1829 Ergebnisse
- balnearia, balneariorum nplace for bathing, bathing-room, bath, bathing implement
- bellum restinguo
- bonum vesperum tibi exopto
- blapsigonia, blapsigoniae f
- bubulina siccata, dried buffalo meat,
- bene vivo, live honourably, live virtuously, live rightly,
- balinea imaginor et fontes, my imagination is occupied only with baths and springs,
- bene ingeniatus ad aliquam rem(by nature) well disposed to something
- bule, bules f(Greek) council, senate
- bestia, bestiae f(wild) animal, beast,wild beast
- bistea, bisteae f(wild) animal, beast, wild beast
- bistia, bistiae f(wild) animal, beast, wild beast
- batus, bati ma bath, a Hebrew measure for liquids, containing about nine gallons
- bellum pomuma beautiful fruit
- butio, butionis ma bittern
- basilice, basilices fa black plaster
- basilicon, basilici na black plaster
- bratteatum dictuma brilliant dictum
- bacchatio, bacchationis fa celebrating of the orgies of Bacchus, revelling, raving (in the manner of the Bacchae)
- bene morata et bene constituta civitasa civilized state
- brachycatalectus, brachycatalecta, brachycatalectuma closure that is missing a whole foot or half a meter
- batenima comic word formed to parody the conjunction at enim
- bata comic word formed to parody the conjunction at
- buccellare, buccellaris na cooking utensil
- Brontes, Brontae ma Cyclops who labored in the workshop of Vulcan
- binominis, cui geminum est nomen, ut Numa Pompiliusa double-named person is one who has a double name, like Numa Pompilius
- binubus, binubi ma doublymarried man
- bema, bematis na feast day of the Manichaeans
- bolis, bolĭdis fa fiery meteor of the form of an arrow
- balista talentariaa fifty-pound throwing stone
- batrachus, batrachi ma fish, sea-frog
- brephotropheum, brephotrophei na foundling hospital
- brephotrophium, brephotrophii na foundling hospital
- bene praeparatum pectusa heart ready for anything
- bombus, bombi ma hollow, deep sound, booming, humming, buzzing, bumblebee
- boscas, boscadis f a kind of duck
- boscis, boscidis f a kind of duck
- baxa, baxae fa kind of woven shoe worn on the comic stage and by philosophers
- baxea, baxeae fa kind of woven shoe worn on the comic stage and by philosophers
- boa, boae fa large Italian serpent, a water-serpent, so called because it milked cows or because it could swallow an ox, disease producing red pustules, measles or small-po
- bova, bovae fa large Italian serpent, a water-serpent, so called because it milked cows or because it could swallow an ox, disease producing red pustules, measles or small-po
- baxearius, baxearii ma maker of woven shoes
- baxiarius, baxiarii ma maker of woven shoes
- batrachion, batrachii na medicinal plant, also called ranunculus
- bellum ingens in cervicibus erata mighty war was imminent
- baca concheaa pearl
- Bebryces, Bebrycum ma people inhabiting Bebrycia, a province of Asia Minor, afterwards called Bithynia
- bechion, bechii na plant good for a cough, colt’sfoot
- baccar, baccaris na plant having a fragrant root, from which an oil was expressed
- bacchar, baccharis na plant having a fragrant root, from which an oil was expressed
- borith n (indecl.)a plant purifying like soap, soapwort
- bugillo, bugillonis ma plant, also called ajuga reptans
- baccina, baccinae fa plant, also called Apollinaris
- brumaria, brumariae fa plant, also called leontopodium, lion’s-foot
- ballote, ballotes fa plant, also called porrum nigrum, black horehound
- basilisca, basiliscae fa plant, an antidote for the bite of the basilisk, also called regula
- boopes, boopis na plant, pure Lat, caerefolium
- burdunculus, burdunculi ma plant, borage
- burrhinon, burrhini na plant, oxnose
- batis, batis fa plant, seafennel, samphire
- battis, battis fa plant, seafennel, samphire
- betonica, betonicae fa plant, the betony
- barbara, barbarae fa plaster applied to raw wounds
- barbarum, barbari na plaster applied to raw wounds
- Bandusĭa, Bandusĭaae fa pleasant fountain near Venusia, the birthplace of Horace, celebrated by him in song, C, 3,13
- beryllus, berylli ma precious stone of a sea-green color, coming from India, beryl, a ring with a beryl, sapphire
- bostrychites, bostrychitae ma precious stone
- brontia, brontiae fa precious stone
- baptes, baptae ma precious stone, colored amber
- bellum iustuma regular war, a formal war
- bellum piuma regular war, a formal war
- belone, belones fa sea-fish, also called acus, hornpike, garfish
- bacchus, bacchi ma sea-fish, also called myxon
- box, bocis ma sea-fish, otherwise unknown
- basterna, basternae fa sedan chair or litter, enclosed on all sides, and carried by mules
- brevis et circumscripta quaedam explicatioa short and sharply defined statement
- brevis, brevis ma short catalogue, summary
- brevis pellicula in interrete divulgata esta short film strip was distributed on the internet
- brya, bryae fa shrub, also called myrice and tamarice
- brevis laciniaa small piece of earth, a small spot
- bracchiolum, bracchioli na small, delicate arm, muscle in a horse’s leg, arm of a chair
- brachiolum, brachioli na small, delicate arm, muscle in a horse’s leg, arm of a chair
- banchus, banchi ma species of fish
- bancus, banci ma species of fish
- bison, bisontis ma species of wild ox living in northern regions, urus, the humpbacked ox, bison
- belli metuenda viragoa terrible heroine in war
- bractea, bracteae fa thin plate of metal, gold-leaf, the golden fleece of Spanish sheep, thin layers of wood, veneers, show, glitter
- brattea, bratteae f (bractea)a thin plate of metal, gold-leaf, the golden fleece of Spanish sheep, thin layers of wood, veneers, show, glitter
- Bruxellis conventus biduanus Unionis Europaeae inauguratus esta two-day meeting of the European Union opened in Brussels
- bipes asellusa two-legged donkey, a foolish man
- bipalme spiculuma two-span long tip (15 cm)
- brabilla, brabillae fa unknown plant
- brabyla, brabylae fa unknown plant
- bannanica, bannanicae fa variety of the vine
- blitum, bliti na vegetable, in itself tasteless, but used as a salad, orache, or spinach
- blitus, bliti ma vegetable, in itself tasteless, but used as a salad, orache, or spinach
- beta, betae fa vegetable, beet
- betacius, betacii ma vegetable, beet
- betis, betis fa vegetable, beet
- bios, bii ma very celebrated and wholesome Greek wine
- bellum male auspicatuma war started inauspiciously
- bebra, bebrae fa weapon of barbarous nations
- bini bovesa yoke of oxen
- breviator, breviatoris mabbreviator, epitomizer, author of a breviarium
- beluosus, beluosa, beluosumabounding in beasts, abounding in monsters
- biluosus, biluosa, biluosumabounding in beasts, abounding in monsters
- bituminosus, bituminosa, bituminosumabounding in bitumen, bituminous
- breviarius, breviaria, breviariumabridged
- barathrum, barathri nabyss, chasm, a deep pit, the lower world, the infernal regions, maw
- bene monenti oboedioaccept a good instruction, accept a good teaching
- bene monentem sequoraccept a instruction, accept a teaching
- ballematicus, ballematica, ballematicumaccompanying the dance
- balanis, balanidis facorn, any fruit of similar form, kind of large chestnut, the Phœnician and Cilician date, nut yielding a balsam, Arabian ben-nut, the tree itself, any object in the form of an acorn, suppository (medic), shell-fish, species of sea-mussel
- balanus, balani facorn, any fruit of similar form, kind of large chestnut, the Phœnician and Cilician date, nut yielding a balsam, Arabian ben-nut, the tree itself, any object in the form of an acorn, suppository (medic), shell-fish, species of sea-mussel
- bene agoact well, proceed according to justice and equity, proceed rightly, proceed correctly
- blande aliquem compelloaddress someone flatteringly
- benigne aliquem alloquoraddress someone kindly
- bene collocoadjust
- bellum suadeoadvise war, speak out in favour of war
- bulimosus, bulimosa, bulimosumafflicted with insatiable hunger
- brevi tempore interiectoafter a short interruption, after a short interim period
- bello perpetratoafter the end of the war, after the war was over
- bovatimafter the manner of oxen or cows
- biennio post ac menses fere novemafter two years and almost nine months
- biennio post et octo mensibusafter two years and eight months
- biennio postafter two years, two years later
- Beroea, Beroeae f. Aleppo
- barbaria omnisall barbarians
- blandimenta voluptatisallure of pleasure, charm of pleasure
- benevolentia erga aliosaltruism
- bugula, bugulae fan abortive plant
- barbatus, barbati man adult, a Roman of the olden timephilosopher, goat, , billy goat,
- bdellium, bdellii nan Asiatic plant, distinguished for its fragrant gum, vine-palm, the costly gum exuding from the vine-palm
- bedella, bedellae fan Asiatic plant, distinguished for its fragrant gum, vine-palm, the costly gum exuding from the vine-palm
- bellissima occasioan exceedingly pretty opportunity
- blendea, blendeae fan inferior kind of seafish
- blendius, blendii man inferior kind of seafish
- blennius, blennii man inferior kind of seafish
- bupleuron, bupleuri nan umbelliferous plant, hare’s-ear
- balanites, balanites man unknown precious stone
- bidens, bidentis fanimal for sacrifice (swine, sheep, ox), animal for sacrifice whose two rows of teeth are complete
- bestiarum genusanimal kingdom
- bisulcum, bisulci nanimal with cloven feet
- brutalis, brutaleanimal, unreasonable
- bestiae ex se natos diliguntanimals love their young (cubs)
- balanatus, balanata, balanatumanointed with balsam, perfumed with balsam, embalmed
- bene interroganti respondeoanswer an appropriately asked question
- bulla, bullae fany object swelling up and thus becoming round, waterbubble, bubble, trifle, vanity, any thing rounded by art, boss, knob, a stud in a girdle, head of a pin in the water-clock, kind of (golden) amulet worn upon the neck
- bracile, bracilis napron
- bene convenit inter aliquosare on good terms with each other, get along well with each other
- bene ambulasti?are you back happy?, was the journey a happy one?
- bene ambulatum est?are you back happy?, was the journey a happy one?
- bracchium, bracchii narm, forearm (from the hand to the elbow), the whole arm (from the shoulder to the fingers), the limbs of animals (analogous to the arms of men), the claws of crawfish and other sea-fish, branches of trees
- brachium, brachii narm, forearm (from the hand to the elbow), the whole arm (from the shoulder to the fingers), the limbs of animals (analogous to the arms of men), the claws of crawfish and other sea-fish, branches of trees, the ridges of a mountain
- bracchiale, bracchialisarmlet, bracelet
- bracchialis, bracchialis marmlet, bracelet
- brachiale, brachialis narmlet, bracelet
- brachialis, brachialis marmlet, bracelet
- brachilis, brachilis marmlet, bracelet
- brachionarium, brachionarii narmlet, bracelet
- bellum facioarouse a war, instigate a war
- bilem alicui moveoarouse someone's anger, enrage someone, make someone's bile rise
- bascauda, bascaudae farticle of table furniture, a delicately woven mat, dish-holder of basket-work
- ballistarius, ballistarii martillery master, artilleryman
- ballistariorum commeatusartillery
- barbareas a foreigner would, in a foreign tongue, rudely, ignorantly, in an uncultivated way, roughly, barbarously, cruelly
- bratus, brati fAsian cypress, tree similar to the cypress tree
- brachia mea sceleri praebeoassist in crime
- bipartito signa inferoattack in two divisions
- bellum hostibus inferoattack the enemies (in their country)
- bellum inferoattack, fight, war, assault
- bella frustra temptoattempt in vain to use the force of arms
- bipennis, bipennis faxe with two edges, battle-axe
- bebo 1bä bä scream
- bucco, bucconis mbabbler, blockhead, fool
- babulus, babuli mbabbler, fool, boaster
- balatro, balatronis mbabbler, jester, one who makes sport, buffoon
- blatero, blateronis mbabbler, prater
- blato, blatonis mbabbler, prater, chamberlain
- blateratio, blaterationis fbabbling
- blateratus, blateratus mbabbling, prating
- Baccha, Bacchae fBacchanet, female attendant of Bacchus
- Baccheus, Bacchea, Baccheumbacchic, bacchantian
- baccalaureus, baccalaurei mbachelor, who has achieved the first academic degree
- bacalaureus, bacalaurei mbachelor, who has achieved the first degree in philosophy
- bastagarius, bastagarii mbaggage-master
- Bagdatensis, BagdatenseBaghdad-related
- Bagdatum, Bagdati nBaghdad
- baculum furnaceumbaguette
- bona cum vitiis compensobalance the good and the mistakes
- Balcanus monsBalkan Mountains
- Balcanicus, Balcanica, BalcanicumBalkan
- balsami lacrimabalsamic juice
- bananetum, bananeti nbanana plantation
- banana, bananae fbanana
- Bangladesha, Bangladeshae fBangladesh
- Bengalia, Bengaliae fBangladesh
- Banquoquiensis, BanquoquienseBankok-related
- Bancocium, Bancocii nBankok
- Banquoquia, Banquoquiae fBankok
- baptizo 1baptize
- baptizator, baptizatoris mbaptizer
- baptista, baptistae mbaptizer, baptist
- baptizatio, baptizationis fbaptizing
- barbara, barbarae fbarbarian, foreigner
- barbaricumbarbarously
- barbus, barbi mbarbel, river barbel
- berberis, berberis fbarberry, sour thorn
- Barcinonensis, BarcinonenseBarcelona related, Barcelona regarding, belonging to Barcelona
- baro, baronis mbaron
- baronissa, baronissae fbaroness
- barcarius, barcarii mbarque leader, barque driver
- bomba doliarisbarrel bomb
- basipila, basipilae fbaseball
- basis triangulibaseline of the triangle
- bascauda, bascaudae fbasketball hoop
- bascaudarius, bascaudarii mbasketball player
- Batavi, Batavorum mBatavians, Hollanders, Dutch
- baliscus, balisci mbath
- balniscus, balnisci mbath
- balinea, balineorum nbath, place for bathing
- balineae, balinearum f bath, place for bathing
- balineum, balinei nbath, place for bathing
- balnea, balneorum nbath, place for bathing
- balneae, balnearum fbath, place for bathing
- balneum, balnei nbath, place for bathing
- balneo 1bathe, have a bath
- balneare, balnearis nbathing money
- bene Latine doctus esbe a good Latin scholar, be well taught in Latin
- bubulcito 1be a herdsman, keep oxen, feed oxen, drive oxen, cry like an ox-driver, bawl like an ox-driver
- bubulcitor 1be a herdsman, keep oxen, feed oxen, drive oxen, cry like an ox-driver, bawl like an ox-driver
- bellum pavescobe afraid of war
- bilem habeobe angry
- bis bina quot sint, non didicibe completely ignorant of arithmetic, not know how much 2x2 is
- bractor 1be drunk
- bono sum animo in aliquembe favourably disposed towards someone
- bene sciobe good at something
- betisso 1be idle
- betizo 1be idle
- bene convenit alicui cum aliquobe in a good relationship with someone
- bullio 4be in bubbling motion, be in a state of ebullition, bubble, boil with rage, fry in a passion
- bullo 1be in bubbling motion, be in a state of ebullition, bubble, boil with rage, fry in a passion
- bene audio ab aliquobe in good standing with someone
- bono animo sumbe of good cheer
- bene convenit alicui cum aliquobe on good terms with someone
- brevi spatio sileobe silent for a short while
- bene cupio alicuibe well disposed towards someone
- bona indole praeditus sumbe well-disposed, be endowed with good disposition
- belle me habeobe well, be comfortable, be in good health
- beccus, becci mbeak, bill
- barbitondium, barbitondii nbeard trimming, beard removal, shave
- barba, barbae fbeard
- barbitium, barbitii nbeard
- basternarius, basternarii mbearer of a sedan
- bipennifer, bipennifera, bipenniferumbearing a two-edged axe
- bacalis, bacalebearing berries
- baccifer, baccifera, bacciferumbearing berries, bearing olives
- bacifer, bacifera, baciferum (baccifer)bearing berries, bearing olives, with berries, with olives, berry-rich
- buxifer, buxifera, buxiferumbearing box-trees
- bifer, bifera, biferumbearing fruit twice a year, of twofold form
- belba, belbae fbeast, monster, animal, brute
- bellua, belluae fbeast, monster, animal, brute
- belua, beluae fbeast, monster, animal, brute
- belva, belvae fbeast, monster, animal, brute
- bellitudo, bellitudinis fbeauty, loveliness
- beber, bebri mbeaver
- bancam ruptam faciobecome a bankrupt
- brutesco 3become brutish, become rough, become unreasonable
- brutisco 3become brutish, become rough, become unreasonable
- bello implicorbecome involved in a war, get embroiled in a war
- beduinus, beduini mBedouin
- bos, bovis cbeef
- bubula, bubulae fbeef
- bubulina, bubulinae fbeef
- braxator, braxatoris mbeer brewer
- braxatorium, braxatorii nbeer brewery, brewery, brewhouse
- betaceus, betacei mbeet-root
- Beethovenianus, Beethoveniana, BeethovenianumBeethovenian
- blanditiis aliquem capiobeguiling someone with flattery, flatter someone
- Belarus, Belari mBelarus
- Belorussia, Belorussiae fBelarus
- Bielorussia, Bielorussiae fBelarus
- Belaricus, Belarica, BelaricumBelarusian
- Belariensis, BelarienseBelarusian
- Belgradum, Belgradi nBelgrade
- blandior votis meisbelieve what I am wished
- belli gerendi avidusbellicose, belligerent, warlike
- bovinor 1bellow at, brawl, revile
- bibliothecalis, bibliothecalebelonging to a library
- barrinus, barrina, barrinumbelonging to an elephant, elephantine
- Bruxellensis, Bruxellensebelonging to Brussels, located in Brussels
- bioticus, biotica, bioticumbelonging to common life, used in common life, practical
- bracchialis, bracchialebelonging to the arm
- brachialis, brachialebelonging to the arm
- burbonianus, burboniana,burbonianumbelonging to the Bourbons
- biocolyticus, biocolytica, biocolyticumbelonging to the police, police
- balteum, baltei nbelt, swordbelt, swordband passing over the shoulder, belly-band of a horse, border, rim, edge, circle, zodiac, the crust of a cake, the bark of the willow, the vacant space between the seats in the amphitheatre, strapping, blow with a belt
- beneficium, beneficii nbenefaction, kindness, favor, benefit, service, distinction, support, favor, promotion, privilege, right
- benificium, benificii nbenefaction, kindness, favor, benefit, service, distinction, support, favor, promotion, privilege, right
- benefactum, benefacti nbenefit, favour
- benivolentia in aliquembenevolence towards someone
- Berlinum, Berlini nBerlin,
- Berna, Bernae fBern
- Bernas, Bernatis mBernese
- Bernensis, BernenseBernese
- Bernensis, Bernensis mBernese
- blanditiis circumsessusbeset by flattery
- beluilis, beluilebestial, brutal
- belualis, belualebestial, brutish
- biberarius, biberarii mbeverage salesman, lemonade salesman
- Bibulo assensum estBibulus was agreed to
- bisaecularis, bisaecularebicentennial, bicentenary
- birota, birotae fbicycle, bike, cabriolet
- bimum merumbiennial wine, two-year-old wine
- bilateralis, bilateralebilateral, two-sided
- bilis, bilis fbile, anger, wrath, choler, ire, displeasure, indignation
- biliosus, biliosi mbilious person
- biliosa, biliosorum nbilious substances
- beneficiis aliquem devinciobind someone by benefaction, oblige someone by doing good
- beneficiis aliquem obligobind someone by benefaction, oblige someone by doing good
- binoculus, binoculi mbinoculars, opera glasses
- biodiversitas, biodiversitatis fbiodiversity
- biotopus, biotopi mbiotope, habitat
- bipedes, bipedum mbiped
- bipedius, bipedia, bipediumbiped
- bettula, bettulae f (betula)birch
- betula, betulae fbirch
- betulla, betullae fbirch
- bestiae volucresbirds, poultry
- bipartitio, bipartitionis fbisection, division into two halves
- bipertitio, bipertitionis fbisection, division into two halves
- bitumen, bituminis nbitumen, kind of mineral pitch
- botulus cruore distentusblack pudding, blood sausage
- batos, bati fblackberry-bush
- batus, bati fblackberry-bush
- blasphemus, blasphemi mblasphemer
- blasphemator, blasphematoris mblasphemer, taunter
- blactero 1bleat (of the ram)
- balo 1bleat, talk foolishly
- belo 1bleat, talk foolishly
- balatus, balatus mbleating of sheep, bleating of goats, grumble
- bene precor alicuibless someone, speak a blessing over someone, wish someone good luck
- bene sit tibi (vobis)blessed meal!
- beatificatio, beatificationis fblessing
- bona ominablessing
- beatificus, beatifica, beatificumblessing, making happy
- beate viverebliss, happiness
- beateque vivere nihil aliud est nisi cum voluptate vivereblissful living means nothing other than lustful living
- beabilis, beabileblissful, delightful
- blennus, blenni mblockhead, dolt, simpleton
- basia iactoblow kisses
- bucino 1blow the bucina, sound with the trumpet, give a signal with the trumpet
- bombardatio, bombardationis fbombardment
- bibliopegus, bibliopegi mbookbinder
- bibliopoeus, bibliopoei mbookmaker
- Basilia, Basilion nBooks of Kings (in the Old Testament)
- bibliopola, bibliopolae mbookseller
- bybliopola, bybliopolae mbookseller
- buxa, buxae fbox
- boicotizo 1boycott
- boykottizo 1boycott
- bracatorum pueriboys from the Gallia Narbonensis
- bracchionārium, bracchionārii nbracelet
- Brandenburgum, Brandenburgi nBrandenburg
- branca, brancae fbranke, paw
- Bratislavia, Bratislaviae fBratislavia
- bovinator, bovinatoris mbrawler, blusterer, reviler
- bracchium frangobreak the arm
- bos admissariusbreeding bull
- Brito, Britonis m (Britto, Brittonis m )Bretagner
- brevitas vitaebrevity of life, shortness of life
- breviloquentia, breviloquentiae fbrevity of speech
- breviloquium, breviloquii nbrevity of speech
- braxatoria, braxatoriae fbrewery, brewhouse
- braxo 1brewing beer, boiling beer
- bruta, brutae fbride, the newlywed
- brutes, brutis fbride, the newlywed
- brevibriefly, in few words
- bene nuntiobring good news
- bene narrobring good news
- bellum sedobring the war to a halt
- bellum arcessobring war down on oneself
- bellum et pacem portobringing war and peace
- Britannia Germaniae obtenditurBritain pulls ahead of Germania
- Brito, Britonis m (Britto, Brittonis m )Britannian, Briton, Gaul
- Bromialis, BromialeBromian, Bacchic
- badius, badia, badiumbrown, chestnutcolored
- brassica gemmiferabrussels sprouts
- Bruxellae, Bruxellarum fBrussels
- Bryxellae, Bryxellarum fBrussels
- belbus, belba, belbumbrutal, bestial, animal
- beluinus, beluina, beluinumbrutal, bestial, animal
- beluus, belua, beluumbrutal, bestial, animal
- Brutus libertatem instituitBrutus founded the republican constitution
- bubo 3bu shout, bu call
- butio 4bu shout, bu call
- bullesco 3bubble up, form bubbles
- bullio 4bubble, seethe
- bullatio, bullationis fbubbling, forming of pebbles
- bullitio, bullitionis fbubbling, gushing up of water
- bullitus, bullitūs mbubbling, gushing up of water
- bucolica, bucolicon nBucolics
- bucolica, bucolicorum nBucolics
- Bonaeropolis, Bonaeropolis fBuenos Aires
- buchloa, buchloae fbuffalo grass
- bulbus, bulbi mbulb, bulbous root
- bulbosus, bulbosa, bulbosumbulbous
- Bulgaria, Bulgariae fBulgaria
- Bulgaricus, Bulgarica, Bulgaricumbulgarian
- Bulgariensis, Bulgariensebulgarian
- burca, burcae fburqa
- burcinium, burcinii nburqini
- butyri et casei ne olfactum quidem ferobutter and cheese I can't even smell
- butyron, butyri nbutter
- butyrum, butyri nbutter
- boto, botonis mbutton (on clothing)
- bene emobuy cheap
- bilibris farris libertatem civium emobuy the freedom of citizens for two pounds of spelt
- belli commerciabuyback of the prisoners
- bombio 4buzz, hum
- bombito 1buzz, hum
- bombizo 1buzz, hum
- bombinator, bombinatoris mbuzzer of the bee, hummer of the bee
- bombitator, bombitatoris mbuzzer of the bee, hummer of the bee
- Byrsicus, Byrsica, ByrsicumByrsic, Carthaginian
- Bȳzantii, Bȳzantiorum mByzantines
- Byzantiorum civitas, claustrum PonticumByzantium, the key to Pontus
- brassica, brassicae fcabbage
- bitulus, bituli mcalf, bull-calf
- Babel, Babelis fcapital city of Assyria
- bomba autoraedariacar bomb
- bioxydum carbonicumcarbon dioxide
- blandio 4caress, coax, court
- blanditia, blanditiae fcaressing, flattering, flattery, pleasure, delight, enticement, charm, allurement
- blandities, blanditiei fcaressing, flattering, flattery, pleasure, delight, enticement, charm, allurement
- bastaga, bastagae fcarriage of baggage, carrying of freight upon wagons
- baiolo 1carry a burden, bear something heavy
- baiulo 1 (baiolo 1)carry a burden, bear something heavy
- bellor 1carry on war, war, fight
- burgus, burgi mcastle, fort, fortress
- boves vincti cornua vittiscattle whose horns are wrapped with bandages
- bovilla, bovillae fcattle-stall
- bovis, bovis ccattle, ox, cow
- brassica medulliferacauliflower
- brassica oleraceacauliflower
- bonis alicui cedocede one’s property in favor of a person
- baccho 1celebrate the festival of Bacchus, revel, rave, rant, run about (in a wanton, wild, raving, or furious manner), be furious, rage with fury, be impetuous
- bacchor 1celebrate the festival of Bacchus, revel, rave, rant, run about (in a wanton, wild, raving, or furious manner), be furious, rage with fury, be impetuous
- baccaris, baccaris fceltic valerian
- Bromus, Bromi mCentaur slain by Cœneus in the contest with the Centaurs
- bimembres, bimembrium mCentaurs
- barycentrum, barycentri ncentre of gravity
- belua centicepsCerberus
- blandum rideocharming smile, sweet smile
- biduvium, biduvii nchaste-tree, Abraham’s balm
- babalus, babali mchatterbox, chatterer
- buca, bucae fcheek, one who fills his cheeks in speaking, declaimer, bawler, one who stuffs out his cheeks in eating, parasite, a mouthful, cavity
- bucca, buccae fcheek, one who fills his cheeks in speaking, declaimer, bawler, one who stuffs out his cheeks in eating, parasite, a mouthful, cavity
- bacellus, bacelli mchopstick, stick
- bacterium, bacterii nchopstick, stick
- Byrsa, Byrsae fcitadel of Carthage
- Byzantium, Byzantii ncity in Thrace, Constantinopolis, Constantinople, Istamboul, Stamboul
- bellum civilecivil war
- bellum domesticumcivil war
- bellum intestinumcivil war
- bellum affectoclaim leadership in the war
- bifidatus, bifidata, bifidatumcleft into two parts, divided into two parts
- bifidus, bifida, bifidumcleft into two parts, divided into two parts
- bifissus, bifissa, bifissumcleft into two parts, divided into two parts
- blandior 4cling caressingly to one, fawn upon, flatter, soothe, caress, fondle, coax, flatter, make flattering, make courteous speeches, be complaisant to, be agreeable, be favorable to,
allure by pleasure, attract, entice, invite
- birrus, birri mcloak to keep off rain, coat collar
- byrrhus, byrrhi mcloak to keep off rain, coat collar
- blatta, blattae f [2]clot of blood, purple
- bolarium, bolarii nclump, clot
- botrio, botrionis mcluster of grapes
- botryo, botryonis m (botryon, botryonis m)cluster of grapes
- balatum alicui ducocoax a bleat out of someone, punch someone hard in the mouth
- blandiloquentia, blandiloquentiae fcoaxing language, softness of expression
- blandicella, blandicellorum ncoaxing words, flattering words
- blatta orientaliscockroach
- basalis delineatiocode
- binariae formaecoins of the value of two gold pieces
- bellum frigidumcold war
- boia, boiae f (boiae, boiarum f)collar for the neck
- brevi futuruscoming soon
- biarchus, biarchi mcommissary of provisions, superintendent of provisions
- bessalis, bessalecomprising eight, for any thing of small value
- basilicaris, basilicareconcerning the cathedral
- brevitas, brevitatis fconciseness (in expression)
- bona in fiscum cogoconfiscate goods
- bona alicuius publicoconfiscate someone's goods
- bona alicuius in publicum addicoconfiscate someone's property, nationalise someone's goods
- bitumineus, bituminea, bitumineumconsisting of bitumen, bituminous
- bicameralis, bicameraleconsisting of two chambers
- bicameratus, bicamerata, bicameratumconsisting of two chambers, with a double vault, doubly arched
- bimeter, bimetra, bimetrumconsisting of two metres
- bibrevis, bibreveconsisting of two short syllables, pyrrhic
- bisextilis, bisextilecontaining an intercalary day
- bisextialis, bisextialecontaining two sextarii
- biduus, bidua, biduumcontinuing two days, of two days
- biennalis, biennalecontinuing two years, of two years
- baucalis, baucalis fcooling vessel
- bimaris CorinthusCorinth washed by two seas
- bisbellio, bisbellionis mcorpse-bearer, grave robber
- bisbillus, bisbilli mcorpse-bearer, grave robber
- bispellio, bispellionis mcorpse-bearer, grave robber
- bispello, bispellonis mcorpse-bearer, grave robber
- blanda quiescosy calm, seductive calm
- byssum, byssi ncotton, cotton stuff, fine kind of flax, and the linen made from it
- byssus, byssi fcotton, cotton stuff, fine kind of flax, and the linen made from it
- buleuta, buleutae mcouncillor, senator
- bitumino 1cover with bitumen, impregnate with bitumen
- bracteatus, bracteata, bracteatumcovered with gold-plate, gilt, glistening like gold, splendid, golden, shining only externally, gilded, delusive
- bratteatus, bratteata, bratteatum (bracteatus)covered with gold-plate, gilt, glistening like gold, splendid, golden, shining only externally, gilded, delusive
- bos, bovis fcow
- bucina, bucinae fcrooked horn, crooked trumpet, war-trumpet, kind of circular, winding shell on which Triton blew
- bellum pro sacris Christianis susceptumCrusade
- bellum rei Christianae causā susceptumCrusade
- bellum sacrumCrusade
- boo 1cry aloud, roar
- boo 3cry aloud, roar
- bovo 1cry aloud, roar
- barrio 4cry like an elephant
- bubulo 1cry like an owl, hoot like an owl, screech like an owl
- bostrychus, bostrychda, bostrychumcurled, in ringlets
- boccia glacialiscurling
- barbam resecocut off the beard, take off the beard
- biroto 1cycling, riding a bike
- birotae propulsoriuscyclist
- birotarius agonisticuscyclist
- birotarius, birotarii mcyclist
- birotularius, birotularii mcyclist
- ballo 1dance
- ballator, ballatoris mdancer
- ballematia, ballematiae fdancing, dance
- basus, basa, basumdark brown, blackish brown
- Berenīce, Berenīces fDaughter of Ptolemy Philadelphus and Arsinoë, and wife of her own brother, Ptolemy Euergetes; her beautiful hair was placed as a constellation in heaven
- biduancula, biduanculae fday labourer for two days
- bene (optime) ago cum aliquodeal (very) well with someone
- belli indictiodeclaration of war, war declaration
- bonam copiam eiuro (eiero)declare themselves insolvent on oath
- bellum denuntiodeclare war
- bellum indicodeclare war
- brechma, brechmatis ndefect of pepper
- bregma, bregmatis ndefect of pepper
- bonae resdelicacies, delicious treats
- belli simulacra cieodeliver mock battles
- binas clepsydras petodemand to talk for two water clocks long
- belli necessitatibus patientiam adhibeodemonstrate perseverance for the needs of the war
- bigener, bigenera, bigenerumdescended from two different races, hybrid
- bellum altius expediodescribe the war more comprehensive
- bestiis obicio aliquemdesignate someone to fight with the wild animals
- bellum adversumdevastating war
- brevi aliquid explicodevelop something short
- bugonia, bugoniae fdie Erzeugung von Bienen aus den fauligen Kadavern von Rindern, Titel eines Werkes von Archelaus
- bene moriordie gloriously, die with glory
- biceps argumentumdilemma
- biclinium, biclinii ndining-couch for two persons
- baptisma, baptismatis ndipping in, dipping under, washing, ablution, Christian baptism
- baptismum, baptismi ndipping in, dipping under, washing, ablution, Christian baptism
- baptismus, baptismi mdipping in, dipping under, washing, ablution, Christian baptism
- bellum dissuadeodiscourage war, advise against war
- bissyllabus, bissyllaba, bissyllabumdissyllabic
- bisyllabus, bisyllaba, bisyllabumdissyllabic
- bipartio 4 (bipertio 4)divide into two parts, bisect
- bipertio 4divide into two parts, bisect
- blandimentis adversum plebem copias dissociodivide the troops by luring them towards the people
- bipartitus, bipartita, bipartitum (bipertitus)divided into two parts, double
- bipertitus, bipertita, bipertitumdivided into two parts, double
- bisulcis, bisulcedivided into two parts, two-cleft, cloven
- bisulcus, bisulca, bisulcumdivided into two parts, two-cleft, cloven
- bene facio mihido oneself good
- beneficio aliquem afficiodo someone a favour
- beneficio aliquem ornodo someone a favour
- beneficium alicui dodo someone a favour
- beneficium alicui tribuodo someone a favour
- beneficium in aliquem conferodo someone a favour
- bene facio (benefacio) alicuido someone a favour, show favour to someone
- benevolentiam in aliquem conferodo someone good
- bisaccium, bisaccii ndouble bag, saddle-bags
- bisacia, bisaciae fdouble bag, saddle-bags
- bifores fenestraedouble casement windows
- bifores fores double door
- bifores valvaedouble door
- biformis, biformedouble formed, two-formed, two-shaped
- Bimarcus, Bimarci mDouble Markus
- bimaritus, bimarita, bimaritumdouble married, twice married
- bipalium, bipalii ndouble mattock
- bipedalium, bipedalii ndouble mattock
- bicostis, bicostedouble ribbed, two-ribbed
- biseriatus, biseriata, biseriatumdouble row
- biiuges equidouble team of horses
- bifilum, bifili ndouble thread
- biceps gladiusdouble-edged sword
- biceps Ianusdouble-headed ianus
- binominis Ascaniusdouble-named Ascanius
- binus, bina, binumdouble
- biplex, biplicisdouble
- bifarius, bifarii mdouble, likeness
- bigeminus, bigemina, bigeminumdoubled
- biformatus, biformata, biformatumdoubleformed, two-shaped
- bifestus, bifesta, bifestumdoubly festive
- bilongus, bilonga, bilongumdoubly long
- bifariesdoubly, in two forms
- bolonae, bolonarum mdraught of fishes set to sale, dealers in fish, fish-mongers
- bos vecturariusdraught ox
- bibite, este, effercite vos!drink, eat and stuff yourselves!
- bractamentum, bractamenti ndrink, potion
- bibo 3drink, take in, absorb, arrive at the region of the river, live near a river
- bibulum Falernumdrinkable Falerner
- bibilis, bibiledrinkable, potable
- bibitor, bibitoris mdrinker, toper
- bibulus, bibula, bibulumdrinking readily, drinking freely, things, that absorbs moisture, growing in moist places, absorbing color, taking color, ready to hear, listening
- bibaria, bibariae fdrinking room, bar, pub, tavern
- bibitio, bibitionis fdrinking
- Bibesia, Bibesiae fDrinkland
- Biberius, Biberii mdrunkard
- bicinium, bicinii nduet
- binorum cantusduet
- biduo et binoctio exanclatisduring two days and two nights
- bapheum, baphei ndye-house
- baphium, baphii ndye-house
- blattiarius, blattiarii mdyer in purple
- bapheus, baphei mdyer
- biaeothanatos, biaeothanatondying by violence
- biaeothanatus, biaeothanata, biaeothanatumdying by violence
- bene promereorearn merit (for someone)
- Borussia OrientalisEast Prussia
- boni assiduique dominiefficient gentlemen who are diligently present on their estates
- brevis circuitus electricuselectrical short circuit
- beluarum manuselephant trunk
- barrus, barri melephant
- bracchia collo doembrace, fall around the neck, wrap the neck around
- bellum conficioend the war
- bellum deponoend the war
- bellum dirimoend the war
- bellum pace mutoend the war
- bellum terminoend the war
- bellum tolloend the war
- bello finem doend the war, put an end to the war
- bene educorenjoy a good education
- brevem voluptatem percipioenjoy a short pleasure
- bona valetudine sumenjoy good health, be healthy
- bona valetudine utorenjoy good health, be healthy
- beatae vitae oblectatioenjoyment of the blissful life
- bilem commoveoenrage someone
- bellum defero alicuientrust someone with the management of the war
- bonis aliquem evertoevict someone from his property
- bellum excitoexcite a war, provoke a war
- bellum moveoexcite a war, provoke a war, arouse a war
- bruscum, brusci nexcrescence on the maple-tree
- bomba displosivaexplosive bomb
- barbasculus, barbasculi mfairly illiterate, quite illiterate, quite uneducated, rather ignorant
- bona fidefaithful, conscientious
- bello cadofall in the war
- bene ambula!farewell, a good journey to you
- bene ambulato!farewell, a good journey to you
- Bacchanalia, Bacchanalium nfeast of Bacchus, the orgies of Bacchus, shrovetide
- belli sociusfellow fighter, fellow combatant, brother in arms
- blasphematrix, blasphematricis ffemale blasphemer
- ballatrix, ballatricis ffemale dancer
- bellatrix, bellatricis ffemale warrior
- bellica insigniafield signs
- bothynus, bothyni mfiery meteor in the form of a pit
- burrus, burra, burrumfiery red, scarlet, red
- bello pro aliquo adversus aliquemfight for someone against someone
- bene pugnofight successfully
- bello persequorfight, wage war against
- bulla saccatafilter bubble
- brevissimi sum somnifind a very short sleep
- bonam clausulam impono alicui reifinish something well
- bombarda, bombardae ffire rifle, firearm, rifle
- beneficio provocorfirst receive a benefit
- blandimenta alicui doflatter someone
- blandior auribusflatter the ears
- blanditiae, blanditiarum fflatteries, blandishments, allurements
- blandimentum, blandimenti nflattering words, blandishment, complimentary speech, flattery, any thing that pleases the senses, an object that charms, allurement, pleasure, charm, delight, spices, seasoning, condiments
- blandificus, blandifica, blandificumflattering, soothing
- blandiculeflatteringly, soothingly, courteously
- blanditia popularisflattery against the people
- blandimentum sublevat metumflattery diminishes fear
- breve osculumfleeting kiss
- balaustium, balaustii nflower of the wild pomegranat
- blandifluus, blandiflua, blandifluumflowing itself sweetly, diffusing itself sweetly, diffusing itself pleasantly
- berbena, berbenae ffoliage, herbage, leaves, twigs, branches (of laurel, olive, or myrtle), cypress, tamarisk, sacred boughs, class of plants used in medicine as cooling remedies (olive, myrtle, ivy)
- bellum conflofoment a war, provoke a war, cause a war to be waged
- baburrus, baburra, baburrumfoolish, silly
- bechicus, bechica, bechicumfor a cough
- bono consiliofor good reason, with good intention
- brevitatis causafor the sake of brevity, for the sake of conciseness
- basium alicui impingoforce a kiss on someone
- barbaria, barbariae f (barbaries)foreign country, mental barbarism, moral barbarism, rudeness, rusticity, stupidity, savageness, barbarousness, uncivilized manners
- barbaries, barbariei fforeign country, mental barbarism, moral barbarism, rudeness, rusticity, stupidity, savageness, barbarousness, uncivilized manners
- barbaricum, barbarici nforeign land, barbarian land
- bellum externumforeign war, external warfare
- bellum circummuranumforeign war, external warfare, war with the neighboring nations
- barbarus, barbara, barbarumforeign, strange, barbarous, uncultivated, ignorant, rude, unpolished, wild, savage, cruel
- barbaricus, barbarica, barbaricumforeign, strange, outlandish, barbarous, rough, rude, unpolished
- barbarus, barbari mforeigner, stranger, barbarian, any member of a hostile people
- barbari, barbarorum mforeigners, strangers, barbarians
- bifurcum, bifurci nfork
- bulbatio, bulbationis fforming of bulbs, bubble up
- blanditur coeptis fortunafortune favours the plan, fortune smiles on the beginning
- balsama, balsamorum nfragrant gum of the balsam-tree, balsam
- balsamum, balsami nfragrant gum of the balsam-tree, balsam
- bene olidusfragrant
- bellum fraternumfratricidal war
- Brema, Bremae fFree Hanseatic City of Bremen
- beneficiarii, beneficiariorum mfree soldiers, privileged soldiers, , private soldiers
- blandus adversus aliquemfriendly to someone, kind to someone
- betaceus, betacea, betaceumfrom the beet, of the beet
- betacius, betacia, betaciumfrom the beet, of the beet
- ballaenaceus, ballaenacea, ballaenaceumfrom whalebone
- barba promissafull beard
- biliosus, biliosa, biliosumfull of bile, bilious, hypochondriac
- basalis, basalefundamental, forming the basis
- bursa, bursae ffur
- byrsa, byrsae ffur
- bactroperita, ae mfurnished with staff and pouch, carrying staff and pouch, nickname for a Cynic philosopher
- bene mereorgain merit, earn merit, win merit, acquire merit, act meritoriously
- bardocucullus, bardocuculli mGallic overcoat (cloak), with a hood or cowl, made of woollen stuff
- byssinum, byssini ngarment of byssus
- beneficus, benefica, beneficumgenerous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable
- benevolegenerous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable
- benificus, benifica, benificumgenerous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable
- benivolus, benivola, benivolumgenerous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable
- basalis delineatio geneticagenetic code
- barbēsco 3get a beard
- breviter definioget to the heart of the matter
- balteus, baltei m (balteum, baltei n)girdle, belt, swordbelt, swordband passing over the shoulder, belly-band of a horse, border, rim, edge, circle, zodiac, the crust of a cake, the bark of the willow, strapping, blow with a belt
- breviter aliquid explicogive a short explanation to something, present something briefly
- benigne aliquem excipiogive a warm welcome to someone
- basium alicui dogive someone a kiss
- bene praecipio alicuigive someone good advice, tell someone good rules
- bene verto aliquidgive something a happy turn, give something a turn for the better
- bellicum canogive the signal for breaking up camp, give the signal for an attack, give the signal for commencing hostilities
- bibax, bibacisgiven to drink, , addicted to drunkenness, devoted to drink
- bibosus, bibosa, bibosumgiven to drinking, fond of drink
- bracteamentum, bracteamenti nglitter, splendor
- bona verba!go easy!, go slow!, go mercifully!, o woe!
- badisso 1go, walk
- baeto 3go, walk, stride
- beto 3go, walk, stride
- bito 3go, walk, stride
- badizo 1go, walk, stride, march
- barba in acutum desinensgoatee beard, goatee
- barba capraegoatee
- bellipotens, bellipotentis mGod of War (Mars)
- batea, bateae fgold panning sieve
- bracteator, bracteatoris mgold-beater
- ballux, ballucis fgold-sand, gold-dust
- balluca, ballucae fgold-sand, gold-dust
- baluca, balucae fgold-sand, gold-dust
- balux, balucis fgold-sand, gold-dust
- barbaricarius, barbaricarii mgold-weaver, embroiderer in gold, gilder
- bulla aureagolden amulet
- bene promeritagood actions, high merits
- bona fidesgood faith, bona fides
- boni moresgood lifestyle
- bonum factumgood luck!
- boni mores aegrotantgood morals are at a standstill
- bene quiescas! (bene quiescatis!)good night!, sleep well!
- bonitas, bonitatis fgood quality of a thing, goodness, excellence, good conduct, honest conduct, friendly conduct, virtue, integrity, blamelessness, kindness, friendliness, benevolence, benignity, affability, parental love, tenderness
- bona famagood reputation, good name, good repute
- bona facile mutantur in peiusgood things easily degenerate
- bona temporagood times
- benevolentia, benevolentiae fgood-will, benevolence, kindness, favor, friendship, readiness, willingness, mildness, benignity, indulgence, kind conduct, friendly services
- benivolentia, benivolentiae fgood-will, benevolence, kindness, favor, friendship, readiness, willingness, mildness, benignity, indulgence, kind conduct, friendly services
- bonus, bona, bonum [melior, optimus]good, morally good, honest, comfortable, fine, beautiful, honorable, valuable, favorable, prosperous, lucky, fortunate, considerable, kind, fair, faithful, costly, laudable, well-disposed, serene
- bona, bonorum ngoods, possessions, property, fortunes
- benivolentia erga militesgoodwill towards the soldiers
- binas clepsydras dogrant speaking time to two water-clocks
- botrys, botryos fgrape, a plant, also called artemisia, mugwort
- BritanniaGreat Britain
- Britannia MagnaGreat Britain
- Britannia MaiorGreat Britain
- bulima, bulimae fgreat hunger, bulimy, weakness of the stomach, fainting
- bulimus, bulimi mgreat hunger, bulimy, weakness of the stomach, fainting
- barypicron, barypicri nGreek epithet of wormwood, absinthium
- biridis, biridegreen, young, youthful, fresh, blooming, lively, vigorous
- buccellaris, buccellareground from biscuit
- barbam demittogrow the beard
- barbam promittogrow the beard
- bellator clandestinusguerrilla fighter, partisan
- bellum clandestinumguerrilla warfare
- brochon, brochi ngum flowing from the bdellium
- basilica exercitatoriagymnastics hall, sports hall, gymnasium
- bellum cauponorhaggle pettily over the war, seek to buy the war for gold
- busta semiustahalf-burned pyres
- brado, bradonis fham
- battitura, battiturae fhammer blow
- beatehappily
- beatum, beati nhappiness, blessedness
- bonitas ingeniihappy disposition
- bona paschalia!Happy Easter!, Blessed Easter!
- bonitas naturaehappy natural layout
- beatus, beata, beatumhappy, prosperous, blessed, fortunate, opulent, wealthy, rich, in good circumstances, abundant, excellent, splendid, magnificent, overflowing, blessed, deceased, dead
- bene veruncathave a good outcome
- bene mihi fidohave a lot of self-confidence
- bulimo 1have bulimy, have insatiable hunger
- bene sentiohave good principles, my principles are good
- bene succedohave good success
- benevolentiam habeo erga aliquemhave goodwill for someone
- benevolo animo sum in aliquemhave goodwill towards someone
- bonis sum viribushave one's strength
- bonis elavihave squandered one's fortune
- bellum administrohave the overhead line of the war
- bene existimo de aliqua rehave the right opinion about something
- bene iudico de aliqua rehave the right opinion about something
- barbatus, barbata, barbatumhaving a beard, bearded, woolly (of plants), downy (of plants)
- barbatulus, barbatula, barbatulumhaving a small beard, having a foppish beard
- bimembris, bimembrehaving double members, half man, half beast
- bigatus, bigata, bigatumhaving the figure of a bigae (exclusively of coin), with the figure of a bigae stamped upon it
- bucerius, buceria, buceriumhaving the horns of a bullock, ox-horned
- bucerus, bucera, bucerumhaving the horns of a bullock, ox-horned
- bisolis, bisolehaving two (foot) soles
- bicorpor, bicorporishaving two bodies, double-bodied
- bicorporeus, bicorporea, bicorporeumhaving two bodies, double-bodied
- bimammius, bimammia, bimammiumhaving two breasts, having double clusters (vine)
- biforis, biforehaving two doors, having folding-doors, having two openings, having two holes, double
- biforus, bifora, biforumhaving two doors, having folding-doors, having two openings, having two holes, double
- bipennis, bipennehaving two edges, two-edged
- biceps, bicipitishaving two heads, twoheaded, with two summits, divided into two parts
- bicipes, bicipitishaving two heads, twoheaded, with two summits, divided into two parts
- bicornis, bicornehaving two horns, two-horned, two-pronged
- bilychnis, bilychnehaving two lights
- binominis, binominehaving two names
- bifurcus, bifurca, bifurcumhaving two prongs, having two points, two-pronged, two-forked
- bifurtius, bifurtia, bifurtiumhaving two prongs, having two points, two-pronged, two-forked
- biprorus, biprora, biprorumhaving two prows
- bilanx, bilancishaving two scales
- bicodulus, bicodula, bicodulumhaving two tails
- biurus, biura, biurumhaving two tails
- bivius, bivia, biviumhaving two ways, having two passages
- bipennis, bipennehaving two wings, two-winged
- bipinnis, bipinnehaving two wings, two-winged
- baiolus, baioli mhe who bears burdens for pay, porter, carrier, day-laborer, bearer at a funeral, letter-carrier
- baiulus, baiuli mhe who bears burdens for pay, porter, carrier, day-laborer, bearer at a funeral, letter-carrier
- bene qui latuit, bene vixithe who has lived well hidden, has lived well
- beneficia in aliquem conferoheap favours on someone
- bidens, bidentis mheavy hoe or mattock with two crooked iron teeth
- bellum graveheavy war
- bellum magnumheavy war, serious war
- brutus, bruta, brutumheavy, unwieldy, immovable, dull, stupid, insensible, unreasonable, irrational, dumb, striking blindly, thoughtless, inconsiderate
- bonitas praediorumhigh quality of the lands
- benefacta verbis adornohighlight good deeds with words
- Bacchanalia vivohold shrovetide, celebrate shrovetide
- Bachanalia celebrohold shrovetide, celebrate shrovetide
- bonae arteshonest means, laudable means, sciences, good qualities, noble aspirations, laudable aspirations
- biselliatus, biselliatus mhonor of a bisellium
- bene spero de aliquohoping (expecting) good things from someone
- bracchia alicuius collo iniciohug someone
- bupaeda, bupaedae mhuge youth
- bonae litteraehumanism
- bombisonus, bombisona, bombisonumhumming, summend
- belbus, belbi mHyena
- beluus, belui mHyena
- belle adhuc me habeoI am doing quite well so far
- belle valeoI am doing quite well
- bene animatus in amicum sumI am well disposed towards my friend
- bubulis carnibus delectorI like beef
- beneficiis ad aerarium delatus sumI was included in the gratuity list of the State Archives
- breve faciamI will be brief
- brevi praecidamI will break off soon
- boreas gelidusicy north wind
- battologia, battologiae fidle talk, idle gossip
- bituminatus, bituminata, bituminatumimpregnated with bitumen, bituminous
- barbarismus, barbarismi mimpropriety of speech, barbarism
- benigniterin a friendly manner, kindly, benevolently, courteously, benignly, courteously, politely, readily, willingly, mildly, indulgently, abundantly, liberally, freely, generously
- benignein a friendly manner, kindly, benevolently, courteously, benignly, courteously, politely, readily, willingly, mildly, indulgently, abundantly, liberally, freely, generously
- brevi temporein a short time, after a short time
- breviatimin an abbreviated manner, in an abbreviated form, abbreviated, compactly
- bono animoin good conscience
- botryodes, botryodisin the form of a cluster of grapes
- bacchatimin the manner of the Bacchae or Bacchantes, in a riotous, wanton manner
- bello Punico secundoin the Second Punic War
- biiugo certaminein the two-car race
- biennio totoin the whole two years, in the entire two years
- bipartitein two parts, in two divisions, in two ways, in two parties, in two directions
- bipartito (bipertito)in two parts, in two divisions, in two ways, in two parties, in two directions
- bipertitoin two parts, in two divisions, in two ways, in two parties, in two directions
- binatimin twos, in pairs
- belli domiquein war and in peace
- bomba incendiariaincendiary bomb
- bombaxindeed!, strange!
- bellis inexpertusinexperienced in wars
- bullatus, bullata, bullatuminflated, bombastic, furnished with a boss or stud, studded with stars, wearing a bulla about the neck
- bene excogitatusingenious, well thought out
- Bratislaviensis, Bratislaviensis minhabitant of Bratislavia, Bratislavia resident
- burgarii, burgariorum minhabitants of a castle, defenders of the borders
- blatta, blattae finsect that shuns the light, cockroach, chafer, moth
- bisextum, bisexti nintercalary day
- bisextus, bisexti mintercalary day
- bissextum, bissexti nintercalary day
- bissextus, bissexti mintercalary day
- bisextus annus intercalary year
- bello me interponointervene in a war, interfere in a war
- bellis me inserointervene in the wars, interfere in the wars
- botuli, botulorum mintestines, bowels
- bellum IraquianumIraq war
- brutalia, brutalium nirrational animals
- bene habetit behaves well, it stands well
- bene agitur cum aliquoit is well with someone
- bene evenitit turns out well, it turned out well
- bellum est (+ inf.)it's lovely
- bile suffususjaundiced, bilious
- bello intersumjoin a campaign, take part in a campaign
- bene iudicojudge correctly, judge right
- breviter attingojust briefly mention
- brachium toga cohibeokeep the arm enclosed by the toga
- bello caducikilled in war
- bubalus, bubali mkind of African stag or gazelle, buffalo, wild-ox
- bufalus, bufali mkind of African stag or gazelle, buffalo, wild-ox
- bumelia, bumeliae fkind of ash-tree
- bolbine, bolbines fkind of bulbous plant
- bulbine, bulbines fkind of bulbous plant
- benna, bennae fkind of carriage
- batiaca, batiacae fkind of drinking-cup
- batioca, batiocae fkind of drinking-cup
- batiola, batiolae fkind of drinking-cup
- buteo, buteonis mkind of falcon or hawk
- blachnon, blachni nkind of fern
- blechnon, blechni nkind of fern
- boria, boriae fkind of jasper
- bacalia, bacaliae fkind of laurel abounding in berries
- baccalia, baccaliae fkind of laurel abounding in berries
- basiliscus, basilisci mkind of lizard, basilisk, surname of Cn Pompeius
- bruchus, bruchi mkind of locust without wings
- boloe, bolorum mkind of precious stones
- bos, bovis mkind of sea-fish of the genus of the turbot
- baccha, bacchae fkind of Spanish wine
- bunĭas, bunĭadis fkind of Swedish turnip
- bunĭon, bunĭi nkind of Swedish turnip
- bacalusiae, bacalusiarum fkind of sweetmeat
- buprestis, buprestis fkind of vegetable
- bacrio, bacrionis fkind of vessel with a long handle, ladle
- burranicum, burranici nkind of vessel
- batalaria, batalariae fkind of war-ship
- bubleum, bublei nkind of wine
- bonitas in suoskindness towards one' s people
- bonitas erga homineskindness towards people
- beneficentia, beneficentiae fkindness, beneficence, an honorable and kind treatment of others
- benificentia, benificentiae fkindness, beneficence, an honorable and kind treatment of others
- basilicus, basilica, basilicumkingly, royal, princely, splendid, magnificent
- basio aliquemkiss someone
- basio 1kiss, give a kiss
- basium, basii nkiss, kissing of the hand
- basiator, basiatoriskisser, one who kisses
- basiatio, basiationis fkissing
- bracae genuariaeknee breeches
- bene novi aliquemknow someone well
- burdubasta, burdubastae mlame donkey, lame ass
- bestia terrestrisland animal, terrestrial animal
- bellum terrestreland warfare
- balista, balistae flarge military engine by which masses of stone were thrown, machine for projectiles, ballista, the weapon thrown, missile
- ballista, ballistae f (balista)large military engine by which masses of stone were thrown, machine for projectiles, ballista, the weapon thrown, missile
- bumastus, bumasta, bumastumlarge-breasted
- bumammus, bumamma, bumammumlarge-breasted, with large clusters
- biduanus, biduana, biduanumlasting two days, two-day
- beneficium cumulate reddolavish a boon, lavishly repay a favour
- bulga, bulgae fleathern knapsack, bag, womb
- bracchium sinistrumleft arm
- bracae disiunctaeleggings
- brachia mea alicui rei praebeolend a hand, assist with something
- beneficiis afficiorlet favours be done for me
- bibliothecarius, bibliothecarii mlibrarian
- bibliotheca, bibliothecae flibrary, library-room and a collection of books
- bibliothece, bibliothecae flibrary, library-room and a collection of books
- bybliotheca, bybliothecae flibrary, library-room and a collection of books
- bipartito insidias collocolie in ambush in two sections
- babaecalus, babaecali mlightning guy, bon vivant, libertine
- bestialis, bestialelike a beast, fierce
- barbaricelike a foreigner
- buxosus, buxosa, buxosumlike boxwood
- bestialiterlike wild animals, beastly
- biiuges leoneslion's pair
- blaesus, blaesa, blaesumlisping, stammering, hesitating in utterance, speaking indistinctly
- beneficia percurrolist the benefits in order
- bursarius, bursaria, bursariumlisted, quoted
- benignis auribus accipiolisten benevolently
- barbulus, barbuli mlittle barbel
- barbula, barbulae flittle beard
- buccula, bucculae f (bucula)little cheek, little mouth, beaver, that part of a helmet which covers the mouth and cheeks
- basiolum, basioli nlittle kiss, gentle kiss
- bulgula, bulgulae flittle satchel, little bag
- bita, bitae flive, living
- bustum vivumliving grave
- bene ante lucemlong before daybreak
- bono publico serviolook to the general good, serve the general good, put oneself at the service of the general welfare
- burgimagister superiorlord mayor
- boatus, boatus mloud crying, bellowing, roaring
- bimaris, bimarelying between two seas, of one who practises unnatural unchastity
- barbiton, barbiti nlyre, lut, song played upon the lute
- barbitos, barbiti mlyre, lut, song played upon the lute
- bunitus, bunita, bunitummade from bunion
- byssinus, byssina, byssinummade of byssus
- balaninus, balanina, balaninummade or prepared from the fruit of the balsam
- Barbaria, Barbariae fMaghreb
- birgo, birginis fmaid, maiden, virgin
- bilbo 3make a noise like that of a liquid agitated in a vessel
- beatifico 1make happy, bless
- beo 1make happy, bless, gladden, rejoice, refresh, make happy, reward with, enrich
- bene polliceormake plenty of promises, make nice promises
- bene verto aliquidmake something turn out for the better
- ballistarius, ballistarii mmaker of ballistae, one who discharges the ballista, slinger
- bracarius, bracarii mmaker of trowsers or breeches
- bellifer, bellifera, belliferummaking war, warlike
- bellicum iusmartial law
- butio, butionis mmast ox
- burgimagister, burgimagistri mmayor
- buccellaris farinameal ground from biscuit, breadcrumbs
- basilica, basilicae fmeeting place of the merchants, stock exchange
- blanda vanitasmendacious flattery
- bona natalia!Merry Christmas!, Blessed Christmas!
- bellipotens, bellipotentismighty in war, valiant in war
- belli opportunitatesmilitary advantages
- belli discidiummilitary conflict, hostilities
- biformes hominum partusmiscarriages, deformities, freaks
- barbarolexis, barbarolexeos fmispronunciation of a foreign word, perversion of the form of a word
- bellum paromobilise, mobilize
- bigener, bigeneri mmongrel
- birotula automataria vehensmoped rider, moped driver
- birotula automatariamoped
- bisque terquemore than once, two to three times
- buccea, bucceae fmorsel, mouthful
- bryon, bryi nmoss, grape-formed blossom of the silver poplar, plant growing upon the seashore, with leaves like lettuce
- blattaria, blattariae fmoth-mullein
- birota automatariamotorbike
- birota automataria vehensmotorcyclist
- biseriata via vehicularismotorway, highway
- bestia vectrixmount, mounted animal
- bucca panismouthful of bread
- brachia numeris moveomove the arms to the beat (when dancing)
- bellum transfero aliomove the theatre of war elsewhere
- bellum spargomove the theatre of war soon here soon there
- beemow, the sound made by a sheep
- burdo, burdonis mmule
- burdus, burdi mmule
- burdonarius, burdonarii mmuledriver
- burdonicus, burdonici mmuledriver
- bellum per complures annos gestummulti-year war, perennial war
- balistĭa, balistĭorum nmusic or songs accompanying dancing
- ballistĭa, ballistĭorum nmusic or songs accompanying dancing
- burranica potiomust juice diluted with milk
- beneficia ultro et citro data et acceptamutual benefactions, mutual benefits
- bucale, bucalis nmuzzle (made of iron)
- bonemy dear!
- bibo ad numerumnach der Zahl der Jahre trinken (die man sich wünscht)
- biurus, biuri mname of a rodent animal found in Campania
- bona publiconationalise the goods,confiscate the goods
- bellum navalenaval warfare, sea war
- bobsequa, bobsequae mneatherd, herdsman
- bubsequa, bubsequae mneatherd, herdsman
- busequa, busequae mneatherd, herdsman
- bella vicinalianeighborhood wars, wars with neighbors
- Boreocoreanus, Boreocoreana, Boreocoreanumnorth korean
- boreas, boreae mnorth wind, the north, son of the river-god Strymon
- borras, borrae mnorth wind, the north, son of the river-god Strymon
- boreotis, boreotĭdis fnorthern
- borealis-occidentalis, borealis-occidentalenorthwest
- Boreoccidentalis, Boreoccidentalenorthwest
- barytonos, barytononnot accented on the last syllable
- bromos, bromi moats
- beneficiis obstringo aliquemobligate someone through the showing of benevolence
- benignus, benigna, benignumobliging, that gives freely, that imparts freely, liberal, bounteous, yielding liberally, abundant, fruitful, fertile, copious, rich
- babaeodds bodkins!, wonderful!, strange!
- benignus, benigna, benignumof a good kind, of a good nature, beneficent, kind, good, friendly, pleasing, favorable, benignant, favorable, pleasant, mild, lucky, propitious
- blandus, blanda, blandumof a smooth tongue, flattering, fawning, caressing, pleasant, agreeable, enticing, alluring, charming, seductive, persuading by caressing, persuasive
- berbecinus, berbecina, berbecinumof a wether
- Bromius, Bromia, Bromiumof Bacchus
- bacchiacus, bacchiaca, bacchiacum of Bacchus, Bacchic
- Bacchicus, Bacchica, Bacchicum of Bacchus, Bacchic
- beatae memoriaeof blessed memory
- Bȳzantiacus, Bȳzantiaca, Bȳzantiacumof Byzantium
- Bȳzantinus, Bȳzantina, Bȳzantinumof Byzantium, Byzantine
- Bȳzantius, Bȳzantia, Bȳzantiumof Byzantium, Byzantine
- bubulinus, bubulina, bubulinumof cattle, ox-
- bitemporis, bitemporeof double syllable length
- bractealis, bractealeof metallic plates, golden
- brattealis, brattealeof metallic plates, golden
- brachysyllabus, brachysyllaba, brachysyllabumof short syllables, another name of the tribrachys, ⏑⏑⏑
- bombycinus, bombycina, bombycinumof silk, silken
- bebrinus, bebrina, bebrinumof the beaver, beaver-
- buxans, buxantisof the color of boxwood
- bubalus, bubalum, bubalumof the gazelle
- bicolor, bicolorisof two colors, twocolored
- bicolorus, bicolora, bicolorumof two colors, twocolored
- bicubitalis, bicubitaleof two cubits
- bicubitus, bicubita, bicubitumof two cubits
- bimenstruus, bimenstrua, bimenstruumof two months
- bimenstris, bimenstreof two months’ duration, of two months, two months old
- bimestris, bimestre (bimenstris)of two months’ duration, of two months, two months old
- bilibris, bilibreof two pounds, weighing two pounds
- biennis, bienneof two years, lasting two years
- balaenaceus, balaenacea, balaenaceumof whalebone
- bellum ultro illatumoffensive war, war of aggression
- biarchia, biarchiae foffice of a biarchus, commissaryship
- bifariamon two sides, twofold, double, in two ways, in two parts, in two places, twice, in both ways, in both senses, in two forms
- breviter peroratum esse potuitone could have finished it with a few words
- Batavus, Batavi mone of the Batavi
- boeotarches, boeotarchae mone of the chief magistrates in Bœotia, Bœotarch
- bucinator, bucinatoris mone who blew the bucina, trumpeter, one who trumpets forth, blases abroad
- biselliarius, biselliarii mone who enjoys the honor of the bisellium
- bestiarius, bestiarii mone who fights with wild beasts in the public spectacles, beast-fighter
- balineator, balineatoris mone who has the care of a bath, bath-keeper
- balneator, balneatoris mone who has the care of a bath, bath-keeper
- bucaeda, bucaedae mone who is whipped with thongs of ox-hide
- bubulcus, bubulci mone who ploughs with oxen, ploughman, herdsman
- biocolyta, biocolytae mone who protects against violence
- bimulus, bimula, bimulumonly two years old
- bataclo 1open the mouth wide, gape, yawn, be listless, be drowsy, be inactive, be idle, be negligent, be bored
- bellum incipioopen the war, start the war
- bellum exsertumopen warfare
- bipatens, bipatentisopening in two ways, open in two directions
- belli initiumopening of the war, war opening
- belle faciooperate well, have a good effect
- bellum parari iubeoorder mobilisation, order mobilization
- beluatus, beluata, beluatumornamented or embroidered with figures of animals
- beneficium alicui debeoowe someone a favour
- bubo, bubonis fowl, horned owl
- bonis abundoown a large fortune
- boarius, boarii mox dealer
- bos, bovis mox, bull
- buphthalmos, buphthalmi moxeye, species of aizoon majus, houseleek
- buglossa, buglossae foxtongue, bugloss, an herb
- buglossos, buglossi foxtongue, bugloss, an herb
- biga, bigae fpair of horses, pair of other animals, a two-horsed car, a two-horsed chariot
- bigae, bigarum fpair of horses, pair of other animals, a two-horsed car, a two-horsed chariot
- buxo pallidiorpaler than boxwood
- biblos, bibli fpaper, papyrus, a sort of rush that grew largely in Egypt, from the inner bark of which paper was made
- biblus, bibli fpaper, papyrus, a sort of rush that grew largely in Egypt, from the inner bark of which paper was made
- bellator tectuspartisan
- boni civesparty of the Aristocrats, the Aristocrats
- boni, bonorum mparty of the Aristocrats, the Aristocrats, friends of the constitution, patriots
- bellis acerpassionate in war
- branca lupipaw of the wolf
- basis, baseos fpedestal, foot, base, foundation, lowest part of the shaft of a column, the primitive word, root, track of a cattle, footprint of a cattle
- basis, basis fpedestal, foot, base, foundation, lowest part of the shaft of a column, the primitive word, root, track of a cattle, footprint of a cattle
- beneficiis tributis fruenspensioner, retiree
- biduum, bidui nperiod of two days, space of two days, two days
- binoctium, binoctii nperiod of two nights, space of two nights, two nights
- biennium, biennii nperiod of two years, space of two years, two years
- bibula harenapermeable sand
- balneatorius, balneatoria, balneatoriumpertaining to a bath
- balnearis, balnearepertaining to a bath
- balinearius, balinearia, balineariumpertaining to a bath, lurking about baths
- beneficiarius, beneficiaria, beneficiariumpertaining to a favor
- benificiarius, benificiaria, benificiariumpertaining to a favor
- bracchiolaris, bracchiolarepertaining to a muscle of a horse
- brachiolaris, brachiolarepertaining to a muscle of a horse
- bestiarius, bestiaria, bestiariumpertaining to beasts
- braccicus, braccica, braccicumpertaining to breeches
- braceus, bracea, braceumpertaining to breeches
- bracicus, bracica, bracicumpertaining to breeches
- bubulus, bubula, bubulumpertaining to cattle, pertaining to oxen
- bovillus, bovilla, bovillumpertaining to oxen or cows
- bovinus, bovina, bovinumpertaining to oxen or cows
- bucolicos, bucolice, bucoliconpertaining to shepherds, pastoral, bucolic
- bucolicus, bucolica, bucolicum (bucolicos, bucolice, bucolicon)pertaining to shepherds, pastoral, bucolic
- buxiarius, buxiaria, buxiariumpertaining to the boxwood-tree, made of boxwood, boxwood-, of the color of boxwood
- blattarius, blattaria, blattariumpertaining to the moth
- boreus, borea, boreumpertaining to the north wind, northern
- borius, boria, boriumpertaining to the north wind, northern
- bustuarius, bustuaria, bustuariumpertaining to the place where dead bodies were burned, that fought at a funeral pile in honor of the dead, upon which men were offered
- brumalis, brumalepertaining to the winter solstice, pertaining to the shortest day, wintry, of winter
- bellicus, bellica, bellicumpertaining to war, war-, military, warlike, fierce in war
- benzinium, benzinii npetrol, gasoline
- benzinum, benzini npetrol, gasoline
- balneaticum, balneatici npiece of money to be paid for a bath, bath-money
- bestiam venabulo transverberopierce the animal with the hunting spear
- bisulcis, bisulcis mpig with split claws
- bucculam apprehendopinch the cheek
- baptisterium, baptisterii n (βαπτιστήριον)place for bathing, place for swimming, vessel for bathing, baptistery, baptismal font
- bidental, bidentalis nplace struck by lightning, consecrated by the haruspices, and enclosed
- buleuterion, buleuterii n (buleuterium)place where the Greek senate assembled, senate-house
- bibium, bibii nplace with two ways, place where two ways meet
- bivium, bivii nplace with two ways, place where two ways meet
- bivium, bivii nplace with two ways, place where two ways meet, twofold means, twofold method
- bini iuxta compositiplaced in pairs next to each other, two and two next to each other
- buxetum, buxeti nplantation of boxwood
- blanditus, blandita, blanditumpleasant, agreeable, charming
- blandulus, blandula, blandulumpleasing, charming
- barbam alicui vellopluck one by the beard
- bardus, bardi mpoet and singer among the Gauls, bard, minstrel
- biocolytica aggressurapolice accessö
- bona possideopossess assets, possess goods
- bulbus solanipotato
- biber, biberis fpotion, drink
- beatum te iactopraise someone happily in a loud voice
- bene dico alicuipraise someone, speak well of someone
- batrachitēs, batrachitae mprecious stone of a frog-green color
- baetulus, baetuli mprecious stone, round and of a dark color, a species of ceraunia
- betulus, betuli mprecious stone, round and of a dark color, a species of ceraunia
- bucardia, bucardiae fprecious stone, a kind of turquoise
- bellum apparoprepare a war
- bellum paroprepare for war
- bellum comparoprepare for war, arm for war
- belleprettily, neatly, becomingly, finely, excellently, well, delightfully,, in a courtly manner, in a polite manner
- bellus homopretty boy, dandy, beau
- bellulus, bellula, bellulumpretty, fine, lovely, beautiful
- bellus, bella, bellumpretty, handsome, charming, fine, lovely, neat, pleasant, agreeable, beautiful, costly, gallant, good
- bellatulus, bellatula, bellatulumpretty, neat
- belliatus, belliata, belliatumpretty, neat
- brabeum, brabei nprize in the games, fighting price
- brabium, brabii nprize in the games, fighting price
- bravium, bravii nprize in the games, fighting price
- bene versor in aliqua reproceed well
- brocchus, broccha, brocchumprojecting, with projecting teeth
- broccus, brocca, broccumprojecting, with projecting teeth
- brochus, brocha, brochumprojecting, with projecting teeth
- bronchus, broncha, bronchumprojecting, with projecting teeth
- broncus, bronca, broncumprojecting, with projecting teeth
- brocchitas, brocchitatis fprojection of the teeth in animals
- brochitas, brochitatis fprojection of the teeth in animals
- bonae speipromising, hopeful, auspicious
- bonis faverepromote the patriots
- bellum ducoprotract the war, prolong the war
- bellum extrahoprotract the war, prolong the war
- bellum trahoprotract the war, prolong the war
- bellum spatiosumprotracted war
- bellum serumprotracted war, delayed war, belated war
- balineae publicaepublic baths
- basilica, basilicae fpublic building in the forum, judicial hall, basilica, portico, cathedral church, metropolitan church, cathedral
- buccas inflopuffing out the cheeks (with rage)
- bracae effertaepuffy trousers
- boves aversos in speluncam trahopull the cattle backwards into the cave
- bona conscientiapure conscience
- blatteus, blattea, blatteumpurple-colored, purple
- blattinus, blattina, blattinumpurple-colored, purple
- bene constituoput in good shape, bring into a proper condition
- bello gerendo aliquem praeficioput someone in charge of the war
- bracchia collo circumdoput the arms around the neck
- bombam fasci imponoput the bomb in a package
- bombam in fascem imponoput the bomb in a package
- bona voluptate terminoputting the good in the pleasure, defining the pleasure as the good
- bilibris, bilibris fquantity of two pounds
- beatulus, beatula, beatulumquite blissful, somewhat blissful
- barbio 4raise a beard, grow a beard
- brevi circuitu ad amnem pervenioreach the stream by a short diversions
- beneficium accipioreceive a boon, receive a benefit
- baptismum percipioreceive the baptism
- brevi abhinc temporerecently, a short time ago
- brevi tempore anterecently, a short time ago
- bicameratum, bicamerati nreceptacle with two compartments
- busta pioreconcile the souls of the dead
- benignor 1rejoice, take delight
- Bacchanalis, Bacchanalerelating to Bacchus, Bacchanalian
- bovarius, bovaria, bovariumrelating to horned cattle
- boarius, boaria, boariumrelating to neat cattle, bovine
- bellum pro religione susceptumreligious war, holy war, Jihad
- bellum religiosumreligious war, holy war, Jihad
- bellum duplicorenew the war
- bellum instaurorenew the war
- bellum redintegrorenew the war, resume the war, restart the war
- bellum reparorenew the war, resume the war, restart the war
- beneficium cum usuris reddorepay a benefit with interest
- beneficium reddorepay a favour, return a favour
- beneficium remunerorrepay a favour, return a favour
- benefacta maleficiis pensorepay good with evil
- beneficia beneficiis pensorepaying good with good
- bona alicui restituorestitute someone's confiscated goods
- bellum instauroresume the war, restart the war
- bacchor in caederevel in murder, revel in killing
- bacchabundus, bacchabunda, bacchabundumrevelling in the manner of the Bacchantes, boisterous, noisy, ranting, raving
- blasphemo 1revile, reproach, blaspheme
- blasphematio, blasphemationis freviling
- blasphemus, blasphema, blasphemumreviling, defaming
- blasphemium, blasphemii nreviling, slander, blasphemy
- bisellium, bisellii nrichly ornamented seat of honor
- bombarda, bombardae frifle (for shooting)
- bracchium dextrumright arm
- bruta tellusrigid ground, immovable earth
- bastum, basti nrod, stick
- basileum, basilei nroyal diadem
- basilium, basilii nroyal ornament, princely ornament
- basiliceroyally, in princely style, in magnificent style, wholly, completely
- batalarius, batalaria, batalariumrushing away
- bucelatum, bucelati nrusk
- bucellatum, bucellati nrusk
- buthysia, buthysiae fsacrifice of oxen
- breve, brevis nsandbank, shoal
- bisomum, bisomi nsarcophagus for two persons
- brassica acidasauerkraut, sour cabbage
- brassica conditasauerkraut, sour cabbage
- botularius, botularii msausage-maker, dealer in sausages
- botulinus, botulina, botulinumsausage-related
- botulus, botuli msausage, stomach filled with delicacies
- brathy, brathys nsavintree
- brassica bullatasavoy, savoy cabbage
- brassica crispasavoy, savoy cabbage
- bagina, baginae fscabbard, sheath, covering, holder, female vagina, sheath of a claw
- bonae artes (disciplinae)sciences, arts
- bis millesimus, bis millesima, bis millesimumsecond thousandth
- buda, budae fsedge
- blandimentis aliquem corrumposeduce someone with flattery
- blandus amatorseductive lover
- Brutum legatum deligereselect Brutus as Envoy
- bona mea divendosell one's goods
- bene vendosell well, sell at a high price
- bendo 3sell, vend
- bellatum aliquem in Asiam mittosend someone to fight in Asia Minor
- bonane fide?seriously?
- bacatus, bacata, bacatumset with pearls, adorned with pearls, pearl-
- baccatus, baccata, baccatumset with pearls, adorned with pearls, pearl-
- bigemmis, bigemmeset with two precious stones, having two buds
- bellum componosettle the war (through negotiations)
- bellum sepeliosettle the war
- bis terqueseveral times, repeatedly, utterly
- biceps civitasshady citizenship
- brevia, brevium nshallow places, shallows, shoals, difficulties
- barbatoriam facioshave the beard for the first time
- barbam radoshave the beard
- barbam tondeoshave the beard
- barbam demoshave, remove the beard
- barbatoria, barbatoriae fshaving of the beard
- balneatrix, balneatricis fshe who has the care of a bath
- balantes, balantium fsheep
- baculum pastoraleshepherd's crook
- breviter et commode dictumshort apt joke word
- breve, brevis nshort catalogue, summary
- brevitas spatiishort distance
- breviculus, breviculi mshort writing, summary
- brevioris distantiae cursorshort-distance runner, sprinter
- brevia atque concisashort, broken sentences
- brevis, breveshort, little, small, narrow, low, brief, little, concise
- brevio 1shorten, abbreviate, abridge
- breviatio, breviationis fshortening
- bruma, brumae fshortest day in the year, winter solstice, winter time, winter, year
- brevitershortly, briefly, in a short time, in brief, in few words, concisely, summarily
- brevitas et celeritas syllabarumshortness and length of syllables
- brevitas, brevitatis fshortness, narrowness, brevity, conciseness, littleness, smallness
- batillum, batilli n (vatillum, vatilli n)shovel, fire-shovel, coal-shovel, dirt shovel, dungshovel, fire-pan, chafing-dish, fumigating-pan, incense-pan
- benevolentiam praesto alicuishow goodwill towards someone
- bonitatem ad aliquem permittoshow kindness to someone, show tenderness to someone
- benevolentia aliquem complectorshow someone goodwill
- benevolentia aliquem prosequorshow someone goodwill
- bellicum, bellici nsignal for march, signal for the beginning of an attack
- bombycina, bombycinorum nsilk garments
- bombycinum, bombycini nsilk texture, silk web
- bombyx, bombycis csilk-worm, that which is made of silk, silken garment, silk, any fine fibre, cotton
- bigati, bigatorum msilver coins with the stamp of the bigae
- bestius, bestia, bestiumsimilar to a wild animal
- belutus, beluta, belutum similar to an animal
- baro, baronis msimpleton, blockhead, dunce
- baceolus, baceoli msimpleton, buffoon, idiot, fool, bungler, moron
- balanitis, balanitidis fskaped like an acorn
- bracae nartatoriaeski pants
- baculum nartatoriumski pole
- bello exercitatusskilled in the art of war
- bovicidium, bovicidii nslaughtering of cattle
- bellum servileslave revolt, slave uprising, slave rebellion
- brevis tristitiae salebraslight hint of sadness
- bracchiorum venas interscindoslit the wrists (for suicide)
- bestiola, bestiolae fsmall animal, little beast
- bestiolus, bestioli msmall animal, little beast
- bestula, bestulae fsmall animal, little beast
- basella, basellae fsmall base
- basicula, basiculae fsmall base
- balneolum, balneoli nsmall bath
- balneolae, balneolarum fsmall bathes
- bacula, e fsmall berry
- birotula, birotulae fsmall bike, small bicycle
- barca, barcae fsmall boat, bark, barge
- barcella, barcellae fsmall boat, small barque
- barcula, barculae fsmall boat, small barque
- buxtula, buxtulae fsmall box
- bulbulus, bulbuli msmall bulb
- burra, burrae fsmall cow with a red mouth or muzzle, shaggy garment
- brachypota, brachypotae msmall drinker
- baris, baridos f small Egyptian row-boat
- balteolus, balteoli msmall girdle
- buricus, burici msmall horse
- burricus, burrici msmall horse
- bibliothecula, bibliotheculae fsmall library, small collection of books
- buccella, buccellae fsmall mouthful, morsel, rusk, small bread divided among the poor
- baca, bacae fsmall round fruit, berry, olive, any fruit of a tree, that which is like a berry in shape, pearl, dung of sheep, dung of goats, link of a chain in the shape of a berry
- bacca, baccae fsmall round fruit, berry, olive, any fruit of a tree, that which is like a berry in shape, pearl, dung of sheep, dung of goats, link of a chain in the shape of a berry
- botellus, botelli msmall sausage
- bacillus, bacilli msmall staff, wand
- bacillum, bacilli nsmall staff, wand, the staff of the lictor
- biremis, biremis fsmall vessel with two oars, galley with two banks of oars
- blandiloquium, blandiloquii nsoft words, flattering speech
- buccellatum, buccellati nsoldiers’ biscuit, rusk
- bacario, bacarionis msome kind of small jug
- bona existimatio est de aliquosomeone has a good reputation, someone is in good standing
- bene est alicuisomeone is well, things are good with someone
- bene aliquid ceditsomething goes out successfully
- brevis et caduca ressomething short-lived and ephemeral
- breviculus, brevicula, breviculumsomewhat short, somewhat small
- bacario, bacarionis mson of a bitch, panderer
- Bacchus, Bacchi mson of Jupiter and a Theban woman, Semele, cry or invocation to Bacchus, vine, wine
- brevi deindesoon after, shortly after
- brevi postsoon after, shortly after
- brevisoon, next, in a short time
- blandesoothingly, flatteringly, courteously, carefully, gently, softly
- blanditersoothingly, flatteringly, courteously, carefully, gently, softly
- blandumsoothingly, flatteringly, courteously, carefully, gently, softly
- bellisonus, bellisona, bellisonumsounding of war
- bisonus, bisona, bisonumsounding twice
- bene dicospeak (formally) according to the rules, speak reasonably (in terms of content), speak words of good foreshadowing
- barbarizo 1speak barbarously
- barbare loquorspeak gibberish, speak incorrectly, speak like a stranger
- bellum dissuadeospeak out against the war
- benedico 3speak well of any one, commend, praise, adore, bless, consecrate, hallow
- breviloquens, breviloquentsspeaking briefly, brief, being brief
- breviloquus, breviloqua, breviloquumspeaking briefly, brief, being brief
- blandiloquentulus, blandiloquentula, blandiloquentulumspeaking caressingly, fair-spoken
- blandiloquens, blandiloquenntisspeaking courteously, speaking flatteringly, speaking soothingly
- blandiloquus, blandiloqua, blandiloquumspeaking smoothly, speaking flatteringly, fair-spoken
- blandidicus, blandidica, blandidicumspeaking soothingly, speaking coaxingly, speaking kindly
- bonacus, bonaci mspecies of bull in Pœonia, with the hair of a horse, and with horns unfit for fighting
- bonasus, bonasi mspecies of bull in Pœonia, with the hair of a horse, and with horns unfit for fighting
- bumastus, bumasti fspecies of grape with large clusters
- bucconiatis vitisspecies of vine in Thurium, the fruit of which is not gathered until after the first frost
- bestiae mutaespeechless animals
- baco 1sprinkle with laurel
- bona mea lacerosquander one's fortune, dissipate one's fortune
- bovile, bovilis nstall for oxen
- bubile, bubilis nstall for oxen
- balbo 1stammer, stutter, babble, slur
- balbutio 4 (balbuttio 4)stammer, stutter, speak upon something obscurely, speak not distinctly, speak not correctly
- balbestammeringly, obscurely
- bellum cum aliquo ineostart a war with someone, go to war with someone
- bellum commoveostart a war
- bellum praecipiostart the war earlier
- bellum cieostart war
- bellum sumostart war
- Bupalus, Bupali mstatuary of Chios
- basium alicui surripiosteal a kiss from someone
- baculum, baculi nstick, staff (as a support in walking), augural staff, lituus, sceptre, support, stay, rod
- baculus, baculi mstick, staff (as a support in walking), augural staff, lituus, sceptre, support, stay, rod
- boreas saevusstiff north wind
- bromosus, bromosa, bromosumstinking, fetid
- bursa, bursae fstock market value, share value
- bursarius valorstock market value, share value
- bursarius, bursarii mstockbroker
- balbutire desinostop speaking unclearly
- brachium procerius proiciostretch out the arm freely
- batto 3strike, beat, hit, thresh
- batuo 3strike, beat, hit, thresh
- barbam alicuius permulceostroke someone's beard
- barbam tornostroke the bard
- barosus, barosa, barosumstupid proud
- baburrus, baburri mstupid, moron, silly drip
- bardus, barda, bardumstupid, slow on the uptake
- balbutio 4 (balbuttio 4)stutter something, stammer something, lisp out something
- balbus, balba, balbumstuttering, stammering, babbling, sluring
- blandissimus, blandissima, blandissimumsugary sweet
- bubino 1sully with menstruation
- breviarium, breviarii nsummary, abridgment, abstract, epitome
- borrio 4swarm
- burrio 4swarm
- bacchatus, bacchata, bacchatumswarmed (by bacchantes)
- bacillo 1sway to and fro, waddle, stagger, reel, totter, waver, vacillate
- bova, bovae fswelling of the legs
- bracae balnearesswimming trunks
- bellum capessotackle the war, take part in the war
- beneficio utortake advantage, accept a benefit
- bonum animum habeotake courage
- bellum sumotake up arms, start a war
- blatero 1 (blattero 1)talk idly, talk foolishly, babble, prate
- blattero 1talk idly, talk foolishly, babble, prate
- bliteus, blitea, bliteumtasteless, insipid, silly, foolish, useless
- bellum altius expediotell the war from the beginning
- bellum decennaleten-year war, decennial war
- benigne! sorbitio mihi non ita grata estthank you! I don't care so much for soup
- bellissimus ille pusiothat clean boy, that clean lad
- binarius, binaria, binariumthat contains of two, that consists of two
- beas (me)that delights me, I am rejoiced at that
- beasti (me)that delights me, I am rejoiced at that
- blasphemabilis, blasphemabilethat deserves reproach, censurable, worth being reviled
- biothanatus, biothanata, biothanatumthat dies a violent death
- bulbaceus, bulbacea, bulbaceumthat has bulbs, bulbous
- bilustris, bilustrethat lasts two lustra, that lasts ten years, of ten years’ duration
- bene illo Graecorum proverbio praecipiturthat well-known Greek proverb teaches excellently
- bellaria, bellariorum nthat which is used as a dessert, fruit, nuts, confectionery, sweet wine, dessert
- bene narrasthat's good to hear
- bimatus, bimatus mthe age of two years
- Batrachomyomachia, Batrachomyomachiae fThe Battle of the Frogs and Mice
- boletus, boleti mthe best kind of mushrooms
- basilicum, basilici nthe best kind of nuts
- bomba disploditurthe bomb explodes
- bronchia, bronchiorum nthe bronchial tubes
- bombizatio, bombizationis fthe buzzing of bees
- bos ad arandum natusthe cattle are made for ploughing
- belli atque pacis rationesthe chances for war and peace
- boreae frigusthe cold of the north wind
- beatitas, beatitatis fthe condition of the beatus, happiness, a blessed condition, blessedness
- beatitudo, beatitudinis fthe condition of the beatus, happiness, a blessed condition, blessedness
- bura, burae fthe curved hinder part of the plough, plough-beam
- buris, buris f (bura, burae f)the curved hinder part of the plough, plough-beam
- biforem dat tibia cantumthe double flute sounds
- bubo, dirum mortalibus omenthe eagle owl, a horrifying image for humans
- biviae faucesthe entrances of the hollow way on both sides
- beneficium liberorumthe exemption from judicial office obtained by having a certain number of children
- battalia, battālium nthe fighting and fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators
- battualia, battuālium nthe fighting and fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators
- bellum orbis terrarum primumthe first world war
- bellum primum mundanumthe first world war
- bellum universale primumthe first world war
- bonum publicumthe general best, state welfare
- baptisma mundithe general deluge
- bivii dithe gods worshipped at crossroads
- bonis male evenitthe good guys are doing badly
- bona aetasthe good years of life
- bonum, boni nthe good, possession, benefit, talent, virtue, advantage
- bona vacantthe goods are ownerless, the goods are abandoned
- bona in medium cesserethe goods fell to the commonwealth
- beta n (indecl.)the Greek name of the second letter of the alphabet
- beati, beatorum mthe happy persons, the fortunate persons, the well-off people
- bucula herbas atteritthe heifer tramples the grass
- bulapathum, bulapathi nthe herb patience, a kind of sorrel
- bimaritus, bimariti mthe husband of two wives
- bruta animaliathe irrational animals
- beatorum insulaethe islands of the blissful
- bimaris Isthmusthe Isthmus, lying on two seas
- basilicus, basilici mthe king’s throw, the best throw of dice
- baditis, badittĭdis fthe name of a plant, = nymphaea
- boum cervices natae ad iugumthe neck of the cattle is intended by nature for the yoke
- boreoriens, boreorientis mthe northeast
- Boreoccidens, Boreoccidentis mthe northwest
- binio, binionis fthe number two, a deuce
- belli os et faucesthe open jaws of war, the open maw of war
- buxus, buxi fthe pale, evergreen box-tree, things made of boxwood, pipe, flute
- balistarium, balistarii nthe place where the ballista is worked
- ballistarium, ballistarii nthe place where the ballista is worked
- bustum, busti nthe place where the bodies of the dead were burned and buried, tomb, funeral-pyre, mound, battle-field, a destroyed city, the site, ruins, the burned body itself, the ashes
- blanditur populus umbrathe poplar beckons with its shade
- benignitas, benignitatis fthe quality of one benignus, an affable bearing to others, kind bearing to others, kindness, friendliness, courtesy, benevolence, benignity, liberality, bounty, favor, lenity, mercy
- bucera saeclathe race of horned cattle
- bracchium, bracchii nthe ridges of a mountain, the sail-yards, outwork for connecting two points in fortifications, moles, dikes, the arm of a catapult
- bolites, bolitae fthe root of the plant lychnis
- beatulus, beatuli mthe sainted fellow
- beta n (indecl.)the second in any thing
- bellum alterum mundanumthe second world war
- bellum orbis terrarum alterumthe second world war
- bellum Samnitibus patres censueruntthe Senate decided on war against the Samnitesö
- bis quinque viri (= decemviri), the ten men
- balteus, baltei m (balteum, baltei n)the vacant space between the seats in the amphitheatre
- bellum renasciturthe war breaks out again
- bellum his manetthe war continues for them
- bellum multos homines absumpsitthe war has cost many lives, , the war has taken many lives
- bellum augeturthe war is increasing
- bellum per complures annos gestum estthe war lasted several years
- bellum confertur circa Corinthumthe war moves to the area of Corinth
- bellum resurgitthe war rises again
- bellum Pometiam compulsum estthe war was concentrated around Pometia
- buxum, buxi nthe wood of the boxtree, things made of boxwood, flute, pipe, top, comb, writingtablet, the boxtree
- biles, bilium fthe yellow and black bile
- baceolus, baceola, baceolumthick as thieves
- bracteola, bracteolae fthin leaf of gold
- bratteola, bratteolae fthin leaf of gold
- bibulus Falernithirsting for falerner
- biumbres, biumbrium mthose who give shade from two sides
- bellum denuntiothreaten with war
- bellum ostendothreaten with war
- beneficiothrough favor, by the help, by the aid, by the support, by the mediation, by means of, by the lucky turn of, by the agency of
- barathro aliquid donothrow into the abyss, squander
- bolos, boli mthrow, cast
- balista talentariathrowing stones of a talent in weight, Slingshot machine for fifty pound projectiles
- Bronton, Brontontis mthunderer, epithet of Jupiter
- bipedale, bipedalis ntile or flag-stone two feet long
- bipeda, bipedae ftile or flagstone two feet long, for pavements
- boletus fomentariustinder fungus
- bibio, bibionis mtippler, drunkard, small insect generated in wine
- bibo, bibonis mtippler, drunkard, small insect generated in wine
- bellō aliquem immisceoto involve someone in a war, draw someone into a war
- bene praesidentem! (sc.valere iubeo)to the well-being of the Chairman!
- bene te!to your health!, cheers!
- bene tibi!to your health!, cheers!
- bufo, bufonis mtoad
- bacchator, bacchatoris mtober, orgiast, reveller
- bustum natitomb of the son, son's grave
- barycephalus, barycephala, barycephalumtop-heavy, with low walls and broad roofs
- barycus, baryca, barycumtop-heavy, with low walls and broad roofs
- battuator, battuatoris mtorturer, cane master
- basanites, basanitae mtouchstone, test-stone, a very hard stone
- bellum commercialetrade war
- bene ago cum aliquotreat someone kindly, deal well with someone
- Burgundii, Burgundiorum mtribe of Goths, divided into the East Burgundians, who dwelt between the Oder and the Vistula, and the West Burgundians, upon the upper Main
- Burgundiones, Burgundionum mtribe of Goths, divided into the East Burgundians, who dwelt between the Oder and the Vistula, and the West Burgundians, upon the upper Main
- biceps laqueustrick question, quandary
- burrae, burrarum ftrifles, nonsense
- butubattatrifles, worthless things
- barbam recidotrim the beard
- bibe, si bibistrinke nur zu!!, wenn du trinkst, trinke ordentlich!
- braca, bracae f (bracca)trowsers, breeches
- bracae, bracarum f (braccae)trowsers, breeches
- bracca, braccae ftrowsers, breeches
- braccae, braccarum ftrowsers, breeches
- bracha, brachae ftrowsers, breeches
- brax, bracis ftrowsers, breeches
- bene verruncoturn out well, have a fortunate issue, have a good outcome, turn out for the better, end well
- bis seni diestwelve days
- bis senus labortwelvefold effort
- bicessis, bicessis mtwenty asses
- bini et viceni, binae et vicenae, bina et vicenatwenty two each
- bis et viciestwenty-two times
- bigintitwenty
- bis cotidietwice a day, twice daily
- bis dietwice a day, twice daily
- bis in hebdomadetwice a week
- bis anno twice a year, twice yearly
- bis ac saepiustwice and more
- bis tantotwice as big, twice as much
- bis tantumtwice as big, twice as much
- bis tanto pluristwice as expensive
- bis tot mercestwice as many goods
- bis tantumtwice as much
- bis consultwice consul
- bis in horatwice hourly
- bis minustwice less
- bigamus, bigama, bigamumtwice married
- bis senustwice six, twelvefold
- bis in mensetwice within a month
- bis in annotwice within a year, twice a year
- bis in dietwice within one day
- bistwice, at two times, on two occasions, in two ways, doubly, twofold, in a twofold manner
- Bostoniae duae bombae displosae sunttwo bombs exploded in Boston
- bini, binae, binatwo by two, two to each, two each, two at a time, a pair, double, two
- bina castratwo camps
- biduo, quo haec gesta sunttwo days after these events, two days after this had happened
- biduo posttwo days after, two days later
- buduum et binoctiumtwo days and two nights
- biduo antetwo days before
- biduum haesitatum erattwo days had been spent going back and forth
- biduo seriustwo days too late
- binae hostium copiaetwo enemy armies
- bipedus, bipeda, bipedumtwo feet long, two feet broad, bipedal
- bipedalis, bipedaletwo feet long, two feet broad, two feet thick
- bipedaneus, bipedanea, bipedaneumtwo feet long, two feet broad, two feet thick, bipedal
- biiugi, biiugorum mtwo horses yoked abreast, chariot drawn by two horses,
- bis centumtwo hundred
- binae litteraetwo letters
- bini panestwo loaves of bread
- bis tervetwo or three times, two or three times, very rarely
- bina coniugiatwo pairs each, two couples each
- bilibra, bilibrae ftwo pounds
- bipalmis, bipalmetwo spans long, two spans broad, of two spans
- bipalmus, bipalma, bipalmumtwo spans long, two spans broad, of two spans
- bes, besis mtwo thirds of a unit
- bes, bessis m (besis)two thirds of a unit
- bessis, bessis mtwo thirds of a unit
- bina miliatwo thousand
- biennio antetwo years ago, two years before
- biennio antequamtwo years before
- bimatus, bimata, bimatumtwo years old
- bimus, bima, bimumtwo years old, of two years, biennial
- bilinguis homotwo-faced person, hypocrite,
- bifax, bifacistwo-faced
- bipes, bipedistwo-footed, on two feet, two legged
- bicorniger, bicornigera, bicornigerumtwo-horned, an epithet of Bacchus
- bifarius, bifaria, bifariumtwofold, double
- biremis, biremetwooared, having two oars, having two banks of oars
- biremus, birema, biremumtwooared, having two oars, having two banks of oars
- bilinguis, bilinguetwotongued, double-tongued, with two keys, speaking two languages, hypocritical, deceitful, false, treacherous, having a double meaning, allegorical
- bilinguus, bilingua, bilinguumtwotongued, double-tongued, with two keys, speaking two languages, hypocritical, deceitful, false, treacherous, having a double meaning, allegorical
- birotus, birota, birotumtwowheeled, with two wheels
- blasphemiterunder vituperation, under slander, under defamation
- bellum suscipioundertake war
- bibliotheca universitariaUniversity Library
- batia, batiae funknown kind of fish
- balineae vacantesunused bathrooms, vacant bathrooms
- blatio iutter foolish things, babble, prate
- barathrum femineumvagina, female pubis
- brassicae, brassicarum fvarieties of cabbage
- Biennale VenezianumVenice Biennale
- buprestis, buprestis fvenomous beetle, whose sting caused a swelling in cattle
- barypicros, barypicron very bitter
- bene manevery early in the morning, very early, quite early
- blandissimus ingeniovery friendly of character, very friendly character
- boletar, boletaris nvessel for mushrooms, vessel for cooking and eating in
- bicia, biciae fvetch
- bella devictavictorious wars, victoriously concluded wars
- box, bocis fvoice
- bima sententiavote concerning the continuance of a provincial government for two years
- bellum defendowage a defensive war
- bellum illatum defendowage a defensive war
- bellum ultro inferowage a war of aggression
- bellis continuis perseverowage ceaseless war
- belligero 1wage on war, carry on war, fight
- belligeror 1wage on war, carry on war, fight
- bello 1wage on war, carry on war, war, fight in war, contend
- bellum agowage war according to plan
- bellum alicui faciowage war against someone, involve someone in war
- bellum coniungo cum aliquowage war together with someone
- bellum gerowage war
- bellifico 1waging war on something, attack
- belliger, belligera, belligerumwaging war, warlike, martial, valiant
- bacchor in voluptatewallow in pleasure, revel in pleasure
- brevis esse laborowant to be brief, want to be brief and to the point
- bene sentio de re publicawanting the best for the state, being a patriot
- bellum antariumwar at the gates of the city
- bellum deprecatumwar averted by pleading
- bellum exardescitwar breaks out
- bellum oriturwar breaks out
- belli horreumwar depot
- bellum concitowar excite
- bellum suscitowar excite, war arouse
- belli gerendi peritiawar experience
- belli peritiawar experience
- belli incendiumwar flame
- bellica gloriawar glory
- bellica lauswar glory
- bellum imminetwar is imminent, war imminent
- bellum impendetwar is imminent, war imminent
- bellum instatwar is imminent, war imminent
- bellaria, bellariorum nwar materiels
- bellum internecivumwar of extermination
- bellum pro libertate tuenda susceptumwar of freedom, war to preserve freedom, war to defend freedom
- bellum communis libertatis recuperandaewar of Independence
- bellum obnoxietatis abolendaewar of independence
- bellum obnoxietatis auferendaewar of independence
- bellum pro libertate recuperanda susceptumwar of liberation, war to regain freedom
- belli administerwar official, war officer
- bellum affectum et paene confectumwar that is coming to an end and is almost over
- belli incendiumwar torch, war flare
- belli calamitaswar tribulation
- belli calamitateswar tribulation
- bellum variumwar waged with varying degrees of success
- bellum in multa varietate versatum estwar was fought with very changing fortunes
- bellum socialewar with the confederates, confederation war
- bellicum, bellici nwar zone, theatre of war
- belli sedeswar zone, theatre of war, centre of the war
- baritus, baritus mwar-cry of the Germans, battle-cry
- barritus, barritus mwar-cry of the Germans, battle-cry, , the trumpeting of the elephants
- belli gerendi perituswar-experienced
- belli haud ignaruswar-experienced
- belli perituswar-experienced
- barditus, barditus mwar-song of the Germans
- bellum, belli nwar, warfare, hostilities between two nations, battle
- basilicarius, basilicariī mwarden of the basilica, cathedral custos
- belligeratio, belligerationis fwarfare
- bellosus, bellosa, bellosumwarlike
- bellax, bellaciswarlike, martial
- bellatorius, bellatoria, bellatoriumwarlike, martial, useful in warlike expeditions
- bellicosior annuswarlike, martial, valorous
- bellicosus, bellicosa, bellicosumwarlike, martial, valorous
- bellator, bellatoris mwarlike, ready to fight, martial, valorous
- bellatrix, bellatricis fwarlike, skilled in war, serviceable in war
- belli semitawarpath
- belligerator, belligeratoris mwarrior, combatant
- bellator, bellatoris mwarrior, soldier
- bibula nubeswater pulling cloud
- bullula, bullulae fwatery vesicle, small neck-ornament
- barbiger, barbigera, barbigerumwearing a beard, bearded
- blattifer, blattifera, blattiferumwearing purple, clothed in purple
- bracatus, bracata, bracatum (braccatus)wearing trowsers or breeches, foreign, barbarian, effeminate, of the land beyond the Alps, transalpin, wearing broad garments
- braccatus, braccata, braccatumwearing trowsers or breeches, foreign, barbarian, effeminate, of the land beyond the Alps, transalpin, wearing broad garments
- botanismus, botanismi mweeding, pulling up of weeds
- bilibralis, bilibraleweighing two pounds
- bene mereor de + Abl.well deserve for
- bene merituswell deserved
- bonatus, bonata, bonatumwell designed, solid
- bene animatus in aliquemwell disposed towards someone
- benevolens, benevolentis mwell-wisher, friend
- benevolus, benevola, benevolumwell-wishing, benevolent, kind, friendly, favorable, devoted, yielding willing service
- benewell, better, best
- berbex, berbecis cwether, mutton-head, stupid fellow
- berbix, berbicis cwether, mutton-head, stupid fellow
- balaena, balaenae fwhale
- balena, balenae fwhale
- ballaena. ballaenae fwhale
- ballena, ballenae fwhale
- bona salutewhat God forbid!, which may God prevent!
- blandiente inertiawhen the inactivity was comfortable
- bellis, bellidis fwhite daisy, ox-eye
- bonanimis, bonanimis mwho is of good cheer
- bestiae in pastu circumspectantwild animals look around while grazing
- bryonia, bryoniae fwild vine, the bryony
- bryonias, bryoniadis fwild vine, the bryony
- benevolentiam alicuius mihi concilio (colligo) ex aliqua rewin someone's goodwill on the basis of something
- benevolentiam civium colligowin the goodwill of one's fellow citizens
- bacar, bacaris nwine-vessel similar to the bacrio, wine-glass
- bacarium, bacarii nwine-vessel similar to the bacrio, wine-glass
- bellum hibernumwinter war
- benevolens, benevolentiswishing well, benevolent, favorable, propitious, kind, obliging
- benivolens, benivolentiswishing well, benevolent, favorable, propitious, kind, obliging
- bona mentewith a clear conscience, in good conscience
- bilix, biliciswith a double thread, two-threaded
- bonis avibuswith auspicious signs
- bracchiatus, bracchiata, bracchiatumwith boughs like arms, with branches like arms
- brachiatus, brachiata, brachiatumwith boughs like arms, with branches like arms
- bicoris, bicorewith double pupil
- brevibus verbiswith few words
- bicomis, bicomewith hair falling down on both sides, with a double mane
- bona venia (bona cum venia)with kind permission, with kind indulgence
- bellearis, bellearewith the hair, with the fleece
- bifrons, bifrontiswith two foreheads, with two faces (Ianus)
- bicors, bicordiswith two hearts, dissembling, false, , sly, cunning, devious
- bivertex, biverticiswith two summits, with two peaks
- bidens, bidentiswith two teeth, with two prongs, with two points
- bona venia tua dixerimwith your permission let it be said
- biduowithin two days, in the time of two days, during two days
- brevi manuwithout delay, immediately, instantaneously
- bivira, bivirae fwoman married to a second husband
- barba nucumwool of the nuts
- bacciballum, bacciballi nword of uncertain meaning, found only in Petron 61, big noodle
- bellum moliorwork towards a war, plan for war
- bractearius, bractearii mworker in gold-leaf, gold-beater
- bidentatio, bidentationis fworking the soil with the hoe, , soil hoeing
- bulba, bulbae fwrapper, covering, integument, womb, matrix of women, a sow’s matrix
- baubo 1yapping, bark gently, bark moderately
- baubor 1yapping, bark gently, bark moderately
- bellio, bellionis myellow ox-eye daisy
- bigus, biga, bigumyoked two together
- biiugis, biiugeyoked two together
- biiugus, biiuga, biiugumyoked two together
- benigne (2)you are very kind, I thank you very much, am under great obligation, I thank you
- barbare istud dicisyou express yourself in an un-Latin way
- bene fecisti, quod ...you were right to, , ,
- buculus, buculi myoung bullock, a steer
- bucula, buculae f (bocula)young cow, heifer
- beneficia vestra occiduntyour assistance is wasted
- belli studiumzeal for war
- bratteator, bratteatoris m
- bonus amicus
- bimater, bimatris m
- bimatris, bimatre
- beatificator, beatificatoris m
- Brundisium versustowards Brundisium
- borealis-orientalis, borealis-orientale
- borealis, boreale
- balnearius, balnearia, balnearium
- barippe, barippes f
- baroptenus, baroptenm m
- bidentalis, bidentalis m
- blattea, blatteae f
- biennio postquam