Lateinisch - Englische Wortliste - B
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    1829 Ergebnisse
  1. balnearia, balneariorum n
    place for bathing, bathing-room, bath, bathing implement
  2. bellum restinguo
  3. bonum vesperum tibi exopto
  4. blapsigonia, blapsigoniae f
  5. bubulina siccata
    , dried buffalo meat,
  6. bene vivo
    , live honourably, live virtuously, live rightly,
  7. balinea imaginor et fontes
    , my imagination is occupied only with baths and springs,
  8. bene ingeniatus ad aliquam rem
    (by nature) well disposed to something
  9. bule, bules f
    (Greek) council, senate
  10. bestia, bestiae f
    (wild) animal, beast,wild beast
  11. bistea, bisteae f
    (wild) animal, beast, wild beast
  12. bistia, bistiae f
    (wild) animal, beast, wild beast
  13. batus, bati m
    a bath, a Hebrew measure for liquids, containing about nine gallons
  14. bellum pomum
    a beautiful fruit
  15. butio, butionis m
    a bittern
  16. basilice, basilices f
    a black plaster
  17. basilicon, basilici n
    a black plaster
  18. bratteatum dictum
    a brilliant dictum
  19. bacchatio, bacchationis f
    a celebrating of the orgies of Bacchus, revelling, raving (in the manner of the Bacchae)
  20. bene morata et bene constituta civitas
    a civilized state
  21. brachycatalectus, brachycatalecta, brachycatalectum
    a closure that is missing a whole foot or half a meter
  22. batenim
    a comic word formed to parody the conjunction at enim
  23. bat
    a comic word formed to parody the conjunction at
  24. buccellare, buccellaris n
    a cooking utensil
  25. Brontes, Brontae m
    a Cyclops who labored in the workshop of Vulcan
  26. binominis, cui geminum est nomen, ut Numa Pompilius
    a double-named person is one who has a double name, like Numa Pompilius
  27. binubus, binubi m
    a doublymarried man
  28. bema, bematis n
    a feast day of the Manichaeans
  29. bolis, bolĭdis f
    a fiery meteor of the form of an arrow
  30. balista talentaria
    a fifty-pound throwing stone
  31. batrachus, batrachi m
    a fish, sea-frog
  32. brephotropheum, brephotrophei n
    a foundling hospital
  33. brephotrophium, brephotrophii n
    a foundling hospital
  34. bene praeparatum pectus
    a heart ready for anything
  35. bombus, bombi m
    a hollow, deep sound, booming, humming, buzzing, bumblebee
  36. boscas, boscadis f
    a kind of duck
  37. boscis, boscidis f
    a kind of duck
  38. baxa, baxae f
    a kind of woven shoe worn on the comic stage and by philosophers
  39. baxea, baxeae f
    a kind of woven shoe worn on the comic stage and by philosophers
  40. boa, boae f
    a large Italian serpent, a water-serpent, so called because it milked cows or because it could swallow an ox, disease producing red pustules, measles or small-po
  41. bova, bovae f
    a large Italian serpent, a water-serpent, so called because it milked cows or because it could swallow an ox, disease producing red pustules, measles or small-po
  42. baxearius, baxearii m
    a maker of woven shoes
  43. baxiarius, baxiarii m
    a maker of woven shoes
  44. batrachion, batrachii n
    a medicinal plant, also called ranunculus
  45. bellum ingens in cervicibus erat
    a mighty war was imminent
  46. baca conchea
    a pearl
  47. Bebryces, Bebrycum m
    a people inhabiting Bebrycia, a province of Asia Minor, afterwards called Bithynia
  48. bechion, bechii n
    a plant good for a cough, colt’sfoot
  49. baccar, baccaris n
    a plant having a fragrant root, from which an oil was expressed
  50. bacchar, baccharis n
    a plant having a fragrant root, from which an oil was expressed
  51. borith n (indecl.)
    a plant purifying like soap, soapwort
  52. bugillo, bugillonis m
    a plant, also called ajuga reptans
  53. baccina, baccinae f
    a plant, also called Apollinaris
  54. brumaria, brumariae f
    a plant, also called leontopodium, lion’s-foot
  55. ballote, ballotes f
    a plant, also called porrum nigrum, black horehound
  56. basilisca, basiliscae f
    a plant, an antidote for the bite of the basilisk, also called regula
  57. boopes, boopis n
    a plant, pure Lat, caerefolium
  58. burdunculus, burdunculi m
    a plant, borage
  59. burrhinon, burrhini n
    a plant, oxnose
  60. batis, batis f
    a plant, seafennel, samphire
  61. battis, battis f
    a plant, seafennel, samphire
  62. betonica, betonicae f
    a plant, the betony
  63. barbara, barbarae f
    a plaster applied to raw wounds
  64. barbarum, barbari n
    a plaster applied to raw wounds
  65. Bandusĭa, Bandusĭaae f
    a pleasant fountain near Venusia, the birthplace of Horace, celebrated by him in song, C, 3,13
  66. beryllus, berylli m
    a precious stone of a sea-green color, coming from India, beryl, a ring with a beryl, sapphire
  67. bostrychites, bostrychitae m
    a precious stone
  68. brontia, brontiae f
    a precious stone
  69. baptes, baptae m
    a precious stone, colored amber
  70. bellum iustum
    a regular war, a formal war
  71. bellum pium
    a regular war, a formal war
  72. belone, belones f
    a sea-fish, also called acus, hornpike, garfish
  73. bacchus, bacchi m
    a sea-fish, also called myxon
  74. box, bocis m
    a sea-fish, otherwise unknown
  75. basterna, basternae f
    a sedan chair or litter, enclosed on all sides, and carried by mules
  76. brevis et circumscripta quaedam explicatio
    a short and sharply defined statement
  77. brevis, brevis m
    a short catalogue, summary
  78. brevis pellicula in interrete divulgata est
    a short film strip was distributed on the internet
  79. brya, bryae f
    a shrub, also called myrice and tamarice
  80. brevis lacinia
    a small piece of earth, a small spot
  81. bracchiolum, bracchioli n
    a small, delicate arm, muscle in a horse’s leg, arm of a chair
  82. brachiolum, brachioli n
    a small, delicate arm, muscle in a horse’s leg, arm of a chair
  83. banchus, banchi m
    a species of fish
  84. bancus, banci m
    a species of fish
  85. bison, bisontis m
    a species of wild ox living in northern regions, urus, the humpbacked ox, bison
  86. belli metuenda virago
    a terrible heroine in war
  87. bractea, bracteae f
    a thin plate of metal, gold-leaf, the golden fleece of Spanish sheep, thin layers of wood, veneers, show, glitter
  88. brattea, bratteae f (bractea)
    a thin plate of metal, gold-leaf, the golden fleece of Spanish sheep, thin layers of wood, veneers, show, glitter
  89. Bruxellis conventus biduanus Unionis Europaeae inauguratus est
    a two-day meeting of the European Union opened in Brussels
  90. bipes asellus
    a two-legged donkey, a foolish man
  91. bipalme spiculum
    a two-span long tip (15 cm)
  92. brabilla, brabillae f
    a unknown plant
  93. brabyla, brabylae f
    a unknown plant
  94. bannanica, bannanicae f
    a variety of the vine
  95. blitum, bliti n
    a vegetable, in itself tasteless, but used as a salad, orache, or spinach
  96. blitus, bliti m
    a vegetable, in itself tasteless, but used as a salad, orache, or spinach
  97. beta, betae f
    a vegetable, beet
  98. betacius, betacii m
    a vegetable, beet
  99. betis, betis f
    a vegetable, beet
  100. bios, bii m
    a very celebrated and wholesome Greek wine
  101. bellum male auspicatum
    a war started inauspiciously
  102. bebra, bebrae f
    a weapon of barbarous nations
  103. bini boves
    a yoke of oxen
  104. breviator, breviatoris m
    abbreviator, epitomizer, author of a breviarium
  105. beluosus, beluosa, beluosum
    abounding in beasts, abounding in monsters
  106. biluosus, biluosa, biluosum
    abounding in beasts, abounding in monsters
  107. bituminosus, bituminosa, bituminosum
    abounding in bitumen, bituminous
  108. breviarius, breviaria, breviarium
  109. barathrum, barathri n
    abyss, chasm, a deep pit, the lower world, the infernal regions, maw
  110. bene monenti oboedio
    accept a good instruction, accept a good teaching
  111. bene monentem sequor
    accept a instruction, accept a teaching
  112. ballematicus, ballematica, ballematicum
    accompanying the dance
  113. balanis, balanidis f
    acorn, any fruit of similar form, kind of large chestnut, the Phœnician and Cilician date, nut yielding a balsam, Arabian ben-nut, the tree itself, any object in the form of an acorn, suppository (medic), shell-fish, species of sea-mussel
  114. balanus, balani f
    acorn, any fruit of similar form, kind of large chestnut, the Phœnician and Cilician date, nut yielding a balsam, Arabian ben-nut, the tree itself, any object in the form of an acorn, suppository (medic), shell-fish, species of sea-mussel
  115. bene ago
    act well, proceed according to justice and equity, proceed rightly, proceed correctly
  116. blande aliquem compello
    address someone flatteringly
  117. benigne aliquem alloquor
    address someone kindly
  118. bene colloco
  119. bellum suadeo
    advise war, speak out in favour of war
  120. bulimosus, bulimosa, bulimosum
    afflicted with insatiable hunger
  121. brevi tempore interiecto
    after a short interruption, after a short interim period
  122. bello perpetrato
    after the end of the war, after the war was over
  123. bovatim
    after the manner of oxen or cows
  124. biennio post ac menses fere novem
    after two years and almost nine months
  125. biennio post et octo mensibus
    after two years and eight months
  126. biennio post
    after two years, two years later
  127. Beroea, Beroeae f.
  128. barbaria omnis
    all barbarians
  129. blandimenta voluptatis
    allure of pleasure, charm of pleasure
  130. benevolentia erga alios
  131. bugula, bugulae f
    an abortive plant
  132. barbatus, barbati m
    an adult, a Roman of the olden timephilosopher, goat, , billy goat,
  133. bdellium, bdellii n
    an Asiatic plant, distinguished for its fragrant gum, vine-palm, the costly gum exuding from the vine-palm
  134. bedella, bedellae f
    an Asiatic plant, distinguished for its fragrant gum, vine-palm, the costly gum exuding from the vine-palm
  135. bellissima occasio
    an exceedingly pretty opportunity
  136. blendea, blendeae f
    an inferior kind of seafish
  137. blendius, blendii m
    an inferior kind of seafish
  138. blennius, blennii m
    an inferior kind of seafish
  139. bupleuron, bupleuri n
    an umbelliferous plant, hare’s-ear
  140. balanites, balanites m
    an unknown precious stone
  141. bidens, bidentis f
    animal for sacrifice (swine, sheep, ox), animal for sacrifice whose two rows of teeth are complete
  142. bestiarum genus
    animal kingdom
  143. bisulcum, bisulci n
    animal with cloven feet
  144. brutalis, brutale
    animal, unreasonable
  145. bestiae ex se natos diligunt
    animals love their young (cubs)
  146. balanatus, balanata, balanatum
    anointed with balsam, perfumed with balsam, embalmed
  147. bene interroganti respondeo
    answer an appropriately asked question
  148. bulla, bullae f
    any object swelling up and thus becoming round, waterbubble, bubble, trifle, vanity, any thing rounded by art, boss, knob, a stud in a girdle, head of a pin in the water-clock, kind of (golden) amulet worn upon the neck
  149. bracile, bracilis n
  150. bene convenit inter aliquos
    are on good terms with each other, get along well with each other
  151. bene ambulasti?
    are you back happy?, was the journey a happy one?
  152. bene ambulatum est?
    are you back happy?, was the journey a happy one?
  153. bracchium, bracchii n
    arm, forearm (from the hand to the elbow), the whole arm (from the shoulder to the fingers), the limbs of animals (analogous to the arms of men), the claws of crawfish and other sea-fish, branches of trees
  154. brachium, brachii n
    arm, forearm (from the hand to the elbow), the whole arm (from the shoulder to the fingers), the limbs of animals (analogous to the arms of men), the claws of crawfish and other sea-fish, branches of trees, the ridges of a mountain
  155. bracchiale, bracchialis
    armlet, bracelet
  156. bracchialis, bracchialis m
    armlet, bracelet
  157. brachiale, brachialis n
    armlet, bracelet
  158. brachialis, brachialis m
    armlet, bracelet
  159. brachilis, brachilis m
    armlet, bracelet
  160. brachionarium, brachionarii n
    armlet, bracelet
  161. bellum facio
    arouse a war, instigate a war
  162. bilem alicui moveo
    arouse someone's anger, enrage someone, make someone's bile rise
  163. bascauda, bascaudae f
    article of table furniture, a delicately woven mat, dish-holder of basket-work
  164. ballistarius, ballistarii m
    artillery master, artilleryman
  165. ballistariorum commeatus
  166. barbare
    as a foreigner would, in a foreign tongue, rudely, ignorantly, in an uncultivated way, roughly, barbarously, cruelly
  167. bratus, brati f
    Asian cypress, tree similar to the cypress tree
  168. brachia mea sceleri praebeo
    assist in crime
  169. bipartito signa infero
    attack in two divisions
  170. bellum hostibus infero
    attack the enemies (in their country)
  171. bellum infero
    attack, fight, war, assault
  172. bella frustra tempto
    attempt in vain to use the force of arms
  173. bipennis, bipennis f
    axe with two edges, battle-axe
  174. bebo 1
    bä bä scream
  175. bucco, bucconis m
    babbler, blockhead, fool
  176. babulus, babuli m
    babbler, fool, boaster
  177. balatro, balatronis m
    babbler, jester, one who makes sport, buffoon
  178. blatero, blateronis m
    babbler, prater
  179. blato, blatonis m
    babbler, prater, chamberlain
  180. blateratio, blaterationis f
  181. blateratus, blateratus m
    babbling, prating
  182. Baccha, Bacchae f
    Bacchanet, female attendant of Bacchus
  183. Baccheus, Bacchea, Baccheum
    bacchic, bacchantian
  184. baccalaureus, baccalaurei m
    bachelor, who has achieved the first academic degree
  185. bacalaureus, bacalaurei m
    bachelor, who has achieved the first degree in philosophy
  186. bastagarius, bastagarii m
  187. Bagdatensis, Bagdatense
  188. Bagdatum, Bagdati n
  189. baculum furnaceum
  190. bona cum vitiis compenso
    balance the good and the mistakes
  191. Balcanus mons
    Balkan Mountains
  192. Balcanicus, Balcanica, Balcanicum
  193. balsami lacrima
    balsamic juice
  194. bananetum, bananeti n
    banana plantation
  195. banana, bananae f
  196. Bangladesha, Bangladeshae f
  197. Bengalia, Bengaliae f
  198. Banquoquiensis, Banquoquiense
  199. Bancocium, Bancocii n
  200. Banquoquia, Banquoquiae f
  201. baptizo 1
  202. baptizator, baptizatoris m
  203. baptista, baptistae m
    baptizer, baptist
  204. baptizatio, baptizationis f
  205. barbara, barbarae f
    barbarian, foreigner
  206. barbaricum
  207. barbus, barbi m
    barbel, river barbel
  208. berberis, berberis f
    barberry, sour thorn
  209. Barcinonensis, Barcinonense
    Barcelona related, Barcelona regarding, belonging to Barcelona
  210. baro, baronis m
  211. baronissa, baronissae f
  212. barcarius, barcarii m
    barque leader, barque driver
  213. bomba doliaris
    barrel bomb
  214. basipila, basipilae f
  215. basis trianguli
    baseline of the triangle
  216. bascauda, bascaudae f
    basketball hoop
  217. bascaudarius, bascaudarii m
    basketball player
  218. Batavi, Batavorum m
    Batavians, Hollanders, Dutch
  219. baliscus, balisci m
  220. balniscus, balnisci m
  221. balinea, balineorum n
    bath, place for bathing
  222. balineae, balinearum f
    bath, place for bathing
  223. balineum, balinei n
    bath, place for bathing
  224. balnea, balneorum n
    bath, place for bathing
  225. balneae, balnearum f
    bath, place for bathing
  226. balneum, balnei n
    bath, place for bathing
  227. balneo 1
    bathe, have a bath
  228. balneare, balnearis n
    bathing money
  229. bene Latine doctus es
    be a good Latin scholar, be well taught in Latin
  230. bubulcito 1
    be a herdsman, keep oxen, feed oxen, drive oxen, cry like an ox-driver, bawl like an ox-driver
  231. bubulcitor 1
    be a herdsman, keep oxen, feed oxen, drive oxen, cry like an ox-driver, bawl like an ox-driver
  232. bellum pavesco
    be afraid of war
  233. bilem habeo
    be angry
  234. bis bina quot sint, non didici
    be completely ignorant of arithmetic, not know how much 2x2 is
  235. bractor 1
    be drunk
  236. bono sum animo in aliquem
    be favourably disposed towards someone
  237. bene scio
    be good at something
  238. betisso 1
    be idle
  239. betizo 1
    be idle
  240. bene convenit alicui cum aliquo
    be in a good relationship with someone
  241. bullio 4
    be in bubbling motion, be in a state of ebullition, bubble, boil with rage, fry in a passion
  242. bullo 1
    be in bubbling motion, be in a state of ebullition, bubble, boil with rage, fry in a passion
  243. bene audio ab aliquo
    be in good standing with someone
  244. bono animo sum
    be of good cheer
  245. bene convenit alicui cum aliquo
    be on good terms with someone
  246. brevi spatio sileo
    be silent for a short while
  247. bene cupio alicui
    be well disposed towards someone
  248. bona indole praeditus sum
    be well-disposed, be endowed with good disposition
  249. belle me habeo
    be well, be comfortable, be in good health
  250. beccus, becci m
    beak, bill
  251. barbitondium, barbitondii n
    beard trimming, beard removal, shave
  252. barba, barbae f
  253. barbitium, barbitii n
  254. basternarius, basternarii m
    bearer of a sedan
  255. bipennifer, bipennifera, bipenniferum
    bearing a two-edged axe
  256. bacalis, bacale
    bearing berries
  257. baccifer, baccifera, bacciferum
    bearing berries, bearing olives
  258. bacifer, bacifera, baciferum (baccifer)
    bearing berries, bearing olives, with berries, with olives, berry-rich
  259. buxifer, buxifera, buxiferum
    bearing box-trees
  260. bifer, bifera, biferum
    bearing fruit twice a year, of twofold form
  261. belba, belbae f
    beast, monster, animal, brute
  262. bellua, belluae f
    beast, monster, animal, brute
  263. belua, beluae f
    beast, monster, animal, brute
  264. belva, belvae f
    beast, monster, animal, brute
  265. bellitudo, bellitudinis f
    beauty, loveliness
  266. beber, bebri m
  267. bancam ruptam facio
    become a bankrupt
  268. brutesco 3
    become brutish, become rough, become unreasonable
  269. brutisco 3
    become brutish, become rough, become unreasonable
  270. bello implicor
    become involved in a war, get embroiled in a war
  271. beduinus, beduini m
  272. bos, bovis c
  273. bubula, bubulae f
  274. bubulina, bubulinae f
  275. braxator, braxatoris m
    beer brewer
  276. braxatorium, braxatorii n
    beer brewery, brewery, brewhouse
  277. betaceus, betacei m
  278. Beethovenianus, Beethoveniana, Beethovenianum
  279. blanditiis aliquem capio
    beguiling someone with flattery, flatter someone
  280. Belarus, Belari m
  281. Belorussia, Belorussiae f
  282. Bielorussia, Bielorussiae f
  283. Belaricus, Belarica, Belaricum
  284. Belariensis, Belariense
  285. Belgradum, Belgradi n
  286. blandior votis meis
    believe what I am wished
  287. belli gerendi avidus
    bellicose, belligerent, warlike
  288. bovinor 1
    bellow at, brawl, revile
  289. bibliothecalis, bibliothecale
    belonging to a library
  290. barrinus, barrina, barrinum
    belonging to an elephant, elephantine
  291. Bruxellensis, Bruxellense
    belonging to Brussels, located in Brussels
  292. bioticus, biotica, bioticum
    belonging to common life, used in common life, practical
  293. bracchialis, bracchiale
    belonging to the arm
  294. brachialis, brachiale
    belonging to the arm
  295. burbonianus, burboniana,burbonianum
    belonging to the Bourbons
  296. biocolyticus, biocolytica, biocolyticum
    belonging to the police, police
  297. balteum, baltei n
    belt, swordbelt, swordband passing over the shoulder, belly-band of a horse, border, rim, edge, circle, zodiac, the crust of a cake, the bark of the willow, the vacant space between the seats in the amphitheatre, strapping, blow with a belt
  298. beneficium, beneficii n
    benefaction, kindness, favor, benefit, service, distinction, support, favor, promotion, privilege, right
  299. benificium, benificii n
    benefaction, kindness, favor, benefit, service, distinction, support, favor, promotion, privilege, right
  300. benefactum, benefacti n
    benefit, favour
  301. benivolentia in aliquem
    benevolence towards someone
  302. Berlinum, Berlini n
  303. Berna, Bernae f
  304. Bernas, Bernatis m
  305. Bernensis, Bernense
  306. Bernensis, Bernensis m
  307. blanditiis circumsessus
    beset by flattery
  308. beluilis, beluile
    bestial, brutal
  309. belualis, beluale
    bestial, brutish
  310. biberarius, biberarii m
    beverage salesman, lemonade salesman
  311. Bibulo assensum est
    Bibulus was agreed to
  312. bisaecularis, bisaeculare
    bicentennial, bicentenary
  313. birota, birotae f
    bicycle, bike, cabriolet
  314. bimum merum
    biennial wine, two-year-old wine
  315. bilateralis, bilaterale
    bilateral, two-sided
  316. bilis, bilis f
    bile, anger, wrath, choler, ire, displeasure, indignation
  317. biliosus, biliosi m
    bilious person
  318. biliosa, biliosorum n
    bilious substances
  319. beneficiis aliquem devincio
    bind someone by benefaction, oblige someone by doing good
  320. beneficiis aliquem obligo
    bind someone by benefaction, oblige someone by doing good
  321. binoculus, binoculi m
    binoculars, opera glasses
  322. biodiversitas, biodiversitatis f
  323. biotopus, biotopi m
    biotope, habitat
  324. bipedes, bipedum m
  325. bipedius, bipedia, bipedium
  326. bettula, bettulae f (betula)
  327. betula, betulae f
  328. betulla, betullae f
  329. bestiae volucres
    birds, poultry
  330. bipartitio, bipartitionis f
    bisection, division into two halves
  331. bipertitio, bipertitionis f
    bisection, division into two halves
  332. bitumen, bituminis n
    bitumen, kind of mineral pitch
  333. botulus cruore distentus
    black pudding, blood sausage
  334. batos, bati f
  335. batus, bati f
  336. blasphemus, blasphemi m
  337. blasphemator, blasphematoris m
    blasphemer, taunter
  338. blactero 1
    bleat (of the ram)
  339. balo 1
    bleat, talk foolishly
  340. belo 1
    bleat, talk foolishly
  341. balatus, balatus m
    bleating of sheep, bleating of goats, grumble
  342. bene precor alicui
    bless someone, speak a blessing over someone, wish someone good luck
  343. bene sit tibi (vobis)
    blessed meal!
  344. beatificatio, beatificationis f
  345. bona omina
  346. beatificus, beatifica, beatificum
    blessing, making happy
  347. beate vivere
    bliss, happiness
  348. beateque vivere nihil aliud est nisi cum voluptate vivere
    blissful living means nothing other than lustful living
  349. beabilis, beabile
    blissful, delightful
  350. blennus, blenni m
    blockhead, dolt, simpleton
  351. basia iacto
    blow kisses
  352. bucino 1
    blow the bucina, sound with the trumpet, give a signal with the trumpet
  353. bombardatio, bombardationis f
  354. bibliopegus, bibliopegi m
  355. bibliopoeus, bibliopoei m
  356. Basilia, Basilion n
    Books of Kings (in the Old Testament)
  357. bibliopola, bibliopolae m
  358. bybliopola, bybliopolae m
  359. buxa, buxae f
  360. boicotizo 1
  361. boykottizo 1
  362. bracatorum pueri
    boys from the Gallia Narbonensis
  363. bracchionārium, bracchionārii n
  364. Brandenburgum, Brandenburgi n
  365. branca, brancae f
    branke, paw
  366. Bratislavia, Bratislaviae f
  367. bovinator, bovinatoris m
    brawler, blusterer, reviler
  368. bracchium frango
    break the arm
  369. bos admissarius
    breeding bull
  370. Brito, Britonis m (Britto, Brittonis m )
  371. brevitas vitae
    brevity of life, shortness of life
  372. breviloquentia, breviloquentiae f
    brevity of speech
  373. breviloquium, breviloquii n
    brevity of speech
  374. braxatoria, braxatoriae f
    brewery, brewhouse
  375. braxo 1
    brewing beer, boiling beer
  376. bruta, brutae f
    bride, the newlywed
  377. brutes, brutis f
    bride, the newlywed
  378. brevi
    briefly, in few words
  379. bene nuntio
    bring good news
  380. bene narro
    bring good news
  381. bellum sedo
    bring the war to a halt
  382. bellum arcesso
    bring war down on oneself
  383. bellum et pacem porto
    bringing war and peace
  384. Britannia Germaniae obtenditur
    Britain pulls ahead of Germania
  385. Brito, Britonis m (Britto, Brittonis m )
    Britannian, Briton, Gaul
  386. Bromialis, Bromiale
    Bromian, Bacchic
  387. badius, badia, badium
    brown, chestnutcolored
  388. brassica gemmifera
    brussels sprouts
  389. Bruxellae, Bruxellarum f
  390. Bryxellae, Bryxellarum f
  391. belbus, belba, belbum
    brutal, bestial, animal
  392. beluinus, beluina, beluinum
    brutal, bestial, animal
  393. beluus, belua, beluum
    brutal, bestial, animal
  394. Brutus libertatem instituit
    Brutus founded the republican constitution
  395. bubo 3
    bu shout, bu call
  396. butio 4
    bu shout, bu call
  397. bullesco 3
    bubble up, form bubbles
  398. bullio 4
    bubble, seethe
  399. bullatio, bullationis f
    bubbling, forming of pebbles
  400. bullitio, bullitionis f
    bubbling, gushing up of water
  401. bullitus, bullitūs m
    bubbling, gushing up of water
  402. bucolica, bucolicon n
  403. bucolica, bucolicorum n
  404. Bonaeropolis, Bonaeropolis f
    Buenos Aires
  405. buchloa, buchloae f
    buffalo grass
  406. bulbus, bulbi m
    bulb, bulbous root
  407. bulbosus, bulbosa, bulbosum
  408. Bulgaria, Bulgariae f
  409. Bulgaricus, Bulgarica, Bulgaricum
  410. Bulgariensis, Bulgariense
  411. burca, burcae f
  412. burcinium, burcinii n
  413. butyri et casei ne olfactum quidem fero
    butter and cheese I can't even smell
  414. butyron, butyri n
  415. butyrum, butyri n
  416. boto, botonis m
    button (on clothing)
  417. bene emo
    buy cheap
  418. bilibris farris libertatem civium emo
    buy the freedom of citizens for two pounds of spelt
  419. belli commercia
    buyback of the prisoners
  420. bombio 4
    buzz, hum
  421. bombito 1
    buzz, hum
  422. bombizo 1
    buzz, hum
  423. bombinator, bombinatoris m
    buzzer of the bee, hummer of the bee
  424. bombitator, bombitatoris m
    buzzer of the bee, hummer of the bee
  425. Byrsicus, Byrsica, Byrsicum
    Byrsic, Carthaginian
  426. Bȳzantii, Bȳzantiorum m
  427. Byzantiorum civitas, claustrum Ponticum
    Byzantium, the key to Pontus
  428. brassica, brassicae f
  429. bitulus, bituli m
    calf, bull-calf
  430. Babel, Babelis f
    capital city of Assyria
  431. bomba autoraedaria
    car bomb
  432. bioxydum carbonicum
    carbon dioxide
  433. blandio 4
    caress, coax, court
  434. blanditia, blanditiae f
    caressing, flattering, flattery, pleasure, delight, enticement, charm, allurement
  435. blandities, blanditiei f
    caressing, flattering, flattery, pleasure, delight, enticement, charm, allurement
  436. bastaga, bastagae f
    carriage of baggage, carrying of freight upon wagons
  437. baiolo 1
    carry a burden, bear something heavy
  438. baiulo 1 (baiolo 1)
    carry a burden, bear something heavy
  439. bellor 1
    carry on war, war, fight
  440. burgus, burgi m
    castle, fort, fortress
  441. boves vincti cornua vittis
    cattle whose horns are wrapped with bandages
  442. bovilla, bovillae f
  443. bovis, bovis c
    cattle, ox, cow
  444. brassica medullifera
  445. brassica oleracea
  446. bonis alicui cedo
    cede one’s property in favor of a person
  447. baccho 1
    celebrate the festival of Bacchus, revel, rave, rant, run about (in a wanton, wild, raving, or furious manner), be furious, rage with fury, be impetuous
  448. bacchor 1
    celebrate the festival of Bacchus, revel, rave, rant, run about (in a wanton, wild, raving, or furious manner), be furious, rage with fury, be impetuous
  449. baccaris, baccaris f
    celtic valerian
  450. Bromus, Bromi m
    Centaur slain by Cœneus in the contest with the Centaurs
  451. bimembres, bimembrium m
  452. barycentrum, barycentri n
    centre of gravity
  453. belua centiceps
  454. blandum rideo
    charming smile, sweet smile
  455. biduvium, biduvii n
    chaste-tree, Abraham’s balm
  456. babalus, babali m
    chatterbox, chatterer
  457. buca, bucae f
    cheek, one who fills his cheeks in speaking, declaimer, bawler, one who stuffs out his cheeks in eating, parasite, a mouthful, cavity
  458. bucca, buccae f
    cheek, one who fills his cheeks in speaking, declaimer, bawler, one who stuffs out his cheeks in eating, parasite, a mouthful, cavity
  459. bacellus, bacelli m
    chopstick, stick
  460. bacterium, bacterii n
    chopstick, stick
  461. Byrsa, Byrsae f
    citadel of Carthage
  462. Byzantium, Byzantii n
    city in Thrace, Constantinopolis, Constantinople, Istamboul, Stamboul
  463. bellum civile
    civil war
  464. bellum domesticum
    civil war
  465. bellum intestinum
    civil war
  466. bellum affecto
    claim leadership in the war
  467. bifidatus, bifidata, bifidatum
    cleft into two parts, divided into two parts
  468. bifidus, bifida, bifidum
    cleft into two parts, divided into two parts
  469. bifissus, bifissa, bifissum
    cleft into two parts, divided into two parts
  470. blandior 4
    cling caressingly to one, fawn upon, flatter, soothe, caress, fondle, coax, flatter, make flattering, make courteous speeches, be complaisant to, be agreeable, be favorable to, allure by pleasure, attract, entice, invite
  471. birrus, birri m
    cloak to keep off rain, coat collar
  472. byrrhus, byrrhi m
    cloak to keep off rain, coat collar
  473. blatta, blattae f [2]
    clot of blood, purple
  474. bolarium, bolarii n
    clump, clot
  475. botrio, botrionis m
    cluster of grapes
  476. botryo, botryonis m (botryon, botryonis m)
    cluster of grapes
  477. balatum alicui duco
    coax a bleat out of someone, punch someone hard in the mouth
  478. blandiloquentia, blandiloquentiae f
    coaxing language, softness of expression
  479. blandicella, blandicellorum n
    coaxing words, flattering words
  480. blatta orientalis
  481. basalis delineatio
  482. binariae formae
    coins of the value of two gold pieces
  483. bellum frigidum
    cold war
  484. boia, boiae f (boiae, boiarum f)
    collar for the neck
  485. brevi futurus
    coming soon
  486. biarchus, biarchi m
    commissary of provisions, superintendent of provisions
  487. bessalis, bessale
    comprising eight, for any thing of small value
  488. basilicaris, basilicare
    concerning the cathedral
  489. brevitas, brevitatis f
    conciseness (in expression)
  490. bona in fiscum cogo
    confiscate goods
  491. bona alicuius publico
    confiscate someone's goods
  492. bona alicuius in publicum addico
    confiscate someone's property, nationalise someone's goods
  493. bitumineus, bituminea, bitumineum
    consisting of bitumen, bituminous
  494. bicameralis, bicamerale
    consisting of two chambers
  495. bicameratus, bicamerata, bicameratum
    consisting of two chambers, with a double vault, doubly arched
  496. bimeter, bimetra, bimetrum
    consisting of two metres
  497. bibrevis, bibreve
    consisting of two short syllables, pyrrhic
  498. bisextilis, bisextile
    containing an intercalary day
  499. bisextialis, bisextiale
    containing two sextarii
  500. biduus, bidua, biduum
    continuing two days, of two days
  501. biennalis, biennale
    continuing two years, of two years
  502. baucalis, baucalis f
    cooling vessel
  503. bimaris Corinthus
    Corinth washed by two seas
  504. bisbellio, bisbellionis m
    corpse-bearer, grave robber
  505. bisbillus, bisbilli m
    corpse-bearer, grave robber
  506. bispellio, bispellionis m
    corpse-bearer, grave robber
  507. bispello, bispellonis m
    corpse-bearer, grave robber
  508. blanda quies
    cosy calm, seductive calm
  509. byssum, byssi n
    cotton, cotton stuff, fine kind of flax, and the linen made from it
  510. byssus, byssi f
    cotton, cotton stuff, fine kind of flax, and the linen made from it
  511. buleuta, buleutae m
    councillor, senator
  512. bitumino 1
    cover with bitumen, impregnate with bitumen
  513. bracteatus, bracteata, bracteatum
    covered with gold-plate, gilt, glistening like gold, splendid, golden, shining only externally, gilded, delusive
  514. bratteatus, bratteata, bratteatum (bracteatus)
    covered with gold-plate, gilt, glistening like gold, splendid, golden, shining only externally, gilded, delusive
  515. bos, bovis f
  516. bucina, bucinae f
    crooked horn, crooked trumpet, war-trumpet, kind of circular, winding shell on which Triton blew
  517. bellum pro sacris Christianis susceptum
  518. bellum rei Christianae causā susceptum
  519. bellum sacrum
  520. boo 1
    cry aloud, roar
  521. boo 3
    cry aloud, roar
  522. bovo 1
    cry aloud, roar
  523. barrio 4
    cry like an elephant
  524. bubulo 1
    cry like an owl, hoot like an owl, screech like an owl
  525. bostrychus, bostrychda, bostrychum
    curled, in ringlets
  526. boccia glacialis
  527. barbam reseco
    cut off the beard, take off the beard
  528. biroto 1
    cycling, riding a bike
  529. birotae propulsorius
  530. birotarius agonisticus
  531. birotarius, birotarii m
  532. birotularius, birotularii m
  533. ballo 1
  534. ballator, ballatoris m
  535. ballematia, ballematiae f
    dancing, dance
  536. basus, basa, basum
    dark brown, blackish brown
  537. Berenīce, Berenīces f
    Daughter of Ptolemy Philadelphus and Arsinoë, and wife of her own brother, Ptolemy Euergetes; her beautiful hair was placed as a constellation in heaven
  538. biduancula, biduanculae f
    day labourer for two days
  539. bene (optime) ago cum aliquo
    deal (very) well with someone
  540. belli indictio
    declaration of war, war declaration
  541. bonam copiam eiuro (eiero)
    declare themselves insolvent on oath
  542. bellum denuntio
    declare war
  543. bellum indico
    declare war
  544. brechma, brechmatis n
    defect of pepper
  545. bregma, bregmatis n
    defect of pepper
  546. bonae res
    delicacies, delicious treats
  547. belli simulacra cieo
    deliver mock battles
  548. binas clepsydras peto
    demand to talk for two water clocks long
  549. belli necessitatibus patientiam adhibeo
    demonstrate perseverance for the needs of the war
  550. bigener, bigenera, bigenerum
    descended from two different races, hybrid
  551. bellum altius expedio
    describe the war more comprehensive
  552. bestiis obicio aliquem
    designate someone to fight with the wild animals
  553. bellum adversum
    devastating war
  554. brevi aliquid explico
    develop something short
  555. bugonia, bugoniae f
    die Erzeugung von Bienen aus den fauligen Kadavern von Rindern, Titel eines Werkes von Archelaus
  556. bene morior
    die gloriously, die with glory
  557. biceps argumentum
  558. biclinium, biclinii n
    dining-couch for two persons
  559. baptisma, baptismatis n
    dipping in, dipping under, washing, ablution, Christian baptism
  560. baptismum, baptismi n
    dipping in, dipping under, washing, ablution, Christian baptism
  561. baptismus, baptismi m
    dipping in, dipping under, washing, ablution, Christian baptism
  562. bellum dissuadeo
    discourage war, advise against war
  563. bissyllabus, bissyllaba, bissyllabum
  564. bisyllabus, bisyllaba, bisyllabum
  565. bipartio 4 (bipertio 4)
    divide into two parts, bisect
  566. bipertio 4
    divide into two parts, bisect
  567. blandimentis adversum plebem copias dissocio
    divide the troops by luring them towards the people
  568. bipartitus, bipartita, bipartitum (bipertitus)
    divided into two parts, double
  569. bipertitus, bipertita, bipertitum
    divided into two parts, double
  570. bisulcis, bisulce
    divided into two parts, two-cleft, cloven
  571. bisulcus, bisulca, bisulcum
    divided into two parts, two-cleft, cloven
  572. bene facio mihi
    do oneself good
  573. beneficio aliquem afficio
    do someone a favour
  574. beneficio aliquem orno
    do someone a favour
  575. beneficium alicui do
    do someone a favour
  576. beneficium alicui tribuo
    do someone a favour
  577. beneficium in aliquem confero
    do someone a favour
  578. bene facio (benefacio) alicui
    do someone a favour, show favour to someone
  579. benevolentiam in aliquem confero
    do someone good
  580. bisaccium, bisaccii n
    double bag, saddle-bags
  581. bisacia, bisaciae f
    double bag, saddle-bags
  582. bifores fenestrae
    double casement windows
  583. bifores fores
    double door
  584. bifores valvae
    double door
  585. biformis, biforme
    double formed, two-formed, two-shaped
  586. Bimarcus, Bimarci m
    Double Markus
  587. bimaritus, bimarita, bimaritum
    double married, twice married
  588. bipalium, bipalii n
    double mattock
  589. bipedalium, bipedalii n
    double mattock
  590. bicostis, bicoste
    double ribbed, two-ribbed
  591. biseriatus, biseriata, biseriatum
    double row
  592. biiuges equi
    double team of horses
  593. bifilum, bifili n
    double thread
  594. biceps gladius
    double-edged sword
  595. biceps Ianus
    double-headed ianus
  596. binominis Ascanius
    double-named Ascanius
  597. binus, bina, binum
  598. biplex, biplicis
  599. bifarius, bifarii m
    double, likeness
  600. bigeminus, bigemina, bigeminum
  601. biformatus, biformata, biformatum
    doubleformed, two-shaped
  602. bifestus, bifesta, bifestum
    doubly festive
  603. bilongus, bilonga, bilongum
    doubly long
  604. bifaries
    doubly, in two forms
  605. bolonae, bolonarum m
    draught of fishes set to sale, dealers in fish, fish-mongers
  606. bos vecturarius
    draught ox
  607. bibite, este, effercite vos!
    drink, eat and stuff yourselves!
  608. bractamentum, bractamenti n
    drink, potion
  609. bibo 3
    drink, take in, absorb, arrive at the region of the river, live near a river
  610. bibulum Falernum
    drinkable Falerner
  611. bibilis, bibile
    drinkable, potable
  612. bibitor, bibitoris m
    drinker, toper
  613. bibulus, bibula, bibulum
    drinking readily, drinking freely, things, that absorbs moisture, growing in moist places, absorbing color, taking color, ready to hear, listening
  614. bibaria, bibariae f
    drinking room, bar, pub, tavern
  615. bibitio, bibitionis f
  616. Bibesia, Bibesiae f
  617. Biberius, Biberii m
  618. bicinium, bicinii n
  619. binorum cantus
  620. biduo et binoctio exanclatis
    during two days and two nights
  621. bapheum, baphei n
  622. baphium, baphii n
  623. blattiarius, blattiarii m
    dyer in purple
  624. bapheus, baphei m
  625. biaeothanatos, biaeothanaton
    dying by violence
  626. biaeothanatus, biaeothanata, biaeothanatum
    dying by violence
  627. bene promereor
    earn merit (for someone)
  628. Borussia Orientalis
    East Prussia
  629. boni assiduique domini
    efficient gentlemen who are diligently present on their estates
  630. brevis circuitus electricus
    electrical short circuit
  631. beluarum manus
    elephant trunk
  632. barrus, barri m
  633. bracchia collo do
    embrace, fall around the neck, wrap the neck around
  634. bellum conficio
    end the war
  635. bellum depono
    end the war
  636. bellum dirimo
    end the war
  637. bellum pace muto
    end the war
  638. bellum termino
    end the war
  639. bellum tollo
    end the war
  640. bello finem do
    end the war, put an end to the war
  641. bene educor
    enjoy a good education
  642. brevem voluptatem percipio
    enjoy a short pleasure
  643. bona valetudine sum
    enjoy good health, be healthy
  644. bona valetudine utor
    enjoy good health, be healthy
  645. beatae vitae oblectatio
    enjoyment of the blissful life
  646. bilem commoveo
    enrage someone
  647. bellum defero alicui
    entrust someone with the management of the war
  648. bonis aliquem everto
    evict someone from his property
  649. bellum excito
    excite a war, provoke a war
  650. bellum moveo
    excite a war, provoke a war, arouse a war
  651. bruscum, brusci n
    excrescence on the maple-tree
  652. bomba displosiva
    explosive bomb
  653. barbasculus, barbasculi m
    fairly illiterate, quite illiterate, quite uneducated, rather ignorant
  654. bona fide
    faithful, conscientious
  655. bello cado
    fall in the war
  656. bene ambula!
    farewell, a good journey to you
  657. bene ambulato!
    farewell, a good journey to you
  658. Bacchanalia, Bacchanalium n
    feast of Bacchus, the orgies of Bacchus, shrovetide
  659. belli socius
    fellow fighter, fellow combatant, brother in arms
  660. blasphematrix, blasphematricis f
    female blasphemer
  661. ballatrix, ballatricis f
    female dancer
  662. bellatrix, bellatricis f
    female warrior
  663. bellica insignia
    field signs
  664. bothynus, bothyni m
    fiery meteor in the form of a pit
  665. burrus, burra, burrum
    fiery red, scarlet, red
  666. bello pro aliquo adversus aliquem
    fight for someone against someone
  667. bene pugno
    fight successfully
  668. bello persequor
    fight, wage war against
  669. bulla saccata
    filter bubble
  670. brevissimi sum somni
    find a very short sleep
  671. bonam clausulam impono alicui rei
    finish something well
  672. bombarda, bombardae f
    fire rifle, firearm, rifle
  673. beneficio provocor
    first receive a benefit
  674. blandimenta alicui do
    flatter someone
  675. blandior auribus
    flatter the ears
  676. blanditiae, blanditiarum f
    flatteries, blandishments, allurements
  677. blandimentum, blandimenti n
    flattering words, blandishment, complimentary speech, flattery, any thing that pleases the senses, an object that charms, allurement, pleasure, charm, delight, spices, seasoning, condiments
  678. blandificus, blandifica, blandificum
    flattering, soothing
  679. blandicule
    flatteringly, soothingly, courteously
  680. blanditia popularis
    flattery against the people
  681. blandimentum sublevat metum
    flattery diminishes fear
  682. breve osculum
    fleeting kiss
  683. balaustium, balaustii n
    flower of the wild pomegranat
  684. blandifluus, blandiflua, blandifluum
    flowing itself sweetly, diffusing itself sweetly, diffusing itself pleasantly
  685. berbena, berbenae f
    foliage, herbage, leaves, twigs, branches (of laurel, olive, or myrtle), cypress, tamarisk, sacred boughs, class of plants used in medicine as cooling remedies (olive, myrtle, ivy)
  686. bellum conflo
    foment a war, provoke a war, cause a war to be waged
  687. baburrus, baburra, baburrum
    foolish, silly
  688. bechicus, bechica, bechicum
    for a cough
  689. bono consilio
    for good reason, with good intention
  690. brevitatis causa
    for the sake of brevity, for the sake of conciseness
  691. basium alicui impingo
    force a kiss on someone
  692. barbaria, barbariae f (barbaries)
    foreign country, mental barbarism, moral barbarism, rudeness, rusticity, stupidity, savageness, barbarousness, uncivilized manners
  693. barbaries, barbariei f
    foreign country, mental barbarism, moral barbarism, rudeness, rusticity, stupidity, savageness, barbarousness, uncivilized manners
  694. barbaricum, barbarici n
    foreign land, barbarian land
  695. bellum externum
    foreign war, external warfare
  696. bellum circummuranum
    foreign war, external warfare, war with the neighboring nations
  697. barbarus, barbara, barbarum
    foreign, strange, barbarous, uncultivated, ignorant, rude, unpolished, wild, savage, cruel
  698. barbaricus, barbarica, barbaricum
    foreign, strange, outlandish, barbarous, rough, rude, unpolished
  699. barbarus, barbari m
    foreigner, stranger, barbarian, any member of a hostile people
  700. barbari, barbarorum m
    foreigners, strangers, barbarians
  701. bifurcum, bifurci n
  702. bulbatio, bulbationis f
    forming of bulbs, bubble up
  703. blanditur coeptis fortuna
    fortune favours the plan, fortune smiles on the beginning
  704. balsama, balsamorum n
    fragrant gum of the balsam-tree, balsam
  705. balsamum, balsami n
    fragrant gum of the balsam-tree, balsam
  706. bene olidus
  707. bellum fraternum
    fratricidal war
  708. Brema, Bremae f
    Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
  709. beneficiarii, beneficiariorum m
    free soldiers, privileged soldiers, , private soldiers
  710. blandus adversus aliquem
    friendly to someone, kind to someone
  711. betaceus, betacea, betaceum
    from the beet, of the beet
  712. betacius, betacia, betacium
    from the beet, of the beet
  713. ballaenaceus, ballaenacea, ballaenaceum
    from whalebone
  714. barba promissa
    full beard
  715. biliosus, biliosa, biliosum
    full of bile, bilious, hypochondriac
  716. basalis, basale
    fundamental, forming the basis
  717. bursa, bursae f
  718. byrsa, byrsae f
  719. bactroperita, ae m
    furnished with staff and pouch, carrying staff and pouch, nickname for a Cynic philosopher
  720. bene mereor
    gain merit, earn merit, win merit, acquire merit, act meritoriously
  721. bardocucullus, bardocuculli m
    Gallic overcoat (cloak), with a hood or cowl, made of woollen stuff
  722. byssinum, byssini n
    garment of byssus
  723. beneficus, benefica, beneficum
    generous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable
  724. benevole
    generous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable
  725. benificus, benifica, benificum
    generous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable
  726. benivolus, benivola, benivolum
    generous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable
  727. basalis delineatio genetica
    genetic code
  728. barbēsco 3
    get a beard
  729. breviter definio
    get to the heart of the matter
  730. balteus, baltei m (balteum, baltei n)
    girdle, belt, swordbelt, swordband passing over the shoulder, belly-band of a horse, border, rim, edge, circle, zodiac, the crust of a cake, the bark of the willow, strapping, blow with a belt
  731. breviter aliquid explico
    give a short explanation to something, present something briefly
  732. benigne aliquem excipio
    give a warm welcome to someone
  733. basium alicui do
    give someone a kiss
  734. bene praecipio alicui
    give someone good advice, tell someone good rules
  735. bene verto aliquid
    give something a happy turn, give something a turn for the better
  736. bellicum cano
    give the signal for breaking up camp, give the signal for an attack, give the signal for commencing hostilities
  737. bibax, bibacis
    given to drink, , addicted to drunkenness, devoted to drink
  738. bibosus, bibosa, bibosum
    given to drinking, fond of drink
  739. bracteamentum, bracteamenti n
    glitter, splendor
  740. bona verba!
    go easy!, go slow!, go mercifully!, o woe!
  741. badisso 1
    go, walk
  742. baeto 3
    go, walk, stride
  743. beto 3
    go, walk, stride
  744. bito 3
    go, walk, stride
  745. badizo 1
    go, walk, stride, march
  746. barba in acutum desinens
    goatee beard, goatee
  747. barba caprae
  748. bellipotens, bellipotentis m
    God of War (Mars)
  749. batea, bateae f
    gold panning sieve
  750. bracteator, bracteatoris m
  751. ballux, ballucis f
    gold-sand, gold-dust
  752. balluca, ballucae f
    gold-sand, gold-dust
  753. baluca, balucae f
    gold-sand, gold-dust
  754. balux, balucis f
    gold-sand, gold-dust
  755. barbaricarius, barbaricarii m
    gold-weaver, embroiderer in gold, gilder
  756. bulla aurea
    golden amulet
  757. bene promerita
    good actions, high merits
  758. bona fides
    good faith, bona fides
  759. boni mores
    good lifestyle
  760. bonum factum
    good luck!
  761. boni mores aegrotant
    good morals are at a standstill
  762. bene quiescas! (bene quiescatis!)
    good night!, sleep well!
  763. bonitas, bonitatis f
    good quality of a thing, goodness, excellence, good conduct, honest conduct, friendly conduct, virtue, integrity, blamelessness, kindness, friendliness, benevolence, benignity, affability, parental love, tenderness
  764. bona fama
    good reputation, good name, good repute
  765. bona facile mutantur in peius
    good things easily degenerate
  766. bona tempora
    good times
  767. benevolentia, benevolentiae f
    good-will, benevolence, kindness, favor, friendship, readiness, willingness, mildness, benignity, indulgence, kind conduct, friendly services
  768. benivolentia, benivolentiae f
    good-will, benevolence, kindness, favor, friendship, readiness, willingness, mildness, benignity, indulgence, kind conduct, friendly services
  769. bonus, bona, bonum [melior, optimus]
    good, morally good, honest, comfortable, fine, beautiful, honorable, valuable, favorable, prosperous, lucky, fortunate, considerable, kind, fair, faithful, costly, laudable, well-disposed, serene
  770. bona, bonorum n
    goods, possessions, property, fortunes
  771. benivolentia erga milites
    goodwill towards the soldiers
  772. binas clepsydras do
    grant speaking time to two water-clocks
  773. botrys, botryos f
    grape, a plant, also called artemisia, mugwort
  774. Britannia
    Great Britain
  775. Britannia Magna
    Great Britain
  776. Britannia Maior
    Great Britain
  777. bulima, bulimae f
    great hunger, bulimy, weakness of the stomach, fainting
  778. bulimus, bulimi m
    great hunger, bulimy, weakness of the stomach, fainting
  779. barypicron, barypicri n
    Greek epithet of wormwood, absinthium
  780. biridis, biride
    green, young, youthful, fresh, blooming, lively, vigorous
  781. buccellaris, buccellare
    ground from biscuit
  782. barbam demitto
    grow the beard
  783. barbam promitto
    grow the beard
  784. bellator clandestinus
    guerrilla fighter, partisan
  785. bellum clandestinum
    guerrilla warfare
  786. brochon, brochi n
    gum flowing from the bdellium
  787. basilica exercitatoria
    gymnastics hall, sports hall, gymnasium
  788. bellum cauponor
    haggle pettily over the war, seek to buy the war for gold
  789. busta semiusta
    half-burned pyres
  790. brado, bradonis f
  791. battitura, battiturae f
    hammer blow
  792. beate
  793. beatum, beati n
    happiness, blessedness
  794. bonitas ingenii
    happy disposition
  795. bona paschalia!
    Happy Easter!, Blessed Easter!
  796. bonitas naturae
    happy natural layout
  797. beatus, beata, beatum
    happy, prosperous, blessed, fortunate, opulent, wealthy, rich, in good circumstances, abundant, excellent, splendid, magnificent, overflowing, blessed, deceased, dead
  798. bene veruncat
    have a good outcome
  799. bene mihi fido
    have a lot of self-confidence
  800. bulimo 1
    have bulimy, have insatiable hunger
  801. bene sentio
    have good principles, my principles are good
  802. bene succedo
    have good success
  803. benevolentiam habeo erga aliquem
    have goodwill for someone
  804. benevolo animo sum in aliquem
    have goodwill towards someone
  805. bonis sum viribus
    have one's strength
  806. bonis elavi
    have squandered one's fortune
  807. bellum administro
    have the overhead line of the war
  808. bene existimo de aliqua re
    have the right opinion about something
  809. bene iudico de aliqua re
    have the right opinion about something
  810. barbatus, barbata, barbatum
    having a beard, bearded, woolly (of plants), downy (of plants)
  811. barbatulus, barbatula, barbatulum
    having a small beard, having a foppish beard
  812. bimembris, bimembre
    having double members, half man, half beast
  813. bigatus, bigata, bigatum
    having the figure of a bigae (exclusively of coin), with the figure of a bigae stamped upon it
  814. bucerius, buceria, bucerium
    having the horns of a bullock, ox-horned
  815. bucerus, bucera, bucerum
    having the horns of a bullock, ox-horned
  816. bisolis, bisole
    having two (foot) soles
  817. bicorpor, bicorporis
    having two bodies, double-bodied
  818. bicorporeus, bicorporea, bicorporeum
    having two bodies, double-bodied
  819. bimammius, bimammia, bimammium
    having two breasts, having double clusters (vine)
  820. biforis, bifore
    having two doors, having folding-doors, having two openings, having two holes, double
  821. biforus, bifora, biforum
    having two doors, having folding-doors, having two openings, having two holes, double
  822. bipennis, bipenne
    having two edges, two-edged
  823. biceps, bicipitis
    having two heads, twoheaded, with two summits, divided into two parts
  824. bicipes, bicipitis
    having two heads, twoheaded, with two summits, divided into two parts
  825. bicornis, bicorne
    having two horns, two-horned, two-pronged
  826. bilychnis, bilychne
    having two lights
  827. binominis, binomine
    having two names
  828. bifurcus, bifurca, bifurcum
    having two prongs, having two points, two-pronged, two-forked
  829. bifurtius, bifurtia, bifurtium
    having two prongs, having two points, two-pronged, two-forked
  830. biprorus, biprora, biprorum
    having two prows
  831. bilanx, bilancis
    having two scales
  832. bicodulus, bicodula, bicodulum
    having two tails
  833. biurus, biura, biurum
    having two tails
  834. bivius, bivia, bivium
    having two ways, having two passages
  835. bipennis, bipenne
    having two wings, two-winged
  836. bipinnis, bipinne
    having two wings, two-winged
  837. baiolus, baioli m
    he who bears burdens for pay, porter, carrier, day-laborer, bearer at a funeral, letter-carrier
  838. baiulus, baiuli m
    he who bears burdens for pay, porter, carrier, day-laborer, bearer at a funeral, letter-carrier
  839. bene qui latuit, bene vixit
    he who has lived well hidden, has lived well
  840. beneficia in aliquem confero
    heap favours on someone
  841. bidens, bidentis m
    heavy hoe or mattock with two crooked iron teeth
  842. bellum grave
    heavy war
  843. bellum magnum
    heavy war, serious war
  844. brutus, bruta, brutum
    heavy, unwieldy, immovable, dull, stupid, insensible, unreasonable, irrational, dumb, striking blindly, thoughtless, inconsiderate
  845. bonitas praediorum
    high quality of the lands
  846. benefacta verbis adorno
    highlight good deeds with words
  847. Bacchanalia vivo
    hold shrovetide, celebrate shrovetide
  848. Bachanalia celebro
    hold shrovetide, celebrate shrovetide
  849. bonae artes
    honest means, laudable means, sciences, good qualities, noble aspirations, laudable aspirations
  850. biselliatus, biselliatus m
    honor of a bisellium
  851. bene spero de aliquo
    hoping (expecting) good things from someone
  852. bracchia alicuius collo inicio
    hug someone
  853. bupaeda, bupaedae m
    huge youth
  854. bonae litterae
  855. bombisonus, bombisona, bombisonum
    humming, summend
  856. belbus, belbi m
  857. beluus, belui m
  858. belle adhuc me habeo
    I am doing quite well so far
  859. belle valeo
    I am doing quite well
  860. bene animatus in amicum sum
    I am well disposed towards my friend
  861. bubulis carnibus delector
    I like beef
  862. beneficiis ad aerarium delatus sum
    I was included in the gratuity list of the State Archives
  863. breve faciam
    I will be brief
  864. brevi praecidam
    I will break off soon
  865. boreas gelidus
    icy north wind
  866. battologia, battologiae f
    idle talk, idle gossip
  867. bituminatus, bituminata, bituminatum
    impregnated with bitumen, bituminous
  868. barbarismus, barbarismi m
    impropriety of speech, barbarism
  869. benigniter
    in a friendly manner, kindly, benevolently, courteously, benignly, courteously, politely, readily, willingly, mildly, indulgently, abundantly, liberally, freely, generously
  870. benigne
    in a friendly manner, kindly, benevolently, courteously, benignly, courteously, politely, readily, willingly, mildly, indulgently, abundantly, liberally, freely, generously
  871. brevi tempore
    in a short time, after a short time
  872. breviatim
    in an abbreviated manner, in an abbreviated form, abbreviated, compactly
  873. bono animo
    in good conscience
  874. botryodes, botryodis
    in the form of a cluster of grapes
  875. bacchatim
    in the manner of the Bacchae or Bacchantes, in a riotous, wanton manner
  876. bello Punico secundo
    in the Second Punic War
  877. biiugo certamine
    in the two-car race
  878. biennio toto
    in the whole two years, in the entire two years
  879. bipartite
    in two parts, in two divisions, in two ways, in two parties, in two directions
  880. bipartito (bipertito)
    in two parts, in two divisions, in two ways, in two parties, in two directions
  881. bipertito
    in two parts, in two divisions, in two ways, in two parties, in two directions
  882. binatim
    in twos, in pairs
  883. belli domique
    in war and in peace
  884. bomba incendiaria
    incendiary bomb
  885. bombax
    indeed!, strange!
  886. bellis inexpertus
    inexperienced in wars
  887. bullatus, bullata, bullatum
    inflated, bombastic, furnished with a boss or stud, studded with stars, wearing a bulla about the neck
  888. bene excogitatus
    ingenious, well thought out
  889. Bratislaviensis, Bratislaviensis m
    inhabitant of Bratislavia, Bratislavia resident
  890. burgarii, burgariorum m
    inhabitants of a castle, defenders of the borders
  891. blatta, blattae f
    insect that shuns the light, cockroach, chafer, moth
  892. bisextum, bisexti n
    intercalary day
  893. bisextus, bisexti m
    intercalary day
  894. bissextum, bissexti n
    intercalary day
  895. bissextus, bissexti m
    intercalary day
  896. bisextus annus
    intercalary year
  897. bello me interpono
    intervene in a war, interfere in a war
  898. bellis me insero
    intervene in the wars, interfere in the wars
  899. botuli, botulorum m
    intestines, bowels
  900. bellum Iraquianum
    Iraq war
  901. brutalia, brutalium n
    irrational animals
  902. bene habet
    it behaves well, it stands well
  903. bene agitur cum aliquo
    it is well with someone
  904. bene evenit
    it turns out well, it turned out well
  905. bellum est (+ inf.)
    it's lovely
  906. bile suffusus
    jaundiced, bilious
  907. bello intersum
    join a campaign, take part in a campaign
  908. bene iudico
    judge correctly, judge right
  909. breviter attingo
    just briefly mention
  910. brachium toga cohibeo
    keep the arm enclosed by the toga
  911. bello caduci
    killed in war
  912. bubalus, bubali m
    kind of African stag or gazelle, buffalo, wild-ox
  913. bufalus, bufali m
    kind of African stag or gazelle, buffalo, wild-ox
  914. bumelia, bumeliae f
    kind of ash-tree
  915. bolbine, bolbines f
    kind of bulbous plant
  916. bulbine, bulbines f
    kind of bulbous plant
  917. benna, bennae f
    kind of carriage
  918. batiaca, batiacae f
    kind of drinking-cup
  919. batioca, batiocae f
    kind of drinking-cup
  920. batiola, batiolae f
    kind of drinking-cup
  921. buteo, buteonis m
    kind of falcon or hawk
  922. blachnon, blachni n
    kind of fern
  923. blechnon, blechni n
    kind of fern
  924. boria, boriae f
    kind of jasper
  925. bacalia, bacaliae f
    kind of laurel abounding in berries
  926. baccalia, baccaliae f
    kind of laurel abounding in berries
  927. basiliscus, basilisci m
    kind of lizard, basilisk, surname of Cn Pompeius
  928. bruchus, bruchi m
    kind of locust without wings
  929. boloe, bolorum m
    kind of precious stones
  930. bos, bovis m
    kind of sea-fish of the genus of the turbot
  931. baccha, bacchae f
    kind of Spanish wine
  932. bunĭas, bunĭadis f
    kind of Swedish turnip
  933. bunĭon, bunĭi n
    kind of Swedish turnip
  934. bacalusiae, bacalusiarum f
    kind of sweetmeat
  935. buprestis, buprestis f
    kind of vegetable
  936. bacrio, bacrionis f
    kind of vessel with a long handle, ladle
  937. burranicum, burranici n
    kind of vessel
  938. batalaria, batalariae f
    kind of war-ship
  939. bubleum, bublei n
    kind of wine
  940. bonitas in suos
    kindness towards one' s people
  941. bonitas erga homines
    kindness towards people
  942. beneficentia, beneficentiae f
    kindness, beneficence, an honorable and kind treatment of others
  943. benificentia, benificentiae f
    kindness, beneficence, an honorable and kind treatment of others
  944. basilicus, basilica, basilicum
    kingly, royal, princely, splendid, magnificent
  945. basio aliquem
    kiss someone
  946. basio 1
    kiss, give a kiss
  947. basium, basii n
    kiss, kissing of the hand
  948. basiator, basiatoris
    kisser, one who kisses
  949. basiatio, basiationis f
  950. bracae genuariae
    knee breeches
  951. bene novi aliquem
    know someone well
  952. burdubasta, burdubastae m
    lame donkey, lame ass
  953. bestia terrestris
    land animal, terrestrial animal
  954. bellum terrestre
    land warfare
  955. balista, balistae f
    large military engine by which masses of stone were thrown, machine for projectiles, ballista, the weapon thrown, missile
  956. ballista, ballistae f (balista)
    large military engine by which masses of stone were thrown, machine for projectiles, ballista, the weapon thrown, missile
  957. bumastus, bumasta, bumastum
  958. bumammus, bumamma, bumammum
    large-breasted, with large clusters
  959. biduanus, biduana, biduanum
    lasting two days, two-day
  960. beneficium cumulate reddo
    lavish a boon, lavishly repay a favour
  961. bulga, bulgae f
    leathern knapsack, bag, womb
  962. bracchium sinistrum
    left arm
  963. bracae disiunctae
  964. brachia mea alicui rei praebeo
    lend a hand, assist with something
  965. beneficiis afficior
    let favours be done for me
  966. bibliothecarius, bibliothecarii m
  967. bibliotheca, bibliothecae f
    library, library-room and a collection of books
  968. bibliothece, bibliothecae f
    library, library-room and a collection of books
  969. bybliotheca, bybliothecae f
    library, library-room and a collection of books
  970. bipartito insidias colloco
    lie in ambush in two sections
  971. babaecalus, babaecali m
    lightning guy, bon vivant, libertine
  972. bestialis, bestiale
    like a beast, fierce
  973. barbarice
    like a foreigner
  974. buxosus, buxosa, buxosum
    like boxwood
  975. bestialiter
    like wild animals, beastly
  976. biiuges leones
    lion's pair
  977. blaesus, blaesa, blaesum
    lisping, stammering, hesitating in utterance, speaking indistinctly
  978. beneficia percurro
    list the benefits in order
  979. bursarius, bursaria, bursarium
    listed, quoted
  980. benignis auribus accipio
    listen benevolently
  981. barbulus, barbuli m
    little barbel
  982. barbula, barbulae f
    little beard
  983. buccula, bucculae f (bucula)
    little cheek, little mouth, beaver, that part of a helmet which covers the mouth and cheeks
  984. basiolum, basioli n
    little kiss, gentle kiss
  985. bulgula, bulgulae f
    little satchel, little bag
  986. bita, bitae f
    live, living
  987. bustum vivum
    living grave
  988. bene ante lucem
    long before daybreak
  989. bono publico servio
    look to the general good, serve the general good, put oneself at the service of the general welfare
  990. burgimagister superior
    lord mayor
  991. boatus, boatus m
    loud crying, bellowing, roaring
  992. bimaris, bimare
    lying between two seas, of one who practises unnatural unchastity
  993. barbiton, barbiti n
    lyre, lut, song played upon the lute
  994. barbitos, barbiti m
    lyre, lut, song played upon the lute
  995. bunitus, bunita, bunitum
    made from bunion
  996. byssinus, byssina, byssinum
    made of byssus
  997. balaninus, balanina, balaninum
    made or prepared from the fruit of the balsam
  998. Barbaria, Barbariae f
  999. birgo, birginis f
    maid, maiden, virgin
  1000. bilbo 3
    make a noise like that of a liquid agitated in a vessel
  1001. beatifico 1
    make happy, bless
  1002. beo 1
    make happy, bless, gladden, rejoice, refresh, make happy, reward with, enrich
  1003. bene polliceor
    make plenty of promises, make nice promises
  1004. bene verto aliquid
    make something turn out for the better
  1005. ballistarius, ballistarii m
    maker of ballistae, one who discharges the ballista, slinger
  1006. bracarius, bracarii m
    maker of trowsers or breeches
  1007. bellifer, bellifera, belliferum
    making war, warlike
  1008. bellicum ius
    martial law
  1009. butio, butionis m
    mast ox
  1010. burgimagister, burgimagistri m
  1011. buccellaris farina
    meal ground from biscuit, breadcrumbs
  1012. basilica, basilicae f
    meeting place of the merchants, stock exchange
  1013. blanda vanitas
    mendacious flattery
  1014. bona natalia!
    Merry Christmas!, Blessed Christmas!
  1015. bellipotens, bellipotentis
    mighty in war, valiant in war
  1016. belli opportunitates
    military advantages
  1017. belli discidium
    military conflict, hostilities
  1018. biformes hominum partus
    miscarriages, deformities, freaks
  1019. barbarolexis, barbarolexeos f
    mispronunciation of a foreign word, perversion of the form of a word
  1020. bellum paro
    mobilise, mobilize
  1021. bigener, bigeneri m
  1022. birotula automataria vehens
    moped rider, moped driver
  1023. birotula automataria
  1024. bisque terque
    more than once, two to three times
  1025. buccea, bucceae f
    morsel, mouthful
  1026. bryon, bryi n
    moss, grape-formed blossom of the silver poplar, plant growing upon the seashore, with leaves like lettuce
  1027. blattaria, blattariae f
  1028. birota automataria
  1029. birota automataria vehens
  1030. biseriata via vehicularis
    motorway, highway
  1031. bestia vectrix
    mount, mounted animal
  1032. bucca panis
    mouthful of bread
  1033. brachia numeris moveo
    move the arms to the beat (when dancing)
  1034. bellum transfero alio
    move the theatre of war elsewhere
  1035. bellum spargo
    move the theatre of war soon here soon there
  1036. bee
    mow, the sound made by a sheep
  1037. burdo, burdonis m
  1038. burdus, burdi m
  1039. burdonarius, burdonarii m
  1040. burdonicus, burdonici m
  1041. bellum per complures annos gestum
    multi-year war, perennial war
  1042. balistĭa, balistĭorum n
    music or songs accompanying dancing
  1043. ballistĭa, ballistĭorum n
    music or songs accompanying dancing
  1044. burranica potio
    must juice diluted with milk
  1045. beneficia ultro et citro data et accepta
    mutual benefactions, mutual benefits
  1046. bucale, bucalis n
    muzzle (made of iron)
  1047. bone
    my dear!
  1048. bibo ad numerum
    nach der Zahl der Jahre trinken (die man sich wünscht)
  1049. biurus, biuri m
    name of a rodent animal found in Campania
  1050. bona publico
    nationalise the goods,confiscate the goods
  1051. bellum navale
    naval warfare, sea war
  1052. bobsequa, bobsequae m
    neatherd, herdsman
  1053. bubsequa, bubsequae m
    neatherd, herdsman
  1054. busequa, busequae m
    neatherd, herdsman
  1055. bella vicinalia
    neighborhood wars, wars with neighbors
  1056. Boreocoreanus, Boreocoreana, Boreocoreanum
    north korean
  1057. boreas, boreae m
    north wind, the north, son of the river-god Strymon
  1058. borras, borrae m
    north wind, the north, son of the river-god Strymon
  1059. boreotis, boreotĭdis f
  1060. borealis-occidentalis, borealis-occidentale
  1061. Boreoccidentalis, Boreoccidentale
  1062. barytonos, barytonon
    not accented on the last syllable
  1063. bromos, bromi m
  1064. beneficiis obstringo aliquem
    obligate someone through the showing of benevolence
  1065. benignus, benigna, benignum
    obliging, that gives freely, that imparts freely, liberal, bounteous, yielding liberally, abundant, fruitful, fertile, copious, rich
  1066. babae
    odds bodkins!, wonderful!, strange!
  1067. benignus, benigna, benignum
    of a good kind, of a good nature, beneficent, kind, good, friendly, pleasing, favorable, benignant, favorable, pleasant, mild, lucky, propitious
  1068. blandus, blanda, blandum
    of a smooth tongue, flattering, fawning, caressing, pleasant, agreeable, enticing, alluring, charming, seductive, persuading by caressing, persuasive
  1069. berbecinus, berbecina, berbecinum
    of a wether
  1070. Bromius, Bromia, Bromium
    of Bacchus
  1071. bacchiacus, bacchiaca, bacchiacum
    of Bacchus, Bacchic
  1072. Bacchicus, Bacchica, Bacchicum
    of Bacchus, Bacchic
  1073. beatae memoriae
    of blessed memory
  1074. Bȳzantiacus, Bȳzantiaca, Bȳzantiacum
    of Byzantium
  1075. Bȳzantinus, Bȳzantina, Bȳzantinum
    of Byzantium, Byzantine
  1076. Bȳzantius, Bȳzantia, Bȳzantium
    of Byzantium, Byzantine
  1077. bubulinus, bubulina, bubulinum
    of cattle, ox-
  1078. bitemporis, bitempore
    of double syllable length
  1079. bractealis, bracteale
    of metallic plates, golden
  1080. brattealis, bratteale
    of metallic plates, golden
  1081. brachysyllabus, brachysyllaba, brachysyllabum
    of short syllables, another name of the tribrachys, ⏑⏑⏑
  1082. bombycinus, bombycina, bombycinum
    of silk, silken
  1083. bebrinus, bebrina, bebrinum
    of the beaver, beaver-
  1084. buxans, buxantis
    of the color of boxwood
  1085. bubalus, bubalum, bubalum
    of the gazelle
  1086. bicolor, bicoloris
    of two colors, twocolored
  1087. bicolorus, bicolora, bicolorum
    of two colors, twocolored
  1088. bicubitalis, bicubitale
    of two cubits
  1089. bicubitus, bicubita, bicubitum
    of two cubits
  1090. bimenstruus, bimenstrua, bimenstruum
    of two months
  1091. bimenstris, bimenstre
    of two months’ duration, of two months, two months old
  1092. bimestris, bimestre (bimenstris)
    of two months’ duration, of two months, two months old
  1093. bilibris, bilibre
    of two pounds, weighing two pounds
  1094. biennis, bienne
    of two years, lasting two years
  1095. balaenaceus, balaenacea, balaenaceum
    of whalebone
  1096. bellum ultro illatum
    offensive war, war of aggression
  1097. biarchia, biarchiae f
    office of a biarchus, commissaryship
  1098. bifariam
    on two sides, twofold, double, in two ways, in two parts, in two places, twice, in both ways, in both senses, in two forms
  1099. breviter peroratum esse potuit
    one could have finished it with a few words
  1100. Batavus, Batavi m
    one of the Batavi
  1101. boeotarches, boeotarchae m
    one of the chief magistrates in Bœotia, Bœotarch
  1102. bucinator, bucinatoris m
    one who blew the bucina, trumpeter, one who trumpets forth, blases abroad
  1103. biselliarius, biselliarii m
    one who enjoys the honor of the bisellium
  1104. bestiarius, bestiarii m
    one who fights with wild beasts in the public spectacles, beast-fighter
  1105. balineator, balineatoris m
    one who has the care of a bath, bath-keeper
  1106. balneator, balneatoris m
    one who has the care of a bath, bath-keeper
  1107. bucaeda, bucaedae m
    one who is whipped with thongs of ox-hide
  1108. bubulcus, bubulci m
    one who ploughs with oxen, ploughman, herdsman
  1109. biocolyta, biocolytae m
    one who protects against violence
  1110. bimulus, bimula, bimulum
    only two years old
  1111. bataclo 1
    open the mouth wide, gape, yawn, be listless, be drowsy, be inactive, be idle, be negligent, be bored
  1112. bellum incipio
    open the war, start the war
  1113. bellum exsertum
    open warfare
  1114. bipatens, bipatentis
    opening in two ways, open in two directions
  1115. belli initium
    opening of the war, war opening
  1116. belle facio
    operate well, have a good effect
  1117. bellum parari iubeo
    order mobilisation, order mobilization
  1118. beluatus, beluata, beluatum
    ornamented or embroidered with figures of animals
  1119. beneficium alicui debeo
    owe someone a favour
  1120. bubo, bubonis f
    owl, horned owl
  1121. bonis abundo
    own a large fortune
  1122. boarius, boarii m
    ox dealer
  1123. bos, bovis m
    ox, bull
  1124. buphthalmos, buphthalmi m
    oxeye, species of aizoon majus, houseleek
  1125. buglossa, buglossae f
    oxtongue, bugloss, an herb
  1126. buglossos, buglossi f
    oxtongue, bugloss, an herb
  1127. biga, bigae f
    pair of horses, pair of other animals, a two-horsed car, a two-horsed chariot
  1128. bigae, bigarum f
    pair of horses, pair of other animals, a two-horsed car, a two-horsed chariot
  1129. buxo pallidior
    paler than boxwood
  1130. biblos, bibli f
    paper, papyrus, a sort of rush that grew largely in Egypt, from the inner bark of which paper was made
  1131. biblus, bibli f
    paper, papyrus, a sort of rush that grew largely in Egypt, from the inner bark of which paper was made
  1132. bellator tectus
  1133. boni cives
    party of the Aristocrats, the Aristocrats
  1134. boni, bonorum m
    party of the Aristocrats, the Aristocrats, friends of the constitution, patriots
  1135. bellis acer
    passionate in war
  1136. branca lupi
    paw of the wolf
  1137. basis, baseos f
    pedestal, foot, base, foundation, lowest part of the shaft of a column, the primitive word, root, track of a cattle, footprint of a cattle
  1138. basis, basis f
    pedestal, foot, base, foundation, lowest part of the shaft of a column, the primitive word, root, track of a cattle, footprint of a cattle
  1139. beneficiis tributis fruens
    pensioner, retiree
  1140. biduum, bidui n
    period of two days, space of two days, two days
  1141. binoctium, binoctii n
    period of two nights, space of two nights, two nights
  1142. biennium, biennii n
    period of two years, space of two years, two years
  1143. bibula harena
    permeable sand
  1144. balneatorius, balneatoria, balneatorium
    pertaining to a bath
  1145. balnearis, balneare
    pertaining to a bath
  1146. balinearius, balinearia, balinearium
    pertaining to a bath, lurking about baths
  1147. beneficiarius, beneficiaria, beneficiarium
    pertaining to a favor
  1148. benificiarius, benificiaria, benificiarium
    pertaining to a favor
  1149. bracchiolaris, bracchiolare
    pertaining to a muscle of a horse
  1150. brachiolaris, brachiolare
    pertaining to a muscle of a horse
  1151. bestiarius, bestiaria, bestiarium
    pertaining to beasts
  1152. braccicus, braccica, braccicum
    pertaining to breeches
  1153. braceus, bracea, braceum
    pertaining to breeches
  1154. bracicus, bracica, bracicum
    pertaining to breeches
  1155. bubulus, bubula, bubulum
    pertaining to cattle, pertaining to oxen
  1156. bovillus, bovilla, bovillum
    pertaining to oxen or cows
  1157. bovinus, bovina, bovinum
    pertaining to oxen or cows
  1158. bucolicos, bucolice, bucolicon
    pertaining to shepherds, pastoral, bucolic
  1159. bucolicus, bucolica, bucolicum (bucolicos, bucolice, bucolicon)
    pertaining to shepherds, pastoral, bucolic
  1160. buxiarius, buxiaria, buxiarium
    pertaining to the boxwood-tree, made of boxwood, boxwood-, of the color of boxwood
  1161. blattarius, blattaria, blattarium
    pertaining to the moth
  1162. boreus, borea, boreum
    pertaining to the north wind, northern
  1163. borius, boria, borium
    pertaining to the north wind, northern
  1164. bustuarius, bustuaria, bustuarium
    pertaining to the place where dead bodies were burned, that fought at a funeral pile in honor of the dead, upon which men were offered
  1165. brumalis, brumale
    pertaining to the winter solstice, pertaining to the shortest day, wintry, of winter
  1166. bellicus, bellica, bellicum
    pertaining to war, war-, military, warlike, fierce in war
  1167. benzinium, benzinii n
    petrol, gasoline
  1168. benzinum, benzini n
    petrol, gasoline
  1169. balneaticum, balneatici n
    piece of money to be paid for a bath, bath-money
  1170. bestiam venabulo transverbero
    pierce the animal with the hunting spear
  1171. bisulcis, bisulcis m
    pig with split claws
  1172. bucculam apprehendo
    pinch the cheek
  1173. baptisterium, baptisterii n (βαπτιστήριον)
    place for bathing, place for swimming, vessel for bathing, baptistery, baptismal font
  1174. bidental, bidentalis n
    place struck by lightning, consecrated by the haruspices, and enclosed
  1175. buleuterion, buleuterii n (buleuterium)
    place where the Greek senate assembled, senate-house
  1176. bibium, bibii n
    place with two ways, place where two ways meet
  1177. bivium, bivii n
    place with two ways, place where two ways meet
  1178. bivium, bivii n
    place with two ways, place where two ways meet, twofold means, twofold method
  1179. bini iuxta compositi
    placed in pairs next to each other, two and two next to each other
  1180. buxetum, buxeti n
    plantation of boxwood
  1181. blanditus, blandita, blanditum
    pleasant, agreeable, charming
  1182. blandulus, blandula, blandulum
    pleasing, charming
  1183. barbam alicui vello
    pluck one by the beard
  1184. bardus, bardi m
    poet and singer among the Gauls, bard, minstrel
  1185. biocolytica aggressura
    police accessö
  1186. bona possideo
    possess assets, possess goods
  1187. bulbus solani
  1188. biber, biberis f
    potion, drink
  1189. beatum te iacto
    praise someone happily in a loud voice
  1190. bene dico alicui
    praise someone, speak well of someone
  1191. batrachitēs, batrachitae m
    precious stone of a frog-green color
  1192. baetulus, baetuli m
    precious stone, round and of a dark color, a species of ceraunia
  1193. betulus, betuli m
    precious stone, round and of a dark color, a species of ceraunia
  1194. bucardia, bucardiae f
    precious stone, a kind of turquoise
  1195. bellum apparo
    prepare a war
  1196. bellum paro
    prepare for war
  1197. bellum comparo
    prepare for war, arm for war
  1198. belle
    prettily, neatly, becomingly, finely, excellently, well, delightfully,, in a courtly manner, in a polite manner
  1199. bellus homo
    pretty boy, dandy, beau
  1200. bellulus, bellula, bellulum
    pretty, fine, lovely, beautiful
  1201. bellus, bella, bellum
    pretty, handsome, charming, fine, lovely, neat, pleasant, agreeable, beautiful, costly, gallant, good
  1202. bellatulus, bellatula, bellatulum
    pretty, neat
  1203. belliatus, belliata, belliatum
    pretty, neat
  1204. brabeum, brabei n
    prize in the games, fighting price
  1205. brabium, brabii n
    prize in the games, fighting price
  1206. bravium, bravii n
    prize in the games, fighting price
  1207. bene versor in aliqua re
    proceed well
  1208. brocchus, broccha, brocchum
    projecting, with projecting teeth
  1209. broccus, brocca, broccum
    projecting, with projecting teeth
  1210. brochus, brocha, brochum
    projecting, with projecting teeth
  1211. bronchus, broncha, bronchum
    projecting, with projecting teeth
  1212. broncus, bronca, broncum
    projecting, with projecting teeth
  1213. brocchitas, brocchitatis f
    projection of the teeth in animals
  1214. brochitas, brochitatis f
    projection of the teeth in animals
  1215. bonae spei
    promising, hopeful, auspicious
  1216. bonis favere
    promote the patriots
  1217. bellum duco
    protract the war, prolong the war
  1218. bellum extraho
    protract the war, prolong the war
  1219. bellum traho
    protract the war, prolong the war
  1220. bellum spatiosum
    protracted war
  1221. bellum serum
    protracted war, delayed war, belated war
  1222. balineae publicae
    public baths
  1223. basilica, basilicae f
    public building in the forum, judicial hall, basilica, portico, cathedral church, metropolitan church, cathedral
  1224. buccas inflo
    puffing out the cheeks (with rage)
  1225. bracae effertae
    puffy trousers
  1226. boves aversos in speluncam traho
    pull the cattle backwards into the cave
  1227. bona conscientia
    pure conscience
  1228. blatteus, blattea, blatteum
    purple-colored, purple
  1229. blattinus, blattina, blattinum
    purple-colored, purple
  1230. bene constituo
    put in good shape, bring into a proper condition
  1231. bello gerendo aliquem praeficio
    put someone in charge of the war
  1232. bracchia collo circumdo
    put the arms around the neck
  1233. bombam fasci impono
    put the bomb in a package
  1234. bombam in fascem impono
    put the bomb in a package
  1235. bona voluptate termino
    putting the good in the pleasure, defining the pleasure as the good
  1236. bilibris, bilibris f
    quantity of two pounds
  1237. beatulus, beatula, beatulum
    quite blissful, somewhat blissful
  1238. barbio 4
    raise a beard, grow a beard
  1239. brevi circuitu ad amnem pervenio
    reach the stream by a short diversions
  1240. beneficium accipio
    receive a boon, receive a benefit
  1241. baptismum percipio
    receive the baptism
  1242. brevi abhinc tempore
    recently, a short time ago
  1243. brevi tempore ante
    recently, a short time ago
  1244. bicameratum, bicamerati n
    receptacle with two compartments
  1245. busta pio
    reconcile the souls of the dead
  1246. benignor 1
    rejoice, take delight
  1247. Bacchanalis, Bacchanale
    relating to Bacchus, Bacchanalian
  1248. bovarius, bovaria, bovarium
    relating to horned cattle
  1249. boarius, boaria, boarium
    relating to neat cattle, bovine
  1250. bellum pro religione susceptum
    religious war, holy war, Jihad
  1251. bellum religiosum
    religious war, holy war, Jihad
  1252. bellum duplico
    renew the war
  1253. bellum instauro
    renew the war
  1254. bellum redintegro
    renew the war, resume the war, restart the war
  1255. bellum reparo
    renew the war, resume the war, restart the war
  1256. beneficium cum usuris reddo
    repay a benefit with interest
  1257. beneficium reddo
    repay a favour, return a favour
  1258. beneficium remuneror
    repay a favour, return a favour
  1259. benefacta maleficiis penso
    repay good with evil
  1260. beneficia beneficiis penso
    repaying good with good
  1261. bona alicui restituo
    restitute someone's confiscated goods
  1262. bellum instauro
    resume the war, restart the war
  1263. bacchor in caede
    revel in murder, revel in killing
  1264. bacchabundus, bacchabunda, bacchabundum
    revelling in the manner of the Bacchantes, boisterous, noisy, ranting, raving
  1265. blasphemo 1
    revile, reproach, blaspheme
  1266. blasphematio, blasphemationis f
  1267. blasphemus, blasphema, blasphemum
    reviling, defaming
  1268. blasphemium, blasphemii n
    reviling, slander, blasphemy
  1269. bisellium, bisellii n
    richly ornamented seat of honor
  1270. bombarda, bombardae f
    rifle (for shooting)
  1271. bracchium dextrum
    right arm
  1272. bruta tellus
    rigid ground, immovable earth
  1273. bastum, basti n
    rod, stick
  1274. basileum, basilei n
    royal diadem
  1275. basilium, basilii n
    royal ornament, princely ornament
  1276. basilice
    royally, in princely style, in magnificent style, wholly, completely
  1277. batalarius, batalaria, batalarium
    rushing away
  1278. bucelatum, bucelati n
  1279. bucellatum, bucellati n
  1280. buthysia, buthysiae f
    sacrifice of oxen
  1281. breve, brevis n
    sandbank, shoal
  1282. bisomum, bisomi n
    sarcophagus for two persons
  1283. brassica acida
    sauerkraut, sour cabbage
  1284. brassica condita
    sauerkraut, sour cabbage
  1285. botularius, botularii m
    sausage-maker, dealer in sausages
  1286. botulinus, botulina, botulinum
  1287. botulus, botuli m
    sausage, stomach filled with delicacies
  1288. brathy, brathys n
  1289. brassica bullata
    savoy, savoy cabbage
  1290. brassica crispa
    savoy, savoy cabbage
  1291. bagina, baginae f
    scabbard, sheath, covering, holder, female vagina, sheath of a claw
  1292. bonae artes (disciplinae)
    sciences, arts
  1293. bis millesimus, bis millesima, bis millesimum
    second thousandth
  1294. buda, budae f
  1295. blandimentis aliquem corrumpo
    seduce someone with flattery
  1296. blandus amator
    seductive lover
  1297. Brutum legatum deligere
    select Brutus as Envoy
  1298. bona mea divendo
    sell one's goods
  1299. bene vendo
    sell well, sell at a high price
  1300. bendo 3
    sell, vend
  1301. bellatum aliquem in Asiam mitto
    send someone to fight in Asia Minor
  1302. bonane fide?
  1303. bacatus, bacata, bacatum
    set with pearls, adorned with pearls, pearl-
  1304. baccatus, baccata, baccatum
    set with pearls, adorned with pearls, pearl-
  1305. bigemmis, bigemme
    set with two precious stones, having two buds
  1306. bellum compono
    settle the war (through negotiations)
  1307. bellum sepelio
    settle the war
  1308. bis terque
    several times, repeatedly, utterly
  1309. biceps civitas
    shady citizenship
  1310. brevia, brevium n
    shallow places, shallows, shoals, difficulties
  1311. barbatoriam facio
    shave the beard for the first time
  1312. barbam rado
    shave the beard
  1313. barbam tondeo
    shave the beard
  1314. barbam demo
    shave, remove the beard
  1315. barbatoria, barbatoriae f
    shaving of the beard
  1316. balneatrix, balneatricis f
    she who has the care of a bath
  1317. balantes, balantium f
  1318. baculum pastorale
    shepherd's crook
  1319. breviter et commode dictum
    short apt joke word
  1320. breve, brevis n
    short catalogue, summary
  1321. brevitas spatii
    short distance
  1322. breviculus, breviculi m
    short writing, summary
  1323. brevioris distantiae cursor
    short-distance runner, sprinter
  1324. brevia atque concisa
    short, broken sentences
  1325. brevis, breve
    short, little, small, narrow, low, brief, little, concise
  1326. brevio 1
    shorten, abbreviate, abridge
  1327. breviatio, breviationis f
  1328. bruma, brumae f
    shortest day in the year, winter solstice, winter time, winter, year
  1329. breviter
    shortly, briefly, in a short time, in brief, in few words, concisely, summarily
  1330. brevitas et celeritas syllabarum
    shortness and length of syllables
  1331. brevitas, brevitatis f
    shortness, narrowness, brevity, conciseness, littleness, smallness
  1332. batillum, batilli n (vatillum, vatilli n)
    shovel, fire-shovel, coal-shovel, dirt shovel, dungshovel, fire-pan, chafing-dish, fumigating-pan, incense-pan
  1333. benevolentiam praesto alicui
    show goodwill towards someone
  1334. bonitatem ad aliquem permitto
    show kindness to someone, show tenderness to someone
  1335. benevolentia aliquem complector
    show someone goodwill
  1336. benevolentia aliquem prosequor
    show someone goodwill
  1337. bellicum, bellici n
    signal for march, signal for the beginning of an attack
  1338. bombycina, bombycinorum n
    silk garments
  1339. bombycinum, bombycini n
    silk texture, silk web
  1340. bombyx, bombycis c
    silk-worm, that which is made of silk, silken garment, silk, any fine fibre, cotton
  1341. bigati, bigatorum m
    silver coins with the stamp of the bigae
  1342. bestius, bestia, bestium
    similar to a wild animal
  1343. belutus, beluta, belutum
    similar to an animal
  1344. baro, baronis m
    simpleton, blockhead, dunce
  1345. baceolus, baceoli m
    simpleton, buffoon, idiot, fool, bungler, moron
  1346. balanitis, balanitidis f
    skaped like an acorn
  1347. bracae nartatoriae
    ski pants
  1348. baculum nartatorium
    ski pole
  1349. bello exercitatus
    skilled in the art of war
  1350. bovicidium, bovicidii n
    slaughtering of cattle
  1351. bellum servile
    slave revolt, slave uprising, slave rebellion
  1352. brevis tristitiae salebra
    slight hint of sadness
  1353. bracchiorum venas interscindo
    slit the wrists (for suicide)
  1354. bestiola, bestiolae f
    small animal, little beast
  1355. bestiolus, bestioli m
    small animal, little beast
  1356. bestula, bestulae f
    small animal, little beast
  1357. basella, basellae f
    small base
  1358. basicula, basiculae f
    small base
  1359. balneolum, balneoli n
    small bath
  1360. balneolae, balneolarum f
    small bathes
  1361. bacula, e f
    small berry
  1362. birotula, birotulae f
    small bike, small bicycle
  1363. barca, barcae f
    small boat, bark, barge
  1364. barcella, barcellae f
    small boat, small barque
  1365. barcula, barculae f
    small boat, small barque
  1366. buxtula, buxtulae f
    small box
  1367. bulbulus, bulbuli m
    small bulb
  1368. burra, burrae f
    small cow with a red mouth or muzzle, shaggy garment
  1369. brachypota, brachypotae m
    small drinker
  1370. baris, baridos f
    small Egyptian row-boat
  1371. balteolus, balteoli m
    small girdle
  1372. buricus, burici m
    small horse
  1373. burricus, burrici m
    small horse
  1374. bibliothecula, bibliotheculae f
    small library, small collection of books
  1375. buccella, buccellae f
    small mouthful, morsel, rusk, small bread divided among the poor
  1376. baca, bacae f
    small round fruit, berry, olive, any fruit of a tree, that which is like a berry in shape, pearl, dung of sheep, dung of goats, link of a chain in the shape of a berry
  1377. bacca, baccae f
    small round fruit, berry, olive, any fruit of a tree, that which is like a berry in shape, pearl, dung of sheep, dung of goats, link of a chain in the shape of a berry
  1378. botellus, botelli m
    small sausage
  1379. bacillus, bacilli m
    small staff, wand
  1380. bacillum, bacilli n
    small staff, wand, the staff of the lictor
  1381. biremis, biremis f
    small vessel with two oars, galley with two banks of oars
  1382. blandiloquium, blandiloquii n
    soft words, flattering speech
  1383. buccellatum, buccellati n
    soldiers’ biscuit, rusk
  1384. bacario, bacarionis m
    some kind of small jug
  1385. bona existimatio est de aliquo
    someone has a good reputation, someone is in good standing
  1386. bene est alicui
    someone is well, things are good with someone
  1387. bene aliquid cedit
    something goes out successfully
  1388. brevis et caduca res
    something short-lived and ephemeral
  1389. breviculus, brevicula, breviculum
    somewhat short, somewhat small
  1390. bacario, bacarionis m
    son of a bitch, panderer
  1391. Bacchus, Bacchi m
    son of Jupiter and a Theban woman, Semele, cry or invocation to Bacchus, vine, wine
  1392. brevi deinde
    soon after, shortly after
  1393. brevi post
    soon after, shortly after
  1394. brevi
    soon, next, in a short time
  1395. blande
    soothingly, flatteringly, courteously, carefully, gently, softly
  1396. blanditer
    soothingly, flatteringly, courteously, carefully, gently, softly
  1397. blandum
    soothingly, flatteringly, courteously, carefully, gently, softly
  1398. bellisonus, bellisona, bellisonum
    sounding of war
  1399. bisonus, bisona, bisonum
    sounding twice
  1400. bene dico
    speak (formally) according to the rules, speak reasonably (in terms of content), speak words of good foreshadowing
  1401. barbarizo 1
    speak barbarously
  1402. barbare loquor
    speak gibberish, speak incorrectly, speak like a stranger
  1403. bellum dissuadeo
    speak out against the war
  1404. benedico 3
    speak well of any one, commend, praise, adore, bless, consecrate, hallow
  1405. breviloquens, breviloquents
    speaking briefly, brief, being brief
  1406. breviloquus, breviloqua, breviloquum
    speaking briefly, brief, being brief
  1407. blandiloquentulus, blandiloquentula, blandiloquentulum
    speaking caressingly, fair-spoken
  1408. blandiloquens, blandiloquenntis
    speaking courteously, speaking flatteringly, speaking soothingly
  1409. blandiloquus, blandiloqua, blandiloquum
    speaking smoothly, speaking flatteringly, fair-spoken
  1410. blandidicus, blandidica, blandidicum
    speaking soothingly, speaking coaxingly, speaking kindly
  1411. bonacus, bonaci m
    species of bull in Pœonia, with the hair of a horse, and with horns unfit for fighting
  1412. bonasus, bonasi m
    species of bull in Pœonia, with the hair of a horse, and with horns unfit for fighting
  1413. bumastus, bumasti f
    species of grape with large clusters
  1414. bucconiatis vitis
    species of vine in Thurium, the fruit of which is not gathered until after the first frost
  1415. bestiae mutae
    speechless animals
  1416. baco 1
    sprinkle with laurel
  1417. bona mea lacero
    squander one's fortune, dissipate one's fortune
  1418. bovile, bovilis n
    stall for oxen
  1419. bubile, bubilis n
    stall for oxen
  1420. balbo 1
    stammer, stutter, babble, slur
  1421. balbutio 4 (balbuttio 4)
    stammer, stutter, speak upon something obscurely, speak not distinctly, speak not correctly
  1422. balbe
    stammeringly, obscurely
  1423. bellum cum aliquo ineo
    start a war with someone, go to war with someone
  1424. bellum commoveo
    start a war
  1425. bellum praecipio
    start the war earlier
  1426. bellum cieo
    start war
  1427. bellum sumo
    start war
  1428. Bupalus, Bupali m
    statuary of Chios
  1429. basium alicui surripio
    steal a kiss from someone
  1430. baculum, baculi n
    stick, staff (as a support in walking), augural staff, lituus, sceptre, support, stay, rod
  1431. baculus, baculi m
    stick, staff (as a support in walking), augural staff, lituus, sceptre, support, stay, rod
  1432. boreas saevus
    stiff north wind
  1433. bromosus, bromosa, bromosum
    stinking, fetid
  1434. bursa, bursae f
    stock market value, share value
  1435. bursarius valor
    stock market value, share value
  1436. bursarius, bursarii m
  1437. balbutire desino
    stop speaking unclearly
  1438. brachium procerius proicio
    stretch out the arm freely
  1439. batto 3
    strike, beat, hit, thresh
  1440. batuo 3
    strike, beat, hit, thresh
  1441. barbam alicuius permulceo
    stroke someone's beard
  1442. barbam torno
    stroke the bard
  1443. barosus, barosa, barosum
    stupid proud
  1444. baburrus, baburri m
    stupid, moron, silly drip
  1445. bardus, barda, bardum
    stupid, slow on the uptake
  1446. balbutio 4 (balbuttio 4)
    stutter something, stammer something, lisp out something
  1447. balbus, balba, balbum
    stuttering, stammering, babbling, sluring
  1448. blandissimus, blandissima, blandissimum
    sugary sweet
  1449. bubino 1
    sully with menstruation
  1450. breviarium, breviarii n
    summary, abridgment, abstract, epitome
  1451. borrio 4
  1452. burrio 4
  1453. bacchatus, bacchata, bacchatum
    swarmed (by bacchantes)
  1454. bacillo 1
    sway to and fro, waddle, stagger, reel, totter, waver, vacillate
  1455. bova, bovae f
    swelling of the legs
  1456. bracae balneares
    swimming trunks
  1457. bellum capesso
    tackle the war, take part in the war
  1458. beneficio utor
    take advantage, accept a benefit
  1459. bonum animum habeo
    take courage
  1460. bellum sumo
    take up arms, start a war
  1461. blatero 1 (blattero 1)
    talk idly, talk foolishly, babble, prate
  1462. blattero 1
    talk idly, talk foolishly, babble, prate
  1463. bliteus, blitea, bliteum
    tasteless, insipid, silly, foolish, useless
  1464. bellum altius expedio
    tell the war from the beginning
  1465. bellum decennale
    ten-year war, decennial war
  1466. benigne! sorbitio mihi non ita grata est
    thank you! I don't care so much for soup
  1467. bellissimus ille pusio
    that clean boy, that clean lad
  1468. binarius, binaria, binarium
    that contains of two, that consists of two
  1469. beas (me)
    that delights me, I am rejoiced at that
  1470. beasti (me)
    that delights me, I am rejoiced at that
  1471. blasphemabilis, blasphemabile
    that deserves reproach, censurable, worth being reviled
  1472. biothanatus, biothanata, biothanatum
    that dies a violent death
  1473. bulbaceus, bulbacea, bulbaceum
    that has bulbs, bulbous
  1474. bilustris, bilustre
    that lasts two lustra, that lasts ten years, of ten years’ duration
  1475. bene illo Graecorum proverbio praecipitur
    that well-known Greek proverb teaches excellently
  1476. bellaria, bellariorum n
    that which is used as a dessert, fruit, nuts, confectionery, sweet wine, dessert
  1477. bene narras
    that's good to hear
  1478. bimatus, bimatus m
    the age of two years
  1479. Batrachomyomachia, Batrachomyomachiae f
    The Battle of the Frogs and Mice
  1480. boletus, boleti m
    the best kind of mushrooms
  1481. basilicum, basilici n
    the best kind of nuts
  1482. bomba disploditur
    the bomb explodes
  1483. bronchia, bronchiorum n
    the bronchial tubes
  1484. bombizatio, bombizationis f
    the buzzing of bees
  1485. bos ad arandum natus
    the cattle are made for ploughing
  1486. belli atque pacis rationes
    the chances for war and peace
  1487. boreae frigus
    the cold of the north wind
  1488. beatitas, beatitatis f
    the condition of the beatus, happiness, a blessed condition, blessedness
  1489. beatitudo, beatitudinis f
    the condition of the beatus, happiness, a blessed condition, blessedness
  1490. bura, burae f
    the curved hinder part of the plough, plough-beam
  1491. buris, buris f (bura, burae f)
    the curved hinder part of the plough, plough-beam
  1492. biforem dat tibia cantum
    the double flute sounds
  1493. bubo, dirum mortalibus omen
    the eagle owl, a horrifying image for humans
  1494. biviae fauces
    the entrances of the hollow way on both sides
  1495. beneficium liberorum
    the exemption from judicial office obtained by having a certain number of children
  1496. battalia, battālium n
    the fighting and fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators
  1497. battualia, battuālium n
    the fighting and fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators
  1498. bellum orbis terrarum primum
    the first world war
  1499. bellum primum mundanum
    the first world war
  1500. bellum universale primum
    the first world war
  1501. bonum publicum
    the general best, state welfare
  1502. baptisma mundi
    the general deluge
  1503. bivii di
    the gods worshipped at crossroads
  1504. bonis male evenit
    the good guys are doing badly
  1505. bona aetas
    the good years of life
  1506. bonum, boni n
    the good, possession, benefit, talent, virtue, advantage
  1507. bona vacant
    the goods are ownerless, the goods are abandoned
  1508. bona in medium cessere
    the goods fell to the commonwealth
  1509. beta n (indecl.)
    the Greek name of the second letter of the alphabet
  1510. beati, beatorum m
    the happy persons, the fortunate persons, the well-off people
  1511. bucula herbas atterit
    the heifer tramples the grass
  1512. bulapathum, bulapathi n
    the herb patience, a kind of sorrel
  1513. bimaritus, bimariti m
    the husband of two wives
  1514. bruta animalia
    the irrational animals
  1515. beatorum insulae
    the islands of the blissful
  1516. bimaris Isthmus
    the Isthmus, lying on two seas
  1517. basilicus, basilici m
    the king’s throw, the best throw of dice
  1518. baditis, badittĭdis f
    the name of a plant, = nymphaea
  1519. boum cervices natae ad iugum
    the neck of the cattle is intended by nature for the yoke
  1520. boreoriens, boreorientis m
    the northeast
  1521. Boreoccidens, Boreoccidentis m
    the northwest
  1522. binio, binionis f
    the number two, a deuce
  1523. belli os et fauces
    the open jaws of war, the open maw of war
  1524. buxus, buxi f
    the pale, evergreen box-tree, things made of boxwood, pipe, flute
  1525. balistarium, balistarii n
    the place where the ballista is worked
  1526. ballistarium, ballistarii n
    the place where the ballista is worked
  1527. bustum, busti n
    the place where the bodies of the dead were burned and buried, tomb, funeral-pyre, mound, battle-field, a destroyed city, the site, ruins, the burned body itself, the ashes
  1528. blanditur populus umbra
    the poplar beckons with its shade
  1529. benignitas, benignitatis f
    the quality of one benignus, an affable bearing to others, kind bearing to others, kindness, friendliness, courtesy, benevolence, benignity, liberality, bounty, favor, lenity, mercy
  1530. bucera saecla
    the race of horned cattle
  1531. bracchium, bracchii n
    the ridges of a mountain, the sail-yards, outwork for connecting two points in fortifications, moles, dikes, the arm of a catapult
  1532. bolites, bolitae f
    the root of the plant lychnis
  1533. beatulus, beatuli m
    the sainted fellow
  1534. beta n (indecl.)
    the second in any thing
  1535. bellum alterum mundanum
    the second world war
  1536. bellum orbis terrarum alterum
    the second world war
  1537. bellum Samnitibus patres censuerunt
    the Senate decided on war against the Samnitesö
  1538. bis quinque viri (= decemviri),
    the ten men
  1539. balteus, baltei m (balteum, baltei n)
    the vacant space between the seats in the amphitheatre
  1540. bellum renascitur
    the war breaks out again
  1541. bellum his manet
    the war continues for them
  1542. bellum multos homines absumpsit
    the war has cost many lives, , the war has taken many lives
  1543. bellum augetur
    the war is increasing
  1544. bellum per complures annos gestum est
    the war lasted several years
  1545. bellum confertur circa Corinthum
    the war moves to the area of Corinth
  1546. bellum resurgit
    the war rises again
  1547. bellum Pometiam compulsum est
    the war was concentrated around Pometia
  1548. buxum, buxi n
    the wood of the boxtree, things made of boxwood, flute, pipe, top, comb, writingtablet, the boxtree
  1549. biles, bilium f
    the yellow and black bile
  1550. baceolus, baceola, baceolum
    thick as thieves
  1551. bracteola, bracteolae f
    thin leaf of gold
  1552. bratteola, bratteolae f
    thin leaf of gold
  1553. bibulus Falerni
    thirsting for falerner
  1554. biumbres, biumbrium m
    those who give shade from two sides
  1555. bellum denuntio
    threaten with war
  1556. bellum ostendo
    threaten with war
  1557. beneficio
    through favor, by the help, by the aid, by the support, by the mediation, by means of, by the lucky turn of, by the agency of
  1558. barathro aliquid dono
    throw into the abyss, squander
  1559. bolos, boli m
    throw, cast
  1560. balista talentaria
    throwing stones of a talent in weight, Slingshot machine for fifty pound projectiles
  1561. Bronton, Brontontis m
    thunderer, epithet of Jupiter
  1562. bipedale, bipedalis n
    tile or flag-stone two feet long
  1563. bipeda, bipedae f
    tile or flagstone two feet long, for pavements
  1564. boletus fomentarius
    tinder fungus
  1565. bibio, bibionis m
    tippler, drunkard, small insect generated in wine
  1566. bibo, bibonis m
    tippler, drunkard, small insect generated in wine
  1567. bellō aliquem immisceo
    to involve someone in a war, draw someone into a war
  1568. bene praesidentem! (sc.valere iubeo)
    to the well-being of the Chairman!
  1569. bene te!
    to your health!, cheers!
  1570. bene tibi!
    to your health!, cheers!
  1571. bufo, bufonis m
  1572. bacchator, bacchatoris m
    tober, orgiast, reveller
  1573. bustum nati
    tomb of the son, son's grave
  1574. barycephalus, barycephala, barycephalum
    top-heavy, with low walls and broad roofs
  1575. barycus, baryca, barycum
    top-heavy, with low walls and broad roofs
  1576. battuator, battuatoris m
    torturer, cane master
  1577. basanites, basanitae m
    touchstone, test-stone, a very hard stone
  1578. bellum commerciale
    trade war
  1579. bene ago cum aliquo
    treat someone kindly, deal well with someone
  1580. Burgundii, Burgundiorum m
    tribe of Goths, divided into the East Burgundians, who dwelt between the Oder and the Vistula, and the West Burgundians, upon the upper Main
  1581. Burgundiones, Burgundionum m
    tribe of Goths, divided into the East Burgundians, who dwelt between the Oder and the Vistula, and the West Burgundians, upon the upper Main
  1582. biceps laqueus
    trick question, quandary
  1583. burrae, burrarum f
    trifles, nonsense
  1584. butubatta
    trifles, worthless things
  1585. barbam recido
    trim the beard
  1586. bibe, si bibis
    trinke nur zu!!, wenn du trinkst, trinke ordentlich!
  1587. braca, bracae f (bracca)
    trowsers, breeches
  1588. bracae, bracarum f (braccae)
    trowsers, breeches
  1589. bracca, braccae f
    trowsers, breeches
  1590. braccae, braccarum f
    trowsers, breeches
  1591. bracha, brachae f
    trowsers, breeches
  1592. brax, bracis f
    trowsers, breeches
  1593. bene verrunco
    turn out well, have a fortunate issue, have a good outcome, turn out for the better, end well
  1594. bis seni dies
    twelve days
  1595. bis senus labor
    twelvefold effort
  1596. bicessis, bicessis m
    twenty asses
  1597. bini et viceni, binae et vicenae, bina et vicena
    twenty two each
  1598. bis et vicies
    twenty-two times
  1599. biginti
  1600. bis cotidie
    twice a day, twice daily
  1601. bis die
    twice a day, twice daily
  1602. bis in hebdomade
    twice a week
  1603. bis anno
    twice a year, twice yearly
  1604. bis ac saepius
    twice and more
  1605. bis tanto
    twice as big, twice as much
  1606. bis tantum
    twice as big, twice as much
  1607. bis tanto pluris
    twice as expensive
  1608. bis tot merces
    twice as many goods
  1609. bis tantum
    twice as much
  1610. bis consul
    twice consul
  1611. bis in hora
    twice hourly
  1612. bis minus
    twice less
  1613. bigamus, bigama, bigamum
    twice married
  1614. bis senus
    twice six, twelvefold
  1615. bis in mense
    twice within a month
  1616. bis in anno
    twice within a year, twice a year
  1617. bis in die
    twice within one day
  1618. bis
    twice, at two times, on two occasions, in two ways, doubly, twofold, in a twofold manner
  1619. Bostoniae duae bombae displosae sunt
    two bombs exploded in Boston
  1620. bini, binae, bina
    two by two, two to each, two each, two at a time, a pair, double, two
  1621. bina castra
    two camps
  1622. biduo, quo haec gesta sunt
    two days after these events, two days after this had happened
  1623. biduo post
    two days after, two days later
  1624. buduum et binoctium
    two days and two nights
  1625. biduo ante
    two days before
  1626. biduum haesitatum erat
    two days had been spent going back and forth
  1627. biduo serius
    two days too late
  1628. binae hostium copiae
    two enemy armies
  1629. bipedus, bipeda, bipedum
    two feet long, two feet broad, bipedal
  1630. bipedalis, bipedale
    two feet long, two feet broad, two feet thick
  1631. bipedaneus, bipedanea, bipedaneum
    two feet long, two feet broad, two feet thick, bipedal
  1632. biiugi, biiugorum m
    two horses yoked abreast, chariot drawn by two horses,
  1633. bis centum
    two hundred
  1634. binae litterae
    two letters
  1635. bini panes
    two loaves of bread
  1636. bis terve
    two or three times, two or three times, very rarely
  1637. bina coniugia
    two pairs each, two couples each
  1638. bilibra, bilibrae f
    two pounds
  1639. bipalmis, bipalme
    two spans long, two spans broad, of two spans
  1640. bipalmus, bipalma, bipalmum
    two spans long, two spans broad, of two spans
  1641. bes, besis m
    two thirds of a unit
  1642. bes, bessis m (besis)
    two thirds of a unit
  1643. bessis, bessis m
    two thirds of a unit
  1644. bina milia
    two thousand
  1645. biennio ante
    two years ago, two years before
  1646. biennio antequam
    two years before
  1647. bimatus, bimata, bimatum
    two years old
  1648. bimus, bima, bimum
    two years old, of two years, biennial
  1649. bilinguis homo
    two-faced person, hypocrite,
  1650. bifax, bifacis
  1651. bipes, bipedis
    two-footed, on two feet, two legged
  1652. bicorniger, bicornigera, bicornigerum
    two-horned, an epithet of Bacchus
  1653. bifarius, bifaria, bifarium
    twofold, double
  1654. biremis, bireme
    twooared, having two oars, having two banks of oars
  1655. biremus, birema, biremum
    twooared, having two oars, having two banks of oars
  1656. bilinguis, bilingue
    twotongued, double-tongued, with two keys, speaking two languages, hypocritical, deceitful, false, treacherous, having a double meaning, allegorical
  1657. bilinguus, bilingua, bilinguum
    twotongued, double-tongued, with two keys, speaking two languages, hypocritical, deceitful, false, treacherous, having a double meaning, allegorical
  1658. birotus, birota, birotum
    twowheeled, with two wheels
  1659. blasphemiter
    under vituperation, under slander, under defamation
  1660. bellum suscipio
    undertake war
  1661. bibliotheca universitaria
    University Library
  1662. batia, batiae f
    unknown kind of fish
  1663. balineae vacantes
    unused bathrooms, vacant bathrooms
  1664. blatio i
    utter foolish things, babble, prate
  1665. barathrum femineum
    vagina, female pubis
  1666. brassicae, brassicarum f
    varieties of cabbage
  1667. Biennale Venezianum
    Venice Biennale
  1668. buprestis, buprestis f
    venomous beetle, whose sting caused a swelling in cattle
  1669. barypicros, barypicron
    very bitter
  1670. bene mane
    very early in the morning, very early, quite early
  1671. blandissimus ingenio
    very friendly of character, very friendly character
  1672. boletar, boletaris n
    vessel for mushrooms, vessel for cooking and eating in
  1673. bicia, biciae f
  1674. bella devicta
    victorious wars, victoriously concluded wars
  1675. box, bocis f
  1676. bima sententia
    vote concerning the continuance of a provincial government for two years
  1677. bellum defendo
    wage a defensive war
  1678. bellum illatum defendo
    wage a defensive war
  1679. bellum ultro infero
    wage a war of aggression
  1680. bellis continuis persevero
    wage ceaseless war
  1681. belligero 1
    wage on war, carry on war, fight
  1682. belligeror 1
    wage on war, carry on war, fight
  1683. bello 1
    wage on war, carry on war, war, fight in war, contend
  1684. bellum ago
    wage war according to plan
  1685. bellum alicui facio
    wage war against someone, involve someone in war
  1686. bellum coniungo cum aliquo
    wage war together with someone
  1687. bellum gero
    wage war
  1688. bellifico 1
    waging war on something, attack
  1689. belliger, belligera, belligerum
    waging war, warlike, martial, valiant
  1690. bacchor in voluptate
    wallow in pleasure, revel in pleasure
  1691. brevis esse laboro
    want to be brief, want to be brief and to the point
  1692. bene sentio de re publica
    wanting the best for the state, being a patriot
  1693. bellum antarium
    war at the gates of the city
  1694. bellum deprecatum
    war averted by pleading
  1695. bellum exardescit
    war breaks out
  1696. bellum oritur
    war breaks out
  1697. belli horreum
    war depot
  1698. bellum concito
    war excite
  1699. bellum suscito
    war excite, war arouse
  1700. belli gerendi peritia
    war experience
  1701. belli peritia
    war experience
  1702. belli incendium
    war flame
  1703. bellica gloria
    war glory
  1704. bellica laus
    war glory
  1705. bellum imminet
    war is imminent, war imminent
  1706. bellum impendet
    war is imminent, war imminent
  1707. bellum instat
    war is imminent, war imminent
  1708. bellaria, bellariorum n
    war materiels
  1709. bellum internecivum
    war of extermination
  1710. bellum pro libertate tuenda susceptum
    war of freedom, war to preserve freedom, war to defend freedom
  1711. bellum communis libertatis recuperandae
    war of Independence
  1712. bellum obnoxietatis abolendae
    war of independence
  1713. bellum obnoxietatis auferendae
    war of independence
  1714. bellum pro libertate recuperanda susceptum
    war of liberation, war to regain freedom
  1715. belli administer
    war official, war officer
  1716. bellum affectum et paene confectum
    war that is coming to an end and is almost over
  1717. belli incendium
    war torch, war flare
  1718. belli calamitas
    war tribulation
  1719. belli calamitates
    war tribulation
  1720. bellum varium
    war waged with varying degrees of success
  1721. bellum in multa varietate versatum est
    war was fought with very changing fortunes
  1722. bellum sociale
    war with the confederates, confederation war
  1723. bellicum, bellici n
    war zone, theatre of war
  1724. belli sedes
    war zone, theatre of war, centre of the war
  1725. baritus, baritus m
    war-cry of the Germans, battle-cry
  1726. barritus, barritus m
    war-cry of the Germans, battle-cry, , the trumpeting of the elephants
  1727. belli gerendi peritus
  1728. belli haud ignarus
  1729. belli peritus
  1730. barditus, barditus m
    war-song of the Germans
  1731. bellum, belli n
    war, warfare, hostilities between two nations, battle
  1732. basilicarius, basilicariī m
    warden of the basilica, cathedral custos
  1733. belligeratio, belligerationis f
  1734. bellosus, bellosa, bellosum
  1735. bellax, bellacis
    warlike, martial
  1736. bellatorius, bellatoria, bellatorium
    warlike, martial, useful in warlike expeditions
  1737. bellicosior annus
    warlike, martial, valorous
  1738. bellicosus, bellicosa, bellicosum
    warlike, martial, valorous
  1739. bellator, bellatoris m
    warlike, ready to fight, martial, valorous
  1740. bellatrix, bellatricis f
    warlike, skilled in war, serviceable in war
  1741. belli semita
  1742. belligerator, belligeratoris m
    warrior, combatant
  1743. bellator, bellatoris m
    warrior, soldier
  1744. bibula nubes
    water pulling cloud
  1745. bullula, bullulae f
    watery vesicle, small neck-ornament
  1746. barbiger, barbigera, barbigerum
    wearing a beard, bearded
  1747. blattifer, blattifera, blattiferum
    wearing purple, clothed in purple
  1748. bracatus, bracata, bracatum (braccatus)
    wearing trowsers or breeches, foreign, barbarian, effeminate, of the land beyond the Alps, transalpin, wearing broad garments
  1749. braccatus, braccata, braccatum
    wearing trowsers or breeches, foreign, barbarian, effeminate, of the land beyond the Alps, transalpin, wearing broad garments
  1750. botanismus, botanismi m
    weeding, pulling up of weeds
  1751. bilibralis, bilibrale
    weighing two pounds
  1752. bene mereor de + Abl.
    well deserve for
  1753. bene meritus
    well deserved
  1754. bonatus, bonata, bonatum
    well designed, solid
  1755. bene animatus in aliquem
    well disposed towards someone
  1756. benevolens, benevolentis m
    well-wisher, friend
  1757. benevolus, benevola, benevolum
    well-wishing, benevolent, kind, friendly, favorable, devoted, yielding willing service
  1758. bene
    well, better, best
  1759. berbex, berbecis c
    wether, mutton-head, stupid fellow
  1760. berbix, berbicis c
    wether, mutton-head, stupid fellow
  1761. balaena, balaenae f
  1762. balena, balenae f
  1763. ballaena. ballaenae f
  1764. ballena, ballenae f
  1765. bona salute
    what God forbid!, which may God prevent!
  1766. blandiente inertia
    when the inactivity was comfortable
  1767. bellis, bellidis f
    white daisy, ox-eye
  1768. bonanimis, bonanimis m
    who is of good cheer
  1769. bestiae in pastu circumspectant
    wild animals look around while grazing
  1770. bryonia, bryoniae f
    wild vine, the bryony
  1771. bryonias, bryoniadis f
    wild vine, the bryony
  1772. benevolentiam alicuius mihi concilio (colligo) ex aliqua re
    win someone's goodwill on the basis of something
  1773. benevolentiam civium colligo
    win the goodwill of one's fellow citizens
  1774. bacar, bacaris n
    wine-vessel similar to the bacrio, wine-glass
  1775. bacarium, bacarii n
    wine-vessel similar to the bacrio, wine-glass
  1776. bellum hibernum
    winter war
  1777. benevolens, benevolentis
    wishing well, benevolent, favorable, propitious, kind, obliging
  1778. benivolens, benivolentis
    wishing well, benevolent, favorable, propitious, kind, obliging
  1779. bona mente
    with a clear conscience, in good conscience
  1780. bilix, bilicis
    with a double thread, two-threaded
  1781. bonis avibus
    with auspicious signs
  1782. bracchiatus, bracchiata, bracchiatum
    with boughs like arms, with branches like arms
  1783. brachiatus, brachiata, brachiatum
    with boughs like arms, with branches like arms
  1784. bicoris, bicore
    with double pupil
  1785. brevibus verbis
    with few words
  1786. bicomis, bicome
    with hair falling down on both sides, with a double mane
  1787. bona venia (bona cum venia)
    with kind permission, with kind indulgence
  1788. bellearis, belleare
    with the hair, with the fleece
  1789. bifrons, bifrontis
    with two foreheads, with two faces (Ianus)
  1790. bicors, bicordis
    with two hearts, dissembling, false, , sly, cunning, devious
  1791. bivertex, biverticis
    with two summits, with two peaks
  1792. bidens, bidentis
    with two teeth, with two prongs, with two points
  1793. bona venia tua dixerim
    with your permission let it be said
  1794. biduo
    within two days, in the time of two days, during two days
  1795. brevi manu
    without delay, immediately, instantaneously
  1796. bivira, bivirae f
    woman married to a second husband
  1797. barba nucum
    wool of the nuts
  1798. bacciballum, bacciballi n
    word of uncertain meaning, found only in Petron 61, big noodle
  1799. bellum molior
    work towards a war, plan for war
  1800. bractearius, bractearii m
    worker in gold-leaf, gold-beater
  1801. bidentatio, bidentationis f
    working the soil with the hoe, , soil hoeing
  1802. bulba, bulbae f
    wrapper, covering, integument, womb, matrix of women, a sow’s matrix
  1803. baubo 1
    yapping, bark gently, bark moderately
  1804. baubor 1
    yapping, bark gently, bark moderately
  1805. bellio, bellionis m
    yellow ox-eye daisy
  1806. bigus, biga, bigum
    yoked two together
  1807. biiugis, biiuge
    yoked two together
  1808. biiugus, biiuga, biiugum
    yoked two together
  1809. benigne (2)
    you are very kind, I thank you very much, am under great obligation, I thank you
  1810. barbare istud dicis
    you express yourself in an un-Latin way
  1811. bene fecisti, quod ...
    you were right to, , ,
  1812. buculus, buculi m
    young bullock, a steer
  1813. bucula, buculae f (bocula)
    young cow, heifer
  1814. beneficia vestra occidunt
    your assistance is wasted
  1815. belli studium
    zeal for war
  1816. bratteator, bratteatoris m
  1817. bonus amicus
  1818. bimater, bimatris m
  1819. bimatris, bimatre
  1820. beatificator, beatificatoris m
  1821. Brundisium versus
    towards Brundisium
  1822. borealis-orientalis, borealis-orientale
  1823. borealis, boreale
  1824. balnearius, balnearia, balnearium
  1825. barippe, barippes f
  1826. baroptenus, baroptenm m
  1827. bidentalis, bidentalis m
  1828. blattea, blatteae f
  1829. biennio postquam
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