222 Ergebnisse
- misy, misyos na kind of mushroom or truffle, , a mineral, a vitriolic ore, copperas, sory
- mulier secutuleiaa street walker
- meo animoaccording to my mind, in my opinion
- magnam partem ad me vertoacquire a large part
- male agoact badly, behave badly
- me accommodoadapt one’s self to another’s opinion, adapt one’s self to another’s wishes, conform to, comply with, be compliant to one in any thing, apply one’s self to, devote one’s self to, undertake
- machina spiritalisair machine
- missile antiphractumanti-tank missile
- molimen incendiariumarson attacc, incendiary
- me transfiguroassume to be, pretend to be
- media de nocteat midnight
- male ago cum aliquobe bad with someone
- me ipsum vitobe dissatisfied with yourself
- mihi facile persuaderi patiorbe easily persuaded, be easily talked into, be easily cajoled
- male mecum agiturbe in a bad way
- multum ex vero traxibe interspersed with much truth
- metu oppressus sumbe intimidated
- me alicui sufflobe mad at sb,
- maioribus astrictus sumbe preoccupied by greater things
- magna sollicitudine hoc nuntio afficiorbe very unpleasantly surprised by this news
- maiora ac terribiliorabear terrible news
- mucesco 3become mouldy, become musty
- mucorem contrahobecome mouldy, become musty
- me corroborobecome stronger, become greater, be grown up
- Mariupolitanus, Mariupolitana, Mariupolitanumbelonging to Mariupol
- me conferobetake anywhere, turn one’s self anywhere, go anywhere
- me detegobetray oneself, reveal oneself, show oneself, make oneself known
- megalopolis, megalopolis fbig city
- me astringobind oneself
- mordicus abripiobite off
- Mare PonticumBlack Sea
- moles fluctibus oppositabreakwater
- moles fluctifragabreakwater
- moles undifragabreakwater
- munimentum fluctifragumbreakwater
- murus coctilisbrickwall
- molestias alicui exhibeobully someone, harass, victimize, persecute, hassle, mess around
- mea dextraby my hand, by my fist, by my bravery, by my action, by my commitment
- mobilitas ingeniicapriciousness, moodiness
- musca cadaverinacarrion fly
- miscix, miscicischangeable, inconstant
- magister praetorii generalisChief of General Staff
- mentum, menti nchin Beard, chinbeard, goatee
- mentum, menti nchin of persons and animals, projecting part of a cornice
- minister publicusCivil servant
- magistratus, magistratus mCivil servant, State Official, Government Official
- me astringoclot, coagulate, curdle, congeal
- machinatio comitatensiscourt intrigue
- multa acervatim frequentocrowding together many thoughts in one period
- mortuus, mortua, mortuumdead, faint, overwhelmed, decayed, withered, passed away
- me dicodedicate oneself to someone
- munitio, munitionis fdefence line
- mores corrumpodemoralise
- ministerium rei defensoriaedepartment of defense, ministry of defence
- me devoveodevote one’s self to death, sacrifice one’s self, give one’s self up to, devote one’s self to, curse one’s self, execrate one’s self
- missio causariadischarge from military service on account of sickness, liberation from service
- mascula turadrip incense, drip Frankincense
- morbus subtercutaneusdropsy
- medicamen vomificumemetic
- mare AnglicumEnglish Channel, Sleeve channel
- montes ascensu vincoexceed the mountains, overcome the mountains
- momentum stabilitati periculosumfactor of uncertainty, insecurity factor
- male eveniofail, go wrong
- me appronofall down (upon the knees), kneel
- molestiam trahofeeling displeasure, incurring displeasure
- medicāmenta viatoriafirst-aid kit, travel medication
- machina coquinatoriafood processor, kitchen appliance
- merces adventiciaeforeign goods, import goods
- myosotis palustrisforget-me-not
- me corripioget up hastily, rise up hastily, betake one’s self somewhere
- me assuefacioget used to something
- munera viscatagifts for which one expects a good return
- mendosum tinniogive a false sound
- meae orationi audientiam faciogive attention to one's speech, give attention to one's lecture, make one's lecture heard
- malevolus, malevola, malevolum (malivolus)gloating, gleeful, mischievous
- me abdogo away, betake one’s self to some place
- me transferogo
- me transfero in aliquem locumgo
- messis spiceagrain harvest
- mola acuminariagrinding mill, grindstone
- miscix, miscicis mhalf a man
- mixcix, mixcicis mhalf a man
- molae versatileshand mills, handmills
- mola trusatilishand-mill
- manus viscataehands on which everything sticks
- multum (plus, plurimum) valeo apud aliquemhave a big (quite big, biggest) influence on someone, have great (pretty big, biggest) prestige with someone
- memoriā vigeohave a good memory, have a strong memory, be in full possession of one's memory
- multum alicui tribuohave a lot of confidence in someone, trust someone with a lot
- minimum in me esse arbitrorhave very little self-confidence
- me sibi ille affixum habebithe will always have me by the neck
- medicae arteshealing art, medicine
- missile hypersonicumhypersonic missile
- me habent venalemI am betrayed and sold
- meae spontis sumI am my own master
- munitus, munita, munitumimmune to something
- mediis caloribusin the midst of summer
- mensarum voraginesindulgences at the table
- multitudo infinitainnumerable, vast number, vast quantity, immense number, abundance
- me admisceointerfere, meddle with
- metu oppressusintimidated, cowed, frightened, scared, terrified
- mihi constatit is my fixed determination, I am determined, I am fully resolved
- mihi satis claretit is sufficiently evident to me
- malus anteriorjib mast, fore mast
- me abiungokeep away, stay away, abstain from
- memoria teneokeep in mind, remember
- mittō aliquem in meum vivariumkeep somone under his control
- mortem accio kill one’s self
- machinae versatileslathes
- medicamen ventrifluumlaxative, purgative
- me applico 1 (adplico 1)lean against, approach
- malum citreumlemon, citrusapple
- me detergeolick oneself
- male parta male dilabunturlight come, light go
- male vivolive in poor conditions, live poorly
- mansuefacio 5make tame, tame, make gentle, soften, civilize, pacify
- multi et varii timoresmany different fears, many different concerns
- Mariupolis, Mariupolis fMariupol
- mus Alpinusmarmot
- mentis turbellaemental disorder, mental disturbance, mental derangement
- mala valetudo animimental Illness, insanity
- minister a sanitateminister of health
- manus alicui rei adhibeomisappropriate something, tamper with anything
- male admissamisdeeds
- miscellaneus, miscellanea, miscellaneummixed, of all sorts
- Moldavicus, Moldavica, Moldavicummoldavian
- Moldaviensis, Moldaviensemoldavian
- Moldavia, Moldaviae fMoldova
- Monasterium, Monasterii nMontreux
- muccidus, muccida, muccidummouldy, musty, snivelling
- mucidus, mucida, mucidummouldy, musty, snivelling
- montes caseatimountains where much cheese was made
- multipolaris, multipolaremultipolar
- mecum viventesmy contemporaries
- mi animulemy heart, my darling
- mea voluptasmy joy, my charmer, you my delight!, you my bliss!
- mi vetule!my little old fellow
- malevolus, malevola, malevolum (malivolus)nasty, mean, bad, ugly, yuck, wicked, obnoxious, disgusting, ugh
- malitiosus, malitiosa, malitiosumnasty, mean, bad, ugly, yuck, wicked, obnoxious, disgusting, ugh
- me in civitatem diconaturalize in a state
- mea sponteof free will, of one’s own accord, of one’s self, freely, willingly, voluntarily, spontaneously
- meum caput offero vilitatioffer his skin for sale at a low price
- modo demumonly now, now for the first time
- medicus auriculariusotologist, ear doctor
- maiora quam pro viribus agitooverestimate one's strength
- manus adversapalm, inner hand, inside hand
- membrana ad volandum aptapatagium
- meio 1piss, make water
- me comparoplace onseself in a condition
- munus vehiculariumpostal service, cartage
- mare vinis suffundopour sea water into the wines
- manum alicui adeoput someone on the cross, betray someone, trick someone
- manus alicui rei adhibeoput the hand on something
- manus alicui rei admoliorput the hand to, lay hands on
- medicas manus ad vulnera adhibeoput the healing hands on the wounds
- multitudo vernarumrabble of slaves
- Monasteriensis, Monasterienserelating to Münster
- mihi confidorely on one’s self, have confidence in one’s self
- medicamentum traumaticumremedy for a wound
- Mariupolitanus, Mariupolitanai mresident of Mariupol
- me ad eloquentiam applicoresort to eloquence
- magicas artes accingorresort to magical arts, resort to magic
- mos astrictusrestricted way of life
- me circumvolvoroll one’s self around, roll round
- me versorolling around, spinning around
- me devoveo pro aliqua resacrifice oneself for something
- me devoveo pro re publicasacrifice oneself for the state
- mensis SeptemberSeptember
- mucosus, mucosa, mucosumslimy, mucous
- montes nivalessnow mountains
- montes, unde nives numquam absuntsnow mountains
- male agitur cum aliquosomeone is unwell
- maris altitudinem temptosound out the sea depth, measure the sea depth
- mala strutheasparrow-apples
- me superfundospread out, pour out
- mensa publicaState Bank, National Bank
- magistratus, magistratus mState Office, Office of State, State Agency
- manus defigerestrike hands, close a contract as surety, pledge one's person
- me transigostruggle through, get through
- modus adiunctivussubjunctive mood
- male tussiosuffer violently from a bad cough
- missile supersonicumsupersonic missile
- me dedosurrender one’s self, capitulate, give up one’s self, apply one’s self, devote one’s self, dedicate one’s self
- malum metuo ab aliquosuspect evil of someone, fear bad things from someone
- manum immittotake action, intervene, step in, take action
- militiam capessotake military service
- macrologia, macrologiae ftediousness in speech
- mos accomodatur prout conducatthe custom is based on the respective need
- mare Cyneumthe Hellespont
- memoria vetustate abitthe memory expires with the (length of) time
- mercatura iacetthere is a standstill in trade, trade has come to a standstill, trade is at rest
- me astringothicken, deepen
- multa mecum animo volutothink about a lot of things, consider a lot of things
- manus post tergum vinciotie the hands behind the back
- mecum vivoto deal with oneself
- me saucioto get drunk
- mutuum muli scabuntto praise one another
- merces tabacariaetobacco products
- machinamentum, machinamenti ntool
- manganum, mangani ntool
- molli articulo tracto aliquemtouch one gently, touch one softly
- male afficio aliquemtreat someone badly, mistreat someone
- me verto 3 (me vorto 3)turn around
- mucronem in me vertoturn the dagger against yourself
- me conferoturn to, apply to, devote one’s self to
- me transferoturn
- maleficīs artibus utoruse witchcraft
- medicina veterinariaveterinary, meterinary medicine
- munus militarewar office
- multum in bello versatuswar-experienced
- messis triticeawheat harvest, wheat crop
- mustum circumcidaneumwine pressed out after the ordinary pressing, when the husks and stems remaining in the press had been cut around
- multo maioris alapae mecum veneuntwith me freedom is much more dearly purchased
- mense vertentewithin a month, in the course of a month
- mundus omnisworld building, universe, all
- mundus universusworld building, universe, all
- mercatus mundanusworld market
- mundi redemptorworld redeemer
- mens mundiworld spirit
- morsu serpentis ulceratuswounded by snakebite
- malefactor, malefactoris mwrongdoer, an evil doer, malefactor, delinquent
- maleficus, malefici mwrongdoer, magician, enchanter, an evil doer, malefactor, delinquent
- monitor, monitoris mdisplay, monitor