Lateinisch - Englische Wortliste
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3241 Ergebnisse
- ventriculus porciliaris
- verculum, verculi n
- voto teneor be bound by a vow
- vervex sectarius bellwether
- versus octonarius eight-part verse, octonary
- via me laedit the path bores me
- vallum armatorum multitudinem capit the wall holds the multitude of armed men
- via fert aliquo the way leads somewhere
- velocissime refugio, escape with lightning speed, escape very quickly
- veternositas, veternositatis f, lethargy, somnolency
- vadimonium obeo, meet the deadline, keep the appointment,
- ventus perspiransa constant blowing wind, a steady blowing wind
- venenum praesensa fast acting poison, a quick acting poison
- viatrix, viatricis fa female traveller
- vasus fictilisa fool who cannot defend himself
- Victoria in antefixis esta goddess of victory stands (as ornament) on the cornice
- vir doctissimusa great scholar
- vini somnique benignusa hard drinker and a lover of sleep
- vita omnibus flagitiis deditaa highly dissolute life, a most profligate life, a most vicious life
- vita omnibus flagitiis inquinataa highly dissolute life, a most profligate life, a most vicious life
- viator aridusa hiker languishing with thirst
- vir iustus idemque sapientissimusa just and at the same time very wise man
- vir ut temporibus illis doctusa learned man for his time
- vita conferta voluptatibusa life full of pleasures, a life full of delights
- vita trepidaa life in danger
- vetulus, vetuli ma little old man
- vafellus, vafella, vafelluma little smart, a little cunning, a little refined, somewath cunning
- vis frumentia lot of cereals
- vir inturbidusa man averse to disturbances
- vir capax imperiia man capable of dominion
- vir equo commissusa man connected with a horse (centaur)
- vir inexplebilis virtutisa man full of insatiable desire for merit
- vir recti exemplia man of exemplary sincerity
- vir singulari in rem publicam officioa man of great service to the state
- vir morum veteruma man of old conventionality
- vir fide cognitaa man of proven loyalty
- vir senatorii ordinisa man of senatorial rank
- vir ingeniosusa man of spirit, genius, man of great mind
- vir magno ingenioa man of spirit, genius, man of great mind
- vir magno ingenio praeditusa man of spirit, genius, man of great mind
- vir gravis et severusa man of very great seriousness, a very serious man
- vir vita et morte consentaneusa man, equal in life and death
- vinum annosuma many years old wine
- vir insigni prudentia (est)a particularly smart man (the man is particularly smart)
- vitraria, vitrariae fa plant, called also parietaria, wall-pellitory
- vitriaria, vitriariae fa plant, called also parietaria, wall-pellitory
- vettonica, vettonicae fa plant, the betony
- virtus domi militiaeque cognitaa prowess proven in war and peace
- Vipsanius, Vipsanii ma Roman gens
- vir doctusa scholar
- ventulus, ventuli ma slight wind, breeze
- vetus milesa soldier graying in military service
- verbum quod idem declarata synonym, a corresponding word, an appropriate word
- verbum quod idem significata synonym, a corresponding word, an appropriate word
- vir perfecte planeque eruditusa thorough scholar
- vir omni doctrina eruditusa versatile scholar
- vir insignis industriaea very active man
- vir summi laborisa very active man
- vir ad efficiendum acerrimusa very energetic man, a very active man, a very effective man
- vir perelegantis ingeniia very fine head
- vitae ratio bene ac sapienter institutaa wise life plan, a wisely established life plan
- volatica, volaticae fa witch, sorceress
- vocabulum Latino sermone non trituma word not used in Latin
- ventriculatio, ventriculationis fabdominal grief, abdominal pain, stomach grief, stomach pain, stomach ache
- viscerum doloresabdominal pain, stomach ache, belly ache
- ventriculosus, ventriculosi mabdominal sufferer
- ventriculosus, ventriculosa, ventriculosumabdominal
- vix contineor, quominus ...abstain only with difficulty that
- vorago, voraginis fabyss, gulf, whirlpool, depth, chasm, devourer, squanderer, spendthrift
- vallematia, vallematiae faccompanying the dance
- verbo ... re (quidem vera)according to the word - but in truth
- verbo tenusaccording to the word only, merely according to the word, by all appearances, according to appearance, seemingly, apparently
- verboaccording to the word
- vereaccording to truth, truly, really, in fact, properly, rightly, aright
- victoriam adipiscorachieve a victory, gain a victory, win a victory
- victoria clueoachieve the glory of victory
- verba facio apud populumact as a speaker in the people's assembly
- verba facio in contioneact as a speaker in the people's assembly
- villico 1act as bailiff, act as overseer, superintend , live in the country, reside in the country, manage an estate
- vilico 1act as bailiff, act as overseer, superintend, live in the country, reside in the country, manage an estate
- vilicor 1act as bailiff, act as overseer, superintend, live in the country, reside in the country, manage an estate
- vitiose facioact incorrectly, act wrongly
- virginor 1act like a virgin, behave like a virgin, to play the virgin
- visio, visionis fact of seeing, sense of seeing, sight, vision, a thing seen, an appearance, apparition, image of a thing in the mind, an idea, conception, notion, supposition, case
- violenter me geroact wild, behave wildly, act fiercely
- verbis amicis aliquem compelloaddress someone with kind words
- verbis aliquem prosequoraddressing words to someone
- venetiani, venetianorum madherents of the Blues, the Blues
- venerativus, venerativa, venerativumadoring, reverential
- viticomus, viticoma, viticomumadorned with vine-leaves, crowned with vine-leaves
- versutus, versuta, versutumadroit, dexterous, versatile, shrewd, clever, ingenious, cunning, crafty, wily, sly, deceitful
- vorsutus, vorsuta, vorsutumadroit, dexterous, versatile, shrewd, clever, ingenious, cunning, crafty, wily, sly, deceitful
- ventus adversusadverse wind
- vectigal aediliciumaedile tax
- veternosus, veternosa, veternosumafflicted with lethargy, lethargic, sleepy, drowsy, dreamy, languid, spiritles
- votis numeratisafter counting the votes, , after the vote count
- vita perfunctaafter the end of life, after death
- vetusteafter the manner of the ancients
- vulgariterafter the ordinarymanner, after the common manner, commonly, vulgarly
- vestratimafter your own kind, in your own way
- versus obscoenissimi in Clodium dicunturagainst Clodius the most obscene verses are shouted
- vetusto 1age, make old
- vultu assentioragree by nodding
- volupagreeably, delightfully, satisfactorily, to one’s satisfaction
- vaeah!, alas!
- vah!ah!, oh!
- vahaah!, oh!
- volatilium arcendorum systemaair defense system
- vires aeriaeAir Force
- viae vitalesair-passages
- ventilatio, ventilationis fairing, ventilation
- voluntatem alicuius a me abalienoalienate someone, estrange oneself from someone
- vivus, viva, vivumalive, living, that has life, natural, unwrought
- varia et diversa studiaall kinds of divergent studies
- vigiliae, vigiliarum fall-nighters
- victoriam praecipio (animo)already see yourself as a winner
- vicatim (2)alternately, in alternation
- varietas temporumalternating time circumstances, alternating time conditions
- vicibus factisalternating, alternately
- vicissitudo in sermonealternation in talking, alternation conversation
- varius et mutabilisalways capricious
- vivo in aeterna rosaalways live happily, always live pleasurably
- venia et incolumitate aliquem donoamnesty someone
- venia praeteritorumamnesty
- venenum cervariuman herb with which arrows were smeared
- vir moris antiquian old fashioned man
- vetamur vetere proverbioan old proverb forbids us, an old saying forbids us
- vox Pythia (Pythia)an oracle saying of the delphic Apollo
- vultus angelicusAngel face
- vehementer alicui suscenseoanger someone violently
- vigoro 1 (tr.)animate, , invigorate
- vivatus, vivata, vivatumanimated, lively, vivid
- vegetamen, vegetaminis nanimating power, vitality, vivifying principle
- vegetabilis, vegetabileanimating, enlivening
- vicissitudines anniversariaeannual change of seasons, the changes of the seasons of the year
- venae caroticaeaorta, main arteries, major arteries
- valetudinem causorapologize with my condition
- valetudinem excusoapologize with my condition
- valetudinis excusatione utorapologize with my condition
- vocabulum, vocabuli nappellation, designation, name of any thing, substantive
- vocamen, vocaminis nappellation, designation, name
- verba novoapply new words, bring up new words
- vectem subicioapply the crowbar, put the crowbar in place
- vineas agoapproach protective roofs
- verbis cum aliquo concertoargue with someone with words
- vires, virium farmed forces
- verutus, veruta, verutumarmed with a dart, armed with a javelin
- vehiculum loricatumarmored vehicle
- via militarisarmy road
- vegeto 1arouse, enliven, quicken, animate, invigorate
- vigidus, vigida, vigidumaroused, vivid, awakened, lively
- vincula alicui inicioarrest someone, detain someone, imprison someone
- velut ex compositoas agreed upon, as it was agreed
- vix aut omnino nonas good as not at all
- ventoseas if full of wind, inflatedly
- velut multa paceas if in deep peace, as it were in deep peace, like in deep peace
- velut agmine factoas it were in marching column
- velut ex praedictoas on appointment, as by appointment
- venio superas ad aurasascend to the upper world
- venio sub axem caeliascend to the vault of heaven
- veniam peto feroqueask and receive forgiveness
- veniam advocandi petoask for a deadline for consultation
- Veneriis vadimoniis te convadorask for a lovers' tryst, invite to a rendezvous
- veniam peto errorisask for forgiveness of the error
- veniam ignoscendi petoask for forgiveness, ask for pardon
- veniam petoask for forgiveness, ask for pardon
- veniam delicti precorask for mercy for an offence
- veniam rogoask for mercy
- veniam oroask for mercy, ask for leniency, ask for a favor
- vehementer rogo aliquemask someone urgently, urge someone to
- vitam mihi deprecorask to spare his life, ask for his life
- victimarius, victimarii massistant at sacrifices
- victumarius, victumarii massistant at sacrifices, dealer in beasts for sacrifice
- vivo cum aliquoassociate with somebody, interact with somebody, deal with somebody
- verboat a word
- vaciveat leisure, leisurely
- vicenarius, vicenaria, vicenariumat the age of twenty
- vere ineunteat the beginning of spring
- visu repentino obiectoat the unexpected sight
- voluptatem amplexorattach great importance to his pleasure
- visualis, visualeattained by sight
- vigil aurisattentive listening ear, watchful ear
- virtus attractivaattraction
- veritatis fidesauthenticity
- via auxiliariaauxiliary corridor, aid corridor
- vindicator, vindicatoris mavenger
- vindicatrix, vindicatricis favenger
- vindictrix, vindictricis favenger
- vito alicuius occursumavoid someone
- vitator, vitatoris mavoider
- vigil, vigilisawake, on the watch, alert
- vigul, vigulisawake, on the watch, alert
- voluptatem prolicioawaken desire, arouse desire
- virtus consciaawareness of bravery, consciousness of bravery
- valgiterawry, wryly
- vilitas morumbad character, mean character
- versus male natibadly done verses
- vas, vadis mbail, security, surety
- viscarium, viscarii nbait, decoy, lure
- vulnus alligobandage the wound, dress the wound
- vinctura, vincturae fbandage, ligature, vincture
- vix aliquem cohibeo, quominus ... .+ Konj.barely restraining somebody from
- vix nobis verba coiere decembarely ten words were exchanged between us
- vix ter in annobarely three times a year
- vis et naturabasic nature, basic system
- valores essentialesbasic values
- vannorum sirpiarumque vitoresbasket weaver
- vietor, vietoris mbasket-maker, trunk-maker, cooper
- vitor, vitoris mbasket-maker, trunk-maker, cooper
- vespertilio, vespertilionis mbat
- valetudine premorbe attacked by a disease
- vix meus sumbe barely sane, be barely conscious
- voti damnatus sumbe bound to fulfill a vow, be bound to perform a vow
- vetustate amicitiae coniunctus sum cum aliquobe bound to someone in old friendship
- vindemiae sunt in manibusbe busy with the grape harvest, have to do with the grape harvest
- vocor ad imperandum,be called to receive commands
- vector 1be carried, be borne, ride
- vehor 3be carried, be borne, ride, sail, go
- velim tibi ita persuadeas!be convinced!
- vino deditus sumbe devoted to drink, be addicted to drink
- vino indulgeobe devoted to drink, be addicted to drink
- volo alicuibe devoted to someone, be fond of someone
- vario 1be diversified, be variegated, change, alter, waver, vary, become variegated, become colored, be various, be different
- vino madeobe drunk with wine
- vaco 1
be empty, be void, be vacant, be void of, be without, not to contain, be free from, be unoccupied, keeps free from, remains aloof from, be free from labor, be not busied, be idle, be at leisure, have leisure, have time, have time for, be ownerless
- vacare (a) culpabe free from guilt
- vermiculor 1be full of worms, be wormy, be worm-eaten
- vireo 2be green, be verdant, be fresh, be vigorous, be lively, flourish, bloom
- valetudine utor minus commoda be ill, be sick
- vestibus civilibus indutus sumbe in civilian clothes, be dressed in civilian clothes, be dressed in non-military clothes, not wear uniform
- vita periclitorbe in danger of death
- vibro 1 (intr.)be in tremulous motion, shake, quiver, vibrate, tremble, glimmer, glitter, gleam, scintillate
- vesanio 4be insane, rave
- verberor solebe irradiated by the sun, be heated by the sun
- verberor imbrebe lashed by rain
- vitiis alicuius indulgeobe lenient with sb, 's mistakes
- vegeo 2be lively, be active
- vigeo 2be lively, be vigorous, thrive, flourish, bloom, be in honor, be in esteem, be in repute, live, be alive
- vulnus mortiferum excipiobe mortally wounded, be fatally wounded
- veritatem imitorbe natural, be true to nature, be true to life, be lifelike
- vicinor 1be neighboring, be near
- ventrem ferobe pregnant
- victor Olympiae citorbe proclaimed the winner in Olympia
- vicistibe right
- voluptatis blanditiis corrumporbe seduced by the lure of pleasure
- voluptatis illecebris deleniorbe seduced by the lure of pleasure
- vulnus grave accipiobe severely wounded, suffer a serious injury
- venum eobe sold
- viribus ceteris antistobe superior to all in strength, be the strongest of all
- vitiis (sceleribus) contaminatus sumbe tainted with vices
- vitiis (sceleribus) inquinatus sumbe tainted with vices
- verberor ventisbe tousled by the winds, get ruffled by the winds
- vitiis (sceleribus) obrutus sumbe vicious
- vitiis obrutus sumbe vicious
- virtute ornatus sumbe virtuous
- virtute praeditus sumbe virtuous
- volvo 3be vividly engaged in something, be very active about something
- vocito 1be wont to call, call, name, call loudly, call out
- vento 1be wont to come, come
- vatiola, vatiolae fbeaker, large drinking bowl, large drinking bowl
- vectito 1bear about, carry about
- vecto 1bear, carry, convey
- veho 3bear, carry, convey
- vesticeps, vesticipisbearded, arrived at puberty, manly, virile, immoral, corrupt
- vectura, vecturae fbearing, carrying, conveying, transportation, riding, passage-money, freight-money, fare, freight
- victuma, victumae fbeast for sacrifice, victim
- verberibus in aliquem animadvertobeat up as punishment, spank as punishment
- verberibus decidobeat up
- verberator, verberatoris mbeater, flogger
- verberatus, verberatus mbeating
- vestra causabecause of you, for your sake
- vilem redigor ad assembecome a trivial matter
- vivesco 3become alive, get life, spring forth, grow lively, grow strong, grow vigorous
- vivisco 3become alive, get life, spring forth, grow lively, grow strong, grow vigorous
- vulgor 1 (volgor 1)become common knowledge
- vastesco 3become desolate, decay, perish
- vacefiobecome empty, be made empty
- vesperascitbecome evening, grow towards evening
- vigesco 3become lively, become vigorous, thrive, begin to flourish, begin to bloom
- vigoro 1become strong, gain strength
- vehementesco 3become violent, become vehement
- vilesco 3become worthless, become bad, become vile
- vilisco 3become worthless, become bad, become vile
- violarium, violarii nbed of violets, bank of violets
- vimen curvumbeehive
- vimen tortumbeehive
- volgobefore every body, before all the world, generally, universally, everywhere, all over, commonly, openly, publicly, generally, usually, by prostitution
- vulgobefore every body, before all the world, generally, universally, everywhere, all over, commonly, openly, publicly, generally, usually, by prostitution
- victori supplicarebegging the winner on his knees
- vitrum conflobeing a glassblower, being a glassmaker
- via eobeing on the right track, walking on a straight path
- verbis abundobeing verbose, not getting to the point, making a lot of words, beating around the bush
- ventrale, ventralis nbelly-band
- venter, ventris mbelly, paunch, maw, appetite for ordinary food, glutton, gormandizer, fruit of the womb, fœtus, swelling, protuberance
- vīllaris, vīllarebelonging to a country-house, belonging to a villa
- villaticus, villatica, villaticumbelonging to a country-house, belonging to a villa
- vilicus vilica, vilicumbelonging to a countryhouse, belonging to a villa
- villicus, villica, villicumbelonging to a countryhouse, belonging to a villa
- vicarianus, vicariana, vicarianumbelonging to a deputy, belonging to a vicar, vicarial
- volpinus, volpina, volpinumbelonging to a fox
- vulpinus, vulpina, vulpinumbelonging to a fox
- vernilis, vernilebelonging to a home-born slave, slavish, mean, fawning, servile, jesting, pert, waggish
- venatorius, venatoria, venatoriumbelonging to a hunter, belonging to the chase, hunter’s, hunting-
- viatorius, viatoria, viatoriumbelonging to a journey, belonging to summoners
- virginalis, virginalebelonging to a maiden, belonging to virgin, maidenly, virgin, virginal
- virgineus, virginea, virgineumbelonging to a maiden, belonging to virgin, maidenly, virgin, virginal, offered by a maiden
- virginius, virginia, virginiumbelonging to a maiden, belonging to virgin, maidenly, virgin, virginal, offered by a maiden
- virilis, virilebelonging to a man, manly, virile, masculine, full-grown, arrived at the years of manhood, belonging to a person, that falls to a person, that falls to each one, worthy of a man, manly, manful, firm, vigorous, bold, spirited
- vallaris, vallarebelonging to a rampart,
- viaticus, viatica, viaticumbelonging to a road, belonging to a journey, viatic
- vepraticus, vepratica, vepraticumbelonging to a thorn-bush
- velaris, velarebelonging to a veil or curtain
- vinitorius, vinitoria, vinitoriumbelonging to a vine-dresser
- votivus, votiva, votivumbelonging to a vow, promised by a vow, given in consequence of a vow, votive, conformable to one’s wish, wished for, longed for, desired
- volturinus, volturina, volturinumbelonging to a vulture, vulture-like, vulturine
- vulturinus, vulturina, vulturinumbelonging to a vulture, vulture-like, vulturine
- vidualis, vidualebelonging to a widow, widow-
- veterinarius, veterinaria, veterinariumbelonging to beasts of burden and draught
- veterinus, veterina, veterinumbelonging to beasts of burden
- vocativus, vocativa, vocativumbelonging to callin
- vocatorius, vocatoria, vocatorium belonging to calling, belonging to invoking, invocatory
- vehicularis, vehicularebelonging to carriages, belonging to vehicles
- vehicularius, vehicularia, vehiculariumbelonging to carriages, belonging to vehicles
- veterinus, veterina, veterinumbelonging to carrying or drawing burdens
- vestiarius, vestiaria, vestiariumbelonging to clothes
- voluptativus, voluptativa, voluptativumbelonging to enjoyment
- vesperalis, vesperalebelonging to evening
- vespertinus, vespertina, vespertinumbelonging to evening, evening-, made in the evening, in the evening hours, belonging to the west, western
- vitrarius, vitraria, vitrariumbelonging to glass, made of glass
- vernaculus, vernacula, vernaculumbelonging to homeborn slaves, native, domestic, indigenous, vernacular, natural, common
- venaticius, venaticia, venaticiumbelonging to hunting, belonging to the chase
- vectigalis, vectigalebelonging to imposts, belonging to taxes, paying tribute, subject to imposts, tributary, belonging to the revenue, that brings in revenue, that brings in income
- vitalis, vitalebelonging to life, vital
- vivarius, vivaria, vivariumbelonging to living creatures
- venerarius, veneraria, venerariumbelonging to love, venereal
- victualis, victualebelonging to nourishment, belonging to sustenance
- veteramentarius, veteramentaria, veteramentariumbelonging to old things
- viminalis, viminalebelonging to osiers, bearing twigs for plaiting
- voluptarius, voluptaria, voluptariumbelonging to pleasure, belonging to enjoyment, pleasant, agreeable, delightful, devoted to pleasure, sensual, voluptuous, concerning sensual enjoyment
- voluptuarius, voluptuaria, voluptuariumbelonging to pleasure, belonging to enjoyment, pleasant, agreeable, delightful, devoted to pleasure, sensual, voluptuous, concerning sensual enjoyment
- venenarius, venenaria, venenariumbelonging to poison
- venalicius, venalicia, venaliciumbelonging to selling, for sale, belonging to slave-selling
- venalis, venalebelonging to selling, to be sold, for sale, purchasable
- venaliciarius, venaliciaria, venaliciariumbelonging to slave-selling
- vernalis, vernalebelonging to spring, vernal
- vaporalis, vaporalebelonging to steam, belonging to vapor, vapory
- victuarius, victuaria, victuariumbelonging to sustenance
- ventralis, ventralebelonging to the belly, ventral
- vesperus, vespera, vesperumbelonging to the evening, evening-
- valedictorius, valedictoria, valedictorium belonging to the farewell, belonging to saying goodbye
- vulgaris, vulgarebelonging to the great mass, belonging to the multitude, general, usual, ordinary, every-day, common, commonplace, vulgar
- vulgarius, vulgaria, vulgariumbelonging to the great mass, belonging to the multitude, general, usual, ordinary, every-day, common, commonplace, vulgar
- viarius, viaria, viariumbelonging to the highways, belonging to the roads
- vialis, vialebelonging to the highways, belonging to the roads, placed by the road-side, worshipped by the road-side
- vicesimarius, vicesimaria, vicesimariumbelonging to the twentieth part
- velitaris, velitarebelonging to the velites
- Venetus, Veneta, Venetumbelonging to the Veneti, Venetian
- Veneticus, Venetica, Veneticumbelonging to the Veneti, Venetic
- viteus, vitea, viteumbelonging to the vine
- vindemialis, vindemialebelonging to the vintage
- vindemiatōrius, vindemiatōria, vindemiatōriumbelonging to the vintage
- venerius, veneria, veneriumbelonging to Venus, belonging to sexual love, venereous, venereal, lascivious
- viciarius, viciaria, viciariumbelonging to vetches
- victimarius, victimaria, victimariumbelonging to victims
- victumarius, victumaria, victumariumbelonging to victims
- victorialis, victorialebelonging to victory
- vinearius, vinearia, vineariumbelonging to vines
- vineaticus, vineatica, vineaticumbelonging to vines
- violaris, violarebelonging to violets, violet-
- virginarius, virginaria, virginariumbelonging to virgins
- vinalis, vinalebelonging to wine, of wine
- vinarius, vinaria, vinariumbelonging to wine, wine-
- vulnerarius, vulneraria, vulnerariumbelonging to wounds
- vitem praecipitobend down the vine too deep
- vieo 2bend together, twist together, plait, weave
- varo 1bend, curve
- vergo 3bend, turn, incline itself
- vergor 3bend, turn, incline itself
- vergo 3 (tr.)bend, turn, incline
- varatio, varationis fbending, winding
- vota prosperabenediction, blessing
- varus, vara, varumbent, stretched, grown inwards, grown awry, diverse, different
- viduitas, viduitatis fbereavement, want, lack, widowhood
- viduatus, viduata, viduatumbereft of her husband, widowed
- vador 1bind over by bail to appear in court, take legal action, demand in court
- vincio 4bind, bind about, wind about, fetter, tie, fasten, surround, encircle, compress, lace, compass, guard, make firm, harden, fix, fasten, confine, restrain, attach, arrange rhythmically
- vinctor, vinctoris mbinder
- vinctus, vinctus mbinding
- vinctio, vinctionis fbinding, ligature, shoetie
- vitium partusbirth defect
- vīsceratimbit by bit
- virga rubeablackberry branch
- violenta exactio pecuniarumblackmail, money extortion
- vensica, vensicae fbladder, urinary bladder, any thing made of bladder, purse, cap, lantern, foot-ball, bladder-like tumor, blister, inflation of language, bombast
- vesica, vesicae fbladder, urinary bladder, any thing made of bladder, purse, cap, lantern, foot-ball, bladder-like tumor, blister, inflation of language, bombast
- vessica, vessicae fbladder, urinary bladder, any thing made of bladder, purse, cap, lantern, foot-ball, bladder-like tumor, blister, inflation of language, bombast
- vituperabiliterblamably
- vituperator, vituperatoris mblamer, censurer, vituperator
- vitupero, vituperonis mblamer, censurer, vituperator
- vituperabilis, vituperabileblameworthy, blamable, censurable
- vituperatio, vituperationis fblaming, censuring, blame, censure, vituperation, blameworthiness, blameworthy conduct
- vota laetablessing wish, blessing
- vita beatablissful life, bliss, happiness
- viam intercludoblock the way, obstruct the way
- vas sanguineumblood vessel
- vasa sanguineablood vessels, blood veins, veins
- vena, venae fblood-vessel, vein, artery, water-course, vein of metals, urinary passage, streak of wood, row of trees, strength, the interior nature, the innate quality, the innermost feelings, pulse, a person’s natural bent, genius, disposition
- vehiculum escendoboard the vehicle, enter the vehicle, get into the vehicle
- venditator, venditatoris mboaster, vaunter, braggart
- virulentia hircorumbock smell, bock stink
- valentia, valentiae fbodily strength, vigor, capacity, endowment
- venae atque viscera rei publicaebody and blood of the state
- vires corporsbody forces, physical forces
- vires, virium fbody forces, physical forces
- vexillatio, vexillationis fbody of the vexillarii, soldiers united under one flag, corps, battalion, division of cavalry, troop, squadron
- valvas obstruobolt the door, barricade the door
- venditor librorumbookseller
- ventigenus, ventigena, ventigenumborn from wind, wind born
- vadatus, vadata, vadatumbound over to appear in court, bound, pledged, engaged to do any thing
- vittatus, vittata, vittatumbound with a fillet, bound with a chaplet
- vibratio, vibrationis fbrandishing, vibration
- virilia, virilium nbrave deeds, heroic deeds
- virtus arguitur malisbravery proves itself in adversity
- vitilitigator, vitilitigatoris mbrawler, wrangler
- victus nullusbreadlessness, no livelihood, no subsistence
- vallum scindo fossasque compleobreak down the wall and fill up the trenches, demolish the wall and fill in the trenches
- valvas effringobreak open the door
- vincula rumpobreak out of prison, break out of jail, escape from prison
- vincula abrumpobreak the shackles
- vincula rumpobreak the shackles, break the ties
- victo silentio prorumpobreak the silence and let the words come out
- vervago 3break up land, plough land for the first time after its lying fallow
- vox liquatabright voice, pure voice
- veritatem enubilobring the truth to light
- vinco 3bring to better understanding
- varietatibus opus distinguobringing colorful variety to the work
- verba protritabroad words, commonplace words, worn-out words
- vitrea fractabroken glass, trifles, trumpery
- violatio fideibroken word, breach of fidelity, loyalty violation
- vernaculi, vernaculorum mbuffoons, jesters
- vanas figurationes animo exstruobuild castles in the air
- vigitulus, vigituli mbullcalf
- vulnera missiliumbullet wounds, gunshot wounds
- vivum aliquem comburoburn somebody alive
- vivicomburium, vivicomburii nburning of people alive
- virgultum, virgulti nbush, thicket, copse, shrubbery, slips, cuttings of trees
- virgulta silvasque penetrobushes and forests penetrate
- verum haec aliasbut about that another time
- verumtamen (veruntamen)but as I was saying
- verumbut in truth, but not with standing, but yet, but even
- verumbut, yet, still, but however
- vilissime emobuy at a knockdown price, buy for a song
- vili pretio emobuy cheap
- verboby a single word
- vocabuloby name
- via vicinariaby-way in a camp
- vitulus, vituli mcalf, bull-calf, foal
- vitellina, vitellinae fcalf’s-flesh, veal
- vitulina, vitulinorum ncalf’s-flesh, veal
- vatem hunc perhibeo optimumcall this seer the best
- voco 1call, call upon, call down, summon, invoke, call together, convoke, announce, cite, bid, invite, exhort, urge, stimulate, arouse, challenge, name
- vocator, vocatoris mcaller, bidder, inviter to dinner
- vocatus, vocatus mcalling, calling upon, summoning, invocation, invitation
- vestitus tectoriuscamouflage clothing
- vix reprimor, quin ...can hardly hold on to me that
- vix me contineo, quin lacrimemcan hardly refrain from tears, can hardly contain the tears
- vix mihi tempero, quin lacrimemcan hardly refrain from tears, can hardly contain the tears
- vix me contineo, quin ...can hardly restrain myself that
- vix adsto prae formidinecan hardly stand on the feet because of fear
- vix teneor, quin dicamcan hardly stop myself from saying
- verbis non omnia exsequi possumcan not exhaust everything with words
- verbo parum valeocan't find the right word
- vallis fauciformiscanyon
- venalitas, venalitatis fcapability of being bought (with bribes), venality
- vectigal autoraedariumcar toll, vehicle tax
- vinum cumino factumcaraway schnapps, caraway brandy
- valetudini consulocare for his health, take care of his health
- valetudini do operamcare for his health, take care of his health
- vitia virtutesque perpendocarefully weigh the faults against the merits
- verba non circumspectacareless words, glib words, thoughtless words
- velatura, velaturae fcarriage and transportation
- vehes, vehis fcarriage loaded with any thing, cart-load, wagon-load
- vehis, vehis fcarriage loaded with any thing, cart-load, wagon-load
- vectabulum, vectabulī ncarriage, vehicle
- vectaculum, vectaculī ncarriage, vehicle
- victoriam ferocarry off the victory
- victoriam referocarry off the victory
- vectatio, vectationis fcarrying, being carried, riding, bearing
- vectio, vectionis fcarrying, conveyance
- vellatura, vellaturae fcarrying, conveyance
- vehatio, vehationis fcarrying, conveying, transportation
- vinum doliarecask wine, barrel wine
- vincula mihi exuocast off one's shackles, get rid of one's shackles
- visu percipio aliquidcatch sight of something, catch a glimpse of something
- veterinarius, veterinarii mcattle-doctor, farrier, veterinarian
- vexabilis, vexabilecausing annoyance, troublesome, vexatious
- vexativus, vexativa, vexativumcausing annoyance, vexatious, troublesome, burdensome, plaguing
- visificus, visifica, visificumcausing to see, conferring sight
- vulnus exurocauterize a wound, burn out a wound
- vitulor 1celebrate a festival, keep holiday, be joyful, bring a thank-offering
- victoriam cohonestocelebrate the victory
- virgo senectacelibate old age
- vincula, vinculorum n
chain punishment, chain penalty
- vas obscenumchamber pot
- vinum Campanensechampagne
- vestimenta et calceos mutochange clothes and shoes
- vestem mutochange clothes
- vestitum mutochange clothes
- vitam flectochange his lifestyle habits
- varietates temporumchange of seasons
- vicissitas, vicissitatis fchange, alternation
- vicis fchange, interchange, alternation, alternate succession, reciprocal succession, vicissitude, return, requital, reciprocal service, recompense, remuneration, retaliation, position, place, room, stead, post, office, duty
- vicissitudo, vicissitudinis fchange, interchange, alternation, vicissitude
- variabilis, variabilechangeable, variable
- versiformis, versiformechanging its form, changeable
- vitta, vittae fchaplet worn round the head, head-band, sacrificial fillet, sacerdotal fillet
- vita moresquecharacter
- venustecharmingly, gracefully, beautifully
- vitex, viticis fchaste-tree, Abraham’s balm
- verba lapsantiachattered words, words babbled
- vultus laetuscheerful expression
- vultus serenuscheerful expression
- verbera linguaechidings
- valetudinarium paediatricumchildren's hospital, paediatric clinic
- velchoose, take your choice, or (if you will), or else, or (at your pleasure), or (at least), or (it is indifferent), or (what is the same thing), or even, if you will, or indeed, or … itself, even, assuredly, certainly
- vetus tussischronic cough
- verpus, verpi mcircumcised man
- vocatio, vocationis fciting before a court, summons, bidding, invitation, to dinner, calling
- viscidus, viscida, viscidumclammy, sticky, viscid
- vinum liquatumclarified wine
- vinum liquoclarify the wine, draw the wine from the lees
- vivis aliquem annumeroclassify somebody with the living, include somebody among the living, reckon somebody with the living
- vulnus purgoclean up a wound
- verbis aliquid obtegocloak something with words, shroud something in words
- velum, veli ncloth, covering, awning, curtain, veil, chamber-curtains, hangings
- vestiplex, vestiplicis mclothes-folder, ironer
- vestiplicus, vestiplici mclothes-folder, ironer
- vestiarium, vestiarii nclothes-press, clothes-chest, wardrobe, articles of clothing, clothes, wardrobe
- vestiarius, vestiarii mclothesdealer
- vestitus, vestitus mclothing, clothes, dress, apparel, raiment, attire, vesture, covering
- vestimentum, vestimenti nclothing, garment, vestment, bedclothes, tapestry
- versus rhopalicusclub verse
- volarium, volarii nclump, clot
- vernulitas, vernulitatis fcoarse, pert, jesting, pertness
- vectigal exigocollect a levy, collect a tax
- vectigalia acerbe exigocollect taxes with hardness
- vectigalia exigocollect taxes
- vectigaliarius, vectigaliarii mcollector of taxes, receiver of taxes, tax collector
- vicensumarius, vicensumarii mcollector of the twentieth tax
- vicesimarius, vicesimarii mcollector of the twentieth tax
- vigintiviri, vigintivirorum mcollege of twenty men, board of twenty men
- versicolora, versicolororum ncolorful pictures
- varietas florumcolorfulness of the flowers, variety of flowers, colorful flowers
- vorte hac te, puere!come here slave
- ventito 1come often, be wont to come, keep coming
- vincor 3come to a better understanding
- venit mihi in opinionemcome to a view, come to an opinion, come to an assessment, come to an assumption, come to a judgment
- venio coctum ad nuptiascome to cook for the wedding
- venio 4come, spring, be descended, appeare, happen, come into, fall into any state, fall into any condition
- ventio, ventionis fcoming
- virtute, non genere me populo Romano commendocommend himself to the Roman people by ability, not by origin
- venena spargocommit poison killings, commit poisonous murders
- vilitas nominumcommon names, despicable names
- vulgo diciturcommonly said, generally one says
- vocem consociocommunicate orally (with sb, ), make oneself common (with sb, ) by speaking
- vitia virtutibus redimocompensate for its faults with merits, make up for its mistakes with virtues
- vicem suam conquestus estcomplain audibly about his change of fate
- venia, veniae fcomplaisance, indulgence, kindness, obliging disposition, obliging conduct, mercy, grace, favor, permission, forbearance, forgiveness, pardon, remission
- vitam ad annum centesimum perducocomplete the hundred years, fill the hundred years
- vastito 1completely destroy, completely devastate, thoroughly devastate
- virus computatoriumcomputer virus
- vascularis, vasculareconcerning the vessels, regarding the vessels
- visu tactuque manifestusconcrete
- verum profiteorconfess the truth
- victoriam gratulari alicuicongratulate someone on a victory
- victoriam alicui gratulorcongratulate someone on the victory, wish someone luck for victory
- volatus coniuncticiusconnecting flight, connection flight
- vinco 3conquer, overcome, get the better of, defeat, subdue, vanquish, be victorious, be successful, gain, win, prevail, be successful, overwhelm, prevail over, prevail against
- victrix, victricis fconquering, victorious
- victor, victoris mconqueror, vanquisher, victor
- vocem alicuius premoconsider someone's word in silence
- viscereus, viscerea, viscereumconsisting of flesh
- verbalis, verbaleconsisting of words, wordy, verbal, belonging to verbs
- venter compressusconstipation
- virtus maturaconsummate efficiency, perfect efficiency
- vividus, vivida, vividumcontaining life, living, animated, true to the life, spirited, vivid, full of life, lively, vigorous, vivid
- venenifer, venenifera, veneniferumcontaining poison, poisonous, venomous
- vicenalis, vicenalecontaining the number twenty, having twenty angles
- virosus, virosa, virosum (1)containing viruses, virus-containing
- vita umbratiliscontemplative scholarly life
- valetudo confirmataconvalescence, recovery
- vitae commoditas iucunditasqueconvenience and comfort of life
- versator, versatoris mconverter
- vinculatus, vinculata, vinculatumcord-like twisted, cord-like wound
- virus coroniformeCoronavirus
- vespillo, vespillonis mcorpse-bearer, grave robber
- vispellio, vispellionis mcorpse-bearer, grave robber
- vispillo, vispillonis mcorpse-bearer, grave robber
- vespero, vesperonis mcorpse-bearer, pallbearer
- vitiis medeorcorrect the errors, correct the faults, correct the mistakes
- vocis conformatiocorrect word stress
- vicissitudo litterarumcorrespondence, exchange of letters
- vultum fucandi arscosmetics
- vita rusticacountry life, life in the countryside
- vita rusticanacountry life, life in the countryside
- vella, vellae fcountry-house, country-seat, farm, villa
- villa rusticacountry-house, country-seat, farm, villa
- villa, villae fcountry-house, country-seat, farm, villa
- verba adulantiacourtly flattery, courtly blandishments
- velis aliquid obtendocover something behind curtains
- vestio 4cover with a garment, dress, clothe, vest, cover, deck, array, attire, surround, adorn
- velamen, velaminis ncover, covering, clothing, robe, garment, veil
- velamentum, velamenti ncover, covering, veil, curtain, concealment, screen
- velatura, velaturae f (2)cover, veil
- vestis, vestis fcovering for the body, clothes, clothing, attire, vesture, carpet, curtain, tapestry, veil, skin of a serpent, beard, spider’s web
- velabrum, velabri ncovering stretched above the theatre, awning stretched above the theatre
- vestis stragulacovering, bedspread, coverlet, blanket, rug, carpet
- velaria, velariorum ncovering, screen
- velarium, velarii ncovering, screen, awning
- vitula, vitulae fcow-calf, calf, foal
- vacca, vaccae fcow
- vaccae me circummugiuntcows roar around me
- vaframentum, vaframenti ncrafly device, trick, quirk, artifice
- versutiloquus, versutiloqua, versutiloquumcrafly-speaking, sly in talking
- veteratoriecraftily, cunningly, slyly
- veteratorius, veteratoria, veteratoriumcrafty, cunning, sly
- vas frumentariumcrain basket, cereal basket
- vernilitas, vernilitatis fcringing, obsequiousness, servility, coarse, pert, jesting, pertness
- verbum inducocross out a word, delete a word
- veritatem obliniocross out the truth, strike out the truth
- via transversacross path, cross alley, cross way, cross aisle, cross passage
- via trifidacross-road
- ventus lateraliscrosswind
- verbenatus, verbenata, verbenatumcrowned with a wreath of sacred boughs
- vexata, vexatorum ncrushes, bruises
- vocifico 1cry aloud, utter a loud cry, proclaim
- virginalem plōrātum edōcry like a girl
- vocifero 1cry out, cry aloud, exclaim, scream, bawl, vociferate, call aloud, sound, resound, proclaim
- vociferor 1cry out, cry aloud, exclaim, scream, bawl, vociferate, call aloud, sound, resound, proclaim
- vagio 4cry, squall, sound
- vagitus, vagitus mcry, squall, sound
- vagina, vaginae fcrying, squalling
- viticola, viticolae mcultivator of vines, vine-planter
- vulpes cautacunning fox, sly fox
- versutia, versutiae fcunning, slyness, craftiness, subtlety, ingenuity
- versutecunningly, craftily, slyly
- vorsutecunningly, craftily, slyly
- vinifusor, vinifusoris mcupbearer
- ventosa, ventosae fcupping-glass
- vinculum immodicae cupiditati iniciocurb intemperate greed
- valuta, valutae fcurrency, valuta
- vetus atque usitatuscustomary from time immemorial
- vocem abscidocut off the word, let it fall silent
- vitiosas partes exsecocut out diseased parts of the body
- vultum ducocutting grimaces
- vitiosas partes exsecocutting out cancerous tumors
- volumen sīderumcycle of the stars
- venenum cellularecytotoxin
- victus cotidianusdaily bread
- victus cottidianusdaily bread
- verrutum, verrutī ndart, javelin
- verutum, veruti ndart, javelin
- venenum somniferumdeadly poison, lethal poison
- victimarius, victimarii mdealer in beasts for sacrifice
- viminarius, viminarii mdealer in wicker-work
- vestimentum mortuideath robe, death dress
- vaepallidus, vaepallida, vaepallidumdeathly pale, corpse pale, very pale
- vepallidus, vepallida, vepallidumdeathly pale, corpse pale, very pale
- verba alicui dodeceive someone, throw dust in someone's eyes
- verba verecundadecent words
- voluntariam exsilium mihi consciscodecide to go into voluntary banishment
- voluntatis significatiodeclaration of intent, designation of will, expression of will, declaration of intention
- voluntatis declaratiodeclaration of intent, expression of will, declaration of intention
- vindicias do secundum libertatemdeclare free, pass a judgment on freedom
- vindicias do secundum servitutemdeclare unfree, pass a sentence on servitude
- verbum per casus ducodecline, pass a word through its case
- vox gravisdeep voice
- vallis in altitudinem depressadeeply cutting valley
- vulnus alte adactumdeeply penetrated wound
- victoriam ab hoste reportodefeat the enemy, achieve a victory over the enemy
- victoriam ex hoste ferodefeat the enemy, win against the enemy
- victus, victa, victumdefeated, checkmate
- verbum defectivumdefective verb
- vultus in peius fictusdeformed face
- vultus in peius fictusdeformity of the face
- vinnulus, vinnula, vinnulumdelightful, sweet
- vinulus, vinula, vinulumdelightful, sweet
- vulgi turbatordemagogue
- voluntativus, voluntativa, voluntativumdenoting the will, denoting the aspiration, signifying the intention
- vespix, vespicis fdense bushes, undergrowth
- vaspicetum, vaspiceti ndense shrubbery
- vaspix, vaspicis fdense tuft
- vita cedodepart from life, die
- vita concedodepart from life, die
- vita defungidepart from life, die
- vita defungordepart from life, die
- vita excedodepart from life, die
- viduo 1deprive, bereave of any thing
- viduus, vidua, viduumdeprived or bereft of a husband or wife, bereft of a lover, spouseless, mateless, widowed, destitute of, without any thing
- vicegerens, vicegerentis mDeputy, Substitute
- vices gerens, vices gerentis mdeputy, substitute
- verbum duco ab ... (de ...)derive a word from
- verba paragogaderived words, derivative words
- venio ab aliquodescend from someone
- vitam alicuius depingodescribe someone's life, depict someone's life
- votum aut animusdesire or mindset
- vastator, vastatoris mdesolater, ravager, devastater, destroyer
- vaecors, vaecordisdestitute of reason, senseless, silly, foolish, mad, insane
- vecors, vecordisdestitute of reason, senseless, silly, foolish, mad, insane
- vectigal statuodetermine the tax
- Venerem seram attingodevote later love
- voro revomoquedevour and spit out again
- vorator, voratoris mdevourer
- voratus, voratus mdevouring, destruction, chasm
- venisti huc te extentatum?did you come here to place a sample?
- verba recondodie Worte im Gedächtnis behalten
- vitam commutodie
- vitam efflodie
- vitam effundodie, waste one's life
- varior 1differ from each other, be divided
- variantia, variantiae fdifference, diversity, variety
- varietas, varietatis fdifference, diversity, variety, variety of opinion, changeableness, fickleness, inconstancy, varied clothing, colored attire
- variatio, variationis fdifference, variation
- varia lectiodifferent reading
- varia formadifferent shape, variant
- varix, varicis cdilated vein, varix
- vesperna, vespernae fdinner
- volatus directusdirect flight, non-stop flight
- via compendiariadirectional path, stub path
- via et ratione disputodiscuss methodically
- vilitas suidisdain for oneself, disdain for one's own person, self-contempt
- vultus ficti simulatiquedisfigured expressions
- vultum fingodisguise one's face
- volsa, volsorum ndislocations, luxation
- vaporeus, vaporea, vaporeumdissolving in haze, void, very hot, full heat, full steam
- vestitu (a vestitu) dignosco (dinosco)distinguish by clothing
- vera a falsis diiudicodistinguish true from false
- vera et falsa diiudicodistinguish true from false
- vultus incertidistraught expressions
- viritanus, viritana, viritanumdistributed to the individual citizens
- vexabilis, vexabiledisturbed, plagued, vexed
- virtus mictualisdiuretic property, diuretic effect
- varianus, variana, varianumdivers-colored, variegated
- varius, varia, variumdiverse, different, manifold, changing, varying, various, variegated, party-colored, mottled, changeable, versatile, fickle, inconstant, untrustworthy
- varius sermodiversified conversation, varied conversation
- vario 1diversify, variegate, change, cause to change, make different, make various, alter, change, vary, interchange, cause to alternate
- varietas in disputationibusdiversity of opinion in discussions, diversity of the contributions to the discussion, variety of views expressed
- viro repudium remittodivorce his husband
- vertiginem efficiensdizzying, vertiginous
- vertiginosus, vertiginosa, vertiginosumdizzying, vertiginous
- vadimonium deserodo not meet the deadline, fail to meet the deadline, fail to appear
- vestimenta civilia gerodo not wear uniform, wear civilian clothes
- vim et manus inicio alicuido violence to someone
- vim facio alicuido violence to someone
- vim infero alicuido violence to someone, use violence against someone
- vim naturae iniectodo violence to the nature
- vim iniectodo violence
- visne concreta an fluida ovado you want hard or soft eggs?
- vin? (visne?)do you want?
- vir bisulci linguadouble tongue man, hypocrite
- viribus meis indubitodoubt one's own powers
- vitam alicuius exponodraft a biography of someone, draft a description of someone's life
- verriculum, verriculi ndrag-net, seine
- vitam asperam trahodragging his tedious life, dragging his weary life
- vestem corpori obducodrape a dress over the body
- veterinae, veterinarum fdraught-cattle, beasts of burden
- virga circumscribo regemdraw a circle around the king with the rod
- vela obducodraw the curtains, close the curtains
- vicensimatio, vicensimationis fdrawing by lot of every twentieth man for execution, vicesimation
- vicesimatio, vicesimationis fdrawing by lot of every twentieth man for execution, vicesimation
- vulnus obligodress a wound, bandage a wound
- vestis subsutadress below with a trimming
- venero 1dress in poverty, let appear charming
- vestis cum gunna calathinusdress with flat hoopskirt
- vestem induodress, get dressed
- vestio 4dress, put on clothes
- vestior 4dress, put on clothes
- venenum bibodrink poison
- venenum obducodrink poison
- vino aliquem deponodrink someone under the table, drink someone to the ground
- vino me obruodrinking wine excessively, overloading oneself with wine
- vehiculo portordrive on a wagon, be taken away on a wagon
- vehiculo vectordrive on a wagon, be taken away on a wagon
- vim vi depellodrive out violence with force, drive out violence with violence
- vecturarius, vecturarii mdriver of a vehicle
- voces iaciodropping words, uttering words
- vino excerebratusdrunk to the brim, befuddled by wine
- virgo Pygmaeadwarf, pygmy, pygmy girl
- versor 1dwell, live, remain, stay, abide, be in a place, be, be circumstanced or situated, busy one’s self with any action, be engaged
- vicaneus, vicanea, vicaneumdwelling in a village
- vicanus, vicana, vicanumdwelling in a village
- violarius, violarii mdyer of violet color
- vis dynamicadynamic
- vehementereagerly, impetuously, ardently, violently, earnestly, vehemently, strongly, forcibly, powerfully, exceedingly, extremely, very much
- victum aliqua re quaeroearn the living doing something
- virtutis opinionem capioearn the reputation of bravery
- vires bitumineaeearth pitch masses
- vasus fictilisearthen vessel
- vallum, valli nearthen wall, earthen rampart set with palisades, palisaded rampart, intrenchment, circumvallation, wall, rampart, fortification
- vermis terrēnusearthworm
- visabundus, visabunda, visabundumeasily visible
- visibundus, visibunda, visibundumeasily visible
- voratrina, voratrinae featinghouse, gulf, abyss, chasm
- virus ebolenseebola virus
- vocis imagoecho, Reverberation
- vis maioreconomic power, economic strength
- vis affectoriaeffective power, effectiveness
- vel ... vel ...either … or, be it … or
- victor electionumelection winner
- victrix electionumelection winner
- vis electricaelectricity, energy
- Velia, Veliae felevated part of the Palatine Hill at Rome
- virgae ulmeaeelm sticks with which slaves were beaten up
- venenum tabidumemaciating poison, emaciating venom
- victor proelio discedoemerge victorious from the battle
- victor pugna discedoemerge victorious from the battle
- victor ex certamine abeoemerge victorious from the battle, leave the fight as a winner
- victor abeoemerge victorious, emerge as the winner
- vaporo 1emit steam, emit vapor, steam, reek, glow, burn
- vaporifer, vaporifera, vaporiferumemitting steam, full of vapors, full of exhalations, vaporous
- verbīs adornoemphasize with words, verbally stress
- vacivitas, vacivitatis femptiness, lack, want
- vanum, vani nemptiness, nothingness, naught
- vanitas, vanitatis femptiness, nothingness, nullity, want of reality, uselessness, purposelessness, falsity, falsehood, deception, untruth, untrustworthiness, fickleness, vanity, vainglory
- vanitudo, vanitudinis femptiness, nothingness, vainglory, vanity
- vanities, vanitiei femptiness, nullity, folly, vanity, vainglory
- verborum inanium crepitusempty sound of words
- vacuum, vacui nempty space, open place, vacant place, void, vacuity, leisure, vacant property
- vacuitas, vacuitatis fempty space, vacancy, vacuity, being without, freedom, absence, exemption from any thing, vacancy in an office
- vaniloquium, vaniloquii nempty talk, idle talk, gabble, prate, vaunting
- vaniloquentia, vaniloquentiae fempty talk, idle talk, prating, vaunting
- verbum inaneempty word, weasel word, empty formula, word without content
- vastus, vasta, vastumempty, unoccupied, waste, desert, uncultivated, unpolished, rude, rough, harsh, harsh-sounding, desolate, deserted, laid waste, ravaged, devastated, destroyed, vast, immense, enormous, huge, monstrous, prodigious, insatiable, bulky, unwieldy
- vacans, vacantisempty, unoccupied, without an owner, vacant, single, unmarried, without a husband, at leisure, unoccupied, idle
- vacivus, vaciva, vacivumempty, void
- vitrum metallicumenamel
- vivarium, vivarii nenclosure in which game, fish, etc, , are kept alive, park, warren, preserve, fish-pond
- vir acerenergetic man, forceful man, vigorous man
- vita gaudeoenjoy his life
- vita fruienjoy life
- vita fruniscorenjoy life
- voluptatibus fruorenjoy one's pleasure, revel in pleasure, indulge in pleasures
- voluptate capiorenjoy oneself, like to have fun, to be seized by lust
- voluptates haurioenjoy pleasures to the fullest
- vescitor 1enjoy something
- vegetus, vegeta, vegetumenlivened, lively, animated, vigorous, active, brisk, sprightly
- vegetator, vegetatoris menlivener, exciter, quickener
- vegetatio, vegetationis fenlivening, quickening, excitement
- vim uranii augeoenrich uranium
- viam virtutis ingrediorenter the path of virtue
- vomitoria, vomitoriorum nentrances to the theatres or amphitheatres, vomitories
- vicissitudo fortunae envelope into misfortune, blow of fate, stroke of fate, disaster, catastrophe
- venerunt legati pacificatumenvoys came to negotiate peace
- vasifer, vasiferi mequipment carrier, device carrier
- vericulatus, vericulata, vericulatumequipped with a small javelin
- veruculatus, veruculata, veruculatumequipped with a small javelin
- vasatus, vasata, vasatumequipped with strong pubic member
- vaso, vasonis mequipped with strong pubic member
- vitia exstirpo et funditus tolloeradicate the vices altogether
- veritatem oblinioerase the truth, eradicate the truth
- vehementer erroerr enormously, err massively, err tremendously
- vitia erumpunterrors come to the outbreak
- varus, vari m (2)eruption on the face, blotch, pimple
- volta, voltae fEtruscan name of a monster among the Volsinians
- veriloquium, veriloquii netymology
- velut (veluti)even as, just as, like as
- vere nondum adultoeven before the full onset of spring
- vixdum etiameven now hardly, even now barely, also now hardly
- vel maximos luctus vetustate tollit diuturnitaseven the deepest mourning lifts the time bit by bit
- ventus occidentalisevening breeze
- vita occidensevening of life, autumn of life
- vesperugo, vesperuginis fevening-star, bat
- vesper, vesperi mevening, even, eve, even-tide, evening-star, the west, occident
- vesper, vesperis mevening, even, eve, even-tide, evening-star, the west, occident
- vespera, vesperae fevening, eventide, the West
- vespere (vesperi)evening, late in the day, in the evening
- vesperi (vespere)evening, late in the day, in the evening
- vigil ignisever burning fire, eternal fire
- victus cotidianuseveryday food, daily food
- vita communiseveryday life, ordinary life
- vir virum legiteveryone picks his man
- verificus, verifici mevidence guide, evidence leader
- verificatio, verificationis fevidence, verification, proof
- veritatem egrediorexaggerate, overdo
- veritatem non servoexaggerate, overdo
- verbis in maius extolloexalt, upstyle
- virtutes, virtutum fexcellent deeds, heroic deeds
- varietates pretii monetariiexchange rate fluctuations, fluctuations in exchange rates
- vina merce Syra reparoexchange wine for goods from Syria
- virum scelestum supplicio afficereexecute the criminal
- veniam doexempt from punishment
- vacatio ab administratione belliexemption from military service
- vacatio munerisexemption from taxes, exemption from charges
- vires intendoexerting one's strength
- vituperationem subeoexperience censure, be rebuked, being reprimanded
- verborum origines indagoexplain words according to their origin, etymologize
- verborum origines quaeroexplain words according to their origin, etymologize
- vestis displosivaexplosive vest
- vitam meam in discrimen offeroexpose his life to danger, put his life in danger
- voce aliquid exprimoexpress something vocally
- verbis aliquid exprimoexpress something with words, make something clear with words
- vultu animi motum praeferoexpressing dismay in his countenance
- vultus, vultus mexpression of countenance, countenance, visage, face, painted face, portrait, likeness, look, appearance
- voltus, voltus mexpression of countenance, countenance, visage, features, looks, air, mien, expression, aspect, face, painted face, portrait, likeness, look, appearance
- vitrum oculariumeye glass, eyeglass lens, spectacle lens
- vitra oculariaeyeglasses, eye lenses, glasses
- veritatem imitorfaithfully represent, faithfully depict, faithfully reproduce
- vinum FalernumFalernian wine
- volutor ad alicuius pedesfall at someone's feet, throw oneself at someone's feet
- vervactum, vervacti nfallow ground, fallow field
- vanitas opinionumfalse opinions, wrong opinions, misconceptions, prejudices
- vannus, vanni ffan, van for winnowing grain
- vanno 3fan, winnow
- vale!farewell, adieu
- valeas!farewell, adieu
- vehiculum rusticumfarmer's carriage
- victus agrestisfarmer's food
- vitium, vitii nfault, defect, blemish, imperfection, vice, breach, blemish, , useless part, faulty position, moral fault, failing, error, offence, crime, defect in the auspices, fault of language, base metal, alloy
- vitiosefaultily, defectively, badly, corruptly
- vitiositas, vitiositatis ffaultiness, corruption, viciousness, vice
- ventus ferensfavorable airstream
- venti secundifavorable skills, luck
- ventus secundusfavorable wind
- vereor, ne non licueritfear that it is not possible, unfortunately it will not work
- vino me beofeast on wine, gorge oneself on wine
- vecturae, vecturarum ffeeds, supplies
- vereor 2feel awe of, reverence, revere, respect, fear, be afraid of any thing, await with fear, dread
- vapide me habeofeel bad
- verecundor 1feel bashful, feel ashamed, be shy, be diffident, express shame
- vicem alicuius doleofeel condolences for someone
- voluptate perfundorfeel delight, feel pleasure
- venas temptofeel the pulse, take the pulse
- vernacula, ae ffemale household slave
- vicina, vicinae ffemale neighbor
- villica, villicae ffemale overseer, the wife of an overseer
- vilica, vilicae f (villica, villicae f)female overseer, wife of an overseer
- vicaria, vicariae ffemale under-slave, substitute, post of deputy
- virologa, virologae ffemale virologist
- vastatrix, vastatricis ffemale waster, female ravager, female devastater
- vinibua, vinibuae ffemale wine-bibber
- viverra, viverrae fferret
- vicennalia, vicennalium nfestival on the twentieth anniversary of an emperor’s reign
- vestis diei sollemnisfestive dress
- vestis sollemnisfestive dress
- vestimenta cubitoriafestive dresses, clothing worn at table
- vinculo 1fetter, bind, chain
- vario certamine pugnatum estfight with changing output, fight with changing outcome
- velitor lapidibus in aliquemfight with stones against someone, throw stones at someone
- vice mea fungorfill his place, stand his ground
- vescor 3fill one’s self with food, to take food, feed, eat, enjoy, make use of, use, have
- vinum in dolia coniciofill wine into the barrels
- vaporo 1fill with steam, fill with vapor, steam, smoke, fumigate, heat, warm
- venenatus, venenata, venenatumfilled with poison, envenomed, poisonous, venomous
- viscellum, viscelli nfiller from meat, stuffing from meat
- vix tandem sensi stolidusfinally once I dummy got it
- vix tandemfinally once
- vitupero caelumfind fault with heaven itself, be satisfied with nothing
- veniam inveniofind grace, find mercy
- voluptatem capio ex aliqua refind pleasure in something
- voluptatem percipio ex aliqua refind pleasure in something
- viam inveniofind the way around, find the way on the road
- vinum generosumfine wine, noble wine
- vinum exanclofinish the wine, drink up the wine,
- viripotens, viripotentis (2)fit for a husband, marriageable, nubile
- visus attentusfixed gaze
- vultum mentemque aliqua re suspendofixing the gaze and mind on something
- vertex igneusflame vortex, flame column
- velocitas cogitationum animique celeritasflight of thoughts
- verecundia volandiflight shame, flight shaming
- vibo, vibonis mflower of the herb called Britannica
- vernifer, vernifera, verniferumflowering in spring, spring-blooming
- vernificus, vernifica, vernificumflowering in spring, spring-blooming
- volutatus aerflowing air
- vomifluus, vomiflua, vomifluumflowing with pus, flowing with matter
- varietates annonaefluctuations in grain prices
- volito 1fly, fly to and fro, fly about, flit about, flutter, hasten about, hover about, float about
- volo 1fly, move swiftly like one flying, fleet, speed, hasten along
- volatura, volaturae fflying, flight
- volitatio, volitationis fflying, flight
- volitatus, volitatus mflying, flight
- volatio, volationis fflying, flight, air travel
- volatus, volatus mflying, flight, power of flight, rapid course, swiftness, velocity
- volaticus, volatica, volaticumflying, winged, fleeting, flighty, volatile, inconstant, transitory, fickle, turning from one to another
- volatilis, volatileflying, winged, swift, rapid, fleeting, transitory, changing from one part to another
- volucer, volucris, volucreflying, winged, winged, fleet, swift, rapid, passing quickly by, fleeting, transient, transitory
- verbenae, verbenarum ffoliage, herbage, leaves, twigs, branches (of laurel, olive, or myrtle), cypress, tamarisk, sacred boughs, class of plants used in medicine as cooling remedies (olive, myrtle, ivy)
- vestigia alicuius sequor (persequor)follow in someone's footsteps
- vestigiis alicuius ingrediorfollow in someone's footsteps
- vestigiis aliquem sequor (persequor)follow in someone's footsteps
- vestigo 1follow in the track of, track, trace out, find out by tracing, trace out, discover, search after, seek out, inquire into, investigate
- vestigiis alicuius insistofollow on someone's heels
- vestigiis aliquem sequor (persequor)follow on someone's heels
- vela orationis pandofollow the stream of my speech
- vestigiis ingrediorfollow the tracks, follow the traces
- vischiulentus, vischiulenta, vischiulentumfond of drinking whisky
- verosus, verosa, verosum (2)fond of men, longing after men
- virosus, virosa, virosum (2)fond of men, longing after men
- vendax, vendacisfond of selling
- vestigium, vestigii nfootstep, step, footprint, foot-track, track, sole of the foot, trace, mark, sign, token, vestige, point, moment, instant
- vectarius, vectaria, vectariumfor carrying or conveying
- vectorius, vectoria, vectoriumfor carrying
- verbi causafor example
- verbotenusfor example
- voluptatis causafor pleasure, for the sake of pleasure
- vis maiorforce majeure, unavoidable coincidence
- vim mihi facioforce oneself
- venatum duco invitas canesforce someone, even if he does not want
- vires, virium fforce
- vis, vim, vi, vires, virium fforce, vigor, power, energy, virtue, potency, violence, quantity, number, abundance, mental strength, notion, meaning, sense, import, nature, essence, signification
- vires non suppetuntforces are not enough, strengths are not sufficient
- vires morbo attenuataeforces weakened by illness
- violentus, violenta, violentumforcible, violent, vehement, impetuous, boisterous
- vaticinor 1foretell, predict, prophesy, forebode, vaticinate, warn as a prophet, sing as a poet, celebrate as a poet, rave, rant, talk foolish stuff
- vates, vatis m (f)foreteller, seer, soothsayer, prophet, poetess, teacher, master, authority
- vaticinatio, vaticinationis fforetelling, soothsaying, prophesying, prediction, vaticination
- veniam doforgive out of magnanimity
- veniam doforgive
- valli bifurciforked bulwark posts, fork-shaped bulwarks, forked ramparts
- verbum derivoform a new word, derive a new word
- vesico 1form bubbles
- viri aediliciiformer aediles
- viri consularesformer consuls
- viri praeteritiformer men, deceased men, men of the past
- venerarii, venerariorum mfornicators, who indulge in sensual love
- verborum foeditatesfoul language, filthy language
- volpes, volpis ffox
- volpis, volpis ffox
- vulpis, vulpis ffox
- vulpes, vulpis ffox, cunning, craftiness
- vacivus laborisfree from work, unemployed
- vindex publicae libertatisfreedom fighter
- vacuitas ab angoribusfreedom from fears
- vacuitas dolorisfreedom from pain, painlessness
- vacatio, vacationis ffreedom, exemption, immunity, freeing, exempting, dispensation
- via tritafrequently traveled path, commonly used route
- virens, virentisfresh, vigorous, lively
- Veneris diesFriday
- vultus benignusfriendly mien
- vilis amicorum annonafriends are bought cheaply, friends are cheap, friends do not cost much
- vehementer angofrighten, scare off
- vaccinus, vaccina, vaccinumfrom cows
- vicatimfrom street to street, through the streets, from village to village, through the villages, in hamlets
- vilissime natusfrom very low origin
- vino relanguescit animusfrom wine you become effeminate, from the wine one effeminates
- vellereus, vellerea, vellereumfrom wool, want
- violatas caerimonias inexpiabili religione sanciofrowning upon the violation of sacred customs by an inexpiable curse
- vinum acinaticiumfruit wine, berry wine
- votum solvofulfill a vow
- verba mea redimofulfill my promise
- vindico me ad aliquemfulfill one's obligations to someone
- voluntati alicuius obsequorfulfill someone's wish, comply with someone's wish, satisfy someone's wish
- voluntati alicuius satisfaciofulfill someone's wish, comply with someone's wish, satisfy someone's wish
- vota dissolvofulfill vows
- vota exsolvofulfill vows
- vota persolvofulfill vows
- vota solvofulfill vows
- viscosus, viscosa, viscosumfull of birdlime, sticky, viscous
- vesiculosus, vesiculosa, vesiculosumfull of bladders, full of blisters, vesiculous
- virgultus, virgulta, virgultumfull of bushes, full of thickets, shrubby
- varicose (2)full of dilated veins, varicose
- vitiosus, vitiosa, vitiosumfull of faults, full of defects, faulty, defective, bad, corrupt, diseased, morally faulty, wicked, depraved, vicious
- viridissimus iraefull of fiery anger, full of glowing anger
- voluptuosus, voluptuosa, voluptuosumfull of gratification, full of enjoyment, full of pleasure, full of delight, agreeable, pleasant, delightful
- vitā repletusfull of life, life full
- vita satiatusfull of life, life full
- vinolentus, vinolenta, vinolentumfull of or drunk with wine, drunk, intoxicated, strongly mixed with wine
- vinulentus, vinulenta, vinulentumfull of or drunk with wine, drunk, intoxicated, strongly mixed with wine
- voraginosus, voraginosa, voraginosumfull of pits, full of chasms, full of abysses, voraginous
- virulentus, virulenta, virulentumfull of poison, poisonous, virulent
- venenosus, venenosa, venenosumfull of poison, very poisonous
- vadosus, vadosa, vadosumfull of shallows, full of fords, shallow, shoal
- verosus, verosa, verosum (1)full of slime, covered with slime, slimy, having a bad odor, stinking, fetid, poisonous, foul
- virosus, virosa, virosum (1)full of slime, covered with slime, slimy, having a bad odor, stinking, fetid, poisonous, foul
- vomicosus, vomicosa, vomicosumfull of sores, full of tumors
- vaporosus, vaporosa, vaporosumfull of steam, full of vapor, steaming, vaporous
- virgosus, virgosa, virgosumfull of twigs
- venosus, venosa, venosumfull of veins, veiny, venous, dry, meagre
- verrucosus, verrucosa, verrucosumfull of warts, warty, rough, rugged
- ventosus, ventosa, ventosumfull of wind, windy, like the wind, light, quick, speedy, swift, nimble, changeable, inconstant, fickle, puffed up, vain, conceited, empty
- voluminosus, voluminosa, voluminosumfull of windings, full of bendings, full of folds
- vinosus, vinosa, vinosumfull of wine, drunk with wine, fond of wine, winebibbing, drunken, having the taste of wine, having the flavor of wine
- verbosus, verbosa, verbosumfull of words, wordy, prolix, verbose
- vermiculosus, vermiculosa, vermiculosumfull of worms, wormy
- verminosus, verminosa, verminosumfull of worms, wormy
- vermiosus, vermiosa, vermiosumfull of worms, wormy
- vestis pellitafur dress, fur coat
- viaticatus, viaticata, viaticatumfurnished with travelling-money
- vasarium, vasarii nfurniture-money, equipage-money, money given for the hire of an oil-mill, furniture, movables in a bath, archives, records
- venturus, ventura, venturumfuture
- veniam impetrogain Grace, obtain grace
- victoriatus, victoriata, victoriatumgained by victory
- venatio, venationis fgame, game meat
- vehiculum purgamentariumgarbage truck, refuse collection vehicle
- vacuola gasosagasosus
- vindemio 1gather grapes, gather the vintage
- vulgatus, vulgata, vulgatumgeneral, ordinary, usual, common
- volgatus, volgata, volgatumgeneral, ordinary, usual, common, generally, known, notorious, public
- vulgatus, vulgata, vulgatumgeneral, ordinary, usual, common, generally, known, notorious, public
- vir ingeniō praestansgenius, man of great mind
- vitium facioget a damage
- vide mihi prandiumget a second breakfast
- vado destituorget into deep water, lose the solid ground under their feet
- vim affero alicuiget physical with someone, do violence to someone, use violence against someone
- veneno mihi mortem consciscoget poisoned, poison oneself, kill oneself with poison
- vasa colligoget ready to travel, set off, pack his suitcase, pack his equipment
- vide mihi aliquid cibiget someone something to eat
- vinco 3get the better of, outlast, survive, surmount, scale, be superior, convince, refute, constrain, overcome, surpass, exceed, excel
- ventre pene bona laceroget through his fortune with debauchery and fornication
- vinum dolio promoget wine from the barrel
- vinum de dolio haurioget wine from the barrel, take wine from the barrel
- vacationem habeogetting off work, closing time
- vires vastaegiant force, giant forces
- verbum in publico faciogive a public lecture, give a public speech
- vulnus infigogive a wound, inflict a wound
- victoriam exploratam dimittogive an already certain victory out of hand
- vocem remittogive an echo, give a resonance
- varia negotia causorgive multiple transactions as reason
- veniam dogive permission
- vulnus alicui imponogive somebody a wound, inflict a wound on somebody
- vulnus alicui infligogive somebody a wound, inflict a wound on somebody
- venia et incolumitate aliquem donogive someone amnesty
- verecundiam alicui attribuogive someone attention
- voluntatem in aliquem conferogive someone one's affection, bestow affection on someone
- vim victoriamque prosperogive strength and victory
- vasa conclamogive the signal to leave, give the signal, before breaking up, for packing, give the order for decamping
- vectigalia locogive the taxes in lease
- vectigalia vendogive the taxes in lease
- vomax, vomacisgiven to vomiting
- verberationem cessationis dogiving satisfaction for a default, making amends for a default
- vitrarius, vitrarii mglass-worker, glassblower
- vitrearius, vitrearii mglass-worker, glassblower
- vitriarius, vitriarii mglass-worker, glassblower
- vitrum, vitri nglass, wood
- vitreamen, vitreaminis nglassware
- vitrarium, vitrarii nglassworks
- verbis aliquid augeoglorify something with words
- virga viscataglue rod, limed twig
- viscatura, viscaturae fglue rod, limed twig
- viscatorium, viscatorii nglue rod, limed twig, snare
- viscata viminaglue rods, limed twigs
- viam longam conficiogo a long way
- viam flectogo another way, change one's ways
- via errogo astray, stray from the right path
- viam repetogo back the same way
- vehor autocinetogo by car, drive by car
- vehor autoraedago by car, drive by car
- viam exploratoriam eogo exploring
- venatum proficiscorgo hunting, set off on a hunt
- vaeneogo to sale, be sold
- veneogo to sale, be sold
- viam faciogo, travel, make a trip
- vado 3go, walk, go hastily, go rapidly, rush
- vestis saetigeragoat hair robe, goat hair garment
- Vertumnus, Vertumni mgod of the changing year, god of the seasons and their productions
- vestis auratagold woven robe, robe woven with gold
- vinum generosumgood wine
- versura publicagovernment bond
- versura publice factaGovernment Bond
- vir gubernatoriusgovernment member
- venialis, venialegracious, pardonable, venial
- vecturae frumentigrain feeds, grain supplies
- vaniloquus, vaniloqui mgrand speaker, braggart
- veniam tribuogrant a favor
- veniam dogrant forgiveness
- veniam impertiogrant forgiveness, grant pardon
- veniam impertiogrant grace, grant mercy
- voti aliquem compotem faciogrant someone a wish
- vinacei uvaegrape marc, wine marc
- vindemitor, vindemitoris mgrape-gatherer, vintager
- vindemiator, vindemiatoris mgrape-gatherer, vintager, star in the constellation Virgo
- vindemia, vindemiae fgrape-gathering, vintage, grapes, wine, time of grape-gathering, vintage season, harvest of similar things
- vinacea, vinacae fgrape-skin, husk
- vinacia, vinaciae fgrape-skin, husk
- vinaceus, vinacei mgrape-stone, grape-skin
- vinaceum, vinacei ngrape-stone, grape-skin, husk
- veram speciem Romani senatus capiograsp the true idea of the Roman Senate
- vulgaritas, vulgaritatis ggreat mass, multitude
- vulgus, vulgi ngreat mass, multitude, people, public, mass, crowd, throng, vulgar, mob, rabble, populace
- volgus, volgi ngreat mass, people, public, mass, crowd, throng, multitude of persons, vulgar, mob, rabble, populace
- vulgus, vulgi ngreat mass, people, public, mass, crowd, throng, multitude of persons, vulgar, mob, rabble, populace
- voracitergreedily, voraciously
- voracitas, voracitatis fgreediness, ravenousness, voracity
- viror, viroris mgreen color, greenness, verdure
- viride, viridis ngreen color, greenness, verdure, green thing
- viriditas, viriditatis fgreen color, greenness, verdure, viridity, freshness, briskness, vigor
- viridia, viridium ngreen plants, green herbs, green trees
- viridis, viridegreen, young, youthful, fresh, blooming, lively, vigorous
- viridegreenly, verdantly
- vertaga, vertagae fgreyhound, sighthound
- vertagra, vertagrae fgreyhound, sighthound
- vertagus, vertagi mgreyhound, sighthound
- vertraga, vertragae fgreyhound, sighthound
- vertragus, vertragi mGreyhound, Sighthound
- vertraha, vertrahae fGreyhound, Sighthound
- vultus foedusgrimace
- vermina, verminum ngripes, belly-ache, stomach-ache
- veteretum, vetereti nground that has long lain fallow, old fallow ground
- virdesco 3grow green, become green
- virdicogrow green, become green
- viridesco 3grow green, become green
- viridico 1grow green, green, verdant
- virido 1grow green, green, verdant
- viridor 1grow green, green, verdant
- vesperor 1grow into evening
- veterasco 3grow old
- veteresco 3grow old
- vetustesco 3grow old
- vetustisco 3grow old
- vetustor 1grow old
- valesco 3grow strong, acquire strength
- viresco 3grow, become green, become verdant, shoot forth, be developed, flourish, prosper, grow
- venter iratusgrowling stomach
- ventus animosusgusty wind, stormy wind
- valetudo, valetudinis fhabit, state of body, condition of body, state of health, health, good state, good condition, soundness of body, good health, healthfulness, bad state, bad condition, ill health, sickness, feebleness, infirmity, indisposition, health, soundness
- vibrissae, vibrissarum fhair in the nose, nose hair
- villosus, villosa, villosumhairy, shaggy, rough
- voti pars succedithalf of the wish comes true
- vehiculum manualehandcart, trolley
- vinculum manualehandcuff
- verba numeris coerceohandle the words metrically
- vadimonium alicui imponohang a trial on someone's neck
- velo obducohang up, veil
- velo tegohang up, veil
- vasto 1harasse, perplexe
- vir adamantini rigorishardliner
- vixdumhardly then, scarcely yet
- virgidemia, virgidemiae fharvest of rods, harvest of stripes, harvest of blows, beating, spanking
- verbositas, verbositatis fhattiness, wordiness
- varia fortuna utorhave a changeful destiny, have a chequered destiny
- ventrem faciohave a passage at stool, have bowel movement, have stool
- ventrigo 1have bowel movement
- vulso 1have cramps, have spasms
- ventis adversis utorhave headwind
- vacuum esthave leeway, have a free hand
- verecundor neminemhave no fear of anyone
- vitae necisque potestatem habeohave power over life and death
- ventis secundis utorhave tailwind
- velut in cervicibus habeo hostemhave the enemy as it were sitting in the neck
- video 2have the eyes open, be awake
- vere existimo de aliqua rehave the right opinion about something
- vere iudico de aliqua rehave the right opinion about something
- vastum maris aequor tibi arandumhave to navigate the immeasurable vastness of the sea
- vehementer est providendum, ne opprimamurhave to take care of themselves enormously
- vicihave won the game, have achieved its purpose
- vermino 1have worms, be troubled with worms, have crawling pains, have itching pains, prick, shoot, ache, pain
- vectifer, vectifera, vectiferumhaving a bolt, well bolted
- ventricosus, ventricosa, ventricosumhaving a large belly, big-bellied, pot-bellied
- ventriosus, ventriosa, ventriosumhaving a large belly, big-bellied, pot-bellied
- vatax, vatacishaving crooked feet
- vatrax, vatracishaving crooked feet
- valvatus, valvata, valvatumhaving folding-doors
- valgus, valga, valgumhaving the calves of the legs bent outwards, bow-legged
- vigintiangulus, vigintiangula, vigintiangulumhaving twenty angles
- vernicomus, vernicoma, vernicomumhaving young leaves
- vasta desertaque omnia invenithe found everything as extinct
- vidit se operatumhe saw himself sacrificing (in a dream)
- videbatur vivere tamquam superstes sibihe seemed to have outlived himself, as it were
- vitam auro vendidithe sold his life for gold
- vivificator, vivificatoris mhe who makes alive, quickener, vivifier
- verbigena, verbigenae mhe who was born of the Word, Christ
- verbigenus, verbigeni mhe who was born of the Word, Christ
- vis remedialishealing power, healing effect
- valetudo incommodahealth ailment, malaise, indisposition
- veratrum, veratri nhellebore
- viperina, viperinae fherb good against the bite of a viper
- vagehere and there, far and wide, dispersedly
- vires invictaehero strength, hero power
- vir (bello) fortishero
- vir bello insignishero
- vir fortissimushero
- vultus intrepidusheroic face, heroic expression
- virtus summaheroic power, heroic virtue
- virtus ac fortitudoheroic virtue, heroic strength, heroic valor, heroic courage
- viro forti dignusheroic, worthy of a brave man
- verbenaca, verbenacae fhierabotane, vervain
- vertipedium, vertipedii nhierabotane, vervain
- vox acutahigh voice
- vir clarissimushighly famous man
- vectigal autocineticae strataehighway toll
- via, viae fhighway, road, path, street, march, journey, way, passage, channel, pipe, lane in a camp, method, mode, manner, fashion, the right way, the true method
- vertebrum, vertebri nhip-bone
- vox raucahoarse voice, rough voice
- vexillum suspendohoist a flag, raise a flag
- vela stringohoist the sails
- vela subducohoist the sails
- vela ventis negohoist the sails
- vela deponohoist the sails, furl the sails, reef the sails
- vela intendohoist the sails, set the sails
- vexillum proponohoist the standard on the commander tent
- vexillum tollohoist the standard on the commander tent
- victoriam ostendohold out the prospect of victory, promise a victory
- vola, volae fhollow of the hand, palm, , hollow of the foot, sole
- via cavahollow way
- viae cavaehollow ways
- vir bonushonest man, man of honor
- vita honestahonorable life, virtuous life
- vestis cucullatahooded dress, hoodie dress, hoodie
- viribus pollenshuge in physical strength
- vita humanahuman life
- vir humanitatis studiosushumanist
- venor 1hunt, chase, hunt after, seek after, pursue a thing
- venator, venatoris mhunter, one who fights with wild beasts in the arena, huntsman, hunting man
- venator canishunting dog
- venatura, venaturae fhunting, chase
- venatus, venatus mhunting, chase, fishing, game
- venatio, venationis fhunting, chase, venery, hunting spectacle, hunt, battue, combat of wild beasts, that which is been hunted, that which has been hunted, game
- venabulum, venabuli nhuntingspear
- venatrix, venatricis fhuntress
- ventus nimiushurricane
- verissime loquori am serious, i speak in earnest
- verticinor 1I feel dizzy, suffer from vertigo
- vertiginor 1I feel dizzy, suffer from vertigo
- vetoI forbid it, I protest
- vix bene desieramI had hardly stopped, hardly have quite stopped
- voce opus estI must scream, I have to scream
- veniam impetro erratiI receive forgiveness for my mistake
- visa revolvoI reconsider what I have seen
- vaneidly, vainly
- vaniteridly, vainly
- venerator idolorumidolater
- veniam, si modo licebitif possible I will come
- virtutem moresque Catonis repraesentoimitate Cato's virtue and character
- vita turpisimmoral life, indecent life
- volutatio rerum humanarumimpermanence of everything human
- vibratus, vibrata, vibratumimpetuous, forcible
- violenteimpetuously, vehemently, violently
- violenterimpetuously, vehemently, violently, furiously
- volgiolus, volgioli mimplement for levelling beds of earth
- vos obtestor atque obsecro (ut ... / ne ...)implore somebody (that , , , / that not , , , )
- victoriam a dis exposcoimplore victory from the gods, beg the gods for victory
- vectigalia alicui imponoimpose taxes on someone
- vermiculatein a vermiculated manner
- ventis adversantibusin adverse winds
- venialiterin an excusable manner, in a pardonable manner
- veste mutatain mourning clothes, in mourning dress, in disguise
- vicissatimin return, again
- virgatus, virgata, virgatumin striped dress
- volventibus mensibusin the cycle of months
- volventibus annisin the cycle of years
- vespertinoin the evening hours
- vesperi, quid quoque die dixerim, commemoroin the evening i visualize what i have said every day
- vesperain the evening, evening
- vere novoin the first spring
- vermiculatus, vermiculata, vermiculatumin the form of worms, inlaid so as to resemble the tracks of worms, vermiculated
- vicinitusin the neighborhood, close by
- vicinein the neighborhood, near by
- vicem (mit Gen.)in the place of, instead of, on account of, for, for the sake of
- vulnerati in parietinis quaerunturin the ruins they search for wounded people
- vere novoin the spring that has just arrived, in the spring that is now beginning, in this spring
- verno (2)in the spring time
- vocativein the vocative
- veroin truth, in fact, certainly, truly, to be sure, surely, assuredly, but in fact, but indeed, however
- variatimin various ways, variously
- voluntas alicuius reiinclination to something, sense of something
- vectigal ex scripturaincome from pasture money, drift money, drift interest
- vectigal reditui impositumincome tax, personal income tax
- vectigalia augeoincrease taxes, raise taxes
- valorem augeoincrease the value, revalue
- ventrificatio, ventrificationis fincreasing belly, increasing abdomen
- vitia inextricabiliaincurable defects, unhealable defects
- valetudo adversaindisposition, discomfort
- ventri operam doindulge in gluttony, indulge in voracity
- voluptatibus me doindulge in pleasures
- ventri deditus sumindulge one's appetite
- ventri oboedioindulge the belly, indulge the stomach, indulge in sensual pleasures
- vitupero 1inflict censure, blame, censure, disparage, vituperate, render defective, spoil
- vulnera alicui ingeroinflict wounds on someone
- vulnera figoinflicting wounds
- vestigia figoinhibit his step, hamper his step, retard his step
- vestigia premoinhibit his step, hamper his step, retard his step
- vexata, vexatorum ninjured parts of the body, hurts, injuries
- violator, violatoris minjurer, profaner, violator, murderer, polluting, poisoning
- vitiatio, vitiationis finjuring, violation, corruption
- viscera, viscerum ninner parts of the body, internal organs, the inwards, viscera, uterus, testicles, flesh, fruit of the womb, offspring, child, bowels, interior part, inward or inmost part, means, property, favorite
- versus orationi admisceoinsert verses into the speech, Weave verse into the speech
- vehemens, vehementisinsistent, urgent, emphatic
- vice (mit Gen.)instead of, for, on account of
- vehementes tumultus instigati suntinstigate violent riots
- voces contumeliosaeinsulting remarks, abusive remarks
- volo aliquidintend something
- voculatio, voculationis fintonation, accentuation of words, accent
- vinolenties, vinolentiei fintoxication from wine, , drunkenness, gluttony, tendency to drink wine
- vinulentia, vinulentiae fintoxication from wine, , drunkenness, gluttony, tendency to drink wine
- vinulenties, vinulentiei fintoxication from wine, , drunkenness, gluttony, tendency to drink wine
- vinolentia, vinolentiae fintoxication from wine, drunkenness, gluttony, tendency to drink wine
- vallatio, vallationis fintrenchment
- vectigal instituointroduce a levy, introduce a tax
- verba parioinvent words, make up words
- videturit appears that
- venit res ad ultimum dimicationisit comes to the decisive fight, it comes to the decision fight
- vix sex menses suntit has hardly been six months
- virtutis estit is a sign of courage
- videlicetit is easy to see, it is clear, it is evident, clearly, plainly, evidently, manifestly, it is very plain, of course, forsooth
- virtus hoc habet, ut is in the nature of virtue that
- verum estit is justified, it is well founded
- verisimile est aliquem commisisseit is likely that one has committed a crime
- verisimile estit is likely, it is probable
- volupest mihiit is my pleasure, it is to my satisfaction, it makes me happy
- verum estit is reasonable
- verum estit is right and proper, it is right and fair, it is right and just
- verendum est, ne is to be feared that
- videtur alicuiit seems someone proper, it seems someone right, it seems someone fit, it seems good to any one, it pleases someone, it someone likes
- vetus (verbum) est (+ AcI)it's an old word that, , , ,
- verminantia membraitchy limbs, itching limbs
- velum anteriusjib sail, foresail
- vertibulum, vertibuli njoint
- verticula, verticulae fjoint
- verticulum, verticuli njoint
- verticulus, verticuli mjoint
- vertebra, vertebrae fjoint, vertebra of the spine
- vertebratus,vertebrata, vertebratumjointed, articulated, vertebrated
- ventilatio ultimaJudgment Day, Last Judgment, Divorce of Good and Evil
- velut sijust as if, just as though, as if, as though
- vultum non mutokeep a straight face
- vigilias servokeep night watch
- vos in sollicitudine attineokeep someone in a state of turmoil
- virga turbam coerceokeep the flock in order with the rod
- vitem amputans coerceokeep the vine short by pruning
- vocem includokeep your mouth shut, keep quiet
- vim et manus affero alicuikill someone by force, do violence to someone
- veneno aliquem occidokill someone with poison
- vitiligo, vitiliginis fkind of cutaneous eruption, tetter
- valeria, valeriae fkind of eagle
- venicula, veniculae fkind of grapes fit for preserving
- vennucula, vennuculae fkind of grapes fit for preserving
- venucula uva (vennucula, vennuncula uva)kind of grapes fit for preserving
- volaemum pirumkind of large pear, warden-pear
- viriae, viriarum fkind of ornament for the arm, armlets, bracelets
- volsella, volsellae fkind of pincers for pulling out hairs, tweezers, forceps
- volsilla, volsillae fkind of pincers for pulling out hairs, tweezers, forceps
- vulsella, vulsellae fkind of pincers for pulling out hairs, tweezers, forceps
- vipio, vipionis mkind of small crane
- visula, visulae fkind of vine
- visulla, visullae fkind of vine
- vincula affiniakinship ties, ties of kinship
- versus nescioknow nothing about verse construction
- video, quid adriserisknow what you smiled at
- viduertas, viduertatis flack of fruits of the earth, dearth, sterility
- vestis instita subsutaladies dress, falbel trimmed dress
- victoria navalislake victory, sea victory
- virides lacuslakes surrounded with trees
- vicem meam conquerorlament his fate, bemoan his fate
- vicem meam conquerorlament one's fate, mourn one's fate
- vivos mortuosque complorolament the living and the dead, pity the living and the dead
- vires terrestrssland forces
- vectigal acquisitoribus agrorum impositumland transfer tax
- vernilago, vernilaginis flarge tansy, great tansy
- verbero 1lash, scourge, whip, flog, beat, drub, beat, strike, knock, chastise, plague, torment, harass with words
- verber, verberis nlash, whip, scourge, rod, lashing, scourging, flogging, stripe, stroke, blow
- verbera, verberum nlashes, strokes
- vitae extremus actuslast phase of life, final phase of life
- vespera multalate in the evening
- vigil aurislawsuit filed in the night
- vigil questuslawsuit filed in the night
- ventrifluus, ventriflua, ventrifluumlaxative, purgative
- vendico 1lay claim to as one’s own, make a claim upon, demand, claim, arrogate, assume, appropriate, place in a free condition, set free, free, emancipate, avenge, revenge, punish, take vengeance, make compensation for
- vindico 1lay claim to as one’s own, make a claim upon, demand, claim, arrogate, assume, appropriate, place in a free condition, set free, free, emancipate, avenge, revenge, punish, take vengeance, make compensation for
- vitam profundo pro patrialay down his life for the fatherland
- vim mihi afferolay hands on yourself, kill yourself
- vindiciae, vindiciarum flaying claim to a thing
- vindicatio, vindicationis flaying claim to a thing, civil action for a thing, lawsuit for a thing, taking into protection, protection, defence, vindication, avenging, punishment
- vastatio, vastationis flaying waste, desolating, ravaging, devastation
- vastificus, vastifica, vastificumlaying waste, ravaging, devastating
- vitam segregem agolead a secluded life, lead a solitary life
- vitam miseram degolead an unhappy life, live in misfortune
- venatum duco invitas caneslead the dogs to the hunt even against their will
- valva, valvae fleaf of a door, folding-door
- vectigalia conducolease income, rent income, take income in lease
- vulga, vulgae fleathern knapsack, bag
- vestigium facioleave a trace, draw a track
- vacationes militumleave of absence for soldiers
- vetera omittoleave the old out, pass over the old
- valvae, valvarum fleaves of a door, folds of a door, valves of a door, folding-door
- vulnus sano, ut coeatlet a wound heal, heal a wound
- vapulare eum iubeolet him take a beating!, a beating he shall receive!
- vocem emittolet his voice be heard
- vocem mittolet his voice be heard
- vocem ostendolet his voice be heard
- varie et copiose alludolet his wit play in all variety and abundance
- vectigalia exerceolet income be collected
- veniam dolet mercy take precedence over justice
- vitam finio abstinentia (sc. cibi)let oneself starve
- vexillum proponolet the flag fly
- vexillum tollolet the flag fly
- vitam gladiatori concedolet the gladiator live, give life to the gladiator
- vellor 3let the hair pull out, get depilated
- vinum in vetustatem servolet the wine mature, let the wine age
- venam percutiolet to the vein
- vanidicus, vanidici mliar
- vindictam paroliberate, set free, set at liberty
- vastor 1lie waste, lie untilled
- vanitatem orationis adhibeolie
- vita vecticularialife as a thief, life as burglar, life as robber
- vita multis casibus subiacetlife is subject to many vicissitudes
- vivificatorius, vivificatoria, vivificatoriumlife-giving
- veraedus, veraedi mlight horse for posting, post-horse, courier’s horse, light, fleet huntinghorse
- veles, velitis mlight-armed soldier, who attacked the enemy out of the line of battle, skirmisher
- vaporaliterlike a vapor
- velut avium examina avolaverelike flocks of birds they escaped
- vernaliterlike house slaves
- virus tinctileliquid arrow poison
- verbatimliterally, verbatim
- vulnusculum, vulnusculi nlittle wound, slight wound
- vensicula, vensiculae flittle blister, vesicle
- vesicula, vesiculae flittle blister, vesicle
- viriolae, viriolarum flittle bracelet
- villula, villulae flittle country-house, small villa
- vaccula, vacculae flittle cow, heifer
- verrucula, verruculae flittle eminence, small wart
- vannulus, vannuli mlittle fan, little van for winnowing grain
- volpecula, volpeculae flittle fox
- vulpecula, vulpeculae flittle fox
- viridiariolum, viridiarioli nlittle garden, small garden
- vesticula, vesticulae flittle garment, little dress
- versiculus, versiculi mlittle line, mere line, little verse, verslet, line
- virguncula, virgunculae flittle maid, young girl
- verbella, verbellae flittle mutton, muttonchops
- vervella, vervellae flittle mutton, muttonchops
- vetula, vetulae flittle old woman
- vetulus, vetula, vetulumlittle old, old
- veretilla, veretillae flittle private part
- vaginula, vaginulae flittle sheath, husk of ears of grain
- verculum, verculi nlittle spring
- Victoriola, Victoriolae flittle statue of Victory
- viriculae, viricularum flittle strength, small force
- veprecula, vepreculae flittle thorn-bush, little brier-bush
- virgula, virgulae flittle twig, small rod, wand, title of a work by Varro, critical mark (sign of spuriousness), accentual mark, stripe on a garment, slight column of smoke
- vallecula, valleculae flittle valley, glen, dell
- vallicula, valliculae flittle valley, glen, dell
- viculus, viculi mlittle village, hamlet
- vitecula, viteculae flittle vine, tendril
- viticula, viticulae flittle vine, tendril
- vindemiola, vindemiolae flittle vintage, small income
- vinulum, vinuli nLittle wine
- vallum, valli nlittle winnowing-van for grain or provender
- vallus, valli flittle winnowing-van for grain or provender
- volvula, volvulae flittle womb or matrix of an animal
- vulvula, vulvulae flittle womb or matrix of an animal
- verbulum, verbuli nlittle word
- vermiculus, vermiculi mlittle worm, grub, disease of dogs which drives them mad, scarlet worm
- vesculus, vescula, vesculumlittle, trifling
- vitam beatam degolive a happy life
- vitam inopem sustentolive a miserable life, lead a meager life
- vitam inopem tolerolive a miserable life, lead a meager life
- virtutis perfectae perfecto munere fungorlive a perfectly virtuous life
- vitam honeste degolive an honorable life
- vivo ac spirolive and breathe
- venatu alorlive from hunting, eating game meat
- vento vivolive from the air, live from the wind, live from nothing
- vivo in aeterna rosalive in eternal pleasure
- vitam in egestate degolive in poverty, spend his life in poverty
- vitam in obscuro agolive in secret, live in seclusion
- vitam in solitudine degolive in solitude, live in loneliness
- vitam meo habitu degolive the way you are
- vitam cololive
- veivo 3live, be alive, have life, survive, be still alive, live well, live at ease, enjoy life, last, endure, remain, be remembered, support life, sustain one’s self, maintain one’s self, pass one’s life, reside
- vivo 3live, be alive, have life, survive, be still alive, live well, live at ease, enjoy life, last, endure, remain, be remembered, support life, sustain one’s self, maintain one’s self, pass one’s life, reside
- veita, veitae flive, living, support, subsistence, way of life, mode of life, mankind, world, course of life, career, duration of life, an existence, a being
- vita, vitae flive, living, support, subsistence, way of life, mode of life, mankind, world, course of life, career, duration of life, an existence, a being
- victus atque cultuslivelihood and lifestyle
- vigor, vigoris mliveliness, activity, force, vigor, brilliancy
- visceralis, visceralelocated inside a thing, internal
- vinclis et carcere frenolock up in jail, imprison
- vetusta, vetustorum nlong past
- viso 3look at attentively, view, behold, survey, go in order to look at, go in order to see to, go in order to look after, go to see, go to visit
- visso 3look at attentively, view, behold, survey, go in order to look at, go in order to see to, go in order to look after, go to see, go to visit
- vultu digitoque aliquem subnotolook at someone and point the finger at them
- vides arcum caelestem?look, there's a rainbow!, do you see the rainbow?
- vulticulus, vulticuli mlook, mien, air
- vadum aliquem destituitlose the ground under your feet
- vociferatio, vociferationis floud calling, clamor, outcry, vociferation
- vociferatus, vociferatus mloud cry, outcry, scream, vociferation
- vagulatio, vagulationis floud lament
- vox claraloud voice
- vox magnaloud voice
- venustulus, venustula, venustulumlovely, charming, delightful
- venustus, venusta, venustumlovely, comely, charming, pleasing, winning, agreeable, graceful, beautiful, elegant
- voluptarius consectatorlover, amateur, dilettante
- voluptarius cultorlover, amateur, dilettante
- vultum demittolower his face, lower his gaze
- vocem summitto (submitto)lower the voice, let the voice sink
- vilitas, vilitatis flowness of price, cheapness, trifling value of a thing, meanness, baseness, worthlessness, vileness, low esteem, disregard, slighting, contempt
- vesticontubernium, vesticontubernii nlying under the same coverlet, sleeping in the same bed, bed-companionship
- vacerrosus, vacerrosa, vacerrosummad, crazed, crack-brained
- vineus, vinea, vineummade of wine, belonging to wine
- vimineus, viminea, vimineummade of osiers, of wicker-work
- virgatus, virgata, virgatummade of twigs, made of osiers, striped
- vineus, vinea, vineummade of wine, belonging to wine
- velificus, velifica, velificummade with sails, sailing
- vesania, vesaniae fmadness, insanity
- virga venenatamagic wand, magic stick, magic rod
- virgo, virginis fmaid, maiden, virgin, young woman, girl, unwedded, pure, unused, unmarried, untilled, vacant
- virginitas, virginitatis fmaidenhood, virginity
- via militarismain street, main road
- viam custodiariam eomake a patrol, go on patrol, patrol
- verba facio apud aliquem de aliqua remake a speech in front of someone about something
- viam muniomake a way passable, build a road
- vulnus adigomake a wound
- vivido 1make alive, produce
- vivifico 1make alive, restore to life, quicken, vivify
- veniam ignoscendi petomake apologies
- verba fingomake deceptive speeches, invent words
- verba reis vendomake defense speeches for money, defend against money
- vacuefacio 5make empty, empty, clear, free, abolish
- vasto 1make empty, make vacant, leave untenanted, leave uninhabited, desert, empty of inhabitants, deprive of inhabitants, lay waste, lay desolate, ravage, devastate, ruin, destroy
- vacuo 1make empty, make void, empty, clear, free
- vitio 1make faulty, injure, spoil, mar, taint, corrupt, infect, vitiate, violate, falsify, make void
- verba alicuius cavillormake fun of someone's words, mock someone's words
- viridico 1make green, cause to grow green
- virido 1make green, cause to grow green
- verbīs exaggeromake important by the speech
- vulgo 1make known to all by words, spread abroad, publish, divulge, make common, mingle, confound, prostitute, name, call
- vitam alicui molestam reddomake life difficult for someone, give someone a hard time
- venusto 1make lovely, beautify
- verbosor 1make many words, make a lot of words, speak many words
- variego 1make of various sorts, make of various colors, variegate
- vetero 1make old
- viam alicui domake room for someone, give someone space, allow someone a way, clear a path for someone
- velifico 1make sail, spread sail, sail, make sail for, exert one’s self to effect, procure a thing, or gain a thing
- velificor 1make sail, spread sail, sail, provide support, provide assistance, give support, give assistance
- valetudine tentomake sick, make ill,
- vinco 3make somebody yield, make somebody give way
- ventulum alicui faciomake someone a breeze
- valido 1make strong, strengthen, invigorate
- ventrem caedomake the cesarean section
- vecturas onerum corpore meo factitomake the load carrier
- vocem intercludomake the voice fail
- vocem obtundomake the voice hoarse, make the voice husky
- violenter me geromake the wild man, play the wild man
- vivificatio, vivificationis fmaking alive, quickening, vivification
- vivificus, vivifica, vivificummaking alive, quickening, vivifying, vivific
- vulgatus, vulgatus mmaking generally known, publishing, divulging
- vestificina, vestificinae fmaking of garments, tailoring
- vestificium, vestificii nmaking of garments, tailoring
- velificatio, velificationis fmaking sail, sailing
- velificium, velificii nmaking sail, sailing
- vitarifer, vitarifera, vitariferummaking the vines dry
- vota concipiomaking vows
- vota faciomaking vows
- vota nuncupomaking vows
- vota suscipiomaking vows
- verpa, verpae fmale genital
- vir, viri mmale person, man, husband, man of courage, man of principle, man of honor, one who deserves the name of a man, soldier
- virilia, virilium nmale procreation members
- verres, verris mmale swine, boar-pig
- verris, verris mmale swine, boar-pig
- voluptas ex malis alienis captamalicious joy, malicious pleasure, thieving joy
- vitium alicui dicomalign someone's character
- viritimman by man, to each one separately, singly, individually, each by itself, singly, separately
- vir militarisman experienced in war, militiaman
- vir constansman of strong character, man of character
- vir gravisman of strong character, man of character
- vir defunctus honoribusman who has managed all the honorary posts, someone who has held all the honorary positions
- vir honoribus ac rei publicae muneribus perfunctusman who has managed all the honorary posts, someone who has held all the honorary positions
- vir potensman with influence
- virago, viraginis fman-like maiden, vigorous maiden, heroic maiden, female warrior, heroine, virago
- versipellis, versipellis mman-wolf, were-wolf
- vorsipellis, vorsipellis mman-wolf, were-wolf
- vilicatio, vilicationis fmanagement of an estate in the country
- vectigalium ceterorumque fructuum publicorum administratiomanagement of the state budget, state budget
- virilitermanfully, firmly, courageously
- virilitas, virilitatis fmanhood, age of manhood, virility, organs of generation, manliness, manly vigor
- virtus, virtutis fmanliness, manhood, strength, vigor, bravery, courage, aptness, capacity, worth, excellence, virtue, moral perfection, virtuousness, obstinacy
- viratus, viratus mmanly conduct, manliness
- vestium monstratrixmannequin, model
- valvarius, valvarii mmanufacturer of double doors, producer of double doors
- vagus et lasciviens per agros milesmarauder
- viabundus, viabunda, viabundummarching on, pulling his road
- vibex, vibicis fmark of a blow or stripe, weal
- vibix, vibicis fmark of a blow or stripe, weal
- viro nuberemarry a man
- virginem in matrimonium locomarry my young daughter
- virginem alicui nuptum locomarry someone my daughter
- vehiculum, quod in Martem descenditmarsrover
- valetudinarium obstetriciummaternity clinic, birth clinic
- vestis stragulamattress, cushion
- vivat sanemay he live anyway, may he live for my sake
- vilitas verborummean words, bad words
- vim habeomean, have significance, signify, have meaning
- vis nominismeaning of the word, word meaning
- vindicta, vindictae fmeans of asserting, means of defending, vindication, protection, defence, vengeance, revenge, punishment
- vehiculum, vehiculi nmeans of transport, carriage, conveyance, vehicle, wagon, cart, ship, agricultural implement for cutting down grain, reaping-machine
- via ad propositum assequendummeans to an end, means for the purpose
- verbicina, verbicinae fmeat from wether, meat from mutton, mutton meat
- versus canorimelodious verses
- vox canoramelodious voice, sonorous voice
- vigintivir, vigintiviri mmember of the board of twenty men
- viri clari et honoratimen in office and dignity
- viri experientia probatimen of experience, experience men
- viri clarimen of merit, deserved men
- viri multarum rerum experientia cognitimen of rich experience, versatile experienced men
- viri gravitatem adseverantesmen of serious nature, men of serious character
- viri gravitatem adseverantesmen who profess serious principles
- volutatio animimental restlessness, mental unrest
- valetudo mentismental weakness, weakness of mind
- venaliciarum mercium navismerchant vessel, merchant ship
- victus precariusmercy bread
- vir operarius lingua celeri et exercitatāmere rabulist, mere babbler, mere tongue twister
- viripotens, viripotentismighty in power, mighty, powerful
- volucres advenaemigratory birds, birds of passage
- vernantis caeli temperiesmild spring weather
- vina cariosamild wines
- vexillum, vexilli nmilitary ensign, standard, banner, flag, red flag placed on the general’s tent, troops belonging to a vexillum, company, troop
- verbum castrensemilitary expression, military term
- vir militarismilitiaman, militia soldier
- via lacteamilky way
- versus atrimischievous verses, malicious verses
- versus malimisguided verses
- viscum, visci nMistel, Vogelleim (aus den Beeren der Mistel hergestellt)
- ventus magistralismistral
- verba coniciomit Worten um sich werfen
- veris falsa remisceomixing false with true
- vera cum falsis confundomixing true with false
- vera falsis confundomixing true with false
- vir procaxmocker, scoffer
- vita sanctimonialismonastic life
- vivorum ususmoney transfer
- ventus monsoniusmonsoonwind, monsoon wind
- vastifica beluamonster, monstrosity, beast
- varietas fortunaemood of happiness, whim of happiness
- vitae sinceritasmoral purity
- vestis humaniormore decent clothes
- viridiores, viridiorum mmore robust men, more spry men, stronger men
- vilior algamore worthless than seaweed
- vappo, vapponis mmoth, butterfly
- Venilia, Veniliae fmother of Turnus
- vehiculum automatariummotor vehicle, car
- veteratus, veterata, veteratummouldy
- vertex montismountain top, mountain peak, mountain summit
- versabilis, versabilemovable, mobile, changeable, mutable, versatile
- vecte aliquid submoveomove something with the crowbar
- vexo 1move violently, shake, agitate, toss back and forth, injure, damage, molest, annoy, distress, plague, trouble, maltreat, abuse, vex, harass, disquiet, disturb, torment, rumple, disorder, crush
- vegeo 2move, excite, quicken, arouse
- vocem premomuffle his voice, silence
- vocem supprimomuffle his voice, silence, speak muffled
- vox summissamuffled voice, subdued voice
- vinum adustummulled wine
- verbascum, verbasci nmullein
- vires alicuius ampliomultiply someone's forces, increase someone's forces
- vigiles urbismunicipal police force
- velum carbaseummuslin cloth
- vires intimas molemque belli cieomuster the full might of war
- vervecina, vervecinae fmutton meat
- verminat aurismy ear itches, my ear is itching,
- vacuus mihi venter crepitatmy empty stomach growls
- vocor 1my name is
- vita, quam adhuc viximy previous way of life, my way of life so far,
- Verbannus lacusname of a lake in Upper Italy, Lago Maggiore
- venenum somniferumnarcotic, narcotic agent
- victus tenuisnarrow fare, slender fare
- vix aegrequenarrowly
- viridarium nationalenational park
- verecundia, verecundiae fnatural feeling of shame, shamefacedness, bashfulness, shyness, coyness, modesty, over-shyness, bashfulness, sheepishness, timidity, shame, disgrace
- vivacitas, vivacitatis fnatural vigor, vital force, tenaciousness of life, length of life, vivaciousness, liveliness, vivacity
- vires marinaenaval forces, naval force
- vicinus, vicina, vicinumnear, neighboring, in the neighborhood, in the vicinity
- vicinus, vicini mneighbor, contemporary
- vicinitas, vicinitatis fneighborhood, nearness, proximity, vicinity, region, neighbors, near likeness, resemblance, similarity, congeniality, affinity
- vicinia, viciniae fneighborhood, nearness, vicinage, vicinity, neighbors, near likeness, resemblance, similarity, affinity
- vicinum, vicini nneighboring place, neighborhood, vicinity
- vicinalis, vicinaleneighboring, near
- vicinarius, vicinaria, vicinariumneighboring, near
- virus elumbenerve agent
- venenum nervaleneurotoxin
- vinum mustumnew wine
- vigiles lucernaenight lanterns, night lights, night lighting
- via nocturnanight march
- verbum facere omnino non possumnot be able to utter a word
- virtutem pristinam retineonot give up his former virtuous way of life
- vesanus, vesana, vesanumnot of sound mind, mad, insane, fierce, wild, savage, furious, raging
- voce parum clara loquerisnot speak loud enough, speaking too softly
- veto 1not suffer a thing to take place, not permit, advise against, oppose, forbid, prohibit a thing, not permit one to do a thing, prevent from doing, hinder from doing, not grant, forbid a thing
- vetuo 1not suffer a thing to take place, not permit, advise against, oppose, forbid, prohibit a thing, not permit one to do a thing, prevent from doing, hinder from doing, not grant, forbid a thing
- vino adversornot tolerate wine, can not tolerate wine
- vaegrandis, vaegrandenot very large, little, small, diminutive
- vegrandis, vegrandenot very large, little, small, diminutive, very great
- vir dicendusnotable man
- vulgatenotoriously
- viri nunc gloria claretnow the man's glory shines
- vitiarium, vitiarii nnursery for vines
- vascus, vasca, vascumoblique, transverse
- vitulinus, vitulina, vitulinumof a calf
- viratus, virata, viratumof a manly spirit, manly
- viperinus, viperina, viperinumof a viper, of a serpent, of a snake
- verbecinus, verbecina, verbecinumof a wether, of a mutton
- vervecinus, vervecina, vervecinumof a wether, of a mutton
- vervicinus, vervicina, vervecinumof a wether, of a mutton
- vultuosus, vultuosa, vultuosumof an expressive countenance, full of expression, full of airs or grimaces, grimacing, affected
- vestra sponteof free will, of one’s own accord, of one’s self, freely, willingly, voluntarily, spontaneously
- vitreolus, vitreola, vitreolumof glass
- vitreus, vitrea, vitreumof glass, glass-, vitreous, like glass, glassy, transparent, brilliant
- vitrius, vitria, vitriumof glass, glass-, vitreous, like glass, glassy, transparent, brilliant
- veternus, veterna, veternumof great age, old, ancient
- voluntateof one's own free will, by one's own decision, voluntarily, gladly
- virgeus, virgea, virgeumof rods, of twigs, of brushwood
- vilis, vileof small price, of small value, purchased at a low rate, cheap, poor, paltry, common, mean, worthles, base, vile, found in great quantities, abundant, common
- vitineus, vitinea, vitineumof the vine, vine-
- vicennalis, vicennaleof twenty years, every twenty years
- vestras, vestratis cof your family, of your nation
- vestratis, vestrateof your family, of your nation, your compatriot, your countryman
- virulentia, virulentiae foffensive odor, stench
- verborum contumeliaeoffensive statements, offensive remarks, offensive comments
- Veneri pervigilooffer a night sacrifice to Venus, make an offering to Venus at night
- vendito 1offer again and again for sale, try to sell, cry up, praise, commend, recommend, blazon
- victimo 1offer in sacrifice, sacrifice
- venditioni aliquid exponooffer something for sale
- venditarius, venditaria, venditariumoffering for sale
- vigintiviratus, vigintiviratus moffice of the vigintiviri, vigintivirate
- volumen publicumofficially maintained protocol
- vagito 1often cry, often squall
- verba celeberrimaoften repeated words
- vetustas, vetustatis fold age, age, long existence, long duration, great age, posterity, the remote future
- veternus, veterni mold age, age, old dirt, lethargy, somnolence, deep long sleep, long torpidity, drowsiness, dulness, sluggishness, sloth
- veterum annalesold history, ancient history
- vetus quassaque navisold leaky ship, old leaking vessel
- vetus sepulcrumold man, half dead man
- veteranus, veterani mold tried soldier, veteran soldier, veteran
- veteraria, veterariorum nold wine stocks
- veterarium, veterarii nold wine storage room
- vetus vinumold wine
- vinum edentulumold wine
- vetularum oblectamenta antequadragesimaliaold women's carnival
- vetus, veterisold, aged, veteran, experienced, of a former time, former, earlier, ancient
- veteratus, veterata, veteratumold, inveterate
- veterarius, veteraria, veterariumold, mature
- veterarius, veterarii mold, mature
- veteranus, veterana, veteranumold, veteran, experienced, skilled
- vetranus, vetrana, vetranumold, veteran, experienced, skilled
- velamenta, velamentorum nolive-branches wound about with woollen fillets, or rods wound about in like manner
- vexillum OlympicumOlympic flag
- verbis alicuiuson someone's behalf
- vicissimon the other hand, on the contrary, again, in turn
- vada spiranton the shallow shore the surf ferments
- vestro periculoon your responsibility
- volpio, volpiōnis mone cunning as a fox, sly fox
- vulpio, vulpiōnis mone cunning as a fox, sly fox
- vilico, vilicionis mone managing a farm, bailiff, overseer
- vitandum est, ne (+ Konj.)one must avoid, you have to avoid that
- videndum est, quo sua quemque natura maxime ferre videaturone must pay attention to the natural inclination of the individual
- vopiscus, vopisci mone of a pair of twins, born alive after the premature birth and death of the other
- venetus, veneti mone of the Blue faction
- vigintisevir, vigintisevirī mone of the twenty six
- vigintisexvir, vigintisexvirī mone of the twenty six
- vector, vectoris mone that bears any thing, one that carries any thing, one that conveys any thing any thing, bearer, carrier, horse, rider, traveller, passenger, horseman
- vulgator, vulgatoris mone that makes a thing generally known, publisher, divulger
- varicator, varicatoris mone that walks with his legs spread apart, straddler
- verbenarius, verbenarii mone who bears the sacred boughs, of the fetiales
- virgator, virgatoris mone who beats with rods, flogger
- versicapillus, versicapilli mone who changes hair, whose hair grows gray
- vorsicapillus, vorsicapilli mone who changes hair, whose hair grows gray
- vociferator, vociferatoris mone who cries aloud, crier, vociferator
- veterator, veteratoris mone who has grown old, one who has become gray, one who has practised, one who has skilled in any thing, crafty fellow, old fox, sly-boots, an old slave
- vindex, vindicis cone who lays legal claim to a thing, a claimant, maintainer, defender, protector, deliverer, liberator, vindicator, avenger, punisher, revenger
- ventricola, ventricolae mone who makes a god of his belly, a belly-god, glutton
- ventricultor, ventricultois mone who makes a god of his belly, a belly-god, glutton
- vasclarius, vasclarii mone who makes vessels of metal
- vascularius, vascularii mone who makes vessels of metal, worker in metals, whitesmith, goldsmith
- ventriloquus, ventriloqui mone who speaks from his belly, ventriloquist
- vertiginosus, vertiginosa, vertiginosumone who suffers from giddiness, one who suffers from vertigo, , vertiginous
- verticosus, verticosa, verticosumone who suffers from giddiness, one who suffers from, vertiginous
- vorticosus, vorticosa, vorticosumone who suffers from giddiness, one who suffers from, vertiginous
- vomitor, vomitoris mone who vomits, vomiter
- ventilator, ventilatoris fone who winnows grain, winnower
- volens, volentisone who wishes, one who intends, one who is about, one who is willing, one who consents, one who does a thing voluntarily
- verbero, verberonis mone worthy of stripes, scoundrel, rascal
- via irreduxone-way street
- via unius cursusone-way street
- via unius directionisone-way street
- volvus, volvi monion
- volumen explicoopen a book
- vocalitas, vocalitatis fopen sound, euphony
- veterum annalium monumenta evolvoopen the history books
- vocem resolvoopen the mouth to speak
- venas exsolvoopen the veins
- venas resolvoopen the veins
- viam apertoopen up a way
- vatum carmenoracle saying of the seers
- vox vivaoral speech, verbal speech
- venae metallorumore deposit
- vimentum, vimenti nosier, withy
- vilitates harum similes aliaeother such trifles, other such small things
- vestis superiorouter garment, outer dress
- vires nimis intendooverexert oneself, overwork oneself, overtake oneself
- villicus, villici moverseer of a farm, overseer of a estate, a steward, bailiff
- vilicus, vilici moverseer of a farm, overseer of a estate, steward, bailiff, overseer, superintendent, director
- viocurus, viocuri moverseer of roads, constructor of roads
- verto cuncta odio et terroreoverthrow everything by arousing hatred and terror
- verto cuncta odio et terroreoverthrow everything through hatred and terror
- vitam debeo alicuiowe his life to someone
- varia, variae fpanther, kind of magpie
- veniam dopardon out of magnanimity
- veniam dopardon the punishment
- veniam dopardon
- veniam impertiopardon, reprieve, amnesty, grant a pardon
- vehiculorum statioparking place, vehicle parking place, vehicle stand
- vehiculum in statione sistoparking, park
- verba participaliaparticiples
- vanesco 3pass away, disappear, vanish, be in vain
- variis casibus iactorpass many adventures
- viabilis, viabilepassable, walkable
- viae infestaepath uncertainty, uncertainty of the paths
- via vicinalispath used by neighbors, communal path
- vigilias circumeopatrol
- visu aliquid obeopattern something, look at something
- viam moliorpave a way
- viam aperiopave a way, open a way, open up a way
- viam munitopave the way
- viam patefaciopave the way
- viam sternopave the way, smooth a way
- via stratapaved road, paved street
- verecundiam alicui attribuopay attention to someone, give someone attention
- vectigal pendopay customs, pay duty
- venerationem alicui tribuopay homage to someone, pay tribute to someone
- vim aeris alienis exhauriopay off debts
- vectigalia pendopay taxes, pay indirect taxes
- vestitus agrestispeasant clothes
- voluntas publicapeople's spirit, folk spirit
- vasculum piperis sparsivumpepper shaker
- visu tactuque manifestusperceptible by sight and touch
- virtutem edoperform a miracle, accomplish a miracle
- velperhaps
- vicennium, vicennii nperiod of twenty years
- vitam amittoperish, come to death
- vita privorperish, lose the life
- vinca pervincaperiwinkle
- vincapervinca, vincapervincae fperiwinkle
- vox permanenspersistent voice
- violas carpopick violets
- vīsceratimpiecemeal
- vulnus acu punctumpinprick, needleprick
- vita legalispious life, devout life
- veterinarium, veterinarii nplace for taking care of diseased animals
- viretum, vireti nplace overgrown with grass, green place, greensward, sod, turf, greenness
- verborum tenuitasplain speaking style, unpretentious style of speech
- veritas nudaplain truth, whole truth, full truth, complete truth
- vibia, vibiae fplank, cross-piece supported on trestles (varae) so as to form a bank
- vesicaria, vesicariae fplant that cures pain in the bladder, bladder-wort
- verrucaria, verrucariae fplant that drives away warts, wartwort, turnsole
- verdiarium, verdiarii nplantation of trees, pleasure-garden
- virdiarium, virdiarii nplantation of trees, pleasure-garden
- viridarium, viridarii nplantation of trees, pleasure-garden
- vinetum, vineti nplantation of vines, vineyard
- vinea, vineae fplantation of vines, vineyard, vine, kind of penthouse, shed, mantlet
- vites ponoplanting vines, setting vines
- vitilis, vitileplatted, interwoven
- vulpinor 1play the fox, be sly as a fox
- vicem tortoris exhibeoplay the role of the tormentor
- velim tu ipse sumasplease take yourself
- voluptas et dolor e corpore oriunturpleasure and pain have their origin in the body
- voluptas et dolor ad corpus referunturpleasure and pain relate to the body
- voluptas nullum habet cum virtute commerciumpleasure does not go together with virtue
- vimen, viminis npliant twig, switch, withe, osier, set of willow, slip of willow, wand of Mercury, woven work, basket
- vomer, vomeris mploughshare, style for writing with
- vomeris, vomeris mploughshare, style for writing with
- vomis, vomeris mploughshare, style for writing with
- vellera carpopluck wool
- vello 3pluck, pull, deprive of the hair, deprive of the feathers, tear out, tear away, tear up, twitch, tear, torment
- vellico 1pluck, twitch, pinch, nip, wake up, arouse by twitching, twitch in speaking, twit, taunt, carp, rail at
- vulsio, vulsionis fplucking
- volsura, volsurae fplucking, pulling
- vulsura, vulsurae fplucking, pulling
- vellicatio, vellicationis fplucking, twitching, twitting, taunting
- venator clandestinuspoacher
- valvolum, valvoli npod, shell, pericarp
- valvolae, valvolarum fpod, shell, pericarp, valvules of leguminous plants
- valvoli, valvolorum mpod, shell, pericarp, valvules of leguminous plants
- vergiliocento, vergiliocentonis mpoem made up of scraps from Vergil
- venenum artus pervaditpoison penetrates the limbs, poison pervades the limbs, poison permeates the limbs
- veneno aliquem occidopoison someone
- veneno aliquid temeropoison something
- veneno 1poison, color, dye
- veneficium, veneficii npoisoning, poisonous, sorcerous, magic, magical
- veneficus, venefica, veneficumpoisoning, poisonous, sorcerous, magic, magical
- venenarius, venenarii mpoisonmixer, poisoner
- virgis dorsum depolio tuumpolish your back, polish someone's back
- vinum deuteriumpomace wine, marc wine
- ventosa loquacitaspompous verbiage, pompous chatter
- valetudo malapoor health, feeling bad, poor well-being
- virtutum sterilispoor in noble traits, barren in virtues
- versus male tornatipoorly turned verses
- vapidepoorly, badly, ill
- virtutem moresque Catonis repraesentoportray Cato's virtue and character, embody Cato's virtue and character
- veredus, veredi mpost-horse, courier’s horse, light, fleet huntinghorse
- veraedarius, veraedarii mpostboy, courier
- veredarius, veredarii mpostboy, courier
- vicus PotemkiniusPotemkin village
- venenum, veneni npotion, juice, drug, potion that destroys life, poison, venom, magical potion, charm, seduction, coloring material, color, dye, paint, drug used in embalming
- vires in impetum valentespower in attack, power of impact
- visualitas, visualitatis fpower of seeing, faculty of sight, vision
- visualia, visualium npower of vision
- vis et effectuspowerful effectiveness, effective realization
- vox plenapowerful voice, full sounding voice
- veniam tribuopractice indulgence, practice leniency
- virtutem colopractice virtue
- virtutem militum collaudopraise the bravery of the soldiers
- vaticinium, vaticinii nprediction, prophecy
- vetera novis et quieta turbidis antehabeoprefer the old to the new and the calm to the storm
- vetus aetasprehistory, prehistoric times
- vela paroprepare for escape
- vinito 1present wine, serve wine
- vinum premopress wine
- vis et impetuspressure
- valetudinem simulopretend to be ill
- vincor 3pretend to be overcome
- virgo regiaprincess
- virtutes cardinalesprincipal virtues, cardinal virtues
- vincula, vinculorum nprison
- vita domesticaprivacy, private sphere
- vita intimaprivacy, private sphere
- vir privatusprivat man, private person, private individual
- vita privataprivate life, privacy
- veretrum, veretri nprivate part
- veri similitudo, veri similitudinis fprobability
- verisimilitudo, verisimilitudinis fprobability
- verisimilis, verisimileprobable, likely
- verisimiliterprobably, likely
- victorem aliquem citoproclaim someone as winner
- vir proconsularisproconsul
- vires, virium fprocreative forces, testicles
- vitigineus, vitiginea, vitigineumproduced by the vine, vine-
- voto 1prohibit, forbid
- vetativus, vetativa, vetativumprohibitive, prohibiting, not permitting, proscriptive, prohibitory
- vadimonium, vadimonii npromise secured by bail for appearance on a particular day before a tribunal, bail, security, recognizance, appointment, fixed time
- vadimonium promittopromise to appear in court
- vinum temperoproperly mix the wine
- vaticinatrix, vaticinatricis fprophetess, female fortune-teller
- vaticinius, vaticinia, vaticiniumprophetic, vaticinal
- vaticinus, vaticina, vaticinumprophetical, vaticinal
- vadimonium alicui imponoprosecute someone in court
- volutans pedibusprostrating
- vestitus protectoriusprotective clothing
- vindex iniuriaeprotector from wrong
- vindex periculiprotector in peril
- virtutem armis affirmoprove bravery in war
- virtutem exhibeoprove his valor, prove his prowess, prove his virtue, prove his power, prove his strength, prove his might, prove his worth
- veteranis diligentissime caveoprovide for the veterans most prudently
- vades doprovide guarantors
- vindictam tribuoprovide satisfaction, provide revenge
- vecturae causa navigia praebeoprovide ships for transport
- vinum ac tus praebeoprovide wine and incense for sacrifice
- victualia, victualium nprovisions, victuals
- virtus bellicaprowess in war, efficiency in war
- verecundia ostentataprudery, prudishness
- vitem attondeo prune the vine
- vitem compescoprune the vine
- verecunda membrapubic parts, pubic members, pudenda
- verecunda, verecundorum npubic parts, pubic members, pudenda
- verecundiora, verecundiorum npubic parts, pubic members, pudenda
- visceratio, viscerationis fpublic distribution of flesh or meat
- voluptates vulgipublic entertainments, public amusements, public pleasures
- vita forensispublic life
- vitulatio, vitulationis fpublic thanksgiving or other festival
- vomo 3puke, spew, throw up, vomit, pour forth, empty, discharge itself
- vela dimoveopull the curtains apart
- vela trahopull the sails together, haul in the sails
- vela reducopull up the curtains, pull back the curtains
- vela removeopull up the curtains, pull back the curtains
- video, ne ...pull yourself together, that not, watch, that not, pay attention, that not
- velis aliquid obtendopulling curtains before something
- vestes ostro perfusaepurple drenched clothes
- viam vitae ingrediorpursue a life course
- ventriculus furunculipus plug of the ulcer
- vineas turresque ad oppidum agopush protective roofs and towers to the city
- vulnus alligoput a dressing on a wound, place a bandage on a wound
- vultu ridere invitoput a good face on the matter
- velis remisque conorput all levers in motion, make an effort with hands and feet, do everything, exert all your strength, pull out all the stops, lie down in the harness, pull out your arms and legs
- vitae finem doput an end to life, end life
- vitae finem facioput an end to life, end life
- verba ad rem conferoput his words into action
- voco 1put in a situation, put in a mood, bring in some position, draw in some position, put in some condition, set in some condition, place in some condition
- versifico 1put into verse, write in verse, versify
- vultum componoput on a serene face, put on a friendly face
- vultum compono ad severitatemput on a stern face
- vincula plantis circumdoput on ankle shackles, put on ankle bracelets
- vestem lugubrem sumoput on mourning clothes
- vestem mutoput on mourning clothes
- vestitum mutoput on mourning clothes
- virtute me cum aliquo comparoput oneself on the same level with someone in terms of bravery
- vela in altum doput out to sea
- vincula alicui adhibeoput someone in chains, put someone in shackles
- vincula alicui inicioput someone in chains, put someone in shackles
- vitilitigo 1quarrel disgracefully, brawl, wrangle to abuse, calumniate
- vicus Iugariusquarter of Iuno Iuga
- vita tranquillaquiet life, peaceful life, introspective life, tranquil life
- veterulus, veterula, veterulumquite old, relatively old, a little old, somewhat old
- voluptarius operator radiophoniaeradio amateur
- vesaniens, vesanientisraging, furious
- viae ferratae custosrailroad guard, railroad attendant
- via ferratarailroad
- vallum exstruoraise a wall, throw up a rampart
- vallum facioraise a wall, throw up a rampart
- vallum iacioraise a wall, throw up a rampart
- vocem tolloraise the voice
- vela facioraising sails, sailing with full wind, move forward quickly in speech
- volubilitas, volubilitatis frapid whirling motion, roundness, round form, rapidity, fluency, volubility, changeableness, mutability
- vastulus, vastula, vastulumrather huge, rather bulky
- vectigal possessoribus agrorum impositumreal estate tax, property tax, land tax
- vaccam praemium capioreceive a cow as a wage, get a cow as a reward
- videor 2receive attention, be visited, be looked upon, be regarded in any manner, seem, appear to be, appear to do
- veniam impetroreceive forgiveness, obtain forgiveness, earn forgiveness
- vicissitudo, vicissitudinis freciprocal influence
- verba praeeorecite prayer formulas, putting prayer formulas in the mouth
- vicem reddorecompense like with like
- vicem referorecompense like with like
- vices rependorecompense like with like
- vinum rubellumred wine
- vinum russumred wine
- vota reddoredeem vows
- vectigalia temperoreduce the taxes
- vela legoreef the sails, hoist the sails
- vela contrahoreef the sails, pull in the sails
- video 2reflect upon, see to, care for, provide, take care, see to it, make sure, reach, attain, obtain, enjoy, go to see, visit
- versus intercalarisrefrain
- vires resumoregain one's strength, regain one's powers
- vires colligoregain strength
- vesicam exonerorelieve one's bladder, urinate
- virtute fretusrelying on bravery, trusting in courage
- victoria perpotiorremain determined winner
- viam persequorremain on one's path, continue on one's path, follow one's path, not to leave one's path
- vestigia, vestigiorum nremains, ruins, debris
- vulnus refricoreopen a gummed wound
- vulnus renovoreopen a wound
- vulnus rescindoreopen a wound
- veniam remittorepay a favor, retribute a favor
- vulnus vulnere pensorepay wound with wound
- vice alicuius fungorrepresent someone
- vicegerens, vicegerentisrepresentative
- verbum pro verbo reddoreproduce something word for word
- vituperativus, vituperativa, vituperativumreproving, reprimanding, rebuking
- vinum resina conditumresinated wine
- vado in hostesresolutely attack the enemies
- viam capioresort to a remedy, choose a remedy
- viam sequorresort to a remedy, choose a remedy
- verecundia patronalisrespect for the patron
- venero 1 (2)respectfully ask, respectfully call
- vim restituorestitute the damage caused by violence, compensate for the damage caused by violence, make good the damage caused by violence
- vitam alicui reddoresuscitate someone, revive someone
- voluntaria morte moriorretire voluntarily, depart this life voluntarily
- voluntariam mortem oppetoretire voluntarily, depart this life voluntarily
- voluntariam mortem mihi consciscoretire voluntarily, depart this life voluntarily, commit suicide
- vestigia retro referoreturn
- veneror 1reverence with religious awe, to worship, adore, revere, venerate, do homage to, reverence, honor, ask reverently for any thing, beseech, implore, beg, entreat, supplicate
- venerator, veneratoris mreverencer, venerator
- vivum calorem revoco in artus mortuosrevive a congealed person, resuscitate a dead person
- virtutem honororeward the merit, reward the performance
- vox beatarichly gifted voice, rich talented voice
- vultus concretusrigid facial expression, stern facial expression
- vitus, vitus mrim, wheel circle
- Visurgis, Visurgis mriver in Northern Germany
- vicomagister, vicomagistri mroad supervisor
- vectigal viariumroad toll
- via vehiculariaroadway, driving route
- vestis circum bracchia tortarobe wound around the arm, robe wrapped around arm
- vacillatio, vacillationis frocking to and fro, see-saw, wavering, reeling motion
- virgarius, virgarii mrod carrier, rod holder
- virgifer, virgifera, virgiferumrods bearing, rods carrying
- volumen, voluminis nroll of writing, book, volume, roll, whirl, wreath, fold, eddy, revolution, alteration, change
- volvo 3roll, turn about, turn round, tumble, roll up, roll together, form by rolling, roll itself round about, turn along, roll along, roll along, roll off, roll onwards, turn over in the mind, revolve in the mind, ponder, meditate, reflect upon, consider
- volutatus, volutatus mrolling about, wallowing
- volutatio, volutationis frolling about, wallowing, restlessness, disquiet, instability
- volutus, volutus mrolling, power of rolling, power of twisting, power of turning about
- virtus Romana turpiter spoliaturRoman bravery is shamefully exposed
- verbum nativumroot word, stem word
- vocābulum primitivumroot word, stem word
- vocabulum principaleroot word, stem word
- versoria, versoriae frope that guides a sail, sheet
- vorsoria, vorsoriae frope that guides a sail, sheet
- versilis, versilerotatable, that may be turned
- vertibilis, vertibilerotatable, variable, changeable
- veicus, veici mrow of houses, quarter of a city, street, village, hamlet, a country-seat
- vicus, vici mrow of houses, quarter of a city, street, village, hamlet, a country-seat
- vasterudely, harshly, widely, vastly, immensely, violently, enormously
- vastitudo, vastitudinis fruin, destruction, fearful size, hugeness, immensity
- vastitia, ae fruin, destruction
- vinum SabinumSabine wine
- victimator, victimatoris msacrificial animal slaughterer, sacrificial animal butcher
- violentia pulsandi atque laedendisacrilegious wantonness of physical insult and injury
- vacuus (e) periculosafe, without danger
- velifer, velifera, veliferumsail-bearing
- veliger, veligera, veligerumsail-bearing, covered with sails
- velivolans, velivolantissail-flying, flying with sails
- velivolus, velivola, velivolumsail-flying, winged with sails
- velifico 1sail, make sail
- velarius, velarii msailor who attended to furling and unfurling the sails
- vela aquilone tumidasails blown by the north wind
- vendibilitersalably, pleasantly
- venus, veni msale, sell
- venus, venus msale, sell
- venditio totalissale, total sale
- vectigal venditionissales tax
- via SalariaSalt Road
- vasculum salis sparsivumsalt shaker
- vicus sandaliariusSandals Lane, Shoemaker's Lane, Cobbler's Lane
- valetudo, valetudinis fsanity, unsound state of mind, mental infirmity
- versus satiricisatirical verses, mock verses
- voluptas, voluptatis fsatisfaction, enjoyment, pleasure, delight, desire for pleasure, bent, passion, male semen
- voluptatem expleosatisfy his desire
- versus Saturniussaturnine verse
- valere dicosay goodbye
- vetera vaticinorsay nothing new, announce nothing new
- verbis amplissimis gratias agosay thanks with most honorable words
- verba tertiato et quartato dicosay the words three and four times
- vaste loquorsay with mouth too wide open
- valedico 3saying goodbye, bid farewell, bid adieu
- vagina, vaginae fscabbard, sheath, covering, sheath, holder, hull, husk, female vagina, sheath of a claw
- vinum frumento factumschnapps, liquor, brandy
- vir litteratusscholar
- Venenifer, Veneniferi mScorpio, a constellation
- vergiliomastix, vergiliomastigis fscourge of Virgil
- visor, visoris mscout
- verro 3scrape, sweep, brush, scour, sweep out, sweep up, sweep together, clean out, cleanse by sweeping, sweep along, drive, impel, sweep away, drag away, take away, carry off, obliterate, cover, hide, conceal
- vorro 3scrape, sweep, brush, scour, sweep out, sweep up, sweep together, clean out, cleanse by sweeping, sweep along, drive, impel, sweep away, drag away, take away, carry off, obliterate, cover, hide, conceal
- vavato, vavatonis mscreaming doll
- valetudo oculorumsea weakness, eye disease
- venti tropaeisea-breezes
- vitulus marinussea-calf, seal
- vulgo me excerposeclude oneself, separate
- voti compos fiosee a wish fulfilled, see a wish come true
- vide, ut caelum blandiatursee how tempting the weather is
- virtutis fructus ex re publica capiosee my virtue rewarded by the state
- vide caliginem temporum illorumsee the tribulations of those times
- vide, quis sit rerum nostrarum statussee what condition our things are in
- video te amicumsee you as a friend
- video + acisee
- visito 1see, go to see, visit, punish
- video 2see, perceive, have the eyes open, be awake, look out on, afford a view, observe, mark, discern, understand, comprehend, be aware, know, look at, look to, consider, think upon
- visus, visus mseeing, looking, look, glance, faculty of seeing, act of seeing, sight, vision, sight, organ of sight, a thing seen, appearance, apparition, seeming, probability
- vitae parcoseek to preserve the life
- vitam fugae mandoseek to save his life by escape
- vendo quam optumesell as expensive as possible
- venundatio, venundationis fsell
- venundo 1sell
- vendo et abalienosell, dispose of
- vendo et alienosell, dispose of
- vendo 3sell, vend, sell up for money, give up for money, betray, cry up, trumpet, blazon, praise for sale
- venditor, venditoris mseller, vender, bribe-taker, barterer
- venditio, venditionis fselling, sale, vending
- voluntas recti generissense of the right kind, sense of the classical, inclination to the classical
- voluptates corporissensual pleasure of love, lust
- voluntas propitiaserenity
- vultus severusserious countenance, serious expression
- vultus adductusserious expression, tense face, serious mien, furrowed face
- valetudo atroxserious illness, severe disease
- vimineus, viminea, vimineumserving for wicker-work
- vadimonium constituoset a trial date, schedule a trial date
- vibro 1set in tremulous motion, move rapidly to and fro, brandish, shake, agitate, cause to flutter, make tremble, throw with a vibratory motion, launch, hurl, fling, hurl, launch, threaten
- viveradix, viveradicis fset or cutting having a root, layer, quickset
- viviradix, viviradicis fset or cutting having a root, layer, quickset
- viam ineoset out, resort to a means, take a path
- viae me committoset out, set off
- vela doset sails, depart, sail off
- vexillum tolloset the flag, put on the flag
- vela ventis doset the sails
- vis frigorissevere cold
- vallis umbrosashady valley
- villus, villi mshaggy hair, a tuft of hair, nap of cloth
- vellus, velli mshaggy hair, tuft of hair
- vibrisso 1shake the voice (in singing), trill
- vexamen, vexaminis nshaking, quaking
- vadum, vadi nshallow place in water, shallow, shoal, ford, body of water, sea, stream, bottom of a body of water, the depths
- vadus, vadi mshallow place in water, shallow, shoal, ford, body of water, sea, stream, bottom of a body of water, the depths
- vadus, vada, vadumshallow
- vada breviashallows
- verecundeshamefacedly, bashfully, shyly, modestly
- verecunditershamefacedly, bashfully, shyly, modestly
- vitrum ruptumshard of glass
- varius adsensusshared consent, shared approval, shared agreement, divided consent
- visu acrisharp-eyed
- vectrix, vectricisshe that carries, she that transports
- victrix, victricis fshe that is victorious, conqueress, victress
- vestifica, vestificae fshe that makes garments, tailoress, dress maker
- venditrix, venditricis fshe that sells, she that vends
- vexatrix, vexatricis fshe that vexes, she that molests
- vivificatrix, vivificatricis fshe who makes alive
- violatrix, violatricis fshe who profanes or violates
- vim lacrimarum profundoshed a stream of tears, shed many tears
- vultus insubidussheep face
- vita pastoralisshepherd life
- vexillum navaleship flag
- vitulamen, vitulaminis nshoot, sucker, sprig
- vicus emptionalisshopping district, shopping mile
- via emptionalisshopping street
- vulsus, vulsa, vulsumshorn, plucked, smooth, beardless, hairless, effeminate, suffering convulsions, spasmodic
- vestigium temporisshort moment, instant
- vin commutemus?should we swap?, shall we trade?
- vicinas aquas clamoshout at the neighbors Water! Water!
- vocibus strepuntshout in confusion, shout confusedly
- victoriam conclamantshout victory!
- verbis aliquem prosequorshout words at someone
- virtute fungorshow bravery
- virtutem ostendoshow bravery
- vultu animi motum praeferoshow his inner excitement in his facial expression
- viam alicui ostendoshow someone a means
- viam alicui commonstroshow someone exactly the way
- venerabilis, venerabileshowing veneration, venerating, revering, reverential
- vafritia, vafritiae fshrewdness, craftiness, cunning, artfulness
- viesco 3shrink up, shrivel, wither
- vietus, vieta, vietumshrunken, shrivelled, withered, wrinkled, decayed
- vito 1shun, seek to escape, avoid, evade
- vitatio, vitationis fshunning, avoiding, avoidance
- vitabundus, vitabunda, vitabundumshunning, avoiding, evading
- valvula retentoriashut-off valve
- verecundor in publicum prodireshy away from appearing in public
- valetudinarium, valetudinarii nsick-room, hospital, infirmary, military lazar-house, military hospital
- valetudinarius, valetudinaria, valetudinariumsickly, infirm, weak, valetudinary
- via vicinariaside path, sideway
- visitatio, visitationis fsight, appearance, visitation, punishment
- visenda, visendorum nsights, attractions
- vocem teneosilence
- vermis Indiacussilkworm
- victoriatus, victoriati msilver coin stamped with the image of Victory, an apothecaries’ weight
- vas argenteumsilver vessel
- vicinia virtutum vitiorumquesimilarity of virtues and vices
- verbum simplexsimple word
- voces simplicessimple words
- verus adfectussincere feeling, genuine sensuality
- vocales, vocalium msingers, vocalists
- vox assasinging without instrumental accompaniment, unaccompanied vocal music
- veris laudibus aliquem ornosingle somebody out with genuine praise
- vestigia graphidissketches, outlines
- vestis nartatoriaski suit
- vestigium nartatoriumski track, ski trail
- verbivelitatio, verbivelitationis fskirmishing with words, bickering, wrangling, dispute
- vertex caelisky pole, celestial pole
- victimas (hostias) caedoslaughter sacrificial animals, slaughter sacrifice animals
- victimas (hostias) mactoslaughter sacrificial animals, slaughter sacrifice animals
- victimas immoloslaughter sacrificial animals, slaughter sacrifice animals
- victimas securi ferioslaughter sacrificial animals, slaughter sacrifice animals
- verna, vernae cslave born in his master’s house, homeborn slave
- vestis servilisslave clothes
- velarius, velarii mslave who attended to closing the curtains at the entrance of an apartment, door-keeper
- venaliciarius, venaliciarii mslave-dealer
- venalicius, venalicii mslave-dealer
- venalicium, venalicii nslave-selling, young slaves
- verniliterslavishly, servilely, with fawning flattery, cringingly
- veternus civitatem occupavitsleeping sickness has affected the state
- virga, virgae fslender green branch, twig, sprout, switch, rod, graft, scion, set, switch for flogging, wand, staff, stalk of the flax-plant, streak, stripe in the heavens, colored stripe in a garment, branch
- virus, viri nslimy liquid, slime, poisonous liquid, poison, venom, virus, offensive odor, stench, sharp saline taste
- vestigio fallorslipping with the foot, slipping the foot,
- vafer, vafra, vafrumsly, cunning, crafty, artful, subtle
- vafreslyly, cunningly, artfully
- vitiparra, vitiparrae fsmall bird, titmouse
- viriculae patrimoniismall fortune, small means
- vericulum, vericuli nsmall javelin
- veruculum, veruculi nsmall javelin
- veruina, veruinae fsmall javelin
- viriculum, viriculi nsmall javelin
- viaticulum, viaticuli nsmall sum of money for a journey
- varicula, variculae fsmall varix
- vascellum, vascelli nsmall vase, small urn
- vascio, vascionis msmall vase, small urn
- venula, venulae fsmall vein, veinlet
- vasculum, vasculi nsmall vessel, small beehive, seed-capsule, beehive, male member, penis
- viniola, viniolae fsmall vineyard
- vocula, voculae fsmall voice, feeble voice, soft note, soft tone, little speech, petty speech, little word, particle
- vescus, vesca, vescumsmall, little, thin, weak, feeble, poor, wretched, corroding, eating away
- vasa collisasmashed dishes, broken crockery
- visco 1smear, besmear
- viscatus, viscata, viscatumsmeared with birdlime
- vinum oleosmell of wine
- vinum redoleosmell of wine
- victoriam iam partam ex manibus eripiosnatch an already won victory
- via per nives factasnow track, snow way
- voluntatem alicuius offendosnub someone, snub someone in front of the head
- volsillis pugno, non gladioso as to do but little damage
- vitae societassocial life, life in community
- vox lenissoft voice, quiet voice
- vox parvasoft voice, quiet voice, weak voice
- ventus solarissolarwind, solar wind
- vicensimani, vicensimanorum msoldiers of the twentieth legion
- velati, velatorum msoldiers who wore only a cloak
- votum, voti nsolemn promise made to some deity, vow, thing solemnly promised, that which is vowed, that which is devoted, votive offering, wish, desire, longing, prayer, marriage vow, matrimonial engagement, marriage
- votivitas, votivitatis fsolemn promise, vow
- vernant alicui lanugine malaesomeone sprouts the first beard fuzz on the cheeks
- visum, visi nsomething seen, sight, appearance, vision, impression, image
- vox subraucasomewhat hoarse voice, slightly husky voice
- vetusculus, vetuscula, vetusculumsomewhat old, somewhat ancient, oldish, rather antiquated
- vulnera mulceosoothe the wounds
- vaticinator, vaticinatoris msoothsayer, prophet
- veteratrix, veteratricis fsorceress
- venefica, veneficae fsorceress, witch
- vomica, vomicae fsore, boil, ulcer, imposthume, abscess, encysted tumor, bunch filled with fluid, knob filled with fluid, evil, annoyance, grief, plague, curse
- vis animisoul power
- verborum inanium crepitussound and smoke
- vocem exerceosound the voice, make the voice sound
- vagor, vagoris msounding, sound
- vultus acerbisour faces, sour expressions, disappointed faces
- vertex austrinussouth pole
- volturnus, volturni msoutheastby-one-third-south wind
- vulturnus, vulturni msoutheastby-one-third-south wind
- vehiculum sideralespacecraft, space vehicle
- vanga, vangae fspade with a cross-bar to put the foot upon
- verberibus aliquem obiurgospank
- valetudini parcospare my healt
- vaste loquorspeak broadly, speak widely
- via dicospeak in due order, speak in proper order
- vatis in modum dictitospeak like a seer, speak in the manner of a seer
- vero 1speak the truth
- verba facio pro aliquospeak up for someone, speak on somebody's behalf, speak in someone's place
- veris laudibus aliquem ornospeak well-deserved praise of somebody
- verax, veracisspeaking truly, true, veracious
- veriloquus, veriloqua, veriloquumspeaking truly, truth-telling
- via peculiarisspecial path, special way, special route
- venditatio, venditationis fspecious display, boasting, vaunting, blazoning
- volubilitas verborumspeech dexterity
- vitium orationisspeech impediment
- vitium sermonisspeech impediment
- vis dicendispeech power
- vitam in otio degospend his days in peace, live in peace
- vitam consumo in aliqua respend his life doing something
- vitam agospend his life
- vitam degospend his life
- vitam transigospend his life, live there
- vomitio, vomitionis fspewing, vomiting, that which is vomited, vomit
- vomitium, vomitii nspewing, vomiting, that which is vomited, vomit
- vertilabundus, vertilabunda, vertilabundumspinning back and forth, staggering along without reflection
- vero, veronis mspit, broach, dart, javelin
- veru, verus nspit, broach, dart, javelin, critical sign on the margin of a book
- verum, veri nspit, broach, dart, javelin, critical sign on the margin of a book
- victoria spectabilissplendid victory, brilliant victory
- vox vivaspoken language
- voluptates, voluptatum fsports, shows, spectacles
- venena spargospray poison
- vulgo 1spread among the multitude, make general, make common, make universal, put forth to the world, publish, let all share in
- varico 1spread the legs apart, straddle, stride over it, striding, strutting, swaggering
- ver in hiemem revolviturspring falls back into winter
- ver aetatisspring of life, youth time, youth
- vapor vernusspring warmth
- ver, veris nspring, spring-time of life, youth, products of spring (flowers)
- vernales hōraespringtime hours
- vapio, vapionis msquanderer, good-for-nothing, rascal, dawdler, rapscallion
- vitiis contaminorstain themselves with vices
- vitiis me contaminostain themselves with vices
- vallus, valli mstake, pale, stake, palisade, rampart set with palisades, point, spike
- vicialia, vicialium nstalks of vetches, halm of vetches
- verba tertiatastammering words, stuttering words
- vice alicuius fungorstand in for someone, substitute for someone
- vigeo 2stand in full strength and freshness, stand in sap and vigor
- vexillarius, vexillarii mstandard-bearer, ensign, leader of a band, captain of robbers
- vexillifer, vexillifera, vexilliferumstandard-bearing
- visitatio statalisState Visit, Government Visit
- vir civilisstatesman
- viri in re publica prudentesstatesmen
- viri rei publicae gerendae peritistatesmen
- viri rerum civilium peritistatesmen
- viam offirmostay on the chosen path
- vestigio me non moveostay put, remain stationary
- vaporis plenussteam filled, dark filled, steamy, hazy
- vaporarium, vaporarii nsteam-pipe in the Roman baths, which conveyed the heat to the sweating-room
- vapor, vaporis msteam, exhalation, vapor, warm exhalation, warmth, heat, ardor of love
- vapos, vaporis msteam, exhalation, vapor, warm exhalation, warmth, heat, ardor of love
- vaporatus, vaporata, vaporatumsteamed, dark filled, gloomy
- vaporus, vapora, vaporumsteaming, reeking, smoking
- vaporatio, vaporationis fsteaming, reeking, steam, vapor
- verruca, verrucae fsteep place, height, wart, excrescence on precious stone, slight fault, small failing
- verba primitivastem verbs
- vitricus, vitrici mstep-father
- vixdum luce certastill in the twilight
- vacerra, vacerrae fstock, block, stupid person
- ventriculi portastomach gate
- venter Faliscusstomach sausage, pressed sausage
- ventriculus fartusstomach sausage, pressed sausage
- vulnus fascia substringostop a wound
- vestigium premostop, stand still
- vagantes fabulaestories that are always told differently
- vocibus aliquem tundostorm someone with words
- vigoratus, vigorata, vigoratumstout, lusty, vigorous
- vocem ultra vires urgeostrain the voice excessively, overstrain the voice
- vado illidorstrand, beach
- vavato stramenticiusstraw dummy
- validitas, validitatis fstrength of body
- vires consenescuntstrengths dwindle with age
- verberatio, verberationis fstriking, beating, chastisement, punishment
- virgulatus, virgulata, virgulatumstriped
- ventum popularem quaero in aliqua restrive for the people's favor in one thing
- virtutis studiosus sumstrive for virtue, aspire to virtue
- vagor 1stroll about, go to and fro, ramble, wander, roam, range, rov, wander about, roam, be unsettled, waver, spread abroad, diffuse itsel
- vagus, vaga, vagumstrolling about, rambling, roving, roaming, wandering, unfixed, unsettled, vagrant, wavering, unsteady, inconstant, doubtful, uncertain, vague
- vagabundus, vagabunda, vagabundumstrolling about, vagabond
- vagatio, vagationis fstrolling about, wandering, roaming
- vectis, vectis mstrong pole, strong bar, handspike, carryingpole, crow, crow-bar, bolt
- viriosus, viriosa, viriosumstrong, robust, violent
- valentulus, valentula, valentulumstrong, stout
- validus, valida, validumstrong, stout, able, powerful, robust, vigorous, in good health, sound, healthy, active, efficacious, mighty, effective
- valens, valentisstrong, stout, vigorous, powerful, healthy, hale, hearty, powerful, active, mighty
- viribus editiorstronger, mightier, more powerful
- valenterstrongly, stoutly, powerfully, violently, forcibly, energetically
- valdestrongly, stoutly, vehemently, mightily, powerfully, exceedingly, very
- validestrongly, stoutly, vehemently, mightily, powerfully, exceedingly, very
- viriosestrongly, violently
- vulnere pulsusstruck by a wound, hit by a wound
- viscellatus, viscellata, viscellatumstuffed with the entrails of fishes or of birds
- varo, varonis mstupid fellow, boorish fellow, clodpate
- varro, varronis mstupid fellow, boorish fellow, clodpate
- verba sua praepediensstuttering
- varulus, varuli msty in the eye
- verbis exprimo atque effingostylize, stylize with words
- victoria aut bello aliquem amplectorsubjugate or wage war on someone
- vicarius, vicarii msubstitute, deputy, proxy, a locum tenens, vicegerent, vicar, adjutant, lieutenant to a military commander, under-servant, underslave
- velut (veluti)such as, for example
- vermigeratus, vermigerata, vermigeratumsuffering from worms
- valetudinem causorsuggest health reasons
- vestis suicidalissuicide vest
- vestis sepositasunday dress, state dress
- vino somnoque sepultussunk in drunkenness and sleep
- villum, villi nsup of wine
- vacantersuperfluously
- velocitas supersonicasupersonic aircraft
- viridarius, viridarii msupervisor of the garden, supervisor of the park, park supervisor
- viridiarius, viridiarii msupervisor of the garden, supervisor of the park, park supervisor
- vulnerarius, vulnerarii msurgeon
- virtute aliquem praecedosurpass someone in bravery
- vallo 1surround with a rampart and palisades, palisade, intrench, circumvallate, fortify, protect, defend
- valles circumiectaesurrounding valleys
- veno positussuspended for sale, offered for sale
- vorax, voracisswallowing greedily, devouring, ravenous, voracious, devouring, destroying, consuming, destructive, ruinous, lecherous, lustful
- vermifluus, vermiflua, vermifluumswarming with worms
- vaccillo 1sway to and fro, waddle, stagger, reel, totter, waver, vacillate, hesitate, stagger, be untrustworthy
- vacillo 1sway to and fro, waddle, stagger, reel, totter, waver, vacillate, hesitate, stagger, be untrustworthy
- verbis conceptissimis iuroswear the most formal oath, swear the most solemn oath
- vela tendoswell the sails
- velox, velocisswift, quick, fleet, rapid, speedy
- volucripes, volucripedisswiftfooted, swift
- volubiliterswiftly rolling, spinning, rapidly, fluently, volubly
- velociterswiftly, quickly, speedily
- volucriterswiftly, rapidly
- volucritas, volucritatis fswiftness of flight
- velocitas, velocitatis fswiftness, fleetness, speed, rapidity, velocity, rapidity
- vestis balnearisswimsuit, bathing suit
- ventilabundus, ventilabunda, ventilabundumswinging to and fro, wavering
- vis festucariasymbolic act of violence, symbolic violence
- vocabula idem fere declarantiasynonyms
- vinum mensaletable wine
- vinum cibariumtable wine, ordinary wine, common wine, everyday wine
- versus ecaudestailless verses, limping verses
- vestifex, vestificis mtailor, dress maker
- vestificus, vestifici mtailor, dress maker
- viam capessotake a path
- viam ingrediortake a path, take a route
- viam eotake a walk
- vexillum deducotake down the flag
- vexillum demittotake down the flag
- vectigalia redimotake incomes in lease
- vestem recingortake off his dress
- vestem deponotake off one's clothes
- vincula alicui demotake off someone's shackles
- vestem exuotake off the clothes
- vestem ponotake off the clothes
- vestem lugubrem deponotake off the mourning clothes, remove the mourning clothes
- vehementer studeo alicui reitake part in something active
- venenum hauriotake poison, ingest poison
- venenum sumotake poison, ingest poison
- vivum aliquem capiotake somebody alive, capture somebody alive
- vincula alicui iniciotake someone into custody, detain someone,
- vectigalia redimotake the taxes in lease
- vindicium, vindicii ntaking into protection, self-defense, protection of the right
- verbis aliquem obruotalk down, bring down with words
- verbigero 1talk, chat, dispute
- verba faciotalk, chat, speak
- vaniloquus, vaniloqua, vaniloquumtalking emplily, talking idly, gabbling, prating, lying, , boastful, bragging, vaunting
- vaniloquax, vaniloquacistalking lies, speaking lies
- verbificatio, verbificationis ftalking
- vitae splendorem maculis aspergotarnish the luster of my life
- vitae splendori maculas aspergotarnish the luster of my life
- vinum austerum tart wine
- vectigal alicuius rei dotax something
- vectigal pro aliqua re pendotax something
- venalicium, venalicii ntaxes on sales
- vectigalia certissimataxes received with complete security
- vulnera alicui dirigoteach someone wounds, inflict wounds on someone
- vallum vellotear down the wall, tear down the rampart, tear out the palisades
- vulnus novotear open the wound
- vestem umeris abscindotear the robe from the shoulders
- verissime loquortell the absolute truth, tell the plain truth
- verum dicotell the truth
- veriverbium, veriverbii ntelling the truth, veracity
- vivax, vivacistenacious of life, long-lived, vivacious, ancient, venerable, lasting long, enduring, durable, lively, vigorous, vivacious
- verbum temporaletense, verb
- vastitas vocisterrible voice, horrifying voice
- velocitate certotest the speed in competition
- viviparus, vivipara, viviparumthat brings forth its young alive, viviparous
- vectabilis, vectabilethat can be carried, portable
- vincibilis, vincibilethat can be easily gained, conquering, victorious
- voluptificus, voluptifica, voluptificumthat causes enjoyment, gives delight
- voluptabilis, voluptabilethat causes pleasure, that causes, satisfaction, pleasant, agreeable
- vomificus, vomifica, vomificumthat causes vomiting, emetic
- versipellis, versipellethat changes its shape or form, that alters its appearance, that transforms himself or itself, skilled in dissimulation, sly, cunning, crafty, subtle
- vorsipellis, vorsipellethat changes its shape or form, that alters its appearance, that transforms himself or itself, skilled in dissimulation, sly, cunning, crafty, subtle
- vanus, vana, vanumthat contains nothing, empty, void, vacant, idle, null, groundless, unmeaning, fruitless, vain, false, lying, deceptive, delusive, untrustworthy, weak, wavering, vainglorious, ostentatious, boastful
- vericola, vericolae cthat cultivates the truth, that regards the truth
- vapularis, vapularethat gets a flogging
- vetustus, vetusta, vetustumthat has existed a long time, aged, old, ancient
- verendus, verenda, verendumthat is to be feared, that is to be reverenced, awful, venerable, fearful, terrible
- veridicus, veridica, veridicumthat is truly said, true, veritable
- volubilis, volubilethat is turned round, that turns itself round, turning, spinning, whirling, circling, rolling, revolving, rapid, fluent, voluble, changeable, mutable
- vibrabilis, vibrabilethat may be brandished, quivering, glimmering
- vitiabilis, vitiabilethat may be harmed, violable, corruptible
- violabilis, violabilethat may be injured, that may be injured, violated, violable
- visibilis, visibilethat may be seen, visible
- vitabilis, vitabilethat may be shunned, that ought to be shunned
- vendibilis, vendibilethat may be sold, salable, vendible, acceptable, agreeable, popular
- vomitorius, vomitoria, vomitoriumthat provokes vomiting, vomitive, vomitory, emetic
- veredicus, veredica, veredicumthat speaks the truth, truth-telling, veracious, veridical
- veridicus, veridica, veridicumthat speaks the truth, truth-telling, veracious, veridical
- vicarius, vicaria, vicariumthat supplies the place of a person or thing, substituted, delegated, vicarious
- versatilis, versatilethat turns round, that moves round, revolving, movable, versatile
- victus, victus mthat upon which one lives, sustenance, nourishment, provisions, victuals, necessaries of life (inclusive of clothing), way of life, mode of living, manner of living, manner of subsisting
- vocalis, vocalethat utters a voice, sounding, sonorous, speaking, crying, singing, vocal, making vocal, causing song, inspiring song, causing speech, inspiring speech
- vivum, vivi nthat which is alive, capital
- vacantia, vacantium nthat which is superfluous, that which is useless
- vinclum, vincli nthat with which any thing is bound, band, bond, rope, cord, fetter, tie
- vinculum, vinculi nthat with which any thing is bound, band, bond, rope, cord, fetter, tie
- vicissitudines dierum noctiumquethe alternation of day and night
- varius autumnus purpureo colorethe autumn bathed in purple
- vitta coercet capillosthe bandage holds the hair together
- vixdum coalescens regnumthe barely recovering kingship
- virtute formae evenit, ut ...the beauty is due to the fact that , , ,
- vernat avisthe bird begins to sing again in spring
- vernat sanguisthe blood pulsates youthfully
- vinculum, per quod res publica cohaeretthe bond by which the state is held together
- ventilat aura comasthe breeze moves the foliage (of the tree)
- vita occupatathe business life of a statesman
- veniens aetasthe coming time, the offspring
- ventus, ventus mthe coming
- ventura, venturorum nthe coming, the future, the coming time, the coming days
- videant consules, ne quid res publica detrimenti capiatthe consuls may take care that the state does not suffer any damage (SCU)
- vultus, imago animithe countenance, a reflection of the mood of the soul
- Venetia, Venetiae fthe country of the Veneti
- vapulare eum iubeothe devil take him!
- vapuletthe devil take him!, let him take a beating!
- vestibulum, vestibuli nthe enclosed space between the entrance of a house and the street, fore, court, entrance-court, entrance to any thing, entrance, opening, beginning
- vitae finis adestthe end of life is approaching, the end of life is imminent
- vultus colligit rugasthe face wrinkles, the face pulls in wrinkles
- vinositas, vinositatis fthe flavor of wine
- vires pauperescuntthe forces are weakening, the forces decrease
- vires torpentthe forces are weakening, the forces decrease
- vela, velae fthe Gallic name for the plant erysimon
- venus, veneris fthe goddess of Love, the planet Venus, love, sexual love, venery, beloved object, beloved, quality that excite love, loveliness, attractiveness, beauty, grace, elegance, charms, highest throw at dice
- vis aurea de humano corpore cessit in amnemthe gold power transferred from the human body to the river
- vera causathe good and just cause
- virecta nemorumthe green of the groves
- vertigine tectum ambulatthe house is spinning before my eyes, the house turns before my eyes
- villae urbi proximaethe houses adjoining the city
- virtutes consertae et inter se cohaerentesthe interrelated and interconnected virtues
- vocabulum popriumthe literal expression, the actual expression
- viventes, viventium mthe living
- vis terraemotus quinque unitates mensurabaturthe magnitude of the earthquake was measured with five units
- vir senatorii ordinis estthe man belongs to the senatorial rank
- vir mihi carendusthe man I have to do without
- vir omnium callidissimusthe man superior to all in cunning, the very cleverest
- viri inter se coeuntthe men meet for the fight
- vetera, veterum nthe old, the former
- vexillarii, vexillariorum mthe oldest class of veterans, the last summoned veterans
- via se findit in partes ambasthe path forks in two directions
- via in collem fertthe path leads up the hill
- visa in animis imprimunturthe perceptions cause an impression in the soul
- violentia fortunaethe perfidy of fate, the perfidy of destiny
- voluptas non habet ictumthe pleasure has no strong appeal
- venenum non processeratthe poison had had no success
- vires me deficiuntthe powers fail me, my strength fails me
- vota tetigere deosthe prayers touched the gods
- verenda, verendorum nthe private parts
- verisimilis illa narratiothe probability of that narrative
- verbum propriumthe proper (not tropical) expression, real meaning of the word
- vates attonitusthe prophetically enthusiastic singer
- venae cuiusque aetatisthe pulse of any age, the peculiarities of any age
- volumina Qumranicathe Qumran scrolls
- vela caduntthe sails go down, the sails are retracted
- vela deducothe sails go down, the sails are retracted, pull down the sails, lower the sails
- vates bacchaturthe seer is racing
- vernatio, vernationis fthe sloughing of the skin of snakes, the shedding of the skin of snakes, the slough cast off by a snake
- vernat anguisthe snake tapers off, the snake rejuvenates
- ventus solaris est fluentum particularum electrica vi imbutarumthe solar wind is a stream of electrically charged particles
- velocitas corporis celeritas appellaturthe speed of a body is called quickness
- ver adolescitthe spring prevails
- vindicta, vindictae fthe staff with which a slave was touched in the ceremony of manumission, liberating-rod, manumission-staff
- verba scriptoristhe text of the writer
- vidularia, vidulariae fthe title of a lost comedy by Plautus
- verbum translatumthe transferred expression
- viantes, viantium mthe travelers
- vacillat arborthe tree wobbles, the tree wavers
- vicensimus, vicensima, vicensimumthe twentieth
- vicesimus, vicesima, vicesimumthe twentieth
- vigesimus, vigesima, vigesimumthe twentieth
- voluntas legisthe underlying intent of the law
- venae micantthe veins pulsate
- verbum legendithe verb legere
- victoria multo sanguine ac vulneribus stetitthe victory cost a lot of blood and wounds
- victoria Romanorumthe victory of the Romans (the Romans were victorious)
- vicus proximus itinerithe village closest to the road
- vites grandine contundunturthe vines are haunted, the vines are hailed
- vites grandine excutiunturthe vines are haunted, the vines are hailed
- vites grandine percutiunturthe vines are haunted, the vines are hailed
- violaceum, violacei nthe violet
- virtus iustitiaethe virtue of justice
- vitalia, vitalium nthe vital parts, vitals, graveclothes
- vocativus, vocativi mthe vocative case
- vultur cornua profertthe vulture stretches his horns
- ventus ab ortu solis flatthe wind blows from the east
- ventus tergum afflatthe wind blows in the back
- ventus aram flatu permulcetthe wind caresses the altar
- ventus remittitthe wind dies down, the wind decreases
- ventus caditthe wind dies down, the wind is dying down
- ventus cessatthe wind dies down, the wind is dying down
- ventus ceciditthe wind has died down, the wind has calmed down, the wind has settled
- ventus cessavitthe wind has stopped, the wind has suspended
- ventus increbrescit (increbescit)the wind increases, the wind picks up
- ventus se vertit in Africanumthe wind turns to the southwest
- ventus se vertit in Favoniumthe wind turns to the west
- venti circum claustra fremuntthe winds roar around the rock closure
- vinum resipit picemthe wine tastes like pitch
- vox carendi hoc significatthe word carere has this meaning
- vocabulum angustius valetthe word has a narrower meaning
- vocabulum latius patetthe word has another meaning
- verbum altius in pectus descenditthe word penetrates deeper into the soul
- verbum aratrithe word plough
- vox virtutisthe word virtue
- verba in suum locum immigrantthe words (metaphors) take their due place
- verba profectu carentthe words are lost, the words go into the void
- verba olent alumnumthe words betray the student
- verba verbis respondentthe words correspond, the words match
- voces labunturthe words fall on deaf ears
- verba fiunt mortuothe words go unheard, the words are in vain, speaking to a dead man
- verminatio, verminationis fthe worms (a disease of animals), the bots, crawling pain, itching pain
- vulnus coitthe wound closes
- vulnus coitthe wound heals up
- vixdum satis percurato vulnerethe wound was barely healed
- vulnera nondum coeuntthe wounds do not close yet
- vulnera difficile sanescuntthe wounds heal with difficulty
- vitellum, vitelli nthe yolk of an egg
- vitellus, vitelli mthe yolk of an egg, little calf
- votum est, ut ...there is a desire that, it is to be wished that
- vacatthere is time for, there is room for, there is leisure for, it is permitted
- vipera est in vepreculathere’s a viper in the bush, there’s a hidden danger
- verba istaec suntthese are mere words, these are just words, these are empty phrases
- vinum ad se importari non sinuntthey do not allow wine to be imported to them, ban the import of wine, prohibit the import of wine
- ventum nancti idoneum ex portu exeuntthey run out with favorable wind
- virgetum, virgeti nthicket of rods, thicket of osiers
- vitilia, vitilium nthings platted, wicker-work
- volentia alicuithings someone pleasing, things someone acceptable, news favorable for someone, events favorable for someone
- verae beatitudinis sitiothirst for true happiness
- vepres, vepris mthorn-bush, brier-bush, bramble-bush
- vepretum, vepreti nthornhedge, bramble-thicket
- ventus adversum tenet Athenis proficiscentibusthose departing from Athens have headwinds
- vitula conternansthree year old calf
- via trifidathree-way
- velatothrough a veil, darkly, obscurely
- virtute alicuiusthrough someone's help, through someone's mediation
- vallum circumiciothrow up a wall all around
- vallum circuminiciothrow up a wall all around
- vomo 3throw up by vomiting, discharge by vomiting, vomit up, vomit forth, throw or pour out in abundance, emit, discharge
- vomitus, vomitus mthrowing up, vomiting, that which is thrown up by vomiting, a vomit, a disgusting fellow, a puke
- vinclis capio aliquemtie somebody up
- veris et hiemis divortiumtime around beginning of spring
- vita satiatustired of life
- vergobretus, vergobreti mtitle of the chief magistrate among the Ædui
- virgobretus, virgobreti mtitle of the chief magistrate among the Ædui
- variego 1to be party-colored, to be variegated
- vineta mea caedoto be severe against one’s self
- vitio doto hold something against someone, resent someone
- vitio ducoto hold something against someone, resent someone
- vitio tribuoto hold something against someone, resent someone
- vitio vertoto hold something against someone, resent someone
- venumto sell
- verecundum est mihito shy away from doing, not to do because of shyness
- vectigal, vectigalis ntoll, tax, impost paid to the State, honorarium or contribution paid to a magistrate, private revenue, rents, income of private affairs
- volubilitas linguaetongue dexterity, speech dexterity
- volubilitas circulatoriatongue flapping, market shouting tongue skill
- vir sine dentibus mandenstoothless eater
- ventilo 1toss, swing, brandish in the air, fan, sway, agitate, fan coolness upon, cool with fanning, toss to and fro, toss grain into the air, winnow, set in motion, move, disturb, agitate, disquiet
- versor lectotossing restlessly in bed
- vincentertotally convincing, fully convincing
- villa urbanatown house, city villa
- Vetera, Veterum ntown of Gallia Belgica, now Xanten
- vestigabilis, vestigabiletraceable, fathomable, fathomable, ascertainable
- vestigatio, vestigationis ftracing, searching after
- vestigator, vestigatoris mtracker, spy, tracer, searcher
- vestigiator, vestigiatoris mtracker, spy, tracer, searcher
- venaliciariam vitam exerceotrade in slaves, be a slave trader
- vestitus traditionalistraditional dress
- vates cothurnatustragedy poet, tragedian
- verbum e verbo exprimotranslate something word by word
- vas purgamentariumtrash can, dustbin
- viam anticipotravel a distance sooner
- via Appia proficiscitravel on the Via Appia
- viam pergo in Macedoniamtravel on to Macedonia, continue to Macedonia, continue the march to Macedonia
- vidulus, viduli mtravelling-trunk, portmanteau, wallet
- viaticum, viatici ntravellingmoney, provision for a journey, journey, resources, means, money made by a soldier in the wars, savings, prize-money, money to pay the expenses of one studying abroad
- vestigiis alicuius insistotread in someone's footsteps
- violo 1treat with violence, injure, dishonor, outrage, violate, do violence to, invade, profane, shock, break
- vibramen, vibraminis ntremulous motion, quivering
- vibratus, vibratus mtremulous motion, quivering
- vibrabundus, vibrabunda, vibrabundumtremulous, glimmering
- vir triumphalistriumphator
- vires, virium ftroops
- ventilator urbistroublemaker of the city, worrier of the city
- vexator, vexatoris mtroubler, harasser, abuser, vexer
- vexabilitertroublesomely, vexatiously
- vehiculum onerariumtruck, lorry
- veritas, veritatis ftrue nature, real nature, reality, real life, truth of nature, etymology, rectitude, integrity
- verum aut falsumtrue or false
- verus, vera, verumtrue, real, actual, genuine, right, proper, fitting, suitable, reasonable, just, containing the truth, true, veracious
- veridicetruly
- verumtruly, just so, certainly, doubtless, even so, yes
- veracitertruly, veraciously
- veritatis amanstruthful
- veritatis diligenstruthful
- veritatis studiosustruthful
- veridicentia, veridicentiae ftruthtelling
- vim parotrying to fight back, trying to defend yourself
- visus cuniculariustunnel vision
- vertor 3 (vortor 3)turn around
- vices annuaeturn of the year
- verso 1turn often, wind often, twist often, whirl about violently, shake, turn up, bend, treat, manage, turn upside down, discompose, disturb, vex, agitate, think over, meditate upon, reflect upon, revolve, consider, transact, carry on
- vorso 1turn often, wind often, twist often, whirl about violently, shake, turn up, bend, treat, manage, turn upside down, discompose, disturb, vex, agitate, think over, meditate upon, reflect upon, revolve, consider, transact, carry on
- versoriam capioturn the sail, tack
- vorrunco 1turn, turn about
- verrunco 1turn, turn about
- verto 3 (vorto 3)turn, turn round, turn about, change, alter, transform, be engaged in, turn one’s self, direct one’s way
- vorto 3turn, turn round, turn about, change, alter, transform, be engaged in, turn one’s self, direct one’s way
- versatio, versationis fturning round, changing, alteration
- versabundus, versabunda, versabundumturning round, revolving
- vertigo, vertiginis fturning round, whirling round, turn, twirl, whirling of the head, giddiness, dizziness, vertigo, revolution, change, alteration
- vicesima, vicesimae ftwentieth part (as a levy)
- vigessis, vigessis mtwenty asses
- vicenarius, vicenaria, vicenariumtwenty contained in itself
- viceni, vicenae, vicenatwenty each
- vigeni, vigenae, vigenatwenty each
- vicena miliatwenty thousand each
- vicies miliestwenty thousand times
- vicies millesimus, vicies millesima, vicies millesimumtwenty thousandth
- vicienstwenty times
- viciestwenty times
- viceni bini, vicenae binae, vicena binatwenty two each
- vicies bistwenty two times
- vicenarius, vicenaria, vicenariumtwenty years old
- vicesimus primus, vicesima prima, vicesimum primumtwenty-first
- viceni singuli, vicenae singulae, vicena singulatwenty-one each
- vicies semeltwenty-one times
- vicesimus alter, vicesima altera, vicesimum alterumtwenty-second
- veigintitwenty
- vigintitwenty
- verbum in peius detorqueotwist a word for the worse
- verba alicuius in alium sensum detorqueotwist someone's words in its mouth
- via biduitwo day trips, two day marches
- vicies centena miliatwo million
- ventus typhonicustyphoon, whirlwind
- vela pandounclamp the sails, hoist the sails
- verba obliviaunclear words, ambiguous words
- vellicatimunconnected, piece by piece, incoherent, piecewise
- vices peragoundergo change, suffer change
- veram speciem Romani senatus capiounderstand the true idea of the Roman Senate, gain an accurate idea of the Roman Senate
- vel maxima lausundoubtedly the highest praise
- veste me exuoundress, disrobe
- vexillum evolvounfurl the flag, unroll the flag
- via inexplicabilisunmanageable way, inaccessible way
- vulneribus tenusuntil wounds occurred
- voluntas firmaunwaveringness, consistency, steadfastness
- vox negativaunword
- via mictualisurethra
- vim in aliquem transmittouse force against someone, become violent against someone
- victoriam temperouse the victory with moderation
- vim adhibeo alicuiuse violence against someone, use force against someone
- vim alicui faciouse violence against someone, use force against someone
- vim alicui inferouse violence against someone, use force against someone
- vecturarius, vecturaria, vecturariumused for transport, concerning the driving
- vappam potare soleousually drink poor wine
- vanorutter empty words
- vacantia, vacantium nvacant estates, property without an owner
- vaccinum alicui iniciovaccinate someone
- vaccinatio, vaccinationis fvaccination, inoculation, immunization
- vaccinum serumvaccine
- venerivagus, venerivaga, venerivagumvagabond in love, libidinous, dissolute
- vargus, vargi mvagabond
- vaginalis, vaginalevaginal
- vanidicus, vanidica, vanidicumvain-speaking, false-speaking, a liar
- vallestria, vallestrium nvalley bottom, valleys, vales
- vallis condensa arboribusvalley densely covered with trees
- vallis lacrimarumValley of Tears, Tears Valley
- vallis supinavalley slope, valley wall
- valles, vallis fvalley, vale, hollow
- vallis, vallis fvalley, vale, hollow
- valor, valoris mvalue
- valvula, valvulae fvalve, heart valve, vein valve
- varietas sententiarumvariety of ideas, diversity of opinions
- vasorum sanguineorum dilatatiovascular dilatation
- vasorum sanguineorum occlusiovascular occlusion
- vasorum sanguineorum praeclusiovascular occlusion
- vasculosus, vasculosa, vasculosumvascular, rich in vessels
- vascularisatio, vascularisationis fvascularization
- vectigal vehiculariumvehicle toll
- vehela, vehelae fvehicle, driving device
- velatio, velationis fveiling, giving the veil
- venerabundus, venerabunda, venerabundumvenerating, revering, reverential
- virus acerbitatis meae effundo in aliquemvent one's anger against someone
- virus acerbitatis meae evomo in aliquemvent one's anger against someone
- ventriculus cordisventricle, cardiac chamber, heart chamber
- Veneris compagesVenus embrace
- Venus bella movetVenus excites love affair
- Veneriae, Veneriarum fVenus-shells
- verborum contumeliaverbalinjury, insult, insult of honor, slap in the face, affront, invective, injuria, violation of honor, cutting off of honor
- verbis describoverbalize, describe with words
- verba transgressivaverbs changing into another paradigm
- verifico 1verify, prove, confirm
- verificus, verifica, verificumverifying, proving, confirming
- versidicus, versidici mverse-maker, versifier
- versificator, versificatoris mverse-maker, versifier
- versificus, versifici mverse-maker, versifier
- versificatio, versificationis fversemaking, versifying, versification
- verticalis, verticalevertical
- vehemens, vehementisvery eager, violent, furious, impetuous, ardent, vehement, active, forcible, vigorous, powerful, mighty, strong
- venenosevery poisonously
- voletar, voletaris nvessel for mushrooms, vessel for cooking and eating in
- vasarius, vasarii mvessel smith, vessel dealer, vessel manufacturer
- vas, vasis nvessel, dish, utensil, implement of any kind, military equipments, baggage, agricultural implements, beehives, hunting implements
- vasa, vasorum nvessel, dish, utensil, implement of any kind, military equipments, baggage, agricultural implements, beehives, hunting implements
- vasum, vasi nvessel, dish, utensil, implement
- vasus, vasi mvessel, dish, utensil, implement
- Vesuvius eructat ignesVesuvius spits fire
- Vesuvius evomit ignesVesuvius spits fire
- vicia, viciae fvetch
- veterinaria, veterinariae fveterinary, meterinary medicine, farriery
- vice-cancellarius, vice-cancellarii mVice Chancellor
- vice-cancellarius foederalisVice Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor
- vitium ignaviaevice of laziness
- vicepraesidens, vicepraesidentis mVice President
- vitia nobis sub virtutum nomine obrepuntvices creep into us under the name of virtue
- vitia praevalidavices that have taken over, vices that have become rampant
- vitia vitiorum nviciousness
- varii casusvicissitudes, vicculations
- victoriosus, victoriosa, victoriosumvictorious
- victor, victrixvictorious, conquering, superior
- victoria furtivavictory obtained by fraud
- victoria civilisvictory over fellow citizens
- vicia, viciae fvictory
- victoria, victoriae fvictory
- vividevigorously
- vicanus, vicani mvillager, peasant, rustic
- vitis unciariavine that carries grapes of one ounce weight
- vinitor, vinitoris mvine-dresser
- vitifer, vitifera, vitiferumvinebearing, supporting vines, producing vines
- vitisator, vitisatoris mvineplanter
- violentia aegrescitviolence is on the rise
- violentia, violentiae fviolence, vehemence, impetuosity, ferocity
- vis et impressioviolent attack, forcible assault
- vis alicui allataviolent death
- vis alicui allataviolent death, act of violence against someone, act of murder against someone
- violaceus, violacea, violaceumviolet-colored, violet
- violaceum, violacei nviolet-wine
- violacium, violacii nviolet-wine
- violatum, violati nviolet-wine
- violeus, violea, violeumviolet, of a violet color
- vipera!viper!, serpent!
- virosis, virosis fviral disease, virus disease, virosis
- virginal, virginalis nvirgin pubic limb
- virginale, virginalis nvirgin pubic limb
- virginesvendonides, virginesvendonidae mvirgin seller, virgin salesman, virgin vendor
- virologicus, virologica, virologicumvirological
- virologus, virologi mvirologist
- virologia, virologiae fvirology
- virtualisvirtual
- virtus nullam requirit voluptatemvirtue does not require lust
- virtus est propter se expetendavirtue is desirable for its own sake
- virtus splendet per sesevirtue radiates from itself
- virtutes et vitia in contraria abeuntvirtues and vices form opposites, virtues and vices are opposites
- virulentia, virulentiae fvirulence
- visibilitas, visibilitatis fvisibility
- Visigothae, Visigotharum mVisigoths
- visitator, visitatorris mvisitor, protector
- vitalitas,vitalitatis fvital force, life, vitality
- vitalitervitally
- vivacitas ingeniivividness of the mind
- vocum et fidium (nervorum) cantusvocal and instrumental music
- vocabilis, vocabilevocal
- vox torpetvoice falters
- vox, vocis fvoice, sound, tone, cry, call, word, saying, speech, sentence, proverb, maxim, speech, language, accent, tone
- vocela, vocelae fvoicemail, voice message
- Volnovaca, Volnovacae fVolnovakha, Volnovacha
- voluntarievoluntarily
- volo, volonis mvolunteer
- voluntarii, voluntariorum mvolunteers