Lateinisch - Englische Wortliste - M
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    222 Ergebnisse
  1. misy, misyos n
    a kind of mushroom or truffle, , a mineral, a vitriolic ore, copperas, sory
  2. mulier secutuleia
    a street walker
  3. meo animo
    according to my mind, in my opinion
  4. magnam partem ad me verto
    acquire a large part
  5. male ago
    act badly, behave badly
  6. me accommodo
    adapt one’s self to another’s opinion, adapt one’s self to another’s wishes, conform to, comply with, be compliant to one in any thing, apply one’s self to, devote one’s self to, undertake
  7. machina spiritalis
    air machine
  8. missile antiphractum
    anti-tank missile
  9. molimen incendiarium
    arson attacc, incendiary
  10. me transfiguro
    assume to be, pretend to be
  11. media de nocte
    at midnight
  12. male ago cum aliquo
    be bad with someone
  13. me ipsum vito
    be dissatisfied with yourself
  14. mihi facile persuaderi patior
    be easily persuaded, be easily talked into, be easily cajoled
  15. male mecum agitur
    be in a bad way
  16. multum ex vero traxi
    be interspersed with much truth
  17. metu oppressus sum
    be intimidated
  18. me alicui sufflo
    be mad at sb,
  19. maioribus astrictus sum
    be preoccupied by greater things
  20. magna sollicitudine hoc nuntio afficior
    be very unpleasantly surprised by this news
  21. maiora ac terribiliora
    bear terrible news
  22. mucesco 3
    become mouldy, become musty
  23. mucorem contraho
    become mouldy, become musty
  24. me corroboro
    become stronger, become greater, be grown up
  25. Mariupolitanus, Mariupolitana, Mariupolitanum
    belonging to Mariupol
  26. me confero
    betake anywhere, turn one’s self anywhere, go anywhere
  27. me detego
    betray oneself, reveal oneself, show oneself, make oneself known
  28. megalopolis, megalopolis f
    big city
  29. me astringo
    bind oneself
  30. mordicus abripio
    bite off
  31. Mare Ponticum
    Black Sea
  32. moles fluctibus opposita
  33. moles fluctifraga
  34. moles undifraga
  35. munimentum fluctifragum
  36. murus coctilis
  37. molestias alicui exhibeo
    bully someone, harass, victimize, persecute, hassle, mess around
  38. mea dextra
    by my hand, by my fist, by my bravery, by my action, by my commitment
  39. mobilitas ingenii
    capriciousness, moodiness
  40. musca cadaverina
    carrion fly
  41. miscix, miscicis
    changeable, inconstant
  42. magister praetorii generalis
    Chief of General Staff
  43. mentum, menti n
    chin Beard, chinbeard, goatee
  44. mentum, menti n
    chin of persons and animals, projecting part of a cornice
  45. minister publicus
    Civil servant
  46. magistratus, magistratus m
    Civil servant, State Official, Government Official
  47. me astringo
    clot, coagulate, curdle, congeal
  48. machinatio comitatensis
    court intrigue
  49. multa acervatim frequento
    crowding together many thoughts in one period
  50. mortuus, mortua, mortuum
    dead, faint, overwhelmed, decayed, withered, passed away
  51. me dico
    dedicate oneself to someone
  52. munitio, munitionis f
    defence line
  53. mores corrumpo
  54. ministerium rei defensoriae
    department of defense, ministry of defence
  55. me devoveo
    devote one’s self to death, sacrifice one’s self, give one’s self up to, devote one’s self to, curse one’s self, execrate one’s self
  56. missio causaria
    discharge from military service on account of sickness, liberation from service
  57. mascula tura
    drip incense, drip Frankincense
  58. morbus subtercutaneus
  59. medicamen vomificum
  60. mare Anglicum
    English Channel, Sleeve channel
  61. montes ascensu vinco
    exceed the mountains, overcome the mountains
  62. momentum stabilitati periculosum
    factor of uncertainty, insecurity factor
  63. male evenio
    fail, go wrong
  64. me approno
    fall down (upon the knees), kneel
  65. molestiam traho
    feeling displeasure, incurring displeasure
  66. medicāmenta viatoria
    first-aid kit, travel medication
  67. machina coquinatoria
    food processor, kitchen appliance
  68. merces adventiciae
    foreign goods, import goods
  69. myosotis palustris
  70. me corripio
    get up hastily, rise up hastily, betake one’s self somewhere
  71. me assuefacio
    get used to something
  72. munera viscata
    gifts for which one expects a good return
  73. mendosum tinnio
    give a false sound
  74. meae orationi audientiam facio
    give attention to one's speech, give attention to one's lecture, make one's lecture heard
  75. malevolus, malevola, malevolum (malivolus)
    gloating, gleeful, mischievous
  76. me abdo
    go away, betake one’s self to some place
  77. me transfero
  78. me transfero in aliquem locum
  79. messis spicea
    grain harvest
  80. mola acuminaria
    grinding mill, grindstone
  81. miscix, miscicis m
    half a man
  82. mixcix, mixcicis m
    half a man
  83. molae versatiles
    hand mills, handmills
  84. mola trusatilis
  85. manus viscatae
    hands on which everything sticks
  86. multum (plus, plurimum) valeo apud aliquem
    have a big (quite big, biggest) influence on someone, have great (pretty big, biggest) prestige with someone
  87. memoriā vigeo
    have a good memory, have a strong memory, be in full possession of one's memory
  88. multum alicui tribuo
    have a lot of confidence in someone, trust someone with a lot
  89. minimum in me esse arbitror
    have very little self-confidence
  90. me sibi ille affixum habebit
    he will always have me by the neck
  91. medicae artes
    healing art, medicine
  92. missile hypersonicum
    hypersonic missile
  93. me habent venalem
    I am betrayed and sold
  94. meae spontis sum
    I am my own master
  95. munitus, munita, munitum
    immune to something
  96. mediis caloribus
    in the midst of summer
  97. mensarum voragines
    indulgences at the table
  98. multitudo infinita
    innumerable, vast number, vast quantity, immense number, abundance
  99. me admisceo
    interfere, meddle with
  100. metu oppressus
    intimidated, cowed, frightened, scared, terrified
  101. mihi constat
    it is my fixed determination, I am determined, I am fully resolved
  102. mihi satis claret
    it is sufficiently evident to me
  103. malus anterior
    jib mast, fore mast
  104. me abiungo
    keep away, stay away, abstain from
  105. memoria teneo
    keep in mind, remember
  106. mittō aliquem in meum vivarium
    keep somone under his control
  107. mortem accio
    kill one’s self
  108. machinae versatiles
  109. medicamen ventrifluum
    laxative, purgative
  110. me applico 1 (adplico 1)
    lean against, approach
  111. malum citreum
    lemon, citrusapple
  112. me detergeo
    lick oneself
  113. male parta male dilabuntur
    light come, light go
  114. male vivo
    live in poor conditions, live poorly
  115. mansuefacio 5
    make tame, tame, make gentle, soften, civilize, pacify
  116. multi et varii timores
    many different fears, many different concerns
  117. Mariupolis, Mariupolis f
  118. mus Alpinus
  119. mentis turbellae
    mental disorder, mental disturbance, mental derangement
  120. mala valetudo animi
    mental Illness, insanity
  121. minister a sanitate
    minister of health
  122. manus alicui rei adhibeo
    misappropriate something, tamper with anything
  123. male admissa
  124. miscellaneus, miscellanea, miscellaneum
    mixed, of all sorts
  125. Moldavicus, Moldavica, Moldavicum
  126. Moldaviensis, Moldaviense
  127. Moldavia, Moldaviae f
  128. Monasterium, Monasterii n
  129. muccidus, muccida, muccidum
    mouldy, musty, snivelling
  130. mucidus, mucida, mucidum
    mouldy, musty, snivelling
  131. montes caseati
    mountains where much cheese was made
  132. multipolaris, multipolare
  133. mecum viventes
    my contemporaries
  134. mi animule
    my heart, my darling
  135. mea voluptas
    my joy, my charmer, you my delight!, you my bliss!
  136. mi vetule!
    my little old fellow
  137. malevolus, malevola, malevolum (malivolus)
    nasty, mean, bad, ugly, yuck, wicked, obnoxious, disgusting, ugh
  138. malitiosus, malitiosa, malitiosum
    nasty, mean, bad, ugly, yuck, wicked, obnoxious, disgusting, ugh
  139. me in civitatem dico
    naturalize in a state
  140. mea sponte
    of free will, of one’s own accord, of one’s self, freely, willingly, voluntarily, spontaneously
  141. meum caput offero vilitati
    offer his skin for sale at a low price
  142. modo demum
    only now, now for the first time
  143. medicus auricularius
    otologist, ear doctor
  144. maiora quam pro viribus agito
    overestimate one's strength
  145. manus adversa
    palm, inner hand, inside hand
  146. membrana ad volandum apta
  147. meio 1
    piss, make water
  148. me comparo
    place onseself in a condition
  149. munus vehicularium
    postal service, cartage
  150. mare vinis suffundo
    pour sea water into the wines
  151. manum alicui adeo
    put someone on the cross, betray someone, trick someone
  152. manus alicui rei adhibeo
    put the hand on something
  153. manus alicui rei admolior
    put the hand to, lay hands on
  154. medicas manus ad vulnera adhibeo
    put the healing hands on the wounds
  155. multitudo vernarum
    rabble of slaves
  156. Monasteriensis, Monasteriense
    relating to Münster
  157. mihi confido
    rely on one’s self, have confidence in one’s self
  158. medicamentum traumaticum
    remedy for a wound
  159. Mariupolitanus, Mariupolitanai m
    resident of Mariupol
  160. me ad eloquentiam applico
    resort to eloquence
  161. magicas artes accingor
    resort to magical arts, resort to magic
  162. mos astrictus
    restricted way of life
  163. me circumvolvo
    roll one’s self around, roll round
  164. me verso
    rolling around, spinning around
  165. me devoveo pro aliqua re
    sacrifice oneself for something
  166. me devoveo pro re publica
    sacrifice oneself for the state
  167. mensis September
  168. mucosus, mucosa, mucosum
    slimy, mucous
  169. montes nivales
    snow mountains
  170. montes, unde nives numquam absunt
    snow mountains
  171. male agitur cum aliquo
    someone is unwell
  172. maris altitudinem tempto
    sound out the sea depth, measure the sea depth
  173. mala struthea
  174. me superfundo
    spread out, pour out
  175. mensa publica
    State Bank, National Bank
  176. magistratus, magistratus m
    State Office, Office of State, State Agency
  177. manus defigere
    strike hands, close a contract as surety, pledge one's person
  178. me transigo
    struggle through, get through
  179. modus adiunctivus
    subjunctive mood
  180. male tussio
    suffer violently from a bad cough
  181. missile supersonicum
    supersonic missile
  182. me dedo
    surrender one’s self, capitulate, give up one’s self, apply one’s self, devote one’s self, dedicate one’s self
  183. malum metuo ab aliquo
    suspect evil of someone, fear bad things from someone
  184. manum immitto
    take action, intervene, step in, take action
  185. militiam capesso
    take military service
  186. macrologia, macrologiae f
    tediousness in speech
  187. mos accomodatur prout conducat
    the custom is based on the respective need
  188. mare Cyneum
    the Hellespont
  189. memoria vetustate abit
    the memory expires with the (length of) time
  190. mercatura iacet
    there is a standstill in trade, trade has come to a standstill, trade is at rest
  191. me astringo
    thicken, deepen
  192. multa mecum animo voluto
    think about a lot of things, consider a lot of things
  193. manus post tergum vincio
    tie the hands behind the back
  194. mecum vivo
    to deal with oneself
  195. me saucio
    to get drunk
  196. mutuum muli scabunt
    to praise one another
  197. merces tabacariae
    tobacco products
  198. machinamentum, machinamenti n
  199. manganum, mangani n
  200. molli articulo tracto aliquem
    touch one gently, touch one softly
  201. male afficio aliquem
    treat someone badly, mistreat someone
  202. me verto 3 (me vorto 3)
    turn around
  203. mucronem in me verto
    turn the dagger against yourself
  204. me confero
    turn to, apply to, devote one’s self to
  205. me transfero
  206. maleficīs artibus utor
    use witchcraft
  207. medicina veterinaria
    veterinary, meterinary medicine
  208. munus militare
    war office
  209. multum in bello versatus
  210. messis triticea
    wheat harvest, wheat crop
  211. mustum circumcidaneum
    wine pressed out after the ordinary pressing, when the husks and stems remaining in the press had been cut around
  212. multo maioris alapae mecum veneunt
    with me freedom is much more dearly purchased
  213. mense vertente
    within a month, in the course of a month
  214. mundus omnis
    world building, universe, all
  215. mundus universus
    world building, universe, all
  216. mercatus mundanus
    world market
  217. mundi redemptor
    world redeemer
  218. mens mundi
    world spirit
  219. morsu serpentis ulceratus
    wounded by snakebite
  220. malefactor, malefactoris m
    wrongdoer, an evil doer, malefactor, delinquent
  221. maleficus, malefici m
    wrongdoer, magician, enchanter, an evil doer, malefactor, delinquent
  222. monitor, monitoris m
    display, monitor
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