff, furniture, goods, apparatus, furniture, outfit, qualification
- supellectilis, supellectilis fhousehold utensils, stuff, furniture, goods, apparatus, furniture, outfit, qualification
- supellex, supellectilis fhousehold utensils, stuff, furniture, goods, apparatus, furniture, outfit, qualification
- sedum, sedi nhouseleek
- supplex, supplicishumbly begging, humbly entreating, humble, submissive, beseeching, suppliant, supplicant
- supplicehumbly
- subiectehumbly, submissively
- supplicuehumbly, submissively
- suppliciterhumbly, submissively, suppliant
- supplicium, supplicii nhumiliation, public prayer, public supplication, act of worship, sacrificing, offering, sacrifice, humble entreaty, humble petition, supplication, punishment, penalty, torture, torment, pain, distress, suffering
- silvarum agitatrix, agitatricis fhuntress
- samia, samiae fhurt, damage, loss
- siliqua, siliquae fhusk of leguminous plants, pod of leguminous plants, carob tree, carob, St, John’s bread
- supplantatio, supplantationis fhypocritical deceit
- supposititivus, supposititiva, supposititivumhypothetical
- supposititivehypothetically
- septimus sum deincepsI am the seventh in succession
- suillas carnes mirum in modum amoI love pork very much
- sensus, sensus midea, notion, meaning, signification
- siqui, siqua, siquodif any, if any one
- siquis, siquidif any, if any one
- siquandoif ever
- sicundeif from anywhere
- sicubiif in any place, if anywhere, wheresoever
- siqua (si qua)if in any way, if by any means
- siqui (si qui)if in any way, if by any means
- siquidemIf only, if indeed
- si quid titubatum estif something has gone wrong
- sodesif you will, if you please, with your leave, prithee, pray
- siif, whether, if perchance
- syntecticus, syntectica, syntecticumill of consumption, consumptive, syntectic
- spurius, spurii millegitimate child, spurious child, bastard
- subagitatio, subagitationis fillicit intercourse
- subigitatio, subigitationis fillicit intercourse
- signifex, significis mimage maker, carver, statuary, sculptor
- statua, statuae fimage, statue, pillar
- sicelisso 1imitate Sicilian manner
- sicilisso 1imitate Sicilian manner
- sicilizo 1imitate Sicilian manner
- simulatus, simulata, simulatumimitated, feigned, simulated, hypocrite
- simulans, simulantisimitating, imitative
- subindeimmediately after, just after, presently, forthwith, thereupon, one after the other, from time to time, now and then, repeatedly, frequently, continually
- secundum + Akk.immediately after, next to, after, behind, by, along
- subcontinuativus, subcontinuativa, subcontinuativumimmediately continued
- systema immunitatisimmune system
- supplicium alicui decernoimpose the death penalty
- supplicium allicui irrogoimpose the death penalty
- supplicium constituo in aliquemimpose the death penalty
- sulphuratus, sulphurata, sulphuratumimpregnated with sulphur, sulphurated
- sphragitis, sphragitidis fimpression of a seal
- stribiligo, stribiliginis fimpropriety in language, solecism
- stribligo, stribliginis fimpropriety in language, solecism
- somnialiterin a dream
- susurratimin a low voice, softly
- suspectoin a manner to excite suspicion, suspiciously
- sollemniterin a religious manner, in a solemn manner, solemnly, with pomp, with splendor, according to custom, in the usual manner, in the customary manner, regularly, formally
- sollemnitusin a religious manner, in a solemn manner, solemnly, with pomp, with splendor, according to custom, in the usual manner, in the customary manner, regularly, formally
- sensualiterin a sensual manner, carnally
- septempliciterin a sevenfold manner
- suspiciosein a way to raise mistrust, in a way to raise suspicion, suspiciously
- synodicein accordance with the synod’s decrees
- supererogo 1in addition spend money
- serenoin clear weather
- summa hiemein deep winter, in the deep of winter
- supremo in temporein dire necessity, in dire distress
- sordidatus, sordidata, sordidatumin dirty clothes, meanly dressed, shabbily dressed, foul, polluted
- sermocinanterin discourse, in conversation
- seriein earnest, seriously
- serioin earnest, seriously
- submissa vocein hushed tones, in a low voice
- similiterin like manner, similarly
- simulterin like manner, similarly
- syllabicein respect to syllables, in increasing the number of the syllables
- subidus, subida, subidumin rut
- solidalis, solidalein solidarity
- subsequenterin succession, one after another
- syllabicus, syllabica, syllabicumin syllables, by the syllables
- si quid humanitus mihi accidat (acciderit)in the event of my death, in case of my death
- si quid mihi accidat (acciderit)in the event of my death, in case of my death
- sphingatus, sphingata, sphingatumin the form of a sphinx
- spingatus, spingata, spingatumin the form of a sphinx
- summein the highest degree, most highly, most greatly, extremely
- speculari rationein the manner of a mirror
- serratimin the manner of a saw, like a saw
- subdivus, subdiva, subdivumin the open air
- superiore annoin the past year, last year, over the last year
- sensu proprio verbiin the proper meaning of the word
- sub umbrain the shade, in the shadow
- stimulos sub pectore vertoincite the heart to enthusiasm
- semisermo, semisermonis mincomplete speech
- suspectivus, suspectiva, suspectivumindicating a hunch
- saucietas, saucietatis findisposition
- segne otium trahoindulge in lazy leisure
- societas industrialisindustrial enterprise, industrial plant, industrial company
- sequior, sequiusinferior, lower, worse
- sedes, sedis finfernal regions, burial place
- superincendo 3inflame more, inflame greatly
- synanche, synanches finflammation of the throat, a sore-throat, quinsy
- sciscitor 1inform one's self, ask, inquire, question, examine, interrogate
- sycophanta, sycophantae minformer, tale-bearer, backbiter, slanderer, deceiver, trickster, cheat, cunning flatterer, parasite, sycophant
- species, specierum fingredients
- suburbani, suburbanorum minhabitants of the towns near Rome
- silvicola, silvicolae cinhabiting woods, sylvan
- silvicolens, silvicolentisinhabiting woods, sylvan
- silvicultrix, silvicultricis finhabiting woods, sylvan
- sepioticon, sepiotici nink
- sciscitator, sciscitatoris minquirer, examiner, investigator
- scitator, scitatoris minquirer, examiner, investigator
- superscriptio, superscriptionis finscription, superscription
- sphondyle, sphondyles finsect that lives in the ground, and gnaws the roots of trees
- spondyle, spondyles finsect that lives in the ground, and gnaws the roots of trees
- subornator, subornatoris minstigator, abettor, suborner
- sentinaculum, sentinaculi ninstrument for bailing out the bilgewater of a ship, a scoop
- syntonum, syntoni ninstrument of the nature of the castanet, played on by the foot
- subsanno 1insult by derisive gestures, deride, mock
- seditio, seditionis finsurrectionary separation, civil discord, insurrection, mutiny, sedition
- sensateintelligently, sensibly
- subsanium, subsanii nInterior of the ship
- subsannium, subsannii nInterior of the ship
- sculna, sculnae mintermediary, fiduciary, frustee, agent, referee
- sinuoseintricately, in a roundabout manner
- stropharius, stropharii mintriguer
- subintroduco 3introduce in secret
- subinduco 3introduce in secret, smuggle in
- subintroduco 3introduce in secret, smuggle in
- subnervo 1invalidate, refute
- scopo 3investigate, test, search
- scrutabundus, scrutabunda, scrutabunduminvestigating
- subinvito 1invite slightly, invite secretly
- sideritis, sideritidis fIronwort, vervain, a precious stone, loadstone, magnet
- semeter, semetra, semetrumirregular, inharmonious
- stomachanterirritably, peevishly, pettishly
- suppeditat dicereit is easy to say
- sufficitit is enough, suffice it
- scilicetit is evident, clear, plain, manifest, of course, naturally, evidently, certainly, undoubtedly
- scitum estit's a great idea
- sculptor, sculptoris mivory carver
- scabratus, scabrata, scabratumjagged
- suffusio fellisjaundice
- suffusio luridae bilisjaundice
- subiungo 3join to, add to, annex, affix, subjoin, ring under, make subject, subordinate, subdue, subject, subjugate, put in the place of, substitute
- sero 3join together, bind together, plait, interweave, entwine, join, connect, interweave, combine, compose, contrive
- socio 1join together, unite together, associate, to do in common, hold in common, to share a thing with another
- structio, structionis fjoining together, building, erecting, construction
- symplegas, symplegadis fjoining together, cohesion
- syzygia, syzygiae fjoining together, conjunction, syzygy
- sphondulus, sphonduli mjoint of the spine, vertebra, spondyle, hard white of an oyster, muscle of an bivalve
- sphondylion, sphondylii njoint of the spine, vertebra, spondyle, hard white of an oyster, muscle of an bivalve
- sphondylus, sphondyli mjoint of the spine, vertebra, spondyle, hard white of an oyster, muscle of an bivalve
- spondilus, spondili mjoint of the spine, vertebra, spondyle, hard white of an oyster, muscle of an bivalve
- spondylion, spondylii njoint of the spine, vertebra, spondyle, hard white of an oyster, muscle of an bivalve
- spondylus, spondyli mjoint of the spine, vertebra, spondyle, hard white of an oyster, muscle of an bivalve
- subcommunis, subcommunejointly, collectively, together, collaboratively
- succussator, succussatoris mjolter
- succussatura, succussaturae fjolting of a hard-going horse
- succus, succi mjuice, moisture, sap, medicinal liquor, drink, draught, potion, taste of any thing, flifelavor, strength, rigor, energy, spirit, life
- sucus, suci mjuice, moisture, sap, medicinal liquor, drink, draught, potion, taste of any thing, flifelavor, strength, rigor, energy, spirit, life
- succositas, succositatis fjuiciness, succulence, juici ness
- sucositas, sucositatis fjuiciness, succulence, juici ness
- succidus, succida, succidumjuicy, sappy, fresh, plump
- sucidus, sucida, sucidumjuicy, sappy, fresh, plump
- scrutarius, scrutarii mjunk dealer
- sic demumjust like that
- superstito 1keep alive, preserve
- scriniarius, scriniarii mkeeper of the scrinium
- servans, servantiskeeping, keeping up, observant
- stimulum pugnis caedokick against the pricks
- scinifes, scinifum mkind of ant
- strongyle, strongyles fkind of alum
- strepsiceros, strepsicerotis mkind of animal with twisted horns, called by the Africans adax
- sphingion, sphingii nkind of ape
- seleucis, seleucidis fkind of bird on Mount Casius
- subis, subis fkind of bird that breaks eagles’ eggs
- scultatores, scultatorum mkind of bodyguard
- sphaeromachia, sphaeromachiae fkind of boxing wirh iron balls strapped to the hands
- spatalium, spatalii nkind of bracelet
- spathalion, spathalii nkind of bracelet
- spathalium, spathalii nkind of bracelet
- spīnter, spīnteris nkind of bracelet
- spīnther, spīntheris nkind of bracelet
- spica testaceakind of brick for pavements
- siler, sileris nkind of brook willow
- sisyrinchion, sisyrinchii nkind of bulbous plant
- stataria, statariae fkind of comedy, so called from the quiet acting of the performers
- segullum, segulli nkind of earth, which indicate the presence of native gold
- segutilum, segutili nkind of earth, which indicate the presence of native gold
- stacton, stacti nkind of eye-salve
- stratioticum, stratiotici nkind of eye-salve
- steatoma, steatomatis nkind of fatty tumor
- selas n (indecl.)kind of fiery meteor
- sindon, sindonis fkind of fine cotton stuff, muslin
- stomoma, stomomatis nkind of fine scales which fly off in hammering
- smyrus, smyri mkind of fish
- surena, surenae fkind of fish
- sparulus, sparuli mkind of fish, bream
- sparus, spari mkind of fish, bream
- sphacos, sphaci mkind of fragrant moss
- sphagnos, sphagni mkind of fragrant moss
- stagonias, stagoniae mkind of frankincense
- subminia, subminiae fkind of garment for women
- staticulus, staticuli mkind of gentle dance
- secale, secalis nkind of grain, rye, black spelt
- sicale, sicalis nkind of grain, rye, black spelt
- spionia, spioniae fkind of grape-vine
- sircitula, sircitulae fkind of grape
- sticula, sticulae fkind of grape
- surcula, surculae fkind of grapes
- strangias, strangiae mkind of Grecian wheat
- smyrnion, smyrnii nkind of herb like myrrh
- subina, subinae fkind of hunting spear
- sybina, sybinae fkind of hunting-spea
- soccus, socci mkind of low-heeled, light shoe, slipper, sock, comedy
- sucula, suculae fkind of machine for drawing or lifting, winch, windlass, capstan, wine-press, oil-press
- smilion, smilii nkind of medicinal salve
- scolopendra, scolopendrae fkind of multipede, scolopendra, kind of sea fish
- sory, soryos nkind of ore, ink-stone, sory
- scopes, scopum fkind of owl
- syagrus, syagri fkind of palm-tree
- silaus, silai mkind of parsley, smallage
- staphylinos, staphylini fkind of parsnip
- staphylinus, staphylini fkind of parsnip
- spagas (indecl.)kind of pitch found in Asia
- sitites, sititae mkind of precious stone
- spongitis, spongitidis fkind of precious stone
- syringitis, syringitidis fkind of precious stone
- scorpio, scorpionis m (scorpius, scorpii m)kind of prickly sea fish
- sualiternicum, sualiternici nkind of reddish amber
- syringia, syringiae fkind of reed
- syringio, syringionis fkind of reed
- syringa, syringae fkind of reed, cane good for pipes
- syringias, syringiae mkind of reed, cane good for pipes
- spaerita, spaeritae mkind of round cake
- sphaerita, sphaeritae mkind of round cake
- sphacos, sphaci mkind of sage
- silicernius, silicernii mkind of sausage
- sphyraena, sphyraenae fkind of sea-fish, otherwise called sudis
- squalus, squali mkind of sea-fish
- spatangius, spatangii mkind of sea-urchin
- spatarius, spataria, spatariumkind of sea-urchin
- solen, solenis mkind of seamussel, razor-fish
- seliquastrum, seliquastri nkind of seat, kind of stool
- stlata, stlatae fkind of ship, kind of piratical vessel
- strombus, strombi mkind of spiral snail
- sicera n (indecl.)kind of spirituous, intoxicating drink
- sphragis, sphragidis fkind of stone used for seals, Lemnian earth, little ball of plaster
- spadix, spadicis mkind of stringed instrument
- suavillum, suavilli nkind of sweet cake, confectionery
- striblita, striblitae fkind of tart
- sillybus, sillybi f (2)kind of thistle
- syllibus, syllibi fkind of thistle
- spathe, spathes fkind of tree, called also elate
- scomber, scombri mkind of tunny, a mackerel
- sitella, sitellae fkind of urn used in drawing lots
- salpuga, salpugae fkind of venomous ant, kind of venomous spider
- solifuga, solifugae fkind of venomous ant, kind of venomous spider
- solipuga, solipugae fkind of venomous ant, kind of venomous spider
- solipugna, solipugnae fkind of venomous ant, kind of venomous spider
- solpuga, solpugae fkind of venomous ant, kind of venomous spider
- silīgo, silīginis fkind of very white wheat, winter wheat, fine wheaten flour
- spinea, spineae fkind of vine
- serracum, serraci nkind of wagon, kind of cart
- sudiculum, sudiculi nkind of whip, kind of scourge, cloth for wiping off perspiration, handkerchief
- suduculum, suduculi nkind of whip, kind of scourge, cloth for wiping off perspiration, handkerchief
- scybelites, scybelitae mkind of wine in Galatia
- scyzinum, scyzini nkind of wine
- succendo 3kindle from below, set on fire from below, inflame, redden
- sufflammo 1kindle, inflame
- sceptrum, sceptri nkingdom, rule, dominion, authority
- syngenicon, syngenici nkinship relation
- saviatus, saviata, saviatumkiss worth
- suavium, suavii n (savium, savii n)kiss, love-kiss, smacker
- saviationes puerorum et puellarumKissing with boys and girls
- suaviatio, suaviationis fkissing
- supellex coquinariakitchen appliance, food processor
- stlembus, stlemba, stlembumklutzy, slow
- serpirastra, serpirastrorum nknee splints
- serperastra, serperastrorum nknee splints, knee bandages for straightening the crooked legs of children
- supplico 1kneel down, humble one’s self, pray humbly, beg humbly, to beseech, implore, supplicate, pray to a god, supplicate as a god, pray, worship
- superbas potentiorum fores pulsoknock on the doors of the proud rich
- scio + aciknow
- scitor, scitoris mknower, connoisseur
- scitor, scitoris mknower, connoisseur
- sciens, scientisknowing
- scius, scia, sciumknowing, having knowledge
- subidus, subida, subidumknowing, sensible
- scitus, scita, scitumknowing, shrewd, wise, acute, experienced, skilful, adroit
- scio 4Knowing, understanding, acquainted with, skilled, versed, expert in any thing
- scienterknowingly, understandingly, wisely, skilfully, expertly
- suppernatus, suppernata, suppernatumlamed in the hip, cut down
- sublugeo 2lament a little
- solifundium, solifundii nlanded property
- Sybaritica, Sybariticorum nlascivious poems
- semiannuus, semiannua, semiannuumlasting half a year, of half a year
- serolate, at a late hour, too late, delayed
- serus, sera, serumlate, too late
- septimana vergentelater this week
- superrideo 2laugh at sth,
- statutum, statuti nlaw, decision, determination, statute
- suppo 1lay back, lay on the back
- suffundo 1lay foundation
- succumbo 3lay under any thing, put one’s self under any thing, fall down, lie down, sink down, lie down to a man, cohabit with a man, yield, be overcome, submit, surrender, succumb
- subiecto 1lay under, place under, put under, throw out from below
- sepositio, sepositionis flaying aside, setting apart, hoarding, separation
- stratio, strationis flaying of cloths and coverings, the preparation of a room for a feast
- subiectus, subiectus mlaying under
- subiectio, subiectionis flaying under, putting under, placing under, representation, substituting, forging, subjugation, reduction to obedience, annexing, subjoining, answer subjoined, added explanation
- seduco 3lead aside, lead apart, draw aside, lead lead away, carry off, set aside, put by, remove, separate, divide, lead astray, mislead, seduce
- superduco 3lead over, draw over, bring over, put over, add, subjoin
- schedula volitansleaflet, handbill, flier, broadsheet, handout
- socius, socia, sociumleagued, allied, confederate
- strigosus, strigosa, strigosumlean, lank, thin, meagre, dry, tasteless
- stricosus, stricosa, stricosumlean, lank, thin, meagre, meagre, dry, tasteless
- superinsulto 1leap about upon
- supermico 1leap over, leap beyond
- superexsulto 1leap up, exult greatly
- supersilio 4leap upon, alight upon
- superiectus, superiectus mleaping upon, covering
- scisco 3learn, ascertain, know
- scordisus, scordisci mleather saddle
- subrelinquo 3leave behind
- subcubonea, subcuboneae flecher, mistress
- sinistra, sinistrae fleft hand, the left
- sinistrum, sinistri nleft side
- sinister, sinistra, sinistrumleft, on the left, on the left hand, on the left side, awkward, wrong, perverse, improper, unlucky, injurious, adverse, unfavorable, ill, bad
- scaevus, scaeva, scaevumleft, that is on the left, towards the left side
- sucidia, sucidiae fleg of meat cut off, side of meat cut off, leg of pork, flitch of bacon, slaughter
- succidia, succidiae fleg of meat cut off, side of meat cut off, leg of pork, flitch of bacon, slaughtering
- spathula, spathulae fleg of pork, little palmbranch, small stirring spoon
- spatula, spatulae fleg of pork, little palmbranch, small stirring spoon
- schola, scholae fleisure given to learning, a learned conversation, a debate, a disputation, lecture, dissertation
- sorbitio lentiarialentil soup
- subtertius, subtertia, subtertiumless by a third of itself
- substrepo 3let a little hear, let a little sound
- sanguinem depleolet blood, bleed
- submissus, submissa, submissumlet down, lowered, low, soft, gentle, calm, not vehement, low, mean, grovelling, abject, humble, submissive
- summissus, summissa, summissumlet down, lowered, low, soft, gentle, calm, not vehement, low, mean, grovelling, abject, humble, submissive
- subsicco 1let it dry a little
- sino 3let, suffer, allow, permit, give leave, give up, cease, leave a thing undone
- submissio, submissionis fletting down, lowering, dropping, sinking
- summissio, summissionis fletting down, lowering, dropping, sinking
- spatalocinaedus, spatalocinaedi mlewd person
- salinum regustolick out the salt cask, suck out the salt cask
- sublingulo, sublingulonis mlick-dish, under-scullion
- secubo 1lie alone, sleep by one's self, sleep without a bedfellow, lie alone, sleep by one's self or without a bedfellow
- supinor 1lie along, lie extended
- sub umbra vescorlie in the shade while eating
- suppateo 2lie open beneath, spread out beneath, was spread over at the bottom
- superincumbo 3lie over, lie above
- superiaceo 2lie over, lie upon
- subteriaceo 2lie under any thing
- subiaceo 2lie under any thing, lie near any thing, be under, subject to any thing, belong to, be connected with
- subcubo 1lie under
- succubo 1lie under
- supercubo 1lie upon, sleep upon
- subigito 1lie with illicitly, work upon, incite to any thing
- sublevo 1lift up from beneath, raise up, hold up, support, sustain, support, assist, encourage, console, lighten, qualify, alleviate, mitigate, lessen an evil, assuage
- sublimo 1lift up on high, raise, elevate
- sublimor 1lift up on high, raise, elevate
- subrigo 3lift up, raise up, raise, erect, elevate
- surgo 3lift up, raise up, raise, erect, elevate, rise, arise, get up, stand up, mount up, ascend, rise in growth, spring up, grow up, rise in building, be built, occur, rise to, rise against, attempt, assume, attack
- suscito 1lift up, raise, elevate, throw up, cast up, erect, prick up, scare away, build, erect, stir up, rouse up, arouse, awaken, set in motion, encourage, incite, restore, revive, awaken, resuscitate
- sustollo 3lift up, take up, raise up, raise, set upon a high pedestal, build, erect, take away, remove, destroy
- sublimatio, sublimationis flifting up, deliverance
- sublatio, sublationis flifting up, raising, elevation, exaltation, removal, abrogation, annulling, taking away, withdrawal
- sublevatio, sublevationis flightening, alleviation
- subunguo 3lightly cream, lightly anoint, lightly massage in
- solearis, solearelike a sole, like a sandal, sandal-shaped
- Stoicelike a Stoic, Stoically
- silaceus, silacea, silaceumlike ochre, of ochre
- squamatimlike scales
- solporeus, solporea, solporeumlike sulphur, sulphurous, sulphureous
- sulfureus, sulfurea, sulfureumlike sulphur, sulphurous, sulphureous
- sulphureus, sulphurea, sulphureumlike sulphur, sulphurous, sulphureous
- surculoselike wood
- similis, similelike, resembling, similar
- siremps (sirempse) (indecl.)like, the same
- simulacrum, simulacri nlikeness, image, form, representation, semblance, image, form, shade, phantom, sign, type, emblem, description, similitude, appearance
- similitas, similitatis flikeness, resemblance, similarity
- similitudo, similitudinis flikeness, resemblance, similitude, imitation, analogy, application to similar cases, sameness, uniformity, monotony
- scriptura, scripturae fline
- scriptum, scripti nline, written composition, writing, treatise, book, work
- supparum, suppari nlinen garment worn by women or men, small sail on the foremast, topsail
- siparium, siparii nlinen garment worn by women, topsail
- superlimen, superliminis nlintel
- superliminare, superliminaris nlintel
- superliminium, superliminii nlintel
- stilicidium, stilicidii nliquid which falls drop by drop, a dripping moisture, stillicide, falling rain, rain-water falling from the eaves of houses
- stillicidium, stillicidii nliquid which falls drop by drop, a dripping moisture, stillicide, falling rain, rain-water falling from the eaves of houses
- syllabus, syllabi mlist, register, syllabus
- subausculto 1listen secretly, eavesdrop
- strategematica, strategematicon nlists of war, lists of generals
- substramentum, substramenti nlitter
- stipulatiuncula, stipulatiunculae flittle promise, insignificant promise, little stipulation
- simiolus, simioli mlittle ape
- securicula, securiculae flittle axe, hatchet
- sericula, sericulae flittle axe, hatchet, dovetail
- sphaerion, sphaerii nlittle ball, pill in medicine
- sportella, sportellae flittle basket, fruit-basket
- sportula, sportulae flittle basket, gift, present
- scamnellum, scamnelli nlittle bench
- scamnulum, scamnuli nlittle bench
- suculus, suculi mlittle boar
- scopulae, scopularum flittle broom
- scriniolum, scrinioli nlittle case, little box, little shrine
- scurrula, scurrulae mlittle clown
- setula, setulae flittle coarse hair, a small bristle
- solaciolum, solacioli nlittle comfort, little solace
- solatiolum, solatioli nlittle comfort, little solace
- sicilicula, siciliculae flittle cutting instrument, a small sickle
- sepiola, sepiolae flittle cuttle fish
- sicula, siculae flittle dagger
- sordicula, sordiculae flittle dirt, little filth
- scrobiculus, scrobiculi mlittle ditch, little trench
- sponsiuncula, sponsiunculae flittle engagement, little stipulation
- sigilliolum, sigillioli nlittle figure, little image
- sigillum, sigilli nlittle figure, little image
- scamnellum, scamnelli nlittle footstool
- Semigraeculus, Semigraeculīlittle half Greek
- sudariolum, sudarioli nlittle handkerchief
- scortillum, scortilli nlittle harlot, young harlot
- silicula, siliculae flittle husk, little pod, silicle
- sigillaria, sigillariorum nlittle images
- sigillaricia, sigillariciorum nlittle images
- sorticula, sorticulae flittle lot, small tablet, small ticket
- scriptiuncula, scriptiunculae flittle piece of writing, little treatise
- suellus, suelli mlittle pig
- siphunculus, siphunculi mlittle pipe from which water springs forth
- sipunculus, sipunculi mlittle pipe from which water springs forth
- scutrillus, scutrilli mlittle plate, bowl, flat tray, little dish
- scutriscum, scutrisci nlittle plate, bowl, flat tray, little dish
- squamula, squamulae flittle scale
- sellula, sellulae flittle seat, little stool, little sedan
- sedecula, sedeculae flittle seat, low stool
- senariolus, senarioli mlittle senarius, insignificant senarius, little verse of six feet
- spiculum, spiculi nlittle sharp point, little sting, dart, arrow, later name for the pilum, ray, beam
- sororcula, sororculae flittle sister
- serviculus, serviculi mlittle slave
- serpula, serpulae flittle snake, little serpent
- scintillula, scintillulae flittle spark, sparklet
- semispatha, semispathae flittle spatha
- semispathium, semispathii nlittle spatha
- stellula, stellulae flittle star, asterisk
- staticulum, staticuli nlittle statue, little image, statuette, idol
- statunculum, statunculi nlittle statue, statuette
- studiolum, studioli nlittle study, little piece of composition, little study, i, e, a , little room to study in
- substantiola, substantiolae flittle substance, small property
- spinula, spinulae flittle thorn, little backbone, little spine
- silvula, silvulae flittle wood, copse
- stefanium, stefanii nlittle wreath
- stephanium, stephanii nlittle wreath
- sine tecto ac sede sum vaguslive a nomadic life, live a gypsy life
- secubo 1live alone, live in solitude
- suis legibus utilive by one's own laws
- sycotum, sycoti nliver of an animal fattened on figs
- serarius, seraria, serariumliving on whey
- saura, saurae flizard
- saurus, sauri mlizard
- Sauroctonos, Sauroctoni mlizard, killer
- sauritis, sauritidis flizardstone
- sinisterior, sinisteriuslocated further left
- sublimeloftily, on high
- superbia, superbiae floftiness, haughtiness, pride, arrogance, conceit, vanity, rudeness, discourtesy, lofty spirit, honorable pride
- stipes, stipitis mlog, stock, post, trunk of a tree, tree, branch of a tree
- stips, stipis m (2)log, stock, post, trunk of a tree, tree, branch of a tree
- sorites, soritae mlogical sophism formed by an accumulation of arguments, sorites
- subligar, subligaris nloincloth, apron, underpants
- solitudo aetate provectorumloneliness of elderly people
- stola, stolae flong female upper garment, noble woman, lady, dame, matron
- scutati, scutatorum mlong shield bearer
- strictoria, strictoriae flong-sleeved men's shirt
- specto 1look at, behold, gaze at, watch, observe, see as a spectator, look on, face, lie, be situated, regard, consider
- superspicio 5look on
- solem adversum intueorlook straight into the sun
- suspecto 1look up at, look up, watch, observe, mistrust, suspect, apprehend
- suspicio 5look up, look upwards, look up at a thing, admire, respect, regard, esteem, honor, mistrust, suspect
- spectus, spectus mlook, appearance, aspect
- specio 5look, look at, behold
- spicio 5look, look at, behold
- spectator, spectatoris mlooker-on, beholder, observer, spectator
- speculator, speculatoris mlooker-out, spy, scout, explorer, éclaireur, searcher, explorer, investigator, examiner
- spiculator, spiculatoris mlooker-out, spy, scout, explorer, éclaireur, searcher, explorer, investigator, examiner
- speculamen, speculaminis nlooking at, observing
- suspectio, suspectionis flooking up to any one, esteeming highly
- suspectus, suspectus mlooking up, looking upwards, height, high regard, high esteem, respect
- speculum, speculi nlooking-glass, mirror, copy, imitation
- spectatio, spectationis flooking, beholding, contemplation, examining, proving, testing, respect, regard, consideration
- solutimloosely
- solutor, solutoris mlooser, opener, payer
- summus magister civium, summ magistri civium mLord Mayor of the city
- sors, sortis flot, casting of lots, drawing of lots, decision by lot, share, duty assigned by lot, oracular response, oracular sayings, oracular verses, oracular sentences, fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part, capital bearing interest, rank, class, order
- sortis, sortis flot, casting of lots, drawing of lots, decision by lot, share, duty assigned by lot, oracular response, oracular sayings, oracular verses, oracular sentences, fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part, capital bearing interest, rank, class, order
- sonoreloudly
- susurrus, susurri mlow and gentle noise, humming, murmuring, muttering, whispering
- subsellium, subsellii nlow bench, judge’s seat, benc
- semiplotia, semiplotiorum nlow shoes
- sordes, sordis flow-minded creature
- subventrile, subventrilis nlower belly, abdomen
- suggrunda, suggrundae flower border of a roof, eaves
- suggrundatio, suggrundationis flower border of a roof, eaves
- suggrundium, suggrundii nlower border of a roof, eaves
- stirps, stirpis flower part of the trunk of plants, stock, stem, stalk, root, plant, shrub, shoot, sprout, race, family, lineage, offspring, descendant, progeny, source, origin, foundation, first beginning, cause
- solum, soli nlowest part of a thing,bottom, ground, base, foundation, floor of a room, pavement of a room, bottom of a ditch, bottom of a trench, ground, earth, land, soil, sole of the footsole of a shoe, land, country, region, place, base, basis
- secubatio, secubationis flying alone, sleeping alone
- secubitus, secubitus mlying alone, sleeping alone
- subsitus, subsita, subsitumlying below, situated below
- subsolanus, subsolana, subsolanumlying beneath the sun, eastern, oriental
- subalpinus, subalpina, subalpinumlying near the Alps, sub-Alpine
- subtalaris, subtalarelying under the heel
- subiectus, subiecta, subiectumlying under, lying near, bordering upon, neighboring, adjacent
- susinatus, susinata, susinatummade from lilies
- susinus, susina, susinummade from lilies
- styracinus, styracina, styracinum made from storax
- similagineus, similaginea, similagineummade of fine wheat flour
- scorteus, scortea, scorteummade of hides, made of leather, leathern
- scortinus, scortina, scortinummade of hides, made of leather, leathern
- scirpiculus, scirpicula, scirpiculummade of rushes
- stagneus, stagnea, stagneummade of stannum, pewtered, tin
- stanneus, stannea, stanneummade of stannum, pewtered, tin
- stramineus, straminea, stramineummade of straw, straw-
- stupeus, stupea, stupeummade of tow, consisting of tow
- stuppeus, stuppea, stuppeummade of tow, consisting of tow
- sobriefactus, sobriefacta, sobriefactummade reasonable, sobered
- scabratus, scabrata, scabratummade rough, roughened
- schedius, schedia, schediummade suddenly, made off hand, hastily put together, hastily thrown together
- summa cenaemain dish
- sententiae longe plurimaemajority of votes
- sulcum ducomake a furrow
- sulcum imprimomake a furrow
- strepito 1make a great noise, rustling, rattling
- susurro 1make a low continued sound, hum, buzz, murmur, mutter, whisper
- sonito 1make a noise
- strepo 3make a noise, rattle, rustle, rumble, murmur, hum, roar
- sono 1make a noise, sound, resound, utter, give utterance, speak, call, cry out, sing, pour forth
- subdīstinguo 3make a smaller interpunction
- subringor 3make a somewhat wry face, be a little vexed
- surringor 3make a somewhat wry face, be a little vexed
- simulo 1make a thing like another, imitate, copy, represent
- suavifico 1make acceptable, make dear
- strideo 2make any harsh sound, make any shrill sound, make any hissing sound, make any whistling sound, make any grating sound, make any creaking sound
- strido 3make any harsh sound, make any shrill sound, make any hissing sound, make any whistling sound, make any grating sound, make any creaking sound
- splendifico 1make bright, brighten, illumine
- strenuo 1make brisk, make lively, make busy
- sincero 1make clean, make pure
- sereno 1make clear, make fair, make serene, clear up
- sum cum aliquomake common cause with sb,
- sicco 1make dry, day, dry up, drain
- summa ope annitormake every effort
- stagno 1 (2)make fast, strengthen, fortify
- spurco 1make filthy, befoul, defile
- solido 1make firm, make dense, make solid, make whole, make sound, strengthen, fasten together, confirm, establish, unite, correct
- stabilio 4make firm, make steadfast, make stable, fix, stay, establish
- stabilito 1make firm, make steadfast, make stable, fix, stay, establish
- sucido 1make fresh, make juicy
- solo 1make lonely, make desolate, lay waste, lay desolate
- sebo 1make of tallow
- sensifico 1make sensible, endow with sensation
- splendido 1make shining, make shiningbright, brighten, polish
- simplo 1make simple, simplify
- simplico 1make single, make simple
- supparo 1 (2)make somewhat like, make somewhat similar
- stupefacio 5make stupid, make senseless, benumb, deaden, stun, stupefy
- scurror 1make the court jester, dance, scrounge, flatter
- submeio 3make water under a thing, piss under oneself
- scotomo 1make you dizzy
- sonarius, sonarii mmaker of girdles
- sigillariarius, sigillariarii mmaker of images
- strophiarius, strophiarii mmaker of strophia, dealer in strophia
- stegnus, stegna, stegnummaking close, drawing together, costive
- spurcificus, spurcifica, spurcificummaking filthy, making smutty, making obscene
- spurcuficus, spurcufica, spurcuficummaking filthy, making smutty, making obscene
- solidatio, solidationis fmaking firm, making solid, fastening, strengthening
- similatio, similationis fmaking similar